THE SALT LAKE HERALD TUESDAY OCTOBER 17 19Ui t I L IWE SALTUKE HERALD phblUhsd Every Day In the Year EY THE HERALD COMPANY Terms of Subscription rMLV month X- 5rvLSJJtliree month fci on year lOU year 0fc svMlvI5KIAan advance one ar 4t5usix month 75 u ct astern offices j Morton In Nassau street York il aslJneton street Chicago t SeCTibers wishing address ot 3d must as well as- H address J raiwrs are until explicit It is received to discontinue All ar t2 roust be every case IJeraia can fce obtained at these Vew TorkrVWaWor A tQrlft ImperiaL V sioij Hotel h coso The Auditorium Palmer Kansas City Coates House Omaha Globe News Co Tpgnath Stationary Co aver Brown Palace Hamilton narick Pratt Store r Hotel anti N niey corner Market and Kearney 1- 8Pniand Ore Portland Hotel Hainea Vsmeapolia West HoteL Louis Tho Southern pQLITIC L BLACKMAIL j an embroidered assortment of de the Tribune yesterday asks quea as follows t her U J much ant nay m toe American arty nfove why was it that the manager ot Iltrald one of th men l t set to meUon the original v r iau party n ry lIe thought ssary to against iijjht the hierarchy Why i there cause tor sow M Herald thought the Utah Lfght Ss watt the most out us fraud a flonwratlon ever at T jptl oir a municipality and u manfully it for more thaw f months It changed iu u night jtracked on all said denuneiu of the company scheme advocated passage franchise defended i4arteusteln against an outraged itl got Z C m 1 and some oUter Mor r IT MAD NOT BBB5- Nit ING The nut Is Was It A worth- I answer to the question is siim- i enough they plain lies In in ogutive form The manager of 1 Herald was Invited by tele j vLie to atUiHl an imnortan Hag of Inislriaiw men Th utlon came from Joseph Lip i in then genaral manager of a imrte who said he could not explain v f purpose of the meeting over the bjit it was urgent that The 4 aid Phould be represented Nat v Uv the Invitation was accepted by tat Heralds manager foi faith i run the business rp Kf got together r pvovftfl to a conclave of jfc atsis RnuM leans aui0 owe or t 1 besides The Herald man Nur only did the manager of The Her all tukt no part in setting iu motion wf uviginal AiuwJcuu jiartj machiu but ads teed the Americans tji The HpnULhad amputhy with r u moreliMakt and irotild oppose it to end The Herald has as little use f i Amarican policy as it haul rOC tv aioimon or nonMormon ot any i who tliss tefe personal revenge the tOUt of piitrtotfiMn or aeektf po ujit toutrbl by Abuse of a whole com rfhr seapnd tuetio to a character Ally bye intdnuation that The Her aM supported the Big Cottonwood wa- r agreement in return for advertising rt the Z C M I and other Mormon ems advertfainy It had not been ting The Tribune may explain its s of business support by libelous luder of a competitor but the busl men of Salt Lake know the Trib l i losing support because it has f iitjurWg the interests of- i i uy and state beyond calculation r unspeahmUI toaarneae of the Trib innuendo is better understood when known that The Hrald has al- a K had the advertising the Z C i and all the jother concerns con r rd as well as of prao ily every businese I no matter what its political at 4c They have advertised in The Herad beoausa it PW them to do so t u ono of them either directly or rtly ever suggested that The I ds political policies would be pun 1 or rewarded by the refusal i o- ri 1 01 businee patronage iidbrect 8BMU a that The Heralds could bought by advertising l Tape i o with the aaser- i The Ke W first opposed the j In by which the city secured tho ir vttonwaod water and then Ja i in a oilght The truth is and Triune knows it that the fran e Snally adopted and which The f Taia supported was radically dlker- ironi the ana first proposed lu its final form thaolty secured the atrr lights a iT0 ut oar tare the right To se th water for a municipal power and lower rates for electric light ug iioiip ot which concas in li uriKinal franchise As adopted the naiuhise was a good business propoBi fur the city and Tho Herald is 7 iuud of its part in gatting it passed r result proves that The Heralds v si lion was right the city water roblem is settled for long years to IBP it is assured an adequate supply water at a riiksulously sinaJl and next summer will see too it depletion of the work which has been r made possible by the fjpanohlso agrae- uent th Tribune has lit tt r arKU- nifnt to advance in QC the AiierScan CUe thA iqlllolous at taoks on integrity ajhonQfcy of is business cojnpetiiorg jt hag ro hed- he whara no dfdferf man can L fiord to support It And If TAe Herald fould be injured or scared by suoto at t it might be ready to take part i a political movement which In i is ortairisod political blackman fruoi which no probity no hayucter however good m ja t gonist- o vcvcr aiiwero can hope to apr at s it is s Mll wflg th people who kuow Its oWner p auJ menageinent should Juds It js own record and the Tribune by Tcord Tl e vordlet ha JalroRfly t record 5 the attjroort wnJeli OT- GlicaUon bas bee gaining ana the pr losing i 1 es 1 f Tlr ct lace ultLlf m MQi Jntonded w bo LY c t J are the hone ood be the q I U i ho U nity r business b non lorm n has t b par L t t P t was nn t I the bah Lk The Herald I boo In r l or AD C Ortg 1 ozmer cottinu 0 r todo wr I I lit itt IlL 4 r Mormons I C pure S 4 C L f es- t t hi g 1 fl I nr hOU te yor- i < > = = < > > > > = REGISTER If your name is tot on the registrar book in voting district see that U is put there today Otherwise you may not be able to vote In the most important municipal election Salt Lake City Its had Hi many years If you are a good clt en you will want a voice in the the mm who will serve you during Ute two years be- ginning next January These men Will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars or the publics money of your money If in your artvato business it should become necessary for you to gIve money Ujan agent to spend and if it should be gfcmary to allow the agent to use his own discretion to a large ct nt In the spending Tfe very car0- ttl In your selection jWould not take the trouble to assure yourself that the agent was thoroughly honest and efficient Certainly you would it you didnt your friends would be Justified in Instituting an inquiry into sanity Why should not political business be conducted on the saute basis It isnt nearly as much trouble to register as it is to do may less important things that you do every day All that it in- volves is a trip to the registration office requiring not more than ten or fifteen minutes of your time Then you will lu a position to express your prefer o c at the election three weeks from today You may rest assured that the ward heeler the riffraff of the community- will register It you want that element- to vote won lUte ofllce to upend your money tar at home today and forget all about registering They will vote the chances are they will vote lot men that you rather have ro njain In private life Then you will