i VV i I I*AV-i.avC*-r.IJ«'« 15afef- !..S^r? --a--^r j If** filei VV i I I*AV-i.avC*-r.IJ«'«...


Transcript of i VV i I I*AV-i.avC*-r.IJ«'« 15afef- !..S^r? --a--^r j If** filei VV i I I*AV-i.avC*-r.IJ«'«...

TIl-BUAlBtoBf ' FEB I*.-B£l. j'he lk-__a-ai B-f|~U -> I j

11i nit*on the _ V mimowtm - Itafftfll -Th, ll" f1 ' .Ft< Id, \<: \

I*AV-i.avC*-r.IJ«'«" vn;,"< -Tork county, \n.. Feb. -*-

s '**' > IWhi>thef,.eo«vn.* V ,';«r;^^- t^:i

diat* taMll-f om _*__*S_._tr «__tWaterlooahaags la _.«*»_*.V 1'*!

.«._ ia*'. -*?*'?"*

defatof U«yami a _aatertal alterf_-_f_tJ_'fc _^t teiletU tat 1eiista -Numerous *.**e "

le b!lU «, lUidthe purr"**** of ?***_*_S_i" '

th^t were deeplyOther-,Of las* , ' mY. 1 1H _. »l»ese BBtSaltaS Bl* I__a_a*rtsd * n ;°*'' l .''. .ueict bi _aar_oa-_--*o*-iUiKltiypr./ d. anaex

f fa ?i r e: t<iy eta__arotm-asMa «a ,l '*m7,tot .r _c i?c sntaa whl-Baraaedb-ttta irrosuad. rally?nnmpm Winihroi- been oetaoved i_Ing hi. men. *-*». lo jfl

-"hU b cane*, i*r«l a va*

. .nail parcel*,,«?t « v,!\ rUt .,? U** iM«Tl ,,_y el o.her Starastlac, _#«m _____-_a__t?___ai over tbis ireai battteji... .J,ZWyatt w.K slam wli.ie in gecen- ._?__Vlt*a* batUUag that w« or tb.__r*l-_- tor tue enemy. Atoo tj*>y t -pi.

i by a dotai bnssat oiJfhi by o*a*l iCuaVlaitHty Itaaalry, eomij»wlt-i show-_to__rt Doathat, wno -v_am> a gana, «xi t____e-r*d*r. whoa therjsJrt, -dm their hea-ira .-f balleta that <c'.arge, with lieu**-*** »!»-\u25a0 oar works. tv'.sr'Ui.rv ? ..r*-*n *- to coamsmorats the

aa Mfrlered and op-lWd _ta^__PUTt?d


a orllllnnt M-tory.«'r .r. ..ts-w-t..! lor future generations tta\u25a0' s '_° .>*-"t.-ri wi-itirtdt* s-ir-* three o* Jpre**!jj ajctt by the Yankee cavalry to de- i'"'Jaati'tt church by Bre, bat m tibia tibsyJlji Alter tiriii. n la two ptacea they were

AWM at*', vli im-.llv by t | H a *S--\v X.. B t andvivairy that they tlol not hay*

__B >>t Wit if.Fll'a. Kllf'i HI 80-r*l]coaflagratloa Thßaoada from Yorktowa -oti'.is place arc t-.irjostImpaaslble aad bottom-!->«:, owing to th* copioaa cooataattravel apoa -hat*' and,aa far** wehayebsenitble to learn, others, it not all, ure iv th* BBSS*coßdltloa. Notaw thatandtagthe berrlblestatso! be roads, are rii.ve b. *>i supplied BTitb an ?abaadaaes ..t both forage ami provißion*.The cry of beef is s:ot i;s ul.t.. «>r a* loadlyb*ard ;'-?= itireta naoathaaiace. as wt.;--_ o: porkiiaj been aawtttatedin It*place.

The military of our valiant .vi.tiersburn* v?.i.b iha-.-i-.iue lire that it did _#cl.cmo*t_)_a --go. thay are u.iwii;;i.js to striv*their color, at co Importaat a janetars a.ihis, when our very existence a* a nation iaImperiled, and at a time when tbs wuoUicountry as locking i;.teiitiy at this atalwartand poa-Blfttl arm to ward oil (ii*. butthey areeo-Bing ap nobly ami gallantly to ithe standard Of tb«ir country, to driTO back,at ail b.iy.-tr,i_, the head-like Invader*of tbesaaay r-oath; tkey areevincing this deter-inniati_n everyday by tie large uambersthii are re-enlisting for another i.m o; aer-alae. that it I* I oi ior tbe l*-*r.reiaaaatatlon,received at the baadatl ibeOovas-MBsat, w-icb Indaoaa them to servetbtaroos-B-ry, '>ut that ili-y are actus cd bypati-Ot-S-B and nooler laopuUes.

An ele- tion in the MewBlent cavalry, toiuin vacancy o. castoaed «*>y tiie ueiaistf of Capt.-t-lviU* Vaidea, waa held a tew days ago,wbicb resulted as follows?rta: Teleaaachus ITaylor, Captain; Wm. E Cloptou, Ist Lieu- .t°uaut; ciiver M. Chandler, Id Lientenant;Sou hey ij. Savage,Sd Lleuteuant; Jamea_5 uitrlstlaa, 2u Sergeaat; IdichaeiSherman,f.ih Sergeant, SamBel H. Apperaoa, va Cor- (poral Tins i-ompa.iy h:i«- tioiie riiitd service ,eiiice lt baa beea oa the Peninsula, it hasb**a oaaaoat-post all the winter, bat .hemen perform iheir ii BtiSS With alacrity aud ?cheerlulneet.. L^kh. i


(O-crsspoade-e* of tha B___-_ead INaaatch JMsaaamtl tf tie Kaeaiy ntor 1w.s/f.a-, ice , Cy:. ?

W_n_ SotPßoa S_*ai»a*,V_i , . 1F-.-t-ru-.ry ISth, 15.2 , I

Pxaaaialog that yoa would like *.o hear oc- 'CBslosslly from thia section, I send you af*w (notes. We have a good dealol excitement jhereof late A short time since, Lheenemysupposing that iha-y would riaw e.u e..?v time, 'marehsd with aome tbree hundred cavalry tnauttacfc Lt-wisbarg, but alter gettirg wlthiofourteen tniies of th» placs t'.i*-y due iveredcur scouts and Immediatelybeat a retreat in idoable-quick nine k_ack to Gaaley J-riJ;_e. iWe haTeeiuee learned that the rinstmcttons iwere not to barn ths place, bnt t-i pit?;d-rthe stores and private dwellingsof their mostyaluableproperty andd atroy ths balance.The reas-Jii a_aigned for cot burning tiie townwa- that ibey v.i'h.d -o preserva it :o quar-ter their troops in when they commencedtheir springcampaign l Cod. A W Reynolds,xbeu _omin Hiding taia ti,-. i>;;rtni<nt, marehsdoat to meet them win the3*dregim-nt Va.vol Iunteere, coamnanded by i*!etu. 001. Jaokaon,nnd the neighb..-;ing militia,and il iiieeiieir-.yhad ouly come some two or three miit-. fur-ther, they would havebeen completely "done 'for.-' «

Ti-a people of this section hy.ro bo?- ac-cused ol disloyttlty to the .Southern causeby some Ignorant -at! malicious persons,but *_. manner la which the mea rsapondedto tba call cl the commandingofficer, entirelyrefutes all i-ucti calamny. The retreat of .heYankees \v;_s a K.c-'it diMippoiuLtn.'ut to our isoldiers, aa they were very anxious to pel a |i-ii.-ii with theaa. Althoagh tae people ofthis county have volunteered very liberally,new companies are constantly being formedfor thedefence of the coaatry. i have jasflearned iha: t 01. Peters, of tbs 45th regt-lni-ut Virginia volunteer., had a Utile ligiit iwith the Yankees at themouth ofBlue Stone, -Jn Mercer toun;;.', the other day. The ra..-sals, to ihe numb >r ol three handred, itiliugla their exprditlon against Lewisburg, trk-dto s-ee arhat they aoul.i :i< complUb tn that di- .reotjon, bat were entirely foil«d in tb-*ir ef- iforts, it haa ba»*u pretty accurately ascer- itamed that the enemy have about live thou-_aa_l mea in the Kanawha VaUey, withtlepo.a cf army siores at tir.uley Bridge,Huddlepton's,t,'hari".ston, uu.l Point Pia-a-sant, several handred of roaal wa_.ot!*aadpaek male*, and there Is no doubt thatat the very flrat opportunity thsywßlea-dda>tir ta it-uetratt- farther into ihe State.?trarpeople will spar* no pain* to be wad?for them, and I hope that the GovernmentWill Kivc all the aid ia It* power.

