idDangertoEvcrytodyiKcalth emeiy forIt. · 1 be0Q Placed in the Mass Before Cooking Surviyed in a...

*.'/*«.r> v!^ili'.. * .' .¦. . >{0^ '¦* - .>. F-*%s.:. ¦/' f "*l1 :" ". .:« *.'}¦¦ ;>v ' -'.' <" ' ' ; .*.> -J ><v- ¦/ i ' .: - -. .'.". :. : v ' »j ftwi! 'i J*1 : v; < .>>> *: id Danger toEvcrytodyiKcalth emeiy for It. That a Dlst of Bak** ®P^ettl tmi^re - for Typhoid Gonna. The Three 0, Indicate the Temperatures of the in Removed from the 0ven.One-Half Inch padU and Near the Bottom. The Typhoid 1 be0Q Placed in the Mass Before Cooking Surviyed in a Few Colonies Less Than an Inch Below the Baked Surface, While in the Centre of the Dish, with Its Mild Temper¬ ature of 82.4 Degree*, the Colonies Were Abundant and Active. ' Vasb their hands fflnf®<Tknt The family .1®*1 direction* tow to "A* *ot convey germs for aathociHea ts to detect ih "sanjtar7 Isolation." A <F*iranttne. as K dlJeaaes last for w w*t«.and are then Empowered - Carriers the n»w State Depart- ho la & carrier of the 'er. diphtheria, scarlet .aes <hall be subjected itlona 0f <he state Do- pre t»ft iCga] aspect to Oq ^Ich account the Henr^ b. Hemenway's Principles of Public "Uch Individuals and of n maj ho a matter of Perplexity This must typhoid fever patient long lis hin infectious ape complete sterlliza- °*t? 0<J"r'er ,f* entitled ahlmielf 6f> laat othefs Is as tecessary for the typbolfj patient " to typhoid fever, there rlers.-the acute, the ¦air- ®ie periods when 'ary .ccordlng to the Si***! disease. How- . soT here that acute ictually had the given firms for a few weeks .c carriers continue to i?en gtrms for months nd th«, temporary car- "ho harbor and dis- He periods, alternating i of «Joh germs. cases of cholera and ndeed . because they eotlcra Measles. scar- tfectlOfls may. In given notle4). The patients are B'ck They go to jit nest you, all ansu* bows, attend theatres» rowdsj factories and those people who offer P# In preventive mod- How a Dish of Baked Spaghetti Gave 93 Eaters Typhoid Fever By Wilbur A. Sawyer, M. D. Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the California State Board of Health, Berkeley, California- coma down with tha onvey.jig? This ques- ^eader while we were Is 'be<iau8e, Just as ft arrel, 00 It takea two js difease.first, the ondltl(,n of the body tlssue8 to the attacks .bust s.nd naturally In though you have the k^ave the disease tha Miam* carrying; sn<J r your neighbor who, the attack8 of those has been barren for s bceri fruitfuL irp haa been proved. r many 0f us are con- of 8Uch -distribution, arlseii. Carriers can laboratory inveatlga- jir discovered.cornea fbi quarantine Is not fir sufficient. That is *!them and to. be snso Mo»V people have s sooo ae the danger tors I* explained will :ly cl«an. And all of ell developed can do tp the ybanda at. tha (From His Official Report of the Case.) THE City of Hanford, California, experienced an explosive outbreak of typhoid fever In the lat¬ ter part of March, 1914. The epidemic con¬ sisted of ninety-three cases, all of which were traced to a church dinner. The Infection came from a typhoid carrier among those who prepared and served the food.a woman who did not suapect that she had over had typhoid fever. Of special Interest were the incubation periods, which were. In the majority of instances, less than eight days. The shortest was three days. The disconcerting observation was made during the Investigation that under conditions which are not at, all unusual, baking can actually Incu/btte the Inner portions ot masses of food Instead of sterilizing them. The epidemic began with one case on March 20. During the following three days the dally number of nerw cases rose rapidly to the maximum, nineteen. After that the number fell quickly. The last case de¬ veloped on April 16. The total number of cases In the outbreak was ninety-three. Three of the severe cases resulted In death and sev¬ eral others In serious danger. A number of persons Infected at Hanford travelled considerable distances during the incubation period. This illustrates how typhoid fever Is carried into cities which are not responsible for the Infection. Two of the ninety-three persons travelled over two hun¬ dred miles to San Francisco and developed the dis¬ ease there. Three of the cases developed in Fresno, thirty miles north of Hanford. Although typhoid fever was conveyed to San Francisco, Fresno. Exeter, Alpaugh, Tulare. Armona and Selma and^to ranches In the country around Hanford, no secondary Infec¬ tions from these cases have come to my attention. Early In the Investigation it was definitely deter¬ mined that the infection came from food served at a public dinner and supper held in a public hall. March 17. All of the ninety-three persons who developed typhoid fever ate food served there. Eighty-five of the patients attended one or both of the meals and received their infection In this way. The