I UCATIONSHARPERS a Esterbrooks In Search Steel Pens of ... · were captured by Warren Frazeo of...

UN WEDNESJ4Y JUNE 8 7 THE 19Q44 1 BIG MILD LONGBEARD ORANI WITH A lllCill fOltEHEAl AII- HSIIEL OF HIIAIXSl- nnUs lthr Philosopher Itchat- a suili Arrlvrs From Ilornco rMiltrnrrs Himself Once and a Half HI liuTforlipynt JcUliiB ICIIiowHnn- lli cxiiivcslon iri most lioinivolcnt ni- In wliixkiM nro UH nui orb HH any lave iiihMd IN Grand Htrcot In kiiij lny lid rwldtH at pruKont on U fourth which is top tinmHiHs hill ho in tint and moi- jNfllpoMml looking oruuKnutnni that hi over been won In America or probably ill any othur clvillctl country Ho Is from Itornoo ho hailing port i- noarly till visltorn or liis kind lint thor i nothing nbnut htitVof tho wll thnt tradition In that wild ot f ho Rlohc Hi forolicad wido and unit if IIP had any none worth incntlonin In might mistaken for a inctnphyRloln in mcdilntlon when lio places his long rlgl- forollMRor itlonxpirlo his tcmplo ami n if l i vii trying to fathom tho mysloi of KvorylhlnR Them in no material feriiiw tho length of his nnfl his left forefliiKPrn which his hot I u- liulip tho animal man says is about tc Inche- cTinweight of thonnonyinou aK may nboul iTSpoumlH IUnarriiHnro to go around his body twice with a to inches to spare porhnp Tho dlstanc- liotween his blacknailed finger tips look liko thoso of a hard working black room anil his elbows ls about a yard Tho cr tire length of hn ruins appears to bo ncarl five foot Like a well fed and healthy he an nldermanlo paunch Ho U friendly and apparently ha th temper of tho philosopher ho look other wiso he might have said things when th reporter through forco of habit greeter him with tho ship news cry What do tfclik of America He rehiRed to be interviewed In English and there won nobody around talk Ciarnereso But ho looked ua if ho that might IMS looker in his protuberant dome of thought and would not to talk if felt It Thats what the natives of Borneo about the according to tradition The and creature arrived o aboard tho named British steamship Hong Wan I SloJkei owned by Ho Pooh of Singapore does not know which is old enough to know better havini built in 1870 originally City of Edinburgh now bears so odd i name and that he know what the name means The skipper said that he had a habit c buying for the dealers in New and when ho stopped at about a month ho that was talking of a wonderful that a Singapore dealer had for sale rumor was tho simian was over fret tall and weighted 500 pounds Th lost no time in to owne of the great ape lie startled it size which about a foot below rumor and he offered for it dealer refused the offer and the skipper raised the bid to a figure he refused to te and got the rang It was the biggest pric ever for an ape in Singapore A had charge of orong on trip i large enough to turn around in and he on first two bad weather Then tho Linear took him out e his cage and exercised him walking him about tho deck at the end of a light heaving line He Wins as tractable OH child He grow fat after he had hi- eea IPJTH and arms which are much than his legs Tine man who brought orang from Borneo to Singapore that the giant creature been In the if he were one o them and that never or ho them lie certainly shows that has been accustomed to human societ and that he has been in the habit of sleep- ing on a pillow Mr him from the nnd transferred him from his narrow Into a large iron barred tiger den a some tenement rooms showed his at tho change by standing erect executing a danco may proper society but looked fearsome to Mr He also himself once and a half and permitted minimal man to look down smile Wlren a quilt was put Into his cage he seized it in the form of i nestled his big head on it like a and pretended to to sleep An him wide In a jiffy Like a regulation ho is haired also brown are abnormally luxuriant SKA COIlS FOR Till AQVARIVM A Fine Pair Captured by Alligator Joe In Florida Brought to Town The Aquarium has on exhibition two tine specimens of the manatee or sea cow Manatua latirotlria from Florida They arrived on Sunday on the steamer from Jacksonville The smaller row a male in 6Vj feet long and weighs about 37S pounds The one a female i 8 feet long and weighs about 550 pounds Tho latter is a foot longer than tho big son cow previously shown in the Aquarium which died last February of pneumonia The two some cows came from Lake Worth five miles south of Palm Beach They were captured by Warren Frazeo of Palm Bench bettor known as Alligator Joe who makes a business of capturing alli- pntors and crocodiles for all who may flrfiro to purchase such animals Tho mailer cow capture was got Into a- milboiit in which wa to Palm Bench The larger one could not be handled in this manner so an Indian dug- out canoe was xipset in the water along MK it and the sea cow was from the net into the canoe which was then rlthl i haled free of water and towed to Palm Beach From Jacksonville tho two sea cows came in a box with water ore on the with lettuce the water hyacinth found St Johns River here Aquarium they havo begun to on gross brought from Bay roportfl that U still n fair sprinkling of manatwfl left In Florida writ rH for them bring now re- Mrirtod Manatees can now caught- in Florida when the hunter has a per- mit from tho authorities of the county which they are sought flAX OV PLANTATION SONGS IMrkanlnny Kerne Ilrlng Woe to Lrclrrtr and III stage Manager Jeorgo W Lederer tho theatrical manager was found guilty In tho Court of Special Sessions yesterday of violating the Penal Codo in having permitted negro chil- dren to sinn and dance In the plantation fcconf In Tho Southerners at lork Theatre Sentence won suspended Louis Vrha the stage Manager was ftnr Ihrfatrntd to kick an agent a society he found sleuthing tho theatre Ilaji and Ilayrri floss Stahl who siiccooded Mary Manner lag as the star of Janico Meredith is the lat t dramatic recruit for the Proctor thpfitros Miss Htnhl will mako hor first in vandnvllln at tho Twenty third Street Theatre presenting a ono act comedy Tho by James Herrmann the lor the afternoon concerts to be given by Military Band A II line I and All that III an- a t hI floor of 24S and corner high looks dif right which oran ha you had say been doe n York Sln apore The 0 l wasp was the 100 The Mcar The box in the ape was hardly got a the the willi a him he box and the baby oran Iro- quois cabbage- and fined it mae alleged he horn horu has boon ngaltfrl for tine Manhattan Bllach Theatre I Ii- I grPnt pit t lye Ill fi Ii put i hot ven long cnougl every- body was h1 natlve n < < ¬ ¬ ¬ = LIVE TOPICS ABOUT TOWN Tho ordinances forbid the keeping duokn and chickens within the city although to officials of tho administration certain privileges in that direction may i Thus tho speckled hon in of Sloklcas at Fifth avem work In ts off tho geranium orn ment tim In front of tho Fift house lien Is an aldei moreover and It may ho that severe 3kled liens would not a viola tioii of the law in his cane I havo observed with Interest said visitor to New York t men are employer to work In many of laundries I st thorn Ironing and oven washing at tho tub This may be a now development In tho bus ntfw It rr occupation for tho superfluous husband been for BO attache L u v woman while husband sat in the and smoke cigars Not Infrequently ho played som sort of of hn was certain under circumstance to lio popular In the society In tho on the corner But his wit always remained redfaced over tho Iron or washtubs under his and In tho cloud of his smoke Now that men Bro doing manual work i the laundries there to bn some occupation for tho laundry hus Tresle wants three poaches Olmmo two bananas for Sadlo Got any cherries Lena sho want throe cents worth- It was noon hour in upper Mulberr streetMakin a lot of noise aint eali tho knowing man on tho sidewalk to puzzled who had stopped ti I aro th nearest thing to magpies that tho Eos Sides got are doin Why buyin fruit that is off tho othor girls lunch thorn as done como out The other girls Oh theyre up in th hat foundry across the street all These that see round the carts are buyers for the bunol inside The others em their mono and their which they deliver O K and fruit for nothin- to tho girls as bring em trade Se goes a Sadie with bananas now Yes I know Im late sold a seatannei man urrylng into a skyscrapers vestlbul and greeting a waiting friend but the is I got lost Been in London three you see and New York is still a bit to me Being lost was a treat though for It gave me a chance to ask my way o a