rise UJ in all the dignity of your cltl- xenship and protest nut will you have any honest right iq You will not for if you flo not register and vote you will not have done your toward the election of honest competent officials And you will deserve to have a bud administra- tion of affairs just as you wOuld de- serve to be robbed it out of your house and placing a sum of money in the hands of tuG first stranger you met to do thus and so with it Jlegister today If you dont resistor today you may lose tho privilege o voting three weeks from today It your name is not already entered on tho book PRODUCE THE PROOF Sunday morning The Herald asked the morning organ of the American party to name the members of the Morris administration it accused of misappropriating city funds The Her- ald offered to Join its contemporary in a prosecution of the guilty man or men If anythere be We suggested that the American organ submit Its evidence it it has any to tho proper prosecuting oflitIal to the end that a complaint might be sworn out and a prosecution begun Xo response has been made by our contemporary Now The Herald submits another proDosition If our contemporary will file with the county attorney or other duly constituted authority evidence sufficient to secure the Issuance of complaint against any official connected with the Morris administration for mis- appropriation of public funds we will donate 900 to Salt Lake charities ns follows l i to the Koarna orphan- age j l 109 to the Salt Lake Jafui ls home 1W to the Orphans Home and Day Kurnery- We do not require the American organ to bring about a single convic- tion All we ask is that it submit suffi- cient evidence to justify the swearing a complaint and the Issuance of a warrant of arrest In view the fact that our contemporary liVs declared that at least SSM 0 has been stolen from Salt Lake City by members of the Morris administration during the last twelve1 months that the head of a de padding his payrolls and that several departments are fair- ly reeking with petty crime It should have some evidence It the American organ is not sniff ctently Interested In the punishment of criminals to bring the alleged offenders- to the b r as a matter of good citiscn ship it should be willtus do its duty in the Interest of the worthy charities- we have named The sum of 100 is not much but it is enough to support a child at any one of tho three institu- tions for at least six months Win the organ of the Americans submit thi evideneo If the evidence is not forthcoming at once our contemporary must stand con- victed of being one of the orneriest buccaneers that ever breasted political waters THE ANSWERS Former Mayer Thompson and Chief of Police Lynch nominees of the American and the Republican par- ties respectively for mayoix of Salt Lake City may properly be described as two souls with but a single thought That thought is The peo- ple of Salt Lake City are idiots Now some of our readers may accuse us praising Messrs Thompeon and Lynch extravagantly when we say they have a single thought And In view of their responses to some questions asked them by The Herald on Saturday sad print- ed in The Sunday Herald it is perhaps crediting them with too much to say they have even a single thought The former mayor was asked what the well considered plan for an ample water supply for the city promised by the American platform was He was also asked where and how the water would be secured whether or not H was feasible when he was in ofllc before and why It was not worked out theu Fee of these questions the- e mayor may ho always have the pre- fix had this highly intelligent answer I consider these questions aa highly Irrelevant hwompetent niwl Inuna tend I hellov that Is the way lawyers put It And this was Mr Tbompwtts reply after lie had thought the questions over for twentyfour botH Yet the people of Salt Lake are bring iuUOituied to vote for Bum Thompson for mayor they NjW w ifriw most important otfce at their disposal to a man r- ate abriute uukcf 1 jVe TOP yOur w lldyo not ou our i and far mthl1 r 1nt Dart rush tOil D j I i I I I to o I I I I I o 11 are t I Iou suteet1bf capa- ble be wouhl you should StAn f the belng- e iguom Lice ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ joke about the gravest problem tliar has ever municipaiUy- l vofejCfipbelt the water ques- tion is tent Irrelevant and jmmaterial they siU castthoir ballots for Thompson Now we turn to the candidate of blue and brass Chief IJyiicb was asked what his plan for providing the city with water yherj5 and how he would got the utter amaze- ment ot the mterveverhe answered thusWhat is this plan o the present ad- ministration I have been trying to find out what this Bliufcis and J cant find any one who knows what It Is I I asked a number of the city coun cllmen and they dont seem to know i wijat it is And how do you know I- an it anyhow Think of that If you have a buy 13 years of age the chances are decidedly that ho knows more about the Morris plan for providing water for Salt Lake City than the Republican candidate for the office of mayor Imagine a man of that mental caliber in the chair that has been so ably filled for nearly two years by Richard P MorrIs If by their answers to the questions quoted Mr Thompson and Mr Lynch Intro not absolutely convicted tlKin selves of incompetenoy and worse then- i the EnlIsh language cannot be I to auytiling HER NAKED SOUL An eastern woman Miss Currer Bute has written a fetching volume called Her Naked Soul We are convinced that Miss Bute ahouW get at least a hoopsklrt for that soul right away List to this classicbit- VGreeni Beautiful warm color of green How you thrill my inmost heart how you flH my heart always hopes YQS green beautiful color of green is the color of uope the color ofnature Hew strange it would be did not love thee Green is the color of olives green is the color of pickles Green is the lettuce the first thing that appears oqt of the stony ground that greets us in time new springtime n a delicate green is the color of young onion watercress parsley hat Is given again and again to us for the delight of the organs that lend to tho principal factory controller the stomach t Isnt that just too sweet rot any- thing If we werent afraid of seem ing indelicate we would say well say that just see that altogether soul palpitating to beat the orchestra Who could not see It Sure- ly nobody afflicted with a touch of the greeneyed monster canfirll to observe the unusual phenomenon We shall al- ways regret however Miss Bute overlooked the greeri tfppfe Many a time and oft it has found its way to the principal factory controller though not afways to the delight of the owner of the organs leading thereto However we must not indulge in carping criticism There may be plenty of gems of purest ray serene but the dark unfathomed eaves of ocean bear most of them It is possible to pick flaws in anything even in sodical bit we have quoted And