IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2

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  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2






    I 1195 I ot I I..__ __MECHANICAL E N G I N E E R _ _ : : _ : N G ~ - ~ - . . . . .





    Whicb of the following are dte inversionsofdoubleslider cranl mechani$m?I Oldham coupling.2. Whitworth quick re turn moabanism.3. Beam c n g l n ~ mechanism,

    .Eilliptic trammel meclutui$ru.Select tho crrect answer from tho codesgiven be lowCQdesa. 1and 2b. 1 nnd 4c I 2and 3d 2.Jand4Which one oF the fo llowing is a higherpair?a, Belt and pulleyb. Tuming pairc. Screw paird. Sliding pairThe mechanism shown in tl1e given figurerepresents


    --,-a. Han's mechanismb Toggle mechanismc. Watt' s mechanismd Beam Engine.meohanrsmA point on a connecting link (excludingeud points) of a double slider crankmechRnism traces aa. straight line pathb bypelbolio pathc, parabolic pathd. elli ptical paV.In the four bar mechanism shown In thO!.given figure, Jinks 2 anil 4 have equallengths. Tlte poi l l P ott tJ1e coopier 3 willgenerate aiM




    ". Ellipseb, parabolac. approxlmarcly straight lined. ciroleDeep groove ball beiogs are used rora. heavy Utrust load onlyb. small angular displacement ofshafisc. radial load at high speedd co mbined thrust aod radial loads athigb speedThe sensitivity dh/dN of a given PorterGovernor, where is the height of the pinpoiot A liom the sleeve and N ls rl1ec.p.m.. is pro.foaional toh

    a. N1b NJIc, /'PId. N'

    Balancing of a rigid rotor can be achievedby appropriately placing balancing weightsina. a single pl;uteb. two planesc, Lllree pl'anesd. four plane$A machine DlOWlted on a single roil spri.ughas a period of free vibration ofT If tilespoiog ls CUi into four equal parts andplaced in parallel and the machine h


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2






    mounted n them. then the period of freelllbration of thenew system will boccmca. 16 ' fb. 4 rc. '114d. 1'/ 16I(} WbJcli UIIC or the following pal is

    ma!thed'la, Coulomb .Enefl!y Principleb . y l e i ~ Oynamic &wilib riumc. D'A iemben, Damping Forced. Fourier, , .. .. , Frequency domainanai)sisI I Whining speed of a shafl coincides withl11e llltlllral frequency -of hsa. longitudinal Y1bratfonb. Lransverse vibrationc. lorsfonal vibrationd. cou(lled bending torsion al vibration

    12. There ate six gears A. D. C. D. E. and J7 iJta compmmd Lrain. Tlte numbers nf teeth i 1the geaf!i are; 20, 60, 3(), 80 , '25 and 75respectively The ratio of the angll larspeec;ls of 1}1e 1hiven (fol to tho. driver (A)of he drhe isa. 124b 1/8c, ijfl5->lUQ.Na. "b. Bc. cd. DIG A roller Of weight W is roll eel over thew()(ldcu block shown io lite given l1gweThe pull F requ ired to just cause the saki

    m o t ! o : : ; n o : : i s ~ - - - ~

    a. W/2b. wG. -b IVd . 2W

    17. Ill the given Jigure, two of ma!;Sesmt and m; are ~ o n n c c t e d ny a lightine>ctensible striog passing over a smoodtpulle)' Mass m1 lies on a smoothMrizoutal piSJJe W h ~ u mass m1 movesdownwards , the ~ c t : e l e l l l t i of lhe twobodies is equa l lo


    m1g mI s1m+-mr

    m i ~ \ , " Jm, - nr'!


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2










    d "'8 tn / ,;1111- m:A ball is projected vertica lly upward witha certain velocity . II takes 40 seconds forits u p w & r ~ journey 11u< thne Ulken rpr hs

    downw&rd joumey Isa.. 10 5b 20sc. 30sd 40 5Maloh Lis t I w1th LiSt U and select thecorrect am;wer usio11 tbe codes givenbe low Hsts.Us t LA 'rwu p

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2










    b, Brassc Steeld GlassIn a homogenous, ismropic elasticmarl'rial the modulus ol' elasticity e: Inteyms ofG and K is equal toG+3Ka.9 Kr.J( ,4 Kb.


