IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon WorlD€¦ · IADC WorlD DrIllIng 2010 IADC World...

2010 IADC WORLD DRILLING IADC WORLD DRILLING 2010 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION “Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional World” 16-17 JUNE • Corinthia grand hotel royal • BUDAPEST, HUNGARY EVENT SPONSORS

Transcript of IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon WorlD€¦ · IADC WorlD DrIllIng 2010 IADC World...

Page 1: IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon WorlD€¦ · IADC WorlD DrIllIng 2010 IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon “Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional



IADC World drilling 2010ConferenCe & exhIbItIon“Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional World”

16-17 June • Corinthia grand hotel royal • Budapest, Hungary

EvEnt SponSorS

Page 2: IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon WorlD€¦ · IADC WorlD DrIllIng 2010 IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon “Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional

IADC WorlDDrIllIng 2010

IADC World drilling 2010ConferenCe & exhIbItIon“Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional World”

16-17 June • Corinthia grand hotel royal • Budapest, Hungary

wedNeSday, 16 juNe 2010

07.00-08.00 coNfereNce regiStratioN, coffee Service & opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by GE Oil & Gas

08.00-09.15 welcome & iNtroductioNDr. Lee Hunt, President, IADCLouis Raspino, IADC Chairman 2010; President & CEO, Pride International

keyNote preSeNtatioN: what uNcoNveNtioNal challeNge BriNgS to our iNduStry?Bojan Milković, CEO E&P Executive Director, INA Naftaplin

Bojan Milković is CEO and E&P Executive Director for INA Naftaplin, a strategic partner for the MOL Group, Hungary’s largest enterprise. Mr Milković will address the challenge of unconventional natural gas, which analyses indicate shall become the energy of the future. However, this cannot come true if important technological improvements and break-throughs do not happen. The improvements are to be done in all expert fields in the oil and gas industry. The “unconventional challenge” of today is becoming a golden opportunity of tomorrow for technology providers, service industry and upstream companies.

09.15-10.15 deepwater drilliNgSession Chairmen: Willem Brandt & Mark Waltz, Transocean

Optimising Performance in a High Cost Deepwater Drilling EnvironmentIan Garrett, Alan Dowokpor, Brian Teggart, Tullow Oil

In the course of the drilling programme a significant learning curve has been realised and an extremely high level of performance achieved placing the Tullow Deepwater Ghana operations at the top of the Rushmore data sets compared with other operators in a similar West Africa environment (based on days/10K metric). This can be attributed to the development of a high calibre team focused on HSE and drilling operations performance. Specifically this includes optimisation of well design, use of latest LWD tech-nology, focus on bit / BHA design, challenging existing practices & driving rig performance. This presentation discusses how this has been achieved and highlights the importance of focussing on every aspect of performance given the high cost environment under which we are operating.

Lower Completion Approach Used to Implement Selective Triple Frac Pack after Production Casing Collapse Igor Valle Duarte, Anderson Rapello dos Santos, Antônio Carlos Massad Campos, Gesus Moreira Padilha, Vinicius Vanzan, PETROBRAS

TheRoncadorfieldwasdiscoveredin1996bythewildcatwell1-RJS-436located in northern of Campos Basin at water depths varying between 1500 to 1900 m. The field has been developed through four modules due to its expressive oil in place volume and different oil and geological charac-teristics. A production casing obstruction avoids lower completion instal-lation on last Well built on Roncador Field Module development stage. The innovative approach used to conclude this Well, the lessons learned and the historical events that occurred during its construction are presented.

