ICE Desktop - · ICE Desktop – v1.3 1 ICE Desktop Course 1. GENERAL COURSE...

ICE Desktop – v1.3 ICE Desktop (ICE) Version v1.3 April 2015 IT Training Ground Floor, Rodney Road Centre, Portsmouth. PO4 8SY Tel: 02392 432 333 Option 3 Email: [email protected] Website: IT TRAINING has made every effort to ensure that the material in this manual was correct at the time of publication but cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies. IT TRAINING reserves the right to change or replace information contained in the manual without notice. For the most up to date version please refer to the IT Training website. All references made to patient records are fictitious for the purpose of training only.

Transcript of ICE Desktop - · ICE Desktop – v1.3 1 ICE Desktop Course 1. GENERAL COURSE...

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ICE Desktop – v1.3

ICE Desktop (ICE)

Version v1.3

April 2015

IT Training Ground Floor, Rodney Road Centre,

Portsmouth. PO4 8SY Tel: 02392 432 333 Option 3

Email: [email protected] Website:

IT TRAINING has made every effort to ensure that the material in this manual was correct at the time of publication but cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies. IT TRAINING reserves the right to change or replace information contained in the manual without notice. For the most up to date version please refer to the IT Training website. All references made to patient records are fictitious for the purpose of training only.

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ICE Desktop – v1.3


1. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION ................................................................... 1

2. INFORMATION GOVERNANCE ......................................................................... 2

2.1. What can you do to make Information Governance a success? ............................ 2

3. CONFIRMATION OF DETAILS PROCEDURES ...................................................... 4

4. SECURITY .................................................................................................... 5

5. HOW TO LOG ON TO ICE DESKTOP ................................................................. 6

5.1. Selecting a Location ...................................................................................... 6

6. SEARCHING FOR A PATIENT ........................................................................... 7

7. PRINTING A WRISTBAND ............................................................................... 8

8. REQUESTING A TEST .................................................................................... 11

9. BOOKING TESTS ONTO THE ICE PHLEBOTOMY ROUND ..................................... 17

10. PRINTING A REQUEST .................................................................................. 19

11. VIEWING PATIENT RESULTS .......................................................................... 20

12. LOGGING OFF .............................................................................................. 24

13. FAULT REPORTING ....................................................................................... 25

13.1. IT Service Desk ........................................................................................... 25

13.2. Out of office hours ....................................................................................... 25

13.3. IT Training .................................................................................................. 25

14. HELP WITH USING ICE ................................................................................. 26

15. IT TRAINING CANDIDATE APPEALS PROCEDURE.. ............................................ 27

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ICE Desktop – v1.3 1

ICE Desktop Course



Course Title Ice Desktop Method of Training Customer Site/1-1

Duration 0.5 Hours

Pre-Requisites None, Although Keyboard Skills Advisable



The ICE system holds general demographic details about a patient, allows you to electronically

request pathology tests and provides results of pathology samples occurring at hospitals within the

Portsmouth area.



All Staff – Clerical & Clinical



This course will enable the student to:

1. Display knowledge of the structure of the ICE system.

2. Display knowledge of their personal responsibilities for Data Protection and the Caldicott


3. Log on to ICE Desktop.

4. View Patient/Ward list

5. Search for a patient.

6. Print a wristband for a patient.

7. Request a test for a patient.

8. Book tests onto the ICE Phlebotomy Round.

9. View/edit/delete pending requests.

10. Print a request.

11. View patient results.

12. Log off the ICE Desktop.

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Information Governance (IG) sits alongside the other governance initiatives of clinical, research and

corporate governance. Information Governance is to do with the way the NHS handles

information about patients/clients and employees, in particular, personal and sensitive

information. It provides a framework to bring together all of the requirements, standards and best

practice that apply to the handling of personal information.

