IAEA/WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices for ...

Working document QAS/21.878/Rev1 July 2021 1 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT FOR COMMENTS : 2 3 IAEA/WHO guideline on good 4 manufacturing practices for investigational 5 radiopharmaceutical products 6 7 8 Please send your comments to Dr Herbert Schmidt, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals, Technical Standards and Specifications ([email protected]), with a copy to Ms Sinéad Jones ([email protected]) before 17 September 2021. Please use the “Table of Comments” for this purpose. Our working documents are sent out electronically and are also placed on the WHO Medicines website (https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-and-policy-standards/standards-and- specifications/pharmaceuticals/current-projects) for comments under the “Working documents in public consultation” link. If you wish to receive all our draft guidelines, please send your email address to [email protected] and your name will be added to our electronic mailing list. 9 10 © World Health Organization 2021 11 12 All rights reserved. 13 14 This is a draft. The content of this document is not final, and the text may be subject to revisions before publication. The 15 document may not be reviewed, abstracted, quoted, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, translated or adapted, in part or 16 in whole, in any form or by any means without the permission of the World Health Organization. 17 18 Please send any request for permission to: Sinéad Jones, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals, Technical Standards and 19 Specifications, Department of Health Products Policy and Standards, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, 20 Switzerland, email: [email protected]. 21 22 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this draft do not imply the expression of any opinion 23 whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or 24 of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate 25 border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. 26 27 The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or 28 recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors 29 and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. 30 31 All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this draft. 32 33 However, the printed material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility 34 for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable 35 for damages arising from its use. 36 37 This draft does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization. 38 39

Transcript of IAEA/WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices for ...

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Working document QAS/21.878/Rev1 July 2021




IAEA/WHO guideline on good 4

manufacturing practices for investigational 5

radiopharmaceutical products 6



Please send your comments to Dr Herbert Schmidt, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals, Technical Standards and Specifications ([email protected]), with a copy to Ms Sinéad Jones ([email protected]) before 17 September 2021. Please use the “Table of Comments” for this purpose.

Our working documents are sent out electronically and are also placed on the WHO Medicines website (https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-and-policy-standards/standards-and-specifications/pharmaceuticals/current-projects) for comments under the “Working documents in public consultation” link. If you wish to receive all our draft guidelines, please send your email address to [email protected] and your name will be added to our electronic mailing list.

9 10 © World Health Organization 2021 11 12 All rights reserved. 13 14 This is a draft. The content of this document is not final, and the text may be subject to revisions before publication. The 15 document may not be reviewed, abstracted, quoted, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, translated or adapted, in part or 16 in whole, in any form or by any means without the permission of the World Health Organization. 17 18 Please send any request for permission to: Sinéad Jones, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals, Technical Standards and 19 Specifications, Department of Health Products Policy and Standards, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, 20 Switzerland, email: [email protected]. 21 22 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this draft do not imply the expression of any opinion 23 whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or 24 of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate 25 border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. 26 27 The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or 28 recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors 29 and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. 30 31 All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this draft. 32 33 However, the printed material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility 34 for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable 35 for damages arising from its use. 36 37 This draft does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization. 38


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IAEA/WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices 41

for investigational radiopharmaceutical products 42



Description of Activity Date

Following a recommendation by the Fifty-fifth Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP), the WHO Secretariat was recommended to revise the existing guideline on good manufacturing practices (GMP) for investigational products.

October 2020

Preparation of first draft working document. The GMP guidelines for Investigational radiopharmaceutical products is prepared in alignment with the revised document on GMP for Investigational products QAS/20.863 by an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expert working group.

January-February 2021

Mailing of working document to the Expert Advisory Panel on the International Pharmacopoeia and Pharmaceutical Preparations (EAP) inviting comments and posting of the working document on the WHO website for public consultation.

March 2021

Consolidation of comments received and review of feedback. Preparation of working document for discussion.

May 2021

Discussion of the feedback received on the working document in a virtual meeting with an IAEA expert working group.

June 2021

Preparation of revision 1 of the working document for next round of public consultation.

July 2021

Mailing of revision 1 of the working document inviting comments, including to the EAP, and posting the working document on the WHO website for a second round of public consultation.

July - September2021

Consolidation of comments received and review of feedback. Preparation of working document for discussion.

September 2021

Discussion of the feedback received on the working document in a virtual meeting with an IAEA expert working group.

September-October 2021

Presentation to the Fifty-sixth meeting of the ECSPP. TBD

Any other follow-up action as required.

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IAEA/WHO guideline on good 45

manufacturing practices for 46

investigational radiopharmaceutical 47

products 48



Background 51


In view of a rapidly expanding field of molecular imaging and targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy, 53

combined with the absence of a dedicated guidance specific to the manufacture of investigational 54

radiopharmaceuticals used in both early and late clinical trials, the World Health Organization (WHO), 55

in partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has raised the urgency for the 56

generation of a new IAEA/WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices for investigational 57

radiopharmaceutical products . 58


The objective of this guideline is to meet current expectations and trends in good manufacturing 60

practices (GMP) specific to investigational radiopharmaceuticals used in clinical trials (i.e. Phase I, Phase 61

II and Phase III trials) and to harmonize the text with the principles from other related international 62

guidelines. 63


This text was developed in alignment with the Good manufacturing practices; supplementary guidelines 65

for the manufacture of investigational pharmaceutical products for clinical trials in humans (1). 66


1. Introduction 68

2. Scope 69

3. Glossary 70

4. Quality management 71

5. Quality risk management 72

6. Personnel 73

7. Documentation 74

• Specifications 75

• Manufacturing formulae and processing instructions 76

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• Batch manufacturing records 77

8. Premises 78

9. Equipment and utilities 79

10. Materials 80

• Starting materials 81

• Reference standards for analytical purposes 82

11. Production 83

• Manufacturing operations 84

• Packaging and labelling 85

12. Quality control 86

13. Qualification and validation 87

14. Complaints 88

15. Recalls 89

16. Returns 90

17. Shipping 91

18. Destruction 92


Abbreviations 94

References 95

Further reading 96

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1. Introduction 97


1.1. Radiopharmaceuticals are rapidly re-emerging as clinically valuable tools used in the 99

diagnosis and treatment of various types of disease. Molecular imaging agents offer 100

unparalleled methodology to not only help elucidate the presence and the extent of 101

disease but also to help characterize the disease, select specific patients for a particular 102

therapy or to evaluate a treatment response. Additionally, novel targeted radioligand 103

therapies offer alternatives to patients for whom no other treatment options exist. 104


