I' . THE WAYNE -- ',t.l Store. GO' TheMillerManureSpreader ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne...

': l'fIumLer 28. __··-:-til-fFo--··-, ,,, .... , 1..,1...;'_.m. S u hscri",tioll i'n 'Advance. '1'1 I 1 I! I Centis.iT- The .. : I Pure Fruit Syrups, I Pure Carbqnated Water, l' , , ii Pure ,Icc Crl:itlll1 ii Properly JlIilscd ,ii Ii . .. !),j;fMi Soda. IrE. SElt\' E TlUT KIND ''iDA Y. ---HIE TASTE TElllS _._1_,_I_ , Come in !. .'! r:!:I,1 . You Pir" Ah,'a ys .W·eltollle. I' " :.. ., I:,: , Raymond' , , i.. " ! I! I! Wayne. II.,.,: I' ' Iii I pianos and' I I Chickering Bros: and' ' ! : 0 ,i ,I :' ur pianos ,lIC IJotlghl flom LIllI; ma frs and we Clrl <':,lV(" on m()fll'\" 'In 1i1hese : goods. ('ash or on time. ':' I , f I M. S. OAVlst i I lh__ -- HERALD. Bros., HARDWARE AND i WAYNE. WAYN E COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 6. 1903. Doubles the value of manure by covering two acres where .you could only cover one by hand. Note the foJlowing pOllllS OJ slfpcnonly over ollter II/((/'-es. It is just the right wjdth to straddle corn rows anel leave all land evenly 'covered wilh JllUnure. O'thl-"r machines ran llO! dll /food :uork wlthout driving team and spreader wheels- on "cut corn stubble, a thing any fanner kno\\'s is . . 711C 3fi/ler is lI,e Only Spreader that will do good worklll winter. Why? Because it has a solid bottom that is ,scraped clean every load. It is It;;t.;' do:"", making it easy to load, Is lighter draught than any other machine. We can stop or start cylinder in dependant of feed, ei:her is operated at w,lI of driver. We can put on 6, Io,'or 15 loads per acre and unload in six minutes. Is simple, slrong and duraule, having' been on the market 14 years. Try one. Terwilliger '.NIWI; The Miller Manure Spreader. .. WAYNE NEWS OF THE WEEK. REPUIlUCAN·-LEAllIKG""AND OFFICIAL PAPER OF WAYNE AND WA YNE COUNTy-ltEPUIlLlCAN. 1 .. Wayne I Drug I Co. , •• Boyd Annex, ·1 J. T. Leahy. I Phone 79. i i. .-. I' . THE NeelY' I "'.: Call on us for anything .for Ihe . school. Dictionaries, Desks, Blackboards, Slating, Crayons, Inks, We carry everything for SchooL 'Adopted by lhe Wayne County Oflicers Association. Exchange and Net Price. the School Supply rl , Prussian Stock· Food. ,'I Makes Hogs Grow. 'Prevent Disease. :, "I:,h will "'vI'1'ce you that it pays to Stock Food. !;';el:: i;r ::: to a p-pear in iybu'rHerds. Be warned in ::titJ'e use Prussian Stock I', I' to keep' your hogs , , 1 r Prussian Reme- 1(1' cl arc aU' Guarmltccd tv , I ' gitrt, sal/s(aclloll. Fruita fresb and nice, Ilt Brooklol{s. Try Brooking1s prsDd of colfee. it was hotter th:t.o ye&terdll.y, Tues-I' Ora'lgeE, b:mQOas. and 1emODs st Locals and Personals. Both City day. Brookings. .• and Country, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cedar County Fair date is Sept. 2:3 j F')l' large 108m ffoP. long time see to I Pb,1 H Kohl. E. A, Lundburg wass Norfolk visitor Tbo6. Lund was here from Wimide J. A. Williams of Randolpb, was 8 Mondar· Tuesday. I Warne viSitor Sunday. v'red went to Sioux City lilred Utecht was here from LogRn Money to loan 00 Real best Monday mormog. Saturday. see A. N. Matheny. __======."'-=-=-=-=-= -==·=======.=--=----=-1 R. H. tramsoted business in Fliday Via':i a cold and dls"g eeable MalY Barer 811'1\'ed home from I Winside Monday. rallly dar 'I't'kam \h Mondayevenink. Miss Winnie Mears over from John MOl'ds came down from (Jar. Frauk 1."ra::1018 w. as ill ,W, ,ayne Sioux City Monday morDlng. I roll Saturduy. day afternoon'trom !' A. L. Tuok!3r snd Gilbert Frenoh John Gillen of D:XO:'l, in Wayne Arthur Bro'1lett len Tuesday, mO,tn- were Wakel:leld visitors Sunday atter. last Thursda.y. IDg tor a D;l,)Dtbl:! In. ',. Doon, '11'01' Fire and Tornado Insnr&noe, Mls3 Edna. Nieman' wJnt to Dt pn, Mrs.. Beckenhauer aod daughter reo see A. N. Matheny. Friday to ylslt tor 8 felw daye w th tur,w'1 hom9 from Oma.ha. Sunday trlend!i i i O. M, Hurlburt of Ct1rro!l, W8"l I'l.l ", I' " I M Clyde Winter burn nnd Wa.yne visitor '£ucsriav. Mrs. A, n. SOD, , Will Hart of WinsJde, wa"! a Wayne to low?,. to were in Hubbard Sunday visitor mornlnj;{. for (\ few wfeks with ; ern , '.., , Geo. Closs'and wns an east bound H. S. Satnr1ay I . Mrs. S.. Morehouse of Tekamah, pa.sseog'er TUl;lsday morning. morning from a! vrsit IS her VibHJOg. with her daoR'bter, Mrs. reJatiyes at ColorAdo l:3priDg3 and W. R Weber. . acd Mrs. JO?O 'r. Bressler are Denver. " , Mrs. J. Webor Sr. of' Florenoe, is VISIting at c:ot S. Assistant, Postm:l-lster Cbas. I!\ Sm.ltb here with bel' 80m,' Waiter, . A fine nun fell 11 l'lday nl g . ht , wbloh went to. Coleridge Sl\turday IDmil and Will. practioally ,thtJ corn CL'OP to \'jsit wi! h bis olother for a few W, E. l1:. c tl.'lt of Pender, visited one ,Ju!Ja Sulliv,jn WIlS an eae.t and atbel'!;, night Thursday with ,Landlofll Cham. bounrl paRseu'ger lI'r1d'll;' morning. Gao. Ber,ll; or WtnBido, ,waq I' WHine bers ot the Perrin Hute'. DcuJiagel' of ,H'JskillS, Was iu visitor MoulllY. lIe was lookin" to' Blel{ler of Dloomn ... II), was Wayne on bu!;JlJOSS 'l'ues,:IIlY forenoon, horse thu.t hud away hom, )i" in t,be oity several da.ys the past week Mrs.. '1'. 'J. Wltt,r of Ponoa, bu.'! been plaoe east (f WID&ldlil.' , relative" Burl frIends. the of Mr6. M. S. Duvie., the '1'be ,republioan; will Mr. and Mra. Floyd Jones o!una pnst week. sembie ,again, for the IIp from Oma.ha Satul\itly to vhJ\t, for MI'. and Mrs. H.,ll)')' Ley purpose ,ur. :a tl few dill'S with Mr. Bnd MrR. Ell Jones, SH.tllrdll.Y COL' a three weeks vi!:iit ill for countv ' Investigate the Merobants Life As- Cafitornia and Ol'e,l:{on. A train load ofi r;ere I sociation plan, before placing YOllr D, S,.M'Js':im·m and da.tlghter Eithe,l'" trom Wayno Monpay ,Frbpk, insurance. A. N. Mathen]", Distrlot of, 10Wd, were at thalr Strabn Ii Wm., Ageut. brJthE'r'lu-Iaw, A. J. a r rew H oars, Bq.sh 1 cars anqlp. '1'1Ie la.dies of the Baptist churoh days, the past week. J. Lund oars. will give a.n &ocial on the Protect rour wHtt III co.se of c1e'atb A ql1iok! way i to·lllghL. All are cor· by oul; a in the Mer· Ill, dlslly Illvlted to attend. ·che.nt'i LIfe. AessOO\l\tlon. A. N. Me.- for a.nid homo to Ili'l I teellth Inning they quit tbe game, it Wayne after fL visit here Ave" Chioaj;!'o"lll. 2,} ,. I ;i,: I,!:I I being s tie, 6cora 2 to to her brotller, Joseph Leahy anri It p'a6s: ,: Mrs. C. McLoed and Mrs. Sigworth, tam,ily,-WISner Chronlol"e. Carnegie, the gte:at :flfjnd, ,-. ":-;._-"... '-"-'-,.: ...:·,:T,:'III', •• , .•.T,'T, •.•O-'I' . •. ,".' . of Wayne, sisters, bave gone to Wyom '1'013 neavy rain Bunday night fixed about, deQided to', laqnch on ing .to Bpend :he Big the oat crops 80 that for t,he most part newspaper field. : Wep: E bd C" I ' , ] Hor!1 mountalDs aod viSit f.rlendS It will return t •. o d. ust from whence it burn. .YO,'." .. It thf.S ld:. \> •.•'. •. ' .! , > I i ;:1' . at Sheridan.-Stanton Picket. oome. HHoY and corn h tLe only real wi,lL be oil up "'dtb, ': 've' ry ·0' Y" ,., I, "m' " 'e . "Arter paying dividend .. tbc chewlnp: tblng tmyhow when it comes to sbip A larJ;c6 hood D9 iS Y ' I; ': ' . ' was '. . .' .'.:, ",' ..,.".. "."'.:"""".,, ' ,I '.!"••,: 1[:"•. ".,":,.,.,1"1',. ", ,; II ,,' '", tbe chewing trust apparently were wise old acquaintances tu Randolph Mon- every,one was weill Anyhpw enQngb not to bite off more they day. 1 1 0m is representing the O. D. tbey stBytd nftil: rpldpight. i,A, could conveniently mastioate, SlJfS ll'ra.nks liquor ponse,of Waype, and is ",old watch was TO' 1 HE ", the Sioux Oity Journal, and then there enjfJ;vl0K a good trade on Green Briar, Miller by 8 rating; m..qfjt i ,,' ' , !i' . was "ohewing' tbe rag." Diamond c., Planet aad Ca.lifornia popula.r, young lady, while ,QD,e 9' th\\ " 'I' Owing to the crossed wires, the elec· 1'lmea. . Owens I trio ligbts at Furchnar,DueriA' & Co. 'l'he Bloomer Girls were to have Qnd be has ",!;',I ': ,! I',: ":'I! burned at the entrtlonoe of the door playe.d ball nt O'NeUl laat Sun.day, ... 0 Id SIll p. . and ,et ftrs to the awning. An alarm but a r.moosr,raoo, .. as fiI.d with the A r.uow giyin4 ,oi' ','.' , ..,.. . ..•. '...." . . :"'.""."':.".;'.,1.'. ,.. e' ,r . .' : .. "n IC was 'tlven Bnd in n. "jlffy" the fire .cHy oouncil and th,6 SchUlt>r 1 was arre¥te<\ ,B!r 'If'" SIC dies were on the but a bncl:r:et Lhl'eoltened to enforce tile state stat- SaturrlRY' Jhe !ito,rei Rod their to pro- . . •• " ..•. , ,. . ., •. ,"'•...•.... ,!il; .", .... " ",,! Wm. Piepeofitock's building of· t.he peace" nnd over to th.e' I' ' -;:-- has b3cn movdd this week to the lot dlstl'ict 'oourt, and brou'ghti t'o Wayne' 1.1 ! Was i, bt'nl,g Mal,cht'nes? w" a' yu·e, 'A'ugu' 8t'I!'.·."2'\0"".'" oompleled be will havd one of the other men having b,eflo arljcsted est and best equipped barness ma.uu- ohal'"e,j with aidmg SchilleJ: II I fucturing (stahl.ishmonts in. the west. theft Friday Dl.'"".,t. , The men .. an'ested a 1 I ' 'were Knut and, ' ;11 1 :: ,. I 0 W T. '"Boyd on,e th,e, best :At the 'prelhxp!Jarr bearing 'beld. 'T the' cean avoe h.eld ben,oh in ,Hogkina Monday, they were bonnd ' I' ry , ', , Imy In Nebraska, will ba.ve the over to the distriot oourt I\ud fa.UinR R d" B " . I' . '. ". "1' .. '. . ee, .5.".,'. , <a. n,.'.,I" ,' ,'.,' ..'.' T i'-ey are go o'd h.ld at Norfolk MondRY, Aug. lith. Luodburg repra,ent.d the' prl,oner. " " knows JQdge Boyd he at the beari·ug. I .d d 't' will Bllooeed himself by la.rger mqJorlt.:y an,," on you than the BrRt tim, eleoted, FOR SALE, ' [ 1\mt T ::r t J u I es ,L. ... ,. !.'. ': .• :!. "':, '+,'.1'."." 1 precinot Ifour horses killed by more, and after a tria Hghtolng', while standlng in the barc. Good 'f.'m' ,FOlnR,. oSuA,LtiEe'r'n' 'a'n'd n'or'h'. ' ,',<I " ,,' ,j,; i ,', ,',' i.,.I,"'.!'ii'!llil ,;",,!,:i l :l,i:irt, I' Id' th There WRS no trace of the lightning ..... Ii 1t I Y OU W, ou use no - .rn Neb,a;kR and KRn'R'. II yon ore GIG 'd" · hnvlng_f>trllok the barn, but In the enera O' Ime' , . ing 'ble Go·ods at ani· . .,,0 '. . "'111 •.':1; "'Ii, -I, B'yron Boil was a'Oarroll visitor be· j , II ' an ,id ,eli.blesto,e. era,V en. J .. M. STRAH.• ... ...• .. ";". 'fQbW .. C.'a'hie. r.::.::I·. ot the aoonty, was a.t Wayne on bus!. bottem prices, call on,or ,address, AL. J. M. Strah&D"" R. E: ,K.:M Geo11l'e > nesa Tuesdaf..:.....Carroll Index. B):BT1 H. SMITH; 8elby,'S. D. 00:=' Frank Fuller, John T. Bressler and H. F. . ;:·1, ';I!,:,.. 'I' J:.!L,Jh,=========_=_=-=-=-===== .. _- :: .•.I":,".'I,,:l1.· •. .. ..',t;I.y. Year. '1:', II -.- i: .•. I·.· ..••',·.'·:'.· .•.',t.l l l·D .•.. 0.'000000000000 Store. GO' SU'pply the School Books 0 B D o o o § o Book Store. B iOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Transcript of I' . THE WAYNE -- ',t.l Store. GO' TheMillerManureSpreader ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne...