other eight were Infected from eating food brought to their homes from the hall by friends. While the infection was easily traced to the public dinner, the source from which the food became in¬ fected was at flr'st obscure. Fifty-five of the patients were Interviewed and information was obtained from others through their physicians. The facts regarding the kinds of food eaten at the dinner were tabulated «nd studied. The dinner was a church dinner partaken of by Rbput 160 persons, about 125 eating at noon and 45 In the evening. How the Typhoid "Carrier" Was Traced Down The bill of fare at the noon meal consisted of chicken pie, mashed potatoes, Spanish spaghetti, baked beans, potato salad containing onions and hard boiled eggs and served on lettuce, bread and butter, olIveB, several kinds of pie, cheese, Iced tea and coffee. At the evening meal ice cream and cake were added to the list. Most of the food was donated, and was prepared at various homes or at the hall-, Butter, bread and potatoes were bought from stores whose other customers remained well. Next to the chicken pio the. Spanish spaghetti was the dish eaten by the largest number of the persons who became sick. Since the chicken pie was of three or more lots, the spaghetti was the only dish eaten In common by most of tbe typhoid patients. A few, how- evar, were positive that they had not eaten the spaghetti. Only a few ate the baked beans. Many did not eat the potato salad. Tbe lettuce leaves on which the salad was served were donated from a private garden, which had been watered with city water and fertilized with horse manure from the barn on the nremlses. The family had'been eating this lettuce and had re¬ mained entirely well. Twenty persons had sufficient connection with the dinner to need special Investigation. 81xteen of these were women who were actively engaged In preparing or serving the food. One member of this group presented a history which made it aeem probable thaft she was a chronic typhoid carrier. Mrs. X had formerly kept a 'boarding house In Hanford. Seven and a half years before. In Octor ber, 1906, one of her twelve or fifteen boarders came down with typhoid fever. The source of his Infection was obscure. A week after thlB case had appeared another man who was boarding with Mrs. X developed typhoid fever. Again the source of infection was not clear. In March, 1912, two more cases appeared in the boarding house of Mrs. X. This history of lour previous cases of typhoid fever among the contacts of Mrs. X made it seem probable that she was a chronic carrier and was the source of infection, not only of the four boarders., bnt also of the ninety-three persons Infected at the dinner on March 17. Later the proof that she was a chronic car¬ rier, was recelvfed by telegram from the laboratory. The one article of food with which Mrs. X came, in contact before the dinner was the Spanish spaghetti. She had prepared this dish at her home, up to the point of the final baking, which took place at the hall just before the dinner This final baking would ap¬ pear at first glance to Justify tjbe elimination of the spaghetti as the dish responsible for conveying the Infection. ¦tant and It was noted that the cheese had melted. After fifteen minutes the dleh was removed from the oven. The surface was not properly browned, and tbe temperature In the middle of the spaghetti had risen only one degree above room temperature (80.8 to 62.6 degrees F.) In the following half hour, while the dish was standing in the rooa, tha temperature at the middle rose to 69.8 degrees P., aa the heat gradu¬ ally penetrated to the lnher portions. Cultures taken from various depths all developed colonies of typhoid bacilli. A Tempting Dish imp Full of Active Germ3 A large hot-air sterilizer was then heated and kept between 220 and 888 degrees V. The pan of spaghetti was Introduced and subjected "to this heat for thirty " minutes. When the dish waa removed the was of a golden brown color. The appearance and aroma suggested that the spaghetti was thoroughly cooked end very hot. The temperature near the top was 129.2 degrees F. and at'the middle 78.4 degrees F. Ten minutes later the temperature at the middle was 75.2 degrees F.. and the dish waa then returned to the oven. Cultures taken at various levels showed that the typhoid bacilli were alive even close to the surface. In the next baking the over was kept at a tempera¬ ture ranging between 405 and 417 degrees F. Alter half an hour the pan was removed. The surface .was dark brown, and the points sticking up from it Were charred. The liquid around the margin was boiling vigorously and the whole dish was slssllng. The tem¬ perature Just under the surface waa 181.4 degrees F. At the mldlde It was 82.4 degrees F., and near the bottom it was 118.4 degrees F. An hour later the tem* peratures had become nearly equalized and were 114.8 