1.2. This rapid expansion is accompanied by a set of challenges due to the complexity and 106

unique nature of these agents. One of the main challenges associated with novel 107

radiopharmaceutical development is how to define the proper balance with respect to the 108

investigational radiopharmaceuticals manufacturing controls required when conducting 109

early clinical studies, and the subsequent implementation of additional controls as the 110

radiopharmaceutical is developed further into pivotal Phase III trials. Having inadequate 111

manufacturing controls during early clinical evaluations either carries the risks of 112

unnecessary patient harm or jeopardizes the validity of the collected study results. On the 113

other hand, redundant manufacturing controls, particularly in the initial stages of 114

development, carry the risk of slowing the pace of clinical development of potentially life-115

saving therapies. This risk is further intensified by other factors such as the high costs and 116

lengthy time associated with the actual clinical conduction of the study, the completion of 117

the pre-clinical evaluation of the agent, and the low probability of successful marketing 118

approval. In light of these challenges, a balanced approach with respect to manufacturing 119

process controls is essential as the degree of manufacturing process controls is correlated 120

to the particular stage of radiopharmaceutical development, the nature of the agent itself, 121

and the clinical study goals. 122


1.3. This guidance provides recommendations on the minimum standards that should be in 124

place when preparing novel radiopharmaceuticals for Phases I-III clinical investigations that 125

do not have a marketing authorization. 126


1.4. Investigational radiopharmaceuticals are used for testing purposes, as a reference in a clinical 128

trial for an unauthorized indication and to gain further information about the authorized form. 129

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1.5. Depending on the country, these products are sometimes not covered by legal and 130

regulatory provisions in the areas of good manufacturing practices (GMP). The lack of both 131

high-level GMP requirements and prior knowledge of the risk of contamination and cross-132

contamination of products contribute to the risk of using them in human subjects. In 133

addition, the risk may be further enhanced in cases of incomplete knowledge of the potency, 134

human biodistribution, and toxicity of the investigational radiopharmaceuticals. 135


1.6. To minimize the risks and to ensure that the results of clinical trials are unaffected by 137

inadequate safety, quality or efficacy arising from unsatisfactory production, investigational 138

radiopharmaceuticals should be produced and managed in accordance with an effective quality 139

management system (QMS) and the recommendations contained in this guideline. 140


1.7. Procedures should be flexible to allow for changes whenever necessary, through properly 142

controlled and traceable change management system as knowledge of the process increases 143

in accordance with the stages of development of the product. 144


1.8 Investigational radiopharmaceuticals should be produced in a manner that is compliant to 146

GMP requirements that are specific to the particular stage of agent development. 147


1.9 As the clinical development of radiopharmaceutical progresses from Phases I-II to the 149

pivotal Phase III and commercial stage, additional manufacturing process controls and 150

analytical method validation should be implemented so as to ensure: 151

• that subjects of clinical trials will be protected from poor quality products due to 152

unsatisfactory manufacturing; 153

• that consistency exists between and within batches of the investigational 154

radiopharmaceuticals; and 155

• that consistency exists between the investigational product and the future 156

commercial product. 157


1.10 The selection of an appropriate dosage form for clinical trials is important. While it is 159

accepted that the dosage form in early trials may be different from the anticipated final 160

formulation (e.g. different buffers, radiostabilizers and other excipients), in the pivotal 161

Phase III studies, it should be equivalent to the projected commercial presentation in terms 162

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of the expected biodistribution profile. If there are significant differences between the 163

investigational and commercial dosage forms, data should be submitted to the registration 164

authorities to demonstrate that the final dosage form is equivalent, in terms of biodistribution 165

and stability, to that used in the clinical trials. 166


1.11 The quality of investigational radiopharmaceuticals should be appropriate for the particular 168

stage of development. For example, it should be feasible to apply only the critical 169

manufacturing controls for agents in Phase I and Phase II trials, while the manufacture of 170

investigational radiopharmaceuticals for Phase III clinical studies should generally have the 171

same degree of applied controls as for commercial manufactured products. 172


1.12 This document should be read in conjunction with other World Health Organization (WHO) 174

GMP guidelines, including good clinical practices (GCP), good documentation practices and 175

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) radiation protection documents related to 176

radiopharmaceuticals (2-8). 177


2. Scope 179


2.1 The recommendations in this guideline are applicable to investigational radiopharmaceutical 181

products for human use. 182


2.2 The recommendations of this guideline do not apply to radiopharmaceuticals in Phase IV (with 184

marketing authorization) that already have regulatory authority approval for a certain 185

indication but might be used to conduct a clinical study for a different indication. In those 186

situations, the IAEA/WHO guideline on GMP for radiopharmaceutical products should be used 187

(2). 188


3. Glossary 190


The definitions given below apply to the terms used in this guideline. They may have different 192

meanings in other contexts. 193


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active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). With respect to radiopharmaceutical preparations, the API is 195

the radioactive molecule that is responsible for the radiopharmaceutical mechanism of action. This API 196

may be in the form of the radionuclide by itself, if its use by itself is clinically indicated, or in the form 197

of radionuclide coupled to a non-radioactive ligand or vector molecule. 198


“as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA). Used to define the principle of underlying optimization of 200

radiation protection. This is practised based on the principles of time, distance and shielding, as well 201

as an emphasis on creating adequate awareness among all stakeholders. 202


clinical trial. Any systematic study on (radio)pharmaceutical products in human subjects, whether in 204

patients or other volunteers, in order to discover or verify the effects of, and/or identify any adverse 205

reaction to, investigational products and/or to study the absorption, distribution, metabolism and 206

excretion of the products with the object of ascertaining their efficacy and safety. 207