Information Governance includes the following standards and requirements:

Information Quality Assurance

NHS Codes of Conduct:

o Confidentiality

o Records Management

o Information Security

The Data Protection Act (1998)

The Freedom of Information Act (2000)

Caldicott Report (1997)

2.1. What can you do to make Information Governance a success?

2.1.1. Keep personal information secure

Ensure confidential information is not unlawfully or inappropriately accessed. Comply with the Trust

IT Security Policy, Confidentiality Code of Conduct and other IG policies. There are basic best

practices, such as:

Do not share your password with others

Ensure you "log out" once you have finished using the computer

Do not leave manual records unattended

Lock rooms and cupboards where personal information is stored

Ensure information is exchanged in a secure way (e.g. encrypted e-mails, secure postal or

fax methods)

2.1.2. Keep personal information confidential

Only disclose personal information to those who legitimately need to know to carry out their role. Do

not discuss personal information about your patients/clients/staff in corridors, lifts or the canteen or

other public or non-private areas.

2.1.3. Ensure that the information you use is obtained fairly

Inform patients/clients of the reason their information is being collected. Organisational compliance

with the Data Protection Act depends on employees acting in accordance with the law. The Act

states information is obtained lawfully and fairly if individuals are informed of the reason their

information is required, what will generally be done with that information and who the information is

likely to be shared with.

2.1.4. Make sure the information you use is accurate

Check personal information with the patient. Information quality is an important part of IG. There is

little point putting procedures in place to protect personal information if the information is


Further information can be accessed through the Trust Intranet: Information Governance (Departments sections), and Management Policies (Policies section)

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2.1.5. Only use information for the purpose for which it was given

Use the information in an ethical way. Personal information which was given for one purpose e.g.

hospital treatment, should not be used for a totally separate purpose e.g. research, unless the

patient consents to the new purpose.

2.1.6. Share personal information appropriately and lawfully

Obtain patient consent before sharing their information with others e.g. referral to another agency

such as, social services.

2.1.7. Comply with the law

The Trust has policies and procedures in place which comply with the law and do not breach

patient/client rights. If you comply with these policies and procedures you are unlikely to break the


For further Information Governance training refer to: Written by PHT Information Governance Manager, Sept 2010

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To ensure that the Patient Administration System (PAS) contains up to date particulars of all

patients being treated, staff must verify with patients their personal details. This should be

undertaken when the patient is arriving at the hospital on admission or when attending for an

outpatient clinic or other types of appointment.

The types of details we must verify are those within the Patient Master Index (PMI) function within

PAS and covers the following items:

Patient Forename, Surname and Title

Date of Birth

NHS Number (If not one shown on screen)

Address and Postcode

Telephone Number – Home and Work numbers

Name and Practice Address of GP


Marital Status

Next of Kin

Ethnic Group

Military No (If applicable)

By checking the above details with the patient, we are ensuring the following:

* PAS contains the latest details for all our patients.

* Mistakes or “old” details can be amended.

* Information relating to the patient’s well-being, such as Religion and Ethnic Group, can be

used in patient care.

* Emergency contact details for relatives are up to date.

In some circumstances it will be difficult to verify the details highlighted above as the patient may

not be coherent at time of arrival (eg emergency admission, A&E, etc). However, it is important

that at the earliest opportunity, the details are verified and amended accordingly.

Important – If details are amended*, please remember to print a new set of labels,

remove and destroy any incorrect labels from casenotes. We must not retain any labels

that do not contain current details.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Prepared by: IT Information Manager

Issued: January 2003

Reviewed: July 2011

Version No: V1.2

* To amend patient details you will need to have access to PMI at level 1. Please book the

course PMI Add and Revise. In the meantime make sure you ask a colleague with access

to amend the patient record.

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Please ensure that you read the Data Protection Act.

It is essential that you DO NOT share your password or allow others access to the system using



It is essential that you log yourself out when you have completed your task. If you leave the

system logged on and unattended this could breach patient confidentiality and possible unauthorised


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Select the ICE icon on your desktop.