I learu thi;- sveaiag; that General HenryHeath has been aaatgned to this dspartment,nnd oommand to-morrow, aad thtttOoL A. W Reynolds, the cominaud-\u2666ar, has baaa traaszenad to Kentucky totake''oinmand of Ueu. Floyd's brigade?theO-dQsaaral having ocen promoted to cMajor-Qaaaralablp

Cui. Bajraolds had aadearad himself muchto the peopleof this section, lie was a na-tive <-l this eoii'ity, and has ever regarded itat. hie home. lie is a most highly :nteilitr.-utgeattaaaaa, as well as a . altaat aed acooia*I'li-h.-d oAcer?havlag gradaated vi Vt/tstPoint with the hi|_ii*-st honors la the saiu'»

.lass with Bef<.ure>:a!-d, JaAastoa,Hardee, aadTroptar. Silica as~uf.iiD_: the coaamaad here,on the Pith ult., tha Colonel has veryactive tn the discharge of nis duties, aud bythe promptu-ss aad .ie..i-iv«;iesf of his move-ments, won the confidence and i-ieem of theicmmuiiiiy. Htaa*4dsa ssparatloa Irora usis sliiterely by all the frit-niis of ourtuu-.-. The Colonel lias a line field of laboropened to hint in Keatacky, aud we have nodoubt but that he will »:ive as good accountofbim_eli the'S a. he did in those hard foughtbattles of Ci '.3 brass aad Qaatay.

Oraanaaiaa,_?\u25a0__\u25a0?Uf lIMH__WIWII \u25a0 ? !.\u25a0\u25a0? \u25a0 111 MM? ?_


Bioaaoß*, Va.PKACi'IC*EB n tte Courts of th_ c iy of Richmoud,and -if 1' arte- soaaty, iv IbeGoart ot Apiotas, iv tiie Ooafsderata Statsa Ooart_ aad w.iiattend to aay Lupine/is before aay cf the_D_na*tß__Sß_B.

S-TOtf-ra Oornat of Eank and Utb sts., up-talrs?_utr?cce oo ban- si de 7.?__ m*

ta-**, 8. WYATT _c UO ,ol C-.aileston, S 0.,??**-» beg to inform ihe'r fri*>i>._a -Vervwhere tha*.ihe groat firo arh-tfa *scarred in our r_iy last nightdid theni r.o ItnmeclltUt) iiijury,t_taer iv task stockor private b-*u -..?\u25a0_.

We foul this anzionscemer-t die to onr M__akwho hay* a __*,*« aaaaaal i f property iv onrinu_ds,

C*_*rl_ .ton. Dee. l.tt, IBS., de II tl

DROSS AND MEDICINES.? ISO o_. Quiniu-; 1 mjo lb. sal ,M>d_; i.O-'O hi Indigo:Ml**. Morjthiut-; '2 d z. CH-tor QBj Raid E».tract Va__ri_._; Fluid Kxtracr Itncbu; Fluid _*?tract UvaL'rai; l.g.c.s 11 tk Wi-S Bottles' 50me. b«?t naysaai Pc : pt-r, 19 _~_. fVstesstar*f___ta__*______j _? <I°*" \u25a0«-«* Mua:ard; 12 do/.

t_ _____j____Kg_ggVN-_____*____,__J_J=Hs_we ar* co_-.p*.n*d i-. «_,... a*«^ Hv_K«!_!talUp-OBSC'tition.-. a..;*.*-..twinwiL ?_________?As., mutt t. >(£?»*. '.. «_lh ifa_ s£?taß?ar* lb*ir *vac- da* *"* \u25a0"\u25a0* ' J**-

**\u25a0 *' '? -tr-.' se _-...-. £ o<vWM SATTI.h'i _v CO., Ll.ltuir_t., C| s _"lito.-d. V«* t Jl-r tarssla: twirlta o| _*__-___

tlr**, L'n-eed *Jll, Wbitn T ~ d. Red Load, YVl__._ta_r ajj***. -f-ttar.Csasl .". ..i_i r-lajrtagUs**-,LiMj-bU. % V.'i.t*'.-') B <0, Yellow o___r_>, MetallicPa- t, Tal'ors' Chalk, Mtaltaa Vami-t- Mvklng8.-ii _k~, a'avit L- >\u25a0-or Vanish, Mbeblaa Oil

S"TABB'S EOOTtM SNUPPj Priatets' sailiin_-r.' Uir.il; o_iv« 0.1; Maststig Linl-n-eut; Caoary .'i__d, .'ooth _Sn_s___sj Maio_ea;Hottio Oorkt i,__uil_- iv* I k Ka.< naJc by

w, pprBSSON *? «:o ,f»5 . |dl Mat* ta.

'ii'tjeslW'ir'ffi J&m na*

%m? i - i"'y%w?ri\hW-i

TTTa nt c *i> ?

fe-SftifirASW can corns wet, U»- -*»"

t a KOO _ siituutton wUi _~3 .K£ fflS **\u25a0 ***" wcjgI p.o. -.-tnceti1 'Tir7~T~~~~l r ~7L .?A"wo or ibree e« manu-

"">\u25a0\u25a0___,__.*,!..S^r?_--a--^r15afef-*_ i_c i aid O. W by1 W1" "? ? ractory lojsnOAeiey, (Kockets )

If** IV?Jt* dm to take charge ot a? aN l r l» -.-Walker ton, in King andW Tanas j**-l"* < * we ** ?__«**ata_l with,_*__ - '..,._<*i*iruble situation will be ot*Q,e.ean coan v, a.-etll _ lely t0t:?.b._*U-* H. A. COCRE,..real. J <;at,ce No. 4, Law Building,

At Franklin strt*|.

f __> i'i-iJ? " "

g*J ASri.STITUTE?I take the i '.ace of a man who is subject todraft

No on.* need apply except a nonresident.Call iuimediately on... i.__\u25a0".t WL S. PHILLIPS.


A sscoad baud or r..*.PLATFORM SCALE

Cr PatentB A LANCE,

Capable of weighing800 to 05* pounds. Ad-tli._s 'Hui £33 " fe. 17?3t»?_l/*X-vild?\S A SUBSTITUTEl.r the war; one of ** .od character, not sub-ject to in ii.'-iv draft, a liberal price will bei>_:d il accepted.

Apply -tt i-i. o-Bae.EDW. D EACUO,

fel7 la 14th at., near Exchange Hotel.ANTJ-I.?l'WOperaoas to raise

Fifteen RECRUITSEach, for a new

Volunteer Company,For Which they will

receive Lieutenancies.A'Mre.s

fe i7_-st» ' M M. 8.," Norfolk. Va.tl/ _,N l?D- Kl.uisUl I'd *'_-_t AN -U-TIL-»V LF.aY COMfAM' ?; ieut. M. J. ANDjca-

fic-v, i f til. Thsanas Ar tii'.ry, i6detailed on re-cruittng _.r-'ce. lii?. cilice lieu _a_ln »treet. No.3l 'i be racrai s are io form «:i Artill.ry Com-pi-._y, v.itb torty m.?n who i aaa seen service i_.ti.ii army of the ltatomaa The bounty moneyikoO, wiii ')'* pa ! d to tlin recruits on en'l'tment.

ta l7_-lm*_ l.r. g J ANDKBSON.WfABTBUTo employ some person wbo h*is had some

experience tn the manufacture of SO*P andCANDLES. CfoOd rrf=*rpuce as to sobrietyand IndaatryWill herequired. Addrf-ss'.lohnTiiiiiii_s K0j.678. Bichmond,Va." fel7?3t*\ETaS I'Kit.?NOTICE TO AKTILuLE-\% R.Y3-E-..?1 wish It to be disiinctly

anderstood, that I want, to-day, 16SUB--TI-TL"; ES to _o in .he vsry best company, an'lthat the orice of boanty is no object to getthe men." ROBERT HILL,f0 ];_,?;;* Rubstitnte Apent,Bank st.

\u25a0a aT_trsTJ _D?OOoB. ?A good plain Cook,w\ Went ? raatd Irjner, can get a good home,

by Immeditta application at Mr Al/LJ-N'SKSstend Marshslfa 'reel, last couse, right handalae.

f. i.- 2t*-'.. ANTED?* V a good Isl THOOIiAPHIC PRINTER

csn ..b'.Hia c-.-attai-t employKent and goodwsgea,in Charleston, /.out h Carolira. Apr.ly to

W. HA-tGRAVE WHITE,f\*:.? \u25a0::* T3 Main at.

Ta , Ai«'l'ED? M> ALL. -Ul-JKCI'*TO Ml-VV LTTIA DUTT.?I want FIFTF MEN, to__aa the Game-Point J.tattery, at Aaata Oreek.?All pa-rH'.c.i not vr; .bin? to be dratted in the mi-ln.a, «s-lio are desironHi of boing convenient to.hc-.r friiiJlies, aviii find this a very desirablep i*.;. Subetitatea will be received In thin com-{.Bay. AUp?rseo* wishing to enroll thtinsslveaTiiii apply at oaee at the corner cf loth snd MainBtr. or at Cr* eford'a Sn'.oon. on iOth street. Oureouatry need* fighting men. So conre »t ence.Por rarti'iuiar-, up) iy nt either of the aboveplaces, to WM. J. DAB._.__Y, Lieulecaat.

18 i 5 l'i<*?

! AN'TI-D?TO~____N_?

