i~e ~abbtk !Utnrber, - s3.amazonaws.comVol+17+(1860-61... · i~e ~abbtk !Utnrber, PUBLISHED WEEKLY...

!Utnrber, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The sennth dllY BII phst Society, No 5 Ohl1i.lw.m SquiJre HIM Y01'k GEORGE B UTTER EDITOR AND GENERAL AGENT TilE S lBBATH RECORD!pIIS devoted to the expoSItion and ndlcatwn of the VIews and moveI\lents of the S ycuth dny Baphst Denownation It alms to pro- Olo!e nlnl piety tIlIld VigorouS benevolent nchon at ihes me time thStl!.t it lJgeB obedience to the command eots of God a rTWth of JeBUB Its columns are en to the adv y of all reformatory measures VOL XVII -NO 33 THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD NEW YORK, FIFTH-DAY, FEBR WHOLE NO 865 try to make hllD. more you would like to read about It There 18 a book m many of' the Sabbath libra- Iles called The Earnest Man" wIifukteIls about Dr Judson But he and the other good men women lIiho went t were very wIlling to suffer· it \Wey oouldLtlo 1fIe poor people good, and I am very sute.tbat none of them. were evel sorry they went In the thfrty years sIhile D ofudson went to Burmab, many'thouslI.nds 0 Karens have been converted but not flO m ny Burmese Some of the wild Karens who />ed to have no homes but dark caves,.and n clothes but skill!! have bUllt mce uttle ouses, r'lth in ch seem Ukely to Improve the condition of SOClCty diffuse knowledge reclalID the mebrlate Rnd enfran ch.n the enslaved In Its Literary and Intelligence Depnrtments care IS taken to furDish matter adapted to tM want, and tastes of every claBS of renders Bu t IS the strictly true even of only true conceptlOlI of soul hfe of whIch I tself be matenal bodies? Does death Itself dlsor the lower forms of ammal eXistence ate announce a curse m pretty gardens round them, a d are now P A:BTING TO MEET AGAIN clothed and act hke tru6 ChnBt an people The Terms of Subscription for the RECORDER are T'o Dollars per year payable m advance Subscrlp- t10tls not paid 'nthm the year Will be liahle to an ad d t ounl charge of fifty cents Commencmg With the eveuteenth volnme all papers on which no payment s mnde ill two years Will be stopped Bnd bills made out and collected If pOBBlble at the rate of $2 50 per ear With thiS exception papers mil not be discon r uued until arrearages are paid Payments received gamzc and dlsmtegrate 01 does It slUlply only famt shadows or dim types accordlUg for who does not Bee We have met WIth anythIng that At one time thousands ofl/eo Ie came to" breathes of the deep spmt of conjugal gether from all parts of tbe fountry to a furmsh the occasIOn for the actIOn upon to the IlltentlOn of the Creator who has , to be a blessmg must hodles of the permanent forces of nature? made the realm of nature for the use- of s.eInet,biElg added to It that msures au love over death had no power tban heathen festival m the CIty RangooJl m the poem If It shall teacb any Some of these came to Dr Judson, who lived The exact fact seems to be that death IS SpIrIt and filled It WIth marvelous analogies and makes It a baSIS slmply the removal flOm the orgalllzatlOn of whICh are famt hmts of the grand truths imlnoltality be a boon If It husband to more tender and lOVIng then there saymg SII we have heard there IS It wIll not been publlsbed In vam an eternal hell, we are afraid of It Do \I11l be acknowledged In the paper 80 as to mdicate be t me ilo which they reach \dvcrtlseme:lts of a character not lUconslstent With tn Db] ot the paper mil be lDserted at the rate of il nve ceulsper line for the fir8t msertion snd three cents each anbsequent insertIOn Legal advel'- t men s tne .. wort hll'law A falf discount w II be m de to those advertlsmgTargelY u. by the year Communlcnt ons, orders snd rewttance8 should be dicect d to the General Agent GEO B U'rTEB N Y a mystenous prlllciple called lIfe leavmg above them wele co1ii1ejJted WIth sore angUish and suf. the former perfect and entire hut Imme- And thiS conceptIOn of Itfe whIch IS self. fenng? not the wretched dlately subject to the ordmary laws of chern eVidently true to him who r'l@ects upon horne wltli the crushmg weight Ical action whICh preVIOusly had been held what a soul IS and the end for whICh It was thl! bfe s rush to the grave, hopmg III suspense by the Vital fOice These laws made and to whICh all ItS functions are either to anmhllatlOn or to reach seize upon the body after tt tS dead and de- adapted IS that which obtains III the diS an eXIstence free from pam? What IS end stroy Its organization resolvmg It mto dust courses of our SavIour When he would less eXlstfJDce m Borrow but an endless and gases Death has to do With the pro rebnke those who pursued eagerly after Guree? ThUB we are forced to suppose that cess only by removillg the counteractmg wealth, he said (Luke 12 15,) A man's the promme of life to the holy IB properly a power The body IS dead before anv such hfe conslsteth not ill the abundance of the nrQ>m;"" of that WhiCh renders eXistence a destructIon commences beyond what disease thmgs whICh he possesseth ," a statement IIJI,eilBin that WhiCh makes It worthy of the THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS h ht h h h h d I"' I ' S lJ b h may ave wroug as t e counteractmg ill w 1C t e wor lle" IS plamly used III as applied to the soul m Its 1 u sell ers w 0 do not give expreBB notICe to the force of hfe was wlthdrawmg We can a higher sense than mere eXistence eve\l as contrary are conSIdered as Wlshmg to contlDue thelf ubscr I ons even coucelve that the orgaDizatlOn might regards thiS world and the Ideas of the un thmge be so we mnst IDter If ubscrlbers order the discontmuance of thmr rem am entire for days or weeks and yet the regenerate and Signifies thc valne negatlVe of hfe III a Similar p pers publishers !\tay contmue to send them nntllal! body be dead, Just as we conCClve that God use and enjoyment uf such hfe be that whICh constitutes my love 1D thy cold bed be dlBqweted ' nIght I Thon wllt not waKe tbv.fate shall overtake- or grief or Sickneee mu.t body to that dU8t loves Ilnd till the .room empty in the tomb , I Will not fa I :..._", ,n tlmt hollow vale not much of my delay I 1I1I1!11relldy on the way ADd lOJlow thce mth all the speed Deme can make or sorrows breed Eacb mmute 8 a short degree And every hour a step toward thee At mght when I betake to rest Next morDing I nse nearer my west ot bfe almost by elgbt hours sa I U USlU e bare PBJd I fu t .... tb creaLed Adam so far as bodily haa received. The a bleSSing death 3 t su scnbers neg cot or re .se o",-"e e r par Wa. d h le eIS (,om tl e olllee to which thoy arEHllreeted ihey S conoerne w I yet therc was life CODSlSts: ill the soul s e!l<1etence uno:I .. .. __ hell b\e nntil they have paid whatls due tIll somethmg of a hlghe! nature was made happy hy earthly a to hve lie to have a blissful 'l'han when Bleep breathed h,s drowsy gale ... .. *' * .. But mriiIT -my-pulee l!1re ... l!Oi\,,}rom Beats !Ilyapproach tells thee I come And show howe er my marches be d ordereil. the r ]lu]lers dlscontmued What we mean by death then IS de tlOns Not so exclaims the SavIOur knDwledge and experience of God througb 4 If subser bers remore to other places Without m cay t hIt h h h fo III ng ttte pnbl sher "nd the paper IS .sent to the corrup Ion anm I a Ion w IC owever IS no hfe whatever m snch an experIence CbrIst then to dIe must be to lose God as former directIOn they nre held responSible certam are subsequent events, but a de- Man was made for a hIgher end, to resemble a portIOn and to endme the misery of that The In v declares thai Rny person to whom a pe parture of that VItal prmClple whICh maures and to enJoy God and therem 18 h18 life I poverty forevel rod cal "nt IS re'ponslble for II he re the use of the orgaDIzatIOn and the perfect To the same effect are those passages wWcb And thIS mterpretatlOlI IS m accordance co reg the paper 0 makes nse of It even if he has achn f 11 t f t Wh never sub cr bed lor It or has ordered It stopped His goa I 8 lInc IOns en that speak of a state of sm as a state of death With a very common law of language b) d ty n .uch" case s not to tnke the paper from the ceases, we pronounce the body dead Without Thus lD the pal able of the prodIgal son WhICh the secondary and derlvltJve meanmg ,Ill or per on to whom the paper IS sent bilt to no- reference to the effect upon the orgaDIzatlOn father reJorces over the returnmg of a word frequently becomes the mOle t [y tbe I ill ,her tl at he does not Wish It even though It should contmue m eXIstence saymg For tIns my son was dead and IS promIDent and usual Thus the word P'0 Fron st Quarterly Review Jan 1S61 forever an eternal corpse In what sense ahve agam he was lost and IS found, VIde meant orIgmally and hterally to fOie then does the ordmary literal meaDIng of where the latter clause as well as the drIft see but now expresses the Simple result of ANNlmLATION th d d th f I e WOI ea slgm y anmhl atlOn? I do of the story shows that reference IS had to foreseemg that to whlCb men ale led by By Rer W W PATTON of Chicago III not see It never ImplIes destructIOn of spmtual death and hfe [lnd not to a prevIOus the or wants whICh they focesee TI e 1 ctnne of the ultimate anmhllatlOn substance and III material organIzatIOns SUppOSltlOU by the father that hiS son had Tyrant meant at filst a rule! With absolute 01 tl e w ck 1 has receIved fresh Impulse does not cause dissolutIOn though leadlDg died ID a lIteral sense m that far country authorIty liut now slgmfies an oppressive IV till a few yeaIs flOm havIDg been em to It There would appear to be a beggmg So also when a professed dISCIple said to and unjust uuler such as a man clothed WIth b t.l a large sectIOn of the second of the questIOn by the at the Jesus Lord suffer me first to go and bury absolute allthonty IS apt to become To ent 01 lIhllente sect and from the outset and the assertIOn of a false premise my father' Jesus replIed Follow me and prevent slgmfied ID tbe Latm and old Engbsh pI bI catIOn of se, eral works of conSIderable as the very first step ID the argument I If let tbe dead bury theIr dead,' that IS Let to go bifore but now means to hlDder effec th logical and exegetIcal ablhty ID Great death IS properly only a ceasmg to perform those who are dead m sm whose souls have tually whlClh IS the result of gettmg before B In n ancl III 01 r own land The pOSitIOn those functIOns whICh constitute or manifest ceased to perform the spmtual functIOns of or antICipating an evil So also the word ass I cd m that ImmortalIty IS not a char hfe If It be but the departure of the prm true bemg and who have no aUXIew re life even If It meaut orIgmally nothmg but aolCI st c of the soul as such but a gift of clple wblCh secures the coheSIOn of the body spectmg theIr character and dest ny let eXistence would soon lose so narrow a slg Go I to II e llghteous alone whiCh was for leavlDg It to laws of disorder and rUID why sllch at thiS CrItIcal hour bury their departed mficatlOn and pass to some Idea Rllsmg I te Illl the fail, and IS restored ID Christ may not the death of tne soul be the ceasmg relatives but do you embrace the favorable from an experience of which eXistence IS tuat tI e plomlse of eternal hfe to helIev of those spmtual exerCises whICh cOllstItute moment to make sure of salvatIOn Simply the phYSIcal baSIS or conditIOn (such s ,en phatiCally a promise of endless ex the true hfe of a bemg made 1D the Image But even more deCiSive are the repeated as happmess or holiness) an experience stenee nnd that the threatenmg of death of God and the subjectIon of It to those sm declaIatlOns of ChrIst that eternal life com whICh gives emphaSIS and value to eXist to tl e WIcked slgmfies the destructIon of ful callses whICh breed spmtual disorder and mences ID the present world tbat It begms ence and then the word death would natur tl en bemg ThiS VICW IS defended as the anarchy and result 1Il spmtual rum? \.nd as soon as the smner beheves and consIsts ally express the OppOSite experIence 1 te nl aud proper sense of ScrIpture from thIS leads me to observe of a holy and bhssful state of mmd Thus Thus the poet says m words that have wi ch there IS no warrant to depart Vi hen 2 That the anmhJlatlOn theory IS contra he said to Martha I am the resu,rectlOu heen much admired for thew force of ex re say that the body dws we are supposed dlCted by every tl ue conceptIon of the soul 8 and tbe life be tbat beheveth m me tbough pressIOn to mean that It ceases to be and hence It life as gIven by reason or deSCrIbed III the he were dead yet shall be hve and whoso The man may last but never 11Ve8 s a guo I that when God says The soul discourses of ou! SavIOur Death IS a neg ever IIvetb and belIeveth III me shall never Who much reCeIVes bllt notblDg gives that slnneth It shall dIe he must mean that atlve Idea and means the departure or ceas dw Tbe meaDlng IS clear the soul that Whom none can love whom none can thank snch [\ soul shall no longer eXist WIth the mg of hfe Hence to understand deatb we IS spIrItually dead shall ImmedIately come to Creabon 8 blot creatIOn B blank \ WO d death are JOllled for SImilar argument must nndelstand lIfe, and to know the life If It beheves or places faIth III CbrIst We speak also of a man s daily life, melln attve use the words destroy, destructIOn, meanmg of the death threatened to the and the life thus commenced shall never end mg not hiS bare eXistence but bls actions pel sh perditIOn consume burn and de- Wicked we must know the meaDlng of tbe Agam he saId to the woman of Samana h18 conduct hIS character We declare a our wI ch are employed m the Bible to hfe promised to the rIghteous over agamst \Vhosoever drmketh of the water that I pelson to be the very life of a SOCial Circle de IOtC the pUnishment of sm or the effect whICh it stands as a telTlble wammg shall give him shall never thust bnt the that 18 the source of ItS pleasure and happl of the dlvlDC wrath To thiS exegetICal de In ascertammg the Idea conveyed by the water that I shall give him shall be lD him ness We pronounce an orator or a wrIter rense the advocates of the anmhdatlOn word bfe we notice that It varies With sub a well of water sprmgIDg up mto ever last to he full of lIfe that 19 spmted and vigor theOlY aill theologICal conSideratIOns Tbey Jcct meanmg more or less accordmg to the mg life To the Jews he said With a "Ve say of a mUSICIan that musIc IS adopt and mge the objections of Unnelsal place III the scale of bemg occuplCd by that lar (John 5 24 6 53) He that hlB lIfe or chlOf enjoyment and Paul wrote ll.l';.am6t the orthodox" doctnn hlCh 1t IS afihmed Hut Wt1110tice even and lretfilteUron him m tbo: 'fhessaloulllnS", For now we lIve de nul pumshment but olalm that they aVOid before thiS that It means Bomethmg sent me everlastmg life and shall neit ye stand fast ID the Lord meanmg that hIS tl e permclOUS Umversalist enor of teach more than bare ex!stence It IS never applied come mto condemnatIOn! but from soul would be full of JOY If they remamed lIlg that all will finally reach heaven They to denote that Idea aloue "hat, for m death unto life the last clause provmg be steadfast So we we say of a dull speakel hope to relIeve theology from the difficultIeS stauce has a mOle certam and real eXist youd doubt that he 18 not merelj or write! that he IS hfeless or dead, of an of orthodoxy while yet proViding ac ence than a rock or mountalll? and yet the fnture as tbough piesent by way of an- nnsaleable book that It fell dead from the cOldmg to SCrIptu!e and tbe neceSSitIes of though that eXIstence has been mamtamed tJclpatlOn and because of Its certamty but press, of !lin unproductive mvestment that mo al government an IrreverSIble doom of for centuries we never say that tbe rock or IS representlllg 0. present experience Again It IS so much dead capital and of a stock excluSIOD from heaven of allimpemtent SID mountam IS alIve We can conCClve that we read Verdy verily I say unto you of goods that It IS dead on the hand m ners And thus they beheve tbat anmhIla God should create mIllwns of wOllds sys Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man neither of which cases IS anmbIlatlOn meant I n W1l1reheve God s m n erse of sm by the terns on systems of vast matenal or ba and dnnk hIS blood ye have no life m you but only a lack of use or value Now It , nple an I easy plOcess of blottlllg from rock and earth and watCl and gas and Whoso ealeth my flesh and drmketh would be passmg strange If a relIgIOUS eXIstence the offenders should perpetuate then eXistence fOI count blood hath eternal life and I will raIse him teacher should not adopt a usage so common I shall at last Sit down by thee The thongh t of tbls b ds me boon And WJ1.1t my With hope Rnd comfort Dear (forgive The crime) I am content to bve DIVided With but half a heart Till we shall meet and never part OhIldren's Department LITTLE OARRIE A MOTHER S TALlii Snow dnns hke sentmels were filed Agp.1mt the cbamber where my child Slept In the husb they made Rnd swled My Came' fair a8 wreath of snow- Her cheeks With snnnse flush aglow- Her hBJr hke sunsct s amber flow Ah I well I know that love 18 kmd And Will 1D homeliest featnres find Charms to which common eyes are blInd But ever where my Carrie went Looks on her loveliness were bent \Vh eh said Beware I the ch Id IS lent Nay clasp her not With such delIght For angels hold on earth IS slIgbt Ana she fill seek the land of light SO!lle mfllnt smiles lIke sunbeams strllY Her s 1D Our dwelhng old and gray Shone more lIke moonlIght B mellow ray For thonghtful scemed her eyes deep blue As though the r mute ch Id Wisdom knew Of much beyond our mortal view Yet Boon agalD some baby w!le Or dimpling of her rogulBh smile Wonld fondest mother fears begmle ThuB elgbteen month8 had slipped away When Co.rr c climbed one summer day To IVOry keys Rnd feigned to play The waxen fingers woke laID! clang But like a lark 8 her clear VOice rang- I stopped ani! marvelled wblle sbe Bang Tben left ber bn some bnef employ- Sweet croon of welcome I With what JOy It told my absence gave nunoy Tbat mght she Sickened Short the space I held ber m my sad embrnee Watchmg the langouIS on her face Before .. cam" 0 er he. m en Her look grew samt-I ke and serene Toward liltter cup turned gentle. en- tm.! To drmk In vam-and to my Side More closely nestling Carrie died That vOice of mnslc filled mlDe ears I clasped ber close In dreams tor years At day dawn wssed her bhnd With tears But now ,bose faithless tears are dried Here at l\IY calling conld she gltde I would not call her to my SIde From vislon of ber SavIOur Kmg From blisses past ImaglnlDg Dare like mille Its dear on. brmg Where slIi lWght soll my snow wreath f"'r- Her VOice moan m Earth 8 de'palr'- Ah no I wolil<l we all were there - Sr"'g' 1m the SrnTCWlng Frain the Youth s Daysllnog TI e purpose of the wnteI III examlllmg less ages and yet there be absolutely no hfe up at the last day For my flesh IS meat and so adninrably adapted to hiS purpose thIS doctrme restrICts him to the utterances m all tbat UDiverse We may find It ddfi mdeed and my blood IS drmk mdeed He and speak Of life m the hIghest and truest of the SavIOur respectmg the future life and cult to state WIth preCIsIOn what hfe IS but that eateth my flesh and drmketh my blood of all senses, meanmg the conditIOn of a Ie tlerefore lalses the questIOn whether we know that It IS mOle than eXIstence and dwelleth m me and I mlnm Howevi soul that II> pure blIssful godlike assured BUR:MAH Jesus taught that anDlhllatlOn was to be the Implies a higher conceptIOn m the mmd and dently tbIS refers to a lIfe now llourlshed JU of an eterrllty of perfectIOn and thus an My Dear Ohtldren -The next country we give us a wntmg tbat Will tell \ us hGW to escape flOm It' Another time a httle boy came to the missionary and $ald, Are you Jesus ChrIst ? No slIad he, but I am hlB fnend And then he toJd the lIttle rei low about Hml whom he was that boy became Jeaus Christ's Will you dear children, become his fnend .? A BBAV1!I GmL There are not many brave girls about lh these days let the gIrlS say what please to the contrary We have been ".tehmg to see how thev mancen vre and thiS IjI,l con elusIOn to whIch we have come of them are real cowards they are .frald to keep on the right Side of truth They may not be afraid of the dax k nor of dog-a and spIders but they ale afrata-to-mr,vllltnhey tlunk IS nght There Hattie Stone a bllght-eyed ID telhgent sprIghtly loveable creature SIt tmg by her mother who ,!as tnmmmg her wlDter bonnet WIth and beautl ful feathers when N elbe jLarklli one bf her playmates called .. Is that yOUl bonnet? IDqUlred Nelbe Yes replIed HattIe IBn t It pretty? ' It IS very pretty Indeed, I thInk 'f an swered Nelhe Mille 16 a poor 100kIllg thIng beSIde that Are you not to have a new pne? No mother say(,my old must an swer thIS wlDter With a lIttle repamng and I thmk It Will myself You wIll be the only gIrl m the meeting house With an old bonnet on contllllled Hattie and that WIll make you feel badly" No It WlII not make meJeel badly at all said Nellie I hke your new bonnet very much and at the same tIme I am con tented WIth myoId one Well I should be afraid that people would laugh at me when every body else had new bonnets Hattie I want to look as well as the rest Mother says It IS cowardly to be afraid of what people wIll say about us If we are dOlllg what we thIDk IS fIght Then there ale a good many cowalds III the world saId HattIe and I suppose 11 am one But you mean to be brave andl wear your old bonnet And lIattie smIled as she said It for she eVldenilLIlleant to f1dlCule NellIe B Idea of bravery I don t tbmk It necessary to be very brave to wear a last year s bonnet replied Nellte I am sure that It IS not a great cross to me although I don t hke to be laughed at any better than you do Mother says she can t afford a better one and that IS enongh for me to know to be satIsfied WIth what I have Now NellIe leally dId not know tliatlshe was a brave girl m deCldmg to wear the 1ionnet thm; IIbe bad Worfi for a year 13nt she was the bravest gal m tbe neighbor hood Hathe-poor lIttle mmClng coward -was afraid somebody wonld laugh at ber If she did not have a bonnet as gay as a peacock s tall and be m the of fash IOn She had no courage to say, Let others It thmk as they please I shall do what mother thInks IS bestr Poor weak thmg I Sup pose everybody else should take It IDtO their heads to go WIthout borinets she of COlllllle, would not dare to do otherWlse and so she would go hare headed How much nobler IS NellIe, who dares to follow hel mother s counsels though she may not appear qUite so fashIOnable I l' es she IS the genume brave girl unlIke thousands who always stop and ask What WIll be thought of thIS or that?' What WIll Mrs A or Jemima B say about me If I do thus aud so? not havmg courage to do rIght even lest some one laugh and sneer -Home lIIonthly final pumshme It of the WIcked Upon thiS an advanced step 1Il creatIOn such as geol the soul by faith m Chnst as an mdwellmg swermg the very end for whICh It was cre come to m our travels round thiS great let It be lemarked 1 That the argument ogy assures us was made when after dreary SavIOur I But. as though to remove all ated and of death as a condltlOI the re- world from west to east IS Burmah and I f om hiS use of the words lIfe and death' centunes of gaseous aqueous Igneous and doubt the SavIOUI has given us a defimtlOn verse of tlills separate from God slDful want to tell you about what God has permit 8 not ,ahd to prove anmhilatlOn even petrean conditIOn our earth receIved from of eternal lIfe ss a Bpmtual state of mmd. rumons And the CitatIOns which have been ted some of hiS children to do for him there should we accept theIr lIteral meanmg Its Maker plant and ammal suffice It to In hiS affectmg prayer before biB betrayal made prove that such was ChrIst S method Burmah IS about five hundred and forty miles Death of Itself never means anmhIlatIOn say that hfe ImplIes the performance of cer said Father the hour IS come glOrIfy of speech long and four hundred and twenty mIles DID JESUS ANSWER YES P separate word and an additIOnal process tam peculiar and characterIstIC functions thy Son that thy Son also may glOrIfy thee 3 The otlher words [lnd phrases m Chnsts wide, not nearly so large as Indta you see Mamma IS talkmg to Jesus little n ust be JDtroduced to convey such an Idea and mstrumentally the use of certaJD or as thon hast given him power over all flesh discourses !whIch are relIed upon to prove but qUlte as full of treasures Mary to herself as she heard her mother at [ do not mean Simply that death never anm gans or faculties, and that m materIal or that he should give eternal life to as many anmbtlatIOIl are capable of and mdeed re- You know if told you that m India thtfre prayer III the adJoIIlIng room I h lates matenal substance though that faet gamzatlOns It IS mdlCated by euch facts as as thou hast given hIm And thts life ts qUire a Similar explltnatIOn A proper un were many different trIbes of people and a As Mrs H left the place of prayer Mary may well be weIghed by those who diSCUSS development growth reproductIOn motion eternal that they mIght know thee the only derstandmg of the word death will of course great many relIglODS In Burmah there are ran to her mother and asked very Illnocent the subject m hand So far as:we can de- and sensation whIle m higher orders of true God and Jesus ChrIst whom thou hast explalll all13ynonymous expressIOns though only two whICh you wIll have to remember ly, DId Jesus answer? DId He say, Yes, tect there IS no anmhIlatIOn of substance III bemg from rudimentary up to perfect mmd sent How perfectly cOIllCident thiS IS each of them may be mterpreted m the hght The prlllCipal people are called Burmese mother Y God s umverse Not that It IS an Impossl It mamfests Itself hy deSire knowledge With the Idea of soul lIfe which I have urged, of Its own eVldenee Take for the from the name of the country They are When you kneel down by your bedSide to b I ty for the power that creates can uncre- memory ImagmatlOn reason love and will must be eVident to evelY reader The true warDing to fear him who 18 able to destroy not so good Ipokmg as the Hmdoos though pray dear chIldren of tbe qu.es tlOn of ate but that It seems to be no part of God s Thus while life has a generIC meamng com experimental spmtual heart knowledge of both soul alnd hody III hell It IS only ne theIr skill IS as dark They are qUite aotlve this lIttle chIld Do you expect an answer piau to anmhIlate the smallest particle of mon to all that IS VItal It differs speCifically God and Chnst eternal lIfe IS that for cessary to mqUire how the Gleek word With and bright bnt I am sorry to say very cruel to your pravel or do yon only repeat the essence to WhICh he has given bemg7 No With each subject Plants have the lowest the soul was orIgmally created and ItS denvatlyes rendered destroy 18 used and deceItful They have a rehglOn whICh words as a mere matter of form Y If you h nt (much less an analogy) of such a thmg form and then come varIOus gradatIOns of for whICh It was redeemed by the blood 01 by the Sav]ollr ID other places 111 order to they pretend to beheve m called Budhlsm ask arIght Jesus Wlll answer yes for He 8 obtamed from the vast realms of nature ammal lIfe from the radmta up through the Cbnst and regenerated by the Holy Spmt, see that It liIoes not here mean to aunlhiiate but It does not make them any better than has saId JD HIS holy word Ask and ye 'I I b t t b d t f th If they had none at all Budhlsm IS the re- shall reCeive - S. S Tnnes .1 alter changes ItS form ItS localIty ItS mollusca the fishes the reptiles and the a Ife commencmg m every true behever u 0 nl1g mto a con I IOn 0 rum e lens ty fs *y olor ItS smell It becomes now brrds to the mammaha FmaUy m man we here and findmg Its perfection lD heaven * destructIOn, of use and not of bemg Thus 10lthgleornlWn hthlCeh A MINISTER 8 WORK ANiD PAY ViSible and t,ben mVlslble 'filst a solId then have a yet higher ordm of life growmg out That eternal life does not then as a SCrip It IS appheu to the bottleR that burst and w a fil I and then a gas but It nevel ceases of tbe exercise of a nobler range of powers tural phi ase mean pTimarlly or prIDClpally were spOilep to the sheep that was lost relIgIOn and I shall tell more about It Some people not much accustomed to to be Wood burns m'the fire and mostly as found m the reason the senSibilIty and or charactenstlCally eternal eXIstence or as also to tbe mls8mg pIece of money and when we study about some other countrIes head work and more familiar WIth the wea d but nothmg matellal has been the free Will hterailmmol talIty of bemg, must be plam to the lost plodlgal III all of whICh cases The othe! «hlef part of the people are call rmess mCldent to bodily labor Imagme that anmhllated part IS changed to ashes and Hence If one speaks of lIfe we must know to every thoughtful hearer It IS predICated the Idea of allmhilatlOn IS excluded And ed Karens These people have short square the mllllster has a qUiet and easy hfe and th d d th e th d I d b th forms and flat faces With long and narrow IS abundantly remunerated for hIS labors part I as taken the form of smoke and gas to what In mg hemg he refers before we can of the soul made m e IVlDe Image an It IS moreov r IS e wor emp oye y e Th t 11 :\. tree falls and decays and passes through understand Ins meamng and tl e same IS IS plODllsed as the result of spmtual regen demons to klellote torment they cned eyes Most Of them nsed to live m tents e 0 owmg mCldent whICh we find m an the same process of decomposltwn but not necessarily trne of death LIfe and death eratlOn whICh two facts ought of them out m the synagogue of Capernaum to and hked a rovmg lIfe, and some were very EnglIsh paper suggests another VICW: of the of anmlulatlOn The body of man or beast mean somethmg different m alllmais from selves to elevate our vIews above a lIteral Chnst (MBilk 1 24) Art thou come to dEl" Wild and savage They belIeve m God, and matter 1\ hen It dIes dl1ssolves IDtO Its ongmal ele what they do m plants and sometillng far Ism wInch clmgs blindly to the phenomena stroy us Y !the meanmg of whIch IS say that many ages ago he took away hiS At the reGent meetmg of the Oongi:egaL '" 1 b th d f th d th book from them because they were so WICk t.lOiial Umon at Aberdeen Dr Ale:mndei1 Oti ments but lea, es no real vacancy m the different stIli m spmtual bemgs fIOm what of mateIlal nature and Dllsunderstands and. P am Y e wor s 0 e emons on ana er h d I d 1 h k d th ed and have beheved that some time he Edmburg sal am ready WIthout world There IS no opemng through God s they do m mele ammals LIfe and death mlsmterplets even them an SimI aD occasIOn w 0 as e ou would send wlilte men from the West wh 1 beatmg about the bush to say that We are unlvelse of matter whIch the mmutest stand related to the end for whICh the bemg And then our SavIOur shows by the whole come hither to torment us before the 11 d d h t d I atom can call Into th utter VOId and be lost was made WhIle It fulfills that end m the drift of hIS teachmg and the defilllteness of And thiS IDstance IS the more ntpwn,rthv should brIDg It back Is not:' thiS strange? a un erpal or w R we a was t lk H " h h I b t 1 t d tl t th Well, when the first miSSIOnary went to mg latelJ WIth a LQJlQon bUSIness man-a ence nature fUlUlshes no analogy to Iud exerCise of ItS pecuhal powers 01 functIOns IS p raseo ogy ID many passages that the ecause I a es Irec y 0 e Brumah he went to see some of these Ka successful wIt was about thEl'time the doctrIne agamst whICh I contend It lIves when It fails so to do It dIeS rebglOus use of the wordhfe IS ID a spIrItual whICh awaIted the fallen prr es rens and when they saw that he was a bishops were gettmg made and we talked But It may be Bald that though death For what now was ?nan made and m what sense the promIse of which opens to the be- that III such a connectIOn to estroy an to whIte man and a teacher the first questIOn about thmr mcomes He saId to me, ! And does not annihilate matter In ItS substance does the true and real life of a soul consist? lIever a VISIOn of sometlimg far transcend tilrment are synonymous f t h Th k II I I they asked was Have you brouglit the I I IS a lair questIOn w at do you get? t lestroys the peculIar organizatIOn WhICh Man was Cleated 111 the dlVlne Image for thiS mg a literal Immortality Indeed, the pro, e same remar s WI app y III exp ana Book of God l' Then they wanteil he should Itold hIm Well' he answered IS tbat ConstItutes mdlVldual thmgs what they are one end that he mIght know love obey tlOn of the passages, m whICh tbe WICked stay and teach them and put the words of all you get? Yes, and compared With nhdlstmctlOn from each other so that It an enJoy and he bke God hforever I All hIS Though the plan of thiS dlscu'Blon IS confined 10 aa re seawldotrod Pterh Ish fOil wltllllCsh IUssureanlidYered the book mto theIr language what many of my bretbren get It IS pretty n lates the particular plant or ammal as powers stand related (0 t IS smg e object the teachlUgs of Christ and thus excludes mnch cor S mille O!1gma Another time some of the mlSSlOnanes fair' And what do you. do for that? I sucli But If thiS be admitted ItS on1y and were given for that purpose only He roborative proof the reader will be lUterested In com destroy and Rensh and expresses the came to a plaq where there was a book Bald I would enlightAn hIm upon thIS h beallng 18 upon organized matter or objects was made for God and find hiS hfe only as parlUg With the above the follOWIng words of Panl as utter rum but not the anmhllatlOn of wliICh the people called the WhIte Book It the first place I compdse and write what made out of se arate articles by CUrIOUS he IS III a state of voluntary lIDion WIth God 1Ilustratmg his usc of the words hfe and dSath slIlner Inneed after we have settled hi k d P P S d 1 To be spmtually mmded IS life and peace Like, meamng the d lIfe as expreSSIve was all wrapped np and kept With the DlC would be fully two pretty t c octavo vol an diverSified arrangement and whICh filled With the Holy pmt eve opmg a WIse reckon ye also yonrselves to be dead IUdeed unto wor est care and the people used to pray to It urnes, about as much as any hterary man thelefore on occasIOn of dlsorgaDizatlOn re pure character makmg God the center of Bin but ahve unto God throngh Jesns Ohmt onr cokndlthlon than mere bdem g we h They beheved that some time a teacher bendmg over hiS pen thmks of domg, and Vert to thell orl nal elements How does hIS thoughts affectIOns and will Nothwg Lord He that lS dead IS freed from SID Walk ta e t e destroy an pe11s d I th that tou h th gI t f th I? I th t but thIS W'e when we R:peak of a soul not as other Gentiles walk ID the vamty of their mmd their most sense The smner's weI would come and tell them about It When more than some 0 m a year n E! neXt dee ques IOn 0 e BOU sa,:!, d haVIng the r nnderstandmg darkened bemg alIenated bemg peflsh utterly or be wholly they u(1wrapped It all the people lookmg on, place I have to do as much sJileaking eyer! ma e up of elementary spmtual partICles? Somethmg less IS lIfe for lower or ela from the life of God through the Ignorance Ihat 18 m. the fonnd that It was a Prayer week as a lawyer at the bar III gpod Is there such a thmg as sout dust to which bemg but thiS only when we speak Df one them Ye are dead Il.IId yonr life 18 hid WIth Chrl8t (Conclnded next week.) Book and book of Psalms So the wacher hce Then, m the third place, to del as much dead Souls moulder back and out of WhICh made m God s Image 1U God And you. hath he qwckened who were bad mdeed come and he told them they vlsltmg as a surgeon III average pn1ctlce souls may spnng? Is the thmkIng And theretore death for a soul IS not ceas .. n""flilmA of a thonsand roses so.on dies, musn't worship the book any more but the would do And III the next pl",ce, r thll'Ik p nt composite and organIc III stmcture mg to be but IS eternal separatlO)l from God prove that life Bnd death when referrmg to the God toat It tOld abol,lt And he lead to them I wnte as many letters liS mauy of :10ugrelLt resolvable by a dlvme chemlstIY mto an from hlB knowledge and love and enjoyment, sonl cnstomanly meant the contmnance or Jestruc '.U<'I!'''''Jil caused by one of their thorns out of It and prayed WIth them merchants do Well' he saul, '18 yours Ortg nal spiritual substance that has yet no tne cessatIOn of !Ill true spIrItual functIOns tlOn not of bemg b.)!t of certam spiritual expeflenees remams after! a saddened remembrance It was these people III thiS land of an extraordillary case l' I BaliIJ Not at .all. consClousne tell ce no wIll none WhlCil are the really VItal exerCIses It IS Compare further .r aul8 statement of the nature of 1D the of mIrth IS lIke that'd ...,;,f; h ih' of th ss no III Igen f h G d I future reward Rnd pUDlshment 1D Romans 2 6,.10 Burmah Judson and hIS WIfe went a man s utles correspoud." r- ISliP e dlstmctlve properties of the organlZ to. fall out 0 umon Wit 0 to ose him be nses eternal hfe' ai the synonym of the among to live ' sent from IndIa He but many of my brethren do as m'liClt': SOme ed Boul? It wJlI be long before from mmd and heart, to be unloosed from and honor aod Immortality which ' there, for there was of them perhaps a. lIttle pore' he the ahlllhIla'llomsts can demonstrate such an onr center and to rush away mto 8m and Hebralstic Idiom of nsmg noDDS for lesolve to serve English and Burmese, sard agam they may flAY as much as they analogy hetween the material and spmtual mIsery ThiS IS the undomg eqwvalent to Immortal glory Bnd hOllOl, smgular m It nor up In a homd prIson for please about mmlsters gettmg too muohht'r: creat h Id h th th th d th f 1 h he the eqDlvaient of periihing forsake hIS serVIce b Ion or persuade t e wor t at e e e ea 0 a sou as suc, verse 12) to be mdlgnatlon and wrath trlllnla ho.md for heaven must be HIS poor wife used to theIr work but n(mp of US would do older matenahstlc Ideas of Bome of their and misfortune or fault of the an !lnd angDlsh words whioh unply not iUmlIIIla U' •• every day td see him, and your work for {011l'(,lmell your ;(I\y"" are other than false and degrading IS, tilat they do not rise to the non but stUfermg t the stream 1t

