I t.iIf I NOTICE Oth. lllllBuvr0"J If11 dl.eit.e. or meu only. Quickest pinnanent cure BlC...

I ffp ... 10 . THE SUN, SATURDAY-- , SEPTEMBER 26, 1890'. - ' '' ' mm I .1 F. lj Imufftmtntg. K KIlCKERhorKKIl THKATHK, colird f I ri jT:tt1l,A,MSffiwx-wwvil,E,,r,rto- " If FRANCIS WILSON t.i I AND COMPANY, I 1 HALF A KING. Uv' H EVKNIKU AT 8. MATINEE fff tf H ! ill 1. fry Evening t mis, lllll Mntlneos Today end flPA" BJ-FSB- Iii I 9 Wednesday next at 2. ?M W?'1 i H O.orge Edwardes. Japanese Mtishal Comedy The la r ' ' OB--. Dorothy Morion, Violet rn K 3 N IB n 11' I f.loyd. Edwin Stevens, (B U 11 IS 8C O H IB HM W l hSb Herbert Ore.iiniu. Van l- -b (jWi MB fill jm IV Rensselaer Wheeter.Nrll Bit. H n W Gil Mi7. If McCay, Win. Sampson, tfj Ha II mr I B aTTl kj , V chorus oh 40. orchestra ok an. (I , ', 1 QTAD llroadway. near Hlh si Lv'gs 8113. 'B ,t J O I Mr. iics'v'dseataaHvaie7B. SO, 85c. ..: ,. lMiiKiiKAuroniiEsTOKM. Jil f Mats. Wr-- and Rat He.'T'dseats.Mat. Price". 0055. 11 ti 1 EXTRA, MONDAT. BIIPT, SB, E L THE L1LIPUTIANS m P MERRY TRAMPS. "M SEATS NOW IOR SALF. f' '. EMPIRE THEATRE. "' JKSaaSt. J fl, CHARLES FROHMAN. ..Manager m SIATI.N'KE TO.II.IT AT 3. JOHN DREW i ft life In tlie I'tmrtnnUH mirr. m, ROSEMARY. f i iaa-- - Orentpwt fit All Cmilrv hncrfPip. 1 K3 ETpaliiitwHigo. Matiueo wo.lnesday nnd IML HOYTS THEATHE. VM;.y. KL'lt UOYrftMcI.FI. Proprietors vBB A BIG HIT. ' feli: best Airn r:j pi v since iiA'ri. kiiike. llltET HARTE'S 1'LIT, ill SUE. Ml "GREAT HIT." Il raid. PfifW EVENINGS 8:,10. MATINEE nfil AVK- - i vk'h at Kim. SL Plr 111 THEATRE. MAT. AT 8. ,SFf , llCMINER Proprietor and Manager Ml'. "IX LOST, 'MkA HTnATEII, OK Sft V ,s STOLEN, Rfi K na i.iu . ii Comedy Vaudrtll r by Ooodwln Hft, V t .Morse. tfe, Becuro gent. In advance. Prices gl.SO. 1.0fl. r0o. P 1 BROADWAY T, 9'- - jp Prlcn Sl.f.o. Rl 60e. I;? J JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS f J OPEHA COMPANY. A v rra.h THE CALIPH, r,"1 i!j' I 'i. MATISEL lOllAV AT a, , M ACADEMY or Vind.rv.n.pL 1' L. O. UlliuorH , Tompkln Inp'M A 31gr. TW'E PIUll HES OF AHCT1C Llth. I , "UNDER THE POLAR STAR," Cit Direction v. A. Ilrndj. l "WIIEFI.ME.N'S NinUI." lUtMJAY, SEPT. 2. j Ja Man. today ft Weil. 2: ere. B:15. I $U 6ARRIGK THEATRE, "SaI.wYy" - Al THEORE1T ALBERT CHEVALIER ,, AND HIS COMPANY. ft CHKVALIUK'S .Vi;V bl).S. Eenlnmn.ao. Uailnee Today. 'jTN ' TIIC HOUSE SUOTV ASSOCIATION ToBt; (i ' Oran.-- couutv III niveau exhibition at W ' "i Ooihen, N. Y OCT. O A.VII lo. fiS Prizes for Trotlerf. IIicxneS. Ham s and Saddla && R Ilorics, ttunnlnir and Trottiiiir. and Hlevcle luces. 4V I E.N TIMES fLUE OCT. O. $$S& ti A JAES VAN NBYSR, fe Vfi eecretrjt (aoalieii.N. Y. fl lf .hc UPRBD X, B'WAYMISIUIIALL, IX' m ITII?I nC To Herbert's hnrtesniie. Wt riCsViO iAUT OP JIA1IYLAM). Ki- - t l?f Weber Helds In linwllnz Alley. Hussell l)ro , ftsf Il P Bobby tloylor. no & Jolin T. Kelly bam U lan Bernard. Llulatt Ilaymond,T..i.Ryan,I.llllan Swain. V MATS. TUlai. SAT. Srj.NUAY COSCEK1. II I- - a K' KFSTH'S Ccnllnujus Performsnce. l iJrM'ai V M.IOS TO 11 P. M.. ZSc.SOc. I i Ii wks MAltV I.Lul'S LUUlKKE'i CINKMATOOllAPIIE -- ,l i idkol E VIEWS) AXNABOtU.KKnDEBICK'S TROUPE. Kl "EUITUA'S IIUKuLK."CELIE ELLlc. jffl Qparl v . 'iW 1 SSc HAMIKJERSTEIH'S OLYMPIA, JStftiZi. I 'dm M g5"i MUSIC HALL- - T'"-- ADM. 50c. MJfUi) SS&rTUBATHB. SANTA MARIA. sW'a tiuo' BEST BEATS SO AK1I SO CENTS. BPBV. v I Pi S " Extra bhow tali Saturday. ,i U ?!?' 1 LTU CTKEET lUKATiJi?: Near tlth av. BB1 seits, and balcony. 40c. &"1ff ori "fSftJ?.- - Black Crook. HsH 'i ,1!U Sext Week-T- nE tIREAT UIAMOMJ llOUHEHY. 3S if OS HARLEM iiVMV, ,?N,0"ai E rev, I ,TeV.t hopped El gapitaN H TllO fl Bl fext m-- -- Frank Daniels. T be Wliard of tun Nile. HH l'l ( Wl rpl.CMIICBia Ma:. 2. Eves B ' Tl TIIK.ITKR I "pop Jlat.. .'. ooc. WZ, bra' ; THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. H tine Yj Net EllElt ft HELPS' OWN COMPANY. WS dcif S it ilEKALIhqirAUETIIE.TItE. To.nlEht. dee' ?, " A I'Altl.llK 11AIC1L "S', I r' ANNA IIEI.O, B .JM 't f , MAT. TO-UA- f f if I l.VfEl'M""TlIEATJttE. .' i'( CflTUCDM At rt:10shir( 4thav.23d 'fr, "Another I.joeum-- m .. m I ; ., I JUIIILIIHl An EN EMTIO THE KINO. Matinees Thursday and sat y. I OF v '' I m "ROSTRA SIATINEE TO.DAY. Pm'-L- I 1 CIBMY FITZOUIIALn. ii. A3AX1-- LI O AIIMI8HION COO. f); STANDARD. goSo.Krl,W.a: rmin prices . . . . lo, 20, 30 cents. fftlii L. HAT. MAT. CilS. Ifl THE COLD BUC. f3&&u IS Jr BALLETS 1U0- - X, PEOIM.E'H THEATHK. RAT. MAT. 16s M HEARTS. CTVhK.O W.MONnoK I1APPY1 ITTLEHOJIIi IvV V EDEN MUSEE. " V4J V WOniiUIN tVAXAOKANli CONCERT. m V .JKANU K"A IIOITNK. Jlat KM l l. T"e;lanooftiie r.ivi.NO. K, J , KEXl LAST STI.uKK B, i BUnil EDWARD HAnillOAN. Bv J J UAUTY malum:. i (! fj 7, . Jojt nmouiui. sPtSiV I I I I f T ton terrier, brlndle and white: welaht B'iSlui'i i Xiaboui32 pounds; a liberal revtard will bnpaldby OiVl I ' U returning to owner. 1U0 East 17tli sL III 7 i It $&& '" 1 i, A TTENTION-O-LD DlLniUNDLlToRADUATE ONL Bfci' rf' i VBRSITYOe'TllEClTYOK Nljw I OUK IMEDI- - V CAL DtPAHTMEND: S3 YKAHS A SPLCIALlST IN f ST V piSEASLS OK MLN. OLD DIL OIUNDLr. has been f lonnor established and has bad more experience than I ' ftny other adv.rttsln.: physician; city papers prove t I this. Under blssclantlaj treatment blood and skin rjv ' ' diseases, pains in bones, red spots, sore throat and B,IS. ' mouth, ulcers, painful swelllmrs. kidney and bladJer 'Iv- - complaints, scalding. Inflainniatlou. Kravei. undevel. if-- ', oped organs, weak back, lost vitality, are speedily, K,'.. , permanently cured. Men about to inarrv should con-til- l I; ault OLD llll.OlllNlH.K. Every Impediment removed. K.i r Sufferers, do not wavt e time visltluit less skilful phy. Kf P i alclans. Itememner, OLD DII. IlltlNDLE never falls. B,,1", OFKlCEOVEUISYKAUHatm West I atli St.. between i'; uthaudltli ava. Advice free. Hedlclno fl. Hours Vll 1 P to U. hundays. t to g. No ibargn unleis cured. MUt f OI', l,K- - OKEY. Ur..M a aiirclnllst la Buvr 11 dl.eit.e. or meu only. Quickest pinnanent cure 0"J If (tuaranieedln alldIeaesor money rrfunded. Illood. BlC f skin, kidney, and I ladder trouble, weakliest, nervous r. IA debility, bsd dreams, wenk, midevdopeii nrpuns, si pediments to marriage. Ac. H, w 1st. consult the only Blf oldspetlallst In this elty, oniee over .) years at 12) E I EHSt 17th st,, neir Union e'luare. Hours to w, Sun Bl"li ' I darsO to a. Treaimnt. advice free. .Metllclne, doc. i H'ft. !,-- , A. -- A. -- A UEU'li-ES- PKIMIANKNT ft u purelndlseasrsor men, dautfirniisi'aves 4 ' ntJ lief st once: fioieiiesirlnK only ilr.t diss sulentiria Biifi tKI treatment should all TMo Iradlni. Dr. fjl BON3CHU1L 127 West 2id at.; u to a U to M; Suu- - WsB days. 10 to 2, BF?n a WOMAN should bear In mind: Tan nnifl'eniiF fist) k J royal havo proven unreliable: send stumped em llAr v" velope. v. Ith full statement of ourtui,e. to Wiiinan's igf A-- Ilrdlral Supply Co. ill) Weil 411.1 su, New c,r. rnS bwallow no more pills to ruin oursystem! "Lady fg? In attendance." RmI A -Dlt. IILINN,272and 211 Wvatlad at., near Hfv . Droadwaj consultation and exatiilualiou free; KiLi pours V to H, feinalo atteii'lunt III 'TVt. ANDMH8. HElNlIAIIlr"20'(rVitj3j"" M.f S.;i. XJ sneclalltla In all female Irregularities, 30 years' Mfc. ? Eerle?5 t fe. "fflt. CONIUD'S SANITAHlUSir I IT V.V,t 47i""t.-- Mx i AJ Diseases of women. Con.illtallon free. i i MADAME HONDLAII'S" HILNCII HUANH. Cole-"- f l'A brated I'emale Pills for all IrreRuiarltles cures KT' K th.most obstinate ca.es, abso utel terlalu; neor Kb V f falls: a pun ly veeetable rumiHiuml J'rlce 111 pr Wk Lox. liemit bj money order, lll.l.im. INSIITUIK. m& 1 I K O, box 107, Newark. X J ifi V I. Medical Iiei"rlment." E? 4 . J' 1 West 2 Id St . Olip rifth AH Hotel Njlentlllc. "M ' A skilful treatment of all and surgical diseases I' !f W of women. Addres Dr. WILLI.VMkON. Hours. 10 to ml) i" W 6 P. XI. Takeeletator. I' X ZIZZloricu ott,i5'ZZZZ m fcff, nn HOTEL VICTORIA-LOND- ON. . O t u, KDBTIIBMIirULAM) AVENVK, sBaBfl 1 V wo,9 THAfALU.tll hQUAUE, BBs I h nti Eltuatetl In the most onvenlrnt ami fashionable post- - BBb ff (UfroiS tlon. ami cootalus a lane number of klitin and Ved- - tfl lit rooins.cn suite and slugle, and double bedrooms, or- - ' J ftj.u'. chesira plays during luncheon dinner and supper! sHHHHH Bt 'r.vi.T service, table d'hote or I. carle sBaBfl nsreVUto yrowrletura.TIIEHOKllONUOTEI.M.LTP iW'"iA ' 'i5u,n cflotrls. "" 1mii v JHE judsow; BB A'liVniB M square, south. Family hotel. Amert BB'i it ywafctoafteraiw.Sjwraar.lioperwMs.up. sBaBaCr Makv SltrtatdS"sL W"ss.'ii-.n-j,- -, .. . BB& IVs to secure adiaucsiutj'ti list nfrf'"' ""11". I J.834 g fntUng Sottlge This list appean on Wedneedaie and Batardar. NOTES. POCKET GUIDE. GKATIH. For Infbrmntlon. Clrcnlaris. etc.. or Anw ITolel Ilelow, Cnll sit or Addrea. (Send Htam) the llo.ol 'AnriaT liurcnu, I fl.T rtflh Arr., Ktio Vork, I tin ItrOrnt SI,, London, (248 idic tin itlt'oti, IA. P. meant American Plant E. 1 European.) ALtlANY, N. Y Hotel Kenmore, A. P.. It ALEXANDRIA HAY, rf. Y....The Mgewood, A. P., 1 ATLANTIO CITY. N. 3., Tho Oanlan Hotel. E. P, 2 up. most msgi.lnconl hotel on Atlantic coatt. I1ALT15I011U Md Hotel Stafford. E. P., tl.60 do The Carrollton, A. P., (3 up 110STOK, Mass Hotel VcnJomc, A. P., 5 do. Copley SijuaroIl't'l.E.r.. J 1.80up: A.P..t3.50ap BROOKLYN, N. Y Mansion House, A. P.. A3 do. -- Hotel St. George, E. P., l: A. P., 3 do, ...,(J. W. lllake)..CIarenoon Hotel. E. I. $1.50 do, Plerrcpont llojio, E. P., II BUFFALO, X. Y....T110 Irtxiuols. V, P.. II. B0i A. P., It CINCINNATI. O Grand Hotel. E. P., Ill A. P.. 13 HARTFORD. Conn Atlyn House. A. P., 3 np INDIANAPOLIS, lnd Tho Donlson, A. P., $3 JERSEY CITY, N. J ...IIo:el Waiblngton. C. P., ILSO LIVERPOOL. Eng Compton Hotel, A. P., 3 NEWIIUIUIH. N. Y The Palatine, A. P., S3 toll NEW UA EN, Conn Hotel Mn.'csllc, A. P., $3 up NEW YORK Fifth Avenue Hotel, A. P, IS do. ThoMaosllc,E.P..a do. Hotel Netherland. K. P.. $3; A. P., 13 do. tW. F.LelandlTho Wlndsor.E.P.. 11.80: A.P.,i da ..(Davit & Foster) Hotel ML Androw, il P..I1.B0 do Tlieaernrd. E. P..8I.S0: A. P., 13 toll da (O. B. Llbbey) Albcnmrlo Hotel. E. P., 3 da (LUTodd) Marlborough, P- - P.,$1.80; A.P..J3.B0 da (L.L.Todd) Tho Vcndome, E. P., 11.30 do. (Il'nayand I lth St.). .Tho bt. Donls,E. P.. $1.30 da (N. ailsrry) ..New St. Cloud Hotcl.E. P..41.B0 da . ... (Win. O. Lcland) Grand Hotel, E. P., II up da (W. Johnson Qulnn) Empire. A. P., 3: E. P., 1 1 da ,WestmlnstcrUotel,A. P., 13.80 do. (East 11th st.) Albert-S- L Stephen. E. P., II da (M.J. Shea). OrosvenorO oth sL and Sth av.), A. P. do. (U'nay & 27th aL). The Metropolitan. E.P.,11 up da (Bl'th and D'way)... Hotel Pomeroy, E. P., II up da (C. L. nrlggs) The Clarendon, A. P 13.80 do. (Chat. E. Leland).. Hotel Balmoral. A. P., S3 up da Hotel Endlcott. E.P..I8: A. P. 13.80 un do. (Sth av. A 15th st.) Hotel Kensington. E. P., 11.30 co. (Win. Noble) Hotel Grenoble. E.P.,11. 30 up da (le.cor.Sthar.&l&thsL), Hotel Hanover, A. p. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y Cataract nouse. A. P., It OLD POINT COMFORT. Va. . .The Chamberlln. A. P.. 4 PHILADEU'UIA The Aldlue Hotel. A. P., I3.B0 da ThoNewlJifayotte. E.P.,11; A.P..I3 da Colonnade. E. P.. 11.30: A. P.. 13.30 The finest cuisine In Philadelphia. PITTSBURGH, Pa.. ..... .Hotel Anderson. A. P., 3 up PORTLAND. Me The Preblo House. A. P.. 3 PORTSMOUTH. K. U The Rockingham, A. P., It POUGIIKEEPSIE, X. Y Nelson House. A. P.. 13.30 up QUEBEC, CANADA.. .Chateau Frontenac, A. P., 13.60 RICHMOND. Va The Jefferson. A. P., 3 up ROCHESTER, N. Y Sew Osburn House, A. P., 11.30 da Whltcomb House, A. P., 12 up SPRINOFIEI.D, JInss. Slassosott. E. P.. A.P.. 3 to 3 8T.LOUIS.Mo. (Fireproof) Southern H't'l.A.P.. 3 to 3 da Llndcll Hotel. E. P., 1 up: A. P., up SYRACUSE, N. Y ...Yates Hotel, &'p., 11.50; A. P.. 11 TRENTON.N.J.,Trenton H'se, E.P.,11 up; A.P.,52.30 up UTICA. N. Y Baggs Hotel. A. P., 13 to 3 WASHINGTON, D.C Arlington Hotel. A. P., 15 da Hotel Normandle, E. P.. 12; A. r 13 do Ebbltt House. A. P.. It hotel fiii BHOA1HVAI AND 11ST (ST., THE MARLBOROUGH, I1ROAD1VAY AND BOTH 8T NEW TO Kit CITY. Lanr conneottnz rooms, with prlrato bathi; rery dtrable tor fanil lies, American and European Flan. First-cla- accommodatlont and an excetlem tablo At flr prlcM. Ho Hi managed under the port on al superTislon of the owner. MR. LOUIS L. TODD. WINDSOR HOTEL. 5th At., 40th to 4?th St., N. Y. THE COOLEST HOTEL IN NEW TOUK. Army ond Navy Headquarter. Unsurpasitd In location and perfect In all appoint-ment- a. Fvoe Concli and UaKsatcc to and rrom Grand Cent ml Depot by Blvlnc un notice, American plan, $4.00 ier day and upwanl. European plan, $1.50 per day and upward. Music during dinner. The Travelling public irlll find this coo!, and homelike hotel. WAUItKN F. ICELAND, Proprietor. OBEVOOBT HOUSE, Alh Av. and nodocoraled ami lit at tniouKhoiit the hotel. A few large apartments to Iraso lor the season or year, Artlstlo concert every erenlne, beglnnlns Oct. L, Superior service. Moderate cliarcei. European and American plain. Table d'hote, 1 1,23. ltooma $1 perfiar and upward. CHAltLKB JA1MKB, Proprietor. Sherman Square Hotel,' IIOVLCVARII, CORNER WEHT7IMT BT. AMEUICAN PLAN, Strictly a Family HotoL Choice Suites, furnished or unfurnished, to rent by tho season or ear. Cuisine nndservlcoof the highest order. Rates reasonable. Location convenient to all parts of tho city. JIVALTEB LA WHENCE. Mi.Ker. TII! GE0SVEN0R, TII AV. AND lOTII ST, One of the most mxiinuusly nirnlsiied hotels In th. country. Engagement may now be made by the month, y.nr, or transiently. Restaurant onen to tho public. Wrlla for Illustrated booklet. M. J.HUEA. HOTEL SSYAWT, nrnndirny nnd 4tU Ht, Relectfamlly lintel of qulit fit k ante, conducted by owner, Heatuuable priced. Culalue of noted exc( lence. THE DUNMORK 2.10 West 42d st. Family hotel, European plant fur- nished suites of tarlur, bedroom, and bath; desirable location for parties sjiendlng fall and winter In New York. WILLIAM II. V.LQUP.TTE. COLUMUl'KPl.AZArOHTHSr.ANDPKNTItALPAluL HOTEL POMEROY OiTcra leniu lo fa milieu that make It poMlble to enjoy lintel mm at tin trexutr coit tnan boarding. All outrun ruoim. irrttHittira. A IX CAH U.M.S TKANBFER TO HOTEL. "HOTEL ALBERT ST. STEflJEfT 1 lth st.. corner University place. European plan; newly refilled, rcfurnliued. Special ratrs permanent g"ea. L. FRENKEL. "'JK:1- - HAl,T'i Dinner teTvTa- -" a, eat 8tls t. In Hummer Garden. BislFrencu table il'notn Inlheeltri luuch, 40o., din. uer.ooc, nine and coffee Included. ser'Ku a u Cart. at all hours; moderate prices. Rooms day or week. " MARTINEZ TAI1I.E D'HOTE. 10, Ue.t 44thst.,diuuer.8Jc., withwiuu, paironlred by the best class of New Yorert, superior accomino-dailou- i for lunch and dinner parties at reasonable pntes. Splendidly furnished rooms to let. THE HEVII.I.IA. 117 W. SSTII ST. A fen i holcn apartments can Bo secured for October 1, persons objecting to careful Inquiry at to chario-te- r and social .landing need not apply. ColttQtfi nttOchoolis. behool. of Elocution, Actios, Ac A KERICAN ACADEMY OP THE DRAMATIC ARTS XV (Lyceum School of Aeting), Carnegl. Hall. New York city. rttANKLlN IL SAUUhNr. Prea, Tnir. te.