I Equity.Kershaw THE Dry NOTICE..Guardians, ExecutorsON … · 2014-05-17 · I ^ I I From,the...

I ^ I I From, the Cincinnati Commercial Strange 1 That no many who are afflicted with a Cough that is gradually wearing them down, and slowly, k but surely stealing them into tliat dreadful disease, Consumption.that disease whtch carries off thousands daily, are doing nothing, or what is worse than nothing/gorging themselves with nostrums, that puffed to the skies for cures they are said to have effected on some foreign or unknown persons, when they can bo positively cored by using Dr. Rogers's Compound Syrup of Liverwort and Tar, which still continues to "cfmrtnt wonderftxl cures ever recorded in the AW It VilW »MVW« .. annals of medicine. A fact which is proved by reference to the vast number of certificates which may be seen by calling on the agent For sale at z- J. De11 ay's and T. J. WoRKMAXB Drug Store. See advertisement on fourth page. DIED.On the 3d inst, at his residence in Lowndesboro', Ala., Mr. Hcon B. McCall, formerly a citizen of this place, in the seventieth year of his age. lie was an effectionate husband, a tender parent, a true friend, a kind and humane master. The sterling integrity of his character secured to him the confidence and esteem of all who knew him. E. The Lancaster Ledger, IS published weekly at Lancaster Court House, at Two Dollars per year. This paper i3 bound to no . party, but advocates all measures which the Editor believes will prove of benefit to the State, f R. 8. BAILEY, Editor and Proprietor. I PEPSIN!! PEPSIN!! C10ME AT LAST..The undersigned having been > appointed by Dr. Houghton of Philadelphia, Agent for the sale of hi celebrated PEPSIN", takes pleasure in announcing that he has just received a consignment of the same, to which he invites the attention of those in want of it. Z. J. DeHAY. April 13. 30 tf NOTICE..There will be an election held at the Council Boom, on Saturday the 17 th inst, for a Recorder, Treasurer, Marshal, Captain of the Town Guard, and four Town Guardmen to serve the ensuing L year. Also, Keeper of the Town Clock and Ringer of the 9 o'clock Bell. All applicants for said offices must hand in their letters addressed to Council, previous to that time. By order of Council. L. W. BALLARD, Recorder. Council Chamber, April 10, '52. "VT OTICE..I hereby forbid all persons giving credit _L\ or employment to any negro in my employ without mv permission, after this date. J.F.SUTHERLAND. Aril 12,1852. 30 tf "VTOTICE..Sealed proposals will be received by ±> Council, for keeping of the Public Pumps in order in the town of Camden the ensuing year. Persons wishing said contract will state the lowest amount they will contract for. By order of Council. L. W. BALLARD, Recorder. " April 10th 30 2t L SONS OF TEMPERANCE. t WATEREE DIVISION NO. 9. The regular meeting of this Division will be hold on Thursday evening, at your new Hall over A. M. <fc R. Kennedy's Store, at 7 o'clock. Bv order of the W. P. THO. J. WARREN. R. S. CADETS OF TEMPERANCE?" Kershaw Section No. 4. TITE regular Meeting of this Section will be held at their Hall on Friday next, at 7 o'clock. By order ? of the W. A. T. G. PEGUES, Secr'y. NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CAMDEN BAZAAR, The subscribers have just received their new assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, ^tvVch consists partly rf r" Calicoes, Ginghania, plain and embroidered Lawns. *rttir_v j1u5uu3, «m» au puccn, aau&c*1 vaiiuuiiu, owiwu colors, Cambrics and Muslins, plain and checked. Crapes, Bareges, Challye, DeLaisos, Tissue Silks, and ;a great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies' Dresses. also. A large assortment of Lines Cambric Il'dkfa., Xee<Ue-worked Col'ars and Ctiffia, Chemisetts and Caps, Muslin and Lace -Sleeves, Capes and Mantillas, Laee and Muslin'Edging-and Inserting, (Bonnets and Ribbons, of thehewbet styles, Ivory Black and Feather Fans, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a great variety of other Fancy Articles, to-numerous to name. They recomitocnd their stock of bleached and brown Shirting, blue and striped Homespuns, Cotton and Linen Oznaburgs, Bed Tide, and eyery kind of Towelling and Table Linen. A vay large assortment of Hosiery of every description, Linen, Thread Lace and Silk Gloves, Mitts, Ac. Ae. They invite theirUriends to call at their Store, feeling certain to be able to satisfy them in every way, at well in the price as in the assortment of the Good*. April 1852. XL DRUCKER & CO. NEW SPRING GOODS, IM -DRUCEER A CO. have just received their new ' supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to vrfcrch they -would invite the attention of the public at tlic same tame they would recommend their Stock of Ol'TfYTTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Undergarments, Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac. April 9, 1852..tf UOB SALE,.A Negro WOMANand onerchild F the former a Seamstress and House Servant Terms Cash. Apply at this office. April 9..tf XTOTICE..All persons indebted the Estate o ' IN ROBERT L. TWEED, doe'd. either bv note or I .account, ore requested to come forward immediately j&d settle the same, or they will be put into the hands ofa-n Attorney for collection, as the Estate must bo jettlocL S. TWEED, Administrator. April 6. 29 tf RUMMER EATS, of all qualities and descriptions Just received ait BONNET'S. I^OTICE "is hereby given, that three months af1j,\ tor date, application will be made for a renewal oi [Certificate No. 1157, for Four Shares Stock in tho Bank I of Camden, 8. C., in favor of Wm. Lyles of Columbia, k 0., dated 25th of Juno, 1849, the original of whicb l^i been lost or mislaid. April 3..28 w3m. f Mules for Sale. r fpllE subscriber offers for sale a Team of prime, wel 1 I broke MULES. Also, a first rato WAGGON mc GEAR. B. W. CHAMBERS. April 5. 28 tf Pinal Notice. a LL persons having demands against tho Estate o \ J\. Miss Rebecca DeLeon, are hereby notified tha they must render in their demands properly attested on or before the first day of Juno next, otherwiso thii Xotico will be plead in bar of payment. H. LEVY, Adm'r. April 2. .. 27 tf Pishing Tackle. irtmPERIOR Silk, Cotton, Flax and ITair Lines; Lira f J5 crick and Kirby Hooks, of overy sizo and variety Hooks on Silk and Gimp Coops; Cork Floats, Bai Buckets; Dip Nets and Handles; Furnished Silk on< Flax Lines ready for use; Walking Cano Hods; Trou Rods, with Hps and Guide Rings; Brass Reels; Eas India Fishing-Poles, Ac. A. YOUNG. Clfan! Cigars!!OA AAA CIGARS, of the most.superb brandf such as "Gold Leaf," "Los tres Ami Bios," "El Ensaja," "La Palmetto." For sale by February^. W. C. MOORE. Splendid and Extensive Stock of Rich Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Eg~ONE PRICE ONLT.