If you do not already have an ICE icon on your desktop you can access ICE via a web browser. Type

in the web address: http://erdt-svr/icedesktop

To place an ICE shortcut on your desktop go to the above ICE Desktop web address.

At the front page click the File menu, click Send and click the Shortcut to Desktop.

An ICE Desktop shortcut will now appear on your desktop.

4.1. Selecting a Location

At the login page you will be presented with the screen below:

Select your current work location from the drop-down list.

This will set the ward list of patients to your current work location.

Select a location

You need to select a location to continue.

Location Pathology QAH


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After a successful login the page below will appear.

5.1.1. Patient List

Patient List shows a list of patients currently assigned to you. You can add to this list by selecting

the check box next to any patient shown in the Ward list below and clicking the Add To List button.

They can similarly be removed when no longer required.

5.1.2. Ward List

The Ward List shows a list of patients on your selected ward. If you work in Outpatients, nothing will

appear in Ward list. There is a drop down to select other ward lists. Click on the Print icons to print

either Patient or Ward lists.

5.1.3. Patient Search

To find a patient using the search box you can enter any of the following information:

Patients Name (Format: Surname, Forename)

Hospital Number


NHS Number

Advanced Search – allows you to search on any/all of the above plus sex, first line

of address, home or mobile phone numbers.


Ward List. This shows

patients currently admitted to your ward.

Patient List. This shows

patients currently

assigned to you.

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In order to print a wristband you must first select the correct patient. A wristband icon is then

displayed within the patient demographic banner top right of screen.

Click the wristband icon.

Wristband Icon (Picture of a hand)

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Select the required wristband.

Enter Y/N to indicate that you have checked for patient allergies. Enter the patients Casenote

number and ward location into the pop up window and click ok.

Select appropriate


Enter Y/N to indicate you

have checked for patient

allergies etc. If there are

any alerts, change printer

wristband cartridge to


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6.1.1. Wristband for Patient with Allergies

Ensure the red wristband cartridge is in the printer if the patient has known allergies.

Once you have entered all required information click Print Selected.

Click Print Selected

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Once you have found and selected the correct patient you can then request a test.

To access the requesting menu click the Requesting button on the left hand side of the screen.

In the blue task pane you will see that you can:

1. Make a New Request

2. View Pending Requests (explained in next section)

3. View Requests for a selected patient

4. View requests for a selected location

Requesting Button

New Request Button

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Click the New Request button and the requesting page will display (see below).

The requesting page is shown above. Any panels you have access to are shown horizontally along

the top eg Blood Sciences, with panel pages shown vertically down the left hand side eg Blood tests.

Select panels and pages as required. You can select from more than one panel and page. You will

then be prompted for details regarding each request on the next screen.

If you use one Panel/Page more than any others, you can select it and then click on the Set as

Default Panel so that it becomes your opening screen.

This page also displays the last five tests requested for your patient. View more by using Click Here.

If any tests have dietary or other pre conditions, as you hover over the test a yellow text area will

display above to alert you to pre conditions.

From the test select screen on the previous page you can click the Key button top right. Any tests

that you have selected appear with a blue border. If the border is red, it is an associated test which

Tick boxes for different tests

Last Five requests for the selected patient

Search Button

Pages Panels

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has been included automatically when you made another selection, but can be deselected if you


7.1.1. Finding a Test not currently Displayed

If you cannot find a test, click the Search button (see previous screenshot).

The dialogue box below will display.

Enter the test name that you require and ensure ‘all tests’ is selected. You must enter the exact

wording or abbreviations used in the Path Lab database.

Then click search.

If you hover over the search result a pop up will appear, showing you what panel and page the test

is stored in.

Make sure all tests

is selected

Insert the name of the test

you require here

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7.1.2. Ward Profiles

If you work in Renal, Critical Care, Haematology Ward or MAU then you have your own ward


Ward profiles are a group of tests selected for use by your department.

