iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no...

I VOL. VII. DOVES, MOKRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 9,1877. NO 26 THE IRON tczuuineD ETrm SixcscAi rr BJ3NJ.H.V6GT. EDITOIUMH PRORIETOIl. Offloe onMorris Street near Bkokwell, fKRBIB UP BUnbCRIPTION Une Year, - - - - - - - $2.0 3i« Months, - - - - - - - Tiiree months, - - - - - - { Dr. P. A. HARRIS, PHYSICIAN and BUROEON. DOVER, N. J. irric* AT nil BBHDENCH OXOBOIUIID irtiKET. JOHN F, STICKLK, Counsellor at Law AHD MASTER IN CHANCERY, BOOKAWAY.N.J. J . J . VREELAND, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended to. Bbopl on DLAOKWRLL St., OBit (oOaK« H»U«7'» lumber mill. ContnoU {dun, AUd mtttrlol furalihod. M; ANSIOnT I1OU8S. 'Corner of BliCkwell and SUIBOI Sti, DOVER, N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. rrr T. I.EPOHT, O6unsellorat Law, AND MASTER IN OHANOERY, Omoo la the Kfttional Onion Bftalt Building 3iiAorwii,i,Br., DOVER, N. J. \Jt ' Genenll Furnishing Undertaker LICENSED AUCTJONEER AND C0M3IIB- fllOKEft OF DEED8, Alt onion promptly attended to! DLICKWELL' BTBUT, I>»T«r, Pf. J. G BOnOB MoCnACKEfl, VAHnriontttKR or Carriages and Sleighs, Of B « r y DiMrlptlan. Our. Blaekwell and Borgen Utfl, DOVEIt, W. J. Particular atlantton pilj to repairing mil printing, 3-ly D LOVBR LABORATORY.. AIM?I &Bd Analyst of nil daierlpUoui or - OHUSAM)MINERAL8 CAREFULLY MADE. TJ, O, BIEBWUtTHi DoT«r Morris Cennlj N, J. S^HUBTKIl HOOBB, OHAS. 8. EMMONS, Proprietor. CHESTER, UORDIS CO., M.J. Thi> la ono of the Urgent hotoliin tin county, Bnd tho great elevation of the 'vil- lage of Chester Bbove thenirronndlng country hail made It funotu BB & resort for those seeking a healthful Bummer residence. Accommodations' ample and tormB Terj roiuonable. Excellent itobles is contieetion with tlie Howie. 17-Sm Allen'Falmer & : Son, Carpenters t AND Builders. ] DOVER, N.J. lobbing promptly attendedto. S. J. PALMER, Architect, lt-j JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, ' SUSSEX STREET, (between Ih. MANSION nOTOE.ndDcpol,)'; D0VBB.N.J. Tto his leen entirely reflttea la soost Bunner. Ths TerJ beat brands 01 . Foreign and Domestic Sogars ALWAYS Olf HAND. SWf QEO. A. PRESGOTT, CARPENTER and BUILDER, TABSBSAOLE 'HIIX, DOVER, H. I. JOBI tf BtBBT DBICBJrpoN DESIGNED KDdexeeiitei), kind m*tinil'ftin>Jihei!. PLANS and SPEOiriOATXONS furnittifld. ind'eontrilcli tikan for ill work. '. Tho btit rirereucBa glmn' u to cipicltr in •fury brinish of the ! bnalnm. «nd til work lunnteed. iOVER.H. J. A. Beemer, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Bloekvell St., near Stusex, Dover, N.J.; HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SA1E. for de«eriptiqni or Propertj tndpirtlouli l|Biri«Uh« offloe. *t oar KICK LITTLE'MEW STORE at thi formor residence ofti.B, GAOE, E»q. BLACKWELL St., next door to AUenAMonlngton's tin store] Mr.'andMrfl. E,D. Porar, W. J., April Bth, 1877. 17-lSw LIFE and HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS, BLUE AND LIGHT. "" llul moOlBm. : .01retilsri i »n'. «" I™ <?••«.' spplloaiits: J.H. BTODDAB' a Co., 7J3 Qmtnil Bl., riilla. / U-t» Onras. B. A. BKNNE'i'T, M. D, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN &SUHGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis., (Opposite Dover Dnck,} DOVER, N.J., of Women «nd CUiiartii, Hleo Uouni s 71.> P A. U., 1 lo 3 oud 7 toflP. U. uiio D. burru. B. O. UKO:E,JH, SMITH & MECIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE OVER PIERS01VS HAT 8I01IE, BLACKWELL STREET, Mr 13OVX3XI, n, jT, L. W. THURBER, SUPERINTENDENT OFPUBLIC fiOUOOLS OF M0RIU8 COVSTV. Offleo o«r DEO. RIOHARDSiCo. 1 ! STORE, DOVEE, N. J. ]y£OSES BLAKOHAKD, ATTOIIKEYATLAW, ,»0 MASTERlit CHAKOERV, DOVER, N. J. IRA C. COOPER, Mason and Builder. ContrtclilakoD oral. klndiorUtson Work ad Jobbing. LUtE, PLASTER AND CEMENT, Fumiihcd'ittl.ortnollao. OlBco ntdor "The Iron Er» Omco," Doror, Grandin House. .00 JARDS FROMD. L. 4 W. DEPOT T. P. GBANDIN, Prop'r. Excollent accorammlattonn for transient .. permanent buirilem, also a liver; autl boarding table attached to tho houno. Paiecuecra taker lo sad frotu Build's Lake aud Lake Uopatcoti| phr4-'1temefU»tl>to»e<llelii e£a. wsndDeput, . . Now York. For Sale by xll IiruvCffitit*. ami at J. H. DROWK'S drug atorot corner of BlaeLuToll »Dd Biunox His. and Vunclit & Kill- sore, now coruor druG stgre, Dover, N. J. W. 8. & E. 1^. UcOAMP, NEGOTIATORS A PROSPEGT0RS For Iron Orel and Mineral Property, >OWEEVILLE, N. J. P. O: at BOONTON, N. J. u. 8; DiOii». Kn. P. DEOAIIP. MRS. A. BEEMEB Ii now renjy wltli ill tlio now ttyies for SPRING of 1877. Fashionable Millinery AND Fancy Goods. THE Latest Styles & Newest Designs [EABIiY OFFOSnB KATIOKAI* OKION BA.NH UOtLCIHO, "DOVES, H. J. Tliolireoat sndnioflt compluto itock of Milli- nery siid Faucy Oooda to bo found fu Dover oomprlsluff - PASSAGE TICKETS: AT RAM, HANCE &Co.'s STORE, POET OKAM. N. J. " 'HE 1IARDWAHE STOBE. VOOKEEES BEOTHEBS, AKD BXTin. s u u u n* Hardware, Iron and Steel, AILB, BDILDEE8 1 ; HAItDWABE, AHICB AtlD TARHERS' TOOLS AHS' UARIUAOB UAKEU'S OOODB, B. WisuinonHAKD BAH* STBEEK,' MOEEISTOWN. N. J. counters stoos OT Wooden Ware and Housekeeping Goods. JQonuctfl, FIa*a, Flowers, Feat- era, lUbbona: l^acea—reBl and imltattou—IVetiktiea . and JJuwg. Collars. Lnco and .Linen eta. CrapflH, lYlniiriiltig Jtonuets and HOIIB. AfliiDnoortment of SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c, -. Also, (. Tery \ugo Tirloty o ZEPHYR GOODS, ' ' Anil* fina itock of ladies' Furnishing Goods. reryUiiuB of tho best nutorial mi tniOe up >j Uie moat competent uaiaUnta. PAINTS, sodHiDQfMltinn'ArtlctiS Benersur. ,lme, Cement, Plaster, OXOIU1BB.T0O1UIIIX8. JAMBS B. T0OBEMS. orriHowo, Sept. JM, 1B71. DENTISTRY IH ALL ITSBRANCHES AT 3. B. JOENSTON'S ZLOOBXS. INSERTING,: EXTRACTING, FILLING, Ao- VTO »iMiHoa»i chirgo for oxtraatlng: vbue Y new tooth art iniBrtfld. W« ire now mak- tg beitatiral toti br laetb ior PIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL WORK WAKUAMTBD. E»o,er,'Bopt«mbet35Hi,-lBTB. . . FARMER'S HOTEL, ALEX. L.ANOUSE, calls nllonaonlo'Oio (act ttalhs liastakenHOTEL, on BLAOEWELIi St, DOTOR, N. X, loUly lopt bj Ohas.'Walson, and has complete!; renovated and refor. nished it, so as to giTe good and ample bccommodationBtobotliixiatiandbcaBt. The BABvill be supplied wWhtle best brand; ot UQUOSS and StOAis. Board will be far. ntflhed by tne Any or veek, OB reasonabh terms. My Livery Stotolb ; will be continued is connection with' tbis ooBe. An inTitation is extended toall my 111 Mends and tbe general publie to s^e leacau. ••...' . » M.& I. Searing CARPENTERS, and BUILDERS; ULiCKWDXST., DOVER,N.J. Jobbing in Creneral. 'DeoembBraith 1870. S. J. BCHEADEE, JHeOainsville, ilta lie BtUnUon of the lmUutoher Block of DRY AND FANCY GOODSi N OTIONS. &°- WANTED, FOB CASH, RjHM, PAPER. OLDBOOKSTOCKi LEAD, OOPPEE, BIUBS, *«. J inoiTAEIi 'WEtBE'S, BLAOIWXLS,flt. Jr»dareislymsil . iCURESi HTIMPESETB 1 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS med telnet. •Pacific tit ;entral une for t«ent re proved the most known. Theynrtju nd tiitrcrlnR. men » well tried pmetli an emluent itlirvlclan. HWK, [itlon of (Iron <ir AOulli, , . IS j .nrir j* *• f. CoUffhiT, Colds, uToncUtTii,~T-. '. . . S. NcurttlEln, Tootlintbu. Fnccwlio. , . - «. HeadacW,8ick llradacha, V«tlg& . JO. Bj-ipeiMsB, Billon* fitomseli, . ... 11 Wfiftef, too'Prnfoto Periods, .". '. ', IS. Croup. Dough, Difficult I)r»attitnpr, . . 11 Halt Uheuin, Ey.lp.-tM, , It Fever and Amir, (Jbill Fever, Ague*,. IT. MlM, blind wbkcdlnir, . . . . . . IS. Opfatnalmy, and Bore nt Weak Erti,. rfaK my BL-creiiom,.. dIn f ridi f& Bca>SleknM«, ifcknet-ifroai riding, . . 17. Kidney.DlftcaM. Gravel t «. Nerrnm Debility, Vital WeakOCH, I t So! UrlMiry WcahlicVr^WttiiiK'tiiol'ed) £ Ii. Palnrui Period*, «rwith Spwrni,. . B «. DlKtaneor Heart, •.alnllatloB*,cle. . 1 0 W. Epllemer, Biuimni, 81. Vltae'DBIIOJ, , 1 D Ctt*(i, Vorocco, frith *boTuttStnrffe vlala itnd lUnnBl of directions, $10.00 Cane Morocco, ot aaUtge vlalmnd Dooir, 0.00 Thrift ttmedic* are Kent by 1 he rnx •IHKleboxor vial, in any imrtnr th coantry, I e or it ft ttmedic* are Kent by 1he rnxe oxor vial, in any imrtnr the , Ine or CDBrt,e, on receipt of 41 VEGETINE. . HE SATS IT ISTETJE. . SEHECA FALLS, NOT. 9th, 1676. MR. ILE. STBTKNBI ' . ; DEAR SIR—As you nre an entire stronger ijne, I won't yon toknow what VXQKTINI tits done for mo. Only those who have been nd&cd from death's door canknow the TOIUB of Buohngdod medicine. I am 58 years of ago.. Throo years ngo I was taken tnck with what the doctors called Lmtnuoo. For weeks •ex eo nil mill to my bed. I hod three dif- ferent phfidoiunB, without liny help. J re- ceived no relief j I •was ngreat >uffcrer) Anally I became entirely helpless. The last doctor told we thore wus no help; honixld ho might possibly nave mylife by ejecting mor- plima in my arms Mill logs, Tha ensourago- ment for saving my life by having" this done BO small a ohanm I could not connont to run fao ileh. About Ihls time my. son read yonr advorUeoment inonr paper, a testimony of a person who had been very flick with about tlie name complaint, unit wftg cured, My son went right away to tlie apothecary oro and bought & bottle of VEnrriHe. Bo. jre I had used tho first bottle I found great relief;.I conld move inyself In bed.' 'After taking threo bottles I van- able to nit np and move about my room. Icontinodtaking the VcgcUno, and I wanin nfew weeks reRtoretl to niy former health.' Tho VEGETINEsavei! my Etfo after th» physicians said there was no help far MO, I have had no'doctor since. If I feel nuwoll I take a dose of VEQETINE and I recommend it to my friends. Your TEOKTIHE ought to bo in every faru. jv My doctor waa surpriucd to nee nie In good health. He e&ys VEQETINE is a gqod rnedidne, I tell himit cured no. He sayi MtiBtrno." I cannot feel .too thankful. Very gratefully yours, MAS. OATMRINE COONS. Seneca Falls, Seneca County. W. X. . :i0£ VEG-ETINE. AUdistaixjgoi'theblooa. XfVEOETIKE will relieve pain,- cleanse, purify nnd cure such diseases roxloriiigthe patient to perfect health after trying different physicians, many remedien, tnifforiDg for years, is It not con- luslve proof, if yon are a sufferer, you can i cured? WbylM this medloiue performing icb great cures? It works in the blood, in _je circulating fluid. It can truly he called tho GHUT BLOOD PCBIKZE. The great source of disease originates in theblood j and no medicine that does not act directly upon it, to purify andrenovate, has any jnst claim upon pubho attention. • - VEGETINE nooKFOBT, March 8 let, 1876. H; It. RrKVsMB: *Sut—Lost fall my buebond oot me twobottles of your Vxan-intotaka or the Canker Humor, which I hare had in my stomach for several years. I took it, and tiori*uHwv)TeryBnUirfactory.' Ihnretoken a good many remedies for tho Canker Iltunor and none uootuedto bolpma but VKOXTINEJ There is no doult in my mind tLate^ery one Buffering with Canker Humor con be cured Ly taking Vzaxmrt. It gave mea good npptUto, and I felt better In every rodnect; Yciim, with reBpect,. HUB. ELIZA AMN POOLE.; VEG-ETINK NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. BOOTH B U B C , Miw., NOT. 14tli, 1870. MB. H. K. Bntviss i Dun Bni—I hato Iwen troubled with Scrofula, Canker and Liver Complaint for tbree years. NothinR ever did mo any Rood until I commenced using the VEGETINE. I am-now ge(tinc along first rate, and still using the VEGETINE, I- consider, there is nothing cqtvJ toitfornuch complaints. Can heartily recommend it toeverybody. Yonra truly, Mis. LjlXM II. flQXABD. No. 10 Lngrange 6t, South Salem, Urn*. VEQETDfE thoroughly eradicates every Jnil of humor, and restores th ti tern to a healthy condition. YE&ETINE. PKETAIiEDBY H.R.STEVENS, Boston,Mass, VEGETINE IS BOLD BYALL DRUGGISTS, •oil OtUlogUQ free. b.r POETIC. The Nuhool MfstrfSR. "hoo tho Ititinna und taska sro >tl ended, Ami tlie school for Ibe iliy ii (lismincd, And ibf tittle ontn Rallior arnund mo To bid mogood uiglit mJ ba kluactl; Oil, tlie liUla wLitn armi tbat oiiciiulo My utck ia * Un<lur ccnUmcet 6b, the smiloi tint urn li»los of hoavoo, itddlDg uuunlilno or IOTO nu my f»co 1 And nlion the; an fjono I ntt drcarainj Of my cliildiiood too lovely lo last; Tloio tlitat uty btiArt will rciuomuut When it wnkoa to thbpiiUu of tlio pint, t iti (.ho nurld mid 1 tu trlckudueii m&dQ mt] A imrtntr at uurroiv ami ulu; When lliu glory of Ucil wai about mo, And the glory uf glddnesi within. Ol), mv heart grova weak is a wonmu'i Ami Ibofountains or huUug trill flow. Whfju I tlilm of tbi piths stocp and nony . .loro the feul uf tlio dear out'e mutt no; OF Ilia inounldui of ilu tmnp;iiiK for thtm, Of tliu tampeel* or fate bloning nlld; Ob 1 tlicBO trunDts frotn homo mid from huaTon They hove made me moro Holy nud mild; And I knuw nowLaw Jusuit could likon u kingdom of Qod to a childI I ink not llfo forthe dear onei All rtuliint, DBniliora have doDO, But that llfo may tiavc Just unuugl sludovt To loinptr ilia «laro of tlio •un. I vould pray Qod to puartl them from evil, But mj prajor vouia buuud Uok to myielf lli I a auripb may pray for a dinner, ' But n nianoi roust pr»y for liimnelf. Tlio tdlc' I"so easily honieA, I have banUbod the rule and the rod; have (,aUBht them tliegoodncnofknowlcflE" They liivo t&uglit mn tho goodness of dod! My b » r t la >v duticeon of dtrliBoen; Whon I ilop lliem ftom bruakliiff a rule, My frown in Bufllcluut corrocllou,' My love \e tbo Ianol tho achool. I Bbal) loaro tlie old hutmn lu the Autnmn, To lr<ivor«o Its tlireitiold no more. All I low I ibill ileu fur the dear unci, Tliat meet nibcicli morn at tlio dnor jliall mill tho " gnod nlgbtii" and lbs kliiei, Ani3 tho find] ol their innocent plco, Tbo group on tbe grotn, nnd the flovrera That ware brought tverf morning to me. •ball mill Uionifttmorn sad at eren, ~ Their noog in the ncliool and the alraet; I iliall mlai. tlie loir hum or thoir voices, And tbo Iramp of thoir delicate feet. When tlie leiBuni andtaaks aro all ended, And dcatb says " Tlio ichuol Is (JUmlvicd 1" May the little on» galbor*round me, To tikd me guuu nlgbt and ha kingnd. ftirBlreMe? No Never- Well, Dominie, thank you for comin 1 They told you, I 'ipoBe, I waa wild When I fonnd tbat a storo-keeplu 1 felUr llud just run avrar, with my child; My baby, my motliorlcBB rlancy— "" D'B a unliy, you seo, to me, noir, And to think ibe would cheat ber old lather ffhou wai It ?" you art me, " tud how !'* Wall, long about bajlu 1 aha told tuo— Iler apron half over her cbeok— That a lad frum tlio town cam* a orurtln', •Might ibe sot) him ?' I Irlud nut to apusk, JJut I couldn't keep still, an' I told her I'd ihoot him si quick ai a hound If be ever como nqar her to court bor Wben me and my Rimwas around, Bhb looked kind o*pitiful at ma: Oh I titlier, l'vopromlReil," ibn laid, . And left mo.; Along tnrougb tbo orchard \»in tho b'oDtilown yallcr bead— ' taw lief go wanderin' farther— ' I know well enongb whore sbe went, Far ber molhor HOBburied off yonder- Theway her footstepi were bent. An' sbocome vrbes the dew WBBa Tallin', Apatt mewith novcr a word; Bnt out al hor own little window A pitiful aobbln' I heard. Well, after thnt, all through the Bunimcr, Sho Boamod lorto' milcinn and aliy. Sho aiia nothln 1 more of bor lovor, And nothin' about him laid I. LaBt night, when the milkln' wai over,' An*I aal by the itoop all alone, Little Nancy came softly beside me, And took my oldhand in ber owu. Her fico was is red • • (he roiei, I know now sbe tried hard to confeii, That hor mind w«i made op to tho woddln'; But Bbo hadn't the coungo, I guesji, Well, iir, wben I called In tho nioriiin 1 No i[ec,7 "Ioi, fatlirr," I heard j.. I opcnod tho door ol ber chamber, ' • And pillDw and blanket vs'nt allrrcd. .II bor ponr littlo iludi ihe had iakon-^ Thore wi'ntfluch s wonderful, i k b t - And a ibabhy andfaded old plolur* Or me and boy tuotbtr In white. Ubo loft mo tills scrap or paper j ~Bbe'Bm»rried bfthli tlmo,yonice. Ton married her?' Well, ilr howdafe/ou Como oTor lioro taltln to mo ? " Forgive hor V\¥o, nover I nn, never! . ; -She WHUIB ma toblma )Tnr V The jade I 'Bho'iwflltin'ontyooderr Ko niatter, Hho must lie In tbe bed ibe hai made. .'II ncTor~no, norer— forgive her, Whu'B oaraln*? 0, Kanor, my child; AU, me ? tbe ia like her dead mother 1 Yfrll.p e got reconcile!.. ERA-DIATIONS. A littlo girl suffering from tho mumps doclarea tuntalio "foala as though a headache bad ulippotj down into her. neck," A Vermont ivomnn snya tbnt a man's Test makes the earnest and nicest corset over inveutod, nnd nowlook out for fmalp agents, '• • ; A man namet] Now eallad his first child Somottutig Now, the next Nothing Mew, and tie third Mobod; New—(be-, ctuse it was ancxpecteil.) . An Eiciting pace.—A 'man rau his bead agatnat n atone wait last week. Tbe result of tbe rnco was that tbo stono, null was beaten—by a head, - ' Wbat 1-DSO Bmells the strouceat?" said a brigbt litilo girl after a VIBU to a colored •cburoli. "I don't know,,my dear, I'm Bnrc^" ".TTby, negroes." - Applications for ecrvico in tbo Turkish arm; orpnbUndant in Now 1'ork. It is tbe.prospect of a harem•souem expedi- tion tbnt forms tbo attrroUon, Alock, Stephens boB auffloiently ro- oovorcd to nrgno a case in tbo supreme court.. One of thcao tlayi we expeot to ees this man preaching uis own funeral sermon, ' A down town man wbo went to church lost Sunday remarked afterward thnl he preferred ,tho organ to tbo preacher, Ho said there seemed to be a stop to the organ. . A young lady not quito three(bus doflnes• a carpenter's piano: -'Papa, give me that" " What, * my dear?," ".•Why that thing ho scrubs mates out of boards with." *. A youthful Ethiopian, undergoing, n •pankloff on tlio maternal lap, would, says rMlkiQB, make, a, capital frontis- piece for Lieut. Camorous newbook " ' A c r o s s A f r i c a . " -••••.••'- "That parrot of mine's wondorfnl bird,"Bflld Smitbers; "ho criea 'stop thief' 10 naturally that ovory timDI bear it I alvays atop, . What are yon all latighiDg at, anyway?" Tbe first thing ayoangman does on ..(eing a friond with a now hat on is to tako it off and sereoolv try it on bis own bead. When a young lady sees an ac- quaintance with her new bonnet on she justs lifts bar cose and serenely wonders "where tbo thing got the fright" Ttiero in an island In tbe Pacific Ocean where tho-wild pigeons grow to i bo aa big as turkeys and where there was never snob a thing as blue glass known. A foot like this, in tbe bauds of a West- ern debating lociaty might be used to tlio nttcr demolition of tho Flcasoptonian theory, ; ' Strung Biff Ifcu ot C-uiinirnlit. John W. Button, a "49er, loctured before tho Manhnttou Liberal Club, Now York, liibt X'ridiy tvouing, about Culi- foraia when in the delirium rf tbe gold fever. Among * (lie uncouth niineni nbout him, lie rniid, wure "Biy Ben" nnd " Littlo Dick," uiutos. " Big Bi was far above iiny niau in the mining region in tttalure, Lurly,* nail of wonder- ful strength, bis fuvorita pus time -being ijGudiutr crotrbui's. "Litllo Diclc " wn« a curionity for, tlie stalwart uiiuerti ou nccuuut of hia nmallness ; and a tnenuer soul wus never iu a mau weigliiugciglily puuudi. "Little Uiak " wan quurrol- iine, but cowardly, nnd "Big Bou" hud to do Iho -bitling for Uim, So, ultbougti incflansive niul kindly nntni ully, " Big Ben Pt got tho reputoliun of despt'Kulo. ' In Ibo milling: bonldeni too heavy to be lmndlod by a few men were <_flcu ou- coiiulcicd, nud when tbey were tlio pro- prietors of - adjacent ulaimtf wuro in- vited to nssiet iu removing tlioni. ••Big Bon " WOB iiovor foigotteu, nudho did tbo work of liulf a dozeu uturdy men. 13tit atlet.tVolKiuldpr hud beuo moveJ nenrly fur euougli, ho comuiuuly thrust tho crowbar under tha IjoulJur, am], pressing hia olioulder ugainst tho crowbar, bent it nearly double. Finally Jim Cook, the blacksmith, vowed tlmt lie would wold a crowbur that "Big Bea" could not beoti. Ho got up ft pnuderoiiH bur of cast etuiil fitiiu Trisco, and welded it iuto a. omvvbar that, mire euoiigb, "Big Bon" ooulil not bend. Tlio latter remembered thin, hia first defeat, tohis dying moment. There cuino from tlie Btaton, to rocu- perato, tho Doctor's nifo uud tiuy daughter, "Birdie." Slio became very fond of "Big Bon," aud ho vombipped her. Though ho was panning or crnd- Hug with a glnmmor of tbo yellow specks at tlie bottom brightening his eyes, ho would go when "Birdie" BI "" Como, Ben, I want somo flowers, or pretty stones." For yoors oftorwnrd tho eta used to uny, between tlie puffa of their evening plnas, that "BigBeu" iver " weakened " but oncu. It was iu front ot a ealoou. "Little Dick " woe the aggrerwor, nnd pistols and bowio-huives eloamcJ. ''Birdie" said, Come, Bon, with mo," and, cntcm'ug hor up iu hiB arms, " Big Ben " walked away. The miuiug oamp was by the sido of tho bed of a dried-up stream. Across its high 'banks a single fulleu tree eitended tbe ouly couuectiou between tho oamp itid tUo fluncrj ulopt boyoiitl tho river. One afternoon, as suddenly streame in that region doreturn to thoir beds, a mighty flood poured down tho bed. Tbe minors .BUW "Birdio".gutheriug flowers on tlio. opposite slope. "Big Ben," returning with "LittloDick,"saw her peril. Ho shouted, "Dick/go across aud get tha ohild, aud I'll hold the bridge." fio put Liu crowbar inlo a crevice beneath tlio tree, aud bruccd LIB •Hussive ohoulder against it." "Little Dick 1 ' darted across, the treo, about wbicb tlie waters' were rising fast, matched up " Birdie," nud r a n ; and as be darted Heroes it and" Brining "to the shore, tho treo whirled dowii the current and " Big Bon " foil iiroatrate. Bloody foam was on bis lips.- Ho had ruptured A blood vessel. "Birdie's" mother wiped away the foam', and, looking up, 'Big Ben" whispered, "I saved 'Birdie,' and bent the bar," and died. He bad beat tbe crowbar that Jim Cook had forged to overtax hia strength. BArtliolill'8 Colossal "Liberty.)' Iu an article entitled- "Franco to America," in Seribner for June, occurs tho following description of ttarthoidi'e colossal "Liberty," which ia to aland in tbe h'arbor of Now Xotk : ' .Allowing twenty feet for tho height of the island above the water, tlio pedestal is to bo one hundred and ten feet high, md tho Btattib, tothe.flame of tli^toroh, ono hundred and forty-five. This makes tlio torch at lcnst two hundred nnd nev- octy-flvo feet above the level of tho bay. It will equal in height tlm column in the Place Ycndomo at Fans', aud will bo largor than the Colossus of Rhodes, so much celebrated byantiquity. Like thnt statue, it will bavo to bo cast in pieces of manageable sizo, and built up much after the manner of an armored frigate, i The construction will bo a curi- ous piece of engineering skill, for wliich the sculptor and Mr, do Sttickle wilt be iponsiblo. At night it in proposed that A halo of jots of light shall radiate from the temples of the enormous god: deas, and perhaps tho flame of the toreb bo fashioned in crystal, in order tliat it may catch the light of. the stin by day, and at night from a glowing object illuminated by electricity. In respect to the pose- of tho statuo. tliat bas been calculated with care. A' Liberty would liava to bo draped, even if n draped statae were not advlsablo in a climate so cold as ours,- 'where nude figures suggest extierae discomfort. But M. Bartboldi bas also uuod his Orapcry to give a tower-Iiko and therefore solid look to his lofty wpman without forget- ting the necessity for variety iu the up- ward lines. Or porlmps it would bo better to say tbat he bos followed the laws of Htability to be seen ib the trunka of trees, which are very bread at the ground,: wbero the foots are indicated, yet by no menus of one. monotonous breadth from tlie roots to the branches. .She will stand EO, us'to suggest that the strongest <hurricane could never budge her from tho pedestal sho has chosen. Her gesture is meant to call tho.attontionof the most distant person, and, moreover,'to lot him know unmis- takably what the figure moans. For in tbis statue,: also, M. Bartboldi .IOB ap- plied his Holenco to line effect in getting the flgaro ontlinod against tbo sky, while the energotia nttitnde has Dot interfered with a certain dignified repose*which in- heres in tha resting position nnd which may bo owing to the weight of tie body being thrown on thoidlt leg,,as well ns to tho grave folds of ample drapery. Even if a Etranger approaching from tho NnrVowa should lie know at once what ihe ia'holding ^ip for him 1 to BOO, tho energy of her action will awaken his curiosity, and tho dignity of it wilt make him await a nearer approach witb confidence. Wben lie can make out tbo tablets of the kw. which jut from hci leftside as they rest on her beat arm, nnd'the flaming loreh which Bho holds liigh np above her head, wbilo her ayes are fixed on tbo horizon, he will bo dull indeed U ho -doeijnot and,erstnart wont the wiAe* to tolL * ' iluiv Nuuli (.lit Ills Kame. After tlie ark had been out about, twi weckfl, (lie vifo of tbo captain began ti get tired and restless, and niixioun to bi once more oil dry land. Hence aha fell into a habit uf every now and theii call iug out to her hiiriunnd, and iuquiring i thore were any mjjua of cleiiriug up, etc, imd OB IIQ ahvnyfl answered " N o , " she would iudespair add, " All I* 1 anil so it kcnt from hour to hour uuJ day to day. One night the wind cainu out from the lertheuat uutl luudo things very lively on bomd. Tbo jib clow Hues worn par toil, the tupsuil biuunele wus curried away, uud tlio tuuin bhect blown into pieces no Inrger tliun fivo ponl lianJkoicbieft Of course, the "old man" was kept busy, undwas nut in thebeat of humor. Ho lii(d jult-Uiultal the look-out, und aslipd-if ho liadueen auytliiug of "Arj rut," and received iu aiinwer, "Nary int, sir I"—had just ordered Sbein, who wus atoeriiig, to "keep lieruff two pointa," r hcu Hum cLiLJiu ou bciiird und io- ported that tbe largest elephant bad broken loose, and insisted on taking hii :ruuk ink) tbo camel's dupiiitnicnt, whp u turn, bad got their backu up about the interview. Tliu vurious UOUHU had taken sidca iu tho quarrel, and there wa a grand row generally. Just as tin cuptuiu had persuaded the elephant to go buck to his own room, aud hud checked his trunk in order to pacify him, there came a voice, "Any signs of clearing up, denr ?" It wus ruining tbun literally lu sheets. Totho inquiry wus given the usual reply, and io tho reply was ndjlctl the usual "All," ouly in a sadder tone than usual. It was it littlo more than the old mi could at nail, ami be yelled out, "No, 1 'Ah,' 'Mo,' 'Ahl' it is nothing hut No," Alt I" all Jay long. You hud better call mo ' Nonb, 1 and be dono nitli it I" and bo we wont below to splice the main brace, which had parted. And so it was that tho captain of tbo ilrst great ahip.cnmo to bo called " Noah," Tho study of tho origin of names one of great interest, aud it is rather re- markable tbat so little attention bus been pa it! to it. Almost any ntimo can be traced to itn probable origin. Thus 3tnaiih]iipcr," tbo smnalier of pipes, or TugimiLtou," ho who was celebrated ia tuggarof mutton, Why not appoint a committee to ascertain Ihe origin of all nnmcB? It would bo ns useful us many other researches,—Mtix Adder. TITO Spncliuuni. of American Humor. A Massachusetts gentlcmao, just re- ii'tiuil from over the Oanndian bordor IIIH imthese stories: He v/uaiu the hotel general-accommodation room when two votqrnos of tbe (hole!) bar, laying schemes for a drink, began to tell atones to each other for his benefit. "These aro awful hard times," Haiti one. "I never SAW snob times before except wben I was in Ohio, an' then I was hard put to't to git along. Kotbin' to do. I hnd a yoko of steers, but they wa'n't cnrniii' lotbiu'. But I lived right on the road the'western emigrants went over'every day. So I d ag a hole in that road at the foot o' tho hill near my house, turned a livin 1 spring o' ivator iuto 't, and made a good mud-bole. 'Well, wben tho emi- grants came itlong, even* day there would bo one or moro teams git snick in my mud-holo/an' they would see my steers standin' out doin' DOthin 1 , an' they would send ap an' git me to come nn 1 help 'em out; an' I alwuz charged as much ns 35a lift. Well I kop 1 that mml hole light up ingood repair till I mnde $213,000 out on't an' then Bold it out for 88,000 nn' moved tip hero." Story num- ber two was the other HunchauBonV companion-pieco for tbo yoke of ntcera : " When I was a ohoppin '—I could chop some, you know—an' folks uBed to ask me tiow muoh I could do in a day. 'Have you over tried it ?' says thoy. 'No, never,' says I; 'never but ouco, an' that vfa'u't really ntry. Yon BOG, jest to show 'cm what I could do; I got up one Winter mornin' afore light and grouud up my ax sharp, oh, jest as sharp, an' went into tho woods. An' I chopped like sixty till about 3 o'clock iu tho afternoon, when I thought it was ns much ns I could pile afore sundown, an' I went to pilin'. Well, wben 1 had it ill piled up it measured 27 cord. An' tbon I knew some thin' was wrong, for I knew at the rate I had been choppiu' it onghtcr bo more. So I wont.back an' began lookin' 'round to see where tho trouble was, An' there right at tbe fust tree I*cut in tbemornin' wna my nx- head, l'oii seo, thething wanloose and blipped oil, an' I hud been chopping all day with thebare helve." A Cni'iilvoi-ons Flk. Tho boys ovoric the Park occasionally originate a good local juke, SnikUn has just heard of one of theso, and it is too good to keep. Most of our boys know Buckskin Barns, wlio !asomewhat noted as a gtiide nnj hunter. Well, Burns waa out , buut lust full, and came in with a pert of one elk, Hotold bis party, how- ever, that he killed nine, but that, a great griszly bear had eaten them. Of., course, the boys had no doubt about his having killed tho number be claimed, or that the bear hail mangled them to a degree rendering them uaflt for market; but they prctondod to bo incredulous, anil joked tho huutcr about his bear story until it began to grow monotonous, and Burns became some- what sensitive on the subject. About this time Mellen, another noted banter, andone of Grand County's offi- cial dignitaries camo into the Springs from i>hunt. The boya had posted him tbo Bums story, and when that rivi oame around lie was ready. What did you kill?" asked BuruB. A big grizzly boar was nil 1 got," answered Mellen, . . 1 Well, wliere'a your game ? Why didn't you bring in the bido, anyhow, to back up your story ?" queried Burns. "Hie truth is, Burns," added Mollen, •hilo I wns off nftern dear, ndoggancd old bull elk oamo into camp and ate that bear, hiila and bait ]" Bnrns didn't have anything to any for half a minute, but then meekly remarked dreamy aud absent manner. BoyB, I'm mighty Borry thoro ain't a drop of anything strongor'n milk in Grand County ; this is ono of tho occa- sions when I should like to sat 'cm up 1" Georgetown \Go\.) Miner. I Could Not Fool Him. A lady living on Second avcuuo hi her mind maclo np for two or three dnyi that Lor hoy needed aomo cafilor oil, 1: film kticiVKbo must app-'oacli liini gently Blicp'itccd the bottle where he could it, and when he turned up his none, uhe lid: "It's just like honoy, my darling." He seemed to doubt her word, midsb coulimicd . If you'll take some I'll let you go t tho cirens," "How much V" he cautiously inquired, "O, only a spoonful—junt onospoon \Q\," she smiled, an she uncorked thi bottlo. 'Aud you'll give mesome augur, bo sides ?" ho asked. 'fOf course I will—a big lump." Ho waited until nbo began pouring from Ibo bottle, and tbun asked : "And you'll givo mo ton cents, loo ?' ''Yea, of course." "And you'll buy me u kite ?" ho went on, seeing bis advantage. "No." "No kite, no ile," ho said ns he drew back. "Well, I'll buy you a kite," she replied fillinf," -c spuoti cluir up. 'And a vulocipedo ?" "riltbinltofit." 'You can't think no castor He down mo !" he exclaimed, looking around for his hot, " Hero—I will, or I'll toaso futlior to, in 1 ! I know howill. Come now, swallow it down." ''And you'll buy mo a goat ?" "Yes." "Aud two liuudrctl marbles ?" "Yes ! Now tnko it right down "Aud a couch dog?" "I can't promise that." ' "All right; no dog, no ilo." 'Til sco." "Aiid yuu'U buy mo a pony ?" "O I couldn't do that. Now be tt good boy, nnd shallow it down." "O yes, I'll swallow that stuff, I will, 1 * he said, as he clapped on his lint, "You may fool Bon.o other boy with a circun ticket nnd a lump of brown sugar, but it'll take a pony to trot that costor-ile down my throat 1" And ho wont out to* EGO if tbo neigh- bor's oat had been caught iu tbe trap he had Bet far her. Tbe company tbat published tha cat- alogues of tho Gontanuinl Exhibition I oat $180,000 in fbe ectcrprise, nnd bare oaod the. Oommiesioncre. for that sum, tuning the ol&im on a violation of con- tracts Effect of Tobneto on tliu Ilinnan System In tbe fourth annual report of the Michigan State board of hcnltli, Dr. Scott relates something now in tbo iu- fluDnco of tobacco on tlio humuu sjuletu, follows: " There has came under my notice for several years, but moro particularly during tlio last two years, a kiud of heumatic condition of the walls of the cbost. The patient complains of n dull bea,vy pain in the chest walls. The disease iu a largo majority of cases is ircumscribed and limited to a npaco of nob more than two incites iu diameter, ust below aud a littlo to tbo left of the 'ft nipple. At times the pain is very Bevere, and always constant day aud night, wben tbe patient is awake. I bare investigated tho disease to some extent, and And it to be moro common ng tobaco users, especially those wbo uso Ibo weed toexcess. Patients suffer- .ig from this complaint invaiiably como to their physician with tbo boliof tbat Lhoy liavo heart trouble. I have not found signs of organic lesion inany of tho canes that I have examined, but there- ilooa exist iu Home of them what might bo called 'irritable heart,' I am con' vinced tlmt the greater number of eases are theresult of intem- perance- cither in the UGC of tobaccoor ilbor stimulants, for tbo reason-tbat wben the patient abstains from tho use of thorn for a Bhort time, bis pain ceases nd his condition improves. In ono case, where tbo patient abstained from tbo uso of tobacco fur thirteen mouths, tbo pain entirely ceased ; but at tbo end of this period the gentleman rccom- mrncni the use of tobacco, and after hree weeks' use the old pain returned with all its severity. I amcertain tbut quite ^number in this vicinity nre ro- liviug treatment for heart disease, wlon, if they would reform in tobacco using, tbey would speedily recover." Mark/Twain's Hole!. Having lately opened a himhcry, I send you these, my rules and regulations : This house will be considered strictly inlom]>ercto. None but tho bravo deserve the fare. Persons owjng bills for board, iroil for hills. Boarders who do not wish to pay iu ndranco.aro^requested to advance nnd Boarders aro expected to wait on tho colored cook—foe meals. Sheets wilt be nightly. chauRed, once iu six months, or more, if iicceasury". Boarders nre requested to pull off their boots if thoy can conveniently do so. Beds with or without bugs. All monpyVantl other vnluiiiilcs nroto bo lelt in camof the proprietor. This is insisted upon, as he will be held res- >nuib]e for no other losses. Inside matter will not ho furnished to newspapers .under any consideration— reporters keep scarce*. Relatives coming to make a six mouths' visit will bo welcomed, hut when they bring half gf their household furniture,'virtue will cease to ha a for- icaranco. Single men with their families will not be boarded. Dreams will bo ohnrged for by thb dozen. Nightmares hired out at reasonable rntca. Stone vaults will he furnished to snoring hoarders and the proprietor ivi io wiso bo rospouaiblo fur tho broken Un panurns of other years. ; The demand of this century is for photographer who can improve upon God's handiwork. Howill have to ar- range mutters so tbat in tho pietnrn the largest* kind of ears will appear like clover leaves ; a noso that can bo cov- ered, necksbawh will have-to bo repre- sented by n diminntivo excrescence of loveliness ; tlio larger tbo mouth tbo moro it must be made to look as though tbo owner had just been Bucking a chunk ol alum ; and on tlie countenance mus linger an expression such as sweeps cvci a boy's face, when ha suddenly discovers where tbe preserve jar in bid.. It in just possible tbat it will bo difflcaltto entirely cirry out his;programme, but if any man can do it, he'll went diamonds. HE HADN'T.—Tho temperance revival in Detroit has sat many muu to thinking HTJOUHIJ-, One of tho serious wasdii ;<>veml comiug out of a Larned streel wlooii yrntfirdny, nnd an acqua cnllnri'd liim nud »oid : " You have b«en drinking." " Not a drop," was the reply. " 1 saw you wiping off your mouth. 1 "YL'S, I wiped off my mouth, but hi.d not ]»oudrinking." ' "Tlmfa honest, iait?" " That's honeat. If you don't holievi ittiOGll my broalh." Jin fumed bin laca,'tho other got liii now down to inhale aud as he ataggerec liouUbucill.^lout: "If a littlo whiskey will kill tiia: iincll. you go and get it right away, am I'll btiind belivoeu you and the pledge, uud pay for the drink to boot I"—Detroii Five I'rens. Iloir to Arold Ordinary All ordinary attacks of diseases are easily warded off, by any one wbo yill atudy a few common sense physiological abd snnilary rulea and directions, and observe tlcm. Audwe will hero briefly give Biieh rules mid directions ns will cunblcaur common sense person to go throufili lifo with littlo if uuy eoriotiu IUKS or Buffering by sickness. In f lie ilrst place a common sense way of going to work to keep disease out of your body, is to find out bow it gets iu. How ilofs it got in ? Through the mouth and nostrils, either as uuwliole- ime food, drinltdornir. Can any otie jiut out any other way, except iu some tscu by asorption through the pores of ie fikfn ? Now, how to beep disease it. Voii can't doit—tbat U, uot eii- ;in]y. under tbo oustoms of civilization. By care inavoiding very unwholesome ootls nnd drinks, and impure air, the Ititintity admitted may be greatly re- luced. How, then, if disease can cot ie entirely kept out, can sickness be voided ? Oh, it's cusy enough. Nature has boDeficially provided out- lets for diseuHe—tbo luugs, •intestines, md purcs of the skill—and while it is of the Greatest importuned to lessen as much as practicable the admiasiou of (lisousp, it is nlso important to keep(the outlets unobstructed. You cannot neg- lect this nnd bavo health, tbat IH, if yon tro liable to instructions. Tbcro are thoso whoso physical welfare is BO well Bubserved bytheir habits aud ocoupa- ticia that, ns it should bo in all, tbo out- etn of disease are never obstructed to a it extent to cause sickness; but .hey are tho exceptions, while they ought o bo tlie rule. How to proceed, then, for one liable to attacks of sickness, to avoid them? Do not eat or driuk thutwlituh youknow to he unwholesome ; by judicious veati- ution avoid impure nir, and practice lecp breathing suaa to keep the lungs in vigor; cetublish the habit of sufii- :iontly frequent and regular evaoimtioiiB, ;eep the skirt clean and healthy by at lenNh weekly i.-n«liingnnd rubbing of tlio wliolo body. Avoid extremog of beat uud cold aud sudden changes in amount if clothing. . •- Theso «ro essential rules, though, a person y/ho exorcises sufficiently to pers- lire daily, and putn on clean undergnr- monts Ircqiiently, miiy defer the weekly bulbing to longer intervals.*- rJuddon :ouliug of tho akm iawbat uaually CIOBCH ip tho pores, changes tlie eacnpinf mat- er to a poison, and caused sickness and iiiflering. : TliiiHfar wehnregivcu general rules :o nvoid atttieks of sickuesB. Mote wo i-'ill give a fewdirections for especial ss in case of attack. CuBtoma that re- [uire us to take food end drinks pro- vided byothers, as In traveling, visit- ing,' etc., lay us liable to admit more ' urnee into the system thnn nature, imped as sho is, can diive out of onr jndily houses—though she is more oc- ivo and vigilant than tbe most untiring, jroomwieldinR house-wifo—and incnu- ions exposures, especially todrafts and light air, iomotimes close the .outeide iJoora and windows ngninst ber—tbon nlmt ? Bho seizes tbo safety vnlve, Ap- petite, tostop your eating until sho can jet the diaeneo cleaned out. And then wbat da you do ? Fortu- lato for you if you do not defeat n^turo's •ft'urts by trumping up somo kind of a •gootly" tbat will tickle palate, over- •ulo appetite, and Bend you to tho nick room, where fevor will kindly compel von to stop eating, try to make you take n pure water to help nature wabli out the obstructions, ana call for a warm >nth to expand the outlets for greater Facility of escape, ' Fortunate again for rou if somo person does not give you lings instead of water and bntb, termin- ite your Oomedy of Errors in tho Troge- lyofUpnlh. In ncoordanco with tlio foregoing we >nve rainod nfamily of flvo children (to ho itgca of .Rovea to nineteen} without tieiug obliged to summon a physician, ..r ovfln to proenre a dollar's worth of icdicine—(eicopt for toothache)—nnd o feel confident tbat their study and ibscrvanca -would alnumt entirojy Ho flwey with ordinary sickness and suffer- ing among the human family. How rxnwiLi» AGnEKKBtOK Go.—Mr, Brown kept boarders. Around hia table lat Mr. lirown, Mrs. IJrown, Mrs. An- rewa, tlie viNnffo milliner ; Mr. Black, Ihe baker ; Mr. Jordan, a earpeuler ; aud Mr. Had ley, aflour, feed and lumber nftrchant. , Itr. Brown ioak out of bis pocket-book tea dollar note, and banded it to MrsJ Brown, saying: "Here, my dear, are ten dollars toward ho twenty 1 promisr-d you." Mrs. Brawn banded it to Mrs. Andrews ho milliner, saving: " That pays for my new bonnet" Mrs. Andrews sala to Mr. Jor<Jon, ai ihe handed him the note : "Tliat will pay for the work on the lountor." Mr. Jordan handed it to Mr. Hadley, tho flour, feed nnd lumber merchant, requeuing his lumber bill. Mr. Hadleygnve the note tack to Mr. Urowii, saying: "Tliat pays ten dollars on my board." .Mr. Brown passed it to his wife, with tho remark that thnt paid hor the twenty dollars he had promised. She in turn, paid it to Mr. Black, tusettle her bread md pastry account,, who'banded it to Mr. Hadley, wishing credit for tho imonnt on, bis flour bill; he again re- .urning it to Mr. Brown witb tho remark thnt it settled for that mouth's board. Whereupon Brown put it bncL into his pocket book, exclaiming tbat he "never thought a ten dollar bill would go so far, V Thus a ten dollar greenback waa made .o pnj ninety dollars indebtedness inside of five minutoa. Who Bays greenback! are worthless ? ^ Bill-Clark, a colored clans leader in Georgia, visited a brother's henroost, foil and broke hia neck. Thopastor o bin church was terribly bothered to ge liis fiinnml Hertcau iu proper shapi go hat brother Clark's character would uot suffer. He vent at the job inthis man- ner : 'There arc circumstances con ucutcd with bis death that are perplex- ing. If, after he fell and before he .truck the groand, he repented of bis' flins, were can bo no question bnt 1ha. ho is imvr.m glory ; bnt there wai migh ty little timo for him to think about it. Wiro ropes for mines, eleTators, tnd tho tranamission ofpower are now being made of tliB comparatively new alloy, called puospbor bronEO. These ropes nra auid to retain their plinuilHy nltoi long use, and to resist the action of tbi corroBiva watcra found in mines. On tlie account of tbo Tnrco-Bnssian ..IF and tho failure of the American cab- bnge crop last year, nearly all the genu- ine imported Turkish tobacco wed in this country this summer will bave to be made out of plantain need. Tbo JJor In the Alley, 1 Yesterday nftcmoon a Ernst 'street housewife lugged a hedsteud into tbo buck yard, leaned it ngainst tho fenco, rolled up her akcveB and weut back and branghtunta tf'ukottle full of boiling hot WSUT, Her Hole object wax townsrt offtlie dustRud cobwebs wbieh settle on every bods tend in tlie land, and- sho needn't Lavu lookod all around in a aly and fitonlthy w&y before proceeding to business. 'Iliere woe a boy in tbe alley. ila WIIH liuuting for pliiD.lur in a pile of ibbinti, and, bearing tho woman in the irdlio looted through tho fence nnd .'gan to chuckle. Ho kuew that her object to put tbo bedstead iu tidy trim for tho Hummer campaign. But yet homulicinusly calloi] out: "Have tbo water up to the biling pint if you want to knock 'em 1" l'lie woman put tlie teubettje down in a hurry and locked np tbe windows on either side. Noone was visible, but presently the boy in the alley remarked: "Dout Jet the water git cold !" She located him that time, but slio disdained to bend hia remarks. Lifting u[> the kcttlo again sbe began giving the cobwebs another Bonkirig. "Now follow it up with kerosene 1" oarsoly exebitued tho boy as ebo paus- ed for u moment.. ^.^ ' <|(. N ' Her face iJurkenod^au'd sbo- looted tnxiously iiEound, and nothinp; but tbo conscioueneefl that evciybody Las to dean off the spring cobwebs prevented bur fettling mud. "Woallus utto corros- ivo sublitnite to kill 'em 1" called tho joy from Lbo knothole. Biie wout down lo the fenco and ask* ed wbo was there, and wbat be wanted. "Don't want no thin'" ho Boftly re* ilied, "only you can't never kill 'em -•itb hot wnter I" "Can't kill what ?" Bhe steruly de- manded. •Bumble bees 1" he chuckled. "We've lad 'em up home ever einco I was born," 'Boy, I'm only cleaning tlie duat off that bedstead," ahe said as she got clos- er to tbo knot-hola. "You kin cull it dust if you want to, jut I never saw mo jubat duat with a iharp Etiok!" "You are a mean, impudent boy, and ' want you to go away from here at moo," she exclaimed. -This alloy belongs to tho city," he replied," "aud I can't go. Xou'd better imrry back thore. or they'll como to ?" fcjho picked np a stick, laid it down !ler a moment, and going to the hon&e IQ brought hima lingo piece of apple ie. "Boy, aru't you hungry ?" she asked, as she reached tho fenco. "You bet I" "And if I give you tbia will you go 'ay ?" "I wilt that, I'll wboop right out of be neighborhood in two minutes, and fou kin taok a-shingle over this knot* lole." lt now. hero it ia," ahe said an -lie reached it over. "And I won't tell no ono what I saw na'am, for wo're all liable tofind'em, ,nd mu Bays she really believes they're of good luck. Thankee, nnd if '. was you I'd leave the bedstead out -, loors to-day and let'er freeze np. Fust rate pie, and don't let that water git coldl" ^B ^ Adrenturca Intlio Dark. Laet night-, just after Blinkus and his wife wore snugly atowed away in bed, Mrs.'B. thought sbo heard tho front door i ' 'Hubbie, dear, do you bear that front i loor slammin' ?" :•"- * 'No, dearie, I locked it just before I >vonnd up tbe' clook, - - " I didn't sco you go out in the hall." r _,'JJutIdid,-lovo.'X . . • *' "I think you must be mistaken." ' i •Well, I know wben I looked tbe loor, "dammit" ", you shan't Bwear at me. That door is open, and yon know it. S'poBin 1 tbo burglars get in and carry off oil tbe silver. "We'd bo in a nice fix,"* "They'd be worse off with the old plated stuff. Besides, who ever heard ' . if a burglary above A street." ^ ''If you don't get up and lock the door 1 mBh out and scream for the police. I'll WHOthe neighborhood if it's tbe last act oftnylife." , . '.-•- Blinkaa, somewhat alarmed &t tbe ibreut, rose tip and began to famble •' liind for a match. - '; "Tha matnliesare'at tho end of the [ishstand, lovo." ' • ; Blinkus paused at tbe place designs.- 0 "nd, and broke a soap disk. ^5«. "I never saw such an awkward man ; =•„'- in my life,"qaoted Mrs.B. from the bed, ,-"."; last ns h e stumbled back over a spittoon :'•}. < md Bat down, ia it BO forcibly that it waa*;;: * tmashed'into forty pieces. • '• •'-'''•-, "CDord I"ejaculated Mrs. Bi - '""•«• v : Blinkus neit struck his toe agaitmt a >wcl rack, and au oath diBSolved itaolf '. -' in tbe darkness.' Then he stepped ,.on '; :• the baby's rattle, arid ranone of-the >ointsinto his foot half an inolt. Jnmp^v; ' mg aside lie upset tbe centre tablo, and-'v- -; began to flonnder ont towards the hull. v ^ Hisyoongbopefnl'B carriage •was t h e r e ^ p and he fell over it six different ways be^ ,..-'.i|l toiro he reached tbe door. : .vT'^*,? "Wna it opon ?" queried a voice from'/' io bed. ' ]*},'j^\. "Ohl it moat have been flomethlrigi '.': ss Tbeard.—Virginia City Okroniclt,'-." :.•, Mr. Henry Word Beedber hna beenl'.;^; giving in Cincinnati reminiscences of ,vv iis early life in Ohio. Oneof nfsstorjes . ./•• is thiB: "Tho other day I camo through '."/'•': Londonville, Ohio nndl woBforcibly re- iv'& minded of mystay there wben on my )'-'•'• tint trip out WGBI Weslopped late at . night, and Sunday there. Thore were-^ two coachOosdfl of ns, and the little, £ two story briok tavern" was nearly Jail-'';;-- when we arrived. The best they crinld 51 do for my brotbor Charles and myself ; sraa togive us a coRpln of "shako-dbwos 11 ;>, in tbe aining-room. We nloptlsto Sun- •" •'?$ y morning, but finally waking up com* " :.v inced to talk. I sold : "OharleB, I'll - ;'-> set you I can tell what they b&d at this.,;-'? iiotcl for dinner ye&teto'ay." "What was- •''•"•-; ,t ?" "BottBt i5eef," I replied, basing my ' . >\ dginp on astaJe sort of odor that per- , '.' ided tie room. "No, you're xnistak-. • '. •) i," Bftid he, shading his head and snif- . :'',-' Sing at the ooverinq of bis bod; "it :.',;- was mutton." We both stoutly main- •;.",-, taiqed.oarrespeetivQ propositions, anils:'-".^ falling to a vigorous smelling of onr bfld -.'•'?.• clotheii, found the landlord bas given ; *'-: us a couple of table cloths for bed- '.;,;•! iprends. and Oharles had got tbe mutton'-" ••'. •. ilotb a n d l tho beef. . •- •• ;• -•;.-,' A Heroic Woman. It is related that, in tbe year 1870, tho grand muster uf the Knights of Mai- . ; •• ta sent aa a present a costly bracelet of ; \. rabies toMadam do Frcnoy, a Fronch -.- v !;' ( woman, o( great beauty, iutoken of her: ' v i extraordiaaxy and gallant conduct waoo ' an Algerian conmir attacked tho vessel * ' •; in which she was a passenger. This L--' lady was in a polacca, Bound to Genoa;,._' i; '' nnd* tbe Algcriuo, eominff alongside, /*' poured in a^roadBido, and thoB paiJ- ' ; ding with her, a numlwr of-pirates boarded ber, sword iu band. Thocrow '""t-j ware aboat to submit, to tlio onemy, •-'.£ when Madame de I'recoy Bnatcbcd a sa--' ^ ber from a wonndod sailor, and wielded •>£; it witb astoaishing coarnge »nd effect. ; : ^ The crow, animated and inspired by: ; V, such an unexpected ccamplo of femnlo' .<& vnlor, foagut with .entnnsionm, killed ;,^' several of the pirates, and drove tbo TO- ' l ,'•$ maindcr back to' thsir vcsnel. When : tho lady reached the shore, Bhe was ev-. •' * < orywhere greeted with ncolamatiops by >, ; /, the populace. The Marquis de Chris-.':,•. tcanx -waited upon her, and witb : faiV v. j' *• own hands placed a crown of laurel bn : ^^ ber head. .. - ^T Till following epitaph appears on * tombstone ia Connecticut; "Hen lies tbe body ot Jonathan Richardson, who , never sacrificed his reason nt tne altar . of raporelition's God, nnfl who nDTfir >tliQVsd thftt Jonah swallowed BTwcale.".