-u- year UAni ln Octobar. Writ (or oalalouw. i CoUtortt fttttl cSctioolfJ. !IMaMs1aiMSisWWMs''','sp1tesiasl or Tonus Men-C- ltj ssnd Country. DT?rl,rl10 Prepar.tory School for boyt ilJJlXO and voong men. Illustrated ACADEMY, "B!--iS2S.- S- ZT pr.larred. One hour from Stamford, Conn. S,w York. WM. J. BRTTS, BDTU YEAR. M. A. (Vale). PrlnclpaL OWBGHT SCHOOL IS tVEHT 4AU HT., near 0th av. uvenCenth year; now building UbratorIai gymnaalumi i: llmlttd clauet: prepare! boys for college. trlenttnoKhnol, nnd hutluei hor catalogue, addreii J'HIN. ARTHUR iVlLUAMM (TALE), DBA.1EID.TO. INSTITUTE, 103.105 tVEHT BUD ST. Thorough preparation for leadlnif roilcges. Primary and 4urd"r depart- ments limited, Commercial coursea Play around. Gymnasium. Six boarding pupils. Address N. AllCIIlllALI) SHAW. Jr. Prln, ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE (BROOKLYN). Hoarders and day scholars: reopent Sept. 8; terms reasonable. Send lor catalogue. RROTIIER JERQUE. O. 8. T. for Toauit Women City and Country. Tho St. Elizabeth Academy, CosrBXT KTATIOX, X. J. Edncatlotial facilities of the highest nrderi unsur- passed In the heatlhfulness of Its surroundings; sit. uated II miles from New York, within easy access by trains on the M. and E. Division of th. D , L and w. IL It. For further particulars visit the Institution or apply for circular to 2UJ! MOTH IS 11 SVI'KJtlOIt. THE RUEL SCHOOL. llth year. Small clashes Insure Individual atten tlon. French and German thoroughly taught: prac- tical training In English; full courses In History and Literature. College nrparatory class. Address MADKMOtSKI.I.I ftlTP.I. UA Knit r.nth .1 For Tonne Men J: Women City V Country COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS will be held from Sept. fcStu to Oct. 3d, beglnulng each day at 0:30 A.M. MATRICULATION AND KERISTRA. TION begin Sept. 80th. THE ACADEMIC TEAR comtuentsi on Monday, Oct, Sib. BETH LOW, LL. D President OLLEOE PREPARATORY and primary classes; both sexes: combined advantages of class work and tndlviduil Instruction. Youuc men and young women whose early education has been negiecteJ find here excellent opportunity to mala up lost time. The work Is thorough and practical, and the moral tone high. A spirit of earnest endeavor and of honest firlde In each other's success pervades the place. The of these and many other advautages of the school Is to be found In the good opinion of Its neighbors nstrons. nnd poiills. ARTlltTIK If. TOM T.t VROV. Pl,l...l Mwurthmore tsrismmnr Kohoel, , SWABTIIMOUE, PA. PENNINGTON (N. J.) KEMINAHY.-CouvcnT- cnl to Ball, and Wash'n. Both aexeV 6.th year. Hoaltiiful: beautiful: 17 teachers: 12 courses, cost moderate. or leautlfulty Illustrated catalogue addresaTHOMAS II ANLON. D. v.. President. Boys' bcnool.-Ct- ty nnd Countryl iERKELir SCHOOL 18.SA WEST 41TII HT. ' ITlh Yese Iseicln. Tue.day, Sept. SO. NEW PUPILS REPORT UPON THE 2STII. After Sept. It Dr. White will be at the school build, leg dally from 0 to 12:30. J. CLARK READ, A.M.. Registrar. BARNARD SCHOOL, 117 and 110 West 123th st. llth year begins Sept. St. Thorough preparation for college nnd business. For eelaloaue address WILLIAM bVDNEY STEVENS, M. A. William Livingston Haieu. B A.. LI. K, Headmaster: Theo. Edward Lyon. IL 8.. Associate Headmas:cr. SACRED HEART CDSlviY; Day scholars and boarders: terms moderate. Address Brother AUGUST. West Chester. N. Y. NE W TO R K I.ATI N MCll OO I,. Quick preparation for college, common English ft tpeclnlty. OpensSept. J4. aoE. l20ri! ST Cil li( A YEAR scholarships at boarding school Oloo for worthy and promlMngboT L, HlNDS.llemDstead.UL Hois' and airl.' School. -- City and Country. fRIEXDH' HEMINART, loth St. and Rutherford l'lace. Now In session. Boys and girls are received In Kin- dergarten. Primary, or grodee qualifying for College or business. Principal may n. seen from 10 to 12, or catalogue will be sent by mall For Cblldren-Cl- ty and Country. BOARDING SCHOOL for small children. Old Bridge, New Jersey. Established 1636. Terms moderate. Principal at 83 West 26th sL until 12 on Mondays. asu.lne.a SJollessen, TV) TOE EDITOR OF THE SUN. - SIR: You may have noticed that for a few years back I have boon writing for the THburn seasonable articles on education. These articles have Inrarlably appeared at tho head of the "Instruction" column, "next to reading matter." 1 don't quite like the ex presslon next to reading matter, all tho articles havo been reading matter themselves. In fact, 1 know a number of people who have read them, and somo have frankly oonfrased that they wore worth reading. They really ought to bo worth read- ing, for I paid twenty cents a line to have them printed. The articles treated lightly on politics and current events, but tho sting In the tall was Always aimed at tho Packard Collegethe real purpoee being to call attention to this noble Institution. You seo. while I am not willing to confess that tbo school needs pupils, I have no hesitation In saying that thero are plenty of pupils who need the school. In facL tho entlro com- munity needs IL There Is a good deal said these days about the present political campaign being a "cam- paign of education." I think It is. and I think The Ben Is one of the chief schoolmasters; nut the Pack-ar- College Is quite as much In It. Packard College not only goes for " sound money," and aa much of It as It can get, but It promotes sound Ideas, which are more valuable than money. I have boon watching this matter tor nearly forty years, and I can say with truth, as I do with unction, that no boy or man, girl or woman, ever went wron? bv virtiiA or th i,.ini received at Packard's. It is the safest school In the world, and, though I tay It myself, one of the very Lest. It has been sometimes called a "clerk factory," and I think, with all duo deference to "higher Kng. Ilsh," that Is a fair designation; for It not only makes good clerks, and plenty or them, but It puts them In good places, where they oan best serve the world, and be served In turn. In short, Packard College Is the great Institution of New York for the proper teaching of uookkeoplng, arithmetic penmanship, stenogra- phy, and typewriting, and I want the readers of Tub Bus to understand it. That Is why I have written this article, 8. 8. PACKARD. Prest.. NEW YORKSept 88. 101 East 2Sd SL EASTMAN BOSINESTCOLLEQE, NEW YORK BUSINESS cbUEaE:,W'X- - BI E. 125th St,. New Torlt Preparajorj. Upokaeeplng. aud shorthand Depart ments. schools train for practical work and Ea.f'i28:?New- - YorTO.0" P" " Long Island Business College 14R to 147 South 8th st., Brooklyn. ' Day and evening sessions. Bend for catalogue . UriNRY CWRIOHT. HHOHTHAND. OR A MAM rJTHTEf7 Thoroughly taught. Also typ.wntlng. ror circulars, terms, Ac. address A. J.IlAHAM i Ca. 744 D'way. blipRTHAND.-Uaao"iltma- n's Principles grad'uXa7.7g,.cejf'r'"""IUn Bch001- - liU " "'" Ls Mchuola. Ht?? ,',? ,We,t 3(' Li Brooklyn WSLTOi Division, corner Court and UlSS? Jpralemon sis, makes a ape- - ff W A$ J& ?'1,J' " preparation of ? medical, dental, and vet- - tfap-- -' Ww erlnary students for fiSl JL nUfl Eaaml.atlon.. A fHtl Regular courses for college i.Wtfj ,ml c" eervlce examlna- - W-21- Jf '?"" Physical and chemical JaiSJJo aborator es. Special ooursea In all subjects. Including nogrsphy. For eighth annual Nt'is . (lit 14. cstaliue ! PICEfARATORT RUPERT. M. AVHeslitraV; VtJarfSWb ,a o. Gallup. D. A. (Yde),ormerly of Regentf Offlcu. Albany. University B,x,r "coaa negim oo, 1 l,,8tH)- - Coa"n lu D- - a" nw acnooi or graaumte C0UrM LtM DAT AND EVENINO Ix.ArJHES. CLARENCE D. AbllLEY, Dean. Address for catalogue. REGISTRAR, Unlrer-tlty- . Washington Square. East. NEW YORK l IJuy Hehool. 120 Bro.dw.. LAWSCH00LLtw;:n,acAi.?l,oCdwri' traction. LL. B In two years Graduate course one year. High standards. UEORQE CHASE. Dean Alu.l.nL NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF HUSIC 112 EAST 1HTU ST. ' II ET WEEN 4TH AV. and IRVING) PLACE. NOW OPEHfur IB. RECEPTION of PUPILS. BANJO, mandolin, guitar, violin, piano taiuuti private: ccular LEvtAra HTClJlO, 017 8d T, 8th, ilOtll NEW YORK. Adirondack mountains. Bnranan JLstk, NOTICE TO8PORT8MEN. Onranuc Inn will not close boforo Ootobor I Oth. NEW JERSEY. ROOKLAND FARU nOTJHE, Katconi, Morris county: elevation 1.200 feet: scsnery grand: good boating and tlshlng In Build's Lake, on. mile from house: table excellent! terms reasonable! cnn.. W.R,U.,4umlle. rrom New York. Ad- dress AMOS CHAMDLftLAlN. PENNSYLVANIA. nolawaio AVntcr Gap. CATARACT HOUSE. Delaware Water (lap. Pa. L. It, IL tickets!, furnished: weekly, 7i capacity 100: boating, fishing, hopt, tennis coaching daily. VIRGINIA. Virginia Hot Springs. PERFECT FAI.I. CMMATE. U.flOO FEET ELEVATION, On Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. THE NEW HOMESTEAD, n grand modern hotel, complete I nnd opened June IB. Most curatlte baths known for rheumatism, gout, and nervous trnui-let- . Every bath from flowing springs or uaturat hot water. Pullman Compartment Car New York to Hot Spring without change, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Excursion tickets and Pullman reservations at Chesapeake and Ohio offices. 302 and 1,823 Broadway, and offices Pennsylvania Railroad. For pamphlet, and further particulars address A. O. RICE, ticket Agent. 8g Broadway. P. II. KCOFIEUl. 1 Madison ar New York, or FRED BTF.RUT, Manner, Hot florins:.. Datb Co., Va, ffixfurfJlottji. ERIE RAILROAD. HUN l AY, HEPTEHHEK SftTII. LAST KXCUIUIIONN OF THE rJEAHON. TO 1IEAUTIFUI. SHOHOLA OLIN. Bee the glnrlei of Autumn In the mountains. SI.OO. ROUND TRIP. SI.OO. Express train leaves West !.ld st. 0:23 A. M. and Chambers st. S:30 A. il.: Jersey City n:4B A. M. R"turnlng leaves shoholan 10 P. tl. GREENWOOD LAKE GLENS 75c. . ROUND TRIP.. 75c. Special express train leaves Went 2'M st. 2:40 A. (.: Chambers rt. U:IJ A. M : Jerssy City 10:00 A. M. Choic. of two express trains returning. LcavoGlena OJPM. or 7.2J P.Jl DEET' SEA FIHHINO.-F- alr flshlng'thls week: new steamer AL FOSTER. Dally, East dltt si 7:40. Battery H:2U sharp: 1 v. lth bait. orrvniv t.i ckvwiiit aim O I1ELLK HORTON leaves foot Bloomlleld st . Norm River, two piers south West 14th St. Ferry, lo A. IL and i) P. JL LeavesKeyport 4 P. M. EXCURSION flOc. " WF.sfOINT, "NEWli BHOII, and PO'. KEEI'HIE. Grand Dally Excursion (except Sun- day), by Palice Iron Day Line Steamers from sL Pier at S:40 A.M. aud West 22d St. at 9 o'clock. LUt Eurf. 'brmklyn "jockey clubT' A17TUMN MEETING, SEPT. 7 TO OCT.O. 81X RACE:, AT 2:13 P. il. Costs leavo foot EAST 34TII ST., 21. V. (via L. 1. R. R.l. 12:30.1110 P.M. Boats leav. foot of WHITEHALL ST.. N. Y. (Culver Route), 11:10, 11:40 A.M.: 12:lu. 12:40. 1:10. 1:40. 2:10 P.M. UROORLY.N TRAINN. Brooklyn HrhUe. Through trains from rtrooklyn Terminus, via Brooklvn Elevated and P. P. a C. L R. IL. eerv half hour. Leave UNION DLPOT. Sth sv. and 3flth St.. 10:10, 11 13.11 43 A. M.and hair hourly 12:13 toa:lh p. M. Leava Villi AV AND 20TH ST. 11:00 A. M. aud half hourly rrom 12:00 noon to 4.00 P. M. gjtrjsonal Jloticw. ANY' PERSON or persons who were passengers on car leaving stelnway. 1.. I. City about 12 43 A. It., on June lu. itu3, will ennrar a favor by cull- ing on the General Manager. Geo. Chambers, of the New York and Queens Co. It. IL, 7 Uorden av.. L. 1. ty. UilUner nnd grrwrnaniurj. SKAL GARMENTS redyed, repaired, or altered Into capes. Mrs. BARKEIL llnWest3Ulh SL, New Y'ork, late with Guuther's Sons. 3th av. Office efttruituvc. " DESKH ANI OFFIt-- FURNITCRE IN GREAT VAHILTY MANUFAC, TURED BY T. O. SELLEW. Ill FULTON ST Wnntril lo jPurtUnse. "llfANTED A medium sited second Land safe; state vv inside dimensions. W. P. It, box 170, .un oftlce. jSfltct JStJiurL Ea.t Mlde. 1 nTII ST.. 34 EAST.-Pleaa- ant connecting double, X vr single rooms, excellent hoard, e.ery couven-lence- : moderate. 2 1D BTTlfl FAST, near Broadway. Desirable largeT w small rooms; private bath; superior board; moderate prices; ref.rences. DO EAST COD HT. Handsomely furnished suite, single or en suite; splendid utile; near Broadway: reference. 7;D ST., 14IEA8T. near Lexington. Handsomely OO furnished sunoy rooms; excellent board; also front parlor: conveniences. Weef Side, LQTn ST.. 120 WEST.-N- ow ready to negotiate with class people for winter season: nuly those wishing a renn.d home need apply, ref. rencrs J ?b ST.. 34 AND 30 WEST -- I Irst class board, hand. Oij some rooms, rurntshed or uufurnlshed; refere- nces- Ol""WE8T 49 TH MT. Open Sept. SI; exceptionally fine apartmenta for family; cultlnoand management high class. " "SIO W EeiT USD ST. " Large and small neatly furnished rooms, with ex- cellent bosrd; also table board; near Broadway: ref- erence. , urnijShfu $ooin.5&2parttucut;8 to !g,t Hid.. 1 QT1T ST.. 343 EAST. Neatly furnished rooms for 1 'J light housekeeping; other rooms; private house; gas; bath. TTyrH ST.. 328 EASTT-N-lce furnished rooms;-a- ll JLV conveniences; bath. gas: terms modsrate. Ol ST ST.. 23 EAHT.-La- rge rooms, private bath; t- - gentlemen only; references; everything news fine location. 'J OTH 8T, 12 EAST.-Bacn- quarters: suites: dO single man servant; convenient to hotels and clubs. Q OD ST.. 80 EABT.