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IB Middle Years Program Personal Project Beginning September 2014 Princess Anne High School 2015-2016 Summer Packet

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IB Middle Years Program

Personal Project Beginning September 2014

Princess Anne High School

2015-2016 Summer Packet

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Personal Project Summer Timeline

Month MYP 9th Grade Student MYP Parents, Staff, & Community

June The MYP Coordinator meets with MYP 9th grade students to articulate the aims and objectives of the Personal Project. MYP 9th grade students select Personal Project supervisors and submit Personal Project Supervisor Agreement to MYP Coordinator (Mrs. Cox – [email protected] ) by June 30, 2015.

The MYP Coordinator informs MYP 9th grade parents of the objectives and characteristics of the Personal Project.

July MYP 9th grade students discuss (by email, ManageBac, phone, conference) Personal Project progress at least hree times with Supervisor in July to include:

1. Brainstorming ideas 2. Goal 3. Global Context 4. Planning - how goal & Personal Project will be

achieved 5. Timeline for summer 6. Documentation and Process Journal

upervisors monitor progress throughout July and provides feedback and offers suggestions at least three times during July.

August MYP 9th grade students work on completing the Personal Project product and communicate, collaborate, and document Personal Project progress and issues with their Supervisor using emails, phone conversations, ManageBac, and meetings.

MYP 9th grade students complete the Personal Project product or outcome prior to the start of 10th grade andconfirm a minimum of 5 Process Journal entries.

Supervisors communicate and collaborate with students using emails, ManageBac, phone conversations, or meetings to monitor progress, provide feedback, and offer suggestions.

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Academic Honesty The student and supervisor MUST use the academic honesty form provided by IB to note

meeting dates and the main points discussed and to declare the academic honesty of work.

Princess Anne High School International Baccalaureate Program Integrity Agreement

In order to maintain the integrity of the International Baccalaureate and the IB programs at Princess Anne

High School students are EXPECTED to respect the concepts relating to academic honesty, intellectual

property, plagiarism and authentic authorship. These concepts are addressed by IB under the heading of

malpractice and taken very seriously by both IB and PAHS. IB defines malpractice as behavior that results

in, or may result in, the student or any other student gaining an unfair advantage in one or more

assessment component or work submitted for grading. Malpractice includes:

1. plagiarism: this is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the

student’s own

2. collusion: this is defined as supporting malpractice by another student, as in allowing ones work

to be copied or submitted for assessment by another

3. duplication of work: this is defined as the presentation of the same work for different

assessment components and/or diploma requirements

4. any other behavior which gains an unfair advantage for a student or which affects the results

of another student.

Examples of academic dishonesty and malpractice include but are not limited to the following:

• failure to adhere to the timelines of assessments and assignments without extenuating


• cheating or knowingly allowing another student to copy one’s work, to include homework

• exchanging or in any way supporting, or attempting to support, the passing on information that

is related to an assessment or an assignment to be completed individually

• changing the answers on a graded item in order to raise one’s grade

• falsification or the verbal or written statement of any untruth

• failing to properly cite sources, paraphrasing without citing sources, or submitting work as

authentic that is not the work of the student

• taking unauthorized material to an assessment

• unauthorized communication before, during or subsequent to an assessment

• theft of a teacher’s or another student’s work

Princess Anne High School International Baccalaureate students are EXPECTED to demonstrate

academic honesty at all times. Students are EXPECTED to complete and submit all tasks on the date

due to avoid receiving an unfair advantage of additional time and to avoid lateness in the delivery of


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Steps for Completing the Personal Project Step 1 - Select a supervisor

Each student must select a Personal Project supervisor. The supervisor must be a teacher at

Princess Anne High School or a MYP teacher at Plaza Middle School. Select a supervisor that you

will be able to communicate with monthly. Communication can be made in person or through

email, phone, text, or meetings. Notes from each contact should be maintained as part of the

Process Journal.