Transcript of i~e ~abbtk !Utnrber, - s3.amazonaws.comVol+17+(1860-61... · i~e ~abbtk !Utnrber, PUBLISHED WEEKLY...

i~e ~abbtk !Utnrber, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY

The sennth dllY BII phst Publilhin~ Society, No 5 Ohl1i.lw.m SquiJre HIM Y01'k


TilE S lBBATH RECORD!pIIS devoted to the expoSItion and ndlcatwn of the VIews and moveI\lents of the S ycuth dny Baphst Denownation It alms to pro­Olo!e nlnl piety tIlIld VigorouS benevolent nchon at ihes me time thStl!.t it lJgeB obedience to the command

eots of God a rTWth of JeBUB Its columns are ~ en to the adv y of all reformatory measures





try to make hllD. more comfo~l.....l.thiDk you would like to read about It There 18 a book m many of' the Sabbath sc¥o&i~ libra­Iles called The Earnest Man" wIifukteIls about Dr Judson But he and the other good men ~lld women lIiho wentt th~rl! were very wIlling to suffer· it \Wey oouldLtlo 1fIe poor people good, and I am very sute.tbat none of them. were evel sorry they went

In the thfrty years sIhile D ofudson went to Burmab, many'thouslI.nds 0 Karens have been converted but not flO m ny Burmese Some of the wild Karens who />ed to have no homes but dark caves,.and n clothes but skill!! have bUllt mce uttle ouses, r'lth

in ch seem Ukely to Improve the condition of SOClCty diffuse knowledge reclalID the mebrlate Rnd enfran ch.n the enslaved In Its Literary and Intelligence Depnrtments care IS taken to furDish matter adapted to tM want, and tastes of every claBS of renders

Bu t IS the strictly true even of only true conceptlOlI of soul hfe of whIch I tself be matenal bodies? Does death Itself dlsor the lower forms of ammal eXistence ate announce a curse m

pretty gardens round them, a d are now P A:BTING TO MEET AGAIN clothed and act hke tru6 ChnBt an people

The Terms of Subscription for the RECORDER are T'o Dollars per year payable m advance Subscrlp­t10tls not paid 'nthm the year Will be liahle to an ad d t ounl charge of fifty cents Commencmg With the eveuteenth volnme all papers on which no payment s mnde ill two years Will be stopped Bnd bills made

out and collected If pOBBlble at the rate of $2 50 per ear With thiS exception papers mil not be discon r uued until arrearages are paid Payments received

gamzc and dlsmtegrate 01 does It slUlply only famt shadows or dim types accordlUg ,~~~~~~~n~, for who does not Bee We have met WIth anythIng that At one time thousands ofl/eo Ie came to"

breathes of the deep spmt of conjugal gether from all parts of tbe fountry to a furmsh the occasIOn for the actIOn upon to the IlltentlOn of the Creator who has , to be a blessmg must hodles of the permanent forces of nature? made the realm of nature for the use- of s.eInet,biElg added to It that msures au

love over death had no power tban heathen festival m the CIty ~f RangooJl m the poem If It shall teacb any Some of these came to Dr Judson, who lived

The exact fact seems to be that death IS SpIrIt and filled It WIth marvelous analogies and makes It a baSIS slmply the removal flOm the orgalllzatlOn of whICh are famt hmts of the grand truths imlnoltality be a boon If It

husband to more tender and lOVIng then there saymg SII we have heard there IS It wIll not been publlsbed In vam an eternal hell, we are afraid of It Do

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a mystenous prlllciple called lIfe leavmg above them wele co1ii1ejJted WIth sore angUish and suf. the former perfect and entire hut Imme- And thiS conceptIOn of Itfe whIch IS self. fenng? not the wretched dlately subject to the ordmary laws of chern eVidently true to him who r'l@ects upon horne wltli the crushmg weight Ical action whICh preVIOusly had been held what a soul IS and the end for whICh It was thl! bfe s rush to the grave, hopmg III suspense by the Vital fOice These laws made and to whICh all ItS functions are either to anmhllatlOn or to reach seize upon the body after tt tS dead and de- adapted IS that which obtains III the diS an eXIstence free from pam? What IS end stroy Its organization resolvmg It mto dust courses of our SavIour When he would less eXlstfJDce m Borrow but an endless and gases Death has to do With the pro rebnke those who pursued eagerly after Guree? ThUB we are forced to suppose that cess only by removillg the counteractmg wealth, he said (Luke 12 15,) A man's the promme of life to the holy IB properly a power The body IS dead before anv such hfe conslsteth not ill the abundance of the nrQ>m;"" of that WhiCh renders eXistence a destructIon commences beyond what disease thmgs whICh he possesseth ," a statement IIJI,eilBin that WhiCh makes It worthy of the

THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS h ht h h h h d I"' I ' S lJ b h may ave wroug as t e counteractmg ill w 1C t e wor lle" IS plamly used III as applied to the soul m Its 1 u sell ers w 0 do not give expreBB notICe to the force of hfe was wlthdrawmg We can a higher sense than mere eXistence eve\l as

contrary are conSIdered as Wlshmg to contlDue thelf ubscr I ons even coucelve that the orgaDizatlOn might regards thiS world and the Ideas of the un thmge be so we mnst IDter

If ubscrlbers order the discontmuance of thmr rem am entire for days or weeks and yet the regenerate and Signifies thc valne negatlVe of hfe III a Similar p pers publishers !\tay contmue to send them nntllal! body be dead, Just as we conCClve that God use and enjoyment uf such hfe be that whICh constitutes

my love 1D thy cold bed be dlBqweted '

nIght I Thon wllt not waKe tbv.fate shall overtake-

or grief or Sickneee mu.t body to that dU8t loves Ilnd till the .room

empty in the tomb , I Will not fa I

:..._", .~~ ,n tlmt hollow vale not much of my delay

I 1I1I1!11relldy on the way ADd lOJlow thce mth all the speed Deme can make or sorrows breed Eacb mmute 8 a short degree And every hour a step toward thee At mght when I betake to rest Next morDing I nse nearer my west ot bfe almost by elgbt hours sa I

U USlU e bare PBJd I fu t .... tb creaLed Adam so far as bodily haa received. The a bleSSing death 3 t su scnbers neg cot or re .se o",-"e e r par Wa. d h le

eIS (,om tl e olllee to which thoy arEHllreeted ihey S conoerne w I yet therc was life CODSlSts: ill the soul s e!l<1etence uno:I .. ~ .. __ ~'" hell CB~Oll' b\e nntil they have paid whatls due tIll somethmg of a hlghe! nature was made happy hy earthly a ~urse to hve lie to have a blissful

'l'han when Bleep breathed h,s drowsy gale ... • .. *' • * ..

But mriiIT -my-pulee l!1re ... l!Oi\,,}rom Beats !Ilyapproach tells thee I come And show howe er my marches be ~ d ordereil. the r ]lu]lers dlscontmued What we mean by death then IS de tlOns Not so exclaims the SavIOur knDwledge and experience of God througb

4 If subser bers remore to other places Without m cay t hIt h h h fo III ng ttte pnbl sher "nd the paper IS .sent to the corrup Ion anm I a Ion w IC owever IS no hfe whatever m snch an experIence CbrIst then to dIe must be to lose God as former directIOn they nre held responSible certam are subsequent events, but a de- Man was made for a hIgher end, to resemble a portIOn and to endme the misery of that

The In v declares thai Rny person to whom a pe parture of that VItal prmClple whICh maures and to enJoy God and therem 18 h18 life I poverty forevel rod cal "nt IS re'ponslble for llayment~ II he re the use of the orgaDIzatIOn and the perfect To the same effect are those passages wWcb And thIS mterpretatlOlI IS m accordance co reg the paper 0 makes nse of It even if he has achn f 11 t f t Wh never sub cr bed lor It or has ordered It stopped His goa I 8 lInc IOns en that speak of a state of sm as a state of death With a very common law of language b) d ty n .uch" case s not to tnke the paper from the ceases, we pronounce the body dead Without Thus lD the pal able of the prodIgal son t~e WhICh the secondary and derlvltJve meanmg ,Ill or per on to whom the paper IS sent bilt to no- reference to the effect upon the orgaDIzatlOn father reJorces over the returnmg wander~r of a word frequently becomes the mOle t [y tbe I ill ,her tl at he does not Wish It even though It should contmue m eXIstence saymg For tIns my son was dead and IS promIDent and usual Thus the word P'0 Fron tue~lethod st Quarterly Review Jan 1S61 forever an eternal corpse In what sense ahve agam he was lost and IS found, VIde meant orIgmally and hterally to fOie

then does the ordmary literal meaDIng of where the latter clause as well as the drIft see but now expresses the Simple result of ANNlmLATION th d d th f I e WOI ea slgm y anmhl atlOn? I do of the story shows that reference IS had to foreseemg that to whlCb men ale led by

By Rer W W PATTON of Chicago III not see It never ImplIes destructIOn of spmtual death and hfe [lnd not to a prevIOus the dangel~ or wants whICh they focesee TI e 1 ctnne of the ultimate anmhllatlOn substance and III material organIzatIOns SUppOSltlOU by the father that hiS son had Tyrant meant at filst a rule! With absolute

01 tl e w ck 1 has receIved fresh Impulse does not cause dissolutIOn though leadlDg died ID a lIteral sense m that far country authorIty liut now slgmfies an oppressive IV till a few yeaIs flOm havIDg been em to It There would appear to be a beggmg So also when a professed dISCIple said to and unjust uuler such as a man clothed WIth b a~ed t.l a large sectIOn of the second of the questIOn by the de~ructlOnIsts at the Jesus Lord suffer me first to go and bury absolute allthonty IS apt to become To \.~ ent 01 lIhllente sect and from the outset and the assertIOn of a false premise my father' Jesus replIed Follow me and prevent slgmfied ID tbe Latm and old Engbsh

pI bI catIOn of se, eral works of conSIderable as the very first step ID the argument I If let tbe dead bury theIr dead,' that IS Let to go bifore but now means to hlDder effec th logical and exegetIcal ablhty ID Great death IS properly only a ceasmg to perform those who are dead m sm whose souls have tually whlClh IS the result of gettmg before B In n ancl III 01 r own land The pOSitIOn those functIOns whICh constitute or manifest ceased to perform the spmtual functIOns of or antICipating an evil So also the word ass I cd m that ImmortalIty IS not a char hfe If It be but the departure of the prm true bemg and who have no aUXIew re life even If It meaut orIgmally nothmg but aolCI st c of the soul as such but a gift of clple wblCh secures the coheSIOn of the body spectmg theIr character and dest ny let eXistence would soon lose so narrow a slg Go I to II e llghteous alone whiCh was for leavlDg It to laws of disorder and rUID why sllch at thiS CrItIcal hour bury their departed mficatlOn and pass to some Idea Rllsmg I te Illl the fail, and IS restored ID Christ may not the death of tne soul be the ceasmg relatives but do you embrace the favorable from an experience of which eXistence IS tuat tI e plomlse of eternal hfe to helIev of those spmtual exerCises whICh cOllstItute moment to make sure of salvatIOn Simply the phYSIcal baSIS or conditIOn (such

s ,en phatiCally a promise of endless ex the true hfe of a bemg made 1D the Image But even more deCiSive are the repeated as happmess or holiness) an experience stenee nnd that the threatenmg of death of God and the subjectIon of It to those sm declaIatlOns of ChrIst that eternal life com whICh gives emphaSIS and value to eXist

to tl e WIcked slgmfies the destructIon of ful callses whICh breed spmtual disorder and mences ID the present world tbat It begms ence and then the word death would natur tl en bemg ThiS VICW IS defended as the anarchy and result 1Il spmtual rum? \.nd as soon as the smner beheves and consIsts ally express the OppOSite experIence 1 te nl aud proper sense of ScrIpture from thIS leads me to observe of a holy and bhssful state of mmd Thus Thus the poet says m words that have wi ch there IS no warrant to depart Vi hen 2 That the anmhJlatlOn theory IS contra he said to Martha I am the resu,rectlOu heen much admired for thew force of ex re say that the body dws we are supposed dlCted by every tl ue conceptIon of the soul 8 and tbe life be tbat beheveth m me tbough pressIOn to mean that It ceases to be and hence It life as gIven by reason or deSCrIbed III the he were dead yet shall be hve and whoso The man may last but never 11Ve8

s a guo I that when God says The soul discourses of ou! SavIOur Death IS a neg ever IIvetb and belIeveth III me shall never Who much reCeIVes bllt notblDg gives that slnneth It shall dIe he must mean that atlve Idea and means the departure or ceas dw Tbe meaDlng IS clear the soul that Whom none can love whom none can thank snch [\ soul shall no longer eXist WIth the mg of hfe Hence to understand deatb we IS spIrItually dead shall ImmedIately come to Creabon 8 blot creatIOn B blank \ WO d death are JOllled for SImilar argument must nndelstand lIfe, and to know the life If It beheves or places faIth III CbrIst We speak also of a man s daily life, melln attve use the words destroy, destructIOn, meanmg of the death threatened to the and the life thus commenced shall never end mg not hiS bare eXistence but bls actions pel sh perditIOn consume burn and de- Wicked we must know the meaDlng of tbe Agam he saId to the woman of Samana h18 conduct hIS character We declare a our wI ch are employed m the Bible to hfe promised to the rIghteous over agamst \Vhosoever drmketh of the water that I pelson to be the very life of a SOCial Circle

de IOtC the pUnishment of sm or the effect whICh it stands as a telTlble wammg shall give him shall never thust bnt the that 18 the source of ItS pleasure and happl of the dlvlDC wrath To thiS exegetICal de In ascertammg the Idea conveyed by the water that I shall give him shall be lD him ness We pronounce an orator or a wrIter rense the advocates of the anmhdatlOn word bfe we notice that It varies With sub a well of water sprmgIDg up mto ever last to he full of lIfe that 19 spmted and vigor theOlY aill theologICal conSideratIOns Tbey Jcct meanmg more or less accordmg to the mg life To the Jews he said With a slm~ous "Ve say of a mUSICIan that musIc IS adopt and mge the objections of Unnelsal place III the scale of bemg occuplCd by that lar (John 5 24 6 53) He that hlB lIfe or chlOf enjoyment and Paul wrote ~l~ ll.l';.am6t the orthodox" doctnn hlCh 1t IS afihmed Hut Wt1110tice even and lretfilteUron him m tbo: 'fhessaloulllnS", For now we lIve de nul pumshment but olalm that they aVOid before thiS that It ~ys means Bomethmg sent me everlastmg life and shall neit ye stand fast ID the Lord meanmg that hIS tl e permclOUS Umversalist enor of teach more than bare ex!stence It IS never applied come mto condemnatIOn! but ~spassed from soul would be full of JOY If they remamed lIlg that all will finally reach heaven They to denote that Idea aloue "hat, for m death unto life the last clause provmg be steadfast So we we say of a dull speakel hope to relIeve theology from the difficultIeS stauce has a mOle certam and real eXist youd doubt that he 18 not merelj descr1bm~ or write! that he IS hfeless or dead, of an of orthodoxy while yet proViding ac ence than a rock or mountalll? and yet the fnture as tbough piesent by way of an- nnsaleable book that It fell dead from the cOldmg to SCrIptu!e and tbe neceSSitIes of though that eXIstence has been mamtamed tJclpatlOn and because of Its certamty but press, of !lin unproductive mvestment that mo al government an IrreverSIble doom of for centuries we never say that tbe rock or IS representlllg 0. present experience Again It IS so much dead capital and of a stock excluSIOD from heaven of allimpemtent SID mountam IS alIve We can conCClve that we read Verdy verily I say unto you of goods that It IS dead on the hand m ners And thus they beheve tbat anmhIla God should create mIllwns of wOllds sys Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man neither of which cases IS anmbIlatlOn meant I n W1l1reheve God s m n erse of sm by the terns on systems of vast matenal or ba and dnnk hIS blood ye have no life m you but only a lack of use or value Now It , nple an I easy plOcess of blottlllg from rock and earth and watCl and gas and Whoso ealeth my flesh and drmketh m~ would be passmg strange If a relIgIOUS eXIstence the offenders should perpetuate then eXistence fOI count blood hath eternal life and I will raIse him teacher should not adopt a usage so common