sureenough New York cop I never could get used to the London cops way o directing and I It sounded mighty l r Broadway squad iris gloved hand o down a foot or so and pointing sold Dyez see that toll bulldln the in front two blocks down Well go to that and the buildin is the wan right next door Of course to you doesnt seen much to rejoice over but it meant a heap to a man wto listened for three to such directions as Three to tine right five to the loft or Fourth I the bobbys mechanical fashion The New a real hntnan Arid before tire novelty wears oil if I dont forget it Im to get lost some more The first youngster to take a swim In the fountain in City halt Park this year there yesterday afternoon IIli was a pair of knickerbockers supported by a cord over his shoulders He was a backward about taking a chance at first for the first youngster ing a swim in the fountain hot and he knew it But at lost he with his trousers on A man threw several pennies into the fountain and the youngster was reaching for them Cheeseill Do 1 Then he scrambled out of the fountain and scampered up Park Row toward the wet There Is no telling where a good sized of alcoholic spirits will lead a man everybody the Morgue knows wherea cer tain Broadway business man will wind up when properly keyed up Once In two weeks a hansom drives up to the foot of Fast Twentysixth street about midnight- or later and the man from Broadway steps out followed by one or more com- panions as guide for the other members of the isnt a thing in the they do not see em- ployees who not lead a life any now look forward to visits for the business mans pockets filled with that a pleasantly After making a thorough in to nearest dispensary and spends the rest of the night- in forgetting have seen Two men were talking of the deficiencies rf dealers In antiques I am not likely to forget remarked ono collector the easy confidence with which one dealer assured mo that a plate depicting Lafayettes visit to this country n 1824 was at least lEO years old He not to hear me when I diffidently tutored him in datnt latest experience concerned a plato the I went a little shop the other day just to see or tent called my attention to some plates on i he cried Impressively the genuine Staffordshire no Tho real How old ore I asked How old ho repeated Ah that tray But very The real The genuine Earnest man What was the use if telling him that the Brooklyn Bridge pictured so beautifully on one wasnt publicly opened until 1803 PASS TilE ALOO- to Longer Fine by the Time It Reached Small Ride Stealers The street car companies are making an ffort to stop boys from stealing rides the Childrens Court yesterday was ull of little fellows from 8 to 12 had pen pinched as they xpressed It The lolloy of tho was to fine each boy 2 in order to the parents for not taking better care of their children Those who the cases an idea hat the sins of the parents might ulti- mately visited Ono woman remarked after paying her boy s Just watt till I get home and Ill ako that 12 out of hide looked an though he thought Judges sentence was going to turn out one IKKLY TO IIOXOll ELITIV HOOT he exHecretary Expected to lUeelve an Honorary Degree Columbia Today Columbias 150th annual commencement xerclnes began on Morotngnlde Heights oday Besides the conferring of degrees n important announcement is expected a gift of a building to tho university y Adolph Lewisohn It is hat this building will be for of honorary Ill be six In number this year Secretary of War is to be lumhta confer today almost a wou- nd degrees limits allowed the yard Gen Ninth street racy be a law although elm dOM valiant keeping IL 0 man to t city laundries So fang as I renummn her has ff n KClllle overworked her and moro the le8t they order two fact yeas tel ou a there with your rs and straight on of thorn In on appear plunge when cry of loa pry e the pre- tended sid I could anything and who spoke a foreIgn ne o ton I and curt h our the a har at o Indicate the Shoo Mint deg I one avon tIrr Hick los lie lint inn azo practical pedestrian a good when faced all delivered If FIN As L LaIZ AL S t > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FISKE STOCK CO THIS SEASON IXTEflKSTlNO PLAN AXNOVNCE tOll MANHATTAN THEATRE MM FUke to Head It and New M Well Play to Oe Produced De to Begin WIUi Monna Vann and noimeriliolm In the Proiramm Harrison Grey Fiske whom the rooo dissolution of tho organization of lode pondont theatrical managers loft otitnldo tho breastworks announced plans for the Manhattan Thoat season include the esta- Ushmentof a at the theati with Mrs Fiske at Its head to present and new plays Tho season is to begin In September with a revival of Mitchells cool edy Becky Sharp the dramatization Vanity Fair presented by Mrs FWco tho Fifth Avenue Theatre several year A by M 8 MoLollan the title which has not yet been selected will the first new production of set son It Is described as a originality novelty and dramatic Monna Vanna will bo a fifteenth setting and in once with tim authors and direction Ibsens Rosmorsholm will be too and It Is likely that another never done country will be include in the seasons Mr Fisko has J Hartley Luther and other production One of Mr Flakes la to give nights It is likely that will take form of a subscription series He is als the of settin apart ono or two performances each be known as when for the benefit of to t usual charge for seats is prohibitive limo Manhattan Theatre is being improved A ler and a gridiron and fly galleries are being A fire escap is In course of construction and the trlcal of tho theatre will augmented extensively Mrs Fisko is in New York will remain here for a few days and she will to the Adirondacks Tho new company will be called for re hearsal of August NEW THINGS IN STAOELAND Anothrr Movement for an Theatre Plays Abroad From Mr Julius Hopp of East HUh street we have received a circular Inform- Ing the theatre loving public that It hai been decided among literary people to sot on foot a movement the object of which will be to produce on Sunday afternoons of modern tendencies as well at dramas before an audience mainly of the intelligent and progres sive proletariat similar to the movements existing in Europe and flourishing espe- cially in Germany In the latter this movement there seems to be a of movements so for in this comrnunlca inns resulted in among mosses a high appreciation of the dramatists and raising art to a higher Of course movement is to be free from commercialism Alas such enterprises usually are that Is the reason the at tender No donations from philan- thropists are asked for by Mr a unnecessary worn n as tho millionaires never Even Uncle Russell declares that we itiould ourselves Yes Mr Hopp it talk about ignorant of art and for the We wish that it were so But Is It It is not is the commercial to blame Our experience of tIne proletariat this the ireHslun It will resent its application is that time man would to strains of and see Bloody Hill or Tombs any play of Ibsen or Maeterlinck Still we the cause well And we wonder- at the enthusiasm that can kindle in such weather as New York breeds over such a cause Keep the movemen- tJr Hopp there is something Olga Nethersole has English rights of Paul which play was described in THE SUN and Arthur Bourchier for London ioa secured Frere Jacques Bernstein Weber a success at Vaudeville Mr Penley has bought a now one sot ilece called An Ideal It is Horace Jewte The Athenaeum sees in this an indl ation that will attempt nero of casual flights The Bride and Bridegroom which WM- i hissing failure the first has withdrawn from tho New Theatre Charles Wyndharn has revived David jarrick The English newspapers announce that Sthol will return to London next spring Marie new play Is coiled The It is her Cosmo Gordon Lennox and will be iroduced at the Avenue Theatre London next September- An actor Mars called out and rounded in a officer of the Chattieurs or having remarked that officers did not with mummers Hurrah for ho belligerent J H Leigh has revived Shakespeares Tlmon of Athens t the That actress Martha Brandfc- f the Paris Renaissance has temporarily tirod on account of bad use has been withdrawn Our countrywoman with the voice of siren steam Josephine Sabel has xiordlng to the Era made a success at the af6 in the Champs she is called Mile Amen in Chanttute debut we are further is a Parisian event nternatlonal reciprocity- A little donkey in at the polio London has been christened Edna out of compliment to Edna May his may be as a Mr Ben Greet returns to England in