ICSE Class X History - Mahatma Gandhi and National Movement

Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement www.srconline.in Visit for Audio-Visual Q&A of complete Syllabus for Class X ICSE History Please switch ON your speakers; all chapters Q&A are presented in AUDIO-VISUAL mode Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A


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Transcript of ICSE Class X History - Mahatma Gandhi and National Movement

  • 1. Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement www.srconline.in Visit for Audio-Visual Q&A of complete Syllabus for Class X ICSE History Please switch ON your speakers; all chapters Q&A are presented in AUDIO-VISUAL mode Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A

2. Mahatma Gandhi Questions State methods of political struggle used by Mahatma Gandhi.Name the three struggles in which Gandhiji was involved after his return to India from S. AfricaAnswers Methods used by Mahatma Gandhi during freedom struggle were 1. 2. 3. 4.Satyagraha Doctrine of Non-Violance Swadeshi Mass MovementGandhiji was involved in following three struggles after his return from S. Africa: 1. Champaran Satyagraha (1917) 2. Ahmedabad Satyagraha (1918) 3.Kheda Satyagraha (1918)Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 3. Mahatma Gandhi QuestionsAnswers Champaran Satyagraha was the First Satyagraha of Gandhiji in India.What was the Champaran Satyagraha? OR Name the First Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi in India. Indigo cultivator of Chamaparan, Bihar invited Gandhiji in 1917 to take up their issue of tinkathia Sysytem with British Government. District Authorities of Champaran banned Gandhijis entry. As a protest, Gandhiji offered Satyagraha, well known as Champaran Satyagraha.Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 4. Gandhijis Methods and Directions QuestionsAnswers Satya means truth; and Agraha - means insistance to hold fast. To Gandhiji, Satyagraha was a moral forceWhat was Satyagraha? And what it meant for Gandhiji?born of truth and non-violence. It meant to be fearless, truthful and peaceful, suffering willingly while refusing to submit to what is wrong. Even while resisting evil, it would not involve hatred towards the evil-doer. Gandhijis Satyagraha Movement wasWhat was the aim of Gandhijis Satyagraha movement?directed against the British system of exploitation and not the British people individually or collectively.Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 5. Attention ICSE Class X students ! Revising Hindi; Hindi Grammar; History; Civics; Geography; become more Easy using AUDIOVISUAL Q & A Slides. To know more, visitwww.srconline.in Each chapter has hundreds of questions according to ICSE Board Pattern and Syllabus same all over India. You can READ & LISTEN slides Anytime Anywhere, even on SMART Phones! Register & Purchase today to get access to Chapters! Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 6. Non-Cooperation Movement QuestionsAnswersWhat was Non-Cooperation movement?Non-cooperation is a way of protesting in which one does not cooperate with the evil-doer. Gandhiji asked people not to assist foreign government to rule over them.List the causes that led for Non-Cooperation movement?There are 3 causes that led for noncooperation movement 1. Khilafat Movement 2. Rowlatt Act 3. Jallianwala Bagh TragedyVisit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 7. Non-Cooperation Movement Khilafat Movement QuestionsAnswersWhat were the objectives of Khilafat Movement?The Khilafat Movement had 3 objectives 1. The Ottoman Caliph should retain his empire. 2. The Caliph must be left with sufficient territory to enable him to defend the Islamic faith; and 3. The Arab lands (Arabia, Syria, Iraq; and Palestine) must remain under the Muslim RuleWhen was the Khilafat Day observed in IndiaKhilafat Day was observed in India on October 17, 1919.What was objective of Gandhiji to join Khiafat Movement?The objective of Gandhiji to participate in Khilafat movement was to unit Hindus & MuslimsVisit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 8. Non-Cooperation Movement Rowlatt Act QuestionsAnswers Describe, how Rowlatt Act became cause for NonCooperation movement?Gandhiji appealed Viceroy to withhold his consent to Rowlatt Act considering its implications; but Viceroy ignored the appeal.As a result, Gandhiji challenged Government through Satyagraha; and that became a cause for noncooperation movement.Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 9. Non-Cooperation Movement Objectives Q: With reference to the Non-Cooperation Movement, enlist objectives of this movement. Non-Cooperation Movement was started with following objectives 1. To attain self-government within the British Empire if possible, and outside if necessary.2. Withdrawal of the Rowlatt Act and remedying the Punjab wrong i.e. the British Government should express its regret on the happening in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab. 3. Remedying the Khilafat Worng i.e. the British should adopt a lenient attitude towards Turkey, and restore the old status of the Sultan of Turkey.Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 10. Non-Cooperation Movement Objectives Q: With reference to the objectives of Non-Cooperation Movement, describe the Boycott Program. The Boycott program included following 1. Boycotting Government schools, colleges and courts. 2. Boycotting Foreign goods. 3. Boycotting Elections that was about to held for the Councils as suggested by reforms of 1919 4. Resignation from nominated seats in local bodies. 5. Surrendering titles and honorary offices. 6. Refusal to attend government functions.Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 11. Non-Cooperation Movement Objectives Q: With reference to the objectives of Non-Cooperation Movement, describe the Swadeshi Program. The Swdeshi program included 1. Popularization of Swadeshi and Khadi by reviving handspinning and hand-weaving. 2. Establishing National Schools and Colleges and private arbitration courts known as Panchayats all over India. 3. Developing unity between Hindus and Muslims. 4. Removal of untouchability and other measures for Harijan welfare. 5. Emancipation and upliftment of women. Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A 12. Attention ICSE Class X students ! Revising Hindi; Hindi Grammar; History; Civics; Geography; become more Easy using AUDIOVISUAL Q & A Slides. To know more, visitwww.srconline.in Each chapter has hundreds of questions according to ICSE Board Pattern and Syllabus same all over India. You can READ & LISTEN slides Anytime Anywhere, even on SMART Phones! Register & Purchase today to get access to Chapters! Visit www.srconline.in for Hindi; History; Geography; Civics & Hindi Grammar Audio-Visual Q&A