Lanuza 1 Internal Communication Communication is a vital part of every organization. It helps in the process of an organization internally and externally. Effective communication contributes to the productivity of an organization. Through this, the objectives will be easily accomplished. It will also develop unity and bond between the employees and clients. Moreover, the success of an organization relies deeply on its effective communication. If there is no effective communication, the goals and purposes won’t be achieved. Internal communication is defined as “strategic management of interactions and relationships between stakeholders within organizations across a number of interrelated dimensions including, internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication, internal project peer communication and internal corporate communication.” (Welch & Jackson, 2007) It happens regularly within organizations; it is the sharing of information and knowledge in order to attain the organization’s mission. Internal communication is important to retain the

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Lanuza 1Internal CommunicationCommunicationis a vital part of everyorganization. It helps inthe process of anorganization internally and externally. Effective communication contributes to the productivity ofan organization. Through this, the objectives will be easily accomplished. It will also developunity and bond between the employees and clients. oreover, the success of an organizationrelies deeply on its effective communication. If there is no effective communication, the goalsand purposes won!t be achieved. Internal communication is defined as "strategic management of interactions andrelationships between sta#eholders within organizations across a number of interrelateddimensions including, internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication,internal project peer communication and internal corporate communication.$ %&elch ' (ac#son,)**+, It happens regularly within organizations- it is the sharing of information and #nowledgein order to attain the organization!s mission. Internal communication is important to retain theestablished relationship of the employees with each other. It enhances productivity, performanceand collaboration of the people within the organization. Internal communication strengthensthe organization and the commitment of every staff. It is so critical to business success that itcannot be approached as a cottage industry, or left to "gifted amateurs$. %.uir#e, )*/), Therearedifferent channelsusedtocommunicateeffectivelywithintheorganization-such channels are intranet, internet, face0to0face meetings, newsletters, organizational meetingsandonlinestreaming. Theeffectivenessoftheorganization!sinternal communicationcanbemeasured through surveys, audits, evaluation and analytics. Lanuza 2Statement of the Problem:The main focus of this research is the management and measurement of internalcommunication of 1an# 2. It see#s to #now the communication channels used to communicateeffectively within the organization and howthey measure it whether bysurveys, audits,evaluation or analytics. Objectives of the Study:The study aims to #now how internal communication is managed in the organization, thechannels used to communicate and how internal communication is measured by the company. Italso aims to recognize the purpose and influence of internal communication to the organization. Significance of the Study:Thepurposeof this studyis tounderstandhowinternal communicationwor#s inafinancial sector.It isconductedinorderto#nowthechannelsusedandtheirimpact tothecompany. Scope and Limitations:Internal communication is a broad issue as a research topic. Thus, this study focuses onlyon the management of the internal communication of 1an# 2, the channels used to communicatewithin the organization and the measurement of internal communication. The limitation of thisstudy is that an interview with the 3ice 4resident and 5ead of 1ranch 6upport Center0 6erviceanagement 7ivisionwas conductedtogather factual andnot opinion0basedinformation.Twentyemployees were alsosurveyed usingthe li#ert scale togather insights about theeffectiveness of the organization!s internal communication. Lanuza 3Review of Related Literature:&elch and (ac#son defined internal communication as strategic management ofinteractionsandrelationshipsbetweensta#eholderswithinorganizationsacrossanumber ofinterrelateddimensions including, internal line manager communication, internal teampeercommunication, internal project peer communicationandinternal corporatecommunication.Thesefourinterrelatedelementsofinternal communicationcanbeconsidereddimensionsofinternal communication which results to a matrix. %)**+,Table 1- Internal Communication Matrix (Welch & Jackson, 2007Internal Communication is concerned with sharing information, building understanding,creatingexcitementandcommitment andideally,achievingadesirableresult%8litz4atric#'3als#ov, )*/9,. :ll formal and informal communications that ta#e place at various levels of theorganization are deemed an important role of the overall communication process- thuscontributing to the flow of information and #nowledge within an organization %;alla, )**