Clinical trials are generally divided into Phases I-IV, although Phase IV studies usually do not apply to 209

investigational radiopharmaceuticals and, thus, are not mentioned further. It is not always possible to 210

draw clear distinctions between these phases and different opinions about details and methodology do 211

exist. However, the individual phases, based on their purposes as related to the clinical development 212

of pharmaceutical products, can be briefly defined as follows: 213

➢ Phase I. These are the first trials for new radiopharmaceuticals (also called “first in human”), 214

often carried out in healthy volunteers. Their purpose is to make a preliminary evaluation of 215

safety, and an initial pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile, an initial safety assessment 216

of the active ingredient and radiation dosimetry. 217

➢ Phase II. The purpose of these studies is to determine activity and to assess the short-term 218

safety. The trials are performed in a limited number of subjects, but higher than Phase I, and 219

are also aimed to determine optimal administered dose. In case of therapeutic 220

radiopharmaceuticals, they are also aimed to the clarification of dose-response relationships 221

in order to provide an optimal background for the design of extensive therapeutic trials. 222

➢ Phase III. This phase involves trials in large (and possibly varied) patient groups for the purpose 223

of determining the short- and long-term safety-efficacy, and assessing its overall and relative 224

diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic value of the intended radiopharmaceutical. Phase III 225

studies are often multicentric. The pattern and profile of any frequent adverse reaction 226

must be investigated and special features of the product must be explored (e.g. clinically 227

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relevant drug interactions, factors leading to differences in effect, such as age, etc.). In 228

general, the conditions under which the trials are conducted should be as close as possible 229

to the normal conditions of use. 230


finished pharmaceutical product (FPP). With respect to radiopharmaceutical preparations, the finished 232

pharmaceutical product is a combination of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and other 233

components of the formulation such as diluents, radioprotectants and other formulation excipients. In 234

some instances, the active pharmaceutical ingredientis co-produced concurrently with the finished 235

pharmaceutical product in a single seamless process. In other cases, the radioactive active 236

pharmaceutical ingredient is synthesized first and then is fomulated further as a separate process to 237

yield the finished pharmaceutical product. In all cases, the finished pharmaceutical product is created 238

once the active pharmaceutical ingredient is formulated in the final formulation form. 239


good manufacturing practices for radiopharmaceutical products. Good manufacturing practices (GMP) 241

for radiopharmaceutical products are a set of practices, using a traceable process, that ensure that 242

radiopharmaceutical products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards 243

appropriate for their intended use and designed to consistently yield the radiopharmaceutical product. 244

GMP fall under the umbrella of the overall quality management system (QMS). 245


investigational radiopharmaceutical. Any radiopharmaceutical product (new compound or a 247

commercial product) being evaluated in a clinical trial. 248


investigator. The person responsible for the trial and for protecting the rights, health and welfare 250

of the subjects in the trial. The investigator must be an appropriately qualified person, legally 251

allowed to practice medicine/dentistry. 252


manufacturing or production. For the purpose of this document, this term is defined in the same 254

way as in the WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices (GMP) for radiopharmaceuticals 255

(3). These terms refer to all the operations performed leading up to the finished pharmaceutical 256

product, including the purchase of starting materials, production, quality control (QC), release and 257

storage of radiopharmaceuticals. 258


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monitor. A person appointed by, and responsible to the sponsor for monitoring and reporting the 260

progress of the trial and for the verification of data. 261


order. An instruction to process, package and/or ship a certain number of doses of an 263

investigational radiopharmaceutical. 264


preparation or kit-reconstitution. For the purpose of this document, these terms are defined in the 266

same way as in the WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices (GMP) for 267

radiopharmaceuticals (3). These terms refer to all the procedures carried out as per instructions from 268

marketing authorization holders which involves addition of radionuclide solution approved by 269

regulatory authorities to an approved cold kit. 270


product specification file(s). Reference file(s) containing all the information necessary to draft the 272

detailed written instructions on processing, packaging, labelling, quality control testing, batch 273

release, storage conditions and shipping. 274


protocol. A document which gives the background, rationale and objectives of the trial and describes· 276

its design, methodology and organization, including statistical considerations and the conditions under 277

which it is to be performed and managed. It should be dated and signed by the investigator/institution 278

involved and the sponsor, and can, in addition, function as a contract. 279


radiopharmaceutical product. For the purpose of this document, this term is defined in the same 281

way as in the WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices (GMP) for radiopharmaceuticals 282

(3), such as, any pharmaceutical product that, when ready for use, contains one or more radionuclides 283

(radioactive isotopes) included for medicinal purposes. 284


retention sample. An additional sample of the final drug product that is collected and stored for the 286

purposes of being analysed, should the need arise. 287


sponsor. An individual, company, institution or organization which takes responsibility for the 289

initiation, management and/or financing of a clinical trial. When an investigator independently 290

initiates and takes full responsibility for a trial, the investigator also then assumes the role of the 291

sponsor. 292

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4. Quality management 293


4.1 There should be a comprehensively designed, clearly defined, documented and correctly 295

implemented QMS in place. Senior management should assume the responsibility for this, as 296

well as for the quality of the investigational product. 297


4.2 All parts of the QMS should be adequately resourced and maintained. 299


4.3 The QMS should incorporate GMP which would be applied to all the life cycle stages of the 301

products, including the transfer of technology and the interface between the manufacture and 302

the trial site (e.g. shipment, storage, labelling). 303


4.4 The QMS should ensure that: 305

• products are designed and developed in accordance with the requirements of this 306

document and other associated guidelines, such as good clinical practices (GCP), good 307

laboratory practices (GLP) and good storage and distribution practices (GSDP), where 308

appropriate (3-5); 309

• responsibilities are clearly specified in job descriptions; 310

• operations are clearly specified in a written form; 311

• arrangements are made for the manufacture, supply and use of the correct starting 312

and packaging materials; 313

• all necessary controls on starting materials, intermediate products, bulk products and 314

other in-process controls are in place; 315

• calibrations and validations are carried out where necessary; 316

• the finished pharmaceutical product is correctly processed and quality controlled 317

according to the defined procedures; 318

• deviations and changes are investigated and recorded with an appropriate level of root 319

cause analysis done and appropriate corrective actions and/or preventive actions 320