    "!JKG9 K(;r. f Y:imunt norma l Stressdeveloped in the shaft isa, 140 MPnb. 80 MPac. 70 Ml'ad, 6 0 M P ~The shear ~ t r e s s a point in a shaftsubjected to a torq ue isa. dtrectly proponional to the polar

    m o m e n t l'lf inertia and to t l t ~ dlsUUlceofthe poi nt fro m the a.'Cisb directly proportion to the ltpp liedtorque and inversely proportion to thepolar moment of nertiac. dirc.-dly proportional to the appliedtorq ue IUld polar mom"nt oriucrtiad. inversely proportion to t.he appliedrorqu e and the polar momen t of inertiaA solid thick cylinder is subjected to aoexternal hydrosuotic pressu re p The state

    of stress in the marerlal of tile cylinder lsrepre.;ented asw -Q-p(b) -9-p


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2











    (d) - ' p-o:p-n upen-coiled helical sprlllg of meandiameter D, number of coils N and wrrediameter d is subjected to an axlal three PThe wire of he spring is subjected toa. di t-ect shear unl y

    b combined sMatand ben ding, aniyc combined sbc;u'. bending and twistingtl. combined shear and twlsting on lyMutch List 1 witJJ Us! U u.nd select theCrrec\ answer Ul>ing 1he code.s gtvenbelow the lists''List I (Property)i\ . Tensile streng1hB. Impact strengthC .Bending strengthD FatiguestnmgthList 0 ( T e ~ t Machine)I. Rotating Bend ing Mac hine2 Three-Point Loading MachineJ , Universal Testing Machine4, lzod T e s t n g M a ~ hC

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2






    During dr3wlng openuion. the !ts:"Lh t rA. SllllislicB. MTMC. Slop Watch0 , M Machine ChanE. Slllnillml 'fim .:Li

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2










    Select the con'ecl answer usmg Lhe codesgivcn belowC r r e c comhna11ons of intonsi,>e ttnde . ~ e n s t v e p r o p e r t i e s ?

    Intensive El'tcnsivc

    59 .




    '? ot Ha. 1.2.3. 4 5.6. 7.8b. I, 1. 5, 7 2. 4, 6, 8c. 1, 2.. 4, 1 3, s.G. sd. 2, 3T6, 8 I, 4, 5, IA new temperature scale ua degrees 'N is tobe dellnNl The boiling and freezing pOtnt$on this scale nre 400"!'1 and I00"1\respectwelyWhat w11l be the readmg on new scalecorresponding to 60"C ?a. 120"Nb I SO" Nc. no Nd 2so NIf M heat eugane gtves uu OUlJlU l of 3 kWwhen Ihe '"Pill IS I0,000 J/s , then thelhennal efficiency of the engine will bea 20%b 30%c. 70%d 76 7%A hem engme 1s supphed with 250 kJ /s ofbeat at a co11Siam fiXed temperature of227"(' rhe heal is r e j t ~ t ~ d Ul 27"C Thecycle 1s reversible. tf d1e umaunl of heal!'ejected isa 273 1d fsb 200 kJfsc. ISO kJ/sd. 150 kJ/sWinch one of the lollmvlll, I'V -Tdiagrams conecl.l> repesents iJ1at of an

    : " ' . .1" - -T

    (bl P\1 ~T


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2








    (d) PI/

    T1n the temperatwercuU'Opy diagrnru of avapour shown in rhe given figure. thethem10dynnmic process showo by thedotted line A8 reJ.lresents

    ,_ TS1 I - ~ -r; BI /

    S(EnbopoAa. hyperbolic expansionb free expansionc constant volume x p a n . ~ i o nd polytrophic x p a n sThe loss of availab le energy associatedwith the transfer of IuOO kJ of beat t'rt'Jm a\!Utl$lunb tempcrallJrC syS\er1l at 6QI) K tuanother ttl 400 K when tlte envir