-Attra- rooms, private bath, 00 large middle and back parlor; private house; yferenoee. A QTH ST.. Ml handsomclj fur-t- o nlshrd rooms: all conveniences; bath; prlrato house; terms mod.rate. Wtll Hldo. 37 WEST28TH ST. 8TAR CAFE AND RESTAURANT. Neatly furnished rooms: all conveniences, nead. quarters for s waiters. Telephone 3)7 88th sL CWB.j9CIUNEMANN, Proprietor. ST.. furnished "rooms In n CHARLES French house; every convenience; select neighborhood; references. rfniK dROVE. Ht-s- n Orov. st., 1H7 Washington pT 1 Elegant apartments: seven large light rooms and batnt siramheuted; all Improvements, rents, 110 up. Janitor. f AVERLEY PLACE. 182. near llth wly f u? M ulshed rooms: everv convenience; rent moder ate; gentlemen only; references. ijATH ST.. 408 WEbT.'Pleasaul, comfortable room: d X all conveniences; also hull room : excellent board It desired. OH TH ST.. 489 WFST.-Nl- ce large room; bath; pr. iX rate house: referenoe. JQD ST., 10 furnished sultei OOalso single rooms; gentlemen only; breakfast optional! valet attendance; references. ioa weHtTbth ht " Large and small neatly rurnlshed rooms, for gentle- men only, near Broadway; all conveniences; break, fast optional; reference required, Puruislttt glooiM! Ho ti JrooMn. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 4, near Fulton Ferry and or bay, Large front room 11.00: smaller room Il.tS. t ... j gtal jstntf for U Juj $t wa. rflntg wnfl gVparimintiS Co gtt. Central Park Apartments, Madrid. Orrnada. Barcelona, Lisbon, Halamanov A,,ilc.,l Cordova, Tolosa, Central Park South (BBth W.BHthat. ft 7th av. Company's onice In buildings. TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 148 Broadway, fiHlh sL aud 7UnT- - 2 nnd S0J Wott 103d u EDINDORO. K. w. Oor. 103d and Amtlerdam at. 6, 7. and B rooms and bath, 000 to .000. Table d'hote and a la one service in restaurant. Elevator, hot water, steam heat, uniformed attend-ants- : light rooms: gas and coal rangesi superintend, jnt In charge!"!." station 2 blocks, llroadway cable 1 block: llth, oth. Kith, nnd Boulevard rare on block. TITLE GUARANTEK, AND TRU81 CO, OMth st. and 7th nr., 140 llroadway, S and COS West lOJd St., aud 202 West .8th tt ASHE''n,iImJ'i''enlTfn,n?": THE R0GK.N6I.A.V., Corner .".Oth at. and llromlivay. Building absolutely fireproof. Elevator, steum haat. Two apartments to tent. All light rooms. Fashion- able locality. THE JELISE. Atmrtmcnt. to Itentt Hlenm Hentedl electric elevator; rent, 0BO to780. Call nt premises, BOtn st. and sth av. PLATS AND A'PA RTM ENTS. unfurnished"; furnished. x i,jL'.,r,,livr,,K'a,oni re"' s ,o s.'i.uoo. FOL80M linoTIIERS. SSOBroadway, cor. 12th St. FREE TO NOVEJinrn XH-f- . Deslrabln parties only. Hie moms, baths. Ileautl-fu- decorated. Excellent Janitor service. 18-- 17. 14 west ItlHth st. ...r"!R TO NOV. 1. 7IVE ROOMS. 12 and tin y.ouu sth or. COLLIN 11. WOODWARD. 301) West 143th St. BT. 82.- -S nglo flat: four large, light rooms; second floor, front; all Improvements; low rent JANITOH MADISON AV., apartments; deslrablo or floors: private batns; also parlor Uoor; moderate prlocs. rPHE RlCIlrTELD, 2S'i TO 211 vT.ST4SD ST.. near X Ilrosdwny. Handsome large, light, decorated apartments: eight rooms; steam heated; i33toi03: passenger elevators. TIIAV.1.04. corner Nlth sL Elegant apartmenta, facing Park, toOO. $1,200. STONE. 41 Wall st. 7TD AV,. corner 27th. -- Handsome funning through, light flnu, 6 moms nnd bath, all decorated, all Improvements; awnlnqs. Inuulro BECKMANN. 804 7th av. SSTII HT las, rooms; hails heated: t2 22,,,SJT-'"- , WEHT.-3an- d4 rooms: a to 10. Jl HT.. CO KtNT.- -l and 4 rooms: to to14. A VJ'. . r1.--8 and hath halls gin to 422. , .... .Alt- - - ftn it,nm r v .V w , .c. n rooms ana cam; steam nent: 1,4. 'pi.tTMUrH AV.. aiga TO ((,t).9 nam, , hath, ateamheat: 4.7..VI to XJSTIIHT..110-117WE8T.-- 4 moms and bath: heat: hot water 'ill. ,5,.TM H WEST.- -J rooms and atoam heat: S22 tot2'V 104TII MT.. 10.V1O7 WEST.-- fl rooms and bath: ateain heat; hot water: lqOTII MT..S18 EA!T.-- 3 19. ' AV"lor on premises, or J1ACLAY ft DAVIKS, 44 it, Q'THSf.; 211 TO 233 atiartmenta. lu.BO to 810 SO: dumb wnltert: elee-irl- o bells: Iiotbitns fro. to tenants; wide street; floor deadeneiL Ofllcejll 223. 1 ;:.T,, HT" WEST. 1 .V'r Lla.nnt alx.rooin flats, steam heated: bath; private halls: i to 2S; cahi hair block; elovated one block away; liberal rent allowed. "I I JTHST 07 of f) all light andl.rO0m " heated halU: rents 818 1 y." RT" " East Apartments or tiree and x, four rooms, all light rooms: .heap rent. rf lata ami pavtmrnts hcn TO LET. 3 moms and bath, rent 15. 7soi CT ashing ton St.. Hobokt n. WufurniohKl f lats WnntrtU TI7ANTED Aflat of five rooms and bath, with hot v and cold water. Inside of lfth st. and BOth st.. east or west side, rent not excccllng $10 to 1H. Ad- - dress C. box 10,, Sun up-t- n ofllce, 1,2)S llroadway. Smnn Witu$t Co 3Srt CittjT" HOUSES, furnished and unfurnished. In desirable locations; rent tl.200 to tn.ouo. M BROTHERS ?56 Lroadway. cor. 12th St. Co Cftfor?u?lnf6j; Juriiojes. "I'JUILpINOS. stores, lofts, offices, and studios to let luitislrableliH-allons- . FOI.SOM BHOiHERS 2dBoadav. cor. 12th St. "'PKY DFSIRABI.E large, light, nnd dry ortlces or s showrooms fronting on Mh av . Urje windows and hlgn space; elevmor and hall service: most portion of Sth av.. moderate rcnla. Apply to HARDMA.V. PECK ft CO.. 13s Sth av. 5C TO S20MONTH.-Onic- es In 10 and 21 OO st.; one with sklight, suitable for engraving, drawing, or pbotogrjphy. nl'LASD ft WIIITIN3, 3 Beekman SL ft.lO !,NTH.-Sto- re aud faiement. 13x110. atH Ji IW St.. Ilrooklyn.nt arthe brldce, suitable for cigar atiire. grocery, hardware, delicatessen, laun- dry, Ac, For particulars apply to RUI.ANDft wlilTINO, B Beekman si ctlrnt fox ?au toohltir R?QnonnVLP,n"w.1""': Largaln; must losol?lj ..00 may remain at 5 per cenL: 0 cash, halancaon Instillmenla; 2 story, basement, and cillar: brick filled, tin roofs, conneiteii with sewer water, and u rooms. Including bath: Ocloseta'. heater, range, tubs manile basin; 2 water closets, storm shed, gas nxtures. sanltar) plumbing. Apply on premises. Derin si. Tako Kings Coun- ty J. totica " av. station. DON'T PAT KENTL ' See these fancy light brick and ktono houses on 30th St., near 3th av. : t n sets r lmpro e. ments complete; only 40 minutes from New Vork Cm Hall; small pas mrni. riots nand ba'nnce snmens ronl Apply toJAMLS liUUKE. lu on premise. C TORE FtMrsALE-piTte-'gla- sT fmnt: thFerMoryT O price only J3.300; a bargain; suitable for a small Apply on promlies. lie Utlca av., Ilrookl) n. ef oralf or Co get rooTthr" -;- LAJ!.nr- R.T0'"2. double show windows, with "LO. dsselllng, best neighborhood. MUI.1.ER, 813 Gates av. gUnl G5jstate or .Sale or Co gtt. Tarr) town Parealn". l- In homes, for sale and to let: furnished and IRA VIS A SON, 170 llroadway. gtral estate for aiTCalifornTa CALIFORNIA lncorro ranches, choice city and suburban residence property, acre traots. large colony tracts; no Irrigation required; mining property Send for catalogue. k E ItUNCE Agent. 1.008 Broadway. Oakland, Cal. AT.'K.TI;K.Y'.v''.'?" 'nrulslied houio. the resldenc. Duuner. fourteen rooms and bath room, will be rcuted to a ssll.raetnrv tenant at (80 per month Apply to WALTER LtARNEU, New Loudou, Conn, PAST ORANOfT nearTto Seville, avnTepot.-AMm- od: l- - ern Improvements, tsso new houaet; reut tlO and t30 per mouth- - Inqiilie at at William st.. . ast Orange, c5rat estate irjiiUeCitfl. HUNT'S" POINT ,l3D vTaRDT" Full sited lots on Harretlo and Mnnlda sts . near Monastery: only ; n few left: tbo greatest bargalus everorfercil: willdouhla In value almost Title guaranteed by Iiiv,sers' Title Insurance Com BSS?-V53s-a LOTS $150 TO $4007 No crossing risers: 2S down, 3 monthly; only 84 minutes from Rector st, via llth av. "i" and North ,ni,,!"1iv,,?nr'"r"","!u"0"l l"et'7 bouse and lot, doKu, lalame monthly, high giound. Leallh). J, J, HANNAN. I. Corllandt st. Wrjstrhwttr Co. groprrty .for J5alt. Nle Home, His. tins, on Ilndanu. Ten acres nlcily laid out: home 12 rooms, all mod. ern conveniences, perfect order, garden, fruit, shade gtal istate or ale- -3. ew Utr PAL1HADM DIHTKIt'Tt Urge Iota. 73. terms, 14.1Q monthly, high ground: near homes. WEATIIEItuY. 271 llrn.i-- . $100 LSl lot. Rlght In City Paterson, wh,r. then Is work for everybody. Population, 100.000. 400 Factories IBODO Emninvni r.n... .V2i'.,diiL"p"rc-S.re?allr0,- 1, 0 minute, to 200 traln.: $5 Cash Down, $1.00 a Week. Tbas. Iota are worth 300 10 800 eacn, but our price until DctoUr lit, Htxi to 8'5o Grand Free Excursion to Investors OVER ERIE U. K. FHOM JEB8LT fl TV, Saturdai Allereoon, I o'clock; Sunday Morning, 9:30 o'clock, and- - Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mapsaad fre. Uek.u now ready. W?, --.0ITS.Tr, 69 UbttXf strK H.w Ywk c,Iy. 2?ailroai1i8. , fUTij- n a iiMi "AMIRIOA'B Gr.EATa.eT RAILROAD." ISfEWYOEK (entral. ' & HUDSON RIVEtt R. B. From Grand Central Station, 4Sd Street. OiTJOA. ept Sunday. Empire ststa Express. Fastest train In the world. Stops at Albany. Otlca, Syracusa, and Roohester. Due Buffalo 4:45 P. H. Niagara Fall, 8:88 P. M. This train It limited to lit D18O A'J-'.-Dal- ly 'Mt Mall for Poughkeepste. AL any, Utlca, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara IO.OO A. si-Eio- ept Sunday. Day Express, for Mountains, Hlchlield Springs, and H New York Stale polnta. ...... 1 lOO P. M, Dally, southsvestern Cincinnati. Indianapolis, and St. Louie. Stop, at Pougnkeeptle. Albany, Utlca, Syracuse, Itnehesier, and Buffalo. ltOO P. lly. Chicago Epeclal for Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, nnd Chlcajio. stop, at Pough-keepsi- ., Albany, Schenectady, Utlca, Syracuse,. Houiester, nud Iiuffalo. Oiao P.M.-Eic- epl Sunday. Wstrolnl Pougb-Keepsl- Caltklll Mountains. Albany. Troy. Saratoga. 30 V. M. Dally. North Shore Limited. Due De- troit 81-- A. M., Chlcaco 4:30 1'. M. Etopt at Albany, lflloa, and Syracuse. OrOO P.U.-Dal- ly. For Albany. Troy. Utlca. Byra-uu- Uurfalo, Niagara Falls. Cleveland, Toledo, De- troit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Ht. Louis. OlCA P. M. Dally. For Albany. Troy, 8aranao Lake. Lake Placid, Lake George, Lake Chanplaln, and TiOO P. lly. For Albany, Troy. Utlca, Adlron-dn.- k Mountain points north of Lako Clear, Thou rand Islands, and Montreal. Fridays only, sleeping car tn Fulton Chain. TiSO P. lly. For Buffalo, Nlagarn Folls.Cleve-land- . Indianapolis, SL Louis, Chloago. Stops at Pnughkeepsle. Albany, and Utlca. OrOO p. Mf. Dally. Carries sleeping car passongor, only for points on Fall Brook Railway, via Lyons. unit for Rochester. Oitfl P. ..I. Dally. For Syracuse, Oswego, Water, ton, Ogdensburg, Buffalo, Niagara lalls. Clevo-lan- Toledo, Chicago, except Saturday for Clas ton. Cape Vincent, and the Auburn road. Sundays only flloversvllle. 19ilt Nlsht. Theatre train for Chicago nnd prin- cipal points on New York Central, overy night ex- cept Sunday night. Sunday night, Gloversvlle and Chicago sleepers leave un U;1B P. M train. OiOO A. U. and ai35 P. BI.-D- oxcept Sun- - dav tn Plttttlehl, via Uarlom Division. Oils A. St. Sunday only tn Plttsfleld and the Merkshlre Hills, via Harlem Division. "ALL NIGHT" TRAIN TO . OSKE1-- "All night "trains run between 163th st. and polnta on the Putnam Dlvis'on as far as Youkcra. lu connec- tion with the elevated road. Tho only line running "attnUht" trains out or New York. Wagner Palace Cars on all through tralna. Trains Illuminated wltn the Plntsch light. Tickets nud Wagner offices at Grand Central Sta- tion, 118 Broadway, 14 Park place, 201, 413Broad-way- , 31 East 14th St., 042 Broadway, 233 Columbus av., 01 West 123th st, aud 13Sth st. station. New York: .13s and 7.'0 Fulton aL, and 100 Broddway, E. I).. Brooklyn. Baggage checkod rrom hotel or residence by tho Wi htcott Express company. JOHN M. TOUCEY. OEOROE n. DANIELS. General Manager. General Passenger Agent. Pennsylvania STATIONS foot of Desbrosses and Corllandt Streets. insaeciiMpiFinDarKl, inwo. OrOO A, II. FASTLINE.-Parl- or Car to PHUburgh. IO1OO A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LlJtlTKD.-Pull-m- an Compartmenl Sleeping. Dining, bnioklng, and otisersatlon Cars. Arrives Chicago B A. St., Cleve- land 4:30 A.M. Clnolnnatl 6:40 A. , Indianapolis H:40 A. M. Louisville 12:10 P. M SL Louis 3:44 P. M. nnd Toledo S'.O A. tt. SlOO P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. -s- leeping and Dining Cars to8t. Louis. Louisville, and Chicago Arrives Cincinnati 10:43 a. IL, Su Ixsnll7:2 P. M, Chicago 4:30 P. M. si 100 P. V. WLSIbKN EM'KhSj Bleeping and litning Cars to cnlcnco and Cleveland. Arrives Cleveland 1 1 '23 A. 11.. Chicago P. M. next day. 7l4fi P. M. SOUTHWESTEI1N EXPRESS.-Sleepl- ng and Dining Cars to Cincinnati and St. Louis. Arrives Cincinnati H:u3 P.M.. Indianapolis 10:13 P.M., Si Louis 7 A. 31, second morning. sjroo P. SI. PACIFIC EX PlthSS. Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburgh. Connects for Chicago dally, and Clevelunil and lole.loexc.tit Saturday. WAMHI.NGTOX AND THE HO I. TH. 8. H:30. H:a... 1U:IU (Dining Can. 11 A. . 1,2:10 (3.30 "Congressional Llm.." all Parlor and Dining Cars), 4:!lu (Dining Car.. 3:20 (Dining Carl. 0 P. M.. 12:13 nlglt. Miuday, M.So. 0 30, 11 A. M. "Congress'onal Llm..' all Parlor and Dining Cars), 4:0 (Dining Car), 3 20 (Dining Car), 0P.il.. 12:13 night. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 4 '30 P.M. dally. Sleepers to New or.eans. Memphis. Tampa, Asheville. ana Hot Springs. 12 13 ntht dally. Sleepers to New Orleans and Jacksonville. ATLANTIC COA1T LlNR.-0:- 30 A. M. dally. Sleeper, to Port Tampa and Macon. O.Ou p. M. dally, Sleeper to Jacksonvil.e. CHESAPEAKE ft OHIO RAILWAY. Express 3:20 P. M. dally, Ihrong . Meeplugand pining Cars. FOR OLD POINI COMFoIU'anl NORFOLK sla Cape Charles Route, s A. M. week days, and, with Through Sleeper, s P. M rialls. AT1.ANUC CITY. 1:30 P. M. sveek days. Through Bullet Parlor Carand DnyCoacn. FOR CAPE MAY. 11:00 A. M.and I '00 1'. M. weekdays. For Lotur Ilranch, Anbury P.rk. Ocean Grove, and Point Pleasant. 0:10 A. JL. 12:10. 2:30. 3:40. 4.20. 3,10. and 7:00 P.M. sveek days Sunda). (stop at lnlerlakcn ror Asliurv Park! .'