taken by and large doesnt it Just lay over anything in the line description you Jiave ever road Doesnt It fairly grip your soul either naked or clad wTth a glad irresistible fascination Former Mayor Thompson declares the water question Is incompetent ir relevan and Immaterial No doubt he Honestly thinks so However on any subject connected with harness racing Mr Thompson could doubtless give an illuminating interview- It didnt seem possible but the Tar art divorce case is actually over And tho fact that the captain won it is mighty apt to disintegrate the court martini proceedings threatened against him A congregation of negro Baptists has declared that John D Rockefellers giv- ing is inspired John D must have slipped that congregation a couple of dollars The biggest kicker alter the election is over if the menhe wants In office do not win is the chap that failed to reg- ister The sagebrush sage says the way of the transgressor fs hard because so many people tread it WITH TIE PARAGRAPHERS- Isnt Anybodys Business Anyway Chicago ReeordHerald propose to make the tariff the issue in the there year They dant explain what the governor of can to do with Uut perhaps they havent time The Secret of His Savings Augusta HoiaW Mr Edison says he does not associate with men whose lives arc devoted to get tinS money Tha s probably Mr has been sole to save something Doesnt Expect to Go Hungry Brooklyn Union Mr Rockefeller still refuses to bo a good fellow even to the of issuing predictions for the benefit ot the bears Using the Usual Amount of Mud Atlanta Censtitutiou It be an off year in Ohio politics but there to no oft dence in the gubernatorial campaign h Ohio This Is Good News iNaw York Herald A dispatch says Senator Thomas C Glad of it There cer- tainly was room for Improvement Nothing to Worry About Chicago Xawa George Gould declares that the future coal cellar and Took Him a Long Time to Be Good Philadelphia Ledger rhc death of was alt right except for a tardiness of about thirty years Pass the Bread Please New York Commercial Oregon and Idaho will pro bushels of wheat this year First Aid to the White Wings ChlcasnJSews- Ldtojjuskirts wh v qo 1 oztef thi the r lIn was It Andto hOve opposedto I writ n menu o1I it- t the It we can th this tap CJI a ca Ohio Republicans announce l this 1h looks probably Tas Ralnlnthe lce pen nlntttl i a t her fur Iilt 1 with- er C C that they bright his I V5C to- W will nsist In thy movement eidvwaikb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > f Snappy stylish readytowear 7 street hats Polos French Turbans and small fancy velvet hats S trimmed with wings feathers and shirred all shades THESE HATS ARE ALL WORTH 750 LA PRIMERA First Quality of Castile Toilet Soap 15 calces in a lox Sjiccial 125 a box OLIVE OIL Castile Soap31k tar for 75c Good Quality Castile bar for 50c D c Handsom I m velvets in the leading I I 495 f j I Soap31b 1 Keith o New IVIIIIIneVr 1t17 I I- P n I i OBriens = The marriage of Miss Estelle Dunford and William Kitnberly Mordock will take place at noon today in Trinity church San Francisco The wedding be a quiet one only the relatives of the bride being in attendance Miss Dunford has spout the past year Mr and Mrs Morton French andMiss Ora Dunford has been a guest there for the past four weeks while Mrs Eliwi Dunford the brides mother left last week to be present at the event Mrs Victor M Clement returned yes- terday from Europe and the eat and is at home for tim present with Mrs M S Woodward at 35 Fifth East street Mr and Mrs Richard A Key eg enter- tained at a dinner Sunday evening for their guest Mrs Robert J Barkley of Helena Covers were laid for eight After the dinner music was furnished Mrs Martha Royle King contributing several vocal selections Miss Edith Shearman and Harry Shearman entertained a few friends at a tea Sunday evening at their home 106 East street Mr and Mrs Franklin D Hobbs en- tertained the Neighborhood Card dab at their hom last evening Mrs J E Galigher entertained the younger Bridge elub yesterday after noon at her home on First South street Miss Cosgriff and Miss Elizabeth Cos griff left yesterday for Cheyenne where they will be met by their brother go on for an eastern trip Miss Alice BrOwn has arrived from Item home in Columbus 0 and will spend some time hares Mrs Hubbard W llted and liar daughter Mrs Robert J Glendiumng will leave the last of the week for Cali- fornia to spend a month or j Miss Olive Jennings will entertain the members of the PlnkertonGraIt wedding party this evening Mr and Mrs D P Felt have issued invitations for a reception to be given in liQuor of Mr and Mrs Vernon Felt who were married list week at their j home Wednesday evening Dr and Mrs A C Wherrv with en- tertain the members of the Pinkerton Grant bridal party at their honu on Friday evening The Cleofan will met today with Mrs W H Booth at 612 First street Mr and Mrs Alma D Katz left Sun- day evening for their home in Bois 9 The marriage of Miss Lucille Case and Chester Caine Pratt will take place this evening at the home of the brides parents air and Mrs ISber Case i The marriage of Miss Marjorie IvJ and William F Bee will take nlaee this evening at the home of tIe brides slater Mrs H W Home 201 Fifth East j street M Mrs A P Sinclair and Miss Shitlair j are now at home to their friends at Virginia Invitations are out for a stag shower next Thursday evening in honor of Cui bert L Olson at the residence of Job White 0 Emery flats i i The dancing given by tim fourth year normals Friday evening at the U of was an enjoyable affair The decorations were done in autumn leaves t Congregation ifontefiore will give a ball Dec 14 White china for decorating now in Davies Co the china store 33 So Main MARRIAGE LICENSES 1263Chostor n Pratt Salt Lake Lucille E Case Salt Lake 1263 Luis Varney Denver M Tames 12 H William F Bee Salt Lake r Marjorie Ivle Salt Lake 12C5 Joneph E Marlboro Muss Rose OConnor Salt Lake 12CC SamuM H Jonas Stockton Caroline Reynolds Lehl 1267 John H Edla Ekman Binpham 12 H Clow Salt Lake Ella Cobbloy LiiidonJ- SW Jnmcs C Frost DP Lamar N v Josephine Grim Republic Wash Overlooked an Important Relative Colorado Springs Gazette Wattareon says The nrot fIve tariff Is the father and mother ihe stepbrother and the sisterinlaw ot t in trusts Will the colonel please explain who or what Is the motherinlaw of the trusts Thus cried the hair And a kind neighbor came to the rescue with a early life Druggists have sold it in parts for over sixty years L S ie y 1 with I I I it I aud- I it I I I 1 th I I I U j I I OgdEn GiII tt James ee Colonel Im Falling The hair I was saved In gratitude lVtrew long and heavy and J c Lowell M u- J to a 4 44 C C C 4 4 4 so- C C 4 C 44 4 C C 4 a 5 C C C 4 Hair ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jane T to Mary E Thome part lot 2 biock li plat F J Anna L Hoglund to Mary M Dilley lot 7 block 27 plat li Ella T to Andrew Sam nelson block 173 plat D Mary S Bascom to Milton