Step 2 – Read the student guide and IB personal project guide

Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Personal Project and the Timeline by reading

the Student Guide and the IB Personal Project Guide posted on the Princess Anne HS IB

Program website. The Personal Project is a culminating assignment that allows you to

demonstrate the skills you have developed while pursuing something of importance to you.

Step 3 – Begin a process journal

You are expected to utilize a Process Journal to record your progress and process in the

personal project. There is not a designated format for the Process Journal but should

document progress on the personal project objectives and assessment criteria. You will be

evaluated on how well you have utilized prior knowledge and your own learning in achieving

your Personal Project goal and completing the Personal Project. Therefore, you should record

all work completed and a quality reflection at every step along the completion of your project.

Entries can include such things as brainstorming ideas, evidence of goal setting and planning,

research notes with cited sources, quotes, pictures, bullet lists, planning, charts, scheduling and

timelines, questions and answers, interactions, meeting notes, decisions, meeting notes,

feelings and reflections, and evaluation of your progress. If maintained correctly and

completely, the Process Journal will be very helpful when producing the Report.

Step 3 – Define a goal and identify a global context based on personal Interest

Begin this process by identifying areas or topics of interest to you and record your thoughts in

your Process Journal. Once you have selected a topic or idea of interest you want to explore a

global context that has a strong connection, you should explain how it relates to the topic.

Next, you should identify an appropriate goal, explaining what you want to do and why. Your

goal should be measureable, achievable, and have an important, personal connection to you.

Step 4 – Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project

Approaches to Learning skills that have been developed in subject groups will prepare you for

working more independently. Projects, essays, and investigations carried out in subject groups

are an important means for helping you demonstrate and develop skills and attitudes to

complete the personal project.

Step 5 – Research sources

You should research varied relevant sources to achieve your goal and evaluate other available

sources. The list of sources reported should only include those that were useful and relevant

for your project and achieving the goal. Sources may include such things as an interview, book,

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magazine or newspaper article, CD, photograph, experiment, art work, or Internet and web link

and should always be written in the Process Journal and cited correctly. Validity, credibility and

reputability are very important when selecting sources.

Step 6 – Plan

Develop criteria for the product or outcome, planning and recording the development process

and demonstrating self-management skills. Your plan should demonstrate the skills and

knowledge you have developed and that are required to complete the project: organizational

skills, collaborative skills, communication skills, analytical and creative writing skills, information

literacy, problem solving and thinking skills, and reflections and metacognition skills. In your

Process Journal begin to think about specifics such as what you hope to learn, how the global

context is relevant and will enrich your project, and what you want others to understand about

the project. Keep the goal in mind and identify what will be required such as sources,

materials, information, time, and a list of the tasks.

Step 7 – Take action creating your product or outcome

You should define realistic criteria to measure the quality of the personal project product or

outcome. A checklist or rubric is an appropriate tool for setting standards and assessing quality

of the product or outcome. This criterion should be documented in the process journal and

used to assess the final product or outcome. You should apply information obtained and

thinking skills to make decisions, create solutions, and to demonstrate communication and

social skills. You will interpret the information from sources you researched and selected. By

thinking about the information, you develop a broader context for inquiry, identify relevant

questions and issues, and solve problems. The applied information should always be recorded

in the Process Journal. The use of source information should further the project and/or

complete the goal. This can be accomplished through the development of techniques,

problem-solving strategies or analysis of the information which should be discussed in the

journal and written report.

Step 9 – Reflect

Self-reflection is very important. You are expected to evaluate the quality of the product or

outcome and how completing the project has extended your knowledge and understanding of

the topic and the global context. Reflect on your learning, explaining how you have developed

as a learner by completing the project is important. Your research and selected sources should

demonstrate evidence of transfer of knowledge from your research to your ideas and the

decisions you made and the solutions you created.

Step 10 – Select process journal extracts and create report

Ten extracts from the process journal should be selected to represent the key developments of

the personal project. The report is the summary of your experience and is an essential part of

the Personal Project. The report must follow the objectives and assessment criteria and should

adhere to the formats and lengths explained in this guide. You must include your research and

be very clear, coherent and concise. Evaluation of relevant sources used to achieve the goal

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should be communicated and accurately cited according to MLA format and the personal

project cover sheet be submitted with the report.

