i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized...

i travertini di rex

Transcript of i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized...

Page 1: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

i travertini di rex

Page 2: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 3: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

i travertini di rex

Un nuovo stile, un nuovo lusso informale e immediato per interpretare lo spazio, non più legato all’ostentazione dei beni materiali ma alla valorizzazione dello spirito.Accostamenti inusuali e stridenti, stratificazioni di vita vissuta, antico e moderno, elementi preziosi e di recupero in perfetta convivenza creano una atmosfera che racconta una storia ben precisa: una dualità in contrasto che esprime con chiarezza specifiche identità.I segni ,fortemente, personali riportano ad una dimensione di intimità domestica.La cultura del passato rilegge il presente: tutto è in connessione, un filo sottile e autentico ci riporta davvero ad un fascino senza tempo.Questo è lo sguardo con cui REX interpreta ogni singolo aspetto della vita, sociale e personale, per costruire un’estetica che tende alla bellezza, principio di necessità insito nella natura stessa dell’uomo.

Certe materie, da sempre, incarnano in modo innato un’eleganza senza tempo, riuscendo ad evocare un lusso avvolgente, luminoso e preciso. Con eleganza discreta e mai ostentata la grammatica dello stile si fonda su materiali pregiati e linee pulite,secondo questi principi REX ha pensato la serie dei Travertini. Grandezze oversize ed effetti cromatici creano nuove scenografie che portano nella casa la bellezza incontrastata della natura. Il rigore compositivo delle grafiche porta con sé una inconfondibile energia che riesce a far vibrare straordinariamente ogni progetto.

A new style, with a new informal and instant opulence interpreting spaces, no longer linked to the ostentation of material goods but to giving full value to the spirit. Unusual, striking combinations, layers of life-experience - both old and modern - and precious elements cohabiting perfectly with recycled items, create an atmosphere that tells a very definite story: a contrasting duality clearly expressing specific identities. The strongly personal symbols hark back to a dimension of domestic intimacy. The culture of past times takes a fresh look at the present: everything is connected, and a subtle, authentic thread really takes us back to an allure that is timeless. This is the angle from which REX views each individual aspect of life, both social and personal, to build an aesthetic appeal tending towards beauty - an essential principle, and intrinsic to the very nature of human beings.

Certain materials always innately embody timeless elegance, managing to evoke an all-enveloping luxury, bright and clear. With discrete and understated elegance, here the grammar of style is based on precious materials and clean lines. REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature into your home. Precise graphic composition conveys unmistakable energy, enhancing each project with vibrant, extraordinary impact.

Page 4: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 5: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: travertino white matte 120x240 471/8”x943/8”. 80x240 311/2”x943/8”

floor: travertino white matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 60x60 235/8”x235/8” 3

Page 6: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 7: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: travertino white matte 120x240 471/8”x943/8”. 80x240 311/2”x943/8”

floor: travertino white matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 60x60 235/8”x235/8” 5

Page 8: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: travertino white matte 120x240 471/8”x943/8”. 80x240 311/2”x943/8”

floor: travertino white matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 60x60 235/8”x235/8”6

Page 9: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

Un nouveau style, un nouveau luxe informel et immédiat pour interpréter l’espace, attaché à la valorisation de l’esprit, loin de l’ostentation des biens matériels.Associations inhabituelles et stridentes, stratifications de vie vécue, ancien et moderne, éléments précieux et de récupération dans une cohabitation parfaite, créent une atmosphère qui raconte une histoire bien précise : une dualité tout en contraste, qui exprime avec clarté des identités spécifiques.Les signes personnels ramènent fortement à la dimension d’intimité domestique. La culture du passé habite le présent... tout est relié, un fil subtil et authentique nous replonge vraiment dans un charme intemporel.C’est le regard par lequel REX interprète chaque aspect de la vie sociale et personnelle, pour créer une esthétique qui tend à la beauté, principe de nécessité inscrit dans la nature même de l’homme.

Depuis toujours, certaines matières incarnent de façon innée une élégance sans âge, et réussissent à évoquer un luxe enveloppant, lumineux et précis. Avec une élégance discrète, jamais ostentatoire, la grammaire stylistique se fonde sur des matériaux précieux et des lignes nettes : c’est en suivant ces principes que REX a imaginé la série des Travertini. Des dimensions oversize et des effets chromatiques créent de nouvelles scénographies qui introduisent dans la maison la beauté incontestée de la nature. La rigueur de la composition des graphismes apporte une incomparable énergie qui réussit à faire vibrer chaque projet d’une manière extraordinaire.