Listen 3 block 2 Walkers subdivi- sion George Brownlee to Ephralm Smith 35 and 36 block 1 North Waterloo 1- Prnnlt J Gustin administrator to Plotro Dc Glarcomo lot 39 block 3 Heaths ubdiviaion 1 Luke Valley Loan Trust somp ny to Austin M Brown iot 35 and 38 block 10 plat C Elmer E Darling to Joseph lots 7 and S block 4 Silver Lake summer resort Robert A to Janet Rogers section 33 township 2 south range S east ISIizabeth Price Hastings to James Bruckman part lot 1 block 41 plat B A Faust to Prank Cutler lot block 5 fiveacre plat A 2 Sarah Hu bandB to Millard Edwin ITitsbande lots 10 etc block 7 Glendale addition TO CITY OF MEXICO AND RETURN On October 21st the Colorado Mid- land will sell round trip tickets from Suit Lake to City of Mexico and re- turn good for sixty days for 7500 This will be the ideal time to visit Old Mexico and If you are contemplating- the trip arrange for your tickets now I via the Scenic Midland The Midland i Route is the popular way over the mountains for scenery service and i equipment Ticket ofh e West Sec j end South Salt Lake Utah STORAGE Parties desiring storage tot potatoes Onions apples or any other cqmmodlty would do well to communicate with us Terms reasonable Warehouse on O S L trackage C S MARTIN CO 3U West Second South P Ier I i6U 750 I j ot J J I i Salt j i I I 100 f I OO i 1 cJ 7500 J I I 7 Odi 4miverreur 300k 1 o I ¬ < < ¬ ¬ = = t OF ORRllOTUf fOR Is MNI- s due to ity in cyery detail of material and makings of fashion and These garuents mad by Benjamin Co New York are cgnal every way to the highest priced custom taiorings Come and look them over trouble to show goodsRats Neck wear Undcrwell Etc rouoJor MADSN OWEN COg 111113 lain St1 u the Clothes Fit OCTOBER 18 l9 20 21 and 22 Via 30 30 To Southern CALI FORNIA AND RETURN Final Return Limit Nov 30 1905 Per further information call on J L Dist Paas Agt Salt Lake Cit Ticket Office 17 V Second Salt Lake tH t H King of rGi I GIa i All I Pure And Bread l tJ OUR CROWl ALL GROCERS LABEL SELL IT RUJS t ON EVERY LOAF Ii t 1 U THE SUCCESS L 11 1a wA f L 1 fiIiiZ- IIliiI Alfred Sr V Ill L o- ii M SOCkS Where H Moore South City 4 44 4 1 Absohiteiy Wholesome TRAOE P 444 I4 4 4 4 + ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ ++ + + + ++++++ = + + ++++ + ++++ IS THE PRICE OF THE It cannot be beaten for cooking It cannot be beaten for b i 19 It cannot be beaten for im irovements It cannot be beaten for ccorrmy x J IS THE PRICE OF THE Guaranteed tp keep the fire in for 50 hours We have Cheaper Ranges and Cheaper Heating Stoves ABOVE ARE tHE BEST but the TERMS CAN BEARRANGED The Complete House Furnishers 31 to 37 SOUTH MAIN STREET 4 t STAR EST A T RAN mt de i r- 7r 1 I I STAT OAK UATIN STOV p r CO f urnit r COo I 45OO T ioo T 1- a tV u 1 VV iiL VV = Favors liiuse yUo wis iy sled A good r 8ardl t the cost We only trustworthy planes Instruments which fascinate those who come within their inriuenw If you wish a thoroughly good bargain take look at the Everett CARSTENSEN ANSON CO Teijole of Music 74 Main Street AGAIN You wll be wise It you have jj 0 vn u the system is all out of T sorts a vial S LITTLE S J I TABLETS S They will rofulatv tad tone up J 9 11 l Y from the dintrwiwinsc wffecis of bii ailments 25 CENTS Fan SALE BY A C SMITH f THE DUftJGIST 142 MAIN STREET RAILROADS CURRENT TIME TABLE In Effect May 21 1905 LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY No IS for Ogden 3 A No for Dmvcr and E t XJS6 A No 2 for Denwr and Eaut 2iO M No for Denver and Ba t P M No 11 for Ogden and local UiU P M- No M lT b r Provo stat J A No 8 for Provo and eureka 640 P M No 2 for Ogden and West U i P U No 1 for Ode and West 1MB P U No fur Park City No 118 far Binh m A 3 Ne 114 for Bingham w P ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY No 12 from Ogden and local No 5 from Denver and East N 1 froM Denver and Bast PK No 3 front Denver and East P M No 9 lleber Provo ai S P- ho 6 from and West A M No 14 from Ogden 9M P M No 2 from and West 344 P No 4 frost and We K Ida P Si- No 7 from Eureka AIM prove it A No JM from Park City P H NOV HI front Bingham VO40 M Xo 115 from BiRKhain S4t P 41 PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICE AH trains except NOB 1 to G inclusive stnfj at points TKket office blocU Phone J I A DENTON G A P E San Pedra los N X TIMETABLE EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST 1006 DEPART DAILT From Oregon Short Line Depot Salt Lake City No 57 For StocUm and TinticTJn a District a No 63 For Provo Mercur Marti arid points en S nj fifljl Valley L nn- Xo i For Los Angeles and In termcditte 000f K No Xephi and internieIISrt diate Points p W ARRIVE DAILY Ko i From Angeles and Points a Ul Intermediate Points NV M From Manti N phi and f29 Jntermediatfc Points I1 Hl o 54 From Nephl Provo and ztk Intermediate Points Xr 6S Froir TJntlc District and AJfft Irtermedjate Points pUlt- standitrd Pullman Service Unity B- een Sat Lake Milford Callente Las Vegas and Los Angeles Direct Connection tor Districts in Southern Utah and Nevada nludirff City Ticket Offlc No 17 W Second 3juii Street Telephones IHt GILLETT Genera Paasenzer Agent J L MOORE District Pnfnfr Time Table 18 EFFSSf ARRIVE No 4 Irem Ogden Chicago if City and Denver Butte and San Krancteco No from Ogden and inter mediate points No Ogden Cache Valley and intermediate No 2 From Ogden Chicago St Louis Omaha Denver and San Francisco- No 10 From Valley Butte 143 p H DEPART- No 5 For Ogden Omaha Chicago Denver Kanaas 7ft City and St Louis 3K 7 For Ogden Portland termedlate point No 1Par Cfeieagc Denver Kansas City St Louts and San Franci x- No 11 For Ogden Cache Val d7 a Q Louis and Chicago No 3 For Cache Val lay Butte Helena Portland San Francisco and later llje mediate points P ffl G P T A D S SPENCER A G P T A City Ticket Office Min Street Telephone fS9 Note The train numbers shown ere Oregon Short Line train numbers and do cot to the Southern tract of Ogden or the Union Pacific eaat W LAGOON ROAD- Salt Lake and Ogden Railway Simon Bamberger Pro and Gen Mc Timo Table In effect Sept 5 Itti LEAVE SALT LAKE 6 9 11 a m 2 4 p m LEAVE I 7 10 a m 3 S 7 p m Herald Want ASs Bring Besults Piano sell c lilt 9- i TUrN W f SAY TO YOU i 0 fin nand during the chill ot keep oa iOU llfZO wd kindred t i f 4 0 9 O O 1- I I S ill or No 1 for Oeden Mud Weat IOIIA 155 i1I 1 M 11 A 3 A X 1 tar vale C 8 1 Ogden 1 515 > DII I a U1- o fitFor Prove Nepht and n III Loa 63 Intermediate No 5From Lynn Prove and 930 a III Pill J St e l f U I JUNE I 1905 I Omaha St Louis 55 a I I SFcom Ogden Portland am 930 al III a IrJ 1 be and 140 San Francisco P 11 Butte San I C O en a Ii m Ila P II and intermediate poln t Denver Kansas Omaha St 6 i pm 1 D Eo BURL J IIpI I 12m ij O4Oo9oooeoo94 all o CASCARA your cvn4tIpatioIi 4 w- wi4jftjI I 5A ef I A M I oints lj froze Ogden 7 s I AHJ1 t E 5j a Vqa 55 For l I 11 I I Bullfrog d l II p gent ffitL g3Q I Portland and in i1 TI NOV 3For F q I i II 1 t e abv I I i < > > > > > ¬ < > < < +