degrees F. near the top, 108.6 degrees F. at the middle and 109.4 degrees F. near the bottom. This showed that the Interior of the dish did not reach even a pas¬ teurizing temperature. Cultures taken at the surface soon after the pan had been removed from the oven showed no typhoid colo¬ nies and very few of the other kinds. Cultures taken at a distance of half an inch from the surface showed a few colonies of the typhoid bacillus, most of the or¬ ganisms having been killed. Cultures from a depth of two and a half inches showed abundant colonies of typhoid bacilli. In these cultures the typhoid colonies were Identified by their appearance on Endo medium and Russell medium and also by agglutination hy ant typhoid serum. In this way It waa shown that sterilization of the pan of spaghetti at the dinner in Hanford was not only Improbable, but practically Imposlble. The maas of the spaghetti there waa much greater than In the ex¬ periment and conditions were leas favorable for thoi* ough baking. The thickened sauce, consisting so largely of milk, was suspected of being the culture medium In which the multiplication of the typhoid bacillus took place. Ten c. c. of the sauce, which had been set aside when the' experimental dish was prepared, was put In a test tube and sterilized in the autoclave. The same amount of sterilized milk was used for comparison. Each tube was inoculated with 0.0001 c. o. of a twenty-four- hour broth culture of the typhoid bacillus Isolated from Mrs. X. The tubes were thoroughly shaken and then Incubated at 98.6 degrees F. The*laboratory experiments completed the explana¬ tion of the Manford outbreak by ahowlng that the sauce used In making the Spanish spaghetti waa a good culture medium and that the dish had not been sterilized after leaving the houa;e of the typhoid carrier. Moreover, It was demonstrated that sooked dishes must be considered as possible Conveyers of Infection unless it csn be shown that the method of cooking would produce complete sterilization.. The slowness with which heat penetrates dishes like the Spanish spaghetti shows that very prolongsd heating would be necessary for stsrlllsation of fafge dishes of such food. Ordinary baking merely incubates the interior of theae maeaeS of food. How the Typhoid Germs Resisted the Heat The Spanish spaghetti was prepared as fonu«rs: On the Vlay before the dinner the spaghetti was toolled In water. Then It was washed and separated with city water running from a tap. On the same day a Spanish sauce was made out of a quart of milk, two cans of tomatoes, butter, seasoning, cooking soda and the strained liquid in which dried peppers had been boiled. Probably a little flour was added for thickening. These Ingredients were put together and cooked. On the day of the dinner, at about 10 a. m., the spa¬ ghetti and the sauce were mixed In a large diBhpan and covered with cheese. The weather was warm and would have been conducive to the multiplication of bacteria. The spaghetti arrived at the hall between 10 and 10:30 a. m., and was put into the oven of a gas stove immediately. Tbe late arrival of the spaghetti caused tbe women to fear that there would not be sufficient time for the proper baking of this important Item on the bill of fare. When the first patrons ar¬ rived they were served with the upper and warmer layers of tbe spaghetti, as it was thought that the dpener portions would not be as hot as desired. The evidence would be strong that the spaghetti carried the infection If it could be shown that this dish was a good culture medium and was not sterilized by the baking. Experiments were therefore under¬ taken at the State Hygienic Laboratory to clear up these two points. A dish of Spanish spaghetti was prepared as nearly as possible according to the methods used b> Mrs. X. The spaghetti and sauce were prepared Separately. Some of the sauce was put In flaBks and sterilized and set aside to be tested for its properties as a culture medium. The remainder of the sauce and the spa¬ ghetti were inoculated with a broth culture of the typhoid bacillus of the strain from Mrs. X. The fol¬ lowing day the sauce and spaghetti were thoroughly mixed In a small dlshpan and covered with one ponnd of grated cheese. The dish was not as large as the one prepared by Mrs. X, and would therefore be more easily heated through. This mass of Spanish spaghetti was 5 inches deeo and ranged from 9 to 13 inches in diameter. The even.of an ordinary gas' range was heated to baking temrerature, and the dish of spaghetti was put in. After seven minutes the door was opened for an in- No 'Typhoid Mary" in a Group of Hospital Patienta at Brother Island. New York. Diagram of a Banquet Table on Which Food Waa Infected by a Typhoid Carrier, Showing the Average Oiatribution of Contagion. I, Light Cases] T. Severe Typhoid; N, Uninfected; V, Vacant; ?, Doubtful; S, Safe Food.