': l'fIumLer 28.


,,, .... , 1..,1...;'_.m.S u hscri",tioll Su.~Jo i'n 'Advance.

'1'1I 1

I! I

fiv~ Centis.iT-The ,.~~;!}~}~iOdt;llrl.. : I

Pure Fruit Syrups, IPure Carbqnated Water, l' ,

, iiPure ,Icc Crl:itlll1 ii

Properly JlIilscd ,iil'ro~hlCe 1~J(li': Ii. .. !),j;fMi Soda.

IrE. SElt\' E TlUT KIND 1':V,E[~r· ''iDA Y.

---HIE TASTE TElllS _._1_,_I_

, Come in ! . .'! r:!:I,1 .

You Pir" Ah,'ays .W·eltollle. I' ":.. . , I:,:,..,.}~ot>i.t.~;.u,~ ,

Raymond'sDr~g S~i9:re., , i.. ~,I " ! I! I! ~

Wayne. Neb('ilS~il. II.,.,:I' '


r~"!j*(j!"'~}!!-:':!f~n;';'!t~".''!~~!Y~X~1'9 ·~':Ili(·A·/\·~>,(jr."! \~\.l!x./~~;ri)(! @!X!)@(~ ~~':J

Ipianos and' ~~gans IIChickering Bros: and' ' !

: 0 ,i ,I :'ur pianos ,lIC IJotlghl flom LIllI; ma frs

and we Clrl <':,lV(" ~ on m()fll'\" 'In 1i1hese ~.

: goods. ('ash or on time. ':'

~ I , f

I M. S. OAVlsti Ilh__~~




Doubles the value of manure by covering two acres where.you could only cover one by hand.

Note the foJlowing pOllllS OJ slfpcnonly over ollter II/((/'-es. •It is just the right wjdth to straddle corn rows anel leave all land evenly 'covered wilh

JllUnure. O'thl-"r machines ran llO! dll /food :uork wlthout driving team and spreader wheels­on "cut corn stubble, a thing any fanner kno\\'s is impo~sil)le. . 711C 3fi/ler is lI,e OnlySpreader that will do good worklll winter. Why? Because it has a solid bottom that is

,scraped clean every load. It is It;;t.;' do:"", making it easy to load, Is lighter draughtthan any other machine. We can stop or start cylinder in dependant of feed, ei:her isoperated at w,lI of driver. We can put on 6, Io,'or 15 loads per acre and unload in six

minutes. Is simple, slrong and duraule, having' been on the market 14 years. Try one.


'.NIWI;The Miller Manure Spreader...




1..Wayne IDrug I~Co.


••Boyd Annex,

·1J. T. Leahy. IPhone 79. ~

i i..-.

I' .


NeelY' ~I "'.:•

Call on us for anything .for Ihe .

school. Dictionaries, Desks,

Blackboards, Slating, Crayons,

Pcn'cj.}~: Slalc~, Tal~'~ts, Inks,

We carry everything for th~


'Adopted by lhe Wayne County Oflicers Association.

Exchange and Net Price.

the School Supply H~use.rl ,

PrussianStock· Food.

,'IMakes Hogs Grow.'Prevent Disease.

:, "I:,h t~ial buck~t will con~"'vI'1'ce you that it pays to

ilf~~drrussian Stock Food.

!;';el:: i;r t~:gS~:I~:le~,: :::

,!i:~h~el;' ~tisease~ to ~ ap-pear in

iybu'rHerds. Be warned in

::titJ'e ,a~d use Prussian StockI', I'

'Fd~d to keep' your hogs

, ~ ,1r ;~I~lthlX' Prussian Reme-

1(1' cl arc aU' Guarmltccd tv, I ' •gitrt, sal/s(aclloll.


Fruita fresb and nice, Ilt Brooklol{s. Try Brooking1s prsDd of colfee.

it was hotter th:t.o ye&terdll.y, Tues-I' Ora'lgeE, b:mQOas. and 1emODs stLocals and Personals. Both City day. Brookings. .•and Country, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cedar County Fair date is Sept. 2:3 j F')l' large 108m ffoP. long time see

to ~; IPb,1 H Kohl.E. A, Lundburg wass Norfolk visitor Tbo6. Lund was here from Wimide J. A. Williams of Randolpb, was 8

Mondar· Tuesday. IWarne viSitor Sunday.v'red PhilJ~o went to Sioux City lilred Utecht was here from LogRn Money to loan 00 Real E~tate best

Monday mormog. Saturday. op~ion", see A. N. Matheny.

4Jl..:...~=-====~_=__======."'-=-=-=-=-= -==·=======.=--=----=-1 R. H. JRm~3 tramsoted business in Fliday Via':i a cold and dls"g eeable MI~s MalY Barer 811'1\'ed home from

IWinside Monday. rallly dar 'I't'kam \h Mondayevenink.