Transcript of iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no...

Page 1: iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no 26 the iron tczuuined etrm sixcscai rr bj3nj.h.v6gt. • editoiumh prorietoil.


THE IRONtczuuineD ETrm SixcscAi r r


Offloe on Morris Street near Bkokwell,


Une Year, - - - - - - - $2.03i« Months, - - - - - - -Tiiree months, — - - - - - - {





Counsellor at LawAHD



Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.Bbopl on DLAOKWRLL St., OBit (o OaK«

H»U«7'» lumber mill.ContnoU {dun, AUd mtttrlol furalihod.


'Corner of BliCkwell and SUIBOI Sti,


I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor.

rrr T. I.EPOHT,


Omoo la the Kfttional Onion Bftalt Building

3iiAorwii,i ,Br., DOVER, N. J .

\Jt ' Genenll


fllOKEft OF DEED8,Alt onion promptly attended to!


GBOnOB MoCnACKEfl,VAHnriontttKR or

Carriages and Sleighs,Of B«ry DiMrlptlan.

Our. Blaekwell and Borgen Utfl, DOVEIt, W. J .

Particular atlantton pilj to repairing milprinting, 3-ly


A I M ? I &Bd Analyst of nil daierlpUoui or -OHUSAM)MINERAL8


TJ, O, BIEBWUtTHiDoT«r Morris Cennlj N, J .


OHAS. 8. EMMONS, Proprietor.

CHESTER, UORDIS CO., M.J.Thi> la ono of the Urgent hoto l i in t in

county, Bnd tho great elevation of the 'vil-lage of Chester Bbove the nirronndlngcountry hail made It funotu BB & resort forthose seeking a healthful Bummer residence.

Accommodations' ample and tormB Terjroiuonable. Excellent itobles i s contieetionwith tlie Howie. • • 17-Sm

Allen'Falmer &: Son,



Builders.] DOVER, N.J.

lobbing promptly attended to.S. J. PALMER, Architect,





SUSSEX STREET,(between Ih. MANSION nOTOE.ndDcpol,)';

D 0 V B B . N . J .Tto his leen entirely reflttea la soost

Bunner. Ths TerJ beat brands 01 .

Foreign and Domestic SogarsALWAYS Olf HAND. SWf





KDdexeeiitei), kind m*tinil'ftin>Jihei!.


furnittifld. ind'eontrilcli tikan for ill work.'. Tho btit rirereucBa glmn' u to cipicltr in•fury brinish of the ! bnalnm. «nd til workl u n n t e e d . iOVER.H. J.

A. Beemer,


Bloekvell St., near Stusex, Dover, N.J.;


for de«eriptiqni or Propertj tnd pirtloulil |Biri«Uh« offloe.


formor residence of ti. B, GAOE, E»q.

B L A C K W E L L St.,next door to AUenAMonlngton's tin store]

Mr.'andMrfl. E,D.

Porar, W. J., April Bth, 1877. 17-lSw




" " l l u l moOlBm.:.01retilsrii»n'. « "I ™ <?••« . ' spplloaiits: J.H. BTODDAB'a Co., 7J3 Q m t n i l Bl., riilla. / U-t»


B. A. BKNNE'i'T, M. D ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis.,(Opposite Dover Dnck,}

DOVER, N.J . ,of Women «nd CUiiartii,

Hleo Uouni s 71.> P A. U., 1 lo 3 oud 7 to fl P . U.

uiio D. burru. B. O. UKO:E,JH,



Mr 13OVX3XI, n , jT,



Offleo o « r DEO. RIOHARDSiCo.1! STORE,





IRA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

ContrtclilakoD oral. klndiorUtson Workad Jobbing.

LUtE, PLASTER AND CEMENT,Fumiihcd'ittl.ortnollao.

OlBco ntdor "The Iron Er» Omco," Doror,

Grandin House..00 JARDS FROMD. L. 4 W. DEPOT

T. P. GBANDIN, Prop'r.Excollent accorammlattonn for transient . .

permanent buirilem, also a liver; autl boardingtable attached to tho houno. Paiecuecra taker

lo sad frotu Build's Lake aud Lake Uopatcoti|

phr4-'1temefU»tl>to»e<lleliie£a.wsndDeput, . . Now York.

For Sale by xll IiruvCffitit*.

ami at J. H. DROWK'S drug atorot corner ofBlaeLuToll »Dd Biunox His. and Vunclit & Kill-sore, now coruor druG stgre, Dover, N. J.


For Iron Orel and Mineral Property,


u. 8; DiOii». Kn. P. DEOAIIP.

MRS. A. BEEMEBIi now renjy wltli ill tlio now ttyies for

SPRING of 1877.

Fashionable MillineryAND

Fancy Goods.


Latest Styles & Newest Designs[EABIiY OFFOSnB KATIOKAI* OKION BA.NH

UOtLCIHO, "DOVES, H. J.Tliolireoat sndnioflt compluto itock of Milli-

nery siid Faucy Oooda to bo found fu Doveroomprlsluff -






Hardware, Iron and Steel, •




MOEEISTOWN. N. J.counters stoos OT •

Wooden Ware and

Housekeeping Goods.

JQonuctfl, FIa*a, F l o w e r s , Feat-era, lUbbona : l^acea—reBla n d imltattou—IVetiktiea

. a n d JJuwg. Collars.Lnco a n d .Linen

eta. CrapflH, lYlniiriiltig Jtonuetsand HOIIB.

A fliiD noortment of

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c,-. Also, (. Tery \ugo Tirloty o

ZEPHYR GOODS,' ' Anil* fina itock of

ladies' Furnishing Goods.reryUiiuB of tho best nutorial mi tniOe up

>j Uie moat competent uaiaUnta.

PAINTS,sodHiDQfMltinn'ArtlctiS Benersur.

,lme, Cement, Plaster,


orriHowo, Sept. JM, 1B71.




F I L L I N G , Ao-VTO »iMiHoa»i chirgo for oxtraatlng: vbue

Y new tooth art iniBrtfld. W« ire now mak-t g beitatiral toti br laetb ior

PIFTEEN DOLLARS.A L L W O R K W A K U A M T B D .E»o,er,'Bopt«mbet35Hi,-lBTB. . .


ALEX. L.ANOUSE,calls nllonaonlo'Oio (act ttalhs lias taken U»

HOTEL, on BLAOEWELIi St ,DOTOR, N. X, loUly lopt b j Ohas.'Walson,and has complete!; renovated and refor.nished it, so as to giTe good and amplebccommodationBtobotliixiatiandbcaBt. TheBABvill be supplied wWhtle best brand; otUQUOSS and StOAis. Board will be far.ntflhed by tne Any or veek, OB reasonabhterms. My

Livery Stotolb ;

will be continued is connection with' tbisooBe. An inTitation is extended to all my111 Mends and tbe general publie to s^eleacau. • • . . . ' . »




Jobbing in Creneral.

'DeoembBraith 1870.


JHeOainsville,ilta lie BtUnUon of the lmUutoher

Block of


N OT IONS. &°-



JinoiTAEIi 'WEtBE'S,

BLAOIWXLS,flt.Jr»dareislymsil .



med telnet.

•Pacific tit

;entral une for t« entre proved the most

known. Theynrtju

nd tiitrcrlnR. men» well tried pmetli

an emluent itlirvlclan.


[itlon of

(Iron <ir AOulli, , . ISj .nrir j* * •

f. CoUffhiT, Colds, uToncUtTii, ~T-. '. . .S. NcurttlEln, Tootlintbu. Fnccwlio. , . -«. H e a d a c W , 8 i c k llradacha, V«tlg& .

JO. Bj-ipeiMsB, Billon* fitomseli, . . . .

11 Wfiftef, too'Prnfoto Periods, .". '. ',IS. Croup. Dough, Difficult I)r»attitnpr, . .11 Halt Uheuin , Ey.lp.-tM, ,

I t Fever and Amir, (Jbill Fever, Ague*,.IT. M l M , blind wbkcdlnir, . . . . . .IS. Opfatnalmy, and Bore nt Weak Ert i , .

rfaKmy BL-creiiom,..d I n f ridi

f& Bca>SleknM«, ifcknet-ifroai riding, . .17. Kidney.DlftcaM. Gravel t« . N e r r n m Debi l i ty , Vital Weak OCH, I t

So! UrlMiry WcahlicVr^WttiiiK'tiiol'ed) £Ii. Pa lnru i Period*, «rwith Spwrni,. . B« . DlKtaneor Heart , •.alnllatloB*,cle. . 1 0W. E p l l e m e r , Biuimni, 81. Vltae'DBIIOJ, , 1 D

Ctt*(i, Vorocco, frith *boTu ttS tnrffe vlala itndlUnnBl of directions, $10.00

Cane Morocco, ot aaUtge vlalmnd Dooir, 0.00Thrift t tmedic* a r e Kent by 1 he rnx

•IHKleboxor vial , in any imrtnr thcoantry, I e or it

ft ttmedic* are Kent by 1 he rnxeoxor vial, in any imrtnr the, Ine or CDBrt,e, on receipt of



. SEHECA FALLS, NOT. 9th, 1676.MR. I L E . STBTKNBI ' . ;

DEAR SIR—As you nre an entire strongerijne, I won't yon to know what VXQKTINI

tits done for mo. Only those who have beennd&cd from death's door can know the TOIUBof Buohngdod medicine. I am 58 years ofago.. Throo years ngo I was taken tnck withwhat the doctors called Lmtnuoo. For weeks

•ex eo nil mill to my bed. I hod three dif-ferent phfidoiunB, without liny help. J re-ceived no relief j I •was n great >uffcrer)Anally I became entirely helpless. The lastdoctor told we thore wus no help; ho nixld homight possibly nave my life by ejecting mor-plima in my arms Mill logs, Tha ensourago-ment for saving my life by having" this done

BO small a ohanm I could not connont torun fao ileh. About Ihls time my. son readyonr advorUeoment in onr paper, a testimonyof a person who had been very flick withabout tlie name complaint, unit wftg cured,My son went right away to tlie apothecary

oro and bought & bottle of VEnrriHe. Bo.jre I had used tho first bottle I found great

relief;.I conld move inyself In bed.' 'Aftertaking threo bottles I van- able to nit np andmove about my room. Icontinodtaking theVcgcUno, and I wan in n few weeks reRtoretlto niy former health.' Tho VEGETINEsavei!my Etfo after th» physicians said there wasno help far MO, I have had no'doctor since.If I feel nuwoll I take a dose of VEQETINEand I recommend i t to my friends.

Your TEOKTIHE ought to bo in every faru.jv My doctor waa surpriucd to nee nie In

good health. He e&ys VEQETINE is a gqodrnedidne, I tell him it cured no. He sayiMtiBtrno." I cannot feel .too thankful.

Very gratefully yours,MAS. O A T M R I N E COONS.

Seneca Falls, Seneca County. W. X.• . :i0£

VEG-ETINE.AUdistaixjgoi'theblooa. XfVEOETIKE

will relieve pain,- cleanse, purify nnd curesuch diseases roxloriiigthe patient to perfecthealth after trying different physicians, manyremedien, tnifforiDg for years, is It not con-

luslve proof, if yon are a sufferer, you cani cured? WbylM this medloiue performingicb great cures? It works in the blood, in

_je circulating fluid. I t can truly he calledtho G H U T BLOOD PCBIKZE. The greatsource of disease originates in the blood j andno medicine that does not act directly uponit, to purify and renovate, has any jnst claimupon pubho attention. • -


nooKFOBT, March 8 let, 1876.H; It. RrKVsMB: *Sut—Lost fall my buebond

oot me two bottles of your Vxan-in to takaor the Canker Humor, which I hare had in

my stomach for several years. I took it, andtiori*uHwv)TeryBnUirfactory.' Ihnretokena good many remedies for tho Canker Iltunorand none uootuedto bolpma but VKOXTINEJThere is no doult in my mind tLate^ery oneBuffering with Canker Humor con be curedLy taking Vzaxmrt. I t gave me a goodnpptUto, and I felt better In every rodnect;

Yciim, with reBpect,. •HUB. ELIZA AMN POOLE.;


BOOTH BUBC, Miw., NOT. 14tli, 1870.

MB. H. K. Bntviss iD u n Bni—I hato Iwen troubled with

Scrofula, Canker and Liver Complaint fortbree years. NothinR ever did mo any Rooduntil I commenced using the VEGETINE. Iam-now ge(tinc along first rate, and stillusing the VEGETINE, I- consider, there isnothing cqtvJ to itfornuch complaints. Canheartily recommend it to everybody.

Yonra truly, Mis. LjlXM II. flQXABD.No. 10 Lngrange 6 t , South Salem, Urn*.

VEQETDfE thoroughly eradicates everyJnil of humor, and restores th titern to a healthy condition.



H.R.STEVENS, Boston,Mass,


•oil OtUlogUQ free. b.r


The Nuhool MfstrfSR."hoo tho Ititinna und taska sro >tl ended,Ami tlie school for Ibe iliy ii (lismincd,

And ibf tittle ontn Rallior arnund moTo bid mo good uiglit mJ ba kluactl;

Oil, tlie liUla wLitn armi tbat oiiciiuloMy utck ia * Un<lur ccnUmcet

6b, the smiloi tint urn li»los of hoavoo,itddlDg uuunlilno or IOTO nu my f»co 1

And nlion the; an fjono I ntt drcarainj

Of my cliildiiood too lovely lo last;T loio tlitat uty btiArt will rciuomuutWhen it wnkoa to thb piiUu of tlio pint, t

iti (.ho nurld mid 1 tu trlckudueii m&dQ mt]A imrtntr at uurroiv ami ulu;

When lliu glory of Ucil wai about mo,And the glory uf glddnesi within.

Ol), mv heart grova weak i s a wonmu'iAmi Ibo fountains or huUug trill flow.

Whfju I tlilm of tbi piths stocp and nony. .loro the feul uf tlio dear out'e mutt no;

OF Ilia inounldui of ilu tmnp;iiiK for thtm,Of tliu tampeel* or fate bloning nlld;

Ob 1 tlicBO trunDts frotn homo mid from huaTonThey hove made me moro Holy nud mild;

And I knuw now Law Jusuit could likon

u kingdom of Qod to a child I

I ink not llfo for the dear oneiAll rtuliint, DB niliora have doDO,

But that llfo may tiavc Just unuugl sludovtTo loinptr ilia «laro of tlio •un.

I vould pray Qod to puartl them from evil,But mj prajor vouia buuud Uok to myielf

lli I a auripb may pray for a dinner,' But n nianoi roust pr»y for liimnelf.

Tlio tdlc' I" so easily honieA,I have banUbod the rule and the rod;have (,aUBht them tliegoodncnofknowlcflE"They liivo t&uglit mn tho goodness of dod!

My b»rt la >v duticeon of dtrliBoen;Whon I ilop lliem ftom bruakliiff a rule,

My frown in Bufllcluut corrocllou,'My love \e tbo Ian ol tho achool.

I Bbal) loaro tlie old hutmn lu the Autnmn,To lr<ivor«o Its tlireitiold no more.

All I low I ibill ileu fur the dear unci,Tliat meet nib cicli morn at tlio dnorjliall mill tho " gnod nlgbtii" and lbs kliiei,Ani3 tho find] ol their innocent plco,

Tbo group on tbe grotn, nnd the flovreraThat ware brought tverf morning to me.•ball mill Uioni ftt morn sad at eren, ~Their noog in the ncliool and the alraet;

I iliall mlai. tlie loir hum or thoir voices,And tbo Iramp of thoir delicate feet.

When tlie leiBuni and taaks aro all ended,And dcatb says " Tlio ichuol Is (JUmlvicd 1"

May the little on» galbor*round me,To tikd me guuu nlgbt and ha kingnd.

ftirBlreMe? No Never-

Well, Dominie, thank you for comin1—They told you, I 'ipoBe, I waa wild

When I fonnd tbat a storo-keeplu1 felUrllud just run avrar, with my child;

My baby, my motliorlcBB rlancy—"" D'B a unliy, you seo, to me, noir,

And to think ibe would cheat ber old latherffhou wai It ?" you art me, " tud how !'*

Wall, long about bajlu1 aha told tuo—Iler apron half over her cbeok—

That a lad frum tlio town cam* a orurtln',•Might ibe sot) him ?' I Irlud nut to apusk,

JJut I couldn't keep still, an' I told herI'd ihoot him s i quick ai a hound

If be ever como nqar her to court borWben me and my Rim was around,

Bhb looked kind o* pitiful at ma:Oh I titlier, l'vo promlReil," ibn laid, .

And left mo.; Along tnrougb tbo orchard\»in tho b'oDtilown yallcr bead— 'taw lief go wanderin' farther— 'I know well enongb whore sbe went,

Far ber molhor HOB buried off yonder-Theway her footstepi were bent.

An' sbo come vrbes the dew WBB a Tallin',Apatt me with novcr a word;

Bnt out al hor own little windowA pitiful aobbln' I heard.

Well, after thnt, all through the Bunimcr,Sho Boamod lorto' milcinn and aliy.

Sho aiia nothln1 more of bor lovor,And nothin' about him laid I.

LaBt night, when the milkln' wai over,'An* I aal by the itoop all alone,

Little Nancy came softly beside me,And took my old hand in ber owu.

Her fico was is red • • (he roiei,I know now sbe tried hard to confeii,

That hor mind w«i made op to tho woddln';But Bbo hadn't the coungo, I guesji,

Well, iir, wben I called In tho nioriiin1

No i[ec,7 " I o i , fatlirr," I heard j . .I opcnod tho door ol ber chamber, ' •

And pillDw and blanket vs'nt allrrcd..II bor ponr littlo iludi ihe had iakon-^Thore wi'ntfluch s wonderful, i k b t -

And a ibabhy and faded old plolur*Or me and boy tuotbtr In white.