The report is structured around the objectives and assessment criteria. Try to catch the

audience’s attention in your introduction and communicate where your inspiration came from.

Things to consider when creating your report are:

1. ideas and goal

2. plan you developed for completing your goal

3. what answers you needed to find and how the global context connected to your project

4. your inspiration for completing the project and the influences and research that guided

your work

5. process you took to complete your project to include the specific steps, people

consulted, and the research conducted

6. why you selected sources and how your research affected the decisions you made in

planning and creating your product or outcome to achieve your goal

7. what you learned and how it was useful If you changed your original ideas, explain how

and why

8. how the global context influenced the direction of your research

9. what you learned from new perspectives

10. what you did to make, organize, design, and create your product, explaining why you

did it and when you did it

11. Steps you took to complete your project and if there were other ways you could have

produced your project but dismissed and wh.

12. Changes you made to the original design, clarifying these

13. knowledge you had to help you create the product and what new skills you had to learn

and how you learned them

14. any assistance or mentoring you may have received

15. materials and techniques you decided to use and how they helped achieve your goal

An appendix will be used to place materials you have referred to in your Personal Project, or

were not appropriate to include. Creative writing, novels, and essays should be attached as an

appendix. Pictures, photos, drawings, sketches, glossary of terms, lists such as artists or

organizations, questionnaires used for interviews, graphics, histograms, and statistics that

contributed to your project should be in the appendix.

Step 11 – Assess

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to submit a final assessment score to the IB Middle

Years Program Coordinator. You must receive a 3 or higher in order to satisfactorily complete

the Personal Project requirement.

Step 12 – Personal Project Exhibition

You will be required to display your project at the Personal Project Exhibition and Celebration in


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Requirements of the Personal Project


1. Students are expected to spend approximately 25 hours on their personal project. The

hours will include meeting with supervisors; independent learning through research,

planning, development and completion of the project; and reporting the project.

2. Students are expected to select and obtain a supervisor.

3. Students (why it matters).

4. Students are expected to document their process in the process journal and select 10

individual extracts to represent the key developments of the personal project.


1. Provide students with a personal project guide with:

a timetable with deadlines

assessment criteria

advice on how to keep and use a process journal

the importance of personal analysis and reflection

formative feedback

requirements for academic honesty

2. Register students for external moderation of the personal project.

3. Provide a guide for supervisors and communicate their role and responsibilities.

a. Support the student with the completion of the personal project.

b. Ensure personal project topic satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards with

regard to health and safety, confidentiality human rights, animal welfare and

environmental issues.

c. Confirm the authenticity of the work submitted by the student.

d. Assess the personal project using the criteria.

e. Participate in the standardization of assessment process.

f. Provide personal project grades to the MYP Coordinator to enter into the IB secure

site for moderation.

4. Communicate the requirements and objectives of the personal project to parents and

community experts.

5. Develop a standardization of assessment process.

6. Involve the librarian and specialists to assist with research skills, locating and securing

resources, and referencing and completing bibliographies.

7. Involve the counselor in facilitating the process by supporting the student’s academic and

emotional needs.

8. Allocate resources to supervise and coordinate the successful completion of the students’

personal projects.

9. Organize showcase event to provide students an opportunity to present their projects.

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Nature of the Personal Project The personal project takes approximately 25 hours and allows students to:

1. Practice their Approaches to Learning skills

2. Combine prior knowledge and subject-specific learning

3. Pursue their personal interests within a global context

4. Develop attributes of the IB Learner Profile

5. Complete a significant piece of work over an extended period of time, reflecting on their

learning and the outcomes of their work

6. Prepare for further education projects, presentations and assessments

Global Contexts

The student must include a global context in the personal project. The global context chosen by

the student provides a context for inquiry and research for the personal project. The student

selects only one global to define the student’s goal and give a specific focus to the personal

project. Global contexts direct learning into common humanity and shared guardianship of the

planet. The global context helps the student engage in a cycle of inquiry and a process that leads

him or her from academic knowledge to thoughtful, principled action. The choice of one of the

six global contexts below will significantly shift the perspective of the personal project.