Miss Winnie Mears C8~~ over from John MOl'ds came down from (Jar. Frauk 1."ra::1018 w.as ill ,W,,ayne ~tm~Sioux City Monday morDlng. I roll Saturduy. day afternoon'trom Garfl~Jd. !'

A. L. Tuok!3r snd Gilbert Frenoh John Gillen of D:XO:'l, wa~ in Wayne Arthur Bro'1lett len Tuesday, mO,tn-were Wakel:leld visitors Sunday atter. last Thursda.y. IDg tor a D;l,)Dtbl:! vac~tlo~n In. O.~k~,'~~, ',.Doon, '11'01' Fire and Tornado Insnr&noe, Mls3 Edna. Nieman' wJnt to Dt pn,

Mrs.. Beckenhauer aod daughter reo see A. N. Matheny. Friday to ylslt tor 8 felw daye wthtur,w'1 hom9 from Oma.ha. Sunday trlend!i i

i O. M, Hurlburt of Ct1rro!l, W8"l I'l.l ", I ' " Ie"~::s~'and M Clyde Winterburn nnd Wa.yne visitor '£ucsriav. Mrs. A, n. N'iO?Olo~ ll~~ SOD, ~~.~~, ~ Will Hart of WinsJde, wa"! a Wayne to Ott~m~R, low?,. 'la~t 1i,~ldQY to v1~lt;f~as. ~::('e were in Hubbard Sunday visitor Mo~day mornlnj;{. for (\ few wfeks with r,ell1~lves. ;

ern , '.., , Geo. Closs'and wns an east bound H. S. Ringlan~ re~urned Satnr1ay


. Mrs. S.. ~. Morehouse of Tekamah, pa.sseog'er TUl;lsday morning. morning from a! ple~sant vrsit 'w~tbIS her VibHJOg. with her daoR'bter, Mrs. reJatiyes at ColorAdo l:3priDg3 andW. R Weber. . ~~. acd Mrs. JO?O 'r. Bressler are Denver. " ,

Mrs. J. Webor Sr. of' Florenoe, is VISIting at c:ot Sprl~~s, S. ~. Assistant, Postm:l-lster Cbas. I!\ Sm.ltbhere VjSitlll~ with bel' 80m,' Waiter, .A fine nun fell 11 l'lday nlg. ht, wbloh went to. Coleridge Sl\turday even~bgIDmil and Will. practioally a~S'll'e ,thtJ corn CL'OP to \'jsit wi! h bis olother for afew d~YB

W, E. l1:. c tl.'lt of Pender, visited one Mis~ ,Ju!Ja Sulliv,jn WIlS an eae.t and atbel'!;,night Thursday with ,Landlofll Cham. bounrl paRseu'ger lI'r1d'll;' morning. Gao. Ber,ll; or WtnBido, ,waq I' WHinebers ot the Perrin Hute'. 'M~ DcuJiagel' of ,H'JskillS, Was iu visitor MoulllY. lIe was lookin" to' ~Geoq:~e Blel{ler of Dloomn ... II), was Wayne on bu!;JlJOSS 'l'ues,:IIlY forenoon, horse thu.t hud 'Iitray~l1 away hom, )i"

in t,be oity several da.ys the past week Mrs.. '1'. 'J. Wltt,r of Ponoa, bu.'! been plaoe east (f WID&ldlil.' ,\'lsit1n~ relative" Burl frIends. the ~ue!it of Mr6. M. S. Duvie., the '1'be ,republioan; de'(Jg~tJ>s will ~s

Mr. and Mra. Floyd Jones o!una pnst week. sembie ,again, ne~t S~turd8Y for theIIp from Oma.ha Satul\itly to vhJ\t, for MI'. and Mrs. H.,ll)')' Ley u~p(uLed purpose ,ur. nom~natipg :a oandld~te

tl few dill'S with Mr. Bnd MrR. Ell Jones, SH.tllrdll.Y COL' a three weeks vi!:iit ill for countv commi~si'8ner. 'Investigate the Merobants Life As- Cafitornia and Ol'e,l:{on. A train load ofi oat~le r;ere Bhip~~d

Isociation plan, before placing YOllr D, S,.M'Js':im·m and da.tlghter Eithe,l'" trom Wayno Monpay ,,~~erDOpJ)i ,Frbpk,insurance. A. N. Mathen]", Distrlot of, Vin!~!J, 10Wd, were ~uesta at thalr Strabn Bbt~)ped Ii CR.~S, Wm., Gil~~r­

Ageut. brJthE'r'lu-Iaw, A. J. It'ergn,~on a r rew aleev~ H oars, Ge~.' Bq.sh 1 cars anqlp.'1'1Ie la.dies of the Baptist churoh days, the past week. J. Lund ~ oars.

will give a.n Ice,c~'eBm &ocial on the Protect rour wHtt III co.se of c1e'atb A ql1iok! way ~o ,~ak~ ~oney, i I~y:e~ul'o~ l~wn to·lllghL. All are cor· by ~!:a~ing oul; a P.oli~y in the Mer· tradi~ll' Ill, whe~t. ~he! ,?l)pqrtu~~tYiIdlslly Illvlted to attend. ·che.nt'i LIfe. AessOO\l\tlon. A. N. Me.- for p,rofl~abl~ a.nid s~ort. Wy'~6tm~~t,~!

la~h:e~~O:~~ra~~~: ~~~[~~ ~~:~~~:. tb~~~~ ~1~:rJ~::b~::'tllrneu homo to ~~:r~;t~~'~~dw,';;;~1::~MO\J:~;~~' Ili'l I

teellth Inning they quit tbe game, it Wayne Wednesdl~Y after fL visit here Ave" Chioaj;!'o"lll. 2,} ,. I ;i,: I,!:I

Ibeing s tie, 6cora 2 to ~. to her brotller, Joseph Leahy anri It h~s coin~ t~ p'a6s: ths~ And~~w, ,:~~

Mrs. C. McLoed and Mrs. Sigworth, tam,ily,-WISner Chronlol"e. Carnegie, the gte:at l~bfSry :flfjnd, ~,~s ,-.-----~--"'----."""-~'''-"-'-,'.":-;._-"... '-"-'-,.: -.",:-'_·~_· ...:·,:T,:'III',••,.•.T,'T,•.• O-'I'. ........,..~l,.,~•. ,".' . ---:~:.'of Wayne, sisters, bave gone to Wyom '1'013 neavy rain Bunday night fixed about, deQided to', laqnch ,~:lll:t on th~:

ing .to Bpend :he sum~el' i~ th~ Big the oat crops 80 that for t,he most part newspaper field. : Wep: wqu~d~,'t t:~~~ E bd C" I ' ,


Hor!1 mountalDs aod wl~1 viSit f.rlendS It will return t•.o d.ust from whence it burn. .YO,'." .. It thf.S 5~0P., ld:. \>•.•'. tr.u.!~!,. i~I•. ' .! , > I i ;:1' ~. ~. at Sheridan.-Stanton Picket. oome. HHoY and corn h tLe only real wi,lL be oil up "'dtb, ,the,li~rary b,U6lD'~B'i ': 've'ry ·0' Y" ,., ,,,~,I, "m'"'e .

"Arter paying dividend .. tbc chewlnp: tblng tmyhow when it comes to sbip A larJ;c6 hood D9 iSY iC~OWd atten~~di ' I; ': ' . '

~;i~.~;oOS;nft°b~~~~·li:~t~:o::t~I,:'~: P[;~:o~~,,:;:::e~ayn., was g".ung~~etbs:~;:·~o:V~~'~~lRI~:;t::~~~~o,~;,: '. .,~. . .' .'.:, ",' ..,.".."."'.:"""".,, ' ,I '.!"••,: 1[:"•. ".,":,.,.,1"1',. ", ,; II ,,' '", ~"itbe chewing trust apparently were wise old acquaintances tu Randolph Mon- every,one was weill ple~se,4. AnyhpwenQngb not to bite off more th~~ they day. 110m is representing the O. D. tbey stBytd nftil: rpldpight. i,A,could conveniently mastioate, SlJfS ll'ra.nks liquor ponse,of Waype, and is ",old watch was B;.var(~e1 t~.r~liss liJ,~~I" TO' 1HE ",the Sioux Oity Journal, and then there enjfJ;vl0K a good trade on Green Briar, Miller by 8 rating; ~etbqd,as..tb.e m..qfjt i ,,' ' , !i' ~ .was "ohewing' tbe rag." Diamond c., Planet aad Ca.lifornia popula.r, young lady, while ,QD,e 9' th\\ " 'I'

Owing to the crossed wires, the elec· Ko~da.-R~adolpb1'lmea. . Owens ~oys rec~~~e,~ a.1;l~t'Ij~jl?~ J;1lQ~~~'; I

trio ligbts at Furchnar,DueriA' & Co. 'l'he Bloomer Girls were to have Qnd be has oal?,~n~ed th~ W~?~,~tbl'i'1g" ",!;',I ': ,! I',: ":'I!

burned at the entrtlonoe of the door playe.d ball nt O'NeUl laat Sun.day, Tbesb.o~w8.s,~~Il\\'C!~,t~~~e...~."r~ol8o, 0Id SIll p. .and ,et ftrs to the awning. An alarm but a r.moosr,raoo, ..as fiI.d with the A r.uow giyin4 th.~all\e: ,oi' J.o~,,: ','.' ,.. ,.. ...•. '...." . . :"'.""."':.".;'.,1.'. ':'·~!i."·.':.'. ,.. e',r ..':.." nICwas 'tlven Bnd in n. "jlffy" the fire IRd~ .cHy oouncil and th,6 remoD~tl:atorfl SchUlt>r1was arre¥te<\ ,B!r a;~~~ns I~t, 'If'" SICdies were on the spo~, but a bncl:r:et Lhl'eoltened to enforce tile state stat- SaturrlRY' ~or bre~~in~ ,nt~ Jhe !ito,rei

~~r:i:~: wb~~~ g~::e~~::.ork Rod their ~~:~,~ot~ed~~~~t~~~0:l~~:'d to pro- ~a::i:~nG:~:~r~~; :~~~':. ~t~:~i:'t~:, . . •• " ..•. ,,. . ., •. , "'•...•.... ,!il; .", •.... " ",,!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Wm. Piepeofitock's hQrD(~s's building of· t.he peace" nnd b.')~n(l over to th.e' I' '·-·'-~~-'--·-I-'-' ~ -;:-- has b3cn movdd this week to the lot dlstl'ict 'oourt, and brou'ghti t'o Wayne' 1.1 !