10.15-10.45 NetworkiNg Break & opeN exhiBitioN Sponsored by GE Oil & Gas

10.45-12.15 paNel: SuStaiNiNg margiNS iN aN uNcoNveNtioNal world: the tight gaS challeNgeSession Chairman: Steven Sparks, VP Eastern Hemisphere Operations, Helmerich & Payne IDC

Today’s well construction industry has shifted dramatically toward unconventional plays, all fraught with their particular difficulties and promise – deepwater, Arctic operations, tight gas. The challenge is to sus-tain and improve margins in these areas. This panel will examine one par-ticular segment of our unconventional world tight shale gas. Tight shale gas is coming of age in North America and now emerging in Eastern Europe. Today, this represents 10% of the gas in the United States, and some projections indicate it could grow to 50%, an enormous share of the energy spectrum that could result in the construction of thousands of wells. This panel of experts will review the promise and challenges of tight shale gas, with emphasis on Eastern Europe, emphasizing not only drilling, but completion and reservoir aspects.

Panelists: • ReinhartSamhaber,SeniorVPEngineeringProduction&Projects,OMVExploration&ProductionGmbH

• BojanMilković,CEOE&PExecutiveDirector,INANaftaplin• JamesBement,VicePresident,HalliburtonSperrySun

12.15-13.30 luNcheoN & opeN exhiBitioN Sponsored by Caterpillar, Inc

13.30-15.00 iNNovative drilliNg rigSSession Chairmen: Pierre Gie, TOTAL & Sigve Hovda, Statoil

Modern Hydraulic Rig Technology Made in GermanyJűrgen Binder, Sebastian Berblinger, Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH

Automation and work safety have been the main focus for Herrenknecht Vertical’snewgenerationof350-metrictonhydraulicrigs.Fewertruckloads, easy rig up and down and fewer personnel due to a high degree of automation distinguish the rigs that are moreover capable to run drill pipe Range 2 in doubles. The innovative pipe handling system ensures an easy and safe casing running. On top, the paper gives an overview of the field experience with the rigs in Germany and Brazil.

Development of an Advanced Workover Package for Drilling ApplicationsTim Reggione, Gavin Bell, Paul Ray, Eric Sredensek, Halliburton

Traditional hydraulic workover (HWO) equipment, although readily broken down into small pieces for transport, was designed for live well workover, and the existing equipment is not designed for efficient pipe-handling. The development is outlined of a new workover and drilling unit that combines a novel pipe-hoisting mechanism with a separate pur-pose-built hydraulic jack to create a mobile, modular unit aimed at the offshore light workover and drilling market in the North Sea and other similar types of operations.

Ton-Miles Calculations in Today’s Operations – How Far Out are we?Jaap van der Sijp, KCA DEUTAG Drilling GmbH

The shortcomings of the API-recommended ton-mile calculation methods used on most rigs in the world, due to the progress made since these were established in rig equipment and drilling methods, are high-lighted. New calculation methods are presented which are not only far more accurate, but also far easier to use. In addition some current issues with determining the correct slip & cut rate are addressed.

Page 3: IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon WorlD€¦ · IADC WorlD DrIllIng 2010 IADC World drilling 2010 ConferenCe & exhIbItIon “Sustaining Margins in an Unconventional

IADC WorlDDrIllIng 2010

15.00-15.30 NetworkiNg Break & opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by GE Oil & Gas

Assessing Candidate Wells for MPD: Guidance from the IADC UBO/MPD CommitteeKristin Falk, Ocean Riser Systems AS, George Medley, Signa Engineering Corp.

IADC’s UBO & MPD Committee is developing an online “candidate selec-tion tool” that is designed to help well planners evaluate various managed pressure drilling techniques for application in their drilling campaigns. By inputting certain basic well characteristics, the user can ‘short-list’ those techniques which might help reduce or eliminate downhole prob-lems and non-productive time. A representative of the committee will present the new tool and will describe its features and functionality.

16.00-17.00 performaNce maNagemeNtSession Chairmen: Dominique Dupuis, Pride International & Mark Waltz, Transocean

How to Stop the Flood of Superfluous Alarms and Achieve Alarm Management ComplianceDon Shafer, Athens Group

Many automated drilling subsystems come together at the driller’s chair, each with its own alarms. In the worst cases, tens of thousands of alarms can be generated per day, far more than the maximum recommended by industry standards. Overwhelmed by this flood, drillers reflexively dismiss alarms, increasing the likelihood that a critical alarm will be missed and result in an incident. Come hear alarm management failure case studies, see the results of an industry survey on Alarm Management procedure adop-tion, and learn about the practices proven to help you achieve compliance and reduce equipment failures related to inadequate alarm management.

