IBM Tivoli IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for ...€¦ · This document lists and...

IBM ® Tivoli ® IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft® .NET Framework Agent KB Notes and HOW TOs

Transcript of IBM Tivoli IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for ...€¦ · This document lists and...

Page 1: IBM Tivoli IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for ...€¦ · This document lists and provides solutions to common problems faced by customers of IBM Tivoli Microsoft .NET Framework

IBM® Tivoli®

IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft® .NET Framework Agent

KB Notes and HOW TOs

Page 2: IBM Tivoli IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for ...€¦ · This document lists and provides solutions to common problems faced by customers of IBM Tivoli Microsoft .NET Framework


Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2

1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Terms and abbreviations ........................................................................................ 4

1.3 User Guides ........................................................................................................... 5

2 HOW TOs ................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 .................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 How to configure the agent startup? ...................................................................... 6

2.2 How to enable maximum trace logs? .................................................................... 7

2.3 How to bundle logs for L3 team? .......................................................................... 8

3 Problems, Symptoms, Solutions ................................................................................ 9

3.1 Performance Object Status workspace shows “No Instances Returned” for some

attribute groups (metrics)................................................................................................. 9

3.2 On recycling a worker process in IIS, the application disappears from the

ASP.NET Applications workspace................................................................................ 11

3.3 NET Memory Cache workspace shows no data when agent is installed on

Windows Server 2012 ................................................................................................... 13

3.4 NET Components workspace doesn't show any entry for .NET 4.5 (even-though

it is installed on the agent m/c) ...................................................................................... 14

3.5 For Windows Communication Foundation workspace, default workspace name

(i.e., Service Model Endpoint) is not visible in online help .......................................... 15

3.6 64-bit applications specific workspaces are not seen under ASP.NET

Applications workspace ................................................................................................. 16

Page 3: IBM Tivoli IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for ...€¦ · This document lists and provides solutions to common problems faced by customers of IBM Tivoli Microsoft .NET Framework

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

This document lists and provides solutions to common problems faced by customers of

IBM Tivoli Microsoft .NET Framework Agent during setting up/monitoring of the

product in their environments. The intended audience of the document is Level 2

personnel for IBM Tivoli Microsoft .NET Framework Agent and the customers of the


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1.2 Terms and abbreviations

ITM IBM Tivoli Monitoring

TCR Tivoli Common Reporting

TDW Tivoli Data Warehouse

TEC Tivoli Enterprise Console

TEMA Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent

TEMS Tivoli Enterprise Management Server

TEP Tivoli enterprise Portal

TEPS Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

WPA Warehouse Proxy Agent

CLR Common Language Runtime

WCF Windows Communication Foundation

WF Windows Workflow Foundation

CLR Common Language Runtime

GC Garbage Collector

JIT Just In Time

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1.3 User Guides

Provide the links for UG‟s – online links

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2.1 How to configure the agent startup?

By default the agent is installed and run by “Local System” account which has

administrative privileges on the system.

If any other specific credentials are required other than the default “Local System”

account, then right click on the agent service and select Change Startup. The options are

displayed as in the image below. Provide the username and the password of the user that

is configured which has appropriate rights/privileges to various groups. Once done, click


Recycle the agent to take the configuration effects.

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2.2 How to enable maximum trace logs?

The .NET Framework Agent generates a set of logs while it runs. It logs some steps in its

execution. These logs are helpful to trace the working of the .NET Framework agent in

case of a failure or if the agent is not working as expected. The logging has certain

„levels‟ attached to it, and for the maximum coverage the logging has to be set to the

maximum. Follow the steps mentioned below to enable the perfmon counters:

Step 1) Launch the „IBM Tivoli Monitoring‟ application

Step 2) Right click the agent name and click „Advanced‟ and then „Edit Trace Parms‟

Step 3) Select / set the options as in the image below and click OK

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2.3 How to bundle logs for L3 team?

The logs generated by the agent are trace marks about the working of the agent. These

logs contain vital information about the steps that the agent has executed. The logs

generated by the agent are located at the path C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6\logs (in case the

agent is installed on another drive, the path would start with that drive letter). ZIP the

logs folder entirely to be sent to the L3 team.

- Add Steps for PDCollect Logs for more details

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3 Problems, Symptoms, Solutions

3.1 Performance Object Status workspace shows “No Instances Returned” for some attribute groups (metrics)


In the Performance Object Status workspace, the “Error Code” for some attribute groups

(seen as Object Name in the below snapshot) is seen as “No Instances Returned.”

Please see the below snapshot for clarification on the issue.

Possible Reason(s):

1. Workspace for that attribute group is not yet viewed (i.e. no request

made by agent to collect the respective data in a workspace).

2. For multi-instance attribute groups such as ASP.NET Apps v1.1,

ASP_NET_Applications, ServiceModelService, etc. if no data is available

i.e. no instances are shown in the data source (perfmon/WMI)


1. Access the appropriate workspaces belonging to the attribute groups and then

check the error code in "Performance Object Status" workspace.