Wasi, bt'nl,g Mal,cht'nes? r:'~~E~;:~~:~~~::~:A:~~e~rt~~trK~ ~~~~i~~~¥0:~~~~E~{1~:4t~::~:\~;' w"a' yu·e, 'A'ugu'8t'I!'.·."2'\0"".'"oompleled be will havd one of the larg~ other men having b,eflo arljcstedest and best equipped barness ma.uu- ohal'"e,j with aidmg SchilleJ: ~n th~ II Ifucturing (stahl.ishmonts in. the west. theft Friday Dl.'"".,t. , The men.. an'ested a 1 I

' 'were Knut E~iokso.n and, Ge~rge ktao~.1 ' ;111:: ,.

I 0 WJI~dlJe ~. T. '"Boyd on,e o~ th,e, best :At the 'prelhxp!Jarr bearing 'beld. !at~'T the' cean avoe ,Jndg~R ~.hat. eve~ h.eld t~e ben,oh in ,Hogkina Monday, they were bonnd ' I'ry , ' , , Imy dI8t~IC~ In Nebraska, will ba.ve the over to the distriot oourt I\ud fa.UinR R d" B ~,.

" . I' . '. ". "1' .. '. ~:~:;~t~?~::tt~:(~:n~::J~no~:n~~;~t;~t~a~I:'I:I~rlt:~;:.h'~t~::n~~a~~ . ee, .5.".,'. , <a. n,.'.,I" ,' ,'.,'..'.'Ti'-ey are go o'd h.ld at Norfolk MondRY, Aug. lith. Luodburg repra,ent.d the' prl,oner.

~1 " " ~verybod¥ knows JQdge Boyd a~d he at the beari·ug. I.d d 't' will Bllooeed himself by la.rger mqJorlt.:y ~,'

o~eE!i an,," on you than the BrRt tim, eleoted, FOR SALE, ' [

~~.~~1,~, 1\mtT::rt la:~ :~:::.~me~o:~~:'~:;:;;:Y~::::::& }l::;~_:_~_n~_~~I._gO_;_r~-"o:_~-"'.a~~~~; f~~ JuIes ,L.,JJrIJ9,~j,!II'i, ...~li". <;l.~., .!.'. ':.• :!. "':, '+,'.1'."."

1 precinot ~ad Ifour horses killed by

more, and after a tria Hghtolng', while standlng in the barc. Good 'f.'m',FOlnR,.oSuA,LtiEe'r'n' 'a'n'd n'or'h''. ' ,',<I " ,,' ,j,; i ""d~ ,', ,',' i.,.I,"'.!'ii'!llil,;",,!,:i l:l,i:irt,I' Id' th There WRS no trace of the lightning ..... Ii ~ 1t IYOU W,ou use no - .rn Neb,a;kR and KRn'R'. II yon oreGIG 'd" ·hnvlng_f>trllok the barn, but In the enera O' Ime' ,

.ing ~le'slel'a'ble Go·ods at :~;:~;fn:~~a~~:h:~.~~~:dft;~,~. ani· E~~:~:Jd.I~~~r:::~~n~·gt:B.B~:F· . .,,0 '. . "'111 •.':1; "'Ii,-I, B'yron Boil was a'Oarroll visitor be· j , I I '

an ,id ,eli.blesto,e. ~j~~~~t~~r:;~~i~i!~F~N~::~':"~'~""fera,Ven. ~~~t~~:'·JE::~:~:M~::~::;::!t ::~!I;~:~;~ i~~~~~1E~:~:~,';:e~E J.. M. STRAH.•~:~~~n.;i...~.~d.sS...•~.;~v;~~.-:r¥9..";". 'fQbW..~.~ON.: C.'a'hie.r.::.::I·.

ot the aoonty, was a.t Wayne on bus!. bottem prices, call on,or ,address, AL. DJREOTO~.s,:"":'7 J. M. Strah&D"" ~.:~~,S~rahan" R. E: ,K.:M o~~: Geo11l'e Bog~rtJ >

nesa Tuesdaf..:.....Carroll Index. B):BT1 H. SMITH; 8elby,'S. D. 00:=' Frank Fuller, John T. Bressler and H. F. .

;:·1, ';I!,:,.. "~iii: 'I' Illi:I!:.iii:riii~lill;ihl,Jlt!I,liillliljliI1!1111:1'1illai jl~~liij~1111~Wllill~~

J:.!L,Jh,=========_=_=-=-=-===== .. _-

~~! ::.•.I":,".'I,,:l1.·•. I.,~,.. I,,.I,',.','~..',t;I.y.~Sevenlh Year.~i;li '1:',

t:I~" i'W]r;L;~;.;.;;Ubli~J~;~;II ;h+~-. -.- -~-'-T,---"'- --..,-"---,-,._--~-

i:.•. I·.·..••',·.'·:'.·.•.',t.ll l·D.•.. 0.'000000000000W·tIBii;III[~" Jo~es'Book Store. GO'

SU'pply the

School Books 0


J~n.es' Book Store. BiOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The ElWE ;l Kitchen G·abinet.THE I OUSEKEEPER'S BEST FRIEND.'! ' I

I -,The greet economizer: f woman's time ann. strength. It affords

B couy.<nient place fo~ all utensils as .well as materials used In

cookir.'l. The tin line' tioar oheats and bpioe boxes protect the

content~ from mice, d mpness aod wasle. Every part OBD be

readily clt~aD!;tdt and ll: tlling about its oonstrllotio~ to get out of



W. II. ~lcNEAL, Editor.

• IprICe..


'1'0 a.1l perlil~m interfste,d.:ln the Es­tate of Carolina C. Thayer, deoeased:

Notloa is hereby glven that C<ll'oliueDiokersotl and Maude Tbayer, deviseesunder tbe wlh of said deoedent, hav8filed their aPt>]Jcation in ~be Oouut,yCourt ot Wa.yps, oounty, Ne,braska, forBn order 89signing to them ,the Callow·ing d0:3oribe9 ~·ea.l esta.te ,devIsed tothem by the ,la.st wHl and testamentof said decedJnt, to wit: AU or sectlQDSeven In Tow~sblp Twenty~siX', RangeThree, in Wayoe count~" NebraekBI

Bnd In' Sout.hwest quarter of Section

Ca.rdinal Sarto, pRlrlarcll of Vt:ln1ce,WM ele(\ted i.\0\ e <:If tt.{\ C\\,t holie chut'chon the FerenUJ b:11JOr, 1'11'''; l'!Y mor.o­illg'and tho Rnno'H'c,;m,;ut. (,f the re;,

---------===-=-Ianlt rrod'lce I joIr9~t, I,'Xl)lt.·mflut in thePUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Etar' "I (J,ty.

C Irdll1H.1 '31r~o iH !:il-dd to be the Duly'l'he Globe Demoord.t avows that "Jt man ,idrl~ ,,"'!\I) (ldO rlla!ta fl':tlnds in

either Cleveland or Bryan is nowi Italy.nated next year, it l,ooks lIk~ 8 ~uf.e The newly elecLed rope bas ta.kenrepnh~ioan Igatn of one vote in 11 PO!Sl- tite Dame uf Pi\1f\ Xl by w'hich he wiUble ho. be known Ul1r,n!? his ~elm of office,

One Omaha jadge bas granted lOi Wi~hDi::~;,I~~~;'laythe new pope ap.divorces in nine monLhs,~ ThIs recor~ peared OB the balr.ony of the llllhilqawill put Omaba. in the field a~ a com- and blessed the populaoe of R:>me Hndpetitor with Gretaa Gl'ee~ and St. the vi'3it'1rs to the oity, who had llS-

,Joseph, Mioti.-Frewoot Trlbu;ne. sembled in enormous crowds.

The Kf!arsarge" crosse-d the 11tl~ntto' He was greeted wltb demonstrative'''ll!!'~~i?!+:':'';~~~H';''*"~,",",;-7:;-~~''':;~--7"-:''jT"-~lat the ~irer~ge rate ot sixteen Ihile~ In lacole.lms on the part of Ithe people,~ hour," Bnd her machinery wa.~ in ~~r. and. the ~i~ops stationed: abo~t the

feot order at the end of the run. 'Un· Vatloan presented arms.ole Sam's builders of b!l.ttle ships are The oeremonies of placing Pius Xmasters of ,their business. on ~he thr0t;le followed i:mmedialely.