Transcript of I THE HERALD IWE SALTUKE HERALD I D Handsom...


IWE SALTUKE HERALDphblUhsd Every Day In the Year


Terms of SubscriptionrMLV month X-5rvLSJJtliree month fci on year lOUyear 0fcsvMlvI5KIAan advance onear 4t5usix month 75 u ctastern offices j Morton In

Nassau street York ilaslJneton street Chicagot SeCTibers wishing address ot3d must as well as-

H addressJ raiwrs are until explicitIt is received to discontinue All art2 roust be every case

IJeraia can fce obtained at theseVew TorkrVWaWor A tQrlft ImperiaLV sioij Hotel

h coso The Auditorium PalmerKansas City Coates HouseOmaha Globe News CoTpgnath Stationary Coaver Brown Palace Hamilton

narick Pratt Storer Hotel anti Nniey corner Market and Kearney1-

8Pniand Ore Portland HotelHaineaVsmeapolia West HoteL

Louis Tho Southern

pQLITIC L BLACKMAILj an embroidered assortment of de

the Tribune yesterday asks queaas follows

t her U J much antnay m toe American arty nfovewhy was it that the manager ot

Iltrald one of th menl t set to meUon the originalv r iau party n ry lIe thoughtssary to against

iijjht the hierarchy Why i therecause tor sow

M Herald thought the Utah Lfght Sswatt the most outus fraud a flonwratlon ever at

T jptl oir a municipality andu manfully it for more thawf months It changed iu u night

jtracked on all said denuneiuof the company scheme advocatedpassage franchise defended

i4arteusteln against an outrageditl got Z C m 1 and some oUter Mor

r IT MAD NOT BBB5-Nit ING The nut Is Was It



I answer to the question is siim-

i enough they plain lies In inogutive form The manager of

1 Herald was Invited by telej vLie to atUiHl an imnortan

Hag of Inislriaiw men Thutlon came from Joseph Lip

i in then genaral manager ofa imrte who said he could not explain

v f purpose of the meeting over thebjit it was urgent that The

4 aid Phould be represented Natv Uv the Invitation was accepted bytat Heralds manager foi faithi run the business rp Kf got together

r pvovftfl to a conclave ofjfc atsis RnuM leans aui0 owe or t1 besides The Herald man

Nur only did the manager of The Herall tukt no part in setting iu motion

wf uviginal AiuwJcuu jiartj machiubut ads teed the Americans

tji The HpnULhad amputhy withr u moreliMakt and irotild oppose it to

end The Herald has as little usef i Amarican policy as it haul rOC

tv aioimon or nonMormon ot anyi who tliss tefe personal revengethe tOUt of piitrtotfiMn or aeektf po

ujit toutrbl by Abuse of a whole com

rfhr seapnd tuetio to a characterAlly bye intdnuation that The Her

aM supported the Big Cottonwood wa-

r agreement in return for advertisingrt the Z C M I and other Mormon

ems advertfainy It had not beenting The Tribune may explain itss of business support by libelous

luder of a competitor but the buslmen of Salt Lake know the Trib

l i losing support because it hasf iitjurWg the interests of-

i i uy and state beyond calculationr unspeahmUI toaarneae of the Trib

innuendo is better understood whenknown that The Hrald has al-

a K had the advertising the Z C

i and all the jother concerns conr rd as well as of prao

ily every busineseI no matter what its political at

4c They have advertised in TheHerad beoausa it PW them to do sot u ono of them either directly or

rtly ever suggested that TheI ds political policies would be pun

1 or rewarded by the refusali

o-ri 1 01 businee patronage

iidbrect 8BMU a that The Heraldscould bought by advertising

l Tape i o with the aaser-i The Ke W first opposed the

j In by which the city secured thoir vttonwaod water and then

Ja i in a oilght The truth is andTriune knows it that the frane Snally adopted and which The

f Taia supported was radically dlker-

ironi the ana first proposedlu its final form thaolty secured theatrr lights a iT0 ut oar tare the right

To se th water for a municipal powerand lower rates for electric light

ug iioiip ot which concas inli uriKinal franchise As adopted the

naiuhise was a good business propoBifur the city and Tho Herald is

7 iuud of its part in gatting it passedr result proves that The Heralds

v si lion was right the city waterroblem is settled for long years to

IBP it is assured an adequate supplywater at a riiksulously sinaJl

and next summer will see tooit depletion of the work which has beenr made possible by the fjpanohlso agrae-


th Tribune has lit tt r arKU-

nifnt to advance in QC theAiierScan CUe thA iqlllolous at

taoks on integrity ajhonQfcy of

is business cojnpetiiorg jt hag ro hed-

he whara no dfdferf man canL fiord to support It And If TAe Heraldfould be injured or scared by suoto att it might be ready to take part

i a political movement which In

i is ortairisod political blackmanfruoi which no probity nohayucter however good m ja t gonist-o vcvcr aiiwero can hope to apr at

s it is s Mll wflgth people who kuow Its oWner

p auJ menageinent should Juds Itjs own record and the Tribune by

Tcord Tl e vordlet ha JalroRfly

t record 5 the attjroort wnJeli OT-

GlicaUon bas bee gaining ana thepr losing






Tlr ct lace

ultLlf m MQi Jntonded

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LkThe Herald


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If your name is tot on the registrarbook in voting district see

that U is put there today Otherwiseyou may not be able to vote In themost important municipal election SaltLake City Its had Hi many years Ifyou are a good clt en you will wanta voice in the the mm whowill serve you during Ute two years be-

ginning next January These men Willspend hundreds of thousands of dollarsor the publics money of your money

