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, , .. · .. " , , , I 1 ,"I '" , , o . WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830 Main Street. Ruidoso 'Phone 3345 , I . The Travel U. S. Highwa}' 70. the ..... TraU to.ReaC:h Ruidoso, World', : 1d!.rgest Year .. :Playgrouhd " . , ,. ' 1 I " , , M 4 l I, ·\ ' •• ,. , , , , .1 ... ,.. 'fl OIlP'AINTI NGS OP 'l'R . --- . HARRIS SHELTON Summer S.ludio R ...... , Nl'IW Mesic. . I'. ., 'SUI st. EI Paso. 'fOUl l¢'. , ' Printed an.d J?ublished in the' Playg .. ._- SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 P.r V•• r yoL'UiiE 10, NUl'tIBER J:i RUIDOSO, "INCOl.N C;OUNTV, NEW Mex.ICO '. .' f'RIDAX, SEnE\\IBEB. 30, 1955.-v- . ·: ,; ; .. ·0' Two More.Posse$.·' $ ',', ','; I Is Held' GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. TOWN 1 T J'. P d ,WHAT S DOING . ...,'. .) In Oklahoma I TO AlWARD MOUNTAIN CABINI' Nosev WAtPfS- I 0 OlD ara e I Lions every '.' . '.' ;, \, " I . IN' RUIDOSO CONTEST .' . nll!ht. CnrrJzo LQdge. 'F D.d . .................................. ......... .. "IA d i Rotary lu.ncheon· every Tuesday •• . I or 0 son I Spencer Treharne, Dne-tlme Rpl- n. spenCa e nonn I '. . Some lucky resident at West dOilo re$ldent, and now under I .. I' k' RUidoso CIVIl Aid ..E,nlt I Funeral sl)rvlces and burl III were IBM h II TC:l!as or Etlstern New Mexico d1ctment on tW1l counts of perjury Since publ cation m last wee s meels each 2nd and 4fh "u... uay h ld near Atoka Okll1 ThursdaY' ars a next June I will receive a $12 ()Q() in Texas reKardlng :;tatements he News of the nllmes of four Sherift's each month. '1:30 p. m'-lJrt aarp°1: I this weck torE, c. (Gcne) Dod-I ess mountain cabin In Ruidoso as'the mB:adrde to thbe Tisexas d Inslu/ante . t>sb: s p I son, 'aged 45, who WIlS found delld. d Ifrst prize In Il conlest to be con- oa • !las e'en sue a .cense As' 0 t' 6 N 3-M al in his home In 'he early hours of D Satur ay duclP.d by Gerteral Electric Sup- In the tOThselkln- i I Monday this week. DQd- les ply Co. In a region from Amarillo 'S\U"af\t;le in 4 S II e. • • • e ev. S d I"\-t 9 M Made N 1 . ' son was a partner with his neph- on the north to San Angelo on the CharI",. '4 Henty of St. LUke's ner on un ay, "",., rs.. - o. ew RObert Dodson In the opera- :Bess L. Marshall, 85, slswr of south !from Abilene on the east Episcopal Ch\lrch ot El PaJO, who, line I!acMls, manager of tbe C. (If P,-T. A. Executive committee tlon of the sawmili at Hollywood I Mrs. Harry Falrblln1l. died after to Roswell and EI Paso on the J?rellided durIo! :communion lit St. C.. has wog!: 10 mhleehts ehaehlsCC'Ohnd and the former Harris mill lit n Ions:: Illness at thl) Fairbank west. Detlllls of the CQntest, to be Anne and Holy .Mount Episcopal ...e oc rlln Qun y er, g sc 00 ome ec <:0 age, -an Green Tree whlcli theY had cabin In Ruidoso atler. hnndled through 125 d1lalerll for Churches here last Sunday, has Itf's Posse trom Morton, Tex.. P,-T. A. membership meetlng bought ani 'recently They noon. She had Jived In Roswell Generlll Electric appliances In that been V!lcatronln,lt herl' tor 'llvent nJght, grade school owJ1ed 1he & Sup. with the Fllirbanks tram 1937 to area, will be Cllrrled In a tremend- daysl tl&,11)'. "ftrr Xle 25 rrld:rs wui I cict ::'RUldOSO C of C. annual ply' Co, In HollywoQd. and Were whMen well moved to OilS advertising campaign vIa lerv ce. ...... IY. e wen 0 "fle"h ' 5h .- t . e f A$ d t nei h ckw gon interested wIth Frank Smith In the .. rs. llrshll WllS rear.. ", nuu newspapers. r/ldlo and lelevlslon bu<tucrque to a p_rom0edUoln J:e' nd I e our a eu a ' I Stephenson Hqwe. & Appllllnce in educlIICd at Lima, Ohio, leaving In eight cities of that terrlt(lry--to deparimmt.conterenee. He Is - . cgu a ta T;; SI tIc' Ity hoI t h Alamogordo and the Alamo Lum- Lima to ',work with the Slnller cost the GE company thO\lSllndll of toi r tbe Wat kgrtoe: r ;'e2" lind the :t thlrJ s . I ber & ssewlnlt Co., dollars, The first nnnouonement . co ocese maraz,pe, ""e the Pottale" grouP. T, H. Car.:. band' hall WA'fEa-AD. rial UI.o 1lU11 oontrtl n which we Dodson and tamlly hnd been vls- he lett nger 10 go w e r ads In the daily press of that ter., Churchman. ••• I michael, Intormlng of rAte! torI Oct. 17-B. & P. W. ClUb meets. .--e, __ whl: sa live. Tho Cllaooltm. of torrenUai ,lUng trlends>sunda,y night IU1d re-I tt hUr A. Co. rnd was rltory wJl1 be In full color, with *' * ." I tooms. Oct. 15.-L1ncoln County Farm ..... _ ..n ...... .., off baa mulU fold pur turned homo at IIbout 11 o'clock, hem tor Jellr. se ng cammer I as the central theme. RUI- Vlsltln. In the Newl office 'brief- feature. of -tbe Aspeneade this and Rnnch Bure-au annuIIl meet- served by Uso l1pPer Boa" SoU :, ':vJq w"..ter to; Uvtltock I Mrs. Dodson said. She reporled clal dlnmonua. I do);o will Jl() Included In nrlvertls,. b" Saturday wu :U().pound 'Earl, )'ear will the ehuckwagon, Jng, Carrizozo, , Conservation D.. eUl ossU1 Ul4 Ud W cnUDc turUter her husbnnd said he must haVc In 1935 she was made supervisor Inn at all t}pell relfllrdlng the con- l\u.ueU. a Comanche Xndlan .from dlnper, tlcketl tor which are now I Oct. 2-3 to I) p. m., Ruidoso th fI lIOIl W 10 0, IsUn In tho drunk too much coffee, tor he of the ChUdrens Fresh AIr Camp I test-posters. co-operative dealer Lawton, Okla., who hu been on sale at $1.50 for adultll and I Woman's ClUb memorin! tea hon- provo tho worth of 0 e I 0:- ,J' an.. f 11' wasn't very sleepy. She retired •., In Cleveland where she fltayed un- newspaper ,lids, window slllls, Inc wltlt the MeJCalero Apaches $1.00 for children, to be served at Dring Mrs, 'Ruby Morgan and Mrs. ton In to than IOU and at about 2 o'clock Monday til moving to Roswell, During the I foldcrs, elc. The Advertising bar- Ilnce"lP3lS, he. said. He say. lie hal,' the end Qt tM trail, after a ride' Sydney BonneU. lit clUb house. hold back run- wa 1 0 e. morning she IIwoke to tind he was war sh'e WM matron o( tl)e Illrl!! ragct will run for two month!. next never k110cked out. nor ))eat- by horseback, h.ywagon or carl· oct. 8--P,-T, A. membership ••••• - not In bed, and thnt n light was dormlto.rv at Holloman 'All' Force April and May. en, In more than 50 fllhts he hu Into the White Mountains. Inter- dInner, school cllfeterla, starts II burning In the bathroom. She In- Base. and l\t1er the war sbcl was G; E. Omelals Visit Hero " had In Ultht-hellyyWelehtand denominational worlhlp services' p m. S it C tie Mak Stri·d vestlgnted finding her husbllnd emploYed as a companion at the To outline delalls ot the r e wu will be held just before the meal •Oct. 111-2G-Quarlerly mecUne 0 onserva on es es slumped the edge of the balh- .Fletcher Ranch At Prescott, ArIz, lest, two offlclllill or C'leneral : e en:dllbon ar unCI or ICV h pra with the Ruidoso Baptist mlnllter, ot Third JUdicial District Conter- tub. A doctor was summoned and Mrs, MlIrshnll led II full lite he p- trle Supply Co,. :B. F. Jnmes and an x a ,pver t e a- nev, Walter L. Brian, lPvlng a ence on Youth. sesalonsln Pu- In All P . f N M. I he said Dodson had been dead for Inf! other people. She wall R mem- W. D. Clark, nnd a representative 'l n d d l!n brle! message In keeping with eblo T,heatre. night meetings In arts ew eXlco ' more thnn lin hour. ber o( the Methodist Church. o( theIr Mcncy. Dale tt- e por .. , 00. nc u nf tumn time. A. trOPby for tho school cafeteria. . . His Malh was a surprise to cv- She Is survived by two slslers, 13uckncr, nil o( LUbboek. Tex" met Yor1r; CItY. He 11 now 42 and hun t rong rldln ou Jn the Aspen- Oct. 300-Dedlcatlon' ot First ' eryone, tor DOdson had' never com. Mrs. Hnrr Falrbllnk, wdl-}mown with .. c,pmmlltcc tram the Rotllry• being at Lu eps, N. M., when be awarded at the spot where the EplscoJ>al BlshoJ) Klnsolvlng to In New Mexico II at have nerelse y and family tltte.ted. 'nc wall an VlIn Wort. Ohio; one brother, Wal- "''rOUP!! -here In a luncheon sealon he retired unbeaten, 'H1I daushter, meal wl11 be served. Committees' visit Ft. Stanton 10 p. m., Oct. 2; II good fate, according to tho provious 1 ear i I 1)76 dis ct I outdoorsman, enjoying hiking In IeI' Gear o( Uma. Ohio. Rnd (out noon Monda)' at NlIvnJo Lodec, tn·ltrn handllr!g the yarloul detllils of the I Holy Mount, Oct. 2, 5 p. m., tol- t1;'eY-8 un /, It:.fe the mounlalns, huntlns and visit- I onll, R Falr- Out 'O( thl' meeting rllme con- Nr 'l" Chlh h ' , Alpcncade were named last week lowed by covered dish supper at I •• "'T . t th 1 tl rk inR 10jtRing campe whIch supplied I :m IX: of oswe. crete plnn,l tor developmcnt of the aon 15 mDi. on * ."ua UI. • •• by the Chamber ot Commerce. I Vic Lamb home; at Gleneoe 7:30 v tram New Mexlc:o'l a1 the mUl:$ with Umber. lfIs em- Fu:eral 1 1 eldvt'fuescla( Y M M pr:oJrct..,.wllh Kicl Donnell named PI ..... It I .......... ., They! Include J«'oUPI to handle the I p. m., Oct. 3. II tf dis .... t -\, t1 Sid othe "en- ployeell all were hlilh In unern !ler C'CI! or TIl. ar- Jlencrnl rhalnnnn, IImt Paul .oror •• .&ex- rouUbg ot the Aspeneade: Itilb][ns Sept. 3o-Glencoo 51. Anne 80 conlCrvl on .ue a "rv a on er:v Cl! nn f a" , praise ot Dodson aD a bos5. Sum- shull werc eonduct«l at 2 p., m, ('reek IIIl A llllm ot about leo A. & M. Colle"., Lu Crucel, ot bol'ftl for the rldlnl club.; I EplJl:opal c: hur c h "membership that conservation accomplishments I clM, providing llBJlstnnee to ta"::d mary of mOIl ot the men'fI remarks Tuclldny In Hall anI ('tlnpe1In Ros- $5.000 III 10 l'{' ralced hrrl'. either have beert.Atheae ;Incoln preparation ot food and Itrvln.; steak fry, 7 p. m. '.. ..1;'1 and ranfbcTfJ In a _ I was that "lhere never WOll 11 bet- well b\' Dr, Austin }I. Dillon. in IIr 1ft r:nodlJ ,'n I errvlct'llJ studentr, mey avey. Piclc 0'1 the prelfentatioo ot a lQua", dlnce Community choir meets eteh H' "tal G t earr.t.lne 0\1 '&: tin wa er con I tcr man to work tor," Ml'thodlst mlnls\(lr. 10 l'llIl1Illrtr- 1I1l' Gcncrlll exhibition al entertainment dUrlnl tlrst and third Monday nJ,ht in' OSpl es ItA",t tlOilon Pl.'th lC CS J ., 11 b He and MI'll. DodSon moved h;re I "fThlerclwl elr l " IlPCclalllOnl:lI R b y ld Mrll EIC\'tne Will ll(llllp Ihe two-bt'd- •••N M ._- '5t tel the meal. and other detal1J. I hilt! school band hall. . mon,. II mil or accomp s - f Okl ho 0 bo t tou ' .. ar n u nOoney 01 u 0f0' room {'lIbln wllh nn nll.t'!cctrlc w a 30 II Quea NIZlle4 Benlol' Girl Scouts meet each $1 595 99 Check mdletlnta int dl.trlct was tthO IB t urlal was III SoUlh Park ('enle·' klMwn. with 1II1pllnun ii Qur)J all n ar "'L II _ h S Underway In the hIgh school Is Tue.day after school, place to be on 0 new co-opera ors, 0- 1Il lth th I he v' Th ,er,v, hot wuter healt'r. IltO\'C. dlsllwRlIh- contestants. ooe was t er tra-I In Aspencllthl Queen contest, with' announctd. , taUnK 1,855,0('1 IIcres. At present 1I11W m w r nep \. ex; " l'nllbcarcrll w'crc T Amont-U, er. dr,vi!r. uarbillt(' dlllposlIl unit. ;y, Anit hO ,YlN Jo dUlleS Jl.D'drtnaUng a cllndldale tOI "n F D there nro 12.217 farmers nnd I lrJer th tbl i ('ecil Amlerr.on. ()tl!l Brenneman, rt'Crlltrrn1or. IOMlrr. ,Pt'r- { alrle onree, from be ae1eeted by sreatest rom owns ranchers, with over 211,000,000 l 0 el(I Fn}'t-lle D:avlt:on. F. Grnnt KI.'