VOLu:\lE XXIV. STUDENT SENATE CONSIDERS PLANS FOR BIG EVENTS Point System Chairman an d I High tlchool Week Leader Elected at Meeting of Body MAILMA Flux lee tu res 120 TELEPHONES A whir of wheels and a sc reec h On Questz"ons At the present time in Mon- oj brakes and a F'ord t.1w.:k comes tana State coreire, there arc 120 to a definite halt. ·in front. ol Of J telephones in the various office!'\ "Ham" Hall. 1h e driver tus hes mportance un<l rooms which are co nt rolled out-g-1 abs a bag from the truck by the college tel ep hone se rvi ce and a <live tor the fro nt I located on the main floor of door. >.o, don't be alarmed, tor Eng lis h Speaker Di sc usses I\loney Hall. l\lrs. Celia l\Iawry, it :\londay morning- and ?ilr. Problems In Int erest in g Talk who has been connected with the Brigg::; only trying to J?et his college for eight years in this mail in on time . Before St ud ents work, has charge of the i:-.witch- "BriJ?J::p;·• wo1 ked on ti1is J board . During this time, 1\1 · s. ::\D:\IBER 6 I BOBCATS IN CRUCIAL GO December 2-3 1 FOR STATE GRID CROWN Bert Hansen D1 s c·u8ses :\knts uf Pia\ \\" ritten Br Well !\no'\ n Play- wright, Kenyon Xicholson Preparations for . \rmi st ice Day Ga me With Carroll College SainlH ,\re ( ompleted. Big Program Planned For Hi vear:s anJ in that time, he has A capacity crowd heard Mr. Alfred until fhe daily except Sundays .. The Bark er/' by Kenyon Holiday and Evening Preced ing. Parade Downtown po:stal :service for the colle,..;e 1or I Mawry has worked from eig-ht worn out four car:s. \\·hen ·w. noted B1itish economist, and noon hours . son, produced in >;<.>w y(,rk at ooff tthhee I he. first delive11·ing- the I The f'Crvice ha s n ot ... Charle:-; LI. If J)J"e-game 1·al11· ne.• ,·111cl c·clel)1·at1"on-.· ha,·e an,·th1"11" to clo \\·1th ' ' ' I mail he used a team anc wag-on, gineering as sembly room la st Thurs- a. way s een in its present loca- o · m . t, w1 e p1esc•ntc. ........ ·" r mcetin).!'" last :\Ion. day. to <liscusi-:.io. n and later a l•o c.l car which later t1o n. About four '-'ears ago 1 ·t under t.he direction of 1 1<.>rt Jl ansc·n at o- ·d· ··r·t \ f al 'I t St t ' B b t h 11 · I and eni:ourag-ement oi act1\· - became tne fire truck . day afternoon at 4 o'clock. i\lr. Flux was moved from az1icultural the. Ellen the:atre, Deccml.er 2 and ;, e- 1'1 iron \ h.: 01."Y or Ce Cc: .i.\' on e .o ca :;; s OU ( Will JY to from the F1ghlmg Sa1ntR of Carroll college }.;,ame. 'lhc fraternities and lected tw;ce a day. The mail ;'\Jontana Hall. The office re- 1ecommendat1on of (Jne of the I . .. wercd told lo be 1 in. the is delivered to the offices in each 1nained there until the buildi ng- cribcs •. w. Kru.t1h All ;\lontana rn awa1t111g. the outcome of the ReaRon< lll'emiPre e iarious the 1 ,.ople may become better ac- football clash w hi ch \\"Ill either t'.'." St:Jt' collcg0 its sP'"Ol'fl 1 he ..\n11.:ril:an Lqdon i:> wo: king to attemr-t to the ton::; of the conditions th1·ough- has been for the past few years . !'!ichr:!son has uncle. taken to porlray c hampion ship in four years c r \Yill throw the dtcision int 1 make a real day and Gannaway mail that he has brouj;tht to the Of the 120 telephones there ar e in (Biltmore. an indefinite three-way tie among the schools from JiclPna Bozl:- pleadetl with the senate to do then· college in his yea•s of service. In his speech i\Jr. Flux ga\'e a very only 59 bemg used_ There are and m certain r espects the Job ts wetl . ' - Liest. m arousing- student opinion to le.a r ned_ and concise mt e1 pretat1on o I four lines to the ou ide or city. t.l(.;ne. li e has creatl•<l a cunvincin·.c man, and i\Itssoula. the nle<l o[ coopcrauon. He " In his topic. He went back to the midd le in outward he has In -.Ji,ations ar(' that all probability this will be the larg- GRADUATE TAKES of the runeteenth century when gold 111 many a viiorous .1 1 ort o: a hliuarcl \\di <st crowd that has ever witnessecl a was discovered m Cahtornia. Up to STU IJE NT ACTIVITY dialogue, and he has treated seve al RELIGIOUS GROUP l'r" nl football g-ame at :\lcntana State col- that time there had been so me,,hat characte1:s. notably that oJ •::-:ailor i·ield from rad ... td I I h rta f Id · "\V t t·:·r ( n \rm ·o:.Lt·t d.1y for RAILROAD COURSE FEES AN NOUNC ED MEETlNG FRIDAY lhe of )1. S. C. to at- Ian give faith in curren .. y, and conse. Broadway it is a good and it tend the dance to be given Friday ___ quently prices \\ent up. s tand s an excellent chance of night at tht" Pla-mor by the Ameri- Ja ck \\"• lier c, tudies 'frailS iortation At the pre.sent time, F anee an d ___ .. . 1• · r. ·1 d can Legion. '" ,., 1 I the United States control about 60 . h.enron the author 01 c-n ac1iic ra roa from Htll•na .An injunction dC'manding- that the at\ ale \.;ni,ersit) On Strathcona per cent of the world' s gold !,Upply." Amounts of Appropriations Show ''The is a.t. P csC:.nt an in- DrG.'1·0Puarsp commissioner of each department J 1h1 s 1s not perhap s an ideal s1tua- That Mone) Sup 1)()rts Numer - st r.ucto1: m d1ama.hcs at- ( olumb.a . ., stu:l'"nts ;:.nd rtsident-. 4 f the and the faculty ad\·isor of that de- I t1on, but they have accumulated it ous Activities university, where he has bl 1 en sinc-t: hensive Religious 8urvey c city. \nwrican in partment sig-n a\1 , ouL"her" dra\\ n on I through the payment of JUSt debts 1 1921. 1 'Th e Bark er" 1·c,prcsent..c; Olk I 1 0 ts ( r Puttc. l..h ton. the t1easure1's office, \\as pa"sed by a Jack Weller of Whitefish, wh o and are entirely w1thm their r1,c. ht s,'' 1 --- of. seve ral successfu l plays hy JI --- . Ht:>lcna llii:;: 1 imLcr and Bozuna n unanimous \Ok>. An wa"' last year 111 mcc.:11amcal en-1 :\Ir Flux stated 1 Aside from a great d ea l of wailing-I Nicholson. Dr .. De.an Par on: (,f a ll han· made r,lan-;, not on ly to accepted to the ett:ect that 1f there 1::.lg:meer1ng, and \\ho is now attending- Ir F"lux blamed incompetent bank - and wondering by most of the Mr. Han se n' s producticn with it ... 1·\mcncan conicrcnce io.r teligion l?l send official representation. hut no student comm1s ... 10ner, for a de- \ale: wnte::. that he 1 ::; \\O.kmg on a e1s and business rnen for some of om students, little is actually known well chosen ca st. settings in kee1>in.L. <:duca_Lon, .spuke lo. the H ·· to send ('Ven· memh .. r \\ho can Jartment, the faculty ad,·1i:-.or and the thes1::; \\:h1ch concerns the of economic dis tress . He s tated that c:onterning the and allot- with t he ca1·nival scene, and fine in- ln:iou::. comw,J c\·en.n.; ... He find time t.r ·mean .... t<, t"ome to comn11s1oner of finance ealh, locomotl\e:s the :\"ew _l or k, Newlwhen money is short and the Jarj?I.! mE:n t of Associ ated Stude nt tunds. terpretation of the story promises to of t111" !"ame and to t·o 3 r:erat<' in sig-n the voucher. HaYen, I banks have huge reserves lying in I In the hope that the puolication of the best feature::::; of the orig- t<lutat.on m sta.te ornd claborat.(' for Louis Spain was appointed chair- 1 he L<>'-:omot1ve \\ orks ls m- their \·aults, in s tead of putting it i!"l this material will s.timulate an inter-I inal produ cti on. an_l for the day. man of the point and Carl te1:ested m :::elhng the :\ ew circulation where it is most needeJ est in these the follo wing is I to incl irate in "ha.t mannti p e- ame activity .,.+a: t Thurs fay Rloan was appointed c:hairman of railroad ne·w type locomotives they refuse to loan. offered. . tucle:nts and teal"her...: we e mtere ·ti.' I with a s;...edal I ep a .-embl)o in the Hig-h School week. Ray \'an Fleet which will cut down maintenance ·when asked by Dean Ham ilton recei'e by far the greater CROSS COUNTRY The proposed survev woul«l a:tlm t sron:-oreJ b.' the lndP· and Rosy Piatt were appointed the prob3:bility <;>r advisab.ility share of the fee, $1 or 47.5 J >er cent. to di!'\c.c,·er thL· natmC extent 0 , endcnt:-. . ·Ledle. :-. to . av t!iere w guardiian:; of the live bobcat 1 of European nations gomg on a silver the Montanan being next with $4, or ninl be no FT luJa\ . zcman \\ill whose future home i:; to be at the :-3 \standard, stated there 19 per cent. The band receives $1.80 TO BE RUN SOON .. · " le awakenLJ frnm 1l ... a at1v A. E. house. Among- the con- three poss1b1ht1es. They could either or 8.6 per cent. The three fee:s. l e\·erythin;; but po:1th by culorful sidered were purchase of a harnes:5- go on a silver standard, requ ire formerly alloted to debate, glee club, pcinte<l out that there i:-- c<;n"i It J2.ble ! throu;:.:.h Lu:-.ine ... d trit.t for the bobcat, a publication of a ft- gold for a reserve, or put the ratio and dramatics, have this year been uitici:-m directc 1 at.. be· at 10 .... 0 that A number of nancial report of asgociated studeh ntl of gold to silver hi gh enough to ocmbined to form a general cultural O\·cr 100 )Jen Will Vie for Honors cau>e of non- clici·r,u...: i.iit•.i·- lUm.ru:-o r,rg,amzatwn .an1l acth·ities ,and student work on t e vent inflation . fund, under the 1 ·u1·1·sd i" cti"on of the .... " '"' - I h fl f -.1 b ·1ct· J h p Bet"ecn Hahe::; of Carroll e,;ts · are now p t 1 ar.n r c.ts o 1 pioposeu '"'mon lll me:. · 0 n ar- Mr. Flux is a graduate of Cam-I commissioners of these cle11 artment :s, · . dozen mot;ffs to make up a ra1t ker volunteered to make public t he b ·d · "t d f b f a d 1\1 Be i, H Tl · d t Game . It wo.uld be mt.e1:E:st .11.! !.ww o. thl! a:- are otht-r c;roup, I I 7 dr net cam t: \ n < 1 hl-. 'I he Bohcat lland. di1ected by Lou th .t. f t d t k versity of Manchester in England and ce:it of the total. The Exponent re- \Veil over 100 men ai·e e·.··pet·tecl t•l r"'is to at ext<!nt st.' 11 e'lt Ito\\ a <l and led bv its vat.e e proposi ion ° 5 u en wor· also at McGill university in Mont: eaJ. l ce1ves $1.50 from each s tudent, 01 ... et .selt-.con:K-..ous leeaU"C 01. their, drum mai·or. Stew A\er'·. \\ill lend t.1e on the Union bu ildin g-. His specialty is statistics ,and he is 7.15 per cent of the 2L Th e basket- s tart in the annual cross-countrv int.erC"st. If Y \H:O:C' 0 p .... radl:.'. >.ext v..:ill come l\\o lo<"al com- The meeting notable in that all a statistician for the British Board ball tournament gets $1 from each race, to be held between the halves o·f m s-ct.en:L' and ..... t 11 1 tan::; s of the national i::-uar<l th<-n the but one of the voting members were of Trade which is connected very student at the time of regi stration, the Bobcat -Ca rroll game I·'rida\". 0 a 11 'at"'r rl ' out- eL:i.C,!e unit of R. 0. T. C., lhe .-\nu:·- present. closely with the cabinet of the Eng- but this may be returned to the stu- Each fratern ity has entered a tea;n ook and whl frC'"hmcn aie mire 1tan le l hv th lish government. He is chairman of den if he does not choo&e to attend of ten men, and with the Indepen- 'pt to be th m 1 .:! :J 1 Jer Bozeman drum s iloa• dent squad the number should be well I 1 " ht b f th TTENDS \ the statistical committee of the the tournament . This i 4.75 per cent ... -n. miL e 0 1 ta anJ cai:-. the Gallatin C.vuntv hi h STOKAN A , , . . . . +- \League of Nations. He now is retir-1 of the total. ha\·e been :< nt t.hPt (.ould Le co\l'rt.>tl 111 S: tch school band. S1,ur:-' and .Fan_·, c 11- chsts. \\ ellc, s JOb ts. to ing from his work and plans to settle Other allotmen ts are: Associat"tl adopted to insure a fair The .. ou re. the <'.ete n >:in- kge. studrnls and to rlinwx t e p o- T . t e. c?sb . o t e .i. ew down in Copenhagen, Denma rk, his students, men, 50 cents · Associated roll of those who have been c:nte t' I t1 n on thb c·a •li>U'> cc s;cn. all tht: collt-:::e lav...: . ELECTRICAL ME E wife's nati1e city, to read and write. :'tude!_lts, women. 25 a.rt exhib- by their organizations will be called should be worthy of note. There will be two 1 nze · iri' en I claim. ln investigating the matter 11ts, lD cents.i JUdgmg 20 cents. in the gym 10 min.utes befon.• to the gruup ha\ ing the m elabor- --- for the Kew Haven rrulroacl, Jack is I These combine to make a toh1.l of 5 start. Each Cl S T ate anJ unique tloat. I checking the maintenance costs fo1· School Employee per cent of the total. The entire fee should have his mens name< hs'.ed ass craps 0 .-1.t the conclusion ot this 1·ar:ide a Represents 1\lontana S tat e at A. the past 20 years . .I I amounts to $21. l in the hand s of the intramural man· B H ld f "d f>rmal .A1n.1is:iu .. tlfly pr11_ra111 will I. E. E. Conv e ntio n in Van- Weller is at Yale this year on a D. s cl cl l : ager by Wednesday, . Nv1cmbc 1 e e r1 ay be h.e:J at tne Ellei; theatre \\.th Tum COU\' er in Sept e mber I Strathcona fellowship . The 1 es u en y DUNCAN G IVEN AWARD I No one may enter. 1.it et. Da\1', prominent Butte attorney. V- I fellowship cai ried a financ:ial grant vr ___ Only the car may follo\\ I --- tht.