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2











    b, J 4 I 2c 4 3 I 2d 4 3 2 IA nuclear reactor is to be "critical"1vheu IJJe neuJrou pQpulation in the react(lrcore isa, rapidly o t e a ~ i n g leading to the pointof' ex1Jlosionb decreasiog from th.especified va luec. constantd. reduced to zeroConsider the 1ollowtng sta tementsregardiug !he features ofa Breeder reactorl It produces more fuel than it consumes2. Itconverts fenile fuel into fisslle fuel .J It requires liquld sodium mela l asmoderator,4 It reqwres highly curlthecl fuel orthe-se ~ t e m e o i s

    a. ., 2 and 3 are correctb I, 2 a11d arc corret.-tc. I 3 and 4 are correctd :!. 3 and 4 are correc1Which one of the foiiQiving indicates thecorrect order ltJ tbe p11th of tluea. Super-heater, economi.?.er, air prche.atcr. precipi tatorb. Super-hea ter, CC(>Oomizer, precipitatot,air pre-heaterc.. Supcr-hi.'a ter, preclp i ator. economize r,

    air pre-heaterd. Super-heater, ai r pre-heater.cconomlwr, pr .kJ per g The degree of reaci1on 11f Iheturbine isa. 66.7"/ob. 50.0%c. 33.3%.d 1:)(1%Match List l \\lith List n aud select lltecorrec.L auswer usmg Lll.e CIJdes givetJbeiOWihC l l ~ L < Cl: ist r Variable are:J device.)A. ~ n e r e a s e s' .::::::::::-B. -> Pr increoses__./"'---, -> Pr dw-cas

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2









    tn.1rch List I with LisL 11 and choose theCOI'I'ect answer using rbc codes givenbetov. the lists.~ :1Ust IA, Curve P

    B. CurveQC Cur\'eRUstllL Discharge versus bead2. Head versus dischargeJ . Power versus discharge4 Efficiency versus dischargeCodes. A B Ca, 2 4 Jb 3 2( l 4 3d -1 3 IIf tl1e mllXJmum temperatutc is Tl andmmin1u1u ICmperar:urc is ' fh Lben du!optimum pressure ra1io in a gas turb ine isQJVCO by .. .=(irb t =( r, )'hr 7j

    r, [1J.1, .,,d. r ! . 1 . ) -,. 7;Cooling tower in a steam power isa device fora. eondensing the steam into waterb. cooling the e'{laust gases coming out

    of he boilere Ieducing WC temperature ofsuporhea\lld s1cau1d ~ d u o i (emperacure of coolingwater used co oodeuscrA reversible engine has ideal thermalefl-iaiency of 30'/a . When it is used as arefrigerating machine 1vilh all other




    JIJ ur 14conditions unchanged . the coefficlem ofperformance will hea. J J Jb. 3.00c. 2J3d. 1.33Wbicb of l'ollowlug are the reasons forthe volumel'!ic efficiency of reciprocatingcompressor being less than IQOo/o'lI . Deviations fromisentropic process.2 Pressure drop across theJ, Superheating in compressor4. Cl.earauce volu meS. Deviations from isothennal process.() Leakages ,Select the correct ans,ver from the codesgiven bel owCodes.a. I.2. 3 aud 5b. 2. 3.4 and 5c. 1.4 , 51Uld 6d. 2. J, 4 and 6The presence orair iu acondenseta. increase 1he pressttre fn the condenserand decreases the condensingcoe fficientb. decreases the pt-essure in the condenserbut increases tbe condensi ngcoefficientc. increases the pressure io the condense

    8> well as tlte cnudcosing < ~ e i T i c l ed decreases the pressure in the condense ra,s we ll as lhe condensing coefticienrMatch l.ist l with List n and select thecorrect answer using the codes givenbelow Ue l l ~ t sList I (Material}A Glass woolB A r n n w t t i ~C G. I. sheetD PolyurethancList 11 (l'urposc/ajlplicallon)I. Cold Storage2 Domestic R c f r i g c ~ a t o r sJ . Insulation1. DuctingCodes. A B C 0a. J 4 .2b 2 3 4c 3 4 2d. J I 2 4