Ubo loft mo tills scrap or paper j~Bbe'Bm»rried bfthli tlmo,yonice.Ton married her?' Well, ilr howdafe/ouComo oTor lioro taltln to mo ?

" Forgive hor V\¥o, nover I nn, never!. ; -She WHUIB ma to blma )Tnr V The jade I

'Bho'iwflltin'ontyooderr Ko niatter,Hho must lie In tbe bed ibe hai made.

.'II ncTor~no, norer— forgive her,Whu'B oaraln*? 0, Kanor, my child;

AU, me ? tbe ia like her dead mother 1

Yfrll.p e got reconcile!..


A littlo girl suffering from tho mumpsdoclarea tuntalio "foala as though aheadache bad ulippotj down into her.neck,"

A Vermont ivomnn snya tbnt a man'sTest makes the earnest and nicest corsetover inveutod, nnd now look out forfmalp agents, '• • ;

A man namet] Now eallad his firstchild Somottutig Now, the next NothingMew, and t ie third Mobod; New—(be-,ctuse it was ancxpecteil.). An Eiciting pace.—A 'man rau his

bead agatnat n atone wait last week.Tbe result of tbe rnco was that tbo stono,null was beaten—by a head, - '

Wbat 1-DSO Bmells the strouceat?"said a brigbt litilo girl after a VIBU to acolored •cburoli. " I don't know,,mydear, I'm Bnrc^" ".TTby, negroes." -

Applications for ecrvico in tbo Turkisharm; orp nbUndant in Now 1'ork. It istbe.prospect of a harem•souem expedi-tion tbnt forms tbo attrroUon,

Alock, Stephens boB auffloiently ro-oovorcd to nrgno a case in tbo supremecourt.. One of thcao tlayi we expeot toees this man preaching uis own funeralsermon, '

A down town man wbo went to churchlost Sunday remarked afterward thnl hepreferred ,tho organ to tbo preacher,Ho said there seemed to be a stop to theorgan. .

A young lady not quito three (busdoflnes• a carpenter's piano: -'Papa,give me that" " What, * my dear?,"".•Why that thing ho scrubs mates outof boards with." * • .

A youthful Ethiopian, undergoing, n•pankloff on tlio maternal lap, would,says rMlkiQB, make, a, capital frontis-piece for Lieut. Camorous new book" ' A c r o s s A f r i c a . " - • • • • . • • ' -

"That parrot of mine's wondorfnlbird,"Bflld Smitbers; "ho criea 'stopthief' 10 naturally that ovory timD I bearit I alvays atop, . What are yon alllatighiDg at, anyway ?"

Tbe first thing ayoangman does on..(eing a friond with a now hat on is totako it off and sereoolv try it on bis ownbead. When a young lady sees an ac-quaintance with her new bonnet on shejusts lifts bar cose and serenely wonders"where tbo thing got the fright"

Ttiero in an island In tbe Pacific Oceanwhere tho-wild pigeons grow to i bo aabig as turkeys and where there wasnever snob a thing as blue glass known.A foot like this, in tbe bauds of a West-ern debating lociaty might be used totlio nttcr demolition of tho Flcasoptoniantheory, ; '

Strung Biff Ifcu ot C-uiinirnlit.

John W. Button, a "49er, locturedbefore tho Manhnttou Liberal Club, NowYork, liibt X'ridiy tvouing, about Culi-foraia when in the delirium rf tbe goldfever. Among * (lie uncouth niineninbout him, lie rniid, wure "Biy B e n "nnd " Littlo Dick," uiutos. " Big Biwas far above iiny niau in the miningregion in tttalure, Lurly,* nail of wonder-ful strength, bis fuvorita pus time -beingijGudiutr crotrbui's. "Li t l lo Diclc " wn«a curionity for, tlie stalwart uiiuerti ounccuuut of hia nmallness ; and a tnenuersoul wus never iu a mau weigliiugciglilypuuudi. "Li t t le Uiak " wan quurrol-

iine, but cowardly, nnd " B i g B o u "hud to do Iho -bitling for Uim, So,ultbougti incflansive niul kindly nntniully, " Big Ben Pt got tho reputoliun ofdespt'Kulo. '

In Ibo milling: bonldeni too heavy tobe lmndlod by a few men were <_flcu ou-coiiulcicd, nud when tbey were tlio pro-prietors of - adjacent ulaimtf wuro in-vited to nssiet iu removing tlioni.••Big Bon " WOB iiovor foigotteu, nud ho

did tbo work of liulf a dozeu uturdymen. 13tit atlet.tVolKiuldpr hud beuomoveJ nenrly fur euougli, ho comuiuulythrust tho crowbar under tha IjoulJur,am], pressing hia olioulder ugainst thocrowbar, bent it nearly double. FinallyJim Cook, the blacksmith, vowed tlmtlie would wold a crowbur that " B i gB e a " could not beoti. Ho got up ftpnuderoiiH bur of cast etuiil fitiiu Trisco,and welded it iuto a. omvvbar that, mireeuoiigb, "Big Bon" ooulil not bend.Tlio latter remembered thin, hia firstdefeat, to his dying moment.

There cuino from tlie Btaton, to rocu-perato, tho Doctor's nifo uud tiuydaughter, "Birdie ." Slio became veryfond of " B i g Bon," aud ho vombippedher. Though ho was panning or crnd-Hug with a glnmmor of tbo yellowspecks at tlie bottom brightening hiseyes, ho would go when " B i r d i e " BI ""

Como, Ben, I want somo flowers, orpretty stones." For yoors oftorwnrd tho

eta used to uny, between tlie puffa oftheir evening plnas, that " B i g B e u "

iver " weakened " but oncu. I t wasiu front ot a ealoou. "L i t t l e Dick "woe the aggrerwor, nnd pistols andbowio-huives eloamcJ. ' 'B i rd i e " said,

Come, Bon, with mo," and, cntcm'ughor up iu hiB arms, " Big Ben " walkedaway.

The miuiug oamp was by the sido oftho bed of a dried-up stream. Across itshigh 'banks a single fulleu tree eitendedtbe ouly couuectiou between tho oampitid tUo fluncrj ulopt boyoiitl tho river.

One afternoon, as suddenly streame inthat region do return to thoir beds,a mighty flood poured down tho bed.Tbe minors .BUW "Birdio" .guther iugflowers on tlio. opposite slope. " B i gBen," returning with "Li t t loDick,"sawher peril. Ho shouted, " D i c k / g oacross aud get tha ohild, aud I'll holdthe bridge." fio put Liu crowbar inlo acrevice beneath tlio tree, aud bruccd LIB•Hussive ohoulder against i t . " "L i t t l eDick1 ' darted across, the treo, aboutwbicb tlie waters' were rising fast,matched up " Birdie," nud r a n ; and asbe darted Heroes it and" Brining "to theshore, tho treo whirled dowii the currentand " Big Bon " foil iiroatrate. Bloodyfoam was on bis lips.- Ho had rupturedA blood vessel. "B i rd i e ' s " motherwiped away the foam', and, looking up,'Big Ben" whispered, " I saved 'Birdie,'

and bent the bar," and died. He badbeat tbe crowbar that Jim Cook hadforged to overtax hia strength.

BArtliolill'8 Colossal "Liberty.)'Iu an article entitled- "Franco to

America," in Seribner for June, occurstho following description of ttarthoidi'ecolossal "L iber ty , " which ia to aland intbe h'arbor of Now Xotk : '

.Allowing twenty feet for tho height ofthe island above the water, tlio pedestalis to bo one hundred and ten feet high,md tho Btattib, to the.flame of tli^toroh,

ono hundred and forty-five. This makestlio torch at lcnst two hundred nnd nev-octy-flvo feet above the level of tho bay.I t will equal in height tlm column in thePlace Ycndomo at Fans', aud will bolargor than the Colossus of Rhodes, somuch celebrated by antiquity. Likethnt statue, it will bavo to bo cast inpieces of manageable sizo, and built upmuch after the manner of an armoredfrigate, i The construction will bo a curi-ous piece of engineering skill, for wliichthe sculptor and Mr, do Sttickle wilt be

iponsiblo. At night it in proposedthat A halo of jots of light shall radiatefrom the temples of the enormous god:deas, and perhaps tho flame of the toreb

bo fashioned in crystal, in ordertliat it may catch the light of. the stin byday, and at night from a glowing objectilluminated by electricity.• I n respect to the pose- of tho statuo.

tliat bas been calculated with care. A'Liberty would liava to bo draped, evenif n draped statae were not advlsablo ina climate so cold as ours,- 'where nudefigures suggest extierae discomfort. ButM. Bartboldi bas also uuod his Orapcryto give a tower-Iiko and therefore solidlook to his lofty wpman without forget-ting the necessity for variety iu the up-ward lines. Or porlmps i t would bobetter to say tbat he bos followed thelaws of Htability to be seen ib the trunkaof trees, which are very bread at theground,: wbero the foots are indicated,yet by no menus of one. monotonousbreadth from tlie roots to the branches.

.She will stand EO, us ' to suggest thatthe strongest < hurricane could neverbudge her from tho pedestal sho haschosen. Her gesture is meant to calltho.attontionof the most distant person,and, moreover,'to lot him know unmis-takably what the figure moans. For intbis statue,: also, M. Bartboldi .IOB ap-plied his Holenco to line effect in gettingthe flgaro ontlinod against tbo sky, whilethe energotia nttitnde has Dot interferedwith a certain dignified repose*which in-heres in tha resting position nnd whichmay bo owing to the weight of t i e bodybeing thrown on thoidlt leg,,as well nsto tho grave folds of ample drapery.Even if a Etranger approaching from thoNnrVowa should lie know at once whatihe ia'holding ^ip for him1 to BOO, thoenergy of her action will awaken hiscuriosity, and tho dignity of i t wiltmake him await a nearer approach witbconfidence. • Wben lie can make out tbotablets of the kw. which jut from hcileftside as they rest on her beat arm,nnd ' the flaming loreh which Bho holdsliigh np above her head, wbilo her ayesare fixed on tbo horizon, he will bo dullindeed U ho -doeijnot and,erstnart wontthe wiAe* to tolL * '

iluiv Nuuli (.lit Ills Kame.After tlie ark had been out about, twi

weckfl, (lie vifo of tbo captain began tiget tired and restless, and niixioun to bionce more oil dry land. Hence aha fellinto a habit uf every now and theii calliug out to her hiiriunnd, and iuquiring ithore were any mjjua of cleiiriug up, etc,imd OB IIQ ahvnyfl answered " N o , " shewould iu despair add, " All I*1 anil so it

kcnt from hour to hour uuJ day to day.One night the wind cainu out from the

lertheuat uutl luudo things very lively onbomd. Tbo jib clow Hues worn par toil,the tupsuil biuunele wus curried away,uud tlio tuuin bhect blown into pieces noInrger tliun fivo ponl lianJkoicbieftOf course, the "o ld m a n " was keptbusy, und was nut in the beat of humor.Ho lii(d jult-Uiultal the look-out, undaslipd-if ho liadueen auytliiug of "Arjrut," and received iu aiinwer, "Nary int,sir I"—had just ordered Sbein, who wusatoeriiig, to "keep lieruff two pointa,"

rhcu Hum cLiLJiu ou bciiird und io-ported that tbe largest elephant badbroken loose, and insisted on taking hii:ruuk ink) tbo camel's dupiiitnicnt, whp

u turn, bad got their backu up aboutthe interview. Tliu vurious UOUHU hadtaken sidca iu tho quarrel, and there waa grand row generally. Just as tincuptuiu had persuaded the elephant togo buck to his own room, aud hudchecked his trunk in order to pacifyhim, there came a voice, "Any signs ofclearing up, denr ?" I t wus ruining tbunliterally lu sheets. To tho inquiry wusgiven the usual reply, and io tho replywas ndjlctl the usual "Al l , " ouly in asadder tone than usual.

I t was it littlo more than the old micould at nail, ami be yelled out, " N o , 1

'Ah, ' 'Mo, ' ' A h l ' it is nothing hut

No," • Alt I" all Jay long. You hudbetter call mo ' Nonb,1 and be dono nitliit I" and bo we wont below to splice themain brace, which had parted. And soit was that tho captain of tbo ilrst greatahip.cnmo to bo called " Noah,"

Tho study of tho origin of namesone of great interest, aud it is rather re-markable tbat so little attention busbeen pa it! to it. Almost any ntimo canbe traced to itn probable origin. Thus

3tnaiih]iipcr," tbo smnalier of pipes, or

TugimiLtou," ho who was celebratedi a tuggarof mutton, Why not appoint

a committee to ascertain Ihe origin ofall nnmcB? I t would bo ns useful usmany other researches,—Mtix Adder.

TITO Spncliuuni. of American Humor.A Massachusetts gentlcmao, just re-ii'tiuil from over the Oanndian bordorIIIH im these stories: He v/ua iu the

hotel general-accommodation room whentwo votqrnos of tbe (hole!) bar, layingschemes for a drink, began to tell atonesto each other for his benefit. "Thesearo awful hard times," Haiti one. " Inever SAW snob times before except wbenI was in Ohio, an' then I was hard putto't to git along. Kotbin' to do. I hnda yoko of steers, but they wa'n't cnrniii'lotbiu'. But I lived right on the road

the'western emigrants went over'everyday. So I d ag a hole in that road at thefoot o' tho hill near my house, turned alivin1 spring o' ivator iuto 't, and made agood mud-bole. 'Well, wben tho emi-grants came itlong, even* day there wouldbo one or moro teams git snick in mymud-holo/an' they would see my steersstandin' out doin' DO thin1, an' theywould send ap an' git me to come nn1

help 'em ou t ; an' I alwuz charged asmuch ns 35 a lift. Well I kop1 that mmlhole light up in good repair till I mnde$213,000 out on't an' then Bold it out for88,000 nn' moved tip hero." Story num-ber two was the other HunchauBonVcompanion-pieco for tbo yoke of ntcera :" When I was a ohoppin '—I could chopsome, you know—an' folks uBed to askme tiow muoh I could do in a day.'Have you over tried it ?' says thoy.'No, never,' says I ; 'never but ouco, an'that vfa'u't really n try. Yon BOG, jestto show 'cm what I could d o ; I got upone Winter mornin' afore light andgrouud up my ax sharp, oh, jest as sharp,an' went into tho woods. An' I choppedlike sixty till about 3 o'clock iu thoafternoon, when I thought it was nsmuch ns I could pile afore sundown, an'I went to pilin'. Well, wben 1 had itill piled up it measured 27 cord. An'

tbon I knew some thin' was wrong, for Iknew at the rate I had been choppiu' itonghtcr bo more. So I wont.back an'began lookin' 'round to see where thotrouble was, An' there right at tbe fusttree I*cut in tbe mornin' wna my nx-head, l'oii seo, the thing wan loose andblipped oil, an' I hud been chopping allday with the bare helve."

A Cni'iilvoi-ons Flk.

Tho boys ovoric the Park occasionallyoriginate a good local juke, SnikUnhas just heard of one of theso, and it istoo good to keep.

Most of our boys know BuckskinBarns, wlio !a somewhat noted as agtiide nnj hunter. Well, Burns waa out

, buut lust full, and came in with apert of one elk, Ho told bis party, how-ever, that he killed nine, but that, agreat griszly bear had eaten them.

Of., course, the boys had no doubtabout his having killed tho number beclaimed, or that the bear hail mangledthem to a degree rendering them uafltfor market; but they prctondod to boincredulous, anil joked tho huutcr abouthis bear story until it began to growmonotonous, and Burns became some-what sensitive on the subject.

About this time Mellen, another notedbanter, and one of Grand County's offi-cial dignitaries camo into the Springsfrom i> hunt. The boya had posted him

tbo Bums story, and when that rivioame around lie was ready.

What did you ki l l?" asked BuruB.A big grizzly boar was nil 1 got,"

answered Mellen, . .1 Well, wliere'a your game ? Why

didn't you bring in the bido, anyhow,to back up your story ?" queried Burns.

"Hie truth is, Burns," added Mollen,•hilo I wns off nftern dear, ndoggancd

old bull elk oamo into camp and ate thatbear, hiila and bait ]"

Bnrns didn't have anything to any forhalf a minute, but then meekly remarked

dreamy aud absent manner.BoyB, I'm mighty Borry thoro ain't

a drop of anything strongor'n milk inGrand County ; this is ono of tho occa-sions when I should like to sat 'cm up 1"—Georgetown \Go\.) Miner.

I Could Not Fool Him.A lady living on Second avcuuo hi

her mind maclo np for two or three dnyithat Lor hoy needed aomo cafilor oil, 1:film kticiVKbo must app-'oacli liini gentlyBlicp'itccd the bottle where he couldit, and when he turned up his none, uhe

lid:"It 's just like honoy, my darling."He seemed to doubt her word, mid sb

coulimicd .If you'll take some I'll let you go t

tho cirens,""How much V" he cautiously inquired,"O, only a spoonful—junt ono spoon

\Q\," she smiled, an she uncorked thibottlo.

'Aud you'll give me some augur, bosides ?" ho asked.

'fOf course I will—a big lump."Ho waited until nbo began pouring

from Ibo bottle, and tbun asked :"And you'll givo mo ton cents, loo ?'''Yea, of course.""And you'll buy me u kite ?" ho went

on, seeing bis advantage."No.""No kite, no ile," ho said ns he drew

back."Well, I'll buy you a kite," she replied

fillinf," -c spuoti cluir up.'And a vulocipedo ?"

"ri l tbinl tof i t ."'You can't think no castor He down

mo !" he exclaimed, looking around forhis hot,

" Hero—I will, or I'll toaso futlior to,in1! I know ho will. Come now, swallowit down."

''And you'll buy mo a goat ?""Yes.""Aud two liuudrctl marbles ?""Yes ! Now tnko it right down"Aud a couch dog ?""I can't promise that." '"All right; no dog, no ilo."'Til sco.""Aiid yuu'U buy mo a pony ?""O I couldn't do that. Now be tt good

boy, nnd shallow it down.""O yes, I'll swallow that stuff, I will,1*

he said, as he clapped on his lint, "Youmay fool Bon.o other boy with a circunticket nnd a lump of brown sugar, butit'll take a pony to trot that costor-iledown my throat 1"

And ho wont out to* EGO if tbo neigh-bor's oat had been caught iu tbe trap hehad Bet far her.

Tbe company tbat published tha cat-alogues of tho Gontanuinl ExhibitionI oat $180,000 in fbe ectcrprise, nnd bareoaod the. Oommiesioncre. for that sum,tuning the ol&im on a violation of con-tracts

Effect of Tobneto on tliu Ilinnan System

In tbe fourth annual report of theMichigan State board of hcnltli, Dr.Scott relates something now in tbo iu-fluDnco of tobacco on tlio humuu sjuletu,

follows:" There has came under my notice for

several years, but moro particularlyduring tlio last two years, a kiud ofheumatic condition of the walls of the

cbost. The patient complains of n dullbea,vy pain in the chest walls. Thedisease iu a largo majority of cases is

ircumscribed and limited to a npaco ofnob more than two incites iu diameter,ust below aud a littlo to tbo left of the'ft nipple. At times the pain is very

Bevere, and always constant day audnight, wben tbe patient is awake. Ibare investigated tho disease to someextent, and And it to be moro common

ng tobaco users, especially those wbouso Ibo weed to excess. Patients suffer-

.ig from this complaint invaiiably comoto their physician with tbo boliof tbatLhoy liavo heart trouble. I have notfound signs of organic lesion in any oftho canes that I have examined, but there-ilooa exist iu Home of them what mightbo called 'irritable heart,' I am con'vinced tlmt the greater number of

eases are the result of intem-perance- cither in the UGC of tobacco or

ilbor stimulants, for tbo reason-tbatwben the patient abstains from tho useof thorn for a Bhort time, bis pain ceases

nd his condition improves. In onocase, where tbo patient abstained fromtbo uso of tobacco fur thirteen mouths,tbo pain entirely ceased ; but at tbo endof this period the gentleman rccom-mrncni the use of tobacco, and after

hree weeks' use the old pain returnedwith all its severity. I am certain tbutquite ^number in this vicinity nre ro-

liviug treatment for heart disease,wlon, if they would reform in tobaccousing, tbey would speedily recover."

Mark/Twain's Hole!.Having lately opened a himhcry, I send

you these, my rules and regulations :This house will be considered strictly

inlom]>ercto.None but tho bravo deserve the fare.Persons owjng bills for board, wjll.beiroil for hills.Boarders who do not wish to pay iu

ndranco.aro^requested to advance nnd

Boarders aro expected to wait on thocolored cook—foe meals.

Sheets wilt be nightly. chauRed, onceiu six months, or more, if iicceasury".

Boarders nre requested to pull off theirboots if thoy can conveniently do so.

Beds with or without bugs. •All monpyVantl other vnluiiiilcs nro to

bo lelt in cam of the proprietor. Thisis insisted upon, as he will be held res-

>nuib]e for no other losses.Inside matter will not ho furnished to

newspapers .under any consideration—reporters keep scarce*.

Relatives coming to make a sixmouths' visit will bo welcomed, hutwhen they bring half gf their householdfurniture,'virtue will cease to ha a for-icaranco.

Single men with their families will notbe boarded.

Dreams will bo ohnrged for by thbdozen.

Nightmares hired out at reasonablerntca.

Stone vaults will he furnished tosnoring hoarders and the proprietor ivi

io wiso bo rospouaiblo fur tho brokenUn pan urns of other years. ;

The demand of this century is forphotographer who can improve uponGod's handiwork. Ho will have to ar-range mutters so tbat in tho pietnrn thelargest* kind of ears will appear likeclover leaves ; a noso that can bo cov-ered, necksbawh will have-to bo repre-sented by n diminntivo excrescence ofloveliness ; tlio larger tbo mouth tbomoro it must be made to look as thoughtbo owner had just been Bucking a chunkol alum ; and on tlie countenance muslinger an expression such as sweeps cvcia boy's face, when ha suddenly discoverswhere tbe preserve jar in bid.. I t in justpossible tbat it will bo difflcaltto entirelycirry out his;programme, but if anyman can do it, he'll went diamonds.

H E HADN'T.—Tho temperance revivalin Detroit has sat many muu to thinkingHTJOUHIJ-, One of tho serious wasdii;<>veml comiug out of a Larned streelwlooii yrntfirdny, nnd an acquacnllnri'd liim nud »oid :

" You have b«en drinking."" Not a drop," was the reply." 1 saw you wiping off your mouth.1

"YL'S, I wiped off my mouth, buthi.d not ]»ou drinking." '

"Tlmfa honest, ia i t?"" That's honeat. If you don't holievi

ittiOGll my broalh."Jin fumed bin laca,'tho other got liii

now down to inhale aud as he ataggerecliouUbucill.^lout:

" I f a littlo whiskey will kill tiia:iincll. you go and get it right away, am

I'll btiind belivoeu you and the pledge,uud pay for the drink to boot I"—DetroiiFive I'rens.

Iloir to Arold OrdinaryAll ordinary attacks of diseases are

easily warded off, by any one wbo yillatudy a few common sense physiologicalabd snnilary rulea and directions, andobserve tlcm. Aud we will hero brieflygive Biieh rules mid directions ns willcunblcaur common sense person to gothroufili lifo with littlo if uuy eoriotiu IUKSor Buffering by sickness.

In f lie ilrst place a common sense wayof going to work to keep disease out ofyour body, is to find out bow it gets iu.How ilofs it got in ? Through themouth and nostrils, either as uuwliole-

ime food, drinltdornir. Can any otiejiut out any other way, except iu sometscu by asorption through the pores ofie fikfn ? Now, how to beep diseaseit. Voii can't doit—tbat U, uot eii-

;in]y. under tbo oustoms of civilization.By care in avoiding very unwholesome

ootls nnd drinks, and impure air, theItitintity admitted may be greatly re-luced. How, then, if disease can cotie entirely kept out, can sickness bevoided ? Oh, it's cusy enough.Nature has boDeficially provided out-

lets for diseuHe—tbo luugs, •intestines,md purcs of the skill—and while it is ofthe Greatest importuned to lessen asmuch as practicable the admiasiou of(lisousp, it is nlso important to keep (theoutlets unobstructed. You cannot neg-lect this nnd bavo health, tbat IH, if yontro liable to instructions. Tbcro arethoso whoso physical welfare is BO wellBubserved by their habits aud ocoupa-ticia that, ns it should bo in all, tbo out-etn of disease are never obstructed to a

it extent to cause sickness; but.hey are tho exceptions, while they oughto bo tlie rule.

How to proceed, then, for one liableto attacks of sickness, to avoid them ?Do not eat or driuk thutwlituh youknowto he unwholesome ; by judicious veati-ution avoid impure nir, and practicelecp breathing su aa to keep the lungsin vigor; cetublish the habit of sufii-:iontly frequent and regular evaoimtioiiB,;eep the skirt clean and healthy by at

lenNh weekly i.-n«liingnnd rubbing of tliowliolo body. Avoid extremog of beatuud cold aud sudden changes in amountif clothing. . •-

Theso «ro essential rules, though, aperson y/ho exorcises sufficiently to pers-lire daily, and putn on clean undergnr-monts Ircqiiently, miiy defer the weeklybulbing to longer intervals.*- rJuddon:ouliug of tho akm iawbat uaually CIOBCHip tho pores, changes tlie eacnpinf mat-er to a poison, and caused sickness andiiiflering. :

TliiiHfar wehnregivcu general rules:o nvoid atttieks of sickuesB. Mote woi-'ill give a few directions for especialss in case of attack. CuBtoma that re-[uire us to take food end drinks pro-vided by others, as In traveling, visit-ing,' etc., lay us liable to admit more

' urnee into the system thnn nature,imped as sho is, can diive out of onr

jndily houses—though she is more oc-ivo and vigilant than tbe most untiring,jroomwieldinR house-wifo—and incnu-ions exposures, especially to drafts andlight air, iomotimes close the .outeideiJoora and windows ngninst ber—tbonnlmt ? Bho seizes tbo safety vnlve, Ap-petite, to stop your eating until sho canjet the diaeneo cleaned out.

And then wbat da you do ? Fortu-lato for you if you do not defeat n^turo's•ft'urts by trumping up somo kind of a•gootly" tbat will tickle palate, over-•ulo appetite, and Bend you to tho nickroom, where fevor will kindly compelvon to stop eating, try to make you taken pure water to help nature wabli outthe obstructions, ana call for a warm>nth to expand the outlets for greaterFacility of escape, ' Fortunate again forrou if somo person does not give youlings instead of water and bntb, termin-ite your Oomedy of Errors in tho Troge-lyofUpnlh.

In ncoordanco with tlio foregoing we>nve rainod n family of flvo children (toho itgca of .Rovea to nineteen} withouttieiug obliged to summon a physician,..r ovfln to proenre a dollar's worth oficdicine—(eicopt for toothache)—nndo feel confident tbat their study and

ibscrvanca -would alnumt entirojy Hoflwey with ordinary sickness and suffer-ing among the human family.

How rxn wiLi» A GnEKKBtOK Go.—Mr,Brown kept boarders. Around hia tablelat Mr. lirown, Mrs. IJrown, Mrs. An-rewa, tlie viNnffo milliner ; Mr. Black,

Ihe baker ; Mr. Jordan, a earpeuler ; audMr. Had ley, a flour, feed and lumbernftrchant. ,

Itr. Brown ioak out of bis pocket-booktea dollar note, and banded it to MrsJ

Brown, saying:"Here, my dear, are ten dollars toward

ho twenty 1 promisr-d you."Mrs. Brawn banded it to Mrs. Andrews

ho milliner, saving:" That pays for my new bonnet"Mrs. Andrews sala to Mr. Jor<Jon, ai

ihe handed him the note :"Tliat will pay for the work on the

lountor."Mr. Jordan handed it to Mr. Hadley,

tho flour, feed nnd lumber merchant,requeuing his lumber bill.

Mr. Hadleygnve the note tack to Mr.Urowii, saying:

"Tliat pays ten dollars on my board.".Mr. Brown passed it to his wife, with

tho remark that thnt paid hor the twentydollars he had promised. She in turn,paid it to Mr. Black, tu settle her breadmd pastry account,, who'banded it toMr. Hadley, wishing credit for thoimonnt on, bis flour bill; he again re-.urning it to Mr. Brown witb tho remarkthnt it settled for that mouth's board.Whereupon Brown put it bncL into hispocket book, exclaiming tbat he "neverthought a ten dollar bill would go so far, V

Thus a ten dollar greenback waa made.o pnj ninety dollars indebtedness insideof five minutoa. Who Bays greenback!are worthless ? ^

Bill-Clark, a colored clans leader inGeorgia, visited a brother's henroost,foil and broke hia neck. Tho pastor obin church was terribly bothered to geliis fiinnml Hertcau iu proper shapi gohat brother Clark's character would uot

suffer. He vent at the job in this man-ner : 'There a rc circumstances conucutcd with bis death that are perplex-ing. If, after he fell and before he.truck the groand, he repented of bis'flins, were can bo no question bnt 1ha.ho is imvr.m glory ; bnt there wai mighty little timo for him to think about it.

Wiro ropes for mines, eleTators, tndtho tranamission ofpower are now beingmade of tliB comparatively new alloy,called puospbor bronEO. These ropesnra auid to retain their plinuilHy nltoilong use, and to resist the action of tbicorroBiva watcra found in mines.

On tlie account of tbo Tnrco-Bnssian..IF and tho failure of the American cab-bnge crop last year, nearly all the genu-ine imported Turkish tobacco wed inthis country this summer will bave to bemade out of plantain need.

Tbo JJor In the Alley,1 Yesterday nftcmoon a Ernst 'streethousewife lugged a hedsteud into tbobuck yard, leaned it ngainst tho fenco,rolled up her akcveB and weut back andbranghtunta tf'ukottle full of boilinghot WSUT, Her Hole object wax to wnsrtofftlie dustRud cobwebs wbieh settleon every bods tend in tlie land, and- shoneedn't Lavu lookod all around in a alyand fitonlthy w&y before proceeding tobusiness. 'Iliere woe a boy in tbe alley.ila WIIH liuuting for pliiD.lur in a pile of

ibbinti, and, bearing tho woman in theirdlio looted through tho fence nnd.'gan to chuckle. Ho kuew that her

object ™ to put tbo bedstead iu tidytrim for tho Hummer campaign. Butyet ho mulicinusly calloi] out:

"Have tbo water up to the biling pintif you want to knock 'em 1"

l'lie woman put tlie teubettje down ina hurry and locked np tbe windows oneither side. No one was visible, butpresently the boy in the alley remarked:

"Dout Jet the water git cold !"She located him that time, but slio

disdained to bend hia remarks. Liftingu[> the kcttlo again sbe began givingthe cobwebs another Bonkirig.

"Now follow it up with kerosene 1"

oarsoly exebitued tho boy as ebo paus-ed for u moment.. ^.^ ' <|(. N' Her face iJurkenod^au'd sbo- lootedtnxiously iiEound, and nothinp; but tboconscioueneefl that evciybody Las todean off the spring cobwebs preventedbur fettling mud. "Woallus utto corros-ivo sublitnite to kill 'em 1" called thojoy from Lbo knothole.

Biie wout down lo the fenco and ask*ed wbo was there, and wbat be wanted.

"Don't want no thin '" ho Boftly re*ilied, "only you can't never kill 'em-•itb hot wnter I"

"Can't kill what ?" Bhe steruly de-manded.

•Bumble bees 1" he chuckled. "We'velad 'em up home ever einco I was

born,"'Boy, I'm only cleaning tlie duat off

that bedstead," ahe said as she got clos-er to tbo knot-hola.

"You kin cull it dust if you want to,jut I never saw mo jub at duat with aiharp Etiok!"

"You are a mean, impudent boy, and' want you to go away from here atmoo," she exclaimed.

-This alloy belongs to tho city," hereplied," "aud I can't go. Xou'd betterimrry back thore. or they'll como to ?"

fcjho picked np a stick, laid it down!ler a moment, and going to the hon&eIQ brought him a lingo piece of appleie."Boy, aru't you hungry ?" she asked,

as she reached tho fenco."You bet I""And if I give you tbia will you go'ay ?"" I wilt that, I'll wboop right out of

be neighborhood in two minutes, andfou kin taok a-shingle over this knot*lole."

lt now. hero it ia," ahe said an-lie reached it over.

"And I won't tell no ono what I sawna'am, for wo're all liable to find 'em,,nd mu Bays she really believes they're

of good luck. Thankee, nnd if'. was you I'd leave the bedstead out -,loors to-day and let'er freeze np. Fustrate pie, and don't let that water gitcoldl" ^ B ^

Adrenturca In tlio Dark.

Laet night-, just after Blinkus and hiswife wore snugly atowed away in bed,Mrs.'B. thought sbo heard tho front door i

' 'Hubbie, dear, do you bear that front iloor slammin' ?" :•"- *

'No, dearie, I locked it just before I>vonnd up tbe' clook, - - •

" I didn't sco you go out in the hall." r_,'JJutIdid,-lovo.'X . . • • • * '

" I think you must be mistaken." ' i•Well, I know wben I looked tbe

loor, "dammit"", you shan't Bwear at me. That

door is open, and yon know it. S'poBin1

tbo burglars get in and carry off oil tbesilver. "We'd bo in a nice fix,"*

"They'd be worse off with the oldplated stuff. Besides, who ever heard ' .if a burglary above A street." ^''If you don't get up and lock the door1 mBh out and scream for the police.

I'll W H O the neighborhood if it's tbelast act oftnylife." , . '.-•-

Blinkaa, somewhat alarmed &t tbeibreut, rose tip and began to famble • '

liind for a match. - ';"Tha matnliesare'at tho end of the[ishstand, lovo." ' • ;Blinkus paused at tbe place designs.- 0

"nd, and broke a soap disk. ^5«." I never saw such an awkward man ; =•„'-

in my life,"qaoted Mrs.B. from the bed, ,-".";last ns h e stumbled back over a spittoon :'•}. <m d Bat down, ia it BO forcibly that it waa*;;: *tmashed'into forty pieces. • '• •'-'''•-,

" C D o r d I"ejaculated Mrs. Bi - '""•«• v :Blinkus n e i t struck his toe agaitmt a>wcl rack, and au oath diBSolved itaolf '. -'

in tbe darkness. ' Then h e stepped ,.on ' ; :•the baby's rattle, arid ran one of - the>ointsinto his foot half an inolt. J n m p ^ v ; '

mg aside lie upset tbe centre tablo, and-'v- -;began t o flonnder ont towards the hul l . v •Hisyoongbopefnl 'B carriage •was t h e r e ^ pand he fell over i t six different ways be^ ,..-'.i|ltoiro he reached tbe door. :.vT'^*,?

"Wna it opon ?" queried a voice f r o m ' / 'io b e d . • ' ]*},'j^\.

" O h l it moat have been flomethlrigi '.':ss Tbeard.—Virginia City Okroniclt,'-." :.•,

Mr. Henry Word Beedber hna beenl'.;^;giving in Cincinnati reminiscences of ,vviis early life in Ohio. Oneof nfsstorjes . ./••

is thiB: "Tho other day I camo through '."/'•':Londonville, Ohio nndl woBforcibly re- iv'&minded of mystay there wben on my )'-'•'•tint trip out WGBI We slopped late at .night, and Sunday there. Thore were-^two coachOosdfl of ns, and the little, £two story briok tavern" was nearly Jail-'';;--when we arrived. The best they crinld 51do for my brotbor Charles and myself ;sraa to give us a coRpln of "shako-dbwos11 • ;>,in tbe aining-room. We nloptlsto Sun- •"•'?$

y morning, but finally waking up com* " :.vinced to talk. I sold : "OharleB, I'll - ;'->

set you I can tell what they b&d at this.,;-'?iiotcl for dinner ye&teto'ay." "What was- •''•"•-;,t ?" "BottBt i5eef," I replied, basing my ' . >\

dginp on astaJe sort of odor that per- , '.'ided t i e room. "No, you're xnistak-. • ' . •)i," Bftid he, shading his head and snif- . :'',-'

Sing at the ooverinq of bis bod; "it :.',;-was mutton." We both stoutly main- •;.",-,taiqed.oarrespeetivQ propositions, anils:'-".^falling to a vigorous smelling of onr bfld -.'•'?.•clotheii, found the landlord bas given ; *'-:us a couple of table cloths for bed- '.;,;•!iprends. and Oharles had got tbe mutton'-" ••'. •.ilotb a n d l tho beef. . •- •• ;• -•;.-,'

A Heroic Woman.I t is related that, in tbe year 1870,

tho grand muster uf the Knights of Mai- . ; ••ta sent aa a present a costly bracelet of ; \ .rabies to Madam do Frcnoy, a Fronch -.- v!;'(woman, o( great beauty, iu token of her: 'viextraordiaaxy and gallant conduct waoo 'an Algerian conmir attacked tho vessel * ' •;in which she was a passenger. This L--'lady was in a polacca, Bound to Genoa;,._'i;''nnd* tbe Algcriuo, eominff alongside, • /*'poured in a^roadBido, and thoB paiJ- ' ;ding with her, a numlwr of-pirates

boarded ber, sword iu band. • Thocrow '""t-jware aboat to submit, to tlio onemy, •-'.£when Madame de I'recoy Bnatcbcd a sa--' ^ber from a wonndod sailor, and wielded •>£;it witb astoaishing coarnge »nd effect. ; : ^The crow, animated and inspired by: ;V,such an unexpected ccamplo of femnlo' .<&vnlor, foagut with .entnnsionm, killed ; , ^ 'several of the pirates, and drove tbo TO- 'l,'•$maindcr back to' thsir vcsnel. When :tho lady reached the shore, Bhe was ev-. •' * <orywhere greeted with ncolamatiops by >,; /,the populace. The Marquis de Chris-.':,•.tcanx -waited upon her, and witb :faiV v. j' *•own hands placed a crown of laurel b n : ^ ^ber head. • .. - ^ T

Till following epitaph appears on *tombstone ia Connecticut; " H e n liestbe body ot Jonathan Richardson, who ,never sacrificed his reason nt tne altar .of raporelition's God, nnfl who nDTfir>tliQVsd thftt Jonah swallowed BTwcale.".