.)'II cololor. etr, wlnl'll will total $2.200 11 crose •• ,• c salo ot chuckwllcon dinner tickets. GRIDDERS '. . acres of land, with, .. rm mv sown n\ I and Amo!l Monk. .. iterlt (;Ifill of plumbing tixturts, G d .. d* G ... d The ,andldate.s and the c11.11t. I Manager Wado KinK Q.t Ruidoso- the dlltricts. SoU Coru:ervatlon: lltrret fro.m!tll DOlnlt tOt othert.l terrocil h) be IImlllmlt m:t!l'u.lb•. wlrlns:, mn PII an rlln . rna . they Tepruent Ilrot· I "Hondo Vn]Jey Genera) Hospital Service tcchnlc/allll bnve complel- or er " , ,; Ihe' rodl' {)( Mrn Mnrohnll'!l IItt'. ;lf(' 10 he t!ouf.1ht tor thl.' hume nnd Bl1110 Clllrke and tbo. G. B. G.11 Freshmen. I PLAY HERE i lant week n check for I cd com:ervntfon plaM lind 11.377 i hDodtOJ! it! by hi!! wilttc: I ror durmu thc t!('/uC'r.!Ilon whih' lAlt'al ('Iullt EllthUlllutio Waltrlps nro doing fine. tho report Janel SalYei Sophomorcll. II $1 595!1ll frotn Geno llen111ey ot di::trlet cooperatoro' farm!! nud. w 0 It! \,ery ac \i(' In commull J Ii Hvmf! In l)elroll. r.hl' wnt! lmown WI I d' h sayll, fol!er ....lns: Ihe birth of a son Abra oOod.On, Juniors. nuldo;o Downa All roct'Cd!l irom I rancheD to dnte. with II totnl ot nttalrll M,re, und two co nil. j 10 ha;,,(' many tnmiht'!l . t Ii' cOlltl.'::l. i e:l. WI! to the E/:cll Jr., Sept. 21'1 Mnrvellc Struve, Seniors. l ,. the ecrond annual 6'harlty Dny at 20.830,240 neren. Tcchnlcal :md tlonnle. Th(' b\!dr wnn in I\c{'(1. Oil(' d her Mt!'l \Va!l . tho W'arr ,thl' , Thr. baby wall named nrontlOn. THIS WEEK "Ibe race lroelt on Aun. 10 thl!! nnco la provided to. thecl' ro'<IJ)- to Olduhor.na. f'ath t111!\ :\cclt, 10 buy a wh('('l (lImr (lit II clnlcr :ll W.i.1 pc, . cor! Ezell. The young couple is now at y th M• Lulll year prorcedD from the ernlorll in clltnbUnhlllfi concer\'n- whcm.' membrl'll ot tho famih nntl In (,wt Ihr chrck lllll' W(otf' III the I.llllI J .m.llInlo. (' 1I1!l In l'fl:t " While Snpdl.l ProvIng Grounds, N.. on eeting! . D'lY tit>Url1. tha ho:;pltal: tlon lit nIdI' rcque!\t. ('10;:(1 friend!! (mm hrt'l' !1t'1,1 tltlnl l.mm,'nt tm It \\()!l losl (her!, lI,lt'hllC", mOlllh; M •••• U. too lote to Ite tho realI, I The nuldoso WlrtlOff P1.aY' tbetr; bolt!!r th:m $3,100, Kmg flald. but through thO loenl eon!X'rvntlwA"t!lg- fUCli CIt n, r.mall wlt(l(' .. AI\(' f,ll!lInl. It Wllll nnlt'mlX'recl mct Iml.,;!, beauty lit tho plllct!. but it Wnl.l n! TBIR ·d tirst home cGntet'C1lro name here. j In the IDJ4 totnl WC[(ltllveral lart:e' trieltl, , Iwl arown up O!i ,u TlllOllrh thl' warn,"f,}IC' h,ulllrovcd nQI!I, ,lml r.,lllll'd e .. jot to when n11 too nOWelt'lJ I 0 en UI 050 Ilhlfl nltcrnoon nt 1:30 on Wnrrlor donat/on!) rnC'e horto ownerD! Durilll! 1M lont 12 monthD. i broth('rn !1I111 11m l' nmh a itOI' tutllli I.. m tn.ttl\' WO, IIL •. Ilf \\ were In bloom at the Roy Plor'" i'Je%d. Oppnnent!l ore the Coplton: who coutrlbut(ld purtell theY won, Youna J'('port!i tJrmrl'1l llIul rrmeh- oIl lit,:lIlt! In OI.lol1mrm •• Uf\ I ... Cit , 1,1('. Ihal Wllfll n!tl' lin JITll' III uml Ill, n. , I, :', " .: 1, Texaco Stntlon IIU nlaog tho ttt .. ! 0 t b 19 C)f\ TJIl<:t'll. The Warrlorll thllt day to th(l 11OElpitol Thin year's 'I em have IWclcd 21 !l11 nl.'r<'!l ot l}(lllnol), nil -.ltc' 11:100:0/ nn. ell(! WW) H'me m. ""111.1 Ill,' m'. I. ..W.I. 'ft.1 I' in .... * I C o,er -l.U· won thrce ntrnlllhl," coo g !tiltg came fram cnte n;cclpt!.l, nU! tnrm land. dC'\'l'lop(.ll 4D7 lltork It Dyd!:(JnFt l t S n ll ?{ IInnJ wllh nn (J\'t"twh( IItllll' :::'11:1'1.1, II :) ,( 1','111,'" : ',; .., n to nenc 10r thClr 0 P!! l'U4'!ldlot which were tllv{'n tile hospital. ponl1!1 and lJprm!t!!. roMtru('tcd 321l Ull 0::0 rll :lp.. IU',' I I H u! r.\ ffl 1m til \< ':lfd", &lltl!> lIll I .• 1: ' i.. d " Bear hunting news. Droi,hcr A. quorterly of Ihe Third rho Til,'efll 10:l1 n elate on 0 Cllr- and trom cC\,('f:ll lIIdivldunl!l, nnd irrl oUon ond!!. 0.205 1'0nsrul<,d, to bt> Llfllhd.llr (ur "I'WH£'. lit'l lli!M' hl'll' o:m1 1\11 r; "'I;!c' til, ,,11::';1 " 'MiUer and Hcmry. Jockt'On went" JUllicinl District C{)nlert!ncc on. rlIDZO.' 6.0, ddeat<'d F.t.tanc1n 12. i the Down!l Ir.mJh lltwrlurrlJ. built I!Ulllm:il. vlliatle III IhC' }o';lil'blllk L:lIll II"I! ',I It,.IN,\ huJ lilt: .'1::1'111 , , hcor hunUn/.t Tuesday n thllJ Gw«k. Youlh hall bc<!n cnllCd by Judxe, to ., and lo!)t week w('nt dm"n by Thn coni (If 011 tbo adve[U!lin/:" 230 mllrt! of diltt.'3 nml ,htchr;), 1m- l,mt \'l\l:JZ:t.' ('1(('hem .lIlll 1)'(IUnl n II 'II( h u n'.'.)l "nlt.unt I.f I ;:r n If '".WI r! 'A! On Tuetl1av nttemeo eorgo, W. T. Scoggin, It III to be heldtn" onn TO to Tatum, 7-0, i nnd println" of tickets for thai C!d 403 241 fcrt ot lrrittatlon hlflt(l vole kItHIIll'!:!! IhUIIlJ.t llll' 11111(''1'1 nn,l ;UIIII .Ii.,,, onll ( Fuehg mul Vf· A. Hart went lH!ar RUldO!lo cn,Odobet' 19 and 20. The! Thl!r will be the lalll home Charity Day wn!! oorne by the I ditt:heg.'fonntruct<'d 523 ml!l'') ot 111' hr:d dmlh. ot Mw M.II' h.1ll "iic !clt F1lon! AU \\1'1 ' ,.t l It:" hunUng. We ro awolUng a report, prORl'om !oUowa: I pcarllnce lor thc Worrlorn until 'I'DownS. . IrrigatIOn dltdl('!i. lalll 293.1112 (rei thl' 1.,10110 ( Itlb In llir e "uti II thalll(!! JII!l1 I'· G .J1"lt. trom both pnl1iClJ, "j I Wednesday, ()(:t. 19-:1:30 p. m' the tinol gamc SaturdllY. Od. 29, ,= of irrlr::IIIO Il pipe roMh!lrt- AmI m: 1,101I1I(,!l In 1I1l'. lUU who \\10111:1 1101 tin IW.lllC' '10 nllu I, IlILI'II" Ih" .E ill- ,* ... I ,-Panel comprising 111gb SChool, with Corona. 5-1) Djy ig Dce. t. led 102 milen of trrf(I(('!l. r.<:('<lI'II Illnnncll In uHcn't Ita' IUlll'l:l1 In \\hal da' w:lIllC'.l to t.. 1Y ill l('turn (/I "11<1, n.lld ,J 1 .... (• ('XHU' neW First Chrilllan,stude:nl!l trom Lincoln County onJ _ . . r a - 11.022 rl.'S of rangl'. 41."5 O('rt'll ()klnhr.mrl Ih,: Boll till t1;e' m mll'lrul I'Xllft'llSWM o! hV(l M'.'re ,IUillIUJ ,Eul!or VIr Church h" let Od. 23 n!I the final, cxtsUng )'outh In tlx!lr1i R - At U · C ti- fI rl:led weu' "('C'drd Allam!! Son (.01111- Il1v(' IImt W1.'U' 1«'elVNl I,mnh. Mr. u,11 l>!rll ')('rry EMlrr. dott! 1M receiving cbartet mem- home area. I o-anng om ranlum orpora on lurrO\yeil il2.710 nCf('!!:;; son!!. Mull Adams. Jt'l 1.UU1"o, l'lttO' ,. ,- _ ., - .. Mr .In I Mill (luI Janr.en, .and lH!1'l'J, The deadline waf n«e.ss:a r1 ,. :J p m.-It«!port (In tho re::eareh l 1 ted r.a 315 acrell on Ihe ('on-' Wilron. It. J ·I>mlsnn. B" MlldeltnC' Undlelg, mana"er to allow time tor printing n PJ'O'o survey of provision/: tor )'Quth ne-I S U Hd IR -d I out bru"h ('Mhol on wm. BIIIII' nn ... nnd l.<'w.1I ('oban L ryuens uy II( the loral ('hnmlwr ot Com- (rllm tor Il doolcntory' t;t!rv1ce (In ,Uvltlcs for :East Lincoli} County ets p ea quarter n UI oS'O 24 410 oeres '11Ilt Improo:rd watc>r nllil 1.<'(' Wunhrrh' Thl9 11'.1 lJ not mrli'(' oct. 30. orticlal11 state•••• by the studenUl of t'\'Ic:lo1ogy closses" _ IOPf/lll'utilin en 30.222 arm\! omi ir-:I eempletl' by nll\' mrara hilt u'p-, ED· .,S . tlU' IhHI' oUlt·.ub. Mondoy 'ft from RUidoso ond Hond(l. I A hew corporation recently wta I HenrI.' Mountnillll Gnrfield Coun- ri$taU(lfi wnter manar.eml'nt on 15.- Mr. rnb Ihosc 119 n'Jlflrlnt,. ttl Ihl' lott store mur nl/ll,l \ ll'W'{,1 (I lot tho I.Iunn n . 7 p. m.-Dt. 1.. 1.. Ct\.mtm, Sod-" chartered tn New Mexico, with I ty. Utab. and this was the baSI!!' 305 ocrell. ' u c:we 0\ Jjrt'll:, 1l1!1(1 lall' n : ('lu " hn'J 1)1('11<1(':1 !o buy. and ('0 e. n fl oun Sll1e o}Ogist, on Juvl!n11t! delmq!1ency l'I!J Rutde!llJ as he:uJqullrters. "lor the corf/OrnUon nnd nnme. I Th(' Soil COD!:erwlt!oll St'l"Vlfe day _ __ N P t -1fi 11., Wllq lIlII!ubie It .Is 10- s7ite Shop thn' Sat-: 1• to _! The Roaring Atom Uronlum, SjfiCti. that time. however. till! ror- nl!:o l'o-llr;ernlt'.\1 with lhe S:lllta:' T lh' Of C t ear os UI ce . JU!ktU!r, Drive lin rd I u ny, ,• a. m' u Corporation W:lS Illcorporakd un-' Jlorahon has ogrl'cd (0 Fe-S:mdovnl Gnd Ihl' Upper Iton- 'Ion oun y I , f rtl', 1'..11.11;\ <; I,mI'll arm. tl u ay. 0 •• * ** Panel compri!liltg ot der the laws of New 1\texleo. hav-", the "ther lwe>-hUrtls workmtt In- do SOil n ",slurls m l , V On Am d Atu:Ill111('('ffirtll \\'(1" m:Hlt' lIus Ita' "rlghl mlmml !It Mt V\JC Jack M ek h s rve::l Ruidoso bJgb m the Tlnrd JUdlcml iuft bten t!rnntel! a dlol'tt.'r Aug. teres! so It now owns seo:enl)'. lontu n a onl rarrying 09t otes . en men!s ,\('f-I! ut 1111' JJ!lh'h:lc.l' Iov Mr nnd Ih,1;p·ha Thr:1!tC" (Jlv walrr jJl J c:llY lIctman, "Wl!at Youth .. Is Doing to. 16, 1955. The lotol CllpUoli:wtlon eis:ht Jl('rttnt t\f the whale prote('lhm III tilt' VI- Onl\ flrl' !n,'11 ·r lIn' n,anl ... ·,. M." ".!q, , 11i("III!trcsI ol/mlah!l' olld Ihl' hi! vllry d fh w m:ltty for Prm;ellt Dcllr.qucncy, 1: . Is 25.000 lIbt1res ot rommon The Atomic Energy Commission I einit\' o( llt'rntlltllo nnd thr CliO r-hu.h1r volm!! s!u tWtC H p. ,,( .J.., II aral FIHfI'IYI' F.lhh.t III hllll' !rHI'na (co! -, 115 ttt('!lell or of gnd vUlt! e bj-bls ab!e t ' 11 a. m.-Dr. Jomu • Slerm.cr, with no p:1r '\111lul!. with the men hove ltlspt'e!ed tbe ore 'r 'J!lOnlto nntl UUI:!O!:O wnlt'r- til Ihl' ('rC'f!l'1l ""I's:!.l'1' lit HII" dr1(' Flb,-\'" 'fN'-, Tl \'1 U l!l ;11 ;) m jjt llan:U'ng of tlte joJ leaVetl thi!l Analysig of tcst on delln- g:mizers llelllit n, V. ObCrJlO1tzer on Copper Crc-f.'1c nnll according to: :hens A brae (1001lw;)t('r ",'arda- Ia... /.1'1 Oil( orr:,,: 4mn:t'l {" an n", /11 r .• "U,!'C' I" .It lI'I r'tll'!,'rn 11m>! \ ... !!l IIlIUhty week!ald. fot' Upton County. Tex.. quen,t Jt!rJs.. ' nnd Jessie D. ot . their lllutcmt'nt!l they o.re or the dam (It 1(19.oolJ {,!Ih;c yards, tlte Atn!(\ on,1 HI 0 1 1 :l' ))''1','. W II'\'I' J,Hll • III': 1'( II h .)1; " \," t·. , 'he atljJl't'nl where he hns SECured a job as 11' 2 p. m.-A1u1t pnne! rCilptm!:@ RUidozo. and C. E. Ol)inilln tlml it will c'nrry thrcuqb. prc,lcc!UltI Ute nr)rth o( UrI'- !lI1:pltal t(-vv in '''I' ("Ulll)! 511'1'IJI1I1 n.J'.lt\;J1l' & FWN"Ut' til Il? ,II,' 'oll ,. ,r;.,' ol'.",.1Nl' , sheriff. His pet hobby i9 toproblllm!1 t;SUlb1fshed by YGuth. erholl.2er. ot.l\tuUand, !('XM. With Om) test nt ore. t!tnt thev {Mk, nalll!o (arm lonfl ana. wn0 Amcndrr;fnt Nf! 1 1"$! 1·\' 011:1' \,!I' tor 1 UHr(! (rl'dll T,. Itt' C.t\'l'n Alt Aid rnlsin'" "urebred CoUlM. ,•• U Day sessicm are to be held ot lIub1icutu::!l at notIce appear- . trom the fnct!. rnn l,gs unll that ned nna Ct'llllract was Irt ! y Ihl' Amw<Jrr;rnt rm G lu!!t J,ll IO!) ,I ''O(' I ,u;' \e:1 hNr flmd .. o:" r.lm!; (,'onlrlu- .... *' * *' fl the Pul!bto Theatre in RuJdO'!lo nnd 109: in the RUidoso News S(>pl. 23., ot tlte on Ihe ground below i Soil SC"r\'Jct' ThIs w.!c e . on,1 tlU' hI 'Ill" I Irv" P:i':'.f',1 "pf'f:»!rr! t.. r .I tl,"'! lot fi I·, (,lI! Uhfllt to U:l' ('Sf't tlt.n 'I( the Imm(' Wol1c:tl'lg an a new b!eacher sec· : the night session at the Grade 1955, the firm is now In the tOtC rnn 63: 'Nevt!rtl1elel:s It linin wa; C(,Mp!ett'il In AU!t'1J1. l'lI:l 1Il..t)"filr. "11(',., lm!v's Ilc,I'. r I Will t r Ulwn I 1(' DI! m ,1·II.'