IBM Social Business Briefing, Royal Exchange 26th Oct

Welcome to #ibmsbb


Here are the slides from an innovative IBM Social Business Brieifing

Transcript of IBM Social Business Briefing, Royal Exchange 26th Oct

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Welcome to #ibmsbb

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Veteran of the revolution, social business evangelist, Head of Social Business at leading agency and IBM Business Partner Digirati. Rooven is an author and speaker on the way in which Social Business technology , adoption and usage will transform the enterprise. Follow Rooven on

Rooven Pakkiri Digirati @roovenp

Lee Provoost Headshift|Dachis Group @leeprovoost

Lee leads the Strategy practice at Headshift where he and his team help large global clients with Digital, Social Business and IT Strategy definition and implementation for global rollouts, post-merger integration and top-line/bottom-line growth initiatives. Lee is an active advisor to several startups and a mentor at the startup incubator Seedcamp. Lee has previously lived and worked in Belgium, the Netherlands and India. He now lives in London. You can follow his ongoing stream of thoughts on

Simon Collister We are Social @simoncollister

Stuart Mcintyre Collaboration Matters @stuartmcintyre

Dale Roberts Artesian Solutions @decisionhacker

Simon is We Are Social’s Consultancy Director where he works with clients to plan and implement strategies that enable organisations to become more social and porous through changing their business knowledge and processes. Prior to We Are Social, Simon worked in digital communications for leading PR firms, Weber Shandwick and Edelman. A founder member of the Chartered Institute of PR’s Social Media Advisory Panel, he is currently researching a PhD in networked communication.

Stuart McIntyre is cofounder and CTO of Collaboration Matters. With over 2,500 followers, a network of millions of LinkedIn contacts and a weekly podcast that reaches thousands worldwide, his social reputation is proven. However, Stuart is not just another 'social networking guru', his organisation has delivered more IBM Collaboration projects than almost any other IBM Partner, deliver regular Connections-focused Social Business training sessions for organisation executives, and run the UK IBM Connections User Group.

Dale is half way through his second decade helping organisations make better decisions. Much of this time was with Business Intelligence giant, Cognos where, as a European Services Director, he oversaw hundreds of business intelligence solutions for major corporates. Most recently he is part of the Executive team of Artesian Solutions, an innovator in social media monitoring and analytics. He is a commentator, blogger and regular speaker on the Business Intelligence, Analytics and Performance Management circuit. Follow him on

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Social Business

Social Brand



Decision Making


Talent Management

Influence Mentions


Social Analytics

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Where Brand, Business and Analytics Converge

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departments are

driving Social ?

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Gartner predicts that

over 70% of IT-

dominated social media

initiatives will fail through 2012

Source: IBM White Paper “measuring the value of social software – June 2010

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Is Social Being

Driven by

Culture or

Leadership ?

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“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the

work and give orders...

... instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea...”

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Social Brand

versus Social

Business, is

there a correct

order of play ?

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From social brand to social business

"Our chief listener is critical to making sure the right people in the organization are aware of what the conversations on the web are saying about us, so that relevant people in the business can connect with customers"

Richard Binhammer Communications Executive, Dell

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Are organisations

defining clear

objectives for

Social or

attempting to

learn from the

outcomes ?

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“Culture eats

Strategy for lunch”

Sandy Carter IBM

Strategy versus Culture

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Listening – using social media as “real time” research and gaining insights from listening to customers

Talking – using conversations with customers to promote products or services

Energizing – building brand stewardship; and identifying enthusiastic customers and using them to persuade others

Supporting – making it possible for customers to help each other

Embracing – turning customers into a resource for innovation

Social Business Objectives

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“Change is powerful, but change always comes with failure as its partner. 'This might not work' isn't merely something to be tolerated; it's something you should seek out”

Seth Godin Poke the Box

The Reducing Cost of Failure

“Social Analytics are the new Black” Sandy Carter, IBM

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