Page 2: iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no 26 the iron tczuuined etrm sixcscai rr bj3nj.h.v6gt. • editoiumh prorietoil.


June Oth, 187

Ut-m'iul Gri'it ia being Terj liaupidWv n ti'ivpil in EBJJIJUICI, not only by t i eDoWiilv liut by tlio jieoplo, A crowdcluireil liini ultt-u lie Ml Liverpool andB'.i'ii IIL- arrived ut Maucbester. Hili:i, iilivmh benn eiitortiii.rcd hy theJ):t}:t< nl Wellington, und made a 6ociulr:l! upon tlie IViucd of Wales, nnd hn*iiKiil.; Rngaponicntft fur every day in thitn «iitli, Amoup wliicli nro promjbea Itdim- wil l i th- different lumbers of thirovul ^iiiiiil*' nud yratuwottt inpffl'iwr? oIlii'iiuliilitr.Hniniiivitedluiitteudalltbti..™ I >>iitL'rtHluini'ii|.<, and oil tlie 15tlin L is to he ]Hf-si'iited *ilh tlio freedomof Ihi-L-iiv i»f Londmi in u gold box.JIi> is beiiift IiornzoJ im>te tlrau anyAiuL-ricuu, wlio prf-ceiltd him.

O.'ii, Mil'-s y-vlt c .mpunieflF. H. LIUIII 0 . of tW S.-eoud Cividry, and twen(y-flvf mounted men oflhoFUlh intaa1.r.v, nttnuWI au Iudiuu • village-ou LittUMiuii'w Crui'li, GO «))!'-'« from the mouthof Titnguu river «n tbc Otb nit., eurpriin;; anil routing tlicui. Tho troops pur-tiii:.1 tlie red skiiia tiv<> mites over troiif-li country on foot. Fuurh]ifiliai!*i v-fte consted UJJDD tlie field,nn.l nmny otbcraarckuonntolinve beenUillv il and wounded. Thecarnltyfonndunitiv uew flgLmcv gcuxls and saddles,KUIIH, oflli-prs* clothing, etc., taken fromthe Stiveatli Cavalry hi tho Canter figbt.Tliis Iwiid of Indinns were Nuuoeconjims, led by "Lame Deer." The com-iniiiid lost 4 privates.

Tbe government of Trance ia raj>:dl,idrifting into tbe repressive wnya of thio]i1 rogiiius of despotism. Tiio editotof lite MursbllaUa Utis boon Biibjectcil t<H lii-avy fine for publishing on artleliwhich I'residou* Macilahf/n cuusiJcm]"insulting," every offleinl %vlm publiclyox]ir'>ric<ifiyiunalby for tbe Republicsc:uis<! is nt ones dismissed, and an orderIi;i4 been issued forbidding tUo meet-ing of persons beyond n certain numberto ili-^ciiss political questions. olacMn-]]'>II nml bit) Minister Da Broglie, sayiliin id nil iu tb i internal of peace.Tlio peoplo of Franco remember tlrnivlimi Nnpoloan ovcrtbrevr the Republfeiinj nustimnd Imperial robes bin pleavrns flint "the Empire vnspeaco."

Tlio nriny forcebuidor, it in wuJstrengthened in important particulars.Troops wot reeded elsewbero will heb iu\ to that quarter, and Gen, Ord. Com.initnder of Ibo Department of Texan,will j>rob(d)ly receive discretionary nr-dcrs to protect tlm border from MericanImtiditti, cattle thieves, and deprednt'trsofull Horlsat all hnzania. To aecom-plisli thin, i( lie nil nil find it necessary toporsua tbe miuinuioK over tbo borderho will bo ftl liberty to do no.


QOY. Uendrickz will aalo tot Europe

Thtr* l-.-ing» [W':

c r Mr. Hull, i

i of tbo Bio GrandeI bo immediately

'1'lte pubticdebtt t t lias been

CCrdiuR to tbo M«yreduced $5,500,000,l th $35

t m , , ,mid for tlio past eleven months, $35,-000,000,

The Illinoifl I .gi^htmo, bus possed sbill np]irnprialintr S50.O0O to completethe uiotntmeet ut Hlephen A. DOHRIBuml the Ue?vruor bus nigned tbe bill.

A foresi flro in Minnesota on Tbnsd.iy of last weok burned tlio village ofOpcnn-ood, oomprising a mill and flf-U'tm houses, leaving not a siuglo build-

. ing stiindiug.Ex-SInyor Lambeit confessed to Dr.

(toyler'n church in Brooklyn Bnuiia.TT.i|;bt tbat lie bad plundered tbe estateof tiis widowed fliHltr, but ho intendsitmUlng At) upriglit life Lereafter.'

Eitensiro fires bare been rajjing iutlio v*ods n!ong tbo shores of Dnkeniluron nnii Superior ia Micuifinti, totseveral days pant. A telegmm fromi M t t t tb ill f O t

Mt. IU.j»c, H


i:J (he TUiiii

u Oftk-.rofthiriiulii-ii. i-i«lictiulli«ntlii>. tli.r.'Kt.niu ; npimrt-uilv ihe VUIITS IL

slilp. But Vliei) ih**tvnnIUA danger ami dentb nro tceu

nf tlif b w l


fci<mtd thi'of (tie tui.

teemed a he.iii-UL-a u i l i

.f jU-utti Ihiit


'vis . j ' o wJiiV-r:h"'l'Ltht?11Af'

M,un»rtlio.vuir. "lint iiion

" ' ' ! "r"f«illl"u-11]irU V-: MgtiitiKmt r..r .J.-iilh r)f the'i-M'i fi.r wliii-livhi.1i, dying.

will t

l.t .V-F/f... ii'illy.

a wle] rinivri. wMnnj when th

l U Ve hand we nnl with tbe cl

t uku our gitw.

n m y b.> only one of urn

ily know la1 fought and <

tot Ii,e l.UltT !,!.!•' while tlie Ktin is at tlU>z«nii

-HIIof fiTo is MU. T V y MOSKOIU lute; I

Riuci'(T thwie im-ui'jrioH nn thin Wij,

love for icrty. Dud L'ounlrr, '

l dItii'li «tiK ptfii'll

jcirl t(he will iihrm nf w]irr"W.'" W'loiitiiie lli'i»liiy t u d o lioiitir t'loiirileiiil, butuKo to iii-til itimetitrt of imlinuiil iti Hit.-

f l i>til iB i i t i e thoni-U of tlii.

ii «r thi-trliiin ii


lHie glow i i ^

ami dHin-htrtrs. uncc, tlmt (he prmc'mU

f i i t h l l

:itforh p

Ut, «hrill ueviv <U».Aim-iiR tli.> Cy|itian trcnsiirut) r.-L-unily J N -Tureil, was nn inlaKlio hfift'l (• tigraveil iiictLv*!. Jivtry fwttnre KM vnt with tlilin.u- hkill that r..'v(nlc,l

i h:md tlm di t ,liiwcruralflpdin Hid dust fur ftHf-n; but td•arveu stone mill HVLH to wvt-t\l tbe hkill nfih.i nrtist, end tn Ull tlie Hlory of tlmt Un<K-nifloerit period when it wtia numbert-J amotiK

Vurient Cyprwis wiw in her glory.liut mvro un.luriiif,' t luu AineUiyHt, in

I'riticiplfl. I'ri??i«u» titiittvti jwty cnnuhht,bul mi iifcil will live. The woldicm who lieburied here, uud v\m fell in Ui»er,flk» tnt>, l,.fl |ii>liiiid themwhich will outlet loth

Iptured uru. Lot iw resolve, Unit wlnit-r is true hi tbc Tor wliicli tlit-v

fought, utmll live iu UKS yovBrnintnt llio.vdictl to Bustuin.

•u iwscinlile (CMIHJ-, Homo mriy

hem R h'guo.Vouuinout aud

was (litre neeit oi nil ILOR*> >inism. nfter hucli a micire? 'riieHenro not wns

tr tuihHernnfwsrM t

ifico of life nndled yenra n

. . i tho sumnof tao Last Grouil Roundii, Time movctwitli nicasurt-d Itcftd, dpxjtile nf our in.t

or JnlliuncL'. Tlio nioinpintuiu ofin tnt'iiHuruO !>}' >h<-ir mnguituae. IV.:

ainuot hurry jiruvitlcD^u. It hun taltL'u morethan aileciulo, lo rccoyuize thu Knuid tmtliof u uiilioiinl inti'Krity. co-eii^liiut with sec-lioiinl rociiirot'ity. History imnnfn to cor-

'• • !.„.. __r_ \i uii . . .root it*Inter \*

p r y s t y fer l i e r mlKhikc*, era it lillitKCH. 'iwelve yonrw linn not

p full ITlidi)

niiugof tbntfour years", anilgtf gmtid nvectH prei „ .

(lie (,'ntud iik'n) of natiutvil life enunciated,•ill till ii century with their development.Hut Las the wicriflee hcoii too yrent? And

iee wo bnva gnincd ton coally?.Kperih

oii yrgnincd to

th tbally?k f

the p r i gn ind to coally?we chince backward to tho outbreak ofthe in the t-t

. ,,1 ; (,-> .1,^,1constitution bntl bee

ill find that our country wasl ; " " ' 1 Krual

" • -

of nil tbelint w

V.Jill Kiy : that

tn let thoTim,, hkifw



live (imhnnty, ImtBrity..fw.irl'uioi.

The heuliiui'ut nf nntii|ii;rkeunl, »u,l tli,> i.ii

tin' roml to tti>«-

Yi-fit will iw'vt-r do<hwu UJO lltwd nf

h l " f

l y I

cicrciw "I exKKI ^unrcl tli

I l thlii! ) y inim! hiiimr

in' tilt (Mil t

s inth« ,nl];i


iT.iev, troin whU-vW<1. '

(l with tlir: Lrland. F

* tln)hH

O|ici) tnn cMilfiitliu liptf<'fti fr^p i

ill lilt tilt' hi-h.'Kt Sjllui:!r<Mio«n. UIU'WP. thi' VOI.TK. IIHIM nee

to it tlint tbfiy are worlliy. Let none fill >\uit'J onii'C iinleu* tlu-v brint; liimor to it.lU.furt,rc.-,yKQu,l,-u\H>litn-ll\hitth--c.ry

fuct. I,t'l HIP li't. "nil iliwirsurckey." iifVtT lw btiiril Irfini

»p](\ Lst tbe hpiril nfit i HI; in i in mrtli fritui our L'' ii>l:t>and tin- ludlu v( Cni^u-m. Let thetLiit n-iclds thp imilot lie true to ourmil lif,', und il will DL'vcr bo o.lU',1 ii|>-

on in (tniw thw Mword itK'niiiht iutcxtinu futti,tbo fciiniryue) of il ecutr,ilizi-d

\Vu imiitt leiwe, dm, yM«i".>i/W* Ourdoors ure npL-u, nnd mirxtmrefi urn free toIhe perpiV nf nil Iniulri who wotilil find n

M't, welniuu l» we Mlor.1 no Diwy en-

tr.uiee inlo onrp-»!ilicii] rWntini'A. But theretlmt i«:iimp«»fttii


way i^uumnt f-ditun* in the Western wilds

handle the "Hurdtowii Mystery" wfl preeeut

(he following from (liu CLicafio T«buu«. Of

iuply r l l

U'itli t

ployed on Hint Hbect:

adable, and B

tic inUillect t

T J K n girl in Now Jersey who H be-

ntitrj: but sheP blink nrUw,-rt. obtiiiiHl nn ii"e to e

r prrti of theouag girl, findver her beforeo her chamm

of thupo

A Ktw York jounial ha.-r, which in, nf ctic iufonmition,


lse itvouid not lie printed. Tlio girl is tlmfaiiK'.iUr of n VilncliKmiili, named ELIJAH^ICIIO^, vlio lives in llnnltown, MorriH'oiinty, K. J. Thf-re is a mont peculiar lark}[ luutLoil In litr IUIUIQCBS, since it in com-niiiuVaft'd lo tliosa rtliout her, who nee uiitl

'.•il thi unnio plunomMml txncricncPH as

i-rs.-lf. Riore li.r 11th hirilnUy, which

iceuired in October last, she him been par-

alysed mid bed-ridden, and evt-c R'mrn tlint

Him* there has het>n a luyHttrioua "prMence,'1

rhich s])nsmoilicully VIMIH licr, fiiiconcfti

sr-\( under tlm romiU'rpanr, and moveH

wiftly from plnce to place. The "presence,1

which may be lu.-crpti'd an a motleni, inn

rialistic j)Ni>udDuyin for whut would hi

ilk-d a ( 1 devil" or "witch" in the last

century, is A protonn sprite, and variously

feeling toWr fn>m t


in(iR6;u« luttcl LHUIICH fif m

b l n i c l itlif


y n f itml ufiwnl, in thotuMtniili»i nud f.MKlH, wl.ioh in tlifir nr.Uirtf,ircisa to Uio iuter.Nt und Ki.dtility ofnnlioiinl cxtMli'uce. Tlie brunt-11Niipphut Ibo love fnr the older bu

dle r.Hi(«of(I,u hmtt\i-lo\-e JMIIHI sti in tlie M>il of mir fm- itiHtitutimw.

i our part the

umltfl cupAmi wliuu tliw

ijjlit in mir nr,1 when the yu


lUUht be

of1 thn whoioiHKhmts,ifvid,ry »n bym

] nuiht willingly extenJ to themthe hiutd of fniWiml uufon nm! I<ne.

While tliua we welcoiun to n u r l m j chil-dren of nil iwtiiiitiiliiicM, h't UH ever reinum-t/or tlifif fla-fiijii ytttioiiit have no rhj/iU ti/nj/iwtrsoU, M'ht-ii our di-ad heroes wero «lilt

f.if tha inlt-fjntyof rt uulkmil lift?,Fraiicf, n foreign power, was cudeftvoring toolrtitiua fuoihi.hl on our hlinres, uncl untiib-

ipirc in Mexico. With th

ry of Uml ffTanincut it iiriitiKfijlet ii^ rtsolvo. U,

M .und thn fueling of roseut-

ill i bt

> Btrnna Ouifmmed, but it

dettirovud.A Dio in Uio I

F bd E

ys pa. A telgmm fromreporta tbo village of Onota

at Bull, Canada,tb l H f t•Fridny, burucd Eddy's stable nnd forty.

Ui roe horses. The fire tben extended toa row of wnrihonaes and burned a largeqatintilr of pnila, tubs, 100,000 bandiesuf lath and 60,000 feet of ted pine.

' Roinnn Catholic Archbiehup oflelpliia took tn Home an a npecfjil

ollwring to tho Pope 8100.000 subscribedin lita own diocese, Thin is 820,000inoro than tlie Roman Catholics in allEngland sout to Piua IX, on bii jubilee.

Tro schoooer Hew Bedford, 20 lentIr.ufr, Railed from New BtMlford, Mass.,Monday, on a voyage to London, EDR-Iniid, witb Cnpt. Tbomnn Crape scd bis\xi[c. TbiH in tho aliot-tcst croft thatever nttempUd the passage of the At-Jflntic.

Tcmpornncfl folks inlmve formed a great many "Hed Ribbon

'-Chibft." A convention in Boston hn«icsolvpd thut religion is tho proper nllrof temperance, and that- bymus andprirvcra ought to be used In temperance

. Tlia tiffress ia the Berito gard>n« Jafe-iy pnvtbitlh to a Httot of. two, bat mnothing wouldindnce her to behave ma-toraaliy tti them thi,y v/ers Added to thednmestic circlen of a Indy Newfound-Jntui, who most nffectiouatel; took themin uml docs for them,

A Californin barber Boot a man whohod been blaelfmailing him, and who,not natisfteA witb hiH own gains, impart-

' id bia aocret to two friends and BO set';, (hum up in the satno business. Then it

litcamo a little moiiotonous and the hnr-ber 'leclnrod martial law. r

XfcaVur'fn tlio Etwt Inconstantly In-crnavinp. and ekirmisb fight* n*e of al-most dfdiy occurrouco. Tbe Ittiwtiannnuy of the DnmiJta dlnne naff cumbors

In Asiatic Tuikey t i e Rua-

ild nnlliu mljiiHitid to tli« t ry ing Cfimli-iis uf tlie nfce, «i Until ((i jar IH (lie KIOTC-IIIH, HoiRewbere. The xccoud hidf uf UIIHitnrv ojvuei with tv fairwperity; bnl it wan Iik/>« folluw liolrl; ite (.uiiio ^no.l Kniio, minglsil with wild

,. SSPH, otid ninny nosfoim weed* Uponliiafiddorfuirpr^tL-UKcmnoiig the unm.'vndnnlilfl worts of unlioiiHl progress, thenrris (ho iLnmtinn Ho of u hnppjr union, ThiNorth V.-OH growing rich, phnriKninil nudillibcnd ; while the fnttil HBCCIB of nultflicn-t!o« wurc Waring tbo frulln of OiMiulnb ii


entity, yd the airn h e U t n t b of l

lln fa MHO m-wa of ea-h&ivy with tt bttta

y &y tr H tin>Htb of latent buttta ruga. M

ro RrnwhiK atrcliro of jierBimnl integrityd nntionnl honor. Tho reaction after tbeut revival of W had Kbt in, and the

b t lik

Tho century'efltmction.i the plow

ripening foiGod kneu- ft wa

tbo worktime (0 put

At i"Gl the wTb

h thil break up Uio fnUt.. „.„mgh wmj.. . I n thonprinq of

Htocd« draggou the plows a field,b lwwoml th b l lTbe uwonl blwwomed with blood.

nin lule. TJio bnj-oiK-t brolfu »p theGoiVfi plow upturned. Men wild tho

wur would not lust; nnd tlipy enlisted forloiulis. lint 0od liml hid bold of Ihe

hitndluH. mid tbe plow tun tit go in lo ibebeam.

The nuvcnty-livc thnnwwd men Arst cnlledir, <l[il nut HUllico to Hit tlio 1"UITOWB rnuifoy irar.Uoit plnwed South. . Not merely fin the

landy "ntllo flelds of Virginiii, Tennoficend Vicktibdrgk lie drove bin Inrmi™ nfpen groves to the evtr|>l»diinn to the eve ruin

•ct] back nnd forlhHtntea

j j d b a k nndwnr groves uf nutinT

Ihei'r. plains with cartl

nmh the fjiraud tidgctl

nnd forti&cn-

God pljweil North. Ha nont the plow-aro through your hwmbstoneH, nnd brolto

up your fiiinily ciiclew; nud Iboto gravoEiwe decorate tliln uficrnoon, wt-ro farrowedand filled by the work of wnr. TliKUiaholIbo North to-day, from tbo AtUutio to th

th ti

I. Htill.rt.iy, to preserve from for-

i inv.wion. broad dotmin wltkh luiiii Hcuurcd to \w nnd our cliiltireu. Ity (he'ificeN wo Lere couinifcinorute, We hnvojht the nulioiiH we am Unlit iw wi-11 ui*»r. I t trtPH it }iinit*s ^Jro!>f,'T)i miil Tt\)omier nnnlhcr. It tewts him BHU CIOB'

,. qner the evil in biiiiw-lf. We innJlyht.

Much lm= bcon Mild of arbitration hchuntlons, an a means of nvniiliug Ihe burroof ni>r. liut arbritrotiiiu uecinfl to be pr

iblc, nuly Vihvn tbe fit re ng tli of llio paevenly lndnncoiL Wur, in ihn luKi

nver. Tho bnfjt way, thou, for nn tu ullioevilrtof war nnd tbe aeeeselly formtmtion, in liy cultivating and innintJiiutlmt lofty Kjiirll of yxvtriutwm, which guth<Sre fpmi oaaaioiiH lilfo this, And coniui;-the rcKpoct of tliow whom we oiluilre,iho feur uf thofio whom wo detent. I t IR tn

0 havo tnrnel our BWords into plnwuhiwcibut, icorking from tht point, tho plowsbii

ii be turned Iuto a sword agaiu.Mr PrwIdoiLt, my Uxk in donn. l toi

rcninirin now, for these children tn decom•1th flawera, tlie gnweit of our honorvd diHow liltlo do tbcfw mnidoiw tanWze

-ipniiins of this tiyiiiliolic act. Them fl.era, dropped from their hands, tro hullo

fiMl fnr tba fntura; mid never eauieiruynff igff know n gmnArr rouVwta thanitncweil hero this nfUrnoon. Tlieyi)Ving from tlio dcail aep'rlt rifjxiti

1 nil tbobroiwts ofthoKC, their bmtborflthey are voting to uiniiitain thin HCIVICO rthn RRIVO, wh'Me eforyubHtrviiucu \H ajjtodoffutnre flilulity to Nutionid Hdiior. Aiwhin tliKHU inniduuH r>ru luntrotiH, if wnr sin•JOUIKI itn dr«id ulurm, they will finil thuthn» not beau In vnin, that they have vofor ilia A'alimal idtaL

My Friends uud Countermen, At tlio tif twelve yean we ore. living in n uni

country, IJBIIKI n coraiuoti flty, whom fowave ligniust the lihits uf our nmtunlhcavuVH WO Htnmi tngethcr nu thia notnhlo ocdon. it ncodt no proiihel'M Right to (HBOhd futnro gmndeurof onr nation, in thigcHfltiltloromo. liitbixjunwtdiBUvncwH, Ii Xiitiou mighty through unity, and Uos

Witb HID git ' - - -nMinn horn

s the fo of a rat, a eat, and n rabbit.It contlnun iUolf to a generic gciirrnlizntiou,

l i

huck tv thokuipL-ratico caxme.foin that city would tather drink ulmott any-Uiiug tu&n water JUKI now.

Hub "Wsnlcm Koe of PatenuucuHoui and mth^r blauiuhlLi IOIIJUQII of the

mjttety. He wja^Uwt all freuli vnXet<:r nitcotaa tutd ponds ubdergo at ccrtala

B a ouR uf tliifl year 4 prccstf ot ptiri

llist ho calls purging; Tli is laki<8 place in

arm weatbiT, gnucrBlly in July or

ben the water iitiQw nml the nccuniultittd

iwvt uf diH'iiyt-d VoKftablf mnttor at the

bottom emit* a gtw that r'tMt'H to tl)»

hi LUUJICN. This gtut, in ipiautitiex, is fatal

iinial life, and until it thuupmuit-B off the

r in very unhealthy. Dnriug thin season

of purgingtht> &*h ititlieue watursnre nlwayi

101) {freat luoj-talil.r in notk-td smurj

them. Hie purging, however, geitentlly

oen utit tuku jtlnce until ttto in tli

hen the fiili nru in eic.ilent condiliou si

hk to bear it. During it thoy rufuso

aud njipuTcutly do bat eat, DM thfy 1

the ordeal Uilu and hungry, l l r . Jto*

ihitdtH that on account of the lonjf coutinmt

drought, and thu Vary warm vrett'heT ot thi

last few weeks, the purging of this water fansauuh tnrlicr than UMIOI, and found

tha firtli nnprepnrud and not recovered fromffecbi of the spanning HeaKun. He ridi-; (ho notion thai Die troulle in caused by

an; eitraUMJun matter front yas, povrdtr,I dye worliH, for it In felt u IUUCD abovebilow tbefifi.

On Weduetulny ereuing thu Newark Boardat lU-uUh Bp[mi»t<M3 u committee to I

gy jj y,Kdnnwi of cnutinmil pence. Iored, because nf uelf-rnspflet;

f t

y, rtha nation gl t

s at tha furrowsh fl h(lod has mnda to atrew witb flowers the

graven of tho honored dund ; then tnriiiawiiyIn rcup Ihn hftrvent of a gnvudcr natlonnl life,(tin onr earnest ptnyer that, one fentnro ofthat hnn'eKt runy be tho fruiU cf listing

But'wbila wa iri-piitlic the Itturtl let an xo-inember that, the Oiik, IFI IU mncaivo ondur-nnco, !H the njmbol of a nation's Ettuuglh

ad greati Thcxe. men, WIIOMS nnuicire upon yonr HoU of Honor, did not fight

r l j * n i l T h y l l d t itr upon yonr HoU of H

for olorj* nifirely. TheythoTntcn-KtHOfifnlii'ldiiii

not fighto unitone hur-

iif pure government.Teeming miUhns, fill its eiticH

rowd itfl vhnrveH. p"("ilnto its vaat territoHex and cnllivnto itH tin nnd lent) pmirles.

commnteo wtJJlng on every «eiv, I'lurryitho ting wo Inva m well I,, idl tlin Imtborathe earth. EutcrpriBo nud education furn

a TesQarceH af tlio natton'n Rtrenglu, amnnvuleo tho cloration and pnrlty ofvenimcnt / i t c a South. UH fields

. :h witli rolling cottcn nnd ntniidiiiu entl:Itn KOIIH hfiTo lunrueil the tenwraa nf (tioir fthur'u hitter pnat, nnd its nwinhood linM 1veloped nl tho oxponna of itn proHcript:policy. Jseeno UJorZine, hatmcexHviT harmony, yet each nrtwrviug ita distincto foiihirt-L. nnd filling its npproprktiibcre. Llko tho gulf ntnmtn which flowiirongli thn nccnn.itfl warmer watnm, run

determined currant, it distinct from the Mirronndina body, anfl yot n neocBairy pnrtit; HO the blue* ntream of labor and thnnetwill ptrvndo Ibe body of tbe Sontbcm lif"but will piraiterve ita own <Untlnctionfl an<porform ita prorwr Ainctloiw ; tint, (he haia"color line'' will bo oblitemlofl tWonnh 1

I nee Northern nnd SnntliRiuuily nnd concord ; n brcthoilinod of ntc<in tlie bnd of 0110 national life. Aud faither orti wlioti. these jnang hendn nro fftud gathered to the ilnst, I soo other elcireu ntnnding with flowers'in the' *koep nlWe tbat pplrit of pntriotli"a lve that pplrit of t riot I win, wn thIny invoke'; nnd na they rt«ck tlio gmvoa wihonor now, I hour, wnftad ilovrn tbo nislcsTime, tho Bweot tnunlo of girlish voiocB,Ihcy ulug; Wiir JJIW its ricioiJeg; bePeace hna grentcr victorfen than War.

I be Iu Vino, let us lenm

0. In Asi l io T r k y i e Rusre having tbe best of tt a u i steud-mans ni n - --

ily foi-cingLncli tha Turks;A San Francisco firm lidfl contracted

lo par lorlv CCD\B apiece (or t i e nnli-cfDSc(l (logs slaughtered in that city,

• Tlio ukio« nro to ho tanned for gloro-(makinp, the hair will be used in phuter,tlm hones grntintl (or cjarifyiujr sngnrnud tbc (nt manofactiired into oil.

A lorrlblo tornado oeenrrod at Mr.Oaruipi, Ulisow. at 4 o'clock'on MondaynHnrJioon, A lnrgo number of build!DRI

%cro dealroyed, including thn CourtIlnnsP, two obnrcbcB, two ncboo] housenud a uumbar A5 Klores nnd reflidenoot.

. Twmly tversons wcro killed and (rom 3Qto 50 wonnded. . .

Tliu village of New Centrcvi'Ilfi, on fh«Chester Vnlley Rnilrond, nbont six mileiwmt of Norristown, Fa., compriiioghbont sixtr bnildinps, was almost en-tireiv destroyed % fire about Bo'clrcklast iPridny morning. Tho origin of Ihefire in not known, it having broken outin,ai.raallframe buildicg,

The Oahestnn Neffi estimates tbanumber of buffuloB dtslrojed in Texannrinunlly for their hides alone at 200,000,their ment, which (s pronounced aupg.rii>r io beef, being loft for Iho wolvenand buzzards. Thii n i t qaantilj, if itponid hnvo been wed, would bare letnil tlio (starving poor of our cities Iwitwinter.

In iho Preflbjterian General Assem-bly tit Chicago, t ic Hcv. H. J . VonT)'yka,D. D., took occasion to deny for

-;himself and t'iO eatiro Pre^bytflnan' Clmrdi the corrcctncsa of the opinion

tbe LCHSDUI of the Hour.It in our f\ni duty now toHt\nwe all ftri-

\»ga Of Strtlmwl Strife. On thin ilny, morethau on nny prcviouN ncciutiou of like nature,especial attention will hn paid, both Northand. South, to ben towing houniu to Iho moni-nry of Union nud ConfeJi.mto dcn.1. Thisbveuins, la Brooklyn, a lute Goufoderata^eneml, nue of tho mont eloquent Sonn of(ho South, will nJJruss a Jivision of thethe Gmnd Army of tho Itepuhlio. He wlinled tho SMdieni iu tlie Gray, will to-nigfatpenk words »f nmil jnnJ fwlprofl tthk irorJs nf amUjaaH fwlfrDily, totbosi

he foaght to rabduE. Shall we bo loaaprompt to reply with kindly vrordu to" ihoBawho were nnuilued. ilany a battle field show-ed tha contending poldlent kicked in a dead-ly embrace. They fell nhero they, fought'.The touch of Death bad smoothed away thomark* of fratricidal piuwion, nud their faceswere still aud peaceful. Dread Bjmbol or thanflllon'u si nipple and onr present jwaee.Their niineltng hlooil formed B cement t!iattniuie oar Union imliMolnMe. J.a the colorUua between the Blue ana Dray out.tL» nwtiram] line between tho Nnrth andSouth dlfinppcnra If there aro Confederatedvnd in your cemetery, lut tliese flowers fullupou tboir grnvofl. In tha grout brotherhoodof denth there tire noYuricnces. They foughtere re no varia

, but thev ftniid l H' '

rought well: nud,batilc to bury Uu-ii

fl h saintsouthern mother, who weei

ib f l d

t l ury Uuiipi\«er flntrem ht saint10 weeping, IHVBir loTOd dead.

nrtl by u oany people that„»,», JeBthedoctriuoofun-bapttml infant damnatiou. Ho eaid,"Id*d riot Micro tlmt cither * child orman in ever sent to bell becaufio lie ip

• tinbaplizeiL I do not believe that anyinfflUtjVcIyfuff io infancy, baptized or

;nabapti2od, boatheo or Oljristian. in oi-'ivliHlcd from the kiag&on of heaven. IUiitieyQ (toy « « *U *arw- * -•'•.

& ? • • ' - • • ' . ' • ' ; • . ' . : ' " • ;:

- ' • ' . - ' , .

Anotiier lemon this lour tenches m ' isthai our Government Ii nut a loon CbnMera-linn. Our Union is not like ouo of thesohauls thai flails by on your canal, ready tobe unhinged in the middle, in caso of nnemPrpnncy. That djntem of IOCVR IIM 1101been diBCOvered that can float the North on ahigher lurcl than tho Honth. These bontRt n fitted Duly to Hunt upou tho nulct wntereof the cnlm cannl; their scctionnl nature

m thtfr (leHtmclion AUTO, npnn the vide

The Great Insect-Rafd,Tlio fanners and market gardeners

Northern New Jersey are Bcrttratdy alonuint tbe prospect of on luvadou of vegetatiodestroying Insects this Smumer. Fremircneut uppcarnncca ihoro hrewon to otbat bugii of all iinJn, from the aoTeyear locunt to tlie minute hutectn viblcb rulthe iumml huuhes In the tomilj garden, (troi l t tbe district Thu pclato bug bwade hi* appearance ingrett ntunVra, Tliold weather in early May delayed tho

planting of potatoeR generally, but the recentheated ttrin han'compensated for Iho earlycoolness by bringing forward, tha plantmore rapidly. The potato bugt which cameat from their hibernation early, therefore,

fared ill, and the formers had itrong hopentbat their visit this year would be short ancomparatively harmless,sadly disappointed. Tbabrought tho bugs out ui Hworms, and tboyoung potato plants wem BOOH covered withoartv ot the pcntltonua inaeci. Tliis i

, tbo plant heretof

mukea thtfr dentmclion nure, npnn tho vfdcwnt«n> of the toleU'roos \\tnp. Hut our Un-ion is like an armored nllip, compnclcy

y part With towi t

wnt«n> of thion is likbil

i e an armored nllip, compnclcybnilt inerery part. With towering most*anil BprcndinR MIIIR fittrd nliVa for the quiet—i—. ~# i rircr or to breast thwnten of bur

i b t

fi r herircr, or to breast thn wuvea ; with Ntrong cut en H1I1«

and timber* fittingly braced, tbe ship ilencutbe temposta neiceat wntli, or meela witbbclebinR flumes the deadlint oiiuet uftbefo«s. Tlin dao ndjtutroent of Itn eevenilparts, nnd tbe compAct union of the whole ILthe pledgo and guarantee of wSeiy, Batdraw one of yonr hontn to the bnat, And las-ton mules enoagb to bow and st«rn nnd thenef-UocH may be dmwn nnnrt: but to-dayautValbn Into strong, Ihni thero wo notmntea enongh in the North, nor dnnkuysmnngh in tbo South, to drag the twoossun-;r

I e have Icarood thin lesson from tba vnr,tbat there must be raoro or leu of eenlralUa-ion \n our Government in ordar to p r m r r e

pescaped tbe attack until they bail gnlnIonia maturity.

Tba MventcoQ-year locust, thongh gen-entlly considered bonalesa, is not entirelyso. II boa mode its appearance in NorthernNow Jcrney already, although It will not beery noticeable until the middle of June.

Tbe last tints tbe locust was neea In thineighborhood was in t i e Hammer of I860.At that time it did considerable damage tofruit trcci by stripping them of their lcaveiand tlie fruit crop that year though ncimuch below tbe avorago in quantity Bufferedmaterially In qaolfty. Tho measure! for thodestruction of tbe potato bug Rro numerousml well known. Lhtlfl or no attempt

be mode to Veep array tha locusts, as theyD innumerable, and the damage they do iiit cxteDfiive enough to warrant extreme

mounres. There in ui old tradition that thoyear following their rlsit will be a peculiarly

dactira 000, particularly it) fruilB.Tho nackcttatuwn Guctte sajit ih ail1 ootialy flounce* WJU intended'lor Me

County and not for Warren, Bnd thut creditto Bcother new§pnpor v u accidentallyomitted. W« can belicTO it, coniidurlngtho frequeucy with which suoh " ocoidenU"

cenr hi that offlce . .

ThBfirst tnUnwM rua o\er the BWntownRailroad on Friday of hut week.

tirinp pnitty much thu winie

nnliiig to form and in tnnte according

ChiiieHc, but hns an evident contempt for

d(tails of upedes. from nil accouutd It

hold neonw to haTo ho lihoioe bttwcpu A rnt, cr 1

ntijjii- t,ot, u r B rabbit, but Kkipn tibnut under thi

olmlt-TtxuKi an blithily find imeoncemedly

R if tlmrp wore no dngti In tho world.; it m

.oKfii'bly he informed «f tha dog-law- nud

sifiiirae defiance in tho dnys of muzzles. It

in ft mont ptrnkteut "presence," and, UIIUVI

._ hitatioiiH of a hiniilnr nature, doen not >an-

1 avoidance [Hh nt the apprwirh of others, hut rcaisti

n(tack ntid cludett atnttegy. Cro*dn art

represented ntt flocking daily to soo the rayn

tfiry; nnd, hiHtead of reKButing this imper-

tinent eitrloHity, It freely eihlbitH iU toiii]>sr

ind jirowets. One gentkmuu hnd hi» hut

'^rnbhed in mi t-Eort to thj

'•prcBGnco"; acotlier had hia cnue knocked

sul of his hand; nuothcr recrUcd a Htingiug

>low ou hit nnn; find BO on. The"pi

Ahctlipr cut, rat, or rabbit, will nut be (.Tabbed

wr hi nny wny nbatcd or iutijuidatnl.

