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    Principles and Troubleshooting

    Techniques in


    2002 Dionex Corporation

    Document No. 034461January 2002

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    2002 by Dionex Corporation

    All rights reserved worldwide.

    Printed in the United States of America.

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    AutoSuppression and SRS are registered trademarks of Dionex Corp.

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    January 2002

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 iii

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction

    What is Chromatography? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    2.1 Eluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2.1.1 Functions of the Eluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2.2 The Chromatographic Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.2.1 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.2.2 Thermodynamic Factors of Chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    2.2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    3 The Chromatography System

    3.1 Eluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.1.1 Function of the Eluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.1.2 Preparation of Eluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    3.1.3 Troubleshooting Eluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    3.2 Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    3.3 Injection Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 iv

    3.4 Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    3.4.1 Headspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    3.4.2 Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    3.4.3 Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    3.4.4 Column Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    3.5 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.5.1 Conductivity Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.5.2 Amperometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

    3.5.3 Absorbance Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    3.5.4 Fluorescence Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    3.5.5 Other Detection Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    4 Method Development

    4.1 Define Goals of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    4.2 Selecting the Appropriate Separation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    4.2.1 Ion Exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    4.2.2 Reverse Phase Chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

    4.2.3 Column Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

    4.3 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 1

    1 Introduction

    Course Objectives

    Outline the basic concepts involved in chromatography and develop them

    with respect to Ion Chromatography

    Define chomatography

    Overview the basic chromatographic process

    Discuss the factors affecting chromatographic separation

    Discuss the components of a chromatography system and their roles in

    separation and detection.

    1.1 What is Chromatography?

    Chromatography is the separation of a mixture of compounds into its

    individual components based on their relative interactions with an inert

    matrix. A mobilephase, usually a liquid or gas, is used to transport the

    analytes through the stationary phase.

    The matrix, orstationaryphase, is generally an inert solid or gel and

    may be associated with various moieties, which interact with the analyte(s)

    of interest.

    Separation results from the differential migration of the compoundscontained in a mobile phase through a column uniformly packed with the

    stationary matrix. Interactions between the analytes and stationary phase are

    non-covalent and can be either ionic or non-ionic in nature depending on the

    type of chromatography being used. Components exhibiting fewer

    interactions with the stationary phase pass through the column more quickly

    than those that interact to a greater degree. Various forms of chromatography

    can be used to separate a wide variety of compounds, from single elements to

    large molecular complexes. By altering the qualities of the stationary phase

    and/or the mobile phase it is possible to separate compounds based various

    physiochemical characteristics. Among these characteristics are size, polarity,

    ionic strength, and affinity to other compounds.

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    Principles and Troubleshooting Techniques of Ion Chromatography

    2 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Figure 1. Separation resulting from differential migration of compounds

    1.2 History

    The development of chromatography as an analytical tool began in 1903 when

    Michael Tswett (1872-1919), a Russian botanist, discovered that he could separate

    colored leaf pigments by passing a solution through a column packed with

    adsorbent particles. Since the pigments separated into distinctly colored bands,Tswett named the new method chromatography (chroma color, graphy


    Several developments were made over the next few decades but it wasnt until the

    early 1970s that ion chromatography began to be seen as a viable process for ion

    separation and analysis, due mainly to the difficulties involved with the detection

    of ionic species in an ionic mobile phase. Throughout the development of

    chromatography, technological advances have been limited to a great extent by the

    ability to detect and measure the analytes of interest.

    Tswetts initial experiments involved direct visual detection and did not require a

    means of quantitation.

    Other detection methods were developed that exploited a compounds

    radioactivity, fluorescence, or its ability to absorb light in the UV spectrum.

    Compounds not inherently possessing any of these characteristics could

    sometimes be subjected to post-separation reactions that rendered directly

    Chromatography is the separation of the components

    of a mixture by differential partitioning between a mobile and

    stationary phase

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    1 Introduction

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 3

    measurable products. These characteristics were easily discernable from the

    general levels of background noise contributed by the mobile phase, allowing a

    higher degree of sensitivity. The separation of ions, however, relies on the use of

    an ionic mobile phase that bears the same characteristic (the capacity to act as a

    conductor) as the analytes of interest. Although adequate separation of these

    species was attainable, the significant background signal generated by the mobile

    phase caused their detection and quantitation to be either impossible or, at best,


    The early 1970s saw the introduction of a process that could allow direct

    conductivity of ions. This technology utilized a second ion exchange column

    after the separator column that reduced the overall conductivity of the mobile

    phase without adversely affecting that of the analyte. Eluent suppression, as itcame to be known, allowed low levels of common inorganic ions to be separated

    and detected using a standard ionic mobile phase.

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    4 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 5

    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography


    The basic process of ion chromatography involves introducing the sample into a

    moving stream of mobile phase. This mixture passes into a column that is

    uniformly packed with particles coupled to an active site with an opposite charge

    than that of the analyte. Thus, for cation analysis a column is used that has

    negatively charged active sites. The mobile phase, or eluent, is made up of an

    aqueous solution of ion salts and serves several functions in the separatory

    process. Following the column, the mixture proceeds through a suppressor

    (suppressed ion chromatography) and to the detector (typically conductivity

    detection for ion chromatography).

    All ion chromatography systems consist of the same basic components:



    Injection Valve




    Data Collection System

    Figure 2. Components of an Ion Chromatograph

    Eluent Pump InjectionValve

    Column Suppressor DetectorData


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    6 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001

    2.1 Eluent

    2.1.1 Functions of the Eluent

    Stabilize sample ions in a solution

    Provide kinetic flow of sample ions through a system

    Provide counter-ions to compete with analytes for active site on a

    stationary phase

    Different analytes in the sample mixture will pass through the column at

    different rates depending on their relative interactions with either the

    mobile (eluent) or stationary phases. The rates of analyte migration canbe affected by altering eluent composition and/or using different

    formulations of stationary phase (Figures 3 and 4).