· Arm1::.:t11.:e. Cay addres.... Do., n- . --- . I $1 ,20 0 and is offered annually for ad- B G , . the runners, and it must stay . It won't be Ion,.!" until :\1. s .. l. "hall 1 ti \Vll,I be dcl·oratcd o thP The Pacific coast con\'ent1on of the anced work in transportation with Funeral serv ices for Edward A. I utte irl Given Arts and Craft s the last Any othe r t'ars on the tinJ. out how mut·h 11ep thi: tn::_;a Ol"L'a='•On with StatL• colletZc an1l I ar- Ameri ca n Jn st itute of Electri cal E:1- sr.eri al 1 eference to the construction Stacy, 1\1. S. C. employee, who died I Scholarship for Exce ptional Ability course will automatically disqualif,:.. can show. The annual clns:-' sna s bl'- roll college pennant::.. and troph) :-o Augu st 30 to_ September 2. Prof. I. A. and other engin ee ring problems con- 1an. church. Friday. Mr. Stacy was I . . the car belong. classes will be held between haLYe::- tu. be l the f1 atermty or "or- g;ineers was held in Vancou,·er, B. C. and operation or !ast Monday, w.ere held at the Christ- ___ I the team of the to which tween m1 t 1twmor(.> ''' n in formLr c p aquc Thal er and Rudolph Stokan reprc-1 nected with the efficient transporta- w:1th apoplexy while Katherine Dunca n has JUSt To a ssist in the.mamlenancc ot th::--. of the Bobcat-Ca1rol1 J:.!1_1me Fr1<lay. c 1:y ha :n!!' hl'st exh1b1t. \\;11 5ented the Montana Stale college tion of and freight as well mg a fire m. the kitchen stove at h is been 1 ary. art rule th.e Fangs w_11l police the cou s<: AR has beei:i the cu:-t 1m m be- J lObably be cxh1b1ted. branch a s. branch and as financial and legis lati,·e home, and died a few moments later. the Marian \\hit e Ai ts and Atkm:-;o n will act fore, the winner of lhese are Just be o.t> t'ie i:amc, at:.! lJ 'd >eL branch chairma n, res1>ect1vely. of transportation . Mr . Stacy was born tn Michigan in club of Butt e. The scho la iship sta.rter, with Professors Dye an.i properly by Scptcmnn the the annual cro::-s-countr:: rnce _w:11 iie Th e conventio n was marked prin- 18 l-i. coming to Montana in 1901. For to a loan of 300 a and Gaines as timer s and four judge:' who awa'd bemg the frcshnwn run. The course a1 I rc.x mately cipally by the pr esentation of techni- 26 years he was employed by the is awarded to the art have not yet been selected. ha,·e to then- g-reen d:.:r.n three m:!.,·:-o o t!r thiee kinJ:-- uf roa ; ... cal papers b.r mstitute members anJ Ri"fle Team Wi"}l Kenyon-Knoble lumber company and of the .s_ ... h ool th.e sprmg quarter, prov.J.n:;r a.11 ! f''.'rl::;. on the tl.1cK at Gat- student dele{!ates. The :\lontana State for the past two and a half years had gi.aduatmg class. me the wm. :-'h.oul l the ... ton F'idJ Am ng a laige numl.'('1" of college paper was on "Eleetrical Get Act1" on Soon been employed as a janitor at Mon- second person to receive. the scholar- ln c rea sed Number SUCCLed ·'" defeattn!! t,he fr >Ollll'n. m- entrant• .arc three former. wmne Propertie s of Ha rdened Copper" wTlt- tana tate college. He suffered a I ship. Kath:yn Kel. lett being the first. I ::.tead of the time be•n!.!" sho ten J ,t l harles ;th who took tir:;t thr. · ten by Homer Lambdin and At min strnke of apoplexy a year ago from The. Ma nan Vv 111te Arts a:id Crafts! Of G" l I D I be: lengthened am! g-rccn hat azo antl b now '" :--(h oJ. Hill. --- which he ne ver fully recovered . H is lS a c:lub of women mterested Ir s n orm will be m .'0.!?UC for the g-n·aL r part Cla1ence \\ lll I. \'(':l' An excellent entertainment pro- Lt. Clarence E. Jack so n ha s an-, death M!>nday came as a shock hi-;I m and an.x1ous to promole the --- of the quarter. RU..cec<l1.:d in the old iluirk gram wa s arranged. Out sta ndinz nounced that rifle team practice will many friends by whom he was highly crafts. They t.hal th e . . Septenn·1n.hns not annoutl('t'tl while running am(... ng the events at. the meeting begin next week. P1actice hours for respected . I mg_ of the schola1sh 1p really wor th A 'laq:rn increa.!';e over the sc-ra1>s will be but hav(• a po itcd for individual honors, and W nfield wer e: a reception in honor of Pre s- men will be Monday Wednesday and He is su rvived by his widow and a and hope to contmue the pro-1 enr.ollment m t_he number ol the Fangs tu make ran !"t:llll.'nts. ... nor'' \Y il:ler, winnn of l-.!ttC1 id ent Charlesworth of the A. L E. E. 111 iday afternoons. 1 For gill s, the 1 son, .Clarence StacY, of Glendale Cali-1 JCCt m the future. _ _ )'.Uris at . tam.ilton Under cla ssmcn to Le: I_> 1 e - last year. followed l;y a dance in the Oval room hcur s are during Tuesday and Thu l' s- forma, who graduated with a deS:!TPe _ . 1 . . been dee! . tei m. Th ei e Ute cnt at the game Fi idn) thl''. 1 old The activitie" of da .. w·n l of the Hotel Vancou ver convention day afternoons Th ere has been much in architecture f1om Montana State f1011 the of now 66 girls li ving there, l l of whom clothes to uphold the trad1th no pa,,t with a dn ' . D . ,·1 . . . I headquarte1s ; a boat excu'rsion aroun<l' enthusiasm in rifle work thi:, college. Ma1:yland of h! s. refu sal Loi ;\lany represent freshmen and of by the Howe I yeai:. Many chaJlenges ha,·e bt.oe11 1 :rom __ the publie. .".ill be adfn tL"J surrundrnp: s; s1ght seerng tnps, m- 1ece1ved and accepted. , . _ · · ,., . , I ·· ' . r ' ', I students .ng tH the' j for =lO l'ents w:th act1ntv ticket eluding- iisits to the Ruskin Power Dr A J ill Johnson of the h si···; Flank Heikkila. _9, IS now i\lth. the petitwned the i ege nts of the sc.h?·'I do • m1tory include: )lurphy, SCHOOL '.\IIXER THlTRSDA Y --- --· -- plant of the B. C. Electric Railway /de been sales depart!11ent of the \Ves:!ng: t for .s.hould college, --- / a d the University of P. ·ri g 1 hou se Electric company at Sp1 mg be tu . ned do" n, Coale plans to tc1ke . h.eppn er :\l ontana Sdwol of :\!me . I T Pl !'\Cve• al st udent I on rhe.t Tl ( e- field, i\ l ass. I le6 al action. II Alice and c Helen \ 'an SC'cond of of ::\chool Dances to ournamen t ans luncheons and th'e ban- 0 Helena .Intcrmount.ain; Cookr ll(' Held in Gymnasium Before Gam(' Ch quct in the !"ain ballroom of Hotel I ritles and pi•tol•. Th ose expe riment s DR A ND MRS RENNE TO UR I ruth. l\ ort hern ' )[ontana l\or;JJal; anged By Board Vancou\:er. fh e con,•ent1on sue- allow students of the physics depatt- Ahce l'\or th State ressful m every respect, acc:ordmg to men.t to. actually see the effcct.s of. the UN/TED ST ' A TES T'LJJ S S UMMER L',ol- The onJ of a of all-sehool Rudolph Stokan. projectile on the target which IS :l .H. n leg:e, and B1ook e, mixers w II be held on tht.• l'H' of lhe Becau::::e of a j!'l'OW d ...... n fat·· pendelum suspended the ceiling }eg-e, Iowa. .J. Leigh is again Carroll football i;!:tml' with the tion with th(> method u t•d fo the M ort ar Boa rd Tea G iven Newcomers On Thursday afte1 noon, November 3, Mortar Board gave it s annual tea in Herrick Hall for 19 women trans - fe r studen ts from other schools anri colleges. Every year the women' s honorary gives the tea for the pur- of j."!etti ng the new stu - dents acquainted with the returnint; women. and constructed to scale. house ant.I :\lary EYans Bob('atR. This dnnn• will lw hPld :n past Revera! yeats of dC'ud:ng- h" Seeing the United States in 9,000 I In the middle Atlantic s tates and is study super\'1sor. n<."_ <_>,IOletre land will .lsltab1·t stalL' cham111"011shi·11. i·t \1·.·i·. <l•c1·,1,,1 miles was the privilege of Di· . and down to Washin gto n the amount of Twelve gi1 ls are work ing- part of < ··> .t nnm.m t lal").!"e wi (' .. , .. SECRETARIAL HONORED Mrs. Renne last summer. "How so publ ic construction was impress ing- . the time to help of made. last F'ridar at a of the many various types of peoples, occu- New road s and pub lic buildings were and board. Ali t'C: May l arr , who All !'t'hool mixC'r:-' have ht.•..: n t iril Bonni ()f control of tlw 11 iJ.!.h Srnool \\'inona Han·ey Gh·en Recognition for pations and interests can be bound being built and in Wa s hington new 1 is at the: llall for a thre-e-week and ha,·e h('Cn found ,.CIT sucn•.,.sful athlet'.c to t'ondul t ::st'Jl- . , . . I together unde1· one flag is a mo.it departmental buildings were being- period! some actual expe_r- on other c•;.unpuses. The <.'ommittt'L' Outstandmg \ \ork m S horthand astonishing fact,11 says Dr. Renne. erected in place of old. ience Ill msttt uhonal work. Tlw1e will a nnounces that this dann· is o1c·n for aiate cla:<s ..\ and clas B tourn1t· New Orlean s is still it wa s when be at two more at the II all clo- nil student-- noel vi ito1·s '' hn are i•l mcnt:'- with u ono g-,une 1ila,:.. ti" --- Dr. and l\'lrs. Renne left Bozeman the Spaniard s settled it- narrow ing home work some time during the Uowman for thL• g-:.i.nw t 1 1C' nt<xt da,. the (lt un·ii "!'.!' o ... p. Winona Harvey, sophomore 9 on this trip. They went east cobblestone stdeets with overhangin2' yea.·. ln chn1g-e of tht• dll:ll'l: \\ii! 1-. This dL•c1s1n11 was die result 11 a porches trinuned with casl and Dorothy Lyman nnd Lowt.•11 Ta h oi quc-::t1onnairl• "t•nt out ,• in'" t company out.standin" accomplish- I Sioux St. Marie, and over to Ca na .la wrought iron. The dampness of the Ed Beec ralt, former £'(1ito: of the lml epondent club. every high schot>l ll1 thP .. att:' a 11 ' city and the flatness of th ou d · I if lhl'Y would lw in fav 1r s.utli n ment i ·n shoi·tha11d. Jlai·vey took to and '1ontreal. The out-. e sm-r n -ithe and connected w1t1 Th d · \ 1 1 ' mg countr lend an at 05 h f th c ·· atmz rnn·au" a flour·s.1- l·hang-e. En·ry l la.-.:-. A ht• 1 J Tl" dictation at 120 words per minute standing impression of the Canadians tropic . Y m Pere 0 e student .affai1s ing at Arknn"'a Pol)tet·h srondetl aff:rmnti\ek nnd out l' · 1-10 with a very high deg!ee of accuracy. was the predomination of the Ftench. So much already been said about wh1l r at 1 ::::; a:-:s1stant ethtor of n:t• t·olle.,t• . ThP burcnu ha a s("a!l' cln:-s B 1 a ' ... ('.! P.r.t th. She is the first student in two years Going so uth then Crom Quebec, Dr. the. Gran.d can. yon that Dr. Renn(' de- it. he Yellowsto ne Journal, a leaJin;: {f p iees. anrl frc> art• "t1 r lt1r1!,rn(t ehan!?e he mndP. to g-ain this distinction. and Mrs. Renne passed through a hiR- scribed it with the two words •·trc- Th- lontana weeklv 1 1ub li :;hcd ut with thC" dL·:-o·ra:}ilitv of thL' tl:1t" se- \\-hi!(' all 04 the n ,,. In dictation a numb r of the !:=ec re- torically interesting- country in the mendous'' and "stupendous." Leaving c·t " l'UJ"('.1 for <:.Ul sl'l'ibt . or km h1Wt' not bt:(•n nnnngC' I. bo r<l tarial also gained recognition. Thelma New England stat.es. Boston is :i. the Grand canyon, Dr. and Mr s. 1 y. WO'l'('ll to mnl;ci rin t•n r:.H!t•- decide-ii ddln.td:r thn th l i Loberg, Jean Miller, Opal Petrau sc h; quaint New England city, typical of traveled through the colorful Painted nH nt must :--ubmit four in tlw larl!C'Rt hi'!h s(·holll-. in tht• w.11 a.nd 1 the offi- oh)d Engla nd lwh1.thl the CS<_ : unmoBn!i tas and the Indian reserv- Helen Cornwell is spendin,,. thC" Fall the \ J.!l"O p. All 1 eta wor est. e word test t e center of e own. mce os on at10n and lhen. mto a barren dese rt I with her family in Harl owto n, and .. - mn:ll'n!?: '':..·hools will l 1 e a" · m·d int was passed by Mary Alice Peterson, depends almost entirely on t r ade th"' where gas stations are few and far t·rnts. third ('hnil'f' l:l c•t•nts and fnurtl1 Joi dlstr:cts to makl' up tht) l·ln:-- "\.fa· C!aret Patten, Th elma Loberg and harbor is inter esting to note. Ships, between a'nd prices a;·e ouh·a.rreou s. plans to go East to school after th e c·hoicc the ba gain pril'l' or 10 B group. Evelyn Petrie. weatherbeaten and rolling-. have been In Utah the Morman influence iR· fir st of the year. Tht' :-: honls "ill nwd ii in port for 24 months awaiting lhe noticeabl e.' TrrL[!'ation developed lo a Dick Slatter\'. r. F.., will he in tr•urn:>nient nrri\:nl ] .. at P11•t-- (''""'l Mort ar Board is a senior women· c; honorary organization . I ts purpose is to maintain a high sta ndard of schol- arship1 to encourage leadership, and to s timulate and develop a finer type of colleg-e women. It was fir st in- sta lled as Cap and Gown, later be- coming Mortar Board, in 1929. Eacl1 year six members are chosen to carry on the work of the chapter. Active members are: Sarah Barrin2er 1 Vir- t:rinia \Varner. Dorothy Ford, I\lary Lowney and Mary ande . Lucille ")fore people hae died from drink- \\r esto,·er, selected as a member last in tr tuberculosis milk than from year, did not retrun lo school this drinking whiskey. but I do not there- quarter . Sarah Barringer has been 1 fore wish to prohibit says A elected as temporary president. member of Parliament. end of the depression. high degree by these diligent workers Albeit Pettibo ne, C. E. is help- Yellow:"tone National Pnrk unfl l o !I •ll•na. Ea h cla jj.,. \Vhen approachin(!' New York City, ha s litera ll y made Utah. From Saltine- ,t.o. brin.g ":\lontan.a out of the 1 .. s .n ow flic-s" in h is wo!k with thC' en· ',."·ill, ln" 1 "!"le fn ''"' lt•.1 Dr. Renne says that he was im - Lake City, Mr. and 1\lrs. Renne re- l h k h h s d1-t t "rJ.··1 " ,. pres ed by t he concentratio n of p-O!J· turned to their home in Bozeman in m is. wor wit t e tate corpR of the ?\ationnl Par k then mee . 1 at r " ulation and height of the building•. September. Highway Department . Service . I a class B 'playoff. · Doz,•mun. it