July e has had an uncommonly successful tason here and to come back ext autumn with a new company Yvotto Gullbert has been pitching Into British nation for Its tasteless theatric t She finds plenty of talent going to aste In the London theatres big girls no art elaborate meaningless age productions Beerbohm his country and told adame Guilbert among the French are to confuse the st trio with the artistic which was really unkind of him all New Catholic Club Officers The Catholio Club elected officers last ening Supreme Court Justice Leonard was reflected president The Icepresidents are Dr Mulry The treasurer l H Davis secretary Charles and the new of managers insists of Robert McGlnnls ing Dr Peter Murray ames McOovem eph T Brady and John P CaUanan u Ti- ed alone nigh The old ar at ho Cor- a brIef by fielder C be with also Manor John or on the month- to given at metal be She then n month at a near town ply con- sisting ton II a acton red only who CK the Bell In a acquire D ale and one ben Sir Tempts hus- band name MAr where leI V ronlquo June the ar with faces and stupidly but 8 that thing A John Thom Bye I Ins This probably wili followed prob- ably accord presented per- formances interesting play fornmances will be price sum- mer intro- duced else spend country lot log name Court Theatre sad 1 g < ¬ ¬ > BitablUhed ISO Varieties Esterbrooks Steel Pens Sold Everywhere The Pent Madi- JiKW nOOKS lila With Science by II W Chambers Tho summer is upon us with vacation time and tell sorts of schemes for exploits on sea and land The loss stren Otis are thinking too of little reading port I in the woods or on tho rocks or by open fireplace and picking out that will bearing reading yet unknown and with unknown They will find nothing bettor that purpose among this years books Mr Robert W Chomberss In Search c the Unknown Harpers It Is really succession of short stories which are of each other and some c which have appeared separately in t magazines so that to present them as story though the narrator is always the same person seems a mistake all turn on the hopeless long such as the finding of living great auk or mammoth but Mr Cham- bers does not take his science seriously He pokes fun at the scientific men and objects of their investigations and at othor things while ho is about adventures are fully as excltln as those described by Mr H G Wells and while they cannot bo compared t those for scientific verisimilitude have the advantage of possessing far moro human Interest and far less seriousness As his hero says I still write in that ir rational style which suggests covert fri vollty and for which I am undergoing course of treatment In English literature at Columbia College The author plays with lila readers ai as well as with science He takes an delight in upsetting love aTTain and making it Impossible to guess they will turn up to position that are excruciatingly funny but ncm comes up to tho young man who loses faith In transmigration His belief helped bj his Infatuation for a charming young woman had held firm through varloui extraordinary experiences but when tin white eat which embodied hU great aunt hind kittens it was more than ho coulc stand A Uavlct Revival should have started the poets to the life of David at time cannot Imagine Hero we have from ne publishing house two fiveact tragedies uVering the some period In his life thee eraecutlon by King Saul and the accession j the throne Mr Cale Young David McClure Phillips A Co lank verse and very respectable blank terse too Tho stage directions are and at times quaint The volume- S a beautiful specimen of bookmaking with UH fine typo and wide margins Prose Is the medium employed by Miss lorenco Wilkinson In David Bethlehem he first of Two Plays of Israel McClure A Co Extracts from the Psalms from the Song of Solomon are Inter alated and the Bible language Is lifted as nuch as possible The other play ilaudolon Is in blank verse H Is im lossible not to admire these authors for heir courage in persisting with u well nigh extinct literary form We with we could feel that tine result justified tho effort Eminent respectability is not enough in ioetry Stories by Louis Broke Some half dozen stories are bound to ether In the volume Chinkles and Other Stories Becke- ilpplncotts some of which ore now and rome have appeared before Chlnklcs the first of tho series Is a yarn of tim North Queensland gold digglrg and in a ough and ready sort of way it fe of tho bush which tho understands train actual experience John FrewenSouth Sea Whaler Is another of which the Is self explanatory ilr Becke in a brief article reprinted from he Mall Gazette gives some reminls Bully Hayes tho pirate whose xplolts are known to all who have sailed he South Pacific Reeks sailed with the enlol desperado as his supercargo several imes and according to him the i a much maligned character He scorns j have been an irreverent dogwith a cruder ease of humor and he had no user for mls- onartes who a ho expressed It worn aching Kanakas the degrading doctrine even If a man killed his enemy and and ate his heart In public and other misconducted himself ho could yet so a front seat In the Kingdom of Heaven he said he was sorry and was then bap zed as Abraham or Jacob Once when of his Portuguese sailors was terrified urirg u storm at the St Elmos fire playing round tho yardarms and fell on his knees Ith a small leaden crucifix held to his pa the humorous Mr Hayes rolled the rucifix into a lump and thrust It down oor devils throat and made him swallow telling him that If a bit of lead in such an nergercy was good externally It ought to- e a darned sight bettor when taken In imally A had man this and he came to bad end for we from Mr Becke he died In iris from a blow- n big bald hcad superinduced by his tendon to a lady who was no better than ie ought to have been even for tho Islands r the South Pacific Maine River Stories In Tine Penobscot Man Houghton ifflln A Co Mrs Fannie Hardy Eckstrom- is written a number of short stories of experiences and adventures of some the oldtlme lumbermen and guides ot They aro stories told perhaps more of sentimentality than but their main facts are vouched for the preface and sentimentality Is dear many readers The author has a justifiable admiration for the Star ig qualities of her heroes But one tiling she says from which e may glimpse the secret of the Maine success cannot fall to impress reads these and that Is that he so cheerfully when you come think of it seems a sort of lefthanded impllment to pay to the Pine Tree laG Bet outdoor the bro the to- pple for than a h a- long Tie stores a the a- go they a in- human how WIt we ics I elab- orate and entitle Flat lint picture and yarn Pal pirate I that cut- out cure If one the It loa that the Mane art In thor- oughly mans who- ever tae in- dependent Mary vise his lee State- s 1 S 1 < PUB- UCATIONSHARPERS In Search Cloth 150 The vancement science and the L true love amusing Mr Chambers a captivat- ing tale and his girls are as engaging as ever of the UnKnown By ROBERT W CHAMBERS Author of W Cardigan The Maid at Arms etc HARPER CZX BROTHERS NEW YORK THE NEW BOOK 8CRIBNER8 By THOMAS NELSON PACE He belongs to tht old Virginia quality ht knows lift of the people fie knows the negro and renders his dialect pereclly he has an eye for the picturesque the poetic and the humorous and his shows exquisite taste and skill American BRED IN THE BONEIllus- trated 12mo 150 ALL IN MR PIOUS BEST VEIN Wftblaftoa Stmr THE stories In this book have all the distinguished qualities which hay made the great repute and popularity of the author of Mares Chin and The Old Gentleman of the Stock The book represents the maturity- of Mr Pages talent as a story CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS NEW YORK BY ELINOR MACARTNEY LANE A new novel by tnt author of Mills of God Nancy Stair must be counted among the genuine successes of fiction of the last twenty years or York Evening Mail IVontUplec by SARA N BARTLE 12mo Cloth 15O D APPLETON AND COMPANY Publishers New York j I pr rON u I I ad I cur pars I th Back NANCY I I soNew I r ruWt Nashville STAIR r ¬ WHOLL HOUSE THE MULKEYS i CAT fln A IMMK HECAtVS THEY HAVK VIVE CIIILORKN- Fho llilldrrnl Brooklyn Janitors Why We Nevrr Take Ont Tinre- M Trouble About Character but mililmi cant lie Sent Aw IJfce Woe Mr and Mrs Thomas Mulkey of 23- Hlmrod street Brooklyn would like to know where they can move to with their live children on July 1 The Iriisn of their apartment expires at that time ami they have been notiuVd to move Mulkey in a