^3 HAMILTON, EASTER & CO., No. 213 Baltimore, Street, Baltimore, Md., have now in store the most extensive and complete stock of Choice Goods that has ever been offered in Baltimore. The leading articles being of their OWN IMP ORTA TION, and the balance careful selections from the best sources, enables them to offer loods at as low prices, both by WHOLESALE AN ) RETAIL, as they can be had for in any market in this country.. They would call particular attention to their stock of DRESS GOODS, Of all fabrics, and mostly in new and choice designs. SILK GOODS.BLACK AND COLORED. MOURNING ARTICLES.Of every description. SHAWLS, MANTILLAS and VISITES LINEN GOODS and articles for Housekeeping, of the best fabrics.the greater portion manufactured exni-naslc for our retail sales. I EMBROIDEREIS LACES, AND LACE GOODS,\ usual full supply from the best Paris FABRICANTS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, of every description. LINEN CAMBRIC HDK'S. SCARFS A CRAVATS, WHITE MUSLIN GOODS, NEEDLE WORK TRIMMINGS, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, FLOUNCINGS, BANDS, Ac. ALSO. (On tho second floor,) a handsome stock of Articles for lUeu's Wear, (Adapted to the trade of MERCIIANT TAILORS and COUNTRY MERCHANTS, who may want a few fine Goods,( embracing CLOTHS, CASHMERETS, VESTINGS, BLACK DOESKINS, Frencli, English and American FANCY CASSIMERES, SERGES, TWEEDS, SILESIAS, WIGANS, Sewing Silks Ac. We aim to keep a full assortment of DESIRABLE GOODS, "in every department of the trade." and the groat extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by a personal examination, which we solicit The WHOLESALE portion of our Business is entirely separate from our Retail Sales, and as we are desirous of INCREASING OUR IMPORTATIONS, we will offer GOODS at very low prices to country and city ' Al- A mJI C Duyers wno pay prompuy. " NEW SPRING GOODS. AM.tR KENNEDY are now opening a choice selection of Goods, suitable for the season. For Ladies' Wear. TISSUES, BARAGES and MUSLINS WORK COLLARS UNDER SLEEVES CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY and GLOVES For Gentlemen's Wear. DRAP UETA CASHMERETS SUMMER CLOTHS PLAIN and FANCY LINEN DRILLS VESTINGS A large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTIIING, FUR, PANAMA and STRAW HATS, Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS, Blue DENIMS, Checked and Striped DOMESTICS, 11 and 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS. All of which will be sold on the most favorable terms. March 12. NEWAKRIVALS. MDRUCKER A CO. have just received a iarge selection of the newest patterns of Plain and Fancy BERAGES\ DELAINES, CHALLYS, TISSUE SILKS MUSLINS and GINGHAMS, and other articles for LADIES' DRESSES, to which they invite the attention of the Ladies and the public generally. March 23. Bare Delicacies. THE subscriber has just received a beautiAil asortment of ACIDULATED DROPS, of the following flavors, viz: Banana, Raspberry, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Nectarine, Orange and Lemon. -.ALSO. Gum Drops of Wild Cherry, Wintergreen, Raspberry, Rose, Orange, Lemon, Violet, Liquorice, and Vanilla; Pepper Lozenges, Ac. Fresh and in fine order at March 30. Z. J. Pall AY'S. Cod Liver Oil. I HAVE just received a few gallons of pure COD LI VER OIL, which will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, and at reduced prices. March 30. LZ. J. DeHAY. Writing Inks. nPHE subscriber has just received a large and va* JL ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red INKS, of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5 to 50 eeats each. also, Harrison's, Tarrant's, "Wright's David's and Maris' INDELIBLE INKS, for marking on cotton, linen and eilk, with and without Preparation. March 26. Z. J. DeHAY. CHEAP GROCERIES. r STUDS. SUGAR; 50 sacks RIO COFFE; mat JAVA COFFEE; 10 sacks CUBA DO. 20 barrels New Orleans MOLASSES .- hegs West India DO JO barrels New Orleans WHISKEY 10 do Monongehela DO . casks old Rye DO 10 years old 3 1-8 casks FRENCH BRANDY 5 barrels best LEAF LARD 10 barrels MACKAREL 25 barels Baltimore FLOUR 50 boxes English Dairy CHEESE 10 kits MACKAREL No. 1 also, 10 baskets HEIDSICK CHAMPAIGNE 10 cases CLARET WINE, for Table use 10 do MADEIRA DO 5 do PORT DO 2U aozcn "111 ASS' 1KJMJUN" PORTER ALSO, Ginger, Peach, Plum and Chow Chow PRESERVES 200 quarter and half boxes SARDINES 50 cases SALMON and LOBSTERS "With many other articles too numerous to mention. Fo salo low for cash, or to punctual customers on the usua time. Wv C. MOORE, Rod Flag. COFFEE..40 Sacks First quality Rio Coflw Just received by W. C. MOORE. CRASHED SUGAR..10 Bbls. Stuart's Su perior Crashed Sugar. For sale by ; W. C. MOORE. SEED POTATOES..10 Barrels Seed Pota toos at MOORE'S. BLANKETS and all Wool Plains, for sale at cost fo cash. Also, Carpets and Printed Floor Cloths, a I reduced prices at BONNET'S. SUPERIOR Brown Sugars, put up in barrels f< family use. Just received at BONNKY'S. WELL Wheels, Steelyards, Broad Axes, Anvil nnH Vir*» Fnr «al« hv V. W RHWCV , p ARDEN Trowels, Hoos and Rakes, jast receive * VJT at BONNEY'S. MEAL AMD GRITS.Always on hand, : MOORE'S. Red Flag. Barry's Tricopherons. THE subscriber has just received a small invoice the above valuable preparation for diseases ol th ! Skin and Hair. It needs but a trial to convince over 1 one of its valuable qualities. For sale at i Z. J. DEHAY'S. 1 March 30. 26 tf t . FOR SALE. " TTTAGON Bridles, ef my own manufacture, or i," V T warranted to last as long as two of Norther . ""dee. Also, I .v. ' ~r various qualities for sale low f< IcS"06 0"*"" " F. J, OAKS. In Equity.Kershaw District. NOTICE..Guardians, Trustees and Receivers, appointed by the Court of Equity for Kcrahaw District, and accountable to the same, and tho Executors and Administrators of such as are dead, are horeby required to make their annual returns, and produce tho vouches verifying the satuo before the Commissioner in Equity for said District, on or before the 1st day of May next W. II. R. WORKMAN, c. e. k. d. April 9. 20 tf Notice. r nnilE subscriber having disposed of his entire stock X of Saddlery, <fcc., to Mr. L. ARMSTRONG, takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to tho citizens of Camden and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him, for more than eight years past and takes pleasure in recommending Mr. Armstrong to the r favorable consideration of his former customers, as a gentleman worthy their patronage. He earnestly hopes that all who are indebted to him will come forward immediately and settle, as he intends to leave very soon. April 2. C. M. WJENGES. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. THE subscriber respecfully announces to the citizens of Camden and vicinity, that having token theest ablishraent of Mr. C. M. Wienges, is prepared to fill any order in the above line on reasonable terms. Also, 1- am. daannntiAn ma/ta in nrrl.r ail ill-ill y WUJA Ul C»VI J UCOV»»j|/wva *"««v -w JgTAll Ready made Work on hand, will be disposed of AT COST. LUKE ARMSTRONG. N. B..Repairing of all kimis done with neatnear and despatch. Sumter Banner copy 4 times. April 2. 27 3t COMPLETE!! THE underaigncd has now received his full supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. As it regards style and beauty, he thinks they will compare favorably with any thing that has been offered in this market Having purchased very largely, and not being at all anxious to lay any of them "on the shelf," they will be sold AS LOW, either for cash, or on time, to good customers, as they can be bought at any other Store in the place, or in the City of Charleston. pTWe have but one price, at that a vert low one. March 29. K. W. RQNNEY. Jnut Received, AN additional supply of Groceries, consisting of New Orleans Santa Croix, crushed and clarified Sugars; New Orleans and West India Molasses; Bjack and Gunpowder Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; New Bacon : Pickled Salmon: Dried Cod and Mackarel Fish: Cheese. 4c. Also, one barrel fine Cuba Honey, and a few kegs Malaga Grapes, all of which will he sold low for cash, by JAMES McEWEN. marl 2 21 tf WIDE IRON, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks Ploughs, Cutting Knives, and Corn Shelters. Just received at K. W. BONNEY'S. NEW LARD, of superior quality. Also, Sugar House Syrup, Rock and Table Salt. Just received_by E. W. BONNEY. A/TOUNTAIN Butter, Fine Cheese, Fresh Macciro1VJL ni, Corn Starch, Brorna, Chocolate and Citron. For sale by E. W. BONNEY. GRAIN Cradles, Steel Folks and Rakes, Iron and Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at Feb. 24.tf E. W. BONNET'S. HAMS! Hams!.A few very fine HAMS for sale at W._C. MOORE'S. BACON ! Bacon!.20,000 lbs. new first quality BACON SIDES. For sale by February 25. W. C. MOORE. Piuno to Sell or Hire. ANY person wishing to purchaso or hire a PIANO, can bo accommodated bv applying to Feb. 10.tf " J. B. F. BOONE. NOTICE. THE subscribers liavo this day formed a Co-partnorship, under the name and firm of ROOT 4 INGRAM, for the purpose of carrying on the Gcucral Auctioneering Business. F. ROOT, JOHN INGRAM. Camden, Jan. 2.2. 