He will at onoe enter upon POSR8ssionThe delegates from Wayne cp'un~Yito of his see and" the oeremQnles wlll

tbe repnbUoBn state ol;>nventlon Orre oODolude with hiB orowninK. The cer.tor Judge Barnes of Norfolk, for Su- emoniai of oonse\}ration is very sphm­preme J,uq"e,. Mr. Barn~~, who is D?W ,did and deeply impressive. One of theone of the'sQpreme court oomb.ds$ion. ceremonies-that of burning 8 bunohere, ts'recqgnlted 88 one of t~e 8bl~st .ot flax: before him

lwith, the:' words,

jnrists in the west and eminently "Holy fa.therl

thus passeth away thequaHfied for the responsible position glory of the world," has often beento which he 8~pires and ,t~ w~io~ t.he cited ,for its highly umbolioal cbar.peopl,e ~m elect him. , Roter, 8S well 89 for its drawatic ef-

!I~;t;;;;:;'*-~+-"'~~-"""~;;;'-';"-""---~-~--I August; Wittler, the' republ10iln te~ti 'X t the two hun~red and fH.i,~ nominee 'tor oounty 8sse6sor, has };leen us a 8

one of W8yne ,county's commta810D~r8 ty.niIfth ~ope, the first, ,ooording tofor the past three years, an ofD~e whioh C~t~olio hlgtor~, ~a.VI~I"R' been St. Peter,be bas filled with oredlt to himself dISCIple of ~JJl'IS '. I J1lS ! was 0. na·and the oounty. He (s among Wa.y'ne tive of Aq!J11ela, and held the p~pal

oonnty's mosd sl,:woessrul German orown moe years, from A.. D. 14.. tofarme~e, is ,qu~litl8d to flU t.re ~o~i. 151.tiou in a satisfaotory manner ahd thereis no doub~ of his election thi~ fall. ,

~1~!i:~~i~!i~~:=~~¥~~~~~~~~==4=~~i!'"quite 80 eesi1;r Americanized a.s were \1 Ii' Ithose of a BOOTe of F@sr8RI!O'butJba'nl ,"

ohances are that afrer passim; throllt(tl M0 jd'S I 0' Ithecr{]uiblattlwlli:JbtlieywiIJbe~llb· I ner sao 'mitte,l, the gre,ter Ila", of 'hom ",Ill, , : •be'tran'3forl.U'3d into \1bf~rul memoerS

-----------Iot tbe commun\tJ'.




1"'1'''',.. , , """'''''"~""" CARROLL.""'~ , ~ ,PUT'U~nt, to Ih. o~ll til. R.publio'n. 'i.:~e. ~'rank Owen, i, rep "'ed very

LAKE CITY WAGONS $County CllllVl"ution WbS h~ld a.t th6 Mrl:J. B. W. WluelandlB ou the &lUk

~ icourt bouBe S:.\turdaj afternoon at list. •

,"'i' ' ''I, " : I • ,,<- I I " !~;£~i~~:~d~~~~;~:~r}.:~;~li~ Pb~;:·l~::r. Shaunon I••i~~. wilh Iy

AN0 DUBGIES ' Kreldl""s,cre'.rl.,. O. M. lludburt was. lIayne p.ss,> ~ l'h" l'e~u 'ar m{j!hods of coodualJog II. enger 2'ucsdRY.

;:1, f 1 , ".' , I $~;~~::~~; ;;';:nj~::~~:~'::::~'~;r~bs~ T~~"'y ~~::~~; w••• p....n... east

I,111\\ :HI"<il"-I'II!: '"II" I' n,ent.. An ad!onrnmeotN w8S tbe,n tak Da.v~ Jenktbs was a. Warne passen-:HtJ' I iH I ::'1: .- en untl1 fl:ve 0 dGc~1 owing to the ~t., gar Frld~y afternoon.

) !~i:d:ldiJI:'!1 1!li·!"'flil h t~rnoon trafn' bemg IRote wh(c~ .de.l, Dr. TexleJ's fa.ther' from NeWm&DS

,1 "I, "I I" Jayed tbe delegations fro~ Hoskm,s,_ Grove is bere on a visit.;" ,: I , Hanoock and, Winside preolDcts l uD~ill ' f

'1111 II v:' ':1 that huur, Hrte~ whtch the convt><nt1on Shannon Broa. shipped one oar 0was again c;l,lled to ot'der and lh~ fo1- hog!> to Om!\bu. Monday. .lowiul( limedlterl deler<o,'ions were re- Dyron Holle of SeBttlfO, Waali., wasported b'y the committee all creden· vibltHlg frtends bere Thursday.tials 8S t-ntitled to seats in the oom'en· Bert. Wi'ctlx WI~8 a pasHeDg~r for thetiOD: county oapltal1'uesday morning.

BRENi'lA-Frank Ho~per, V{m. Kreid~ Geo. LaCroix Las !liB !.lew storageler. hous~ completed anti. ready for ose.

CHAPIN-C•.D. Jones, H. R. Hly, Rev. Pbillips hl\.':l returned fr ....m bisCbas. Broo~man. . eastern trip and reports a. flne time.F.G;R;~::~.wm. Jenkins, D. DaVIS, Ch-\s. Btiily sod Dow Love, the Car.

HANCOCK-Otto Miller, Frank ;Long, roll pa.mters were at Wayne J1'r1daJ'.E. PhllHps. Ui. Cadwell and Jake Dornberger I

HOSKINS_M. J. Dendinger, Peter were op from Wayne 'Ihursday on , I~aptz, Wzp. B:ebmer, Frank Beoser.. I I business. , i

HL";STER-D. CuoningbBm J W11 I Thll Olark ,Alltomatlo TelephoneSeafs, W. A. Hunter, O. S. Gamble, system is now completed In town and jll,'BeIlj, Wellbaum. I ready for US9. '

Pr.L'~l CREEK--.\. E. aitder6Ieev~l, Fl. S. Battey went to Sloox CityCha9. Worth, P. F. Panning. and Cbas. Tuesday morning morn)ng returning

~~;:~::~A.Anson, Gao. Purt~r, ~.' in the evening. , Ir.l Lusb', , i, Mrs. U. S. G. Young is enjoying a

·SHJ;R~;,\;S-J. H.Porter, Will Tb~Iqg,s, visit with ber fateer and oncle, whu~va.n Jenkins, 'rhos'.Evan9. live near Pender.

WILBUR-T. S. GcS'l, Adam GrIer, Mrs. ehBs. Shirtl:l, who has beenT,bol? Brook~an. , ~I~k for Beveral days, was ~aken t<;JIWl~S1D.E,-E. R',Oarney, C~ H. FIB~, SIoux Oi~Y Ttle~,day. I

John Ethott. Mrs. Bonham came up and stayedWAYNE, 1ST W~nD-J. D.I{ing, S. H. over Sundar, \lIh') is doing some paint.

-~ ._~---~---------_.~_... Riotmrds, Petar Henkle. ing tor Hleo-klron BroB.~~W'8- Of THE WEEK.: MARRIED. 'SEOOND WARD -0. J. Bulllou too, FOb••, Jones bos tbe frame up for~ "Ill'! I I!II! 'I """1 ' I '_-.- '! ' "GAERT~ER-DINEEN:'-In Bloux IClty, M. Gr(>g~, D. S. MoVicker, R. RusEell, his new dwelling and the work is be-11"II~':'rl'II"·1 'III' , "s last l Monday, :Aog. 3rd, oocurred tbe l"red Benshoof. iog poshed along rapidly.

"I"! 'I:' :I,'! i':;I;;~Ft~)s:,anl;l PCllwnals.:" loth Ci!y marriage' of Mont "Gaertner of tbis THIRD WARD-J. J. Wllliams, E. A. Asher l:lurlburt has ·tlQlsQeq bis! I l' :I~: an~:country~, 0 0 ° 1

00 0 oity; RQ-d Miss Minnie DJne.~ of South Luudbnrg, F',.M. NorthroP1 ~red PhU· vrairie br~akiD&, and .l'lridsy he rptnrn:

'1"1' 11'1 1 "I, ·1' • !. 8ioDX City. Tbe marriage oeremony leo, A. :a.. DaVIs.. ed to bis bome Q,t Waynp.! Tl'ij'1 ~oroe food., Brookings ~as1t. took pl&oe in St. Joseph's ohurch in A OJmmittee mUlled to prepare a ," u'"gs'is 0" fnnm WInside tbis Sion'. O'.·tv. T'he brl'de w·'· formerI17 11 f d I t to tbe 8~te and Jo. Georga Arnott of Tarkio, Mo" stllrt·• , .~ I" ...." !' c at 0 e ega. es "adhome Friday afternoon

lafter 8- few

.' , .:, I of this Ioitr ~nd has many friends. d~Dlal oonventions, made the fol1owin,8' da s' visit with his 8JUS north of Ollr.ti(llrarm for E1ale? List it with Mont b'as Jived here a lo·ng timer 8.I).d r~port whl~b W.BS adopted: r ~ I'iK~~t'. I I ' . I' I I tbe'l coqlp~e has a ~'ery wide aoq)uin.' State: E, R, Garney, 'J'ohn T. iBres- 01 .." H~o~klng8 ~for piokies. 'Theyl t8nJ~, vJh~, wIth tbo BERM.n, wish tbe sler, Wm. Kreidler, Fra~,k M, Nort~. Byron Mossmao"and famtlf enjoyedkil"'ds" " ! ' happy bonple 'happtnesB and prosper. rop, A. R. Davlfl, A. J. Honer, E. H. 8 visIt with their unole aDa coosln

,1< hR', ,': went to Car~oil on' it)' 'tbroughoUt· J1fe~ )fr~ :and 'Mrs. Wright~'lrhos. Brockman, John Sllan. B. F. and E~th8rMosBme.narVlnto!1', " J Ga.rlner for Ihe present wlll t.ke up npn .ud a. A, OhMe. Iowa, this week: 1I ,;p:. ", I"~ " thellr residence in tbis city. I I ,Judloial: E, A. Lllndburg, Evan Mr. and Mrs.~. Emch and daughterauter made a usines8, , , Jenkins, H. E. BimBO, A. E. Gilder· Maud,' went to Wayne Frld'ay. Mrs.