Transcript of idDangertoEvcrytodyiKcalth emeiy forIt. · 1 be0Q Placed in the Mass Before Cooking Surviyed in a...

Page 1: idDangertoEvcrytodyiKcalth emeiy forIt. · 1 be0Q Placed in the Mass Before Cooking Surviyed in a FewColonies Less Than an InchBelowthe Baked ... The family had'been eating this lettuce


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idDanger toEvcrytodyiKcalthemeiy forIt.

That a Dlst of Bak** ®P^ettltmi^re - for Typhoid Gonna. The Three0, Indicate the Temperatures of thein Removed from the 0ven.One-Half InchpadU and Near the Bottom. The Typhoid1 be0Q Placed in the Mass Before Cooking

Surviyed in a Few Colonies Less Than an Inch Below the BakedSurface, While in the Centre of the Dish, with Its Mild Temper¬ature of 82.4 Degree*, the Colonies Were Abundant and Active.

' Vasb their handsfflnf®<Tknt The family.1®*1 direction* tow to"A* *ot convey germs


aathociHea ts to detectih "sanjtar7 Isolation."A <F*iranttne. asK dlJeaaes last forw w*t«.and are then

Empowered- Carriersthe n»w State Depart-ho la & carrier of the'er. diphtheria, scarlet.aes <hall be subjecteditlona 0f <he state Do-

pre t»ft iCga] aspect toOq ^Ich account theHenr^ b. Hemenway'sPrinciples of Public"Uch Individuals and ofn maj ho a matter ofPerplexity This musttyphoid fever patientlong lis hin infectiousape complete sterlliza-°*t? 0<J"r'er ,f* entitledahlmielf 6f> laat othefsIs as tecessary for thetypbolfj patient "

to typhoid fever, thererlers.-the acute, the¦air- ®ie periods when'ary .ccordlng to theSi***! disease. How-

. soT here that acuteictually had the givenfirms for a few weeks.c carriers continue toi?en gtrms for monthsnd th«, temporary car-"ho harbor and dis-