Putting Lagging Indicators in the Rear View Mirror with Broadly Applicable QHSE Process-based KPIsJoe Stough, Syntex Management Systems

Historically, the primary QHSE metrics that drive leadership behavior have been lagging incident-rate measurements. As these lagging metrics roll-up through leadership ranks, top leaders lack insight into the efforts taken by field operations to improve QHSE performance outcomes. By balancing with carefully chosen “actionable” leading metrics, business leaders gain insight into organizational capability to improve QHSE performance and may use these measurements to hold line managers accountable. This session will review how some Energy companies are shifting their focus away from the standard incident-based metrics toward a set of math-grounded, actionable leading KPI’s to enable such a proactive management approach.

17.00-18.30 welcomiNg receptioN & opeN exhiBitioN

thurSday, 17 juNe 201007.00-08.15 coNfereNce regiStratioN, coffee Service &

opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by OMV E&P GmbH

08.15 welcome & iNtroductioNS

08.25 keyNote preSeNtatioN: ruNNiNg aN oilfield at miNuS 40 degreeS challeNgeS, learNiNg’S aNd iSSueS without aNSwerChristopher Hyde, Field Manager, Salym Petroleum

Mr. Christopher Hyde is a field manager for Salym Petroleum in the Salym field. Salym, which represents the largest investment in Russia made by an international operator, is extremely remote. Located between Surgut and Tyumen, Salym lies some 3,000 km east of Moscow and at approxi-mately the same latitude as Oslo. The extreme weather environment can produce temperatures as minus 50˚ C in winter and up to plus 30˚ C in

summer. Mr Hyde’s duties include production operations, infrastructure and production facility maintenance. He also has a coordinating function for all other field activity, including drilling, well services, construction and HSE. Mr Hyde’s presentation will cover the challenges of logistics, HSE and operations in extreme cold weather.

08.45-09.45 advaNceS iN drill pipe techNologySession Chairmen: Brett Chandler, NOV Grant Prideco, Hermann Spörker, OMV E&P GmbH

High Breakout Torque: Hypothesis, Investigation, and EvaluationJames N. Brock, NOV Grant Prideco

The continuing development of high-torque rotary-shouldered connec-tions (RSC) has represented an enabling technology for the industry and permitted the continued advancement of drilling deeper, further and more cost-effective wells. Occurrences of high-breakout torque have been reported with API RSC’s and with proprietary high-torque RSC’s from different manufacturers. An analysis and evaluation of the causes of high breakout torque with rotary-shouldered drill stem connections are outlined. Results of torque analysis, ambient stress measurements, finite element analysis, and visual evaluation of connections are presented. The impact of rig running procedures and handling equipment is considered and evaluated.

Realizing the Early-Payback Benefits of Real-Time Evaluation with Wired Drill PipeGrant Affleck, Weatherford International

Wired drill pipe and logging while drilling (LWD) are among real-time evaluation technology advancements that can hasten return on invest-ment and project payback by elevating drilling to new levels of accuracy and efficiency. The audience will be familiarized with basic technological features and advantages of LWD and wired drill pipe. It will also explain the crucial relationship that exists between real-time data integrity and management, speed, and successful real-time operations. Finally, a case study from UK Southern North Sea is used to illustrate the positive out-comes that Weatherford and its clients have realized by properly applying these advanced drilling technologies.