A DWELLING- HOUSE,eontalnisgfrom Baa to eight rooms, withina few minutes' walk of the Ordnan_.-elDepart-ment. Apply to

Dr. JOS. E.OLAGETT,fe lS?St* Main s\. on. American Hotel.ic __-_?-- r-iaiii _» ~ -.j.. a._...i_.m.?lu._i.

WANTED? Twenty~~~~

RECRUITSFor the Powhatan Battery.

Apply to001. WM. P. BUBWELL,

and that Immediately. fe 15?3t*Tbt a in i_u-W BOA bd ?

For a gi'iiTlaisaii anJ Ms Wife, in a private fami-ly, or where there are but a few boarders. Bestof reference glveu and re _ ~ired. Address,

"L. B. E,"fe V:? 3\u25a0* 1-iHtalch Office.

'.££7 ANTED?r7 This morning,

TwentySUBSTITUTES.I will pay more than can be obtained by

any other -gent in the city ior good Substi-tutes. Apply this morning, to

T. B. REES,fe 15?3.* No..'. loth st, below Main.

\*_7 ANTED.?y\ A young lady desires asituation

Ar general HOUSEWUHKr-R and SEAM-Kf?E--S. Address, through the Post-.'trice,

?A.is_ W. C "


|a :' AN'i'bu TO SI-NT?A Df/UUNQ*t v HOU&B, containing about five rooms,

either on Qhareh Hill or on SI ockoe H'll, near orbeyond tie corporation line. For such va will suit,a fair rent will be paid.

Address ' «i. ..." at this office. fe 12? Iw*Txy ArsXED-V\ MILLINERS.

We wish to employone or two good-lILLINEKS

linraediately.MRS. DAVIS A SISTER,

fe 12?ts 214 Broad street.Vl,* A-i 1 x_D?


1V ONE HUNDRED MEN,To «o in ihe batteries at Aqnl-t Creek. All mencr-.iieting in thia service will be allowed fifty do!lata Iwaalj The battery la at the terminus ofthe F.edericksburi* railroad. Call at the cornerof 10th and aHatn streets. fe 11?fit*Th/~A N TE D -VV TO HIRE,Fur tnrfice operations, at the Carbon Hill Mines,ten able KE_i*tOES, from the corntr--.

Also, a trusty nnd experienced DRIVER, for atans wngou. JNO. J. WERTH,

fe H?ih Agent.

WT ANTED?An exoerienced and industriousSAWYER,

'to raa a - .-.oa saw mill at the Carbon Hill Mines,iv this connty. JNO. /. WR-tTti.

fo 11?'a Agent.TIT"A N T E D ?

vVGURR I E R S .TheKnoxvllls Leather Company, _tKno_-ville, Taaaeaaas, want to hire three or fourquod CUR-.i1.-__*, to whom good wages andconsi-nt employment will be given. Ad-dnas, R. H. CAMPBELL, See'y,

fe i *?7t* Knox viMe, Tenr..

WA NTED.?A young lady (Virginian)wishes to obtain a situation as a

TEACHER, ; 'i a private family or goodneighborhood Sh** has had several years'szpsriSßG* in teaching ihe English branch**.Beterenoe ni'. 'n If required. Address "BoaNo. ;M.i," Peu-rsburg, Va. fe S?9t*

few. V RECRUITS,For Co "A," Kirst Maryland Regiment.A few good Bceralta are wanted for the

above-mentioned company. All persons de-bltobs of connecting themselves for the war,will l_ainadiata_y apply,as the roil of tbeccinpauy I* almost full. Any informationcar laa obtained at Wastes A 'Williams'f,Pearl "tree*, '-eiween Main and Cary.

WM. OOLDSBOBOUOH,Captain Co. A, I*.MarylandReg't.

fe 13?lwANTED?To hue, by the mouth oryear, two good

Flour-Barrel COOPERS,to go to the country. Apply to

fe If *t WM. S. PHILLIPS.?iM ANTED-AGOOD FILE CUT'IER.?VV T* t*t e who understand*, the business,

a perm in .-nt situation and liberal wages willbegiv.n. Enquire of

W.S DOWNEU, Mil. Storekeeper,fe 13?t>t Corner 7th and Canal sts.*c- ij? _>* v/vi t i ti auu oituai ofce.

_.NTE D? ;A pair of heavy, well broke

MULES,Not under five years old._f JNO. J WERTH. Agt.VK7 ANTED.?ATTENTIOh I MARYLADSBB

Wanted, Immediately,\u25a0 few able-bodied MEN,for Company "D," First Maryland Regiment, toserve for the war. Fpr further particulars, applyatRecruiting Office. 01.14th at., under ExchangeUot,,] fa a.i.l 9to 5 o'clock

JAS R HEUBBRT, Captain 00. "D, '_J___*-it_t* MjHE Marylandß*gim*at-

W A LABOR -The J-met~,;.. *-?'*'« aud Kanawha Company wants to111HL -~.., , ? ,'.ABPRMTERS and LABORERS,to work oo tbe r«paire of ths canal during tbspresent year. Liberal wages wiil be paid, aad ra-lion* clothing, and _______me ami medical attend-ant,, furnished. Por further luf__.-,-ttou sddr*BSthw anderelgat d. lb my, oily, or a** lb* Oompa-iK&ftft: ta ? mM " -*-*-? --*?_

BUMS *AW_. w__i

\u25a0\u25a0 J '

y WE\im aVMeo IX/LT** _~ A OOOD COOK._lyat WESTON k WILLIAMS'S,BjrTS-*__t No 16 Pearl street. ,d_*I7*ANTBI>? ?VV A SUBSTITUTE

On board C. S. Steamer"Patrick Henry,"

as Ward-Boom Steward.Apply at ths Dispatch office. ta M?7t» I

ANTED?lmmediately,'lu,ir)() SILLS, ,

Delivered on the line of the road betweenRu amond and Aquia Creek. Dimensional8 feet long, 9 inches diameter at small end,smoothly hewn to a tbiekaefsof - inches,clear of any defect calculated to Impairstrength. No sills will be received undersize.

Tbsb? For white or post oak, 40 centseach,cash, or 43 cents* mouths; for red orchesnutoak 33 cents each, cash, or ib cents fl months.

For further information, applyto SectionMaster., on Line ofroad, or to

WM. N. BRAOO, Snp'tRoad.Offlce R., F. AP. R. R. Co., 1 . \u25a0Richmond. Jan. __. P.--. i _J*__j______


RECRUITS.Wanted, Immediately,three (30o> huudred respec-table and Rbie-bodled men, to form an ArtilleryH;.tt-ilon, to serve for two years, or luring the

i bave opened a recruiting office in the city ofRichmond, on 10th St., bet. Main and Ca:y, undertb* superintendence of S-rg. W. . Nfllihg-.?

Ooinfcrtable quarters will be provided Board free.Meu will be paid Iwm the date of tbeir on liatment.His the earnestwish of the_ud?r-igae- to be readywith the new organization before tha *_rm of hlipresentcompany expires. He the.-fore indulge*ihe hopethat those not now in ths service will notbe alow in enlisting; for, fl*jht wtt urn-v and con-qner, too, And, to de so, we must be v-.U-drtlledandpreparedfor ourenemiea.

Any communiea-tons addressed to r>e at Fred-ericksburg, will meet with prompt atu-otion.ft. L. WA-KBB,

fe 3?ta Capt. Com'dg Purcell Artillery.Whig andExaminer copy.


will be given liberal wages and steady em-ployment by immediate application to thesubscriber. __ __?__?_.C. H. LANOLIST,

13th etreet, between Main ai-d Cary.ja29?ts


W ASSI3TANTin Mount Laurel Adademy. A mau of aomemilitary know edge preferred. Addreea. withproper references, PIKEfOWHKS,

ft* 15-oodlt* C'o.er. *»alifa- county. Va.\AJ AMI ED?lmmediately, to go Pittayl.aVV da C. H., several go-.l MACHINISTS

and GUNSMITHS, to whom constant employmentand liberal wages will be given. Apply at onoe,to GEO. W. HALL,

At J*. II Stokes's, cornerof Franklin strait andLocust Alley. ja3_?lm*

\%T ANTE D?l,ooo cords PERSIMMONVV TIMBER, s-ltable for nianufacturiMShoeLasts, for which the highest ca<th price willbe paid. Also, the public tn know that we haveon hand and sre constantly manufacturing allkinds of Shoe L ASTSand Boot and Shoe TREES,at our manufactory, on 13th atreet, in rear ofShockoe Warehouse.

ja 2-?lm* BOYLE, GAMBLE A CO.

WANTED.? A PHYSICIAN wishes to buya small FARM, of from 100 to MOO acres,

within twenty or thirty miles of Richmond, andnear the river or one of the raiiroad3 He wantsgood dwelling and other houses, &nd would pre-fer to buy the situation of some practicing physi-cian. He will pay cash, or give Richmond pro-perty In exchange. Give particular descriptionand the price, and address, for ono month.

a 21?lm* M. D.