7 tf Residence for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale his RESIDENCE situ ate on DeKalb-street, West of Broad, and oppoeilo the Methodist Church. The Buildings are in complete repair, and the situation is an elevated and pleasant one. Wji. M. WATSON. March 19.23tf RRICKS FOR SALE. rT^HE subscriber bos on hand a large quantity ol jL GOOD BRICK, which may be had on application. January 23. _ J. F. SUTHERLAND. Jewelry, Watches, &c. GOLD andSivcr LEVER WATCHES, oftho newest patterns and warranted time-keepers, Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Rings, Pins and Earrings, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Coral Necklaces. FINE PLATED WARE Castors, Baskets and Candlesticks, Gilt China Vases. » FINE CUTLER Y.Razors, Knives and Scissors, FANCY GOODS, <&c. A. YOUNG. CORN, CORN. 9 IXAA BUSHELS, of superb White CORN, for Ld t) UU cash or 60 days paper. Apply to W. C. MOORE, or March 2. B. W. CHAMBERS. BBls. No. 3 Mackarel. Received and for salo by t)U March 2, 1852. SHAW k AUSTIN. SUPERIOR BREAD CORN. For sale by March 22. E. W. BONNEY. A VARIETY of country-made COOPERS WAR'S For sale by E. W. BONNEY. 5 Books and Stationary. SCHOOL BOOKS of every kind; BLANK and RECORD BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, INK, QUILLS, i Ac. Forsaloby A. YOUNG. IT THE AT.H STAND. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to inform bis friends and former customers, and tbo public gen erallv, that ho has resumed business, at his Old Stand, one door below Mr. James Dunlap, where he will keep constantly on baud and for sale as low as Goods can be bought in this market, A GENERAL and COMPLETE STOCK of OROOERIKS, Embracing every articlo usually found in a well assort'I ed Grocery and Provision Store. In a few days i FRESH SUFPL 7 will be added to his present |Stoci He begs to return his thanks for tho liberal patron ) ago which ho has heretofore received, and hopes thai those indebted to him will come forward and promptlj settle, and renew their custom. S. BENSON, b March 19. 23 tf OALT. SALT..500Sacks Liverpool Salt. Jus' O received by W. C. MOORE. To Bent. it TTNTIL tho first of October next, the Store ant U Dwelling on Broad-st., lately occupied by A. £ Allen, deceased. JOHN R. JOY, Ordinary and Adm'r. af April 2. 27 tf_ 16 PATENT METALIO SERIAL OASES. 7 THE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for th< Metalic Cases. Also, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut ant other plain articles in the line, with mountings, and on _ graved, if desired. March 22. 0_L. CHATTER te One to Four Dollars a Window. n TJEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscri I) ber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW >r 8HADE8, which comprises many late and handaomi yatterns. C- L. CHATTER. WWWW:TOM ON and after 15th inst. tho Accommodation 1 Day Trip, between Camden and the Junct will be discontinued. The Train will continue to through to Columbia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays, as heretofore. Stock will bo received for shipment on MoncL "Wednesdays and Fridays only. Stock will leave 1 on tho above days, at 11.30 A. M., and be left at Camden Junction to bo taken down by the regi night Express Train from Columbia. Time Table for Camden Passenger Train. DOWN. Leave Camden - - 615 a. n Leave Boykin's - - - 6.45 a n Leavo Claremonl ... 7.15 a. n Leave Middleton » - 7.40 a. n Leave Manchester Junction - 7.45 a. n Arrive at Camden Junction 8.20 a. n UP. Leave Camden Junction - 2.15 p. n Leave Manchester Junction - 2.50 p. n Leave Middleton - - 3.00 p. n Leave Olaremont - 3.26 p. n Leave Boykin's - - 4.00 p. n Arrive at Camden - - 4.30 p. n Accommodation Train between Junction and lumbia on Tuesday*, Thursday* and Saturday DOWN. Leave Columbia 12.30 p. n Leave Woodland - 12.45 p. n Leave Hopkin'a ... 1.05 p. n Leave Gadsden ... 1.30 p. n Arrive at Camden Junction 1.45 p. it UP. Leave Camden Junction 8.30 a. n Leave Gadsden - - - 8.45 a. n Leave Hopkiq's - 9.10 a. n Leave Woodland - - 9.45 a. n Arrive at Columbia - - 10.06 a. n N. D. BAXLEY, Agen Camdex, March 12. 21 tf SoHth-Carellna~Kershaw Dlitrk Ilf EQUITY. Louisa DeBruhl, by next friend, vs. Georgo So* Lewis Sowell, et al.Bill to substitute Trustee, Pi tion, 4c. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that George So1 and Lewis Sowell, two of the Defendants to above stated Bill are absent from and beyond the its of this State: It is ordered that they do plead, swer or demur thereto, within tliree months from date of the publication of this notice, or in default order to take the same pro confesso will be grai against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. I February 25. 18 3m A Suit to suit the Times! WISHING to close out the balance of my *to< Winter Ready-Made Clothing, I will pose of my stock of Coats, Over Coats and Yesti cost prices. also. Broad Cloths, French Cassimeres and Yeatings, Wool Tweeds, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans and N< Cloths, at greatly reduced prices. January 23. JAMES WILSOl Comtc utly on Hand, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster of Paris, for buih purposes; Gypsum or Land Plaster, for agri tural purposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality in quantities to suit purchaser*. A very superior article of White Lime for whitew ing. C. L. CHATTE! March 9. 29 1C% AAA LBS. choioe new BA CON SIDE\ JiVVu Received and for sale by 7 March 2.1852. SHAW 4 AUSTD 1" ,^AA LBS. No. 1 LEAF LARD. (New.) t/uu Received And for sale by March 2, 1852. SlIAW 4 AUSTI K AA CHOICE FAMILY HAMS. Received 0\J\J for sale by SHAW * AUSTI] March 2, 1852. 18 tf 6) X Boxes Goshen Cheese. Received and for sal LO March 2, 1852. SHAW 4 AUSTI] 6 PACK AGES (49 lbs. each) Jenny Lind TOBA Just received by R. W. ABBOT Johnson's Traditions of the Revolu TRADITIONS and Reminiscences chiefly c! American Rev lution in the South: It t Biograhhical Sketches, Incidents and Anecd « of which have been publiahed, particularly of A in the upper country. By Joseph Johnson, > . Charleston, S. C. 1851. Price $3.00. For sale! March 19. ALEXANDER YOUNl BERIf ADOTTE D. BROlf§OIT. opp08ite the post office, Camden, S. C. CONTINUES tho manufacture or Tin- WAltz, attends to Guttering and Rooting Houses, put up and waking Store Pipe, and ty REPAIBS EVERY ARTICLE IK H18 LIKE. Old Pewter, Lead, Copper and Brass taken it change for Tin-Ware. jyThankftil for past favors, ho solicits a cow ance of the same, at the old Stand, opposite the Office. Match 16. 22 WW. 1*1. 