I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a...


Transcript of I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a...

Page 1: I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this: Men often get in their own way. They trip over
Page 2: I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this: Men often get in their own way. They trip over

There are three key tools you can use to make a man fall in love with you.

I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this:

Men often get in their own way. They trip over their own two feet!

In a lot of cases, the man wants to move the relationship forward, but he

doesn’t know how to express his emotions properly.

He needs your guidance to help him understand what he’s feeling, so that

he can act on his feelings.

Use the following three simple sequences, and your man will become

devoted to you for the rest of his life. Within his heart are certain locks.

These phrases are the keys to unlock them.

Once you do this, he will become addicted to you. He will be unable to

imagine a world where you are not his lover and partner.

So please be careful. Don’t use these on a man you don’t want to fall in

love with you!

“The Superman Sequence”

The power of this three-step sequence is that he will feel like your “ultimate

protector.” This taps into one his primal core needs as a man.

Once he has mentally accepted this role, it is very hard for a man to think

about abandoning it.

Page 3: I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this: Men often get in their own way. They trip over

Men are not programmed to QUIT being the “knight in shining armor” for


In other words, once a man makes the mental commitment to be your

protector, his masculine instincts will “lock him in” so that he will KEEP

playing this role.

Step One in this sequence is to show some vulnerability. (In order for a

knight to ride into action, he needs a “damsel in distress” to go save, right?)

Tell him a story from your past or childhood where you felt unsafe. A story

where someone hurt or betrayed you.

The more vulnerable the story you reveal to him, the more his “white knight

instincts” will be triggered.

He will start to feel anguish and empathy for your pain. He will start to say

things to himself like, “I won’t EVER allow her to feel that way again.”

You want to transition into Step Two

without allowing him to talk. He will be

tempted to jump in and say how he will

protect you from that pain from now on.

Don’t let him do that just yet. You need

to drive this conversation to maintain

the effectiveness.

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During Step Two, you’ll talk about past relationships in general terms. Don’t

mention a specific boyfriend.

Say that in your past relationships, you never felt safe enough to share

stories like that. You never felt like you could really open up and be one

hundred percent yourself.

Or, tell him that your past boyfriends would have interrupted you and told

you how they wanted to protect you but then not even let you finish a


By mentioning how bad boyfriends interrupted you, you can shut down his

desire to interrupt you right now.

You now want to proceed to Step Three, where you talk about the present

and the future. Talk about how you feel ok talking about this pain from

your past because all your worries are gone.

You know that you are now with a man who will protect you from pain and

you finally feel safe. Thank him for making you feel so safe and taking your

worries away.

This powerful technique will trigger the highest level of his knight-

inshining-armor reflex. Now that you have thanked him for being there for

you, when he accepts that, and says that you are welcome he becomes

locked in.

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Now instead of promising to BE your white knight, he is saying that he

already IS your white knight.

He’s locked in to being your Superman.

“The Soulmate Sequence”

This is the second sequence in our progression. We are well on the way to

making him fall madly, deeply in love with you. You can actually start this

process in the first few weeks of a relationship.

It starts with paying attention to him and really listening. That more you

understand him the easier it will be to complete the three steps.

Step One in this sequence is to establish that you are a passionate person.

This is something you want to do in the first few weeks of a relationship if

possible. The longer you wait the more challenging this can be.

There should be at least one hobby in your life that you are passionate

about. It doesn’t matter if it is painting, collecting beanie babies, or hiking.

He needs to know that you are a woman with passion in her heart.

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You want to get him to talk about his

passions as well. If you are both people

who can be passionate, then you are the

kinds of people who can be passionate

about each other.

Step Two is to discover his deepest dream.

The greatest desire of his heart. Who is the

man he wishes to be someday? What is the

goal he is striving toward?

Does he want to be recognized for

accomplishing something? Does he want to

complete a triathlon? Travel the world? Run

a company? Be a great dad?

Take the time to see not just who he is right now, but who he dreams of

becoming. Most men are on the path somewhere (or at least, they like to

THINK they are), and they love to talk about their ambitions and


Even more so, they love a woman who will stand by them.

Now you are ready for Step Three. He knows you’re a passionate person,

and you know who he dreams of becoming.

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You can now start aiming some of that passion directly at him. You want to

slowly turn on the heat. Tell him that when you see him, you don’t just see

him as he is right now.

Tell him that you can absolutely imagine him in the position he hopes to be

in someday. Realizing his dream.

The more you can really visualize his dream with him, the more he will love

you for supporting him and expressing your belief in him.

Lots of women tell men they are in love. You are doing something that is

quite different and very powerful.

Your feelings are believable because you are a passionate person and you

are connecting with his favorite part of himself. You are falling for who he

wants to become.