Page 10: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

Ein neuer Stil, ein neuer Luxus, eine informelle und direkte Interpretation des Raums, nicht mehr Zurschaustellung des materiellen Besitzes, sondern vielmehr Valorisierung der inneren Werte.Ungewohnte und schrille Kombinationen, Schichten aus gelebtem Leben, antik und modern, wertvolle und gesammelte Elemente schaffen in perfekter Harmonie eine Atmosphäre, die eine ganz spezifische Geschichte erzählt: eine kontrastierende Dualität, die mit Klarheit bestimmte Identitäten ausdrückt.Die sehr persönlichen Zeichen weisen auf die häusliche Dimension hin.Die Kultur der Vergangenheit liest die Gegenwart neu: alles ist in Verbindung, ein dünner und authentischer Faden führt uns zurück in eine zeitlose Faszination.Dies ist der Blickwinkel, aus dem REX jeden Aspekt unseres gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Lebens neu interpretiert, um eine Ästhetik zu schaffen, der sich der Schönheit nähert, einem dem Menschen inne liegenden Bedürfnis.

Gewisse Materien verkörpern ganz natürlich zeitlose Eleganz und es gelingt ihnen faszinierenden, strahlenden und expliziten Luxus heraufzubeschwören. Mit diskreter und nie zur Schau gestellter Eleganz verschmilzt die Grammatik des Stils auf wertvollem Material und reinen Linien, nach diesen Prinzipien entwarf REX die Travertini-Serie. Oversize-Größen und Farbeffekte erzeugen neue Szenerien, die die unübertreffliche Schönheit der Natur in das Haus bringen. Die kompositorische Strenge der Graphik beinhaltet eine unverwechselbareEnergie, der es gelingt jedes Projekt außerordentlich vibrierend zu gestalten.

Page 11: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: extra light diamond mosaico circle 29,5x27,7 115/8”x107/8”. travertino beige mosaico 3D mix 30x30 113/4”x113/4”

floor: travertino beige matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 30x120 113/4”x471/8” 9

Page 12: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 13: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: extra light diamond mosaico circle 29,5x27,7 115/8”x107/8”. travertino beige mosaico 3D mix 30x30 113/4”x113/4”

floor: travertino beige matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 30x120 113/4”x471/8” 11

Page 14: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 15: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: extra light diamond mosaico circle 29,5x27,7 115/8”x107/8”. travertino beige mosaico 3D mix 30x30 113/4”x113/4”

floor: travertino beige matte 60x120 235/8”x471/8”. 30x120 113/4”x471/8” 1313

Page 16: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

floor: travertino grey glossy 80x80 311/2”x311/2”14

Page 17: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

Un nuevo estilo, un nuevo lujo informal e inmediato para interpretar el espacio, que deja de equipararse a la ostentación de bienes materiales para dedicarse a dar valor al espíritu.Combinaciones inusuales y estridentes, elementos de vida real, lo antiguo y lo moderno, elementos preciosos y recuperados, los cuales conviven perfectamente y crean una atmósfera que cuenta un relato bien definido: una dualidad contrastada capaz de expresar claramente identidades específicas. Las características, fuertemente personales, transportan a una dimensión de intimidad doméstica. La cultura del pasado asimila el presente: todo interconectado, un hilo sutil y auténtico nos guía hacia una fascinación atemporal. Así es como REX interpreta cualquier aspecto de la vida, social y personal, para construir una estética con tendencia a la belleza, principio absolutamente necesario en la naturaleza del hombre.

Ciertas materias encarnan desde siempre una innata elegancia atemporal, evocando un lujo envolvente, luminoso y preciso. Con elegancia discreta, nunca ostentosa, el estilo se basa en materiales valiosos y líneas sobrias. Según estos principios, REX ha concebido su serie de Travertini. Sus grandes dimensiones y sus efectos cromáticos crean nuevas escenografías que dan a la casa la belleza incomparable de la naturaleza. El rigor compositivo de las gráficas comporta una energía inconfundible, que hace vibrar extraordinariamente cada proyecto.

Page 18: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 19: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: extra light zinc mosaico circle 29,5x27,7 115/8”x107/8”

floor: travertino grey glossy 80x80 311/2”x311/2” 17

Page 20: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: extra light zinc mosaico circle 29,5x27,7 115/8”x107/8”

floor: travertino grey glossy 80x80 311/2”x311/2”18

Page 21: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 22: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Некоторые материалы содержат в себе врожденную,

неподвластную времени элегантность, создавая при этом мягкий,

светлый, четкий, роскошный стиль. Благодаря сдержанной элегантности,

без излишеств, грамматика стиля основывается на ценных материалах

и чистых линиях; именно на этих принципах REX создала

серию Travertini. Большие размеры и цветовые эффекты

создают новые эффекты, которые привносят в дом

неоспоримую красоту природы. Композиционная строгость графики

несет в себе уникальную энергию, которая наделяет любой проект

удивительным эффектом.