WANTED? A situation as MINING CAP-TAIN, by a thoroughly practical Minor,

from Cornwall, England. The subscriber bashedthe most thorough experionse In gold, silver, cop-per, Iron, and lead miner.; five years In ths goldm'nea of Virginia, and four in Cubs Good refer*ance given. Address "P. 0.." W__letß__* Post*OtSei*. Spo-rprrants enncty. V* l» 4?lm*

ANTED?A skilfuland ii'dn-trioua MAN,Torun a SAW MILL

at tb* Oa.r_.or. Hill Mine*'M_?_. JOHN J. t-iaKTH, Ag*t.

WANTED? TO BUY?A young WOMAN,with or without lncu__.bra.-i-., t-omp*-

te_t and quail-lad a* a house servant. Ap-ply%t comer of 12th and Franklin streets.oysftjonf-dsrata Coinmia-iovsraOffice.

in ??ta

A N T E D?Several FINISHEBS. towork on Engines, liijch wage* raid.

Also, one man who undere-intls makingCoke from Bituminous«'on!.



A ltrst-rate coloredHOUSE SERVANT.

WASHEU mid IRONER.One that can come well re.oinniended as

to capability and honesty can find a goodhome byapplying at

JACOB A. LEVY'S,fe 6?ts lf> main street.

ANTED?To HIB-E, for c.c ooal yardsin thia city, two able C.*_ro _&_._«., and

ten others for surface opera.'...i., at the Car-bon Hill Mines, ln this conn rv.

ia-C?ts _, JOHN J. WKKTH, Agent.

****/' A I.TEI-?Wouda of the Oocfed.rate Swiss,VV af the PRODUOB LOA-Sf,byla B?t.

____________!______---__!__-_____! _

CfIAHCEBr HOTICi-1.OF RICHMOND, to a_t:*4t Rulea

Xj held la the Clerk's Offi-e of »_- Court ofHustings for the said city, ou Siaadty, the 3d dayof _ tbruary,l.63:

John F Rt-guault Pit: , 1Against [._ _»_.?-Oessf* Knnkel and Thomau L. iIS UEUT'

Mould.- Delta., JThe object of thia suit la to recover against thedefendants the sum of e'-ev.u hundred andninety-eight dollars and eighty-mot- cents.?Affidavit having been made that, the defendantsare notresidents of the Stat* oi Virgiuia, theyarehereby required to appear i * tb* __id Clerk aOffice, within one in .nth ait-.- due pnbllcationhereof, and do what may be n... us try to protecttheir interests. A Copy?T. st«.

fe 4?law4w RO MOW. ED, Clerk.

CITY OP RICHMOND, TO wn :?At Rulesheld in tha Clerk a Ci-i.e ot the Court of

Hustings for tha aaid city, on Monday, the 3d daybf February, 1MB:Joseph Allen .....Pill', 1

Against IBenjamin W. Enowles and ,- Is Chancery.

Kichard Henry Yarring- Iton Daft* , 1

The objectof this suit is to have the will ofFrances Claiborne construed, and her real eatatedistributed among the parties entitled thereto.?Affidavit haviugbeen made that ihe defendant,Richard Benry Yarriagton is not a reeident of theState of Virginia, be la hereby re.juirsd to ap-pear in the said Clerk's Office, within one monthlift- r due publicationhereof, and do what may benecessary to proteot his interest.

A Copy?Teate.fe_?lawlw RO. HOWARD, Clerk.

B.naßßT* PIAHTEH.AtomA__._r__.___, ETEsAmMt A*\u25a0____-» SKta

pUAKOIWe have on hand, a few tor" ! Carribcan Sea

GUANO, for sale.Pric* Forty Dollar, a ton.

CHARLES D. _ A I.E A CO.,fe 12?lw» Iron Bk I-, fteaetum at.

C_Af_ BARRELS UNS) LIME;O \J\) 2 ,w0 barrels Jamc .rer HydraulicCement.

In store for ? ale »-.-BRUM' l_!> A CO.,

ja2B?lm 1it* *.__ Cary sta.IME, CAI.OiNEI> PI A' ''it, AiiJD PLA3-

TERING HAIR?200 bbls. Mountain L* c,100 " Calcined PI:-lor,500 bnshels Plastering iiair,

Instore forsale by A. S. LEB.ja2*t? to .


__B.KVAiyT._I _POKI-li_-t-B_~


c have for sale privately, a superiorNO. 1COOK,

about 30 years old, without encumbrance. Wewould sell her a bargain to rem tin iv the city.

DICKINSON A HILL,fe .5? 3t A-.i:tioaesraf'_.

OR HIRE?An accomplishedHO USE SERVANT.

I bave for hire a No. 1 HOUSE SER-VANT and LADY'S MAID. To procure hera satisfactory home, tbe price will be verymoderate. ALFRED MOSES,

tea?ta 83 Main street.OR SALE? '


SEWING) MACHINE,Sloat'apatent. It la la sjbod order and haabeen used aboat four months. Inquire at109 Main street.fe4-_r W. S. TUPMAN. ,

giOLDIKBS, AT-EPTION?If yap want a. reel good sad ssr-tosabta KNAPSACK, orATMB-PROOF COAT. CAPE. LEGGINS,

GAITERS, HAVE*-AvJK,BLANKET, AC, goto tbs KNAPSACK DEPOT, c*rn«r of Gnyeraerand Mala str**u, ow* Mr. -.penes'. ClothingEstablishment, where yea will and a tall assort-ment cheap. Satlara a «dsompsuiss enj.yiiad.

taj_____a_I oHK MsbO'lt*. ?

fJ __ 14. MAIN STREET,Win pay thaHIGIHW l MARRfcT FRI9IZanm*** 1* .uU_&U..

C-LOTUMI*.<__? M EamXlf tmOOBeWe

CLOTHS, nASSIMBRBA, _,____.--__._VESTINOS, aad TBIBUMNOS.Opening, this mortdaf.a «_*?__-?__'_*__£__'_of Cloths, Oaaalmere*. (Dossklns.)V eatings, Slleslas, Italian Cloths

Silk and Worstad Ssrgss,Paddings, Wadding,

__, _.?.?__DrapdeEte Drillings,

Silk Twist. Ac, ___

Being the balance of stcck -Tom a Southernmanufacturingbonse, and are very desirable,choice and scarce goods.

As tbs lot will be closed oat speedily,anejtrlycall will be nscessary by buyers

fel7-4t KENT. PAINE A CO.XUSt RECEIVE., 1 .- ____.__,_-"

? I In-" tloz. b_et English Machine TWIST,black; OO doz best English Machine TWIST,assorted colors; foo doz. Spool COTTON;fid. gross extra pearl Shirt BUTTONS; a lotofsilk and velvet CLOAKS and MANTLES,at cost: all kinds of Sewing Machine NEE-DLES, MACHINE OIL, Ac.

GEORGE DARBY, Agent,At Belvin's Sewing Machine Rooms.

fe 17?l_t»OTI .X.?Call at No. 231 Broad atreet. and

examine the stock of goods, eonaiatiog ofBoots, Sloe., Hats and Clothing. Al. o, a nice lotofLadies' Dress Goods, a line lot cf Silks, all ofwhich will be sold at reduced prices, at wholesaleand retail. _ ___

. fe 17?fif J. P. FULKS A 00.Ct~X.fi BNGLISU ARMY OVERCOATS__.«_. U 100 pieces English Blue PLAIDS and

STRIPES.15 pieces English Black CRAPE.8 pieces English 6-4 ConfederateGray

CLOTH, imported by the "EllaWarly," and last received.

WILSON A HcILWAINB,fe_?Bw Petrabarg, Va.

UST RECEIVED -100 yard* ofCrenshaw'sbeat Military GRAY CLOTH. Also, 100 yds.

of Crenshaw's Confederate Bin* Doeakin CAB--BIMERB, which the subscriber will ac 1, at asmall advance, or MAKE UP ta UNIFORMS, atthe shortest notice.and on reasonable terms.

JOHN HABTZ, Militaryand Civic Tailor,fe I?-lm* Bth, bet. Broad and Grace sts.

OIL CLOTHS.?Th* subscribers, having in-creased their faci'itie-forunnufactflrlng,are

now prepared to supply merchanta with OILOLOTHS, ofvariouswidths, from 4-4 to4-8 incheswide Also, CAP OLOTHS. These goods willbe found snpeTior to any other mtaafaetured Inthe South. The attention of clothiers is partieu-ltrly called te these goods. Samples and pricesforwarded ty mail. REITH A PORT,

Factory nearCentral Depot,Ja3l?lm* Office on Main and Governor sta.JULIUS SYCLE desires to.notify his friendsel and the publicat large, tbat on the 20th of

February. 1862, he will remove hia large stock ofDry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, Hats, andClaps, opposite, No. 233 Broad street, tbree doorsbalcw Mr. Mark Downey'sStore.

N. B.?Hia present Store. No. 238 Broad street,between 3d aud 4th streets, ts for rant, wltb Dwel-ling and Store Fixtures.


ENGLISH _*ILOT CLOTH.?I _____ darkbins heavy English

PILOT CLOTH,In stors nnd for sals byjal-t* BACON A BABKEBYILL.