Point System Chairman and I High tlchool Week Leader Elected at Meeting of Body

~o:ntann MAILMA Flux lee tu res 120 TELEPHONES

A whir of wheels and a screec h On Questz"ons At the present time in Mon-oj brakes and a F'ord t.1w.:k comes tana State coreire, there arc 120 to a definite halt. ·in front. ol Of J telephones in the various office!'\ "Ham" Hall. 1he driver tushes mportance un<l rooms which are contro lled out-g-1 abs a bag from the truck by the college telephone service and n1ake~ a <live to r the fron t I located on the main floor of door. >.o, don't be alarmed, tor Englis h Speaker Discusses I\loney ~lontana Hall. l\lrs. Celia l\Iawry, it i~ :\londay morning- and ?ilr. Problems In Interest in g Talk who has been connected with the Brigg::; i~ only trying to J?et his college for eight years in this mail de1in~r1e~ in on time. Before Stud ents work, has charge of the i:-.witch-

"BriJ?J::p;·• ha~ wo1 ked on ti1is J board . During this time, 1\1 · s.

::\D:\IBER 6


Bert Hansen D1sc·u8ses :\knts uf Pia\ \\"ritten Br Well !\no'\ n Play-

wright, Kenyon Xicholson Preparations for .\rmist ice Day Champion~hip Gam e With Carroll College SainlH ,\re ( ompleted. Big Program Planned For

Hi vear:s anJ in that time, he has A capacity crowd heard Mr. Alfred until fhe daily except Sundays .. The Barker/' by Kenyon ~ichol- Holiday and Evening Preced ing. Parade Downtown po:stal :service for the colle,..;e 1or I Mawry has worked from eig-ht

onl~· worn out four car:s. \\·hen ·w. Flux~ noted B1itish economist, and noon hours. son, fi ~st produced in >;<.>w y(,rk at StJui,·1~'ntG~·~nnaat\\c··. i,·1'e,·1oirt~~d·id,"11no'...-1 ooff tthhee I he. first ~tarted delive11·ing- the }~~~r:n~n t~ee ~f>i~s~i~~.~.e~~r~h~>r~~= I The tebleph~ne . f'Crvice has not t~'ea~nBeil,tn~orel')t2h ... ca~rc:llbyb· Charle:-; LI. I f J)J"e-game 1·al11· ne.• ,·111cl c·clel)1·at1"on-.· ha,·e an,·th1"11" to clo \\·1th ' ' ' I mail he used a team anc wag-on, gineering assembly room last Thurs- a. ways een in its present loca- o · m . t, w1 e p1esc•ntc. ........ ·" r mcetin).!'" last :\Ion. day. to <liscusi-:.io. n and later a l•o c.l car which later t1on. About four '-'ears ago 1·t under t.he direction of 11<.>rt Jl ansc·n at o- ·d· ··r·t \ f al 'I t St t ' B b t h 11 · I and eni:ourag-ement oi ~tucfont act1\· - became tne c~Jleg-e. fire truck . day afternoon at 4 o'clock. i\lr . Flux was moved from th~ az1icultural the. Ell en the:atre, Deccml.er 2 and ;, e-1'1 iron \ h.: 01."Y or Ce Cc: .i.\' on an~ ~ e ~ .o ca :;; s OU ( Will JY

~~ ~~ 1Jhbef~~~,i~~~e f;,); 0\~ar~~iie;~ l~on~·~~hi~~i1~;;;; 1 ;~~~:s i~,.: ~1~ ti\~:~g~~~~~:f0.:'sn\ci~o~~ei~s~~.l>i1E1 u':i'itiiicb?ae\i~~h0n•f. ~~!~~}fiy to 0~ r~~~' t~';:'r r~:;r o~ti ha~ i;?c~~i~he~ ~;;~~~\°~l~~l~~j'.•Y t~~/i~~ ~:x~,·~~'.~~\:1~~1;:1;~,~rc from the F1ghlmg Sa1ntR of Carroll college }.;,ame. 'lhc fraternities and ~oror1t1es lected tw;ce a day. The mail ;'\Jontana Hall. The office re- 1ecommendat1on of c11t1c~. (Jne of the I . ~ .. wercd told lo be

1 re.pre.en~~ in. the is delivered to the offices in each ~~~n~~~fonant~ ;~:~iie;ef~"~~.';l~r f~~~; 1nained there until the buildi ng- 'r~n. kno1~~ cribcs •. J ?~ep.h w. Kru.t1h All ;\lontana rn awa1t111g. the outcome of the ReaRon< lll'emiPre

b~:~e~ ~f [~Y1~~e' !iV~dmir e iarious t~i~~~~~. 'lfr~~~si~vo~~1 /~~~ e~·~~ the 1,.ople may become better ac- f,,~~.';t"';~odt~l:c~;,~\nt~l~o~·~!h~;~n~t li~~lai{~~ 1 ~i~dl \;~','",'.~~cl, t~~~n':~~ football clash w hich \\"Ill either g1y~ t'.'." St:Jt' collcg0 its sP'"Ol'fl

1 he ..\n11.:ril:an Lqdon i:> wo: king to attemr-t to l'~timate the ton::; of ~~:ir~:d,:~:tl~. the conditions th1·ough- has been for the past few years. !'!ichr:!son has uncle. taken to porlray ~lat e c hampion ship in four years c r \Yill throw the dtcision int 1

make th1~ a real day and Gannaway mail that he has brouj;tht to the Of the 120 telephones there are in ·~he Ea~ker' (Biltmore. th~atre!· an indefinite three-way tie among the schools from JiclPna Bozl:-pleadetl with the senate to do then· college in his yea•s of service. In his speech i\Jr. Flux ga\'e a very only 59 bemg used_ There are and m certain respects the Job ts wetl . ~ ' -Liest. m arousing- student opinion to le.arned_ and concise mte1 pretat1on o I four lines to the ou ide or city. t.l(.;ne. li e has creatl•<l a cunvincin·.c man, and i\Itssoula. the nle<l o[ coopcrauon. He ~aid, " In his topic. He went back to the midd le ~tmosphere in outward thim.~R; he has • In -.Ji,ations ar(' that nothin~ all probability this will be the larg- GRADUATE TAKES of the runeteenth century when gold 111 many !-lp<>t~, ma~tered a viiorous .1