Page 23: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

travertino black matte 160x320 627/8”x1253/4” 21

Page 24: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 25: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: travertino black matte 160x320 627/8”x1253/4”

floor: travertino black matte 80x80 311/2”x311/2” 23

Page 26: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature


Page 27: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

wall: travertino black matte 160x320 627/8”x1253/4”

floor: travertino black matte 80x80 311/2”x311/2” 25

Page 28: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 29: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

i travertini di rexgres porcellanato colorato in massa - coloured body porcelain stoneware

grès cérame colore dans la masse - durchgefärbte feinsteinzeuggres porcelánico coloreado en masa - ͇ÏÓ„‡ÌËÚ, Ó͇˘ÂÌÌ˚È ÔÓ ‚ÒÂÈ Ú΢ËÌÂ

Page 30: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature



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Page 31: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature



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Page 32: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature



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Page 33: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature



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Page 34: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

i travertini di rexgres porcellanato colorato in massa - coloured body porcelain stonewaregrès cérame colore dans la masse - durchgefärbte feinsteinzeug - gres porcelánico coloreado en masa - ͇ÏÓ„‡ÌËÚ, Ó͇˘ÂÌÌ˚È ÔÓ ‚ÒÂÈ Ú΢ËÌÂSquadrato - Squared - Equarri - Rektifiziert - Escuadrado - Ó·ÚÂÒ‡ÌÌ˚È

60x120 235/8”x471/8”

30x120 113/4”x471/8”

80x80 311/2”x311/2”

40x80 153/4”x311/2”

60x60 235/8”x235/8”

60x120 235/8”x471/8”

30x120 113/4”x471/8”

80x80 311/2”x311/2”

40x80 153/4”x311/2”

matte glossy

746694 746697 746691 746688 746685 746724 746727 746721 746718

746611 746612 746610 746609 746608 746617 746618 746616 746615

746695 746698 746692 746689 746686 746725 746728 746722 746719

746696 746699 746693 746690 746687 746726 746729 746723 746720





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Page 35: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

60x60 235/8”x235/8”

40x80 153/4”x311/2”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

4,6x60 13/4”x235/8”battiscopa

4,6x60 13/4”x235/8”battiscopa





20x40x677/8”x153/4” x23/8”

elemento elle

mosaico 3D mix


mosaico 3x15 mosaico3x15matte glossy matte glossy strutturato


mix glossy/matte

matte glossypezzi speciali/special trims/pièces spécialesformstücke/piezas especiales/ëÔˆˇθÌ˚ ËÁ‰ÂÎËfl

746715 746700 748316 748308 748312 748320 748324 748328 748332 748336

746614 746613 748317 748309 748313 748321 748325 748329 748333 748337

746716 746701 748318 748310 748314 748322 748326 748330 748334 748338

746717 746702 748315 748307 748311 748319 748323 748327 748331 748335

Page 36: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

Modern design perspectives are changing:Amazing sizes in a thickness of just 6 mm, light, versatile and strong, with extraordinary aesthetic appeal.

The largest size ever seen.

Les perspectives de la conception contemporaine évoluent :dimensions surprenantes 6 mm d’épaisseur seulement, léger, polyvalent, résistant, esthétique originale.

Le plus grand formatjamais réalisé.

Cambia el panorama del diseño contemporáneo:tamaño sorprendente en sólo 6 mm de espesor, ligero, versátil, resistente, estéticamente fuera de lo común.

El formato más grande que se haya visto.

Die Perspektiven der heutigen Projekts ändern sich:überraschende Größen mit nur 6 mm Stärke, leicht, vielseitig, widerstandsfest, außergewöhnlich schön und natürlich.

Das größte Format, das bislang produziert wurde.

Современный дизайн покоряет новые горизонты:грандиозные размерыпри толщине всего 6 мм, легкость, универсальность, прочность, неординарная эстетика.

Самый большой формат, когда-либо существовавший в мире.

Cambiano le prospettive del progetto contemporaneo:dimensioni sorprendenti in soli 6 mm di spessore, leggero, versatile, resistente, esteticamente fuori dall’ordinario.

Il più grande formato che si sia mai visto.