NEW G'JODS, NEW GOODS.?We shallopen, on Monday morning, 17th inst.,a lot of new goods,boughtat the recent larg*

auction sale., and In all theSouthern mar-kets?a very handsome assortment of goods,adapted to the present and approachingseason. We enumerate in part as follows:Super. Brocade Silks, Check and Plaid Silks;Chintz Colored Heregee; Super. French Or-gandies; Super. French Jaconets; Super.French Grlsels, for traveling dresses; Ging-hams; Lawns; Black Bombazines; Alpacas;Black Berege; Cold Berege; Spring Prints:Brocade Poplins; Parasols; Bleached andBrown Sheeting; Cotton and Silk Umbrellas;Bleached Cottons; Gents' Socks; IrishLinens;very superior Hoop Skirts, together with afine assortment of Domestic Goods, which weshall keep as full as possible. We have nowstopped manufacturing Clonks, and shalloffer the balance of the stock at reduced pri-ces. We have a very good stock now onhand, comprising all the styles we have madeduring the season.



6,000 yards4-4 English Calicoes; 4,600 yardssplendid Lawns, Organdies, and Jaconets;1,500 yards Deninsand Linens for pants; 6,000yards Bleached Cotton; 8.000 yards Swiss,Cheeked, and Striped Muslins; SOO UnderShirts and Drawers; 200 Stella Shawls; 10,000yards Swiss and Cambric E.ges and Insert-i.gs; 600 yards real Thread Laces and Edg-ings. Peisons wanting bargains for theirown use, or to sell again, will do well to givea call at EZEKIEL'S, 41 Main at.,

fe 13 Mailer t's Old Stand.ftALL AT TUPMAN'S SHIRT DEPOTty for Casslmere .and Flanuel Shirts; forMerino Shirts and Drawers; for Leggins andGaiters, different styles; for Wool HeadCovers and Comforts; for Water-proof Blan-kets and Leggins. 109Main atreet. te 13

«**._ 'DISSOLUTION OFCO-PARTNER-SHIP.---_*be co-partnership heretoforeexisting between the undersigned, under thefirm of MILES, JENNINGS A CO., waadissolved by mutual consent on the Bth inst.All persons having claims aarainst the latefirm will present tbem to G Z Milks A Bsofor payment; and those md eh ted to the firmwill make paymentto G. Z "Wiles A Bbo.


The undersigned will sontinue the SAD-DLERY and HARNESS BUSINESS at theold stand of Miles, Jennings & Co., underthe firm of G Z. MILES A BROTHER, andsolicit a continuance of the patronage soliberally bestowed npon the late firm.

G. X. MILES,fe H?ts R. M. MILES

XHE CO-PARTNERSHIPofJ. V. SUNDBERG A CO- was dissolved on the 2d

, of December last, by mutual consent.?The books of the concern will be closed byCHARLES LUNDIN, the remaining part-ner. All indebted .to tbe firm will pleasscall aud settle tbeir accounts.

Having purchased the entire interest ofMr. J. V- SUNDBERO, in the firm of J. V.SUNDUERG A CO., I woald respectfullysolicit a continuance of thecustom bestowedon the late firm, hoping, by a strict attentionto bus I _ tss, tomerit the same.

CHARLES LUNDIN.In withdrawing from the firm of J. V.

SUNDUERG A CO.. I return my thanks tomyfriends and easterners for their patronagedaring Ihe last six year*, and take pleasureIn recommending my late partner, Mr.CHARLES LUNDIN, who will continuethe LOORING-GLASS and PICTUREFRAME BUSINESS, at theold stand, to thepatronage of the public.

feß-3w» J. V. SUNDBERG.?Tha co-partnership ofU VAN LEW, TAYLOR A CO. U thia day

dissolved.Having purchased tbe Interestof 0. M. PLEA-

SANTS, the surviving partner, JOHN N. VAN-LEW, will h_re_-fter conduct the bnsinera in h_*own name.

All persons indebted to the old coneeva, willplsaae coll and settle with the undersigned

JOHN N. VAN-L_-'r7.Jannaary I,IBOT. Ja 3?tf

OFCO.PARTHKH.SI I P.\u25a0 vuwuijuiiociur u\.) -rai.Tni<_i..i_ii.

I J Thepai-nerafaipheretoforeexistingunde.- th*style of A. BODEKER A 00., having sapfeet.January 1,1869, by limitation, and the deco&i. ofMr. WM. BODBKER, tb* undersigned lias ..-_k>

elated witb himself Mr. W. M DADE anr* htsbrother, Mr. HENRY BODEKER, on thi? seam*terms that existed in the formerconcern, r.u- .'Jcontinue the DRUG AND APOTUECAi:?BUSINESS att he old Bt_uid,No. 10 Main atrsat,under the aaiae name. A. UODEKK'..

Thankful for the past liberal patronage _*a_l-*-<*?on them, they bop*, by strict and fsithfol atta i-ttaa to their ouatasss, to merit a good a*>.. \u25a0si *.. cname in future.

ja 10-t. ABOIIKER A QQ,\K R. H. BROUNKLL U admttt.d i sailaw lii IJwl onr bnataeas. OLABKBON A CO.

ISSOLUTION?The co-partnership __\u25a0__?*_fore existing under the nam* of SPENCSA GABBY waa dissolved by mutual coanent ontbs Ist last. The business will hereafter bo c«mducted ln the nam* of B. B. SPBNOR.B. B BPBNOB,.?4-ta Q. W. GABBY

lIABDWABB, IKOfl,.^"11*000 NAILS forsale.7 Apply to

CRENSHAW A OU.,fell?lw Basin Bank*.RATES AUD PENDERS, Iron and Galvaa-iaed; Coal Ssattlsa; Wood Water Bucket*;

Beit* of Tongs; Shovels snd Pokers, and Ptr*Stands; Iron Skillets sad Bakers; Frying Paas,Ironaad Tla StawPans. Tea Ksttlss, Oof**Mills,Onffee Pots sod Boilers; Cinder Shovels: singleand donbl* eovwrad Canteens; Iron aad BrassFoote.ea, aad avariety ofTin-war*. For aale by

ta7-lm- S. D. DBNOON. «_5 Msdast.

S6_.T_-.l_-.il ?

PILE MAM UFAOTOHI*.dOVßDfrom ear *Metaee ta Wn. B. 0008 ?

Shop,Bth street, above Mala, what* we keep oabaa* a good asserted stash of PIL-JI ANDRASPS.

EETBe outting of OM Pitas doaefor s?traasmiaH?li* ____________!_________!__

£ lOPPBR.-Tb* _nd_r-tfn-da_ AfSftW of tb*\J OMI.NiOOMB OLIbATBDCM.PPBBWBK, of l******

BkmduM l-ik _-__-____ ____i ____\u25a0____ __________r________________________L* 9{Wm*% urn****

-TOM MBM-r All-P mJanEmmnm ,-|7-"_l BENT -A desirable Ho- ,Jn *trset, lormsrly owaad by the lata L. D.Crenshaw*, within a short distance of ths Cap. ,Ital Square, Governorst. Its location Is cob-vsnient to any one d**lrlng a resldmc* nsarths departm*nto or place* ofbus.Be**. Also,aa excellentbrick Stable la therear, separatafrom the lot. Apply to 1). W. B. Pi.basabts,Morion building.IjiUK RENT.


Severalvery desirableLODGING ROOMS,

for alnglsgentlemen. ApplytoB. A. COCKE,

Offlce No. 4, Law Building,fe 17?21 , ... Franklin street.

OB BBNT UK LBABB?Tb* aTOBB aadDWELLING, at tb* north corner of Broad

sad 3d streets, formerly occupied by Isaac Brlggsas a Bakery, Apply to MIGHABL GULDEN,between 3d aad 4th streets, or the subscriber alW-«a-toek.*ya. . ? YE. SOHEPFBB.

fe!7-8t»OR BENT?TO UEN. LEMEN-2 laigeCBAMBEBS furnished, and one large

Parlor unftrrnißhed, in a most desirable resi-dence onShockoe HID, In the vicinity of sev-eral boardtag bouses?references required.Address ?? Z. T.L," through ths Poat-Oflice.

fe 17?3t« .-*'

OR SALB.- The nnderalgnedwishes tosell aTRACT OF LAND, lying ln the county of

Powhatan, near tb* Powhatan Station, on theBtcamondaad Danville Railroad. The tract con-taina onehundred aad fifty aorta. The improve-ments are as follows: One frame Dwelling-House, containing four rooms; Kitchen. Smoke-Bouse, Ao ,' and an excellent well of water in theyard; a goodappla orcnard, aad other fruit treeson the premises. Thsre axe about SO acres ofopen land, on tbeplace, tb* balance iv pine andoak. Tha open "And, from not havingbeen cul-tivated forseveral years, is somewhat grown opia bushes. ?-*__? 10-ationI* a bea-ttlful one for adairy farm, as it lies within a few hundred yardsef the Powhatan -tation, on tbe Danville Road.A further description ln deemed unnecessary, aaaay person dealrous of purchasing would exam-ine for themselves. For Information In regard toterms, address me at Olaremont Wharf Post*Offlce, Barry connty, Va.

fed-_ttawßw» J. M. BHOBT.

