ICELAND triple JAIL AFTER GROWTH IN 2012 TO POLITICIANS AND BANKERS Iceland got away with a corrupt government and parásito.Encerró those responsible for the financial crisis in jail. Began drafting a new constitution made by them and for them. And today, thanks to the mobilization, will be the most prosperous co untry in a tough West underwent a crisis of Icelandic citizenship deuda.Es, whos e revolt in 2008 was muted in Europe for fear that many take note. But they succ eeded, thanks to the strength of all unanación, what began as crisis became an oppo rtunity. An opportunity chelae have been observed with anti-globalization moveme nts and attention have made it a realistic model seguir.Desde positive, consider the history of Iceland is one of the good news these days. Especially after kno wing that according to forecasts by the European Commission, the country of the north Atlantic will close 2011 with a growth of 2.1% in 2012, this growth will b e 1.5%, a figure that exceeds the triple that of the euro area countries. The gr owth trend in 2013 will increase even when he is expected to reach 2.7%. Analyst s assert that the Icelandic economy is showing signs of imbalance. And laincerti dumbre still present in the markets. However, it has become a generarempleo and public debt has been declining small country in the peripheral palpable.Este Arc tic rescue banks rejected. The aplla dropped and justice on those who had caused some setbacks and financial excesses. The nuances of Icelandic history in recen t years are many. Although some of the results transcend all social movement has been achieved, little has been said of the effort that these people have done. Reached the limit with the crisis and the many battles that are still unresolved . HOWEVER, what is noteworthy is the story about a people capable decomenzar to write their own future, without being at the mercy of what is decided in offices far from reality citizen. And although there are still holes to fill and dark b y iluminar.La Icelandic revolt has not caused other victims that politicians and men of finance. It has no drop of blood spilled. It was not as striking suchas Arab Spring. He has not even had traces of media, because the media have gone ov er your toes. However, it has achieved its objectives in a clean and ejemplar.Ho y for today, if it may be illustrative of the way the outraged Spanish, Occupy m ovements of Wall Street and those who demand social justice and economic justice worldwide . Source: maestroviejo



ICELAND triple JAIL AFTER GROWTH IN 2012 TO POLITICIANS AND BANKERSIceland got away with a corrupt government and parásito.Encerró those responsible forthe financial crisis in jail. Began drafting a new constitution made by them andfor them. And today, thanks to the mobilization, will be the most prosperous country in a tough West underwent a crisis of Icelandic citizenship deuda.Es, whose revolt in 2008 was muted in Europe for fear that many take note. But they succeeded, thanks to the strength of all unanación, what began as crisis became an oppo

rtunity. An opportunity chelae have been observed with anti-globalization movements and attention have made it a realistic model seguir.Desde positive, considerthe history of Iceland is one of the good news these days. Especially after knowing that according to forecasts by the European Commission, the country of thenorth Atlantic will close 2011 with a growth of 2.1% in 2012, this growth will be 1.5%, a figure that exceeds the triple that of the euro area countries. The growth trend in 2013 will increase even when he is expected to reach 2.7%. Analysts assert that the Icelandic economy is showing signs of imbalance. And laincertidumbre still present in the markets. However, it has become a generarempleo andpublic debt has been declining small country in the peripheral palpable.Este Arctic rescue banks rejected. The aplla dropped and justice on those who had causedsome setbacks and financial excesses. The nuances of Icelandic history in recen

t years are many. Although some of the results transcend all social movement hasbeen achieved, little has been said of the effort that these people have done.Reached the limit with the crisis and the many battles that are still unresolved. HOWEVER, what is noteworthy is the story about a people capable decomenzar towrite their own future, without being at the mercy of what is decided in officesfar from reality citizen. And although there are still holes to fill and dark by iluminar.La Icelandic revolt has not caused other victims that politicians andmen of finance. It has no drop of blood spilled. It was not as striking suchasArab Spring. He has not even had traces of media, because the media have gone over your toes. However, it has achieved its objectives in a clean and ejemplar.Hoy for today, if it may be illustrative of the way the outraged Spanish, Occupy movements of Wall Street and those who demand social justice and economic justiceworldwide . Source: maestroviejo