('ltl'llll: tton at W.arrior Field Wedne,>:lay I School Cafe!uia. "business, As it!J nam,e Jmp1res, lis jg llot the intenllort at Ihe Cor-I Forty-one tarce enrth st:Jlllhzll111 vo!,nrr on I'arla IIHr,,' ,lIn lq g ... "n t1n,:n.;, Ie Nt> .'1'1: OIl" f" rI of lo\lnll;I'1 klll.L ml'l!I!hna"it SIWl aftt!rnoon' for- tho Quarterback :Members of school faculties in ptlnFipal Will be' that of ti p,rotian to market ore ct that If'S! slrui:tures wcr<' plannrc1 1m!! (llm- lx·low: . bl <' '''''j < ',I' '.IJ 'i' , ",,, It Ir( " ·t" ,,'(' An' p4'l1·hnltc: on sev. Club were Jakc Hnl(!y, W. 1.. d the are urged 10 attend mlnmg uranIum, " i 1'Jg II is it is mr.re prom-" ple!ed in the trppt't RIO lkll:(I 1,<'.mg!atIVft rt\Ip/IJlrli',rn:q-,1. (Im."!(' '!'f'!, ma. I' :" "'r') ,m'l 1'1 ... 1 \', ( i:,1 r' .!n 11 ""1" to nwnrdin:: Brion, nen Danathan. J. F. Lackey. these meeting!. On July 15. 19'15, n. V, i obII' to m:uJrel .35 to ,50 e!e. I W'o!{,l'shC'd l'lst year. l'aJ:s!rt!cllon ('N" 1) - FI.r 2.12 lIl:tJlllcl 233 II n;"', 11 ,I' k (\ til I};\, II, n'p t" ttl' n wrllner. Cy Leland. Jr .• Harry arA: r' , holl2er a on('-thmi All ot the steck nUI!Jorized soId wortt was curried cuI umlC"f {'on- AIlr.rntcc Dalldinq rNII 2l .•w,1 ": :l!tfll h. '!I' '0 , ... :11 httl lit I (' Ill" V.IH1 () emal! nn employee ot G. D. Wu1t1'lp·s. '1 COUR':' DA'I'E SET ,,' working 111 three uopat-. hen subsl'rlJ..-d om! p:lH III 'rart on(i Jlupl'r\,ist.'ll by Ihe SOIl Fnr 290. nt!oinst 113 . f,un' \1.1' r;kd: " r;r,. , II:, II t f'(, t' III n,,;. I., r. I [J , lUI' .tonl' (und, ... * .. plsltlcl Judge. W. T., S"cgg;n looe IJilnsng clniJng, known The Yt'fMinil'l! \'.Ilil not I'E' wId un- Sl'rvlre. Sln!e H:nhwo ... ('/)mmi.<:!!illf! 'NIt JftlNltl.l til'" ,J.f ,: t.I.t ,'I' L. n p, . ,. '!" d' b, -!ileal Ttl('tn!- 'I'hi5 is: Soii Conservation Month.' will hold COUtt ill CdrflZOto on l1!l Ihe CatolulO. und Roor· ,l(lS1 lhe minlll,lt, np('rolion becoml's Thrf'C small wu!crched project,; 3) _,F(,r 269. 194, rli'.t Ihl' ru,,:c.rfu r . ,,': . l'le ,I t\ ,,' , It II .'..... li;(' O. The most successful way to save !dd.3!, ,. _ Copper Creek, in . l':rttrr Ih:ll1 (l1'l!irlp1ted in !tav(' teen llilProvl'd tor plnnn/'ll:: C!lnlrnl and Marlll'!c:m('nt lit ....he Elliott'! pinn '0 ,'nHJ:Ili' !f,l.:tl- n. ,; , , '1 ('h of and "bUild·tho soU is by group i '.u - :: . I It'v,,nt it ...... ill h:! neeessar.'! for on tl!:9istorlcc undl!r PUblic l,:-aw :-'I:G, Slate Inotilulions (No 4) .. }'iJr m"kmn1hClr lwmr wllmd"sll. J,'I' (', II;lO,('!'f'. !!tl;" ',. 1,1:'1:'1 {Iub tllltt lltt the Jl3rt of farmers join",! I . AS 0 GO :. MAN :, ndtli!t:;llnl offerlnr.. ThCSl! projel'!s ore Iht' Dillltl Ana 2CG. against 1M. {)ry.:Nl s:II!1 hI' \tW, in!, ·t!w!l. l.ul oM JIm I' tl ·11t::!,;" \' .. IIl'1.' Hohlry Ing with their neighbOrs to undet- LAN 1:-., ,. '_ l I In COpper Creek caovon walt Arroyo. the 1tntch VallI'\' Slale find Ihc·. IInvr n!,! c(\I:J(>I1 .,(' "n wllJt Club ",til t!pl ,'"'' he f, r mq:o,lallec tllke gtOUll soil conservation prO"' ,,-" . I thero Is lin outcropping of hiGh Prajt::ct :ltld the Upper tHo Pen:lJl- Board!! (al=For 263'. 11l!alns! HlO. . h'lle! Ih('.v m" .... no mlo. III ('[Cl"Wn 'hf' hi fl1l' III 1h:t.1 rom- j;lrllms. OUR SOlLt S 0 Un. #!.\! I:l'odt' uranium Wilh lls.f(lngth ot eo. The worK plnn for tlte Hoteh Rl'l!ulntlon flnd ('otllml o( Itub.· Rh. ultl tllry r('lurn I', !la' tH'lI! rnll': f.IUlll':!)W\ nrm"llrll'!IWIl! STRENGTH. Let's protect It .1 i nenr tlOe hundred teet and varies VlIl!ey Arroyos Is Maring comple- lic Utilitles.=For 1111. lliiaillst 200•• trade, Hflrsln:l. ;' w. 0 sound eonscntation _ .... __. . _. Irt_wlilUdrnm nojhinrt t6 l1PPI:Md•• north-- __ __ _ . ...••_. _" _ 1.lncllJn County lln<:pllfll f.f'v,v, '=: ." - __ . '0 -_.. _ _ nrr.,}lf:l.t _' t hl') "_H, ... "!;! 1:._<, .tIt _ ) tleu. 1..D.C'1!". ':' '1:" " i n\1le ,," tour feet In thickness. Thill During the P:ist $'Nlt, New 'Krc,,- Fot 298. llgaillst 111. , EjifscoparBiiliop -:-LUliI Hit. $:1:'1 Il" \:lr.,t 11"'11- - , ._•• V·.H " ," :/ . 'IWj' ... "!" " l Ioutcrop is upon the ('ammon line leo gained nn addition'll soli (On- 4_' V. <(>VC' ,11 !;!l:<<; .n !!I1' 11(' III· S "-'eet Pavm· g, .y- ,. ""'ween Ihe Atom and sctVatlon dislrlct. the Soli To Draw Plan" t To ISlt Churches hII';' t/l 9{'1' h(/w !hl' ('ong!llIl'llCllI .u // ..,. •. 1 , Nellieg elaiffi.'l alld M to its depth Conservntlon District, cot\slstlna ot I L" .... C 1 po":!,, III \\.lq II'f·!!rf'<ornl1. ,'II 1 to Project At capitan f, /,;, 'd, . / '. c 11\10 Ihe mounloln w6uld bt! nnyv; G7S,76lJ ncres. Fourtecrt tarmerg For Courthouse 1 n IncOln oun Y l)CS;[)! in <OJ·me IICUJ Ietrl!l which ,. ...&... Slu· ... 0 .. '" /. ,% W w fZ"1!7fl;"i ."J/ I body's guess, the owm.rS SIlY· How.: and rnuchCrll, with a total of 392,. I Mexlro-Wcsl. 'T('x'1!l Dll!' fIIav nrl<c. He liWtlS n l'r1hn in \oo:ntq .. .LW ' - 7i7;A ..,. / pvrr, on the ..k end tr thet<! two; signed up with the fleW ImJ)rovements I !'eSc Will V!Slt nUllloso Im.l cr frefluent week» . Santa Fe (Spl.)-The Sate 1--_ .......... '7."!'" "'/...... . 1/, _•:If' ,. '.,V ., , . e1:llms or n tIIstllnce ot approxl.. ; Jemez. DIstrIct during the year for, Followina II lenllthv discussion the Ihr('i' E/'ll9Cop::t1 dlUrrh('g in (;/I(I(ll·. ,lOrt r,pentl!l tt1Ul.'h of his 'IIa- Higbway CotrIorl\1U1<>n bd apptil'l- 'I >; >t "",-0 . 1\'\ntety twelve hundred teet there technical In carrying In Cnrrlt.oio last week bY' inter •. LI.ncoln ('ounty <,arly weC'k, cJ!illn time nlto. ed state participation Itt projects . " ;1W rJJ..,1 lis. an ouluopplna. ot ore out conservation work ott their I ested citizens, members ot 11 I WIth n. schcdulr at O!l. LIIlJl!! Ask (llmmunlb' lIelp . at Belell; SOCOrro, ClII;ttOn, :fana .' <r1' 'I With Ii lC!ngth of 1ltt\1' feet tbat hall ,nnd rancb.cs. Several ather, <.'ial Courthouse Comml!- Spt'ilkint: lor the 1,101\11 Club.' RO$a and capltaIl,.J 1I11 I' T... been ThIS outcropping ndd1UoM to diStncts. totaling 409,M! t(!i! nnd the Llntoln County Donrd Ft, Sianton Chap,el ot Our \\'11I1'h will £'(;ck to $1,500 In In caPitan, about $30,000 w.s· ':I' 1'It'*F. Is Upon the same level as that on 89:1 acres were mnde last y.enr to! 01 Commissioners. It was decllled t1remcr to (J ni. Sundav. Oct, 2. lice T.f'X( (I'W w«ckll (or the lot approved tdr pavlnl Llricoln lIhd r "'.. ". l, , I Copper Crelk side !lntl should the the Caballo, I«?r\d1jn, Salado, So.. bv tM bonrd 10 hovl! ntnnl1 drnwn nuldoso Holy Mount pure'h(lse•. Horte'll. Ph,llips lind Firth S1reets.. A bridge \lint be In- Ii fll ,..' ,. " "f Ore carry through the mountain eorro. tlnd Tljerl'l!J SolI ConsetVa»' fDr on lldequate ctlurth(lu.Ge addl,:] Church nt 5 p, m. wMn confltf!ln- C't'ct'k saj'l the "lub would an- , eluded Itt the project. if.;i\\ .Jr' ,;y:... .",y thllt should·be n major strike. I t1lltt Districts. Addftlonal acreage: tlon til replace lhe ofd portion (If'! thm /iCl"Vlrt's lie lIl'ld. llnd 51. nounN' money raisin!: p'roje<:ts , ., •• 1 I The Corporation has built. tfu'J II: expected to be made this :;Ctll' I the present bul1dina, tlnd 10 con. i Aline, Glencoe, 7.30 p. m. lli,m!l .... tinting Ihe comtrnln.. Mrs. Carl dffi!Il has been re- \\ .. road it) the mine but It takell II. In a nlUrtber ol other districts. torm to the new annllx in elcl1?rlor Oct. 3. In Ru!doso, {ollowlng Ihe I'v t(, !n tho eClor!. eelvitltC mediCal attcntion "at a! .. If, f .tour wheel drlve .. to 'make I @- '=@._, and lnlerinr 'anel design. 1 5 p. m. t('rvlce!!, members lind nilta (,( wiring. m:llerialll and !taswell h6SpU1l11ot severa} days, " the gtad«!. which in two pltiees w11l •. J. G. M(lc)re, former. Llnl.'oln I of th<.> church w1l1 gather. paint. cement blockS it . She ig reported u imptoving, run 40 del.rees. It halt a . I County Clerk. prcsented tlll\lrerl :'llt thl! VIc Lamb residence (or 0 ncp'lt' i. ,,,oflng: and some labor M ',,,.. - "-' - _ I .... , ""'.... .' wbleh. to pulJ ore, DO YOU KNOW i on the t:u. lev.v neccssary to fl-l covC"re<1 _=_ I weI! 0'18100 In havo .already ....... It f \ l\\. ''R. tl'Uckll, upon 1he tnOuntain and,· , , nonce thtl t'l:>urthoU!le constructlon'l : .' _.. oo(ln pledged. llonnt'll 1n Ob5ervesatety Lam I - _"!JJI u :;. also, ta brake the 1I'ladt!d .truek THIS" ! Ulllnjf II $350.000 bond issue all tI' Mrl!. W. D. Horton llnd SOM. the rnt'rtinr:, O,th()lrl wlshlnx to on Martll Ulta14... . ;,,,; --: "" gride. It flu thl! neceuar,y ",.s; 1: .... ... lilturl', It would tc!r.julre II tax ot' were vlsUlnlC hllr In MId-' 1 have l'l part ill one of Ihe gtC'ltt!M Ha4 COmpietri . :::r-. I Tnmlng eqU1prhent to start work lllf ..' . per $1000 llssesllecl itolUQ- Jond candy thlll . \ advertlllinlt Ideas ever ott£lred Itul· TWo'ttA1lS . /i +' TRAFFIC LAW? lax would' grodually dropl [-:-w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l· l : WlUto.i & Traffic Death I ., ; but IlIlIy defer mlrtlng opctatlOI1ll over thill' 'J)CrJod of 1'1 year; .. __ .. bet tit Cummllrce 01' aUY ffierobet' Now i.et'. Hake It 1 ';;J. t until It ran have Borne eXJ)torltol'f It Is l l6 mOVe 'IL ve- t'julrt!d tl'1 .ervfc(l the bond •• nt tl 22 82 .00 ,ot committee. 'th, OJ} com .. . .,,! work done to determine lhe,coUrsl! hide Or vthlele! .that have. been intere.t ritl!! of 2% 23 72 3a 'l't. p:my ill contemplaUhjf livlrt, jpe. 1.000 DAYS '. J or the />te. "" involved ilJ." Ul'Itll .. j)bIceThtl counly's total nSJ!eoed valua.. 24 119 56 .23.. ('ln1 credit fo all locnt oonatlona n'. DeeD 1 . t ', .-... DUker hal cheeked the wreck? tJon al.pt'l\tl!nt b approxlmately'211 '11 48 .'10 I thrQIUth a page jn Most of our larm land Il (!llpibltl Even thoukh.lt lJ)t1 ol»b'uct ttat.. $14,000;000. 26 74 5Z .21 the locn} . it Wd " n' 3 D'· AY', S" ot profitable .an.d pmn;anent if ISh to .. nth'lr: the n ... .01. btougM out at the bmcli.M. ,I dUilf1(>Il, but land Wltf\til CIt b. u.rH ours may t part of the county ffj tbe- meeting 28 11 37 .00 i' '- " l! ."... . . r away beeomu tlfelfll. And money thtn an otIlcr.t bu' 1. arrlve(t wert'!: CoJtitt1fiilollt!r Gtorle J'UCM, Preelp.ltatlon Jlln. 1-10.65, I TO RE ..1]NION ,Iiiq ... t1eaOi ..... you wOUld make 011 ctbIW and IlY!!-! brl the You can be cited KJel llQI'ltW!1l and EtrlJnt!tt Reese, PreelpUatlOt1 this month-l.lIO.; lJ, C. Drown ot ltu.\dcllO Jut ........ lit . . IltaeJt.g09'WUh U. OUR tOUt!' totr traWc RuldOllO: Den: Sanchn. San. PI- (Jill compilM bY C. A. CUlver." alttn<!'ed a DUt)ion of ... AIl lit 'S$ . ,SOIL IS OUR STRENGTH. JoIn _W, iIG a.' ... ... ""u. tMChl. and J. P. aDd lARoy Me· weather obervtr fol" hi. (lid Army unit, Co.K Of t.M .... ' : '" ft .... " ... 1211 and W. O. Sl1retenlQ*t:.. .. at P .I 1 '. r. i l II , , ,,.. ...,..