I shall at last Sit down by thee The thongh t of tbls b ds me boon And WJ1.1t my dissolu~lOn With hope Rnd comfort Dear (forgive The crime) I am content to bve DIVided With but half a heart Till we shall meet and never part

OhIldren's Department LITTLE OARRIE


Snow dnns hke sentmels were filed Agp.1mt the cbamber where my child Slept In the husb they made Rnd swled My Came' fair a8 wreath of snow­Her cheeks With snnnse flush aglow­Her hBJr hke sunsct s amber flow Ah I well I know that love 18 kmd And Will 1D homeliest featnres find Charms to which common eyes are blInd But ever where my Carrie went Looks on her loveliness were bent \Vh eh said Beware I the ch Id IS lent

Nay clasp her not With such delIght For angels hold on earth IS slIgbt Ana she fill seek the land of light SO!lle mfllnt smiles lIke sunbeams strllY Her s 1D Our dwelhng old and gray Shone more lIke moonlIght B mellow ray For thonghtful scemed her eyes deep blue As though the r mute ch Id Wisdom knew Of much beyond our mortal view Yet Boon agalD some baby w!le Or dimpling of her rogulBh smile Wonld fondest mother fears begmle ThuB elgbteen month8 had slipped away When Co.rr c climbed one summer day To IVOry keys Rnd feigned to play The waxen fingers woke laID! clang But like a lark 8 her clear VOice rang-I stopped ani! marvelled wblle sbe Bang Tben left ber bn some bnef employ­Sweet croon of welcome I With what JOy It told my absence gave nunoy Tbat mght she Sickened Short the space I held ber m my sad embrnee Watchmg the langouIS on her face Before .. ~lmng. cam" 0 er he. m en Her look grew samt-I ke and serene Toward liltter cup turned gentle. en-

-smal11lnget"1>6H'ted--pale-n~ tm.! To drmk In vam-and to my Side More closely nestling Carrie died That vOice of mnslc filled mlDe ears I clasped ber close In dreams tor years At day dawn wssed her bhnd With tears But now ,bose faithless tears are dried Here at l\IY calling conld she gltde I would not call her to my SIde From vislon of ber SavIOur Kmg From blisses past ImaglnlDg Dare lov~ like mille Its dear on. brmg Where slIi lWght soll my snow wreath f"'r­Her clea~ VOice moan m Earth 8 de'palr'­Ah no I wolil<l we all were there

- Sr"'g' 1m the SrnTCWlng

Frain the Youth s Daysllnog

TI e purpose of the wnteI III examlllmg less ages and yet there be absolutely no hfe up at the last day For my flesh IS meat and so adninrably adapted to hiS purpose thIS doctrme restrICts him to the utterances m all tbat UDiverse We may find It ddfi mdeed and my blood IS drmk mdeed He and speak Of life m the hIghest and truest of the SavIOur respectmg the future life and cult to state WIth preCIsIOn what hfe IS but that eateth my flesh and drmketh my blood of all senses, meanmg the conditIOn of a Ie tlerefore lalses the questIOn whether we know that It IS mOle than eXIstence and dwelleth m me and I mlnm Howevi soul that II> pure blIssful godlike assured BUR:MAH Jesus taught that anDlhllatlOn was to be the Implies a higher conceptIOn m the mmd and dently tbIS refers to a lIfe now llourlshed JU of an eterrllty of perfectIOn and thus an My Dear Ohtldren -The next country we

give us a wntmg tbat Will tell \ us hGW to escape flOm It' Another time a httle boy came to the missionary and $ald, Are you Jesus ChrIst ? No slIad he, but I am hlB fnend And then he toJd the lIttle rei low about Hml whom he was seeklfllilll*'~ that boy became Jeaus Christ's fnen~ Will you dear children, become his fnend • .?


There are not many brave girls about lh these days let the gIrlS say what 'Ih~y please to the contrary We have been ".tehmg to see how thev mancen vre and thiS IjI,l ~he con elusIOn to whIch we have come ~''M&ny of them are real cowards they are .frald to keep on the right Side of truth They may not be afraid of the dax k nor of dog-a and spIders but they ale afrata-to-mr,vllltnhey tlunk IS nght

There ~s Hattie Stone a bllght-eyed ID telhgent sprIghtly loveable creature SIt tmg by her mother who ,!as tnmmmg her wlDter bonnet WIth g~y-ft'B~s and beautl ful feathers when N elbe jLarklli one bf her playmates called ..

Is that yOUl bonnet? IDqUlred Nelbe Yes replIed HattIe IBn t It pretty? ' It IS very pretty Indeed, I thInk 'f an

swered Nelhe Mille 16 a poor 100kIllg thIng beSIde that

Are you not gOl~ir to have a new pne? No mother say(,my old on~ must an

swer thIS wlDter With a lIttle repamng and I thmk It Will myself

You wIll be the only gIrl m the meeting house With an old bonnet on contllllled Hattie and that WIll make you feel badly"

No It WlII not make meJeel badly at all said Nellie I hke your new bonnet very much and at the same tIme I am con tented WIth myoId one

Well I should be afraid that people would laugh at me when every body else had new bonnets re~ponded Hattie I want to look as well as the rest

Mother says It IS cowardly to be afraid of what people wIll say about us If we are dOlllg what we thIDk IS fIght

Then there ale a good many cowalds III the world saId HattIe and I suppose 11 am one But you mean to be brave andl wear your old bonnet And lIattie smIled as she said It for she eVldenilLIlleant to f1dlCule NellIe B Idea of bravery

I don t tbmk It necessary to be very brave to wear a last year s bonnet replied Nellte I am sure that It IS not a great cross to me although I don t hke to be laughed at any better than you do Mother says she can t afford a better one and that IS enongh for me to know to be satIsfied WIth what I have

Now NellIe leally dId not know tliatlshe was a brave girl m deCldmg to wear the 1ionnet thm; IIbe bad Worfi for a year 13nt she was the bravest gal m tbe neighbor hood Hathe-poor lIttle mmClng coward -was afraid somebody wonld laugh at ber If she did not have a bonnet as gay as a peacock s tall and be m the he~ght of fash IOn She had no courage to say, Let others It thmk as they please I shall do what mother thInks IS bestr Poor weak thmg I Sup pose everybody else should take It IDtO their heads to go WIthout borinets she of COlllllle, would not dare to do otherWlse and so she would go hare headed How much nobler IS NellIe, who dares to follow hel mother s counsels though she may not appear qUite so fashIOnable I l' es she IS the genume brave girl unlIke thousands who always stop and ask What WIll be thought of thIS or that?' What WIll Mrs A or Jemima B say about me If I do thus aud so? not havmg courage to do rIght even lest some one laugh and sneer -Home lIIonthly

final pumshme It of the WIcked Upon thiS an advanced step 1Il creatIOn such as geol the soul by faith m Chnst as an mdwellmg swermg the very end for whICh It was cre come to m our travels round thiS great let It be lemarked 1 That the argument ogy assures us was made when after dreary SavIOur I But. as though to remove all ated and of death as a condltlOI the re- world from west to east IS Burmah and I f om hiS use of the words lIfe and death' centunes of gaseous aqueous Igneous and doubt the SavIOUI has given us a defimtlOn verse of tlills separate from God slDful want to tell you about what God has permit 8 not ,ahd to prove anmhilatlOn even petrean conditIOn our earth receIved from of eternal lIfe ss a Bpmtual state of mmd. rumons And the CitatIOns which have been ted some of hiS children to do for him there should we accept theIr lIteral meanmg Its Maker plant and ammal suffice It to In hiS affectmg prayer before biB betrayal made prove that such was ChrIst S method Burmah IS about five hundred and forty miles Death of Itself never means anmhIlatIOn say that hfe ImplIes the performance of cer said Father the hour IS come glOrIfy of speech long and four hundred and twenty mIles DID JESUS ANSWER YES P ~ separate word and an additIOnal process tam peculiar and characterIstIC functions thy Son that thy Son also may glOrIfy thee 3 The otlher words [lnd phrases m Chnsts wide, not nearly so large as Indta you see Mamma IS talkmg to Jesus ~ald little n ust be JDtroduced to convey such an Idea and mstrumentally the use of certaJD or as thon hast given him power over all flesh discourses !whIch are relIed upon to prove but qUlte as full of treasures • Mary to herself as she heard her mother at [ do not mean Simply that death never anm gans or faculties, and that m materIal or that he should give eternal life to as many anmbtlatIOIl are capable of and mdeed re- You know if told you that m India thtfre prayer III the adJoIIlIng room I h lates matenal substance though that faet gamzatlOns It IS mdlCated by euch facts as as thou hast given hIm And thts life ts qUire a Similar explltnatIOn A proper un were many different trIbes of people and a As Mrs H left the place of prayer Mary may well be weIghed by those who diSCUSS development growth reproductIOn motion eternal that they mIght know thee the only derstandmg of the word death will of course great many relIglODS In Burmah there are ran to her mother and asked very Illnocent the subject m hand So far as:we can de- and sensation whIle m higher orders of true God and Jesus ChrIst whom thou hast explalll all13ynonymous expressIOns though only two whICh you wIll have to remember ly, DId Jesus answer? DId He say, Yes, ~ tect there IS no anmhIlatIOn of substance III bemg from rudimentary up to perfect mmd sent How perfectly cOIllCident thiS IS each of them may be mterpreted m the hght The prlllCipal people are called Burmese mother Y God s umverse Not that It IS an Impossl It mamfests Itself hy deSire knowledge With the Idea of soul lIfe which I have urged, of Its own eVldenee Take for II1st~nce the from the name of the country They are When you kneel down by your bedSide to b I ty for the power that creates can uncre- memory ImagmatlOn reason love and will must be eVident to evelY reader The true warDing to fear him who 18 able to destroy not so good Ipokmg as the Hmdoos though pray dear chIldren thm~ of tbe qu.estlOn of ate but that It seems to be no part of God s Thus while life has a generIC meamng com experimental spmtual heart knowledge of both soul alnd hody III hell It IS only ne theIr skill IS as dark They are qUite aotlve this lIttle chIld Do you expect an answer piau to anmhIlate the smallest particle of mon to all that IS VItal It differs speCifically God and Chnst ~s eternal lIfe IS that for cessary to mqUire how the Gleek word With and bright bnt I am sorry to say very cruel to your pravel or do yon only repeat the essence to WhICh he has given bemg7 No With each subject Plants have the lowest the soul was orIgmally created and ItS denvatlyes rendered destroy 18 used and deceItful They have a rehglOn whICh words as a mere matter of form Y If you h nt (much less an analogy) of such a thmg form and then come varIOus gradatIOns of for whICh It was redeemed by the blood 01 by the Sav]ollr ID other places 111 order to they pretend to beheve m called Budhlsm ask arIght Jesus Wlll answer yes for He 8 obtamed from the vast realms of nature ammal lIfe from the radmta up through the Cbnst and regenerated by the Holy Spmt, see that It liIoes not here mean to aunlhiiate but It does not make them any better than has saId JD HIS holy word Ask and ye 'I I b t t b d t f th If they had none at all Budhlsm IS the re- shall reCeive - S. S Tnnes .1 alter changes ItS form ItS localIty ItS mollusca the fishes the reptiles and the a Ife commencmg m every true behever u 0 nl1g mto a con I IOn 0 rum e lens ty fs *yolor ItS smell It becomes now brrds to the mammaha FmaUy m man we here and findmg Its perfection lD heaven * destructIOn, of use and not of bemg Thus 10lthgleornlWn hthlCeh Ihoarsldmomr~r!o~:~:etrhe tch~~st~navn A MINISTER 8 WORK ANiD PAY ViSible and t,ben mVlslble 'filst a solId then have a yet higher ordm of life growmg out That eternal life does not then as a SCrip It IS appheu to the bottleR that burst and w a fil I and then a gas but It nevel ceases of tbe exercise of a nobler range of powers tural phi ase mean pTimarlly or prIDClpally were spOilep to the sheep that was lost relIgIOn and I shall tell ~ou more about It Some people not much accustomed to to be Wood burns m'the fire and mostly as found m the reason the senSibilIty and or charactenstlCally eternal eXIstence or as also to tbe mls8mg pIece of money and when we study about some other countrIes head work and more familiar WIth the wea d S~ppeals but nothmg matellal has been the free Will hterailmmol talIty of bemg, must be plam to the lost plodlgal III all of whICh cases The othe! «hlef part of the people are call rmess mCldent to bodily labor Imagme that anmhllated part IS changed to ashes and Hence If one speaks of lIfe we must know to every thoughtful hearer It IS predICated the Idea of allmhilatlOn IS excluded And ed Karens These people have short square the mllllster has a qUiet and easy hfe and

th d d th e th d I d b th forms and flat faces With long and narrow IS abundantly remunerated for hIS labors part I as taken the form of smoke and gas to what In mg hemg he refers before we can of the soul made m e IVlDe Image an It IS moreov r IS e wor emp oye y e Th t 11 :\. tree falls and decays and passes through understand Ins meamng and tl e same IS IS plODllsed as the result of spmtual regen demons to klellote torment ~hen they cned eyes Most Of them nsed to live m tents e 0 owmg mCldent whICh we find m an the same process of decomposltwn but not necessarily trne of death LIfe and death eratlOn whICh two facts ought of them out m the synagogue of Capernaum to and hked a rovmg lIfe, and some were very EnglIsh paper suggests another VICW: of the of anmlulatlOn The body of man or beast mean somethmg different m alllmais from selves to elevate our vIews above a lIteral Chnst (MBilk 1 24) Art thou come to dEl" Wild and savage They belIeve m God, and matter 1\ hen It dIes dl1ssolves IDtO Its ongmal ele what they do m plants and sometillng far Ism wInch clmgs blindly to the phenomena stroy us Y !the meanmg of whIch IS say that many ages ago he took away hiS At the reGent meetmg of the Oongi:egaL

'" 1 b th d f th d th book from them because they were so WICk t.lOiial Umon at Aberdeen Dr Ale:mndei1 Oti ments but lea, es no real vacancy m the different stIli m spmtual bemgs fIOm what of mateIlal nature and Dllsunderstands and. P am Y e wor s 0 e emons on ana er h d I d 1 h k d th ed and have beheved that some time he Edmburg sal am ready WIthout ~ny world There IS no opemng through God s they do m mele ammals LIfe and death mlsmterplets even them an SimI aD occasIOn w 0 as e ou would send wlilte men from the West wh 1 beatmg about the bush to say that We are unlvelse of matter ~y whIch the mmutest stand related to the end for whICh the bemg And then our SavIOur shows by the whole come hither to torment us before the 11 d d ~ h t d I atom can call Into th utter VOId and be lost was made WhIle It fulfills that end m the drift of hIS teachmg and the defilllteness of And thiS IDstance IS the more ntpwn,rthv should brIDg It back Is not:' thiS strange? a un erpal or w R we a was t lk H " h h I b t ~ 1 t d tl t th Well, when the first miSSIOnary went to mg latelJ WIth a LQJlQon bUSIness man-a

ence nature fUlUlshes no analogy to Iud exerCise of ItS pecuhal powers 01 functIOns IS p raseo ogy ID many passages that the ecause I ~e a es Irec y 0 e Brumah he went to see some of these Ka successful merchan~ wIt was about thEl'time the doctrIne agamst whICh I contend It lIves when It fails so to do It dIeS rebglOus use of the wordhfe IS ID a spIrItual whICh awaIted the fallen ang~s prres rens and when they saw that he was a bishops were gettmg made and we talked

But It may be Bald that though death For what now was ?nan made and m what sense the promIse of which opens to the be- that III such a connectIOn to estroy an to whIte man and a teacher the first questIOn about thmr mcomes He saId to me, ! And does not annihilate matter In ItS substance does the true and real life of a soul consist? lIever a VISIOn of sometlimg far transcend tilrment are synonymous f t ~ h Th k II I I they asked was Have you brouglit the I I IS a lair questIOn w at do you get? t lestroys the peculIar organizatIOn WhICh Man was Cleated 111 the dlVlne Image for thiS mg a literal Immortality Indeed, the pro, e same remar s WI app y III exp ana Book of God l' Then they wanteil he should Itold hIm Well' he answered IS tbat ConstItutes mdlVldual thmgs what they are one end that he mIght know love obey tlOn of the passages, m whICh tbe WICked stay and teach them and put the words of all you get? Yes, and compared With nhdlstmctlOn from each other so that It an enJoy and he bke God hforever I All hIS • Though the plan of thiS dlscu'Blon IS confined 10 aare seawldotrod Pterh Ish fOil wltllllCsh IUssureanlidYered the book mto theIr language what many of my bretbren get It IS pretty n lates the particular plant or ammal as powers stand related (0 t IS smg e object the teachlUgs of Christ and thus excludes mnch cor S mille O!1gma Another time some of the mlSSlOnanes fair' And what do you. do for that? I sucli But If thiS be admitted ItS on1y and were given for that purpose only He roborative proof the reader will be lUterested In com destroy and Rensh and expresses the came to a plaq where there was a book Bald I would enlightAn hIm upon thIS h beallng 18 upon organized matter or objects was made for God and find hiS hfe only as parlUg With the above the follOWIng words of Panl as utter rum but not the anmhllatlOn of wliICh the people called the WhIte Book It the first place I compdse and write what made out of se arate articles by CUrIOUS he IS III a state of voluntary lIDion WIth God 1Ilustratmg his usc of the words hfe and dSath slIlner Inneed after we have settled hi k

d P P S d 1 To be spmtually mmded IS life and peace Like, meamng o£ the d lIfe as expreSSIve was all wrapped np and kept With the DlC would be fully two pretty t c octavo vol an diverSified arrangement and whICh filled With the Holy pmt eve opmg a WIse reckon ye also yonrselves to be dead IUdeed unto wor est care and the people used to pray to It urnes, about as much as any hterary man thelefore on occasIOn of dlsorgaDizatlOn re pure character makmg God the center of Bin but ahve unto God throngh Jesns Ohmt onr cokndlthlon than mere bdemg weh They beheved that some time a teacher bendmg over hiS pen thmks of domg, and Vert to thell orl nal elements How does hIS thoughts affectIOns and will Nothwg Lord He that lS dead IS freed from SID Walk ta e t e destroy an pe11s d I th that tou h th gI t f th I? I th t but thIS ~s W'e when we R:peak of a soul not as other Gentiles walk ID the vamty of their mmd their most sense The smner's weI would come and tell them about It When more than some 0 m a year n E! neXt dee ques IOn 0 e BOU sa,:!, d haVIng the r nnderstandmg darkened bemg alIenated bemg peflsh utterly or be wholly they u(1wrapped It all the people lookmg on, place I have to do as much sJileaking eyer!

ma e up of elementary spmtual partICles? Somethmg less IS lIfe for lower or ela from the life of God through the Ignorance Ihat 18 m. the ml~SlOnaI1eS fonnd that It was a Prayer week as a lawyer at the bar III gpod p~ Is there such a thmg as sout dust to which bemg but thiS only when we speak Df one them Ye are dead Il.IId yonr life 18 hid WIth Chrl8t (Conclnded next week.) Book and book of Psalms So the wacher hce Then, m the third place, to del as much dead Souls moulder back and out of WhICh made m God s Image 1U God And you. hath he qwckened who were bad mdeed come and he told them they vlsltmg as a surgeon III average pn1ctlce ~ew souls may spnng? Is the thmkIng And theretore death for a soul IS not ceas ::s~~e ~Z:";b~~~h~hveth ~hSn~t .. ~~;::o: n""flilmA of a thonsand roses so.on dies, musn't worship the book any more but the would do And III the next pl",ce, r thll'Ik p nt composite and organIc III stmcture mg to be but IS eternal separatlO)l from God prove that life Bnd death when referrmg to the God toat It tOld abol,lt And he lead to them I wnte as many letters liS mauy of :10ugrelLt

resolvable by a dlvme chemlstIY mto an from hlB knowledge and love and enjoyment, sonl cnstomanly meant the contmnance or Jestruc '.U<'I!'''''Jil caused by one of their thorns out of It and prayed WIth them merchants do Well' he saul, '18 yours Ortg nal spiritual substance that has yet no tne cessatIOn of !Ill true spIrItual functIOns tlOn not of bemg b.)!t of certam spiritual expeflenees remams after! a saddened remembrance It was these people III thiS land of an extraordillary case l' I BaliIJ Not at .all. consClousne tell ce no wIll none WhlCil are the really VItal exerCIses It IS Compare further .r aul8 statement of the nature of 1D the of mIrth IS lIke that'd ...,;,f; h ih' of th ss no III Igen f h G d I future reward Rnd pUDlshment 1D Romans 2 6,.10 Burmah Judson and hIS WIfe went a man s utles correspoud." r- ISliP er~

e dlstmctlve properties of the organlZ to. fall out 0 umon Wit 0 to ose him be nses eternal hfe' ai the synonym of the among to live ' sent from IndIa He but many of my brethren do as m'liClt': SOme ed \ndlV1d~al Boul? It wJlI be long before from mmd and heart, to be unloosed from and honor aod Immortality which ' there, for there was of them perhaps a. lIttle pore' 'W~ll? he the ahlllhIla'llomsts can demonstrate such an onr center and to rush away mto 8m and Hebralstic Idiom of nsmg noDDS for lesolve to serve English and Burmese, sard agam they may flAY as much as they analogy hetween the material and spmtual mIsery ThiS IS the undomg eqwvalent to Immortal glory Bnd hOllOl, smgular m It nor up In a homd prIson for please about mmlsters gettmg too muohht'r: creat h Id h th th th d th f 1 h he the eqDlvaient of periihing (~om forsake hIS serVIce b Ion or persuade t e wor t at e e e ea 0 a sou as suc, verse 12) to be mdlgnatlon and wrath trlllnla ho.md for heaven must be ~i~?~'~I~;~;~~~:~J:: HIS poor wife used to theIr work but n(mp of US would do 1£ older matenahstlc Ideas of Bome of their and misfortune or fault of the an !lnd angDlsh words whioh unply not iUmlIIIla U' •• every day td see him, and your work for {011l'(,lmell your ;(I\y"" num~r are other than false and degrading IS, tilat they do not rise to the non but stUfermg t a~l~iruBt the stream 1t

$ $ 'r ,II

5 a

130 THE SABBATH RECORDER, FEBRUARY 14,186}._ -tiir''*-fi~~~=~==l=l=====~==~===;=g=e=n=er=a=ll=y=k=n=o=w=n=f=ro=m=~I~])S=w=rI:=tI:=n=g=s=o~nT;:h=ea:=:l=:=t:::w~h:-:l=;cl~l ~b==e:::nft =:ITn=s=y=m=p=a:th~y=:fo=r=b;::e=n~lg~h;t~n;e;xft ;s=es=s::lO=n=w~lt~h=t~h=e=c::h;::u=r=c:=b=a=t=:R::=IC~b~b~U~rg~=U~R~on~th~e~£:~o~re~g~o~m~g~le~tt~e~r~tb~e~Ii~o~ll~o~w~n;g~a~e-~SSa~b~b~a~th~S~Ch~o~O~1 ~to~de~t~ra~c~t~t::ro~m~t~he:=-;In::;:~ \!l; t OQJR.u.unfh. ~ ttDt.utr. Romamsm over the slgnatme of Kuwan) ed humnmty Although they met wIth se MaJ 7th 1861 at 10 o'clock A M tlOn was taken by the Board unammously and effiCiency of home rehglOus Illsltuclto

n M 6" dIed on the evemng of Feb 4th, m the 60th 'CIe aAltIet' yet they accomplIshed llIl the evemng Jonathan Allen presented ·Whereas at a meetmg of tIllS Board, Oll was dIscussed wIth much mterest, hut not year of hIS age He was a natIve of Ireland much go~and prepared the way for a more a velY long and logICal essay on Romans 8 the 16th of June, ]860 the question was sus tamed f R C h I b t extensIVe and successful work of Chnstian 29 "0 ralseU by the Generllrl Agent m what order A resolutIOn affirmIng the Supellol Infiu o Qman at 0 IC parentage, ut came 0 labor ' " he should payout tIl.e money whIch mIght I S

New York, Febrnary 14, 1861

AmerIca when a boy and early embraced The Committee to present bus mess for the be receIved by 111m and the Treasurer, and ence of tie abbath School over other In the Protestnnt religIOn Graduatmg at '¥II Smce that time many have followed then next Conference reported the followmg It was ngreed WIthout dissent that he strumentalitles, was laid upon the table for A TIME OF TROUllLE IS AN ESPECIAL hams College In 1826 he studied theolol!Y d future conSIderatIOn


TIME FOR PRAYER ImmedIately aftelwnld at Pllnceton a'iid exnmple Rut never before has the field of I Introductory Selmon by J 0 West should pay first current expenses, seconh l Td C II labor looked so IJ1Vltmrr as at present The 2 Rev 18 4 L Andrus debt~ mcurred smce tJ)tJ appomtment of i e TIllS ASSOCIatIOn IS auxlhmy to the State Hence t Ie..,..01 sa) s a Ilpon me III SI1 bsequently was engaged III the serVIce of,., N i· d b d

the day of tlO11ble ThiS has been the Ulll the Amencan Tract Society He was first B VlOns to the appollltment of the New Board u lceent tIeaty With Cillna lllls secured to the 3 ExegeSIs, RICh lIIan and Lazalus 'r Brew Board and tlurd e ts mcune pre ASSOCIatIOn, and by several yeUls of la'.o\ form practice of Goa s people In the tIme settled III the MIDlshy at ,Vyommg Valley Chllstulll natIOns of the carth the hberty to r~wln what did the suftermgs of the dl -WhlCh agreement appears not to have been seems to have been Illstrumental III awal en of personal nflhctlOTI the Chustlfln mmd IS and nfterward at KIllgston, Pa hiS thIrd penetrate IlltO the heart of that vast empIre, VIlle natme m the Atonement consIst? D formally entered upon the Records I there mg a WIder and more lastmg Iuterest III tI c

en\1 wns to Ehzabethtown wheIe he remam d h Id th I d t d fIt fore cause of rehglOus IllstructJon for the YOUllg sure to be dllected to tl e true source of de ed nntll lns death The controversial powers an ela ega I mgs 0 sa va IOn to Ford ) G 1

1 F her fom hundred mllhons of people The 5 What was the l)enalty pronounced Re~olved That we place on record thIS no Reports presented by several Supelllltcn(l n crance 0( IS our ather and unto of DI Munay were conspICuously brought t f d d

whom can we go fOI redress and comfort forth III 1848 m the KIrwan controversy m b 6 E 11 P t 3 10 M EI Ira proval of the course of the Treasurer an::l same IS true WIth reo Ul d to J npan Here upon man for transgressIOn? A C SpIcer Ice 0 sal agreement an express our ap ents llIdICated n HourIshIllg condItIon among b I 1 I l Inch he dlstmgmshed hImself by hIS algu IS mdeed a maglllficent fIeld of labor wInch xegesls '" e er ISS V [' I A the schools of vanous denomInatIOns In the lit IInto nm w 10 oves us nllC has power w , Kenyon qenera .ngent III actmg upon It C and Wllhngness enollfh to help md sn\e? ~e~t;; It b~hal~ of P~otMtantlsm agal~st needs only the evangehzmg Illfluence of 7 Wntten Sellnons A A LeWIS Whereas at the Anuual Meetlllg of the onnty DEl!