Oity yesterday. 1 I I COLLEGE NOTES:. sleeve, A. A. Welob, L. Ziemer, 81m Emch js having some dental work'and Sdns Brrlve

ld tram N~xt week is oommencement week. ~avles, Adam Grier, Eo' C. Bl'Ooks, I. dOEat phce. ' I

,~owa,' Tue~day ~v~nlngl ~is I~O~.k: ~~, Blo~D;10eLdl'fnte~~~ on yt. Alte,:,.: I '. e, are glad to see our friend and, ' i~'reporteda's dadgerous. Mo~dBY tor th~ last ~wo we~ks 0lf the The followiog wel'e plaoed in aoml- ne Khbor J., nailey, baok W OarrQU

lile!'holll'e Bouthwest of the oity: term. n~tion by ac~la~atlon: C. E. ~eebe, after a ,very p~easa~t trl:p: th.J'o~b"lliF, IBrenner arri'veld t~om ·,Mlr , Bosbart gf Holt ooonty, caJe In Clerkj E. Hunter, Connty Jodge; C, Iowa. and Wi~cpn&ID.

~tb,js morotng ~o *181t f~~ ~ri~ay:to,rem~,in ti~f the epd ~~ t~e H. 'Brl~ht, Cou~ty Soperintenldent; RObe~t:J~ne5 ,f\od :&ahert Pritchardl'tll W !., dp 1 ter"' ~obt. Jooes, 0,ou~ty Surveyor; D,r. J. went to Ma<poet Mondav to look after' II' w" ,,,~ne nen Iq • T' , I' Ii C F C t ~ 1'1 ..~ ...~

"Mr ' P, L, 141l1/Jf 'II,ent tQ ~~»daY·Is ba:~cala.~rea~e d,ay. ,Rev. J. 'Wli flm", orooor. vr oun y ttie thrE~htnliC. af 80W.~ graiu' on tbeir. ~'18t' '. D 'Du'esday evening Rowlan.ds of Lincoln, pr(1aches' the Tr9a'larer tbere ~ere two oandidateF1 far[Q.~ ne~r that JllaoQ. '

1,1 ,111 , ' , ' • , III It"'l .1, I ' ' , I I 8'. CUnnhlR'barq qna J. A. Jotle Q

1 the ' 't '~Ii t fit :of ¥r. Mllle,r, ea ~:' $er~p~., 'b~lIr>t.t resulting tn fa.vor of Mr. Jonoq, ~tl:i~lon 'AgeDf, Aoton, got 8 tele~IWdr has been reoeivo 1 from. New Mi!ils Edna '.aelred, left Wedn9sd/'lY FOl' DIstrlot Couft pl~rlf there we,:e gram Monday from MI'S. Aot~'J, who i,8

t6'tkl::1 nn6uDoj'ng the do.ath pt Mr8. for!a ~rjp to :poluth aoQ. ~tber Wis. two o~nr.l!daliffll U. ill. Ft'q.tber Aud 9 I,ll Oklahoma., ~tat1llg that ,~er 'ather' eni mother .of Mrs. DaD HElr~ OODsin points, H. H;olll,' tbe latter beiDa nomloate,d ooul~' no~ Bv!) ~any hours. i

I 'I I " 'I 1 MIss: .M~Cormiok Clf Ol~bon, hRa all the Ul'st b~llott. Tbere WCl'r) ~bl'~o Mr., and Mrs. ,YOUDg lr~m :Rook Is.' been e~ected to II. position in 'the grades ce.ndldl~l,eB tor Oounty Assessor, Aug, land, IH.,· wbo have been ,viSiting for a

at llowelJ, this state. . \yittlt-r, llclrry Benshoff and A. 1'; Wi~. re~ dars, at the home or Jo~n HeronMiss Sohumaoher enjoy~d a few t~r on .the !~ul·th. b?llot Aug. IWit~- rfl~urned"t~ thei~ home T!le84ay•

.dQrts Visit fro~ her Rlster :tbls week. ler received ~ ~,aJorlt)' of the vot~B :pr, .lsaaos started Monday;for RfewlIe~1 hrme la i~ ~eD8~,~, Neb,' . and was dechred the nominee. I I w~eks vls,it In Ohio,"8tter ,wqJCjJh he re~

B. H. Smith ·goes to B~lden tbls 'R980~utbUCl were p,gsed endo,rsio:g turns to Owaha to take ohaJ;'ge of the.year ~s prinoipal at the 8cbools. We tbe sdmlnlstratlo~of President ~oos~- MethodiBt bospl~al at that plaoe.pre~t?~ a'pros~'erou~ ,year frr tJ)~ Bel- velt aud O~verDor ~:ltokey. ~a~~e~ """" John R: MorrIe, Rev. Bnd Georgedeni s?ho~18. "I' ~a~nes ~a9 ,endorsed ,for Su~r~~e WiUiams went, to Warne friqay to

Lyman Lock.wood was eleoted to the ~::'oonventlo[l was harm'lnloua in Wayne lI'riday to att?nq the toneralprinolpalshlp of the Fairfax, S. D., every pa.rticular and a sweep Ing re~ of old Mr. Hagh~s, wlnoh oocurred on

I sohools. HIs enthusiasm and exper- poblican viotory is predlcte,d. on tbat dllf.t~rda~[ I. ienee,1 will brIng him suooeS9 In hi~ new The following ara tht:! newlY eleated __..c.. ~1 1Thr: Pb\lolll.tbe.n LlterarylSoBlety 'position. , oounly republloan Bentr.l ~ommlttee: HOSKINS.~~ll ~ va 8 progre.m lh the ICollege The class in astronomy took, the Brenna . Perry Benshoof E. w. IZutz Rnd family were down

hape!, Eridar, Anguat 7th. ACter 'sm8.11 hours of Tuesday morning to do Obapin O. E. "ones ftrlvO,ms. Norf~lk Sunday, visiting rela-

~he ~tI?gram, iue cream will b~ served some atar,gazlng, turnlnliC the :tele. Deer Creek R. D. MerrUlO~I t~,e "L~wn.1 AU are cordl,aUr ~Q.. soo'pe to various objeots of intere'st In Garfield F. E. F'ranotls John Smith returned to his home"~"~e,~,lh', :1 ,I, tb.lcelestl&lsplrere:' , I' Ei~nBook alto Ml1I~r In'Boydc0'1nty'Mouday. ';",hjJ.rf.,rillf.m~: wen" to NO,rl?lk ftb~S The N. N. O. geOloglc.I' co11e6110n Hoskins O. TempIl/> Mis' Jennie a.rter of Wjnul<ln, I.

·1 ,,R,~,t:t~~g <~Q act as a ~em~efi,o tf e is receiviua some valuBble addt'tioDs Hunter EmU H~nsen vlaiting with her frl~qdl :mhua Benson, 0'. I~~~n+l,D:ing: board ~o~ t : nalD; ~g a I n frolh the geological department of the Plum Creek E, A. Glldersleeve Leslie Bal$Qr bflli aODe to' Lindsey, '~~de~lto tb~ Naval 000 amy ~ A~n. Stat~ University, In the form' of fOBSUS Strahan E. A. Wright Neb, where be has bought 8 barber '~,ppl~~, frow the third. oong,r~ss,lon~l illustrative ot ~ebr8:8Jra'sg~oloaf' and Sherman G~o. Ne,t1RD~ abop. ' , ',' j."~~~tqi t. ". . !: \' of fulnerals from varioos states ilIus· WUbul: R. JjJ. HBDsen M.Iss Pearl Green left yesterday lor

' U'~?'I d was ,received here ;Yf8ter~ay tra~ive at economio geol0KY, a tot~l of ~in!ilde F. S. Traqy a weeks VIsit at Beldsn."I ~n?9~nci~R' ~be death- ot, GE!'v~ FfJ?" uin~t)'.four speolmens. Espeoial,~redit Wayne, 1st ward J. D.:Klng

I ,~~) I~orked £l.~ .tbe case- tor &·~nomber is due to Mi8s Carrie Barbour, curator 2nd wBrd A. T. Witter As usual Hoskins ORme out seoondO;r ")leQfS in the printing omces oC t,hl8 of ~he state' geological mesenm, for 3rd WOld < F. M'. Northrop best In tbe ball game here Sundl\Y be-'t jH t Bloomfield I at tbe ' b B tween Wioside and tl:\18 plsoa.'01 Y·I" D,wae,e. I I the, variety and exoellenoe of t e S,ecretary ertBro~n

I . it~'me! f, hie death whloh oocnrr~d T~es. spe'himens sent; I A motion oarried empowering the The Bega ~~~qfth l4eagoue, will Rive

"IQ,ar'·I';\:' . .',' I', 4IB8CaroI1neStrt'na:er of tbe:~tate doontr Central Committee to ftllaDY a soclal l\t John Wilson's tomorMW THE SELLS &' DOWNS SHOW leap-' I R.o\ember .tb. b.~ oirou. ne,.t Wed· UnIversIty, while vl,IUog In 'fMs city v.n.ncles that may ooour on tb. Uck- even In" fnr the benent of the minister. MAKBS A BINB PAI{Il.DB. rve1i'n:e:ada~~ Come to town and! se~ itbe last week favored the ato.dentg 9f the et. (l, B. MiUQr ,was brooght to town 'I, there

. itit" ~~n&.ger!e and dr,Ink.l'ed le'mont\de~ zoo'ioir oll/ls with a bl.hJy instruotive 'Following were resolutions adopted; yest(ll"day morning and placed under Crowds View It DUd. A.re Wett Pleased Iwere many, created any amouD.t otSella ~ DOWDS Cirou9 Co. )s a 1""611 reo· talk 00 flatworms Friday morniDa. As We oO~'i~~~g~ bonds to keep the peQC~ for threlten~ -The Whole CDVD.I'lDdO Impress.' oleRn fo.n. The Se1l8 & DOWDS Shows

'. omen,~ed oompany, aod it Ie tepor.ted .Mi~8 Stringer baa been ma:kln&, R speo Indorlu, the ad- ing to oarve his. wife with R butcher Ive aad Merltorlou8~ALoul are weU worth seeinR'. At Waynethey bBrr~ 34 railroad o~r.a! fUl~ of lal,l,study lof the~~ worms,~or ;~ome Hoo.evelt. Presl· knife. , , Ll8toIF~.e~or-t~r.~r,8. II IWedneBdB:r~Aog.12. _ 'I'8b:

ddSf ':' ! months. and hRS been able to make ::lI1l~eo:.t'~I~~~ Kout Erlokson, Jal'k SohiUer and The parade of tb. big 8ells & DOWDS

' Th~ Ladle&1 Mlssionarr Soaiet, or ne~ Qontrubutions to th~ knowledge rbo~ra.c::~~~~:ce to Geo. Maok were arrested for breaking Show th19 morning was witnessed by M.rs. L, H. Ca.mpbell of Omaha, isthe ,Wayne Presbyterian oburob i are at this class ot animals, her dlsco'sston n,ie're'a'.h'p'roW,"po·'r"ty' IU,to ebBS. G.·eeo's store 18st Friday ,the usul1tbroDI8 of corioosand hapPJ. tn the olty visIting her aunt, Mrs. N. fL.

