I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

Are you one of those people who love fast food? Do you constantly catch yourself at the refrigerator and want to gorge yourself? Well you're probably not the only one! I've been there myself and let me tell you, it isn't an easy thing to quit. Especially if it's something that you really enjoy!

Transcript of I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

Page 1: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

Are you one of those people who love fast food? Do you constantly catch yourself at the refrigerator and want to

gorge yourself? Well you're probably not the only one! I've been there myself and let me tell you, it isn't an easy thing

to quit. Especially if it's something that you really enjoy!

Page 2: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

If you actually want to get past the craziness of binge eating, you can do it! You have to be willing to throw out all excuses though, and truly do it. You're supposed to eat

to live, not live to eat! "I want to lose weight but I can't stop eating,"- Try eating healthy snacks when your cravings get the best of you, instead of French fries.

Page 3: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

I don't think that going on a major diet, limiting what you eat, and over doing workouts is the right thing to do. I do think, though, that getting off your butt and shying away

from certain substances is the key to success! I can tell you, you aren't doomed to live like this the rest of your

life. Step up and make the change to live a healthy, happy, long life!

Page 4: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

One of the easiest things you can do is keep a journal. Write down everything you eat, good or bad! Anything

that goes in your mouth, record it believe advertisements for easy quick fixes, nine out of ten times they are false

advertising. "I want to lose weight but I can't stop eating," try chewing gum to satisfy hunger pains. I can tell you

from experience that there is no magical pill. Weight loss programs can promise you the world but in the end they

don't have your best interest in mind!

Page 5: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

Writing everything you eat down can help you make healthy choices and actually think about what you intake

every day. If you eat healthy, you'll realize that you can have a bowl of ice cream or a piece of pizza but you need

to plan it into your diet and eat healthy the rest of the week. One of the easiest forms of exercises you can do is

to simply take a walk outside. Look at things at a distance, it's proven to relieve depression.

Page 6: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

You don't have to stop eating all together. You honestly don't even have to stop eating the things you enjoy.

Portion is the key. Have a cup of low-fat cheese macaroni, not a pan full.

Page 7: I Want To Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

Eat healthy snacks, foods high in fiber, take in a lot of water, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. You

can achieve the body of your dreams without completely starving yourself! You can do it, you have what it takes!

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