8EIA1V2V02V, Attorney >t Law and Solicitor in Eqtdt; CAMDEN, 8 C. BANK AGENCY. f"piIE subscriber will attend promptly, to any ! X neaa entrusted to him as BANK A GENT. Jan. 16. Z. J. DEHA" CLINTON ft PRICE, Attorneys at Law. M, Cliktok, Lancaster. | C. A. Price, Cam Office in in Camden.that formerly occupied 1 M. DeSaussure, Esq..Will attend to legal busine this and the adjoining Districts. MAGISTRATE. REEDER dc DESAUSSURE, Factorage and Commission Bnsin ADGER'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C OSWELL REEDER. JOIIK B. DEB AT,*88 Attend to the selling of Cotton, Rice, and < . Country Produce. Orders flllod, and Goods sell " with care and attention. Feb. ] j W. THDRLOW CA8TOIV, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity CAMDEN, 8. C. l Office on Broad-Stroet near the Court House. E. W. BONNEY, Bank Agent and Gensral Merchant, , CAMDi;.V, 8. C. J. W. P.ITIcKAGAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Camdei viciuity as AUCTIONEER. His charges iv» morfnmte. and when reouired, he will attend in the country. February ! > fg"Orders left with Mr. J. S. Depass, will re I prompt attention. C" ANDLE8! CANDLES.20 boxes S and Adamantine CANDLES. For sale ches January 33. "W. C. MOOF /COOPER'S beat ahreddod Isinglass, andavarie T \J Extracts, fresh Currants and Citron, Raisins 9 monds, Broma, Chocolate, Mustard, Cheese, seed toee, Ac, Just received bjr E. W BONNE . . . . . GRiswDtin COTTO* om THE Subscriber has a better location and is touch better prepared for manuflicturing C iJTS than any ilQ" other Establishment in operation. He has made and l0Dl sold double the number of any other maker m the j country, his sales averaging one Thousand per annum. an This unequalled demand justifies the reputation claimed for his Gins, vis: that they Gin faster, run lighter, clean the seed better, take out more moats, make better lint, th* ^ave f>atent Water Boxes, jar more durable and secure the against Fire than any other, and that all other water boxes whether double or single are, Mt only a deception, but are an infringement on his rights, and will subject the Planter who uses them to pay damage for a violition of the Patent Laws. L These advantagesjustify blin ito offering to supply tlia , Planting Community with Gins on better terms, actorj' ding to quality, than any other Factory, Premium Glna not excepted. Planters of Sontli Carolina can drder these Gina j through Messrs. Herriot k Brailsford, Charleston; Mr. M. W. Coleman, Hamburg; Messrs. Law A Dromon, and Mr. Jesse Drafts. Columbia; Mr. Duncan Malloy, > Cheraw; Mr C. Matbeson, Camden; Messrs; Townaend ). k Douglas, Bennotsville, and his travelling Agents, or i by letter directed to him at GriswoldvUle; Jones Couni ty, Georgia. * > Gins delivered at the purchasers nearest Steamboat 1 landing or Railroad station. Co. SAMUEL GBI8W0LD/ r(U Griswoldville, Ga., Feb. 20< iB wlm.flrtto Take ffotice. ' T have placed my Books, Notes, and Accounts, ib the * 1 bands of J. S. DePASS, lor collection. He is duly a* authorized to settle all accounts and notes in his hands x of mine. J. D. MURRAY; 5' March 30. 2G.tf x III EQUITY-lAScaster lMsdfiet; i. Mary A. Coleman, widow, vs. Dr. R. E. Wyiie, Adm'r. i. George W. Coleman, dee'd. and others..Petition tor a. assessment, and payment of dower in funds. i. rpHE Creditor* of George W. Coleman, late of Lao* £ X outer District, dec'd. are notified and ordered to answer, plead or domnr Co the petition in above case . on or before the 21st dav of Jane, 1861, otherwise t. judgment pro confesso, will be awarded against them, JAMES H. WITHERS POON, ,,Commissioner in Equity L. t). jj? Lancaster C. H., 8. C., March 16, 1862. (rel] IM EQCJIT¥_Laac*»ter District* tjjf Susan M. Boyd by next friend at aL vs. JosejA B. lim* Boyd.Bill to confirm purchase by Trustee ftad for an. settlement > Jg tjje HTHE creditors of Jodeph B. Boyd are notified and an X ordered to answer, plead or demtir, to the above ^ Bill, on or before the 21st June, 1862, otherwise judgment pre confesso will be ordered against (hem. By 1 order of the Court, June Term, 1861. JAMES H. WITHEHSFOOtf. Commissioner in Equity 1m D, Lancaster C. H., S. C., March 16, 1862. [$6.76] *o TAIEfj dia' "VT OTICE is hereby given, that I will open Books on ® at it the 28th day of February next, at the store of James Dunlap, in Camden, for collecting the Taxes for AU* 1851, and will attend at the following places on the fill* lowing days for the same purpose} On Monday, the 1st of March at liberty Hill; on * Tuesday, the 2d of March at Flat Bock, on Wednesday, the 3d of March, at Buffalo; on Thtlrday, the 4th of jjn- March at Lizenby's; on Friday, the 5th of Harsh, at |CU{. Schrock's Mill; on Saturday, the Cth of Ifarch, at Core* and ton'8 After the above named times, I will attend at Cam* v den until the first day of May next, at which, time the a Books w 111 positively be closed, and all defhn&QB 4ft * ble taxed. J. W. DOBY, T. CL t l): ^ . January 27. 8 tf lit EQUITT-LancaHter. S. John R. Welsh, Adm'r. of WilHam Hilton, dee'd vs. John Adams, et al, Creditors ---BUIIn SBseta, and so forth. K rI^HE creditors of the estate of William late X of Lancaster District, dee'd are notified and re* attested to establish their demands befttre me on or beand fag day of June, 1852. ** By order of the Conrt, June Term, 1851. JAMES H. WITHE RSPOON, . Commissioner in Equity L. D. J OJ Lancaster C. H., S. C. Msreh 16.1852. [$6 00] ~ H EQUITY.Kerskmw. j ' William H. Holleyman, Adm'r com tea. annexe, vs. D. .. R. Kennedy and Margaret, his wife, George HugiOD gins and Harriet C. his wife, Thomas Fraser and jug Ann F. his wife, H. Holleyman, W. F. Holleyman and Mary F. Holleyman.Bill to confirm sales, for re^ relief. nts TT appearing to my satisfaction, that Elizabeth Hop) 0f A kins. daughter or H. Holleyman, dec'd; (If alive,) ,1 and bor children, to-wit: Wiley Hopkins, Nancy Hop^ kins, Joel Hopkins and others whose names are Unknown, __ reside without the limits of this State: On motion of Cuesxut k Cabton, Solicitors for Complainant, it is ordered that the said Elizabeth Hopkins, or ifshe be dead, her children, to-wit: Wiley, Nancy and Joel, and others, (if there be any,) names unknown do appear, anrfrer, &-cn plead or demur to the above within three months from tting the date of publication of this notice, or an order to take the same pro confesso will be granted against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E K, D. ex- February 20,1852, 15 3m dmi. "\TBW »AISIIfS~5t) quartorboxes RXWW& Port il Received at MOORED , AJAILS-A small lot of NALLS. For sale very " X l low to close out the lot, by W. C. MOORE. 5Bbls Kennedy's. Butter OackeTs. Received sod for sale by SHAW k AU8TIN M Dec. 23, 1851. . nPOBACCO.A small lot of CHEWING TOBAC X CO. Just received mid for sale by busi- W. C. MOORE, Sign of the Red Flag. y OA Kittsand 10 Qr. Bbbls. No. 1 Mackarel, selected _1 iu\J for Family use. Received and for sale hy March 2, 1852. SHAW k AtJSTlN. -J A Kitts No. 1 Pickled Herring. Received and for den 1U sale by SHAW k AUSTIN. C KEGS spiced Tripe, in Vinegar. Received and 00111 O for gale "by BHlW k AtJSTIN. SETT of CARRIAGE HARNESS, of Johnson* make. For sale by E. W. BONNEY. PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Hum and Bacon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Floor. Juit received at BONNEY'& UK*. ELECTION NOTICE* jther South Carol i ma.Kershaw Diitrkt% »cted Office Court of Qtrieral Sessions and Common I*. Pleas. L M. NAUDIN, Clerk of said Court, in pursuance t* tho directions of the act of the Legislature® suchtan# r' mado and provided, do hereby give public notice, thaJt" an olection for Ordinary for Kershaw District, wiH be held on MONDAY, the 10th day of May next, alt tho usual places of Election throughout the said District, to fill the vacancy eceaaionod by the expiration of the term ofthe present incumbent Witness my hand at Camden, 23d day Of February, A. D. 1852. M. NAUDIN, 0. 0. P. t o. 8. JSfarch 5. 19.tf * wd Elcctloa Notice* THE friends of JOHN R. /OY, announce him £ as'a Candidate for re-election to the office of Oreeive dinary for Kershaw District. Fek '27. 11 « perm B. W. CHAMBERS, 'E.^ WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IK Groceries, Hardware, Receiving and Forty ofwarding Agent, Pnrchawr of WKtoi and other Predtcti Pota ;y CAMDEN, 8. C*