09.45-10.15 NetworkiNg Break & opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by OMV E&P GmbH

10.15-12.00 paNel SeSSioN: performaNce drilliNg: holy grail or oxymoroN?Session Chairman: Toni Marszalek, President, Schlumberger Italiana SpA

Today we stand on the edge of the most challenging wells ever drilled, constrained economically, yet testing the limits of technology and exper-tise. Operators budget NPT as high as 35% for deepwater operations. Do processes such as real-time monitoring, visualization centers, drilling wells on paper, collaborative environments really make an impact on our drilling performance? Can “factory drilling” buoy the economics of new endeavors, such as shale gas drilling? The members of the panel will look at these challenges and attempt to answer the question – “Performance Drilling – Oxymoron or Holy Grail?”

Panelists:• LeoMaekiaho,HeadofDrilling,Petrom• Khalid A. Al-Abdulqader, Manager Northern Area Oil Drilling

Department, Saudi Aramco• Fred E. Dupriest, Senior Global Drilling Advisor, ExxonMobil

Drilling Technical Organization• Peter Vilhelm Balslev, Head of Drilling Engineering,Maersk Oil

Qatar AS• JuanJavierHinojosaPuebla,SubdirectorofDrilling,PEMEX

12.00-13.15 luNcheoN & opeN exhiBitioN

13.15-14.45 high temperature & high preSSure techNology & operatioNSSession Chairmen: Egidio Palliotto, Saipem & Toni Marszalek, Schlumberger Italiana Spa

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Linking Real-Time Geomechanics with Managed Pressure Drilling SystemsWilliam Standifird, Halliburton

The basics of the challenge of wellbore pressure control and the value of doing so precisely are covered. The MPD system and the geomechanics modeling system will be presented separately. An outline on how it was integrated and the value to operations is shown.

Workover and Testing of HPHT Deep Gas Wells: Case History of North West Raudhatain 2 and 3Ali Hussein Saffar, Nayef Al-Anzi, Akshaya Kumar Dhabria, Kuwait Oil Company

A case history is presented about workover wells NWRA#2 & NWRA#3, including initial planning, operational difficulties due to HPHT limita-tions, milling and fishing equipment details for retrieving 15 K permanent packer, problems associated with cement squeezing, use of latex based gas blocking slurry, operation details including retrieving the collapsed tubing, running two permanent packers and stimulation and test results. The les-sons learned and the conclusions will be explained to provide a basis for the planning and realization of future work over operations in these types of wells without any harm to personnel and damage to the environment.

Successful Implementation of Proactive Managed Pressure Drilling and Flow Drilling Techniques in HPHT Exploratory Wells in Southern MexicoJuan Carlos Beltran, Corrado Lupo, Hermogenes Duno, Fernando Gallo, Erwin Gomez, Leiro Medina, Zaurayze Tarique, Schlumberger-Optimal Pressure Drilling

A specific MPD case history is described where a fault not initially antici-pated in the pre-geology column and extreme narrow operating windows were the drivers to switch from a proactive managed pressure drilling to a flow drilling operation to re-gain normal and stable drilling parameters while controlling gas influxes and losses. The challenges of MPD to finally identify the right balance will be discussed.

14.45-15.00 NetworkiNg Break & opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by OMV E&P GmbH

15.00-16.00 Slimhole & moNoBore operatioNSSession Chairmen: Bill Sanstrom, Halliburton & Rustom Mody, Baker Hughes Incorporated

Enhancing Drilling Economics with Slim Wellbore DesignTony Furniss, Enventure Global Technology

Utilizing expandable technology to create a slim well design has been proven to add significant value. By definition, slim well design utilizing expendables reduces the architecture above the expandable liner while maintaining (or

enlarging) the ID at TD. An overview of the requirements for slim well design, evaluation of candidate wells, and the future application of single-diameter technology to increase the benefits of slim well design is given. Specific case histories, including the above example, will be presented to demonstrate the value-added by incorporating a slim well design.