Transcript of I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o...

Page 1: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso


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NolBry PubllcInsurance

Real Estate2830 Main Street. Ruidoso

'Phone 3345




Travel U. S. Highwa}' 70. the~..... TraU Througb·th~ ~D1e;so\llhw8lt~ to.ReaC:h Ruidoso, World',: 1d!.rgest Year..'Roun~ Mo~tP1n :Playgrouhd " .•


•,. '



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. 1





OIlP'AINTINGSOP 'l'R ~S'f . ---

.HARRIS SHELTONSummer S.ludioR......, Nl'IW Mesic.

. I'. WiD.t~Studio .,'SUI Rlllb~ond st. EI Paso. 'fOUl ~., l¢'.

, ' Printed an.d J?ublished in the' Playg.. r~~._.d_.!!.,t.~!. ,S::o:.:ut::.h~w::e=st:-..,......;.......-,..,.- -,;..........-.......-~....-....-....-Siji'R'S'CiiPTi~-'-'-"""""·;""""""""'-"'-~• ._- ~ ,~.-- SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 P.r V••r

yoL'UiiE 10, NUl'tIBER J:i RUIDOSO, "INCOl.N C;OUNTV, NEW Mex.ICO '. .' f'RIDAX, SEnE\\IBEB. 30, 1955.-v- .

·: ,; ;.. • ·0' Two More.Posse$.·' $ ',', ','; '--.---~'~~=:~=~~:=~.-' IFm~ral Is Held' GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.~OUND TOWN 1 T J'. P d ,WHAT S DOING . ...,'. ,.'~o. .) In Oklahoma ITO AlWARD MOUNTAIN CABINI'~Bv Nosev WAtPfS- I 0 OlD ara e I Lions ll~pper every Tu~sd8Y '.' . '.' ;, \, " I . IN' RUIDOSO CONTEST.' . nll!ht. CnrrJzo LQdge. 'F D.d ................................... ......... .." I A d i Rotary lu.ncheon· every Tuesday •• . I or 0 son I

Spencer Treharne, Dne-tlme Rpl- n .spenCa e nonn ~aVfl1(1 ~dl!e. I '. . Some lucky resident at WestdOilo re$ldent, and now under 1rI~ I . . I' k' RUidoso CIVIl Aid Ji:'at~~ ..E,nlt I Funeral sl)rvlces and burlIII wereIBM h II TC:l!as or Etlstern New Mexicod1ctment on tW1l counts of perjury Since publ cation m last wee s meels each 2nd and 4fh "u...uay h ld near Atoka Okll1 ThursdaY' ars a next June I will receive a $12 ()Q()in Texas reKardlng :;tatements he News of the nllmes of four Sherift's each month. '1:30 p. m'-lJrt aarp°1: I o~ this weck torE, c. (Gcne) Dod-I ess mountain cabin In Ruidoso as'themB:adrde to thbe Tisexas d Inslu/ante . t>sb:sh~~~ IJ~lr~e "tt~¥S~8gt~~~~ p P~y R;1~~:~a ~~~~n's ~ulr.' I son, 'aged 45, who WIlS found delld. d Ifrst prize In Il conlest to be con-