1 '. i 'f b' -> I' I J J hli .'BOL,TONBLOCK, SIOUX CITY.IA. ' ,'beIng entertained tb Ii a ternoon y had the effect or in8pirina IiUm ~at on Wm, Mol{jnley la DlRbt and taklo8' about f20 worth ot hearted people, a large number ot . a o. Furn1&ho!:l gl"ssoll to re-the 'spolety or the WakeOel~ ohnrch for: orlgin~l work and it lis hop.-d of goods. They had a hearIng before whom CAUl. from. tbe snrrolindlng .E. D. Mitohell W(lot to Indian Terri- , Ileve hORdllche. nervous-at t.he home of Mrs. H. D· IHa8,kell. arousinR desIre foroontrlbotlng to the Justlo!) Templln and were bound over oountry. The biS pageant proved an tory 'l'nesday, wb~re he is lat'~ely in~ . nOllll, red Inflamed 'lid•.Quitef a n~mber of the ladies arr in BU~ 01 homan knowledge. I tUl next term of oooft b~iog nnable lntel'HttDa .aDd attractive sleht. The ;terested in ,Feat esta.te. "" crossed oyes., blurrln~,Qtwp,<IQllI~e. ,! The follOWing is the progra~ of to fornlsh ba,lI, they Wfre Hot down gildld cageR, open 'deDI of wild anh Steps art' betng taken to recognize' I' 'et.c,

'. AJ~ng the large number o:f Ca;rroll oommenot)went exerolses: Saturday, to Qoard. with. Sh~rltr Mears tor a. mala, dRnoln" pranoin. 6tHds, gall7 the old. Cnrn Palaoe band and it wlll WI~L BE IN WAYNE, AUG, 10,

, peop~e in' the ()ity Saturday were: Joe Aur. 8, 8 p. m.literary contest between oonpla of months. <,&pad80ned, handa,lmelJ attired aoro~ meet with suocess it the oitizens are- :Jone~ the repubUQ~n - nominee' tor the societies. SUDday~ AUI, 9,:11 a. bats and petform.rs generally, mount· 'favorably inolined. '

'rreasnrer. LlI.ndlortl Mossm'an, Wm. m ,I bacoalaureate address. Monday, CooKINO RECEIPT. ed on 8plendid animals, ohlrtotIJ," and ·E'va.n Jenklos, Mr. Davies~ Rodney Adg. 10, 8 p. m., orations of the teach. Take a mixture of ground gl8S~1 lea1 b&nd~, elephants, ,camels and every. Mr. aD:d Mrs. J. :ower are here from"and :Oeo. Merrlll, Rodney Man.Dlng, er~" 01a81!. Tnesda7, Ang. 11,8 p., m" aDq varlOtts ohemioals. Boll in water thin. that waS a~,ertlHd, made 8 Laurel ~O~~y ,visltlOg ,t'eIati~es. Th~~JOhn~Sh8nnon aod Bdonker Clousen. o·r~ttons of the teaohers' 01888. Wed~ aDd eat with yoar food. If tllese in- brlaht and beantifnl display 8oaval. are aooompanied by theil' son, Rev.

~' Mr '. R. J. Armstrong entel'tained n6~dB', AUI. 12, S i'. m., ?rat,bosot gredlents are n'ot handy, bar l\ObHP cade of l,noqllU"~JI'ed, 'DlWit. Tb,t ,Fredo~,G~e,~a,I~~." I'"

. " th'e 'f, 'uu'g people la9t ~venlng'ln honor the Bo·lentIOo" class. Tharsday. II AUg• Oom: On Resolutlolll enameled uten$U' of 150me kind, use it bors6s\ attraoted '~e j>RrtJoplBr atteD~ MfB. O.o.y R. Wilbur received a draftor b'er friend- Mis8 ~sril)n Harrisoh 131 8 p. m. presentation of dip omas a littlo whUp, and you wm get the same tlon or tboae who ,love, well ,.room~ tor f20Q0 from tbe Modern Woodman

: 'or' Mapleton, Iowa, who is i~ the oit. a~d leoture ~1 Dr. Batch, of O~aba, Wind storm and 'fornado InsuranQe. reSUlts. Qat if' you value your health aDd 81\1 aimr.Js',of tbe 1I:.00d, tne.t Selle pf Ame;riOft" yesterday in payment of a'·tbiEi,l.lw,eek as her goest. Whist and followed by alumni banquet. 4.IJex- fhllB ~ohl~A~t. 'I and wish to 8ave money,b'Qy Imported lk.DowD80wn. ,,:1 life ins.uranoe po)loy heldintbator.I'ldan~Ull' were enjitaJZed in B.nd~a' most ~rJi"8 ~Ill be~held"in th!-, 0rera bouse, 'Tlt.ke your b\ltte~ and eggs to Brook· ~uadroPle Eoameled ~tr.nsk::r Ware. Tbe .ftemoOD .bow was In every der by her deoeased hosbaDd.I eDJ?t~ble ,time' is ~eported ~y aU the T~' :~nblioc is cordl~ltY iD;vited to be ~DgB and get:v"l~e received, I 1 , Is pure 8n~ ~oe. 'not o~e off in ...., a hlghl,. entertabJlna one. There John Sberba.hn, who, fo~' eo many!"YOuu~ people.·,' Light refreshments present and remin~ed tbQ,t tb~' all COlq.ein andaee the new Bed :Qoom, your food. lW~r~ ptlO8 gua~Rn~~ 5 was not,. poor f••tnre introduoed. J'e8r& has been theleadin,.manlitBo~I<werelserved. : beain on' time:' I, Snits and Iron r,eda at ttJe new furnl· yel\rs. Terwllllge,r. Br08. The wonderful EUlolt FamUy of aQr~~ torer or first 01888 brlok in Northern' '·n',;' b. K: Porter has opeDe~ a dental ~reah ~elletable8 at Brooklnls '8tor~ ture store. Fleetwood k Johnson. Rev. 8is50n of Norfolk, was 1& Wayne bats won dlltlDot1'e praiee' for their Nebraska, is..unable to half wa)" sop-,

, office 'In rooms above th~ State Bdo .' , Phil Mise Marian Harr180n or ltla~let~n, visitor Tuesday. blah-olase work. The f'am~,. is oo~~ ply tbe demand, made upon, him' for: ·He ti~8 furnished hls otllce wIth. 0001 far,mers Xntnal, Insur~n08. ~OW8, arrived her~ Monday evenlDg to, , posed of • araudfat.her. BOOB, daogh- briok in spite of the fact that he keepsI ple~ '.:u.odern equipment Bud is ple- H.! Kohl,IAllt. 'I'; :fisit ror s,!,ver,RJ dall with Wayne, L9.ndlord Thurston was tn ai~ux ten and ,randchUdnD, the 10UDgeE!t 'enlBrglnl' his'pJ8llt every YelJf. " ,I pare'a. to do all kinds of dental opera- Fred Frenoh left this morni «for riends. Cit}' ttIe,fltst o~ the week. :', DOt over fonr year.. Tb. Martell lam- " .I ttO'OJ.1 The dootor Is II. graduate of tb,e an es:te*ded trip to Omaba, at: Lonhi ' The new subsoribers to the H,"Q,AL~ ::ee8t ~ptions and Ipwest rates Ion U, came In tor speci.1 reoo.nition a.u~ I!'ARM;BRS. ,' 'ohid.go college of nent.l Snrgery a"d'Ne" York. , the p.st w~ek ,.re C,I(. Porter, O. p. oans. 1 hili H.,K~hI, Agt. tIr. ttl... tirey, do, 011 ,tlr. """01., lUl> f' am, ....nt for Th. State F.rmer's:rl and ~a8 recently praoticed at Fair- !w. :J. I Halladay ot Odunall luft'f1, Clark, A. E. Youo" J. 1'. Jeft'el"eOD~ Jas. Ahern ~rrlved from, Chioaeo simply wondertaL .The E"'l Sistel'f;l, ~M!ltnal lriJuranoe Co.of South Om~b8f'I, moD.. Neb., from whioh pl80eheoomls la.a, hi Ivislting wlt4 the O. 8. Owen B. ,H. RothburD, J. W. Epler, W, L. }'.ste:rda7 to vlalt for B few dare .wIth in .lBO",ul. aDd ,diftloll1~, a:o.~ ,on".th;~ don't forget me ;when wanting Io~r.,

• fap.l1y tlrIo ..ee!lf Rlohardsoll;d:S. T.~lor: . .. I/~ ~~a.,,!,~~"lIl~,f~I~'1"', .. ~a~~,:,~ 'l f:'!~

;;tJ'(.I~!:';/;i~~~i:·;:\1 ." 1,.;i~i<~;I' "hl.'i \!fF


" 1 ' •

..·~~~~.W~~HBNRY I~EY, Pl'estdent. '~, A.. bUAME t Vice ~~n)81den~: :" R. .W. ~Y, q88hi~r

'. Individual:, ~sponSibiliti~~oo,OOO.. ',"Will do 8 General Bankfn;;' ~u~~neES~ In~,~rest :~ai4 on T.l~e D~p~~i~II.:·':·


Atlanta. Ga...... .. . $34. Hi00 ao.le July 5.6, 7.