(CAPA) identified and taken. For the manufacture of Phase I and II radiopharmaceutical 321

investigational products, the information on deviations, manufacturing process 322

changes, investigations and corrective actions may be captured in a documentation 323

system that is less regimented than the structured CAPA, Deviation, out-of-324

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specification (OOS), and Change Control standard operating procedures (SOPs) and 325

forms that are normally used during manufacture of commercial radiopharmaceutical 326

products where the degree of variability and reliability of the process has been 327

established and validated. This less regimented documentation system allows for 328

manufacturer flexibility that is essential for the manufacturing of the novel agent , as 329

this process is inherently subject to a higher degree of variability when compared to 330

agents in later stages of pharmaceutical development. Regardless of the 331

documentation system utilized, the relevant information must be adequately captured 332

and be traceable. 333

• there is an appropriate system for quality risk management; and 334

• satisfactory arrangements exist to ensure, as far as possible, that the investigational 335

radiopharmaceuticals are stored, distributed and subsequently handled so that their 336

quality is maintained. 337


5. Quality risk management 339


5.1 A quality risk management system (QRM) should cover a systematic process for the 341

assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the product and, 342

ultimately, to the protection of the trial subjects and patients (6). Specific areas of quality risk 343

assessment should include: 344

- sterility assurance; 345

- expiration time; 346

- method of sterilization; 347

- mass of the drug substance or ligand; 348

- physicochemical properties of the radionuclide/radopharmaceutical; 349

- planned dosing schedule (i.e. single dose or multiple doses into the same study 350

subject); 351

- route of administration; 352

- agent specific in-vitro stability; and 353

- the degree of clinical investigator supervision. 354


5.2 The QRM should ensure that: 356

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• the evaluation of the risk is based on scientific knowledge and experience with the 357

process and product, and should be ultimately linked to the the protection of the 358

patient; 359

• as the agent development continues, the basis of risk assessment should be the 360

transition from scientific knowledge and experience to process validation; 361

• procedures and records for QRM are retained; and 362

• the level of effort, formality and documentation of the QRM process is commensurate 363

with the level of risk. 364


5.3 QRM should be applied both proactively and retrospectively, when appropriate. 366


6. Personnel 368


6.1 There should be a sufficient number of appropriately qualified personnel available to carry out 370

all the tasks for which the manufacturer of investigational products is responsible. 371


6.2 Individual responsibilities should be clearly defined, recorded as written descriptions and 373

understood by all persons concerned. 374


6.3 A designated person, with experience in product development and clinical trial processes, and 376

relevant GMP/GCP guidelines, should ensure that there are systems in place that meet the 377

requirements of this guideline and other relevant GMP guidelines. 378


6.4 Personnel involved in the development, production and quality control of investigational 380

products should be appropriately trained in relevant GMP and in the requirements specific to 381

the manufacture of investigational radiopharmaceuticals. 382


6.5 Production and quality control operations should be carried out under the control of 384

clearly identified responsible persons who are separately designated and independent, 385

one from the other. 386


6.6 In the manufacture of investigational radiopharmaceuticals, the same operator may be 388

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qualified either as a production operator or quality control operator, or both, and the 389

training for a specific function should be documented.Normally, the same operator should 390

not perform both manufacture and quality control testing of the same batch of 391

investigational radiopharmaceuticals. In circumstances where this may not be possible (e.g. 392

radiopharmacies infrequently manufacturing investigational radiopharmaceuticals for Phase I-393

II clinical evaluations), the same trained operator may perform both production and quality 394

control testing, but it must be ensured that the batch release is performed by another 395

independent person. 396


6.7 In the manufacture of investigational radiopharmaceuticals, it may be possible for an the 398

expertly qualified person responsible for batch release to also participate in either the batch 399

production or quality control of a particular batch of investigational radiopharmaceutical. 400

However, if this qualified person does participate in either production or quality control testing 401

of the particular batch, he or she cannot be responsible for the release of this batch of 402

investigational radiopharmaceutical.. 403


7. Documentation 405


7.1 Good documentation is an essential part of a QMS. The documents should be appropriately 407

designed, prepared, reviewed and distributed. They should also be appropriate for their 408

intended use. 409


7.2 The documents should be approved, signed and dated by the appropriate responsible 411

person(s). No authorized document should be changed without the prior authorization and 412

approval of the responsible person(s). 413


7.3 The documentation requirements applied during the manufacture of Phases I-II investigational 415

radiopharmaceuticals may be less vigorous than the documentation requirements applied 416

during the manufacture of Phase III investigational radiopharmaceuticals, but they would still 417

need to be adequate in order to allow for traceability of the manufacturing process. 418




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Specifications 422


7.4 Specifications (for starting materials, primary packaging materials, intermediate, bulk and 424

finished products), batch formulae and production instructions should be as precisely detailed 425

as possible and should take into account the latest state of the art. 426


7.5 In developing specifications, attention should be paid to the characteristics which may 428

affect the efficacy and safety of products, namely: 429

• sterility and bacterial endotoxins; 430

• radioactive strength; 431

• radiochemical purity; 432

• specific activity, if applicable; 433

• the batch size that is intended for the trial, where applicable; 434

• the in-use stability; 435

• the preliminary storage conditions; 436

• the shelf life of the product; 437

• the appearance of the finished pharmaceutical product; 438

• the radionuclidic purity, if applicable; and 439

• chemical purity, if applicable. 440


7.6 As a result of the development of an investigational radiopharmaceutical, specifications may 442

be changed by following a documented procedure. Changes should be authorized by a 443

responsible person. Each new version should take into account the latest data and 444

information, current technology, and regulatory and pharmacopoeia requirements. There 445

should be traceability to the previous version(s). The reasons for any change should be 446

recorded. The impact of the change on any on-going clinical trial, product quality, stability, bio-447

availability and bio equivalence (where applicable) should be considered. 448


7.7 Information necessary to prepare the intended investigational radiopharmaceutical should 450

be summarized in a product specification file, which contains reference to the relevant 451

documentation (e.g. SOPs, qualification/validation protocols, analytical methods, stability 452

data, storage and shipment conditions, etc.) required to perform processing, packaging, 453

quality control testing, batch release, labelling, storage conditions and/or shipping of the 454