The Six (6) Global Context Examples 1. Identities and relationships

Students will explore identity, beliefs and values, personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health, human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures, what it means to be human

*Examine the question, “Why does rap speak to me?” *Two sides of social networking: an awareness campaign about digital citizenship and cyber bullying.

2. Orientation in space and time Students will explore personal histories, homes and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind, the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations from personal, local and global perspectives.

*Explore the development of rap as a style of music across countries. *Charting a family history through archives and a representational statue. *The Mayflower and the dream of religious freedom; a personal family history.

3. Personal and cultural expression Students will explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

*Perform a rap song for peers and have a question-and-answer session. *Video games as a form of cultural expression; a short film showing 5 video games that shows how they are an expression of culture.

4. Scientific and technical innovation *Design a 30 model of a solar devise with instructions for construction.

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Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs.

*Can stem cells replace organ transplants:; an investigative report. *Why are genetics and genomics important to my health:; a media presentation.

5. Globalization and sustainability Students will explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the relationship between local and global processes; how local experiences mediate the global; the opportunities and tensions provided by world-interconnectedness; the impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment.

*Investigate how, in history, different cultures have made use of energy for different needs. *The role of the developing countries n protecting the tropical rain forest; a collection of slides. *the struggle for water in developing

countries; an awareness campaign.

6. Fairness and development Students will explore rights and responsibilities; the relationship between communities; sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

*Debate Herve Kempf’s ideas about “how

the rich are destroying the Earth.” *Asylum seekers and their right to live like us; a painting. *Cocoa trade in Ghana; an awareness campaign for our school cafeteria to promote trade.

The student should consider the following questions when choosing a global context through

which to focus the personal project.

1. What do I want to achieve through my personal project?

2. What do I want others to understand through my work?

3. What impact do I want my personal project to have?

4. How can a specific context give greater purpose to my project?

When organizing fundraising campaigns or events for an organization, the student will explore

the challenges that the organization address, such as pollution, climate change, endangered

species, health, education, housing, food, human rights, minority rights, immigration, culture,

arts, and communication. Therefore, the global context for the personal project will often be

determined by the organization’s cause.

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Personal Project Objectives

The objectives define what the student will accomplish as a result of completing the personal

project and relate directly to the assessment criteria. The four objectives form a continual and

interactive approach to inquiry and should be addressed as such. Students will be expected to

communicate clearly, accurately and appropriately how they met each of the objectives.

Personal Project Objective Approaches to Learning Clusters

Objective A: Investigating Define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests

Collaboration Critical thinking Creative thinking

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project.

Information literacy Media literacy Transfer Demonstrate research skills.

The inquiry process in this objective allows the student to extend knowledge and understanding and to develop skills and attitudes by: a. Deciding what are the student’s interests and what to learn about b. Identifying what the student’s skills are and what is already known c. Discovering what is needed to know and gathering information to complete the personal project

Objective B: Planning Develop criteria for the product or outcome. Collaboration

Organization Critical thinking Creative thinking

Plan and record the development process of the project.

Collaboration Organization Reflection Demonstrate self-management skills.

The inquiry process in this objective allows the student to extend knowledge and understanding and to develop skills and attitudes by: a. Creating proposals or criteria for the personal project b. Planning time and materials c. Recording developments of the project d. Making decisions e. Developing understandings and solving problems f. Communicating with supervisor g. Planning the service experience, roles and responsibilities, actions needed, resources, and timelines

Objective C: Taking Action Create a product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria.

Organization Critical thinking

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Creative thinking

Demonstrate thinking skills. Communication Collaboration Critical thinking

Demonstrate communication and social skills.

Action involves learning by doing, which enhances learning about self and others, making responsible choices, and implementing the plan. As the student becomes involved in the self-initiated and self-directed learning process, the student will find it easier to construct in-depth knowledge on the topic and develop an understanding of himself/herself as a learner.