Is the eVIl we suffer tempI lal allsmg flOm a~ce:l~~~;me;tg t~Sprea~h ;~:Yh:Re~n D~ God's holy word to cause It to yIeld a boun ~ L ANDRUS PreSIdent fleventh d~BaptIstPubhshlllg Socujty, held THE LATEST NEWS h fl t 1 f: S tIful harvest J 0 WEST Secretary 1lI September last a SpeCIal Oommlttee ap t e uc uatmg state of cart 11) af a IS or prague of Albany, on Sunday, but on III t d t a h b d d The PreSIdent elect of the Umted Stoles f f d I b II d } J The mls"'on~ry SpirIt I]as 1'01 scvel"1 'ears pom e 0 conSI er teem arrasse con I " ramls or tune or sIckness? The Chllstmn ay Ie eeame qUite unwe ,an liS p lySI '" " .' U J t f h S fi d d left SprIngfield "or W"sl t S

past been gra"u"lly pelmeatmg tIle grent PUBiUISHINGSOOIE'l'Y-BOARD M:EE'l'IN~ Ion 0 t e ocwty s nnllccs recommen ell' "ling on Oil ec lld kIll s his help and comfOlt IS III God If Clan who knew that he was :llhng WIth u " " TI B S til the Socwty to authorize Its Board III case day Feb 11th He takee m hili In In, 1..

the lnllld IS cast do n tlno I"'h tl vallOUE nemalgla III the heart, told hIm he must not publIc heart until om people generally have Ie oard of :Managels of the even they should deem some such allangement dmnapoh" Ou",rnnmr,Uolumbu8 Plttsblrg y w 0 undcrtake the Journey Dr :MunayobJected become much mterested on the subleet of day BaptIst PublIshmg SOCIety met, pursu adVIsable to transfer the SOCIety's properts Cl I dB"" I (I I nUtI numCl ous llmptatlODs of tl C OHCm) 01 for some tIme before abandomng the task " t t th II f h d Alf d .c th eve an uua 0 w Jere Ie wIll 81 end

h miSSIons Om transatlantIC EnglIsh sIster an 0 e ca 0 t e PICSI ent, at re m any such manner as would prOVide lor e t S d ) Alb d N tlnough coldn? s :md lilt! iTelcncc m t e He was unwell on Sunday, but not conSIder Center February 6th 1861 SoclCty s mdebtedness, aud secure the con nex un ay any an ow YOlk cause of Chust the Homec d !Chef m the ed dangerously III In theevemng however has contributed much to the cause by seI'ld Present- N V Hull Leman Andrus W tmuance of a denommatlOnal paper-whIch (where he IS to be on the 19th) \. speCial tluone of melCJ Is the CfllllCh low and de he felt hIS end was near and calhng hIS mg foIth many of her noblcst sons and , recommendatIon was lost by a ,ote of 19 tram of cars IS furmshed to hIm and Its clInmg tlllongh Lac! sll(lmgs amI lpostaCles ;~~~re a~~:I~!jlm, ?M:~~r~le~ ~~r~l~e~ daughtels to break the bread of lIfe to the C Kenyon D R Stillman, B W lI[llIard, to 16 party by each of the raJlroads over winch -Wt\onglJ dIssenSIOns and (hsuIIIon-or a fimshed' was hiS dymg declaratIOn He famlshmg pagan The number of hel ~ilsha Pot~e~ BW FAIILaugwOl thy Geolge B And whereas, at the same mehetllIg the he passes HIS remarks onleavlllJ SVlIng 1 If" tl f d d I ChIlstJan ambassadOlS far exceeds that of ., apKson an T en oard were Illstructcd to 11lIe t e money fi Id t d I' II ae,v means 10l Ie support 0 1\ lIle 01 retalllc liS senses to the end layet was offieled 1.y Eldel Natlan If they can to pay W B Maxson ancl E lC alO ICPOI e as.o ows

.. d .I. d th I t flo our own Amenca But as we npproxlll"le U 'f F .r- lIlan:ces an e genem wan sot Ie causer W d LJ on the amounts due them -whICh tIllS 1\, mENDs-No oue not m my pos I on

The same tendency of the ClmstlUu lIlmd IS MISSIONARY ADDRESS to he! faClhtIes for benefitmg hnmalllty we :8J ncr Boarel has been unable to do no ono belllg can npplemate the sadlless I feol at thIS malllfest The bOllbles of the chmch nre At the recent Sabbath School celobrat on III Borhn may safely hope to cope WIth lor IU her rile mmntes of the last meetmg wetC Icad found who IS WlJlmg to lend the money on partmg 'Io tins pcople lowe all that I am

• ei'i'orts to execute the tIn lIIe command m and approved the credIt of the SOClet' payable at such Here 1 have Ined mOle tnan a quarter of a the most oppressl\ e to the true C1mstmn N Y tho closmg performance consJsted of a ],!J.. W nT' R II d l' bIB J I 810MIY Scene m whICh a young gentleman and lady thIS paJtlCula1 dllecbon-Ill strIvmg to te reasurel s eport was Cn e 101 lit tunes as t liS oard fep.I safe III promlslIlg It, centmy) wro my chlldwn wew bOi n aud

becnllse greatci mteicsts alc lin olved thele not llavmg been fOI walded, the Genelal And wheIeas after paylllg off old debts here one of them lIes hUlled I know I ot th ) I TI 1 1 tl were consecrated to the WOlk of mls.IODmy InlOI ouey our Jleat SoveleIgn by IISlUg om best t th t f I d I II h I I II an anyw lere esc Ie C lIilC 1 IS Ie The followmg address wns lIehvered on the occasIOn Agent stated thnt the Heport had been pIe 0 e amoun 0 over one t lousan co ms ow soon s la see you agam A dllt)

gleat focal light of tllo wOlld-the IllStlll endeMors toplOmote IllS cause and kmJdom sllIce the appomtment of the New Roald devolves upon me which IS pClJllIpS glcater by Wm Re lay Potte! on earth ptw<il and would sbow dlat there was nt ItS there IS shll a claIm airnillst fhe SOCIety by than that winch has devolved up un allY mental regenel "tor gf mUllr mel-tl c thcatlC Gent! men 01' the jJfl~"w/lm 'i Bom ddt (D 31 18(0) b I tl ~

Oil whICh the dlVlIIC chltlactCl IS mow cspe :; J Never dId mallmOIe c/fectllallyexillblt IllS a e ec a a ance 111 Ie Its late Treasurel E Lyon amollntJlJg to othel man slllee the days of Washlllgton Clally clIsplayed -the mountflln cI the LOld I most cOldlally thank YOll fOI the honol lo.}alty to a 8m,erelgn than by sacflficmg treasury of fift) SIX cents some eIghteen hnndled dollars the payment He ne,CI would hare succeeded except IOJ

yo I ha, e done me 111 exteudmg to me nn lh[) COIrespond1llg Secretary IcpoIted of which IS demal ded Wllh mhmatlUlIs of tne fIld of DIVIne ProVidence uJl II "'Incl J e comblUtlIg sllOngth 1 eau!' _I llldelll dUla hIS life III IllS behalf You dear fflends I I d I t 11 t I.J Iii I tl I J ~ IllVltatlOn to "ddress thIS cornentlOn the No cOIrespondence eJa plOcee I1Igs III case It IS not plompt) a a lilies Ie leu ce mt (ann tIl C

blht, Hence till (J llstliln S JOYs ale thew I f 1 I who buoyant WIth hope and exultlllg III made cced WIthout the samb DIVIne md wlncll II" J 0 ~ect 0 w IIC 1 IS the PlolllotlOn of a gleat Tr G ne I A t t .J tl "' II "

whore be finds a feast of sOlll, po tce IlusHllIg plOspelity 11[1\ e so Cal h III life sacllficed Ie ,e H gen pi eseu eu Ie 10 JW And whelCas- tIns Board has n meal s of tamed Inm and III the same \1 mighty Jk ng ancllaudnble entelprlse rhe age III winch J 1n0' "" t I h t d d I I I I f nndelstand ngthemostendcar ngflIendshlp yoU! plCscnt mtelcsts to go U\\uy to n dIS "I, pOl W IIC was accep e paymg- sal c [lIm except by eollectmg what pace llIyre IUnce or support, and I I pc and the gleatest, lews of tbe dlv Ie glOly we live IS one of unpmelloled plOspenty tant land to pcrfOlm what YOll consHler a GE~ER\I AOI NT S REI 01 T IS due fOl pubhcatlOns or hlllllg the money you my flJends will all pray that I IDa)

]Ii otWlthstandmg the fact tint HOt unfre rhe O{ Heral Agent repol ts that slllce Ius on tholJ IlIdlvldual responsIbIlIty, wlucl lCeen e that Dlvmp assIstance WIt! Oil! If the church IS IJI tIoublr he IS m trou quontly at the present CIISIS III the woIld s duty to your"eh es to yom felhm lIlen and last commUUlcatlOn to tI e Boald tl e SAB lattel tiling III \ Ie\\ of all of the CllCU)]] whIch I cannot succeed but WIth wlncl ble and he Hat\llally ",oes and sp eads the hIstory the peace of nat lOllS IS dIsturbed I y to )Oll! God I a,e done lIO more than tIns DATn RECORDER has bee)) reguiaily Issued stances (f the case the) (10 not feel called snccess IS certam AgalJl I lAd JOU all III

C3,SO out hefOle IllS F thpI and Il1 plOles de J In the I mfOlIlJanCe of till, oO'oodh ml~SIOU, aud ItS hst of subscllbms dliTms IJJ no rna upon to d( , willie tbe fOllnel, 1IJ conse affectIOnate Jmewell [Loud applause and tie Jall mg discordant th mdul toO( s 01 the J f I f UT II hvetallcc TIns habit IS confinp.d to I 0 age you must fOletrO the plensme of the soclet~ tenallcspcct flOm what It IVU~ tlnee lllonths fj:ucnc<lo t Ie money plessllIc IS a vmy un Clles 0 He WI pray for JOII ]

cannon ant! mell nle whum mly slaughtered ~ J CC! tUUI relIance to tIl of the woIld and to II J pal tIC 11m pOSItIOn ot fllends whos( vOICes have WIth j ours at ngo mp.c so alge a C :lIm 'II e Peace Conglcss so called wli ch C to satlsfv n Splllt of llllmoslty wlllch may It WIllI e Hec( ssalY III a few days to de and at the saIlC tUD!' contlllue the Soclcty s , "T h hllstJ:lllS may OCCIlP} II e cllllleh has 1 the home of your c111ldhood ascended III j me" a.t "as lIIgton on Second day of las! b tl I b t f .1 I II lave nilsen [10m some tuillng plejudlcc (lde \\ hether the SOClCty WIll keep the 100m paper week ll1cludes commlROlonCIS Iroln t\U i

nt, een IC n SOl Ill" 01 c ( I.', )ou lIIen 0 a jet 1t no pellOd III the IIIStOIY of human praIse ami adorltlOn to Hnn whose Son IS It I101v occupies as an offiec fOl the year Ihete~lle- " ,Ii J

conditIOns all(l talcnts and attalllm( nts and I I 'OU! Sa\ IOU! and many othCl llessm"b that beglllnJllg WIth 1I1a' next-upon wlllch pomt Re alved n at III OIdel to a'Old htl one Statcs Seveml sessIOns were held last e, nts \[lve ( IC elemcnts (f progress been ~ J t d d t IS so J ow Gw It mCIl aud !tttle Illen- 'lOll now enJo' wInch I WIll fOI bem mcn the 0lencml Agent lsks IUstI uCtllll ga IOn an ItS atteu ant expenses tIllS wcek :1nl a CommIttee appomtcd to Ire mOle actl\ ely at wOlk than the pIesent In J I I BO"ld P opooc t II Ltd i

fathers and moth, I s men (f lusllless tlOnlllg But a\1 these Will be known to yon u t Ie way of collectlllg the GcnCl al C't II 1 0 10 I} on 0 pH \ 11 l Ul pare a plan for the adJustment of thc lIa .. orlel to lecome c IIVIllCl I of tins fact 'Ie Aben~ some tInee months ago sent h~ts of mce Illg liS C aIm II mt ICI one of t lC two t I J ffi I stateRIllen-C( mmon mcml els of d lllC1!CS- h:we 0111) h pen OUI Cj s to the sin IIIlJ only as Jl'wels III memOly " ! askd As j ou dues Ito the local Agcnts 101 the RECORDI R folloWHlg \\ lIys 1 st fllls Bo lid WIll allow IOIIa (I cu hes The CongIess udJolllJled thos who 1111 (ille s of deacons all I I asiOI S :mcl lInpoJtant e\ ents "llIch charactell7.C the no\\ leal e the land of J Olll I atn Ity I clIwm III tim prinCIpal places where It CIrculates 111m tit 11 e ! 1 alg' of the S JClCty " 1 lIS111CSS to FOlllth day c f tillS wl!ek, tWllItmg the are ahke III then feelll1gb And \\ I en a d:lIk I I fl bel that up Jll 'Oil Jests a gleat Ind Inl He has also comllenc(d se ndlllg bIlls to nil nnd cOlltulUe Its plpCr lJ the close of thn Hepcl!t of the Oommlttee nJ' II" nc I \\ C ounsh-c\ ents winch will J

cloul hangs 0\01 ZIOn "nd the \\fllpS of pOltantlCsponslbllity rut jom hands to who (lmc the SoclIJty llptothcclose of the eUflentvolumelIl June next h!' pavlUgall The ComcntlOllat Monlgomery, Ala to t li Lt I 11 I I I occllpy II lllCJllSPlClIOUS Illche III IllstOIY s h 1 I < CUIlent ,oluml III Jlllle next III thIS nay clllrent e:):penses and al)pIYlll"O' all SUllllus r S I rOll e uca lIpon PI a 00 1I1 t J(> same I I t ( W I J( I' Jl e '011 I al,e by the h lml n ttl I J I I 1 101 m a out Iel n Confede! acy was 11\ seSSlOll I mUoll1 WeI t temp e 0 It IS *tendcd to 1 eep them fully posted and lecelp ~ oware H IS calms ane t lell co leet (nectlOn ~ r dehl'CI1DCe "I' may 1 (sme The tnw 18 lIot lar III II e dlln vIsta of the yOUl crllllg II thels and gently Ie 11 them hopcq th It collectlOlls mny be faCIlItated mg lip the balance due the SOClCtJ and diS throllghout las6 week On Sabbllth da; Got 1I11lllelCJ fOlsakc h S people willdl he past tl at lUen s IpPOS! I the earth was flat to the ~ Id of Chllst Exlllillt to the m 11\ Iu lIlIs conne<:tlOn the Agent \\ould suI.', P SIng of Its sset" applymg \\hatnHI) be they llnaUlmousl,} electel JcilersoJl Dl\1~ has ledeemed 1lI1lCnewed and Wltl TI(' er nnd that showers descended npon It~th 1t IanguaJe f dl \ me ilISpll (ltlOli the rIches ",cst whethCl finy tiling fill thel IJI tl () way necessary to meet IllS clunn and pay Ing of 1IIws SSll:Jtlltj fpr Prcslll( nt aUlI Alexallder sufter them to CIY n valli The pi OmIS() as tl I h of redeelllln"O' 10\ c Trust to HIm wllo 10 of collectlllg-such as a SpecI tl \gCllCY-lH 0B\ el ]Wh Olt lila} be left of t1 e Issets to Hus H Ste, ens of Geol gla for VIce Plesldel t Ie WillI lWS of ea\ell \lew actually {pen n d bl oal( I Cld 'rIllS BoaHI WIll themsel e well as the re(lUlrcmcllt IS befoIC lIS tnd If d rId a VIS 1 eat plesent ~ .. 'S f tl (r d \11 I

cd tlllOU,,"h willch Issued lam and sno\v lea y III evel.) tnne u IlCC an the Ie T) , t fi d tl C' t ill contllll\C the Society S Imp I t 11 the clo~e" Ie new on,e eraey aws f tie 11 h tl T f 11 1 Ie c'Jen III S 1IJ IC "OCIC Y S 0 ce a U 1 S < weca IIpOJ Hnlll Iccay 0 tlOllle e 'Iheyweleu\mclhle In these COll\IChons waldel ofthJSC \Iho dlligentl.) HCllclllm lalgea1l10unto[oldpapel III tIe shupe ollortlpclIllent ,ohmIC ]lnylllg [101ll tll Ie mtCt tat08 11\ lOICC on the 1st fN, II

wIll delnel and we sltall glonfy Illm an I wh n In the yeal fifteen hundred and And l11aj He nCII S elI Icest blussmg's altf'llcl Lack llllmbers alld hies of the SAllB ITIl RI celpts all clIlre It expenses and pa)III'; the 1 er last WCIC contlllued hy spec lUI O!dlllau~e ChnstJan heart beats toward (.od lie IS 01 Y Ircc Ie IUlmOI ta CopellllCus ad success pa)]]phlets 80ll1e of wInch WIll plObably I and at the c1o~e )1 the, olullJ( WIll lIse JII alteICcl

In the time of natIOnal tlounlc too ~ t tl tl I jom !abO!, ancl Clown yom efforts WIth CORDIR sheets of the lIfemm lal and old smplu$ lecClpls flol I tUlle to tunc to IIlIl1J mil WIll leUlnlll 11\ fuce lIntll Icpcabl r

,anced the Idea that the earth was round nevel be of much value whde eucnmbelJlw tmuc all expenses except those of collCdlllg the God of natIOns all!l has them all under and the sun the center around which It and We wi 0 I""e conseClated these youthful t.he (ffice He \\ould sU"gest :JllthollZ n;;' and dlsposmg (fthe qoc ety s plOp Ity ali!I The electIOn of delegates to a State (on hIS conti 01 N othmg comes hy chance but a]] othel planets levolved he w IS sClzed b) dISCIples f CllJJst to the WOI k Jf sa vlllg some one to sell such pap~rs sheetH &c a~ WIll endeaVOI t 1 l1[1k( the a~sets ( f the S 1 \ unhon III \ II gll II a, 1

10M 011 Se( ond da.l (f

1Il the COlllse of dIVine allaugelllcllt~ fur the maddened authoIltIes, and mCllrcerated "OllIs ha\ e by VIJ llle (f that let assumed 11C not hkcly to be llccdetl fOJ ljmdlllg clOty IlCet lis m1ebtctlllcss t) hun, tl clast weel, rcsulted vel) fa\ oubly fOl UIlIOII Wlsn Int! "rood lJUlposes lIc perImts e~ I1~ I allegmnce 10 tl e gle It callS( of III SSI ns \s to the fin lIlclal (;On1ltl III (rlthe SOCIety IlltelltH?lI of the Bun){ll emg III either case th t t b ' I

III a (un"eon sllcl. \V"S thell supelc·tltlon , t 1 f tl lIS e vo C l",alllS sec( SHlOn ell) vel W]( m ii I " .. n 1f tl b I' II I I tl I the Bchard 'Hll ,ht:ull all liP-CO," lly IIIforllla pi JH I Ie cll"a,;emenis 0 t j~ 0 " or a ongtlme, It may beto SC( wlmt IIlI and IlleJudlCe NotWlthstmdlllg theIr 111 lU[\,) ICSE e 10 O\VC( } (l IClS WIOJIla,) t!ouf!omthe'IlCaslllelsReDOIt Clety t~lls subscllbels, anttJ)J y I 01101 a mgl) !alge A SlJIlllal nlcctlOu 111 Tennes mnn natUic WIll do and Leal and It llIay be clCfllllolls It genus alld sopJustlcated reason he IUlIJrcssed wllh a scnse f like duty I et 0 F B UrrEH G( nel al A rent bly all • fits llldehte Incss see hold last Sabb lth lCsnlted III the salll to test the fmth of Ins people lilt! finally to lIlg they wCle at length conVlIlced of the us by ollr pmyCJ8 and Ilbol cultllale and Al lIE]) Peb G l8! I "Re ol!(d That the Presldcnt bl a SpeclUJ way

III go them WIth IInlted hem Is fIl\d \ Ices to h nth I Ins thcOIY tnd conseqlleutly ex nOllll,h tln~ 111\ mc n st t It I HI untIl the be The (,enCl tl \ (reut as one I the Select Cfoltillmllttt e tlo llotlfly Blo Lyoll ( f tl e actIOn Oil Second day of tIllS week tho lllli( I l

besClge Jn~ thnn( of gwen if! tldl\clance U1JHlnll !enee of Ih flUltH I( felt tlnOIl!rh 0 0 le ~oa)( III Ie alluu to IllS c1 llIl to ob pc lIenc( ,I ~ keenel aporccmtlOu of thc om L< (: lI1111llttec tJ loan II one} fOI I a} tng the III tam from hlln an al swer IS b wlncIl I Ih States HOlls( of Rp.plcHcntahve¥ i y t 1II

lhe nahou of Iswel 'I as ftcn 11 ItOI bl" mpotence of all In/ullte Jehovah all,1 bowed out the cxtlCme hlllltS (f tl e glol e alld all d hte JncRs of the SOCIety plC.cllted the fol PIOPOSltlOlJS If ('Itlll lIe accepts t J al alllmuus, !(1 IllS sed a lesolutlOl\ ,I, d III b

and always fOI theIr S n 1Il I \\ hOI they felt themseh es ll\ '" I tteful and renewed adOl a the natl liS of the cal th bec 111" aC'l'IUlllted lowllllt WpOl I which \\ as adopte 1 II ange as to the lime when S ](;h I loP SlliolJ tl at lJelthet ConglCss liar the I COile I the presf(lIJf1 lDtoluablc thell they Cllcd tlOlI to a ClCatOl whose Wisdom and (1U1llS \\Ith the SaVI(1Il of mell WIllIe we diS 1\8 qlle oftl e OommlUee appollltcd lo en I Rhall tal e dIed and td gl\e.8uchnoiUe~ tJ hO\Crlllllents (ftit( nonsltYf'holdllIg StateR unto the LOld, and II( ]llonded a dehvCIel clCnee tll('Y had belore bnt Imperfectly Clm pense!lw tlUtlt to Idolaters I trust we WIll den( t (Iry ont tll( lesolutlOn of thc the Gell([al \gelJt as 111[1) ! e nccessary ha\c a conshtuflOllalllgl t to legIslate upon DRilvelancewuswlOughtnot by the many prclclldel rhetllIle has tlso been when not nfier Clllshamty to lanJUlsh III 011\ &J.c1('tjYlll lelatlOll to lllllng mOlleytopay RCRO/'lJ d 'Ihat thIS BO:l1d 1I1stllICls Its JllIltelfere WIth Sla\I'ly 111 an) slrt\ehold OI the mighty The deshuctlol (I Sena mHIst \\ e 111 experIence t1 C elevatlllg and the claIms of W B Maxson aJ dE Lyoll Gencwl Agent to mal c such nllallgements h men possessed no faclittlCs for ascertnllllnJ II fl I tIle UliIdelslgncd would lepOit that soon ll\ Icgard to olhce 100m and the )]J:>nnCI of IllJ State of the Umon I,I tl e Sen ttl' 011 c ellbs host \\as eiTected WIthout fig! tlllg I I enno 1 IIIg III uence t lat It eX'lts upou us J bl I I c. tl ddt III J

e\ en t Ie opel atlons of t IClr own goveJ n litCi ICCClVlll_ notice (f appollllment the prllltmg all[ pu IS ling t JC "oclety , papCl Ie same ay It was propos~ ) l( t a but III answer to Hcwkl th s IJJa~el lito It ID"jJIIC" III us J lIt t ~ f tl fi f 'I I J ment to wilich they wew lInmcrimte1y sub .,,, I g leI IS\! Ja J( us ~XCl es CommIttee began to mal e IIIqUllIcS a-e to a lorn IC II st 0 .1 ly to t lC end of tlJ.C CUI Navy seven steam sloops of w 11- I PJOI I

glCatest deln €I alice on rccoJ(l was bv the Ject much less that of sl~ter natIOns But us to double dlllJellce III wh Ite\ el dllectlOn 10 III dncctlllg theu attentIOn filst to hrethren rcnt \ olume and b180 III regald t) dlSpOSlIIg wll1f'h Ie 1 to n walm d1SCn~S]( II stJetchllIg out of ~foseB rOfl as an mstlU h bl d our eilOl ts may be cx I ted III tel a1/ of mall of mdns wh J III the SOCI{ ty s Annual M~et of old pa19c rs :lnd ]Jllntlllg mateu:lls Oll hand now t ey II e eua e not only to obtam a I f I I I ment The oppressOi U1ad 011 lccount oj kllld-ma!-es UH better (ItIzens bett( I S€l\ III~ favoled the 1Il0tlO1I Up to the pICsent as H) a ter '( ns]) tlllg W It It e IICaSllll'1