Most valuable u-ranite-fronttenement, in the cittf ofh-viond,adjoining tuetraders'

BANK, FOR SALE.?We are authorized toat.ll the very valuable granite-front TENE-MENT, located aa above, now ia the occupancyof Messrs. Johnston, a Harwood and others. ThiaTenement Is not only a large one, having a flue,dry cellar, wsll lighted, but Is among the bestbuilt in this city. Apply to


SIEXAS LANDSI TEXAS LANDS! I?Weoffer for sale 40.000 acres of valuable

XAS LANDS, or will exchange the samefor Negroes, Tobacco, Fancy Dry Goods, orRichmond city Real Estate. Th* lands areof early location, and the titles indisputable.Parties wishing to negotiate for the samewill please applyto the undersigned, at theTexas Depot, on Bank St., next door to theTreasury Department.

fe 15-6t* WIGGINS & DANIEL.TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE PRI*XX VATELY.?We offer for aale, private-ly, an excellent House and Lot, on Clay, be-tween Munford and Gilmer streets. The lotfronts twenty-seven feet, and is onehundredfeet deep, with a comfortable brick bonse,nearly dew, containing * rooms and passages.There ie a. well of good water on the lot, andalso necessary oat-bnildlngs. If not soldprevious to Wednesday, 13th February, itwill be sold at public auction, onthe prem-ises, that day, at4 o'clock P. M.

\u25a0 REDWOOD A REACH,ja80?ts An«tione*r*

O RENT?A House oi PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Clover Station, onthe Richmond and Danville Railroad, 94 miles

from Richmond. This House Is the property ofthe Railroad Company, and waa built with theview of havinga convenient boarding place forofficers and employees of the Company, and alsoan eating honae for ths accommodation of pas-senger*. Itla now vacant and the Company de-sires to,rent it. For terma and fnrther particu-lars, apply at the office ot the Richmond andDanvilleßailroad Company. fe7?3w

OB SALE?That beautifullylocated RKSI-DBNOB on Fourth strnet. Gamble* Hill,

directly opposite Pratt'a Cottage, containing aizrooms. For a small sized family, no mor* desira-ble location lean be found tvthia city. Inquire ofAaa Snyder,at Richmond Stovs Works.

fea-teRENT.?A FramedJd DWELLING

On tbe corner of Locust and Tobacco Alley, con-tainingtwo large rooms, porches, store-rooms, nndKitchen with two rooms, with a large yard, Ac.

For tanas, Ac, apply tom

**29-ta CI.OPTON A I____-H.OK RENT?Having engaged the stand now

occupied by Hunt A James, lor the comingyam, or* offer

FOR BENTOar OFFICE, on Shockoe Slip,near tn* Columbian HotelA vary desirable stand.

Ja I?ts HILL A NORPLEBT.X?OB SALE?A very valuable -.STATE, wellJ_> suited for a woolen manufactory, one milefrom Abingdon depot,containing 160acres of wellImproved Land, fine Orchard, No. 1 Brick Honseand Kitchen, large Barn, and abundance of onthouses, two of them good dwelling*.

Th* Factory La of stone, 60 by 30, with a atonedam.

A Wool-carding custom worth 9500 (five hun-dred) par annum.

Alao, oneOil Mill, with Hydraulic Press.Address. .Abingdon.) THOS- P. OLAPP.Christian Observer please copy. \n 25?lm*

OWER FOR RENT Intendingto erectbnlldiogaon the lot corner Caryand io thstreets, now occupied by Mr. Truman A.Parker, te accommodate my business, I ahallbe able to furnish to on* <*r more tenantsabout 10-horse Power, and will arrange thebuildings wltb special reference to tbe axedesired, providing early applicationis madeto tbe subscriber, at the Richmond StoveWorks [ja ___-ts. ASA SNYDER.

DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AT PRIVATSALE ?We offer for sale, privately, a

very pleasantly-located FA-aILY RESIDENCE,on Leigh street, near Buchanan's Spring. Tb*Lot fronts 70 feet on Leigh street, runningback176 feet, and ba* on it an excellent House, con-tainingeight rooms, with largo porticos front andrear. All th* buildings areof tbebeat materials,and nearly new, having been built only twelvemonth*. There I* also on tbs lot a wall of excel-lent water, and many desirable frnit trees.

A bargain may be bad If early application lamad* to va. REDWOOD A XEAOH,

Auctioneers aad General Agents,\n 21?ta Ho. 54 Main street.

ARM IN HANOVER FOB SALE.-We offer for sale privatelya very con-veniently located FARM In the connty ofHanover, two miles South of ths Court-

House and thrae-quartsrs of amile from theCentral Railroad. The Farm contains onehundred acresof most excellent land, with agood meadow, and is considered one of thsmost productiveFarms of its else in the conn-ty. Th* buildings are very good, the dwell-ing is two stories,containingAye rooms withgarrets, a good school-house, carriage-house, Ac. It la considered one of the bestlocations for aprofessional gentleman In thscounty. Apply to

REDWOOD A REACH. Aunt's,''a *_-*? 64 Main St.. Richmond.

BAKERIES.T li. _Kl(l_B'S

HitEAD, OAKS, .'HAOKER.And TGI BAKBRT.Hiving senior*)-.. I .my now sstabS ____*____. oa thecorner cfBroad aid I'onrtb _**~ which I have had

lt_*_| up baa superior st-le, do now otftir my sta-c-.-a thanks ta my frionde, and th* public in g*ae-rn!, fcr ihe very Mlioral patroasge ceatov-ed on mefor th* laat 6_e yenrn, mil hope by v. -let attentiont> bn-lnesi, _-<l working of ths M__ material-, toStart s continuant- > of ths same.

I have l-j_r.as-ui my faclHUea for Hairing tosueh.*a sxt-snt that I aa as*- prepared to turn oat

: ERFAD. OASBS, CTRAOKBRS and PIES, oa as: 11.?.a scale an any es _i I __-__._t of the kind inlaer-'t.i.,

liv-spita'a F.~*.:.*..".. is. and Boarding nouses! rn-rt-l sdv-ith FRESH P7-HADtvrl.eevary day.

CRAOB-BR.- of a'l kind*, 'r. ih baked, constantlyon hand, packed in the t?st marner.SatUr- supplied vi h CRACKERS, CAKES,

GINGER BREAD, SPIOENUTS, Sa., at tbe__as_a___s -ttce.Orders ?\u25a0.»__ tbs cr*nntry thaakfaliy received

and care'illyattead-d to.Parti** suppliedwith PLAN snd ORNAMEN-TAL GARBS.

L D. BRIGOS'S Nsw Bakery,Corner of Broad and fourth stre-its.al*__-Cba*

lIfST-i. TINSLET'S NEW LARGEVV STEAM BAKERY.Having at * eonsld*rabU expanse fitted ap aLARGE STBAM BAKERY, on lb* eoraar otGary aad 11th *_r*et*,l am aow prepai-d to furnishall ordsr* la my lias lmmedtataly.Ia__ail keep eoi_rt_mUy on hanA fresh baked, sU



My osaas. f nM*_*y aai took beingentirelyasw aad of tb* aaast taai_rov_d styta, togashar withaiytaaf sgasrteaaa la baatasss.l f*_l.aat_a*d laaaytef that I eaa fan-tab aa good aa ?___!? ofCtrasksrs sad Gskas as any aatabUahaMal ta this orothsr eoaatry.

Msra-sata hast** orders Boat tb* *oaatrywißindlttothsirtatatatata glva sa*a**P.seoft*_-n*_-U__r_talsssh_|*psd.

_»___-__.J** l*~*~* wm. B. TIMSLBT.

|B_-VB VTAa-UnD *JtciW AAjm9meft

EanuWHt Ema*H9mWefM WMreßaaurw* WM)____________

-(BBCTBI-W, UMtM-fc Etm\u25a0m A_t_._l sf _.-__"or afeooE_--__s7"toJL_ which w* laTit* th* attenUon of tho

lon.ooo Havana Cigars.100.000 Domsatlc do. v3Wi,000 German do. b

4.000 lbs. Ground Pepper. 4fi bag* drain do. ?12 ."heats choice Green Tea. b10 do. do. Black do.40 Baskets Anchor Champagne.10 do. Chas. Heidsick do.40 do. Golden Star do.40 bbls. Crashed Sugar. j6* ito. old choice Bye Whiskey. ,00 do. mediant do. do. '100 do. pare do. do.

LEE k DUNHAM,fel7?St * \u25a0)_ Pearl street.

Wfk BBLS NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES.rill 100 boxes Adamantine CANDBES.tr, bbl*. Crushed SUG>AR. i2.'. half chests Black TEAto half chest* and. mall boxessuperior

Oreen TEA.300 bbls. John Rollins's ExtraFLOUR.

For sale brWM. B. JONES A CO.,

fe IT?3t l.th st., bet. Main and Cary- ,FLOUR-?

* Very superiorExtra Superfine FLf-ÜB.