There in a sad part of the story in the

assertion that the poor girl lien moaning on

if in terror or pnfii; (lie cruel port of it in

that her frlendn nnd the community allow the

strong sentiment of superstition which eiUti

even in this enlightened ngo and country to

call In the uupcmjituml to nmko her Hullcr-

ingfl tho object of public exhibition. At (bii

dirtauco, where the sympathies aio exercised

only in ft gent nil way, the ludicrous element

iu the story completely ovmbadowH all thi

often*. The doctont and clergy arc both

reported oa M u g completely halSacl hy the

phonomentral Wu prcmimo it w n. queatii

or profowional jurisdiction. The inodii

men may disclaim reRponsibility for the

"prcncticu" on Uio ground tlmt tha later

boots do not take cognizance of tha witch

theory; tho clergy may decline the caw

because It began with paralysis and prostra-

tion, and properly conit-s under medical

treatment Thus do tho profesrlotu which

slay otid save aloft responsibility at B time

when their ncrviccs are most needed. The

doctors are able to drive away the animals

ju canes of masculine delirium cotamouly

known as IUKMEHH, and tfio clergy some-

times eiorclflc deviln that mm tlio creation of

iginntion, but have no cxpnrkncfi

with materialized "presencea." Bo both br

baffled. If tho wime cane hod tainen In th,

early dnys of New England, tbcra would have

been no henitation na to the proper course

to pursue; the poor girl would havo been

taken out MM] hanged or hurried for a witch.

According to the modern interpretation by

an EngilHh Beet cf tho Sloio philosofby of

old, this would be the beet thing to do, an it

voald relieve the Ruffering child of her

nifoery; a Htill better thing to do, porhups,

would be to hang tiumu ot tho ignorant uj

dee!going people who ara tcsponaible for tb(

alleged mystery aud obvious mincry,

not miqiriiieil toleitrn anaoetiuol

to this rovfiliilion thnt tho neighbors and

•]B, gotting no ttattftfiictlon from

tho doctors or clergy, have about agreed xip-

on the. theory of witchcraft, and fixed npon

ildwoninn liviag uenrus (he evil geuhifi.

The reaHon wo nro notFrnrprlned at thia inbe-

caiwo Iho Hoono of the mystery is in New

-—a conutry where thoao who hnve linJ

occuion to visit I<ong Dmnch nnd other

irta of it OH tmmwur rvuorts have

mrigiurtt inhnbltantfl nUoped in a densi

of ignoMnio tbat wonld aeoept wito

iy other osplodad hauhng of [kutt

rieB, nn new dcvclopnioata in life. There i

of fuel, ono couclrwite evidctn

agnlunt thn witchcraft thdory ; buy witt

with mifnoient versatility and agility

change about from cnt to tut, and nit (0 r

bit, rount bo credited with too much into]

gence to chooHe Now Jersey "»

place, cr the Now .Tmey people ns desirabl

coinpnniouK. At lnst acotnmti, there wan n

(linger af the witch being

thing like (be summary trentmont of formi

(lines. Instead of hanging or burning no;

body, iho penple of Morris County ai

unted OB beaiceing the easpected old pnti

for chiirins, Jotions, ellxira, e tc We pn

snmo tliero is not a deniton of tho connl

iho wrraid not like tu mi ft cat or a n t

tho work of diuturbing tao sleep if saati

pnrltculor friend ; nutl in this rtRpect thi

Kjilrit of Jersey hmnnnity hi itearccly an i

prominent over tlmt of former ti rues, which

liuiaqiicd that witches hhouhl bo haiigca.

The Newark Water Supply /sain.The milllonii of flsh that havo been boei

lying and poliutlug the waters 0/ the Paesai*River, bos again brought out tho proposed

watci tu Newark from Lake HopaUcong, with more vigor tlian e1

A ride WM loken Wednesday alocg th<river banks /or a few tulles either wa; /rocPatcraon. Tho hea-ry rains -hail cauBedrise in tho wnterso Uuittho deodllah no•tiger strewed tho bonks; but ia secludedovee, amoag iwigled wosii, they lay In

Here and there along the riverAB, under tha leafy elms, stand prett]

ittle Bummer houflCB 1 hut they arono longerable on account of the odor rising from

he dead &&,The dead fl«b ore ratan with avidity hy

trtles and eelB. They aleo aOord food fornlllions of polywogH, or ' ' poUywohblca " ashe natives call them. In many instances,ays going to tia river for fluh bAvs carriedome long strings ot thewe that they found[ready dead; but there ore do cases knoi „1 which they have been usod for food. Tlialaguo accmt to ba incrcomag, and to bo

_ to oiler strcamn. In the pouds •loomucld the Qsh u-a dying in voct nun

«rs. In OOVOB' mi'lpon.l, at this pine, thurfoco cf the water is covered uni tho ban!

lined with tbeir bodiar. Old fishermaniy that numhvra of suckers dia every yearrhon the water Is low and the weatherform, and tlmt mortality among them i t uspecially notiociblo hut July tad. August,ut that the? have not before kotjwfi %ny-

ig like ths present trouble.Residents of Jersey City, Newark and>raon, wbo aro depondeat upon Faraola

iter for domcatio purposes, lira muchumed Jc«t Uio wafer may becttmt unfit tore, u d already many residents of Patenoa9 boiling It before drinking. Wednesday> rfttctnon Soard ef; Health, tccompftnledMayor Buckley, taolc t. tdp tip the river,•e the city, to iayeBXigaU, the catmo, BDIJ

tbobln effects, of tho stnnge mortalityL on tholr return, they had coma to no da.on. They carefully refrained from drink*any of the tainted water on their trip.

J. E. SaUt offset cf t ie Slurphy tea.ranee movement in Paterson, declares that• discftM In the water is & terrihlo draw-

gulu end report at the carlicut jwnwiblcOld readout? of Morrid

Huwfti couiititB any that liundreds of awrflowing by the Bpring

full treHimin, nnd Tttuim in thi<n wirried intothe pnndn and Inkf H aud Hluillow tribnlarienof tho Pafisuic. When tha freshtts HulwiiSeit its discomposed by Ilia nun, impregnating(he wutur and potfcnnlug the &xh. Tho ai.1 . ^ ^ . . . . . ^ ^ 1 _ l i . _L 11 .L _ ! . . „ _ AL- _1.1

!t thi

this theyworm weather

thorititw 1 to have the river thoroughlyenuiined and tbe condition of the waterfully iaveGtigated.


-Blolrstofru trill cclt'1/rnte tho tth of July.Newton is talking of forming a Geutle*

meu'n Driring Association,

l*he affairs of tbe KuuBr-i County footHOUBO ure undergoing i

'rht, DiiR over tliti IlackvtUtown Post Officewas turned upnlde down, at half-mast, onDecoration Day.

It in thought tbo Blairs town railroad willbe continued from Itlatnstovn to Newton,and probably farther.

Kylvcutcr Cooper, a brake man, fell fromfreight car ut Nowtoo lust week and waaserlouuly If not fatally injured.

Tha PeuttfiyMnfs XAlior'a Aatoctatlon,will this year make their annual excursion tothe Delaware Water Gap, on the 18th ofJune.

Tha gram fields, between Bclvldore andWashington, for tho most pu t , promise anabundant yield, and the groin on the uplandlooks well.

One of those "give away jewelry" fellowsvbitod Newton lost Saturday evening andfleeced between 450 and $100 out of the

Beverol negroe* who stole fifty calf hlioHfrom the sUugbter house of the Oxford IronCompany one night recently, have beenarrested ttad Mint to Belvidcro.

Scranton etove coal is cold at Washington,by the D., L. k TV. agent, for$3,25 per toa,anil it is delivered in any part of the townfor twenty-five cents additional.

A Buhsctiptiou list hi being e!rcuUU>il forthe purpose of raising money to put theground of the Warren Agricultural Societyin good trim for tho fall exhibition.

Prof. Barton, who committed Bulcido atHamburgh recently was only following afamily precedent. Ilie grandfather, father dudtwo brothsru died by their own hands.

According to the Ilackettfitown Gazettetba tanoetv at that Dcciloa are "cotophialngof ita being very dry." That's whan theaverage Wamn oouuty agriculturist usuallytakes a drink.,

Tha first freight received at BUIntownover tho new railroad wta a barrel 0/ Hoi'loud gin, itnd tba people forgot the all patentlion, (?) Jiihn I. Blair, in tho contemplationof their favorite beverage.

o kind 1 nil getitla breeze that hnn o\lovea tba timid violet to oar

e power thntlifta the oootl betrays a

pnir ol pasts—a rooDnmont to Mmind oa ofa mothers1 love and the hard time*;

ll of the youth of the Uml, nnet in the B

letters remaining unclnlmcrtIn the Post Offlce a* l>oTer.N. J.

JUNS tth, 1877.

MOROH Doty, MIRB Oarrlo Goblo,E, nolme«, Oeo. MurkN,iltry P. Oenry, MIMS XL O'Orady,

William Penroe.To obtain »nj oflho abom letters siy "ail

TMIWH" tad girt ants of tbJf list.,.. A.BEKMER.P.M.

Economy is Wealth!Practice tbo First and Secure the Latter

by purcliflsing your



AW "




7.011H.OO '


fromFISK HI.AUK firiTii from

" Y

- fclo.UOto SI.



J, MARSHALL & BALLShorn- twice Uio number of IH'SINESH SUITS of uny house iji tlm city

PRICE $8 to $go<

Wo call vour Hptfiul atieiitioji to our di'giujt uiseoriiaeutof

sarfgis" BUSINESS SUITS. | -m


ALL WOOL PANTS from $2 to $6.In Ihis inuiK'iwo stoA you will find all tho LATEST STYLES oi



cuntmii innJo work. In COITOX MIXTDnEs wo hnvo pnnts for $1 por j l n i r ,

OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENTirt {lie largest in tho Stnt«, occupying one entire separate store.

CHILDREN'S SUITS from - - $2 to $10'BOYS' " " -• - -$4to.$lg

AVo jnu-cliaKo our gooils ontivoly for cash, and as the tendency ofpritcH ui'o tloivuw'Qi'J, n'G (iro pj'ojwu'od to givo you cojTOBpoudbjgpnces.

MAIUJ IT A POINT to comn nnd seo us and exnmiue OBEIMMENSE STOCK teforo you li.y.


807, 809, 811, BROAD St, NEWARK, N. J,

NVJ, SUITS fromHVITB ii sjiiiclalty



they hnve just received for Spntsa and SUJIMEH, comprising everythingnew aud dosimblo for Indies wear. A complete new Htock oE











BOYS' SUITS $3.5OL. D. BABBITT Los full chorge of (he CuBtom Department.AVo mako sijcuiul efforts to ploase the most fautidiouB. Don't fail to

como mid soo us when in our town. ' '


PATTERNS,"®!Elegant in stylo Kai fiuisli. \fo pay DASH for onv OOODB mi<l sell forSmall Profit. Our atoro oxponeos nro irmcli loss than any of bur cam-,petitors, tkorefore ouBtomora will find it a great saving by looking for tho'


Spring Ovorooats, Diagonal and Oassimcro, - - - - $8,10.12,15,Men's Business Suits, Now Stylo Flaid and Stripo

Clothier and Merchant Tailor,My flfoplt oi cloiliiiig embraces suits from n child to n man, wuioli I W e wiltrput imins iniiiingeil to sectuo HO low nfi to SELL VERY ADVAHTAQEOUSL1"

in tlieso Inifd tiinc«. Mr rincEg Aim AH FOLLOWS : 'OASSIMERE 8OITS, from 87 |oJ»WAOOSAL COATS mid VESTS, from Oto 11CASBIWEKE PANTS Irora - J|o (CHINCHILLA OVEKCOATS, •• 8lo 1?DIAGONAL OVERCOATS, " - - - . - '- • S to 1*T O U T H S ' S U I T S , from . - . . . . . , . - . .• • nZ 1B O Y ' S S t T I T S , •• . . . . J ; | .O H I L D l l E N ' S B B I T S , t r o u , - . • . ' . . . . . a to B

A L A J Q E S I O C K o i '

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSof otl gradGs and matcriula. Strict attention iti mid to my Onstom -Departtnent,noill will gunniDtra a good lit or no sale, and iofy ooniintition Itironglmul tbl

GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS.noraliflrI»e)l n ftooA, worm nnjorajiiri for 85 caottf./'A /«]] stock.

lontUB1 ond Boy.1 HATS mul CAPS jmt a.rr!v«d. I mmrallMnilta tlie P»M« to 'Ioomototniioluataud, NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE, and bo ololbej Irontaiil io hat for very little money, by. . . , , '

„"' „ G E O R G E F E D B E ,Povor. May ll tb, 1877. ELACEWELL ST., POVEB, K.I. |


Strayed!Cune tothofarm oltbemibfiaribfironMay

Slet, o DARK BAY.COLT, whlto rtar onforehead, tvo vhite hind feet, ODQ vblt«foro-foot near dd«.. Apply to

.' Ml. 00RD0N. KIXO'II FAAM,!M.p Uiuollill,». J.

BOATMEN AND FISHERMENrarpUol vrilli Antclaa, BOATS u d T1SB.-


north af tbe Bharp Honie, between bowlingalley and store, sud accommodations for

names AND PARTIEB.Also tobacco, elgam, and coafectionery In

- the boat home. 26-



[BelweenVcorhcei Broi.IUrdnaru Sioroindl t


. - - - . $7.60, 9 ,10,12, IB, 18,Bluo Flannel Suits, Double and Singlo Brcast&d Sacks

and Walking Coats, - - - - - - - - - _ _ ' - _ gjg ^Black Cheviot Suits, with Cutaway and Sacks, on Extra '

IHno Suit, - ' - j i 3 , 14 j B |

Dross Stutu, in Blnck Clotli, Diagonnl and PJnid Worsted $18, 20, 25, 3o'YOUTH'S Surra, (IB to 20 yoarf») - - - - - - - - $3 10 1'2 15BOVS'.SDITH, (10 to U years) Miicd Cassimoro, Plaid, ' ' ' '

Black and Bluo Tricot, S5, 0 ,7 8 10 12CHILDREN'S V£aTSun jv{4 to9yoar s ) - - - - - S 3 , i , 5*6 7, s 'All. tlio New Styles OassimerG Pants from - - - - - - ' - ' $ ' 2 t o 7 '500 Pair Working Pants, heavy and strong, - - - $125 per pair


iu«i«.v>iubIiti»*<M7«.) 815 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J.

JOSEPH W. BAMJENTDJE haviilg marie arrangemouU to remainwith Mr. Colyor, will to hajipy to see ilia Morris Oounty friondsandattend to them personally. 10-3m



794 and 796 Broad St.,NEWABK, S. J.

JOHN JELL1FF & GOoffer tlioir Immfiou ilook of



TIES tad BEST WOJlKSLtKBHIT, atTorj low'prietB for





'harmaceutical Preparations.



PrcionptlDat wrofnlly prepared. Hone bnlDHodur tho Wit nullity indpra-

CnAMCEB FOBNITUnB, otewrdctcrlpUcD.tliti IUir and other HATTRAB5E8. B*«L

Spring Boda matle.

Country Cottages furnislied aishort notioo.

W.lnnl DroiElnG ULIO Bnitea, mirfale topg,Iron $50 to «25.

Ooltago Fornitore in •tloeloM. H>D<]fialtei, from 118 to *50.

MANTEL .nd 1'IElt QLASSKS, COBHIOSS,AUBREQniNS ftul SHADES.FUBNTTUBEot every deicriptlpn iniile to

ordor from ipocUl dcilgni. Nu^ Ii ttio tintto leenra BABQAIN3. 1S-3O

Assignee's Notice.TIC b tf t tl

ccoraiuE in ilia

, nr the moit tpproied f

A fall shflorlmcut ef

y pi Ph»tm»-


orcrjtbiDf ninillj found la & Ana itare.

C. H. DALRYMPLE. ;irrlitfiWD, K. J., Juno Tth. 1B77.

"VTOTICE | | bflrftbr Riven to tlie c1 1 of PrtbdN H. Qore. or Dofer, UtirrlCoooty, KBW Juno;, Ui»l »ll cl«Inii •galm t hi,

' ' mm* b* eibftrlted ta the mtnerlber, bis. . . . . joe, under oath or ifarnntioD baron tt»38ib da? orJaW noil, belli* thrca maalh,frnra lbs data or tbt w»i«omiint, or be forqrerbarred from eominir in for t dividend of tbaeitato.' Andi*t4 crcdltora are furibcr iiutlfle-1that a Hii or Ibe claima acftioit tba util Fraii. flora *»J be JUed Witb theBDrrosaio al

Couutj of Horri* Ueroto tfaa ennolng Octot«nn of tlie- Ornfaan'i Coart, when exceptionstbertto may be lileA If " ' ' - '—*""

Diled Jaie »h , 1B77.

NOTICE—$10 REWARD.n E tbare reward <• hornliy offored lo an?

pcriou BITIOK inch inft)rm»t(oQ M milta tlie l f

i , pcriou BITIOK incle»d ta tlie conflation oft l tb U

n of tn? pornoa orUndi of tno Cn

Cli|0 f l nill, U*y Slit, 1BT7.



WJWKST PRICES,Qoodfi, OMhmerea, 811b, Bourettw:

Tiiponiiiao, Striped, Brocades. Lustres, Pbp-hon, EHJHUICIOS, PiagonftlH, Alpacns, Vcilipff,Bacqulng, Klda, i c . Novel ties are addetlfrom titno to Umn OR they nptwnr in tnarkoi;In WHITE GOODS, a very, full line, piir-chiuwa of importers and nt XHCTIOK, anil FORSALS 01IEAP. Domestics, Sheeting TicknBhirtins. SWpen, Dcninw, Prints Bntta,Warp. Ginshnmii, Ac. Tho wcent adrancein domestics could not be miRbdned. AllkinOfl of RooOaare somowhftt lower imd oomaa n cheoper tlian before tha advance Allthe beat prints nro wiling nt 7 cts. per yard;nnd I wide DBBB aiwmia, now style IUHIerfors tor 8 cla.. Oar IABOE OABP£TBOOM ie fnlly stocked with



Mots, per yard, good luwortmont; of'reiin-lie maker in good style for .f 1. larae lii

INGRAINS beginning at 80 eta. i w Vamortmonl very largo, and prices lower Own

ninny years. Wo keep tlio bort gooOftwilfl country. V/o taoosnra ajiiirt-

. rat and fit oil„, mnko and

:c, and gnamntcfl a fit.Our nfflarmiont fn nJiilepartinenta in muchrger than can bo found on Undo tho lariroties, and no ono nndemella ns. **

of goods nail prices reqaested.

Retailing at Wholesale Prices.PBI0EB MABKED IN PLAIN ITOUBES.'

«©-OISrB P E I C E . O. O. D.-TBSWo sell Clothing at LOWEH PI1I0K I

and givo MO1IE TALDB.for tlio aionoj Ithun any rstnil ooacotn in New York, Ias \vo'«Amip*0Tnra3 AM, pun aooDs,~on<l Iyou liave tbo advantage of buyine tlienl Iot M i N U P A C T H K E E S ' P M O E S .

Our aoODS ASE THE BEST and our jiricei Ipositively the LOIVEST IN THE c m .:: V\tmii'ltt\o untlco iUnt out GOOns nm N .FiSHIONABLVCDT, WED1,JIAI)E noj^rf Iin cvtry reRpcot to CiiHtom "Work, nnd iiinde np IoxiiMmls for Now Yoik Oily Holnil 'to<l«. I

' ^ Deforo-bnying elsewhere bo.sure and Igive UB acall. ItwiJlcertiilnlypayjou. I

llemombor TVO. aro up STAIM, entrance I.' on Broadway,,Nojlh-west' Corner.V of-Grand tit., and-Broadway.

HIRSHKIND, PARKER & CO.,j463, 465, 467 BROADWAY, =






W thin country. _ .tnenta, m«Va and lay carpata,

oth, liooknra, matting, mi


[orrislown, N. J., April 7tht. 1877,

W00DP0BT HOUSE.•HOiWAS BHI011T, Propr ie tor .

W00DP0RT, MORRIS to., N.J,Ifal l ] U h 1 a H

d nn entirely nnw slock oi goods, cog nil UIQ new tttid lettding thine" i n th. .

trwle. .."WobaTo tho Bolengency for thiasection for J. S u n s & BOS'B


nnd havo n selection of tlieir goods thnt cnn<not fail to Stand pleiwo nil. GENTS'anayOTJTn-8 UOOTd nnd SHOES,, in everyvariety, size and etjle.

Our Custom Work.

lMo nnpalrnnff IU

Uh]l«1i(a HiiUl ii nppn tor trtlUrt for Ih i

Bnco. Sltnat»] •!fralnrM Mit t . I

TO BENT LOW. 'I!IE IULI, nvjr PiBMoa'a lint iloro TTOI b,

. lot «(» rrrjr low ri-ut for uoe veornrtnortiTpirifeahn,-(aqalr«of -

Connected jrith aar.hwduemi wa, purposeinking ciiRtom coodg oi all kiodfl, guaran-eicg good stock, perfect fits, and superior

worlajftDBbip. A long eiperionee in UII'Bbusinenn enables nn to my that we can with^oat doubt pkiwfl nil in this pnrtiouUr. Dropin atd see tbe CBSO of goods of our own make,

A C L K I N D S ,

dona De»(ly, quickly and dumbly.

By bajing these goodn in largo quantities8 aroablo to offer good termv to imall

dealers and ammmera. ;

The nUentlon ot tho publio is merelydWcUd to Dur.Btook.. k call, which IschoerfuUT inTJUd, will convince all thnt the?will find it to tiiclt" advantage to Luy of mi

, 18-lf , • . . , . • . " j


. st'. xx. rsmn.xi.-x-,


has a complota stock of

F A E M E ' B ' S TOOLS,

Bulideiis!. Hardwire,'•I«ohfitnl(!a' Tool*




nuvoiiYERs, risrasa TACKLE, fa *



The BuWiber would most' TW**^ifoVjo thffeltiHaia' at-Vaiei and- TlciwlJml ho linn opened » OROOEHY ADD H *

VISION STOEEon-Ji:-.".'T-' •-.' - -


; next BLAOKWEIX, Down, K. J.


sottvUloia I n »o«v»°Oi'

..JOHH'iBB*' I S 'Dover,N. J., April (i


PSICAt.wraa HAOBistP,. eni

d repulriiit oi .lUliia. in «•»"

Page 3: iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no 26 the iron tczuuined etrm sixcscai rr bj3nj.h.v6gt. • editoiumh prorietoil.

THBIR0NJ3RA.B 0«U, 1877



• "

3S "4Columu.

1 Inch.

• ,,° ,,i "

1 "

1 VS.

$ 701 2fi1 7«2 sr.2 ;r»a Co4 r-ofr co

10 Mt

2 uos.

$ 8 CO5 OO0 fit)8 00

10 0012 *015 0018 CO82 00

2 wifl.

$ l zr.2 OU2 7fiS 604 2ft£i ;r .G 5(1« Oil


8 MOB.

$ 4 SOC £09 DO

11 IX)18 0010 2519 0025 0041 00

a win.

$ 1 SO2 608 604 60fi 607 008 00

IU 2S19 00


$ (1 0010 0014 0018 0021 0025 6021) GO87 50G5 00


Throng" Mall, 9.25 A. M.; Oiirogn Expreii,(0 A.M.; Eiston Express, 2.00 P. M ; Esston

[iprcii, 6.37 T. K.i Oswi-go Esprai*, 6.17 ?.I I ' Htckottilown Eipros. , 7.28 P. M.; th r r i i -mrgBpecUl, 10.40 P . M .

n o w DOTKB nonco EAiT:

HarrinburR SpocUl, 4.M X. M.; Dover Ex<irtli, 6-M> A.M.; HioVotlalonn M«ll, 7.20 • Eiiton Express, 8,42 A. M. i Dinah amp ton'iprcii, 2.20 P. 31. ; TlironRb BUM, 2,611*. SI.'«r»cmo Express, 8.03 P. M.; Eiiton Accomisdsiion, BJUP.M."







Part OramDover


. ere7.C0'7.057.08

D 7.157.90



pin». ti.46.SO.


r. 11.



New York,Philadelphia,TIIEII Bridge,C«l!fon, -MltMlo Valley..


2SS*P o i t Orem,




'6 .B50.4H6.85C.S5

If. M6.55B.1II4.404. IB4.OGS.BSB.m8.23a. is2.6S2.30

Weekly Statement of Iron OreiisiMO XHL HACKETTSTOWN SOALES, VIA

M. A E . R. B , TO PBNNBXLVAHIA, roilTUB WEK XHDIHfl THOBSDAT. BVEN-iNa, J u n e 7 th , 1677.


ut te r It. It. (Horton 1, Corwln's,BnccMunn*, Vanttta and Ches*tor Junction Stations,)irl O w n




Total .

4S0 14875 1741 0301 04

241 10

2,091 03


AttendThe LectureAnd Fair and FestivalOf tha Ht. Hope M. E. CImreh,Friday afternoon and evening noxt.To-toorrowis " Children'! D07."

Jean Drawers at Plcraon'a.

Regular meeting of Vigilant Hoso nextedneBdoy evening.The common grasshopper is becoming verymeroua in this section,

IhoB. Campboll, of this place, vas dis-orgecl from jail onMonday.

Fbe Express ran from Hoboken to Boon-u tho other day in 62 minntea.A horse of Wm. II. Temple, of Boon ton,opped dead at Split Rock on Tuesday.Go to Piemm'n forgnnre Undershirts, tbe.V,vo them )n»U sites ana qualities, ebcap.

The Somerset Gazette sayi Hendbam wastiled preTious to 1848. ^'e shoud say BO.

Chflfi. A. Crane and Lewis L. Fountain,ve left Boonton to open a meat market In

Hov. Samuel Sawyer, Inte of Sehooloy'sountain, Is teaching a delect Bohool atarion, Indiana.

"Jersey" has a "Piccadilly" collariey cut it out lriUi a band saw at Uie steamHI tho other day,Wheat and flour havo fallen back to about

0 old figures, but Boma of our dealers havo>t heard of it yet.

A largo qnnntity of boy's nnd children1!!raw bate lolling off at greatly reducedflees, at Picraon'a.Tec employees wore discharged at the carops on Friday of last week, wduoing thuirking force to 120.

Two of the present streets of Mcrristownire onoe known as "Speculation Lane,11

d " Snarling Street"Thnrsday, June 14th, will bo tho oneindredth tnnivereary of the Stan andripes as a national ensign.* .

Jimmy MOOM carries a broken arm in aig, tho result of a wrestling mitch withitlicr boy & few days since. .-

Bay yonr white shirts at Plenon'o, six for3, uKFCKNisDEP, made -lrora Vamsutlo

, and fino linen bosom, 3-ply.

Mr. Ohas. H. Raymond, of Morris Flaliv,tere a special prize at the Synwuw dogiow, which opens on the Ulfc teat

! The Morrtetown .Common Council againefuaed license to the Former's Hotel onMany niebtof last week, by avot« of Ii to 4.

UnghP.MeDennott/of.tha Jersey Citylerald, and tha editor of the Jerseyinan a »rying to oenloee each other that they don'tmount to anything..'" '

Wo we're glad to noUce AlanhM Eelleytearing tho Bussex street bridge of tdleri thiitber evening. It Is a good work and wilopo ho will keep it np. . . , . . • .

Our condderAUon for tho nerves of tbeeditor of the Boonton Bulletin Induces -us tostrain from noralnatUig Judge Dollickerofor Chester State Senator.The road botwaen . Charlattobnrgh and

Echo Lake in being put in excellent repalilor Uie aceommodoUon of the many whorialt this favorlto Summer resort.1 Mr. A. TJ. Lyon, formerly Snpariutendentit the Cbariottebnrgh Iron Works in cam.pony with other prominent men Tisit«d thoruins of Cfctrlottaburga recently.

Wear one of Piemen's fine light weightttmw hfttfl and you will not mind the warmweather. They have received a large IiLbia week from tbe manuftctnren,

The Bale of the homestead property of theUta Job Hurt at Drakfltrula station, wbioh|nc]odes a valuable iron mine, was postponedon amount of the rain on Wednesday *until Wednesday nest

< Wo find lhat a general Impression prevail*In Dover in favor of a celebration hers tbocoming Fourth of July. It wonld probnbljbe tho only one in tba county and would ntloubtcdly prove a decided success.j TheJcneyman notoi all tbe DecorationDay obsorvanoei In tha county eicept thatat Dovor, which was one of tba finest everjbeld in the county. Btrsnge, what an an-

ipithy tha Jersoyman leema to b a nDover. •

Baltor k, Beemer continue a s u n a l U 1111"pocialty of fancy groceries and keepand everything In vogoe for Ubl.uw. Tbo»dlei tlao ind that their slock of Attm good*emprises (ha Uteat and bwt fabrics, andUs department ta becoming OftUjmon pop^ w i t h t a a m . . . V ..,

Postponed,Till Wednendny next,Tho Steamer Couipmiy'i; pk-uic.Give tbo fireman your liberal jmlromSiiiniiii'f uiidtnibirlH cliwip nt Pjcnu

Prof. Ftuwell and family, of Uon-istot™hnve Rono to Kiiro^e.

There has been no Court this week, but Itwill re-open next llouday.

Mr. James Ecklinrt if New Foiuictiikra cbnrgo of Ibe Green Lake Hntisl.

The Sanitarium at Greenwood Loko willbo opened In about two wcclcs for tho recep-tion of children.

Tbe PrcHbytfriunclcrjo-jnen of thin sectionenjoyud themselves hugulj at Lake

nig ou ftlowluy.

The Morristawn Comniou Council electedChan. J. Paul, City Aflseasor, und Goo. C.Marab, Collector.

Mayor nbbanlfl, of tbli .tbe pall bearers at tha funeral of Hon. J.Dnggctt Hunt, on Wonday.

Mr. Joseph Cnmmpboll, of Mcndhnm, isenlarging hU bouse, making it one of thifinest renidouccB in tlio place.

Since Mr. Hewitt built the fhli pondsabout Iliiitfwood that neigbborbQixl, it Iisaid, is greatly troubled with chills and fuver.

M.H.rge lot of Ladins'Liuon Suits, Ov.-nsklnbid Basque, DUBUTB Jke, Coll nnd Bee them.Ilfpmer &. Palmer have mode a reductionIlia prices of coal, and ara now Belling

Stove for $1.25 nnd Egg and CbOBtnut for

The Bulletin intimates that a nalnankeener Hold (IB worth of beer but Saturday,which Itc duing woD for a strlotly tumporance


Tlio fine rains of this week have made nilnature laugh with renewed vigor, and hiput thousands of dollars iu the pockets of tbo'

re of Morris County,icaus of enjoyment for all will ba fur.

nisliod by iho Btenmor Company at theirpic-nic, in HoFarlau'B Qrovo, next Wednes-

iy sftornoon and evonlng.Dr. P . A. Harris OB Wedncsdnv picked

from his garden a mess of pean, We do notbelieve there were any earlier In this section,[f so wo should like to hear from them.

Tlia GOtli annual meeting of tbe Sunsetbounty Bible Society will behold at Andovern i t Wednesday. Tho sermon will beireoched by Her. Dr. J . F . Smith, of Newark.

"Wanted—a hotel,'-'lustily cries tho Boon-on Bulletin. Wo are sorry to hear Buch nnixpression as thin from tbat Bource,for we

alwnvs KuppoBcd the editor woa on tho otherside of tho fence.

If yon want socks, euaponilera, linen Imnd-:crcliiefR, pnper collars, Bcnrfc, neck-tles,ilk hniuikcicbiofi), gloveh, or anything inue pjontfl' furnlHhinK lino, Pienon Bros. Injndijnnrtere for them.Gen. Gulccppo Dassl, Presldont of tha

:talfan Centennial CommiRfiion, and Dr, S.Trenton Soua>. fluporiutendcut of tlio Ponn-

, Hospital for the Iusano, TI sited the[orriB Plains Asylum on Thureday.Tho oration at Mt. Freedom on Decoration

)ay by Rev. B. 8. Fcaglss, la said to havoiieen a very able and eloquent one. Eightmldiera sleep in tha cemetery at that placo,

1 tbctr graves were affeotionatcly doo-ited.

A pair of our citizehn stood in front of tbelost oftlce on Tburmliy n ight " Fine rain,"

rked ono; " i t ' s just bringing thingsout of the ground." " I hope not,"

splied the o tber ; " I've got t \ ,u Mives

Tho long, low brick building, with tUote-growa gabled roof and quaint oldibioncd doors and windows, in which lived,e father and grandfather of Scbuyler

!olfax, Ia still standing, a relic of Uie revolu-lonary era, In Pompton. Plains,S. 8. Lindiiley the new proprietor of thaitanrant next to tha Notional Union Bonk,

tarts out well, and uyn ho is prepared to fur-nish families, festivals, picnics, eto., withstrawberries, ice cream, fruits, eta., at moder-

1 rates. Give him a coll and ft trial,Reuben Hows,- at his ji\nce on Sussex

Btroet, has added a new feature to bis manybranches of business, that of silver and goldplating. ' We have seen wiuia Tory handsome

if Rouben'a work, watches, ringn,poons, et«. ,and thBy are certainly a t welllone an anything of the kind we hare over

Give him a coll and see his work.A little child o f ' M r . JOB. J . Losoj, oflonghutn, came near drowning the otherty. I t hod toddled out of doors, .and

Port Morns,eifjlit jour <JU boy. mm of ]

theIfll ill l l n

• Hi

lio mother on loosing for It found that; bad fnlleu [a a tub of water near tbe well.

Although life was nearly extinct ibo withgreat presence of mind held i t up by thaTeat till tbe water was expelled and miocoeded

1 restoring It.

Nothing gmtifios UB BO roach as tbe receiptf patent ouleido exchanges war maps. To,t two or three dozen pnpeni n week with

lie same rending nut ter hau boon for somointo one of tho delights of our earthly oxfs-

{bu tnow we fairly dote on twenty-Ivo copies of the same war map, which beMiidl tho rebuses even. A room papered with

nwpn would ba a very pamiltae of ailiico to take ft siesta in.—Yonkfra Gniotto.

The Bale of about twenty trotting bontnnbelonging to John T. Foota, was made atMorriRtown on Thursday by Cliurlea W.Barker, auctioneer. ' Notwithstanding tberain, thew was a huge attendance of buyers.Chatham and Challls, a fine boy team ofmures, were sold foe *C3O. Katy Tayl«m jntnut maro, brought $23!). The bay fillyHomney was knocked down for »3BO, and

ie bay colt Harbinger brought the same

rice.While wo notcr bcllovcd in tbe theory

that tbe art of the tailor makes the man,cannot but acknowledge that It is a greatcontributor to his personal adornment.Thofl Walsh, tbo one-price clothier, next toBreeBe'a book store, is making up suite In

* laUst style and of tha beat goods, at such_ j prices that all can afford td drew'lite

gentlemen. Call aud BOO hia stock of piecegoods for Summer wear, and his large stockof ready-made clotting.

r '• Out This Out For Reference.At Eoderer & Heagan's yon ctn get a

'Wcman'B Genuine Pebbk Goat Seam-•lwt tot • •' $2-2

•Woman's Genuine Pebble Goat Button, 2.H" drain " 1.70•' Kid Fox Congress, l-^l

Double Bole LastingHens' Kip Boot..'.

11 Oxford Tie ••»•and every thing In proportion.

•Solid, and varnnttdBuying aa wo do from Inrgo Eastern man-

ufacturers by the ewe we save ourcustomersjobbera profits, and by pajlng cosh, we savethem our discounts which cnableB us to makeprices &s low as any estabb'sbment In thecountry, and makes successful. competitionvery difucuLL We alw have complete linosIn all widths of the finest goods in th<

Corner of Warren and Dlckeistreets, opposite thodepot.

A Reminiscence,Horace Oreeley and Thomu McEh-stb

.ioo stopped at the hotol, at. Columbia,Warren County. Horace talked and wroUall night, and tradition BsJth be got one sab;•enter. This was tha time that they camefrom Stroudsburgand crowd the Delawarenp In Pattaquarry. Arriving on tbe rlibonk they signaled for a boatman to brlrjthem over and a man in bis shirt sleevresponded. While crossing Qreeley Bai"Ferryman pcrlups yon didn-t know thaiyou. have the honor of carrying Mr. UeH-rath, of the Tribune," McHrath replii

and you have the honor of crossing HoraceOreeley." Tha bwtman Bald, "Gentleman,perbapB joa.dont know y<m have thehonor of being ferried over by Judge Bib-ble,"whwhwasafaot.

Tbe weather i« neatly warm enottglinimto start tin BOmmtr pouu.

it Hull j.lucu(in it lie r uiiu

ting u cup iu tbe\H my IKJV'H cap !


IOUK by Uie blip nud f• cried aut, " O. tberdrowned ! l ie U d:

itdy Ibe alurui wes givtu. Somo or tlieviilir wtiK'drnwudll'iiati Mr. Klughiitieiuan lit Iho furnace, brouuht Eniii|iliii|ron» iiud hiu-eecdeil in bringing tho lilthleml body to theii!iiTiicu.