Objective D: Reflecting Evaluate the quality of the product or outcome against the criteria.

Communication Reflection

Reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context.

Reflect on their development as IB learners through the project.

Reflection involves describing what happened, expressing feelings, generating ideas and asking questions. It occurs to measure understanding, assist with revising and rethinking plans, and to internalize the personal project experience.


The student will select sources during the initial stage of the personal project, but research and

evaluation of sources will continue during the process of completing the project. Relevant and

reliable information from a range of sources and a variety of source types should be selected by

the student. Available sources may include the student’s prior knowledge, as well as primary and

secondary sources, such as subject-area content, significant people, survey data, published

media, internet resources, video or audio recordings, and images. The student’s ability to

evaluate the reliability of sources should be developed through the Approaches to Learning skills

and the student should consider factors such as credibility of the author, accuracy, relevance,

intended audience and objectivity of the source.

The student applies information throughout the personal project to decide what actions to take

when. Connections with prior knowledge and new knowledge should be made by the student in

unfamiliar situation to identify solutions.

The student has the opportunity to develop affective skills of mindfulness, perseverance,

emotional management, self-motivation and resilience throughout the entire process. This skill

set contributes to managing state of mind and a healthy, balanced approach to the personal


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Components of the Personal Project The personal project consists of three components:

Component How it is assessed Focus on topic leading towards a product or outcome

Evident in the presentation and report

Process Journal A selection of extracts in appendices of the report

Written Report The content of the report assessed using all four criteria

A goal should be identified. It should be based on areas or topics of interest and it should be

able to be accomplished by the student based on the time and resources available. The goal

should challenge the student’s knowledge and skills or techniques.

The Process Journal During the personal project process, the student will keep a record of decisions in a process

journal and use this as a resource to help produce the written report. Brainstorming, ideas, and

discussions with others can be included. The student should also document his or her thinking,

the research process, and the refining and development of initial ideas. The student will also

develop an outline of the goal being pursued.

It is important that the student records and reflects on what they have learned and how it has

impacted their attitudes and behavior. Reflection should be carried out throughout the

personal project. The student should reflect regularly on the inquiry process and on actions

taken at various states of the personal project. The report will become the demonstration of

the summary of the processes of investigating, planning, actions, and reflections.

The process journal is a record of the student’s progress throughout the personal project.

Evidence of student progress documented in the process journal should be shared with the

supervisor at meetings or digitally. Recording of critical and creative thinking and reflection is

very important. Decision-making based on information from sources should be recorded in the

process journal. Additionally, the student must produce evidence of addressing the four

objectives in the process journal in order to demonstrate achievement at the highest levels of

the criteria. The process journal is:

1. Part of the personal project and used to document and support the development of

the personal project

2. An evolving record of intents, processes, and accomplishments

3. A place to record initial thoughts and developments, brainstorming, possible lines of

inquiry and further questions raised

4. A place for recording interactions with sources, for example teachers, supervisors,

librarians, external contributors, etc.

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5. A place to record selected, annotated and/or edited research and to maintain a


6. A place for storing useful information, for example quotations, pictures, ideas, and


7. A means of exploring ideas and solutions

8. A place for evaluating work completed

9. A place for reflecting on learning

10. Devised by the student in a format and design that suits his or her needs

11. A record of reflections and formative feedback received

The process journal should not be used on a daily basis unless it is useful for the student and it

should not be written up after the process has been completed. The design should not be a

diary with detailed writing about what was dome or a static document with only one format.

The student must select evidence from the process journal to demonstrate development in all

criteria. A maximum of 10 individual extracts must be selected by the student to represent

the key developments of the personal project and be supporting evidence of the process. The

extracts are submitted as appendices of the report at the conclusion of the project.