Transcript of I Equity.Kershaw THE Dry NOTICE..Guardians, ExecutorsON … · 2014-05-17 · I ^ I I From,the...

Page 1: I Equity.Kershaw THE Dry NOTICE..Guardians, ExecutorsON … · 2014-05-17 · I ^ I I From,the Cincinnati Commercial Strange1 That no manywhoare afflicted with a Coughthatisgradually

I ^

II From, the Cincinnati Commercial

Strange 1 That no many who are afflicted with a

Cough that isgradually wearing them down, and slowly,k but surely stealing them into tliat dreadful disease,

Consumption.that disease whtch carries off thousands

daily, are doing nothing, or what is worse than nothing/gorgingthemselves with nostrums, that puffedto the skies for cures they are said to have effected on

some foreign or unknown persons, when they can bo

positively cored by using Dr. Rogers's Compound Syrupof Liverwort and Tar, which still continues to "cfmrtntwonderftxl cures ever recorded in theAW It VilW »MVW« ..annals of medicine. A fact which is proved by referenceto the vast number of certificates which may beseen by calling on the agent For sale at z- J. De11ay's and T. J. WoRKMAXB Drug Store.

See advertisement on fourth page.

DIED.On the 3d inst, at his residence in Lowndesboro',Ala., Mr. Hcon B. McCall, formerly a citizen ofthis place, in the seventieth year of his age.

lie was an effectionate husband, a tender parent, a

true friend, a kind and humane master. The sterlingintegrity of his character secured to him the confidenceand esteem of all who knew him. E.

The Lancaster Ledger,IS published weekly at Lancaster Court House, at

Two Dollars per year. This paper i3 bound to no

. party, but advocates all measures which the Editorbelieves will prove of benefit to the State,

f R. 8. BAILEY, Editor and Proprietor.

I PEPSIN!! PEPSIN!!C10ME AT LAST..The undersigned having been

> appointedby Dr. Houghton ofPhiladelphia, Agentfor the sale of hi celebrated PEPSIN", takes pleasurein announcing that he has just received a consignmentof the same, to which he invites the attention of thosein want ofit. Z. J. DeHAY.

April 13. 30tf

NOTICE..There will be an election held at theCouncil Boom, on Saturday the 17th inst, for a

Recorder, Treasurer, Marshal, Captain of the TownGuard, and four Town Guardmen to serve the ensuing

L year. Also, Keeper of the Town Clock and Ringer ofthe 9 o'clock Bell. All applicants for said offices musthand in their letters addressed to Council, previous tothat time. By order of Council.

L. W. BALLARD, Recorder.Council Chamber, April 10, '52.

"VTOTICE..I hereby forbid all persons giving credit_L\ or employment to any negro in my employ withoutmv permission, after this date.

J.F.SUTHERLAND.Aril 12,1852. 30tf

"VTOTICE..Sealed proposals will be received by±> Council, for keeping of the Public Pumps in orderin the town of Camden the ensuing year. Personswishing said contract will state the lowest amount theywill contract for. By order of Council.

L. W. BALLARD, Recorder." April 10th 302t


The regular meeting of this Division will behold on Thursday evening, at your new Hall over

A. M. <fc R. Kennedy's Store, at 7 o'clock.Bv order of the W. P.


CADETS OF TEMPERANCE?"Kershaw Section No. 4.

TITE regular Meeting of this Section will be held attheir Hall on Friday next, at 7 o'clock. By order

? ofthe W. A. T. G. PEGUES, Secr'y.


The subscribers have just received their new assortmentof

Spring and Summer Goods,^tvVch consists partly rfr" Calicoes, Ginghania, plain and embroidered Lawns.

*rttir_v j1u5uu3, «m» au puccn, aau&c*1 vaiiuuiiu, owiwu

colors, Cambrics and Muslins, plain and checked.Crapes, Bareges, Challye, DeLaisos, Tissue Silks, and;a great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies'Dresses. also.A large assortment of Lines Cambric Il'dkfa., Xee<Ue-workedCol'ars and Ctiffia, Chemisetts and Caps,

Muslin and Lace -Sleeves, Capes and Mantillas, Laeeand Muslin'Edging-and Inserting, (Bonnets and Ribbons,of thehewbet styles, Ivory Black and FeatherFans, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a great variety ofother Fancy Articles, to-numerous to name.

They recomitocnd their stock of bleached and brownShirting, blue and striped Homespuns, Cotton andLinen Oznaburgs, Bed Tide, and eyery kind of Towellingand Table Linen. A vay large assortment ofHosiery of every description, Linen, Thread Lace andSilk Gloves, Mitts, Ac. Ae.

They invite theirUriends to call at their Store, feelingcertain to be able to satisfy them in every way, atwell in the price as in the assortment of the Good*.

April 1852. XL DRUCKER & CO.


IM -DRUCEER A CO. have just received their new' supply ofSpring and Summer Clothing,

to vrfcrch they -would invite the attention of the publicat tlic same tame they would recommend their Stock ofOl'TfYTTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats,Undergarments, Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac.

April 9, 1852..tf

UOB SALE,.A NegroWOMANand onerchildF the former a Seamstress and House ServantTerms Cash. Apply at this office.April 9..tf

XTOTICE..All persons indebted the Estate o' IN ROBERT L. TWEED, doe'd. either bv note orI.account, ore requested to come forward immediately

j&d settle the same, or they will be put into the handsofa-n Attorney for collection, as the Estate must bojettlocL S. TWEED, Administrator.

April 6. 29tf

RUMMER EATS, of all qualities and descriptionsJust received ait BONNET'S.

I^OTICE "is hereby given, that three months af1j,\tor date, application will be made for a renewal oi[Certificate No. 1157, for Four Shares Stock in tho BankI of Camden, 8. C., in favor of Wm. Lyles of Columbia,k 0., dated 25th of Juno, 1849, the original of whicb

l^i been lost or mislaid. April 3..28w3m.

fMules for Sale.r fpllE subscriber offers for sale a Team of prime, wel1 I broke MULES. Also, a first rato WAGGON mc

GEAR. B. W. CHAMBERS.April 5. 28tf

Pinal Notice.a LL persons having demands against tho Estate o

\ J\. Miss Rebecca DeLeon, are hereby notified thathey must render in their demands properly attestedon or before the first day of Juno next, otherwiso thiiXotico will be plead in bar of payment.

H. LEVY, Adm'r.April 2. ..


Pishing Tackle.irtmPERIOR Silk, Cotton, Flax and ITair Lines; Lira

f J5 crick and Kirby Hooks, of overy sizo and varietyHooks on Silk and Gimp Coops; Cork Floats, BaiBuckets; Dip Nets and Handles; Furnished Silk on<

Flax Lines ready for use; Walking Cano Hods; TrouRods, with Hps and Guide Rings; Brass Reels; EasIndia Fishing-Poles, Ac. A. YOUNG.

Clfan! Cigars!!OAAAA CIGARS, of the most.superb brandfsuch as "Gold Leaf," "Los tres Ami

Bios," "El Ensaja," "La Palmetto." For sale byFebruary^. W. C. MOORE.

Splendid and Extensive Stock of

Rich Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.Eg~ONE PRICE ONLT.^3

HAMILTON, EASTER & CO., No. 213 Baltimore,Street, Baltimore, Md., have now instore the most extensive and complete stock of ChoiceGoods that has ever been offered in Baltimore.The leading articles being of their OWN IMPORTATION, and the balance careful selections from the

best sources, enables them to offer loods at as low

prices, both by WHOLESALE AN ) RETAIL, as

they can be had for in any market in this country..They would call particular attention to their stock of

DRESS GOODS,Of all fabrics, and mostly in new and choice designs.


the best fabrics.the greater portion manufactured exni-naslcfor our retail sales.I EMBROIDEREIS LACES, AND LACE GOODS,\

usual full supply from the best Paris FABRICANTS,HOSIERY AND GLOVES,




ALSO.(On tho second floor,) a handsome stock of

Articles for lUeu's Wear,(Adapted to the trade of MERCIIANT TAILORS andCOUNTRY MERCHANTS, who may want a fewfine Goods,( embracing CLOTHS, CASHMERETS,VESTINGS, BLACK DOESKINS, Frencli, Englishand American FANCY CASSIMERES, SERGES,TWEEDS, SILESIAS, WIGANS, Sewing Silks Ac.We aim to keep a full assortment of DESIRABLE

GOODS, "in every department of the trade." and thegroat extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciatedby a personal examination, which we solicitThe WHOLESALE portion of our Business is entirelyseparate from our Retail Sales, and as we are desirousof INCREASING OUR IMPORTATIONS, we willoffer GOODS at very low prices to country and city

'Al- A mJI CDuyers wno pay prompuy. "

NEW SPRING GOODS.AM.tR KENNEDY are now opening a choice

selection of Goods, suitable for the season.