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desired product. 455


7.8 The product specification file should indicate who has been designated or trained as the 457

designated responsible person(s) for the release of batches. 458


7.9 The product specification file(s) should be continuously updated whilst, at the same time, 460

ensuring the appropriate traceability to the previous version(s). 461


Manufacturing formulae and processing instructions 463


7.10 Detailed manufacturing formulae, processing and packaging instructions and records should 465

be available. Where this is not possible, other clear, written instructions and written records 466

should be available for every manufacturing operation or supply. 467


7.11 These records should be used when preparing the final version of the documents to be 469

used in routine manufacture. 470


7.12 Batch records should be retained for at least five years after the termination or discontinuance 472

of the clinical trial or after the approval of the investigational radiopharmaceutical. 473


7.13 Where the data are intended for inclusion in an application for marketing authorization 475

purposes, the records should be maintained until the end of the life cycle of the product. 476


Batch manufacturing records 478


7.14 Processing, packaging and testing records should be kept in sufficient detail for the sequence 480

of operations to be accurately traced. They should contain any relevant remarks which 481

increase the existing knowledge of the product, allow and reflect changes and improvements 482

in the manufacturing operations, and justify the procedures used. 483


8. Premises 485


8.1 The premises, where investigational radiopharmaceutical products are manufactured, should be 487

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located, designed, constructed and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out. The design 488

of the laboratories used for the handling of radioactive materials should always consider the need 489

for radiation protection, ALARA compliance, and exhibit a high level of cleanliness and controls to 490

minimize possible microbial contamination (7-9). 491


8.2 Because of the potentially high radiotoxicity of some long-lived, high potency products (e.g. 493

alpha-emitters), radioactive decontamination and active monitoring are of particular 494

importance. Effective radiation containment procedures should be followed in order to 495

prevent contamination of the operators. 496


8.3 In case the same facility and equipment are used to prepare different radiopharmaceuticals, 498

including investigational radiopharmaceuticals, the layout and design of premises should aim to 499

minimize the risk of errors and mix-ups and permit effective cleaning and maintenance in order to 500

avoid contamination, cross-contamination and, in general, any adverse effect on the quality of the 501

products. 502


8.4 General technical requirements for the premises involved in the routine production of 504

radiopharmaceuticals also apply in case of investigational radiopharmaceuticals. For instance, 505

drains should be avoided wherever possible and should not be present in clean rooms. Where drains 506

are required, these should be appropriately designed; sinks should be excluded from clean areas; 507

technical area (e.g. rooms to access the rear of hot cells) access points should be configured in a 508

way to minimize the entrance of the maintenance and technical personnel to the production (clean) 509

areas. 510


8.5 The heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system and pressure cascade design for the 512

different areas should be appropriately designed and maintained to minimize the risk of product 513

contamination, and to protect the personnel from risks of radiation exposure. The pressure 514

differentials for areas of the facility, where the relative pressure differentials need to be maintained 515

(e.g. cleanrooms where the quality of air is controlled), should be monitored (11). 516


8.6 The facility must be equipped with appropriate radiation monitoring systems suitable for routine 518

radioactive contamination monitoring for both areas and operators. 519


8.7 The appropriate controls should be in place to promote containment of radioactive gases and 521

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vapours. The premises must be equipped with appropriate radioactive gas emission monitoring 522

system. 523


8.8 Radioactive gases should be removed through separate air handling units fitted with the appropriate 525

filters before being exhausted. These should be regularly checked for performance. The 526

recirculation of potentially radiation contaminated air should not be allowed. 527


8.9 A dedicated area and dedicated equipment should be used for the manufacture of any 529

investigational radiopharmaceutical product involving human blood or plasma. 530


8.10 Quality control laboratories should be segregated from production areas. 532


8.11 The premises must be equipped with appropriately designed radioactive decontamination areas 534

where operator decontamination may be carried out in compliance with approved protocols. At a 535

minimum, these areas should be equipped with hand washing and eye washing stations. 536


8.12 The facility must be equipped with appropriately designed radioactive waste storage areas. 538


9. Equipment and utilities 540


9.1 Equipment and utilities should be selected, located, constructed and maintained to suit the 542

operations to be carried out. 543


9.2 Equipment and utilities should be qualified for their intended use. This may include user 545

requirement specifications, design qualification (if applicable), installation qualification (IQ), 546

operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ). Equipment and devices, as 547

appropriate, should be calibrated and maintained. 548


9.3 Equipment maintenance, qualification and calibration operations should be recorded and 550

records maintained. 551


9.4 Computerized systems, such as those controlling equipment, should be verified to ensure they 553

are reliable and fit for the intended purpose (10). 554

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9.5 The dose calibrator (also known as the activity meter) should be qualified using suitable 555

reference standards. If such a reference standard recognized by a national authority is not 556

available, dose calibrator manufacturer recommendations or published literature may be used 557

when deciding upon the appropriate dial setting. 558


10. Materials 560


Starting materials 562


10.1 The consistency of the production of investigational radiopharmaceutical products may be 564

influenced by the quality of the starting materials. Their physical, chemical and, when 565

appropriate, microbiological properties should therefore be defined, documented in their 566

specifications, and controlled. 567


10.2 Specifications for precursors for radiolabelling should be as comprehensive as possible, given 569

the current state of knowledge. They should include, for example, identity, purity or 570

certification of origin (if applicable) and any other parameter or characteristic required to make 571

the material suitable for its intended use. 572


10.3 Detailed information on the quality of precursors for radiolabelling and excipients (as well as of 574

packaging materials) should be available. 575


10.4 Starting materials should be accepted by performing in-house testing. During the manufacture 577

of investigational radiopharmaceuticals for Phase I-II clinical trials, the in-house testing may 578

also be in the form of a review of the Certificate of Analysis (CoA) supplied by the reliable 579

material supplier, to confirm compliance with the specification set by the investigational agent 580

manufacturer. For positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals, the materials 581

acceptance based on CoA review may also apply to the Phase III stage, as long as the final 582

product release testing adequately confirms that materials are of correct quality were used. 583