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 7

    Comparison of Anion Analysis With Varying Eluent Concentrations

    Figure 3. Effect of Eluent Concentration on an AS14A separation

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    Comparison of Anion Analysis with Varying Stationary Phase

    Eluent: 1.8 mM Na2CO3/1.7 mM NaH CO3Flow Rate: 2.0 ml/min

    Figure 4. Effect of varying column (stationary phase) on anion separation

    (a) AS4A-SC

    (b) AS4A

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 9

    2.2 The Chromatographic Separation

    This process of separation can result in three possible outcomes:

    The solutes will be completely resolved (Figure 6a)

    The solutes will be partially resolved or (Figure 6b)

    No resolution will take place (Figure 6c)

    2.2.1 Resolution

    Resolution is the measure of separation of any two given solutes and can

    be defined by the equation:

    where: V = the elution volume of the peak

    W = the width of the peak at the baseline

    Figure 5. Resolution

    R = (2)(flowrate)(T2 - T1)

    (W1 + W2)

    where: T1 = retention time of peak 1

    T2 = retention time of peak 2

    W1 = peak Width at baselie of peak 1W2 = peak width at baseline of peak 2

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    Two peaks are considered to be completely resolved when a distinct

    baseline can be observed between the peaks, indicated by an R value near

    1.5 (Figure 6a).

    Figure 6a. Complete Resolution

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 11

    Figure 6b. Partial Resolution

    Figure 6c. Poor Resolution


    Total Eluent 12.56mM Carbonate Ratio: 90.4%, Resolution 0.090


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    12 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001

    The resolution of any two solutes is dependent on their respective

    retention profiles and peak shapes, which are, in turn, affected in a

    composite manner by the kinetic and thermodynamic factors inherent in

    the chromatographic system.

    These factors, known as capacity (retention characteristics), selectivity,

    and efficiency will be unique for every combination of mobile/stationary

    phase and will vary based on the physical conditions of separation (i.e.

    flow rate, temperature, etc.).

    Figure 7. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Factors determining resolution

    2.2.2 Thermodynamic Factors of Chromatography Distribution Coefficient (KD)

    The flow rate of the eluent and the distribution of the solute between the

    mobile and stationary phases determine a solutes retention time. In asystem without flow, a solute will achieve equilibrium between the two

    phases. This equilibrium can be described as the distributioncoefficient

    KD and is defined by the equation:

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 13

    KD = CS/CM

    where : CS = the concentration of solute in the stationary phase

    CM = the concentration in the mobile phase.

    The distribution is influenced by the ionic attraction to the active sites on

    the column packing. A solute with a high KD is more likely to be found

    associated with the stationary phase at any given moment. A a low KD

    indicates a solute that favors the mobile phase.

    Given a particular combination of mobile and stationary phases, any two

    analytes will generally have distinct distribution coefficients. This

    difference in KDs is the basis for the differential migration of various


    An analyte with a relatively low KD favors distribution in the mobile

    phase of the system where it is subject to the influence of eluent flow.

    This analyte will be pushed through the column more quickly than

    one with a higher KD

    An analyte with a higher KD favors distribution towards the

    stationary phase. This analyte elutes at a slower rate.

    The KD describes the ratio of sample in either phase at equilibrium

    under a given set of conditions. Thus, although a solute favors the

    stationary phase, it is still present to an extent in the mobile phase and

    can flow through the column.

    Under ideal conditions the KD of a molecule within a system composed of

    a stationary and mobile phase at a constant temperature will be constant.

    We see, in fact, that this only true for a small minority of molecules. It is

    observed that in most systems a molecules KD will vary over a range of

    solute concentrations. The relationship between the KD of a molecule and

    its concentration can be described by a function called an isotherm.

    An analytes retention time is determined by the eluent flow

    rate and by the distribution of solute between the mobileand stationary phases.

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    14 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001

    Figure 8. Isotherms

    Figure 8 depicts the three types of isotherms with KD represented by the

    slopes of the lines.

    Isotherm A represents an ideal state where KD remains constant

    throughout the concentration range.

    Isotherm B is a more accurate representation of most molecules in ion

    chromatography. Here we see that as the concentration of component in

    the sample increases its KD will decrease, resulting in an increased

    distribution of the solute into the mobile phase.

    Isotherm C is a less common situation in which lower concentrations of

    solute actually favor the stationary phase over the eluent. The importance

    of isotherms will be established in later sections when we discuss the

    kinetic factors influencing peak shape.

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 15 Capacity Factor

    Another way to describe the retention characteristic of an individual

    component is by its capacity factor, K, which is a comparison of the

    elution time of the solute with the void volume of the column.

    Figure 9. The capacity factor is a comparison of the elution time of the

    solute with the void volume of the column.

    The equation for K is

    K = (Ve-Vm)/Vm

    where: Ve = the elution volume of the solute

    Vm= the void volume of the column.

    Given a constant flow rate we can substitute the times into this equation to


    k = (Te-T0)/T0

    where: T0 = the time needed to flush one column volume (this

    is the duration of time from the injection to the water dip).Te = the resolution time of the solute

    Analytes with higher capacity factors will elute farther from the void

    volume. This may improve separation, but it will also lengthen analysis

    time and lead to increased peak broadening.

    The capacity factor gives us a measure of the time the analytes

    spends in the stationary phase versus the mobile phase.

    K = (Te - T0)/T0

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    Principles and Troubleshooting Techniques of Ion Chromatography

    16 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 Selectivity

    Selectivity is described as the ratio of two analytes capacity factors.

    The selectivity factor, , is defined by the equation:

    = (T2-T0)/ (T1-T0)

    If = 1, is equal to one there is no resolution between the analytes.

    Increasing values of indicate analytes that would be morethoroughly resolved.

    Figure 10. Selectivity determines analyte elution order

    The elution order of a mixture of analytes is determined by the

    selectivity of a stationary phase to each analyte in that mixture under

    a given set of conditions (mobile phase composition, etc.).

    Early theorists postulated that the size of the hydrated analyte

    determined its relative attraction to the stationary phase, with the

    smaller hydrated ions maintaining more stable associations with the

    stationary phase and, thus, eluting later than the larger ones. This

    theory, however, did not explain the tendency for ions to change

    elution order when structural changes were made to the stationary

    phase (no alteration to the active site).