Using ward profiles can save time as you can select a group of tests with a single click instead of

selecting each test individually.

To select ward profiles click the Ward Profiles button on the left hand side of the Requesting page.

If you work elsewhere you can request Service Desk to set a profile for you so that a single click will

select the group.

Ward Profile button

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When you click the Ward Profile button, the Ward Profile page is displayed.

To find out more details about what is included in a Ward Profile test, hover over the test with your

mouse pointer.

The details of the tests included will be shown in the yellow bar at the top of the page.

To select a profile click in the check box next to it.

Details of additional tests included automatically with any you select

Hover over any of these tests and details of what tests are included will display in the yellow bar above

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7.1.3. Continuing with a Request

Once you have found and selected all the tests you require

for your patient click the ‘Continue with request’ button.

The following page is displayed

On this page you:

Enter your phone/bleep number.

Enter the requesting Consultant/GP/Midwife

Enter any Clinical Details.

If you state that you want to fill out specimen details later, it becomes a Pending Request,

which you can later recall and complete the order.

Check the box if you want the results given to you via telephone.

Specify anyone you want the results copied to.

State when you are going to collect the sample.

Repeat the 4 actions above for each panel/page of requests.

Once you have completed this page click the Accept Request button.

You are then prompted to print the request. Attach the print out to the sample and send to

Path Lab.

On receipt of the sample the lab updates your request on ICE to show when they have

completed the test and the report is available for viewing.

Accept Request button

Clinical Details

Requesting Consultant/GP

Collection Options

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On certain wards there is the ability to book the request onto a Phlebotomy round. If this is the

case, after requesting a blood test the option to book the specimen collection onto a phlebotomy

round is now available.

This option is available for both Blood Science and Microbiology blood tests. It is not available for

Blood Transfusion requests.

The options are displayed under the Sample Collection on the second screen when making a


Sample Collection option

Phlebotomy Next Round

Phlebotomy Future Round

Accept Request

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Select either the Phlebotomy Next Round or Phlebotomy Future Round. The future round option

allows you to select a specific future date.

Select Accept Request to continue.

The round that the specimen has been booked onto will then be displayed.

If the Phlebotomy Future Round option was selected then the following screen will be displayed.

Either book the slot offered or select a date from the list of rounds displayed on the screen.

No request form will be printed and the request is now added to the phlebotomy electronic worklist.

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Once you have clicked the Accept Request button you will be presented with the option to print a

request form.

Please ensure you select the correct printer from the list.

Once you have selected a printer click the print button and your request will print.

You may need to Add a printer to your list. To do so, click Find Printer. Key in the printer number

and click Find Now. Click on the printer number when it appears in the Location window. Click


You can view any requests and edit or cancel them provided the status on the right hand side is

showing as REQ. RR indicates that the Path lab has received it.

List of available


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A complete history of results is available. They can be viewed by location or by patient. A number of

filters can then be used eg requesting consultant.

To view a patient’s results, find and select the patient and click the Reporting button. Then click the

View Patient Report button to see all the results available for that patient.

The results page is then displayed.

Reporting button

View Patient Reports button

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On the results page the result types/disciplines are colour coded as shown below:

Yellow = Microbiology

Green = Biochemistry

Pink = Haematology

Violet = Blood Transfusion

Results with a symbol mean that one or more numeric results are outside the normal range.

By clicking on a test you can see all the results within that report. Clicking the single chevrons at the

top of the results screen will take you back/forward a single result date. Clicking the double

chevrons will take you back/forward 6 dates at a time.

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Below you can see a Full Blood Count (FBC) test with all the results attached to it.

By clicking any of the results you can view previous test results for that specific test and patient. By

clicking the HB result all previous HB results are displayed as shown below.

Click Cumulative to display a test series for one test type for the selected patient

A Graph button is now available at the bottom of the page. You can view any of these results by

clicking on them, or click Graph.