oa • !las e'en sue a .cense • As' 0 t' 6 N 3-M al • in his home In 'he early hours of D Satur ay duclP.d by Gerteral Electric Sup-In the $t~t~hOftCQtl~rlldotOThselkln- i ~~~o~a~~r::~~c~h~~~;gQn ~~~:. Indl~~ Catt~Gro~ers S81e:sh:~ IMonday mornln~ this week. DQd- les ply Co. In a region from Amarillo'S\U"af\t;le in • 4 S II e. • • • e ev. S d I"\-t 9 M Made N 1 . ' son was a partner with his neph- on the north to San Angelo on theCharI",. '4 Henty of St. LUke's ner on un ay, "",., rs.. - o. • ew RObert Dodson In the opera- :Bess L. Marshall, 85, slswr of south !from Abilene on the eastEpiscopal Ch\lrch ot El PaJO, who, line I!acMls, manager of tbe C. (If P,-T. A. Executive committee tlon of the sawmili at HollywoodIMrs. Harry Falrblln1l. died after to Roswell and EI Paso on theJ?rellided durIo! :communion lit St. C.. has l~ceCIVedh wog!: 10 fllior~ mhleehts ehaehlsCC'Ohnd ThlU'i~ay~Igha and the former Harris mill lit n Ions:: Illness at thl) Fairbank west. Detlllls of the CQntest, to beAnne and Holy .Mount Episcopal m:l1U~, ...e oc rlln Qun y er, g sc 00 ome ec <:0 age, -an Green Tree whlcli theY had cabin In Ruidoso Saturda~ atler. hnndled through 125 d1lalerll forChurches here last Sunday, has Itf's Posse trom Morton, Tex.. P,-T. A. membership meetlng e~ch bought ani 'recently They al~ noon. She had Jived In Roswell Generlll Electric appliances In thatbeen V!lcatronln,lt herl' tor 'llvent Rumberlltg&,bo~t2Jh:'ffol~~~ ~~rfe~hurSd8YnJght, grade school owJ1ed 1he ~lamo LU~ber & Sup. with the Fllirbanks tram 1937 to area, will be Cllrrled In a tremend-daysl w1t~.:!'-lS tl&,11)'. "ftrr Xle P~~l: alsou~fth 25 rrld:rs wui I cict ::'RUldOSO C of C. annual ply' Co, In HollywoQd. and Were 19~4{, whMen wellmoved to R~do~~ OilS advertising campaign vIalerv ce. ......IY. e wen 0 "fle"h ' 5h .- t . e at~r f A$ • d t nei h ckw gon interested wIth Frank Smith In the .. rs. llrshll WllS rear..", nuu newspapers. r/ldlo and lelevlslonbu<tucrque to .tt~ a p_rom0edUoln J:e'nd l;J~:Sh~:e~I~t W~I~e I dtl:~rcll e our a e u a ' IStephenson Hqwe. & Appllllnce in educlIICd at Lima, Ohio, leaving In eight cities of that terrlt(lry--todeparimmt.conterenee. He Is - . cgu a ta T;; SI tIc' Ity hoI t h Alamogordo and the Alamo Lum- Lima to ',work with the Slnller cost the GE company thO\lSllndll oftoir ~f tbe Wat 1exa~~ew~~~: kgrtoe:

r;'e2" lind the ~~~~'t:t :t firsFa~:f thlrJ JO~e:,s sct~l . Iber & Sup~ly I~Alafllbl.ordo. ssewlnlt ~fchlne Co., Inl~1hela;:d~ dollars, The first nnnouonement. co ocese maraz,pe, ""e the Pottale" grouP. T, H. Car.:. band' hall WA'fEa-AD. rial UI.o 1lU11 oontrtln which we Dodson and tamlly hnd been vls- he lett nger 10 go w e r ads In the daily press of that ter.,w~t Churchman. ••• I michael, Intormlng of rAte! torI Oct. 17-B. & P. W. ClUb meets. StoAuVrEofT~_ .--e,__ whl: sa live. Tho Cllaooltm. of torrenUai ,lUng trlends>sunda,y night IU1d re-I tthUr A. ~4att Co. rnd was wI~ rltory wJl1 be In full color, with*' * ." Itooms. • Oct. 15.-L1ncoln County Farm ..... _ ..n ...... .., off baa mulU fold pur turned homo at IIbout 11 o'clock, hem tor Jellr. se ng cammer IR~ld()SC! as the central theme. RUI-

Vlsltln. In the Newl office 'brief- feature. of -tbe Aspeneade this and Rnnch Bure-au annuIIl meet- served by Uso l1pPer Boa" SoU :, ':vJq w"..ter to; Uvtltock IMrs. Dodson said. She reporled clal dlnmonua. Ido);o will Jl() Included In nrlvertls,.b" Saturday wu :U().pound 'Earl, )'ear will Inclu~ the ehuckwagon, Jng, Carrizozo, , Conservation D..trit~ eUl ossU1 Ul4 Ud W cnUDc turUter her husbnnd said he must haVc In 1935 she was made supervisor Inn at all t}pell relfllrdlng the con-l\u.ueU. a Comanche Xndlan .from dlnper, tlcketl tor which are now I Oct. 2-3 to I) p. m., Ruidoso th ~ fI lIOIl W 10 0, ~v IsUn In tho drunk too much coffee, tor he of the ChUdrens Fresh AIr Camp I test-posters. co-operative dealerLawton, Okla., who hu been Uv~ on sale at $1.50 for adultll and I Woman's ClUb memorin! tea hon- provo tho worth of 0 e I 0:- ,J' an.. f 11' wasn't very sleepy. She retired•., In Cleveland where she fltayed un- • newspaper ,lids, window slllls,Inc wltlt the MeJCalero Apaches $1.00 for children, to be served at Dring Mrs, 'Ruby Morgan and Mrs. ton In cODSInlpt1u:r;hllOk~ ~ to~ thanIOU~ and at about 2 o'clock Monday til moving to Roswell, During theIfoldcrs, elc. The Advertising bar-Ilnce"lP3lS, he. said. He say. lie hal,' the end Qt tM trail, after a ride' Sydney BonneU. lit clUb house. hold back run- wa 1 • 0 e. morning she IIwoke to tind he was war sh'e WM matron o( tl)e Illrl!! ragct will run for two month!. nextnever ~n k110cked out. nor ))eat- by horseback, h.ywagon or carl· oct. 8--P,-T, A. membership • ••••• - • not In bed, and thnt n light was dormlto.rv at Holloman 'All' Force April and May.en, In more than 50 fllhts he hu Into the White Mountains. Inter- dInner, school cllfeterla, starts II burning In the bathroom. She In- Base. and l\t1er the war sbcl was G; E. Omelals Visit Hero

" had In Ultht-hellyyWelehtand denominational worlhlp services' p m. S it C tie Mak Stri·d vestlgnted finding her husbllnd emploYed as a companion at the To outline delalls ot the con~r:'Wtl~tie~~I. re wu I~ will be held just before the meal •Oct. 111-2G-Quarlerly mecUne 0 onserva on es es slumped o~er the edge of the balh- .Fletcher Ranch At Prescott, ArIz, lest, two offlclllill or C'leneral Elec~

: e en:dllbon ar unCI or ICVh

pra with the Ruidoso Baptist mlnllter, ot Third JUdicial District Conter- tub. A doctor was summoned and Mrs, MlIrshnll led II full lite he p- trle Supply Co,. :B. F. Jnmes andY"'~ an x a ,pver t e a- nev, Walter L. Brian, lPvlng a ence on Youth. da~ sesalonsln Pu- In All P . O·f N M. Ihe said Dodson had been dead for Inf! other people. She wall R mem- W. D. Clark, nnd a representativecAlq~_tetven~~tralJI1' 'lnddl!n .~rne brle! message In keeping with au~. eblo T,heatre. night meetings In arts ew eXlco ' more thnn lin hour. ber o( the Methodist Church. o( theIr lldVertlsln~ Mcncy. Dalett- e por.., 00. nc u nf e~ tumn time. A. trOPby for tho win~ school cafeteria. . . His Malh was a surprise to cv- She Is survived by two slslers, 13uckncr, nil o( LUbboek. Tex" met

Yor1r; CItY. He 11 now 42 and hun t rong rldln ou Jn the Aspen- Oct. 300-Dedlcatlon' ot First ' eryone, tor DOdson had' never com. Mrs. Hnrr Falrbllnk, wdl-}mown with .. c,pmmlltcc tram the Rotllry•

being at Lu eps, N. M., when be awarded at the spot where the EplscoJ>al BlshoJ) Klnsolvlng to In New Mexico II prOgrealn~at have nerelse co~ e~~ y t~V~ and family tltte.ted. 'nc wall an VlIn Wort. Ohio; one brother, Wal- "''rOUP!! -here In a luncheon sealonhe retired unbeaten, 'H1I daushter, meal wl11 be served. Committees' visit Ft. Stanton 10 p. m., Oct. 2; II good fate, according to R~ r~ tho provious 1eari I 1)76 dis c t I outdoorsman, enjoying hiking In IeI' Gear o( Uma. Ohio. Rnd (out noon Monda)' at NlIvnJo Lodec,tn·ltrn~~~~e~r~'kc~cJj~ handllr!g the yarloul detllils of the IHoly Mount, Oct. 2, 5 p. m., tol- t1;'eY-8un/, ~ll'&=:::~I~~ ~V:e~gr:f~r~:~(the It:.fe C:~ the mounlalns, huntlns and visit- I nbephke\~~'1 onll, R l.aw~fnce Falr- Out 'O( thl' meeting rllme con-Nr 'l" Chlh h ' , Alpcncade were named last week lowed by covered dish supper at I •• "'T . t th 1 tl rk inR 10jtRing campe whIch supplied I :m • IX: I~ of oswe. ~ crete plnn,l tor developmcnt of theaon 15 mDi.on* ."ua UI. • •• by the Chamber ot Commerce. IVic Lamb home; at Gleneoe 7:30 v ~ports tram New Mexlc:o'l a1 ~~~~ratl:nr ~Yf~~: S~?I1:gn- the mUl:$ with Umber. lfIs em- Fu:eral 1

1eldvt'fuescla(Y M M pr:oJrct..,.wllh Kicl Donnell named

PI..... ItI .......... ., They! Include J«'oUPI to handle theIp. m., Oct. 3. II tf dis.... t -\, t1 Sid othe "en- ployeell all were hlilh In t1~)t' unern !ler C'CI! or TIl. ar- a~ Jlencrnl rhalnnnn, IImt Paul~"'llnlf.oror ~••t.~ .&ex- rouUbg ot the Aspeneade: Itilb][ns Sept. 3o-Glencoo 51. Anne 80 conlCrvl on .ue a ~,ow "rva on er:v Cl! nn f a" , praise ot Dodson aD a bos5. Sum- shull werc eonduct«l at 2 p., m, ('reek IIIl trea~lIr('r A llllm ot about

leo A. & M. Colle"., Lu Crucel, ot bol'ftl for the rldlnl club.;IEplJl:opal c: h u r c h "membership that conservation accomplishments IclM, providing llBJlstnnee to ta"::d mary of mOIl ot the men'fI remarks Tuclldny In HallanI ('tlnpe1In Ros- $5.000 III 10 l'{' ralced hrrl'. eitherhave beert.Atheae ;Incoln cO\J~t:>:'preparation ot food and Itrvln.; steak fry, 7 p. m. '.. ..1;'1 and ranfbcTfJ In tan~lng a _ I was that "lhere never WOll 11 bet- well b\' Dr, Austin }I. Dillon. in c~lnh IIr 1ft r:nodlJ ,'n I errvlct'llJstudentr, mey avey. Piclc 0'1 the prelfentatioo ot a lQua", dlnce Community choir meets eteh H' "tal G t earr.t.lne 0\1 '&: tin wa er con Itcr man to work tor," Ml'thodlst mlnls\(lr. 10 l'llIl1Illrtr- 1I1l' hi1Il~(, Gcncrlll'Z:g'~tty IndL~G~~~~~;r; exhibition al entertainment dUrlnl tlrst and third Monday nJ,ht in' OSpl e s ItA",ttlOilon Pl.'thlC CS

J., 11 b He and MI'll. DodSon moved h;re I "fThlerclwlelr

l" IlPCclalllOnl:lI


ldMrll EIC\'tne Will ll(llllp Ihe two-bt'd-• • •N M ._- '5t tel the meal. and other detal1J. Ihilt! school band hall. . mon,. II mil or accomp s - f Okl ho 0 bo t tou ' .. ar n u nOoney 01 u 0f0' room {'lIbln wllh nn nll.t'!cctrlc

;n~ryC:t~w ~ne ~~botlta30 II Quea Cea~tsNIZlle4 Benlol' Girl Scouts meet each $1 595 99 Check mdletlnta int .,\~tJ dl.trlct was tthO ,cJ,.I.n~omatler ~cq~I~" l~e nol~y~g~ IBt urlal was III SoUlh Park ('enle·' klMwn. with 1II1pllnun ii Qur)J all na r "'L II _ h S Underway In the hIgh school Is Tue.day after school, place to be on 0 new co-opera ors, 0- 1Il lth th I he v' Th ,er,v, hot wuter healt'r. IltO\'C. dlsllwRlIh-

contestants. ooe was t er tra-I In Aspencllthl Queen contest, with' announctd. , • taUnK 1,855,0('1 IIcres. At present 1I11W m w ~ r nep \. ex;" l'nllbcarcrll w'crc I'~ T Amont-U, er. dr,vi!r. uarbillt(' dlllposlIl unit.;y, AnithO• TbOll1w~nner ,YlN Jo dUlleS Jl.D'drtnaUng a cllndldale tOI "n ~'Ii F D there nro 12.217 farmers nnd I lrJerl~°¥n~~ thtbl l~mo ~~m~~fJd_ i ('ecil Amlerr.on. ()tl!l Brenneman, cllbin(>t~. rt'Crlltrrn1or. IOMlrr. ,Pt'r-

{alrle onree, ~)'ear-o"4 from be ae1eeted by sreatest adva~el' rom owns ranchers, with over 211,000,000 In!~I' l ~ i~?~~f 0 el(I Fn}'t-lle D:avlt:on. F. Grnnt KI.'.)'II cololor. etr, wlnl'll will total $2.20011 crose•• , • c salo ot chuckwllcon dinner tickets. GRIDDERS '. . acres of land, co--o~ratlns: with, .. rm m v sown n \ Iand Amo!l Monk. .. iterlt (;Ifill of plumbing tixturts,