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 17

    Further research suggested that selectivity is influenced by the relative

    hydration energy of the ions as well as by electrostatic attraction between the

    analyte and the active site on the column packing. There is some thought that

    the higher hydration energy exhibited by small ions enables them to enter the

    highly structured water matrix of the mobile phase. Larger ions, with lower

    energies, are not as able to reorient water molecules within the eluent in a

    manner that permits stability and are displaced toward the stationary phase.As the larger ions approach the stationary phase they are more subject to the

    electrostatic attraction with the active sites, thus enhancing the retentive

    effects on the ions travel through the system. It stands to reason that an

    increase in the ionic strength of the mobile phase would cause more of its

    water to be tied up in the hydration of eluent salts, thus allowing the later

    eluting components more freedom to enter the mobile phase. Conversely,

    lowering the concentration of the eluent would cause the ions to become less

    stable in the mobile phase, resulting in an increased retention time.

    Factors Controlling Selectivity:

    Counterion composition/concentration

    Nonionic modifiers in mobile phase (isopropanol, etc.)

    Temperature of mobile phase

    Structure of stationary phase/active site

    Chemical composition of active site

    Elution order most likely results from a combination of analyte

    hydration energy and electrostatic attraction

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    Principles and Troubleshooting Techniques of Ion Chromatography

    18 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 Efficiency

    In an ideal system each component would travel through the column in

    discrete band with a constant concentration and it would be possible to

    completely resolve compounds with very little differences in their KDs

    (Figure 11).

    Figure 11. Separation in an ideal system

    1. In actuality it is observed that the concentration of an analyte variesthroughout its region of occupation in the column.

    For solutes with a type A isotherm (KD is constant throughout the

    concentration range) the concentration distribution varies such

    that the eluted peak is Gaussian in nature. This phenomenon is

    known as band broadening and can lead to the loss of resolution

    between closely eluting peaks. (Figure 12)

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 19

    Figure 12. Band broadening can lead to loss of resolution

    0. Band Broadening

    Under a given set of conditions peak width is found to be directly

    proportional to both the length of the column and the particle size

    of the stationary phase.

    Peak width will tend to vary directly with changes in the eluentflow rate.

    0. Efficiency

    Efficiency is the ability of a column to separate a component

    without spreading it out. Efficiency is measured by calculating

    the number oftheoretical plates in the column.

    A theoretical plate is an abstract term describing a complete

    step of equilibrium exchange of a solute between the mobile

    and stationary phases.

    The Craig Distribution model illustrates this process.

    (Figure 13)

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    Figure 13. Craig Distribution Model of Theoretical Plates

    Consider a series of squares each representing a site of exchange

    between two phases. Solute is introduced into the mobile phase

    of the first compartment and achieves an equilibrium between the

    two phases, with the amount in each phase determined by the KD.

    Solute remaining in the mobile compartment is transferred to the

    next stage by eluent flow where it undergoes the same

    equilibrium process. Likewise, solute remaining in the first

    stationary compartment is free to establish an equilibrium with

    fresh eluent entering its associated mobile compartment and the

    process is repeated.

    Because the quantity of solute transferred to any successive stage

    is dependent on the amount remaining in the mobile compartment

    under equilibrium conditions, over many stages the concentration

    will assume a binomial, or Gaussian, distribution.

    As the number of theoretical plates increases, we can expect

    more broadening to occur.

    The most common method of increasing the number of plates

    is to increase the length of the column. While we do see a

    broadening of peaks, increasing the plate number is often

    beneficial in that it can allow better separation between

    components with closely related distribution coefficients.

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 21

    The term Height Equivalent Theoretical Plate (HETP) is

    used to describe the efficiency of different columns and is

    calculated by dividing the columns length by the number of

    theoretical plates.

    HETP = L/N

    Lower values of HETP indicate more efficient separation.

    The amount of band broadening is found to be proportional to

    the square root of the column length. Maximizing the number

    of theoretical plates (better separation) in the shortest length

    possible will maximize the efficiency of a column. This can

    be done by optimizing the composition of mobile and/or

    stationary phases for a particular application.

    Plates per Column

    Solute 3.5 mM Carbonate 3.5 mM BicarbonateStandard AS4A


    Fluoride 1480 2520 1050

    Chloride 2220 3060 2850

    Nitrate 1900 3120 3130

    Phosphate 2930 2660 2130

    Sulfate 3960 3140 4050

    Increasing the number of theoretical plates without increasing

    the length of the column will allow a more efficient separation

    to the stationary phase active site.

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    22 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 Flow

    It is important to stress the effect of eluent flow rate on loss of efficiency.

    Given a situation with no flow, an analyte will assume an equilibrium

    distribution between the mobile and stationary phases determined by its

    distribution coefficient. When we introduce directional flow of the

    eluent, the portion of solute in the mobile phase will be advanced ahead of

    the portion remaining in the stationary phase, causing a longitudinal

    expansion of the solute zone within the system. (Figure 14) This is the

    predominant kinetic cause of band broadening.

    Figure 14. The kinetics of mass transfer lead to band broading

    As noted earlier most applications deal with analytes with a KD value that

    is concentration dependent. This shift from an ideal condition further

    influences the shape of the eluting peak.

    Consider a compound with a type B isotherm (KD decreases as the

    concentration increases). We know that solute advancement through azone is dependent on its concentration within that zone, and that the

    concentration of the solute is not constant throughout its region of

    occupation. Figure 15 depicts such a peak under normal conditions.

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    24 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001

    diminishes. For a compound with a type A isotherm (where KD is

    constant), zones 1 and 2 would simply drift farther apart, thereby

    broadening while maintaining a Gaussian profile. For type B compounds,

    however, the changes in solute mobility caused by fluctuations of KD

    result in a skewing of the peak, with a more abrupt decline in the tailing

    shoulder compared with what we would expect from a Guassian

    distribution. A solute with a type C isotherm exhibits the opposite

    behavior, with a sharper leading edge. (Figure 16)

    Figure 16. Effects Isotherm on Peak shape Effects of Stationary Phase on Efficiency

    Particle size and the uniformity of packing also influence a columns

    efficiency. The molecules in the mobile phase contribute to the progress

    of the solute through the system and that molecules retained in the

    stationary phase will lag behind the peaks center of mass. This creates a

    non-equilibrium distribution of solute that is proportional to the rate of

    eluent flow and which leads to further broadening of the peak. Dispersion

    of the peak can be minimized by choosing conditions such that the

    equilibrium conditions are maintained and that the rate of mass transfer

    between the two stages is maximized.