Name of test Results

HB Test Result

Previous HB Test Results

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If you press the Graph button a graph of current and previous results will be shown as shown below.

Using the Maximum/Minimum text boxes you can specify a max/min range to graph.

Start and End dates can be entered for your graph display.

There are check boxes to show the Timeline and the Mean.

You can click to show Multiple Graphs on the same screen, useful if you want to compare. Click on

each one you want to compare and click add. You can select up to eight. When ready, click the OK

button to display.

There is a drop down above the graph, which allows you to select a different set of results to graph.

The results list, shown on the right above, displays in red any results falling outside the normal


You can Print the graph or Close.


Print button Close button


Start/End Dates

Graph Options

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You can log off ICE by clicking on the close button in the top right hand corner of the screen, or, you

can click the Log Off button on the left hand blue tool bar.

Close button

Log Off button

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From time to time you may experience problems with faulty equipment, software problems or access

to the ICE ie password non acceptance problems. To resolve your problem a call with need to be

logged with the IT Service Desk.

12.1. IT Service Desk

Email [email protected]

Phone 02392 323 333

You will need to give the Service Desk certain information, so always ensure you have the following

information available. They may need to know:

Your Username.

The KB Number of the equipment. This is found on a small label (usually red or blue) stuck to the


The clinical system you were working on.

The patient’s details e.g. case note no.

Exactly what you were attempting to do, e.g. log on, view a patient’s results.

12.2. Out of office hours

Contact the IT Service Desk and leave a message on the answer machine. They will deal with the problem

as soon as they can. Alternatively email them.

If you feel there is a major system problem contact the switchboard for them to contact the engineer on call.

12.3. IT Training

If you identify an error in this manual or think that it would be useful to include something that has

not been covered, please contact IT Training.

Email [email protected]

Phone 02392 323 333

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If you have only just attended the course and feel you may need additional support, help or advice,

you can contact the IT Training Office.

Email [email protected]

Phone 02392 323 333

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Candidates who are unhappy with any aspect of the end of course/test assessment

decision should first discuss the problem with the IT Trainer at the time of receiving

the result.

The reasons must be made clear by the candidate at this time.

If the candidate is still unhappy with the result further discussion should take place

involving the IT Training Manager within 3 days of the course/test date.

The IT Training Department will keep a record of such discussion together with date

and outcome.

Where necessary the 1st marker will be asked to re-mark and the marking checked by

the IT Training Manager.

It should be noted that if the candidate was borderline double marking should already

have been undertaken.

If this does not provide satisfaction the candidate may raise a formal appeal.

Appeals will only be accepted if made in writing (not e-mail) to the Head of

Engagement & Delivery within 10 days of the candidate receiving their result,

outlining clearly the circumstance of the appeal.

The 1st & 2nd markers will meet with the Head of Engagement & Delivery to consider if

there are any aspects that should be taken into account in the candidate’s


In some circumstances the candidate may be offered a re-test (e.g. hardware or

software problems).

If this is not the case and the result remains unchanged and the Training Manager is

unable to resolve the impasse then the candidate may write to the Head of

Engagement & Delivery (within 5 days of receiving the 3rd result) who will consider all

evidence and circumstances of the appeal also taking into consideration

responsibilities to the Trust and Data Protection Act to make a final decision.

IT Training QAH April 2015

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ICE Desktop

Version V1.3

Date April 2015

Revisions Page

Updated Header and footer. Change from ICT to IT All

Updated Email, Telephone and web address Various

ICE Desktop

Version V1.2

Date November 2011

Revisions Page

Updated Email All

ICE Desktop

Version V1.1

Date January 2011

Revisions Page

Updated Page Numbering. Headers & footers All

Updated Information Governance 2

Updated Confirmation of Patient Details 4

Updated Fault Reporting 25

Updated Help Using ICE 26

Updated Candidate Appeals Procedure 27

Version Control/Log

Manual ICE Desktop

Version V1.0

Date January 2011

Revisions Page