Boston, MIUI~., , :U.75On aale .Tune 2~, 25, :W,

Boston. 1'o:I&8s aa 75Ou sa.le June;)O July 1, 2. 3.4.

Detroit. Mich .' 21 00On sale July 14, 15.

Baltimore. Md.... . 32 25On sale July 17, 18.

Sarntog-aSprings. N. Y ••....•. 3220On sale July 5, 6.

F(om Sioux City, la,

HOIIlOllllol,orl,l' Tound trip tick-­ets on sale to potut", III the North.Northwllilt SOllth !lud Southeast on

J the lilt Ilud ':lrd Tuesdays in eachmonth. All>o one way colonistro.tes to poiut'il in the Souih nndSoutheast on same dateS.

Summer tours vi(\. Duluth orChicago tllld steamer via the"Groat Ln.1Hls.

Write Ine about your trip and'let me give you all Itinerary.llilowlng time, cOllnections, cost,etc. Sleeplnar car nnd, steamer[reservations made In advunce.

- CorrcRporlllencc Hollclte,1 lUlUlutormatioll ChClwfully p;i"eu at.-lOttI'iorce ~t., SiouX,City. luwn. orwrito

W. F. Brill,D. P. A" Ill, Ccut~ RY.

- Buil'alo, N. Y., 4140Pittsburi', Pa 38 :-15W.erloo. 10. •• , 11 25St.padl Minn", 1100Mllillel~polb.,?tIlur... . 11 00WatervJlle, Minll 900Waseca, Mlrm.,... 900

1'lCkets on su,le daily duringJune, July, Augnst, and Sl1ptember!rood tor return until Oct 31.190::1,.. 'i'L ... NT.... G ....

ITS MOTHER IS WELL.., The baby 'I~' h~althy because during gestatlonUs mother ~,ed the purely vegetable ~lnlm~nt.

MoUler's Friend Is:l. soothing, softenine:, ,relax­ing oll, a muscle m.:lker.lnvlgorntor and fre5hen-

~;t~~~~~:~~t~~~Rib~:;!Jit:.~~~a~g;~~l~~i~;jswallowing of nasty drugs-no Inside treatment~~1~~1~ Iltate of the mother dnrlnl{ ~estation mnyinfluence the dihPosilion and whole futllre of the

~~~~AI~~.:I;~~'f~~ rJ,~~~~~T,,~~oj~l~mW;~{~l. tri;~~~a~~~p\~~tf~:et~l:o~:lii~rt~~~,t~~~r~:~"d~~~~~rl~~~~~~~'uP;nl~~.gU~lfc,t~,l~~~:j..~~~~,'Y'c~~h~~~t ~~1111

~li~~1£5~JO~~~LJj~£f~\':I~~Kt~01~:\~I:(~~~1~r~i~remedy hnck(,rJ hy tlVO scure YC(lrs O{SlICC('SS.

'Of dru.':";;isls$I.OO 'Send for our llOuk-Motherhood-rrcc.


Mother"'s Ear, . ,



CHILD• . Send for fr~e sample.SCO'!T & BOWNE, Chemists,

409"'415 Pearl Street..", New Yo~k.SOC. aDd "'.00 i all druggists.


"II' I:~~~~r~;as~ ~eai~ alw~:vs riJ' hand: WII ' ' ,~lso: ~er.ler6 in hideR, furs a~d pelts., II


·I! ~;,,POOL AND BILLIARDI,: I ... . !~~ ~door ~orth of 1I.ralfOlllo••

I;! _~ S.WINSOR, '

, " I BLACKSMIrH"I w&yn._U..~ the "N.v.roUp" , for. ho...... FOR SALE CHEAP.I ';. ' , "1 R. F. D, Ca.rrier's olltdt, four horses,'-4,-~---,-,------- Imail wagon a~d harness. Inquire at

" :1"'HI\ll; K.(lRAVEN, " this ollloe.

'~!}I"'" ~HbTOGRAPHER I 'I I" _I IPuts an ~d, to it ~1I.

II I' ·Oabln.i Photos. Spe·ctalt,. A grievous wall ortlmes comes as

:1" Ilaali.rr ov.r Po.t Ollie\,. a "••olt' of onbearable pain from over'I" ii','· " . .! taxed !orgaDB. Dizziness, Baokacbe,, , I 'Liver complaint and OODstlpation. Bot.A:. A. WELOH. A. :;R. DAVIS tbanks to Dr. King's New Lire PUIs

'11,·1 . I, I'",', ".. , , tliey put aD end to' it aU':. They. are;W':E;LCH & DAVIS,,,'!,., 1!"I" ATTORNEYS AT LAW,. geotl. bnt thorougb. TrY tb.m. Only

250. Guaranteed by L. P. Orth'~ Drag, :,:i;,;. fll ,,":', ~alDe~ ~~b. , : St?re.., . ,

. 'Oftloe UP-BtalrS over the OitizeDsBBDk. l'lrhe umplr~ is about as ~oPular'''·''I~II''·' I,I'I'! ,." :I, " I amoDg.b:aseballpJaYersa8the~~l!Iessor

"':.'·1 I,'IIE'",''' A· '. LU·NDBU'RG, i9 among taxpayers," says· tbeSi~ox'


Oity Joorn;al.1·:1: III <! ., L'· . I , The 'Death PenallY::II' I,:, : . awyer,' .A little tblug .o;"etlm•• r••olt. 10 '

:blvJJFirst National' Bank. de~th, .Thos a mer. 'OrBtoh, In.lgni-'I :'1".'1·... 1,,1'1 '",,"( flo~m~ O?'ts or, puny boils have paid the!CL:+:~""''-''J.-~=-=:--'--'-'-Id.atl{ penalty, It I. wt'se to bave

:jJi:",1".' ~:~I:I.y#~~~,J4B, I !,I~ Bucklen!s Arntca Salve ever handy., It's the' best salve on earth, and will

,., .. [.,,:.1: 11:~,"~r:':<;'I~r9~1N ~N? 8Ur~EON , Rs~vent I t8taJ~ty; ~hen Berns, Sores,1 :" ,:T:: ,Wayne, Nebraska. t~loera Bnd Pilea threaten'., Only 250, She Das Cured ThousandsI~JnJ~I~v.~th'. Wayne Natl!'"a' Baok. at L, P. OrW. Drug Store. . Given Up to die. '

1,',,11,,:1.. '.'11,",11, II''::'''':;;! I' I " ~ouldD't ~t be w~ll to stop and t~iDk ,I 'iii! tbat may b. yoo are ml.taken? Dr. Caldwell of Chicago

··I*~" 11'll'.B':~O':~Dfur; ABSTRACT~R "Two pEb-yn,cil~C~llan-B.·~ill~e~-.-:-ig-:I·IOn" and .pr~~~~~~~: a~~o~:::;aIH~~~p~~:~Y'l" Will, by Request, Visit ro·

! !' I" ::11 "~~fEietate a~d LoaJe. stubborn fight with an abscess.on my fessionally, Wayne, Nebr~ ! I ,::1 Ius'iI.'r8Doe and Oolleotlons. right lang" writes J. Ii". llughes of Do· WEDNESDAY, AUG 26 at the BOYD.Ib~p~ 'tt.'i~ve Botel. Wa;ne, Neb. Pont, Ga" "and gave me up. Mvery- She Will Return Every Four Weeks!,I, '!I~';ii'lll ,,"":,':' bOdy thonfCht my ti~e Qad come. As Consult Her While The Oppor.

1.1..,1 a last resort I tried Dr. King's New tunitv is at Hand.i:llii'r,'li:i~ ,:<I"i,i:., ' ''» ~ Dlsoovery for Consumption. TheI'B.'i':I' :'l~1.YRE, M. • benefit I recelved was strikhig Bnd I, , , .PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. wa. on m» '.et in a '.w day,. Now

. ,II ~a1ne, Nebr. I've entirely rege.ined my 'health." It'O~o. OPPQsite the post o~ce in the conquers all Coua:h8, Colds and Throa.t

bnllding reoently vaoated by Holtz, and Lnng troubles. Gua.ranteed by

the tailor. ~~d~l.~~t~~?ri~r::tt~et:;;~e,Prioe ;jOc

11":1: 1'1,:11, ' 1 ,,1'1 " , I A boy's Rood time at a piunio begios

'113: "~:LErSENRING, M. D.' wltb getting lo.t from bl. motb.r.I. • 'I' IIow m.ny, many tim•• a woman

..~URG!'JON AND PH'Q'ICIAN oaU. out to b.r boy.: "You will getI I Wayne,Nebraska. killed!"

'! 0000.3 Door. W••t of Po,t Ollloe,

" I, "I XRay Examln.tlon~.'1 'I

,ICE'hRALMEAlMARKETI:, :~pl.p,p BROS. p+ps..re~;~,: .;Pork, Mullan, VealI' :~\lic;k~a8, Fi.h and Game.,:Higl1~8t price paid for. hi~e8, etc.

II" "'1"'1·! IW~ti Wanting

, \'11' 'l il1suranCleI :~: 'i,:!: :: You should B~e :

IIW;;F ~ssenheime~, '.i, ..' of Altona ..

I· I: iam :ag.ot for The Contln.ntal

l~r~'~n8dr8~oeOompany ot New York

b~.1 ~r 'th'~ ):It'ronKest old line C:OmpaniesI '~' , , .


in.'e~i8tenQe. " ' .,""!~ , ." I