Tlm Hnnrri ..r FrooboldutK. a few of tlionit lnuit, met ut Mi-Khingor A KIUK'H, Timrerliau<1 liiudi) out upt'cilii'iitioiiH fur tba bridgMHI the UL'W riNt.l l)i:twet-u here und KL

Tliey "re loinlitig uwit for Ilubulii

II. i l . filniiley aud hU men (iro building a

Onr "(-ihildren'HDay" la to be powtpoueduu wi-eli.It in n:dd (hut a piirty of nnr IJOVB went ti

Irouklyu HOIUO tiino ngo in nourch of 1li'<.iiier. Ainnnu other yhuifft thoj vinitudlie Kitvy Vinl. Tlie HjHikeHiniLij«rly, wliilu cbluultig ono of tba off!liu yntd aud, " WL> oro from tbo ciuutry ol iufuriuiitlon," itu<l (lie imliti

Ljilkd, "Any fcwil would limiw thulvilliuutyour U'llingill" O, tbo airs of fberfnVm. nfour beloved Uunla fSuowti 1

On l-'ridny and twilurduy cteuiugn, <Tuiir>iliuiid ICth, tlm KUnbt)|» Literary AKS

nwilljiUy " Poor Pilliuoddy"and "MyNuxl," for tliu beiitflt of the rending

I WIM »t tho rclioarmtl l.wt night. Theami tho pluyura nro very good, and

llntta wlio inisfl Huoiug them will miwi nnxutll'^iil f>|)j}^rtiinUy for cnjttviug a goodiiiiyluiigli. PillfcoddyiHiuiiuitnbly funny,id Turuxieum Twitters murricK tbo widowCaptain O'Sruttk' (who vima non coptiiiud was drownetl.) and Mr. Twitters is.vrr,* Ibii.lan,; Mr. O'ftcutllo nmy turn up

g iin after all nud tben . Hut (jo nud neoLot thcni Uuvi} a full lionm).

the cast of charucters:UT TCHH NEXT.

imiciini Twittow, Wn:iin IHiw

nriner WlientVon,'.'.'.'."

L. B. Clurh.. . . .J . M. Unborrv.. . . J . IL niiuieU, Jr.

. . . .MlwEl taWilk

POOR PILLlCODUt.illicoddy Eugono O'Ki'iitlle I . ..I. A. Olover.i* PSllkwldy UiHnH«lon Bmitb.m. O'Hciililo Miss nlnry Black-house.mLUlimt Miw May IIIRHCII.

D. J .

Morris County Fishing Club,Ths Finning Club mot on Wednesday

roning at tbe Munition HOUBP, alorriulown,'Ith President B . C. Ouerin In t i c Committee on leasing Shonghwu Fondsported they had visited nnd examined thoDud, springs, dam, buildings, & c , and badiado a proposition to l l r . Cutler, wbioh horas to auswer hero bofora the Club to-night.liobouHois26xlG foot, containing but four

IK, and needs to bo completely renovatednd rapntrod. In fact the Committee thought' tho property TTM leased tho Club migbttetter put upon It entirely new buildings.

The dam and gate also want repairing. Their.eMlnmtes wero as follows ••Ropnira to bouse, $203

loat'howoCnow),'.'.,......!! 128Inringo 20toata, repairs to dam, tea., about fiUO

Total,..'..... $1,071As Mr. Cutler failed to attend tho meetingaction was talon, tbe report was received

id tho Committee discharged,Mr. F . W. Day, of Chatham, was elected

lonibor of the club.Fish Warden Fionwn was present and Iu

answer to a question said ho did not knowtlie causes of the wholesale destruction offish in tbe watero boreabouta. He said tbeywere dying by th« thousanda in tfie POBSOJO

Ivor, and the ReBervolr and Hopatoong, at[pper Longwood, and In fact in all the

oamn In varloci localitioB, 20 or 30 milesi r i Ho sold no oue seemed to know tlm

tuses of death but In his estimation It winsepidemic a n d - h e thought the causctt

rould bo removed by this heavy storm. Koilack bosBJ pfekerel or trout are affected, the

dylug fiflb seeming to be perch, auokors, eifish and a few catfish.

l i e reported the Salmon trout and blockbass with which the Klreams in thtfl countyhad been Blocked are doing well, and bethought Morris Covuty, with more wabiritory iban any otber County above tidorater, should receive more of tho Stateipropriatioa for tbo propagation of food

fish than we had in past yelrs. Tlio appro-priation this year won $K,000 nnd the Secre-tary was on motion instructed to write t i eauthorities, stating tho Club noed and will

it out more fish for the pondn and streamsthis County.. The Warden stated thnt no

fish of any kind hud been placed in thoPOBXAIO/river from Chatham u p to Us source.

Ou 'motion J l r .D.O.Guer iuwas instructedconfer wltb Ur. Gutter and see what

Religious Notes.TheGolduu Jt.liikc, o r tho flftlulli:iary of tlio (•piwciijini-j' of Popu p ju U ,y p

was fiUi'bratwl in tlm Itoiuun CAtholiachurebcH throiighaiil tbe world on HabbnlhLut. Upodul uwvte* m m held iu 8t.Mary's church of thin pkcfl, which wcrulur^tJy utUndcd nud very int"ri<ntiug. lutho IOUK line lino of Pop.n uo other hoi hian t-iiirtuupnto fifty years, which makes tbooucurruueo trno of uuuuual note.

Next Siiaduy being Children's Diiy in tliM. E. Church, H. L. Gorrisou will deliver ntn d r W t nt WuitchiTir in tho niortiisg, nudprubalily at Sccomt Church, DoTer, in th(-ufU:moon. Hon. John Hill was invited to

li in the latter church, but bis absence-In tho West will pruv«ut his doiug so.—Bul-

Itev. FnUior Flemiug, of St. Bornard'Church, Mt. IIopp, ban been trnmfirrcd totlio tihurch at Orange Valley. During hisresidence in this section our people havefound him a gentleman of culture- aud tuauyagreeable (lmtfitiofl, and wo grenlly regret hitdeparture from among tin.

The Now Brunswick Times nays of FatherO'Geady, of St. Pater's Churcb of that city,formerly of Hioo Hi l l : " Tho sermonsprofiehed by Father O'Orndy the few Sun-dny'n past wero ftpoken of by tltoso whoheard tbom tu tho iuoBt able efforts they budTor beard iu St. Peter's.

Itev. Perim U. Uoanuy, formerly jmstor oftlm PnrHii»piiny Prcitbyttrian Churcb, died

• Pntfnmn on Tuosday lout, aged 06yenn. Owing to failing health bo left thominbtry two years ngo and ncccjitcd ft posi-tion in tbo New York pout office.

HOT, Mr. llnllowny will preach to-morrowi tho Prpitbyteriau Churcb, in thn morning

on "Development of Truth," and In the even,ing (


Police Hdppenfrtga.

ibluble jlt-tit, (it KUIH1IOJ;L-,Muuduy IIKII ttuu-tl

biiu over to OBSAr Wood. Ue in charga] j iu byi h h b i dith p born the j>cr>>oii who

Mr«. Mary WiUiuuia, or Miuo Hill, of %in April lust, and In the thkd porwon urruxtcdfor tliut ulTuihim bcuauxi bfl livud iu tlio v at tin

"Ilrothorly Kinducsn," liningeuth Romiou in courna ou ChrUtaiu


Morning, afternoon and evening eenriceawill be bold to-morrow In Drake's Hall, SouthStanliopo, by tho Freo MetliodlntH.

Tlio Committee of tbe Newark District M.E. Confercnco have fixed tbo salary of thePrcHidiug Elder at $2,750.

Hon . John Hill in tbia week attending theInternational Convention of the V. M. C. A.,at Louisville, Ky.

Tho I ) . , L. A W. Christian Aeflocintlon willconduct flcrviccH In tho Mormtown llinsion

Ihnpel to-morrow.Hoe. Mr. Davis, o( Now Brunswick, baa

accepted thu call to tbo Falrmount Presby-terian Cliurcli,

Her. It. 8. Fcnglefl will preftcb, in thoMoFiirlan Blreot M. E. Church to-morrowevonlug. '

Port MorriB Sabbath School will ob-Bervo " Chlldren'B Day," ou Sunday, 17thlust.

Mr. A. O. Smith will lead the prayer meet-ing oE the T. M. C. A. to-morrow afternoon,

Tbreo porsons wore baptised Iii the BaptistChurcb a t Morriutonn ou Sunday.

time, wan not BCTII after tlw occurnmco,ban evidently hevu tvudiii(f a nnrraut <«iiu:e. At a hf&riiig before Juutlct) Gngo ouFriday the evideuoe, though circuinutuntiiil,nnu (jiiita tfrong, and bo v&if committed indefault of iiuil to answer to tliu m-xt QmudJury. . \

Terence Mundny again.reposes ia his old-time quartern, tbe connty Jail. While ,ntHcntlbam tae otlier day lie aud Mr. J o i nKoeuun bad a matter In rliflereuw) with Mr.and llrrt. Tboinas Johnson, adjunUirs ofKoeoiid-liuud uinbrellAi, and all wero retired

1 public life for 3D dayB. Tlio troubleoccumoiicd by an iiiurdiunte affettion

diupluyed by Terence for l ira. Johnson.

Teacher's Meeting.Tliore will bo a meeting of the Went Morris

TenclicrH1 Afifiodfitioa, at Ohcntcr, on Batur-dny, Juno lGlb:

. rnoomuuK.Ifl A. U. Oponlng eiorciawt, by Hifis Kaio

Mik-y.10:11) A. it. Rending tbo Minute* by t i e

Secretary.IOI'.'O A. M. Firnt stops iu Arithuiutio, l y

Mihf) Rally Stcpbeim.10:»n A. « . llccitation, by Miss F . J . Wbito.\ft-An " Compound Proportion, by Mr.I). KeynoldK.1 itriTi A. si. Lougltudo nud Time, by Mr.

'lliftOA. M, Essay on Composition, by Mil*ntler.1 2 M. Ailjoiirnmeut.1:110 i'. » . Sinning.1:4(1 " Kiotmtioii, by Mr. E. K. Potter.2:10 " Krront in Teaching and Rulioolniingciiient, by Mr. RUUIUH'i-M v. M. Uook-keeitiiiR, by Mr. A. Kling.S:1A " »ea4iug, by Mr. L. W.Thurber.4:00 " Iteportu and adjoiiniRiant.

JOHN « . Cox, Sec'y.

Health Physician Appointed.Tho Itnndolnb Township CommftUo lnat

yeardeoidud to depart from their old customaccording to tho Statutes, nud gavo out tliocontract for modicalattemlnncenudniodiciiioto UttiHO rweifiuu relief fvutu thu towiinhlp,to tho physician making (ha lowest bid farthofutmo. Dr. Joseph D. King performed t loivorli last yenr for $ir>0, nud on in Into yenrH

ban not cost tho township less'tlmn tbnt

ongbuni Viirned.—BRI

couM bend, after

ffectfd in regard toHIch tbe Club wl-


The continued onward march ,of time' wto work change* in tbo uffliirs of moo,

icknera nnd benltb, jny aud borrow, devolop-it nnd dewj*, prosperity nml atkernity nntugcly blended in every <Iny life in HlmoEl

any town, village or rural district Mr. JobiiM. Blark, wbo but a. few yearn ago was a men

iual Rtreugtb and couotltutloualKiwcrn, is now blind and hplpleNs. - A fewaonicnts conversation elicited tho fact llinl

utin Jacob in diacharging the added dull™thiiK placed upon him at the enrly nge of IG

ritb credit nud with tha AUIRIIIiiboving true filial interest in tbe nfflictcdparent.

Mr. LnngJon a man of athletic fratno hut,boon for weeks profltrutc upon n boil of nlck-

UUHU no (Nilua bnve been apnred hiseems but little if uoy better. .

Mr. Smitb a blncksmltb, naturally the per-MiniScation of health, U prostrate with cowgestiou of the brain. I n contrast with these

I cauuu of ufllicliou, baaiuesa ni'with wontod vttriations.

There i« to be an ico cream and itniwbanyrcstlvnl hold by the ladies of tho Prosby terimiSociety on Saturday afternoon and oveniug

IB Oth ln«ii • . . ,

Tbo Methodist Socioty wil l 'hold one nnThursday of next week, tlio Hl l i inHt Aicash of the above ample relrenhmenlH will lient hand, nud a ploanant time'provided for.I ct-nll'il invitation is extended.

Miss Formic IIowcll with h r r nchool fiNaurightville propwa holding a grand pic-nic nt Budd'i Lako on Saturday of this week.Knowing the spirit of tbe people of theplaco and of Mitts Ilowell, I have no doulilbut tho nflAir will be a complete Buccess iltbo weather proves favorable.

The M . . £ Sabbath School holds Its annl-vcmry on Sunday, tho 10th. Rev. Mr.PtiBCoe, of Draw Sctninnry, and others willgpeak' on (be occasion. Tho PrcNbyterianschool wUl bo iu attendance, ~

• Fairs, Festiva/B, Pic-Nice, Etc.

Tbo severe rain storm of Wednesday pro-Tented tho holding of the Steamer Com-pany's pic-nlc and It wns portpom'd till Wcd-

next, when it will tako place inMcFarlan'B Orove, with all tbo attractions of

isio, good drtiiclng, rofreshmenta, eui-I all tho luxuries now in season, and

other menus of aniUBeinonts and etitertiun-mont.

I t is propofiod to linvo a grand union Snb-bath School celebration anil pic-nio Iu thisplnoe on Tuesday, July 10th. Tbe SabbathSchools of this place and towns in the vicinity,of all denominations, have been invited, and

fine tltno ie anticipated.

The ladlcBOt the Drakevilte Baptist Ohurchrill hold a Fair and Festival at the churcb on

Fourth of ' Ju ly , afternoon and evening.The occasion promises to be a very fine one,and will conclude with a grand display offireworks at n igh t

Ths Indies of ths Flnnilera FnsbyterionChurch will bold an Ice-cream and BtravrberryfCBtival on ttio grounds adjoining the churchthis—Saturday—afternoon and evening,,

A strawberry and Ico cream festival willbo held by tho people of tha Flanders M. E.Church on Tuursday afternoon and eveningnext.

A grand Masonic Fair will be held ataRlrfngriilgB, undertheauspiciouROf Clinton

Lodge, on Thursday next.

Mlfis Fanny Hovrell, of NAUghrlghtvIlb,will give- ths children of her school a plo-nlo

t Badd's Lako to-day,New Fonndlnnd, West Mllford and Milton

will celebrate the Fourth by holding fairsand festivalR.

A publio danoe will be given nt the Berk-shire Valley House noxt Thursday evening.

Railroad Matters.Our up country friends do not like the

dea of tho morning mail train not stop-ping nt Newark, OB it compels all from

Sussex lload U> wait an hour at Dover orrrlBto-vn before, tbey can reach that city.

Neither docs Nownrk like the Idea of beingmode a way station. Tbo Hussex Bcgirtcr Is

npnned to discommoding so many In onlei» obligo Morrifitown commuters, and BB,V«ierc nra two earlier trains which will neeoinlodatathem iftbeyaro nottoliizy to getup,Tlie inntUr of back pay due tho Midland

lailroad niijilnyepit, which link been p

Saw your Home Paper,I t Is wtll-wortb save your home

paper and have i t bound. A few years willmake it tha moat instructive and entertain-ing volunio that* you can possctm. All thelaws of association make It moro or less ahistory of yonnelf and friends. Names,dates, fftctu, a n preserved for you in a mostaccessible manner; over It you may cry atyonr miutiikes,- laugh at your foUlon, andrejoice in a review of tbrao steps that haveled you to prosperity. I t gives tbo historycf your town which ia bnt an epitome ofinivemi history. ' :

Qea Feder, tbo merchant Ullor, the otherdny, owing to a rash of business at the time,gave a five dollar gold piece to a eustomeithrough mistake, supposing It to be a two-oeutpiece, George Dorman, of PortOnm,received It, and as soon u he niotriaiiied If

d I to h

:h, the wiwlom af tho CommltUo tuny laieen. This year (mother contract was mado

aame wny, Dr. Qeo, O, CuintningH re-ceiving it, for S'.'.I. Tboro WAS bnt littleompetition for tho position, most all of tbe

pbyiiEcimia refusing to compete for It on tlioground thnt Bucb action is In opposition to

code of ethics of tho profession, whichproBeriben competition for i>melico by mennfl


A Grand Time at hit Hope,Tlio people of tbo M. E. Church of Mt,

[opo aro innkiufj nrrangeiucntii for a gnlaay nt that place on Friday next, Juno lfitU,strawberry nnd Ice oroani festival will bo

old during tho afternoon and evening, tliechildren wil l .bo treated "to various amuso-mcnlfi and muslo T>1I1 bo furnlehcil by tlio

t. Hope Band and a choioo choir coinpoBcdif the bent Blugers of Mt. IIopo and Rook-way. In tho evening Itov. O. F . Hull, the

talented pastor of tbo church, will deliverentertaining lecture, " T h o Minister from

Itumptowu." A special train will leaveort Ornui at G:HO P, M., nnd return after

tbo lecturo and festival, which will cirry freoall who wish to attend. Tlio nflalr proinincs

bo ono of th» best over held In Mt. Hope,md will afford tbo finest entertainment for

l who are lucky enough to b e present.

The Iron Market,The Engineering nnd Mfcln« Joornnl Bays

last week of American pig:We learn of 600 tons of No. 1 fouadry

Lebigh iron mid at $17 at furnace. Inaddition to this there lias .been: Uie^usual

uiiinoBS in a einnll way. Tbo condition oftrnda and prices Is tho Bamo as for. severalwotika past, with no indication!) of on imme-

iate changa for aithcr better or worso. Aow feature to the iron trade is the great

advantage tha auction noal salon are giving totlie North Elver makers, in low-priced fuol,tho price at which Fittston lump BOIII onTuesday bolng but $3.75. We continue toqnotoNo. 1 foundry at $18.E6and$19 j V/o.

ig Wfore the Chrdecided agair

r f,.r e time linest the employee*. Tin

GliKiicellor lokfa tbe ground that n railmulI t i bos no right

Unlemth» routhands of a Ileceivt

r » y pout due taborIn enrningmort; than its current e

Tbi! officials' of tbe MonMnir ItailwnvCompany, together with river-(me hundrediuvited ifuestfl, including prommen, city oSlctaH nnd metubt-ni nf tlie yrrm,

id othent, mado an exourelCn over tbeHontclalr BaUroad from New York to Green,wood I*k« on Friday, Jane let, and dined atthe Brandon House.

The Central Railroad, under ReefIverLnthrop is doing well.. The carrying tradewas heavier bu t month than for a long time,Mid included 45,000 cam of eotd froid FLUlipsburgh. I t Is said tho earnings of thecompany during tha month was $250,000:.

AmiaUuit Superintendent Griffith* of tbiI. £ E . Division was in town on Monday

evening and received the congratulation* ofhis many friends.

The wnges of the trackmen on the M. I E .Division wero rcduoed the 1st InBt. from 'to 00 centa per day.

D., L . JfW. stock dropped below 40 foithe first time this week.

Educ&tionnl, .Tho Chancellor on Monday decided tlio

Qrecn Village school case in favor of theitchool, dissolving the injunction which Sir.Prudeu had obtained and dismissing bin hillof complaint. Mr. Erudcn has appealed tthe Court of Errors.

Prof. B . O. Norlbrup, of Connecticut, weknown ba this county by reason of hit par-Ucipotion in aovewl Teacher'* Institutes, nailfor Europe on tba 10th f iu t , to inspect theschools of forestry and the industrial Bchi *of tbe Old World.

The Trustees of the Clinton school, neaiNewfoundland, winning to get rid of an ob.noiious teacher, locked him out on Friday oilost woek.

Mining Ntwa.Wo have been shown a ipeclmcn of Frank-

linlte ore found In Honterdon County, nearthe Morris Conoty line. ParUofl ore pros-pecting for It in that section.

The Tdn of ore discovered by Ucstrs.Bhmtenburg and Bei t on tbe land of Ucssn.Hunt at Sohooley's Mountain, promises toyield well. - -

Straw t&U for men, youths, and ehitdnn,

Greenwood Lake,Then- iu nn i.iettier apot in t l o con

[>iii] (ircctitvoud Iji tf . Iii a deep valeiui,, wliicli Hue between

md HL-Vfti liUMlrcd ffrt ov.-r t l j surface ofvliiuli in Hm fo.t iiliove the le'

>t tltii u. a uud uiT.rh- rim* niitcn long—itdll iiom|mr;> fiivtir..bly bi-lli fur beautynunl .ur uiib uny uf ibo fnu.oiis lakooof•ia Old Woii.I. Near tiio mil way ntatio11 tlm luku nfAijdi the Rcwirk KHLiUirium

liundsrune building, cn.>ctvd hy nrxora^ligious dt'tioiuinuliouH in Newark f o r t hnni of sick tbildren of thu poor, wbo nrulmittetl wilhout^fluirK'.'. on tlio tertlllcntit a pbyaic-ian. About 40(1 cbildr«u on tha-rnge a week were wired for iu the iiiKttitiou liLstyt-nr. The lioiiuJnry lino butwei'iew Jersey and New York divide* the liilto:ar the middle, pnrt being ia Pnionkmnly, tlsiwRlotc, mid jmrt in Oniuyu county,t=w York. Tho waters of tbe late abound

with perch, trout, biutts, eels and catfMi,which ara cniteht in I urge qunntitkn and uf•ood size. The RporiHtnau's Club, an IUMQ-'iution of Kcwnrk nud New York gcntkmicu,ivo purcbaKcd a site for a club house, com-luuding a Quo view of tlio lake, and willlortly erect n biiilding thcruon. It is llir-itcution of tbe d u b to lioll Kevernl rcgutlawa tlio lnka this Benson nud a Kiugle-Bculinteli for tbo ulmnipionHliip of the worldill uomo off on the luke thU Stimuur uudur

heir nuKpiuiH. Tim n.ilroad wliicli is be lug•itended to tbo lund of Ibo lake will Le:ompleted up to theBUito line next mouth,md as Boon the rentier na possible connect

tbo Wulkill Valley Hood, thus niakiiigtbrougb line to All mny.

iruount, and In t years nearly twice ns

foundry, «17.COil0.G0and$17.r>0.

d $18;. and forge,

Ilavo all tho remedies for curing Feverid Ague. .ought & Kill sore,IIHTO ice cold Suiln Water for G cents per

(loss.fonght &. KUIgnro, . .

Have Paris Greon and Koarnoy's Post Poi-on for hugs,"ought i Killgore, •" '.Ilave fliworiug extracts of exlm Btroagi

ind quality. , - \k'nuj>bt Jt Killgnro,

Hnve thn Snn Cholera Mixture.rongbt4.Killgore, .Hnve Knopp's exL roots for making beci

A 25 cout bottle mnlccs 10 gaJIonH. • v

Children's Day at Rockamy. 'The beautiful customs ot Children's Day

will bo observed in tbo Hooka way • M. E.Church to-morrow, l lev. I . Tliomas, thepastor, will preach to tha Childroffet 1o'clock, x. « . , upon tha subject, "A GoodNamo." EierBlacBwillboleldlii the churchIn the afternoon, commencing a t 8 o'clock,when the scholars of bolh tliu SubbulhSchools of the place, and nl^' hvbretited hSunday School work,will bo addressed byRevs. W. Xf. Halloway, Wm. Tretlioway nndB. Reed. Rov. Mr. Platter will also givo nhlack-board Hxercim upon tbo Icwon'of theday. A hearty walcoma la oitoudod to all.There will be no evening services.

Mortality Among Vie Fish.I a a number of places hereabouts wo learn

that tbe fish of tbe ponds "nro dying off ingront numbers. I s tbe Ford pond, back ofthe Dover depot, the'shores ara lined withhundreds of thousands of dead fish, and weloam' tbat in tho reservoir Qt Stanhopesimilar spectacle may be Boon. In the Vna-

Itlver at Hand A Laflln's powder workiand for miles below acres of "dead fish niay

seon. In tbo latter caao tbo death, of tbefish Is attributed to tho wash from the pow-der wills and dyo factories along iho eU-euibut in tho COHO of tbo ponds of this BoctEiit ut believed that an'epidemic bus attackedthe finny tribes.

Morri* County Bible Society.The aimimi meeting of tbe Morris Count

mi l e Kocifty will be held in the Church oiPleasant Grove, on Tuesday, 12th insL, anbo opened with a sermon by Her. I . WCocbrun, of l ion3bam. Addresses nro ex-pected by Rev. Dr. Vfhitney of tha CollegiateInstitute of Haehettstown, Ecr . MiErdman, Mc'Canlcy, Iloonoy, aud others.Those coming on tbo morning train of tin

l.i L. * W. 11. U. to llMkatUto'wii w:lnrrinKCii In wniting nl Llie* depot, tchem lo rifiunnt Grove. II. C. MEf

Pastor of the P l r a ^ n t Circve Church,

Look Out For Sharpers.In Bomf rtortions of tbia Btjite f nrruen htvt

heen swindled quite ncriously recently byset of Bcaropa who havo- adapted a novel buieffoctlve way of stealing. A puck peddlicalls at a farmer^ hou&o with very fine antcostly articles, which he disposes of stvery low figure. If the farmer purchases,the fellow goes away, and the next day twomen drive up to the house in a wagon andclaim tho goods aa stolon property. Exhib-iting a printed 1 st of etolen aittdefl, thojclaim to be officers and take the goods away.

Otate undershirt* In nil grades, 'nt Herson's, opposite tho Post Cfflce. .

Land-Locked Salmon.Considering tlio fact that Hopntcong and

iimny of tho lakes of this Btetion hnvo beentocked with land-lotted salmon, wo think

o following pnrtinu1rtt*fl concerning then ,)m n Iliicbs County, Pn. , pnper, will provefuterest: •

Tbo experiment of mining Inud-lockcdlalmon at tho Ingbam Spring pondw, ntnr'ew Hope, Ducks county, bids fair to boiiitirely successfiil. About thron yenrn ngo,

J. I). Thompson proeetilcd to stoelt thnInto, which he had constructed (it Hint plneo,»ud which in fL-d by thu wntcra uf tho Hj.ringtith unlinon (SALMO SALAJ) propugnU)d iul mtehlliK houueo uu thu proinWs. Tliu

wiiro obtniuod from Ciinmln, Bnn Frnu-O nnd tlio Kcimchcc. n o was BEIUHUCCItho Bolmon from tbeso plnces, nlthoiigh

sen going fish, could be fncceiwfully land-:kod, nud would live to nttuin a. weight of\ poumK On Saturdny, Mr. Joucph T.

Thotims, accompanied by General Collls,>COG(1CI1 to Iuglmin Springs to nficerlniui size aud flavor of the M i . They foundit tho artificial fly nud live miunowB uned

>y ouglers in the rivers af Cnnnda aud Mainercre eagerly taken b y tho enlmon. Sixiroon nf Huh, averaging two pounds each,urt of delicioue flavor, were taken, and there

every reason to hclievo tlmt tho fish willlurjtth. in this hud-loukt-d condition, nud

jnch tha weight predicted by Mr. Thouipuon.

Memorial Service at Millbrook.The pcorilo of Mtllbrook, in ncuordanooHli their umitil outitoni, iiuld a memorial

o in tlio M. E. Churcli nt that place ouRabbnth nfleruoon \\wi, nud decorated tlio

ravcR of tiiDBo uildicrH who' Uc In tlm Imry-ig ground adjoining. Alnrgo congregationus present, and liuniedintcly aftnr the reg*Inr service Tbeo. F . Mott, Esq., tend in nuffective- niauner and supplentonted with

ipproprlato remnrtfl tbo Itoll of Honor ot:ho noblR dead of thnt little villngo.placo of itu ttizo nont moro mcu to tho frout

lau this, nud her list of honored deadincludes' tho names of Brevet Mnjor Ilcnj.

-Ice, Corporal Iludeou Gillou, nnd PrivatesDaniel D. Tuttle, Alouzo Freeman, John'owerfl, Moses Corhy nnd David Sonring.

Sorno of these sleep where they fell, beyondrcnch of Iho loving hnmlR of friondn to

decorate their graves—others havo since- diedIn YorloiiB parts of the country, and only twohave been interred at the bamo they repre-sented in tha great struggle far natiotial

ilty. Aftflr nn appropriato address by thoraster, Itev, I i . BIco, tbo graven (if tliu

•Daniel D. Tuttlo and Mofleu Corby-strcwed with flowers, Owiug to tbe

cr that coiumoncgd falling nt tbe limeTor beginning tbe memorial sorvlco, it ivnsheld Ju ths church instead of tlio burialground, aa WAS nt first intended.

Tb(New Time Table-

new time table which wont into iffecton the D. , h. ii W. road is In sbnia reapera great Improvement. • Going cunt tho Dovi

!xprcRs leaveH ten minuteu Intor, or ftt 7>'cltKik, A. M. The moriilugfrom WnuhingtoD—-where it connects with atrain from tho main line—Instead of fromHacketUtown. I t leaves Dover ntA. M., and nmhos.tho r un from ftludiuou toHoboken without n stop,' nrriviug a t thelatter place a t 0:08, o r in ono hour andthirty-six minutes from Dovor. Tha Eaoti

)Bd lcavoa Dovor a t 6142, A. U . , etoppingDnly at Newark after leaving Madison, arriv-ing in KowXork nt 10:10. Tbo Binghamton

[preen loaves hero nt 2:07, p. u . , stopsinly at IJoouton and Paterton and arrives in

Itcn at 3s2C, or ono lionr and nineteenminutes from Dover. Through Mall leavesnt 2:47, tho ORWCRO .Express 8:08, and thi

lion Accommodation at 8:27, p. i t . , andtho Harriflburg Special n t 4:14, A. it.

TmtnB from Hew York arrive at followTli rough Mail, D;\i!>; and Oswogo Express at9;5<!, A. M.; Eiwton Express, 1:^3; EastotiExpress fi:!!0, Dover Eipreea 7:1H, OuwcgoRxpreits 6:07, Hackettstown Express 7:20,and ILtrrieuurg Special nt 10:30, p, u .

Aboul Turtles.Mr. Cbos. Palmer, of this piaoc, enptured

at Lnko Hopatcong last week a hugo BIplug turtle that weighed forty-five pounds,

i flvo or eli poundu moro thnu tbeHtanhopo turtle, about which BO much hasbeen said. Upon dresiunc; h im a small rifl<or pistol ball was found In his ahonlder. Oneday this week Mr. P. w-uaga ln at the lnkeand cams ocross about half a dozen hear tinwater one of which h e thinks would banweighed sixty-five pounds. ' All of thornescaped him, however, except ono, whichweighed thirty pounds. While arousing thi

o ICES than fifty-four eggit were found.Tbcfio wera as round as marbles, about aninch in diameter, and covered by a shell 11liard as thnt of a bird's epg. Wo werNbown the eggn upon n Inrgu nintd dintiu

ie bottom of which WA* nonvly CCMt ru l by Ilieio.

Mr. Palmer, by tlio wny, scetim to havectilly fur cn|ilurjny cunijbitif H. While 1•cniicua rtctnlly lie*c:iptured a vi-ty juvti

bird which ho hat since lind htufftd, wliicvome think 11 JOUIH; gniy.ragio nnd otlieiotll an tnfelt' hawk.

'Squire Butterworth'a Boat.Our nli-ver old ni'iiutuiitaiicp, J. II. Butt

,'orth, Kh>j.. wn^ in lowu on I'ti^Mliiv vvlie flue bont which lie Invn.tfd and built hi

Sninmt-r. Tin- run from Vuv\ OrAiuDnv-r. iurludiiig the pn^ ing of three lock,nnd one.plane, was but thirty-five minuteWhile in tlm frmird Iouk, here, the bant U<-inloaded nl the liiti-- u'l i i finly penons, one <die pnddlcR ni'cid-'iiially broke, but WHB r.(mired iu ten niiniit«H. Th« 'Rijuirc clnin.hut ho has tlie best lake boat t i n t was tv'.constructed. Thu paddlee being worked 1crunks a great iUal of Joroe expended in onih wived, nnd two men can propel i t veii n-ily when flllcil with n party of from tliirtto forty people. I t is aa constructed thntcannot upset, nnd tlicro U very littlo mot itabout It, the latter feature malting It voluabfar fishing parties. Thcia ia not a nailtlio structure and it mny 1M readily (jik<apart and transported from placo to plnce.IU speed la about firo miles an hour, audwill carry very comfortably a party of thirt.In tbo course- of a, few wudkn tbo *Squir

ndfl piasing down tla Morria Canal toJersey City with it and from then visitCooey Island, Ixing Branoh and other plage*

A Boatman's Experience.The boiitiiu'ii (Imt uovjjj.ilo Lhu Korrtunul find it 11 T I T / bun! inalltT It kucp cioliil footiug at tho jji'uut-iit mtus of fri-igi

lor trnutjiurtiij(; conl from P.-irt Dtluwure Inointu oimy; tit, Huo. BtwJca tl.u r.-guli

thut hvhnR on tint ctmal, UKT<.> ationic fifty Lebiyli Cntnil t.nfiU; ciifpiji^tl i

mi thul -'dituli," niiil it IK will- tlidiflknity that they get iilo ^ us tli

io:it« uro ho hriivy nuil iinliiiitcly thnt coldcraMc trouble in cxpcrit-ticttl in fjtltlnround the bt'tids that are uiim*roiiH. O[ondny uinming. thu 14th till.. lmrgHylvnn Klr.'iirn," of Jjimb.itvil!", Cnjitninowia Smilli, mmuiHll.y 11 htn>y w w nicu, nml Cujituin UitU'ru us pilot, look uiciiri;o of coal nt Port Ddnwuru, mid di<-ilrcn<:H Nownrk until Tliurwljiy ""iiii iRit; ISth ult., having ninily tho rim of 1)

milcH in four doyw, which in cuuHid<T<:d pou:imn by MorriN CnnallcrH. Thf frpiKht to

ivrark IH but 10 cents p i r ton, and it toutIglit und a half <ltiyt; tu tui.ko tha roi

I l i a barge L»d but UU H-'JI) tunslid tho ninnunt of freight dniwu was $l!(i r>0.Tttlo over ij.n per dny for CXJICUKCK. W'h

bnrgo rencbod Port IJehiiviinJ ifjaii), andill liilln ni-uruing during tho trip wi•ollni, tho onptnin hml .*1,1B left. One

scarred duriiiB tho trip nt Wnrd'fauk, near Stiiubope, which dt turned theirfju over linlf n dny, und twventl Lours wtnt nt incliiicd pliincH vrhilo tho ux?ii nv

thuir tucalri. At Beaver town the jilmtiikr Is not a very enrly r iwr, and KOHnniinpi il ia ncnrly nix o'tlock before 1it* In 1111 appearance, which occnxloiiH con-di'rnblo dcliiy, M other pliiccB tho niun•d fjfiitlcuianly and obliging, mid do tlmirmost to help Iho men along.—Enstou Frue

A Sad Accident."VVilliniu Hall, a young man of tliin place,

) ycara old, no 11 of Mr. Ilarnnbnu Hall, WOKitnlly injured itt IlDlinlicn hut Rnturdny.

left Dover ou Friday of tout week nmlcut tu lloliokun to neck employment, iu whlcli bo nttoniptid about two o'eloel:1 fluturdny aftenioou to jump on the Doversight train with tlm intcntinu of coining tojwnrk. Tho train was juwt leaving therd, and be placed his linmlu on the bum-im of two of the cum, to Hiving liiniHclt up1 them, wliun, it IH mijipoRPil, ono of IIIMinda slipped nud lio fell between tho wheels passed over bin left nnn, Imdly

imiigling It, nnd completely cnwiiing IhoIIOHC to bis Blinuldcr. Ho aroso to hi«

iot and wnlked with the aid of n couple ofIho Superintendent's olllcc, nud from

liere out nlouy tho street until nu miiltulauL-ulet, which oonwyc l hint id Bt. Mury'u

[ofipitnl, wlierohodied from tho eflVcln ofis injuricH on Ruudny afternoon. Uuing

abed BO near thu ehouldcr i t la believedbat the nhock injured liiui internally to such

extent t in t ha could not survlvo In MBaditioii tlio Bovora ninimtiition tUat wouldrcccHsary, nnd it was deferred with tho

opo thnt ho might recover suflicieiit Ktrengtha ttnnd it. His re run his were brought home1 Momlny nnd tlio fuucml Bcrviua wns held1 tha Presbyterian Church ou Tiicndny•tc-nioon. Ufa mother nl tlio tiino WOK very1, and tlio brenkiug or tha IIGWK nf the Badiciirreneo to her van n linnl blow to boirno. Tbo nfllicted family have tho nym-ltky of Iho eulira community.Mr. Hall, tho father, desires m to tlumk

Jncerely ABsiwtnut Superintendent Grimtlwmd the other kind friomla who rendered him*aintnuce in this fuid nfliiction.

Children's Day in Ddver. •To-morrow is "Children's Day," an oeco-

iou which is becoming moro interesting andletter observed every year. At tha Dlncli-foil St. I I . E. Church extensive preparation*)iva boen mado for tho proper observance

>f this duy, which comes to the. childrenwith so many pleoNint rednllcctioiiB. In tbemorning the pastor, U r . ltounoy, vrlll preach

ia annual Children's Dny sermon. Tiiolunday School will have chargo of tbo fiing-

Iu - tho afternoon tho exorcises willlomtUt of singing by tho school, recitations,repeating of Bavuml ltitcrcBtli)g priBsngcfl of3cripturo, BOIOB, duetto nnd quartettes, by

ibers of tbo school, and addrcencH Lyifr. A. C. Smith nnd atlicrB. Tlio

tircices will coiiHitt of siuging by the Bchoold eoveral ndd reuses npproprinte to Ibo

caaion bywoH-kuowiiBpenkcrsfroinhomoondnbroad. Tlie church will bo handsomely

ttod, nnd all tbo exercbica cf thipromisotoboYcrj-lutcrcfitingandiaBtrucUvo.