COllect undcIstandmg of theIr own IIlterna '" h I b bl aIle] I C f tl e B d' t t the loss of Ins slaves Illust needs IUHh on to time t (y mve not ecn I e to find a pel n \ I W 0 I oal S lIOPOSI IOns 0 tlOnal affaIrs I ut may hecome conversant ants of Ollt (I eatol aud a ble"slIlg 10 SOli 01 persons \\ 11IIlIg to loan the money Bro r) Oil may deelll fiJI the IIltel cst of the an act of desperntJon whICh common Rcnse n t S WIth nil mattCls of mtercst occmrmg III re m m y ou the cledlt of the Soclet} GIO BUrrER OCluty

would forbId, and pcush m the Hed Sea mote p II ts of the ealth The hterature of MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE The iPlesldent plesentcd the followmg let lhe Boald then adJoullle(1 to the call of When the Israelites undel stood theu penl tl t b the T>re~ldel]t

Ie presen age IS emoer !Cad and undel The Mlmsterml Conficlence of the Sevelltll te f BEL ItT .fi ., the first cry was complamt and mtllllllll on I 10m ro y( n a e reasurer m re D R STIlBBN Hecordillir SccleialY their part but there was one Ilolle beho> stood bJ llCathen natlOus, and ~msswnm les day Baptist ·WestcrlJ ASSOCIatIOn met WIth latlOn to IllS claim agl1lnst the SOCiety u

occupy ImpOltant pOSItIOns and are exert the Chllleh at Alflcd Centel on 'Ilmd lay mg and fmthful mall of GJlI Moses 1001 cd Illg a healthful Influence upon their people Feb 5th NEW YORK Feb 3d l8GI ORDINATION SERVICES

up to God, an(1 \\ hell du ected I y Heaven as 1C I ELDD~ARVSIHR~I !(IJ"d'rldees'slty&cou oAllcleCdlnCoernete~sl{lllg On FIfth day 1 eb ilh, a OouncII com N IUt a glOriOUS lI1stJtutlOn dlssemlllatlllg The IIJtJoductory dl~eoUlse WIS meached"" c, l'

to the means at once obeyed llIel the 'Hcck light and truth to tl e InhabItants of the by Eld Char Ie, \ Budlcl flOm 2 COl 5 YOIl to pie sent my claIm Jor money due me, p sec' of delegates flOm se, C1 al Seventh day of Pharaoh aud III" host was complete e lith, who bow the supplinnt knee to the to the Boald of the Seventh el ly BaptIst Pub BaptISt churches m the \Vestem ASSOCI thon, T~E\re was a tIne III DaVId" IllStOI.)' when 9- (xod was In Chllst leconClling the hshmg Society whICh IS advertIsed to meet met With the chlllch In HartSVIlle t con delllorahzmg shrme of Idolatry-ralsmg world to Illmself th I It 1. tIl I'

hI kmgdom was 011 the POlllt of rum, bnt IS wee, ulay ue en Ire y use ess lor SHiel !the plOpllety of ordallllllg to the wor!, them flOm the brute level to an mfimtely After readmg the mlllutcs 01 the prevIOus me to ask anythmg of the Board, and theIe f G

th cry of that good man Oh that thou hltrher state of per'ectlon may be no mcltnatlOn b, them OJ theIr au 0 tl10 ospel1lfulishy Bro IV m 0 kenyon Id h I f Al I ~ l' meetlllg the PreSident N \I Ul dner nppolllt J Pdf 'If lUI I f w~u st turn t e counsc 0 lltophc mto In Older that sentimeuts of dl\ me onglll ed D E Maxson Jonathan Allen and J C thollzed! agents to do anythmg for llJe I ICSI ent 0 A rcc lllverslty 'I 10 JaB or foolishness,' tmued the scale millS i:tvOl belIeve I do not ask :mythmg unjust or but two 01 tillce years past preached for the f may be molC readIly mstilJed mto the mmds \Vest a commIttee to nommate officers fOl I I d B an Ins enemIeS With all thull schemes wcre W!at 1$ strICt y my ue ut I must say Harts, !lIe Ohm ch TllOll1as B Brown was

of the snpelstltlOus pagan we ha, e mstl the ensumg year also a committee to pre- tlmt I tL luI, I Ilave not been" rl d al b br ught to nought In applYlllg these cases II lal yet y chosen lIfodeIatol of the Coullcil and JO\la tuted all orgalllzatlOn whIch has for ItS ob sent busllIess for the next mectmg of the I advanced the money when It was mOJe

to ourselves, at the plesent tIme of natIOnal Juct the consecratIOn of snch f!lends of hu Confelence, conslstmg of Eldels L AndIno, dIfficult to obtnm thnn It IS now, and wIllIe than Allen SeelclalY After sOllle tIme trouble shall not the, OlCP. of prayel go up I I others, whose Illdebtedncss by the SOCIety spem III consultatron by tIle members of the to the great governor of the Illllversc from malllty to tIe exa ted and phIlanthropIC J Kenyon lind C Rowley was mnch more lecent than mme can be COllnClI It was concluded to eXlmme the all God s Israel thaL tI e \1 llel pllpUbCS statlOll of h mlsslOu;I Jfi ~~ c:~n~ld~r It ~Ir Elders WIlson and Uttel al d all VI~ltJlJo pulll ulli I IllIlMt W'llt the pleasnre of the candldnte III public as to hIS C1msban ex and arrangements of mun fOl the lUlU of plopell sp me an e 0 a 01 IS brethren were Illvlted to Plll heIp ttc m the Genmal Agent I am tc Id that the Boald so penence h,s call to the mllllstIy and lIS

wort Iy movement to nmellOrnte the spmtual dehberatlOns of the Conference (!Jrected I am also told by a member of , thIS great Commonwealth wInch has been bondage of OUI fellows, was made by us After prayel by T B Brown adJolllned to the BO~Td who has met WIth them that he doctlJIlal VICWS TillS exallllnallOn plOVlllg the praIse of all EUIope and an uubounded Amerwa.ns, first III the yearmghteen hundred Feb &th at 9 0 clock A M knew of no resolutIOn 01 actIon of the Board satIsfactory the Oldlll:1tlOn took place III the 80wce of blessmg and prospeIlty to multi and t'vel~e at Wlllch tIme tile Immoltal to that effect I should hke to know whether p!esence of a large congregation who had d f ' Met persuant to adjournment and opened the Board so dIrect d h th t th tu !lS rom other Jands? Yes, the vOIce of f J d N tt R H II d e or weer I was e shown theu IIltelcst III the ocr, ISlOn by as

nnmes 0 u son 0, ICC a an Wlth prnyer by E R Clarke Ipse dIXIt" of the Agent bl pra.y~r lSI gOllllg up dflom

our snnctualles Newell wereluesented to the ~ew :MI~s\On The sermon of C A Bllrdlck was CritICIsed I wrjjJte to you on the filst of October sem lUg on one of the most billstellllg our lamI y a tars, an our closets and It B d £: askmg you to present my claIm to the Board W1ntCl dnys we evel saw WIll stIlI go up, untIl tllc arm of the' enem ary oar or permISSIOn to embarl{ ill thiS glOwmg out of whICh the natme of the sa

y I I recelv!ld m reply I Will present the mat IS paralyzed, and hIS schemes blown awa b g onous enterpllse-to engage ill a hfe of cnfice pICsented for Bm was dIscussed ter of \VhlCh yon speak to the Board at thell SABBATH SCHOOL MEETING

the breath of the AlmIghty As the 10sYeZt preemment love wOik The great saCrIfice The Nommatmg CommIttee leported L next Menntlme dear brother be Thc Allegany Oounty S~bbath Sch \s darkens, the cry WIll be more UJg~nt ~'md made by these young and gallant soldiers of Andrus PreSIdent and J C West, SecretalY that we shall do our utmost to pay soclatIon held a seSslOll at JAlfred C tCI, Oil the present stolm Will only clear the pollut the cross-the readmess With whICh they D E Maxson presented an exegesIs flOm btedncss to yon and that III the Tlnrd day Feb 5th Prof T All I plcsldes

Ii u h d tl I f Ii t R 8 10 11 "If Ch t b pOSSIble tIme BeSides should you I ed polItICal atmospheIe, and break IIp the re nq IS e len prevIOus pans 0 u ure omans ,- liS e m you, ovel tile \ssoclatlOlJ the pi csc I .} eUl ts t 1. t f h h I h anyone who will lend money to the illfernal system winch hcs at the bottom of nc IOn, uy VI! ne 0 w IC t ley were to t e body IS dead because of sIn, but the such securIty as they cnn give desIgn IS to upblllid the cause f Sabbalh

all onr troubles Should the apprehended al!Jve to stations of honor and trust m SPlllt IS hfe, because of rIghteousness Bnt be so kmd as to mform me' I Schools by the dlsclIsslOn of 'j'lesbolls per evil come, and the States bcnt on mlschwf thmr native land-the extreme angmsh of If the SPIrIt of hIm that raIsed up Jesus from pelrsolaa~l) lllformed you at au expense of tallllngto them and by acomp l\ ISOII of VICWS and determmed to carry out thClr projects mllld expenenced by them, occaSIOned by the dead dwellm you, he that rnlsed up a person I only asked for of SupClllltendcnts ali(I Te !Chrrs tillonghont at all hazards hung on a wal It may leavmg perhaps forever, the homes and ChrIst from the dead shall also qUIcken your the SOCIety whICh It would have the County

, scenes of ch Idl d h I II d I to gIve me , but I got no notes be conSidered as a chvme Judgment hke all I 100 tela owc memorIes morta bodIes, by IllS Splllt that dwelleth III or securIty on WhICh I could bor Interestmg addlcsses wele dehvCled by othell wars, whICh WIll sweep away forever of whIch are cherIshed by ns all as sacred, you" The above was made the subject of row money, nor did I get any money Rev J ,VakcllIan nnd Prof D FOld, the an e~il -whICh hns nlways been our dIsgrace and often thrill our whole bemg With de- some CrItiCism, after whICh E R Clarke o~ny N ow was youm earnest formelriplres(JUfing the clnlms of the-Sabbath

At S n annah last Sabl ath fi\ e New 1 Ik vessr Is were seIZed III IctalmtlOll J I the selZlIle of arms at New YOlk 'Ihey weIr

ICleased however, on lea! lllng tlmt the mills had been leturned to thell owner~

\.t Washlllgton, on Sunday mght, tile Hon J Ohll A Rockwell formedy Member Of Oongress flOm Connecb~ut su4(lenly (hed 1t IS suppose 1 of apoplexy HIS hod v \1 aR

dlseovClc(llymg on the fI( 01 lJy IllS brei On Sund 1y last, seven persoll~ 1\ vie

drowned whIle attemptmg to elORS L Sll all stream lIl1tfercer County IllmolS III a sleIgh The party conSIsted of all old mall named lIfmty MIS 1I[nlY IIaydes amI two c1llldlCII Mrs Ehzalleth Hodson and two clllltircll nml Mrs Bargo and two chIldren

I ROl! FORT SUITEn -The WIVPS and dliid len of the galllsoll at Iort Sumter aJlllcd at Fmt HUlllIlt{n 11 al New 10lk onc clUJ

last week 'Illey WCle s{ nt a\\ a) b" ortlrr of Major AndCl SOli ]lflllly fOI tholl sarety and pm tIy on ac( ount of the hUllted Sllpply of PIO' ISlOns 'Ihey lCpresent tho gumBOil conSlstmg of ~eventy five RoldwI8 an I thllty laborCi s as m excellent hcaltb and pICpulcd to stand by theIr commandCl to the last If they should be attacked there 18 I () ,Ioul t that the carnage Will be gleat

Tm~ PRE'IDENT AND SOUTH C \ ROlin -Tlw PlCsldcnt hae answered the PlOposltlOll f C)l Hayne III relatIOn to l' ort 811mtci The substance of lUll answ(JJ IS that h( has 110

authOrIty to heat fOl the sale or 1II:!1 c ::tn" dlSPOSlt101l wlmtevCI of the fOJ Is 01 olhel publiC ploperty III South C:lldllla, ihat1! IS hIS duty to defend the f{)rts to the best of hIS ablhty lind that the consequences of at tackmg them must fall on those who make the attempt

-m the eyes of the elVlhzed world Oh let hght-the last fond embrace of an affectIOn presented an essay on ChrIstIan ExhortatIO~ me to Illform you If I could find the ChnstIan and Patnot ,I the tbeprayer of every Chnstian church, of e~ery ate SIster, whose connsellor one of them had In the afternoon, L Andrus presented Ius I~an the money, 01 dId you wllte the best methods of mal,mg the ChrIstian family and every Chnstmn heart been-the firm grasp of a dotmg father's v~s on the fourth ehnpter of Hebrews, N ad VIsed by se, CJ al brethlen BI ble lIltCl estmg to the young go up warm and fresh every day to the God hand, as he bIds him a God speed on the most VflFdner presented an essay on the Reflex measures to collcet the amount resolutIOn was adopted dfter of heaven, and we ~all have nothlllg to feaf noble mISSIOn In whICh mortals can engage :MISSIOns on Home MIS I dIslike to do It Stern ncces dISCUSSIOn I y vaJlOllS membl:ls of from Southern seces!liomsts or worldly poh -the lovlllg and heart-strIcken mother's slOns, dIscoursed on ChrIstian sometimes drIve one to do what IS tlclans GEO R WHEElER hngerIDg farewell, as she looks, perhaps for LIberty, from 2 Co\! 3 17-

the last time, upon the first reCIpIent of her "Where the SpIrIt o£ the Lord \:}s there IS DUTH or A DISTINGmSBED(JLERGYMAN -'-Rev paternal solIeltude-all conSPJred to secnre lIberty" '

Dr Murray, of Ehzabethtown, N J I {qUIte to them the plaudl~ijf every AmerIca; It was voted that thIS Conference hold Its

oblige me by wrltlDg me what, H'I'.,Ull the Board see fit to take In

Respectfully yours, E LYON, 466 Grand st

ResQ("ed. That the S~bath School has last IIpon the attentIOn and co-opera CJ!ustmn and PatrIOt

A I"ceS:OlUIUOIl affirmmg the tendency (If the

TilE COli) S~Ar of last \Vcel, seems to Im,e becn almost wlth'tJllt a precedent f(J\ sudden ness alJ(l sevcuty In New YOlk at noo l1

of Flfth.aay the woathel WIIS qUite mIld and splIng like In fifteen hom s, however the thermometer fell 54 degrees From vnrlOus' parts of the country we have leports of the mercury faIlIng as low as 35 degrees At AI fred on SIXth day mormng at 6 o'clock It III

dICated 24 degrees below zero -' .. ----~----~--....

[ ? Z :, ...... nt' :::-1 arr> • r


GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Iy cold and Its effect upon hons and tigers At a large and enthusIastIc meetmg held made objectIOn to hIS domg so saId he presented a petItIon sIgned by 5 000 cItIzens h b at tile Academy of MUSIC, Milwatlkee, Feb

O III the London Zoological Gardens as cen would wIthdraw If the gentleman was gomg of PhIladelphIa, representmg probably 3, severe The noble NubIan hon who has 5th resolutIOns wers adopted expressmg a PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS to make a UnIOn speech;. Mr John Cochrane 000 or 40 000 people m favor or the Cnt- been twelve years m the Gardens, and "as strong attachment to the UIlIon dlsavowmg

SECONlJDA.Y Feb 4th -Oh! don t object We Will gIve you the tendenBlgler resolutIOns The PreSIdents the admIration of all ~ISltOiS IS dead In WIY mtentIon to Interfere With the local In the Senate, Mr Cnttenden of Kentucky I I tbd (L h Message was taken up Mr Urlg~al1 of t"- afternoon he was apparently well, and mstItutlOns of the Sontb, recommendmg the

same prlvl ege w Icn you WI raw aug • "Ii u," earliest modificatIon of the FugItIve Slave presented seve~al memonals from the Cltt ter) Mr Bouhgny saId that untIL a few Texas proceeded to reply to the Senator flOm m the mormng he was found by the keeper Law to db away WIth Its offensIve features f vallOllS States 1U favor of the Cnt I T ( IVlug stIff and cold III hIS den !\. post mor z us 0 mmlltes ago he was 1U a SImI ar posItIon ennessee Jolmson) He read from a num t~~ exammatlOn attended by \I1110US sCICn WIthout Impalflng Its effiClencv, and re tenden lesolutIons MI Chandler of MIchl With Ins colleague He had received no ber of docnments to show that Jackson tIfic men (hsclosed the sad fad that the kmg commendmg the State LegIslature to appomt 031 pesented a pebbon of the cItIzens of offiplal mforDiatlOn that an ordmance of conSIdered thIS Government as "a compact of beasts had succnmbed to the Intense cold delegates to Washmgton MlCIllg

an remonstratmg agamst any change seceSSIOn had boen passed by LO\llslana As of States' He contended that Jefferson no orgaIiIc dIsease havlUg been dlscoveled Caper Hysmger Damel Dunmvan and

I the ConstItutIOn 1Ilr Bigler of Pennsyl to the ConventIOn he was not elected by and Jackson had avowed the rIght of Seces HIS wlf~ WIth proper conjugal affectIOn Damel Alberts truckmen whIle shovmg a t ~ t t 1 f th mourned Ius death and gave bu th two days hand cart three mIles east of LIttle Falls, lama presen e~ pe 1 IO~ 1;' avor ~ C e them and had nothlllg to do WIth thClr sion and he read COpIOUS extracts from theIr after her bCIeavement to a still born cub N Y Feb 7th were struck by a smgle en

( Ittenden resolutIOns roster 0 on actIOn He should not therefOi e obey theu wrltmgs and speeches to snstalll thIS POSI Althougl( the excellent and zealou. Superlll gme West Hysmger and Dunmvan u etl ut presented a memOrIal from the Cltl mstiuctlOns Mr Colfax of IndIana calJed tlOn He claImed that MadIson understood tendent '1of the Gardens has taken great wew killed Alberts has an arm zeus of ConnectlCu~ askmg for the passage up hIS bill authorlzlDg the Postmaster that the States could at any tIme renounce pams to presel ve the :ullmals comllJltted to broken lU two places and 18 otherWIse III


NEW YORK JU.RXETs-:f.BB 11, 1861 .dshu-Pots $5 06i Pearls ~ 12


lleur and MI!<IZ-:-Flonr $5 00@5 16 for superfioe Slate 5 2~5 30 for extra State "16@5 40 for loll' grades of estern 'eXtrll 5 60@5 60 for round hoop OhIO 6 70 7 10 for trade hrandt!. Rye Floor, S SO @4 io Corn Meal 2,,5 for We/!tern 300 for Jente1 S 50 for BrandywlDc

GraIn-Whmt $1 17! for ChICago Sprmg 1 22@ 1 24 for MIlwaukee Club 1 46 lor whIte MichIgan Barley 68@80e Barley Malt 85@9Oc Oate, S6@ 36e tor Canadian and WeEtern 36@S7~c for State Corn 65@65!c

Bay-85@90e ~ 100 lb. Prov,non.-Pork $13 00 for prJ me, 17 ~O for meu

Beel 8 7~@9 75 lor repacked meeR Dressed Hogs 7@71<) Butter 10@14c ror Ohio 14@18c for Slate 19@~2c lor fall made ChlfeMl 8!@IOc for Ohio 10!@llc tor State

S .... -Clover 7@8ie of the Border Stat"e resolutIOns Mr Fes General to sllspend postal faCIlItIeS m States tbe ConstItutIOn and such was the under hIS charge the mortality has been velY JUIed wIll recover It was snowmg DIJP. Se lIen of MaIne presented a. petItIOn m favor I large among the antelopes bltds and mOll and blow at the tIme and the men were RICHMOND-In Cuyler i\r:'y on the ntgbt of the

d where obstacles are lUterposed ~lr Branch standlllg of most of the States when t ley keys THe hIppopotamI are however though not seen the en weer 23<1 of Jan 1861 after a brief llloess Thankful, wlflJ 01 Jestormg peace to the country an pre- of North CarolIna opposed the bIll The ratified tbe Constltution natIVes df tropICal countlles Houllshmg The Dow bas been sentenced of ltoswell Richmond and e dest danghter of Mat-sClvmg the bond of our fathers Mr Shdell Postmaster General already has power to In the House tbe consIderatIOn of the re I by Judge III MIddlesex County thew lIud ElIzabeth Weil. aged 72 years 'lbe de

b d b th cl k h f A I ceased was born III the State of Rhode Island, an. % at Lou Slana sent to e rea y e er dIscontinue the laws lU such cases When port of the Comm Ittee of Thirty thl ee WI1S A E MOD ANTICIPATED -The St J o.eph N J to on the 4 t 0 pll With hel parentsremofcd to DeRuyter MIidiJIoIl Oil ,

the Oldlnance of SecessIOn passed by that the lo.ws cannot be enforced It would be resumed Mr Corwin of OhIO gave notIce (Mo) flatly Journal of the 29th nit says The says It was a solemn scene N l: when she was qUIte yonng She became t\ snD-::;tatc Altel VY L,ol. U"Rsrs SlIdell and Ben that he will not move to close the debate tIll I! rom wJbt we can leal n of tl e depth ot tl c moved as the Ject of dIVIne grace at tbe age of 18 years nud Ilt (S t f L ) did tIme enough to conSIder such a. measure as I snow In the upper re""l0 1 aud through t'rrc J dnty 'lhe Ihat tIme UOIted wuh the Seventh-dny Bapmt Cburch J nun ena ors rom OUlSlana e Ivel", th"'tno,"" pendmg Mr SICkles of New YOlk to morrow week III ordllr to gIve all gent e Mlssol'nl Valley weo can safely calculate boy hIS stolId IIldlffer ~:ee~ule~~llla:~b~o~~~~~~II~o~:t :dt~~h ufe:oh~sc II ell valedICtorIes The most Important defended III extended remarks refernng to men who deSIre a chance to speak Mr ha, Ill!;" one of tile hIghest Sprmg f1ses evel effort Will he made to band permanently located on a larm In tbe town 01

t ns of whIch are, perhaps the follOWing the SClZUIe of the mmts m LOUlSlana and m Vallandigham of OhIO offered propOSItIOns known I~ the M SSOUrI In every dllCCtlO1I hangmg Trnxton (now Cnyler) when they both became mem M SI d II d d b

bers 01 (be btlle "hluch In tbat place in the fellowship ttcred by r Ie, an concune m y Georgia Pendmg tlus questIOn the mornlIlg to amend the ConstItutIon by dlvldmg the and on very tIlbutaf) tbe snow hes to went mto a grocery at Mau of which bile continued to 1111l1li honored place at Ihe ~h Belldamm hour expIred The conSIderatIOn of the re UUlted States Into four sectlOns-tbe New the depth of from two to seven feet "" hen mee City to get a. dimk, on Wednes time of her decease The compamon and hW!band of

We WIll recogmze the oblIgatIOns of all port of the CommIttee of Thlrty tlnee was En .... l,aud and '1 ddl St te t stItnte tbls melts and- the Immense stleams of wa day IlIght and was not seen to come out her youth 'UlVlves and WIth a numeroW! fllDill1 01

" .u I e a S 0 con ter "orcc tllell 'vav throuoO"h Its only outlet Hid d <!-500 d th d y next children aud grandchildren expellenee n sad bereave-v stln,," treatIes-those respectmg the Afn h 1'. e lad Ie eIVe.., urmg ca. II: th .• resumed Messrs Hughes of Maryland one the NorthWestern States anotber t e theMlss"url me may look out to see much tl " db rnt mentmthedelLthofabelovedwhean mo er

cal slave trade mcluded We shall be pre- \II .. morlllll" Ie grocery was 10un u Tb,. B,sler evmced IJtj)rc thau an ordiua.,. degree of I1red to assume our Jilst proportIOn of the Logan of IllinOIS and :Moore of Kentucky, PaCIfic States another and the SolltheriI Ili ttre1,lqupm lands uverflowell and It Will amlm the Hllns Wille the charred rem aIDS Chu,t,so p,ety clltertamlDg very lowly VieWS of her