A large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTIIING,FUR, PANAMA and STRAW HATS, Bleachedand Brown SHIRTINGS, Blue DENIMS, Checkedand Striped DOMESTICS, 11 and 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS.All of which will be sold on the most favorableterms. March 12.

NEWAKRIVALS.MDRUCKER A CO. have just received a iarge

selection of the newest patterns of Plain andFancy BERAGES\ DELAINES, CHALLYS, TISSUESILKS MUSLINS and GINGHAMS, and otherarticles for LADIES' DRESSES, to which they invitethe attention of the Ladies and the public generally.March 23.

Bare Delicacies.THE subscriber has just received a beautiAil asortmentof ACIDULATED DROPS, of the following flavors,viz: Banana, Raspberry, Pine Apple, Strawberry,

Nectarine, Orange and Lemon.-.ALSO.

Gum Drops of Wild Cherry, Wintergreen, Raspberry,Rose, Orange, Lemon, Violet, Liquorice, and Vanilla;Pepper Lozenges, Ac. Fresh and in fine order atMarch30. Z. J. PallAY'S.

Cod Liver Oil.I HAVE just received a few gallons of pure COD

LI VER OIL, which will be sold in quantities tosuit purchasers, and at reduced prices.

March 30. LZ. J. DeHAY.

Writing Inks.nPHE subscriber has just received a large and va*JL ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and RedINKS, of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5to 50 eeats each. also,

Harrison's, Tarrant's, "Wright's David's and Maris'INDELIBLE INKS, for marking on cotton, linen andeilk, with and without Preparation.March26. Z. J. DeHAY.


JAVA COFFEE; 10 sacks CUBA DO.20 barrels New Orleans MOLASSES.- hegs West India DOJO barrels New Orleans WHISKEY10 do Monongehela DO. casks old Rye DO 10 years old3 1-8 casks FRENCH BRANDY5 barrels best LEAF LARD10 barrels MACKAREL25 barels Baltimore FLOUR50 boxes English Dairy CHEESE10 kits MACKAREL No. 1

also,10 baskets HEIDSICK CHAMPAIGNE10 cases CLARET WINE, for Table use10 do MADEIRA DO5 do PORT DO


Ginger, Peach, Plum and Chow Chow PRESERVES200 quarter and half boxes SARDINES50 cases SALMON and LOBSTERS

"With many other articles too numerous to mention. Fosalo low for cash, or to punctual customers on the usuatime. Wv C. MOORE, Rod Flag.

COFFEE..40 Sacks First quality Rio CoflwJust received by W. C. MOORE.

CRASHED SUGAR..10 Bbls. Stuart's Superior Crashed Sugar. For sale by; W. C. MOORE.

SEED POTATOES..10 Barrels Seed Potatoos at MOORE'S.

BLANKETS and all Wool Plains, for sale at cost focash. Also, Carpets and Printed Floor Cloths, a

I reduced prices at BONNET'S.

SUPERIOR Brown Sugars, put up in barrels f<family use. Just received at BONNKY'S.

WELL Wheels, Steelyards, Broad Axes, AnvilnnH Vir*» Fnr «al« hv V. W RHWCV

, p ARDEN Trowels, Hoos and Rakes, jast receive* VJT at BONNEY'S.

MEAL AMD GRITS.Always on hand, :MOORE'S. Red Flag.

Barry's Tricopherons.THE subscriber has just received a small invoice

the above valuable preparation for diseases ol th! Skin and Hair. It needs but a trial to convince over1 one of its valuable qualities. For sale at

i Z. J. DEHAY'S.1 March 30. 26tft .

FOR SALE." TTTAGON Bridles, ef my own manufacture, or

i," V T warranted to last as long as two of Norther. ""dee. Also,

I .v.' ~r various qualities for sale low f<IcS"06 0"*"" " F. J, OAKS.

In Equity.Kershaw District.

NOTICE..Guardians, Trustees and Receivers,appointed by the Court of Equity for Kcrahaw

District, and accountable to the same, and tho Executorsand Administrators of such as are dead, are horebyrequired to make their annual returns, and produce thovouches verifying the satuo before the Commissioner in

Equity for said District, on or before the 1st day ofMaynext W. II. R. WORKMAN, c. e. k. d.

April 9. 20tf

Notice.r nnilE subscriber having disposed of his entire stockX of Saddlery, <fcc., to Mr. L. ARMSTRONG, takesthis opportunity of returning his thanks to tho citizensof Camden and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowedupon him, for more than eight years past andtakes pleasure in recommending Mr. Armstrong to the

rfavorable consideration of his former customers, as a

gentleman worthy their patronage.He earnestly hopes that all who are indebted to him

will come forward immediately and settle, as he intendsto leave very soon.

April2. C. M. WJENGES.

Saddle and Harness Manufactory.THE subscriber respecfully announces to the citizens

of Camden and vicinity, that having token theest ablishraentof Mr. C. M. Wienges, is prepared to fill anyorder in the above line on reasonable terms. Also,

1- am. daannntiAn ma/ta in nrrl.rail ill-ill y WUJA Ul C»VI J UCOV»»j|/wva *"««v -w

JgTAll Ready made Work on hand, will be disposedof AT COST.LUKE ARMSTRONG.

N. B..Repairing of all kimis done with neatnearand despatch.

Sumter Banner copy 4 times.April 2. 273t

COMPLETE!!THE underaigncd has now received his full supply

of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. As itregards style and beauty, he thinks they will comparefavorably with any thing that has been offered in thismarket Having purchased very largely, and not beingat all anxious to lay any of them "on the shelf," theywill be sold AS LOW, either for cash, or on time, togood customers, as they can be bought at any otherStore in the place, or in the City of Charleston.pTWe have but one price, at that a vert low one.March 29. K. W. RQNNEY.

Jnut Received,AN additional supply of Groceries, consisting of

New Orleans Santa Croix, crushed and clarifiedSugars; New Orleans and West India Molasses; Bjackand Gunpowder Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; NewBacon: Pickled Salmon: Dried Cod and Mackarel Fish:Cheese. 4c. Also, one barrel fine Cuba Honey, and afew kegs Malaga Grapes, all of which will he sold lowfor cash,by JAMES McEWEN.marl 2 21tf

WIDE IRON, Spades, Shovels, Manure ForksPloughs, Cutting Knives, and Corn Shelters.

Just received at K. W. BONNEY'S.

NEW LARD, of superior quality. Also, SugarHouse Syrup, Rock and Table Salt. Just received_byE. W. BONNEY.

A/TOUNTAIN Butter, Fine Cheese, Fresh Macciro1VJLni, Corn Starch, Brorna, Chocolate and Citron.For sale by E. W. BONNEY.

GRAIN Cradles, Steel Folks and Rakes, Iron andSteel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at

Feb. 24.tf E. W. BONNET'S.

HAMS! Hams!.A few very fine HAMS forsaleat W._C. MOORE'S.

BACON ! Bacon!.20,000 lbs. new first qualityBACON SIDES. For sale byFebruary 25. W. C. MOORE.

Piuno to Sell or Hire.

ANY person wishing to purchaso or hire a PIANO,can bo accommodated bv applying to

Feb. 10.tf"


THE subscribers liavo this day formed a Co-partnorship,under the name and firm of ROOT 4 INGRAM,for the purpose of carrying on the GcucralAuctioneering Business. F. ROOT,

JOHN INGRAM.Camden, Jan. 2.2. 7tf

Residence for Sale.