1ort o: a hliuarcl \\di <st crowd that has ever witnessecl a was discovered m Cahtornia. Up to STUIJENT ACTIVITY dialogue, and he has treated seve al RELIGIOUS GROUP l'r" nl football g-ame at :\lcntana State col- that time there had been so me,,hat characte1:s. notably that oJ •::-:ailor '.~tLfn i·ield from !a~·n rad ... td I I h rta f Id · "\V t t·:·r arit~ ( n \rm ·o:.Lt·t d.1y for

~~~g a~~~- \~~-~l.\USi·h~o~e~~~e d~~'~u!~ RAILROAD COURSE d1 ssdco~er)~eh~li:cl tomsi~b11~~~11~;e;l~~; FEES ANNOUNCED lyesf~e\~:e~tl~~yar~~:t. ~·t~n<l~;d~~,·~r MEETlNG FRIDAY ~~~c~ir~~eti(.J~iz:~rtce ~~~rl"i~ ~:~~'. a_c~ lhe ~tudents of )1. S. C. to at- Ian give faith in curren .. y , and conse. Broadway it is a good ~now and it tend the dance to be given Friday ___ quently prices \\ent up. stand s an excellent chance of grea~ ~::~~n ~~-rnr~~~i,.~\~\";; th~ ~~c~·:tl:~ night at tht" Pla-mor by the Ameri- Jack \\"•lier c, tudies 'frailS iortation At the pre.sent tim e, F anee and ___ suc~ess." .. . 1• · r. ·1 d can Legion. '" ,., 1 I the United States control about 60 . h.enron ~-cholson, the author 01 c-n ac1iic ra roa from Htll•na

.An injunction dC'manding- that the at\ ale \.;ni,ersit) On Strathcona per cent of the world's gold !,Upply." Amounts of Appropriations Show ''The Ilar~er," is a.t. P csC:.nt an in- DrG.'1·0Puarsp oonnsPla8n'~.~eafokt;; C0Bmefpor1e·~ ~e ~~~~:~~~~ihth~ ~~~·~· ll~ll~~lll commissioner of each department J ('iio~~h ip 1h1s 1s not perhaps an ideal s1tu a- That Mone) Sup1)()rts Numer- str.ucto1: m d1ama.hcs at- ( olumb.a . ., stu:l'"nts ;:.nd rtsident-. 4 f the and the faculty ad\·isor of that de- I t1on, but they have accum ulated it ous Activities university, where he has bl1en sinc-t: hensive Religious 8urvey c ap:t <~ I city. \nwrican f ..(>'~' in partment sig-n a\1 , ouL"her" dra\\ n on I through the payment of JUSt debts 1 • 1921.


'The Barker" 1·c,prcsent..c; Olk I 1 0 ts ( r Puttc. l..h n ~- ton. the t1easure1's office, \\as pa"sed by a Jack Weller of Whi tefish, who and are entirely w1thm their r1,c. hts,'' 1 --- of. several successfu l plays hy JI --- . Ht:>lcna llii:;: 1 imLcr and Bozuna n unanimous \Ok>. An amem~ment wa"' g~·a<luated last year 111 mcc.:11amcal en-1 :\Ir Flux stated 1 Aside from a great dea l of wailing-I Nicholson. Dr .. De.an Par on: (,f th~ .)\or~h all han· made r,lan-;, not only to accepted to the ett:ect that 1f there 1::.lg:meer1ng, and \\ho is now attending- Ir F"lux blamed incompetent bank - and wondering by most of the pa~·m~ Mr. Hansen's producticn with it ... 1·\mcncan conicrcnce io.r teligion l?l send official representation. hut no student comm1s ... 10ner, for a de- \ale: wnte::. that he 1::; \\O.kmg on a e1s and business rnen for some of om students, little is actually known well chosen cast. settings in kee1>in.L. ~u~her <:duca_Lon, .spuke lo. the H ·· to send ('Ven· memh .. r \\ho can Jartment, the faculty ad,·1i:-.or and the thes1::; \\:h1ch concerns the o~erat10n of economic distress. He s tated that c:onterning the spendin~ and allot- with t he ca1·nival scene, and fine in- ln:iou::. comw,J l~radu,:..: c\·en.n.; ... He find time t.r ·mean .... t<, t"ome to comn11s1oner of finance ealh, ~hould locomotl\e:s ~n the :\"ew _l ork , Newlwhen money is short and the Jarj?I.! mE:n t of Associated Student tunds. terpretation of the story promises to stre~sed th~ adn~ab.lit~: of .r~lt-Hu t111" !"ame and to t·o3 r:erat<' in th~ sig-n the voucher. HaYen, an~ ~ew Han~psh1~.e ra1l_ro~d. I banks have huge reserves lying in I In the hope that the puolication of ~epeai the best feature::::; of the orig- t<lutat.on m sta.te un.n·rs;tic~ ornd claborat.(' pro~ram 1~Jann('d for

Louis Spain was appointed chair- 1 he Bald,~·m L<>'-:omot1ve \\ orks ls m- their \·aults, instead of putting it i!"l this material will s.timulate an inter-I inal production. le.I!~!..~..; an_l ~:nitluu.d p~ans for ~ the day. man of the point s.r~te:n and Carl te1:ested m :::elhng the :\ ew Ha_,·,~n circulation where it is most needeJ est in these matt~rs the following is I ~-UJ 'e~ to incl irate in "ha.t mannti p e- ame activity .,.+a: t Thurs fay Rloan was appointed c:hairman of railroad ~ome ne·w type locomotives they refuse to loan. offered. . tucle:nts and teal"her...: we e mtere ·ti.' I with a s;...edal I ep a .-embl)o in the Hig-h School week. Ray \'an Fleet which will cut down maintenance ·when a sked by Dean Ham ilton Athl~tics recei'e by far the greater CROSS COUNTRY The proposed survev woul«l a:tlm t ~ymnas:um, sron:-oreJ b.' the lndP· and Rosy Piatt were appointed ~ about the prob3:bility <;>r advisab.ility share of the fee, $10° or 47.5 J>er cent. to di!'\c.c,·er thL· natmC ~n.l extent

0 , endcnt:-. . ·Ledle. :-. to . av t!iere w

guardiian:; of the live bobcat ma~ot 1 of European nations gomg on a s ilver the Montanan being next with $4, or ,1:~~g-sito,·iutes ~. ,1.'h·-,~~Ji,_z.atth.oenl: ninl 0"r'-'r.:_hti'ae'~-'t1 ,_· be no da~.sc:-; FT luJa\ . B~ zcman \\ill whose future home i:; to be at the :-3 \standard, ~~··.flux stated there ~ve1e 19 per cent. The band receives $1.80 TO BE RUN SOON .. · " le awakenLJ frnm 1l ... a at1v tuwar~I A. E. house. Among- the thin~s con- three poss1b1ht1es. They could either or 8.6 per cent. The three fee:s. l !~~~~~st~~wa~-~d fl~~~. atti1t1~dt: am_:,~~ e\·erythin;; but po:1th by a· culorful sidered were purchase of a harnes:5- go on a silver standard, requ ire l~s formerly alloted to debate, glee club, pcinte<l out that there i:-- c<;n"i It J2.ble ! arad~ throu;:.:.h th~ Lu:-.ine ... d trit.t for the bobcat, a publication of a ft- gold for a reserve, or put the ratio and dramatics, have this year been uitici:-m directc 1 at.. s.ta~ "lhoul~ be· at 10 .... 0 that n_1or~.n,! . A number of nancial report of asgociated studehntl of gold to silver high enough to pr~- ocmbined to form a general cultural O\·cr 100 )Jen Will Vie for Honors cau>e of e.--i·".ti·n~ non- clici·r,u...: i.iit•.i·- lUm.ru:-o r,rg,amzatwn .an1l bu:-;me~~ acth·ities ,and student work on t e vent inflation. fund, under the 1·u1·1·sd i" cti"on of the .... " '"' - I h fl f -.1 T~ • b ·1ct· J h p Bet"ecn Hahe::; of Carroll e,;ts · uu~c:- are now p t 1 ar.n r c.ts o 1 pioposeu '"'mon lll me:. · 0 n ar- Mr. Flux is a graduate of Cam-I commissioners of these cle11artment:s, ~ · . dozen mot;ffs to make up a bi~ ra1t ker volunteered to make public t he b ·d · "t d f b f a d 1\1 Be i, H Tl · d t Game . It wo.uld be mt.e1:E:st .11.! .~ll -~ !.ww o. thl! pa~c.ant a:- are otht-r c;roup, 1~srnn:i~t~i~o;fw:!u~~~;d f~ndi~ve~~i~ I I y~~r~e ~~;he[s~o~~mic~r i~ n~~~ eun~- n~ent's r~llot~1ent


::e$i.60 ~~ 7 ?a~e; ~\ he,~het dr net t~.s cam t: \ n <1

hl-. 'I he Bohcat lland. di1ected by Lou

th .t. f t d t k versity of Manchester in England and ce:it of the total. The Exponent re- \Veil over 100 men ai·e e·.··pet·tecl t•l r"'is an~ to ~Y at ext<!nt st.'

11 e'lt Ito\\ a <l and led bv its rcpl~ndent vat.e e proposi ion ° 5 u en wor· also at McGill university in Mont: eaJ. l ce1ves $1.50 from each s tudent, 01 ... et .selt-.con:K-..ous leeaU"C 01. their, drum mai·or. Stew A\er'·. \\ill lend t.1e

on the Union building-. H is specialty is statistics ,and he is 7.15 per cent of the 2L The basket- start in the annual cross-countrv ).d:!.!"IO~~ int.erC"st. If th·~ Y \H:O:C' 0 p .... radl:.'. >.ext v..:ill come l\\o lo<"al com-

The meeting wa~ notable in that all a statistician for the British Board ball tournament gets $1 from each race, to be held between the halves o·f erec~ m s-ct.en:L' and soc!d~ ..... ~ t 11 1 tan::; s of the national i::-uar<l th<-n the but one of the voting members were of Trade which is con nected very student at the time of registration, the Bobcat-Carroll game n~xt I·'rida\". 0 ~JYe ~tmtE.nb a 11'at"'r rl ' out- eL:i.C,!e unit of R. 0. T. C., lhe .-\nu:·-present. closely with the cabinet of the Eng- but this may be returned to the stu- Each fratern ity has entered a tea;n ook and whl ~ht"r frC'"hmcn aie mire 1tan Le~ion repre~entation le l hv th •

lish government. He is chairman of den if he does not choo&e to attend of ten men, and with the Ind epen- 'pt to be ~aithk.;s th m 1 .:! :J

1 Jer Bozeman drum cor1i~ . bu~ine s iloa• ~ dent squad the number should be well I 1 " ht b f th n·

TTENDS \the statistical committee of the the tournament. This i 4.75 per cent ~.~:-.m ... -n. miL e ~nJTJe 0 ~ 1

ta anJ cai:-. the Gallatin C.vuntv hi h

STOKAN A , , . . . . +- \League of Nations. He now is retir-1 of the total. ov~ ~~~~~ti::r~· ~;,~r~~les ha\·e been :< nt t.hPt (.ould Le co\l'rt.>tl 111 S: tch school band. S1,ur:-' and .Fan_·, c 11-

chsts. \\ ellc, s JOb ts. to fm,~stiJ::a.e ing from his work and plans to settle Other allotments are: Associat"tl adopted to insure a fair ccn~cst. The .. ou .;0~1~a. re. ~n<I the <'.ete n >:in- kge. studrnls and to rlinwx t e p o-

T. t e. ma1~tenance c?sb . o t e .i. ew down in Copenhagen, Denma rk, his students, men, 50 cents · Associated roll of those who have been c:nte t' I t1 n o~ a~t.tude:-; on thb c·a •li>U'> cc s;cn. all tht: collt-:::e di~ lav...: .

ELECTRICAL MEE I ~':; t~~il~~~,;i~ ·~~~~'J'ti~~e \V~~~~; wife's nati1e city, to read and write. :'tude!_lts, women. 25 cent~; a.rt exhib- by their organizations will be called should be worthy of note. There will be two 1 nze · of~; iri' en

I claim. ln investigating the matter 11ts, l D cents.i JUdgmg ~eams, 20 cents. in the gym 10 min.utes befon.• ~he to the gruup ha\ ing the m 1~t elabor-

--- for the Kew Haven rrulroacl, Jack is I These combine to make a toh1.l of 5 start. Each fr~lermty. repre..-l'nt~tivE:: Cl S T ate anJ mu~t unique tloat.

I checking the maintenance costs fo1· School Employee per cent of the total. The entire fee should have his mens name< hs'.ed ass craps 0 .-1.t the conclusion ot this 1·ar:ide a

Represents 1\lontan a S tate at A. the past 20

years. .I I amounts to $21. l in the hands of the intramural man· B H ld f "d f>rmal .A1n.1is:iu .. tlfly pr11_ra111 will I. E. E. Conve ntion in Van- Weller is at Yale this year on a D. s cl cl l : ager by Wednesday, . Nv1cmbc ~ · 1 e e r1 ay be h.e:J at tne Ellei; theatre \\.th Tum COU\'er in Septe mber I Strathcona ~lemorial fellowship . The 1 es u en y DUNCAN G IVEN AWARD I No one may enter. 1.itet. Da\1', prominent Butte attorney. ~ V-

I fellowship cai ried a financ:ial grant vr ___ Only the offic~al car may follo\\ I --- tht.· Arm1::.:t11.:e. Cay addres.... Do., n-. --- . I $1 ,200 and is offered annually for ad- B G , . the runners, and it must stay ~hind . It won't be Ion,.!" until :\1. s .. l. "hall 1 ti wn.~t01e~ \Vll,I be dcl·oratcd o thP The Pacific coast con\'ent1on of the ,·anced work in transportation with Funeral services for Edward A. I utte irl Given Arts and Craft s the last n~an. Any other t'ars on the tinJ. out how mut·h 11ep thi: tn::_;a ~m Ol"L'a='•On with StatL• colletZc an1l I ar-