For the manufacture of cold kit products, generators and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals in 584

Phase III stages, additional physical tests (e.g. material identity confirmation) may need to be 585

performed by the radiopharmaceutical manufacturer as part of material acceptance process, 586

in addition to CoA review. 587

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Reference standards for analytical purposes 588


10.5 Reference standards from reputable sources (e.g. qualified vendors) should be used, if 590

available. 591


10.6 If not available from any source, the reference substance(s) for the precursor for radiolabelling 593

should be prepared, tested and released as reference material(s) by the producer of the 594

investigational pharmaceutical product. 595


11. Production 597


11.1 Investigational radiopharmaceuticals intended for use in clinical trials should be 599

manufactured at a facility that is specified in the investigational agent regulatory 600

application. 601


11.2 Where activities are outsourced to contract facilities, the contract must then clearly state, 603

inter alia, the responsibilities of each party, compliance with GMP or this guideline, and 604

that the product(s) to be manufactured or controlled are intended for use in clinical trials. 605

Close cooperation between the contracting parties is essential. 606


11.3 Access to restricted areas should be by authorized and trained personnel only. 608


11.4 Processes should be designed to minimize the risk of contamination, cross-contaminations and 610

mix-ups. The following measures may be adopted to minimize these risks: 611

(a) procedures for clearing the room of previous product materials; 612

(b) processing and filling in segregated areas; 613

(c) avoiding the manufacture of different products at the same time, either in the same 614

dedicated space or by the same personnel; 615

(d) performing manufacturing area decontamination and visual pre-checks; 616

(e) using manufacturing “closed systems” (e.g. automated systems), whenever possible; 617

and 618

(f) using pre-assembled kit (cassettes), whenever possible. 619


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11.5 The stability and shelf life of the finished product should be defined following the execution of 621

a suitable written protocol. 622


11.6 The expiration dates and times for radiopharmaceuticals should be based on the results of an 624

adequate number of stability studies. 625


Manufacturing operations 627


11.7 As process knowledge of an investigational radiopharmaceutical is often not comparable 629

with that of a radiopharmaceutical used for standard clinical care, process validation may 630

not always be complete during the development phase of products; thus, critical quality 631

attributes, process parameters and in-process controls should be identified, based on risk 632

management principles and experience with analogous products, if available. 633


11.8 The necessary instructions for production should be defined and may be adapted based 635

on the experience gained during radiopharmaceutical development itself. 636


11.9 For sterile investigational products, the controls to assure sterility of the final drug product 638

should be no less than for licensed products (9). However, sterility verification studies (i.e. 639

bacteristasis/fungistasis) may not need to be conducted prior to pivotal Phase III studies. 640


Packaging and labelling 642


11.10 At least the following information should be listed on the primary packaging container label: 644

(a) name of the product and batch number; 645

(b) name of the manufacturer; 646

(c) route of administration; 647

(d) amount of activity at calibration date and time in appropriate units; 648

(e) volume; 649

(f) where relevant, the international symbol for radioactivity; 650

(g) cautionary statements (e.g. “For clinical investigational use only”); and 651

(h) the study or trial number. 652


Note: Reporting information about activity (“strength”) on the primary label may not always be 654

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possible due to radiation protection reasons. In this case, the information may be reported on 655

the secondary packaging label. 656


11.11 In the absence of regulatory authority requirements, the following minimum information may 658

be listed on the secondary packaging container label, in addition to any information listed on 659

the primary packaging: 660

(a) the finished pharmaceutical product formulation composition; 661

(b) excipient information; 662

(d) storage instructions; 663

(e) the address of the manufacturer, study sponsor, or investigator, as appropriate; 664

(f) radioactive concentration at calibration date and time, if applicable; 665

(g) end-of-synthesis date and time; 666

(h) expiration date and time; and 667

(i) specific activity or mass. 668


11.12 The packaging must ensure that the investigational product remains in good condition during 670

transport and storage. Any opening of, or tampering with, the outer packaging during 671

transport should be readily discernible. 672


12. Quality control 674


12.1 Quality control should cover the sampling and testing of both the starting materials and the 676

radiopharmaceutical final drug products, ensuring that materials are not released for use until 677

their quality has been determined to conform to the predefined acceptance specifications. 678


12.2 As processes may not be standardised or fully validated, testing takes on more importance in 680

ensuring that each batch meets the approved specification at the time of testing. 681


12.3 The release of a batch of an investigational radiopharmaceutical product should only occur 683

after the designated responsible person has certified that the product meets the relevant batch 684

release requirements. At a minimum, these requirements should include the following: 685

• a review and approval of batch records, including control reports, in-process test 686

reports, changes, deviations and release reports demonstrating compliance with the 687

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product specification file, the order and protocol; 688

• verification of appropriate production conditions; 689

• verification of the quality of starting materials (status of approval, CoA, etc.); 690

• verification of the validation status of facilities, equipment, processes and methods, as 691

appropriate; and 692

• verification of conditions of storage and shipment, if applicable. 693

• verification of successful completion of quality control tests required for batch release. 694


12.4 Due to the inherent rapid radioactive decay of radiopharmaceuticals containing radionuclides 696

with relatively short half-lives, these products may be released and administered prior to 697

completion of all quality control testing. Under these circumstances, the required pre-release 698

and post-release testing should be clearly defined and documented. 699


12.5 Sampling procedures should consider the nature and the characteristics of the material being 701

sampled (e.g. a small batch size and/or its radioactive content) to make sure that the samples 702

are representative of the entire batch of radiopharmaceutical. 703


12.6 Quality control samples should be prepared, handled and stored in a way to ensure the 705

adequate identification and segregation of the test samples to avoid mix-ups and cross-706

contamination. 707


12.7 In the event when a finished pharmaceutical product batch fails to meet a release acceptance 709

specification (i.e. an OOS event occurs), an investigation should be conducted and 710

documented. During the investigation, the affected batch should be segregated. If the 711

investigation confirms the OOS result, the finished pharmaceutical product should be rejected. 712