If in your artvato business it shouldbecome necessary for you to gIve moneyUjan agent to spend and if it should begfcmary to allow the agent to use hisown discretion to a large ct nt In thespending Tfe very car0-ttl In your selection jWould not

take the trouble to assure yourself thatthe agent was thoroughly honest

and efficient Certainly you wouldit you didnt your friends would beJustified in Instituting an inquiry into

sanityWhy should not political business be

conducted on the saute basis It isntnearly as much trouble to register as itis to do may less important things

that you do every day All that it in-

volves is a trip to the registration officerequiring not more than ten or fifteenminutes of your time Then you will

lu a position to express your prefero c at the election three weeks fromtoday

You may rest assured that the wardheeler the riffraff of the community-will register It you want that element-to vote won lUte ofllce to upend yourmoney tar at home today and forgetall about registering They will vote

the chances are they will vote lotmen that you rather have ronjain In private life Then you willrise UJ in all the dignity of your cltl-xenship and protest

nut will you have any honest rightiq You will not for if youflo not register and vote you will nothave done your toward the electionof honest competent officials And youwill deserve to have a bud administra-

tion of affairs just as you wOuld de-

serve to be robbed itout of your house and placing a sumof money in the hands of tuG firststranger you met to do thusand so with it

Jlegister today If you dont resistortoday you may lose tho privilege ovoting three weeks from today It yourname is not already entered on thobook

PRODUCE THE PROOFSunday morning The Herald asked

the morning organ of the Americanparty to name the members of theMorris administration it accused ofmisappropriating city funds The Her-ald offered to Join its contemporary ina prosecution of the guilty man or menIf anythere be We suggested that theAmerican organ submit Its evidence

it it has any to tho proper prosecutingoflitIal to the end that a complaintmight be sworn out and a prosecutionbegun Xo response has been made byour contemporary

Now The Herald submits anotherproDosition If our contemporary willfile with the county attorney or otherduly constituted authority evidencesufficient to secure the Issuance ofcomplaint against any official connectedwith the Morris administration for mis-appropriation of public funds we willdonate 900 to Salt Lake charities nsfollows

l i to the Koarna orphan-age j l

109 to the Salt Lake Jafui ls home1W to the Orphans Home and Day

Kurnery-We do not require the American

organ to bring about a single convic-tion All we ask is that it submit suffi-

cient evidence to justify the swearinga complaint and the Issuance of a

warrant of arrest In view the factthat our contemporary liVs declaredthat at least SSM 0 has been stolenfrom Salt Lake City by members of theMorris administration during the lasttwelve1 months that the head of a de

padding his payrollsand that several departments are fair-ly reeking with petty crime It shouldhave some evidence

It the American organ is not sniffctently Interested In the punishment ofcriminals to bring the alleged offenders-to the b r as a matter of good citiscnship it should be willtus do its dutyin the Interest of the worthy charities-we have named The sum of 100 is notmuch but it is enough to support achild at any one of tho three institu-tions for at least six months Win theorgan of the Americans submit thievideneo

If the evidence is not forthcoming atonce our contemporary must stand con-victed of being one of the orneriestbuccaneers that ever breasted politicalwaters

THE ANSWERSFormer Mayer Thompson and Chief

of Police Lynch nominees of theAmerican and the Republican par-

ties respectively for mayoix of SaltLake City may properly be describedas two souls with but a singlethought That thought is The peo-

ple of Salt Lake City are idiots Nowsome of our readers may accuse uspraising Messrs Thompeon and Lynchextravagantly when we say they havea single thought And In view of theirresponses to some questions asked themby The Herald on Saturday sad print-ed in The Sunday Herald it is perhapscrediting them with too much to saythey have even a single thought

The former mayor was asked whatthe well considered plan for an amplewater supply for the city promisedby the American platform was Hewas also asked where and how thewater would be secured whether or notH was feasible when he was in ofllcbefore and why It was not worked outtheu Fee of these questions the-e mayor may ho always have the pre-

fix had this highly intelligent answerI consider these questions aa highly

Irrelevant hwompetent niwl Inunatend I hellov that Is the waylawyers put It And this was MrTbompwtts reply after lie had thoughtthe questions over for twentyfourbotH Yet the people of Salt Lake arebring iuUOituied to vote for BumThompson for mayor they

NjW w ifriw most important otfceat their disposal to a man r-

ate abriute uukcf 1 jVe



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you should





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joke about the gravest problem tliarhas ever municipaiUy-

l vofejCfipbelt the water ques-

tion is tent Irrelevant andjmmaterial they siU castthoir ballotsfor Thompson

Now we turn to the candidate of blueand brass Chief IJyiicb was askedwhat his plan for providing the citywith water yherj5 and how hewould got the utter amaze-ment ot the mterveverhe answered

thusWhatis this plan o the present ad-

ministration I have been trying tofind out what this Bliufcis and J cantfind any one who knows what It Is I

I asked a number of the city councllmen and they dont seem to know

i wijat it is And how do you know I-

an it anyhowThink of that If you have a buy 13

years of age the chances are decidedlythat ho knows more about the Morrisplan for providing water for Salt LakeCity than the Republican candidatefor the office of mayor Imagine a manof that mental caliber in the chair thathas been so ably filled for nearly twoyears by Richard P MorrIs

If by their answers to the questionsquoted Mr Thompson and Mr LynchIntro not absolutely convicted tlKinselves of incompetenoy and worse then-

i the EnlIsh language cannot beI to auytiling


An eastern woman Miss Currer Butehas written a fetching volume called

Her Naked Soul We are convincedthat Miss Bute ahouW get at least ahoopsklrt for that soul right away Listto this classicbit-

VGreeni Beautiful warm color ofgreen How you thrill my inmost heart

how you flH my heart alwayshopes YQS green beautiful color

of green is the color of uope the colorofnature Hew strange it would be

did not love thee Green is the colorof olives green is the color of picklesGreen is the lettuce the first thingthat appears oqt of the stony groundthat greets us in time new springtime

n a delicate green is the color ofyoung onion watercress parsley

hat Is given again and again to us forthe delight of the organs that lend totho principal factory controller thestomacht Isnt that just too sweet rot any-thing If we werent afraid of seeming indelicate we would say well say

that just see thataltogether soul palpitating to beat theorchestra Who could not see It Sure-ly nobody afflicted with a touch of thegreeneyed monster canfirll to observethe unusual phenomenon We shall al-

ways regret however Miss Buteoverlooked the greeri tfppfe Many atime and oft it has found its way tothe principal factory controllerthough not afways to the delight of theowner of the organs leading thereto

However we must not indulge incarping criticism There may be plentyof gems of purest ray serene but thedark unfathomed eaves of ocean bear

most of them It is possible to pickflaws in anything even insodical bit we have quoted And takenby and large doesnt it Just lay overanything in the line description you

Jiave ever road Doesnt It fairly gripyour soul either naked or clad wTth aglad irresistible fascination

Former Mayor Thompson declaresthe water question Is incompetent irrelevan and Immaterial No doubthe Honestly thinks so However onany subject connected with harnessracing Mr Thompson could doubtlessgive an illuminating interview-

