IE Application 2015. Social Interaction within 10 years

How do you imagine social interaction within 10 years, taking into consideration the impact of technology on human relations? Francisco Xu IE Application 2015

Transcript of IE Application 2015. Social Interaction within 10 years

How do you imagine social interaction within10 years, taking into consideration the impact

of technology on human relations?

Francisco XuIE Application 2015

Social interaction

Is the process by which we act and react to those around us. It

includes those acts people perform toward each other and the

responses they give in return

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in the past

Communication in the past

Interaction between people has always been a crucial part of

mankind’s social life. It has evolved through time in order to improve

human communication

People in the past used to relay in tools such as emails, SMS,

postcards, letters and telephone in order to send messages

These tools were slow, expensive and sometimes unreliable

Communication in 2015

Communication in 2015

Since 2000, we experienced a great leap of technological advances. We

assisted to the birth of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other social

networks that we use today

Whatsapp and Snapchat are applications used by millions of people to

communicate instantly. The first one its almost a standard used mostly

in Europe and South America

This tools are fast, reliable and the most important thing: they are free

to use

Some positive impacts of technology

Access information and new from anywhere in the world

Simplify the lives of the people

Allow people to work from home so they can spend more time with familyand friends

Allow people to express their opinion and their creativity via internet and social networks

Allow people meet others with similar interest via social networks

Learn new cultures and understand them

Learn new knowledge and languages

Bring people closer closing the gap between distance

Some negative impacts of technology

Privacy issues, such as personal documents and photos leaks

Less human contact, loss of human social skill and increasing isolation

Dependency on technology to perform communication

A connected world generates more stress in order to maintain a

perfect identity image in both worlds

More risk of abuse, such as slander on social networks

Social interaction within 10 years

The future is to be always connected

Thanks to the technology advances, people will interact in a more

“smart” way. Technology like Google Glass will help people in their

daily lives. For example, you can go shopping and scan a a product and

compare in online shops and see reviews about it

Social interaction within 10 years

Communication between people can be hard if they speak in a

different language. In the future technology can help decrease it. For

example, Skype translate in the moment the receiver phrase in any

language you desire

Social interaction within 10 years

Thanks to technology, in the future will blend the real world with the

virtual world. This will help people to decrease geographical distances

and make their life’s easier. For example with Microsoft Hololens you

can teach online like in a real class or help people from your home


Thanks to the advance of the technology, it will help people make

their lives more easy and more closer. It always depends on how it is


In the future, possibly the boundaries between real world and virtual

reality will be very small. All communication will use “smart” devices

Techonology will help people to decrease human misunderstanding

caused by language