. A. M- 5 20 P. M. FOR PIIILAOELPIIIA. u. . ;dv, rs, o jo. v, i':.u I lu reun a i.iniiseui, iu:iu (Dluln.-Csrl.l- l A.M..'- -, 1,2:10.3 4,4.S0.4SO(Dln-IngCan- , 8:20 (Dining Can. n (Dining Carl. 7:0. H, 0 P.M. 12.15 night, 0.13. S:3u, v. 0.30 un Limited). 10. 11 A. II.. y (Dining tori. 4. 4:30 (Din- ing C.r) (D'nlngCar). iDlnlng Car), 7:43, , PP. M.. 12 Knight-Ticke- t unices Noa. 43.1, 844, 1.1 HO. 1.328. 111. and 201 llroadway, I Astor House, and foot of De.br,.-i..san- Cortlsndtsta. 4 Court St.. tsiso Fulton l. PS Broadway, and Brooklyn Annex Station, foot or Ful- ton St., BrooKl.su, Ststlou, Jersey Cits. The New Y'ork Transfer companr ssiii call for and chek bag- gage from hotela and residences tnrousu. to destina- tion, b. M. PREVOST. J. R. WOOD. General Manager. General Paas'r Agenu LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. station fool of Corllandt and Desbro-se- s st- -. O40 A. M. dally (Sunda)s 7 A. 11.) for MAUCEI CH-- and intermediate statloua e) ilS A. M. dally ror ITHACA. GENEVA. ROCIIES-TLt- t. UUFhALO. NIAGARA FALLS. SUSPENSION BltlliGE. and the West, and principal local points; dining car toSuspenslou Bridge: Pullman Vtstlbule Sleeper to Chicago. 11 lOO A. M dally, except Sunday, ror MAUCH CHUNK and Intermediate points. Connections for Resdln. and Harrl.burg. 1liOO noon aalis. except Sundav. -- UI.At'U DIAMOND EXPRESS" arrives luitTalo 10 P.M. Through car to Rochester. Pullman Vesllbuled Day Coaches and Parlor Cars. Dining ear service. Meals a la carte. IS1IOP M dally.cxcept Sunday, for and tnier, rd.ate points. I iIO P. M dally, except Sunday, for I and It. JL NOi ION. stopping only at principal Intermediate st'ittoi'S. shalr cars to U'likesbarre. 3i!IO P. M. Sundasa only for Mauch Chunk and Hai-to- n and all Intermediate stations. 4ilo P. M dally, except Sunday, for L. and D. J Unci ION and principal Intermedial, stations. Pull, man Buffet Pur.or Car to Wlikesbarro; connection, for I'.itlsvllle. ftilS I'. M. dally, ror EA8TON and Intermediate chair car to Eastnn UO P.M. dally for BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS. and all point. Wesl Pullman sleeper. Vesllbuled train N. Y. to Chicago, sleeper to Buffalo and Toron to Connect'ons for Reading and Harrlsburg. OlOOP. M. dallv for ITHACA. GLNEVA. ROCHES Till, BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALLS, and all points West. Pullman Sleeper to Chicago and Buffalo. Chair car 10 W'llkesbarre. II sSO P. M. dally, except Sunday, for EASTtll. -- n.1 Intermediate points. '"e1 trains dally, except Sunday, for BOUND IIROOK isnd lnt.rni.dlate rolnis. leave as follows: 0:00 A.M.. 2:30 P.M., 4:20 P. M., and 0.30 Ticket and Pullman accommodations at 2.15, 273. nt,aid 1.33 hroadwaj.JI last 14th st.,18DE. 123th sL, 12. Bowery, New York; eflu Fulton St., 4 Court St.. 0i Broadway, and llrooklyn Annex, Brooklyn. N. t. Transfer Co. will call for and check baggage from hotel or resldenco through to destination. ERIE RAILROAD. Through trains leave New York, foot of Chambers at., as follows, and Ave mlnutca earlier from West sod st I tV dally for Waverly. ;7.s-f- U tJInghamlon, Klmlra. Bunalo, MradforrL i.lnniM,adllIei.ndth. West, arris Bufralo 7 Ijl M P.irlor car to llurfalo. "-' Solid train for Chicago, sla Chaulaiiciua Lake, arrives Cleveland at 7i40 A.M.. cfaltagoo hleepers to Chicago, Cleveland, and Cincinnati Din. I 7'--l(- i and Clrseland Vestibule Ex ,' I ford , 1I8 A.M.. JnniestowuO 63 A. M..l levilaud 1.13 I I". M. (hleepers to Bullalo aud cleseland). making direct ronuHPtinn. lor Detroit, Chicago, aud the est. ft"l . F- - "AlliY-Y- -A Lliauuiniua Lake and . S.. .'"f",,u' """Id train to cfiicago. Sleepers ImJPSStiS' Chicago, and Cln.lnnatl. Dining car. 'PICKETS 1 .LOCAL TIME CARDS, AN1 PULLMAV ACCOMMODATIONS at 111. 20 401 and 037 liroHdway. 127 liowrry. 13(1 East 123th si, and 01 West 12Slh St., Chambers and West 23d st ferries New York; and 728 F'ulton st , Ion liroadrias. Brooklyn: 2U0 Hmison tt . Hobokeu.and Jerwy City Matlon. W ettoutt's Upress ills lor and checks e fiuin hotelsaud resldeuscs 10 ileillnstlon. New York and Boston All Rail. N. Y.. N, II. ft II, h. R mid Connectlont. From Urand Central Station. Jave. Ry way of i.no ' J!" fRrlngn.M nnd Worce.ler. 3:30 P. M. i f" r'7 Lpndunand Provldonce, a. 110 P. M i? oS i- - !" ui.nh'" '"", Providence, 4 30 p M inoM'M"pr.""?c,ya,"!.V",'',,,'"ir' 6U0PM and Worcester, fl 17 p M. tliOOP, M., Air Line and N. P. It It.. O'.ii i ii?.n C- - S" w nd Pros Idenre, 7.23 V. si.' i:rJi aud Worcester, lo.no P. M ,'gO ; M "New London and Pro. Idence, II 00 P v M..Neiv Lonilonan J'rovldelice. 8'23 A ' "' fluns dally. Including Sunday. Ing p .Mr c'aV;'ral,;'1, "" ",rior e"'i faro 7' luclud-Al- r Line Limited ; arrives at and departs ,t"Urn '.ami Lour Through parlor or .'Igfj.?. y;&tfc BALTIMORE & OHIO CHIcl.-'o'Sto- fining car.. 8.00 Dlnlngc.r,.,0.oon1'.CBr,'1i.:?. NORFOLK, 1 1 :B0 a. M. dally NEW ORLEANH. Through Sleeper. 8:00 P ! iralnsare llluuilnatrd with HuUc h lr" MlTat'iLV. Ji--ii- l ; I." Broad wlv.'ai Em, .sw-fKi-a- Jjagag. het.rwgiad&tS.oi DELAWARE, 1.ACKAWANNA AND Htntlon. In I.e"jr iTorls. Foot of Barclay nnd Cnrl.tanbrr fl".. YSTinVLTBAINN. ITJLI.IIAN II UF. Direct routo to Newark. Bloomfleld, Montolalr, th Oranges, summit. Ilernardsvllle. Basking Ridge. Madl. on. florrlttown. Pnaaato. Pterson. Doonton, Dover, Btanhop. Newton, liudd'. Lake. Lake Ilonatcong, Ilackeltstown, Sobooley'a Mountain. Washington. KattonIVatrOap. Stroudsburg. Pwono Mounlaln.feranton.Plttsto'lWilkesbarre.Nanllcoka. Danville. Northumberland. Montrose, Blnghamton. Oxrord, Norwich. WaterTllle.Utlca.Itlchfleld Springs Cortland. Syracute. qsweso. Ithaca. Owego. hlmira. Corning. Bath. Dantvllle, Buffalo, and all point, West, Northwest. andSouthwetL 8 too A. Mall. Stops at principal IO tbo A. I.-(- car.) nafTalo. Scranton, Bing. haiutnti, Utlca, Rtchrteld Springs. Sjraeuse. oni Oswego Express. Pullman huff.t parlor cars Co,,. necta at Buffalo nlth trains for Chicago nnd point, ltOO P. M. (Cafe car.) Scranton. Blnghamton. and F. tnlraKx press. Pullman buffet parlor cars. 4 rOO P. M. Hcrnntou.Wllkesbarr. nnd Plimouln Kspress Pullman buffet parlor oar. 7s30 P. Vaallimta Limited Ex. press for scranton, Blnghamton. Elmlra, .lliiffa.is, Pullman buffet sleeping car connects at Buffalo with tralna ror Chicago and point, Writ, OiOO P. 3sl. (Dally)-Buffa- lo, Scranton, Bingham. ton, Ithaca. Rlonfleld Spring,, Syracme, and Osw ego Express. Pullman buffet sleepers. Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 14 Park and 420 Broadway. Tickets at ferry stations, Biace Broadway, ill 4th nroor. 12th al: 38 Wist 128th at. 283 Columbus T..New York! 838 and 721 Fulton sL nnd ion Broadway. Brooklyn. Timetable, giving full Information at all stations. ... Wcstcolt's Express Company will call for baggage rrom hotel or resldenco lo destination. ttviUBimxff. - AMERICAN LINE. NEW YORK SOUTH rli). Sailing at 10 A. 11. . ST. PAUL Sepl S0INEW YtUlI- - Oct IT PARIS OCL7BT. PAUL -- Oct. 21 ST. LOUIS OCL14 PARIB Oct. 2 RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP. Sailing every Weilnesday. 8outhwark,Sept.80,10A.M.Friesland ....Oct. lt.noon Is'oordland ....Ocl 7, noonlKonslngton.Oci'Jl. 10A.lt INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Piers 14 and IB. North River. OfOce. B Bowling Green. ALLAN - STATE LINE. Nesv York tn Glasgow and Mnvllle (Londonderry). Through tickets to Liverpool, Dublin, ftc. From pier foot West 21st ,1. North River. STATE (IF CALIFORNIA Friday. Oct. 2, noon BTATE OF NEBRASKA Friday. OCL 10,1 P.ML BIIIKRIAN Friday, Ocl 80, H:80 P. IL Cabin,. otot.o. 2dcabln,30. Steerage.f24.B0ftt25.Ba AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO . Agent.. B3 Broadway. ANCHOR LINE. OLAKOOW VIA LONDONDERRY. F rom I'ier 64, N. R.. fool West 24th st. Furnessla...Sept. 28, noonlClly of Rome.Ocl lo.noait Clrcassla ....OcL.I. noonlAnchorla OcllT.nooa For rates of passage and particular, apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Agents. 7 Bowling Green, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIIWAY. Intended steamsnlp sailing from Vancouver to JAPAN and CHINA. EMPRESS OF INDIA Ocl 18, Jan. 4. March M EMPRESS OF JAPAN Nov. tt, Feb. I EMPRESS OK CHINA Dec. 7, March I, to HONOLULU, FIJI, AUSTRALIA. WARRIMOO Oct. H UIOWERA N0T.8 Second cabin accommodations at very low ratea. For ticket, and freight rate, apply 888 Broadwnn For freight rates only, 03 Wall si. New York. pUXARD LINK TO LI VERPOOL.VIA QUEESSTOWK Lucanla...Sepl 28. 0 A. lLCampan!a..Ocl 10. 8 A. IT. Etrurla Oct. 3. noonl Umhrla Ocl IT. noon From Pier 40, North River, foot ot Clarkaon al EXTRA SAILING. AURANIA. Tuesday, bepl 20. 1(1 A. JL From Allan State Line Pier, foot of West 81st IL VERNON ILBUOWN ft CO..Gen'l Agts.4 Bowling OreCT FRENCll LINE. genf.iiale tra.nsatlantique. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE, PARIS, FRANCE. LA DHF.TAOM:. Rupe Sal. Ocl8.7A.-- L LA ItOUHGOilNE. Lebceur Sat . Ocl 10, 3 A.M. LA TOURAlNE,Santelll Sat. Ocl 17, 0 A. IL Parlor seat and buffet smoking iars attached to spe- cial train Havre-Pari- s (or vicevorsa): seats lextrsu A. FORGET. General Agent, a Bowling Green. HAMBURG-AMERICA- N LINE. TWIN-SCRE- EXPRESS from New Y'ork to Plymouth (London). Cherbourg. Parts, and Hamburg. Nnnnann a.Ocl 1, lu A.M. P.RIsmarck Oct. 13. 10A.lt Oct.f, 7 A. M. Normannla.Oel2t. I0A.U Hninhnrc-Amrrlea- B I.1ne,fi7 Broadway. VORTH (fEilMAN LLOYD'S. 8 CO. i SHORT HOUTE TO LONDON AND CONTINENT. FAST EXPRVSS STF.AMERS. lshn.Tue-..Sepl29,- A.M. Havel. Tue,.. Oct fl. 10 A.-- L Saale. Sal. Oct 3, 10 A. M. Trave.Tuefc.OcLls.10A.lL OELR1CH8 ft CO.. 2 Bowlln, Green. OLD DOMINION I.ISK. IIA1LY SERVICE For OLD POINI COM. ORr, N0RFO1 K, NEWPORT NEWS, PETFRSIIURG. PORTSMOUTH. PINNERS POINT. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA BEACH, and DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Richmond direct (via all water route). Monday (freight only) and Saturday tpaaseugers and freight). Sailing from Pier 2rt. N. It . U P. M.: Saturday. 4 P. If. Through ticket and freight rates 10 all polnta. W.J.. OUILLACDEU. 't and Traffic Manager. Panama Rail Hoad Steamship Lino i Btffttnera Mil from pier foot West 27th st., New Vort Ad a net Seut. 3d, tioou Finance . Oct, 10, noon Cnhln to San Franclco. $120. steerage. $50. JU1INMUUL TrafUc 1'tf WUITi: STA at LI-V- Oerninnlc. 30. noon Britannic... OcL 14. noon Teutonic . . . .ucl 7, noon i Majiatlc Ocl 21. noon NO COTTON CARRIED STFAMER3. Pier 15. North River Office, 20 Broadway IL MA1TLAND KERSEY. Agenl Steamboats. PALACE lTlON" DAT LINE 8TKAMEKS "NEWYOHK" And ALBAXT," un est aud taitest rler utramm In tne wurid. Dally excrpt bunduy. Leave Brooklyn, lulton st. (by Annex) H a. IL New ork, st. I'ler). .. .8 il " UoxtXidbt l'ler i KorALHAM. landing nt Yon kcri. UV-- t I'oint, Newimrh. Pougbkeepslo, Ktnjrston Point, i, and Uudfton. BOSTON" AND NEW ENGLAND. " VIA snfND LINES PROVIDENCE LINE, via Providence, rrom Pier .it). N. H. ono block above Canal st- - week day, only, at ', 3u P. M NORWICH LINE, via New London, rrom ller 4o N. R . next to Desbrosses si, sscek das s only, al 8 3d P. l. FALL RIVER LINE, via Newport anl rail Itis.r. from Pier In N. It., foot Murray si, sveek nnss nnd nt 3 to p. M. BTON1NOTON EINE. sla stonlncton, rrom Pier 30, N It., one block ubovo Cauat si. week das t only at 0:00 1'. M. Albany Evening Line. Steamers ADIRONDACK (new) and DEN Rli II- - MOM) lease Old 1 ler 41. N. II. root Canal si. a: n P. Dt M. oally (Mindays excepted), (.onnectlng svlth trains H; Tor Saratoga, Like (.'eorce, Adlrondncks, sharm $ Spring.. Richilebl Springs, Thousand Islands, Mara II Falls, and the Wesl Hs Hudson River Fit.nn.er Marv 1'osseIL I! DAILY (EXCEPT HUNDAT Ml. Is Leaves Desbroa,,-- . at J.ln P. M , t, it'e I 15 P. ", J Leaves West 2.M si P. M.: Sat's - P. M I For CRANSTO.VS.COltN WALL NEtVHL'RUlI. SEW l1 riAMDl'ltltll. MILTON. PO'l.r.tPSlK, RONDOV1 and I KINUSTON. I Leave Pier 21. loot si, or High in Is, f ' Illghland Reach. Oceanic. Red Bank and luteru-- lisle ' landings at ll A. M. mid 3 P. M. dally. Lease ed I Bauka7A.Mani3PM. j "IAMSDELL ers leave Pier 21 S IL, I J V loot Frunkllfst. ror Cranston's. West P.sin' 4 fl Spring. Cornwall. Flsbklll Lauding, and Nelur..i lv week dass, 3 P.M.; Sundays, 0 A JLj 133d .t . N IL. Uf U:,3 A. M. B TROY BOATS. II CITY OF TROY orKARAlOUA leave. Pier 18 N R, 91 foot West 10th st. dally, except Saturday, d P t bunday steamer touches at Albany, lOthst.-Da- lls 4P.iir Wi Snturdnjsat I, St'ra 1IALDWIN aud ROMMl. for ."r.n".'."'' Nfwburgh. Nesvllamburg, Marlboro Milton. JjsdePirl.. Poiighkeepsle, Kingston, Connecting with U. and D. 11 IL for all points lu Cats-I- ll Mountains. NEW HAVEN. Fare. SI; EXCURSION. l.5o7 I last steamers leave Pier 23. F. P. dally (suudass ex. rented i, ll', M aud 2 midnight, arris Ing In time for trains to Merlden. llarlford. sprlugtleld. nnd nortlu 1AT8KILL, HUDSON AND COXSACKIE BOATS leaT. I root or Christopher st, N, II, ever) sveek day al P.M .connenlngsslth ll ft a, a 11 at Hudson. I ?ianofortcjj, (!)rnn, Sc. I A N assortment upright, vjuant pianos; easy pays V ments; r.nt, U.0U upward, organ l.u(i. IIAHN'S, 24 I'nlun muarss. A FINK upright plvin SI43, 3 manthly; Chlckef, Jeraey city'8 ' W"b'NKK' " alontgomer St. An?E S!r.,nw'11.W ,0 monthly: upright, liar. W'ls.uer Hall, oil Broad st., Ness ark.N. I ELEGANT upright irano (IV3. t) mouth .y : SteTrv bargain. 23L 2U8, 2S Volton It , llrooklyn. Open evenings. I.UNOS. 2f. up. lOdowii; Installments: rentTei? I change. PIANO EXCHANGE. West 83d St. Pit uowti0.WiKl,i?i .'!,.." ,ow"' FTlZ 103 vji St., near Il'way, STi'iliJiA-X- . V-- f" 'nlhl)upriihi, (J rentT Ings "' llrool(l)'- - openeven- - I M'RIOIIT piano 61 IB. f 3 uinntlily; stelnway. U-a- . ..fou'n.1""' M """ "; " "JJ: Pl'A .fSSI'"'?' -,- KIK"i't "upright pl'anoa entod.T: R?;lndjrir ; csTrr: Stelnway ft Son at Op..fevenl'h..!& C ' "' 0n" "3 3J.j....jojj ChanYwT I CJRF.AT WEALTH comes rrom legitimate specuiav I In Wull street or Chicago ; il l?ek-...V,..- ,? .'J"1' Vanirt.rl.ili. Uoj"r.iiV small lieglt nlngs 'nobucks. H re.pn.0.rnlr'.d. !"'" with nam- - and aitilre- -. Vmiiii JNVtJENT 1 'i 'I a ---- i, -- Dfr,:i',?f.,h.,OD' IJrUMO-- j. railing. ,,Lt U&,V,' ,h 1 iiH