It didnt seem possible but the Tarart divorce case is actually over And

tho fact that the captain won it ismighty apt to disintegrate the courtmartini proceedings threatened againsthim

A congregation of negro Baptists hasdeclared that John D Rockefellers giv-ing is inspired John D must haveslipped that congregation a couple ofdollars

The biggest kicker alter the electionis over if the menhe wants In office donot win is the chap that failed to reg-ister

The sagebrush sage says the way ofthe transgressor fs hard because somany people tread it


Isnt Anybodys Business AnywayChicago ReeordHerald

propose to make the tariff the issue in thethere year

They dant explain what the governor ofcan to do with Uutperhaps they havent time

The Secret of His SavingsAugusta HoiaW

Mr Edison says he does not associatewith men whose lives arc devoted to gettinS money Tha s probably Mr

has been sole to save something

Doesnt Expect to Go HungryBrooklyn Union

Mr Rockefeller still refuses to bo agood fellow even to the of issuing

predictions for the benefit otthe bears

Using the Usual Amount of MudAtlanta Censtitutiou

It be an off year in Ohio politicsbut there to no oftdence in the gubernatorial campaign hOhio

This Is Good NewsiNaw York Herald

A dispatch says Senator Thomas CGlad of it There cer-

tainly was room for Improvement

Nothing to Worry AboutChicago Xawa

George Gould declares that the futurecoal cellar and

Took Him a Long Time to Be GoodPhiladelphia Ledger

rhc death of was altright except for a tardiness of aboutthirty years

Pass the Bread PleaseNew York Commercial

Oregon and Idaho will probushels of wheat this year

First Aid to the White WingsChlcasnJSews-

Ldtojjuskirts wh v

qo1 oztef thithe r


wasIt Andto




writ nmenu





It we can


this tap




Ohio Republicans announce

l this


looks probably Tas

Ralnlnthe lce

pennlntttl ia t her furIilt






that they

bright his


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will nsist In thy movementeidvwaikb












= >

f Snappy stylish readytowear7 street hats Polos French Turbans

and small fancy velvet hatsS trimmed with wings feathers and

shirred all shades


LA PRIMERA First Quality of Castile ToiletSoap 15 calces in a lox Sjiccial 125 a box

OLIVE OIL Castile Soap31k tar for 75c

Good Quality Castile bar for 50c

D c



m velvets in the leading


I 495 f















The marriage of Miss Estelle Dunfordand William Kitnberly Mordock willtake place at noon today in Trinitychurch San Francisco The wedding

be a quiet one only the relatives ofthe bride being in attendance MissDunford has spout the past yearMr and Mrs Morton French andMissOra Dunford has been a guest there forthe past four weeks while Mrs EliwiDunford the brides mother left lastweek to be present at the event

Mrs Victor M Clement returned yes-terday from Europe and the eat andis at home for tim present with MrsM S Woodward at 35 Fifth East street

Mr and Mrs Richard A Key eg enter-tained at a dinner Sunday evening fortheir guest Mrs Robert J Barkley ofHelena Covers were laid for eightAfter the dinner music was furnishedMrs Martha Royle King contributingseveral vocal selections

Miss Edith Shearman and HarryShearman entertained a few friends ata tea Sunday evening at their home106 East street

Mr and Mrs Franklin D Hobbs en-

tertained the Neighborhood Card dabat their hom last evening

Mrs J E Galigher entertained theyounger Bridge elub yesterday afternoon at her home on First South street

Miss Cosgriff and Miss Elizabeth Cosgriff left yesterday for Cheyenne wherethey will be met by their brothergo on for an eastern trip

Miss Alice BrOwn has arrived fromItem home in Columbus 0 and willspend some time hares

Mrs Hubbard W llted and liardaughter Mrs Robert J Glendiumngwill leave the last of the week for Cali-fornia to spend a month or


Miss Olive Jennings will entertainthe members of the PlnkertonGraItwedding party this evening

Mr and Mrs D P Felt have issuedinvitations for a reception to be givenin liQuor of Mr and Mrs Vernon Feltwho were married list week at their j

home Wednesday evening

Dr and Mrs A C Wherrv with en-

tertain the members of the PinkertonGrant bridal party at their honu onFriday evening

The Cleofan will met today withMrs W H Booth at 612 First street

Mr and Mrs Alma D Katz left Sun-day evening for their home in Bois

9The marriage of Miss Lucille Case

and Chester Caine Pratt will take placethis evening at the home of the bridesparents air and Mrs ISber Case


The marriage of Miss Marjorie IvJand William F Bee will take nlaeethis evening at the home of tIe bridesslater Mrs H W Home 201 Fifth East j


Mrs A P Sinclair and Miss Shitlair j

are now at home to their friends atVirginia

Invitations are out for a stag showernext Thursday evening in honor of Cuibert L Olson at the residence of JobWhite 0 Emery flats i

i The dancing given by timfourth year normals Friday evening atthe U of was an enjoyable affairThe decorations were done in autumnleaves tCongregation ifontefiore will give aball Dec 14

White china for decorating now inDavies Co the china store 33 SoMain

MARRIAGE LICENSES1263Chostor n Pratt Salt Lake

Lucille E Case Salt Lake1263 Luis Varney Denver

M Tames12 H William F Bee Salt Laker Marjorie Ivle Salt Lake12C5 Joneph E Marlboro Muss

Rose OConnor Salt Lake12CC SamuM H Jonas Stockton

Caroline Reynolds Lehl1267 John H

Edla Ekman Binpham12 H Clow Salt Lake

Ella Cobbloy LiiidonJ-SW Jnmcs C Frost DP Lamar N v

Josephine Grim Republic Wash

Overlooked an Important RelativeColorado Springs Gazette

Wattareon says The nrotfIve tariff Is the father and mother ihestepbrother and the sisterinlaw ot t intrusts Will the colonel please explainwho or what Is the motherinlaw of thetrusts

Thus cried the hair And a kindneighbor came to the rescue with a

early life Druggists havesold it in parts forover sixty years

L S ie y 1




















GiII tt



Im FallingThe hair I

was saved In gratitude lVtrew longand heavy and

J cLowell M u-







C 4




C C 4

C 44
















< <


part lot 2 biock li plat F JAnna L Hoglund to Mary M Dilley

lot 7 block 27 plat liElla T to Andrew Sam

nelson block 173 plat DMary S Bascom to Milton Listen

3 block 2 Walkers subdivi-sion

George Brownlee to Ephralm Smith35 and 36 block 1 North

Waterloo 1-

Prnnlt J Gustin administrator toPlotro Dc Glarcomo lot 39 block 3

Heaths ubdiviaion 1

Luke Valley Loan Trustsomp ny to Austin M Brown iot

35 and 38 block 10 plat CElmer E Darling to Joseph

lots 7 and S block 4 Silver Lakesummer resort

Robert A to Janet Rogerssection 33 township 2 south

range S eastISIizabeth Price Hastings to James

Bruckman part lot 1 block 41

plat BA Faust to Prank Cutler lot

block 5 fiveacre plat A 2Sarah Hu bandB to Millard Edwin

ITitsbande lots 10 etc block 7

Glendale addition


RETURNOn October 21st the Colorado Mid-

land will sell round trip tickets fromSuit Lake to City of Mexico and re-

turn good for sixty days for 7500This will be the ideal time to visit OldMexico and If you are contemplating-the trip arrange for your tickets now I

via the Scenic Midland The Midland i

Route is the popular way over themountains for scenery service and i

equipment Ticket ofh e West Sec j

end South Salt Lake Utah


Parties desiring storage tot potatoesOnions apples or any other cqmmodltywould do well to communicate with usTerms reasonable Warehouse on OS L trackage C S MARTIN CO