THE subscriber offers for sale his RESIDENCE situate on DeKalb-street, West of Broad, and oppoeilo

the Methodist Church. The Buildings are in completerepair, and the situation is an elevated and pleasant

one. Wji. M. WATSON.March 19.23tf

RRICKS FOR SALE.rT^HE subscriber bos on hand a large quantity oljL GOOD BRICK, which may be had on application.January 23.



Jewelry, Watches, &c.

GOLD andSivcr LEVER WATCHES, oftho newestpatterns and warranted time-keepers, GoldChains, Seals and Keys, Rings, Pins and Earrings,Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold Pens and Pencils,Coral Necklaces.FINE PLATED WARE Castors, Baskets and Candlesticks,Gilt China Vases. »

FINE CUTLER Y.Razors, Knives and Scissors,FANCY GOODS, <&c. A. YOUNG.

CORN, CORN.9 IXAA BUSHELS, of superb White CORN, forLd t)UU cash or 60 days paper. Apply to

W. C. MOORE, orMarch 2. B. W. CHAMBERS.

BBls. No. 3 Mackarel. Received and for salo byt)U March 2, 1852. SHAW k AUSTIN.

SUPERIOR BREAD CORN. For sale byMarch 22. E. W. BONNEY.

AVARIETY of country-made COOPERS WAR'SFor sale by E. W. BONNEY.

5 Books and Stationary.



THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to inform bisfriends and former customers, and tbo public gen

erallv, that ho has resumed business, at his Old Stand,one door below Mr. James Dunlap, where he will keepconstantly on baud and for sale as low as Goods can

be bought in this market, A GENERAL and COMPLETESTOCK ofOROOERIKS,

Embracing every articlo usually found in a well assort'Ied Grocery and Provision Store. In a few days i

FRESH SUFPL7 will be added to his present |StociHe begs to return his thanks for tho liberal patron

) ago which ho has heretofore received, and hopes thaithose indebted to him will come forward and promptljsettle, and renew their custom. S. BENSON,

b March 19. 23tfOALT. SALT..500Sacks Liverpool Salt. Jus'O received by W. C. MOORE.

To Bent.it TTNTIL tho first of October next, the Store ant

U Dwelling on Broad-st., lately occupied by A. £Allen, deceased.

JOHN R. JOY, Ordinary and Adm'r.af April 2. 27tf_16 PATENT METALIO SERIAL OASES.7 THE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for th<

Metalic Cases. Also, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut ant

other plain articles in the line, with mountings, and on

_ graved, if desired.March 22. 0_L. CHATTER

te One to Four Dollars a Window.n TJEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriI) ber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW

>r 8HADE8, which comprises many late and handaomi

yatterns. C- L. CHATTER.

WWWW:TOMON and after 15th inst. tho Accommodation 1

Day Trip, between Camden and the Junctwill be discontinued. The Train will continue to

through to Columbia, on Tuesdays, ThursdaysSaturdays, as heretofore.

Stock will bo received for shipment on MoncL"Wednesdays and Fridays only. Stock will leave 1on tho above days, at 11.30 A. M., and be left atCamden Junction to bo taken down by the reginight Express Train from Columbia.

Time Table for Camden Passenger Train.DOWN.

Leave Camden - - 615 a. nLeave Boykin's - - - 6.45 a nLeavo Claremonl ... 7.15 a. nLeave Middleton » - 7.40 a. nLeave Manchester Junction - 7.45 a. n

Arrive at Camden Junction 8.20 a. n

UP.Leave Camden Junction - 2.15 p. nLeave Manchester Junction - 2.50 p. nLeave Middleton - - 3.00 p. nLeave Olaremont - 3.26 p. nLeave Boykin's - - 4.00 p. n

Arrive at Camden - - 4.30 p. n

Accommodation Train between Junction andlumbia on Tuesday*, Thursday* and Saturday

DOWN.Leave Columbia 12.30 p. n

Leave Woodland - 12.45 p. n

Leave Hopkin'a ... 1.05 p. nLeave Gadsden ... 1.30 p. nArrive at Camden Junction 1.45 p. it

UP.Leave Camden Junction 8.30 a. n

Leave Gadsden - - - 8.45 a. n

Leave Hopkiq's - 9.10 a. n

Leave Woodland - - 9.45 a. nArrive at Columbia - - 10.06 a. n

N. D. BAXLEY, AgenCamdex, March 12. 21tf

SoHth-Carellna~Kershaw DlitrkIlf EQUITY.

Louisa DeBruhl, by next friend, vs. Georgo So*Lewis Sowell, et al.Bill to substitute Trustee, Pition, 4c.

IT appearing to my satisfaction, that George So1and Lewis Sowell, two of the Defendants to

above stated Bill are absent from and beyond theits of this State: It is ordered that they do plead,swer or demur thereto, within tliree months fromdate of the publication of this notice, or in defaultorder to take the same pro confesso will be graiagainst them.

W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. IFebruary 25. 183m

A Suit to suit the Times!

WISHING to close out the balance of my *to<Winter Ready-Made Clothing, I will

pose of my stock of Coats, Over Coats and Yesticost prices. also.

Broad Cloths, French Cassimeres and Yeatings,Wool Tweeds, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans and N<Cloths, at greatly reduced prices.January 23. JAMES WILSOl

Comtc utly on Hand,CEMENT, Calcined Plaster of Paris, for buih

purposes; Gypsum or Land Plaster, for agritural purposes, and Stone Lime, all of good qualityin quantities to suit purchaser*.A very superior article of White Lime for whitew

ing. C. L. CHATTE!March 9. 29

1C% AAA LBS. choioe new BACON SIDE\JiVVu Received and for sale by7 March 2.1852. SHAW 4 AUSTD

1",^AA LBS. No. 1 LEAF LARD. (New.)t/uu Received And for sale byMarch 2, 1852. SlIAW 4 AUSTI

KAA CHOICE FAMILY HAMS. Received0\J\J for sale by SHAW * AUSTI]March 2, 1852. 18tf

6) X Boxes Goshen Cheese. Received and for salLO March 2, 1852. SHAW 4 AUSTI]

6 PACKAGES (49 lbs. each) Jenny Lind TOBAJust received by R. W. ABBOT

Johnson's Traditions of the Revolu

TRADITIONS and Reminiscences chiefly c!American Rev lution in the South: It t

Biograhhical Sketches, Incidents and Anecd «

of which have been publiahed, particularly of Ain the upper country. By Joseph Johnson, > .

Charleston,S. C. 1851. Price $3.00. For sale!March 19. ALEXANDER YOUNl

BERIfADOTTE D. BROlf§OIT.opp08ite the post office,

Camden, S. C.

CONTINUES tho manufacture or Tin- WAltz,attends to Guttering and Rooting Houses, put

up and waking Store Pipe, andtyREPAIBS EVERY ARTICLE IK H18 LIKE.Old Pewter, Lead, Copper and Brass taken it

change for Tin-Ware.jyThankftil for past favors, ho solicits a cow

ance of the same, at the old Stand, opposite theOffice.Match 16. 22

WW. 1*1. 8EIA1V2V02V,Attorney >t Law and Solicitor in Eqtdt;



f"piIE subscriber will attend promptly, to any !X neaa entrusted to him as BANK A GENT.Jan.16. Z. J. DEHA"

CLINTON ft PRICE,Attorneys at Law.

M, Cliktok, Lancaster. | C. A. Price, CamOffice in in Camden.that formerly occupied 1

M. DeSaussure, Esq..Will attend to legal businethis and the adjoining Districts.


REEDER dc DESAUSSURE,Factorage and Commission Bnsin


Attend to the selling of Cotton, Rice, and <

. Country Produce. Orders flllod, and Goods sell" with care and attention. Feb. ]

j W. THDRLOW CA8TOIV,Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity


l Office on Broad-Stroet near the Court House.

E. W. BONNEY,Bank Agent and Gensral Merchant,

, CAMDi;.V, 8. C.


OFFERS his services to the citizens of Camdeiviciuity as AUCTIONEER. His charges

iv» morfnmte. and when reouired, he will attendin the country. February !