die setter and lisa to bo at biislnuM all clay MO he bade Mrs Mulkey timid a new apartment within their owens Shu started out hopefully aud coufidently but everywhere nliu went she received time namu rebuff Vliatl txclaltnixl the scandalized jani- tors five children Why we never take even one Mrs Mulkuy said that at tire end of a few days search ho concluded that fho was living hi the only apartment house In llrooklyn where children were received Apparently said at her homo yesterday tho apartment houses aro no longer built for the convenience of the tenants but the have to have a family just the aud ago to suit the owners of the apartments Is it a crimo to have children and to bring up a family asGod intended that should do I have boon from to Korty fourth street In South Brooklyn and I have tried eightysovtn different apartment houses anti have been turned away from every ono of them because I had children- I am not ashamed of children I have five of them There they are Freddie and Annie and Frank and Major The oldest Is II the youngest is 3 They are strong well behaved a month here but we could find a place nearer whore ho works sp that he could to and from business we could afford to 14 The first two afternoons I went looking for flats I saw fifteen of them 1 was several and aU ready- to rent them agent was not field with me to children Sometimes I took one of the children with me and the agents would all show me through the the and then look reproachfully at my and make the earner ex me to get rid of my children You away your own children to as you a pet dog or cat Mr was even more Indignant than Ill find them a place to live he said They may have to In a woodshed If I cant get them a mansion hut a home Its nobodys business but my ownFreddie and Annie and Frank and Mollle Major stood around In wide eyed wonder thnt could be such a coil chant them They are in the least what a Inconvenience they aro to the modern flat hunter MRS KTRAlS SERIOUSLY ILL- A Report That l r null Had Performed Operation Erroneous Time statement printed yesterday that Dr William T Bull wont to Flboron on Monday night and performed an operation upon Mrs Isldor Straus turns out to be untrue No was performed nor was contemplated Dr called to Straus found that his cer- vices would not be required His time being limited and no when it most convenient to he took i special which probably rise to the Mrs was seriously ill which had no foundation hi fact 9 i i pre ent i i I i i she tenant mother ana I am to pa and It al honest working man We pay wit child cat lend or parrot m and I intend to them a fresh and do not NOT ant Say willing ray rent pay promptly month husband his wife find clean understand ¬ ¬ > ma 43D STREET AGAIN Sa Mclluch the Still vexed Berroeoth- eArrnt a flrcomttanoe to i It was on Monday only fortyeight shoi hours ago that the merchants of Forty second street made a loud and joyful noise on the assumption that the wino had Inept that thoroughfare in tranicforbiddlng muss for the lost at last finished their jobs shoul their spades and picks and departs forever Lot the joyful noise was made too soon line diggers came again In the night When Tueuduy dawned there was a resin mound of earth at the northwest corner Fortyswond street and Fifth avenue I was six feet high What is tints asked the dismayed mer chanlH I his replied Joseph P McHugh philosopher of the block la the new made gravo our hopes of vcstareen Much misery made UH M that we believed i- pouliMCtor whir pnld that tho end come Brethren book to our caves In addition lo thomound of the new made grave the dirt pile that grew in t tine lf of more trend digging in the street this time between Madison avenues to lay just u few more 1 he Dognon Company which cloon oil the work In this street that tho new job will not take more than a month HO merchants are brave enough to will be done in time to have for the holiday trade next Christmas But dont bo too hopeful says McHugh- for mope a sewer system of us all One about Fortysecond street which the to to the attention of the Tax Department in that assessments have so along that thoroughfare nocalled that the rents have boon raised within the last six years front 700 to 3750 for a twentyfoot front tho Increase whloh the owners in fen simple have do mended because of the taxes hut the city has done Its construction work in such a slipshod way that the merchants have not to enough to pay the rent loss alone the 1000 IWUrATIOXS McClures MagazineW- e admire the history of the highpriced magazines hut as for the present day price aside there is no magazine that can compare with McClures in in all essential things that ga to make up a magazine We could not ink this to be accepted on our own authority although it is our sincere belief but it is corroborated cvery day of our lives by word of mouth- in letters and in newspaper comments The assertion that McClures is the most tant influential most interesting peri- odical present day come to us from every State every corner of this country from public men of all ranks from people- of all professions- We ask you to buy McClures not be cause it is cheap but because it it good you had to pay twentyfive or even five cents for it you would still get more for your money than in any other magazine TBI 3 8 McCujRm COMFA- HTPaiLiintM MW Tom TEN CENTS P digger six year of the hop II deter tnt RaS IMO ole mot has If I tim > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ItltlMCATIONg WHAT is FRENCBY fi IT IS A NOVEL AND IT IS orceful ative umorous and ou should roalit AT ALL BOOK8ELLLR8 100 ScottThaw Co RARRCatutlus Muuccoa Hovels Talea Moll Flanders Ovid PRATT 101 8th v AMUSEMENTS AERIAL GARDENS S AT A Little of jr l Far Tempteton 100 In Dll- KJawAjrl Good liuilo Prtttf OlrU and Rntertalnm- entTHE SOU Seal reserved NEXT I Waybum Anderson Over DAY Tbcatre 4 PERMANENT EXPOSITION OF SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT RntanrantOrerOmm NtrclPleraad Novel Klrclrl eat Attrartloni Every one of which bu our guarantee U the largest and Carat tnlnj of kind In oil Excursion BOlts from Niw York Time Table In Kicurslon Column ANt OABA- HIOM HKOOKMN IlItinOE- AUMMSIOV 10 Tonl jh R 75t- 93j St KTT naglonCo U1O VAUUE I The P F Iroctor 1 wltb MIMEB KENT sod tine 01 UTHOMPSON 1hin ProciorUIz stock Co Oli NEEDLES AND Summrr Season Comic i I TUB HINGING Hi Matinee Today all seats 2Se Tonight a c Oc only j HUB AND FLAMES The Great Fire Shew- DUHBAU Of DELHI A T from mf Wjf llrldge 36 Mlnatoi- m OrlKlnalof Summer Shows neqoalled by the World of Imitator AJk Tour V f CASINO i PIFF PAFF POUF I V I Street West of Urodwar ivrfmances Sat Mat De WOLF HOPPER 1 WAIJG The mOlt talkxl bout ahowi In URKAMLANU Iiland FALL OF POMPEII OF SUBMARINE BOAT BOSTOCKS Coney Ialand nnavlia lila 27 Lions TourbUUon Baby oinrdi 25 great SelL Broadway and toth I LADIES tillAS IIAWTICKY CO CaTerly Teichowi Cat SPark BMlll The Del more and many others PASTORS 14th St a Are CONTINUOUS ZO AND 30 CENTS unhiMtt Comedy 4 Ilrrnard Dyllyn- Kxtra JOHNSTOWN FLOOD CONEY ISLAND d St Hway 7th Av ROOF GARDENS Vaudeville Fitrar nra and Dallel THHATUB SlAt st uway KOAL WAY iv 11S Mat Sat only jlS- enry W In the new Comic Opera ipond Hitchcock THE YANKEE CONSUL THKATJIK 44tb St v 83U Mats T ILLIAM COLLIER The DfcUtr- I CI N HMA T OOHA PH U S K E Eitra Attractions Cuarmlnt Music URTIG SERMONS t Vaudeville nM Tg BLACK H MatInee Today tivhru TWO ANcii ACADIMIRH HARVARD ACADEMY sac AND I3H WEST SI- mi 1 rnsNEiiAN initrcroit The IrndlnK ilanrlnt Ac dfrn ot alt New York rcewlblr nllrucilvc al- ay ihr bcst imlroalzcil Kxtcnslvp alteration jut beta roniplcttd really MIACC end Inereaitrif- ir comfort and ronvrnlrnre of our and haUtlme waJtcox taught MISS McCABES Uanclne School 112 114 lit W Itth St a of Din Av L Readable Engaging N Clever II r VoW lan a NEW YORK 45th UNDEU milE SUN NOYIF MORE Than An I J t- IM but icy Mercer and Grant lr WrIt Cook SI I I MON ROOF SHOW Tomw ill R A1ED CENT PROCTORS Today THOMPSON q Hunt ILL Ave Jn PINS L U N A P r at I R CUd I I Cone I ct e R C L E DAILY F y P RAmS I CRITERION a EDEN WAX I ay WEST END hal Ih pUII Old door elton Prve lat FIt1V overtheNswIRsXner- I Amsterdam I Everything i Peter fits igra- I Rico I I I I MusIcal GenuIne Song flits Other Three Shows Vmn Richard Music Marion Mat only this n 1 I I I I 25c 50c C WIS SC s- raL mu sills TIne COVUOY LAU 5 I In GIRL Ill SIR Express t NeIghbor Fvgs 820 Tale MataToday c Sat rV I L ran Shier 0 vstcsoeJr I a a 2 Severe oflera Sat ttiTn NewGr1 RAN MASK I fl r rat lesions puma < > ° > > = > ±