3U West Second South

P IerI


750 I































sdue to ity in cyery

detail of material and makings offashion and

These garuents mad byBenjamin Co New York are cgnal

every way to the highest pricedcustom taiorings

Come and look them overtrouble to show goodsRats Neckwear Undcrwell Etc


111113 lain St1 u the Clothes Fit

OCTOBER18 l9 20 21 and 22


30 30


AND RETURNFinal Return Limit Nov 30 1905

Per further information call on J L Dist Paas AgtSalt Lake

Cit Ticket Office 17 V Second Salt Lake

tH t H

King of rGi I GIai

AllI Pure

AndBread l





1awA f L

1 fiIiiZ-IIliiI Alfred


V IllL






South City

4 44 4 1




444 I4 4 4 4

+ ++ + +++ +


+ + + ++ +++ ++ + ++ ++++++

=+ + ++++ +++++


It cannot be beaten for cookingIt cannot be beaten for b i 19

It cannot be beaten for im irovementsIt cannot be beaten for ccorrmy x J


Guaranteed tp keep the fire in for 50 hours

We have Cheaper Ranges and Cheaper Heating StovesABOVE ARE tHE BEST

but the


The Complete House Furnishers





mt de

i r-7r 1






CO furnit r COo



T ioo T


atV u 1 VV




Favors liiuse yUo wis iy sled A goodr 8ardl t the cost We only

trustworthy planes Instrumentswhich fascinate those who come withintheir inriuenw If you wish a thoroughlygood bargain take look at the Everett

CARSTENSEN ANSON COTeijole of Music 74 Main Street


You wll be wise It you have jj

0 vn u the system is all out of Tsorts a vial


I TABLETS SThey will rofulatv tad tone up J9 11 l

Y from the dintrwiwinsc wffecis of bii






CURRENT TIME TABLEIn Effect May 21 1905

LEAVE SALT LAKE CITYNo IS for Ogden 3 ANo for Dmvcr and E t XJS6 ANo 2 for Denwr and Eaut 2iO MNo for Denver and Ba t P MNo 11 for Ogden and local UiU P M-No M lT b r Provo stat

J ANo 8 for Provo and eureka 640 P MNo 2 for Ogden and West U i P UNo 1 for Ode and West 1MB P U

No fur Park CityNo 118 far Binh m A 3Ne 114 for Bingham w P

ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITYNo 12 from Ogden and local

No 5 from Denver and EastN 1 froM Denver and Bast P KNo 3 front Denver and East P MNo 9 lleber Provo ai

S P-

ho 6 from and West A MNo 14 from Ogden 9M P MNo 2 from and West 344 PNo 4 frost and We K Ida P Si-

No 7 from Eureka AIM prove it ANo JM from Park City P HNOV HI front Bingham VO40 MXo 115 from BiRKhain S4t P 41

PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICEAH trains except NOB 1 to G inclusive

stnfj at pointsTKket office blocU Phone J


San Pedra los


DEPART DAILTFrom Oregon Short Line Depot

Salt Lake CityNo 57 For StocUm and TinticTJn aDistrict aNo 63 For Provo Mercur

Marti arid points en S nj fifljlValley

L nn-Xo i For Los Angeles and In

termcditte 000f KNo Xephi and internieIISrt

diate Points p W

ARRIVE DAILYKo i From Angeles and

Points a Ul

Intermediate PointsNV M From Manti N phi and f29

Jntermediatfc Points I1 Hlo 54 From Nephl Provo and ztkIntermediate Points

Xr 6S Froir TJntlc District and AJfftIrtermedjate Points pUlt-

standitrd Pullman Service Unity B-

een Sat Lake Milford Callente LasVegas and Los Angeles

Direct Connection torDistricts in Southern Utah and NevadanludirffCity Ticket Offlc No 17 W Second3juii Street Telephones IHt

GILLETTGenera Paasenzer Agent

J L MOOREDistrict Pnfnfr

Time Table18 EFFSSf

ARRIVENo 4 Irem Ogden Chicago

ifCity and Denver

Butte and San KranctecoNo from Ogden and inter

mediate pointsNo Ogden Cache

Valley and intermediateNo 2 From Ogden Chicago

St LouisOmaha Denver and SanFrancisco-

No 10 FromValley Butte

143 p H

DEPART-No 5 For Ogden Omaha

Chicago Denver Kanaas 7ftCity and St Louis 3 K7 For Ogden Portland

termedlate pointNo 1Par

Cfeieagc Denver KansasCity St Louts and SanFranci x-

No 11 For Ogden Cache Val

d7 a Q

Louis and ChicagoNo 3 For Cache Val

lay Butte Helena PortlandSan Francisco and later lljemediate points P ffl


A G P T ACity Ticket Office Min Street

Telephone fS9Note The train numbers shown

ere Oregon Short Line train numbers anddo cot to the Southern tractof Ogden or the Union Pacific eaat


Salt Lake and Ogden RailwaySimon Bamberger Pro and Gen Mc

Timo Table In effect Sept 5 IttiLEAVE SALT LAKE

6 9 11 a m 2 4 p mLEAVE I

7 10 a m 3 S 7 p m

Herald Want ASs Bring Besults





i TUrN W

f SAY TO YOU i0 fin nand during the chill ot

keep oa

iOU llfZO wd kindred ti f


09 O O



IS ill


No 1 for Oeden Mud Weat IOIIA155 i1I


11 A 3

A X1

tar vale C8






a U1-

o fitFor Prove Nepht and n III

Loa 63IntermediateNo 5From Lynn Prove and 930 a III


JSt e



IJUNE I 1905

IOmaha St Louis 55 a I

ISFcom Ogden Portland am

930 alIII a IrJ

1beand 140San Francisco P 11

Butte San I C

O en

a Ii m

Ila P IIand intermediate poln tDenverKansas Omaha St 6 i pm













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