STTPERFINE FLOUR,For aale la lots to suit, at our Mills.

feU-.tt HAXALL, CRENSHAW A CO.O UUARB.-47 ri_us. clarified and choiceO Brown New Orleans SUGARS,To arriveto-day, for sale by

fe 17?3t TARDY A WILLIAM3.Tl'SI B E O E I.ED.' 20 hhds. choice N. O. Brown SUGAR,

10 ?\u25a0 N. O. Clarified ??



For sale by G. W. ROBINSON,felfi?6t» 39 Pearl et.

UST RECEIVED--"A fine lot of prime


POWERS A HANDL EY,fe 15?3t» Cor. Main and I7t'i sts.

~\ Q BBLS. RED APPLES, medlnm _*_____, lnIO good ordsr.

?ALSO?£0 bushels CLOVER SEED, prime qu _lity.

For sals on consignmentbyfe Id-9% W. D. TOMPBIWS A 88.0.

"OYE, RYE FLOUR, Ac.100 bnshels Bye;coo " Black Eye Peas;5» bbls. Bye Flour ;

_,For aals by BLAIR A H ARV.'E.f*l2 Cary and 11th \u25a0\u25a0».


For sale by G. W. BOBINSON,fe 18-1w» 29 Pearl st. ,

REMOVAL.? We have removed our Store tothe larg* four-story Warehouse oo Gary :

B.reet, between 13th and 14th street*, four doorsbelow our old stand, and have ln store sad forsale?

10,000 lbs. prime BACON- i900 bushels Black-Eyed PBAS. i200 bushels BEANS. ,500 bbls. FLOUR, different grades.80 bbls. Mountain WHISK-BY. 1

100 bnahels TIMOTHY-SKED. }100 bnshels CLOVBR-SBBD.

1,000 lbs. Country SOAP. -800 kegs LARD. ._0 bbls. LARD. ,6> box** Adamantine CANDLES. .

fel?ta_____________________________7~* A. BALDWIN A CO.. |

\Je (Late ofAlexandria,) <Having removed to the three story brick Store- '

bouse on 13th,between Main and Gary streets, afew doors south of tha Dispatch office, offar for Isale at the lowest market rates <

39 hhds. New Orleans and ClarifiedSUGARS.

175 boxes good to very superior TOBAC-COS.100,000 CIGARS, ofvarious qualities.

50 eases Smoking TOBACCO.1,000 lbs. CANDLE-WICK.1,100 pair Soldiers' SHOES,

500 pair BROGANSTo which they will be adding daily such goods

as their customers peed. Tbey invite countrymerchants, aud particularlytheir old friends vis

' It ing this market, to give them acall.ja2fi?l_nGBO. M. FLBCK Ro. J. CHKISTIAS.

GEO. M. FLECK A CO.,Manuf-.ctur.rs of superior

White Wine and Par* OlderVI N-__ GAB, >

For Pickling, Ac IMain street, near 20th Richmond, Va !

UT Orders sent by mall promptly attended to. 'j* 28-2m» «/ \LD VIRGINIA RYE WHISKEY.

50 bbla Virginia WHISKEY, of goodquality.10 bbls. vary fine old By* WHISKEY, part

five years old.300 boxea and package* fine Chewing aad

Smoking TOBACCO.10 baga Rio Coffee.New Orleans, Clarified and Crushed SUOAR

In store and forgale by GEO. I- HBRBING,la _.?lm» 56 Main street

REMOVAL.? WILLIAM T. KING has-moved his stack of OBOOERIES to th

house vacated by Aostin A Gantry, 3 doors we*of his old stand.

In addition to ths best asortment of Groceriesto ba obtained during the war, th* subscriber willkeep on hand astock of Hay, Corn, Rye, Oats,Mill Peed, Bolted Meal, Aa, at lowest cash prices


100 bis. Extra 1,Extra 2, and No. t CoffeeSUGAR,

76 bbla Crushed and Powdered BUGABB,60 bag* prime Bio COFFEE.96 eighth and quartar casks fine FRENCH

BRANDY,100 barrels Common andRy* WHISKEY,20 do. BUMand GIN,ft. do. Peach and AppleBRAHDT,M do. Sweet Malaga WQCB,50 esses BARDINBS,

100,000 CIGARS, assorted brand*,50 SYBUP,10 bags PBPPER,

100 _»ags Soft Shell ALMONDS,100 boxea Ground PEPPER,35 bbls. Peeaa NUTS.

100 boxea Rhine WINH, vary flu*,100 box** An* CHAMPAGNE.

1000 bags GROUND PEAS50 kegs Sap. Carbonate SODA.50 box** MUSTARD,

100 boxesTOBAOOO,Por sale by

THOMAS JONES, Mo. 8 Mala at.,la 13?lm Rlebmoad, Va.

CtASTILK SOAP?\j I*oboxea par* CASTILB SOAP,OTrscsnt importation.

Jart rscslvsd and la stars.Voxaai* hytal-t* BAOOM A HZSKEBVTLL.

-_ A AAA I-88 * OF NICE BMITHFIELD1U.UUU HUG-BOUND BACON.For aale by THOS. JONE*.fSB M<*. S -flala street.

OAA BBLS. EXTRA 1, BXTRA 2, and We,ZU" * SUGAR2! -0 boxes Ground F__rPEl_.For sail by TUOS. JONBS,f*B N_» 8 Mate street.


COLUMBIAN HOTELRII'UMOND, Vrs<nsuO. W. SPICER A 00.. Proprietors.o. 11. Lcca, Saperlnten-eet.B. E. Hi o*s. a and S. 11. Tris*. Olsrba.

V. W. SPICER,Ja a? 1y N. W. IIABRIS.MET Whig and Enq-»rer publish thr**


KOBtfSION OLUB ROOMS.147 Mai* strut

Over Adta A Gray's Drug Star*.

This HOUSE, aow OPEN te VISITORS, wtUoocstsetly keep, at tbs disposal of easterner*, th*

BBBT WINBS and LIQUORSIn the South; aad tb* choice of tbe mart-*, willalwaysb* seeared foroffering to tb* eastaaaer*.

PRtVATM PARTIES ssabs »o*omai*d*tad withpri .at*Dtutn* Baaga _.


WHBBLBB A WILSOIPS BSWING MAOHINKB repalted aa* k*pt ta ord*r.

NBBDLBB and SILK on hand.Floe Taskingand PamUy Bewtag dooe by Mlas

S. LYONS, Mo. 144 Main atosat, ov*r th* stars,opposite Saa-L M. Price's-

__r-_as**at-*en«aUysi_a__l-d__ > taU-_-»-AT_-_<T AC-KNOT,RICHMOND. TA.,

JAMIS B. FjJJftOH.PatenUprocaradsj-dTali baatasaswith tha

Pat*at*o_B<* prompUy atteactad to.OST OMo* oora*r of Bank aad Uth atreeta.Address Box IjftW. _*!__-__**?

J3-p--feU^*MW- C-W* ar* now meaninetaring RNVM*Lol>J__ oa aa astaaalv* seal* by SB-tc-lß*Ty,and ar*prepared tofhratah aaya_Mjaa_ji

mAI-UKOA.BME, *li*7^^BAB.**, »lir fiToirifJi -"

BICHMOISn F*b. ll lags"' \rpO MKBCfBAHTa aNDOTH-ni.-iLJ,I hereby .tree tbat tbe Rl__.__o__ *_4_!_'viil* Ballread Cemeaay will uot, fr,>«, __£ ?_ *\u25a0*

be re ponatbl* for tb* rata* ef char g*,, 4,;,'*"''damages to through goods upon ot___r' roiwi , .rwill eoatlaae ta collect cbsrges on .-eh fo_,'bsrtaofer*. CHAB-I*. ?? AWott*' M

fe 15?t* __g_____**-_-*iOPPICB RICHMOMb A P. R. RToTTr*Richmond. V*., Feb. 14, imt' .(f\B AND AFTER MONDAY, tb, JS .__If the MAIL TRAIH on thi* road will __*!Richmond at a quarter before 5 A.M. __?___?,

5 A. ___, aa heretofore.. ' ?'****- -'

to \u25a0'*-?*' \u25a0\u25a0 W --...? flen *~.

OFFIOB R.,"P. APR*. 6o~T*__ _.

RicaaosD, l'*b.., ier>. IIa ail ease* where IIva stock ef _~ll kind are killed or wonnded by ths _*\u25a0___thia Company,aad th* Company tuny be lubi- ...the Injur-, tb* owner abaU giv* notice ofth_'_jury to th* _e_r.it Section Master, In orde* >.»,'impartialreferees may be agreed oa _*'.»»?_ ,_ ,owner and SecUon Master, (one to b« seise., h,each, aad tb* two thua ehoaen to select a -h| r . \who may aacertaln and report thi. valve of t_*_?_mala killed, or amoaat of ln|ury done.tat?in HA**-.. Rt.TTT, gnp-,



On and after SATURDAY, February In v,_tbe trains over thisroad wili run aa follow.'The Passenger and Mall trains will leave'_?_.moud dally at 7 A. M, (stopping only at teW ?station*) aad arrlv* at West Point at 9 a meoanecting with tbe steamer Logan for Glo-.i. .._

Point aad Yorktowa, snd intermedlste memssaReturning will leave West Point at I p.,

en arrival of aiearner Logan, from Ulnars JPoint aad York Town, and arrive at Bicam-orf _.