He periods, alternatingi of «Joh germs.cases of cholera andndeed. because theyeotlcra Measles. scar-tfectlOfls may. In givennotle4). The patientsare B'ck They go to

jit nest you, all ansu*bows, attend theatres»rowdsj factories andthose people who offerP# In preventive mod-

How a Dish of Baked SpaghettiGave 93 Eaters Typhoid Fever

By Wilbur A. Sawyer, M. D.Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the California State Board of Health, Berkeley, California-

coma down with thaonvey.jig? This ques-^eader while we wereIs 'be<iau8e, Just as ftarrel, 00 It takea twojs difease.first, theondltl(,n of the bodytlssue8 to the attacks.bust s.nd naturally Inthough you have the

k^ave the disease thaMiam* carrying; sn<Jr your neighbor who,the attack8 of thosehas been barren fors bceri fruitfuLirp haa been proved.r many 0f us are con-of 8Uch -distribution,arlseii. Carriers canlaboratory inveatlga-

jir i» discovered.cornea

fbi quarantine Is notfir sufficient. That is

*!them and to. be snsoMo»V people have

s sooo ae the dangertors I* explained will:ly cl«an. And all ofell developed can dotp the ybanda at. tha

(From His Official Report of the Case.)THE City of Hanford, California, experienced an

explosive outbreak of typhoid fever In the lat¬ter part of March, 1914. The epidemic con¬

sisted of ninety-three cases, all of which were tracedto a church dinner. The Infection came from a typhoidcarrier among those who prepared and served thefood.a woman who did not suapect that she had overhad typhoid fever.Of special Interest were the incubation periods,

which were. In the majority of instances, less thaneight days. The shortest was three days.The disconcerting observation was made during the

Investigation that under conditions which are not at,all unusual, baking can actually Incu/btte the Innerportions ot masses of food Instead of sterilizing them.The epidemic began with one case on March 20.

During the following three days the dally number ofnerw cases rose rapidly to the maximum, nineteen.After that the number fell quickly. The last case de¬veloped on April 16.The total number of cases In the outbreak was

ninety-three.Three of the severe cases resulted In death and sev¬

eral others In serious danger.A number of persons Infected at Hanford travelled

considerable distances during the incubation period.This illustrates how typhoid fever Is carried intocities which are not responsible for the Infection. Twoof the ninety-three persons travelled over two hun¬dred miles to San Francisco and developed the dis¬ease there. Three of the cases developed in Fresno,thirty miles north of Hanford. Although typhoidfever was conveyed to San Francisco, Fresno. Exeter,Alpaugh, Tulare. Armona and Selma and^to ranchesIn the country around Hanford, no secondary Infec¬tions from these cases have come to my attention.

Early In the Investigation it was definitely deter¬mined that the infection came from food served at a

public dinner and supper held in a public hall. March17. All of the ninety-three persons who developedtyphoid fever ate food served there. Eighty-five ofthe patients attended one or both of the meals andreceived their infection In this way. The other eightwere Infected from eating food brought to their homesfrom the hall by friends.While the infection was easily traced to the public

dinner, the source from which the food became in¬fected was at flr'st obscure. Fifty-five of the patientswere Interviewed and information was obtained fromothers through their physicians. The facts regardingthe kinds of food eaten at the dinner were tabulated«nd studied.The dinner was a church dinner partaken of by

Rbput 160 persons, about 125 eating at noon and 45In the evening.How the Typhoid"Carrier" Was Traced DownThe bill of fare at the noon meal consisted of

chicken pie, mashed potatoes, Spanish spaghetti,baked beans, potato salad containing onions and hardboiled eggs and served on lettuce, bread and butter,olIveB, several kinds of pie, cheese, Iced tea and coffee.At the evening meal ice cream and cake were addedto the list. Most of the food was donated, and wasprepared at various homes or at the hall-, Butter,bread and potatoes were bought from stores whoseother customers remained well.Next to the chicken pio the. Spanish spaghetti was

the dish eaten by the largest number of the personswho became sick. Since the chicken pie was of threeor more lots, the spaghetti was the only dish eaten Incommon by most of tbe typhoid patients. A few, how-evar, were positive that they had not eaten thespaghetti.Only a few ate the baked beans. Many did not eat

the potato salad. Tbe lettuce leaves on which thesalad was served were donated from a private garden,which had been watered with city water and fertilizedwith horse manure from the barn on the nremlses.