A confirmed OOS that is detected during post-release testing, but before the product has been 713

administered to the patient/volunteer, requires an immediate notification to the end-user. A 714

batch of finished pharmaceutical product involved in an OOS event may be released only if (1) 715

the investigation reveals a clear evidence that the obtained result is invalid, and (2) 716

confirmatory testing results confirm the absence of non-compliance to the acceptance 717

specifications. 718


12.8 Retention samples from every batch of a particular investigational radiopharmaceutical 720

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product should only be collected if they can be used to obtain meaningful testing data in 721

the future. However, the collection of the retention samples is not required. The duration 722

of storage of retention samples should be based on the ability to collect valid test data 723

from using the sample. 724


13. Qualification and validation 726


13.1 The extent of qualification and validation activities should be in accordance with a risk-based 728

approach, considering the complexity and critical aspects of the intended radiopharmaceutical 729

production. 730


13.2 The extent of qualification and validation required for the manufacture of investigational 732

radiopharmaceuticals in Phases I-II trials may be less than for the manufacture of 733

investigational radiopharmaceuticals in pivotal Phase III trials. Nevertheless, the critical 734

characteristics of the investigational radiopharmaceutical should always be addressed. For 735

example, critical manufacturing step in-process control parameters such as reaction 736

temperatures and/or transfer of the activities, may need to be defined and monitored at any 737

stage of development; on the other hand, the validation of less critical controls such as 738

bioburden sample collection or determination of maximum in-process holding times, may not 739

be required during the Phases I-II. 740


13.3 The facilities and equipment need to be properly maintained and calibrated at any stage of 742

development. 743


13.4 Equipment should be qualified for its intended use. At a minimum, the equipment should be 745

verified to have conformance to the equipment manufacturer preventative maintenance (PM) 746

and OQ requirements, as well as investigational radiopharmaceutical manufacturer PQ 747

requirements, as applicable. 748


13.5 The validation of aseptic investigational radiopharmaceutical production procedures presents 750

special problems, as the batch size is often very small and the number of units filled may be not 751

adequate for a full validation protocol. Thus, the validation of aseptic procedures needs to be 752

supported by an operator and process validation via media fill test, which consists of conducting 753

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a process simulation using broad spectrum bacterial growth media to demonstrate that the 754

aseptic processing/controls and production environment are capable of producing a sterile 755

product. The successful completion of media fill testing is a prerequisite for the clinical 756

production of investigational radiopharmaceuticals at any stage of development. 757


13.6 Manufacturing process validation should only be carried out after all of the critical 759

requirements (e.g. media fill testing, relevant standard operating procedures {SOP} for 760

operator training, and equipment PM and OQ) have been completed. The validation batches 761

campaign should include an adequate number of batches of the intended 762

radiopharmaceutical(s). The number of batches and the batch size range should be 763

predetermined as part of a risk assessment performed prior to process validation. In general, 764

the completion of a minimum of three consecutive batches aimed for validation and stability 765

studies is sufficient for the purposes of completing manufacturing process validation in Phase I 766

trials. However, the number of batches produced may need to be increased in certain 767

situations. For example, more validation and stability runs may be required when the 768

manufacturer is trying to qualify multiple suppliers of a particular critical component (e.g. 769

radionuclide provided by multiple suppliers). 770


13.7 Defined, documented and reproducible analytical methods aimed to establish chemical, 772

radiochemical and radionuclidic purity, as well as identity, specific activity (if applicable) and 773

impurities content, should be established before any manufacture for human subjects begins. 774

However, analytical method validation protocols fully compliant with the International Council 775

for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) 776

standards (12) for validation may be generated and implemented as part of transition into 777

pivotal Phase III trials. 778


13.8 Compendial analytical methods applied by the investigational radiopharmaceutical 780

manufacturer that are described in relevant pharmacopeia do not require validation but may 781

require verification prior to the initiation of manufacture for pivotal Phase III trials. For 782

example, the compendial endotoxin testing method may not require full analytical method 783

validation as described in relevant ICH guidances but may require the verification via 784

conduction of finished pharmaceutical product specific inhibition/enhancement studies. 785


13.9 General principles on validation of analytical procedures may be followed (12), however, the 787

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unique nature of radioactivity should be considered and specific adaptations should be made, 788

where required. 789


14. Complaints 791


14.1 There should be a written procedure describing the management of complaints. The 793

procedure should provide a clear and concise description of responsibilities, actions that may 794

need to be undertaken, communication pathways and structure, traceability and reporting 795

requirements in the event a complaint is received. 796


14.2 Any complaint concerning a product defect should be recorded with all the original details and 798

thoroughly investigated. 799


14.3 Where necessary, the appropriate follow-up action, possibly including product recall, should 801

be taken after the investigation and evaluation of the complaint. 802


14.4 All decisions made and measures taken as a result of a complaint should be recorded and 804

referenced to the corresponding batch records. 805


14.5 Any potential impact on the trial and/or on the product development should be 807

investigated in order to determine the cause and to take any necessary corrective action. 808


15. Recalls 810


15.1 There should be a written procedure describing the managing of a recall of an investigational 812

radiopharmaceutical. The procedure should provide a clear and concise description of 813

responsibilities, actions that may need to be undertaken, communication pathways and 814

structure, traceability and reporting requirements in the event a product recall is initiated. 815


15.2 The recall of a product should be documented and inventory records should be kept. 817


15.3 Multiple project-specific and product recall procedures may need to be implemented for 819

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various radiopharmaceuticals in order to reflect the requirements for a specific project. 820

For example, the product recall requirements for a manufacturer that supplies 821

investigational agents to the clinic within the same institution or hospital may differ 822

significantly from the manufacturer that works with a pharmaceutical company sponsor 823

and distributes the manufactured product to multiple external clinics. In all cases, the 824

exact requirements need to be clearly defined and the staff need to be trained on those 825

specific requirements. 826


16. Returns 828


16.1 Investigational radiopharmaceuticals should be returned under the agreed conditions 830

defined by the sponsor, specified in written procedures and approved by authorized staff 831

members. 832


16.2 Return processes should be in accordance with the handling of radioactivity and radiation 834

protection rules. 835


16.3 Inventory records of returned products should be kept. 837


16.4 Returned radiopharmaceuticals should not be reused. 839


16.5 Since the return of radioactive products is often not practical, the main purpose of recall 841

procedures for radiopharmaceutical products should be to prevent their use rather than an 842

actual return. If necessary, the return of radioactive products should be carried out in 843

accordance with national, and where applicable, international transport regulations (13). 844