Transcript of I t.iIf I NOTICE Oth. lllllBuvr0"J If11 dl.eit.e. or meu only. Quickest pinnanent cure BlC...

Page 1: I t.iIf I NOTICE Oth. lllllBuvr0"J If11 dl.eit.e. or meu only. Quickest pinnanent cure BlC (tuaranieedln alldIeaesor money rrfunded. Illood. f skin, kidney, and I ladder trouble, weakliest,

I ffp...


THE SUN, SATURDAY-- , SEPTEMBER 26, 1890'.- ' '' ' mmI .1

F. lj Imufftmtntg.

K KIlCKERhorKKIl THKATHK, colirdf I ri jT:tt1l,A,MSffiwx-wwvil,E,,r,rto- "


fff tf H ! ill 1. fry Evening t mis,lllll Mntlneos Today endflPA" BJ-FSB-

Iii I 9 Wednesday next at 2.

?M W?'1 i H O.orge Edwardes. Japanese Mtishal Comedy Thela r ' '

OB--. Dorothy Morion, Violet rn K 3 N IB n11' I f.loyd. Edwin Stevens, (B U 11 IS 8C O H IB HMW l hSb Herbert Ore.iiniu. Van l- -b (jWi MB filljm IV Rensselaer Wheeter.Nrll Bit. H n W GilMi7. If McCay, Win. Sampson, tfj Ha II mr I B aTTlkj , V chorus oh 40. orchestra ok an.

(I , ', 1 QTAD llroadway. near Hlh si Lv'gs 8113.'B ,t J O I Mr. iics'v'dseataaHvaie7B. SO, 85c.

..: ,. lMiiKiiKAuroniiEsTOKM.Jil f Mats. Wr-- and Rat He.'T'dseats.Mat. Price". 0055.




JKSaaSt.J fl, CHARLES FROHMAN. ..Manager


i ft life In tlie I'tmrtnnUH mirr. m,

ROSEMARY.f i iaa-- - Orentpwt fit All Cmilrv hncrfPip.1 K3 ETpaliiitwHigo. Matiueo wo.lnesday nndIML HOYTS THEATHE. VM;.y.KL'lt UOYrftMcI.FI. ProprietorsvBB A BIG HIT.

' feli: best Airn r:j pi v since iiA'ri. kiiike.llltET HARTE'S 1'LIT,ill SUE.Ml "GREAT HIT." Il raid.PfifW EVENINGS 8:,10. MATINEE

nfil AVK- - i vk'h at Kim.SL Plr 111 THEATRE. MAT. AT 8.,SFf , llCMINER Proprietor and ManagerMl'. "IX LOST,'MkA HTnATEII, OKSft V ,s STOLEN,Rfi K na i.iu . ii Comedy Vaudrtll r by OoodwlnHft, V t .Morse.tfe, Becuro gent. In advance. Prices gl.SO. 1.0fl. r0o.

P 1 BROADWAY T,9'- -

jp Prlcn Sl.f.o. Rl 60e.I;? J JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS


A v rra.h THE CALIPH, r,"1i!j' I 'i. MATISEL lOllAV AT a,

, M ACADEMY or Vind.rv.n.pL1' L. O. UlliuorH , Tompkln Inp'M A 31gr.

TW'E PIUll HES OF AHCT1C Llth.I , "UNDER THE POLAR STAR,"Cit Direction v. A. Ilrndj.

l "WIIEFI.ME.N'S NinUI." lUtMJAY, SEPT. 2.j Ja Man. today ft Weil. 2: ere. B:15. I


ALBERT CHEVALIER,, AND HIS COMPANY.ft CHKVALIUK'S .Vi;V bl).S.Eenlnmn.ao. Uailnee Today.

'jTN ' TIIC HOUSE SUOTV ASSOCIATIONToBt; (i ' Oran.-- couutv III niveau exhibition at

W ' "i Ooihen, N. Y OCT. O A.VII lo.fiS Prizes for Trotlerf. IIicxneS. Ham s and Saddla&& R Ilorics, ttunnlnir and Trottiiiir. and Hlevcle luces.4V I E.N TIMES fLUE OCT. O.

$$S& ti A JAES VAN NBYSR,fe Vfi eecretrjt (aoalieii.N. Y.

fl lf .hc UPRBD X, B'WAYMISIUIIALL,IX' m ITII?I nC To Herbert's hnrtesniie.

Wt riCsViO iAUT OP JIA1IYLAM).Ki- - t l?f Weber Helds In linwllnz Alley. Hussell l)ro ,ftsf Il P Bobby tloylor. no & Jolin T. Kelly bam

U lan Bernard. Llulatt Ilaymond,T..i.Ryan,I.llllan Swain.V MATS. TUlai. SAT. Srj.NUAY COSCEK1.II

I- - a K' KFSTH'S Ccnllnujus Performsnce.l iJrM'ai V M.IOS TO 11 P. M.. ZSc.SOc.I i Ii wks MAltV I.Lul'S LUUlKKE'i CINKMATOOllAPIIE



-T'"-- ADM. 50c.


sW'a tiuo' BEST BEATS SO AK1I SO CENTS.BPBV. v I Pi S " Extra bhow tali Saturday.

,i U ?!?' 1 LTU CTKEET lUKATiJi?: Near tlth av.BB1 seits, and balcony. 40c.

&"1ff ori "fSftJ?.- - Black Crook.HsH 'i ,1!U Sext Week-T- nE tIREAT UIAMOMJ llOUHEHY.

3S if OS HARLEM iiVMV, ,?N,0"aiE rev, I ,TeV.t hopped El gapitaN

H TllO fl Bl fext m-- -- Frank Daniels. T be Wliard of tun Nile.HH l'l ( Wl rpl.CMIICBia Ma:. 2. EvesB ' Tl TIIK.ITKR I "pop Jlat.. .'. ooc.WZ, bra' ; THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME.

H tine Yj Net EllElt ft HELPS' OWN COMPANY.WS dcif S it ilEKALIhqirAUETIIE.TItE. To.nlEht.

dee' ?, " A I'Altl.llK 11AIC1L"S', I r' ANNA IIEI.O,B .JM 't f , MAT. TO-UA-

f fif I l.VfEl'M""TlIEATJttE..' i'( CflTUCDM At rt:10shir( 4thav.23d'fr, "Another I.joeum-- m ..

m I ; ., I JUIIILIIHl An EN EMTIO THE KINO.Matinees Thursday and sat y.


ii.A3AX1-- LI O AIIMI8HION COO.f); STANDARD. goSo.Krl,W.a:

rmin prices . . . . lo, 20, 30 cents.fftlii L. HAT. MAT. CilS.Ifl THE COLD BUC. f3&&uIS Jr BALLETS 1U0- -




V4J V WOniiUIN tVAXAOKANli CONCERT.m V .JKANU K"A IIOITNK. JlatKM l l. T"e;lanooftiie r.ivi.NO.K, J , KEXl LAST STI.uKKB, i BUnil EDWARD HAnillOAN.Bv J J UAUTY malum:.

i (!fj7, . Jojt nmouiui.sPtSiV I I I I f T ton terrier, brlndle and white: welahtB'iSlui'i i Xiaboui32 pounds; a liberal revtard will bnpaldby

OiVl I ' Ureturning to owner. 1U0 East 17tli sL



f lonnor established and has bad more experience thanI ' ftny other adv.rttsln.: physician; city papers provet I this. Under blssclantlaj treatment blood and skinrjv ' ' diseases, pains in bones, red spots, sore throat andB,IS. ' mouth, ulcers, painful swelllmrs. kidney and bladJer'Iv- - complaints, scalding. Inflainniatlou. Kravei. undevel.

if-- ', oped organs, weak back, lost vitality, are speedily,K,'.. , permanently cured. Men about to inarrv should con-til- lI; ault OLD llll.OlllNlH.K. Every Impediment removed.K.i r Sufferers, do not wavt e time visltluit less skilful phy.

Kf P i alclans. Itememner, OLD DII. IlltlNDLE never falls.B,,1", OFKlCEOVEUISYKAUHatm West I atli St.. betweeni'; uthaudltli ava. Advice free. Hedlclno fl. HoursVll 1 P to U. hundays. t to g. No ibargn unleis cured.MUt f OI', l,K- - OKEY. Ur..M a aiirclnllst laBuvr 11 dl.eit.e. or meu only. Quickest pinnanent cure0"J If (tuaranieedln alldIeaesor money rrfunded. Illood.BlC f skin, kidney, and I ladder trouble, weakliest, nervousr. IA debility, bsd dreams, wenk, midevdopeii nrpuns, si

pediments to marriage. Ac. H, w 1st. consult the onlyBlf oldspetlallst In this elty, oniee over .) years at 12)E I EHSt 17th st,, neir Union e'luare. Hours to w, Sun

Bl"li ' I darsO to a. Treaimnt. advice free. .Metllclne, doc.i H'ft. !,-- , A. -- A. -- A UEU'li-ES- PKIMIANKNT

ft u purelndlseasrsor men, dautfirniisi'aves 4' ntJ lief st once: fioieiiesirlnK only ilr.t diss sulentiriaBiifi tKI treatment should all TMo Iradlni. Dr.fjl BON3CHU1L 127 West 2id at.; u to a U to M; Suu- -

WsB days. 10 to 2,BF?n a WOMAN should bear In mind: Tan nnifl'eniiF

fist) k J royal havo proven unreliable: send stumped emllAr v" velope. v. Ith full statement of ourtui,e. to Wiiinan'sigf A-- Ilrdlral Supply Co. ill) Weil 411.1 su, New c,r.rnS bwallow no more pills to ruin oursystem! "Ladyfg? In attendance."

RmI A -Dlt. IILINN,272and 211 Wvatlad at., nearHfv . Droadwaj consultation and exatiilualiou free;KiLi pours V to H, feinalo atteii'lunt

III 'TVt. ANDMH8. HElNlIAIIlr"20'(rVitj3j""M.f S.;i. XJ sneclalltla In all female Irregularities, 30 years'Mfc. ? Eerle?5

t fe. "fflt. CONIUD'S SANITAHlUSir I IT V.V,t 47i""t.-- Mx

i AJ Diseases of women. Con.illtallon free.i i MADAME HONDLAII'S" HILNCII HUANH. Cole-"-

f l'A brated I'emale Pills for all IrreRuiarltles curesKT' K th.most obstinate ca.es, abso utel terlalu; neorKb V f falls: a pun ly veeetable rumiHiuml J'rlce 111 prWk Lox. liemit bj money order, lll.l.im. INSIITUIK.m& 1 I K O, box 107, Newark. X J

ifi V I. Medical Iiei"rlment."E? 4 . J' 1 West 2 Id St . Olip rifth AH Hotel Njlentlllc.

"M ' A skilful treatment of all and surgical diseasesI' !f W of women. Addres Dr. WILLI.VMkON. Hours. 10 toml) i" W 6 P. XI. Takeeletator.

I' X ZIZZloricu ott,i5'ZZZZm fcff, nn HOTEL VICTORIA-LOND- ON.

. O t u, KDBTIIBMIirULAM) AVENVK,sBaBfl 1 V wo,9 THAfALU.tll hQUAUE,BBs I h nti Eltuatetl In the most onvenlrnt ami fashionable post- -

BBb ff (UfroiS tlon. ami cootalus a lane number of klitin and Ved- -

tfl lit rooins.cn suite and slugle, and double bedrooms, or- -' J ftj.u'. chesira plays during luncheon dinner and supper!sHHHHH Bt 'r.vi.T service, table d'hote or I. carle

sBaBfl nsreVUto yrowrletura.TIIEHOKllONUOTEI.M.LTP

iW'"iA ' 'i5u,n cflotrls.""

1mii v JHE judsow;BB A'liVniB M square, south. Family hotel. AmertBB'i it ywafctoafteraiw.Sjwraar.lioperwMs.up.sBaBaCr Makv SltrtatdS"sL W"ss.'ii-.n-j,- -, .. .BB& IVs to secure adiaucsiutj'ti list nfrf'"' ""11". I J.834

g fntUng Sottlge

This list appean on Wedneedaie and Batardar.


For Infbrmntlon. Clrcnlaris. etc.. or AnwITolel Ilelow, Cnll sit or Addrea.

(Send Htam) the

llo.ol 'AnriaT liurcnu,I fl.T rtflh Arr., Ktio Vork,I tin ItrOrnt SI,, London,(248 idic tin itlt'oti,

IA. P. meant American Plant E. 1 European.)

ALtlANY, N. Y Hotel Kenmore, A. P.. ItALEXANDRIA HAY, rf. Y....The Mgewood, A. P., 1

ATLANTIO CITY. N. 3., Tho Oanlan Hotel. E. P, 2 up.most msgi.lnconl hotel on Atlantic coatt.

I1ALT15I011U Md Hotel Stafford. E. P., tl.60do The Carrollton, A. P., (3 up

110STOK, Mass Hotel VcnJomc, A. P., 5

do. Copley SijuaroIl't'l.E.r.. J 1.80up: A.P..t3.50apBROOKLYN, N. Y Mansion House, A. P.. A3

do. -- Hotel St. George, E. P., l: A. P., 3

do, ...,(J. W. lllake)..CIarenoon Hotel. E. I. $1.50

do, Plerrcpont llojio, E. P., IIBUFFALO, X. Y....T110 Irtxiuols. V, P.. II. B0i A. P., ItCINCINNATI. O Grand Hotel. E. P., Ill A. P.. 13

HARTFORD. Conn Atlyn House. A. P., 3 npINDIANAPOLIS, lnd Tho Donlson, A. P., $3

JERSEY CITY, N. J ...IIo:el Waiblngton. C. P., ILSO

LIVERPOOL. Eng Compton Hotel, A. P., 3

NEWIIUIUIH. N. Y The Palatine, A. P., S3 tollNEW UA EN, Conn Hotel Mn.'csllc, A. P., $3 upNEW YORK Fifth Avenue Hotel, A. P, IS

do. ThoMaosllc,E.P..ado. Hotel Netherland. K. P.. $3; A. P., 13

do. tW. F.LelandlTho Wlndsor.E.P.. 11.80: A.P.,ida ..(Davit & Foster) Hotel ML Androw, il P..I1.B0do Tlieaernrd. E. P..8I.S0: A. P., 13 tollda (O. B. Llbbey) Albcnmrlo Hotel. E. P., 3

da (LUTodd) Marlborough, P-- P.,$1.80; A.P..J3.B0

da (L.L.Todd) Tho Vcndome, E. P., 11.30

do. (Il'nayand I lth St.). .Tho bt. Donls,E. P.. $1.30

da (N. ailsrry) ..New St. Cloud Hotcl.E. P..41.B0

da . ... (Win. O. Lcland) Grand Hotel, E. P., II up

da (W. Johnson Qulnn) Empire. A. P., 3: E. P., 1 1

da ,WestmlnstcrUotel,A. P., 13.80

do. (East 11th st.) Albert-S- L Stephen. E. P., IIda (M.J. Shea). OrosvenorO oth sL and Sth av.), A. P.

do. (U'nay & 27th aL). The Metropolitan. E.P.,11 up

da (Bl'th and D'way)... Hotel Pomeroy, E. P., II up

da (C. L. nrlggs) The Clarendon, A. P 13.80

do. (Chat. E. Leland).. Hotel Balmoral. A. P., S3 upda Hotel Endlcott. E.P..I8: A. P. 13.80 undo. (Sth av. A 15th st.) Hotel Kensington. E. P., 11.30

co. (Win. Noble) Hotel Grenoble. E.P.,11. 30 up

da (le.cor.Sthar.&l&thsL), Hotel Hanover, A. p.

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y Cataract nouse. A. P., ItOLD POINT COMFORT. Va. . .The Chamberlln. A. P.. 4

PHILADEU'UIA The Aldlue Hotel. A. P., I3.B0

da ThoNewlJifayotte. E.P.,11; A.P..I3da Colonnade. E. P.. 11.30: A. P.. 13.30

The finest cuisine In Philadelphia.PITTSBURGH, Pa.. ..... .Hotel Anderson. A. P., 3 upPORTLAND. Me The Preblo House. A. P.. 3

PORTSMOUTH. K. U The Rockingham, A. P., ItPOUGIIKEEPSIE, X. Y Nelson House. A. P.. 13.30 upQUEBEC, CANADA.. .Chateau Frontenac, A. P., 13.60

RICHMOND. Va The Jefferson. A. P., 3 upROCHESTER, N. Y Sew Osburn House, A. P., 11.30

da Whltcomb House, A. P., 12 upSPRINOFIEI.D, JInss. Slassosott. E. P.. A.P.. 3 to 38T.LOUIS.Mo. (Fireproof) Southern H't'l.A.P.. 3 to 3

da Llndcll Hotel. E. P., 1 up: A. P., upSYRACUSE, N. Y ...Yates Hotel, &'p., 11.50; A. P.. 11TRENTON.N.J.,Trenton H'se, E.P.,11 up; A.P.,52.30 upUTICA. N. Y Baggs Hotel. A. P., 13 to 3

WASHINGTON, D.C Arlington Hotel. A. P., 15da Hotel Normandle, E. P.. 12; A. r 13do Ebbltt House. A. P.. It

hotel fiiiBHOA1HVAI AND 11ST (ST.,


NEW TO Kit CITY.Lanr conneottnz rooms, with prlrato bathi; rery

dtrable tor fanil lies,

American and European Flan.First-cla- accommodatlont and an excetlem tablo

At flr prlcM.Ho Hi managed under the port on al superTislon of

the owner.