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2








    Two ~ t r c ~ m of moil!! afr '1 ' 2 mt..:together to give: nnoth e in the butldingtc1thc ..:nSiblc hc11t gnind. Mnximum lll gain to 3 buildingpc.,urs \hrougll wall

    !>O. fo r air-conditioning tho operation theatrein a hospi tal, the percentage of outsiJ.e airin ~ " :Ur lwbmerged m aliquul:I. The tu\41 for"" 'L< lllc pnodu"t (If


  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2











    Tlte preswre gauge reading ba ml'tet ofwater column shown in ~ t t ' given figurewill be~ I I l l""-:1.w... r

    The bUt>}'ant force noting andcorrespondiug veloci ties al'e as givl'n inthe fo llowing table ,

    p;,.,l,2.l .4,

    so 10V, tO10 LS20 10


    IUO .




    l lu t 14

    The value uF V, in om per second \IIlli be"15b. 20c, ] ( Id. 35Tile energy IQss between sections (1) and(2) oftbe pipl' sbown in the given figure is

    I'' l" . . : ~ - s ~ ~ l - w.." .;.,. Pz 3.4 ~ A n \ :v, .. 1'a. I 276l1!-mb. 1,00 kg-mc 0-724 md. OIS kg-mFa t lluw tluough a ho t1tonUJl p i p ~ < , Ueptessure gradient dp/dx in the nowdjrecdon isa. -v('b Ic. zerod -veIn a pipe flow , the head lost due to fiictionIs 6m If 1he power transmil1ed through tJtepipe has to be tJ1e maxim um, tben !he totalhead at lite ittlet or the pi1e will have tO bemaintained ala. ,16 mb. 30mc. 24md. 18mThe lower critical Reynolds number for apipe tlow isa. different for different fla ilsb. the Reyoolds number at wblcb the

    ~ m i n a . r flow chnnges to (\lrbulent flowc. more tJtan 2000d. the leasl Reynolds uumbcr everi n e d fOr lantinar OowAssertion (A) The meeh&nism ~ h o w n Inthe given figure bas n q b i l i ~Reason (R) A llle

  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2






    u Doth A R nre IJ\ltr R u UteCllrrect eX1llanatiI ! J , l l ' l ' c O I ; . ' ( j ~ l n l l r,rA.:. A is tr ue bul R I,; fabc

    d. A is fillshut R lntB1().1, A & ~ e r t i O n (.-\); A t1ywhcel i$ allched 141 d

    punehing p r o ~ s so tu redtoc.e its speedflu ctuation.R e : ~ s o n (R)i The Oywhcc:l alores energywhen '" pe.ed in.:.-eases.o. Ro th A >nd R nrc: tme anti R is Lh.:conett lana lion IJ fAb .Doth A :ouJ R on: ttue but R t>t ocorrect i < J ) I ~ n n t i of A1!. A istnte R ~ (aloed. A is fob.: but R is true

    1(15. As!.crtion (A): 'The outomntic ll'lliccon\iol i. nn Opt aOOt'r.:q>anJion ofcombustionproducts can ~ 1 l - . : place up lo atmosphericpr'essure..a. Both A ond R :u'l: tlll0 and R IS UJe

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  • 7/29/2019 IAS Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 2






    b. Both A .'tnd R are true but R is QOIctJrrecl e>lplnnotlon of Ac. A is true but R i$ t a l ~ . :0. A is false but R i& It u"113. Allstrtiou (A): In Mn llioo c:hort for tciiJll..

    the constant pressure Unes are Rlr:t.ighllines 1n wet region,Reason rR) ; 1'he slope of to ustant pt'CSsur fioiNc ~ i l l R is true

    118. Asscttinn (A): On psycbomotric elm'!,omn.stanl en tho lpy tines and cqn

    wm:uL l i l r r n l i Q n orAb. Both A and R urc: true hut R 101 acom:cl.'ql lanntion oi Ac. A i true bul R isd. , \ kfal