G d.. d* G ... d "'~-U The ,andldate.s and the c11.11t.I Manager Wado KinK Q.t Ruidoso- the dlltricts. SoU Coru:ervatlon: ~01;;,e 1I~:i'lo~hC lltrret fro.m!tll DOlnlt tOt othert.l terrocil h) be IImlllmlt m:t!l'u.lb•. wlrlns:, ~tc.

mn PII an rlln .rna .~ they Tepruent Ilrot· I "Hondo Vn]Jey Genera) Hospital Service tcchnlc/allll bnve complel- or er " , , ; Ihe' rodl' {)( Mrn Mnrohnll'!l IItt'. ~ ;lf(' 10 he t!ouf.1ht tor thl.' humennd Bl1110 Clllrke and tbo. G. B. G.11 :Sha~. Freshmen. I PLAY HERE ilant week r~I"'Cd n check for Icd com:ervntfon plaM lind 11.377 i hDodtOJ! it! llU~t~ I~d by hi!! wilttc: I ror durmu thc t!('/uC'r.!Ilon whih' lAlt'al ('Iullt EllthUlllutioWaltrlps nro doing fine. tho report Janel SalYei Sophomorcll. II $1 595!1ll frotn Geno llen111ey ot di::trlet cooperatoro' farm!! nud. w 0 It! \,ery ac \i(' In commull J Ii Hvmf! In l)elroll. r.hl' wnt! lmown WI I d' hsayll, fol!er....lns: Ihe birth of a son Abra oOod.On, Juniors. • nuldo;o Downa All roct'Cd!l irom IrancheD to dnte. with II totnl ot nttalrll M,re, und two conil. lIar~y j 10 ha;,,(' l~(rlcmlcd many tnmiht'!l . 1~t1 t Ii' cOlltl.'::l. i e:l. WI!to the E/:cll Clnr~. Jr., Sept. 21'1 Mnrvellc Struve, Seniors. l ,. ~ the ecrond annual 6'harlty Dny at 20.830,240 neren. Tcchnlcal 1I~!lI~I- :md tlonnle. Th(' b\!dr wnn ('ar~I(t11 in I\c{'(1. Oil(' d her Id~1 Mt!'l \Va!l . ~~I~'ltu~,r.~tlrIlE. tho W'arr ~f ,thl' ,Thr. baby wall named nrontlOn. • ~ THIS WEEK "Ibe race lroelt on Aun. 10 thl!! nnco la provided to. thecl' ro'<IJ)- to Olduhor.na. f'ath t111!\ :\cclt, 10 buy a wh('('l (lImr (lit II clnlcr :ll ~Nh ",n~,. W.i.1 O~ll pc, . cor!Ezell. The young couple is now at y th M • "~'ear Lulll year prorcedD from the ernlorll in clltnbUnhlllfi concer\'n- whcm.' membrl'll ot tho famih nntl In (,wt Ihr chrck lllll' W(otf' III the I.llllI J .m.llInlo. (' 1I1!l In l'fl:t "While Snpdl.l ProvIng Grounds, N.. on eeting! . ~bharity D'lY tit>Url1. tha ho:;pltal: tlon ~acticttl lit nIdI' rcque!\t. ('10;:(1 friend!! (mm hrt'l' !1t'1,1 tltlnl l.mm,'nt tm It \\()!l l!l~' losl (her!, \~I:~~ lI,lt'hllC", ~arhtl; !~.'I mOlllh;M•••• U. too lote to Ite tho realI, I The nuldoso WlrtlOff P1.aY' tbetr; bolt!!r th:m $3,100, Kmg flald. but through thO loenl eon!X'rvntlwA"t!lg- fUCli CIt n, r.mall ~ommllnllY wlt(l(' .. AI\(' f,ll!lInl. It Wllll nnlt'mlX'recl I~tr.~ mct _WI~.I Iml.,;!, (fl1~l.m.beauty lit tho plllct!. but it Wnl.l n! T B I R ·d tirst home cGntet'C1lro name here.

jIn the IDJ4 totnl WC[(ltllveral lart:e' trieltl, , tlodc~n Iwl arown up O!i ,u YO~!Il, TlllOllrh thl' warn,"f,}IC' h,ulllrovcd nQI!I, ,lml hl~.~1 U~I ~l~ r.,lllll'd e~r;l..

jot to ~holdwhen n11 too nOWelt'lJ I 0 e n UI 050 Ilhlfl nltcrnoon nt 1:30 on Wnrrlor donat/on!) b~' rnC'e horto ownerD! Durilll! 1M lont 12 monthD. i T.\\~ broth('rn !1I111 11m l' M~.~[" nmh a itOI' tutllli I.. m tn.ttl\' WO, IIL •.!('~'l Ilf \\ ~'.Ilt,' I~, ,~~~mr._:I1~\ ~were In bloom at the Roy Plor'" i'Je%d. Oppnnent!l ore the Coplton: who coutrlbut(ld purtell theY won, Youna J'('port!i tJrmrl'1l llIul rrmeh- oIl lit,:lIlt! In OI.lol1mrm•• Uf\ I... Cit , 1,1('. Ihal Wllfll n!tl' lin JITll' III uml ~!~t.liL Ill, n. "'I~~' ,I, :', " .: 1 ,~Texaco Stntlon IIU nlaog tho ttt.. ! 0 t b 19 C)f\ • TJIl<:t'll. The Warrlorll h~now" thllt day to th(l 11OElpitol Thin year's 'I em have IWclcd 21 !l11 nl.'r<'!l ot l}(lllnol), nil -.ltc' 11:100:0/ nn. ell(! WW) H'me m. ""111.1 Ill,' m'. I. ..W.I. 'ft.1 I'rocl'~ in ~J:l"k. .... * I C o,er -l.U· ~ won thrce ntrnlllhl," coo g 1~ !tiltg came fram cnte n;cclpt!.l, nU! tnrm land. dC'\'l'lop(.ll 4D7 lltork It Dyd!:(JnFtltSnll ~~~(I\I~~'rr ?{ Vt~ IInnJ wllh nn (J\'t"twh( lmHJr~ IItllll' :::'11:1'1.1, II .\~!t :) 1'111~' ,( 1','111,'" : ',;

.., • n~Inln to nenc 10r thClr 0 P!! l'U4'!ldlot which were tllv{'n tile hospital. ponl1!1 and lJprm!t!!. roMtru('tcd 321l Ull 0::0 rll :lp.. IU',' I I H u! r.\ ffl 1mtil \< ':lfd", &lltl!> lIll I I~ .•1: ' • i . . ~.1 d " •Bear hunting news. Droi,hcr A. quorterly ~ttngof Ihe Third rho Til,'efll 10:l1 n elate on 0 Cllr- and trom cC\,('f:ll lIIdivldunl!l, nnd irrl oUon ond!!. m~lall('d 0.205 1'0nsrul<,d, to bt> ~ Llfllhd.llr (ur "I'WH£'. lit'l lli!M' hl'll' o:m1 1\11 r; "'I;!c' til,\\"'~. ,,11::';1 ;"~ l,~ "

'MiUer and Hcmry. Jockt'On went" JUllicinl District C{)nlert!ncc on. rlIDZO.' 6.0, ddeat<'d F.t.tanc1n 12.i the Down!l j~U. I r.mJh Irrjn~tion lltwrlurrlJ. built I!Ulllm:il. vlliatle {'o~llrilmJn III IhC' }o';lil'blllk L:lIll II"I! ',I It,.IN,\ huJ lilt: .'1::1'111 ~ , 11.;lmll~l.. Jl~ ~ <!"j~ ,hcor hunUn/.t Tuesday nthllJGw«k. Youlh hall bc<!n cnllCd by Judxe, to ., and lo!)t week w('nt dm"n by Thn coni (If 011 tbo adve[U!lin/:" 230 mllrt! of diltt.'3 nml ,htchr;), 1m- l,mt \'l\l:JZ:t.' ('1(('hem .lIlll 1)'(IUnl n ~htl\~ II 'II( h u n'.'.)l "nlt.unt I.f ~:J I ;:r /'fl~t n If '".WI r! • 'A!On Tuetl1av nttemeo eorgo, W. T. Scoggin, It III to be heldtn" onn TO to Tatum, 7-0, i nnd println" of tickets for thai C!d 403 241 fcrt ot lrrittatlon hlflt(l vole • kItHIIll'!:!! IhUIIlJ.t llll' 11111(''1'1 nn,l ;UIIII '~" .Ii.,,, onll (Fuehg mul Vf· A. Hart went lH!ar RUldO!lo cn,Odobet' 19 and 20. The! Thl!r will be the lalll home n~- ~ Charity Day wn!! oorne by theIditt:heg.' fonntruct<'d 523 ml!l'') ot 111' hr:d (l1.mllJr(,1l1~~1If1r1ll'fh\ l~h dmlh. ot Mw M.II' h.1ll "iic !clt F1lon! AU \\1'1 ' Ill('-t'!l~ ,.t


hunUng. We ro awolUng a report, prORl'om !oUowa: I pcarllnce lor thc Worrlorn until 'I'DownS. . ~ IrrigatIOn dltdl('!i. lalll 293.1112 (rei thl' 1.,10110 ( Itlb In 1I\li.l(l~" llir eU~.11I1iMl)' "uti II thalll(!! JII!l1 Mntl,ll~:o ~~nr!lfl'~ }"~(( I'· G .J1"lt. •trom both pnl1iClJ, "j I Wednesday, ()(:t. 19-:1:30 p. m' the tinol gamc SaturdllY. Od. 29, ,= oo_~" of irrlr::IIIOIl pipe lit'ir~. roMh!lrt- AmI m: 1,101I1I(,!l In 1I1l'. lUU who \\10111:1 1101 tin IW.lllC' '10 ~;J:Oillr: nllu I, IlILI'II" !IL.~.:r Ih" .E ill-

• ,* ... I ,-Panel comprising 111gb SChool, with Corona. 5-1) Djy ig Dce. t. led 102 milen of trrf(I(('!l. r.<:('<lI'II Illnnncll In uHcn't Ita' IUlll'l:l1 In \\hal da' w:lIllC'.l to t..1Y ill l('turn (/I "11<1, n.lld ~Jll ,J 1....( • htjl~lt ('XHU'nuld~:Oll neW First Chrilllan,stude:nl!l trom Lincoln County onJ _ • ~ . . r a - 11.022 rl.'S of rangl'. 41."5 O('rt'll ()klnhr.mrl ~IO~ hC'rl'Wff~ Ih,: Boll till t1;e' m mll'lrul I'Xllft'llSWM o! hV(l M'.'re ,IUillIUJ ,Eul!or VIr

Church h" let Od. 23 n!I the final, cxtsUng )'outh actlvitl~ In tlx!lr1i R - At U · C ti- f I rl:led pJ~turc weu' "('C'drd Ullnl~('<l. Har~(' Allam!! Son (.01111- Il1v(' IImt W1.'U' 1«'elVNl I,mnh. Mr. u,11 l>!rll ')('rry EMlrr.dott! 1M receiving cbartet mem- home area. I o-anng om ranlum orpora on ~ont~u': lurrO\yeil il2.710 ~ nCf('!!:;; son!!. Mull Adams. Jt'l 1.UU1"o, l'lttO' ,. ,- _ ., - • ~ .. Mr .In I Mill (luI Janr.en, .andlH!1'l'J, The deadline waf n«e.ss:ar1 ,. :J p m.-It«!port (In tho re::eareh l 1 ted r.a 315 acrell on Ihe ('on-' Wilron. It. J ·I>mlsnn. 'r(lnrT'UI~-l)- ~J B" MI~ MlldeltnC' Undlelg, mana"erto allow time tor printing n PJ'O'o survey of provision/: tor )'Quth ne-I S U H d I R -d Iro~~ t,.U~j~ out bru"h ('Mhol on wm. BIIIII' nn... nnd l.<'w.1I ('oban L ryuens uy II( the loral ('hnmlwr ot Com-(rllm tor Il doolcntory' t;t!rv1ce (In ,Uvltlcs for :East Lincoli} County ets p ea quarter n UI oS'O 24 410 oeres '11Ilt Improo:rd watc>r nllil 1.<'(' Wunhrrh' Thl9 11'.1 lJ not ~ mrli'('oct. 30. orticlal11 state•••• ~r~" by the studenUl of t'\'Ic:lo1ogy closses" _ IOPf/lll'utilin en 30.222 arm\! omi ir-:I eempletl' by nll\' mrara hilt u'p-, ED· . , S . tlU' IhHI' oUlt·.ub. Mondoy~Patkcr 'ft ~:Vlng:I~t ~Irs: from RUidoso ond Hond(l. I A hew corporation recently wtaI HenrI.' Mountnillll Gnrfield Coun- ri$taU(lfi wnter manar.eml'nt on 15.- Mr.rnb Ihosc 119 n'Jlflrlnt,.ttl Ihl' lott store mur nl/ll,l \ ll'W'{,1 (I lot tho I.Iunn

tfe\'Cl'ila~ n r~(lrchanl~e . 7 p. m.-Dt. 1.. 1.. Ct\.mtm, Sod-" chartered tn New Mexico, with I ty. Utab. and this was the baSI!!' 305 ocrell. ' u c:we 0\ Jjrt'll:, 1l1!1(1 lall' n Ill'~' : ('lu" hn'J 1)1('11<1(':1 !o buy. and('0 • e. n flounA~i\'ers3 Sll1e o}Ogist, on Juvl!n11t! delmq!1ency l'I!J Rutde!llJ as he:uJqullrters. "lor the corf/OrnUon nnd nnme. I Th(' Soil COD!:erwlt!oll St'l"Vlfe day _ ~ __ ~ ~ N P t-1fi ,~tlrf(,'/ 11., Wllq lIlII!ubie It .Is 10-:rrr;frt~e:.$ s7ite Shop thn' Sat-: 1• .ft1a~~ to ~l.~'irllty, _! The Roaring Atom Uronlum, SjfiCti. that time. however. till! ror- nl!:o l'o-llr;ernlt'.\1 with lhe S:lllta:' T lh' Of C t ear os UI ce .Ilh'I!~'i, JU!ktU!r, ~t(rhhem Drive lin

rd I u ~ ny, , • a. m' uCorporation W:lS Illcorporakd un-' Jlorahon has ogrl'cd (0 purch(ls~ Fe-S:mdovnl Gnd Ihl' Upper Iton- 'Ion oun y I , f rtl', 1'..11.11;\ <; I,mI'll arm. tlu ay. 0 ••* * * Panel compri!liltg mem,~l'lI ot t~e der the laws of New 1\texleo. hav-", the "ther lwe>-hUrtls workmtt In- do SOil C~ns('f'\'aljrn ",slurls m l, V On Am d Atu:Ill111('('ffirtll \\'(1" m:Hlt' lIus Ita' "rlghl mlmml !It Mt V\JC