5th At., 40th to 4?th St., N. Y.

THE COOLEST HOTEL IN NEW TOUK.Army ond Navy Headquarter.

Unsurpasitd In location and perfect In all appoint-ment- a.

Fvoe Concli and UaKsatcc to and rromGrand Cent ml Depot by Blvlnc un notice,American plan, $4.00 ier day and upwanl. Europeanplan, $1.50 per day and upward. Music duringdinner. The Travelling public irlll find this

coo!, and homelike hotel.

WAUItKN F. ICELAND, Proprietor.


nodocoraled ami lit at tniouKhoiit the hotel.A few large apartments to Iraso lor the season oryear,Artlstlo concert every erenlne, beglnnlns Oct. L,

Superior service.Moderate cliarcei.European and American plain. Table d'hote, 1 1,23.

ltooma $1 perfiar and upward.CHAltLKB JA1MKB, Proprietor.


AMEUICAN PLAN,Strictly a Family HotoL Choice Suites, furnished or

unfurnished, to rent by tho season or ear. Cuisinenndservlcoof the highest order. Rates reasonable.Location convenient to all parts of tho city.



One of the most mxiinuusly nirnlsiied hotels In th.country. Engagement may now be made by themonth, y.nr, or transiently. Restaurant onen to thopublic. Wrlla for Illustrated booklet. M. J.HUEA.

HOTEL SSYAWT,nrnndirny nnd 4tU Ht,

Relectfamlly lintel of qulit fit k ante, conducted byowner, Heatuuable priced. Culalue of noted exc(lence.

THE DUNMORK2.10 West 42d st. Family hotel, European plant fur-

nished suites of tarlur, bedroom, and bath; desirablelocation for parties sjiendlng fall and winter In NewYork. WILLIAM II. V.LQUP.TTE.COLUMUl'KPl.AZArOHTHSr.ANDPKNTItALPAluL

HOTEL POMEROYOiTcra leniu lo fa milieu that make It poMlble to enjoylintel mm at tin trexutr coit tnan boarding. Alloutrun ruoim. irrttHittira.


"HOTEL ALBERT ST. STEflJEfT1 lth st.. corner University place. European plan;newly refilled, rcfurnliued. Special ratrs permanentg"ea. L. FRENKEL.

"'JK:1- - HAl,T'i Dinner teTvTa- -"

a, eat 8tls t. In Hummer Garden.BislFrencu table il'notn Inlheeltri luuch, 40o., din.uer.ooc, nine and coffee Included. ser'Ku a u Cart.at all hours; moderate prices. Rooms day or week."MARTINEZ TAI1I.E D'HOTE.10, Ue.t 44thst.,diuuer.8Jc., withwiuu, paironlred

by the best class of New Yorert, superior accomino-dailou- ifor lunch and dinner parties at reasonablepntes. Splendidly furnished rooms to let.THE HEVII.I.IA. 117 W. SSTII ST.A fen i holcn apartments can Bo secured for October1, persons objecting to careful Inquiry at to chario-te- rand social .landing need not apply.

ColttQtfi nttOchoolis.behool. of Elocution, Actios, Ac

A KERICAN ACADEMY OP THE DRAMATIC ARTSXV (Lyceum School of Aeting), Carnegl. Hall. NewYork city. rttANKLlN IL SAUUhNr. Prea, Tnir.te.-u- year UAni ln Octobar. Writ (or oalalouw.


CoUtortt fttttl cSctioolfJ.!IMaMs1aiMSisWWMs''','sp1tesiasl

or Tonus Men-C- ltj ssnd Country.

DT?rl,rl10 Prepar.tory School for boytilJJlXO and voong men. Illustrated

ACADEMY, "B!--iS2S.-S-

ZT pr.larred. One hour fromStamford, Conn. S,w York. WM. J. BRTTS,BDTU YEAR. M. A. (Vale). PrlnclpaL

OWBGHT SCHOOLIS tVEHT 4AU HT., near 0th av. uvenCenthyear; now building UbratorIai gymnaalumi i:

llmlttd clauet: prepare! boys for college.trlenttnoKhnol, nnd hutluei hor catalogue, addreiiJ'HIN. ARTHUR iVlLUAMM (TALE),

DBA.1EID.TO. INSTITUTE,103.105 tVEHT BUD ST. Thorough preparationfor leadlnif roilcges. Primary and 4urd"r depart-ments limited, Commercial coursea Play around.Gymnasium. Six boarding pupils. Address N.AllCIIlllALI) SHAW. Jr. Prln,

ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE (BROOKLYN).Hoarders and day scholars: reopent Sept. 8; terms

reasonable. Send lor catalogue.RROTIIER JERQUE. O. 8. T.

for Toauit Women City and Country.

Tho St. Elizabeth Academy,CosrBXT KTATIOX, X. J.

Edncatlotial facilities of the highest nrderi unsur-passed In the heatlhfulness of Its surroundings; sit.uated II miles from New York, within easy access bytrains on the M. and E. Division of th. D , L and w.IL It. For further particulars visit the Institution orapply for circular to


llth year. Small clashes Insure Individual attentlon. French and German thoroughly taught: prac-tical training In English; full courses In History andLiterature. College nrparatory class. Address

MADKMOtSKI.I.I ftlTP.I. UA Knit r.nth .1

For Tonne Men J: Women City V Country



ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS will beheld from Sept. fcStu to Oct. 3d, beglnulng each day at0:30 A.M.


THE ACADEMIC TEAR comtuentsi onMonday, Oct, Sib.

BETH LOW, LL. D President

OLLEOE PREPARATORY and primary classes;both sexes: combined advantages of class workand tndlviduil Instruction. Youuc men and youngwomen whose early education has been negiecteJfind here excellent opportunity to mala up lost time.The work Is thorough and practical, and the moraltone high. A spirit of earnest endeavor and of honestfirlde In each other's success pervades the place. The

of these and many other advautages ofthe school Is to be found In the good opinion of Itsneighbors nstrons. nnd poiills.ARTlltTIK If. TOM T.t VROV. Pl,l...l

Mwurthmore tsrismmnr Kohoel,, SWABTIIMOUE, PA.PENNINGTON (N. J.) KEMINAHY.-CouvcnT- cnl to

Ball, and Wash'n. Both aexeV6.th year. Hoaltiiful: beautiful: 17 teachers: 12courses, cost moderate. or leautlfulty Illustratedcatalogue addresaTHOMAS II ANLON. D. v.. President.

Boys' bcnool.-Ct- ty nnd Countryl


ITlh Yese Iseicln. Tue.day, Sept. SO.NEW PUPILS REPORT UPON THE 2STII.

After Sept. It Dr. White will be at the school build,leg dally from 0 to 12:30.

J. CLARK READ, A.M.. Registrar.

BARNARD SCHOOL,117 and 110 West 123th st. llth year begins Sept. St.Thorough preparation for college nnd business. Foreelaloaue address WILLIAM bVDNEY STEVENS, M. A.William Livingston Haieu. B A.. LI. K, Headmaster:Theo. Edward Lyon. IL 8.. Associate Headmas:cr.

SACRED HEART CDSlviY;Day scholars and boarders: terms moderate.

Address Brother AUGUST. West Chester. N. Y.N E W TO R K I.ATI N MCll OO I,.

Quick preparation for college, common English fttpeclnlty. OpensSept. J4. aoE. l20ri! ST

Cil li( A YEAR scholarships at boarding schoolOloo for worthy and promlMngboTL, HlNDS.llemDstead.UL

Hois' and airl.' School. --City and Country.

fRIEXDH' HEMINART,loth St. and Rutherford l'lace.

Now In session. Boys and girls are received In Kin-dergarten. Primary, or grodee qualifying for Collegeor business. Principal may n. seen from 10 to 12, orcatalogue will be sent by mall

For Cblldren-Cl- ty and Country.BOARDING SCHOOL for small children. Old

Bridge, New Jersey. Established 1636. Termsmoderate. Principal at 83 West 26th sL until 12 onMondays.

asu.lne.a SJollessen,

TV) TOE EDITOR OF THE SUN.- SIR: You may have noticed that for a few years

back I have boon writing for the THburn seasonablearticles on education. These articles have Inrarlablyappeared at tho head of the "Instruction" column,"next to reading matter." 1 don't quite like the expresslon next to reading matter, all thoarticles havo been reading matter themselves. Infact, 1 know a number of people who have read them,and somo have frankly oonfrased that they woreworth reading. They really ought to bo worth read-ing, for I paid twenty cents a line to have themprinted.

The articles treated lightly on politics and currentevents, but tho sting In the tall was Always aimed attho Packard Collegethe real purpoee being to callattention to this noble Institution. You seo. while Iam not willing to confess that tbo school needs pupils,I have no hesitation In saying that thero are plenty ofpupils who need the school. In facL tho entlro com-munity needs IL There Is a good deal said these daysabout the present political campaign being a "cam-paign of education." I think It is. and I think TheBen Is one of the chief schoolmasters; nut the Pack-ar-

College Is quite as much In It. Packard Collegenot only goes for " sound money," and aa much of Itas It can get, but It promotes sound Ideas, which aremore valuable than money. I have boon watchingthis matter tor nearly forty years, and I can say withtruth, as I do with unction, that no boy or man, girlor woman, ever went wron? bv virtiiA or th i,.inireceived at Packard's. It is the safest school In theworld, and, though I tay It myself, one of the veryLest. It has been sometimes called a "clerk factory,"and I think, with all duo deference to "higher Kng.Ilsh," that Is a fair designation; for It not only makesgood clerks, and plenty or them, but It puts them Ingood places, where they oan best serve the world, andbe served In turn. In short, Packard College Is thegreat Institution of New York for the proper teachingof uookkeoplng, arithmetic penmanship, stenogra-phy, and typewriting, and I want the readers of TubBus to understand it. That Is why I have written thisarticle, 8. 8. PACKARD. Prest..

NEW YORKSept 88. 101 East 2Sd SL



BI E. 125th St,. New TorltPreparajorj. Upokaeeplng. aud shorthand Departments. schools train for practical work and

Ea.f'i28:?New- - YorTO.0" P" "Long Island Business College

14R to 147 South 8th st., Brooklyn. 'Day and evening sessions. Bend for catalogue


HHOHTHAND. OR A MAM rJTHTEf7Thoroughly taught. Also typ.wntlng. ror circulars,terms, Ac. address A. J.IlAHAM i Ca. 744 D'way.blipRTHAND.-Uaao"iltma- n's Principlesgrad'uXa7.7g,.cejf'r'"""IUn Bch001- - liU " "'"

Ls Mchuola.

Ht?? ,',? ,We,t 3(' Li BrooklynWSLTOi Division, corner Court andUlSS? Jpralemon sis, makes a ape- -

ff W A$ J& ?'1,J' " preparation of? medical, dental, and vet- -tfap---' Ww erlnary students forfiSl JL nUfl Eaaml.atlon..A fHtl Regular courses for collegei.Wtfj ,ml c" eervlce examlna- -

W-21- Jf '?"" Physical and chemicalJaiSJJo aborator es. Special oourseaIn all subjects. Includingnogrsphy. For eighth annualNt'is . (lit 14. cstaliue !


VtJarfSWb,a o. Gallup. D. A.(Yde),ormerly of Regentf Offlcu. Albany.

University B,x,r "coaa negim oo,1

l,,8tH)- - Coa"n lu D-- a"nw acnooi or graaumte C0UrM LtMDAT AND EVENINO Ix.ArJHES.

CLARENCE D. AbllLEY, Dean.Address for catalogue. REGISTRAR, Unlrer-tlty- .

Washington Square. East.NEW YORK l IJuy Hehool. 120 Bro.dw..LAWSCH00LLtw;:n,acAi.?l,oCdwri'traction. LL. B In two years Graduate course

one year. High standards. UEORQE CHASE. DeanAlu.l.nL



BANJO, mandolin, guitar, violin, piano taiuutiprivate: ccular LEvtAra HTClJlO, 017

8d T, 8th, ilOtll

NEW YORK.Adirondack mountains.

Bnranan JLstk,

NOTICE TO8PORT8MEN.Onranuc Inn will not close

boforo Ootobor I Oth.NEW JERSEY.

ROOKLAND FARU nOTJHE,Katconi, Morris county: elevation 1.200 feet: scsnerygrand: good boating and tlshlng In Build's Lake, on.mile from house: table excellent! terms reasonable!cnn.. W.R,U.,4umlle. rrom New York. Ad-dress AMOS CHAMDLftLAlN.

PENNSYLVANIA.nolawaio AVntcr Gap.

CATARACT HOUSE. Delaware Water (lap. Pa. L. It,IL tickets!, furnished: weekly, 7i

capacity 100: boating, fishing, hopt, tennis coachingdaily.



On Chesapeake and Ohio Railway.THE NEW HOMESTEAD,

n grand modern hotel, complete I nnd opened June IB.Most curatlte baths known for rheumatism, gout,

and nervous trnui-let- . Every bath from flowingsprings or uaturat hot water.

Pullman Compartment Car New York to HotSpring without change, Tuesday, Thursday, andSaturday.Excursion tickets and Pullman reservations atChesapeake and Ohio offices. 302 and 1,823 Broadway,

and offices Pennsylvania Railroad. For pamphlet,and further particulars address A. O. RICE, ticketAgent. 8g Broadway. P. II. KCOFIEUl. 1 Madison arNew York, or

FRED BTF.RUT, Manner,Hot florins:.. Datb Co., Va,




SHOHOLA OLIN.Bee the glnrlei of Autumn In the mountains.

SI.OO. ROUND TRIP. SI.OO.Express train leaves West !.ld st. 0:23 A. M. and

Chambers st. S:30 A. il.: Jersey City n:4B A. M.R"turnlng leaves shoholan 10 P. tl.


Special express train leaves Went 2'M st. 2:40 A. (.:Chambers rt. U:IJ A. M : Jerssy City 10:00 A. M.Choic. of two express trains returning. LcavoGlenaOJPM. or 7.2J P.JlDEET' SEA FIHHINO.-F- alr flshlng'thls week: new

steamer AL FOSTER. Dally, East dlttsi 7:40. Battery H:2U sharp: 1 v. lth bait.orrvniv t.i ckvwiiit aimO I1ELLK HORTON leaves foot Bloomlleld st . NormRiver, two piers south West 14th St. Ferry, lo A. ILand i) P. JL LeavesKeyport 4 P. M. EXCURSION flOc." WF.sfOINT, "NEWli BHOII, and PO'.KEEI'HIE. Grand Dally Excursion (except Sun-day), by Palice Iron Day Line Steamers from

sL Pier at S:40 A.M. aud West 22d St. at 9o'clock.

LUt Eurf.

'brmklyn "jockey clubT'A17TUMN MEETING, SEPT. 7 TO OCT.O.

81X RACE:, AT 2:13 P. il.Costs leavo foot EAST 34TII ST., 21. V. (via L. 1. R.

R.l. 12:30.1110 P.M.Boats leav. foot of WHITEHALL ST.. N. Y. (Culver

Route), 11:10, 11:40 A.M.: 12:lu. 12:40. 1:10. 1:40.2:10 P.M.

UROORLY.N TRAINN.Brooklyn HrhUe. Through trains from rtrooklyn

Terminus, via Brooklvn Elevated and P. P. a C. L R.IL. eerv half hour.

Leave UNION DLPOT. Sth sv. and 3flth St.. 10:10,11 13.11 43 A. M.and hair hourly 12:13 toa:lh p. M.

Leava Villi AV AND 20TH ST. 11:00 A. M. audhalf hourly rrom 12:00 noon to 4.00 P. M.

gjtrjsonal Jloticw.ANY' PERSON or persons who were passengers on

car leaving stelnway. 1.. I. City about 12 43A. It., on June lu. itu3, will ennrar a favor by cull-ing on the General Manager. Geo. Chambers, of theNew York and Queens Co. It. IL, 7 Uorden av.. L. 1.


UilUner nnd grrwrnaniurj.

SKAL GARMENTS redyed, repaired, or altered Intocapes. Mrs. BARKEIL llnWest3Ulh

SL, New Y'ork, late with Guuther's Sons. 3th av.

Office efttruituvc."


Wnntril lo jPurtUnse.

"llfANTED A medium sited second Land safe; statev v inside dimensions. W. P. It, box 170, .un oftlce.

jSfltct JStJiurL

Ea.t Mlde.

1 nTII ST.. 34 EAST.-Pleaa- ant connecting double,X vr single rooms, excellent hoard, e.ery couven-lence- :


2 1D BTTlfl FAST, near Broadway. Desirable largeTw small rooms; private bath; superior board;

moderate prices; ref.rences.DO EAST COD HT.

Handsomely furnished suite, single or en suite;splendid utile; near Broadway: reference.7;D ST., 14IEA8T. near Lexington. HandsomelyOO furnished sunoy rooms; excellent board; alsofront parlor: conveniences.

Weef Side,

LQTn ST.. 120 WEST.-N- ow ready to negotiate withclass people for winter season: nuly those

wishing a renn.d home need apply, ref. rencrsJ ?b ST.. 34 AND 30 WEST -- I Irst class board, hand.Oij some rooms, rurntshed or uufurnlshed; refere-nces-

Ol""WE8T 49 TH MT.Open Sept. SI; exceptionally fine apartmenta for

family; cultlnoand management high class." "SIO W EeiT USD ST. "

Large and small neatly furnished rooms, with ex-cellent bosrd; also table board; near Broadway: ref-erence.