The family had'been eating this lettuce and had re¬mained entirely well.Twenty persons had sufficient connection with the

dinner to need special Investigation. 81xteen of thesewere women who were actively engaged In preparingor serving the food.One member of this group presented a history which

made it aeem probable thaft she was a chronic typhoidcarrier. Mrs. X had formerly kept a 'boarding houseIn Hanford. Seven and a half years before. In Octorber, 1906, one of her twelve or fifteen boarders camedown with typhoid fever. The source of his Infectionwas obscure. A week after thlB case had appearedanother man who was boarding with Mrs. X developedtyphoid fever. Again the source of infection was notclear. In March, 1912, two more cases appeared inthe boarding house of Mrs. X.This history of lour previous cases of typhoid fever

among the contacts of Mrs. X made it seem probablethat she was a chronic carrier and was the source ofinfection, not only of the four boarders., bnt also ofthe ninety-three persons Infected at the dinner onMarch 17. Later the proof that she was a chronic car¬rier,was recelvfed by telegram from the laboratory.The one article of food with which Mrs. X came, in

contact before the dinner was the Spanish spaghetti.She had prepared this dish at her home, up to thepoint of the final baking, which took place at the halljust before the dinner This final baking would ap¬pear at first glance to Justify tjbe elimination of thespaghetti as the dish responsible for conveying theInfection.

¦tant and It was noted that the cheese had melted.After fifteen minutes the dleh was removed from theoven. The surface was not properly browned, andtbe temperature In the middle of the spaghetti hadrisen only one degree above room temperature (80.8to 62.6 degrees F.) In the following half hour, whilethe dish was standing in the rooa, tha temperature atthe middle rose to 69.8 degrees P., aa the heat gradu¬ally penetrated to the lnher portions. Cultures takenfrom various depths all developed colonies of typhoidbacilli.

A Tempting DishimpFull of Active Germ3A large hot-air sterilizer was then heated and kept

between 220 and 888 degrees V. The pan of spaghettiwas Introduced and subjected "to this heat for thirty

" minutes. When the dish waa removed the surti.eewas of a golden brown color. The appearance andaroma suggested that the spaghetti was thoroughlycooked end very hot. The temperature near the topwas 129.2 degrees F. and at'the middle 78.4 degrees F.Ten minutes later the temperature at the middle was75.2 degrees F.. and the dish waa then returned to theoven. Cultures taken at various levels showed thatthe typhoid bacilli were alive even close to the surface.

In the next baking the over was kept at a tempera¬ture ranging between 405 and 417 degrees F. Alterhalf an hour the pan was removed. The surface .wasdark brown, and the points sticking up from it Werecharred. The liquid around the margin was boilingvigorously and the whole dish was slssllng. The tem¬perature Just under the surface waa 181.4 degrees F.At the mldlde It was 82.4 degrees F., and near thebottom it was 118.4 degrees F. An hour later the tem*peratures had become nearly equalized and were 114.8degrees F. near the top, 108.6 degrees F. at the middleand 109.4 degrees F. near the bottom. This showedthat the Interior of the dish did not reach even a pas¬teurizing temperature.Cultures taken at the surface soon after the pan had

been removed from the oven showed no typhoid colo¬nies and very few of the other kinds. Cultures takenat a distance of half an inch from the surface showeda few colonies of the typhoid bacillus, most of the or¬ganisms having been killed. Cultures from a depth oftwo and a half inches showed abundant colonies oftyphoid bacilli. In these cultures the typhoid colonieswere Identified by their appearance on Endo mediumand Russell medium and also by agglutination hy anttyphoid serum.