Page 37: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

160 cm

320 c

mT H E





Page 38: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

160x320 627/8”x1253/4”

80x240 311/2”x943/8”

120x240 471/8”x943/8”

26,5x240 101/2”x943/8”

Grandissimi formati, fino a 160x320 cm.Soli 6 mm di spessore.Possibilità di tagli di qualsiasi forma e dimensione.Facile da trasportare e movimentare.Posa sia a pavimento che a rivestimento.Elevata resa estetica.Notevole resistenza alle sollecitazioni.

Extra-large sizes, up to 160x320 cm.Only 6 mm thick.Possibility of cutting any shape and size.Easy transport and handling.Laying on both floors and walls.High aesthetic yield.Considerable stress resistance.

Page 39: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature




Très grands formats, jusqu’à 160x320 cm.6 mm d’épaisseur seulement.Possibilité de coupe de tous

formats et dimensions.Transport et manutention faciles.

Pose murale et au sol.Rendu esthétique élevé.

Résistance importante aux sollicitations.

Ultragroße Formate, bis zu 160x320 cm.Nur 6 mm Stärke.

Die Möglichkeit, jede beliebige Form und Größe zu schneiden.

Leicht zu transportieren und zu handhaben.Verlegung sowohl am Boden als auch an der Wand.

Hoher ästhetischer Anspruch.Beachtliche Resistenz gegen Beanspruchungen.

Formatos muy grandes, de hasta 160x320 cm.Sólo 6 mm de espesor.

Posibilidad de cortes de cualquier forma y tamaño.Fácil de transportar y manejar.

Colocación en pavimentos y revestimientos.Altos resultados estéticos.

Considerable resistencia a las tensiones.

Мега-форматы до 160x320 см.Толщина всего 6 мм.

Возможность резки до любой формы и размеров.Простота транспортировки и перемещения.

Возможность покрытия пола и облицовки стен.Восхитительная эстетика.

Впечатляющие прочностные характеристики.




Page 40: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 41: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 42: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

160x320 627/8”x1253/4”

160x160 627/8”x627/8”

120x240 471/8”x943/8”

120x120 471/8”x471/8”

80x240 311/2”x943/8”

80x80 311/2”x311/2”


746748 746745 746742 746739 746736 746730

746625 746624 746623 746622 746621 746619

746749 746746 746743 746740 746737 746731

746750 746747 746744 746741 746738 746732

Spessore / ThicknessEpaisseur / DickeEspesor / íÓ΢Ë̇



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6 mm 1/4”



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30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

4,6x80 13/4”x311/2”battiscopa

4,6x80 13/4”x311/2”battiscopa






7,5x15 matte glossy

matte glossypezzi speciali/special trimspièces spéciales/formstücke/piezas especialesëÔˆˇθÌ˚ ËÁ‰ÂÎËfl

747777 747807 747781 747811 747892 747896

747774 747804 747778 747808 747889 747893



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i travertini di rexgres porcellanato colorato in massa - coloured body porcelain stonewaregrès cérame colore dans la masse - durchgefärbte feinsteinzeug - gres porcelánico coloreado en masa - ͇ÏÓ„‡ÌËÚ, Ó͇˘ÂÌÌ˚È ÔÓ ‚ÒÂÈ Ú΢ËÌÂSquadrato - Squared - Equarri - Rektifiziert - Escuadrado - Ó·ÚÂÒ‡ÌÌ˚È

Spessore / ThicknessEpaisseur / DickeEspesor / íÓ΢Ë̇

6 mm 1/4”

Page 43: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

60x120 235/8”x471/8”

160x320 627/8”x1253/4”

160x160 627/8”x627/8”

120x240 471/8”x943/8”

120x120 471/8”x471/8”

80x240 311/2”x943/8”

80x80 311/2”x311/2”

60x120 235/8”x471/8”


746733 746769 746766 746763 746760 746757 746751 746754

746620 746632 746631 746630 746629 746628 746626 746627

746734 746770 746767 746764 746761 746758 746752 746755

746735 746771 746768 746765 746762 746759 746753 746756

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

30x30 113/4”x113/4”

4,6x80 13/4”x311/2”battiscopa

4,6x80 13/4”x311/2”battiscopa






7,5x15 matte glossy

matte glossypezzi speciali/special trimspièces spéciales/formstücke/piezas especialesëÔˆˇθÌ˚ ËÁ‰ÂÎËfl

747776 747806 747780 747810 747891 747895

747775 747805 747779 747809 747890 747894



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Page 44: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 45: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature
Page 46: i travertini di rex · REX has conceived the Travertini series along these principles. Oversized formats and colour effects create new scenes, to bring the undisputed beauty of nature

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