, urnijShfu $ooin.5&2parttucut;8 to !g,t


1 QT1T ST.. 343 EAST. Neatly furnished rooms for1 'J light housekeeping; other rooms; private house;gas; bath.TTyrH ST.. 328 EASTT-N-lce furnished rooms;-a-


JLV conveniences; bath. gas: terms modsrate.Ol ST ST.. 23 EAHT.-La- rge rooms, private bath;

t- - gentlemen only; references; everything newsfine location.'J OTH 8T, 12 EAST.-Bacn- quarters: suites:dO single man servant; convenient to hotels and


Q OD ST.. 80 EABT.-Attra- rooms, private bath,00 large middle and back parlor; private house;yferenoee.A QTH ST.. Ml handsomclj fur-t- o

nlshrd rooms: all conveniences; bath; prlratohouse; terms mod.rate.

Wtll Hldo.


Neatly furnished rooms: all conveniences, nead.quarters for s waiters. Telephone 3)7 88th sL

CWB.j9CIUNEMANN, Proprietor.ST.. furnished "rooms In nCHARLESFrench house; every convenience; select

neighborhood; references.rfniK dROVE. Ht-s- n Orov. st., 1H7 Washington pT1 Elegant apartments: seven large light rooms and

batnt siramheuted; all Improvements, rents, 110 up.Janitor.

fAVERLEY PLACE. 182. near llth wly fu?M ulshed rooms: everv convenience; rent moder

ate; gentlemen only; references.ijATH ST.. 408 WEbT.'Pleasaul, comfortable room:

d X all conveniences; also hull room : excellent boardIt desired.OH TH ST.. 489 WFST.-Nl- ce large room; bath; pr.iX rate house: referenoe.

JQD ST., 10 furnished sulteiOOalso single rooms; gentlemen only; breakfastoptional! valet attendance; references.

ioa weHtTbth ht "

Large and small neatly rurnlshed rooms, for gentle-men only, near Broadway; all conveniences; break,fast optional; reference required,

Puruislttt glooiM! Ho ti JrooMn.COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 4, near Fulton Ferry andor bay, Large front room 11.00:smaller room Il.tS.t ... jgtal jstntf for U Juj $twa.

rflntg wnfl gVparimintiS Co gtt.

Central Park Apartments,Madrid. Orrnada. Barcelona, Lisbon, HalamanovA,,ilc.,l Cordova, Tolosa, Central Park South (BBthW.BHthat. ft 7th av. Company's onice In buildings.

TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO.148 Broadway, fiHlh sL aud 7UnT- -2 nnd S0J Wott 103d u

EDINDORO.K. w. Oor. 103d and Amtlerdam at.6, 7. and B rooms and bath, 000 to .000.Table d'hote and a la one service in restaurant.Elevator, hot water, steam heat, uniformed attend-ants- :

light rooms: gas and coal rangesi superintend,jnt In charge!"!." station 2 blocks, llroadway cable1 block: llth, oth. Kith, nnd Boulevard rare on block.TITLE GUARANTEK, AND TRU81 CO,

OMth st. and 7th nr., 140 llroadway,S and COS West lOJd St., aud 202 West .8th tt


THE R0GK.N6I.A.V.,Corner .".Oth at. and llromlivay.Building absolutely fireproof. Elevator, steum haat.Two apartments to tent. All light rooms. Fashion-able locality.

THE JELISE.Atmrtmcnt. to Itentt Hlenm Hentedlelectric elevator; rent, 0BO to780. Call nt premises,BOtn st. and sth av.

PLATS AND A'PA RTM ENTS. unfurnished"; furnished.x i,jL'.,r,,livr,,K'a,oni re"' s ,o s.'i.uoo.FOL80M linoTIIERS. SSOBroadway, cor. 12th St.


Deslrabln parties only. Hie moms, baths. Ileautl-fu-decorated. Excellent Janitor service. 18-- 17.

14 west ItlHth st.

...r"!R TO NOV. 1.7IVE ROOMS. 12 and tin y.ouu sth or.COLLIN 11. WOODWARD. 301) West 143th St.

BT. 82.- -S nglo flat: four large, light rooms;second floor, front; all Improvements; low rent


MADISON AV., apartments; deslrabloor floors: private batns; also parlor Uoor;moderate prlocs.rPHE RlCIlrTELD, 2S'i TO 211 vT.ST4SD ST.. nearX Ilrosdwny. Handsome large, light, decoratedapartments: eight rooms; steam heated; i33toi03:passenger elevators.

TIIAV.1.04. corner Nlth sL Elegant apartmenta,facing Park, toOO. $1,200. STONE. 41 Wall st.7TD AV,. corner 27th. --Handsome funning through,light flnu, 6 moms nnd bath, all decorated,all Improvements; awnlnqs. Inuulro BECKMANN.804 7th av.SSTII HT las, rooms;hails heated: t222,,,SJT-'"- , WEHT.-3an- d4 rooms: a to 10.Jl HT.. CO KtNT.- -l and 4 rooms: to to14.AVJ'. . r1.--8 andhath halls gin to 422., .....Alt- - - ftn it,nmr v .V w , .c. n rooms ana cam; steamnent: 1,4.'pi.tTMUrH AV.. aiga TO ((,t).9 nam, ,

hath, ateamheat: 4.7..VI toXJSTIIHT..110-117WE8T.-- 4 moms and bath:heat: hot water 'ill.,5,.TM H WEST.- -J rooms andatoam heat: S22 tot2'V104TII MT.. 10.V1O7 WEST.-- fl rooms andbath: ateain heat; hot water:lqOTII MT..S18 EA!T.-- 3 19.' AV"lor on premises, or J1ACLAY ftDAVIKS, 44 it,Q'THSf.; 211 TO 233

atiartmenta. lu.BO to 810 SO: dumb wnltert: elee-irl- obells: Iiotbitns fro. to tenants; wide street; floordeadeneiL Ofllcejll 223.

1 ;:.T,, HT" WEST.1 .V'r Lla.nnt alx.rooin flats, steam heated: bath;private halls: i to 2S; cahi hair block; elovatedone block away; liberal rent allowed."I I JTHST 07 of f) all lightandl.rO0m " heated halU: rents 818

1 y." RT" " East Apartments or tiree andx, four rooms, all light rooms: .heap rent.

rf lata ami pavtmrnts hcnTO LET. 3 moms and bath, rent 15. 7soi

CT ashing ton St.. Hobokt n.

WufurniohKl f lats WnntrtUTI7ANTED Aflat of five rooms and bath, with hotv and cold water. Inside of lfth st. and BOth st..east or west side, rent not excccllng $10 to 1H. Ad- -dress C. box 10,, Sun up-t- n ofllce, 1,2)S llroadway.

Smnn Witu$t Co 3Srt CittjT"HOUSES, furnished and unfurnished.In desirable locations; rent tl.200 to tn.ouo.

M BROTHERS ?56 Lroadway. cor. 12th St.

Co Cftfor?u?lnf6j; Juriiojes."I'JUILpINOS. stores, lofts, offices, and studios to let

luitislrableliH-allons- .

FOI.SOM BHOiHERS 2dBoadav. cor. 12th St.

"'PKY DFSIRABI.E large, light, nnd dry ortlces ors showrooms fronting on Mh av . Urje windowsand hlgn space; elevmor and hall service: mostportion of Sth av.. moderate rcnla. Apply toHARDMA.V. PECK ft CO.. 13s Sth av.

5C TO S20MONTH.-Onic- es In 10 and 21OO st.; one with sklight, suitable for engraving,drawing, or pbotogrjphy.nl'LASD ft WIIITIN3, 3 Beekman SL

ft.lO !,NTH.-Sto- re aud faiement. 13x110. atHJi IW St.. Ilrooklyn.nt arthe brldce, suitablefor cigar atiire. grocery, hardware, delicatessen, laun-dry, Ac, For particulars apply toRUI.ANDft wlilTINO, B Beekman si

ctlrnt fox ?au toohltirR?QnonnVLP,n"w.1""': Largaln; must losol?lj

..00 may remain at 5 per cenL: 0cash, halancaon Instillmenla; 2 story, basement, andcillar: brick filled, tin roofs, conneiteii with sewerwater, and u rooms. Including bath: Ocloseta'.heater, range, tubs manile basin; 2 water closets,storm shed, gas nxtures. sanltar) plumbing. Applyon premises. Derin si. Tako Kings Coun-tyJ. totica"

av. station.DON'T PAT KENTL '

See these fancy light brick and ktonohouses on 30th St., near 3th av. : t n sets r lmpro e.ments complete; only 40 minutes from New VorkCm Hall; small pas mrni. riots nand ba'nnce snmensronl Apply toJAMLS liUUKE. luon premise.C TORE FtMrsALE-piTte-'gla-

sT fmnt: thFerMoryTO price only J3.300; a bargain; suitable for a smallApply on promlies. lie Utlca av., Ilrookl) n.

eforalf or Co get rooTthr"-;-LAJ!.nr- R.T0'"2. double show windows, with"LO. dsselllng, best neighborhood.

MUI.1.ER, 813 Gates av.

gUnl G5jstate or .Sale or Co gtt.Tarr) town Parealn".

l- In homes, for sale and to let: furnished andIRA VIS A SON, 170 llroadway.

gtral estate for aiTCalifornTaCALIFORNIA lncorro ranches, choice city andsuburban residence property, acre traots. large colonytracts; no Irrigation required; mining property Sendfor catalogue. k E ItUNCEAgent. 1.008 Broadway. Oakland, Cal.

AT.'K.TI;K.Y'.v''.'?" 'nrulslied houio. the resldenc.Duuner. fourteen rooms and bathroom, will be rcuted to a ssll.raetnrv tenant at (80per month Apply to WALTER LtARNEU, NewLoudou, Conn,

PAST ORANOfT nearTto Seville, avnTepot.-AMm- od:l- - ern Improvements, tsso new houaet; reut tlO andt30 per mouth- - Inqiilie at at William st.. . ast Orange,

c5rat estate irjiiUeCitfl.HUNT'S" POINT,l3D vTaRDT"

Full sited lots on Harretlo and Mnnlda sts . nearMonastery: only ; n few left: tbo greatest bargaluseverorfercil: willdouhla In value almostTitle guaranteed by Iiiv,sers' Title Insurance Com


LOTS $150 TO $4007No crossing risers: 2S down, 3 monthly; only 84minutes from Rector st, via llth av. "i" and North,ni,,!"1iv,,?nr'"r"","!u"0"l l"et'7 bouse and lot,doKu, lalame monthly, high giound.Leallh). J, J, HANNAN. I. Corllandt st.

Wrjstrhwttr Co. groprrty .for J5alt.Nle Home, His. tins, on Ilndanu.Ten acres nlcily laid out: home 12 rooms, all mod.ern conveniences, perfect order, garden, fruit, shade

gtal istate or ale- -3. ew UtrPAL1HADM DIHTKIt'Tt Urge Iota. 73.terms, 14.1Q monthly, high ground: near homes.WEATIIEItuY. 271 llrn.i-- .$100 LSl lot.Rlght In City Paterson,wh,r. then Is work for everybody. Population, 100.000. 400 Factories IBODO Emninvni r.n...


0 minute, to 200 traln.:$5 Cash Down, $1.00 a Week.

Tbas. Iota are worth 300 10 800 eacn, but our price until DctoUr lit, Htxi to 8'5oGrand Free Excursion to Investors

OVER ERIE U. K. FHOM JEB8LT flTV,Saturdai Allereoon, I o'clock; Sunday Morning, 9:30 o'clock, and- - Afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Mapsaad fre. Uek.u now ready.W?, --.0ITS.Tr, 69 UbttXf strK H.w Ywk c,Iy.



ISfEWYOEK(entral.' & HUDSON RIVEtt R. B.

From Grand Central Station, 4Sd Street.OiTJOA. ept Sunday. Empire ststa Express.

Fastest train In the world. Stops at Albany. Otlca,Syracusa, and Roohester. Due Buffalo 4:45 P. H.Niagara Fall, 8:88 P. M. This train It limited to lit

D18O A'J-'.-Dal-ly 'Mt Mall for Poughkeepste. AL

any, Utlca, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara

IO.OO A. si-Eio- ept Sunday. Day Express, forMountains, Hlchlield Springs, and H

New York Stale polnta. ......1 lOO P. M, Dally, southsvestern

Cincinnati. Indianapolis, and St. Louie.Stop, at Pougnkeeptle. Albany, Utlca, Syracuse,Itnehesier, and Buffalo.

ltOO P. lly. Chicago Epeclal for Detroit,Cleveland, Toledo, nnd Chlcajio. stop, at Pough-keepsi- .,

Albany, Schenectady, Utlca, Syracuse,.Houiester, nud Iiuffalo.

Oiao P.M.-Eic- epl Sunday. Wstrolnl Pougb-Keepsl-

Caltklll Mountains. Albany. Troy. Saratoga.30 V. M. Dally. North Shore Limited. Due De-

troit 81-- A. M., Chlcaco 4:30 1'. M. Etopt at Albany,lflloa, and Syracuse.

OrOO P.U.-Dal- ly. For Albany. Troy. Utlca. Byra-uu-

Uurfalo, Niagara Falls. Cleveland, Toledo, De-troit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Ht. Louis.

OlCA P. M. Dally. For Albany. Troy, 8aranao Lake.Lake Placid, Lake George, Lake Chanplaln, and

TiOO P. lly. For Albany, Troy. Utlca, Adlron-dn.- k

Mountain points north of Lako Clear, Thourand Islands, and Montreal. Fridays only, sleepingcar tn Fulton Chain.

TiSO P. lly. For Buffalo, Nlagarn Folls.Cleve-land- .Indianapolis, SL Louis, Chloago. Stops at

Pnughkeepsle. Albany, and Utlca.OrOO p. Mf. Dally. Carries sleeping car passongor,

only for points on Fall Brook Railway, via Lyons.unit for Rochester.

Oitfl P. ..I. Dally. For Syracuse, Oswego, Water,ton, Ogdensburg, Buffalo, Niagara lalls. Clevo-lan-

Toledo, Chicago, except Saturday for Clas ton.Cape Vincent, and the Auburn road. Sundays onlyflloversvllle.

19ilt Nlsht. Theatre train for Chicago nnd prin-cipal points on New York Central, overy night ex-cept Sunday night. Sunday night, Gloversvlle andChicago sleepers leave un U;1B P. M train.

OiOO A. U. and ai35 P. BI.-D- oxcept Sun- -

dav tn Plttttlehl, via Uarlom Division.Oils A. St. Sunday only tn Plttsfleld and the

Merkshlre Hills, via Harlem Division."ALL NIGHT" TRAIN TO . OSKE1--

"All night "trains run between 163th st. and polntaon the Putnam Dlvis'on as far as Youkcra. lu connec-tion with the elevated road. Tho only line running"attnUht" trains out or New York.

Wagner Palace Cars on all through tralna.Trains Illuminated wltn the Plntsch light.Tickets nud Wagner offices at Grand Central Sta-

tion, 118 Broadway, 14 Park place, 201, 413Broad-way- ,31 East 14th St., 042 Broadway, 233 Columbus

av., 01 West 123th st, aud 13Sth st. station. NewYork: .13s and 7.'0 Fulton aL, and 100 Broddway,E. I).. Brooklyn.

Baggage checkod rrom hotel or residence by thoWi htcott Express company.JOHN M. TOUCEY. OEOROE n. DANIELS.

General Manager. General Passenger Agent.

PennsylvaniaSTATIONS foot of Desbrosses and Corllandt Streets.

insaeciiMpiFinDarKl, inwo.OrOO A, II. FASTLINE.-Parl- or Car to PHUburgh.IO1OO A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LlJtlTKD.-Pull-m- an

Compartmenl Sleeping. Dining, bnioklng, andotisersatlon Cars. Arrives Chicago B A. St., Cleve-land 4:30 A.M. Clnolnnatl 6:40 A. , IndianapolisH:40 A. M. Louisville 12:10 P. M SL Louis 3:44P. M. nnd Toledo S'.O A. tt.


leeping and Dining Cars to8t. Louis. Louisville,and Chicago Arrives Cincinnati 10:43 a. IL, SuIxsnll7:2 P. M , Chicago 4:30 P. M.

si 100 P. V. WLSIbKN EM'KhSj Bleeping andlitning Cars to cnlcnco and Cleveland. ArrivesCleveland 1 1 '23 A. 11.. Chicago P. M. next day.

7l4fi P. M. SOUTHWESTEI1N EXPRESS.-Sleepl- ng

and Dining Cars to Cincinnati and St. Louis. ArrivesCincinnati H:u3 P.M.. Indianapolis 10:13 P.M., SiLouis 7 A. 31, second morning.

sjroo P. SI. PACIFIC EX PlthSS. Pullman SleepingCar to Pittsburgh. Connects for Chicago dally, andClevelunil and lole.loexc.tit Saturday.

WAMHI.NGTOX AND THE HO I. TH.8. H:30. H:a... 1U:IU (Dining Can. 11 A. . 1,2:10

(3.30 "Congressional Llm.." all Parlor and DiningCars), 4:!lu (Dining Car.. 3:20 (Dining Carl. 0 P. M..12:13 nlglt. Miuday, M.So. 0 30, 11 A. M."Congress'onal Llm..' all Parlor and Dining Cars),4:0 (Dining Car), 3 20 (Dining Car), 0P.il.. 12:13night.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 4 '30 P.M. dally. Sleepers toNew or.eans. Memphis. Tampa, Asheville. ana HotSprings. 12 13 ntht dally. Sleepers to New Orleansand Jacksonville.

ATLANTIC COA1T LlNR.-0:- 30 A. M. dally. Sleeper,to Port Tampa and Macon. O.Ou p. M. dally, Sleeperto Jacksonvil.e.

CHESAPEAKE ft OHIO RAILWAY. Express 3:20 P.M. dally, Ihrong . Meeplugand pining Cars.

FOR OLD POINI COMFoIU'anl NORFOLK sla CapeCharles Route, s A. M. week days, and, with ThroughSleeper, s P. M rialls.

AT1.ANUC CITY. 1:30 P. M. sveek days. ThroughBullet Parlor Carand DnyCoacn.

FOR CAPE MAY. 11:00 A. M.and I '00 1'. M. weekdays.For Lotur Ilranch, Anbury P.rk. Ocean Grove, and

Point Pleasant. 0:10 A. JL. 12:10. 2:30. 3:40. 4.20.3,10. and 7:00 P.M. sveek days Sunda). (stop atlnlerlakcn ror Asliurv Park! .'. A. M- 5 20 P. M.