In this way It waa shown that sterilization of thepan of spaghetti at the dinner in Hanford was not onlyImprobable, but practically Imposlble. The maas ofthe spaghetti there waa much greater than In the ex¬periment and conditions were leas favorable for thoi*ough baking.The thickened sauce, consisting so largely of milk,

was suspected of being the culture medium In whichthe multiplication of the typhoid bacillus took place.Ten c. c. of the sauce, which had been set aside whenthe' experimental dish was prepared, was put In a testtube and sterilized in the autoclave. The same amountof sterilized milk was used for comparison. Eachtube was inoculated with 0.0001 c. o. of a twenty-four-hour broth culture of the typhoid bacillus Isolated fromMrs. X. The tubes were thoroughly shaken and thenIncubated at 98.6 degrees F.The*laboratory experiments completed the explana¬

tion of the Manford outbreak by ahowlng that thesauce used In making the Spanish spaghetti waa agood culture medium and that the dish had not beensterilized after leaving the houa;e of the typhoid carrier.

Moreover, It was demonstrated that sooked dishesmust be considered as possible Conveyers of Infectionunless it csn be shown that the method of cookingwould produce complete sterilization.. The slownesswith which heat penetrates dishes like the Spanishspaghetti shows that very prolongsd heating would benecessary for stsrlllsation of fafge dishes of such food.Ordinary baking merely incubates the interior of theaemaeaeS of food.

How the TyphoidGerms Resisted the HeatThe Spanish spaghetti was prepared as fonu«rs: On

the Vlay before the dinner the spaghetti was toolled Inwater. Then It was washed and separated with citywater running from a tap. On the same day a Spanishsauce was made out of a quart of milk, two cans oftomatoes, butter, seasoning, cooking soda and thestrained liquid in which dried peppers had been boiled.Probably a little flour was added for thickening. TheseIngredients were put together and cooked.On the day of the dinner, at about 10 a. m., the spa¬

ghetti and the sauce were mixed In a large diBhpan andcovered with cheese. The weather was warm andwould have been conducive to the multiplication ofbacteria. The spaghetti arrived at the hall between10 and 10:30 a. m., and was put into the oven of a gasstove immediately. Tbe late arrival of the spaghetticaused tbe women to fear that there would not besufficient time for the proper baking of this importantItem on the bill of fare. When the first patrons ar¬rived they were served with the upper and warmerlayers of tbe spaghetti, as it was thought that thedpener portions would not be as hot as desired.The evidence would be strong that the spaghetti

carried the infection If it could be shown that thisdish was a good culture medium and was not sterilizedby the baking. Experiments were therefore under¬taken at the State Hygienic Laboratory to clear upthese two points.A dish of Spanish spaghetti was prepared as nearly

as possible according to the methods used b> Mrs. X.The spaghetti and sauce were prepared Separately.Some of the sauce was put In flaBks and sterilized andset aside to be tested for its properties as a culturemedium. The remainder of the sauce and the spa¬ghetti were inoculated with a broth culture of thetyphoid bacillus of the strain from Mrs. X. The fol¬lowing day the sauce and spaghetti were thoroughlymixed In a small dlshpan and covered with one ponndof grated cheese.The dish was not as large as the one prepared by

Mrs. X, and would therefore be more easily heatedthrough. This mass of Spanish spaghetti was 5 inchesdeeo and ranged from 9 to 13 inches in diameter. Theeven.of an ordinary gas' range was heated to bakingtemrerature, and the dish of spaghetti was put in.After seven minutes the door was opened for an in-

No'Typhoid Mary" in a Group of Hospital Patienta atBrother Island. New York.

Diagram of a Banquet Table on Which Food Waa Infected by a TyphoidCarrier, Showing the Average Oiatribution of Contagion. I, Light Cases]T. Severe Typhoid; N, Uninfected; V, Vacant; ?, Doubtful; S, Safe Food.