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    2 The Process of Ion Chromatography

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001 25 Particle Size

    A molecules travel through the column can be considered as a series of

    steps at which it must make a decision on which path to follow through

    the system. (Figure 17) Although net movement will be in the direction

    of eluent flow, at some junctures a molecule may choose a lateral path,

    resulting in a loss of forward motion.

    Figure 17. Flow of molecules through column packing

    Decreasing the particle size increases the number of decision steps.

    If particle size is decreased without reducing the volume of the

    stationary phase, there will be more decisions against forward


    This event is repeated over many stages.

    The molecules will tend to re-bunch around the center of mass of

    the peak.

    Increasing the number of particles generates a greater surface area of

    interaction between solute and the stationary phase, resulting in lessdispersion due to eluent flow kinetics.

    Inconsistency in the size of column packing can also lead to loss

    of efficiency. Molecules travel through the column at a rate

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    26 Principles of Ion Chromatography 12/2001

    determined by the eluent flow and the size of the column packing.

    Solute molecules will progress through the column at different rates

    depending on the size of the particles they encounter in their zone

    of travel, leading to a dispersion of molecules away from the center

    of mass.

    2.2.3 Summary

    The goal of chromatography is the separation, or resolution, of the

    individual components of a mixture of analytes. This is achieved

    through the unequal partitioning between mobile and stationary

    phases under the influence of eluent flow.

    The thermodynamic factors that influence peak resolution are the

    capacity factor and selectivity. These factors describe the phenomena

    associated with the establishment of an analytes equilibrium

    distribution between the mobile and stationary phases, and determine

    the differential migration of solutes through a given system.

    The predominant kinetic factors associated with resolution are those

    which contribute to the efficiency of separation, or, the ability of a

    column to retain a component without spreading it out.

    Efficiency is determined mainly by the physical components of a

    system such as the size of the stationary phase particle, uniformity of

    column packing, and the flow rate of the eluent.

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 27

    3 The Chromatography System


    Discuss the functions of each component of the chromatography system

    Overview basic troubleshooting of each component


    Although there are several configurations of ion and liquid chromatographs, they

    share many components including:



    Injection valve


    Suppressor (ion chromatography)


    3.1 Eluent

    3.1.1 Function of the Eluent

    The function of the eluent in a chromatography system includes:

    Establishing the basic ionic condition of the separation environment.

    Stabilizing the sample in solution.

    Promoting progression of the analytes through the system. There are

    several characteristics of the eluent which affect its interactions with

    the column and analyte.

    Counter ions in the eluent will preferentially elute sample ions of

    the same valence.

    The selectivity of a column for the counter ion in the eluent will

    affect the equilibrium distribution of sample ions in the system.Counter ions with a high affinity for the stationary phase and to

    the active sites, resulting in a loss of retention of the sample.

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    28 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Counter ion valence and selectivity are affected by the pH of the


    3.1.2 Preparation of Eluent

    3.1.3 Troubleshooting Eluents

    Problems associated with the eluent may manifest in a shift in analyte

    retention time due to changes in eluent concentration.

    Eluents should be made from dry, high purity reagents using the

    highest quality 18m or higher deionized water.

    Eluents should be made in a consistent manner, preferably from a

    concentrated stock solution.

    Eluent reservoirs and lines should be kept clean and free of

    contamination or particulate matter.

    Ionic contaminants in the eluent may also generate analysis problems.

    Since eluent is continually flowing through the system it is constantly

    generating a background signal. Any contamination in the eluent is

    subject to the same separation process as the sample and will generate

    a signal response. Because the eluent flow is constant, ionic

    contamination usually results in series of random peaks or an increase

    in background conductivity.

    Eluent Preparation

    Use reagent grade chemicals and at least 18 M deionized


    Thoroughly degas eluent (for hydroxide eluents degas

    water prior to adding sodium hydroxide)

    Dilute running strength eluents from concentrated stock


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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 29

    3.2 Pump

    Different types of pumps include isocratic and gradient versions of serial and

    parallel pumps. A pulse-free pump is essential for optimum chromatography.

    Inconsistencies in flow rate and pressure may result in noisy baseline, retention

    time changes, and/or irregular peak shapes. Changes in retention times can also

    occur when the eluent proportioning valves used in gradient analysis malfunction.

    Routine pump flushing and maintenance, especially when running high salt

    eluents, is recommended to help ensure continuous smooth operation.

    Figure 18. Pump Noise

    Eluent Troubleshooting

    Changes in retention time

    Loss of peak efficiency

    Loss of sensitivity

    Increased background conductivity

    4.88 6 7 8 9 10 11.320.0









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    3.3 Injection Valve

    Following the pump, eluent flows through an injection device, usually consisting

    of a two-position valve. The valve serves as a means of directing eluent flow and

    introducing sample into the system.

    A malfunctioning injection valve may lead to:

    Reduced peak height

    No response

    Excessive pressure

    Poor reproducibility (Figure 19)

    Sample carryover between runs (Figure 21)

    Figure 19. Poor run-to-run reproducibility

    0.13 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75-5








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    3.4 Columns

    The flow path continues from the injection valve to the column(s). In general, the

    column packing is constructed of an inert core composed of polystyrene

    molecules that have been cross-linked with divinylbenzene to form a bead of

    uniform size. The beads are then modified with an ionic moiety that provides the

    appropriate functionality for separation. (Figure 22 and 23)

    Figure 22. Polymerization of Polystyrene and Divinylbenzeneto form Column Substrate

    By varying the amounts of cross-linker and/or modifier used in the

    formulation, it is possible to generate and optimize stationary phases for a

    wide range of analytes under diverse conditions.

    Columns are the site of chemical activity in the separation process.

    Anything that alters the structural or chemical makeup of the stationary

    phase (column) has the capacity to affect resolution.

    Structural changes in the column packing generally result in changes in

    the shape of the analyte peaks. When packing a column, great care is

    taken to ensure that the particles are distributed uniformly throughout theentire column volume.

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 33

    Figure 23. Modification of Column Substrate to Generate Active Sites

    This ensures that the analytes will have consistent chemical and physical

    interactions with the stationary phase as they migrate through the column.

    Two predominant changes that can occur within the column packing

    are the generation of headspace and the formation of channels.