That’s very powerful. He will be drawn into your arms and unable to resist

the power. He will think that you must be his eternal soul mate because

you understand him so well.

The “Marry Me” Sequence

There is no need to rush into this sequence. You want to wait until you are

really ready, and you must feel that this is the man you are truly meant to

be with.

If he has any serious flaws that you feel need to be changed, in order for

the two of you to enjoy a harmonious relationship these changes need to

be addressed before you begin using the “Marry Me” sequence.

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If the two of you do NOT share a common vision for your future together,

then the time is not right to use this sequence.

You should both be on the same page

about starting a family. Where you plan on


When babies come into the picture, do

you plan on being a stay-at-home mom?

And so on.

There are certain basic “life questions” that

the two of you should share a vision for before you take the plunge into

bonding your lives together as one.

Otherwise, there’s a chance that this sequence WILL result him in proposing

to you—but you’ll be entering into marriage on the wrong footing, and the

odds of your marriage lasting will not be as strong as they could be.

So only use this sequence when you feel deep in your heart that this is the

time to start moving your relationship towards the ultimate step: marriage.

Now, as you’re probably aware, no man ever wants to feel pressured into

marriage. Don’t drop “hints” to try to nudge him into making this

commitment. (Men take this as a form of pressure.)

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But when the topic comes up, you’ll be able to sense how he feels about it

(and probably about the idea of marriage with you, specifically).

I used to have a client in my private coaching practice named Carol. We’ve

stayed in touch over the years (she’s now happily married, which I’ll take

some credit for), and the other day we had lunch and we got on the topic

of marriage, and when a woman knows a guy is “ready.”

She told me that before she met her husband, Peter, she was dating a guy

named Andy who she really liked, but she just couldn’t imagine a future

with him because he only talked about marriage in negative terms.

He’d say things like, “It’s just a stupid piece of paper. I don’t need the

government to regulate who I choose to be with.”

Or, “Did you hear Steve and Marcy are getting divorced? Poor bastard.

She’s going to clean him out and take the kids. Divorce laws are so brutal

towards men, I don’t know why guys even bother to get married


Then Carol told me of the moment when she knew Pete was truly serious

about spending his life with her.

They attended the wedding of one of her best friends. She was marrying a

wealthy guy, and they threw a blowout bash. There were hundreds of

guests. It obviously cost a fortune.

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As Carol and Peter drove home afterwards, Peter commented, “That was an

amazing wedding, but I’ve always imagined my own wedding will be

smaller. More intimate. Just family and close friends, you know?”

Carol told him that she agreed. Peter reached out his hand and squeezed

hers, and looked over and gave her a smile. Then he went back to driving.

Nothing more needed to be said. Carol knew right then that it was only a

matter of time before he proposed. (He did, about a month later, and she

ecstatically said “yes.”)

You might not get such a clear sign from a man, but the moral of the story

is this: you should know that he’s open to the idea of marriage, and

building a future with you, before you use this sequence on him.

The “Marry Me” sequence boils down to following three steps, while using

the techniques that we’ve talked about so far:

#1 Reaffirm his masculinity and show your appreciation for him as a


Page 11: I’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this 6.pdfI’ll explain them in a moment, but first you should know this: Men often get in their own way. They trip over

Find opportunities to remind him of how safe you

feel with him, and how much you appreciate

having a real man in your life.

This point can apply whether you’re in the “dating

stage” with a guy, or you’ve been married for


Some opportunities to reaffirm and appreciate

his masculinity would include:

• He fixes something around the house

• He takes you out for a nice meal

• He takes your hand in his while you’re walking together (a protective


• The two of you share a wonderful lovemaking session (tell him he’s

“the best…”)

• He works overtime because bills need to be paid

• He LISTENS to you and offers emotional support when you feel the

need to vent about a problem

• He makes an effort to lose weight/get in shape (not only for his own

sake, but because he wants you to be proud of him)

• He follows his passion. (This is when you show him that you’re his “#1

cheerleader in life”)

• When you’re around his family and friends, you mention to them how

proud you are of him. (This will get back to him, and it will make his

heart sing.)

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There are endless other opportunities that you can use to “boost his

masculine ego” and make him feel respected, loved and appreciated when

he is with you.

When you make doing this a habit, you will elevate yourself way beyond

any woman he was with in the past…and he will come to realize that you

are the only woman who will ever make him feel this proud of HIMSELF.

This is how you turn a man’s fondness for you into love for you…and then

turn his love for you into an ADDICTION.

You will make him reach a point where he needs you around him and can’t

imagine himself being happy (or complete) without you.

#2 Get him to share his vision for his own future, and make him

envision YOU as part of that future.