Transcript of I UCATIONSHARPERS a Esterbrooks In Search Steel Pens of ... · were captured by Warren Frazeo of...



THE 19Q44 1



nnUs lthr Philosopher Itchat-a suili Arrlvrs From IlorncorMiltrnrrs Himself Once and a HalfHI liuTforlipynt JcUliiB ICIIiowHnn-

lli cxiiivcslon iri most lioinivolcnt ni-

In wliixkiM nro UH nui orb HH anylave iiihMd IN Grand Htrcot In

kiiij lny lid rwldtH at pruKont on U

fourth which is toptinmHiHs hill ho in tint and moi-

jNfllpoMml looking oruuKnutnni that hiover been won In America or probablyill any othur clvillctl country

Ho Is from Itornoo ho hailing port i-

noarly till visltorn or liis kind lint thori nothing nbnut htitVof tho wll

thnt tradition In that wildot f ho Rlohc Hi forolicad wido andunit if IIP had any none worth incntloninIn might mistaken for a inctnphyRlolnin mcdilntlon when lio places his long rlgl-

forollMRor itlonxpirlo his tcmplo amin if l i vii trying to fathom tho mysloiof KvorylhlnR Them in no materialferiiiw tho length of hisnnfl his left forefliiKPrn which his hot I u-

liulip tho animal man says is about tcInche-

cTinweight of thonnonyinou aK maynboul iTSpoumlH IUnarriiHnroto go around his body twice with a toinches to spare porhnp Tho dlstanc-liotween his blacknailed finger tipslook liko thoso of a hard working black room

anil his elbows ls about a yard Tho crtire length of hn ruins appears to bo ncarlfive foot Like a well fed and healthyhe an nldermanlo paunch

Ho U friendly and apparently ha thtemper of tho philosopher ho look otherwiso he might have said things when threporter through forco of habit greeterhim with tho ship news cry What dotfclik of America

He rehiRed to be interviewed In Englishand there won nobody aroundtalk Ciarnereso But ho looked ua if ho

that might IMS lookerin his protuberant dome of thought

and would not to talk if feltIt Thats what the natives of Borneoabout the according to tradition

The and creature arrived oaboard tho named British

steamship Hong Wan I SloJkeiowned by Ho Pooh of Singapore

does not knowwhich is old enough to know better havini

built in 1870 originallyCity of Edinburgh now bears so odd i

name and that heknow what the name means

The skipper said that he had a habit c

buying for the dealers in Newand when ho stopped atabout a month ho that

was talking of a wonderfulthat a Singapore dealer had for salerumor was tho simian was overfret tall and weighted 500 pounds Th

lost no time in to owneof the great ape lie startled itsize which about a foot belowrumor and he offered for itdealer refused the offer and the skipperraised the bid to a figure he refused to teand got the rang It was the biggest pricever for an ape in Singapore Ahad charge of orong on trip


large enough to turn around in and heon first two bad weather

Then tho Linear took him out e

his cage and exercised him walkinghim about tho deck at the end of a lightheaving line He Wins as tractable OH

child He grow fat after he had hi-

eea IPJTH and arms which are muchthan his legs Tine man who broughtorang from Borneo to Singapore thatthe giant creature been In

the if he were one othem and that neveror ho them lie certainly shows thathas been accustomed to human societand that he has been in the habit of sleep-ing on a pillow

Mr him from thennd transferred him from his narrowInto a large iron barred tiger den asome tenement rooms showedhis at tho change by standing erectexecuting a danco may proper

society but lookedfearsome to Mr He alsohimself once and a half and permittedminimal man to look downsmile Wlren a quilt was put Into his cagehe seized it in the form of i

nestled his big head on it like aand pretended to to sleep An

him wide In a jiffyLike a regulation ho is

haired also brown areabnormally luxuriant


A Fine Pair Captured by Alligator Joe In

Florida Brought to Town

The Aquarium has on exhibition twotine specimens of the manatee or sea cowManatua latirotlria from Florida Theyarrived on Sunday on the steamer

from Jacksonville The smallerrow a male in 6Vj feet long and weighsabout 37S pounds The one afemale i 8 feet long and weighs about550 pounds Tho latter is a foot longerthan tho big son cow previously shown inthe Aquarium which died last Februaryof pneumonia

The two some cows came from Lake Worthfive miles south of Palm Beach Theywere captured by Warren Frazeo of PalmBench bettor known as Alligator Joewho makes a business of capturing alli-

pntors and crocodiles for all who mayflrfiro to purchase such animals Thomailer cow capture was got Into a-

milboiit in which wa to PalmBench The larger one could not behandled in this manner so an Indian dug-out canoe was xipset in the water alongMK it and the sea cow was fromthe net into the canoe which was thenrlthl i haled free of water and towed toPalm Beach

From Jacksonville tho two sea cows camein a box with water

ore on the with lettucethe water hyacinth found St

Johns River here Aquarium theyhavo begun to ongross brought from Bay

roportfl that U stilln fair sprinkling of manatwfl left In Floridawrit rH for them bring now re-

Mrirtod Manatees can now caught-in Florida when the hunter has a per-mit from tho authorities of the countywhich they are sought


IMrkanlnny Kerne Ilrlng Woe to Lrclrrtrand III stage Manager

Jeorgo W Lederer tho theatricalmanager was found guilty In tho Court ofSpecial Sessions yesterday of violating thePenal Codo in having permitted negro chil-dren to sinn and dance In the plantationfcconf In Tho Southerners atlork Theatre Sentence won suspended

Louis Vrha the stage Manager wasftnr

Ihrfatrntd to kick an agent a societyhe found sleuthing tho theatre

Ilaji and Ilayrrifloss Stahl who siiccooded Mary Manner

lag as the star of Janico Meredith is thelat t dramatic recruit for the Proctorthpfitros Miss Htnhl will mako hor first

in vandnvllln at tho Twentythird Street Theatre presenting a ono actcomedy Tho by James

Herrmann the

lor the afternoon concerts to be given byMilitary Band


II line I


thatIII an-

at hI floor of 24S and










doe n

YorkSln apore



waspwas the

100 The


box in the ape was hardlygot



thewilli a










fined it mae alleged he



has boonngaltfrl for tine Manhattan Bllach Theatre



I grPnt pit


lyeIll fi Ii put i

hot ven

long cnougl












Tho ordinances forbid the keepingduokn and chickens within the cityalthough to officials of tho administrationcertain privileges in that direction may i

Thus tho speckled hon inof Sloklcas at Fifth avem

work Ints off tho geranium orn

ment tim In front of tho Fifthouse lien Is an aldeimoreover and It may ho that severe

