I want a wife quiz

ACTIVITY 2 - Instruction: List questions that you ask yourself about the characters and events as you read the short story “Why I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady. Reading Stage Questions Pre-Reading

Transcript of I want a wife quiz

Page 1: I want a wife quiz

ACTIVITY 2 - Instruction: List questions that you ask yourself about the characters and events as you read the short story “Why I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady.

Reading Stage Questions



Page 2: I want a wife quiz

ACTIVITY 3 - Instruction: Read the short story “Why I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady and answer the following questions.

1. According to Judy Brady in the essay “Why I Want a Wife,” what sparked in her the realization that she, too, "would like to have a wife”?(A) a quarrel with her husband(B) an encounter with a male friend fresh from a recent divorce(C) an argument with her parents(D) a run-in with an old girlfriend who still hadn’t married(E) a recent divorce, which left her with five children to raise on her own

2. In the opening sentences of "Why I Want a Wife," the author classifies herself according to two roles that she plays. What are those roles?(A) wife and husband(B) mother and daughter(C) wife and worker(D) wife and mother(E) slave and mistress

3. In the essay “Why I Want a Wife,” which one of the following items does Judy Brady not say that she wants?(A) the liberty to replace my present wife with another one(B) a wife who will take care of the details of my social life(C) a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs(D) a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties(E) a wife who will make so much money that I will never have to work again

4. In the essay “Why I Want a Wife,” which one of the following desires does the author state directly?(A) I want a wife who will work and send me to school.(B) I want my husband to earn more money.(C) I want my wife to go back to school.(D) I want my mother to stop telling me how to raise my children.(E) I want to be single again.

5. What is the final line of Judy Brady's essay "Why I Want a Wife"?(A) My God, who wouldn't want a wife?(B) I want to be single again.(C) I want a wife who will leave me alone.(D) My God, why would anyone want to be a wife?(E) Dear God, why am I a wife?

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6. Which rhetorical device is used most frequently in Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife”?(A) analogy (B) imagery(C) repetition(D) juxtaposition

7. What does Brady say she was doing when she decided that she wanted a wife?(A) ironing (B) babysitting(C) cooking(D) studying

8. What expectations does Brady have for a wife on a family vacation?(A) The wife should care for the other members of the family.(B) The wife should prepare all of the meals and bring them along on vacation.(C) The wife should have an occasional evening out without other family members.(D) The wife should choose the destination for the vacation.

9. How does Brady define what it means to be a „wife‟? What services does she say a wife provides for her husband and family?


10. What do you think of Brady’s characterization of a wife and her responsibilities? Do you think she paints an accurate portrayal of wives and mothers that you know? Explain your answer.


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Adapted fromGranata, D. (2015). Ms Granata's Site. Retrieved from Granata Reading Quizzes:


Nordquist, R. (2015). About.com. Retrieved from About Education: http://grammar.about.com/od/tests/a/quizreadwife.htm