Am erica n Jnstitute of Electrical E:1- sr.erial 1 eference to the construction Stacy, 1\1. S. C. employee, who died I Scholarship for E xceptional Ability course will automatically disqualif,:.. can show. The annual clns:-' sna s bl'- roll college pennant::.. and troph) :-o

August 30 to_ September 2. Prof. I. A. and other engineering problems con- 1an. church. Friday. Mr. Stacy was I . . the car belong. classes will be held between haLYe::- tu. be l re.s~ntctl the f1 atermty or "or-g;ineers was held in Vancou,·er, B. C. e:~uipment and operation or railroad~'. !ast Monday, w.ere held at the Christ- ___ I the team of the organi1~ation to which tween th~ f:e~hman m1 t ~o 1twmor(.> ''' n in formLr c nte::.t~. '~he p aquc

Thaler and Rudolph Stokan reprc-1 nected with the efficient transporta- ~tncken w:1th apoplexy while sta t ~- Katherine Duncan has JUSt .re~entl): To assist in the.mamlenancc ot th::--. of the Bobcat-Ca1rol1 J:.!1_1me Fr1<lay. c 1:y ha :n!!' t~e. hl'st exh1b1t. \\;11 5ented the Montana Stale college tion of paRsen~ers and freight a s well mg a fire m. the kitchen stove at h is been aw~rded

1ary. art _sch~la1 sh1_~ b~ rule th.e Fangs w_11l police the cou s<: AR has beei:i the cu:-t 1m m y('ur~ be- J lObably be cxh1b1ted.

branch a s. branch com~sellor and as financial and legislati,·e p~oblems home, and died a few moments later. the Marian \\hite Ai ts and tia f~s. Pres1den~ Atkm:-;on will act a~ fore, the winner of lhese s.:r~\P~ are Just be o.t> t'ie i:amc, at:.! lJ 'd >eL branch chairman, res1>ect1vely. of transportation. Mr. Stacy was born tn Michigan in club of Butte. The scholaiship sta.rter, with Professors Dye an.i properly ~warded by Scptcmnn the the annual cro::-s-countr:: rnce _w:11 iie

The convention was marked prin- 18 l-i. coming to Montana in 1901. For ~mounts to a loan of 300 a y~ar and Gaines as timers and fou r judge:' who awa'd bemg tha~ the frcshnwn ~·~all run. The course 1~ a1 I rc.x mately cipally by the presentation of techni- 26 years he was employed by the is awarded to the outst.andm~. art have not yet been selected. ha,·e to ~vear then- g-reen h~\ts d:.:r.n three m:!.,·:-o o t!r thiee kinJ:-- uf roa ; ... cal papers b.r mstitute members anJ Ri"fle Team Wi"}l Kenyon-Knoble lumber company and st~dent. of the But~ h~~h .s_ ... hool th.e sprmg quarter, prov.J.n:;r t 11e~ a.11 ! f''.'rl::;. on the c:mi~. tl.1cK at Gat-student dele{!ates. The :\lontana State for the past two and a half years had gi.aduatmg class. K~thei me •~ the wm. H o~,·e,·cr , :-'h.oul l the Mlphurno~t.· ... ton F'idJ Am ng a laige numl.'('1" of college paper was on "Eleetrical Get Act1"on Soon been employed as a janitor at Mon- second person to receive. the scholar- lncrea sed Number SUCCLed ·'" defeattn!! t,he fr >Ollll'n. m- entrant• .arc three former. wmne • Properties of Hardened Copper" wTlt- tana tate college. He s uffered a I ship. Kath:yn Kel.lett being the first. I ::.tead of the time be•n!.!" sho ten J ,t l harles ~n ;th who took tir:;t thr. · ten by Homer Lambdin and At min strnke of apoplexy a year ago from The. Ma nan Vv111te Arts a:id Crafts! Of G" l I D I sl~all be: lengthened am! g-rccn hat ylar~ azo antl b now b~tl'k '" :--(h oJ. Hill. --- which he never fully recovered . H is ~lub lS a c:lub of women mterested Ir s n orm will be m .'0.!?UC for the g-n·aL r part Cla1ence Ho!~t. \\ lll I. ~t \'(':l'

An excellent entertainment pro- Lt. Clarence E. Jack son ha s an-, death M!>nday came as a shock t~ hi-;I m and an.x1ous to promole the . ~rtsl --- of the spr_1~g- quarter. RU..cec<l1.:d in lower:n~ the old iluirk gram was arranged. Outstandinz nounced that rifle team practice will many friends by whom he was highly ~nd crafts. They I~l t.hal the ~\\\atd- . . Septenn·1n.hns not annoutl('t'tl ~-..hat b~· ~ome ~O ~etont!~. while running am (... ng the events at. the meeting begin next week. P1actice hours for respected . I mg_ of the schola1sh1p I~ really worth A 'laq:rn increa.!';e over prev1ou~ the sc-ra1>s will be but hav(• a po itcd for individual honors, and W nfield were: a reception in honor of Pres- men will be Monday Wednesday and He is survived by his widow and a ~vhil~ and hope to contmue the pro-1 y~ars enr.ollment m t_he number ol the Fangs tu make a· ran !"t:llll.'nts. ... nor'' \Y il:ler, winnn of tht~ l-.!ttC1 ident Charlesworth of the A. L E. E . 111 iday afternoons. 1 For gills, the 1 son, .Clarence StacY, of Glendale Cali-1 JCCt m the future. _ _ )'.Uris ~t~y~ng- at . ~ tam.ilton lla~I~ h~~ Under classmcn ar~ yr~~ci. to Le: I_>


e - last year. followed l;y a dance in the Oval room hcurs are during Tuesday and Thu l's- forma, who graduated with a deS:!TPe _ . 1 . . been iec~I dee! . ~his tei m. Thei e Ute cnt at the game Fi idn) .11~ thl''.

1 old The activitie" of t~e da .. w·n l IO~"

of the Hotel Vancou ver convention day afternoons There has been much in architecture f1om Montana State Sus1~ended f1011 the ~mvers1ty of now 66 girls living there, l l of whom clothes to uphold the trad1th no pa,,t with a dn ' . D . h· ,·1 . . . I headquarte1s ; a boat excu'rs ion aroun<l' enthusiasm sh~wn in rifle work thi:, college. Ma1:yland bec.a~sc of h!s. refusal Loi a~e up~crela ssm c-n. ;\lany represent freshmen and ~ophon101·C' da~:--l's of by the .\1~~~~i~~n I~~~ion.1~n·Jp~n:~1~., Howe S~mnd an~id sce1~ically ~eauti~ul I yeai:. Many chaJlenges ha,·e bt.oe11 1 i;~:is t~~alemi~r;re l t~~\\~~n~\Icf.ou~~ tia~~fe~s :rom oth~r _s~~ool s. • ' i\I ontana~t~olle~~· __ the publie. St~1dent"' .".ill be adfn tL"J s urrundrnp:s; s1ghtseerng tnps, m- 1ece1ved and accepted. , . _ · · ,., . , I · · ' . r ' ', I 11 ~n~fet students ~t.\) .ng tH the' j for =lO l'ents w:th act1ntv ticket eluding- iisits to the Ruskin Power Dr A J ill Johnson of the h si· ··; Flank Heikkila. _9, IS now i\lth. the petitwned the i egents of the sc.h?·'I do• m1tory include: ~lari:are'. )lurphy, SCHOOL '.\IIXER THlTRSDA Y --- --· --plant of the B. C. Electric Railway /de a;-tm~ni h~s been condut:ti~.,.Y e~·. sales depart!11ent of the \Ves:!ng: t for r~1nstatem.ent. .s.hould .h1~ pet1:1~n ~a,lton college, ~linnl•:-:ota; ~uth --- / a d the University of P. ·ri g

1 hou se Electric company at Sp1 mg be tu . ned do" n, Coale plans to tc1ke . h.eppner :\lontana Sdwol of :\!me . I T Pl ~ritf:hny Col~mbia. !'\Cve• al student I r.erll'!lent~h on rhe.t Tl ~ nrn;r~·e t~ ( e- field, i\ l ass. I le6al action. II Alice D~riee and c Helen \ 'an \~·mkl~· SC'cond of S('rie~ of ::\chool Dances to ournamen t ans

luncheons and th'e ·con~ention ban- ~~rm~~lun~t~~en oc~s~>d 0 inva~~~~1i 1!~: Helena .Intcrmount.ain; Cookr Car~ ll(' Held in Gymnasium Before Gam(' Ch quct in the !"ain ballroom of Hotel I ritles and pi•tol•. Those experiments DR A ND MRS RENNE TO UR I ruth. l\ orthern ' )[ontana l\or;JJal; anged By Board Vancou\:er. fh e con,•ent1on wa~ sue- allow students of the physics depatt- • • Ahce Sw1sh~r l'\orth Dakot~ State ressful m every respect, acc:ordmg to men.t to. actually see the effcct.s of. the UN/TED ST' A TES T'LJJS S UMMER col~ege; Louis~ .Bar~l wel!, ~li.11.na L',ol- The ~c onJ of a serje~ of all-sehool Rudolph Stokan. projectile on the target which IS :l .H. n leg:e, and ~la~~ B1ooke, .Lla~ke c~I- mixers w II be held on tht.• l'H' of lhe Becau::::e of a j!'l'OW n~ d ...... n fat··

pendelum suspended fro~ the ceiling }eg-e, Iowa. ~l1ldyed .J. Leigh is again Carroll eolle.~t"" football i;!:tml' with the tion with th(> method u t•d fo the

Morta r Board Tea Given Newcomers On Thursday afte1 noon, November

3, Mortar Board gave its annual tea in Herrick Hall for 19 women trans­fe r students from other schools anri colleges. Every year the women's honorary gives the tea for the pur­po~e of j."!etting the new stu­dents acquainted with the returnint; upperel~ss women.

and constructed to scale. ~he house d1re~to r ant.I :\lary EYans Bob('atR. This dnnn• will lw hPld :n past Revera! yeats of dC'ud:ng- h" Seeing the United States in 9,000 I I n the middle Atlantic states and is study super\'1 sor. ~~e n<."_<_>,IOletre {ymm~·"'i,ulm land will .lsltab1·t stalL' cham111"011shi·11. i·t \1·.·i·. <l•c1·,1,,1

miles was the privilege of Di·. and down to Washington the amount of Twelve gi1 ls are work ing- part of < • ··> • .t nnm.m t lal").!"e wi (' .. , .. SECRETARIAL HONORED Mrs. Renne last summer. "How so publ ic construction was impressing-. the time to help d~fray l~x1'.enst.'s of made. last F'ridar at a mee~in:: of the Stat~

many various types of peoples, occu- New roads and pub lic buildings were ~·00!11. and board. Ali t'C: May l arr , who All !'t'hool mixC'r:-' have ht.•..: n t iril Bonni ()f control of tlw 11 iJ.!.h Srnool \\'inona Han·ey Gh·en Recognition for pations and interests can be bound being built and in Washington new 1 is l~vmg: at the: llall for a thre-e-week and ha,·e h('Cn found ,.CIT sucn•.,.sful athlet'.c a~:'Ot.'iation to t'ondul t ::st'Jl-. , . . I together unde1· one flag is a mo.it departmental buildings were being- period! 1~ g~lt 11~ g some actual expe_r- on other c•;.unpuses. The <.'ommittt'L'

Outstandmg \\ork m Shorthand astonishing fact,11 says Dr. Renne. erected in place of old. ience Ill mstttuhonal work. Tlw1e will announces that this dann· is o1c·n for aiate cla:<s ..\ and clas B tourn1t· New Orleans is still a~ it was when be at lea~t two more at the II all clo- nil student-- noel vi ito1·s '' hn are i•l mcnt:'- with u ono g-,une 1ila,:.. ti" b~

--- Dr. and l\'lrs. Renne left Bozeman the Spaniards settled it- narrow ing home work some time during the Uowman for thL• g-:.i.nw t 11C' nt<xt da,. twt·e~ the ~\tnllC'I"!' (lt un·ii "!'.!' o ... p.

Winona Harvey, sophomore sec~e-

1August 9 on this trip. They went east cobblestone stdeets with overhangin2' yea.·. ln chn1g-e of tht• dll:ll'l: \\ii! 1-. This dL•c1s1n11 was die result 11 a

}:~·~I =~ctde!1~icllap:::.~nw~~ 1~''0l~: c;!~~ ~I:1og!in,N~~~h n~~~~;~· M~~i~~~ot~~ porches trinuned with casl and Dorothy Lyman nnd Lowt.•11 Ta h oi quc-::t1onnairl• "t•nt out !a~t ,• in'" t company f~· out.standin" accomplish- I Sioux St. Marie, and over to Cana.la wrought iron. The dampness of the Ed Beec ralt, '.~2, former £'(1ito: of the lmlepondent club. every high schot>l ll1 thP .. att:' a 11 ' city and the flatness of th ou d · I if lhl'Y would lw in fav 1r "~ s.utli n ment i·n shoi·tha11d. ~.li. _ss Jlai·vey took to Queb~ and '1ontreal. The out-. ~~ e sm-r n -ithe EXPO):E~T and connected w1t1 Th d · \ 1 ~ 1' mg countr lend an at

05 h f th c ·· atmz rnn·au" i~ a flour·s.1- l·hang-e. En·ry l la.-.:-. A ht• 1J Tl"

dictation at 120 words per minute standing impression of the Canadians tropic. Y m Pere 0 e ma~y student _publi ~·atio n ~ .affai1s ing institu~;on at Arknn"'a Pol)tet·h srondetl aff:rmnti\ek nnd out l' · 1-10 with a very high deg!ee of accuracy. was the predomination of the F tench. So much ha~ already been said about wh1l r at ~chool. 1::::; a:-:s1stant ethtor of n:t• t·olle.,t• . ThP burcnu ha a s("a!l' cln:-s B ~;ehooJ:-; 1 ::~ a ' ... ('.! P.r.t th. She is the first student in two years Going south then Crom Quebec, Dr. the. Gran.d can. yon that Dr. Renn(' de- it.he Yellowstone Journal, a leaJin;: {f p iees. anrl frc> art• "t1 r lt1r1!,rn(t ehan!?e he mndP. to g-ain this distinction. and Mrs. Renne passed through a hiR- scribed it with the two words •·trc- Th-lontana weeklv 11ub li:;hcd ut '.\iile~ with thC" dL·:-o·ra:}ilitv of thL' tl:1t" se- \\-hi!(' all dl't:.t"I~ 04 the n ,,.