    3.4.1 HeadspaceHeadspace occurs when a gap is formed between the column bed support

    and the column packing. Under normal circumstances the volume of

    mobile phase before the column packing is negligible and the sample is

    transferred into the column as a slug of fairly uniform concentration

    (variation in concentration resulting from laminar flow through the tubing

    will not significantly affect peak shape). The formation of headspace

    creates a small void volume of mobile phase that allows the sample to

    diffuse before it enters the stationary phase. This causes the

    concentration of the latter portions of the slug to be less than the leading

    portions and, in effect, broadening the peak by prolonging the

    introduction of sample in continually decreasing amounts over a shortperiod of time. This results in a phenomenon known as peak tailing.

    (Figure 24)

    sulfonation (or amination) of

    inert bead substrate

    surface of activated


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    34 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Figure 24. Peak Tailing resulting from Headspace

    Headspace is generally caused by excessive back pressure or by

    mishandling the column during routine maintenance. A small amount

    may occur under normal operating conditions due to compaction of

    the column matrix over a long period of time. This does not usually

    affect peak shape as long as the direction of eluent flow is not


    3.4.2 Channels

    Channels are tiny void spaces within the column packing. The formationof channels can occur following excessive spikes in pressure, changes in

    the direction of eluent flow, or as a result of the column packing drying

    out. As an analyte passes through a region containing a channel, a small

    portion of the band will pass out of the solid phase and into the void

    space. It is then carried by the mobile phase to the end of the void where

    it re-enters the solid phase. This results in the advancement of a small

    amount of sample ahead of the rest of the peak. The effects of a channel,

    which can range from a slight amount of peak fronting to the appearance

    of ghost peaks before each analyte, depend on its severity and location in

    the column. (Figure 25)

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 35

    Figure 25. Peak Disruption due to Column Channeling

    3.4.3 Contamination

    The prevalent cause of loss of column performance is contamination.

    Contaminants may consist of strongly retained ions that do not elute

    under normal operating conditions or non-ionic molecules or particles

    that lead to column blockage.

    Particulate matter and larger non-ionic contaminants may collect in

    the bed supports located at the upstream end of the columns, causingblockages and high system back pressure. Bed supports can be

    changed although care must be taken not to compromise the integrity

    of the column packing.

    Columns are frequently contaminated with ionic components that

    bind so strongly to the stationary phase that they can not be released

    under normal operating conditions. This type of contamination,

    which can result from either organic or inorganic species, primarily

    affects the capacity of the column. Large, polyvalent ions and metals

    are frequent culprits and may come from impurities in chemicals used

    to make up the mobile phase or may arise from the sample itself. As

    the level of contamination increases, fewer active sites are available

    for analyte separation, thus shortening retention times and decreasing

    peak resolution.

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    It is possible for certain contaminants to preferentially affect

    particular ions by inhibiting their passage through the column. This

    may result in loss of efficiency or in loss of recovery. In anion

    chromatography, for example, iron contamination will tend to

    decrease phosphate recovery before changes in the other analytes are

    noticed. Similarly, aluminum contamination may cause lower

    recoveries of phosphate and sulfate but will leave monovalent anions

    relatively unaffected.

    Various forms of contamination may also cause loss of efficiency.

    Some contaminants, after associating with the stationary phase, retain

    the capacity to bind to the analytes of interest, in effect serving as

    alternate active sites. These pseudo-sites function with the same

    thermodynamic and kinetic principles as the actual sites, and, thus,

    we can expect different effects on the elution of the sample. Since the

    contaminants do not initially reside throughout the full length of the

    column, a sample analyte will, in effect, pass through a stationary

    phase for which it exhibits different capacity factors. This can cause

    either fronting or tailing of the peaks, depending on the nature and

    amount of the contamination. If the source of contamination

    continues over time the entire column will become affected, with

    efficiency steadily growing steadily worse.

    Sample matrices often contain a wide range of contaminants, many

    of which can be reduced or eliminated by various methods of

    sample pre-treatment

    Indications of Contamination

    Changes in retention time

    High back pressure

    Irregular peak shapes (fronting or tailing)

    Loss of efficiency

    Loss of sample recovery

    Changes in analyte selectivity

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 37

    Even if all necessary care is taken to ensure that all reagents used are

    of high purity, contaminants are often introduced via the sample

    matrix. For this reason it is strongly recommended that a guard

    column be placed ahead of the analytical column. A guard column

    generally has the same or similar composition as its associated

    analytical column but is shorter and less expensive. As the sample

    passes through the guard column, non-ionic contaminants and

    monovalent ions will be retained, leaving the sample analytes to pass

    through to the separator. The guard column also accounts for a

    certain portion of chromatographic separation and can therefore be

    used as an indicator of contamination by monitoring changes in

    analyte retention over time.

    3.4.4 Column Cleaning

    It is often possible to clean a column that has become contaminated. A

    thorough cleaning protocol will generally involve washing the columns

    with specific solutions for removing contaminants with different

    properties (i.e. acid or base-soluble, organic ions, etc.). It may not be

    necessary to use multiple cleaning solutions if the nature of the

    contamination is known.

    Column matrices come in a variety of structural and chemical formulations

    and can respond quite differently to different mixtures of eluents and/or

    solvents. Acetonitrile, for example, is a useful solvent for removing

    hydrophobic moieties from some columns, but can cause excessive swelling

    in the resin beds of others, thereby increasing the likelihood of headspace or

    channel formation. Other solutions may be capable of chemically

    modifying the column packing or active site, possibly causing irreversible

    damage. Therefore, when selecting an appropriate cleaning medium, it is

    necessary to select a solution that will effectively dissociate the contaminant

    from the column without adversely affecting the physical structure of the

    stationary phase or the nature of the active site. An extensive list of

    cleaning solutions for Dionex columns is provided in the Dionex

    Consumables CD-ROM (p/n 053891).

    Columns should be cleaned when analyte

    retention times shift by 10 percent

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    38 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 General Column Cleaning Procedure

    Determine the nature of contamination (if possible).

    Select appropriate cleaning solution(s) refer to Dionex

    Consumables CD ROM to specify column.