Tho people of tho MoFarlan street M. E .Liurch will nluo cbsorvo tha occnslon ii

rery iiittircRtiucF manner to-morroiv. The

iglug at tbo morning, service will bo coiluctod by the children, mid tlio pontor, Ue-L. lil, Palmer, will preach a ncrmon to them,

the afternoon tbe exorcise 8 by tLo ohildroiwill bo n prominent feature, and will COHHIGIof Scriptiiro readings, recitationw and eing.

AildrcHscs will also boinodo by Rev.]. F. Hull of Mt. Hopo, Rev. K. S. Fcagles>f i t t . l-'reedotn, D. O. Mogio, J r . , of:md Hon. John Hill nnd S. L. Garrison, ofJoonfon.

Stump Raising Extraordinary.Tho proper way toeitinctBtunipshaB long

Iwon a vcut ious qncetion with fnrmern andjthors, but we bcliovo has been Botiefaetorily

by Ifr. Bam. COM, of this place, wtiIs nil tbo tiino doing something practical.He docs it by meuus of powder, but not Iutbe oldwny of boring tlio s tump »nd ohnrg-ing it in tho uaunl manner of blufitiag, bntby an entirely now and 'effectual methodwhich -wo witnessed on Tuesday 01ground lie wan clearing between East lllnci.

ill street and tho canal. Two holes ofsovBrnl foot depth wore driven by a crowbarnndenieatli a new and tough stump, fro)opposite nides, and in theso were placed twohalf-pound cartriilgon of Oiant powder,

fired HiraultaneouRly by fiiseiTha work was one of but a few minutes, but

result vfa» complete. The concussionthrew rocks, dirt flnd.plocea of stump to tliehcighth of a hundred feet or more In theair, tore tha stump in pieces, and pulverizedthe dirt for yards around, and uncoveringrod looblug tho roots for a dozou feet oraround, making it a Tory easy task tothorn o u t We BAW a nuinber of experiments>f tho kind and In not ono inftf nn»A won thcra

it fniliiro of removal, wbilo on addltionabenefit win conferred by the loosening of thnoil around. ,

a thin' il-m for tha bci^fil of nnr1 IUL. 1 ^ » ho -M" '"1 M" <•[ l"l>"

an t much mont-y in removing i>tithn unsightly objects lying around

IOOBO, when with two enrtrid(;i'n, cost! 11 (; Intits, they can easily pul the tought-i

B.iimp nut of I'xititttict*.

1 Put Him OutTlio BLiUi QiLzelti- nctid hm tnndti b

itinual appt'arancti in Morri» County, anvns Ituit beard from iu Roxbury townshipI'IMN mincmlilp, Borrawful lonking CUMH in tin>ixt bull-dozer of tlm fctnil Hint ever noliciti, inscriptions for tlie plnyt-d oul uewspupe

nt tho SUto cnpitol. Ho will send you tbi<1«!elto whether you wnnt It Dr cot—in factsuiid it for nothing nsd then dun you formoney *livn bo In rcHurrected for tha follow-ing Sumracr'H campaign. A ginto t r acquaintance, a few days since wonBevorely coudomncd bceatiee bo recommendedtha .Newark Jonranl in pro fore nee to thflGazette. Tbe Journal was deuouncrd as a

iion organ and wan called otiicr b a d3, and of course Ilia Gazette wns r e c

ided, when tho fact IB they nru botlpollUcalfirgann. nud ono is just as rncainnflty in that particular as tbo otlier. Don'allow yourselves, gentlemen, to bo intiidnted by tbcae uiiH-roprescntations of thicity press, for Ibey ntcal all their MorriiCounty news from tbo IBOH "EIU, and thcipftlm it off on you a wock or more after wihave published i t

Dr. J. B. Boss, of Sparta, il lying iloff with ff onipi pi p t Ipn.


Effort* ' k m bean made for years past totluin a hihlorr of tbe organization of the'urrutowu I'ii-n I)i-]iartiuc'iit, 0110 of tbiiL.'nt in the State, but hnvo brrctofui'*jvod biiuvniliiiLf. \iv tire clud lo uuiiotiiitmt we have nuccc,-d.:d in obtaining t liiiutfH of the two Hrht moetiiiBS held in thainee. eighty yenra ngo, for the jiurjjoso o

irymizing tbe " MorriH-Town Fire Society,it WQP then culled, nml lidfilf-ii to gir•111 fur tho Uuellt of fhd dra Imlillrx ixmIi oUnrfi of tbat jjhicu an they nifty iuter-. We puljlihh them an they wero origin-

illy written, nnd fed gnitifled that we tire.Wo to placo upon renord nn interesting fciiro tu tba hinlory of the County neat;

At a iiiontjni; nf a r j inber of tha iuhub-JIIIU of SIorris-Town, at tbo hoiJeiijaniin Fraeinan, 011 (bo evonlng of theHut of Jan. 1"H7.

HamticI Tuthlll, Enq, moderator.Joseph Lewis, da rk .PropD-ied, and a vote taken, whether ilill l>o proper, and couduco to tha safety of10 buildings in thin town, aguinxt destniion by flru j to mnlto eoirm proviaiou forrocurinj; I^ulderN, Duckets, Fire IInd thn vote pntuted Iu the nftlriiintive utifiii-inoimly.

'Iliat i t bo recuumieiidcd lo tbeirojirietorH nf every house in thin town, toprovide at least QUO ladder to each, nultiible

tlio height of the houso i t Is intended for.'JTuit each proprietor of a aiugle boiisu

irorldo at lenst one leather bucket, aud tboiroprictors uf inch Iwo story or double

1 provide nt lerwt two buckets—that at bo considered na a doublo houso thatroom on eneh eidfl of an outry.

Thnt it ]>u recommended to nil tho Itihnb-Is of thin town, to provide a Ciutem orerroir that will contain from IS to SO

Dgahrads water encb, especially those whonot lire near t> brook or stronni of water.itiBOLVEH, ITint tbo foUowiug articles be

irovided at the common expeuco, vi7:.trfl of 25 feet long, ench with Kplkcfl.

'J ilo. l.'i do. each wilh Hpikes nnd hoolcs. '•I Firo hodkn tu bo constructed ngro^nbly

of tho Ooinmittci).Tlmt Alcxnnder Cannlcbael, Caleb Itmwell,

ud Joseph Jjewin be a committee to carrylie foregoing resolution into effect. Thntliey open a Hiiliscription aud present to all

Inhabitant*), to rnlsa money fiJOKO nnd to draw up and present for

lUcribing an iwioriatiou to unite all in thisecfBBury undertaking.

That Col. Hutlmwny, Mr. Estey, Mr.ion, Air. Carmichaol, Mr. Itutiel l , Oon."iRbty, Cajit. Ford, and Mr. W. Campfleld,

appointed Directors or managers toipcrintcud tho bufiinofiA wticnever any flroty linppen in town.

Thnt tlio committee bo requested to fix10 Ladders anil Hooka in the followinglaces, viz.O110 of Iho long and ono of tho nhort Lad-rrx, nud one firo book at tbo Court-Houeo.Oue fibort Lnddt-r aud ono flro hook nt tbo

enilfiniy.Oito long Ladder and ono flro book at or

Mr. Kings, uud ono fire book nt Mr.H.

Adjourned, to meet nt tlio bouso of11 HalKoy tho 14th Fubrunry uoxt nt *C


tEflOLrac, Tlmt tbe Director firet appear.; at n flro, Bhull for that time take tho

Mummy Chubs, 1An superstitious people are now loudly

proclaiuiiiig their boliuf iii a near cnlflmitouflfulure, we are pleased to inform them tha ttbeir fears are veil founded, end that it Ishoped for Uieir sates will be fully realized.Now, we remember right well that shortly

10 locuhls appeared in 180!), a wnrbroke out with Gn-ut Ilritain. Everybodyreuit-niljerfl it, therefore it is needlens l o

uintnry (o i-HtnLlihh (lie fuct 1'liunuxt locust yenr wan in lSlilt, nni iu h-iw tfc.iti

•H t l ierrnfur thn rtcmiiicle fi.diu;i » ubroko oul, which cost un $:('), uml

el-: of lives. Thnt wna a se r t ro blowto tha ]>rintinfj U l t i m o In thono dnye, nnmany wiiliKcriLtint wt-ru loht. A|;nin, in 1C1.Htbo loctiHtagain oppenrtd, not uneiiioutiidly,iiul the Mexican War quickly followed.HIIH was O'HO a grent blow to IIH, and n-uulti-dn leAving tho territory of 'IVSUH, K W

Mexico, Arizomt and Culifoniin on ourhaudfl, all of which we hnvo bud to lookafter ever since. Tho terrible war that fol-lowed the loeuHt year of 1SG0 is still fresh in

ecollettion of tlie oldest inhabitaut, anilced not dwoll upon its uuplcanant fcu-1. A&niu "loeuHt y e a r " ia upon us , nndlitMtion will show thnt th.Huttcr " w "ilto uouKjjiauoiiKly imprinted upon tho

left hand corner or the wings of thut insect.0110 for ft moment doubts but, that tho

trouble now fomenting on our Texan borderwill breed another war with Mcricu in lost

a yenr, und thut wo shall noon l imepolitical factions Qghling over the

greaser Euffrngo of thnt Rcorpion troddenluntrj-. Yum.

Dr, Sclii'iick'* Pu l inon le Syrup ,V-K U'EFJi To.Vlc, AMI) MANMUKJ! I)ILtJ."rnii]*Olodicfne* Lave uuclaubtedly performed muroiruH of CouBuni]>tion (lia'i HDJ other remedyaown to tbo American public, Tlioy aro cotn-iiinded or v ego tali lo iueruiliente, m d containilbing which can bo Injurious to tbe humanuvtiiutl»n. Other remedies acJrcrliiied *H

uras furCoiiBUinptlou, [Uolialily coutain opiumbicb ia a Eomowlat dangerous drug in all

canes, and if taken Jrucly ly i iusumptimeat injury; for Us ton-

bid nut ter In thn

irccedoucy in directing tbo proceedings ofmy meet to extinguish10 Inhabitants that

10 firo,'Iliat tho Directors consider i t their duty,1 well to direct iu all matters relating to

bo saving and removal of goocU, as toixtingnifihing of tbo lire.

Tkut tho Committee be requested to applya tbo Board of Justices nnd Freeholders, at:helr iiext mueting to ubtnin a t Uifj. County~pi'nco, a number of Buckets, Lnddors andiro Hooks to be kept tit the Oourt-House,

ar Common use In caaei of ttocldent by flro.IEBOLVXB, That tlio Streets nnd Lanes inrrlft-Town, hereafter bo uallcd and know

>y tbe following names.Tho Street from Mr. Carmichocls to Zenas

indnlpys, be called Morris Street.F rom. Capt. Thenlx's to Mr. Reeve's,

3outb StreetFrom da. to Deacon Pruddoni. General

ItrcetFrom do. to John Mills, Bussex Street.From do. to Doctor Johues, Court Street,Vrom Alorris Stxott to Speedwell. Spoed-

cll Street. J 'l'rom Mr. Kings a to SouUi Street, Elm

From South Strimntk street.

it to Deacon Aliens, Den.

From Uynun Condlcta to John Mills,lyrain Street.

from Morris Street to tha new Saw Mill,if ill Street. ADJOURNED.

CHESTER,Our new overseer of the road, Mr. Clios.

iugaged iiof District No 14, is iepiiring Main street through the lower portif town, from Mr. Warren Langdon's utoroo tha depot, by rul ing and filling in with>rokcn stone, gravel, £ a , the low places to

i depot of abant two foet, In fio*ntof thelore of Mt'Sfirs Drlukwatar, aud the entire'Centennial Building." Tho work Is notPt completed owing to tha wet weather fora last few days. There nro other streets

In town which grcntly need tho tamo treat-ont, Aud it would bo well for those having

them iu charge to follow tho wortty exampliJ . Mlug.Mr. Wm. T. Burd, and Edwin 8 . Pitney

iro (piito extensively engaged in tho woolLrnda. They have, already 'shipped twothousand pDunda this week. T h i y pay tho.

ighest market prioo, nnd oro getting nearlyall tho wool in this section.

Tlicro was a man through hero a few dayeago who offered a quarter of a cent more per

ind than tho above firm and gut the woolof two men in tbe immediate vicinity, andleft pistols out of the question. -

1 noticed that our druggist, Mr. F . H.:nkins, has a new And bandeomo sign in

front of his Btore, which as untol on all thoest ia town bears Uie namo "Saoley" in

;mnll letters underneath..

Somo few days ago ttiero were two gentlemen In town, ono on old resident, t he oOiciA young bunineBB man, who had n Blighluhnndcrstandlng concoming a small billclaimed by tha young man for goods fur-nished to Iho old gent. Tho difference -was'trifling and probnbly conld have been easilyadjusted had not Uie young fellow accusedthe old clinpof "carrying eggs l a bis hat,

i bin bosom." Tho old gent, who ifliitimes rather bilious, took eiooptionn to

the MIMC, and told tho young nmn '• that Itmo of his buHine™ if ho did," ho had

A right to carry them in bis hat, o r in l i bboitoin cither if ho chose, becauto ho was A

Goverroent oflloial,11 or once was, and fromthn fAct. of not having been "sworn o u t "supported ho was yoL Both parties feel

wliat aggrieved, but tho old gent de-s bo will buTe his revenge in no uie wny,

nnd if not recognized by tbo authorities Inwill appeal to the sympathies of

:lo Bam," fay virtus of the old commis-sion ha holds, nud IIAI bold so long. But InCJBO of a pontoual encounter i t would not beadvisable to carry- any eggs ' in t h e hat, orelsewhere; about tho person.'

ti-RilioUB Pil la" ore much bctt«r t butdiscretion on tho part of tho offender inbetter still. HOBKBT.

•anted not tod t

it da grtiicy is to confineitem, wliicli, ut co uric, niuot make a curupoaHible. tii:|ieiicL'ii I'uliiioiiic Uyrup la wur-

iln a mrlfetour cipliiHi: it»t powerful liut hariiil^HH litrtii,

nai ULL uu tho lungB, livt'r, ittumaeh, indiwd, and Uiu» corititl all morblil Hocrotiom,id «-xj>ul til tbo tlit.(*»t.-d iHftiUr Iium th..»ly. TIKKO mo iho onlr iiiuittin by itbiuli

I'ulmon'o oyrup, Sua Weed Tuuie, aud l lan-Hl<a I'itlH flro tliu only modidneH which ot>-nlo In Hi IK nay, ft is nbrious tbcv aro tinttly (,'rmiiue c>iru far Pulmonary ConHumii<in. £RUL bullle or ihis invaluable niediclDoicouipunk'd by full direttiunu. Dr. Hehonekprofcafioiidlly at lila princlnil oEJcc, enrarrKill and Arcti u I roots, Piijlndulithia, evt-rvbtnUj, Klura all let ten fur idvlca must ba

JdroHHod.• - • •

Ite Aiurrlrvn People.Ha pnople In the world euflcr a i raucli with

)vspi i»la «• AintriciiDii. Alihnugh years oftrleneo Iu medidne bad fuileuto acconi-1 a. ccrUin and auro remedy for this dismoititdecls, luelian flour atomicli, Heart-

•IU, Wntor-brunt], BicU Hosdacho, Coslive-eoi palpi lotion of ihoifeart, Li vorOomjila'tit. 'nniing uu of tho ruud, Itiw spirits, general

, vie, yet siiico tho lulroiluction of.... . . j AimtiHT VLOWEO no bclicvo there Is nolie or Dyspepsia tbat ennnnt bo immediatelybliaved. 8O,6OO dote a Bold Isot year withoutnn cane of Islluru reported. Qu to your drug*;iBt, VouRlit A KillK'ire, and_Eet a nmpioiottlo for 10 ceu',s and try it. Two doieu will•olieTO you. nebular BIEO 15 et'utfl.

box of GLXHK'K Sui-fuun SOAP, whichtaiuH tbreo cutes aud costs only sixtyIs, iKfnifiHent to mrjiply material for att twonty Sulphur Uiitbs which would

>nuiicntfl n wholo cotalopio of rhuumntio andjutnneous maladies. Sold by all Druggiuts.

ill's Hair and Whisker Dye, block or brown,

» » •Delays Rre Dangcrnua.—]f tbia axiom Is

reupcctlDg tho ordinary affairs of life, still! obviouely so u regards tbo cilgcucies ofoachinn dlnenBo. Unqucatiouably I Yet

iow niBUy neglect to practically rodognlie thisililn trulli when health Is In tho balance. Qt

nany premonitory eymptomt of disease aliiRcouuli In tbe mnat proiibcllo of peril,at it at tho outiot wltb Dr. AYlibart's Pino

. . .Tnr Cordial, and BO avoid Consumption,ironchttlR, Inflammation of the Lungi, OOWB,^oughB, am), indeod, sll A floe lions or tboItsphntorj Orfisue aro cntlrdj cured by this

wrercltm remedy, which alaoendlcatesDji- 'iH-jwia, Ornvpl, Viica, NcrruutBoblliiy.TorpiJ-

- or tbo Liver, Urinary Bifflcultim, donptipn-n, 1'BlpitatIon of tbo Heart, Scrofnloutictioni. »nd tlio infirmities peculiar to the

..itlericx. This Cordial derives Its virtuesroot \ho vegotablo klDgdom, and ii infinitely10 tie preferred, both on account ofLta superior-Kcttcy ind freedom from njinieciiu aud Inln-•IOOB propertlus to tbe offlcitl drnga 10 oftenidtnlnistorcd wltb no other effect tuan lo offendbo pslito auil iliaanlcr ttic Blomach. The l'ine,'rco T*r Curdlnl cm alway> bo relied on to Jotbtt !• claimed for It. Raid by ill druggliK,rlacipa) depot No. DIP Filbert St. f hlUill^bU.

Ntrvoua D«fellltr.Vital weikocBs or 'duprcBiIon: i wok ox*instcd fooling, to energy or courago; thoiBiilt of, mental over-work tndcierctlona orICCBBPR, or Bomo drain upon tbo syitcm, Is

always cured by Ilampbrcy*' Ilomeopatbiaspecific No. 23. It toucs up and Invigoratesthe 9yntem, dlopeliithe gloom and ileBuondency,imparta ittength and energy—slop* tbo drainind rejuvenii'tcs tbe entire man. Soon onej 20-cars wilh perfect succors by tbouiandi.' 'HoldIJ doilera. Price U per single Till, or IS per "

:kaga fire vials and 13 TIS) or powder.Sent by mull on receipt of pricn. AddressHumphrey*' Uomtupnthio Meat clue Com pitEM Broadway, New York. 27-ly



- B EI E ' E 8 B EI EE&& EEEE ittBS EEEtt

IIs exhibiting an elegant Block of


and ft great variety of

Household Ornaments.

Confectionery,alwayq pure nnd fr^sh, „

BOOK.S,BLANK BOOKS,Steitionery, &o.

Tliero In a movement on foot to get tbeFbillipsbarg Manufacturing Companion•\VorkJi, which have been lying idle n longtime, started Again, certain hoary capitnlistabeing willing to furnish Uie raouey, providedtlio town will offer any inducement*.

Tbo Warren Foundry Is very busy. Thereare ten pita mnnlng, and betwe:n 400 andn » banda at work there. They bad tortfoH B. flange pipe job, boccosa they 1VTMTUO vith voifc.

The best brands of



7-tf D O V E R , N, J.


b 0 B t ^ai i ty P - S -

Twitli chronometerbalance iu 3 oz. case, reducedto $18.

Ladies' solid gold AmerioaoWatclies from $30 up.

Oonts' solid cold AmericanWatches from $35 up.

All QEADES and STYLES onhand to aebot from.


TACLES, KYK.IiUASSEsf&c.atE«JUALllv LOW PRICKi Callor lvrite for price-list.

N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St.,


<? ?P. U. 4 B. K. B. DEPOT.

Page 4: iCURESi - · i vol. vii. doves, mokris county, new jersey, saturday, june 9,1877. no 26 the iron tczuuined etrm sixcscai rr bj3nj.h.v6gt. • editoiumh prorietoil.

AGRICULTURAL.,Tn.liii.iK Hie drain:.

It ; ' Evans in the Iisra! Tlomi da-itiiijt-- ili.; iollimiug fiood methuiJ ofDin1 ):••• anJ tmiiiintf Ihu fine :' " \ - •!,<• miiiii^l ur \<Uu <>t tmiuintfj!!„• .;..• I;.-. I ll toJ. twill i tin-w;iy ilI , ,. ,1 .,r liim.i.-.). I "HI M v t l u t !,„. ' . .I, . i , a i.iuilui-l Fuller pnvtfw. |

' . - ' f u l l \y

-" r.Vu• • ! - • '

it line.; ta

-. fniiiius.' tin:

up i.iir ti

up t


u, wliicli..„ or threeof the soil.

,lj two

fill. O('

;kLver5lu the


Bivaul if conjliliLUant, ami Tlie Iruoia Laudau'i! IuiuroTCIIIflit Curopjitr, Anns L. lion-hull OLoroe C. IMiutll, /ulia A. faufipld,I' 1 rin ud raiKk'M !•>'•• i' reeJt A. Dt'Mirii.!.»• H HtrTt.T »•>'• Jubn M. D. Uoru.-*. ar.'<W..n.hDtV HctwiuWe ta May Term, A.

II & SMITH, Sfjl'ri.iteil wriBY %irtuo of tin.' sbo»B it i trd wril ol lli-ri

ficiV* in ray Ji&iiJt. I sball uiposo tor sal*

MUSDAV", IUB 2.1 day of JL'LV nest,

IJ. 1S77. bt-iwcrtt tbo bourn ol 19 M. nod 5

>t « rt.,; I.. fit.M i i i iclu^icJ tlie fulluwingi, ii ;,-, fara^ tlieti>ji of the wires'.(J . , .' i=i iiKoiuu-mith-.t tn ;rrow from,- .•:• c .;•" lvliifli wtiseut IIKCU,' tliese be-ii'i "ii-i ilio fniitinn r u m s tin' fullowing

J t :--rlii (.ilii-rs living t u t luck iu tliofii.l ;,> tv..• cv.'-s the same us llje utlier,-fi - IIIP iiriv:'<Ung full. If tb« vine boTI=-I- -liurt j.jiuli-J, we IMVC fotiml tbalf.-.l.iiji-.'C.n»»ifr.iin t-Tciri-other i-yt was

nf iitlniin niton tl

o Cftiiliehl, tl

[jiMutlie vc»r ISTl.a-lid (1) north tiiiyilc^'



re have UBod our l>i?hl endeavors l

lie our Ktoclt of SPIUNO GOOD

most uttriKtivc of uuyintown. Oi

f7 Dress Goods,' Shawls, Skirts, Prints,

and Cambrics, &c, &(


tbp lsn,-c»t »nJ maet la^a'ssfiil dealer in

BOOTS and SHOEStin! over dMblmiiicsl ID

JORRISTO¥N,Lae Just (iiiislitd sioAlnb- hi* store with

in ,-: sllv wit l l vi

,-!, mid we thenlv witll voniiK vin.-s, nuJ we theniiv .'VtTV tliinl u)V ; or. tn make it

; fi « t U f™

Pfil its tiuRitrinvHHcd. Ail clogatil lino >


ilo'c'juti.-ld ; ilifiic* (2) Bnutb '

Htalt< Ilio? Thorp*f , , d r



diiliu «n'l ««» Huk.II,1.,,L-» II, ...U1U f ,»i j a e j i w i ana rml l - l l jm i n u t e i'anl i-iKlit cliiuik anil mtt-ci i link* tca «toi.r h e a p : (HfTico. (fl) noutli tWy uogn-ei

fui.i, * „ichi-sof.

l.iiil .--.TV tvin-tli «r,- (..imil .11" lion t'"'«luriiiN iiliicli ii miJily


t! . . gi;.«v nrarcaoli mlo, fur oit is v.nntcil, wh an.l tlie youn

l i . . . i . n l i i i t ,I.I ! , . . :,. ;,>.nih hvUtl l.l /m i i« out0 tc siil.-titntcil."

IiMlni'l »r Mild (Win.'I'll.1 St. L'Miis ItepiibliCiiu Bii.Ta : "Dr.

1 i,U..r.l. v.lio retiinird n day or twoi.i:;:,. r-.i.! HIP smitliCMteri. part o( tlioHi ji,\ lii.-ulioiis tliL. fiillowiuy[.•: i.i lii.torv. He iiive« tlie stiituniou,.:, tin- milli'irit; o( "Mr. W. Xi. Smitli,I. .t li.i" faniit'r'nntl miller living neaM..iloy,in SinttCuimty, Mo. About

U^•11 U l " ' J . III t 7 If LL \ ^ w . * u » . | J'fc". . A . ' v t i * . •

v.iM ;'"IM- iiuil misc.. thorn witt tho1n]:iii7-.jof his domestic goslings. T i e«il.I «iiA', Iwcojne .jiiile Uimn nnil tookliiniHvto tho change of civilized life.Tln>v*inl.ipteil their huliits to the ordina-iv lii'liglttt of Ihe barn jitrtl, nml swamiii tli.- [IOHII with the lame gecar, vrith-uiti nh'twiriR u disposition to po on av.-i)'\ pjMJW eltmc. Al lenglli, nbout tlie4t!> nf Xoveiiibur, tlie weather began toCIKUI^O, mill utter being domesticatedMiinu' tight mouths, the wild fellows,]mmi])teil by nn instiuct to seek a murusunny cliinu «u the npproncli o( vriutcr,hi<rerii. their wliifga to lho breeze amiFiLirli'J on fl niigrntory tour, flyingK'HiUiwuni. Their Jciwrturfj was catur-nl iiinl to bo expected. After an nbHencenf Hviini'-mtliK, early iu January, greatviia Mr. Smith's surprise to find, ouK-.-ifiiiffiifi ouu morning, that Ilio twowihl fiecsc hiul rcturoeii, to their oldlu-.utit* on his They not only re-ttimed, but cloven more wild geefle camev. ifh them as visitors, which they pilot-e l wiffi from sumo Buiitliom Bayou.-Tha IK\? camera mndc Ihetasehca aluimi", suiil were fed nnd fondled by They couo up tti the mill n_fi-filiitg timo to get their rations, audfruhblr altogether, aud put on till tbstirs of civilized.geese who havo had ;yooil nini'iil training.

Insect IVsts.Alhiw me to Rive to tlin sniTering pub-

lic i. luoro clTuctunl reniddy than auy_ Ilime s«.'L»n loeonmu'iidod for the de.tit ruction of till those pests that feed up-on Ihe foiliige of our crops, I).Ksolyo nCram of corrosive sublimate in a pail ofiviiior, spriiikkt it upon thu foilage withn iiu<; .spriniiler. It is not ut-ecssaryHint every Jenf Hliouhl bo wctwilil it, Rait ii tin! rntit!goni)L> Icnf thnt destroystlio worm or bug, nnd iiot by iU ftppli-.tuition to Ihcir bodies. I destroyed tbowholo crop of enrrnut worms last yearupon ray biwhea by ouo ajiplicaUou.Thcro being eutire nbseDCo of taste totfio urtiulo, it in, eaten readily. Tholuin wuHhM it- off, but it would not boiiiifii to put it upon fruit nearly ripe. I tin n most violentpoiaon, toman orbonat;therefore th(3 utmost euro Bhould bo ex-CiTiHed iu eleiiiisiiig nil vessels in wbiohit hiij bucn pliicod ; tho wnter in whicht!tpi"irn washod shouM nut ho pouredIijmii the ground whoro fowiH mightliicl: up food. In HIB potato iii>Id tliero\vmild be no danger iu iU me uulusaloi'U were itilowuit to run iu the fieldami should oat the worms. A farmeiran nflortl to HHO Rrcat cult I ion in its useif he can KUCC ess fully destroy tho wormof lho Colomdu beetle.—MmsaeJittaethJ'bntihmm, ^

To Keep IlartiPHs (u Oriicr.Tlikc Kent* Foot Oil nnd Isory Blnck

—the lultor well pulverized, or to boimitlo fr> hofnro using, Miz thoroughly—iiddiug tho black uutil well colored, orqiiitu bluck. In Cool weather tbo oil(•honlil bo wnrmed soinewliat before mix-ing. With aspotigo apply a light coa

•o(tho miilura—bnl^ what tbc lenthewill roiidily ahaoth unlesa the hornesB ivery dry—in which case the heavier comlany Iio uLtjessury. After harness ia di—which will bo in from two hours tolml f of n whole day, dopEimiinfi uponthe weather und previous conditions oftlto Unthcr—irosh tiioroughly with soapMt«R Iu making tlio suds uso good casfile tii)ii]> and cold rain water. (Worn.v.aior Hliould neper bo usetl on IiarnesHkitther). Apply the suds witli aapongo.Hub off with iKickshin. This will giv3jour luiruL'ss a iiice, glossy surfneo, nndtho leather -hill retoin a good color nndpontinuo pliublo for months. If it ba-ooines soiled with mini or sweat, an np-jiliciitii^ii ')f nnup nud wiiter, as nluivn•iiroctoil, without oiling,) will bo suffl-cinnt lo given brightappeftrance. rXwonpplicattiuus of thiaoil and black mix-tiira Aj.*cftr (or onco every tix rooutliaj•will bi> milDeient to keep Imrness, aa ortliuarily iiRed, in good order.

The shipment of American applos tKnropc, which was only begun in 1807,in jiOR- davkluping into a hrgts business.Prom tho miildla of October until rc-ni'iitly ubiinatevory steamer leaving NowVork for Liverpool and London has ear-rifil HhipmcnUvaryiiiRfrom COO to 3,000barrels. The extent of tho business canbe judged /rum lbo Jact that tlio sales ofAmmicun apples nt Liverpool nlonarcaulial over 00,000 barrels tn tho mouthof December IILSL The Eoglish peopleliiivu reeiiired tho large qimutitiea shin-licit very favorably, and from Liverpool,jUjiimlifsior, JJirwiotfliajJi, Hal), and iufact, almost every town iu England, hovebeen supplied, and "Atncrtcnn opplos"liavo bouomo litemlly a household word.Tlif groftlcr^ portion of tlio apples ship,jiwl from New York wero raised in thevosteni counties of tbit Slato. ThoC.mndian applo crop of 1870 wan ohoLirse, nnil tho from MontrDiil

. ii ml QuebDo hot full, nnJ from Portland,jr.'., this winter, wero qtiito heavylho quality of frnit good.

Tnc AVEIQHT OP CATTLE.— Measure ininches, thn girth around tho breast, justbehind tho shoulder blade, ana UiolrniBtli of tbo back from the tail to Uiofurn part of tho shoulder blado. MulHply the length ot (lie gj r . . . (in inclies]jiu.l divide byl-U. If tho girth i3 lessHum throo fwt, multiply thiMjnotient byII ; if betnocn tureo and flvo feot, miii-H p l j b y 7 ; if between ftva aud sevenfeet, miiHiply by 23 J if between seami n'iue feet, multiply bv 31. It

, miimnl inlcnu deductono-fwonticthfrotntlio result. Another rulo is, tnlce tbefprth aiitl length iu feet nnil mnltiplytho prDdiiotby 836, and the result willbo tho auBwer in pounds.. Tlio llv<v^ight multiplied by 005 ffives a neafipp i~0 si runt ion to tho weights

• • »• — , .• - ;

Those who may deairo to raise Ameri-can elm, ecartot anil silver maple trees,riiould not forget that tho seed ripona inllifl sjmnp, onO! should be Bonn na BOOD

: as gathered from the trees. Tho Bendsof all our other opeeiea of maples ripenin tho full, anil may bo kopi over winlor.

Piltiij1 And vet poultry yorSs nrB Yikt]y to prodneo a duscaqo knowii us sour/^K% ju?t B3 low, wol* latuls for paatnrobring on foot rot in flheepflnd catUe.

' It i3 ninclicasier tb proveut such dir-e3 tlmn to core them.

OT to Cilifltld ; (huiict: (10) norm cijfu-(lucreeBflifteca mmulti cist fifteen diaiusiiilvfonr links to a »tnkc fn Onirge W.'Uiu linr ; t i t lice along LoagUx't lluonurlb •iilviKitrr.u Bftecu nilnutei veili c'jaiiiai antioi^litT IIHKH lo corner of Julin

>HH iii} Bonili twAitr-fiflit (lufriies amlfurty-QTei west nficeii chsini mil tliu-tj-fourtbc iilaco o! bi'tjitiiii.iK. cdUlainiiiB otic

rip t horrent a piece or bml con lain iiig•inc icrc auil Hureiitv-Htc liutulredlliti nf au

tlio Chetter Iliihtud Ooni-

•V|»flIUB tinre ferr

linrevor, U»c ccitila . -—„ ILT.U.IO.. ,» »P rolluws anil pirtfeiilBrl*

L-^.ibed In mid det.lH liiToinartpr menti<inedi-rorenca to which is liorclj.v made and *IIi

TUB FIUST LOT is & lot ot twonty-clRbl - • - -UDdrodtli* uf Kit acre uf Imiii, itid pirliculai);tscriLtci in » deed from tliu Biid Tlie Imma

Laud &nJ Imprnri'tni-tit Co tup mi r toLcvi lUrrev brarinc date May 2Stli, 1875, and rccunluI't'ho Morrii Couuiy Itecord of DeeiU fu bou9 ]iage 456.TUB SECIKD IMT conlafr* twcnty-eictil acres

or land and wag convejod to salt! Livi llarveyby Ihe deed eontcyinB the first lot.

TBRTUIBD LOT contains 13-100 acres "Hand• • dooa frcm The I "

V 1.1. MM! t1 V * u , »«lrf( —«».-tumv - - County Itenord of Donai Imok 1) 0 1>»K« 423, Ac.TUB FOL-BTB I / IT contains *evon and 85-100

cri'xofUniUDil isdogciibed in a duud Trum./be Iron i a La nil and loioro r union t Comp»nto Jiilin U. Statiiburroucn, bearing dato Jnn27tli, 1874, nnd. rceonleilln Ibe Morrii Count

Lird of Deeds in book \ 0 VAKO 85, Ac.UF. r t r r u I.oTconlains six acres of Und BO]cluih'd!ntliol)<mnd[.ric«ufinddeBcrlptiot

„ .he deed to said John II. SUniUurruofihB9tal>ovc elated.

PIKUSOS A. FREEMAN, fitiprfff.Datod April 2Ut, 1877. (Pr. f«. 118.20

i fori

.t»n cliaini(H| iwtli

•itliutfs tn:

ia nud 1 NEH mm. . . . ! hi'.ki to lho midiilc ofi lc»diiiD from Walnut drove to Flan-fnee IIOBR tlio middle uf taitl mud (3)

-.l'l^lrti-iii liaks to tbe tbird cornerulionod second lot conveyed IJJ

>55 to $77 l s T 0

» ilrfirjbed in a deed from Tb) anil Iraiirnvernont Company tolcld bemiiR iinto Jnnuaryitb, 1

t? I t r d

E'linuu«75, an



HomaiaorVhse,Lawyer or CMB,

Toiiular Proachurs,Cooks,Itooka;TiiHInarLnt,


h'irni Floor,

To I'urcLuHu a ret—Horco.Mare,Moukcj or Bear,lilcodhoatul vrtipttz,Free itom Fits.To (lira a Hall,A Driver of Cars.An Eloynot Oarriagi1,AnOpuloiit Mnrriasc,J'IJT, Concert or U»l),-S1;atcs,riatco!To sell In gay creatureDUmoadi,Porls ,Jflncs.CiirTi,Wish far (Iieir featurcB,"•o buy any odd thins,JraelUnyoiMtliinu,

rol)eBonRlit,Hflvtr or quid,HcrclmndfBO BoWQoodi to AppralsO[«ntng Day«

»ua or Aerei,

Uoatu.Votes,AErusfi omFlonneo,A. Cure Tor DEseaao,

iAhandvTaliBd,IA MUBIIU Ohcmiio,!cbccno,


Or are pronoTomako knownVonr more,UoUelrr,Fry Qoods,U l U l


Paofaloons, ITttt,nosplemlont CraTati,Mnttonorlioof;Financial Boikf,Block B,Clocks,Locks, 'Hocks, 'rorlmaateia rrBox,.Pl([, Bheopor Oi,Or oven a Bean—TliDti in a trlnoTako tho adricoWritten lelow-

[fnlck-Knacka,Dlvcraions,Clothci rcadr made,Incrcaso of Trailp,Coiln, Ctikt *oil WooPfclnrcs,Lecture*,All kinds of Food1,

MaRic.^ilrnloBT, Jt

Wciltb or Fclicltr.World-Kida PabUcity,



A splendid new lot of

Children's Carriages.



H Ploivs, Hone Dust, &c.



DoTer, N. J., April Utb, 1877.



1877. SPRING 1877,













READY-MADE SUITSof my own manufacture 00 C H E A P on

CHEAPEST, and mado in a mn-ERioif.Tru. ( Call anil see them.

1>. I I . I I O P P M A SJlrrriitown, Jl.reU lllli, van.