The student should select extracts that demonstrate how each of the objectives has been

addressed or annotate extracts to highlight this information. Materials directly relevant to the

achievement of the personal project should be included in the extracts. Extract may include

any of the formats the student used to document the process such as:

1. Visual thinking diagrams

2. Bulleted lists

3. Charts

4. Short paragraphs

5. Notes

6. Timelines and action plans

7. Annotated illustrations

8. Annotated research

9. Artifacts from inspirational visits to museums, performances, galleries

10. Pictures, photographs, sketches

11. Up to 30 seconds of visual or audio material

12. Screenshots of a blog or website

13. Self and peer assessment feedback

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Reporting the Personal Project

The report is a spoken or written account of something observed, heard, done or investigated.

It aims to inform and demonstrate the student’s engagement with his or her personal project

by summarizing the experiences and skills recorded in the process journal. The report should

be presented in identifiable sections, following the project objectives: investigating,

planning, taking action, and reflecting. It must include evidence for all the strands of all the


The format of the report can vary depending on the resources available and the interests of the

student but the ability to communicate clearly and concisely is essential to demonstrate the

elements of the report and reach the highest levels of the criteria. The supervisor is responsible

for providing guidance on the format of the report.

As the report is a component of the personal project, the student should plan his or her time

carefully. Planning, drafting, rehearsing and preparing materials are all necessary steps, and

the student should be aware of the amount of time required to complete the report. The

student should be careful to ensure that his or her report is a distinct component of the

personal project and is not a collection of process journal entries.

Possible report formats for the personal project report are divided into four main areas with

specifications for the length of each.

Format Length Written A written report aims to inform and explain the process of the personal project in a concise form and usually consists of sections with subheadings. The student must ensure that the report meets the assessment criteria and conforms to word length.

1,500 to 3,500 words

Electronic An electronic report can take many different forms such as a website, a blog, a Prezi, PowerPoint, or other slide show presentation. As in all

1,500 to 3,500 words

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other formats, the student must ensure that the electronic report meets the assessment criteria and effectively demonstrates his or her engagement with the personal project.

Oral An oral report can take many different forms such as podcast, interview and radio broadcast. Students may use notes, cue cards and visual support aids for an oral presentation. Care should be taken to ensure that all elements of the report contribute towards the assessment criteria. The school and student should determine whether an appropriate audience would be effective for this format.

13 to 15 minutes

Visual A visual report is usually a short film where the student addresses the key moments of his or her personal project, informed by the entries in the process journal. The short film must be structured in a manner that demonstrates his or her achievements in the development of the personal project. Planning and time allocation for the filming process and subsequent editing should be taken into account from the outset.

13 to 15 minutes

Oral, visual and multimedia reports must be recorded for internal standardization purposes and

for possible submission for moderation. Supervisors must ensure that the quality of the

recording is sufficient for submission to the IB.

When submitting the report for assessment, the student must include:

1. The personal project cover sheet

2. The completed academic honesty form

3. Process journal extracts

4. Any supporting visual aids used during the presentation, if applicable

5. Bibliography and sources

Using Assessment Criteria

Assessment is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. Personal

projects must address all strands of all four assessment criteria. Coordinators and supervisors

must clarify the expectations for the personal project directly referencing the assessment

criteria. The official validation of personal project grades is mandatory and requires a process

of external moderation of the teachers’ initial, standardized assessment.

Criterion A Investigating Maximum 8

Criterion B Planning Maximum 8

Criterion C Taking Action Maximum 8

Criterion D Reflecting Maximum 8

Criterion A: Investigating

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Maximum marks: 8

The student should:

Define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project

Demonstrate research skills

Achievement Level

Level Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student is able to:

State a goal and context for the project, based on personal interests, but this may be limited in depth or accessibility

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge, but this may be limited in occurrence or relevance

Demonstrate limited research skills

3-4 The student is able to:

Outline a basic and appropriate goal and context for the project, based on personal interests

Identify basic prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to some areas of the project

Demonstrate adequate research skills

5-6 The student is able to:

Define a clear and challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge generally relevant to the project

Demonstrate substantial research skills

7-8 The student is able to:

Define a clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project based on personal interests

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is consistently highly relevant to the project

Demonstrate excellent research skills

Criterion B: Planning

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Maximum marks: 8

The student should:

Develop criteria for the product or outcome

Plan and record the development process of the project

Demonstrate self-management skills

Achievement Level

Level Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student is able to:

Develop limited criteria for the product or outcome

Present a limited or partial plan and record of the development process of the project

Demonstrate limited self-management skills.