When he expresses that one of his goals is to run his own business, for

example, prop him up.

Tell him how much you believe in his ability to do a great job with it.

Remind him that you’ll always be there for him.

If he mentions his desire to have a family of his own, mention that you have

that same desire. Tell him what a great father he will make someday—and

be specific.

Tell him about the qualities he possesses that will make him a terrific dad.

(Is he kind? Loving? Understanding? Protective? A patient teacher? Etc.)

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#3 Engage the “logical” part of his brain.

Never forget: men are ruled by logic, while

women are ruled by their emotions.

This is one of the fundamental differences

between men and women, and it’s part of what

makes relationships fun and exciting—as long

as you recognize this difference and embrace

it, instead of allowing it to be a source of


Let me give you an example of how an innocent conversation involving a

man’s logic versus a woman’s emotions can explode into an ugly


(Note, in this example, the man is only trying to offer advice, because he

THINKS that the woman is coming to him for a solution. But she isn’t

looking for a solution, she is only looking to vent…)

Jane comes home to Harry in a rotten mood. She’d been out with one of

her best friends, Melissa, to celebrate Melissa’s birthday.

Jane and Melissa have always had a “dramatic” friendship. Jane either loves

Melissa, or can’t stand her, depending on the week.

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This time, Melissa apparently REALLY did something to piss off Jane, and

now Jane wants to vent about it to Harry…

Jane: Oh my God, I HATE Melissa!

Harry: What did she do now, hon?

Jane: She’s back together again with that asshole cheater boyfriend of hers.


Harry: I thought they broke up the other day for the millionth time? Those

two break up every other week it seems…

Jane: Yeah, I know! Melissa and I made our dinner plans two weeks ago,

and I made the reservations and offered to treat her to dinner for her


We were halfway through our meal—we ordered a bunch of appetizers,

and then she ordered one of the most expensive dishes on the menu AND

we were on our second bottle of wine—and then her jerk boyfriend Brian

starts texting her…

So now Melissa is ignoring me, and she’s going back and forth with Brian

sending text messages, and then she says to me ‘I’m so sorry, I have to go.

Brian is at a bar, and he’s really drunk, and he needs me. He wants to talk.’

And she left me at the restaurant! Can you believe it? I get stuck with a

$200 bill and we didn’t even finish our meal because she HAD to go see

that jerk Brian instead of finishing dinner with me!

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Harry: That’s terrible. She’s not a good friend. She’s done this crap to you

before, she blows you off whenever she’s back with her boyfriend, and then

when they break up, she comes running to you to cry on your shoulder…

Jane: I know! I’m so sick of her shit!

Harry: Cut her off. You don’t need her in your life. Melissa is a bitch, she

uses you when it suits her…

Jane: I know, but I’m all she has. She doesn’t have any other friends…

Harry: For good reason! She’s a total pain in the ass. I think you’re crazy for

staying friends with her.

Jane (getting defensive): I’m crazy to be her friend? She’s better than a lot

of YOUR friends, like Jeff…all he cares about is getting drunk in bars and

trying to pick up women, and you seem to LOVE hanging out with HIM…

Harry: What does this have to do with Jeff?!

Jane: You want to go hang out with Jeff? Fine! Go hang out with him. He’s

probably at the bar right now. But don’t expect me to be here when you

get home!

(And so, an explosive raging argument ensues…)

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That example was taken from real life (a guy friend of mine related that

exact story to me the other day…)

With that story, I just wanted to underscore once more: men operate

according to logic. They seek to find answers and resolutions.

And when faced with a decision, they will try to apply logic to come to a


This is why marrying you must feel to him like the logical thing to do. To

NOT marry you, and keep you in his life forever, should feel ILLOGICAL to


When you get him to share his most important passions and goals with

you, and you support his vision for himself, he will feel that his life will be

far more successful and rewarding WITH you.

When you reaffirm his sense of masculinity with praise and compliments,

you become his “feel good drug” and he develops an ADDICTION to you.

And remember, this extends to the bedroom!

Making him feel that he is your own personal “Sex God,” who pleasures you

like no other man possibly can, is one of the most powerful ways to make

him adore, appreciate and DESIRE you in a way that he can never feel for

another woman.

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Once these pieces are in place, he will reach a

logical conclusion in his mind: that he would be

crazy to ever let you go, and that losing you to

another man would be the greatest regret of his


The logical part of his brain will tell him, he is a

BETTER MAN by being with you. His dreams and

goals stand a much better chance of becoming a

reality with you by his side.

Give him time, and let nature take its course. You shouldn’t need to apply

any pressure, as long as you continue to “talk to his heart.”

This same process has worked for thousands of our clients and students. I

know it will work for you, too!