    Re-plumb the column set by placing the guard column after the

    analytical column in the flow path WITHOUT changing the flow


    Pump cleaning solution through the column at the appropriate flow

    rate for 45-60 minutes (some columns may need to be rinsed with

    deionized water before and after exposure to cleaning solutions)

    Repeat with additional cleaning solutions if necessary.

    Replace columns in their proper order and equilibrate for 30 minutes

    with standard eluent.

    NOTE -- Cleaning procedures for some columns may vary. Always

    consult a column care manual before proceeding with cleanup.

    Regardless of the amount of care given to a column, over time the

    column packing will begin to deteriorate. This is evidenced by the

    irrecoverable loss of capacity or efficiency or by abnormal operating

    pressure. Under these circumstances the column must be replaced.

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 39

    3.5 Detection

    The three common modes of detection used in chromatography include:




    When selecting the mode of detection for the application:

    The detector must have an adequate dynamic range for the solute


    It is preferable that the output signal over this range vary linearly withthe concentration of the analyte being measured.

    The detector must have sufficient sensitivity to detect low levels

    of analyte.

    3.5.1 Conductivity Detection

    Ionic species, by nature, will dissociate into their constituent components

    when dissolved into a solvent with a high dielectric constant. These

    components have the capacity to conduct an electric current when placed

    between two electrodes with opposite polarity. Ohms law states that the

    voltage of a circuit is a product of the current and the resistance across

    two points, or


    Conductance, measured in Siemens, is the reciprocal of the resistance.

    At the concentrations routinely encountered in ion

    chromatography, conductivity is found to be directly

    proportional to the concentration of an ion in solution.

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 41

    Figure 27. Anion Eluent Suppression

    SRS Self Regenerating Suppressor

    The SRS may be used in 3 modes:

    Chemical Suppression

    Recycle Mode

    External Water Mode

    The best mode to use depend on the application. Figure 28 shows the

    SRS used in the recycle mode.

    To Detector




    Na+ HSO4-



    Na+ HSO4-


    H+ HSO4-


    H+ HSO4-





    H+ OH- H+

    Na+ A-

    H+ AH2O


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    42 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Figure 28. Anion Eluent Suppression Diagram for Chemical Regeneration

    Atlas Electrolytic Suppressor

    The Atlas Electrolyic Suppressor (AES) is designed for use in the

    recycle mode.

    Figure 29. The Atlas Electrolytic Suppressor.


    Suppressed Eluent








    2H2O 2H+ +1/2 O

    2+ 2e-

    2H2O + 2e- 2OH- + H

    2 ConductivityCell


    Eluent OutEluent In

    Regen Out

    Ion Exchange MonoDisc

    Electrode Electrode

    Regen In

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 43

    AES Flow Path

    Figure 30 shows the flowpath of the eluent and regenerant through

    the anion AES. Resonance time is increased as the eluent is routed

    around flow distribution disks. The strong monodisc suppression bed

    enhances the suppressors ability to withstand backpressure.

    Figure 30. The Flow of the Eluent through the Monodisk of the Atlas Suppressor







    Eluent OutRegen Out Regen In

    _ +








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    44 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Selecting a Suppressor

    Figure 31. Choosing the optimum suppressor for your application




    RequirementsCapacity Benefits


    Anions Cations


    2-mm & 4-mm


    15 and 50L void


    Electrolyic or


    All ex isting

    systems except


    Anion :

    200 mN

    at 1.0 mL/min


    110 mN

    at 1.0 mL/min

    Ease of use

    Moderat ely Low



    Use wi th

    carbonate and

    hydroxide eluents

    For solve nt

    applications, use

    external water or



    Columns: Al l anion


    Use wit h


    acid and sulfuric

    acid eluents

    For sol vent

    applications use

    external water or

    chemicalregeneration. for

    eluents containing

    chloride or nitrate,

    use chemicalregeneration

    Column s: allcation columns


    1 format for 2-, 3-

    & 4-mm formats

    35 L

    void volume

    Electrolyic Requires

    PeakNet 6.2 and

    DX-600 Series

    A detectors orexisting systems

    with SC20 Power


    Anion a nd Catio n:

    25 mN

    at 1.0 mL/min

    Ease of use with


    Low Noise

    Fastest S tart-up

    Use wi th

    carbonate eluents

    Use wit h


    acid and sulfuric

    acid eluents

    No solvents

    Columns : CS12,CS12A, CS14


    2-mm & 4-mm


    Chemical All existing


    Required forDX-80

    Anion :

    150mNat 1.0 mL/min


    70 mNat 1.0 mL/min

    Ease of use with


    Lowest Nois e

    Fastest S tart-up

    Use wi th

    carbonate andhydroxide eluents

    and for eluents



    Columns: Al l anion


    Use wit h

    methanesulfonicacid and sulfuric

    acid eluents


    solvents, chloride

    or nitrate

    Column s: all

    cation columns

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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 45 Suppressor Troubleshooting

    Symptoms of a suppressor failures may include:



    Increased Noise

    High Background Conductivity


    Common causes of suppressor alarms include:

    Needs hydrating

    The suppressor may have dried out due to a prolonged period

    without flow.

    Hydrate and quick-start. These procedures are described in

    the appropriate suppressor manual on the Dionex

    Consumables CD Rom.


    Samples may have contaminated the suppressor

    Clean and quick start. Cleaning procedures and

    recommended solutions are listed in the suppressor manualon the Dionex Consumables CD Rom.


    Running applications at the appropriate current setting will

    help increase the suppressor lifetime. Running at higher

    settings will shorten its lifetime.

    Equation for calculating suppressor current settings:

    SRS current settings = flow rate x eluent concentration x


    Cation factor = 2.94Anion factor = 2.47

    Concentration = mN

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    46 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002


    Figure 32. Spiking

    Spiking can indicate contamination

    Spiking can indicate running at too high of a suppressor setting

    Calculate appropriate suppressor setting using the equations

    given in Alarms section

    Hydration and quick-start may help eliminate spikes

    Cleaning may eliminate spikes

    0.1 5 10 15 20 25 28-0.07




    0.15 _




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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 47

    Noisy Baselines

    Figure 33. Noisy Baseline

    Possible cause:

    Bubbles in the conductivity cell or a tubing connection


    Burping the conductivity cell

    Disconnect the backpressure coil from the suppressor

    REGEN IN port

    Turn pump on and create a pressure difference momentarily

    by plugging and unplugging the outlet of the tubing (3


    Repeat 2-3 times

    Turn pump off and reconnect backpressure coil to REGEN

    IN port

    Conditions: GP50 pump, 4-mm AS14 column, 3.5 mM Na2CO3/1.7 mM NaHCO3,

    1.2 mL/min, 32 mA, recycle mode.