3kled liens would not a violatioii of the law in his cane

I havo observed with Interest saidvisitor to New York t men are employerto work In many of laundries I stthorn Ironing and oven washing at tho tubThis may be a now development In tho busntfw It rroccupation for tho superfluous husband

been for BO attacheL

u v woman whilehusband sat in the and smokecigars Not Infrequently ho played somsort of ofhn was certain under circumstanceto lio popular In the societyIn tho on the corner But his witalways remained redfaced over tho Ironor washtubs under his

and In tho cloud of his smokeNow that men Bro doing manual work ithe laundries there to bn some

occupation for tho laundry hus

Tresle wants three poachesOlmmo two bananas for SadloGot any cherries Lena sho want

throe cents worth-It was noon hour in upper Mulberr

streetMakin a lot of noise aint ealitho knowing man on tho sidewalk topuzzled who had stopped ti

I aro thnearest thing to magpies that tho EosSides got are doin Whybuyin fruit that is off tho

othor girls lunch thorn as donecomo out

The other girls Oh theyre up in thhat foundry across the streetall These that seeround the carts are buyers for the bunol

inside The others em their monoand their which they deliverO K and fruit for nothin-to tho girls as bring em trade

Se goes a Sadie withbananas now

Yes I know Im late sold a seatanneiman urrylng into a skyscrapers vestlbuland greeting a waiting friend but theis I got lost Been in London threeyou see and New York is still a bitto me Being lost was a treat thoughfor It gave me a chance to ask my way oa sureenough New York cop I nevercould get used to the London cops way odirecting and I It sounded mighty

l rBroadway squad iris gloved hand o

down a foot or so andpointing sold

Dyez see that toll bulldlnthe in front two blocks downWell go to that and the buildin

is the wan right next doorOf course to you doesnt seen

much to rejoice over but it meant a heapto a man wto listened for threeto such directions as Three to tine rightfive to the loft or Fourth


the bobbys mechanical fashionThe New a real hntnanArid before tire novelty wears oil if I dontforget it Im to get lost some more

The first youngster to take a swim In

the fountain in City halt Park this yearthere yesterday afternoon IIli

was a pair of knickerbockerssupported by a cord over his shoulders

He was a backward about taking achance at first for the first youngstering a swim in the fountain hotand he knew it But at lost hewith his trousers on A manthrew several pennies into the fountainand the youngster was reaching for them

Cheeseill Do 1

Then he scrambled out of the fountainand scampered up Park Row toward the


There Is no telling where a good sizedof alcoholic spirits will lead a maneverybody the Morgue knows wherea certain Broadway business man will wind upwhen properly keyed up Once In twoweeks a hansom drives up to the foot ofFast Twentysixth street about midnight-or later and the man from Broadway stepsout followed by one or more com-panions

as guide for the other membersof the isnt a thing in the

they do not see em-

ployees who not lead a life anynow look forward to visits for

the business mans pockets filledwith that apleasantly After making a thorough in

to nearestdispensary and spends the rest of the night-in forgetting have seen

Two men were talking of the deficienciesrf dealers In antiques

I am not likely to forget remarkedono collector the easy confidence withwhich one dealer assured mo that a platedepicting Lafayettes visit to this countryn 1824 was at least lEO years old He

not to hear me when I diffidentlytutored him in datnt

latest experience concerned a platothe I went alittle shop the other day just to see

ortent called my attention to some plates oni

he cried Impressivelythe genuine Staffordshire

no Tho realHow old ore I askedHow old ho repeated Ah that

tray But very The realThe genuine

Earnest man What was the useif telling him that the Brooklyn Bridgepictured so beautifully on one

wasnt publicly openeduntil 1803


to Longer Fine by the Time It ReachedSmall Ride Stealers

The street car companies are making anffort to stop boys from stealing rides

the Childrens Court yesterday wasull of little fellows from 8 to 12 hadpen pinched as they xpressed It Thelolloy of tho was to fine each boy2 in order to the parents for nottaking better care of their children

Those who the cases an ideahat the sins of the parents might ulti-

mately visited Onowoman remarked after paying her boy s

Just watt till I get home and Illako that 12 out of hide

looked an though he thoughtJudges sentence was going to turn out



he exHecretary Expected to lUeelve anHonorary Degree Columbia TodayColumbias 150th annual commencement

xerclnes began on Morotngnlde Heightsoday Besides the conferring of degreesn important announcement is expected

a gift of a building to tho universityy Adolph Lewisohn It ishat this building will be for


Ill be six In number this yearSecretary of War is to be

lumhta confer today almost a wou-

nd degrees


allowed theyard GenNinth street racy be a law

although elm dOM valiant keeping



manto t city laundries So fang as I renummnher has ff n KClllleoverworked her









tel oua

there with



and straight on of thorn Inon



when cry of


pry e




sidI could anything and

who spoke a foreIgn ne







thea har



Indicatethe Shoo Mint degI one

avon tIrr Hick los








good when faced

all delivered



As L LaIZ AL S t


< >










MM FUke to Head It and New M WellPlay to Oe Produced De

to Begin WIUi Monna Vannand noimeriliolm In the Proiramm

Harrison Grey Fiske whom the rooodissolution of tho organization of lodepondont theatrical managers loftotitnldo tho breastworks announced

plans for the Manhattan Thoatseason include the esta-

Ushmentof a at the theatiwith Mrs Fiske at Its head to presentand new plays

Tho season is to begin In Septemberwith a revival of Mitchells cooledy Becky Sharp the dramatization

Vanity Fair presented by Mrs FWcotho Fifth Avenue Theatre several year

A by M 8 MoLollan the titlewhich has not yet been selected will

the first new production of setson It Is described as a originalitynovelty and dramatic

Monna Vanna will boa fifteenth setting and inonce with tim authors and directionIbsens Rosmorsholm will betoo and It Is likely that anothernever done country will be includein the seasons Mr Fiskohas J HartleyLuther and otherproduction

One of Mr Flakes la to give

nights It is likely that will takeform of a subscription series He is als

the of settinapart ono or two performances each

be known as when

for the benefit of to tusual charge for seats is prohibitive

limo Manhattan Theatreis being improved A

ler and agridiron and fly galleries are being

A fire escapis In course of construction and thetrlcal of tho theatre willaugmented extensively

Mrs Fisko is in New Yorkwill remain here for a few days and

she will to the AdirondacksTho new company will be called for rehearsal of August


Anothrr Movement for anTheatre Plays Abroad

From Mr Julius Hopp of East HUhstreet we have received a circular Inform-Ing the theatre loving public that It haibeen decided among literary people tosot on foot a movement the object of whichwill be to produce on Sunday afternoons

of modern tendencies as well atdramas before an audience

mainly of the intelligent and progressive proletariat similar to the movementsexisting in Europe and flourishing espe-

cially in Germany In the latterthis movement there seems to be aof movements so for in this comrnunlca

inns resulted in amongmosses a high appreciation of the

dramatists and raisingart to a higher

Of course movement is to befree from commercialism Alas

such enterprises usually are that Is thereason the attender No donations from philan-thropists are asked for by Mr

a unnecessary wornn as tho millionaires neverEven Uncle Russell declares that weitiould ourselves Yes MrHopp it talk about

ignorant of art andfor the We wish

that it were so But Is It It isnot is the commercial to blameOur experience of tIne proletariatthis theireHslun It will resent its application isthat time man would to

strains of and see BloodyHill or Tombsany play of Ibsen or Maeterlinck Stillwe the cause well And we wonder-at the enthusiasm that can kindle in suchweather as New York breeds over such a

cause Keep the movemen-tJr Hopp there is something

Olga Nethersole has Englishrights of Paulwhich play was described in THE SUN

and Arthur Bourchier for Londonioa secured Frere Jacques Bernstein

Weber a success at Vaudeville

Mr Penley has bought a now one sotilece called An Ideal It is Horace

Jewte The Athenaeum sees in this an indlation that will attemptnero of casual flights

