Identity and Access Management 101

IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT 101 Jerod Brennen, CISSP CTO & Principal Security Consultant, Jacadis


Crash course in the fundamentals of identity and access management.

Transcript of Identity and Access Management 101


CTO & Principal Security Consultant, Jacadis


• The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

• Terminology

• Employee Lifecycle

• Step-by-Step

• Looking Ahead

• Resources

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

• Good

– Saves time

– Improves accuracy and consistency

• Bad – RIDICULOUSLY complex

– Never enough money/resources

• Ugly – When everything works, you’ll be the hero

– If (when) something breaks, you’ll wish you’d saved up more sick days

How Many Acronyms Does It Take…

• IdM = Identity Management

– Manage the accounts

• FIdM = Federated Identity Managment

– Manage identity across autonomous domains

• IAM = Identity & Access Management

– Manage what the accounts can access

More Alphabet Soup

• LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

• RBAC – Role Based Access Control

• SSO – Single Sign-On

• Federation

– SAML, SAML 2.0, WS-Federation, Liberty Alliance

Provisioning & Deprovisioning

• Provisioning

– IT giveth…

• Deprovisioning

– … and IT taketh away

• You need to track everything you provision if you ever expect to deprovision it.

– Computers, phones, badges, app access, software licenses, etc.

• Your auditors will LOVE you for this!

3-Phase Employee Lifecycle

• #1 – Hire

– Autoprovision birthright entitlements, based on role (bear with me…)

• #2 – Transition

– New access replaces old access, right?

• #3 – Termination – Deprovision, stat!

• #4 – Other? – On Leave (medical, sabbatical, etc.)

– Terminated with Access

Step One: The Sit-Down

• Meet with HR

– HR system is the system of record

– Workforce members = employees + non-employees (decision time!)

• Discuss roles

– Dazzle them with your knowledge of RBAC

– Remember that employee lifecycle slide?

• How will you determine birthright access?

– Department + Job Code

– Step back, take a look at current employees, and execute the smell test

• Identify the processes you want to automate

– Notification of hire/change/termination

– Account creation/deletion (in connected systems, NOT system of record)

– Access modification

– Internal expenses (e.g., mobile devices)

Step Two: The Data Must Flow

• Identify integration points

– Authentication Stores

• LDAP Directories

• Local Databases

– Commercial Apps

– Homegrown Apps

• Internal vs. External

– Fewest # auth/auth stores possible

– External = federation

• How are changes initiated?

– Transactional vs. batch

• Conceptual diagram of your IAM infrastructure

Step Three: Integrate

• Define integration requirements


• Take a technical inventory

– What do you have?

– What do you need?

– What can you get rid of?

• Start eating the elephant

– HR -> Identity Store

– Identity Store -> Active Directory

– Identify Store -> [other LDAP directory]

– Identity Store -> [email]

– Identity Store -> [that one app that everyone in the company uses]

Intermission: Let’s Talk Tech

• Components – Identity Store / Vault / Repository (not the system of record)

– LDAP Directory

– Entitlements Manager

– Web Access Manager (+ Certificate Manager)

– Password Manager

Vendors Open Source

• CA Identity Manager • IBM / Tivoli Identity Manager • Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager • Novell Identity Manager • Oracle Identity Manager / Sun LDAP • RSA / Courion

• RSA = Access Manager & FIdM • Courion = Provisioning & Passwords

• OpenIAM • OpenDS Directory Server • OpenSSO • Shibboleth (SSO) • Gluu

Pictures, or It Didn’t Happen

System of Record

Identity Provider LDAP Server User-Facing Apps


Other LDAP


Password Manager

Web Access ManagerEntitlements Manager

Step Four: Communcation

• Document the $#!% out of your IAM infrastructure

– Every single integration point

– Link the tech to business processes

• Review documentation with…

– Human Resources

– LAN Support

– System Owners

– Application Developers

– Production / Change Control

– IT Leadership

• Link IAM systems to Change Control system

– Notification of ANY and ALL changes

– Want to break IAM? Change a connected system without testing integration points!

Step Five: Audit

• Trust, but verify

• Things to audit

– Segregation of duties

– Access changes (esp. adminstrative & sensitive data)

– Accounts for terminated users (reconcile with HR)

– Share access

• Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

– Failed login attempts

– Attempts to access restricted data

– Privilege changes / escalation

• Automate your auditing toolset

Destined to Fail

• Most IAM projects fail. Why? – Lack of executive sponsorship

– Project teams try to do too much at once

– Referring to IAM is a ‘project’ in the first place

• Mark Dixon’s Ten Best Practices for Identity Management Implementation – Set strategy

– Secure sponsorship

– Plan quick wins

– Select project leadership

– Define business processes

– Select implementation team

– Gain commitment from support resources

– Provide proper infrastructure

– Assure data quality

– Conduct post-production turnover

Questions to Start Asking Now

• Who’s going to support all this?

• How can I enforce change control for IAM integration points?

• How am I going to manage passwords?

– Single Sign-On

– Password Synchronization

• How am I going to manage non-employees? – Consultants

– Contractors

– Interns

• How am I going to manage RBAC exceptions and segregation of duties?

– Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)

• Identity in the Cloud? – Yeah, I said cloud. Drink ‘em if you got ‘em!

More Resources

• Internet2 Middleware Initiative –

– MACE (Middleware Architecture Committee for Education)

– Shibboleth Federated Single Sign-On Software

– Grouper

– Comanage: Collaborative Organization Management

– MACE-Dir(ectories)

– MACE-paccman (Privilege and Access Management)

• Open Source – OpenDS -

– OpenSSO -

– Shibboleth -

– Gluu -

Even More Resources

• IdM vs. IAM –

• Gartner Identity and Access Management Summit –

• Gartner – Why There Are No IAM Magic Quadrants –

• AWS Identity and Access Management –

• Worst Practices: Three Big Identity and Access Management Mistakes –

• Wikipedia –




Jerod Brennen, CISSP CTO & Principal Security Consultant, Jacadis



[email protected]