    20 30 40 50 60 70 80










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    48 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    Figure 34. Noisy Baseline

    Effects of Trapped Bubbles on Baseline Noise

    The baseline noise was reduced from 4.96 ns to 0.12 ns after

    removing the trapped air.

    Figure 35. An example of noisy chromatography baseline due to trapped bubblesobtained using a Cation Atlas Suppressor

    Conditions: GP40 pump, 4-mm AS9HC column, 9.0 mM Na2CO3 1.0 mL/min, 60 mA, recycle mode.

    Burping the DS3 cell

    550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900
















    40 44 48 52 56 60Minutes

    Average noise: 4.96 nS

    Before burping the DS3 cell





    40 44 48 52 56 60

    Average noise: 0.12 nS

    After burping the DS3 cell

    Conditions: GS50 pump, 3-mm CS12A column, 20 mM MSA,

    0.5 mL/min, cation Atlas, 33 mA, recycle mode.


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    3 The Chromatography System

    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 49

    Effects of Backpressure on Baseline Noise

    The baseline noise was significantly reduced when excessive

    backpressure was removed from the suppressor. It is important to

    check for plugs in the backpressure tubing and fittings after the

    suppressor to ensure appropriate pressure is being applied to the


    Figure 36. Effects of backpressure on the chromatographic baseline obtained

    using an Atlas Suppressor

    Possible cause:

    Backpressure coil for conductivity cell generating incorrect



    Determine the pressure drop across the backpressure coil

    Replace or adjust length according to recommended values

    820 825 830 835 840








    820 825 830 835 840








    400 psi 100 psi

    Conditions: GP50 pump, 4-mm AS14 column, 3.5 mM Na2CO3/1.7 mM NaHCO3,

    1.2 mL/min, 32 mA, recycle mode.

    S S


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    High Background Conductivity

    Possible cause:

    No current is applied to the suppressor

    Wrong current setting is applied to the suppressor

    Eluent is not properly prepared for the target application.


    Be sure the correct suppressor type is selected on detector front


    Apply the correct current setting for the application.

    Confirm eluent concentration is correct for intended application.

    Confirm eluent preparation is to the correct concentration with

    chemicals of the required purity.

    Ensure the correct current is applied for the concentration and

    flow rate of the eluent.

    Suppressor Summary

    Choose the most appropriate suppressor for your application.

    MMS provides the fastest start-up, is compatible with most

    solvents, and operates in the chemical regeneration mode. SRS is the most versatile, and may be operated in chemical or

    electrolytic moses. Solvent use is limited.

    Atlas gives low baseline noise, increased ruggedness, and fast

    equilibration in its more limited applications.

    Minimize current settings, keep suppressors clean and hydrated to

    increase suppressor life.

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 51

    3.5.2 Amperometry

    Not all analytes separated by ion chromatography are amenable to

    conductivity detection. Amperometric detection takes advantage of some

    analytes capacity to undergo chemical reactions when subjected to an

    applied potential. An amperometric cell is composed of a small-volume

    channel flowing between a pair of electrodes.

    A potential is applied across these electrodes and causes either the

    oxidation or reduction of the analyte, thereby rendering it capable of

    conducting an electrical current. This current is referenced to a separate

    electrode and the result is compared to a standardized value to generate a

    viable measurement.

    For some applications, the use of a fixed potential may result in poor

    reproducibility and loss of sensitivity due to the plating of the electrodes

    with contaminants generated from the sample itself. By cycling the

    electrodes through a repeating sequence of potentials over a set period of

    time it is possible to shift the redox state of the sample, resulting in the

    electrochemical cleaning of the electrode surfaces. (Figure 37) This

    technique, called pulsed amperometry, leads to better reproducibility and

    allows the detection of a broader range of analytes than fixed potential


    Figure 37. Example of Amperometric Waveform

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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 53

    3.5.4 Fluorescence Detection

    Not all spectrophotometric methods rely solely on the absorption of

    radiation for sample detection. Following excitation to a higher energy

    state, the electrons of some molecular bonds will relax, shifting to a lower

    energy level and releasing a portion of the energy at a different

    wavelength than that which was absorbed. The intensity of this

    fluorescence is proportional to the concentration of absorbing species in

    the sample.

    3.5.5 Other Detection Techniques

    Some molecules do not inherently exhibit an absorptive capacity. It ispossible in some cases to treat such a compound with a reagent that can

    confer the ability to absorb light at various wavelengths. The analyte is

    mixed with a chemical reagent, usually following separation, leading to a

    stable reaction product that passes into the detector cell. This is a

    common method used in the analysis of transition metals and various


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    Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002 55

    4 Method Development


    To provide basic guidelines to aid in method development

    Much work has been done in liquid chromatography over the last several

    decades. When trying to develop a method, a thorough search of

    chromatography literature will, in most cases, either yield complete protocols

    or at least enough information to provide a significant head start.

    Occasionally, however, it will be necessary for the analyst to spend some time

    and effort in the development of a suitable method for the analysis in

    question. This section will provide some basic steps that are useful in thisprocess.

    4.1 Define Goals of Analysis

    The first step in the development of a method is to define realistic goals for the

    analysis. Although this may seem basic, it is essential to consider the different

    aspects involved in identifying and/or quantifying analytes in a sample mixture. It

    is helpful to have as much information as possible about the analyte(s) in

    question. For instance, is the chemical structure known? Are the molecules

    inorganic or organic? In what types of solutions and at what pHs are the

    molecules soluble and in their ionic form? In many cases this information will be

    readily available to the analyst and all that is necessary is to determine which typeof column and mobile phase to use. Some research applications may require the

    analysis of compounds for which little information has been gathered. In these

    circumstances it may be necessary to perform separate qualitative tests in order to

    determine how to proceed with chromatographic separation.