3-4 The student is able to:

Develop adequate criteria for the product or outcome

Present an adequate plan and record of the development process of the project

Demonstrate adequate self-management skills.

5-6 The student is able to:

Develop substantial and appropriate criteria for the product or outcome

Present a substantial plan and record of the development process of the project

Demonstrate substantial self-management skills.

7-8 The student is able to:

Develop rigorous Develop limited criteria for the product or outcome

Present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project

Demonstrate excellent self-management skills.

Criterion C: Taking Action

Maximum Marks: 8

The student should:

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Create a product or outome in response to the goal, global context and criteria

Demonstrate thinking skills

Demonstrate communication and social skills

Achievement Grade

Level Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student is able to:

Create a limited product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria

Demonstrate limited thinking skills

Demonstrate limited communication and social skills

3-4 The student is able to:

Create a basic product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria

Demonstrate adequate thinking skills

Demonstrate adequate communication and social skills

5-6 The student is able to:

Create a substantial product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria

Demonstrate substantial thinking skills

Demonstrate substantial communication and social skills

7-8 The student is able to:

Create an excellent product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria

Demonstrate excellent thinking skills

Demonstrate excellent communication and social skills

Criterion D: Reflecting

Maximum Marks: 8

The student should:

Evaluate the quality of the product or outcome against the criteria

Reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding

of the topic and the global context

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Achievement Level

Level Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student is able to:

Present a limited evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria

Present limited reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context

Present limited reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

3-4 The student is able to:

Present a basic evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria

Present adequate reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context

Present adequate reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

5-6 The student is able to:

Present a substantial evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria

Present substantial reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context

Present substantial reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

7-8 The student is able to:

Present an excellent evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria

Present excellent reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context

Present excellent reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

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Personal Project Supervisor Agreement

Due June 30, 2015 to IB Coordinator – [email protected]

Student Name __________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone __________________________ Email _____________________________________

This student is completing a Personal Project as a culminating component for the Middle Year

Program. The student is required to have a supervisor to offer consistent guidance and

feedback and to monitor the student’s progress according to the timeline. As a supervisor you


• Receive the Overview of Structure and Timeline for the Personal Project Completion

and a Supervisor Guide

• Have access to the Personal Project Guide

• Meet regularly with the student to monitor progress, provide feedback, and offer


• Contact the Personal Project Coordinator (Beth Camper) or MYP Coordinator if the

student is not fulfilling the requirements for the project as outlined

• Complete a final assessment of the student’s work using the IB assessment criteria for

the Personal Project

I agree to supervise the above named student

Supervisor _____________________________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Email _______________________________________________________________

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Personal Project Action Plan (2 pages)

Summer Guide to Help With Planning and Implementation

What is your project goal?

What is your prior learning and subject-specific knowledge?

What sources have you found?

What is your global context?

What is the criteria for your product or outcome you will create?

Explain briefly how you plan to develop the product or outcome.

What materials and resources will you need to create the product or outcome?

What problems or issues do you foresee?

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Summer Timeline




































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Criteria Very Good

Good Satis-factory


Criterion A: Investigating

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to: •State a goal and context for the project, based on personal interests, but this may be limited in depth or accessibility •Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge, but this may be limited in occurrence or relevance •Demonstrate limited research skills

The student is able to: •Outline a basic and appropriate goal and context for the project, based on personal interests •Identify basic prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to some areas of the project •Demonstrate adequate research skills

The student is able to: •Define a clear and challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests •Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge generally relevant to the project •Demonstrate substantial research skills

The student is able to: •Define a clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project based on personal interests •Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is consistently highly relevant to the project •Demonstrate excellent research skills

Criterion B: Planning

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to: •Develop limited criteria for the product or outcome •Present a limited or partial plan and record of the development process of the projec •Demonstrate limited self-management skills.