> fg"Orders left with Mr. J. S. Depass, will reI prompt attention.

C"ANDLE8! CANDLES.20 boxes Sand Adamantine CANDLES. For sale ches

January 33. "W. C. MOOF

/COOPER'S beat ahreddod Isinglass, andavarieT \J Extracts, fresh Currants and Citron, Raisins9 monds, Broma, Chocolate, Mustard, Cheese, seed

toee, Ac, Just received bjr E. W BONNE

. . . . .

GRiswDtin COTTO*om

THE Subscriber has a better location and is touchbetter prepared for manuflicturing C iJTS than anyilQ" other Establishment in operation. He has made and

l0Dl sold double the number of any other maker m thej country, his sales averaging one Thousand per annum.an This unequalled demand justifies the reputation claimedfor his Gins, vis: that they Gin faster, run lighter,

clean the seed better, take out more moats, make better lint,th* ^ave f>atent Water Boxes, jar more durable and securethe against Fire than any other, and that all other waterboxes whether double or single are, Mt only a deception,but are an infringement on his rights, and will subjectthe Planter who uses them to pay damage for a violitionof the Patent Laws.

L These advantagesjustify blin ito offering to supply tlia, Planting Community with Gins on better terms, actorj'ding to quality, than any other Factory, Premium Glna

not excepted.Planters of Sontli Carolina can drder these Gina

j through Messrs. Herriot k Brailsford, Charleston; Mr.M. W. Coleman, Hamburg; Messrs. Law A Dromon,and Mr. Jesse Drafts. Columbia; Mr. Duncan Malloy,

> Cheraw; Mr C. Matbeson, Camden; Messrs; Townaend). k Douglas, Bennotsville, and his travelling Agents, ori by letter directed to him at GriswoldvUle; Jones Counity, Georgia. *> Gins delivered at the purchasers nearest Steamboat1 landing or Railroad station.

Co. SAMUEL GBI8W0LD/r(U Griswoldville, Ga., Feb. 20< iB wlm.flrtto

Take ffotice.' T have placed my Books, Notes, and Accounts, ib the* 1 bands of J. S. DePASS, lor collection. He is dulya* authorized to settle all accounts and notes in his handsx of mine. J. D. MURRAY;5' March 30. 2G.tf

x III EQUITY-lAScaster lMsdfiet;i. Mary A. Coleman, widow, vs. Dr. R. E. Wyiie, Adm'r.i. George W. Coleman, dee'd. and others..Petition tora. assessment, and payment of dower in funds.i. rpHE Creditor* of George W. Coleman, late ofLao*£ X outer District, dec'd. are notified and ordered to

answer, plead or domnr Co the petition in above case. on or before the 21st dav of Jane, 1861, otherwiset. judgment pro confesso, will be awarded against them,

JAMES H. WITHERSPOON,,,Commissioner in Equity L. t).jj? Lancaster C. H., 8. C., March 16, 1862.

(rel] IM EQCJIT¥_Laac*»ter District*tjjf Susan M. Boyd by next friend at aL vs. JosejA B.lim* Boyd.Bill to confirm purchase by Trustee ftad foran. settlement > Jgtjje HTHE creditors of Jodeph B. Boyd are notified andan X ordered to answer, plead or demtir, to the above^ Bill, on or before the 21st June, 1862, otherwise judgmentpre confesso will be ordered against (hem. By

1 order of the Court, June Term, 1861.JAMES H. WITHEHSFOOtf.

Commissioner in Equity 1m D,Lancaster C. H., S. C., March 16, 1862. [$6.76]

*o TAIEfjdia' "VTOTICE is hereby given, that I will open Books on® at it the 28th day of February next, at the store of

James Dunlap, in Camden, for collecting the Taxes forAU* 1851, and will attend at the following places on the fill*lowing days for the same purpose}On Monday, the 1st of March at liberty Hill; on

* Tuesday, the 2d of March at Flat Bock, on Wednesday,the 3d of March, at Buffalo; on Thtlrday, the 4th of

jjn- March at Lizenby's; on Friday, the 5th of Harsh, at|CU{. Schrock's Mill; on Saturday, the Cth of Ifarch, at Core*and ton'8

After the above named times, I will attend at Cam*v den until the first day of May next, at which, time the

a Books w 111 positively be closed, and all defhn&QB 4ft *ble taxed. J. W. DOBY, T. CLt l):

^. January 27. 8tf

lit EQUITT-LancaHter.S. John R. Welsh, Adm'r. of WilHam Hilton, dee'd vs.

John Adams, et al, Creditors ---BUIIn SBseta,and so forth.K rI^HE creditors of the estate of William lateX of Lancaster District, dee'd are notified and re*

attested to establish their demands befttre me on or beandfag day of June, 1852.** By order of the Conrt, June Term, 1851.JAMES H. WITHERSPOON,

.Commissioner in Equity L. D.J OJ Lancaster C. H., S. C. Msreh 16.1852. [$6 00]~

H EQUITY.Kerskmw.j


William H. Holleyman, Adm'r com tea. annexe, vs. D... R. Kennedy and Margaret, his wife, George HugiODgins and Harriet C. his wife, Thomas Fraser andjug Ann F. his wife, H. Holleyman, W. F. Holleymanand Mary F. Holleyman.Bill to confirm sales, forre^ relief.nts TT appearing to my satisfaction, that Elizabeth Hop)0f A kins. daughter or H. Holleyman, dec'd; (If alive,),1 and bor children, to-wit: Wiley Hopkins, Nancy Hop^kins, Joel Hopkins and others whose namesare Unknown,__ reside without the limits of this State: On motion of

Cuesxutk Cabton, Solicitors forComplainant, it isorderedthat the said Elizabeth Hopkins, or ifshe be dead, herchildren, to-wit: Wiley, Nancy and Joel, and others, (ifthere be any,) names unknown do appear, anrfrer,

&-cn plead or demur to the above within three months fromtting the date of publication of this notice, or an order to

take the same pro confesso will be granted against them.W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E K, D.

ex- February 20,1852, 153m

dmi. "\TBW »AISIIfS~5t) quartorboxes RXWW&Port il Received at MOORED

, AJAILS-A small lot of NALLS. For sale very" X l low to close out the lot, by W. C. MOORE.

5Bbls Kennedy's. Butter OackeTs. Received sodfor sale by SHAW k AU8TIN

M Dec. 23, 1851.. nPOBACCO.A small lot ofCHEWING TOBAC

X CO. Just received mid for sale bybusi- W. C. MOORE, Sign of the Red Flag.y OA Kittsand 10 Qr. Bbbls. No. 1 Mackarel, selected_1 iu\J for Family use. Received and for sale hy

March 2, 1852. SHAW k AtJSTlN.-J A Kitts No. 1 Pickled Herring. Received and for

den 1U sale by SHAW k AUSTIN.C KEGS spiced Tripe, in Vinegar. Received and

00111 O for gale "by BHlW k AtJSTIN.SETT of CARRIAGE HARNESS, of Johnson*make. For sale by E. W. BONNEY.

PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Humand Bacon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Floor.

Juit received at BONNEY'&UK*. ELECTION NOTICE*jther South Carol ima.Kershaw Diitrkt%»cted Office Court of Qtrieral Sessions and Common

I*. Pleas.L M. NAUDIN, Clerk of said Court, in pursuance t*

tho directions of the act of the Legislature® suchtan#r' mado and provided, do hereby give public notice, thaJt"

an olection for Ordinary for Kershaw District, wiH beheld on MONDAY, the 10th day of May next, alt thousual places of Election throughout the said District,to fill the vacancy eceaaionod by the expiration of theterm ofthe present incumbent

Witness my hand at Camden, 23d day Of February,A. D. 1852. M. NAUDIN, 0. 0. P. t o. 8.

JSfarch 5. 19.tf*wd Elcctloa Notice*

THE friends of JOHN R. /OY, announce him£ as'a Candidate for re-election to the office of Oreeive

dinary for Kershaw District.Fek '27. 11«


Groceries, Hardware, Receiving and Fortyofwarding Agent,Pnrchawr of WKtoi and other Predtcti

Pota;y CAMDEN, 8. C*