ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]

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Transcript of ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Welcome to ID2sInformation Evening

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]



    About Me


    School times

    English Maths


    Specialist Lessons


    Circle time andgolden time


    Assessment and reporting

    Leave of Absence

    School prospectus

    Class parentExpectations from childrenand parents


    Lunches and water bottlesOther notices

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    About Me

    Born in Abu Dhabi; moved to UK when I was 6 andlived there until I got married.

    Parents are from India/Pakistan

    Fourth Year in HSV and taught in the UK

    Worked in the co-orperate industry for 4 years.

    Live in Amsterdam with my husbandLove shopping; cinema; travelling the world and

    home improvements.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    TimetableMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    8.25 8.45

    Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities

    8.45 9.15

    Literacy Guided ReadingRed

    Guided ReadingYellow

    Guided ReadingBlue

    Guided ReadingGreen

    9.15 10.00

    Class Time Spellings/Phonics Literacy Literacy LiteracyAssembly 9.30 Library

    10.00 10.30 Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break

    10.30 11.15

    Gym Music Literacy Gym IPC


    11.15 12.00

    Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy


    12.00 13.00 LUNCH LUNCH

    BuddyingLUNCH LUNCH

    13.00 14.00



    Spellings/Phonics Circle Time13.00 13.30

    Golden Time13.30 14.30

    Class Time14.30 15.00

    IPC IPC Dutch/EAL

    14.00 15.00


  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    School timesMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and

    Friday8:15 - gates open

    8:25 - children enter classroom forsilent reading and spelling

    8:45 - register. Classes begin.

    10:00 - snack and break

    12:00 - lunch and break

    3:00 - home time

    3:15 - gates close


    8:15 - gates open

    8:25 - children enter classroom forsilent reading and spelling

    8:45 - register. Classes begin.10:00 - snack and break

    12:30 - home time

    12:45 - gates close

    Please ensure that your child is punctual in the mornings as lateness isrecorded. 3 lates meeting with class teacher, 6 lates meeting with LoationLeader; 9 lates rported to the Leerplicht.

    Please collect your child on time as I often have off-site meetings to attend in

    the afternoons straight after school.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]



    In ID2 we cover the following units:


    information texts,


    and traditional story writingLiteracy skills will be taught through speaking and listening, readingand writing. Handwriting will be taught twice a week.

    Phonics and spelling: spellings will go home in folders on hursdays to

    practice at home. We will have an informal spelling quiz in class!How can you support our literacy program?

    Read with your child at home and practice spellings.

    Encourage your child to read a range of text types from a range of


  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]



    We follow the Primary framework for Numeracyfrom United Kingdom.

    The curriculum is split into 5 blocks:Counting, partitioning and calculatingSecuring number facts, understanding shapeHandling data and measuresCalculating, measuring and understanding shapeSecuring number facts, relationships and


    How can you support our numeracy program?Encourage mathematical thinking in everyday settings (eg. shopping)

    Ensure your child practices times tables and plays educational Mathgames.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]



    IPC stands for International Primary Curriculum

    In ID2 we cover the following units:ClothesCelebrationsBuildings and StructuresIm AliveToys

    IPC is a topic based curriculum that ensures all major subject areas arecovered (eg. science, history, art etc)

    Before each unit begins, you will receive a letter outlining the goals of each

    topic. This will be sent on email along with information on any relatedevents.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Specialist lessonsMusic with Ms Anouk

    Dutch with juf Sabine and Mr MatthieuGym with Mr SytseGym t-shirt and bags available from the office

    Non-marking trainers

    Dark shortsKits will go home whenever dirty.Please name ALL clothing.

    EALEnglish as an additional language with Ms Natalie & Ms CaraIn class with me for those whos priority is to master basic EnglishInstead of Dutch lessons

    As well as additional intervention out of class from our EAL teachers.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Circle TimeEvery Friday afternoon

    IPC Personal GoalsThemes include: feelings, affirmation, caring, friendship, co-operation,

    gender, changes, conflict resolution, problem solvingInternational days e.g Tourism; chocolate; Peace

    Every Friday afternoonReward for following the Golden RulesAlternates between in-class and whole schoolEvery time we will do workshops that last 3 sessions would love YOURexpertise!!

    Golden Time


  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]









    SpellingFollow National

    Literacy StrategySpelling Bank

    Test and introducenew words everyTursdays.A range of strategies

    to practice spellings fromLetters and Sounds.

    IPCBefore each topic thechildren will be given amini-project tocomplete at home.

    ReadingChildren take homea leveled book and twolibrary books.Expected to read at

    least 3 times per weekand track reading inreading journal.For breadth, please

    encourage your childto read a range of textsfrom a range of sourcesespecially non-fictiontexts.


  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Leave of AbsenceUp to 10 days per year ONLY once

    Leave must be approved by the head of the ID in advance.Fill in form which can be found in the reception downstairs and give to me.If your child is unwell, please contact the school as soon as possible viaemail to me or leave a message on the school answer phone

    Please see the school prospectus for more information.

    School ProspectusA paper copy should have been provided last week.

    A downloadable copy is available on the website.Please review internet and email information.Check out the website I will update once a fortnight with what we areup to at school.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Class parentRole involves:Communicating between parent group and me.Organising parent assistance for class trips.Assisting in the classroom and around the school if necessary.Any volunteers? Please let me know ASAP please

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Expectations fromchildren

    Remember to pass messages between school and home.Complete homework given every week.

    Follow school golden rules at all times, including during breaks.Use the toilet during the breaks, and not during learning time.Remember Gym Kit and Library books on correct day.

    Expectations fromparents

    Allow children sufficient time each night for homework, and provide them with

    a quiet, comfortable area (free of younger siblings and television) to complete theirhomework.Speak with me if you have any issues or concerns. Please dont allow concerns tosimmer. We can arrange a meeting via email.Notify the school of any changes of address or phone numbers.

    Read emails/newsletter which will be delivered electronically.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    BirthdaysPlease organise for invitations to be distributed after school. This cannot

    be done during class time.Birthday treats are always welcome! Please keep treats small and avoidchewing gum and nuts.

    Lunches and waterbottles

    Please supply your child with a healthy lunch and snack. Fruit,

    vegetables, crackers, and sandwiches are excellent brain food!No chocolate please (except for birthday treats).Please encourage your child to bring a named water bottle to school. Itcan be left in the classroom next to the sink and accessed at any time.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Other noticesStudent Data forms has everyone handed theirs in? Are there any

    changes needed to be made? If so please send an email to Ms Wittenberg.Are all children allowed to be on the school website? If not please let meknow via email asap.School Bus Ms Wittenberg has a company called 8taxi who can

    provide a service to and from school. Anyone interested let me know please.International Food Fair Friday 19thSeptember 3pm 4pm held atschoolplease can you bring finger food from your home country to sharefor 20 people.Maths Calculation Policy for your attention.

    Comprehension Questions for home.

  • 8/11/2019 ID2 Parents' Information Evening[1]


    Thank you forcoming!

    Are there anygeneral questions?

    Personal questions