Frank Cox's


UE&T UA&SS1Warren St.,

Almlglty DolUrn,HcqacK to llent.Store, Tenement,Casli to bo Lont,CaMi ta lie Hpont,Scent,Tent,



SHERIFF'S SALE!InCbancerjrofNotrJaraoy. Fi.ft. Forsalobf

morlpigcd premiici. WhereLn The NewarkBavlnEi Imlltntion Trniteei, &o., are com-jilainanti, and Edmund Cutiflold, Pbrnbe B.Vail, John O. Hill, Ortirgo Iticbardu, RichardOoorgo. Jamci M. Simptan, Lewii Kutcbar,Jr., Qooree Kntcber, WillUm flmilb, JouepliIlednes, Julin It. Pliwr, I n Tbarp *m\ M»UerII. Tliarn, AilmlDlitratoriorFattrO.TIiarp;David SLarn, Dnraitui 8. Bryant. NormanW. Dudge, TIIVBD. MoiM. GoorcoE. Welgi,Ifeorr D. V*ti Wattrtml, lUinplaa A. Cour-icn, John Van Noitmni!, Tho Dover Uttilt,Franclf H. Frsoman, Moioi A. BrookflcU andKilwir.l \V. Uebard.dafflndaiita. Hatarmbloto M»y Torm. X. D. 1877.

. . . A.B.HUBBELL.BoVr.

E»Y Tirlno of tba abors itatcd writ of fieri) faciaa in my band*, I sball oxpoaa for aato

at PUDLId TENDVE. at tlio Dnitsd Slilc.Hotel, in Morriatoirn,k. J,,on

' MONDAY, thBlithd.yolJU.'JEiieit,A. p . 1817,bat<joon tbe hcun er 13 M. aod 6o'clock 1'. M., tbat it to UT, at 2 o'clock in thoafternoon of •*!<! ity, all 'tb*t tract or pireelof land and pnmlica hcrtinafter particaiarl?deicrlbcd, tlfnate, ljlnS and bclnR (n tbe IOITD-

wood tnn •Undlt.i.'o.raie l i i n / i l ' A t a l SCorey » mill lirAok, it belnj & corner of tot H«i; Uieace wnlh itity de&ro» cu t thirty-twoqluiPi i&d utlj liuki to a atake aad •tsnei InB&ld Urlan t*311 no BO u tli tbttty-ooo decrrtd wmleiglit clulm and ilxtylinks fo a hickory itnmpnortb ilily-four tieRrcflu west fcirtT-two chiini—• flit.* If oka tntlio tnlddls of aroieaaia brook;.U . JCO the a'sTonl coones ttiareof ta hegta-plptr, contiJoiiip tliirtr-foor and ODc-lulf tereiaauia lot JSo. S ot.atjUloa. Bains titq.thefir«t tract and tho lontberty portion (if tho twololi monttoned.and descrlbtid »>deed'Irom.laid Peter Smith toJ»n>MBm.tb,lK>*iiBgjiiteSBlli day ol March, A. DTiBJl.' "' * : * *

PIERSOH iU PKEEUAN, Shsrifi*. 'Dated April Slit, 1977. [Pr. fi. t7.90

I Tbe bent in mar-ket, now Boll-

ing for

per pound. All kinds of

^•VEGETABLES'received Irtish every day upon tltoir or

in market

LIVERY.C3"I IWTO aUiwbcd to my businoee at

Btlokle UOUBO Btablco, ocrocs Uio uray,flret-cloas LIVE11Y STABLE and will koe]on hnnd ihla Summer a fluo lot ofturn-outa 17-jy

' UorrU County SurrogatQ's OfficeHABOn airt, 1677.

In Ih9 matter of Qotrco O. EyJand, tbe En

N Biipllcatlon or tlie tboTe-ntracd Ex<Qtor, i t ii ordered liythe Surrogate tliExotDtuc Rivo 1'UBUO NOTIOE to tl

crodltorn of Uio caUto o m i d decedent la liriin their debts, domin.U aad claimi ipi ini t timino, underoalh,willi(DclDorooi)lhi from thdata, by *attlti|{ a p a eopj oflblB order, wfthitvfcotv da'ja bo real ter, in tWo of tbn ntoit pnlHo.placet in tho rouai j of Morrii for tmonth*, and $.\so within tho (tfil two hi? diby adtrnt-tiBlnt, tbo u m e in the I BOX E E I , Cof thooevipapcra or thii Bute, for tho IBLapace of time <th« Banrogate Judging any Itthor notice to bo natiMoaaaYj); tnd it'creditor ihall neglect to eiliiblf hia or her JLdemand.And cloin Trithin tho said periodnintt moDtbB, public notice being given iaroreiald, anch creditor ahall be forovidttbarrcd cf his er bur notion tbtircrore i 'lio ailil £xeoator. '

E . E . WILLIS, Surrogate.A tinq cop; from llie mlnntci. 18-16

Adjourned Sheriffs Sale!Unrrli Circnit Court. William XT. SIcrlatt

Tliomat Blnnott BDO William Sinnott. 1fa. du boo. et tor. In caie. ReluroableSrit TQeed»j fu January, A. D, 1677.

• H. W.ntWT, Att'y.Tlio Bale on behalf of the abova-namml pi

HBB !• adjaarnod to tabs placo at tlio UnitBUtoi Qgtel, in Worriatnwn, N. J,, on.

MONDAY, Jnno 11th, W7,botviccn Ihe Lours of 13 IT. and & o'clock P.

riEIWOS A. FREPUAK. Sheriff.Dit*J Uartb U, I8H. Pr. ft. $1

Morris Co. Surrogate's Office.APIUL 17th, 1877.

ID tlio rail tor of aeorne ChsmbeTlttn, Aflmijstratar Of Jacob Poirlnon, deceased. HiroRaU't older to limit credltori.

O TJ'mppllcalion'efthe tbori-ntmcH AihnhrUtretor, it la crilerc J bj toe Surrogate that

tbo aoJtl Administrator RITO I'nblia Noticetits crodllor* of tbo oHtafe of iald decedentTiring; In their .tehte, domands and eliimiaRiinit the nsmo. nnder oath, witbln ninonionllis frnm Ibis date, by not ling up a copy ofthla.inicr, within twentydajNliorcafter, Iu flionbo mnit public JIUCM la ths county or Mor-'- far two month*, and alia wilbln lho aali

mlj d»ji by julfortdinff (ho rung !n tb>» BRA, nne of tho nowipapora of thn State,

for tbe (tamo ipaca ortitue [tliaBmroguMJiide-nit any fnrtlior no lho to hi nntmcctury}: ^ndfanterrditoriUall nonlect to exhibit hiroiUrAtbt, dotnand and efrfnrwKWn «,« njwrioil of nine monthB,-publio-Boilcq Uioitrltnilan aforiMld, inch bmdilor itfaUbefoT-ererowrod ofhis or b*r aotjon therefor leainittbo aaiu\ AdmiDlatrafor. • • .

K. WillLIS, Surrogate.


f.iru dffi-ri-d. THE CBI.EHHATED



SHOES,irr.mlcd itlnnya In fil, orn lo bu hum) la(bin tUne in tho greatest p r o t o n

of ftv!(-» aud raoiBiirunienU, anil



life tat a caU lefow purchulQB eiiewbsre,


TimEE Doons ruosi MAIIKET BT.,



l',l)boii.ttLliirl."'l»1''e1iBLVllBlltturuablo tobriiary Ttnn .A. 1>. 1877.

CAI.EB II. VALENTINE, Atfy pro se.DW Jerscv Bnuroino Cniirl, llorria Connty.t:alfli ».* Vak-utlrio YI. Jtmet Martin andUlwrks Mariin. partners. Ac. Fi. fa. dfl hoD.sltcr . In catfe. IWlurnablctoFi-hrnaryTerm

D'cALr^U II. VALENTINE, Att'y pro Be.ow Jt-rai'y BuurciOD Court, JtorriB Conniy.Caleb II . Valoiiline va. CLnrlci JUrtlti andaTamca 3far(.«- n. ta. do bon, ul i


i?s juarfrct. ft. " • uu uoa, u» tvrr Mb. Itoturnibl* to 1'obruary Term, A. D,CALED H. V.UJBSTISE, Att'jproae.

ririno uftlic abo»c tUtoil wrU« of fiur•b* in tiiriiiiidi, I ttliall espOBO fur mlu ft

'UIHilCVENDUEiit tlie United StatesHotolo JJorristotrir, X. J., on

SIOHDAV, the lltli di.y of JUNK nctt,, D. 1B77, bctirccti tbo hour a of IS M. and I'duck r. M.. that Ifl to nar nt 2 o'clock lu tli'rternoon otVoiJ day, all tint lot, tract or ratulof land and preinistB lierciuattLT particurly described, situate, lying and bciUR In thiiTDthfp ot Wasbingtaq. la the county oorriaujdHtato ot%\* Jurat* batUd a?(juodc. et follnwa: UcKinniDfr It a oUk

corner lo William Utllti's farm in IIC-IB CraneIne and runa tint alonr; bin lino north forl""tli fortj

inutes cait tlilrtecki to tbe first cros

k t t f l l I

111 U^jjltril UklK .*:..itustnd tliirty-fivo iinm in iuu unk em

fcaco above a large while usk tree standingCrane'ilinoj (2J alonu eaid fence north nix.floored caulV'VL-L. chain* and sixty link* to »corner of lho fcnee; (B) Hill aloiiR tlie foncuinutli fotti-ono aud n batf 'degrecu went twrchains and tifteen liiih* lo a comer of foncof41 atill (ildnc the ronco south flfty-sii anilitlT di-jjreiB eonl fifteen elm inn aud forty linkto a sliko In tlin fL-nco; (G) north tiiirtv-HT

cfi cnot tno chalnit aud Forty links toa mcartow leuco: (B | along tbo aamc loothf-nino and a half iioftrco* east BOi-anUetitiiandurtylinkatoagtiiko; (7) (inulb ftltj

nu and tlirtK-tiuartor dogrcea oast *i!*cuciiulns to a stake near a Intgo chealuul etump;(8) south (u.rtyand tlircetiaarterrfoproefl oastlilrty-lwo chttlntf to a ttake iu JBnien wlooS»n line i t») »l?nP •''" l i a o B0,rt l " l t l :

lebt ilL'crecs trout twentj-ono clrnlnn arevenly links to "alaao aiTa alone. lo.Wtllia

Little line; (10) alonij fata Una iiorlb rfsdocroca cant ono chain nnd fifty links to tbnctiCBltmtK conor ID William LUtle; (U) atialong hiB line north Oftyaii ilegrccn neat fifl?eichi ohalnB to tho place of bfiglnninp;, con-taining ninety-three kcrea nod itviraly-flvelundrodtba of an acre or land, be tha n n e

more or tuns, being tba i t no properly con-?cycd"» Samei Martin by William Martin bydcril dated January lutb, A. I). IB «. anflrj

jriled in lho Morrlfi Co only Ilccordii of O""1

a. 1. ft I „..«•<. K11 l>n

a *prB <lli, M7T.


Morris Oountj Mutual



Charterod la*. 184.0.






IdeomltjaitlytlnotUoMorrii County MutLife and Fire Insurance Ceropiny tbat tblpublic ackuovrlcdRmeut bo nude or tUo roclfrom thorn Ibis J»y or tbe lull amount'ofinanranco (11,500) an tbe flout h Strcrt Chnrclwitbuut robite of Intorcit, for IOBB by tie &•on the 10th last., and to oipreis our Rtilofappreciation oftliiilr Ubenland prompt autl

v U.O.UAltUH,• t-:;Troifaror SonthSt. PresbjterUnCtiurolMorriatown, H. J., January 30tb, 1B77.


-SI5, S16, 517, $i8, $19,-

$20 and $25.






Morriiiloini, N. J., AprilClli, 187T. l


M."ft I. SEARINfi.



niwar.1i. WATi'HES OK AIJ.OIUDES in

mi • • CUKA1* befure. Ik*utlful Ji»iK«,« of


AT (liltlTLV nnitCCEB rlnVKIM.

ul every description. Mao

HAIR JEWELUY,ilalucJ in !rM<Uig|i<itUrn inmU, nitile to order.

SILVER-WA RE-he most eluRant dfRlgns ent] patterns,

FORKS AND SPOONS,rticlc* for Ulile ui«, KAliKKD UQWS TG

BOTTOM PH1CE«. Agtut for !h«









BlZEft AND COUNTER-lKKITANT.Glenn'* Sulphur Soap, besides eradi-

eating local diseases of the skin, banislics de-fects of the complexion, and imparts to.itirratifypir clearness and smoothness.

Sulphur lkttlw arc celebrated for curingmotions anil other diseases of the skin, ueil as Kheumotistn and Gout. Oletin's

lhur Soap produce! Ihe same effectsmost trifling expense. Thii admirable

pedfic also speedily heals ions, bruises, sealdi,"~Lr, sprains and cuts. It removes dandruff

prevents the hail from falling out and;urning gray.

Clothing and linen used in llie sick roomdisinfected, ami diseases communicable by

intact with the person, prevented by it.The Medical Fraternity sanction its use.

^ricBs—25 and SO Cents Per Cake; PerBox (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20.

KEPAHtlNG A rcpafrintrnarrantcfl. EKOitAVntQ





ftl. IIoaElnnd, Proprietor,


Dry Sand Holls.


Engines, Pumping Machines,- ALIJ B1ZE4 OF

KEylltl.VO li P U L L E Y S .



Hoisting Apparatus' of all klafla a .potiallty, and

FuruiaUed a t Sliortent Not ice


Turned and Grooved to Ordei




Prompt Rltoutlon glyen lo ItGPAIB WORK.

Freeman Wood


ft at.'* irronx.)

DOVEB.1V.J.LaRallT authortaa leoat or the rullewine fil

claBB companbB—tlio boat In the world:



STATE PIKE INSBBANOE Oo.,Capital, (300,00

BOYAL OF LIVERPOOL,Capital 810,000,00


HOME, • " 600.OC

SJAIt, Jersey City, " COO,O0


Capitol mO.OC

STANBAItD, Trenton, " 800,00

PEOPLE'S. N « T O I , " . 800.00

HIBEENIA, " " 200,00

BTOtBOLT, " " 800,00



Choice Lots in Dover,: - for »nla cheap, ana


"Wood,J.i.lko ot till Foaei anil PoU» Ua l.lnlMASTER'S SALE!

aniofiot, ii _flold, Jacob Vanttta, Aoj-nslui O. Canfli.Adminiitrator, Ao ' of Fiaucii A. Caeilelileceaiiil, John O. Hill, Jobn II. IIper, LerKulcber, Jr.,and Oeore« Knlctier, Ira Tbiand Mther II. Tbaip, Admlniatratora, Ae.tFatty G. Tbarp, doceneoil, Darid BbaiDormataa h. Bryant, Not man W. DodgeTitos 1). Hclejn ami GoorRe K. Dodge; HenrD.Van NDstram), Bamptnn A. CoarMQ an!John YsaVottnnd, ThoVerarDaBk.FrKr8. •Freeman, MOKDH A. Brook He IU, J oYonngi.The LongvDodTalleyllailroad Conpauy, Margaret Laker, 'Joacpb Ebncr ar•.ttomUnta. BclnrDabla May> Torm A.1B77. F . A.J0»MOTT, 8o!.(

BY virlno of the aboTo Btatcd. writ "of flertaciu in my btaHa, I «b*ll 6%pott> fnr i

at Pnblie VoDilae, at tho 7JH*IU Uonio, in

The alore uio itanili adjonmed to JUNIlfilb, 1B7T. a.Mame hour knA place.

LM T. LEPORTVMuter in Chanee

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!

eompltiQast*. *nii LneP. BeRBr are derenilF b T A D

if New Jency. Fi. fa. For Bale'Di>«s. WktreinThoUmiCompanr of Kew York.i

and Luej-Doric *nd AnaonJ - '—'—•• ' RetnraablB

'. MONDAY. J u l y 2 ^ , . ; ,A.D. I87T, bctweau tha boun n M 2 U. ando dock p. x . •' ,

l - • PrERSONA.PREEMAN.Bl.erifl,Piled April 30th, 1B77. • . - •:...- \ , S6-1








f l . A G S T O N K S , C C H U I N t J ,


WHANN'S PHOSPHATE,Done Diul, Gunuo. Pomlrcitc,


WOOD sawed in stovo lengths.


STOVE, - - - $4.50EGO, 4.253HESTNUT, - - 4.25Tumi ilalinrr JO cli.i lliuo Hill 73Orilura mn.v tie aililrps^tl I

'illi-oLock 110x28, or lef iat A. lkrmDi->officBililAckw^ll St., ticar HUSF^S, crnt Ilio yard.BLACKSMITH* COALcoQitaiillyonliailil.

LWlEtlB HCE11ER. 1. D. PA1.MKB. t t . B . PALMER

nnL's HAIB AND WHISKER DIE,"Black «r Drawn, 0O Ceau.

I. CIUIWI'OI, frep'r, J SWIi hj.l.



Dealers in




Glass Ware,

Wood & Willow "Ware


Iron aud Steel,

Gas Pipe and Fittings


CLOTHS, MATTINGS, . t o . , &C,

Powder, Fuse nnd Milling

, Matcriiils constantly on


Cor. Blackwell and Morris Streets,

SHERIFF'S SALE!lew Jorsoy Bopremo Court, Uorrii CountyHoary EoclonJon » . David Kins.- Fl. fa. 'bon. et ter. In caw. ltetnmablo to Noveltier Term, A. U. 1U7O., . . NEiaQBOim & BMITH, Atl'y»,

Morris Circnit Court. Franda 8. Frcotnan iDavid Kind and Sarah Kins. Pi, ra, do bon,et tar. In caie. Iteturnablo to Janairy 3d,A. D. 1877.

- OXn UI.ST0S, Att'y.Morris Circuit Court.. Martin Tandorhoof TD,

David Klnft aud BarehKins;. Fi. Ta. do bon,etler. In caie. Itctarnabla tn January TenaA.D. 1B77. -•

AUG. W. BELL, Att'y.Morrii Oircnlt Court. Tbo National Unia

Dank at Dover va. Datid King and WililatH.UcDavlt. F i .b . dobnn.fitter, to caio.Iktomabls to December IStb, A. D. 1978.

. . -. THOJlABANDEIlSON.Atfy.orrii Cinmit Court. Lowii B> Freeman v

UDavid Kfog and Btrih K.HR. Vi. tn. do bootter. Inuaie. RelurnabloloJauntrjTor

•A.D.1B77. . •AUG. W. EEIX, Alt'y.

Uorrla Circnit Oonrt. EnTunpoit O. B mi tli ft' David King and Sarah KiBR. Fi. fa. do bon.

etter. Incaie. itetnrnaDle toJanaarjTorm


Iforris Olreait Cosri. ' Tim National Vaht,nanlt at Dover TB. David King and tiari.liKinR. Fl. fa. da bon. nt tor. In oaao. Hitnrnallo to Hay Torra A. D, 1877,

E.D.1IAL8EY, Att'y.Now Jeney Sopreno Conrl, Morris County

Uenry Epeleman T«. David King. Alias tl.fa. <te bon. ei ter. In caio. Rotnrnabla toJUDO Term A. D. 1677.


BY Tirtno of- tho aboto ilatcd wrrtB of fieriracial In my hinda, I shall finoae for ««lo

at FUBLIOVENDDE at tbo Uiiitod StateiHotel, m MorriBtaffD, H. J., na

MONDAY, the 9th day of JULnoxt. A*. D. 1B77, UlwceD the bonra or 13 M,and 5 o'clock P.' M.i that ia to uy'ftl 3 o'nloctIn llie allcrnoonursaid day, all ikoac traclsoi

IN of laud mud prcmlB«a nituato, l.vinj

E lathe town of Sorer, in the Cooti and State of Now Jersey. .

TEX FUST TBACT besim kt it point in thitcit line of Pequannock I trot t, wbero tbilouth line bl Fainriftw avenna latemecta oafdPcquaniockitrcet, andranajl) wont along theaomb lice ol FairriDW KVonn« ono hnndrEd ~ ~fifly /eat lo a coiner of M lot bi-retntoret™Tejed by aatd Qootlale and wife to Lewn Splcet;thence (2) mmh uaraltol with Fcqtiaunoflliitrect and »lonjr tho lino or laid Bpieer lot onehundred foot ;lheuce (3) cut parallel nllhFalrrlew avenue one-bnodrca and fllty feet totbe wnat Hot of Peqnancook tircet: tboocd (1nortb tlcDg tho wcat liue of Peqnaunu:!. airanne bnndrcd feet to Uiu placo of boglnntn.'outainiog firteco thonaanil iqaaru feet of lauaud ia tbo simo Eaid.DaTldKing by deoJ from Jamo A. Qoodale anil wifo,dated July 2tnh, 1B70; a<ld deed 1. recorded ia" riB Oonnty Itscard of Deedi, book II B,

« 537, *e,[t SCCOHD TIUOT ii titatlo in the torn oi

Dovvr, on tbe aoathorly sido of UcFarian St.,and besinnlDe at a ttaka lUndlnK «u IL•onltieait corner of McFarlan and l'eqiiannoclktr««ta; thecco running (1) along tbe ol aald llcFarlan itrect nortli elchty-KevtnJegrccH eaat one hundred feel; thence (Isouth time degrees east ODD ]JUDdrill Tout ;Ihonce (3) loath einhty>Wvon decreci Teit ODObnadred Icet lo tlie east aide' or I'eqitannixkitrtet; tlicuce (4) along the VMi Rido-of laidPcquannock itrect north thl-co degreci we*eno hunureu leet to the plico of Utslnnlns

' liulnp Un tbouaandmiuarc fDet, boing Uu_,_j UndconToVed to aaiaI)a*IOK.iigb;dac(from Thamat A.Lintlsley and wife, dated Oclobar 13ib, 1870; laid deed t> recorded ID Hitllnrm Connly Clerk'a Ot^ea, in book F 0 of

THM'THIBD 'fsAcr bftiini t t lbo northwciorncr ot McFarlan aod Poqtianhock atrccli

in tho tairn or Dcvur, and nun from thence ina weilerly course alonff tua Hae ol UcFarlaustreet fifty-aU feot; tbcRco,|-<) ID'a nnvibcrlrcotiru bud panllol wit h Pequinnnnk (tlrnet onohondredfoet; tli*nci3(3)iti«a tiaUrlyconrioparallel with VcFirhn ntrtet ifny-alx feet lo•lip wait line of Peqninnivik itre«t; thene* (4)

a> aoulboily coane alone tba woat line oiYeqUMDBDckilrcei ombUDltta fecLtoUcFastin alreet anil place nf beRiobltig, eontaSolnrDtsrthcraiandBixhandred nqoare foetofJantlbeins the aama land and prcmhui that JamesA. :doodato aud«ifa eouvcyod to lho iatdlavtil King by deed beating date September»tb,A.D.lB7l. ' , 'Al>o, all the citato, right, «tle*nd interoit

•T defendant!,David King and Surah Kinp, dand to all the foliowins deacrtbod tract or parCil o[ laoil, aitnate on Ibo eait aide uf PcqaannockBtreol, In-ih» vlllaca bt Duv«r,ln thutownship of JUndolpJi, in the comity o[ atorriiutf Stats ol Hiw iency: Bounded on the

nar(b'by4atnla of Davfa King;, pm-cbaatd ofMr*. Tbcmn.A. LinJtlny, «»t hr-Und* no*or Fate of Alpbeai Bcemer and landi of ROIMH*F.OnmiBaDth'bylha briniMtMul talol JcbnG.MltCi'apdon lbo weit by Poqoannock Bt.,eanlaim ton tbp-uand iqnare foot of Und; moreori!oii',''b«I*>rtl'0^'™«t«"Hol(rtd-blnell.Btnitfa and wheeltrricht abop lot of .William F.

SatalAprilQaLli,lS77. - ' '~~'{Piv-r«.nI

BLEQAHT CARDS tTTsiyJr**.1 Srilh2 O name 10 ccnti. Postpiid. J . l l . HS U H O , XTOI. Oo., N. X. JM-


Capital, -$200,000

COLUMBUS BEACH, Tres't.\". S. TICKAT, Ciuliior.



Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL. BUILDING,Blariureil Slruot, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,nd most Improved ityIon, fci

l i l bniUiinH A larff

Tlie Minors' Siivlngs-BankOP BOVKU, N, J .


„!]«. . I will lie ii;ii(l mi cli-linum iimlo on fir. Ijci'jru (tic iirfft thy'tittihlifHt JUNr,8Ki'-

n and I>F.i:i:ui!F.n.Op^u daily ttim 9 o'clock A. W. t





AIl'lN, l ta l i lml .-El'lillAISI LISDHUCV, Vicu I'ro

MY 8. TK15AT, Tryinurer.over, l'oli. 17,1H73.





A Ml ausoitipcut or


ynuiT CAXS, &a,~ ~ " 1 K ,


LEADERS, and nil liindit of Jobbing in my lino.ilouo fu lliu buttt manner pud" at lliu'eliurlcninotice. HijjluMtpricog paid for old Iron.

Copper leal and fowtor taken in cjchifor goods.





g cheaply dnuo apt] wnrrtuteij.


E. & G. H. Ross & BreestJ,OKHZKU. nan ABD uns

Insurance Agents,Office, Ola tion Bank HuHding,

-Morristown, N. J.EimxxRoBS, Gm.n.ItoBS,' STEFHES

A. J GOE, Collector,DOVBB, N. J.

COMPANIES REPRESENTED.American JIatna. Ins. Oo., ol 5ewar]

H.J. , Assets over $1,00.000

Merchants' Mutual Ins. Oo., of KewnrlB. J., Assetaover 600,000

Firemen's Mutnal Ina. 0o-, of Newuk,N.J., ABsetaimr 600,000

Gsi-mkn!& Hntnnl Ins. Oo., of NcworlH.J. , Capital, 100,000

2Gtnfi Inanranoe Oompan , of H&TtfiOonn.. Assets, fi,OO0,OOO

OoDtlnental IiuaianoQ Oompnny. of NowYork. Capital, 1,005,000

Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Oo,( of Newark.N.J.. Asseta, - 6,000,000

OHAS. F. G-AGfi,


and .




Dover, W. J.

Orders for Sawing and Planing- promptly etoentcd, *

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale IIn Chancery of Htiw Jenny. Fi. fa. for nalo or

mortgage, promise*. Wh ruin Jolin Bnayioand Jnha O.Vfciih sro coruplnlniuiB, sndThooduro p . 8ke1 longer. Join D. Evans,Anm H. hiB wife, Qco.Hinnun, Miria 0. hi awlfe^Ilenty E. J ; Hoardman, Barbara Ann

igor, 1Jacol

Harriet E, Ini trlfo,KlisB&. Kko II lJnnebla wirp Tlio Dive Hank

Fr i t National Dank of Morrlitown, Jaeoli 0.Allen, noory Biro, MonA A. U rook flu Id. Mad-tton M, Oonnot.B.ephdn E. Oonml, Esrl pCkinnot.MorriallhiQchart.TboNntloniillranBank of MoiTiftoim,Tlioniti John. Aria I'ar-dre, OOOFRO D. Murble and W(ll!aiu 1. M.Oder «rn dpfondantB. ItofurnnLffl to MayTerm, A, D. 1877.

8. H. WTTT.B, BnlV.rnilEialennbiihairor ilio sbovo-n»tncd paX 11", u adjourned to take placo t t tho UtutiSlates Hotel, In liorriitown, N. J., on .

MONDAY, June 25tit,



.' DDBABLB. •«'Can bs tinea without

ehlmnu-Bucri, t s It ROH-onlca no Bmoho o roo j ;loci jaset . Send-tar

, eircnUrs anil price-!I*in.AOEHTB-


Sqnaro, How V«k.


re now prepaid to fnnilsli FAKMEUB oudotbera in car-load lota an oxlra quality «r

LIMEfrow lliiiftiunRl'IBviuo yuarvitw. n n unuu »rcconimtmlcj na tlin BtroiiRCBt in tnnrbm, andwill br K<ild at lower rate* than ever boluro ontlio lino of lho Morris it Kneel and C Lout or

Ralston & Kirke's Bone Dust

North River Barrel Lime.DELIVERED A l DOVER.

LlniDincnrlnads,pcrbiiRliel,(q01ba.) 12jclilVlianti'« rUtispUle, tier cwt, *2.8alouo Diml. iicr t i l l . l- Olorlli I t lwrLunii Limo. jier bbl. l . »torlli lllvcr 1'iuiHbiut'Linio, per bbl. 1.75Lime duliTorotl to any point on tlio Chester

Railroad Hi 11J CIH. iicr'lniKlifl..A flno qiulitT of WHITEWASH LIME o

linnd anil sold in nny qnantitiuB. •" * TB ITIH receive prompt attention, Aildros

erbuary Glh, 1B77.






• • . - r •





A U L E N & M O N I N C T O N







A SPECIALTY, tad • employ only practical

PLUMBERS for tbttinransh'of tlio trade.

Plan a and tpooIBoitloni gtron wltun roqnlrod


' atloircst market raloi. -

"Wool arid' Ixoh Pnmpa, and Pipe

DKAINTIXE,Fitting*' of all kinds for DRIVEN WELLS

Oarmat^yfrnrgeiporonceiniiiontwreenables na to auert irlth conndoncoonr ability

do any and nil work io tbia line (if trado t<tbo onttie Bfttinfietion of tho employer.


Lotlifactory reference EIVOH wlica required,

D. B. A l l i K . , : 0, A. MOKINOlbH.• - • • • - J M J . : - . - • / , . : •

H. P. SANDERSON,bii'on'iiand'a larga itock of ,.


WIIEELS, na low as $8,E0 per set. All kindsof FINE COLORS for enrringn ivnA wngonpainUng. AlsoOOS Und VjCRNISH.both'oreignnndDomoBtio. TUBPKNTIKE, "WHITE

LEAD, oto. Piunt,. Coloring and VnrnisliBrunhcii and Striping Poncils, a full stock.-'

All of the above goods from the bast mal: known by puinters.

r iBSX-OLiSS.OABIt iAGE ANT);T ; SLEIGH OBNAMEHTS. ,Bwing liad »long mfwrJoneo in tboOarriage

lusincaa. snablct no lo bn n coimwtiul Jn<lnaTatif artlele cftnnccteil wilh tbe hnKinim», nndiy persons favoring tna with -their onion nmvily nnon HIT fnmiBliinp; them with an artieloiliablo to tbetf trnnU, ind at an rctocnab o

prirci an can be obtained at any otlicir plncc. ;. Orders bv lottcr for Carriaco aqd HMgb Or-amenta -III be pmit.bly illkd l,y HwtlnB forbat purpose tboy iro nnlod, anil sendingloney euoosh to cover tbs araonnt. -Your

'.I-OIU.RO [a respectfully uolldted.:.H.r.SANDEnsON, :

M f- Oppoalto Dover bopot

Adjourned Shorilf'8 Bale 1 -;[o Chancery of New Joriey. W. To. for m\t i>t

niortgaged promlaen. -Wherein Honry Oroi-koj and Cbartca 8. Itlley aro complaitiaiitE,apij Cvrtis O. Porco, Jr., sm) Alpheni Heam~oraroderendantB. BatornihletoMayTonnA.D. 1B77. r

5 i rJ.IHEaftlo on twhalf or Iho tboro-nimea par-L .tiea la ntijnarnta to t»ieiplaco-«t tba

Julttd Ub tc llolel.lnilonUtiiwn.M. J.ron-

."WEDNESDATi June 20Gi,:h,.p.I877,Wfvinn the wSri'oi'fiti^tndtf'clockP.M. .--.i; ; vi-sin£ rJi-ii.'.^fii,-

PIERSOH A. PBEEMAN, Shoriff/ -Ua March 13th. 1677. [Pri. fi. ILEO



ollit' "H'IIIOH llanfc at'],'„,"!

apital,-$100f000,LTTESTIOX OIVEK TO THE rUIICH^!

31. II. DICKEIUiON, ' JOHN HASCPil£NHY UAffKII, JAJIE8 11 rtMiM. U. WHITLOCK, O. O. " • : '-

Dover Savings Institution,



.lAMIiHB. LEWIS" - • • . iWAHHEX SKiMUH . . .

Htnry Halter,M.H.Oiokffnon,

JiiBfllwicrtir!1'lavid Jenkins,flvilll. JanlliicVIVI>HI.'I Didicrti

itlinm H. XJuttui


Jolin Hance,James U. LnwliJni.H.NtlBlibotir,Chan. M.Tunii,

Jan. A. tioodalo' ltichard T«.,hlit

ThU Itmtitution Is now organueil tnimlor lniHiii^Htt, .

Ollko, in Dover Hank.lutprwl sbAll coraniciiRD rniinlDi

nnif tluiKiBiicd on tho urstdayof Sli..tMlBU.leplomlwr and December, which a m I

Fob.ll , l t)7a. O-tf

The New Empire

JIot-Air, Gas & Basc-Hinrn.

ing Cooking kto

E DEBT BAEINO STOVE TN THE WOULD IIBO. a Ijarge Assortraonl of other Stylei Iof Cooking rJlovoi, Jlongei. l'arlar I

Stowe, &e., *

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE|Also, a vltolco Htock of

Ilardwaro, Cutlery,. |iSK, Wouilon, Copjffii, rialn. and J»j

Oil ClotliB, Corpota, LntnpB, Taintu and Dili,!InlCagcB, FoanictB,l'rait'n OH 0 * 1iplosivo.) AIHO,


Hooting, Plumbing and Jot


^BirtnuU'R Scoles at Blannlturer's prices^

Old Iron, Copper, BmaB,'Lead,-K»M" mbaclta talion in oiohince for uoadi.



The Old Reliable Market In I


mtiaa removed bis marliet-Uie ttld«»t at I- Dnrer—to bi«

NEW BUILDING>n SUSfJBX OTRRET, two doorB aoofb of I B |

old Bland, will lie realtor furnish cboict


J E E P , • •-. • - MUTTON, UPOltK, VEAI., BWSi

CINCINNATI HAMS,tbfl best In.tbo tbarhat;, Wo maVeu.,uf killing all our own moat, and therofaie.«tbat It is of the bout. AlltlmUof

kept on liawl A> Boon aa.tliej anpeir 1B limarhohi, and Bold at roa«onabl» prl«». J

Tho higbcit nmrknl pricoB paid in ci^ "Door HJdct, Vital HWni nnd Sheep 8klni>nt thn market. ODBtomtin uupalkd bj *

1 Tucfldaja, Thnradaya and B»tni1 7 - l S - . . • - • : . : • • , , . - . .

"Frovo all tiiingc. Hold fut tothat»lud

T5IO VICTOR fans proved ilsoU not obntbest. It was awarded lint prmthe foUowinR Fairs, durinp; tie Fall of UrnPalmer, Ambcnit, liiure. KortbajaiitoD, E4eflortown and Pittoflcia, Mftss.,ivnd Sp«™Lelter or Oomra«mdaUon. at Now York &Fair, held, nt Elmira.

In 1870, at Columbia Omitity Fair, Ibnrio County, aad Union ARricultund SoWJWnt Havaan, At a larpo triS at Crotou F A |N. Y., it was Uio llgbt fit draft,' and onlj« |that did. not dog in a wot, piece of 1 D ¥ |clover. At WarolotiBa Point, firet prfl=J»|At tHa Lriul, ft pouj, Aroiglilng CtW 1K|worked alam-taot out for one hour,a|heavy grass. At Kinderbook, N. Y., i t l

i l J t l W i U t d l i i f iinlicJtlio Warrior Urn ngmitdocliniufilAtthoauovs-Flira it wan in t»mpelita<

iolltLcfionill^flrBi-cla^MQciu^WM triompbaut over them alL. It nas uIMPOETANT JLDTINTAQEB over any other ll"1

among which era tho following:It niU'mbw with tho Cutter Bar at any tt

as tba Knives alw&js throw ta tba »of O'D Qnord. . » , j

The Knives ntott the Instant the Mne1nnt»l• moved, thereforo will not dog in MT«^

itja Uio onlv.Uwhine' Uiat tou.rainniTinuoTiairiiixQnr~wakb ia nin nil ite operations,- Tho Bar enn be mor lowered without tin-owing out of F»

NopnrtofUiogeiirfngruMVfLenoulo'E*!TliePoloiiBO odiiutc<lthrit tin hoiWB &«••

even carry its wdght,T while at vork: •The team drowB this Machine by lha UtNil

do Dot enrry it on their nocks.:t liaa a Wooden Pnuue, aa s"

Tho andarsltlo i'e riot obstraotoJ hy gesj* |tlierofor?, will parai oyct largo B(stones. . ,,. L v . - ^ i B

[t is tUe lianM18* draft,'-' 0W*nS *? a * I-: application of the~drl?ingp[t Is.veiy easily managed, , „ •

triDaiid compyecS with cflwnii»>*Jfiflk.' • "•"- ; . " " ' -

V l

V00RH15ES DliOS.-,-" ji*iiu"-«™ •— , .-lORuisrbTO N.J., ngtiit ;•;«••

risCouaty," Ati),diaIei»l»aIlU»«

Stove and Tin Ware Store, I


S U G O A S U N N A .

SlItlEB'iii HE4TEH8, "™,ft"jSlK

()limr.n, Vl Iho Wilcal JU™KJJ V l l

.»owiana.[«ao.po.{).ll"«il"'1" I

, N! J., ooi. «m.lws'