J.l It uual debt to account for the cost of all spoke m favor of the measure and Messrs States east of the RIO Grande another~these also try Ithe stIength of OUi Lreakwaters Kmg The two men who kept the store self sbe was always ready to exalt her Savltlur on tile forts lind other property of the Umted Tappan of New l' ork and Tllmble of OhIO sectIOns to be called respectIVely the Nurth which ollght to be stl engthencd tillS WID were mested and on the pmson of one whom she lenned for support and hoped fonalvatlon

te .J t b bl t eSlst the coming f d She waB strongly atlacned to tbe cburch of Chml, \:it 1tes whICh we have been compelled to lU opposItIon Adjourned h ,V th P fi d h S b 1 so as 0 cae 0 f $400 of the money wa~ oun zealons ID mamtalDlng the IDstitutioW! 01 religIOn, seIZe 1Il self defense 1f It should appeal that t e est..,e aCI \C an t e out flood 'Vm WIlkIDs a warm Southern Partisan and lalthlilln the use 01 wtaus adapted 10 promotu o [ share of Sl eh expenditureo has been FOURTH DAY Feb 6th SIXTlI DAY Feb 8th III a heated dISCUSSIon at ScwellsVllle OhIO spmtualrty of mIDd Sbe exblblted a benevolent feel g eoter than III other sectlOns, and, above In the Senate MI CrIttenden of Kentucky In the Senate ~Iessrs Seward of New SUM MAR Y last ,vcek shamed a pIstol and declared lUg toward all who rlfiected the dIVIne ~lrIt of her

.. .. Master and all snch lound a cordial welcome at her til w~ shall as well from the dIctates of presented a petitIOn [10m the cItizens of YOlk and Hale of New Hampshire, pre hIS leadllless to fight fOl the South, a com home I tt rll JustIce and the prlllClples of lUter Massachusetts III favor of the Cnttenden sonted petitIOns ftOm CItIZens of PhIladelphIa In the JllcI alow case tJ led at llelltOl N pamon asked to let 111m look at the weapon, Som tImes III heav ness of spirit through feKr ot 11

" as of pohtwal and geographl d J the Jury saHI We find that t CIS glllity I t marked that If those self;leceptlOn on tbe questIOn 01 per,onal Christian c I;IO~~ It~: and of mutual peCU\lIary Illter ICsolutlOns Mr Ten Eyek of New JelseJ askmg for the pIeservahon of the Ulllon nn of the robbery I harged 1Il the first count m ~nClcon,~~f~::~ng~~nt:~lents It was a good expemnce neverlhele". ber faith grasped tbe prow est~ ICC gmze the light of the luhabItants presented SIX petItIOns flOm the CItIZens of I the enforcement of the laws ~[r BIgler of the IIuhctn ent III the malllleI theJelll md that time to ueglll and puttlllg IllS pIstol to hiS ~~~:~c\:b~fbh~~eJt~~:~;~ ~~::~~t~!~t"::3t d:~n~~~ of tl e \ dlley of the MISSISSIPPI and Its trIb PhiladelphIa asklllg Congless to stand by Pennsylvama presented petItIOns III favor of the offence was commttted 011 loald the Ineast shot 111m dead ID thIS frame 01 mlDd she entered tbe dnlk valley aDd ItaJlCs to Its free naVIgatIOn We WIll the ConstItutlOlI Messrs Dixon of Connec the CrIttenden resolutIOns Ml 'Vade of Hloop Spray" Inch at the tIme was I) lIlg on Three drunken fellows demanded lIquor at met death dlBalmcd of ItA .t ngi and sweetly! lell gUllluutee to them a free mterchange of all tlCUt and BlglCI of Pennsylvama presented OhIO asked to take up the resolutIOn extend tI e water. adJOIlllug the State of ConnectI au eatlllg saloon at PIttsburg Pa, on Illes- a'~~~ :~;e~!'ie~as altended III DeRuyter (j~ S~hbatb l C1"rlC It'u al productIOns WIthout Import tax d cut between Norwalk harbor and Vi est d d f d b tl h did tb 1 " , petItIOns III favor 01 the Cnttenden Jesolu lUg the tllne for taklUg testImony IU legar cl cstel OOllnt~ III the State d New Y d ay an were re use ecause ley a pre Jm 261b A dleconrsewas de lYere on 20C aslon Iut) 0 toll of any kmd, the free transIt hons 0 f M B I I h f, M C k R ~I J vIOn~ly rehised to pay for drm!' supphed to by the wrller from John 14 1 2!J ThIS le*t was J I JUICIgn conn tiles of every speCIes of ne 0 r Igers petItIOns was tot epatent 01 c OlmlC s eapel I and at a pomt JI,c mlcs eastwald fom them Showmga quartel they saId they usedbyrquestofthc/nendB as part 01 t~eclulpter 1 mel rise subJect only to such regula from a fire company III Laucastel Pa or Fitch of IndIana read a protest of the Com Lyons Pomt 01 e and a half rrnlcti hom the would pay when tbey had the ~dnnks and In,t relld by the deceased not long ~~~~'!:~I:::'~I I S as may bc absolutely necessary for the gamzed before the adoptIOn of the ConstJtu mlSSlOllcr of Patents ao-amst m extenslOll of Connectlll:Ut 8hoIC at luw water IIIlllk Illd cUllunenced to smash the place The pro AlLEN-In Aust n Mower Co Mmn ,fan 20 h

[LUte lIOn of :my revenue system we may tlOn punted on alai c Amellcall flag i\[1 tune lIe moved that the resolutIOn be re then fill the 1 sa) that the delelldant IS not Pllet( r ",d bartender ~eat them off and one 1861 ofiafutmlDotlOn of the lungs and d'ptfierlB Eml t bl! I a d for l)urposes

of polIce As b d TI "mlty I the otliel counts III il e llIdwtment f tl I b dl d d Iy Almeda only daughler of Dr 0 aod Almcdll E es 1 U Foster of ConnectlC It plesente a petItIOn felleu to the CommIttee on Patents IC "'Iho "a"e 'VIII be Ii0Uglit lip 1 Jr lIg[lmc~+ 0 Ie 10Wlies was II y W Jun e ur St ell States of the L mon as may not I ~ 0 .~ A I d I tl d t Alie, aged U month. and 22 days nummoush Signed 11\ favor of the BOlder diSCUSSIOn was contlUued at some lengt b( 'ole a hlill bench at the March term of the new !Orse Isease IRS recen y ma e 1 s cI ase to umtc thea destlllles WIth ours we J " I tl f f C I INN Tbo lIt goue loved one Sf} soon to lest-I I b State I CoOlutlOllS 11[1 CamelOll of Penllsyl ~Iessrs Wade Seward Douglas and l:c COUl t a~ to JUllsdlCtlOIl It appear sf) liS al pe lrall( e on Ie arm 0 u one No mote thy IIlanf vo ce we !lbear sl 11 COli SIder them as we slIaI al ot er. Ir II II It Halsteld IlCal Newark N J It was hrst f I Ig I1tLOns- EncmIes III war III peace vallla presented petitIOns III fa,o! of the senden taklUg pElIt The lesolutloll w IS thnt tbe "apanese WI escapc a pellu IeS dlsce vCled \ week ago when four horses o~"air~'~~ ~~~;!'lh'.:'~~:~:~e~r~e~~eBsed Inca Is 'Ve Wlsh and we hope to p Irt ConstltutlOlI and enfolcement of the laws I then l)assed Yeas 28 Nays 18 Tbey ha'le IcallYI

convldlCjd Ilmt

01 IllliUlIlIJ WCle SCI zed With slmeung a~ If III a c1ull I I bl d " d d but havll. .... sto en an 0 coa WOl lone w t t em amICtt y, an so lar as epen S MI I essenden presented petitIOns flOm the In tbc House the Speakel plesellted tha dollar p" and all ot them died Wlthlll two days after )1 us the~ shall have no provocatIOn to cItIzens 01 Ma no pHI'llIg for sometlnug to 'less 'ge of the PJesldent mclosmg the cor w lid (Joloncl Halstead hag mstItuted a

I d t I co se J"' • 'lhe A~ I dl ke MaxlllIII II uf AustrIa W IS r h 1JU

Sl e a I S Ie nr be done to save tl C Umon rhe Plesldent s respondencc betweenlu/lIsclf and Col Hayne b d d I I d mrdlCllllllvestlgatwll 0 t () cause III tl cHouse, Mr WIlson of Indiana pIC neady 1I1ine to eat I III a I al lOa C:l.l 011 11 d ptl of SI10IV III N (W Hampshlle at

Message takr t li'p al J:M JohnS)ll con of South (Jarollllll hcfeued to a ::iele( t the 10lh ultlJllo He II Ilh JIl~ sUite had left Ie e 1 sentcd [I petItIOn flOm IndIana asl,lUg for Berhn bnt halt an hOIll "hen the saloun the pICsent tuue 18 allllJst unpalalleled C eluded Ins lemulkH f yc"terday COlllllllttee ofFl\e and ordered to be pnntcj ~Ica-U1elllCJlt" made of the quantIty fallen, II e adoptiOIl of the Cllttenden ompromlse SId" I I em rillge canoo-ht fill till ough the ovel heatmg ~

In the House the peaker al uelOlC t Ie I he House resulIled the consldeIatIon at t I show 11 It thelC have ueen allout sevent~ H 11 IS free to say he conld not vote for It of the hot a1l stm elite Il UI (~ fed b) com I House a message [10m the PI Cti dent mclos Iel or t or the U lmlIllttee of rIurty thlee 1f, IJIlstible matel ml8 Hpi e Itl I apull) lllel the 11 clles III /ill l11d tIavellUg IS very mncb ~r Bllggs of New York presented t 10 mc mg a resolutIOn flOm tl e Kentucky Leglsla Batton f ICllllessee contel ded With regard connectIOn WIth th othel clllrluges of the Impeded ]n 'Vesteln New York, also a

10 111 of se\enty two cItizens of Orange ture whIch asl s Congress to call a Nat! r al to the pllne pal questIOn at Issue namely ham was c It off COUlit De Bomhelle8 at v 1st ammI)t 01 ~now has fallen (ount) New Yotk III favor of the Border ConventIOn to amcIH1 the ConstitutlOl He Sla, Cly III the rCflltOlleS that that questIOn the pC! II of Ill~ htl clUIl 1 ered on t l the rut f After 11ghtlllg amI hUl tlUg each other i:ilat Compromise Mr Briggs sUld It was of the C:tlilia I' lid hiS cnes wele \t list se, clcly by throWlUg pIeces ot ICe on rues

In hea,ell we seem to See tlie uow WIth angels decked In robe" 01 glaCe

A .tor y crown adOlns thy b ow IH k radiant smiles Illume tby face

Theu rcst r Dot In thy crldle bed L NolOl thy mother s aching bleuBt­

But Willi lhe pure and holy !lead Set aug I tltb DIU"t be thy rest


A £ J.

Eph Manu ISS GrlBwold H W Randoll>h Wm f Langworthy W B GIllette R SUliman 1.hot!. FISher 1) P (JurhB Asher M I~uapp K (J B&rker Ii F Cbester E B SWlDney Jno W \:iorham L G Wit commends the propOSI hon t that cousllel 1 has b el deCIded IU fawor ot tbe South and Ilearcl I), tlle"nll 'IIIC ~IIvel 'I ho I IlmetlIate I day mormrlg two boys met 1D the afternoon a _Dod sign to see memorIals presented hCle U I ..' 0 -u h

~ tIOn wInch Its p ItrlOtlc H) llCe!l1l 11111 01 t slu, I) was entItled to pwtectlon m tIe Iy brought the halll to [I stand still 'Vlth at ~I ll~hfil)ld \ t and ICcommenced t e flOm cItizens IesldlIlg In the several dIstrIcts alice demand" het lied t I Rclect (J I hmt 1 \( H ~fI Kellogg of IllinOiS sall SOlllc dIfficulty the file "as cxtIngul,1 eu combat One stuck IllS Jackmfe III hlS op ~:n~IJi:~:~n~;[: ~!~I~!t:e~~ ~~ ~~: ~~~~rl:~~ III f1vor of compromIse by whICh a dlssolu mlttee of fi, e jh N IXOIl rf New JClsey that II the c untry IS to Ie S tH d p trtlCs WIth the [l.ld ot "lter md sno\\ poncHt" LIp, PerBonSBendmg money the receipt 01 w~h Ie no' tlOn of the countrv may be averted mtroduced a memollal d 1 500 CItIZens c f laud plltfol1l1s mtlHt be SUlik, IIllI !JIIIJed In HaHn H 1811118 e,caped flOm Auburn PlIlIee LtlUiS of Hesse Darmstadt the lU t~!Yo~~~~~le~ged shoutd give us early notice ot


Tn RD-DAY Feb oth New JCI SC) aRI I g tl e adoptIOn of the Ur t bhvlUlI lie crueu fm no par Iy aUlI no States pilson a r. w I Ight8 ag two cletec tended husband of the PrlUcess Ahce FOil Tn .. SABBATH BEWRDEII In the Senate MI 'Vade of OIIlO present tw",." wh" .knew bun went to .. b .. 11 in a Englaud II' des, nbed Ill! a

tenden lesulutlOns He was sat sficd tl at a .platiDrm >IJ. the .fac ... .,f the moooenrou3 en",rr nei-liborion tJ\\ n whcle It was Htud lIas mall With deCIded relIgIOUS F Chester HopklDton Rl $2 00 to vol 17 No 52 rl U f etltlOn earnestly requestlllg Cong,~ss Targe maJortty of the people of that Stilte 1 efOle them and 11l~ punclple 01 ,ctlOn III killS '1va~ t; be tI e convICt did not appear known at home lor works of Barker ~::P~~~~t:~ ~ gg :~ ~~ \ t Htanu firm by the ConstItution and k th~ deSIre Congress to act speedily on them thIS dread emergency woull be that the ani the aetectIvcs gave thclllsehcs up to Lencvolen9IJ Little Genesee 2 00 17 62 e lor cement of the laws MI Ten Eyc a The Bill mrelatlOn to tIll postal SeiVICe was Umlll must and shall be pleserved No pleaHure In a comer sat a PICtty mo lest Iwelltvlhe Cigar makers have str,llck Brookfield 200 17 52 .'iew Jersey nresented several petItIons of taken up amended, and passed 131 to 26 mattel at what abandonment d party OJ 1001 mg ~onng la Iy who atliacted the Ie work at New IpSWICh N H because theIr ~ ~~ ~~ ~ the same character Mr DIxon of Connect I The UlIlon men rc"o-altlm,," It as a Vlll hcatIon Illatfllm so long as tHole wonlJ be no ahlln tectIves attentlOll one of whom got I1ItlO cmployer lefused to discharge three colored E G CUrL'S ~ OU 11 52

f 1000 dUC'ed danced several tuues With hm and JourneYlllen who have wOIked fOl 111m sev JODS Babooek 200 17 52 cut presented a petitIon 10m over of the authollty of the Govemment Those dOllment of honol amI consCIence handed lim down to BUppCl the lady left eral ycal8 A 1 Glarke 4 00 18 38 cItIzens of ConnectICnt wIthout distInctIOn sympathizi Ig With the seCCSSIOUlsts ICgard SABBATH DAY F~b 9th early alld the mOllOp hZlIlg deteetlve hand An unseen pel ~Oll stlllck <\.d lph GUllzllOt ~ ~ ~~~;:;:n Sb,loh N J ~ ~~ g ~~ [ party, 1Il favor of the passage of the mg the measll C as lCCOglll7.lDg the light In thc Senate Mr Sewald presented pc- ed her to the sleIgh ~ext Illortllng It tUln WIth a club at ~t LOUIS as ha was entermg J P !tlten 600 16 52

BOldel rtate resolutIOns Mr Bigler of at d t~ actualIty of seces~1 n Both SIdes I tltlOns 1 I the settlement of the difficultIeS cd out tlmt tho yOllng lady,\as Rallll Ha~ Ins reSidenCe on Snnda) I1Ight lha fOice ~~~'~n fte~~vey WahvOlt. WIS ~ ~~ g :i

PenusylvanIa presented petItIOns 1Il f:wor of pleased ~h IV IJ slow (f N OJ th C:.l.l 01 nll of the countl J also the resolutIons of the kIDS of the blow was tClll ble stnkmg blm to the Eh DaVIS ~ 00 17 52 the passage of tbe CrIttenden rosol\ltlOn. alluded to the fllct that ConlllllsslOllels flOllll Lep, slatUie of New l' ork Mr Cntteuden A httI~ SOil 01 Jonas Graham III the s uth glOund and knockmg out half hIS teeth Wm M Saunders Alfred 2 00 17 52 1[r ( ImelOn of Pennsylvama presented pc fiftcen States "Ole now III \Vaslllngton en pIe ented memollals of Citizens of Kentucky easteily palt ul OxfOid Mass came Ilelll vVhlle h~lplessly drunk at Buffalo on Sat J C Burdick 00 i~ ~~

h C t " loslllg tus Ide a few days Slllee n a lemarl mday Cathellne OlOnyn fell from her chall iVh~~: :111~te~1! d Ccntcr 1 ~~ ~1 62 htlOUS m favot of standmg by t e onHtI u deavOIlDg to adjust the uatlonal dIfficultIeS mfa, 01 (f the Cr It euden resolutIOns 1Ih able mariner He was accom)lanylllo IllS fa her n'eck rcstlllg on a washtub 'Vhen Phlhp S Green 2 00 11 26 tllU Mr ~igfall of Texas offered a resolu ,PendlllO" then delIbemtlOns the House ought Kmg pIC~ented petltIOlls of CitIZens of the ther abont thc barnyaHI and while leamng found an hour attCl by her husband and Joseph Edwards 3 00 17 52 hon mqn)l1rtg of the Ple~ldent why troops to pnrs7Ie a comse of mastedy maetlv ty I State of New York ealnest1y remollstratlllg ovC[ the fence watclllng some SlY ne a ltmg fathCl she was dead " ~JIio BurdICk 2 00 17 6,

I f d th " t t th ri he lost hIS balance and fell mto the yard Ira B Crandall 2 00 11 52 were concencrare III IS lJJS rIC ell um and III tins connectIOn he alluded to the a~alllst allY legislatIOn for extendmg slavery He was ImmedIately attac1 cd by one of tho A gIrl dIed of atrophy at Dover Ezra P Crandall 2 00 17 62 bm aud if :erestlDed for speCIal service! and lfillItar.1 dIsplay of mCIcenanes alOund the III the Terlltones The CommIttee of Con swme and notwlthstandmg 1m; cnes and Satlllday She was well grown and W:h~ lj~~~rck ; ~~ ~~ ~~ If so fUl what servICe LaId ovel 'lbe capItol as calculated to produce IllltatIon ference on the Defic1Cncy BIll WCle (lis the efforts of Ius father who hastt!ned to three ye31s ago at 11 yeals of age, but has Wm D Burdick HornellSlllle 2 00 17 62 L 1 II t k MI Pe

orce of I I Id TI hIS asslstallcc It was "ome tlnle be~ole lie gradually ,bsted "vay so that he! corpse Scbuyler Wb,tford \.lmond 2 00 17 52 oan II waS a en up ~ UI Hallis of VlwmJa saId that Ie S 1011 charged they hem" unable to a"o-ree It: 0" I ds 26 f th b II" "could bl1 lescued He was consldCl ably wClghed on y 39 poun D F Langworthy Andover 2 00 1~ 1[[lryland advocate(1 the pasrage 0 e I use every exer tlOn lU h s power to preseL ve N a, al ApproprIatIOn BIll was taken up and mangled about the alms and head but Will 'lhe great Bergen TunnelIs at length Wm B Clarke 4 ~ 17 g;

[\R neccss[hy for the support of the Govern thIS GovelD~nt He was for U mon now passed when the Senate atlJoU! lied tIll undoubt~dl recO\ er flOm h S lllJUlles The pleted and the event was celebrated -.day ;;~h~n ~vCI::k~e Independencc i 00 ;~"2 I~rllt He disclaImed tl e Idea that the even bleedlll Oln and shattered as It IS Second day h ll!meehately kIlled last week by the Long Dock Comp. and Jerewtah Clarke 2 00 17 52 ! d ~ og was thel! guests JJ M. Clarke 4 00 11 oj lUO ley wonld be usc 101 Wa! purposes The calamIties Illcludlllg CIVIl wal, attend In the lIouse, Mr Cochrane offered a reso 'rhe Abson pOlsomng case III New Jelsey I: M J C Bassett 36i 11 52 The Gbvernment or UIlIon eould not be pre lUg and fOIlOWmg adlssolutJOn bear P.qullUy lulion dlrectmg the SeCletary of the Treas has rcsulited IU the conVictIOn of Mr Abson The U~lOn maJollty lU VIrginIa on LntherGreen 400 17 62

d I t tiOI nlurdel In the first degree m prodnClng day of I}lst week IS estImated at 40000-a Wm B Green Jr 2 00 17 52 sell cd or restored by force, an tIe amonn on both sectIOns and to each they are bound Illy tOJnfolln the House whether and what the death of hIS WIfe by pOison 11lls lU hard hl6w for secessIOn B B Livermore 4 00 17 5% of tillS loan was nccessary for the ordmary less He urged the Repubhcans to accept mformatlOn had been receIVed by the de volves death m that State When the ver The Texas ConventIOn, It IS saId has ~:a~~n~t~rke ; ~~ ~i ~i worklllg of the government lU tIme of peace the Crittenden propOSItIOn Let the fnends partment wlatlve to the lecent alleged dICt was pronounced the pll"oner exlllblted passcd an ordlllanee of seceSSIOn by a large Barney Crandall 2 00 17 62 \fter dISCUSSIOn the bIll passed -'The Presl of adjustment and Ulnon stand fiun and ollr selZUle of New York vessels at the port of the film sIgn of tlCpldatlOn tbat he has mam maJoIlty L G WItter WeIl5VIlle 2 00 18 18 tlent s message was taken up Mr Johnson troubles wIll yet be settled Mr Maynard Savannah and If seIZed by whom and by fesEed dhrmg the tnal HIS face flushed Judge Black now Secretary of State has W'~rIg :1~~~1 ~ ~g ~: ~~ of Teunessee made an able speech III behalf of Tennessee advocated the Cnttellden plO wliat anth~nty Mr Pryor of Vlrgmla stJO" and hIs restless demeanor gave eVIdent symp been nommated ASSOCIate Jusbce 0hf the Silas G Bhven SCIO 2 00 17 52

f " toms of anxiety Sentence Will be pro U mted States SupICme Conrt to fill t e va- WID. BeoJalDl1l 2 00 18 22 f the Umon and agamst the doctrme 0 posItIon He appealed to the RepublIcans gested that mqullyalso be mclndei as to nounced on Tuesday mormng at ten o'clock caucy occaSIOned by the deatb of Judge LemanAndrns Richburg 20P: 17 52 lull ficatlOn ana :secesslOn wluch he con to attempt no coelCIve polIcy wluclt would any plOperty belongmg to GeorguJ, bemg None of the famIly or relatIves of tbe<puson DaUiels Edwin namels 2 O~\ Ii :~ s Imed II natIonal heresy He denounced be lneffectnle unwIse and attended onl,)' by arrested or seized by the State or CIty er were present when the fatal veHhct was It tUIDS out that Mr Buchanan bolds tu~e~=S:~:tvll1e ~ ~~ \ f7 62 1 scvele terms the seceSSIOn dlSUIllOIllSts of eVil The moment such a war commenced authontJes of New York Mr Cochrane had announced $3000 of the State Bonds whIch were stolen SIlas Burdick 2 00 'I I \ 17 52

the South and the abolItIOn dlSUUlOUlStS of the whole South would make common canse 1\0 objectIOn If such mformatlOll was m .A. petItIOn has been presented to the 11m frolIl the Department of the Intenor Gl'O Iflsb 2 00 I l17 ~~ the NOlth as both workmg for the same Mr Wells of New Yoilc saw no present possessIOn of the TreasUIY Department The nesota Silnate from twenty or thIrty SIOUX The Umted States Revenue Cutter LeWIS Mr~ MM!s~~D1S Little Genesee ~ ~~ g 1

52 Th P d t I Indians askmg the LeglslatUlc to grant Cass at MobIle has been captured by the T B Brown 1 2> \ 17 52 Iud and they were allies e resl en escape from a dIssolutIOn of the Umon ts resolutIOn was thus amended They had a them al~ the fights of CItIzenshIp They secesslOUlsts Eth L h {$1 00 forT J GlddlU~ ~ presented a message from the PreSident of preservatIOn must be fonnd m a change of number of debates and speeches whl n the sta~ed th~t thev had adopted a number of The Umted States Senate has passed a an nnp ear 1 00 I D t'launders the Ulllted States, statmg that he had re sentiment In the two sectlOlls now as Wide House adJomned customs an vogue among the whIte snch as bIll to pro~lde a Government for the Teul OLARKE ROGERS Tr lII!arer C!)I\ ed flOm the GovelIlOl of Kentucky re- apart as the poles He deprecated CIVIl war weaung ~antaloons, hvmg m houses usmg t01y of Col rado _ f---

WOMAN CHILD AND HORSE KILLED -A cor kn d Ii k b t nt WIth the c solutIons makmg applicatlOll to Congress to hnt would use no more force agamst the tves aill or s emg con e W H EEL E R & WI L SON'S d h respondent of the Tribune wntes from "Vm possessldn and control of one WIfe bemg SPECIAL NOTICliIB

C III a ConventIOn to present amen ments to seceded States than was necessary for t e cbendon, Worcester Co Mass, Feb 4 18Gl wllhng tb earn theIr blead by the sweat of SEW I N G MAC H I N E S I H d t Jr d d hIm f h t Wh S th C d .-... AsIIE 11 K!lAPP WIshes hiS correspondents to t e ConstitutIOn e sal 1 allor e IIlterests 0 t e coun ry en ou ar On Feb 1, a tragIC scene was enaete on thmr brows' total abstinence from mtoxICat- adrr;Es blm t Little Grant Grant Co WIt!.