    4.2 Selecting the Appropriate Separation Mode

    Once enough information has been gleaned regarding the sample, it is necessary

    to select an appropriate column and mobile phase. In choosing a column it is first

    necessary to determine what style of separation must be used for a given analyte

    or sample matrix. Some sample types, such as organic acids or hydrophobic

    molecules, may not be suitable for separation using ion exchangechromatography. Two other commonly used separation methodologies are ion

    exclusion and reversed phase chromatography.

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    56 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    4.2.1 Ion Exclusion

    Ion exclusion chromatography is useful in the separation of weak organic

    acids from strongly dissociated ions. In ion exchange, separation is

    achieved through differential interactions between the sample and

    stationary phase. Active sites on the column packing are readily available

    to all sample ions. An ion exclusion column is highly sulfonated

    throughout the resin structure. By using a dilute solution of a strong acid

    as the mobile phase, a perimeter of water molecules will be established a

    short distance from the surface of the stationary phase. This perimeter,

    known as the Donnan membrane, will be slightly polarized with a partial

    negative charge oriented away from the exchange resin. (Figure 39)

    Strong acids in the sample, which remain negatively charged, areprevented from passing through the Donnan membrane and are eluted in

    the void volume. Weak acids become protonated and, in their neutral

    state, are allowed access to the active sites on the stationary phase.

    Separation in ion exclusion is achieved by a combination of Donnan

    exclusion, steric exclusion, and classic exchange partitioning.

    Figure 39. Separation in ion exclusion

    Donnan Membrane





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    4.2.2 Reverse Phase Chromatography

    Whereas ion exchange chromatography exploits the polar characteristics

    of various compounds to bring about separation, reverse phase

    chromatography separates compounds based on their relative

    hydrophobicity. Column packings are generally composed of a porous,

    non-polar core that is capable of hydrophobic interactions with organic

    compounds. Organic ions may also be analyzed by a technique known as

    ion pairing. In ion paring, a hydrophobic ion of an opposite charge to the

    analyte of interest is added to the mobile phase and forms a complex with

    the analyte. This complex is then able to associate more readily with the

    non-polar stationary phase. It is possible to alter the capacity of this

    system, and thus optimize separation, by changing the type orconcentration of pairing agent, or by increasing the percentage of non-

    polar solvents in the mobile phase. For some applications it may be

    necessary to incorporate elements of normal and reverse phase

    chromatography. Columns capable of operating in mixed mode are able

    to accept ionic mobile phases containing higher levels of solvents than

    normal exchange columns. This facilitates the separation of samples

    containing mixtures of neutral and ionic hydrophobic analytes.

    4.2.3 Column Selection

    Once the type of chromatography to use has been determined you must

    choose a specific column set. The best source of information as towhether or not a particular column will be useful for a given application is

    the literature provided by the manufacturer. Many column manuals

    provide example applications with various types of samples commonly

    run on a given column. If there is no information pertaining to a specific

    analyte, it can be helpful to choose a column that is compatible with a

    similar compound for which a method has been developed.

    Some analytes, common anions or cations for example, may be easily

    separated on several different columns. It is then necessary to consider

    what type of mobile phase is to be used. Most columns are formulated for

    particular applications with a specific mobile phase. Issues to consider

    when choosing a mobile phase include sample solubility, the valences ofdifferent compounds in the sample, and detection requirements. We know

    that, in general, eluent salts will preferentially elute solutes of like charge.

    If a sample mixture has a strong contingent of divalent anions, for

    example, it would be beneficial to use an eluent that also contained

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    58 Principles of Ion Chromatography 1/2002

    bivalent ions, such as sodium carbonate. Additionally, changes in eluent

    salts can alter the capacity factors for a column. Thus, although both are

    monovalent salts, sodium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate may not be

    equally suitable for the separation of various anions on a given column.

    Detection requirements also factor in eluent suitability. In suppressed

    conductivity it is desirable to reduce the conductivity contributed by the

    mobile phase as much as possible in order to maximize the sample

    detection limits. Sodium hydroxide is commonly used in place of a

    sodium carbonate/sodium bicarbonate eluent in low level analysis of

    anions. By choosing sodium hydroxide as for the mobile phase,

    background conductivity can be reduced to negligible levels (consider the

    suppression products of hydroxide and carbonate/bicarbonate). Thebackground signal from suppressed carbonate/bicarbonate systems will

    usually be 15 to 20-fold higher than that of sodium hydroxide.

    4.3 Detection

    Additional care must be taken to combine a detection scheme that is compatible

    with the appropriate separation parameters. Few difficulties are encountered for

    analysts performing common ion analysis in that interferences arising from the

    mobile phases used with standard columns can be eliminated before the detection

    process. In some situations, however, it is necessary to use a certain mobile phase

    composition that is not compatible with various forms of detection. For example,

    the separation of carbohydrates can be achieved on an anion exchange column byusing a sodium hydroxide/sodium acetate mobile phase with integrated

    amperometry as a detection method. While this might be a suitable process for

    separation and quantitation, the detection method is not capable of allowing the

    identification of a compound. More qualitative information could be obtained by

    using mass spectrometry for detection. This raises a dilemma in that significant

    interferences will arise from the high salt concentration in the mobile phase (most

    liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry methods (LC/MS) utilize reverse phase

    columns with solvent/water mobile phases). While there are some mass

    spectrometers that can remedy this interference, in most cases the analyst is faced

    with having to sacrifice functionality in either separation or detection.

    In many situations the analyst will be able to select an appropriate system byinvestigating what others have used to analyze the same or a similar molecule.

    Even in these cases there may be significant difficulties in obtaining useful

    results. While a given system may be capable of separating a variety of closely

    eluting organic acids, the conditions used in the analysis of such acids in wine

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    may be quite distinct from those used in the analysis of beer. Indeed, with the

    myriad analytes and sample matrices available for investigation come a wide

    range of possible interferences that must be dealt with in order to acquire suitable

    data. Often, the only way to optimize a particular separation is through a process

    of trial and error with minor variations in separation conditions (i.e. gradient

    profiles, modifiers, temperature, etc.). Careful consideration of the theory behind

    this separation, as well as an understanding of the strengths and limitation of a

    given system, will help the chromatographer to determine the appropriate

    conditions for their particular separation.

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    Principles and Troubleshooting Techniques of Ion Chomatography