In dictation a numb r of the !:=ec re- torically interesting- country in the mendous'' and "stupendous." Leaving c·t " l'UJ"('.1 for th~ <:.Ul sl'l'ibt . ~I••n or km h1Wt' not bt:(•n nnnngC' I. t~w bo r<l tarial also gained recognition. Thelma New England stat.es. Boston is :i. the Grand canyon, Dr. and Mrs. Renn~ l 1 y. WO'l'('ll <'nxil· 11 ~ to mnl;ci rin t•n r:.H!t•- ha~ decide-ii ddln.td:r thn th l i

Loberg, Jean Miller, Opal Petrausch; quaint New England city, typical of traveled through the colorful Painted nH nt must :--ubmit four name~ in tlw larl!C'Rt hi'!h s(·holll-. in tht• ta~<' w.11 a.nd

1 6~0larga1d-etlPattc1n,hpass0ed the offi- oh)d E ngland lwh1.thl the CS<_:unmoBn!i tas de~ert and the ~avajo Indian reserv- Helen Cornwell is spendin,,. thC" Fall 0~~l~rhi:f ~~;1ir,. 1~·0h1~~<'i't ,10r. 1t.·ht•11 ;:1i1at.;,~ l'On~t ~-,~c the da~~ \ J.!l"O p. All 1

eta wor est. e word test t e center of e own. mce os on at10n and lhen. mto a barren dese rt I with her family in Harlowton, and .. - mn:ll'n!?: '':..·hools will l1

e a" · m·d int was passed by Mary Alice Peterson, depends almost entirely on t rade th"' where gas stations are few and far t·rnts. third ('hnil'f' l:l c•t•nts and fnurtl1 Joi dlstr:cts to makl' up tht) l·ln:--"\.fa· C!aret Patten, Thelma Loberg and harbor is interesting to note. Ships, between a'nd prices a;·e ouh·a.rreou s. plans to go East to school after the c·hoicc the ba gain pril'l' or 10 e<.' n t~. B group. Evelyn Petrie. weatherbeaten and rolling-. have been In Utah the Morman influence iR · fir st of the year. Tht' lun.:t~r :-: honls "ill nwd ii

in port for 24 months awaiting lhe noticeable.' TrrL[!'ation developed lo a Dick Slatter\'. r. F.., ' :t~. will he in tr•urn:>nient nrri\:nl ] .. at P11•t-- (''""'l

Mortar Board is a senior women· c; honorary organization . Its purpose is to maintain a high standard of schol­arship1 to encourage leadership, and to stimulate and develop a finer type of colleg-e women. It was fir st in­stalled as Cap and Gown, later be­coming Mortar Board, in 1929. Eacl1 year six members are chosen to carry on the work of the chapter. Active members are: Sarah Barrin2er 1 Vir­t:rinia \Varner. Dorothy Ford, I\lary Lowney and Mary ande. Lucille ")fore people hae died from drink­\\r esto,·er, selected as a member last in tr tuberculosis milk than from year, did not retrun lo school this drinking whiskey. but I do not there­quarter. Sarah Barringer has been 1 fore wish to prohibit cow~," says A elected as temporary president. ~fcQuisten, member of Parliament.

end of the depression. high degree by these diligent workers Albeit Pettibo ne, C. E. ··~2. is help- Yellow:"tone National Pnrk unfl l ~!.:: o !I •ll•na. Ea h cla ""~ jj.,. \Vhen approachin(!' New York City, has literally made Utah. From Saltine- ,t.o. brin.g ":\lontan.a out of the


.. s.now flic-s" in h is wo!k with thC' en· t~~-· ',."·ill, h~ld··", ln"1"!"le fn ''"' lt•.1

Dr. Renne says that he was im- Lake City, Mr. and 1\lrs . Renne re- l h k h h s d1-t t "rJ.··1 " ,. pres ed by the concentration of p-O!J· turned to their home in Bozeman in m~I< m is. wor wit t e • tate g-me~ring corpR of the ?\ationnl Park then mee . n~·oh~blv 1

at r ·~ "

ulation and height of the buildi ng•. September. Highway Department. Service. I a class B 'playoff. · Doz,•mun. it


PAGE TWO THE l\10::\TANA EXPO:\ENT. Tt.:E DAY. ::\OYK\IBER 8. 1932

. t: !":'~ ,,, It·------·-· ~ Jl lontu:nu (.~~ Lxpon.cnt I Notices' 1i ~~~~ J •

Bobcat~Carroll g:rnt<'. .\r1111:-lict' l)a ,· N oYember ftl. Sold h) the _b~~iatcd \\ omt'n Siu.dent:-. T hev ,,;11 c0:5t onh· a dinu.•. l\\o nick°i<~s. or 10 pemlie~. Hot do!!;!

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of po:)tage providc<l tor in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 19:!7, authorized February l'i, 1919

EDITOR MANAGIXG EDITOR Business Manager Advertising :\lannger Circulation Manager.

Courier Print ·•~

.JOE \\'ALTERS. Phone Ml:l-J ~lll'llAEI, llEE\'\. Phone 1~1'

.•.. .Tames \Yaters .....•... . ... Robert Munzenrider

;:\Jeh'in 2\latscn

Bozeman, Montan».

FIGHT BOBC.\TS Friday the team goes into aelion against the fighting Saints

:rom Helena. 'T'lwy are going in there to wi~ to m'lke histor_,. for I :\1. S. C., and to capture that champ1onsh1p title for Montana


State. The school. the to\\·n. the American Legion are with the n,·ch­

men. It is our hope that they will li\'l' up to expectations and down Carroll on No\". 11.


v;e prophecy that "Tht..' Barker" will he far the mMt popular play e\·er pr<'~C'ntcd at ~l. S. ('_ \\.hen thL' g-irl~ J,!d to prancin.!.{ around in their gras:'

~kirts , front row :-l'at:-; should be at n premium.

I Hnn:- vou nolicC'd the blondt! fuzz atlOl'Il!llg' the Ujl}l('l" lip or om· admirable I

Montan~n editor? Perhaps ht.! i:-; trying- to kid u~ with thinking- he i:-; grown/


The campus hardly seemed nntural }n!-;t week. \\·e couldn"t tell the dif­ference between the freshman and the upper t·lass womt'n ~ince green tams went out of style. 1

The (11i O's enjoyed th<'ir five pounds last week, hut really don't you think a diamond ring should he worth more than that?

----- + There "ill ~ an important

meet.ing Tue~da), ~O\. S, at ,j o'd0<:k i.W the k"\.·turc room of H errick llall. This mcctmg ~ about dut1e~ of Fangs for . \rm i:s­tice Da).

Bud Lo\\l". <luhC'.

:\01 l l E l'RES ID IE.'\

F .\1'GS

l'OR~I Ell ~Tl' OEYI .\TTE1' Ill. -;;

. OllTll D.\ h O L I l':\J\ EHSl rY

Ben Frost, a forn11.•r :'>hHh~nt al )lonlana SUlle collcgt~. i:-o now. ~n·

.\ mee ting of t he fres hman rolled at the l'nn('J':.;lty l)f .:\orth cla~s ''ill be ht>ltl in the Utt le Dakota, at Grand Fork:--. ] hcaln'. \Y~dnc:::.da) atkrnuun, Ben was a member of lhe h<lllJl" ~0'. ~). at ;) o'd od.. Im porta nt Siu-ma ftalernit\· on th'.s <.'am1ms, an_l thai. L't'n 1r('~h n1an b1.• J...rL•:--('nt. ts .e- now affilia"t('d \\ilh th(' dw.p~L'r

· i3ud !titter, 1. n·~ utcnt. there. lle plays in tht~ univer:.;~·, -----,---. -~ h:md, sing~ in the t:kl· ~·lub an1!

. J Li'-. IOR 0 1· I· ll EHS . t•hurch choir, and ~PL'n1_b lu:-< s1 ·~n Junior 01I11.:cr:-:: 01 tile i<. 0. f. t. time yodeling to his tralt•1111t~

have bL·en ::otu~~dng lttte~t deH~lnp- brothcrS. ~nenb m .fore1.ttn ;:1ff~iir:5. and _m.J-1 Ben plans to graduate> next fall. a . ..; :,~?-r}a~k~~l,;l_in.:-:·:'\l~j~~r \~~~ 1 ;1~P~1~~,\~~;;:; he i~ planning to ntt.en<l tht.• ~ummt.•r has been conductin~ a da~!'l. in md- ~es$.tOn. itar:t atlmin1~tn1tiorl ul lht! 1..·ompan~.~ ------------- -­·1 his cour!'l' is tht.' first ~cction 01 tttL' work to be completed b) the ::enio. H. 0. T. C'. studenb this year.


.. \II g-irls interested in tennis meet ifl Hamilton Hall ,\l onday. ·oyemhed 11 at (): 1.3 o'clock .

Alice ) lcOo" ell. Tennis ;\ l g-r.


STE.\DY READING Reading or r iiruring ofte n pro­duc<'s c' e-strain. wh ich brin~s on cye-;.~c h e. headache and ner­\' OlL"ine~s. Correctin:t eye-s train ii:; my specialt).

LESLIE E. GAGE 0 1>tometrist and .i\tf g-. Optician

Broken Lenses Replaced lhe Same Day

20 S. Black A \'C. P hone S 12-J


Buy From The

West Side

Grocery Staple and Fancy Grocer ie'

Prices Righ t

P hone 266 110 W. Curtiss

From now on the faculty had better remain Yery, ,·ery quiet when they mention <listu1·bance:-> while ~ome one else i~ s.peakinJ!. They set a fine l':'\ample fo1 us lust Thurs.day night at the foreig-n relations 1cl·lure.

What is this thing Alpha Garns are h0lcli n J?" on'r the heads of our campus cop- -that make!' him hring- them to ~chool c,·ery morning.

One ).lelanoplu~ Bi\"it.tatus , lo:>t, strnyed . or ~tolen from the incubation of the Bureau of Entomolog-y. This gra~sho11per i:: a pet of the family brought f.om South Dakota, an~mers to the name of Percy. is branded with two :;;tripes running-· from the prona­tum down loncdtudinally over thl' te.:J,man n.n<l has. three ~e);...'1nL•nts mis~­ing from the distal end of the ri.~ht antenna. An~- tnformation conce111-ing the nninuil will be appreciated.

;r1::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::m::nn=m...:=::::::::::::m:mm:::::::1 J 19 Ea~t Main Phone 9:; I ~ Ph. I J !i i ~<Hl-Oi),<>-(;(>(><:~t'-O<XH:>0-

The S. A. E ... free for all"' Friday nig-ht must haYe seemed almost like a marathon to thnse 11ledges enjoyin.i:r "lTeU \Tcek.'"

It hazt1zted clerks .

for generations "The first of the month" used to be a time of

feverish activity for ledger clerks. But the Bell

s,·srem acco unting staff - breaking awa1· tro m

tradition - simplified the keeping of accounts and

rendering of monthll' statements to customers.

They applied a modern system of 1·01arion bill­ing to the telephone business which no\\' spreads

this work evenly throughout the month, In co­

operation \\ ith manufacturers, they de,·ised special

type\\ ritcrs and bookkeeping machines. Thus

they JiJ a\\ ay "'ith inefficient rush and achieveJ

greater accuracy, speed and neatness.

This is but one example of a point of vie\\ found

throughout the Bell System. Even loni:; accepted

routine is constantly studied - it's always worth

looking for the more efficient way!




.. 13.00 rnlue at 10-00 value at

6.7.5 rnlue at


$10.50 7.50 ~.50

All real value at regular price $29.50 Buys the Royal Signet Portable T~ pewritct·

PHIL LIPS BOOK STORE Agents for Royal Typewriters


·watch t he bulletin board and see when 'ou are sc heduled to ha\'e your ·picture taken for the 1\lon t anan. If '.\Ou cannot h;nc it done ;1t the s ci1edulcd time. ha\e it done bcfor<' or <.L>-; soon as p-0s­sible aft<'r. It. is ,·ery important that you coo11crate ~o that t he 1>ictur<'S "ill not all be left unti l the las t minute. Please pay ) our

I.SO \\hen )Ou ha\e your pict­ures taken.


The das:s stra11s "ill take 1. lacc bef \\ ('(' Tl the ha!\(' :;; or the foothall ga me. Frida). ~n,cmh<'r I!. F'ro!->h and SOi!honwres cc Tlll' dre~sed to fi ~ ht.

\SSJ;'T.\~1' 'l.\:\AGEH .\1' I. .I RGE

·\t the first meetin•.:r of the \V .. .\ . .\. youmil. :\londay, Oct.olwr : I. twc 1 /

a~s1stants for the manan-t'r-at-br,..e were cho:;l n. The g-irls sC'lectcd we l' I )farC""tH:Titt!" Rl·5:oc and :'\Iarg-aret \Yi Ison.


i The rifle ran_l!L'~ are orE.>n lo all! women of Montana St.ate tollt'.!!l' to-f day, 1'uesday, Xov. 8, from 1 LO -l o'clock, under the able diit.•dilln o Lieutenant Jack:"on.


1 Rifle practice will hc:> hl•ld each

Tuesda\· and Thur!'d:.w from I to 1 o'dock ·on the rnnge:"- iii the Banacks. One dollar is charg-ed for Hl1llnunition

I and this must be p~1id not l:tt"r th:.i: Tuesday nhrht at 5 o'clock to :\lb.s Stewart or Ladora Ke• r, rifle man­ager.