great pleasure to perfolm thIS duty, and olma was hungry he would give her bread, the Cheshue RaIlroad, m FItzwillIam N 1I mg IIqllfb regular attendance upon stated I

felt confident that Congress would act WIth when nake'd gIve her clothmg and If she about four mIles flOm the Massachusetts preachmg « ___ QU.ilI~,!lRLY 1IEETIN~BY leave of Provtdence h I tli 1 ' d' h h If hne As Mr Alonzo Damon Wife and Elon At I' d (M ) A B Beale meld the Qnarterli Meet ng of the Scott Preston and as ca eful conSideratIOn, to w 1C I e leSO U shonld come back, he woul meet er a (the latter three years of age) of Hubbard .,aymon ~ ISS 8Oo,ate chnrches Will convene With tbe Church ID De

tlons are entItled on account of the paulOtle way and kill the fatted calf t!.nd make musIC ston Mass were returnmg from a VISIt to elly man blew hiS brallls out WIth a shot Ruyter on Sq:th day the 22d of the present montb at I v gun Ht;l diCd almost mstantly leavlllg no 20 clock P MEld DaVid P Curbs WIlB appointed


Offioe No 605 Broadway Ne;v York

~ JUrce flom WhICh they proceed as we I as on her retUin Adjourned fflends m FltzwIlham at a laIlroad crossmg, wntlllg or clue to hIS reason for tClmrnatlllg to pleaoh the l~tlOdllctory dlEconrse and Eld Job n the great Importance of the subject LaId FIFrII DAY Feb 7th Mr D suddenly dlscovCled 11 down freIght hIS eXIstence other than expreSSIOns made Clarke nlternl.te D P CURTIS Clerk on the table AdJoumed In the Senate ~ff Thompson, of New Jer tram approachmg and qUIte near hIm Hop a day or two befUle IllS death to an acquam Feb 3d 18tH This Repor~ was 10 accordllnDe with the preVIons

In 'lie House Mr Taylor of LOUISIana sey pICsented se, era1 petItlOlls III favor of lllg to clOsds lllfsafety he utrhgedhon lust horsed' tance Havlllg been a volunteer ID IllS na W Tb I awards at the t

• H I but lostea 0 crossmg corse urne St .1 (M I d) th war f 1812 JjJifr QU!UTEaL~ M~ETISG IN ISCON8IN l nex FAIl!. OF TIIB UNlTl<D SUTg~ AGRICULTUII'6.L BOCIJiTT

, Tb,s MlIChlDe wakes tbe LOClt-sTITCU' and ranka blghest on account of elMtlClty permauence beanly, and general desll'&bleD<!SS of the slitchlDg wben done and the WIde range of Its applrcation -RplJl't (f Iht Amencan Inllibd. New York

sent to tile clerk" table the LOUlSIalla Ordl the CrIttenden resolutIOns e a so pre- down the track at the same tIme overturn tIve ate aryan III e 0 Quarterly M~etlQg of the Churc!IeB ID Rock, Dane " f I Lit f' he frequently gave utterance to hIS strong and Walworth Counties WIS. Will be held WIth the .. t the fairs of the I anee of SeceSSIOn whICh was lead Mr sented the lesolntlOns 0 t Ie egIs a ure 0 mg the sleIgh Mr D was thrown ou~slde attachm~ntfol hlB countly and for the Umon Churcilof AlbIOn eommenclOg on the p.vcnIng of Sixth

!aylo[ said It was Jlot only proper for the New Jersey He contended that the mstmc the track and thus escaped serIOus m,J1Jry, of the States and declared that he could not day before the tblrd Sabbath ID Fehrnary (1Mb) 1861 Inte ~"t f t d b t fior the comfort and tlOn8 m the resolntlOns wele the- real views but Mrs D and her s m were thrown npon lIve to sec a sundeled Umon ami a CIVIl war OpenlDg d scourse by Eld V TH~I B S

., sora e u I f tI St te the track and lllstantly kIlled l:ly.Jhe engme ABIl.OCI( eo y I app ness of the mass of the people and of the mllJollty of the peop e 0 IC a Mrs D was earned under the tram some A knaVish hack drIvel at ChICago hav ~ lU IIIkllld tllat If separ atlOn IS to take place, and that a State had a Ilght to lIlstrnet her twelve rods to a b"ldge where she fell lUg to dnve an old lady abotlt a mIle to the fll#" TUR ExKcurrVE BO.l-RD of the Seven -day

H • d d 1 h' t BaptIst North Western A,soClabou Will meet a AI· It should be peaceable To-morrow, prob- SenatOiS who should obey or resIgn e through The upper part of her head was hO/lse of hel frIend persua e ler t a. I blOn Feh 11th 11161 8t 8 0 clock A M 1 f N J e df II 1 d h t h t t was four mIles as he had to take a CHcmt T E BJ.ncoci Seey ably another State wIll go out of the Umon thought the peop e 0 ew ersey wer drea u y mang e el s olIlae om ou, to avo!(li a broken bridge Drwmg het ~

HIS remalks were mterrupted by questIOns never more III earnest than they are now, In and one arm broken d The dbot'Y s headk

wadS about the "Ity for an honr he set her down f I S I h ~ severed from hIS bo y;, an us trnn an ~ and ohJectlOlls to a gentleman who was not the opmlOn t Iat the out I ave canse lor I b h k I a I I 'The horse at the hO"se of her fllend who

J d 1m s were B oc mg y III ng e( I_ I member making 1 dlsumon speech In complamt and that some gllarantles shoul crossjld the brIdge (about forty feet long) formed of the charge he had made

Co ICltlslOIl he saId that on the first attaek be gIven them Tbe Umon could not be on the sleepers WIth the sletgh whclI the to cany the luggage mto a dark 011 the South the people there would come preserved by blows and bloodshed He de engme stmck him kIllmg andmanglmg the ed hIm lJj and I,ept him thele till

1 d I al and makmO' a wreck of the 81e1gh fnnded $2 50, by slippIng the eash to the resque Includmg VJrgmls, NmLb pICcated CIVIl wal aD! rna e an appea to amm '" d Cal Jlin o Tennessee, and MissourI, and a save the UnIOn by concessIOns on,both SIdes Brams Hesh, bones blood, and remnants of 001

•• c10thmg were strewn along the track and Damel Petkms beggeq a nurnt's CIVI! war Will result the hke of whICh JIIS Mr Collaruer of Vermont presented a pc- blood drIpped from the locomotIVe after It at a Bos~on police statIOn, tory does not record Mr Taylor then bade tltlOn \from the CitIZens of Vermont, ask stopped It was hOrrIble I last, bavllDg' walked that geutlemen farewell Mr Bouhgny of LoUIS mg Cqngress to adopt an amendment to he had fr6zen hiS feet When

from a letter writ

poin~!treet N Y 10 the ~i~j!~i~:;~:,~:~~;i~: ot tbe PIerre-and !peaks medlcloe,


lalla asked the priVIlege of making an ex the Cons!ItutlOn SimIlar to the Border States EFrEdTS OF THE COLD UPON TROPICAL :BEASTS ~1~~St:e:lge portlOll of the plauation :&Ir LovejOY of IllInOIS, who had propositions Mr Cameron,ofPennsylvaIlla, -The weather m England has Peen lIltense _________ .. _ ........... __ --'--'

American Institute New York MechaniCS Assoc .llOn Boston I Frankhn Institute PbJladelpbl1\ ,MetropoliliUl MechanICS Ioshlnte Wa/illlbgton ){echaDlcs Institute Baltimore MechaDlcs .AssoCiatIOn Cmclnnah Kentncky Institute LOllIsvllle Mechanlcsl A'ssocmtlon St. LOlllP MechaniCS Institute, Sau FranCISCO

at the State fali's of MaIDe Vermont Connecticnt New York New Jersey Pennsylvanla,

and at hnndreds of

VIrgInia lltssi@8'I?PI ){ulSonfl Oh\O Indlanll Iowa


Tco\ll!SBee, IlIlDoIs, Kentttcij\; )(Icblgap WiawonBlII; Call1orm&,


I ~



~. n paper must necessanly advance from the beyond the reach of pIgments andmyonly I'IANOS LOCAL AGElIITB FOR THE REcbRDEB rStt ane.ous mcreaslDg scarcIty of rags unless some regret connected wIth the house IS that I from Crecy STODA-RD &; MORRIS NEW YORK • new mode of manufactuflDg It IS brought was persuaded by the representation and Agmconrt down and In Manufacturel'l! New York. Ada17l8-Charles Polter Port. lie-A B Crandall ===================1 reqUISItIOn "ThIs bemg the case the mechamcs to 11S& any pamt at all kermalln and the Brit sh confessedly are Warerooms 506 Broadway Aljred-O D Langworthy Poland-A,/Je181i1 nan

C L T U B A L b h b t fi d I E I Opposite SI N cholas Hotel Alfred 0. B W MIllard Praton-t. C Maxson A G B I U a ove mventIOn should It be cuccessfiul WIll tees e peop e m urope n our own N V Hull P~ L. H " f Grand ~quare and Piccolo Pronounced by Pro- ",e '011rg- Clarke DESTRUUfION OF rOSEaTS prove of VItal Importance to paper manufac FRESCO PAINTING country the men 0 the mountalDS or the fesso1'i! Amateurs and over 16000 famll es who have Ak on-A A Lewis R eMu gl-J B Co I ell

The wholesale destructIOn of our noble turers and corn growers The UUlted States Pamtmg In fresco takes Its name from be bOIder~ are II peculIarly stalwart race and theIb In u~e to be the best plano manufactured ~rook~BR:~ 11man ~ta e B .dUe J Pa male forest trees whICh IS constantly takmg place IS essentially the corn field of the world Ing executed upon the last coat whIle It IS the relliSon IS not merely that they lIve so Every Instrument warranted perfect and offered

tf (Je~! n Geo S C:~~~:l1 «':!:: .~ .• ~ BEMFl<SO~ h t b th d d

:1.. th 0 r but al b th -t the lowest pr ces and on accommodat ng terms. - .." • .u,-U(ff_ nnk through the wmter mont s canno e 0 er an if the husks whIch are now consldere freshly laId and st II wet whICh the plaste! mucu m e pen al so ecause elr" DeRuyter-B G St IIman Scolt-J JJ Cia k Wise than a source of regret to everyone almost worthless for feedmg or other pur er puts un when fin shmg a room Th s food IS so nutrItIOUS It IS I ot worth our & G I B B S Grntlanda-D G Burd ck So B 000 'eft 1d-lI..A Ilull Almost every farmer seems to have a poscs can be turned to account m the above last coat IS composed of finely sifted nver while 110 mqUIre what sort of dIet It IS that Genesu-W P Langworthy Verona U M Le" ~ Slim for clearmg hIS woodland WIthout manner a vast source of revenue WIll sand and lIme mIXed In certa n proportIOns produces these results? Why IS the Eng Indepen ~ \ ~r~~~:!re mll!~t ~ J Jla~~~ matmg the real value accrUIng from It or to our country smce we sl all be able to The well known tendency of lime thus used IIshman Iltronger than the Frenchman ~ The $30 $30 Lronarchvilk-- A M Wesl Wa.t.on~D P WI 1 ama lookmg forward mto the future when a supply the world WIth paper mater als to ImbIbe water and harden gIves Its pecu solutIOn IS that a JUdICIOusly mIxed dIet IS .Nile-E R CIa ke West Edmulon-E Maxson scarcIty of fuel wIll be the result of hIS pre TESTING EGGS lIal character and durablhty to fresco The more favorable to vIgor and long life than SEW I N G MAC H IN E S COm'EUf CUT sent prodIgalIty Dr G HartWIg the eml As long as fowls contmue to rece ve so ilt colors bemg ground m water and mIXed ole 61relf aUlmal r ;egetble ~nd Jhat Remark~ble for ts 8 mpl c ty .Mys lJrulye-S S GnHwold I Wa erMd 0 Max n nent German wnter has devoted consldera tie attent on through the wInter "'ODtha they WIth I me when apphed to thIS B Ig t y °b eagmouhs 00 IS etdter

b tte to Has ev dent po nts of super or ty as a Fa Jim Iy ~a RHODE mUND bl t t

h b t h t ... d th h gIve Wlelg t to t e person an eauty to ch ne over all others -Ph larlelphUl Even fig ourn... lsla. kin! ~ CIa k I R lev U L M e space 0 IS au ~ec m IS recen cannot be expected to lay and ft therefore surface become lDcorporate WI t e the form than one of a dIfferent character _ JAMES WILLCOX Manufacturer 2dH~kiil::::'-F Be:; P':wcat:i: S P ~o hnlanl work from WhICh we gIve a few extracts becomes necessary to pack away a wlDter's water and sand of the-plaster and when Ph~ladhlphta Ledger tf 608 Broadway N Y NEW JERSEY

Forests always cool the nelghbormg at supply of eggs Thongh care n pack ng they are not to be dissolved agalD by water _,...--'_+' ---:--=:--C-:::-::--::-:::-:=-=-=---:--7--

mosphere for theIr fohage offers an Immense may prevent many from spo lmll'i yet a few although mternal damp w II In tIme have GODEY S LADY S BOOK FOR 1861 :ia"!.,,:~~!:~sD~;:·:I8hiloh-~aB ~1s1 te warm radIatIng surface so that the vapors wIll almost '1ecessardy become worthless the most lDJUlIOUS effects the bases of fres WO~DERS OF CHEMISTRY -SCIence IS full of For tb rb-..one years Godey a Lady s Book has been v~ Marlhor'Z:J C Bowes readIly condense above them and descend Of the many Ij'lethods made use of to detect co and the colors th s become Inseparable wonder but chemIstry IS the sCIence of won the Standard Magazlle for 1ad es III Amer ca Its P£NNSYLVANIA "-m showers at the same time thEl'lr roots these bad egf41 we th nk the followlDg IB and posItIvely harder than stone ['he ra ders The folIowmg from Lyou Playfalr 62d aud 6:)d volumes for the Jear 1861 wIll contain Or088lngv Ue-B Stelle I Hebron G W S II nan loosen the SOli and the success ve fall ng of the best Havmg taken them mto a dark pldlty WIth WhICh th s coat of plaster wI¥h~h~~:~s~~~I~~Z dropped m the streets !!f!fd!~:e~~~~~~gpr.:~~~ti4 af'I~:,~f5~~~~r;: VIRGINU their leave-S forms a thICk layer of humus room hold them between tl e and an ar plesents however to the operator one d th d I t ffi h fi 12 steel Engrav ngs 1200 wood Engravoogs and 780 Lo.t Oteek- Woo KcuI\edy 1 G B/} ~ lv.p. .. +> Ph whIch has an uncommon power n attl act ng t fiClal I ght of some those the greatest d fficult. es of the process Only urlDg e al y ra c reappear III t e orm articles bi the beBt anthora n Amenca And a11 th s N: M"aUon-J 1i' R"a<lolpb C,'up 8 6:t<Jre-Zebu 0 Bee and retaInIng mOIsture The r tI ck canopy eggs whICh are sh ne so much of tlie plaster must be laId on liS of swords and guns The clIppIngs of the W II be fu~ shed at tbe following extremely low ,.,.te. oi!lo of verdure also pre, ents the rays of the sun w th a reddIsh wh ch the pa nter can cover and complete III a por travelIng tInker are mIXed WIth the parmgs cash m adfance Jac/c$rm Cenltr Ell Forsythe from penetrating to the glOund and absorb ale bad havIDg WIll t on of a.. pIcture m one day J Olmngs are of horses hoofs from the smIthy or the cast- T~:: :~:!eso~:!;~~r $~6 Two cop es one year $5 WISCONSIN mg Its humIdity Thus the SOlI dn d

wh clhl appear opaque or dark A few tnals w II therefole unavo dable and some lDgenUIty °tff twoflen g~melts of d the poo~est In~abl FIve COl! es one year and an extra copy to the per Albion P C Burd ck Edgerlmi J C Rogers

forests stand IS constantly saturate w t convmce anyone of the feas blhty of thIS IS necessary to conceal them an s a a SIS r IS e an soon a erwar m son send n~ the club mak ng s x cop es $10 T F West Milton-Joseph Goodr ch water and becon es the parent of peIremal method Most of the egg dealers of thIS Only those colors can be used whICh light the form Off dyes

l ofdbnghtesTthblue grace Eight c~ples one year and an extra copy to the Berllll Datus E Lew s Ui ca Z Campbe

sources and nlls that spread the fC! tlhty far c ty make use of It for detect ng bad eggs WIll not act upon 0 lIme deteriorate TI e the t es: Of t'h°urt! :hesh lIe mam 1: pe~I~~::fo:~t~:;~~~rm:!~n~Dl::;~Pc~~y$~~ the Dakot~1 J'~:!ail H WW~!~~~PhA. C Ba d from tbe spot where they o~ glDate f :Ii t and they Decome so skIllful at t as to be fresco pa nter IS therefore lImIted to a few gre Ie; ObI en~~ p;\ of thC br~k; h~I; person setng the club making twqlve copIes $20 LUNO S

The raID attract ve ID uence u 1 orbes s able to test upwards of a hundled per pigments whICh are prmCIpally was p sldslb y °b Ir Th be nf

d 0d Any pe on havmg sent a club WIll have the pr v Farm nglmi-.--_ I Souiluzmnl"n_T Saund"r dId not escape the attentIOn 01 Co um us I tb d +1 ... ' an 0 ecr ar e e ones 0 ea of ad ng one or more cop es at the Bame club """"

mmute co ors or ear s an consequell...., II Is Id th h f t t t fIr. .~-:---=-::--:---~-:---"7C~-:-:--who .ascnbed the frequent showers whIch hue The blue IS the only brIll ant color Dlma Yle e c e cons 1 uen 0 uc er THE CAROL A Collect on of or gmaL refreshed and cooled the aIr as he saIled FARMING IN 1860 fr~sco The blacks and grays WhICh are matc~~ b ;~e drelfs of P'Jt ~ ne caJefullr and selected Mus 0 and Hymns for the use of al~ng the coast of Jama ca to the vast ex I f nearly all dellved flOm ammal and vegeta. reJech "y te ~or wIDe rmter In becahn Sabbath Schools Soc al ReI glous Meet ngs and Fam d d f th d th t d" e have conquered the hard sten ty 0 f ng IS lavon e "everage are aien y 1m lies Comp led by Luc us Crandall 128 pp 00 te t an enslty 0 e woo s a covere 0 r lands n the scantmess of thelr natural ble substances have proved very ugltl'l'e th th fi f dl tz PrIce 35 cents per copy the mountalDs of that Island On th a occa h LIme as already remarked IS mixed WIth ldn e

t morn ng m

th efti ortm a f She! dl b pO'hv b d h I th t ~ product ons and strewed theIr surface w t I I d I era a remove e e ec SOlS e auc Tn OAROL Is designed pnnc pally for Soh!;a L

slOn e mentIOne n IS Journ!l a or teemmg I arvests once thought almost 1m the colors but hme Itse f IS a 90 use a one Th ffi I f th t t d th h f SPEC L CLUBBING WITB OTHER MA.GA.ZINES chools and contamsMn8lc and Hymns adapted to all merly ram had been equally abundant on poss ble fo tbem to y eld wh Ie our enter as a p gment for the lights the presence elo a 0 e s ree s ;~I e was dng t~ Godey s.ILady a Book and Arthur s Home Magszme rdinary occaatons and to snch apec alocc{\8\ons as Le Maderla tne Canar es and Azores before pr s ng C t zens have d semboweled our hIlls and With the 1 me rendel ng the plaster coa g~s reappeal care II y preserve m e bolh oni )'1!ar for $3 50 81ckness of teachers funerals anniversanes &c A the r shady forests were felled or b r t by and m0unta ns of the r mmerals and turned ground of del cate half tmt From the pow lady s smellmg bottle or are used by her to Godey s Lady s Book and Harper.8. Magaz ne both ~:!':~ro~~~e~:e~ ~~~~:~:~ll:~:; ~~~:~c~~:3 ~ the mprov dent settlers The wanton de out water courses mto a man pulat ng power of absorpt on I ttle force of ahadow 1S flavor ~lanc-manges for her fr ends one year r. r $4 60 the book It contaIns 93 Innes and 150 hymns t t f woods

has enta led b bl f :l th d th Godey 6 Lady s Book Harper s Magsz ne and Ar Ord h Id b -'dr d t th G 1 A s ruc IOn 0 er whICh m Ihons of sledge hamme sand 0 talDa e n resco compare to e ep h ers s on e.... esse 0 e enera gen t ned n formel t mes for b h P s W N B H H S N fa t ur s Ho e Magaz ne one year ,6 00 GEO B UTTER No 5 Chatham Sqnare on coun rles renow more than m 11 ons of splDn ng wheels and lind transpare cy of OIl pa ntu g ut t IS ARI IAN ASH A D AT OUSE - 0 The abo e s the only way we eau club w Ih "Har

the r fert I ty The mounta ns of Greece looms dl ectkld only by human hands could but defiCIency IS more than compensated for mlly dloes Its own washmg m Pans To per s Ma z ne THE AMERICAN SABB~TH TR~CT SO were covered w th trees dur ng the great fa ntly wo k m,.tbelr product ve power our mternal decorat on by the far greater lUll belp th/l poor the government has long hnes The mrmJv mu t all be 8ml at one I me for any of (he CIETY publishes the follOWIng Tracts wh cb a e epoch of ~er h st~):y and the well watered agrlC Ilture has s iently yet stead Iy pro nousness of~color m fresco and u breadth of float ng wash hal ses along the banks of (Jluh8 for a at Its Depos tory No 6 Chatham Sqllare N 1 d b b d t

Ii t d s sta ned a th dd S W t h 1 k Noles 011 all solven! banks taken at par an ore a un an ru s au u greseed In Improvement Our fathers delv of br ght peaIly effect e evC!r mu y eIne a er w ee s wor A 8J>ec 1111" w II be 8ent drlftt ro any person mak ng (h, Y v z large populat on b t man recklessly la d d did h h I II h ed by ~he rap d current pump the water r m" t No I Reasona for ntroduc ng the Sabbath of he waste the so rces of h s prospenty Along e Ian to fie I

Wlt duncbout too s tl ng t e mto troughs and there are bo lers for heat 'We can always supply back numbers for the year Fourth Commandment to the cons deratIOn of th W th the Woods n any brooks and rIvulets SOl Imper ect y an 0 ta n ng un ess n Ie SPIKING CANNON t Th b Id h d as tbe work Is stereotyped Chr.t an Public 28 pp markably favorable loc i tIe small c p Ing 1 ese u ngs ave a secon story No 2 Moral Nature and Scr ptural Observance 0 d sappeared and ceased to water the parch W b h d f a s d lOS The P ttsburg Dispatch con tams the fol for drymg-apartments WIth open slats and Club snbscnbers W 11 he sent to any post-office whe e the,sabbath 62 pp

ed pIa ns The ra n gradually washed the e k tYh t e lalb tOt ImWprove lImp ements low ug mte estmg mformat on also art ficmlh heated rooms The smalIest the subscriber may re8Jde No 3-Author ty for the Change-of the Day of the d wor e sal e er e app y 0 r man Th h d f k J Suhscr hors n the Br t sh ProvlDces who send for vegetable earth from the BIdes of the nake ele IS no met 0 0 Spi mg a cannon charge IS made and a happIer set of chatter clubs mu~ rem t 36 cents extra on every subscnber Sabbath 28 pp h lis and condemned them to ster I ty When ures WIth more system dlStr b te them over whICh WIll forever prevent Its use If the boxes IS not to be found on tl e earth Bath to pay the Amer ean postage to the I nes No .[ The Sabbath and Lord. Day 0 h story tbe snow of the mounta ns began to tI aw a wldel surface plow our lands deeper cuI sp ke IS made of Iron 01 unhardened steel It Ilg IS I!Jlovlded for by SImilar floatmg struc- How to RElI T -Procure a draft Ifposs hIe fnot N~h~lr fb~~ s~~~ ~!~:a~bri;~~n Church 52 'pp under the warm b eath of sprmg It was no tlvate them more skdlfully and obtam of may be removed b) the dnll Iflt 18 loosely tures Every var ety of bath up to, apor send notes but let t be a matler known only to No 6 Twenty Rell80ns for keepmg holy lD e h

course better CI ops than they They per d h h l" 'L yourself jhe fewer you let mto the secret the more longer reta ned by the spongy" so Is of the ~ dId I h I b b nserte or WIt out muc lorce It may·ue can be had and sw mm ng 18 taught b

J certa n y tbere s of your money com ogto band If week tbe Seventh Day "stead 0 he F rst day 4 fiorests and grad lally d ssolved under the r orme more an a or we a or more Y blown ant by fir ng a charge of gunpowqer many of them These floats are got up lD you send "old secure It carefully n the letter other pp m

ach nelY and work that machlnelY by "N 7 Th rty 81 PIa n Quest ons resent th cover but rap dly meltmg filled w th ItS h C Id f I placed m the bottom of the bore But If the the usual tasteful style of the French people W s~ t IS apt to work out of the envelope Be care- ~omts n the 1abbath Coutrovfrsy ~~lo;'~~en mpetnous torrents the beds of tI e rIvers orses or oxen 0 some 0 our revo u spike IS made of I aldened steel to fit the and the approaches are by clean and can ful andldlr:~e postage on your le ler

GODEY tween a MiDlster of the Gospel and a S bbatar lin

and overflow ng theIr banks spread ru n t ona y veterans-Stalk or Putnam for ex vent closely aud s driven In wltn great vement stone steps leadmg down from the 323 Chesnut street Ph ladelpb a Pa Counterfe t Co n 8 pp and devastat on far a ound 'Ibe IDunda ample-men who themsehes held the plow force and If ItS lower end s made soft and q lay wh ch bOlder the r CI for miles on No ~TheSabbathControve1'i!Y !hcTruelssue 4pp tons vh ch almost annually desolate the n those days of rugged to I-no v reVISit the llveted Wltlm the bore theu neIther the dnll each s de of the Se ne D Y S PEP S I A _R E M E D Y I I No 9-The Fourth Commandment False Expos tion banks of the Elbe the Oder a d the Rh ne pleasant fields wI ch they once cultivated nOI gunpowder can remove It the vent re- N04 fLTbe Sabbath Embraced and Observed 16 PI are llscnbed by competent Judges to the and WItness the mower and the reaper cut mams permanently closcd The remedy In ,V RITE GUNPOWDER -A letter from London DR DARIUS HAM S (In English French and German) excess ve clear ng of the forests m the hng mernly ovel tl e fields and the horse such cases IS to drIll a new vent wluch may f AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT No ll-Rel gIO sL berty Endangered by Leglslat ve