2. Run the respective .NET applications to get the instances in the data source


Some additional step(s) that can be performed for verification:

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1. For Objects having Object Type as WMI, please verify that the data is available in

the WMI classes using following steps-

1. Start -> Run

2. Type “wbemtest” -> click OK

3. Click “Connect”

4. Enter namespace “root\cimv2” ->Click Connect

5. Click on button “Open Class”

6. Type corresponding <WMI Class> -> Click OK

7. Click on “Instances” button

8. A new window will open which will show values for corresponding WMI


In some cases the WMI classes are not loaded properly.

In this case, you need to reload the WMI classes using the following commands

@ command prompt in the specific order -

i. Wmiadap /c

ii. Wmiadap /r

iii. Wmiadap /f

iv. Net stop winmgmt /y

v. Net start winmgmt

vi. winmgmt /resyncperf

Then follow the steps given earlier to check the WMI class again.

2. For Objects having Object Type as Perfmon, verify that the data is available in

the Perfmon Objects using following steps-

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1. Start -> Run

2. Type "perfmon" -> click OK

3. Click "Performance Monitor" -> Click "+" sign on Toolbar

4. New window will opened ->Click on corresponding Perfmon object

5. Click Add button -> Click OK

6. Click "Change graph type" -> Report

7. A window will open which will show values for corresponding Perfmon


3.2 On recycling a worker process in IIS, the application disappears from the ASP.NET Applications workspace


When you host any ASP.NET App in IIS and run it, you will see the corresponding data

for the app in “ASP.NET Applications workspace on the portal.

When you restart the worker process on IIS, the app and all its related data disappears

from the portal.

The below snapshot shows ASP.NET Applications workspace before IIS recycle.

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The below snapshot shows ASP.NET Applications workspace after IIS recycle.

Possible Reason(s):

1. User is not refreshing the portal after IIS worker process recycles.

2. User is not giving fresh request to the IIS hosted ASP.NET app after restarting the

worker process.

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1. Refresh the portal on restarting IIS worker process.

2. Pass a fresh request to the IIS hosted ASP.NET app on restarting the IIS worker

process. This will ensure that you are getting data for the corresponding ASP.NET

app on the portal even after IIS worker process restart.

3.3 NET Memory Cache workspace shows no data when agent is installed on Windows Server 2012


When you install .NET Framework agent on Windows Server 2012, the NET Memory

Cache workspace shows blank data for all the views.

Please see the below screenshot for more clarification.

Possible Reason(s):

1. In Windows Server 2012, the Performance counters related to .NET Memory

Cache have been deprecated.

This is an OS issue


1. None.

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3.4 NET Components workspace doesn't show any entry for .NET 4.5 (even-though it is installed on the agent m/c)


.NET Framework 4.5 comes integrated with Windows Server 2012.

Also, user can install .NET Framework 4.5 on an existing server m/c. However, there are

only specific server O.S.'s that support .NET 4.5. For more info on the supported O.S.'s,

please visit MSDN.

For both the above scenarios, i.e., if the agent m/c is Windows Server 2012 or if the agent

m/c is some other server O.S. wherein user has installed .NET 4.5, the user is not able to

see an entry for .NET 4.5 in NET Components workspace.

The below snapshot shows .NET Components workspace for an agent installed on

Windows Server 2012

Possible Reason(s):

1. .NET 4.5 is an in-place replacement of .NET 4.0. This means that .NET

Framework 4.5 is installed on top of .NET Framework 4.0. They are not parallel

releases. .NET 4.5 replaces/overwrites the assemblies and libraries of .NET 4.0.

Therefore, the registry too shows a folder structure with .NET 4.0 & not .NET


This is as per design of the .NET Framework.


1. None

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3.5 For Windows Communication Foundation workspace, default workspace name (i.e., Service Model Endpoint) is not visible in online help


When the user see's the online help for .NET Framework agent, he/she is not able to see

the name of the default workspace, Service Model Endpoint, under Organization of the

predefined workspaces section.

The below snapshot shows 'Organization of the predefined workspaces' section in Online

help for .NET framework agent.

Possible Reason(s):

1. For Windows Communication Foundation workspace, the navigator item name

and default workspace name are different. In such scenarios, the user will see the

navigator item name in the online help & not the name of the default workspace.


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1. To see the documentation of 'Service Model Endpoint' workspace, please refer

'Windows Communication Foundation' documentation.

Additional Information on the issue:

A tech-note regarding this issue has already been published.

3.6 64-bit applications specific workspaces are not seen under ASP.NET Applications workspace


When the user navigates to the ASP.NET Applications navigator item and right clicks on

the navigator item to see the available workspaces under it, the user is not able to see 64-

bit applications specific workspaces.

Please see the below screen-shot for clarification.

Possible Reason(s):

1. The logged-in user who is viewing the portal does not have workspace

administration authority.

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1. Go-to Edit-> Administer Users on the Portal menu bar.

A new window named 'Administer Users' will pop up.

Select the user-id using which you have logged-in to view the portal.

Select 'Workspace Administration' in the Authorities frame.

Check 'Workspace Administration Mode' check-box in the Permissions frame and

finally, click Ok.

Please see the below screenshot for clarification.

On doing the above steps, the user can now see the 64-bit applications specific

workspaces too.

Please see the below snapshot showing ASP.NET Applications workspace navigation on

doing the above mentioned steps.

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