The Bride and Bridegroom which WM-

i hissing failure the first haswithdrawn from tho New Theatre

Charles Wyndharn has revived Davidjarrick

The English newspapers announce thatSthol will return to Londonnext spring

Marie new play Is coiled TheIt is her

Cosmo Gordon Lennox and will beiroduced at the Avenue Theatre London

next September-

An actor Mars called out androunded in a officer of the Chattieursor having remarked that officers did not

with mummers Hurrah forho belligerent

J H Leigh has revived ShakespearesTlmon of Athens t theThat actress Martha Brandfc-

f the Paris Renaissance has temporarilytirod on account of baduse has been withdrawn

Our countrywoman with the voice ofsiren steam Josephine Sabel has

xiordlng to the Era made a success at theaf6 in the Champs

she is called Mile Amenin Chanttute debut we are further

is a Parisian eventnternatlonal reciprocity-

A little donkey in at thepolio London has been christened Edna

out of compliment to Edna Mayhis may be as a

Mr Ben Greet returns to England in Julye has had an uncommonly successful

tason here and to come backext autumn with a new company

Yvotto Gullbert has been pitching IntoBritish nation for Its tasteless theatric

t She finds plenty of talent going toaste In the London theatres big girls

no art elaborate meaninglessage productions Beerbohm

his country and toldadame Guilbert among

the French are to confuse thest trio with the artistic which was

really unkind of him all

New Catholic Club Officers

The Catholio Club elected officers lastening Supreme Court Justice Leonard

was reflected president TheIcepresidents are Dr

Mulry The treasurer lH Davis secretary Charles

and the new of managersinsists of Robert McGlnnlsing Dr Peter Murrayames McOovem

eph T Brady and John P CaUanan






ho Cor-

a brIef by fielderC




Manor John

or onthe


given at




n month at a near town

ply con-


ton II




the Bell

In a

acquireD ale









V ronlquo



with faces and stupidlybut8





Thom ByeI


This probably wili followed




per-formances interesting play

fornmances will be price








Court Theatre








BitablUhedISO Varieties

EsterbrooksSteel Pens

Sold Everywhere

The Pent Madi-


lila With Science by II W ChambersTho summer is upon us with vacation

time and tell sorts of schemes forexploits on sea and land The loss strenOtis are thinking too of little reading port I

in the woods or on tho rocks or byopen fireplace and picking outthat will bearing readingyet unknown and with unknownThey will find nothing bettor

that purpose among this years booksMr Robert W Chomberss In Search cthe Unknown Harpers It Is reallysuccession of short stories which are

of each other and some c

which have appeared separately in tmagazines so that to present them as

story though the narrator is alwaysthe same person seems a mistake

all turn on the hopeless longsuch as the finding of

living great auk or mammoth but Mr Cham-bers does not take his science seriouslyHe pokes fun at the scientific men andobjects of their investigations and at

othor things while ho is aboutadventures are fully as excltln

as those described by Mr H G Wellsand while they cannot bo compared tthose for scientific verisimilitudehave the advantage of possessing far morohuman Interest and far less seriousnessAs his hero says I still write in that irrational style which suggests covert frivollty and for which I am undergoingcourse of treatment In English literatureat Columbia College

The author plays with lila readers aias well as with science He takes an

delight in upsetting love aTTain

and making it Impossible to guessthey will turn up to positionthat are excruciatingly funny but ncmcomes up to tho young man who loses faithIn transmigration His belief helped bjhis Infatuation for a charming youngwoman had held firm through varlouiextraordinary experiences but when tinwhite eat which embodied hU great aunthind kittens it was more than ho coulcstand

A Uavlct Revival

should have started the poets tothe life of David at time

cannot Imagine Hero we have fromne publishing house two fiveact tragediesuVering the some period In his life thee

eraecutlon by King Saul and the accessionj the throne Mr Cale YoungDavid McClure Phillips A Colank verse and very respectable blank

terse too Tho stage directions areand at times quaint The volume-

S a beautiful specimen of bookmakingwith UH fine typo and wide margins

Prose Is the medium employed by Misslorenco Wilkinson In David Bethlehem

he first of Two Plays of Israel McClureA Co Extracts from the Psalms

from the Song of Solomon are Interalated and the Bible language Is lifted asnuch as possible The other playilaudolon Is in blank verse H Is imlossible not to admire these authors for

heir courage in persisting with u wellnigh extinct literary form We with wecould feel that tine result justified tho effortEminent respectability is not enough inioetry

Stories by Louis BrokeSome half dozen stories are bound to

ether In the volume Chinklesand Other Stories Becke-

ilpplncotts some of which ore now androme have appeared before Chlnklcs

the first of tho series Is a yarn of timNorth Queensland gold digglrg and in aough and ready sort of way it

fe of tho bush which thounderstands train actual experience

John FrewenSouth Sea Whaler Is anotherof which the Is self explanatory

ilr Becke in a brief article reprinted fromhe Mall Gazette gives some reminls

Bully Hayes tho pirate whosexplolts are known to all who have sailedhe South Pacific Reeks sailed with theenlol desperado as his supercargo severalimes and according to him thei a much maligned character He scornsj have been an irreverent dogwith a cruderease of humor and he had no user for mls-

onartes who a ho expressed It wornaching Kanakas the degrading doctrine

even If a man killed his enemy andand ate his heart In public and othermisconducted himself ho could yet soa front seat In the Kingdom of Heaven

he said he was sorry and was then bapzed as Abraham or Jacob Once when

of his Portuguese sailors was terrifiedurirg u storm at the St Elmos fire playinground tho yardarms and fell on his kneesIth a small leaden crucifix held to his

pa the humorous Mr Hayes rolled therucifix into a lump and thrust It downoor devils throat and made him swallow

telling him that If a bit of lead in such annergercy was good externally It ought to-

e a darned sight bettor when taken Inimally A had man this and he came tobad end for we from Mr Becke

he died In iris from a blow-n big bald hcad superinduced by histendon to a lady who was no better thanie ought to have been even for tho Islandsr the South Pacific

Maine River Stories

In Tine Penobscot Man Houghtonifflln A Co Mrs Fannie Hardy Eckstrom-is written a number of short stories of

experiences and adventures of somethe oldtlme lumbermen and guides ot

They aro stories told perhapsmore of sentimentality than

but their main facts are vouched forthe preface and sentimentality Is dearmany readers The author has a

justifiable admiration for the Starig qualities of her heroes

But one tiling she says from whiche may glimpse the secret of the Maine

success cannot fall to impressreads these and that Is that heso cheerfully when you come

think of it seems a sort of lefthandedimpllment to pay to the Pine Tree





bro theto-

pple forthan




Tie stores a


















that cut-











mans who-

ever tae








s 1 S 1



In SearchCloth


Thevancementscience and the L

true loveamusing

Mr Chambersa captivat-

ing tale and his girls areas engaging as ever

of theUnKnown


Author ofW Cardigan The Maid at

Arms etc



By THOMAS NELSON PACEHe belongs to tht old Virginia quality ht knows lift

of the people fie knows the negro and renders his dialectpereclly he has an eye for the picturesque the poetic andthe humorous and his shows exquisite taste andskill American


trated 12mo 150ALL IN MR PIOUS BEST VEIN Wftblaftoa Stmr

THE stories In this book have all the distinguished qualities which haymade the great repute and popularity of the author of Mares Chin and

The Old Gentleman of the Stock The book represents the maturity-

of Mr Pages talent as a story


BY ELINOR MACARTNEY LANEA new novel by tnt author of Mills of God

Nancy Stair must be counted among thegenuine successes of fiction of the last twentyyears or York Evening Mail