.Shootin;r will last all quarter and will extend . perhap~, into winll'r quarter.


\\"ei n ies! LC' t~ of them at the


. t hesc Sport Shoes for S. A. (Shoe Appeal) Bro\\'n­!Jill Sport Shoes take the prize. Thc.v're keen look­ing .. . crisp ... and com­fortable. A real team o f qualities at pl'iC<'S made for your purse.


A bully moccasin oxford ·of ru gged grain


vamp St'l'tl'll

See our window~ flH'

other styles

EGB E RT'S Brownb ~ lt

Shoe Store


1 n 1 co r . fi · _ <>C-OC><•<Hl¢-0-~,,,,acK-<><:>->~ !i :: I 8 fi is in every Il Success Cafe ll<>b~atc; for Football ~& ii College in the Uni ted S tates :: lDEAL B.\RBER SHOP g iJ (Under N~"· )fan:1'.!;em~nl) !! $19 • 95 ii GEO. !3R.\I!S g For Better Haircuts g £i ~ THE :\IOS1' POPUL \R -a-0-0-0-to-v..:v~~ ii and a nother Philco ,Jr. goes to co ll ege ~ EATING PL.\CE IX

u H\ TOWN :l " 2 I Hours Excellent Service

~ Hauseman & McCall's ~ oPE , .\LL NIGHT

!i I East l\lain ii f~u:t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::: :::: ::::::::: u::::: :::::u.: :.::: ::.::::::::.:::::::=:::=H


"I belie11e you loi·e thfll old pipe !J<'t l er

tha 1t you do 111e!~'

Granger i s made solely for pipes .

C rangex is nol a cigarcltc lobaeco.

G rn ngeris madc of ' Vhitc Burley lobacco -Lhc bcs l lobacco for pipes. Jus l Lr y .il !

Load it Jiim·lt 1'yviw· l1 ; poc/; ii ti~ /11 ~ ... triJ,,. o 11111trh-t:ni 11~1·r ... mo/•('.~

cool am/ lu.~ l-" luu;..:(•r.

l Oc

\ 'll' \ I rn~PE . n ON A U GGE'l'r &. J\TYEn PHO Dl CT

The Raxter Barber Shop

for • Hair Cutting that Satigfie" 1


DIXON'S : Paint Shop I

17 S. Tracy Phone '.!86-)l l '---------------!


- at -\\HITE'S

, ..... ,.... . """ ~ Spedal Reading Lamp ~ ~ Sl.7>0 :

~ C in•r-Stout Implement Co. ~

1 :rn \\'. )lain Phone 182 ~-

,,-.,,,, "'"'''''' ....................... , ..... ...

Go to The F, .smo_. 13.\RBER SHOP

ror a Coorl Haircut llnd(•r Galla.t in Trust & Sa,int!s


Champion Shoe Shop l';.ilfsolin~ an<l Hu 11lwr ll eelin~

I ';"'"-........ -..... ~ ............................ .._-_ .... -.. -............. -.. --~ :·

~ Seniors ~-------·-- ---- --< ~ CT \.~'IC' 13.\HBE R SHOP \ Come now . for your \ na,c·nwnt C'ommPrcial < '• :\ational Uank \ J\lonta nan photos. Both ~ Fine Hair Cutting ls Our \ '• B ~ of us "ill be 1 ushed ~ _ usiness

\ later. so do it now ' ~ \ \ > ~ -.- ~ ~ >

~ Li11field ~ ~ > ...................................................................................... _ ........... _, ... IXHX>O~JXHX><>.;;H;H:>Oo<:>a<>O z ~


\\11ere student:; meet and 8 en·ke I: Bet lc'r I

;'''' ~ ~,,,,,,

,• F ye . Far. ~ose or Throat ~ :; TroublP ~ ~ Cl~~"(>' Fittt.·d ~ : C. E. WlllTEl F. \11, )J. ll . , ~ :\I ichi~an n!oL·k Phone :!a ~ .................... , ... , ........................ , ........ , ............ , ... ...

For a Fi r:;! Class Haircut

come to

I! Dcnal1l Cobb ~

i Clydl' \\ hitl'lll:lll I& I


I 8 Your i>atronage Solicited " I



West l\lain

-o-nl)-.::.nn 0-0-0-~o-o-o-· ~c-cc. ... -------

0-?-Q-0';)0-01:)-0~-0-00- -c'K,.-';)(1-Q-Q i)-i.l'-.t .:,1~';) .)- ;.}-0~»-o- )-~::)~


I~ FRICKSON TAXI SERVICE \ l If It';; an Erickson Ta'\i-lt',.; the Best in Tonn 1g I a-<XHXto!:><X>-o<;KH;>:;><liXJlXHXKl-O:xm:x>vo~<:R>-O<>"'""''"«



Al1Jha <.;amma Uelta. • uargut..:nte hU=ot.:uc \\ a::1. a ::,um.Jay

dinner guest. .-u!Jnu Liamma ltdta cnLcrta1n1,;J tnc

Umeba bet.a ll'lllt:J"llllY UL a. LCI" UdlllCr

conee 1uesuay. u~m.:r ~ue!)w,. v.c .... Laura .uac .•1axc!t anu H.at1h:r1:1c tiusch.

:: :: :: :: :: :-: :: :·: :·: :·: :: !t :: :: : : :: :: ;\liss Connell :111 iss ). oung and )liss I L' i iuay Alpha Gamma lJclt.a cnt€.!r-

:! SOCL\L CALE~U .\H ;;1 Bull. , ~~~~~: a~t:nu~·~~:~~~·n, i~~l\~~c~t~~c~~~ ::: :: I h.athryn Tregca of But.tc was the son, Uon ,,'\!tC, t..u.;n uavio, .uul .:>\n.:c!·

:: :-.; o ,. . 1 0- Inde pendent rallv '!! week end guest of iary Lowney and ne~·, ..iact.. .11v.Lar, Lu J1an.11nb :l' dance · :: lla .. a Roal. .. t\.ennct11 ... \lcur.ue1 Haroai 1....amsc)·

clude<l. .:\lrs. 'V. E. Tallman, ).i1 .. :::>eivers, H. G. Tallman. Edith t; . John.<:.on, ).larjorit Hurley. Lorra.n1 llungufort, Jcan Grel!'n. En·lyn .\lillc . .\Jargaret Aldrich, ,Jeanette Waltcr::1, . fory EJlen Shoaf, U.ah Ur\'i~. l>ur­othy Ford. Callie Lou l 'l."tl·t"•un . .\1 l­dred Flanni:..:-an, Lcuna Uuff, t:..l.1 a Young-, Helen Soll1d, Hilda ShufflL Ramona Rodman, Altona :'\cl ... on, F1·eda Clinton, Daryl Turl!uson, Lio) l'orgu:->on, Ptrn· Rooscn•lt, J• tcil Blossiter and Anona Rt><lman.


r. "\o\·, 11 ~hinistice day-Carroll :: I Sigma Omega_ of. l\.appa D.clta en- tlul rluehhng, 1om tlu(.;n.1ngha1u, \...1. 1- Kappa Sigma. ,..· n lil...,(: " ontana ~tale at :: t~rtaine~ at a fire!-i1d.e ~uturuay e\:e- bert. l.11lleLt.e, lieorg:e .1.'wc, Lull L 11.- h.apria Sigma announ .. l'S the plcd - I •. ; llozt:man . ~: n111g. Green and white sptde_r mot.1fa tarU, Joe \-\ altcr.s, Ham !Jumlltun, I ing of ~lark Haines of ,Judith Gap. I BOLDE.~·~ C.\ FE ~• :\o'. lL s;gma Chi patty; :: ! were u sed jfor dccorat10ni> .. The ~w1::; Allison, JaCA \\- oo<lson, ih:nr) .Sunday dinner gue ts uf l\.a 11 pa \Formerly Il)Ton's) :: l\.appl Si!.!.ma pledge fireside; :·: c~aperones we~e :\I r .. and Mis.. Wayne l·~x, Liem Ander::;on, li1.:o.µ,CJ lletl- S1b'llHl were Prof. and ,:\l1:$. E.ril· 'I her- 0 --:-.!! Omega J;cta party; Siirma :: R!cl_1at dson. i\1iss. Hapner and .\!~·.-;. dncn.s, Robert. ~trm~ham, !Jon Baker, 1..-elson, Ernest Therkebon. Hobc:-rt Q: Don"t Forjtel Our Sunday :·: ,\Jpha Epsilon plc<lgc party . .;: \1Yian Larson. 1h': jz'ue~ts were ~11ss Jim J"he1an, J!.tl \'\1.:gman, Jamt:::::. lSmhoefer, and Jack BL•n:-:on. S! Dinn('r ... ~ .. Xt... 18 lan-Jlcllenic i•lcdge :~ h..~thr)n Tregca, l\h~i:. flazcl Bonier~, i'iene, John .Hc1...arrcn, "c.:-1cy tunkl George Grunenfclder, '.t .. wa~ a Q :: dantt' . :; )liss :\largaret Bacorn, Ellsworth -- week end J.,,"Ue:->t o( the hou.,.c. ~0-0-00-0-00-0-0-0:

_,...,...,...,~,.._.,....,,.,._.._~-..,..-~~_,....._,._.._.._..._ .. _..._,_.~_w_.._-_...,"';

~- ~ ~ Kerr THE I-PORT SHOP Gi~h > ~ Llert10n "ill he o\er today - Let'~ (;o! . . ~ \ llid )·ou lo~<' a hat-too bad. lmt ::rt:L t l lwrc-1t "ill pa) ) ou ~ ~J"J"--.-~.-.. .. ....,, .. -· .. -.r..-.-...•.,,._-..-.....,..._..,,. •• .,-.... _..._....,,._ .. _w .. •.,,. .. w..-...~ ...................

otel axter Fountain Room

The Home of

CRE\:\IY ;\I \LTED )i!Ll\.S ,\'\;D OTHER GOOD

FOC:\'T \I:\' DRI:\KS

Ar Ideal Pia~~ for Theatre Parties

After th1: Sho\\'

: ::::;;.;.;_. ..... : ....... -·--•-•·.; .. ..;.:..:.::::.;;.--:--.:::::r:;::::::.:::::::::.~:*.:::::::::::::m::;:

i B If SEND YOl'R DRY C'LE.\:\IXG \VITH YOUR L.\UJ\DRY :: !! :: i: Phone 79 li y f: § § ~ Gallatin Laundry ~ g a :: "Expert Dry Cleaner;;" ::


:: :...; rn ..\lpha Gamma Rho :·: Has.Lings, Joe Hazen, Joe Shaw. Hamilton Hall. __ :: , 31 v. :: George Grunenfelde', Don Betzner. Mt s. !cJa Ritter and ~!rs. \\'illar'J Sigma Chi . ;·: ~O\.: ~:i ~OJ homore _ ~ enior :: Ray Buzze~~i, \\~dli~m )luir, Teti Al- Ritter were \\ eune:-ctay dinner g-ucst.:i Dr. and :\tr:-. Alfred AtKinrnn an. ~-: Dan<"e; Tl:ank:->J.ddng day. •• der:'On, \\ ilfred Shackle:.;, Carroll ol Gladys .JlcLrea. Dean and )l!s .. J. )I. Hamilton '"e ._. :; XlY, ~6 Alrha Delta Pi fall :·: Speck. Charle$ Naele, tar~. Sloan,, Audrey ::::>eite.t wa~ a guest. oflc-ntenaine,l at dinner Sunday. :: rart). :: h.enneth Freese. .James S1m·11ons. \ ~1abel 1e \\ llcomb \\ cdne:-day for )Jr. H. C. Kel~ey was a wteti-enJ :: Dt."c. ~ -Play-"The Barker." •• Robert Lon~. Pat D<,lan. Ben Crane, dinner. gue~t. :.: Pl." .. :i--Amigo fall party; "The :: Bue! Co\'des, Donald :-:':luck, .John >:re I !;:,unl.iay Hamil ton Hall entertain,_·d Charles Cremus, of Hamilton, w..i ... :-: l:'arker.'' n Jeff 'Wooclhou:;:e,, ;)lelnn ..\xebon. Ed I i\lrs. Louise heller, )11:::i:-; !::>ara.\ a guest Saturday for d"nner. :: De . '; Tnlk -"'Frontier:. of Sci- :: Peterson and Bill Knowles . Haine~ and )liss ,H.onta Bane at :: ence.'" Dr. At·thur .J ohnson. •·• Mar~· Ellen Shoaf, .Joe 'haw and

1,di nner. ~\mi go.

:: DL·c. 10- Hamilton Hall party. •• George_ Gruncnfelder were the iuest:-; .b.leanor Wh1tehou~e . and .\ l iloj . ~tcwart \Vag-ne~ was an ovl'rnigh• 1

I:: re1:. 13-Examination week t: respectl\ely of ;\ lontana. \·eµ.as , !\larv Roberts of Butte were dmne, g11C~tslv1s1~vr at the .\m1{!0 hnuse. . :: start<.:. •• Lowney and Clara Roat. fot dinner I 01 i\largaret H.ouerts ~unUay. Dick Rogna~. Bob Roth steel, nnrl

r.. Sunday. Bet.t.y frowcr spent l.ne Wl;ek-cml Kenneth Lo1d v.ere 1 hursday 1.;vcnm 1 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : -: !·! !·! :-: :: :: :: :: :~ :: '.J'he pledges of Kappa_ Della ~:it-er·\ at her homt in Btg '11mbei-. dinn~r gues~s:. , •

tamed the pledges o.' Juippa ~!;!ma .,. . --- .:'\h. an4 ).It::;. R .. B'. T. Toot~l \\l'll

l\anra Delta . infonnally Sunday a1tcrnoon. 111 Beta Phi. Sunday dmner gue:-b.

Dinnc.r guest!; for Thursday were · · Guests of Pi Bet.a 1'h1 :-;aturclay

Alpha Omicron Pi. ~~~h~a~irar~i~~-h1;te~\'•!re l\.a:,· l.Jum:an

}'''''''''~~"'-'~~~~ I Alpha Omicrnn Pi entertained at a ~lrs. Edith Ubon oL To\\n~cnt ~ a fall party Saturday even:n'!., Xovcm- Ybited her dauµ;hter. L .. orotn) I 0\"(~1 ,_ SPEC'L\L SOAP '. be• 5. Chaperones were ~fos Ritchie the week end. "I OFFER , l\lr. and l\lrs. Louis True, and Dr. and Dr. and . lrs. Roberts anJ :-; n t' l\lrs. Renne. Guests of the C\·en:n'! Buddy, Mrs. he:stler and l:.lcanor

. ~ 3 Cakes Palmolive Soap were )Jr. and )!rs. f'<te Waite, )Jr. \Yhi tehouse visited ::>unday "ith .ua y I and l\Irs. Leonard \\"in '!, Mar'.rn H Jane Roberts. '~ value 25c Kittleson, Mary i\loorc, Kath1yn Phi Beta Phi enteitaan(d 8igma

Busch , Laura i\_Jae ~laxcy. K~thleer. Alpha Epsilon fratermty at o{H:n ~ 1 Cake Cashmere Boquet O'Leary, Carohne Busch . . Ehzabeth house Sunday from ;; to ;; o'clock. ' Soa11 Yalue 25c Pope. Mary Elizabeth Hamilton. Arl ! __ _



Cox-Poetter DRUG CO.

Perter, Jim \Vaters, Bud Lowe, Bob! Alpha Delta Pi. ~anson1 Chauncey qrebe: Pa!·ham I l\lr. and ?\Jrs. Loub Vinkl:! an.I .\Us~ L acker, Hom~r Lambdm, ~1ck 13.eh~n-. :\1a1y ~larshall were <linner guest::­berg. John 81elenberg, A?olph Rosen-\· \Vednesday evenin~. eau , _Russel ~ane, F red L1qum, lla~old Tom Clarke, John I:ng-strum and H oll iday, Bill Hall , Lawren.ce \\an-, Art F'erkin were dinner gue.;.ts Sun-deren, Gorham Roberts., Cregor Fa.~- day. · ~ enst• om, Ber.tror Fa~enstrom. .Jack .Johns. Bud Ritter, Glen. Da\'icl, Jack Chi Omega. Ha~g-erty. Fred. Bernier. Ru?olph \ Chi Omega annountes the plt"d..::in_

l Stokan. ~rt F~rlon, Leonard Elins"n, of Florence ~chaetfer oi lfclt•t,a.

' Phone 128

" r.cn•('l"e >:oe. Jim Beck . Bob Clark. __ ~ T~m Buckingham. Art Lan~, Cha~le!': \Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

8 East lllain i \\ ood. E,·erett Pete· son. l·'red Benn:on Sigma Alpha Epsilon lnterta:n, t ~ Harold Dyer, Ernest llutchm~on an·! at an infomtal barn dance I•r1<la\