The student is able to: •Develop adequate criteria for the product or outcome •Present an adequate plan and record of the development process of the project •Demonstrate adequate self-management skills.

The student is able to: •Develop substantial and appropriate criteria for the product or outcome •Present a substantial plan and record of the development process of the project •Demonstrate substantial self-management skills.

The student is able to: •Develop rigorous Develop limited criteria for the product or outcome •Present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project •Demonstrate excellent self-management skills.

Criterion C: Taking Action

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to: •Create a limited product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria •Demonstrate limited thinking skills •Demonstrate limited communication and social skills

The student is able to: •Create a substantial product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria •Demonstrate substantial thinking skills •Demonstrate substantial communication and social skills

The student is able to: •Create a substantial product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria •Demonstrate substantial thinking skills •Demonstrate substantial communication and social skills

The student is able to: •Create an excellent product or outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria •Demonstrate excellent thinking skills

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•Demonstrate excellent communication and social skills

Criterion D: Reflecting

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to: •Present a limited evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria •Present limited reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context •Present limited reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

The student is able to: •Present a basic evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria •Present adequate reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context •Present adequate reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

The student is able to: •Present a substantial evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria •Present substantial reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context •Present substantial reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

The student is able to: •Present an excellent evaluation of the quality of the product or outcome against his or her criteria •Present excellent reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context •Present excellent reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project

Report: Title Page

Title page completed

Written Report: Table of Contents

Titles of sections and sub-sections are listed with the page numbers

Written Report: Introduction

Well written and catches the reader’s attention

Explanation of the inspiration for the Personal Project

Report: Bibliography Follow the MLA format for reporting sources in the bibliography

Report: Appendices Usually, these are essential to include all the evidence of your work.

Only include information that you have labeled or referred to in your written statement

Honesty Form

Honesty form completed and signed

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MYP Personal Project Honesty Form

To Be Submitted by Student with Personal Project

Student name

Student number

School name

School number

Supervisor name

Student: This document records your progress and the nature of your discussions with your supervisor. You should aim to see your supervisor at least three times at the start of the process to discuss your initial ideas, then once you have completed a significant amount of your project, and finally your completed report/presentation has been submitted.

Supervisor: You are asked to have at least three supervision sessions with students, one at the start of the process, an interim meeting and then the final meeting. Other sessions are permitted but do not need to be recorded on this sheet. After each session, students should make a summary of what was discussed and you should sign and date these comments.

Date Main Points Discussed Signature/initials

Meeting 1

Student: Supervisor:

Meeting 2


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Meeting 3

Student: Supervisor:

Supervisor Comment

Student declaration I confirm that this work is my own and this is the final version. I have acknowledged, in the body of my work, each use of the words, work or ideas of another person, whether written, oral or visual (hard copy and/or electronic materials).

Supervisor declaration I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the material submitted is the authentic work of the student.

Student’s signature Date Supervisor’s signature Date

MYP Personal Project Cover Sheet

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To Be Submitted by Student

Personal Project

Student name

Student number

School name

School number

Supervisor name

Title of the project

Goal of the project

Length (word count and/or presentation time):

Included when submitting the project A completed academic honesty form

Process journal extracts

Any supporting visual aids used during the presentation, if applicable



DUE DECEMBER 12, 2014 to Personal Project Supervisor

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Student _____________________________________ Supervisor ________________________

Project Title / Topic _____________________________________________________________

Global Context Not Yet Progressing Successful Surpassed Expectations

Has contacted supervisor regularly Sought help when necessary Worked independently Organized time effectively Met deadlines Put forth necessary effort

Criteria Description Maximum Score

Achievement Level

Criterion A Investigating 8 Criterion B Planning 8 Criterion C Taking Action 8 Criterion D Reflecting 8

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you feel your level of achievement is? ___________

2. How much time would you estimate you spent completing your project? ______ hours

3. What did you enjoy most about your project?

4. What do you feel you learned from the completion of your Personal Project?