" pltchllg<orks and h fb d d tl says I have heald Inthectyo aCUrI l'hI8U'd.~ .-"b •• n ... ·"· 'he .. LI .. ~or8.~yea8wiLh E t t 16 no mtn no us couht es whe e those nve s .' s ea m e s an e be done wltho It mpanng the ser ICeable k "" Moe '"'" « ~W uy, p"" ~J' ~ nac men s pp th esh n mach ne II k b I mVentlOn whICI concerns all e sports nc ..... ng favor It. rerommended to", e Dy.pep a No 12-M suse of the lerm Sabbath 8 pp ongmate Forests when once destroyed g I san a mg oy spay ness of the gun A new vent may be dnll men I fIlemen and tl e sc ent fic It IS the N.,.oU81lt$s /kart Bu n Col c Pa n& W. d No 13-The B bleSabb"th 24 pp

are not 80 eas Iy restored F rst I chens of what to them was the realIzed penalty of ed n any cannon by a sk IIful mad n st In dIn he St<Jmach or Pa n8 n the Bow I, No 14-Del""mg Obedience 4 pp tl t fi t t P manufructme of wlI~e gunpow Cl t s D " A._ _,_ mosses and other tI fty herbs content to e sen ence upon our IS paren s n ara two 01 three lours 1 Headache ow. ness K",ney w," No 15 An Appeal for b R.storat on of the B'b e

feed upon nothmg I ave to prepare a scanty d 8e- by the sweet of thy brow shalt thou In experImental fir ng when a vent be ~~~~~s~~s~~!or~~e b~I;~~tOa~~~:dl~~1a~l pw ~em~ t;",r;:a~et urn ~:~~~~~~:;'~a~~~:(ien~~a~ C Bf~~:::: ~~:p Ihe humus for the recept on of more pretent OUS earn thy bread -how they would throw up comes too much worn and enlarged we dr II tid d IT STIJlUUTES ExHILARATES INVIGORATES Bll'l' WILL The Sociel;J..haa •. ,publisheir tho tollowmg wo k guests In course of tIme some small stunt the r hands In astomshment at the changes a new one and sometImes as many as three g\lr crys a Ize sugarlian NOT L'lTOJUUA.TE OR STUPIFY 0 which attemiOitsmVIted

wh ch have been w u It amon I The possesses superIOr qu~ tlell over ed shrub makes Its appearance here and Id a I biro ~h g us { or four, ents are made In the same gun powdel bemg qUIcker and more poweJful As a med c ne t s qu ck and effectual clfiing the A Defma of tilt "&bba h n reply to Ward on he there n some peculIarly favored spot and ":"t°ha sc b

ree Yth e Jehve elr senses 80tmar f and many hundred fires ale made after Its act on and not foulIng the gun For the most aggIilvated caSes of Dyspeps a Kidney Com Fourth Commandment By George 0:1 low F Bt

after all requ res vast powers of endurance e ve een e c anges n our sys em 0 wal d b plalDts and all other derangements of the Stomacb prmted lD London n 1724 repr nled M S on ng D lab d th I t f hId dehcate n the olfactory nerves It may e dB ela n peedy manner lish d to rna nta n Itself on the n ggard so I ex or an e app ca Ion 0 mec an ca an DUl ng the recent Or mean war an artIcle d d h I II an ow as lD 1802 now rep'ub e lD II rev. d form 16H pp

I t It All ad e ~hat It S WIt 0 It unp easant sme It w II ijistantIy rev ve the most melancholy o.nd_, T-'-' "_LJ-,j'><- B 1"-' posed to the full enm ty of wmd and wea au rna power a our agIlcn ure - en S IelatIve to splkmg cannon was publ shl)~ n It has Jpst been patented drooping ep r ts and reBlore the weak nerVOUB and nt Roy ... ~ ~ '''' y "",ward St nUij t ther ThIS paves the way to a more VIgor Addres at Troy the London Tin es m winch It was assE)i"ted 8lckly to health strength o.nd v gor First priJ!.ted 1D. London m l6tfI 64 pp

d th t th f t t k uld Persons who from the nJudlC ous use of I quors VindicaUo!l of the 2tut Sabbatll By J W Morton late ous and fortunate offsprmg an as every a e use a a new pa en Spl e wo THE II LUSTRIOU- OB"CURE _" I en LoUIS t M 00 on~"' of the Reformed PreBbyt an ( urch d TERBmLE R ALITmS OF INSANITY d tl bl f th " 0 have become d".lected and tbe r nervous "}'S eme ~_, year adds somethmg to the vegetatIOn an E estroy e serVlcea eness 0 e gun Phlhpp~ and hlB Queen were n eXIle m shattered const lut on broken down and subject to 61 pp oppose ncreas ug obstacles to the w nds the Dr 1Vmslow g ves us to undelstand that The spIke was descnbed as a plCce of fine- Clarem(])nt they VIS ted the Convent of the that hOff llle curse 10 uman ty t\te DEL RmM TREY Also a penodical sheet qnalto The$abbd h J calor fallmg leaves and decaYIng herbage aCCUqI madnest! s for the most part a condIt on of Iy tempe ed steel turned to fit the vent but Sacred lHeal t The nun who conducted them ENS W II IIlmost 1m ed ately feel the happy and I Pr ce $1 per hundred ulate more ana more until dwarfish trees most awful suffermg I used to thlUk that to rna, e freely m It and turnIng out m a through the house was so amIable and healthy my gorat ng s r t The senes of fifteen tracts logether WIt Edwa d first find a suffiCIency of soIl to root upon though there m ght be dleadful mIsery on rorked sprmg to the bOl e ThIS spIke It was agreeallIe that the Queen on takmg her W HAT IT WILL DO Stennets Royal Law Contended for and J VI Mo and finally the proud monarch of the forest the way to madness yet once reason was alleged could not be removed as It would leave explessed her satIsfactIOn Pe DOSE 9ne IV ne gl ss full as ofteo as necessary ton s VIndicat on of 'lbe troe Sahbath Dl y h.d

f I d h t d I th th d II b t t One dos¢ W 11 remo e all Bad Sp r t In a bound volume spreads Qut hIS power u arms an ra ses s fa rIy overthrown the sufferlDg was over urn 1 ea y WI e rI u 1 seems haps added her majesty you wIll be m ODe dos~ w II cure eart burn Tbe tracts of Ihe abnve Ber es IV I he urn .hed 0

majestic summIt to the skIes !I'hls appears not to be so All the mlsera that the posslbll ty of cuttmg or bleakmg tklrested to know wbo a e your v sltors Th s Three doses w 11 cur nd ge t on those Wishing them lor d stnbut on or sal at tb ra e SEEIHJORN ble depreSSIon of sp nts all the mcapaClty off the tongs or forks of the sprlDg InSide the gentleman IS Lou s Phlhppe I am the Queen One dOSe w 11 give ou a good Appet Ie 011000 pages for $1 P rsons de. ng them call have

If "ou do not as you have so often been to ban sh dIstressIng fears and SuspICIons barrel was not cons dered The commun Amel e The nun bow ng profoundly re One d~ W 11 stop ted s rea. ng pa ns of Dyspep tbem forwarded by mail orotherw, on ~ending II e r J I h hIt b fi h h th Ity s a address WIth a rem ttance to GEO BUTTER Genoral adv sed to do save your seed COlD by select w c paved t e way to rea msamty eXISts ca IOn gIven a ave 10m Ig all or phed WjIth a gentle am Ie And I am :\[a One dose w 11 remove the dIstress ng and d Bagree- Agent of the Ame an Sabbath Ttaet Soc ely No 5

mg the best ears lD the field don t lose an In even mtenslfied degree when msamty has may be looked upo as conclus ve that the demOIselle Bonaparte able effects of Wmd or Flatulenee and as soon as the Chatham Square Ne v 1: ork other day but go at once to your COl n cr b actually been reached The pOOl n amac wom effect of splkmg would be a few hours stomach rece ves the Inv goratmg Sp r I the d stress-and pick out the h ndsome&t ears that you fanc es he s surrounded by bum ng fires deray'In the use of the guus-often an 1m ODDS AND EN~S ng load and all paooful feel ngs w Il be removed NEW YORK and ERIE R ULROAD

d th t h I d b th k th t portant matter One dosc vill remove Ihe most dislress ng pruns of Tra nsleave p er foot of D an 8t can fi~ and store them up ID sorr e ry a e IS enClrc e y wr ng sna es a A no~el and eftiectlve 1 at-trap IB made " h h d 1 d "Col c e th~r in the stomach or bowels DUNKIRK EXPRESS at 7 a m tor Llunk k Bnl loft matter f t IS a very smoky one e IS ID ell tormented by eVI s an we thus A common meal bag IS spread upon A few dO!!es WIll remove all obstruct ons 0 the K d falo Canandrugua and pnne pal Stat O~B

alld as hot as a July S n t won t h rt the must lemember that the mIsery caused by A CURIOUS D SCOVER1 N" THE CHINESE Ell the floor a handful of meal spIlnkled o,er n y Bladder or Ur nary Organs MAIL at 8 15a 00 for Dunkirk and ntermed ate Sa ~ahty of the seed firmlJ\ behev ng a thmg wlICh does not ex PEROR s PALACE -A cOflesponde:at wntes tbe mDElr surface The upper fulds of the Persons wbo are ser Qusly am cted wllh any Kid I lona. I f h h h t th t Ispreclsel the same asthatwhchwould A tl t d d neyCompl~ntsareassuredspeedyrelefby'doseor WAYat330p m for M ddJetolln Newburgh and t IS 0 t e g est Impor ance a your y mong e mos cur ous Iscoverles rna e sack IS shghtly elevated to aftiord an aasy It d f h th ,. two and a adicat cure by tbe use of one or two bot termed ate Stat on-seed should germmate ImmedIately a er y,ou occaslOne to a sane person t e ngs by the AllIes m the Chmese Emperor's Sum passage to the pest and the mouth of the tles NIGHT EXPRESS da ly at 5 p m for Dunk k

plant It That IS of more Importance tlian magmed were facts It seems too that m~r Palace was a SUIt of magmficent armor IS Lsi ghtly curtaIled to the a ze uf a Persons jVho from d "slpat ng too much over n ght Bulfalo Canandrugna a d pr nc pal Slat ODS The early plantmg GermnlatIon can undoubt nsane people are qUIte aware that miaHI WIth gold and the helmet surmounted span The rats rUi m and thlDkIng them and feel the eVIl effects ot po sonous I quors n V 0 tram of Saturday runs only to Elm ra dl b h d b fi 1 D I

h f t th I (h t b lent headaches s ckness at stomach weakness g dd CHAS MINOT General Sup t eye astene y art cIa means r 11 sane w IC 0 course aggrava es WI an enOlmous pear t IS SUIt IS 0 e selves secure remam wh Ie others keep ness &e Willi find one dose w 11 rele aU bad feel NATH L :M.utSH Rece ver ChamberlaIn of Buren County III has made have to endUie It must be a sent to the Emperor Napoleon ) a. saloon com ng When you have suffiCIent reason ngs

th h h d th Tra ns I ave the follow ng stat ons ~t the t mes n some Important dlscovenes In thIS d rectlOn ng w en t e mm passes e furUlshed m exact ImItatIOn of the style to bel eve your sack IS full go slyly to It Lad es o~ weak and B ckly constlt ons shoulfi 'lake dlcated Hornell8. lit The Rq;ubhcan says to WhICh It IS 8t II seful and ser LOUIS XV decorated w th portraIts of the place your foot over the mouth of the sack the Inv gOfat ng Spu t three t mes a day t W II Gomg East

Last year Dr ChamberlIn of th s place though I nsound and enters upon ladles of the court of that sovere gn the and then do what you please WIth the can make themlstrong healthy and happy remove all ob- 840 a 00 New York Exp B

f d I slruct ons lind rregular t s from the menstrual or 12 54 P m Ma I made some practICal experIments and de 0 recogn ze msan ty t must name of each lady bemg Inscrtbed at the In thIS wav sIxteen and twenty rats gans and restore the bloom of bealth and beauty to 1033 N ght Express monstrated that nearly half the t me mr.y be be to feel that you are not qUIte bottom of the frame The ImmenSe apart per day have been destroyed the careworn face Alfred

saved m germmat ng the seed by the use of yourself that sometbmg IS wrong that ments were fUIDlshed and ornamented lD the Horses or rather colts soon learn under a Dur ng pregnancy It W 11 be found an nvaluable 930 P m Way Fre ght chlortde of hme you cannot dIscard SUSpIC ons and fears most splendId )Uanner and contamed num good mastc! and the hest tIme to put on the :~~:c~e to remove d sagr~eable sensatIOns at the 1217 Mo 1

Not satIsfied w th the success of last whICh still you are aware are foohsh and erous artIcles m gIlt bronze porcelam &c halter I~ when the colt IS WIth the mother All the propr etor asks IS a tr.l and to nduce 735 eo. m N Y Expr!,Il8'V lle year he IS agam expenmentmg In h s groundless Tt IS IS a melancholy stage all covered WIth a thICk coatmg of dust He should first be taught that the halter IS tbiS he has put np the INVIGORATING SP RIr n p nt 11 35 Ma 1 office he has four boxes n the first s corn and If It lasted long a very: perIlous one Among the porcela n were some Immense stronger than he IS When thIS IS faIrly bottles at 00 cts quarls $1 935 P m N ght Express planted WIthout soakmg and the seed not Great anxIety If contlDued for any length of vases whIch had passed more than a cen done a small rope wIll hold hIm But If he ~:I~e~~ ~:~~/!::~!~t~1 e~~d!~~r~ork. Friernl8hp germlDated m the second the seed was tIme Iii almost certam to lead to some mea.- tury at the bottom of the sea and to whICh breaks away on the first tr al of hIS strength lk~g: : ~~ Fre ght l~ ~~P m ~~y Frc I soaked m warm water wh ch has J 1st com sure of msan ty The man who mght and marIne vegetatIOn had clung In such a man m pullIng back he wIll never forget h s feat MRS WINSLOW AN EXPERIENCED menced to germmate n tbe th rd IS seed day IS never far from the thought of how he ner as to produce the most smgular orua but WIll pull and pull agam though he may NURSE and Female Phya c ln presente to the CENTRAL RAILROAD OF. NEW JER Boaked m a solution of I me and green IS to pay hIS way to mamtam hIS chlldren ments see that he IS now t cd WIth a cart rope attenl on of mothers her SEY-From foot of Cortland st -Conneet ng at blades are Just peepmg from the ground m IS go ng mad It IS thoroughly eVIl when Gold and sIlver status representmg the SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING Hampton Junction W th the Delaware Lackawanna the fourth IS seed soaked n a solutIOn of one smgle thought comes to take entIre pos fantastIcal IncarnatIOns of Buddha were. m A correspondent of the We8tern OhTlsltan wh cb greatly fae I tates the process of teethlDg by and Western RaIlroad and at Eastou w th the Leh gh chlOrIde of hme and 'Copperas m equal parts sessIOn of the m nd It shows the bram IS great numbers Of sIlks velvets hoons 4.dvocate speakmg of C ty on the 80f en ng the gums reduc ng all Inflammation w II Valley Ra !road and Is connect ons form ng II d fcl

I 1 we t te t f th dd Th a"~y ALL P'''N aad spasmodi" act on and a to Hamsburg w Ibont cbange of cars and the blades are now nearly thlee lDches gomg t s no wonder my fnend yreader carpets and other tIssues for the moat part S ern rmIna IOn 0 e a s e "" ~ v WINTER Arul!NGEHENT-COmmencoog Deo 10 1860 above the grolUld All the seeds wele plant that so many men are mentally SCleWS 1 spOIled through neglect there were Ilnough locatIOn of the CIty IS superIOr to SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Leave New York as follows ed at the Bame tune In the same quahtyof There IS somethmg perfectly awful m read to oove!'-the walled lk. on lake PopulatIOn hundred Dependa:son t mothers t w 11 g ve rest to your Ramsburg Jilxprt81l at 6 A. M fQrEaslon Read oft soIl and taken from the same ear The lDg what afe the premoDltory symptoms of the Louvre or Tuillenes mamly by £o~jsvllle HarrIsburg Mauch Chunk Eckley and W

th RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFAN'l'S k IJ rr boxes have all had an equal share of heat true msamty -Frazer's Magazme dwellIng of the Tartar sovereIgn 1ItoOd lD 0 er We have put up aod sold thIS art cle for over ten ej,.!z n.",n at 8A M for Easton Waie.-Gap Scran and hght neIther allowed any advantage the ImperIal domam of Yuen mmg Yuen The FarIS courts value a lady s teeth at years and can say In confidence and trut/i of it wbJLt WA ton Great Bend Pittston W Ikesbarre &c over the other HOW TO FINISH ROOMS whICh comprIsed an extent of nearly mght eight thwusand francs An English gover have never Peen able to eay of any other med c ne- 12 .M. TkrOU(Jh 'l'ra n for Easton Mauch Chunk Bead

ThIS expenment should attract the at h b mIles each way ness was recently knocked down by a car netler la. it failed .n a IIfI{It. .m/ance to effect a CUrt when oog Pottav lie HBIT.lsburg W 11 amsport &e tent on of farmers We conclude from four Bayard Taylor s oplDlOn on t IS su ~ect S rmge and by the acc dent lost all her teeth tunely used Never did we know an nstance of d s- 4. P M. ThrCYUflh 17",,, for EllSton Bethlehem Allen k d b h f thus expressed m the New York Indepen Sh b ht t f d d th satisfactIOn by any one ~o used tt On the contt;ur town and Mauch Ohunk to SIX wee s may be save y t e use 0 dent How TENNYSON LOOKS -Bayard Taylor m e roug an ac on 0 amages an e all are delighted WIth Its operat ons and speak IU 6 30 P .M. Way !/rain for SomefVllIe and Intermed chio~e of lime and copperas whICh IS a F th fin h f tl t I h T. d d th d b tribunal awarded the above amount terms of commendat on of Its malTlcal ellecls and ate Blat ona. or e IS lDg 0 rooma lere IS no an ar IC e m t e.In epen ent us esen es o' /< a. bu Th 6 A M ExpreBs matter of no ord nary moment when we re- thmg equal to the natIve wood SImply oIled the personal appearance of the BrItish poet W oIDlln are saId to have stronger attach medical virtues We apeak m tb s matter what we Tr~:m~e':,; Y"or:':r~ v~~ at H~rr sburg at 12 40 f1ect that a delay III the germmatlon of the t d I th b t f th E ltd th t t et f th ments than men It IS not so Strength of do k!ww after ten years expenence and pldg. our.e- (noon) In t me to connect w th fast tans on P nDsyl d f t k f 1 h 0 eve op e eau y 0 e gram ven aurea e an e grea es po 0 e age 1 putation for 'rk fulfil/mett of wloat we he e deda t In d see 0 wowee s requentIyp acest ecrop the commonest pme treated lD thIS way In form and VOIce Tennyson IS a attachmeIt IS eVInced In lIttle thmgs A almost every IDstancewhere the nf!lllhssufftlnngfrom van a Central Ralroad NortheruCentral north an w1thin the reach of tae frost lD the Fall has a warmth and lustre beSIdes wh ch the thorough Enghshman m features com man IS oiften attached to an old hat but dId pam and exhaustion rehef WIll be fOllnd m fifteen or south and WIth Cnmberland Valley Rrulroad Another fact of Some mportance mny also you ever hear of a woman haVIng an attach twenty m nlItea after the syrup s admOOlBteroo Lta.e New YlfTkjr(f1Tl Pu:r 2 North RIVer at 700 and dlCary wli te pa nt so common even m the plexIOn and haIr a medullval italIan HIS Th 1 bl h f 11 00 A M and 3 30 and 500 P M be mentIOned The copperas used n soak b f h I k d II d d d N h th 1 ment for an old bonnet IB va ua e preparat on 18 t e prescnpt on 0 one T ._ •• """Uk a' 6 15 and 8 15 AMI 20 and 4 30 ill t th b d I est 0 ouses 00 S u an ea ot mg presence Impresses you WI a smgu ar mIt of the mostrf:IiP"'Uncal and Bkilllu1 "" us n New Eng U!tl .1>,_"" • mg w preven e Ir s squlITe 8 worms gives a house such a cold uncomfortable ture of northern force and southern fire He A clear stream reflects all oblects that are land and h been used With RlfVet'"failingAucta.1n P M &c from eatmg the seed • The boats stop at Bergen Po nt and Manner s BM aIr as white pamt and whIte plaster ThIS IS fully JlIX feet hIgh broad shouldered and upon Its shore but IS unsulhed by them ao THOUSANDS OF CASES of ~~lo~~~m!;f::::e a:~~r~:eups :~:~ ~lrec~pOpU~d color 18 fit onld

y for the trohPlcsh 0t urtcheakP large h,mbed yet WIth black haIr and eyes It should be WIth our hearts-they should It not onlY reheves the ch Id from pam bnt nVIg bOr every tnp e~~HN~ STERNS Super ntendent.1

h ~ common woo s-pme as c es nu oa a pale ohve compleXIOn full lIps and a black show th.,! effect of all obJects and yet rem am orates the s~omach and bowels corrects ae d ty aud HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD "or AT' as In water wIll soak enoug seed lor I fti h P d I.i l! b tone and energy to the whole system It WIll " v t Th t 11 ot b 0 e map e beach walnut butternut-o er us a beard and moustac e ower IS expresse un arm,_ y any IDStlintly relieve BA~Y and TROY conuectlng w th tm 08

t weniY :cre~ t e EOS £,1 n 0 eld Vaf vaflety of exqUISIte tmts and fibrous pat every feature HIS VOIce IS remarkably A rom~ntlc French chemIst havmg GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC NORTH /lnd WEST Tra ns leave Chambers-st aln f:r~n ;;, ;:ke e~be ex;:~~:~~e~v~n u If he terns whICh untIl recently have been and grand m tone WIth a little of that the bodY] of hIS fnend extracted from It convulsions wh cb If not speedily re tlon 8S follo1"s Express Trains 7 and 11 a m and t

h Id l' il t d b fit fi t wholly dIsregarded In bUIldmg Even ID whIch betrays a mmd Withdrawn Iron that was contamed In the blood and 00 death. We bel eve t the be& andBlWUt P m. Troy andAlbac; Mall 315 P m Troy and A ~ ou a: 0 enve any ene rom 1 furnIture we are Just begInnmg to discover and absorbed III Its own specnlations I had It made mto a fingerrmg whIch he tAewor/dmallcasesof4YBenieryandd","1uM ~~::~SV~::l:p:!d ~rJ ~20/eek:.klr~:e1~g PAPER FROIl CORN BU8X8 how much more chaste and elegant are oak should Judge h m to be one of the least de- wears Inl memory of hIS fnend whether Itmses from teething or from any ~ m Soog Soog Tra n 9 45 a l\L and 4 and 7 p m E 1 h

t t th t b t d 1 t th ~ Id ek h other We w~uld say to every mother who has I ng 18 papers 8 a e a y a recen m an wa nu an m ogany The beauty of monstrative of men yet you wou pI 1m There IS a sacredness m tears They are a child sufferIng from any of the forego ng compla nls rom 318t-st 7 25 and 11 30 eo. m and 5 30 P m tentIOn of Morl~lamant a JeWIsh wrIt- a room IS as depe nt on the ha~mony of out of a crowd of ten thollsand a8 the 'WIsest t th k f k b fl' J_ not Itt '~'r p""'udicis Mr tilt "r ... !ldea of'tMr, 340 P m 945 P 00 (Snndays Included) 8 a m f A

+lwI: DO e mar a wea ness u t 0 power""""" •• -., F ., • d 1 .0 5 '5 10 10 eo. m 4 25 nnd 7 25 mg master 0 U rIa paper IS made of the ItS colormg as .,..~t of a pIcture Some of man among them before he opened hIS stand and your sulfenng child and the an il p m u p m leaves and hnsks of wdlan corn equal and the uglIest and Di'bst dIsagreeable lIps They arEi the messengers of overwhelmmg relief lUre yes awolultJYlUre-to follow P m A F SMITH Saperlntendent

• ( grIef of deep contrItIOn and unspe~kable medlCme If t mel nsed Fnll diroo> m some res}I!lcts superIor to that llIadefrom ments I haver seen were JUSt love Will accompany ~ach bottle None MARINER S SAVING INSTITUTION-

rags If this proves to be true an adihtlOn whICh contam most THAT WE EAT -It IS told by a thefac simile ot CURTIS &I PERKINS 3d AvtnUl and 7th &red-Open daily for the re-al souree of profit wIll be open to farmers and decorMI s WrIter that the CarIbs those can ArIstotle bemg censured for bestowlDg on the outside wrapper ception and payment of depos t8 from 9 to 2 0 cloc~ The extraordinary Improvements whICh for fi hed West Indian h story used to alms on bad man made the folloWlDg no throughout the world and on WedDeeday and Saturday evenings flam 5 Ie a few years past have taken place In the art oak o~ :~lliutlS they could dlStlDgUlSh an EnglIsh bl" I dId not gIve It to the man, Oedar Street New York. P.I{ Interest allowed ondeposils at the rate of G per

th h h h per bottlo cent on 8U1Dll frOID 15 to $500 8nd 5 per oeot.. on of pr.mting toge er Wit t e Increased fa fimshed With cooked from any ot er he was eo SIlIil. onr '500 TuOlUS B BTILLIuN Pm ~ cititiesf01"Olroulatmg punted matter have ImItation of BuociJknt There can be no doubt ZOLLVER (late of No 4 Ful PUILLIP\V ENos }V1oe-l'l'IIIkleItll. m'!tl!~a to a great extl\llt the demand for has a good deal to do In prOducmg Saloon No 433 BroOllle CIWILIi8 KJJM paper If this demand oontmue the pnce of and muscular strength alSo The York. I&u.o T Billa: Sec. I