FOR PIIILAOELPIIIA.u. . ;dv, rs, o jo. v, i':.u I lu reun a i.iniiseui, iu:iu

(Dluln.-Csrl.l- l A.M..'- -, 1,2:10.3 4,4.S0.4SO(Dln-IngCan- ,8:20 (Dining Can. n (Dining Carl. 7:0. H, 0

P.M. 12.15 night, 0.13. S:3u, v. 0.30 unLimited). 10. 11 A. II.. y (Dining tori. 4. 4:30 (Din-ing C.r) (D'nlngCar). iDlnlng Car), 7:43, ,PP. M.. 12 Knight-Ticke- t

unices Noa. 43.1, 844, 1.1 HO. 1.328. 111. and201 llroadway, I Astor House, and foot of De.br,.-i..san-

Cortlsndtsta. 4 Court St.. tsiso Fulton l. PSBroadway, and Brooklyn Annex Station, foot or Ful-ton St., BrooKl.su, Ststlou, Jersey Cits. The NewY'ork Transfer companr ssiii call for and chek bag-gage from hotela and residences tnrousu. to destina-tion,b. M. PREVOST. J. R. WOOD.

General Manager. General Paas'r Agenu

LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.station fool of Corllandt and Desbro-se- s st- -.

O40 A. M. dally (Sunda)s 7 A. 11.) for MAUCEICH-- and intermediate statloua

e) ilS A. M. dally ror ITHACA. GENEVA. ROCIIES-TLt- t.

UUFhALO. NIAGARA FALLS. SUSPENSIONBltlliGE. and the West, and principal local points;dining car toSuspenslou Bridge: Pullman VtstlbuleSleeper to Chicago.

1 1 lOO A. M dally, except Sunday, ror MAUCHCHUNK and Intermediate points. Connections forResdln. and Harrl.burg.

1liOO noon aalis. except Sundav.-- UI.At'U DIAMOND EXPRESS"arrives luitTalo 10 P.M. Through car to Rochester.Pullman Vesllbuled Day Coaches and Parlor Cars.Dining ear service. Meals a la carte.IS1IOP M dally.cxcept Sunday, for andtnier, rd.ate points.I iIO P. M dally, except Sunday, for I and It.

JL NOi ION. stopping only at principal Intermediatest'ittoi'S. shalr cars to U'likesbarre.

3i!IO P. M. Sundasa only for Mauch Chunk andHai-to- n and all Intermediate stations.4ilo P. M dally, except Sunday, for L. and D.J Unci ION and principal Intermedial, stations. Pull,man Buffet Pur.or Car to Wlikesbarro; connection,for I'.itlsvllle.

ftilS I'. M. dally, ror EA8TON and Intermediatechair car to Eastnn

UO P.M. dally for BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS.and all point. Wesl Pullman sleeper. Vesllbuledtrain N. Y. to Chicago, sleeper to Buffalo and Toronto Connect'ons for Reading and Harrlsburg.

OlOOP. M. dallv for ITHACA. GLNEVA. ROCHESTill, BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALLS, and all pointsWest. Pullman Sleeper to Chicago and Buffalo. Chaircar 10 W'llkesbarre.

I I sSO P. M. dally, except Sunday, for EASTtll. -- n.1Intermediate points.

'"e1 trains dally, except Sunday, forBOUND IIROOK isnd lnt.rni.dlate rolnis. leave asfollows: 0:00 A.M.. 2:30 P.M., 4:20 P. M., and 0.30

Ticket and Pullman accommodations at 2.15, 273.nt,aid 1.33 hroadwaj.JI last 14th st.,18DE. 123thsL, 12. Bowery, New York; eflu Fulton St., 4 Court St..0i Broadway, and llrooklyn Annex, Brooklyn.N. t. Transfer Co. will call for and check baggage

from hotel or resldenco through to destination.

ERIE RAILROAD.Through trains leave New York, foot of Chambersat., as follows, and Ave mlnutca earlier from Westsod st I

tV dally for Waverly.;7.s-f- U tJInghamlon, Klmlra. Bunalo, MradforrLi.lnniM,adllIei.ndth. West, arris Bufralo7 Ijl M P.irlor car to llurfalo.

"-' Solid train for Chicago, sla ChaulaiiciuaLake, arrives Cleveland at 7i40 A.M.. cfaltagoohleepers to Chicago, Cleveland, and Cincinnati Din. I

7'--l(- i and Clrseland Vestibule Ex,' I

ford , 1I8 A.M.. JnniestowuO 63 A. M..l levilaud 1.13 II". M. (hleepers to Bullalo aud cleseland). makingdirect ronuHPtinn. lor Detroit, Chicago, aud the est.ft"l . F-- "AlliY-Y- -A Lliauuiniua Lake and .S.. .'"f",,u' """Id train to cfiicago. SleepersImJPSStiS' Chicago, and Cln.lnnatl. Dining car.'PICKETS1 .LOCAL TIME CARDS, AN1 PULLMAVACCOMMODATIONS at 111. 20 401 and 037liroHdway. 127 liowrry. 13(1 East 123th si, and 01West 12Slh St., Chambers and West 23d st ferriesNew York; and 728 F'ulton st , Ion liroadrias.Brooklyn: 2U0 Hmison tt . Hobokeu.and Jerwy CityMatlon. W ettoutt's Upress ills lor and checks e

fiuin hotelsaud resldeuscs 10 ileillnstlon.

New York and Boston All Rail.N. Y.. N, II. ft II, h. R mid Connectlont.From Urand Central Station.Jave. Ry way of

i.no ' J!" fRrlngn.M nnd Worce.ler. 3:30 P. M.i f" r'7 Lpndunand Provldonce, a. 110 P. Mi? oS i- - !" ui.nh'" '"", Providence, 4 30 p MinoM'M"pr.""?c,ya,"!.V",'',,,'"ir' 6U0PMand Worcester, fl 17 p M.tliOOP, M., Air Line and N. P. It It.. O'.ii iii?.n C- - S" w nd Pros Idenre, 7.23 V. si.'

i:rJi aud Worcester, lo.no P. M,'gO ; M "New London and Pro. Idence, II 00 P vM..Neiv Lonilonan J'rovldelice. 8'23 A ' "'fluns dally. Including Sunday.

Ing p .Mr c'aV;'ral,;'1, "" ",rior e"'i faro 7' luclud-Al- r

Line Limited ; arrives at and departs,t"Urn '.ami Lour

Through parlor or .'Igfj.?. y;&tfcBALTIMORE & OHIO


fining car.. 8.00 Dlnlngc.r,.,0.oon1'.CBr,'1i.:?.NORFOLK, 1 1 :B0 a. M. dallyNEW ORLEANH. Through Sleeper. 8:00 P! iralnsare llluuilnatrd with HuUc h lr"

MlTat'iLV. Ji--ii- l ; I." Broad wlv.'ai Em,.sw-fKi-a-

Jjagag. het.rwgiad&tS.oi

DELAWARE, 1.ACKAWANNA ANDHtntlon. In I.e"jr iTorls. Foot of Barclay nndCnrl.tanbrr fl"..YSTinVLTBAINN. ITJLI.IIAN II UF.

Direct routo to Newark. Bloomfleld, Montolalr, thOranges, summit. Ilernardsvllle. Basking Ridge. Madl.on. florrlttown. Pnaaato. Pterson. Doonton, Dover,

Btanhop. Newton, liudd'. Lake. Lake Ilonatcong,Ilackeltstown, Sobooley'a Mountain. Washington.

KattonIVatrOap. Stroudsburg. PwonoMounlaln.feranton.Plttsto'lWilkesbarre.Nanllcoka.Danville. Northumberland. Montrose, Blnghamton.Oxrord, Norwich. WaterTllle.Utlca.Itlchfleld SpringsCortland. Syracute. qsweso. Ithaca. Owego. hlmira.Corning. Bath. Dantvllle, Buffalo, and all point, West,Northwest. andSouthwetL8 too A. Mall. Stops at principal

IO tbo A. I.-(- car.) nafTalo. Scranton, Bing.haiutnti, Utlca, Rtchrteld Springs. Sjraeuse. oniOswego Express. Pullman huff.t parlor cars Co,,.necta at Buffalo nlth trains for Chicago nnd point,

ltOO P. M. (Cafe car.) Scranton. Blnghamton. andF. tnlraKx press. Pullman buffet parlor cars.

4 rOO P. M. Hcrnntou.Wllkesbarr. nnd PlimoulnKspress Pullman buffet parlor oar.

7s30 P. Vaallimta Limited Ex.press for scranton, Blnghamton. Elmlra, .lliiffa.is,Pullman buffet sleeping car connects at Buffalo withtralna ror Chicago and point, Writ,

OiOO P. 3sl. (Dally)-Buffa- lo, Scranton, Bingham.ton, Ithaca. Rlonfleld Spring,, Syracme, and Osw egoExpress. Pullman buffet sleepers.Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 14 Park

and 420 Broadway. Tickets at ferry stations,BiaceBroadway, ill 4th nroor. 12th al: 38 Wist128th at. 283 Columbus T..New York! 838 and 721Fulton sL nnd ion Broadway. Brooklyn. Timetable,giving full Information at all stations. ...Wcstcolt's Express Company will call forbaggage rrom hotel or resldenco lo destination.

ttviUBimxff. -


Sailing at 10 A. 11. .ST. PAUL Sepl S0INEW YtUlI- - Oct ITPARIS OCL7BT. PAUL -- Oct. 21ST. LOUIS OCL14 PARIB Oct. 2

RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP.Sailing every Weilnesday.

8outhwark,Sept.80,10A.M.Friesland ....Oct. lt.noonIs'oordland ....Ocl 7, noonlKonslngton.Oci'Jl. 10A.lt

INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANYPiers 14 and IB. North River. OfOce. B Bowling Green.

ALLAN - STATE LINE.Nesv York tn Glasgow and Mnvllle (Londonderry).

Through tickets to Liverpool, Dublin, ftc.From pier foot West 21st ,1. North River.

STATE (IF CALIFORNIA Friday. Oct. 2, noonBTATE OF NEBRASKA Friday. OCL 10,1 P.MLBIIIKRIAN Friday, Ocl 80, H:80 P. ILCabin,. otot.o. 2dcabln,30. Steerage.f24.B0ftt25.Ba

AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO . Agent.. B3 Broadway.


F rom I'ier 64, N. R.. fool West 24th st.Furnessla...Sept. 28, noonlClly of Rome.Ocl lo.noaitClrcassla ....OcL.I. noonlAnchorla OcllT.nooa

For rates of passage and particular, apply toHENDERSON BROTHERS. Agents. 7 Bowling Green,

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIIWAY.Intended steamsnlp sailing from Vancouver

to JAPAN and CHINA.EMPRESS OF INDIA Ocl 18, Jan. 4. March MEMPRESS OF JAPAN Nov. tt, Feb. IEMPRESS OK CHINA Dec. 7, March I,


Second cabin accommodations at very low ratea.For ticket, and freight rate, apply 888 Broadwnn

For freight rates only, 03 Wall si. New York.


Lucanla...Sepl 28. 0 A. lLCampan!a..Ocl 10. 8 A. IT.Etrurla Oct. 3. noonl Umhrla Ocl IT. noon

From Pier 40, North River, foot ot Clarkaon alEXTRA SAILING.

AURANIA. Tuesday, bepl 20. 1(1 A. JLFrom Allan State Line Pier, foot of West 81st IL

VERNON ILBUOWN ft CO..Gen'l Agts.4 Bowling OreCTFRENCll LINE.genf.iiale tra.nsatlantique.

DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE, PARIS, FRANCE.LA DHF.TAOM:. Rupe Sal. Ocl8.7A.-- LLA ItOUHGOilNE. Lebceur Sat . Ocl 10, 3 A.M.LA TOURAlNE,Santelll Sat. Ocl 17, 0 A. IL

Parlor seat and buffet smoking iars attached to spe-cial train Havre-Pari- s (or vicevorsa): seats lextrsu

A. FORGET. General Agent, a Bowling Green.


Plymouth (London). Cherbourg. Parts, and Hamburg.Nnnnann a.Ocl 1, lu A.M. P.RIsmarck Oct. 13. 10A.lt

Oct.f, 7 A. M. Normannla.Oel2t. I0A.UHninhnrc-Amrrlea- B I.1ne,fi7 Broadway.


lshn.Tue-..Sepl29,- A.M. Havel. Tue,.. Oct fl. 10 A.-- LSaale. Sal. Oct 3, 10 A. M. Trave.Tuefc.OcLls.10A.lL

OELR1CH8 ft CO.. 2 Bowlln, Green.



DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.Richmond direct (via all water route). Monday

(freight only) and Saturday tpaaseugers and freight).Sailing from Pier 2rt. N. It . U P. M.: Saturday. 4 P. If.Through ticket and freight rates 10 all polnta.W.J.. OUILLACDEU. 't and Traffic Manager.

Panama Rail Hoad Steamship Lino iBtffttnera Mil from pier foot West 27th st., New VortAd a net Seut. 3d, tioou Finance . Oct, 10, noon

Cnhln to San Franclco. $120. steerage. $50.JU1INMUUL TrafUc 1'tf


Oerninnlc. 30. noon Britannic... OcL 14. noonTeutonic . . . .ucl 7, noon i Majiatlc Ocl 21. noonNO COTTON CARRIED STFAMER3.

Pier 15. North River Office, 20 BroadwayIL MA1TLAND KERSEY. Agenl


PALACE lTlON" DAT LINE 8TKAMEKS"NEWYOHK" And ALBAXT,"un est aud taitest rler utramm In tne wurid.

Dally excrpt bunduy.Leave Brooklyn, lulton st. (by Annex) H a. IL

New ork, st. I'ler). .. .8 il "UoxtXidbt l'ler i

KorALHAM. landing nt Yon kcri. UV-- t I'oint,Newimrh. Pougbkeepslo, Ktnjrston Point, i,

and Uudfton.


VIA snfND LINESPROVIDENCE LINE, via Providence, rrom

Pier .it). N. H. ono block above Canal st- - week day,only, at ', 3u P. M

NORWICH LINE, via New London, rrom ller4o N. R . next to Desbrosses si, sscek das s only, al8 3d P. l.

FALL RIVER LINE, via Newport anl railItis.r. from Pier In N. It., foot Murray si, sveeknnss nnd nt 3 to p. M.

BTON1NOTON EINE. sla stonlncton, rrom Pier30, N It., one block ubovo Cauat si. week das t onlyat 0:00 1'. M.

Albany Evening Line.Steamers ADIRONDACK (new) and DEN Rli II- -

MOM) lease Old 1 ler 41. N. II. root Canal si. a: n P. DtM. oally (Mindays excepted), (.onnectlng svlth trains H;Tor Saratoga, Like (.'eorce, Adlrondncks, sharm $Spring.. Richilebl Springs, Thousand Islands, Mara IIFalls, and the Wesl Hs

Hudson River Fit.nn.er Marv 1'osseIL I!DAILY (EXCEPT HUNDAT Ml. IsLeaves Desbroa,,--. at J.ln P. M , t, it'e I 15 P. ", J

Leaves West 2.M si P. M.: Sat's - P. M IFor CRANSTO.VS.COltN WALL NEtVHL'RUlI. SEW l1riAMDl'ltltll. MILTON. PO'l.r.tPSlK, RONDOV1 and IKINUSTON. I

Leave Pier 21. loot si, or High in Is, f 'Illghland Reach. Oceanic. Red Bank and luteru-- lisle 'landings at ll A. M. mid 3 P. M. dally. Lease ed IBauka7A.Mani3PM. j"IAMSDELL ers leave Pier 21 S IL, IJ V loot Frunkllfst. ror Cranston's. West P.sin' 4 flSpring. Cornwall. Flsbklll Lauding, and Nelur..i lvweek dass, 3 P.M.; Sundays, 0 A JLj 133d .t . N IL. UfU:,3 A. M. B


foot West 10th st. dally, except Saturday, d P tbunday steamer touches at Albany,

lOthst.-Da- lls 4P.iir WiSnturdnjsat I, St'ra 1IALDWIN aud ROMMl. for

."r.n".'."'' Nfwburgh. Nesvllamburg, Marlboro Milton.JjsdePirl.. Poiighkeepsle, Kingston, Connecting withU. and D. 11 IL for all points lu Cats-I- ll Mountains.NEW HAVEN. Fare. SI; EXCURSION. l.5o7 Ilast steamers leave Pier 23. F. P. dally (suudass ex.rented i, ll', M aud 2 midnight, arris Ing In time fortrains to Merlden. llarlford. sprlugtleld. nnd nortlu

1AT8KILL, HUDSON AND COXSACKIE BOATS leaT. Iroot or Christopher st, N, II, ever) sveek day al

P.M .connenlngsslth ll ft a, a 11 at Hudson. I?ianofortcjj, (!)rnn, Sc. I

A N assortment upright, vjuant pianos; easy paysV ments; r.nt, U.0U upward, organ l.u(i.

IIAHN'S, 24 I'nlun muarss.A FINK upright plvin SI43, 3 manthly; Chlckef,

Jeraey city'8 ' W"b'NKK' " alontgomer St.

An?E S!r.,nw'11.W ,0 monthly: upright, liar.W'ls.uer Hall, oil Broad st., Ness ark.N.IELEGANT upright irano (IV3. t) mouth .y : SteTrvbargain. 23L 2U8, 2S VoltonIt , llrooklyn. Open evenings.I.UNOS. 2f. up. lOdowii; Installments: rentTei?I change. PIANO EXCHANGE. West 83d St.

Pit uowti0.WiKl,i?i .'!,.." ,ow"' FTlZ103vji St., near Il'way,STi'iliJiA-X- . V-- f" 'nlhl)upriihi, (J rentTIngs "' llrool(l)'- - openeven- -

I M'RIOIIT piano 61 IB. f 3 uinntlily; stelnway.U-a-

. ..fou'n.1""' M """ "; " "JJ:Pl'A .fSSI'"'?' -,-KIK"i't "upright pl'anoa entod.T:R?;lndjrir ; csTrr: Stelnway ft Son atOp..fevenl'h..!& C ' "' 0n" "3

3J.j....jojj ChanYwT ICJRF.AT WEALTH comes rrom legitimate specuiav IIn Wull street or Chicago ; il


.'J"1' Vanirt.rl.ili. Uoj"r.iiVsmall lieglt nlngs 'nobucks. H

re.pn.0.rnlr'.d. !"'"with nam- - and aitilre- -. VmiiiiJNVtJENT 1

'i 'I a - - - - i, --

Dfr,:i',?f.,h.,OD' IJrUMO-- j. railing.,,Lt U&,V,',h 1iiH