~~"''~"~t'(..''~'"-'''"'~''~ Bob Graham. evening. The chap~rlmes were.~ :\I •--------- - ---- and )lrs. Gardiner ·waitl'. :\tr. an•I

Omega Ileta. John Dunkel, Ral1•h Tid I;. n.n

Sullivan were the d nncr gu1.:: L Omega Beta Thursday .

A 8unday dinner f.'11€':->t was Glen 1

\\·alters. John ca~sidy and Ja<"k Conrady

were week tnd guc~b.

f'i l\apr.a .\l i:ha. ll. l'"enttila wa~ a d:nner J..'11C"t.

Wednesday 111).!ht. Georg-e Hould, '._.2, was a thret:­

day \'isitor last week. Je ·s )faas and E<l Dillon were Sun­

day dinner guests.

.\l 1;ha Gamma Hho. Alpha Gamma Rho announces the

pll•Jging of James Viccars of Li\'in..:-­i.ton.

Sunday dinner gue~ts were :\lr. and :\h s. Ho::1~ .JI ill er and the :.\! ..: ~t ~ Katherine O'Leary and Laura \\'o id.

Lambda Chj .\lpha. Dinner ~ruests )londay were .Jo'm

'Vorthing- of Lambe· t. Foril II1(7.,. ns of Glenclhe. Gtor~e Treat of Fa;r­\'iew, and Bill \\·alter:; o: Bozem1n.

__ _ _ ----- :\.lrs. C. E. Jackson. am) l)r. anJ :\lr~ .

.------------------------------------------------------, I A. L, Strand. The gue-ts .n ludell Phyllis Hartison. GraC"e Davis, Lauri!. WE'RE" ITH


ct Nature in the Ratv" - as por~

trayed by F. C. Yohn ... in spirccl by tha t horror~filled dawn tvhen tl1e bloodthirsty sa~ageJ fell on Ethan Allan's ga llant "Green Mountain Boys" of Fort Ticonderoga fame. "Nature in the Ra to is Seldom Mild"-and raw tobaccos have no

No raw tobaccos in Luckies -that's why they're so mild

W E buy the finest, the very finest tobaccos

in all the world-but that does not explain why folks everywhere regard Lucky Strike as the mildest ciga­rette. The fact is, we never overlook the truth that "Nature in the Raw is Seldom Mild"-so these fine tobaccos, after proper

aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purify­ing process, described by the words-"It's toasted". That's why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies are such mild


.. It·s toasted·· That package of mild Luckies -------

.\Jay .\1axey. Ida R.:lWI', <. ns:an• l Uolm, Dot Grigsby .. \n ela .Jah~n

I Jca:i 'J.1ill~r, , Kate .. .\_ndcr:-;on, A l!C'e Swisher. Nadme fl .rn:ke,:.., t on:-t~.n-=~ \\'igg-enhorn 1 BoLby Ak:n.-, L .i1 r) f'.ner;al S;on'i"e (;\-pn t0

f'tndrnt• a'ld Fa0 ully :'llerr.­ber~.

1•Jat,d'e \\·.111 umb . 1\at....,L c·n l\.e·1 rneY i-t-y Sa.Ile". 1 111 ta '1h1i-n~-0;1

• .lme1ia Sp:eth, n:irh•rn y~·~··

I 'Vanna Ca:-:;, er"', ::\brj r e L' ·'tt.v ' t> "a-·rt ldr.ch. ,r · 'n· ,f'

Ade~ae Hanrnn, ~la1 rirt• 1 ' r I· an.<·s Ta·:lcr, R; h I E \•rt Lau! l

\\·c !la11rl'c \ll C'Jno, >

Pro lucts l Helen f~ ,,ff ne, ! ·. ~1 trau~·::-h, Audrer !'-c · ·ert. Rawfon Cl•nt.:-..·iu·e Ri· a B ucher, ~l2r:r Ru ... e \u:


, h. .. ~h .. •r n rune 11. \':r inia n~e ~\:!:.1 n~ i\1'1'

;.r( Ca'! i:,·elyn Bet n. \J s ( 1.a ·l .Jo'!-in""<•n. f'or:s Re~t r. ·:olct Trcnnc and Leah Orvis.

r..eta Er"'ilon. Beta Epsilon entrrta'ned at fire

1-- ee "Charlie·• at G.\J.LXi .. '.' Y:.,·.­


.Just off the Campu• on Eighth


side Saturday o\·enin_._~._T_h_e _g_"_·c_s_L-_· _in_·---------------




I $1.00 • ~


l ASSOC~ATED STUDENTS STORE t GYi\I. ' ASIUM - ·~- -- --- ----:::.::..."":::::::::::::::::::t::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:: :::::::::::::::::.::::::n:

li H

~ arty ~ ti Il I Tonight? I p ill !! 1

0 matter what kind of an affair it may 1! n happen to be. you can always find I he H fi food ncc<'»~ities here to make if a little h ii y ii better than ordinary and inRure you a ii fl c·om plc t .~ s uccess. g a 6 n u !i ---- u :.I. n

H Il WF ~L\EE TllE COST OF i~ZTTER i.i .. :1 ti LI\ ING CHEAPER H H f: fi ---.--- ll n n . tl Thos. H. Rea F orristell's 11

li ~ Co. Cash Grocery fl II Phone 11 Phone 2 I !i !: rree Delh"ery f:

H::.:::.::n:r.::::::::u::::.+-i::.:::::!l::::::i:::::u::.:::::::::::::.:::.:::::.::r.::::::.:.::::r..::::r..:::.:~! I


KEEi' \\ \IOI J'.obcat Carroll Game-"e haH· the Sport Coat for football i:ram<"s ) ou arc look in!! for­Sce them

THE HUB Ed and Lou Howard

Correct Clothes For

Y ES, indeed, Shredclccl Wheat ha.s been dro,vnc<l in cream

"Y some of tl1e biggest business shots in this broad Janel! It has what t.1ey need .... wh:tt JO" need! It's nature's own energy food, !OO"b whole wheat.

othing is added ... nothing c.1ken away. Nature's full quura of energy-building elements is packed away in c'cry goldcn­brown Shredded \\'heat Biscuit . . . . yours for the eating!

Hop into the Shredded Wheat cheering section! Eat two bis­cuits a day for the next week! You'll feel bigger and better than ever.

When you aee Niagara Falls on the packace, you KNOW you have Shredded Wheat.



"Uneeda Bakers"




I E xponent AdYer li$ing pay$-touch<lown. Int.he fou.th quart1.;r tht! 1.1f Ja ... t )Car, but -.hall !llso endNnor H. ;\l. C. Sl' .\:\Dl~GS 1 Cubs intt:rceptcd a pa:.:.:-; and Bla:--tic.·. to 1me ... t the conferenc:t.• tttle lrom I t he\' notice C\·ery th in g.

::: Frank Ward. i:rca~1obl'3t ba:.:.kt•t· 1 TC'am b cO~l·hin~ nt Billing-~ 11 ~h

bnll H'ntt.•r ln the days of the \\·omh: ~('h(lol th1~ ~car.

t ·ub fin!·' •. ~•·n"r ·,ii ,l•rul.l' 3\\ u.\ f ll l\\O tht• I ~C:,,Clll h.:ilrl .. ·r~, \ \ ) L :nin ... U!l•' l.'1- \ \ ' I ·i·. l'<'l -1 • Ion~ ~u':i:-.~-- l'~II) llll! the b~lll ,\l.:r0"''"' s1t:r . Cta h e 4 . o'" 0 1.000 ------------- -- ~~· ....................... -.. -.. --.:._--:.-.-----. -........................ ~ .... --.......................................................................................................... 1 the .Kitten j!"oal hn4.i' tll make thl• fln.ll, The Cou~nrs ... hall be captnmed tht ... Dc;l'\l'l' i; ,) o o l.OOll A11•••• •m1Em••••lill!! Horn i:t.Q n fa\Ol" <1f tht..' lni\L'l'lt) ... en.,.,<>n b) B)rnn :"\eJ .... on, don!!ah 1 B ). U · -l 1 0 .SOU ) earhng:s. 11.:entcr unu l:.:u\\ood h omnc)' ou.-..tarHI· l'olora do A.gg-tl'' a l l .7i>0 E 11 A :st.out hn1d ch.1rc1ng line kep:. Ing' ... t.1r tor the pa"t l\\O "'"~"'ri"s. In (.{)lOlado C :~ ~ 0 .li01) en - .. :iilJ"i~~E.z~pt:'. Strong- Cub Squad From l'nh er­

sity .\\ engcs Defeat In Butte By Bobcats

the Kith.·~ ~>'Tound ntt:.11,:k \\di ~ub- add1t1on to the-.e lWO the fo 10 \\ln.:. Colut~do u· '.! - ll .. ·1oll Jucd l'xcept \\ht..'n the l·h:'"'l K1llt>n Jetter men i:cturw :\l1lh::;... .I. J~ tn~~;:1• L't.ah . \ f!'g""I~::> :! o .~(hi hack, Oll\cra, l\\J~'ed :ma) fo1 Ion:: l!unter, \\ h1tm.111: U . . '~cu1 i\d lolo Teacher!'- :! 0 ·L)~,1 nm-.. lhl' h .. lttl'ns' uni) thrt:at uunc E\an~ Be~al~!<o the..,~ '~~~1 ~,11111~e ... ~~~c: \\~yunung L". l U .:..!.10 'ancc'(I the ball to the Cub 11·) .. ti I 1 rom h1"'l ... ~a:-.on. \\ t•stein Stale 0 0 .Otl\l 1

SHO WI NG TllIS WEEK --- :---

Tuesda) and Wedne$da) The fightin,:! Bubkittcn -.quad l)owed tht:!'ir hl'a<ls in dd1.:Ut la.-.t ~altlnlny to a stronl? Cub ;-:..quail I ~1.t). Till' Cub~, determined to.t..·r<.\"e ,..onll' oft 1~ stinJ,.?" of their Yar~11y·~ deft>.u. \H i:

not to be ~topped. The K1tlt.'tl )11 was a Jillie weak and inc;..:pl'r L>nct d t his beinR" only their i>l"conil 2"anit.

m 1..hc fourth quurte1 '' he-n th1c•) aJ· 1 Romne) ha~ cnnum ei.. )lontana St .. ttc o 0 .UOO

lllll' \\ hctt..' the) l1•"t tht• ball on do\\ n~. J• rum the e\ 1dl.'nt'l' al hand ... por,t I lolorado ~Imes 0 -.1. 0 .. 000 I - .-The rub-. made :!ll tlr ... t d1 1\\llS, cntu:s admit that 1t .1pptn 1 ~ that .B '· . \ Pa ... '.'port To Hell.. TRY _ainiHJ.! .rl:-i )at<ls, tlw Kitten-. tl hl -.1 I Y. c. h~ts a \\Omle1 ful lrneup 101 tl11• with <l 1wn:-, g-~tining i:y; y;.nds lcomin~ H·a~on. tion alter u year 's lap;-;1?. ha ... ht.'i..n out.· TOKAY ln the se..·ond quarh·r the C u 1

pierced th<' stout ddln~ of th Kittens and with tlw aicl nl n t•om pleted 27 ynr<l pa.;s re~i.:-ten·d th..: r first l·ounter. A fe" nunu'.t latt the Cub:-. man;h I nnd pas:-l•d !I yard!; down the lil'h.l for Ull'ir "l'rnnd

orw ............. .. '\A,o w

I stand ing . ~\ !though l'UITYlJlJ.:" on!)' t:-M Efo•;-;a Landi. Pau l Luk3~ B y L1' (.' \~ \B \ TORSElt.." pou nds, he br okiJ th.ou.l!h till' l 1nzzly On thl' St:H!e · · · · ~ · · ... CATS READY FOR ton\:lrds time aftt·r t.ml.', playrn c"r \ l'T TP \J :\'I:\" C ('HI:.\ D The Elwn)· ~t.•renadcr~ B ... ~\.-: c~ ~ta· t::, tht.: 1·· 1:1• :!: ' '~,,... b~~~fiel;~ . the gallll' Lil th1c• l IH\el":'ll) ('olorl'll ) l instreb

ketball l"ampa1L:n la,.;t Wl·1c·k w th ) c RROLL CONTEST Ed Br12cdcn a· £>nd fl.lied up the hnll' --- :---.. x~rt::-. am;.\n.•rinz Coal"i1 Hontlll')' :.- A 'rh d r 'd' . •tnd ~aii~ roach R<1mni•y in annnuni: IH! 11 1.., 01>ent:id b;r tht• lo:-,.., Ol limns Ill nrw urs a\·. ' rt h\ c ~ ba~kctball ~chcdUil• ~tall'~ tl~at l~ul ~~~?~~·a$J-ic~l\~·I~~::; nl:i~~~-nh('~·~st\'\~~dl•ti' saturday. \ s~~~nd11~~l,fi~ri~~~\'::n; {:~~~·::~11~ 1 ;1~;~~·~ punts. . · · 10 . ooo\\: i~ nesse~.. ~ F'ivc Me111bers of .Squad \ \'i ll Hav Buzzetti n.t halfbal'k hn=-- bct•n . \\\~~ Pia\ Las t Gttme For l\lon tana a thr.eat m cvety ganll'. A.:..a n:-<t ' ' )\'· On tlu• ::'ta.~t' Fritlay· Saturday .. Staie On Friday mi ng he registt•rt..~d a 'i,l·)·ar d d:.lsh, TJIE O llE(; Q:'\ LOGGEH~

a nd r epea tedly r~ekd off Ill. !:'.!or. 2u --- :---yards throug hout the ::>ea~un. l urnm;.! Cnnlinz ~unday & :\Ion day .Fin:! veteran member:-< o( the Bo~- hi::; ba:sket.ball experiL·nte to u~e .. ht..· - > Lill football ~quad will ta ... e the k1l'k - ha:-; been C:-<J)Cl"ially adept at tossrn~ - .- \ ( rr ror tht..· last tune w lrnn they meet pa~se~ to fe ll ow b:ll'ks. •·Faithl r-ss'' ~,.

the Carroll tea m .-\r1ubtil"t: Uuy. Thc$e n•te-rans. will have John with Roh•rl :'\hrnt~11mery and Ca1nai11 :'\k.~an nt centl'r 1 ~ r('l~ltHI· F lnnnuirnn a t l'nd. ,Jn1.:k B~1 ltz.ell at Tallulah r'ankhcad ~~1w~~l~ ~u~r~~:~~:l~ c~,:~~;~te ~;i: \~lt..'~; i~J\~-~~1:d ;~h~~k r~}~~\~H G~,~~~:;~~· t~~!~~ · · ~ of tonnage. ma n at qunrtcrbal'k . and eitlwr R • t \ ,Joe- Han'n. tal'kle. i~ tht..• giant of Georg-C' Parke (•r 1-l :m:-en at the t1thl•1 la Q ~ the team, and a terror tn oppo:-om..., h a lt. I \,\\:'; end~. 11\! is a dead!)· tackler. and This tea m will U\l'rn.!?e ahnut 170 ~µoiled many a Grizz_ly play. pounds to the man. :'lightly il·"~ than ---:---

Kenny Dyl.'r, back tn a J.!Uard post. tlw Sainb. 1>•·obably. A vidory for Thursda Y. r'rida ' a nd the l'ats will t:inch the lit it', wnde ~l ~ · t d 1Y · I" defeat wou ld throw the rue£> into •l ._ a ur ;, · I\! t~~e~~~\i~~~~ :-t~1~,/;~f~l'~>t~~·~ 1 \1~~\~c~l~:- '"Smili;.-Throug; h·· ~ little basis for reliable cnmp:1r::-'oll. with :\"or ·n Si1t·a1l'r, Fl"l'ckric ~ ~~11: 1~~ ... 11 tl~~c~~~f1 ,):·'\the t~~~!~~n~·I~<~ 1;1q: :\larch and L l'slie II own rd ~ to thl" l 'ni\'l'rs.in· 1-1 tn tl. l...att!r, th ---.--- \ Ca ts tramp1..-d ih1..> Grizzh•:o to tht ( o ming S unda y & :\l o nrlay II ~.·. tu ne of HI to 7. l111WL'\'l'r, only a W~('.;, _ . -

~~~~~r~!1e0~!~t\1ci~l11~~~~)~~ul~~l~t ~h; t~r~l '"Th e Crooked Circ'c.. :: a:ter ·bein.l!' outplayl•d fo 1.1 m:mitl l.nu1:hs and Th ·ills with ~ I All of whil'h mav mC'an nr>thin.; whlq Zasu l'itt:-:., .lanws Glt•a...,on ..

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