17. Shipping 846


17.1 The shipping of investigational radiopharmaceuticals should be carried out in accordance 848

with written procedures laid down in the protocol or shipping order given by the sponsor. 849


17.2 Shipping processes should also be in accordance with international and local rules (13). 851

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17.3 The shipment should be accompanied by a printed form, including the relevant 853

information related to the investigational radiopharmaceutical (e.g. the same information 854

included in the secondary packaging label). 855


18. Destruction 857


18.1 The activity of the active principle of investigational radiopharmaceuticals decreases 859

following the decay law and half-life of the radionuclide; thus, usually there is no need for 860

product destruction. 861


18.2 Should the product be destroyed, however, international and local rules on handling 863

radioactivity and radiation protection should be followed. A dated certificate of, or receipt 864

for, destruction should be provided to the sponsor. These documents should clearly identify, 865

or allow traceability to the batches and/or patient numbers involved and the actual quantities 866

destroyed. 867


Abbreviations 869


API active pharmaceutical ingredient 871

CAPA corrective actions and/or preventive actions 872

CoA certificate of analysis 873

GCP good clinical practices 874

GLP good laboratory practices 875

GMP good manufacturing practices 876

GSDP good storage and distribution practices 877

HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning 878

IQ installation qualification 879

OQ operational qualification 880

PQ performance qualification 881

PM preventative maintenance 882

QMS quality management system 883

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QRM quality risk management (system) 884

SOP standard operating procedure 885


References 887


1. WHO good manufacturing practices for investigational pharmaceutical products for clinical 889

trials in humans. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: 890

thirty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1996: Annex 7 (WHO Technical 891

Report Series, No. 863; (https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-and-892


pharmaceutical-products-clinical-trials-humans.pdf?sfvrsn=2432f236_0, accessed 4 894

November 2020). 895

Update in process: WHO Working Document QAS/20.863 (https://www.who.int/docs/default-896


products.pdf?sfvrsn=3993da76_2, accessed 26 February 2021). 898

2. IAEA/WHO guideline on good manufacturing practices for radiopharmaceutical products. In: 899

WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. 900

Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025 901


standards/guidelines/trs1025/trs1025-annex2.pdf?sfvrsn=7aceb0c1_6, accessed 28 January 903

2021). 904

3. WHO handbook for good clinical research practices, 2002; 905

(https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/safety_efficacy/gcp1.pdf, accessed 906

4 November 2020). 907

4. WHO Handbook: Good laboratory practice, Quality practices for regulated non-clinical 908

research and development, TDR/PRD/GLP/01.2, 2001; 909


practice-handbook-ver1/en/, accessed 4 November 2020). 911

5. WHO good storage and distribution practices (GSDP). In: WHO Expert Committee on 912

Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-third report. Geneva: World Health 913

Organization; 2020: Annex 7 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; 914

https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/trs-1025-annex-7-gdp-medical-products, accessed 915

4 November 2020). 916

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6. WHO guidelines on quality risk management. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for 917

Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013: 918

Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 981; https://www.who.int/docs/default-919


risk-management.pdf?sfvrsn=2fa44bc4_2, accessed 4 November 2020). 921

7. IAEA safety standards for protecting people and the environment. Radiation protection and 922

safety of radiation sources: international basic safety standards. Jointly sponsored by EC, FAO, 923

IAEA, ILO, OECD/NEA, PAHO, UNEP, WHO. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency; 2014 924

(General Safety Requirements Part 3 No. GSR Part 3; https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/ 925

publications/PDF/Pub1578_web-57265295.pdf, accessed 4 December 2019). 926

8. IAEA safety standards for protecting people and the environment. Radiation protection and 927

safety in medicinal uses of ionizing radiation. Jointly sponsored by IAEA, ILO, PAHO, WHO. 928

Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency; 2018 (Specific Safety Guide No.SSG-46; 929

https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/PUB1775_web.pdf, accessed 4 December 930

2019). 931

9. WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical product for sterile products. In: WHO 932

Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. 933

Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011: Annex 6 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961; 934



products.pdf?sfvrsn=61682f0c_0, accessed 4 November 2020). 937

10. WHO good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 5. Validation of 938

computerized systems. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical 939

Preparations: fifty-third report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO 940

Technical Report Series, No. 1019; 941


nex3.pdf?ua=1, accessed 12 August 2020). 943

11. ISO 14644:2019(en). Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – Part 3: Test 944

methods (https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:14644:-3:ed-2:v1:en, accessed 4 December 945

2019). 946

12. ICH Topic Q2(R1) “Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology”, June 2005; 947


analytical-procedures-text-methodology-step-5_en.pdf, accessed 28/1/2021). 949

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13. IAEA safety standards for protecting people and the environment. Regulations for the safe 950

transport of radioactive material, 2018 edition. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency; 951

2018 (Specific Safety Requirements No. SSR-6(Rev. 1); (https://www-952

pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/PUB1798_web.pdf, accessed 8 January 2020). 953


Further reading 955


• International Ethical Guidelines for Health-related Research Involving Humans Prepared by the 957

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the 958

World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, 2016 (https://cioms.ch/wp-959

content/uploads/2017/01/WEB-CIOMS-EthicalGuidelines.pdf, accessed 4 November 960

2020). 961

• The International Pharmacopoeia. Geneva, World Health Organization; updated regularly 962

(https://www.who.int/medicines/publications/pharmacopoeia/en/ and https://apps.who.int/ 963

phint/2019/index.html#p/home, accessed 1 May 2020). 964

• EudraLex - Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines, EU Commission 965

Directives 91/356/EEC, as amended by Directive 2003/94/EC, and 91/412/EEC 966

(https://ec.europa.eu/health/documents/eudralex/vol-4_fr, accessed 4 November 2020). 967

• WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles. In: WHO 968

Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-eight report. 969

Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986 970


pdf?ua=1 accessed 4 November 2020). 972


*** 974