Jack M ek h s rve::l Ruidoso bJgb ~bool11 m the Tlnrd JUdlcml iuft bten t!rnntel! a dlol'tt.'r Aug. teres! so It now owns seo:enl)'. lontuna onl rarrying 09t wa!l.'r~ otes . en men!s ,\('f-I! ut 1111' JJ!lh'h:lc.l' Iov Mr nnd Ih,1;p·ha Thr:1!tC" (Jlv walrr jJl~wral ~nti:J c:llY lIctman, Dl.st~IH "Wl!at Youth..Is Doing to. 16, 1955. The lotol CllpUoli:wtlon eis:ht Jl('rttnt t\f the whale ~hed prote('lhm IIrn~(It;tg III tilt' VI- Onl\ flrl' !n,'11 ·r lIn' n,anl...·,. M." ".!q, ,t)~\111'11 ,.~ 11i("III!trcsI ol/mlah!l' olld Ihl' hi! ~('('''!l vllry

d fh w m:ltty f~enlU for Prm;ellt Dcllr.qucncy, 1: . Is 25.000 lIbt1res ot rommon st~k" The Atomic Energy Commission I einit\' o( llt'rntlltllo nnd thr CliO r-hu.h1r volm!! s!u 1H~lh tWtC H p. ,,( .J.., II aral FIHfI'IYI' F.lhh.t III hllll' !rHI'na (co! -, 115 ttt('!lell orofr~f gnd ~(! vUlt! e bj-bls ab!e t' 11 a. m.-Dr. Jomu • Slerm.cr, with no p:1r '\111lul!. with the or~ men hove ltlspt'e!ed tbe ore fn«,~ 'r 'J!lOnlto nntl UUI:!O!:O wnlt'r- w,(,11~r11 til Ihl' ('rC'f!l'1l ""I's:!.l'1' lit HII" dr1(' Flb,-\'" 'fN'-, ~ Tl \'1 th~ ltoU~(\ U l!l ;11 ;) m jjt p,r!ur~

llan:U'ng of tlte joJ leaVetl thi!l Analysig of tcst ~lls on delln- g:mizers llelllit n, V. ObCrJlO1tzer on Copper Crc-f.'1c nnll according to: :hens A brae (1001lw;)t('r ",'arda- Ia...• \\(~k /.1'1 Oil( orr:,,: 4mn:t'l {" an n", /11 r.•"U,!'C' I" .It lI'I r'tll'!,'rn (,~flUl' ~ 11m>! \...!!l IIlIUhty p~llr!lweek!ald. fot' Upton County. Tex.. quen,t Jt!rJs.. ' nnd Jessie D. O~rhoUzrr, ~th ot .their lllutcmt'nt!l they o.re or the tti~l~ dam (It 1(19.oolJ {,!Ih;c yards, tlte Atn!(\ (,f."S!It!I~t(m. on,1 HI 0 11:l' ))''1','. W II'\'I' J,Hll • III': ,j!.!l'~ 1'( II h .)1; ~ " \," t·. , ~ 'he atljJl't'nlwhere he hns SECured a job as 11' 2 p. m.-A1u1t pnne! rCilptm!:@ RUidozo. and t~eir ~on. C. E. ~b-" Ol)inilln tlml it will c'nrry thrcuqb. ~ prc,lcc!UltI Ute nr)rth ~ille o( UrI'- !lI1:pltal t(-vv in '''I' ("Ulll)! 511'1'IJI1I1 n.J'.lt\;J1l' & FWN"Ut' til Il? ,II,' 'oll ,. ,r;.,' ol'.",.1Nl' ,d~:tty sheriff. His pet hobby i9 toproblllm!1 t;SUlb1fshed by YGuth. erholl.2er. ot.l\tuUand, !('XM. With Om) test nt ore. t!tnt thev {Mk, nalll!o (arm lonfl ana. wn0 It~Qn- Amcndrr;fnt Nf! 1 1"$! 1·\' 011:1' \,!I' S~;I~~d tor ~I\~rn! U:~('k1, 1UHr(! (rl'dll T,. Itt' C.t\'l'n Alt Aidrnlsin'" "urebred CoUlM. , • • U Day sessicm are to be held ot ~Ite lIub1icutu::!l at notIce appear- . trom the fnct!. rnn l,gs unll that ned nna Ct'llllract was Irt ! y Ihl' Amw<Jrr;rnt rm G lu!!t J,ll IO!) • ,I ''O(' I W,l""~' ,u;' \e:1 hNr ~t.l\ flmd..o:" tm~lI;r<1 r.lm!; (,'onlrlu-.... *' * *' fl the Pul!bto Theatre in RuJdO'!lo nnd 109: in the RUidoso News S(>pl. 23., ot tlte tro~h on Ihe ground below iSoil l'(}n~(lrvalllln SC"r\'Jct' ThIs w.!ce . on,1 tlU' hI 'Ill" I Irv" P:i':'.f',1 "pf'f:»!rr! t..r .I tl,"'! lot fi I·, (,lI! Uhfllt to U:l' ('Sf't tlt.n 'I( the Imm('

Wol1c:tl'lg an a new b!eacher sec· : the night session at the Grade 1955, the firm is now ~trici:111y In ~ the tOtC rnn 63: 'Nevt!rtl1elel:s It linin wa; C(,Mp!ett'il In AU!t'1J1. l'lI:l ~i!ollll 1Il..t)"filr. "11(',., lm!v's Ilc,I'. r I Will t r Ulwn I 1(' DI! m ,1·II.'('ltl'llll:tton at W.arrior Field Wedne,>:lay I School Cafe!uia. "business, As it!J nam,e Jmp1res, lis jg llot the intenllort at Ihe Cor-I Forty-one tarce enrth st:Jlllhzll111 vo!,nrr on I'arla IIHr,,' ,lIn lq g..."n 'f!l~ t1n,:n.;, Ie Nt> .'1'1: OIl" f" rI of lo\lnll;I'1 klll.L ml'l!I!hna"it SIWlaftt!rnoon' for- tho Quarterback :Members of school faculties in ptlnFipal bU~iness Will be' that of ti p,rotian to market ore ct that If'S! ~ slrui:tures wcr<' plannrc1 1m!! (llm- lx·low: . bl <' '''''j < ',I' '.IJ 'i' , ",,, It Ir( " ·t" ,,'(' An' p4'l1·hnltc: on sev.Club were Jakc Hnl(!y, W. 1.. d the eount~ are urged 10 attend mlnmg uranIum, " i 1'Jg II is odlli~e:l it is mr.re prom-" ple!ed in the trppt't RIO lkll:(I 1,<'.mg!atIVft rt\Ip/IJlrli',rn:q-,1. (Im."!(' '!'f'!, ma. I' :" "'r') ,m'l 1'1 ...1 \', ( i:,1 r' .!n 11 ""1" to nwnrdin::Brion, nen Danathan. J. F. Lackey. these meeting!. • ~ On July 15. 19'15, n. V, O~r- i obII' to m:uJrel .35 to ,50 e!e. IW'o!{,l'shC'd l'lst year. l'aJ:s!rt!cllon ('N" 1) - FI.r 2.12 lIl:tJlllcl 233 ':~I:,' "u~ II n;"', 11 ,I' k (\ til I};\, !~" II, n'p t" ttl' n n'('~! wrllner.Cy Leland. Jr.• Harry ~kert arA: r' , holl2er lJurchtlSe~ a on('-thmi ~ All ot the steck nUI!Jorized soId wortt was curried cuI umlC"f {'on- AIlr.rntcc Dalldinq rNII 2l ~!(t .•w,1 ": :l!tfll ~1~:'1 h. '!I' '0 I~' ,... :11 httl lit I (' Ill" V.IH1 () emal!nn employee ot G. D. Wu1t1'lp·s. '1 COUR':' DA'I'E SET ,,' working mtt!s:e~t 111 three uopat-. h~s hen subsl'rlJ..-d om! p:lH III ~ 'rart on(i Jlupl'r\,ist.'ll by Ihe SOIl Fnr 290. nt!oinst 113 .f,un' \1.1' r;kd: " r;r,. , II:, II ~ t f'(, t' III n,,;. I., r. I ~" [J , lUI' .tonl' (und,... * .. ~ plsltlcl Judge. W. T., S"cgg;n ~nt~d looe IJilnsng clniJng, known ~ The Yt'fMinil'l! \'.Ilil not I'E' wId un- CCll~(lrVilh(lr'l Sl'rvlre. Sln!e H:nhwo... ('/)mmi.<:!!illf! 'NIt JftlNltl.l til'" ,J.f ,: t.I.t ,'I' L. n ~!1. p, . ,. '!" d' b, -!ileal Ttl('tn!-

'I'hi5 is: Soii Conservation Month.' will hold COUtt ill CdrflZOto on l1!l Ihe CatolulO. Nelll~ und Roor· ,l(lS1 lhe minlll,lt, np('rolion becoml's Thrf'C small wu!crched project,; 3) _,F(,r 269. fW.HIl~t 194, rli'.t Ihl' ru,,:c.rfu r . ,,': . l'le,I t\ ,,' , !~((' It II .'..... li;(' O.The most successful way to save ~ !dd.3!,,:>~, ~O'. , . _ lrt_lL~.~~~~_on Copper Creek, int~ . l':rttrr Ih:ll1 (l1'l!irlp1ted in whl~h !tav(' teen llilProvl'd tor plnnn/'ll:: C!lnlrnl and Marlll'!c:m('nt lit ....he Elliott'! pinn '0 ,'nHJ:Ili' ~~ • !f,l.:tl- n. ,; , , '1 ('h ,m!,('~ ofand "bUild·tho soU is by group ac~ i '.u - :: . ~ I It'v,,nt it ......ill h:! neeessar.'! for on tl!:9istorlcc undl!r PUblic l,:-aw :-'I:G, Slate Inotilulions (No 4) .. }'iJr m"kmn1hClr lwmr wllmd"sll. J,'I' (', II;lO,('!'f'. !!tl;" ',. 1,1:'1:'1 {Iubtllltt lltt the Jl3rt of farmers join",! I . AS 0 GO :. MAN :, ndtli!t:;llnl offerlnr.. ThCSl! projel'!s ore Iht' Dillltl Ana 2CG. against 1M. {)ry.:Nl s:II!1 hI' \tW, in!, ·t!w!l. l.ul oM JIm I' tl ·11t::!,;" \'..IIl'1.' HohlryIng with their neighbOrs to undet-t· LAN 1:-., ,. '_ • l I In COpper Creek caovon walt Arroyo. the 1tntch VallI'\' Arr()~"(Jg Slale fnrttltutioM~Nam('g find Ihc·. IInvr n!,! c(\I:J(>I1 .,(' "n wllJt Club ",til t!pl ,'"'' he f, r mq:o,lallectllke gtOUll soil conservation prO"' ,,-" . Ithero Is lin outcropping of hiGh Prajt::ct :ltld the Upper tHo Pen:lJl- Board!! (al=For 263'. 11l!alns! HlO. . h'lle! hllo,lfl(l~:; Ih('.v m" .... no mlo. III ('[Cl"Wn 'hf' hi fl1l' III 1h:t.1 rom-j;lrllms. OUR SOlLt S 0 Un. #!.\! I:l'odt' uranium Wilh lls.f(lngth ot eo. The worK plnn for tlte Hoteh Rl'l!ulntlon flnd ('otllml o( Itub.· Rh. ultl tllry r('lurn I', !la' tH'lI! rnll': f.IUlll':!)W\ nrm"llrll'!IWIl! mt~STRENGTH. Let's protect It by~ .1 i nenr tlOe hundred teet and varies VlIl!ey Arroyos Is Maring comple- lic Utilitles.=For 1111. lliiaillst 200•• trade, Hflrsln:l. ;' w. 0 Jl~""I"E,1 i~tlrlt-