IVontUplec by SARA N BARTLE 12mo Cloth 15O


jIpr rON uI









I r ruWt






Fho llilldrrnl Brooklyn JanitorsWhy We Nevrr Take Ont Tinre-

M Trouble About Character but

mililmi cant lie Sent Aw IJfce Woe

Mr and Mrs Thomas Mulkey of 23-

Hlmrod street Brooklyn would like to

know where they can move to with theirlive children on July 1 The Iriisn of their

apartment expires at that timeami they have been notiuVd to move

Mulkey in a die setter and lisa to bo atbiislnuM all clay MO he bade Mrs Mulkeytimid a new apartment within their owensShu started out hopefully aud coufidently

but everywhere nliu went she received time

namu rebuffVliatl txclaltnixl the scandalized jani-

tors five children Why we never takeeven one

Mrs Mulkuy said that at tire end of afew days search ho concluded that fhowas living hi the only apartment house In

llrooklyn where children were receivedApparently said at her homo

yesterday tho apartment houses aro nolonger built for the convenience of thetenants but the have to have afamily just the aud ago to suitthe owners of the apartments Is it a crimoto have children and to bring up a family

asGod intended that should doI have boon from to Kortyfourth street In South Brooklyn and Ihave tried eightysovtn different apartmenthouses anti have been turned away fromevery ono of them because I had children-I am not ashamed of children I havefive of them There they are Freddie andAnnie and Frank and MajorThe oldest Is II the youngest is 3 Theyare strongwell behaved

a month here but we could find a placenearer whore ho works sp that he couldto and from business we could afford to

14 The first two afternoons I wentlooking for flats I saw fifteen of them

1 was several and aU ready-

to rent them agent was notfield with me to childrenSometimes I took one of the children withme and the agents would all show me throughthe the andthen look reproachfully at my andmake the earner ex

me to get rid of my children Youaway your own children to

as you a pet dog or cat

Mr was even more Indignant than

Ill find them a place to live he saidThey may have to In a woodshed

If I cant get them a mansion hut

a home Its nobodys business but my

ownFreddie and Annie and Frank andMollle Major stood around In wideeyed wonder thnt could be such a coilchant them They are

in the least what a Inconveniencethey aro to the modern flat hunter


A Report That l r null Had PerformedOperation Erroneous

Time statement printed yesterday thatDr William T Bull wont to Flboron onMonday night and performed an operationupon Mrs Isldor Straus turns out to beuntrue No was performed norwas contemplated Dr calledto Straus found that his cer-vices would not be required His timebeing limited and no when

it most convenient to he tooki special which probably rise to the

Mrs was seriously illwhich had no foundation hi fact

9 i


pre enti









I am to pa and It

alhonest working man We




cat lendor parrot

m and I intend to them a

fresh and do not




willing ray rent paypromptly month husband

his wife


clean understand





Sa Mclluch the Still vexed Berroeoth-eArrnt a flrcomttanoe to i

It was on Monday only fortyeight shoihours ago that the merchants of Fortysecond street made a loud and joyful noiseon the assumption that the winohad Inept that thoroughfare intranicforbiddlng muss for the lost

at last finished their jobs shoultheir spades and picks and departs

forever Lot the joyful noise was madetoo soon

line diggers came again In the nightWhen Tueuduy dawned there was a resinmound of earth at the northwest cornerFortyswond street and Fifth avenue Iwas six feet high

What is tints asked the dismayed merchanlH

I his replied Joseph P McHughphilosopher of the block la the new madegravo our hopes of vcstareen Muchmisery made UH M that we believed i-

pouliMCtor whir pnld that tho end comeBrethren book to our caves

In addition lo thomound of the newmade grave the dirt pile that grew in t

tine l f of more trenddigging in the street this time between

Madison avenues to lay just ufew more 1 he DognonCompany which cloon oil the work In thisstreet that tho new job will not takemore than a month HO merchants arebrave enough to will be done in timeto have for the holidaytrade next Christmas

But dont bo too hopeful says McHugh-for mope a sewer system

of us allOne about Fortysecond street which

the to tothe attention of the Tax Department inthat assessments have soalong that thoroughfare nocalled thatthe rents have boon raised withinthe last six years front 700 to 3750 for atwentyfoot front

tho Increasewhloh the owners in fen simple have do

mended because of the taxes hutthe city has done Its construction work insuch a slipshod way that the merchantshave not to enoughto pay the rent loss alonethe 1000


McCluresMagazineW-e admire the history of the highpriced

magazines hut as for the present day priceaside there is no magazine that can comparewith McClures in inall essential things that ga to make up a

magazine We could not ink this to be

accepted on our own authority although itis our sincere belief but it is corroboratedcvery day of our lives by word of mouth-

in letters and in newspaper comments Theassertion that McClures is the mosttant influential most interesting peri-

odical present day come to us fromevery State every corner of this countryfrom public men of all ranks from people-of all professions-

We ask you to buy McClures not because it is cheap but because it it goodyou had to pay twentyfive or evenfive cents for it you would still get more for

your money than in any other magazine

TBI 3 8 McCujRm COMFA-HTPaiLiintM MW Tom
























umorous and

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ScottThaw Co

RARRCatutlus Muuccoa HovelsTalea Moll Flanders OvidPRATT 101 8th v



S AT A Little of jr l

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Good liuilo Prtttf OlrUand Rntertalnm-


SOUSeal reserved

NEXT I Waybum AndersonOver

DAY Tbcatre



RntanrantOrerOmm NtrclPleraadNovel Klrclrleat Attrartloni

Every one of which bu ourguarantee U the largest and Carattnlnj of kind In oil

Excursion BOlts from Niw York

Time Table In Kicurslon ColumnANt OABA-


Tonl jh R 75t-

93j St KTTnaglonCo U1O VAUUEI The P F Iroctor1 wltb MIMEB KENT

sod tine

01 UTHOMPSON1hin ProciorUIz stock CoOli NEEDLES AND

Summrr Season Comic iI TUB HINGING

Hi Matinee Today all seats 2SeTonight a c Oc only j

HUB AND FLAMESThe Great Fire Shew-


A T frommf Wjf llrldge 36 Mlnatoi-

m OrlKlnalofSummer Shows

neqoalled by the World of Imitator AJkTour



PIFF PAFF POUFI V I Street West of Urodwar

ivrfmances Sat Mat


The mOlt talkxl bout ahowiIn URKAMLANU Iiland



BOSTOCKSConey Ialand

nnavlia lila 27 Lions TourbUUon Babyoinrdi 25 great SelL

Broadway and tothI LADIEStillAS IIAWTICKY COCaTerly Teichowi Cat SPark BMlll

The Del more and many others


ZO AND 30 CENTSunhiMtt Comedy 4 Ilrrnard Dyllyn-



d St Hway 7th Av

ROOF GARDENSVaudeville Fitrar nra and Dallel

THHATUB SlAt st uwayKOAL WAY iv 11S Mat Sat only jlS-enry W In the new Comic Opera

ipond Hitchcock THE YANKEE CONSUL

THKATJIK 44tb Stv 83U Mats T


I C I N H M A T O O H A P HU S K E Eitra Attractions Cuarmlnt Music



H MatInee Todaytivhru TWO



mi 1 rnsNEiiAN initrcroitThe IrndlnK ilanrlnt Ac dfrn ot alt New Yorkrcewlblr nllrucilvc al-

ay ihr bcst imlroalzcil Kxtcnslvp alterationjut beta roniplcttdreally MIACC end Inereaitrif-ir comfort and ronvrnlrnre of our

and haUtlme waJtcox taught

MISS McCABESUanclne School 112 114 lit W Itth St

a of Din Av L






aNEW YORK 45th


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overtheNswIRsXner-I AmsterdamI Everything

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GenuIne Song flits

Other Three Shows

Vmn RichardMusic Marion Mat only

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