Using Slimhole LWD to Overcome Horizontal Drilling Limitations in Short-Radius Re-Entry WellsHani Qutob, Weatherford International

Historically, logging-while-drilling (LWD) technology has been a limiting factor in producing profitably from short-radius re-entry wells because of the inability of the LWD tools to negotiate severe curvatures in the build section. This presentation will describe the development and application of a slim hole, triple-combo LWD system that has enabled Saudi Aramco to acquire and evaluate data in real time in short-radius wells with doglegs of up to 68º/100ft. The LWD data has been used to control the landing and more effectively geosteer the horizontal section, with significant implica-tions for reducing drilling cost and improving production and safety.

16.00-16.15 NetworkiNg Break & opeN exhiBitioNSponsored by OMV E&P GmbH

16.15-17.15 ecoNomic outlookSession Chairmen: Bob Warren, Pride International, Marin Koceic, INA Naftaplin

Climbing Out of the Great Recession: Implications for the Oil and Gas IndustrySusan Farrell, PFC Energy

Global demand for oil and gas dropped in 2009 at the same time mas-sive new OPEC capacity came online and LNG plants began exporting to an oversupplied market. The service sector, buoyed by rising prices, ordered new equipment which is now pressuring dayrates and utilization. The uncertainties around the rate of global recovery and implications for spending in the oil and gas industry are addressed.

Can We Expect a Balanced Offshore Rig Market Soon?Tom Kellock, ODS-Petrodata

Will wholesale retirements bring the size of the jackup fleet down to the level of demand – as some owners claim will happen? Will Brazil’s apparently insatiable demand for deepwater rigs absorb the considerable number of uncontracted rigs approaching completion as well as those that Petrobras is building? What’s the outlook for the 100-strong midwater floater fleet? ODS-Petrodata’s Tom Kellock will provide his views on these and other questions weighing on the minds of operators and drilling con-tractors trying to formulate their strategies for the years to come.

17.15 adjourN

Online registration is available at: www.iadc.org/conferences/World_Drilling_2010


CoRinthia gRand hotel RoyalErzsébet krt 43-49.H-1073 BudapestPhone: +36 1 479 4813Fax: +36 1 479 4727

• AmericanDirectional Drill

• BauerMaschinen• BENTECGmbH

Drilling & Oilfield Systems

• CrosbyEuropeNV• CuddWellControl• DeepDrillGroup• DerrickEquipment

Company• DrillmecSpA• ENVENTURE• GEFCO(George

E. Failing Co.)

• HerrenknechtVertical• HDDRotarySales,Inc.• Huisman• NationalOilwellVarco• PruittTool&SupplyCo.• ScientificDrilling• Smith• TheUniversityof

Texas - PETEX• TransmarkEDSbv• VAMDrilling• VETT&VITENGroup• Weatherford• WellControlSchool

PRogRam Committee• JoepBeijer,KCA

DEUTAG Drilling• KevinBourassa,ConocoPhillips• WillemBrandt,Transocean• SjoerdBrouwer,ShellE&P• BrettChandler,NOV

Grant Prideco• AdrianConnaire,MCS• DominiqueDupuis,

Pride International• LouElliott,VAMDrilling• PierreGie,TOTAL• SaifAlHinai,Petroleum

Development Oman

• AlanHippman• SigveHovda,Statoil• CarelHoyer,Weatherford

International• MarinKoceic,InaNaftaplin• ShaneMarchand,

Helmerich & Payne• ToniMarszalek,

Schlumberger Italiana Spa• RustomMody,Baker

Hughes Incorporated• GeorgeMorgan,Halliburton• CesarMunoz,RepsolYPF

Single Occupancy € 169,= Double Occupancy € 189,=

Please make your room reservations directly with the hotel. Guest rooms rates available until 17 May 2010.

• JoachimOppelt,BakerHughes Incorporated

• EgidioPalliotto,Saipem• HermannSpoerker,

OMVExploration&Production GmbH

• FrankSpringett,NationalOilwelVarco

• MarkWaltz,Transocean• BobWarren,Pride

International• MikeKillalea,IADC

A special thanks to the following committee mem-bers for their support in organizing the conference:

Be sure to visit the con-ference exhibitors. These

companies will have representatives available to answer questions and provide information.