Will leave Richmond dally (except Surulv. ? ??

I P. M-, and arrive at West Point at 7..*... i> vLeave Weat Point at !.15A M., and airi-- s*Richmond at I__M. P M.

No freight received after 3 .. i p. m.Byorder of the President

A. B. DAINOERI'IBLD,! ja_B?dim a*..-

NOTlU__.? ?

IMPORTANT CHANCE OF 8 ...DM .On andaßer WBDNH6DAY. the 15th in.i .;._Trains over tbls Road will be run as followiTbe Mail Train will l*av* Richmond for i-rs*.erickaburg daily (stopping only at regular its.

tlons) at 7 o'clock A. M., and am... at Fr \u25a0 j_.rickaburg at 10 15 A. M. Retnmißft w;: ~


Frtsderlcksburg at 11.30 A M-, autarrivs ln Rich-mond at 2,30 P. M.

Tbe Aeeouimodation Train, between Rjr *,mo_.and Miiford, will leave Richmond for .ill \u25a0 ..[daily (Hur-davs excepted) at 3.15 P. H . ktsaytamat crossings and stations to take apor cm teaupassengers,) and arrive at Mllfora at sj. *


Ke<amine, will leave Miiford at 7.10 A.M. ___

, arrive tn Richmond at fcJO A MThe Fr-igbt Trains will be run dally. _\u25a0'.-.:.\u25a0,

received until 2 o'clock P M?f No P ASSENOERS can go _.y_..i,_i

Trains.EOT No FREIGHT, or PACKA OK, of __- > in,|,

other than personal baggage, will h* ta_.au__ -i,.

Mail and Accommodation Trains, bat only na ?_.

dailyFreight Train. SAMUEL RUTK,Snpeiinteudent Tratuporta.. i

Ot 1--" R.. P- AP.R. R Co. IIt Ichmond, Jan. 10, BE% j Ja 10


On anil after MONDAY, November Hit ?_.

*f-ll snd Passenger Tra'a* will leav Rio___<>.. f~>GordonsvUle, Charlottairvtlle, and Staunton, tea*Ht 7.30 A. M, connecting with the Oram;. __,

.Vlexaudria Railroad Peaae»g_r Train at ..._.:<__.-_'l*, for Mana-aaa, and Intermedia: c aohrm, _.?..!


Ch__*lo"«»**--- 6 for Lynchburg.Between St*_ato_- and Jackson j Riv. r th*- Mad

Tr _i n' v s"UI be runtri-weskly, 1. avinK \u25a0_____\u25a0* o*Tuesday "\u25a0? Thursdays, and Bati.ro_y., ai..i hs*>son's lUve-" m *~ oliamJa, Wetlnesdayi, __<* I'rl-

Harman A Stage Line for _a__aj*a_,connects with th *- Mai } Tr--n. -nd leavesS: .v .to*on Mondays, WeA^*"'I?8.

*n'' Fridays, ar.n 00.ahen on Tuesdays, 'i hnrkdsy., and Saturday.

Harmon, Maaou ft c -?'? Stafi Is-"*. -SfWlt*Snlphur,Lewlsbnrg, Ac, cmuac*with thi. irslnon Tuesdayh, Thursday*, and Saturdays.

The regular Threngh Frei-'n: Train ?** Sea_*B_*ville. and polnuwest of there, leaves Ricbt. la7.30 P. M. ou Sundays, Tutisdajw «"! Thm-lsia,and arrive from the west at 4 A. B. es Sup.Wji,Wednesdays, andFridaya

A regular Way Freight Train for ."lei-ton-viia,and points east, leaves dally, .B__day»' «*«**i ,'~'<l>atS.3OAM H. D. w___TOo_ 1«*

no 8 General s _ ____



Th* Bteamer CURTIS PUCK. Cap' J H- I i;UHAN, will, on and alter Wedaea.lay niort-ii], u»itthe 30th Instant, leave the wharf at Ko<?_. t'«. iwulsurly every Monday, Wei!ne*iay, and K-i-Uimornings, at fii o'clock prrcuoly, for tho dot)places; lay at the Rock Whitrf all nittl.i. _??. *»

tarn each alternate day?Tue-wli-y, TUnr_A»!'. a*Saturday morninga?leaving Rock "w_arf * '_?

same hour, 6. o'clock, and ton, o at all the r_i,__Mlandings,going and returning.

MTPaa-age and freight as u_ual.«__» R q-_-____nas>

OPFICB RICHM'D AND VETxTb. R. 00. IRichmond, Ye.. Oct. IU, Em i

CHANGE OF SOHEDr.._.--_-'a_<l »ftwWKDNBBDAY, October _?«_. _ta_e__r___*.

Schedule will be run on thi.. r h 1LBAVIKO Kit HMOM).

Mail Tra_n,'d__Uy, at 5,00 A K.Freight and Accommodation, -»Uy. ex-

c-pt Sunday-, at I A. M. and IF. R.LEAVIKO |_T-_-M*M_

Mail Train, daily, at * 9Ett. AFreight and Accommodation, daily, «?

cept Sundays, at IA *

|__rThe Trains leaving Richmond at 5 A a.and _P.IL connect with train. South of tamm>

\u25a0iTTravelera will bear in mind that jHj _*

required toshow a pas* from the Governor ->' \u2666"\u25a0j*other authorised person, before thay can 1«»*" *«-

city by this road.celflu-u THOS. H. WYNNB. »-\u25a0\u25a0'«-,


CROSS CANNONS. Ac.Th* undM-dgncd sre manuf/acturlngto_Hs* SM

bay*always on hand BRASS PBEBBBD <.**?

TF.RB, dROSS BABRFB, CROSSAc, for MILITARYOAPA Orders pr- *"pu»attended to. _____\u25a0____LEWIS A KAYTON, Brand Cotiari.

l.th, bet Mala aad C_ryitr"U. |Addrsaa by _asU "Lewla AEayton,' Bcijss |

Richmond, Vs. i* gjj£j jNOTICE? Having"resumt-l the kVC'.l'-*~[

and CO_-_-L-_a-0« BUSINRS& c* «* \prepared to raeeiv*vonsigumenu of (eaarsl ?"'\u2666_chandi-0, for sal* *t *uet_on *r prlvawl.* "\u25a0 Itask* Uh-rai cash advaao**. Wa sball r.__ > \u25a0 nf

Ike prwaat, our large aad -s»* ,bouse, wh*r* g-ods oan be safely store* ?*??-»£_sahlhited. Cla>n-_f__naß-_wiU_*c*_ve-'Wp.Te»» |


(_*__.__.**_? oAKmin,'Tnwiarr»B ,1 uwrm-.- 1


pitch *__££?___ROSB- faSOSES. VABBISB,BAPTB Aat___i_s.v«« ri-OWOM *BJ-uwarttiaj --Jq. g V*BAas-_aa*

_.______.- -?

ANUPAOTOBY OP SA .*fitNESa. MILITARY *£'. Ac, No. MSBro*d et.-sat, keen «? ?*\u25a0'

~ ._ |k_The nnds-rdgn-d manufsctcr* everv-.-? '-

11a*, and bave a good stock on ban_.

L_ura_-Bef_V-rplss*rlptl-8.»"? .'"_,I _S__|__h_B* B-lttag aad Bub->**r »'_f *£*____-.Tra*a_M_a* Saddle Mat*,

_.tech ta-Urn

Beln kuapfi PbUadalpbla aa* _\u25a0"??«_*? (Bolts. Wood Screw*. Sand ,-_--?-*<»__, __M |Mal-cabl* Castla**, aad a geasrsl aaeorvi? ,Oarrlata MtaariaTs,

, __,I

EET Orders promptly *xe«ut*d._\u25a0 .s-s_-r--rJMBUP fc BAT_»-

la 11-las* Lat* 8-^-a*__f_*» 1_» * *--

I-pXBOUTOB-l NOTIOB -bavtag J«j£j«_ __*_*Btor ofA_l«- mix. da* -E.su p

whoa* ba wss _mtabt*d are ******** *\**\thsir elates to m* for p*y_-**» *_«_? _.__!owinghia **tsta wtU m,n ?__; ______

The eo-partaei-bta*-' A <_«at tbe detah ef Mr- HUI- Ths »flnaaarasabU ta arttalesof *d\\"\\*^Ql\l*-_IceJby tb* «*f»*__-- _-___K____i_J**-- ?

AU panoas tadebted ar* ?___._k7l-M-edlawneymsvni.and all *\u25a0",».-*--*-*____a_ __«a^7-»?__.I, .aJ.ia*» _i s


jysa?S__>Two AM gallon**ach,Ua* I*o *>

*-_*&; **?» te^SBS-wSKsw^^^'' I___H__*______________4 _!_____- *-*? -? /

! IbTOtlOßa-Saasa-l Ayrea *? ""£5 *\u25a0*-_!N tata __\u25a0_\u25a0**tSspspsia *_M**a*l_mw ?*__*_» »«-"?-'\u25a0