""'~'~""'-'t15l1ig sound eonscntation r~:, _.... W'.i~ __. . _. Irt_wlilUdrnm nojhinrt t6 l1PPI:Md•• north-- __ __ _ . ...••_. _" _ 1.lncllJn County lln<:pllfll f.f'v,v, '=: ." ~- -__ . '0 -_.. • _ _ nrr.,}lf:l.t _' t hl') "_H,..."!;! 1:._<, .tIt _) tleu. 1..D.C'1!". ':' '1:" ~ " i n\1le ,," tour feet In thickness. Thill During the P:ist $'Nlt, New 'Krc,,- Fot 298. llgaillst 111. , EjifscoparBiiliop -:-LUliI Hit. $:1:'1 Il" \\":,:~I \:lr.,t 11"'11- -

• , ._••~.' V·.H " ," ~?: :/ r~ . -.-.-,~ 'IWj' ... "!" " l Ioutcrop is upon the ('ammon line leo gained nn addition'll soli (On- 4_',.~=~~-~= V. IlfI~i1 <(>VC' ,11 !;!l:<<; .n !!I1' 11(' I~ III·

S"-'eet Pavm·g , ~~~;::::9).~.a-~~~. .y- _~1 • ,. !/~ ""'ween Ihe Ronrin~ Atom and sctVatlon dislrlct. the J(!ml'~ Soli To Draw Plan" t To ISlt Churches hII';' t/l 9{'1' h(/w !hl' ('ong!llIl'llCllI.u // ~;:f/.' "!}P...;.'/'/~~ ..,.~~.,•.1 ~ , Nellieg elaiffi.'l alld M to its depth Conservntlon District, cot\slstlna ot I L" .... C 1 po":!,, III \\.lq II'f·!!rf'<ornl1. ,'II 1 toProject At capitan • f, /~/;':O• ?,~',;,'~; ."7~/,;, 'd, . /~~ '. c 11\10 Ihe mounloln w6uld bt! nnyv; G7S,76lJ ncres. Fourtecrt tarmerg For Courthouse 1 n IncOln oun Y l)CS;[)! in <OJ·me IICUJ Ietrl!l which

,....&... Slu·... 0 .. '" /. r~ ,% ;q.1~;r:~/~ ~ W w fZ"1!7fl;"i ~ ."J/ I body's guess, the owm.rS SIlY· How.: and rnuchCrll, with a total of 392,. I ~cw Mexlro-Wcsl. 'T('x'1!l Dll!' fIIav nrl<c. He liWtlS n l'r1hn in\oo:ntq .. .LW ' - ~ 7i7;A ..,. / tlv.rJ;'f~~ pvrr, on the ~:1..k end tr thet<! two; 655ac~, signed up with the fleW ImJ)rovements I !'eSc ,m~hc~ KIIl~oll/"ltr Will V!Slt nUllloso Im.l i~ cr frefluent week»

. Santa Fe (Spl.)-The Sate 1--_..........'7."!'" "'/...... . 1/, ~::_ •:If' ,. '.,V ., , . e1:llms or n tIIstllnce ot approxl.. ; Jemez. DIstrIct during the year for, Followina II lenllthv discussion the Ihr('i' E/'ll9Cop::t1 dlUrrh('g in (;/I(I(ll·. ,lOrt r,pentl!l tt1Ul.'h of his 'IIa-Higbway CotrIorl\1U1<>n bd apptil'l- 'I >; ~ >t "",-0 ~ . 1\'\ntety twelve hundred teet there technical a!;Sista~e In carrying In Cnrrlt.oio last week bY' inter•. LI.ncoln ('ounty <,arly ncx~ weC'k, cJ!illn time ~(!fr. nlto.ed state participation Itt projects . " ;1W ~'t~ rJJ..,1 lis.an ouluopplna. ot u~arUum ore out conservation work ott their I ested citizens, members ot 11 spe~ I WIth n. schcdulr at m~lrnr.rt O!l. LIIlJl!! Ask (llmmunlb' lIelp .at Belell; SOCOrro, ClII;ttOn, :fana .' ~'I <r1' 'I With Ii lC!ngth of 1ltt\1' feet tbat hall tarm..~ ,nnd rancb.cs. Several ather, <.'ial Courthouse Advi~ryComml!- lo\low~. Spt'ilkint: lor the 1,101\11 Club.'RO$a and capltaIl,.J 1I11 I' T... been un~O'llercd. ThIS outcropping ndd1UoM to diStncts. totaling 409,M! t(!i! nnd the Llntoln County Donrd Ft, Sianton Chap,el ot Our nr~ \\'11I1'h will £'(;ck to rol~e $1,500 In

In caPitan, about $30,000 w.s· ~-, ':I' • 1'It'*F. Is Upon the same level as that on 89:1 acres were mnde last y.enr to! 01 Commissioners. It was decllled t1remcr to (J ni. Sundav. Oct, 2. lice T.f'X( (I'W w«ckll (or the lotapproved tdr pavlnl Llricoln lIhd r "'.. ". ~~ l, , I Copper Crelk side !lntl should the the Caballo, I«?r\d1jn, Salado, So.. bv tM bonrd 10 hovl! ntnnl1 drnwn nuldoso Holy Mount Epl~l.'Opal pure'h(lse•. Horte'll. Ph,llips lindFirth S1reets.. A bridge \lint be In- ~ Ii fll ~ ,..' ,. " "f Ore carry through the mountain eorro. tlnd Tljerl'l!J SolI ConsetVa»' fDr on lldequate ctlurth(lu.Ge addl,:] Church nt 5 p, m. wMn confltf!ln- C't'ct'k saj'l the "lub would an-

, eluded Itt the project. ~J'. if.;i\\ .Jr' ,;y:... .",y thllt should·be n major strike. I t1lltt Districts. Addftlonal acreage: tlon til replace lhe ofd portion (If'! thm /iCl"Vlrt's wil~ lie lIl'ld. llnd 51. nounN' money raisin!: p'roje<:ts• , • ., •• 1 ~''fj:1/J ~ i~.~~~ I The Corporation has built. tfu'J II: expected to be made this :;Ctll' I the present bul1dina, tlnd 10 con. i Aline, Glencoe, 7.30 p. m. ~1olldny. lli,m!l.... m.~II$ tinting Ihe comtrnln..

Mrs. Carl dffi!Il has been re- ~. C'l~~'illl \\ ~..~;s. road it) the mine but It takell II. In a nlUrtber ol other districts. torm to the new annllx in elcl1?rlor Oct. 3. In Ru!doso, {ollowlng Ihe I'v t(, (l~sjo' !n tho eClor!.eelvitltC mediCal attcntion "at a! .. If, f .tour wheel drlve ..~hlclll to 'makeI@- • -~2·'~,--~' '=@._, and lnlerinr ~tyllnlC 'anel design. 15 p. m. t('rvlce!!, members lind ~ nilta (,( wiring. m:llerialll and!taswell h6SpU1l11ot severa} days, " ~-:'- the gtad«!. which in two pltiees w11l •. J. G. M(lc)re, former. Llnl.'oln I .trlend~ of th<.> church w1l1 gather. I~b<i~. paint. cement blockS it

. She ig reported u imptoving, ~"ti-~m ~r.s-~. run nbo~t 40 del.rees. It halt a . I County Clerk. prcsented tlll\lrerl :'llt thl! VIc Lamb residence (or 0 ncp'lt' i. ,,,oflng: and some labor MW~ ',,,.. - "-' - ~ _ I ~l'J{ ...., ""'.... ~I .' bUlldoter.~lth wbleh. to pulJ ore, DO YOU KNOW i on the t:u. lev.v neccssary to fl-l covC"re<1~is~~~~'::" _=_ I weI! 0'18100 In N,~h. havo .already.......It f ~~0U.\'~:'\ l\\. ''R. tl'Uckll, upon 1he tnOuntain and,· , , nonce thtl t'l:>urthoU!le constructlon'l : .' _.. ~ oo(ln pledged. llonnt'll report~ 1n

Ob5ervesatety Lam I -~~ _"!JJIu :;. also, ta brake the 1I'ladt!d .truek THIS"S.~ !Ulllnjf II $350.000 bond issue all tI' Mrl!. W. D. Horton llnd SOM. the rnt'rtinr:, O,th()lrl wlshlnx toon Martll Ulta14... . ;,,,; --: "" .-o'tll~. d~wn gride. It flu thl! neceuar,y ",.s;1:.... ... lilturl', It would tc!r.julre II tax ot' were vlsUlnlC hllr p:a~l)t!l In MId-' 1 have l'l part ill one of Ihe gtC'ltt!M

Ha4 COmpietri . :::r-. I Tnmlng eqU1prhent to start work lllf ..'. St.87~ per $1000 llssesllecl itolUQ- Jond candy thlll w~k" . \ advertlllinlt Ideas ever ott£lred Itul·

TWo'ttA1lS . /i +' ~~~~s:i~i ~h: 1"~:m~llt~~t~~ TRAFFIC LAW? tlO~e lax would' grodually dropl [-:-w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·l: ~~~I: rl~~ k~~~~~drci°f~~e~::

WlUto.i & Traffic Death I I~~>- ., ; but IlIlIy defer mlrtlng opctatlOI1ll • over thill' 'J)CrJod of 1'1 year; r(l"I-_,_.:.~_~~2:..L,~::ll. __.. bet tit Cummllrce 01' aUY ffierobet'Now i.et'. Hake It 1 ';;J. tuntil It ran have Borne eXJ)torltol'f It Is l ~littlon l6 mOVe 'IL ve- t'julrt!d tl'1 .ervfc(l the bond•• nt tl 22 82 4~ .00 ,ot th~ committee. 'th, OJ} com..

. .,,!work done to determine lhe,coUrsl! hide Or vthlele! .that have. been p'ro~d intere.t ritl!! of 2% (,~'I 23 72 3a 'l't. p:my ill contemplaUhjf livlrt, jpe.1.000 DAYS '. J or the />te. "" involved ilJ."~k Ul'Itll .. j)bIceThtl counly's total nSJ!eoed valua.. 24 119 56 .23.. ('ln1 credit fo all locnt oonatlona

n'. DeeD 1 .t ' , .-... DUker hal cheeked the wreck? tJon al.pt'l\tl!nt b approxlmately'211 '11 48 .'10 IthrQIUth a page lldvet~t jn• Most of our larm land Il (!llpibltl Even thoukh.lt lJ)t1 ol»b'uct ttat.. $14,000;000. 26 74 5Z .21 the locn} .netv$PlI~r. it Wd

"n'3D'·AY',S" ot profitable .an.d pmn;anent~ ~ if ISh Nl}'t'J~ to 'bo'~lbbYed. t~r. Repr~..nth'lr: the ~the,,"m:27 n ... .01. btougM out at the bmcli.M., IdUilf1(>Il, but land Wltf\til CIt b . u.rH ours • may t ",,~O(. part of the county ffj tbe- meeting 28 11 37 .00 i' ' - " l! ."... .. r away beeomu tlfelfll. And money thtn an otIlcr.t bu' 1. arrlve(t wert'!: CoJtitt1fiilollt!r Gtorle J'UCM, Preelp.ltatlon al~" Jlln. 1-10.65, I TO RE..1]NION

,Iiiq a· ... t1eaOi ..... you wOUld make 011 ctbIW and IlY!!-! brl the j(l~M!.) You can be cited KJel llQI'ltW!1l and EtrlJnt!tt Reese, PreelpUatlOt1 this month-l.lIO.; lJ, C. Drown ot ltu.\dcllO Jut........ lit . . IltaeJt.g09'WUh U.~r OUR !~to tOUt!' totr .io1atnlJJf~!.& traWc RuldOllO: Den: Sanchn. San. PI- (Jill compilM bY C. A. CUlver." w~-end alttn<!'ed a DUt)ion of... AIl lit 'S$ . ,SOIL IS OUR STRENGTH. JoIn _W, iIG a.' ...~ ... ""u. tMChl. and J. P. aDd lARoy Me· co-o~r,tlYe weather obervtr fol" hi. (lid Army unit, Co.K Of t.M

.... ' : '" ft ...." ,~c.o.""'~"~T~"""'''",l'!t~li...f~&:=;~~1wSo~~t.l" 1211 =~t;l; and W. O. Sl1retenlQ*t:..~~¥':J..~~)~t corn-I,~~.DI;l~ton. at Ind~~dence,P .I

1 '.r .il II


,,,.. ...,..

Page 2: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 3: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 4: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 5: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 6: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 7: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso
Page 8: I - w:i:ij1tii::-:-:l·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...,I • 1,"I '",, • • o •. ~. WARREN BABBETT NolBry Publlc Insurance Real Estate 2830Main Street.Ruidoso