I stand with you always. My commitment is never...

I stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front and center and will lead the charge for you, if you will but follow. PALLAS ATHENA v FEBRUARY 18, 2018

Transcript of I stand with you always. My commitment is never...

Page 1: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

I stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front and center and will lead the charge for you, if you will but follow.

Pallas athena v February 18, 2018

Page 2: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

Mighty Athena Helicanos — She of the Golden RiverStand in the River Helicanos — Open wide the sluicegates of Light and Attainment

Bear the olive branch unto the Sons and Daughters of the Most HighDivine Life, Divine Ideals flourishing, find root in the Golden Pathway Home

Wayfaring Sons and Daughters of the One God, those who like fair Odysseus seek their blessed Homeland,

Listen closely and you will hear the faint echoes of a long-forgotten hymn, poignant and reverent, sung by the most sublime voice of Eternity. Troubadours of the Spirit sing the Hymns of the Gods — whispering long forgotten Truths, revealing Cosmic Glyphs of Divine Vision, and restoring the living waters of Divine Memory.

Their song is one of Promise, Courage, and overcoming Victory — a story of a hero whose veins run deep with Divinity, with the Royalty of Kings. Their tale is one of high adventure — of navigating turbulent seas, crossing mucky swaps of human creation, rising above serpentine labyrinths of mortal thought, cutting Gordian knots of human dilemma, and facing fierce dragons of mortality.

The hero’s labors are mighty — his feats are ones of no mere mortal. Charged with Purity of Heart and the Virtues of the Christ, he girds himself with Fearlessness and Strength. Courageous acts of valor ring out as his keynote signature. And by virtue of his Goodness, his heart does not fail him. With the sure-footed, fleetness of Mercury, he runs to meet all mounting obstacles — for vested in the Armaments of the Lord with the Mighty Hosts of Heaven by his side, he knows he will win the day.

This forthcoming Easter Conclave, with lyre and lute, in the most elegant of prose, the Ascended Masters sing the ballad of the Godhead Charioteer. They come to tell of the greatest story ever known — greater than any legend, greater than any myth, prose, or epic poem.


Page 3: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

Mighty Athena Promachos — She who stands on the front linesWith towering Glory and fierce resolve — Vested in the full Panoply of Regalia Christos

Of piercing Spear and Fiery Sword — of Lightning Fohat and Fearlessness FlameUnder your Aegis the many will follow — Lead the charge unto the Golden Age

C ommanding the Limitless Legions of Light, resplendent in their full Ascended Master Regalia, the Hierarchy of the Emerald Ray stands to your right and to your

left. Training you in the practical use of the Emerald Ray — in God Control, Vision, and Fearlessness — they extend to you the full Panoply of the Christ. Vested with breastplate and shield, helmet and sandal, spear and sword, you will be clad with every armament needed for the battle ahead.

Just as she did for adepts down through the ages — for Achilles, for Odysseus, for Heracles — Mighty Athena, Goddess of the Emerald Ray of Truth, flies to your side. Within her glorious effulgent Radiance the scales of balance are tipped in your favor.

This Easter Conclave, Sword of Truth: Razor’s Edge of the Emerald Ray, Beloved Pallas Athena leads the charge of the most august entourage of Gods and Goddesses of the Emerald Ray who come to fight alongside you on the front lines and arm you with the full Regalia and Panoply of the Christ needed for your Victory.

In the threefold action of the Sword of Truth they bring…

v God Vision — the full transcendent Vision of your Mighty I AM Presence in all the many facets of its Glory and Majesty.

v The Truth of Cosmic Law — The Laws of the Presence of God that supersede all else.

v Training, Training, Training — for the most trying of initiations upon the Steep Path to Christhood.

Mighty Athena Proxima — She who stands by your sideGreat Athena, Daughter of the Most Noble One

With regal visage and stride formidable — with single-eyed Vision and piercing gazeBrandishing in her right hand the winged symbol of Mighty Victory

For unto the Victor, the laurel wreath is bestowed


Page 4: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

This Easter Conclave a most transcendent mountaintop experience awaits you. In the overshadowing of the Ascended Masters, your heart and mind will be exalted into the

profound Vision of your Mighty I AM Presence — behold the Face of the Firstborn. These priceless encounters with the Ascended Masters and your own God Presence as you learn the Truths of the Nature of God are designed to etch powerful records in the tablets of memory — records and momentums that you can draw upon throughout your life, during the small moments of your day-to-day life and in the most trying of initiations and circumstances.

This Easter Conclave…

v Be lifted up into the Electronic Circle of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. For therein is your Rock and Stronghold, the Citadel of Light and Protection you need when the outside world howls, trying to tear down the very Light and Peace you require.

v Enter into a face-to-face encounter with the Great I AM — the God of Very Gods — and experience the many facets of the Living Presence. For their lies your Source — the Fountainhead of your own God Presence that is found within The One and The Good.

v Be inspired by the detailed Vision of your own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Bring into sharp delineation the character traits of that Mighty Great God Presence — its Nobility, Transcendence, Power, and Beauty. For your own God Presence is truly Lord and Master over the entirety of the Great Central Sun and all of creation.

The sincere student upon the Path can’t afford to have a wishy-washy, amorphous, theoretical conception of their own Mighty I AM Presence. The fact remains that in order to outpicture God Perfection and embody the Presence in this world of form, that Vision must be held within the four lower bodies of the incarnate Son or Daughter of God.

You have a most important role to play — a role of initiating cycles, of energetic striving and victorious overcoming! Learn to hold the Vision for yourself — the single-eyed Vision of the Mastery and Attainment your Presence desires and of the Ascended Master you are to become! Come to this Easter Conclave, Sword of Truth: Razor’s Edge of the Emerald Ray, and learn how to cooperate with the precipitation of your own God Presence in your world!

Mighty Pallas Athena — clear-eyed Goddess of TruthAthena of the Golden Light and Emerald Sword

Brandish on high your Mighty Fohat — razor-edged God CommandCleave asunder the real from the unreal!

Cosmic Law blazing forth — the beaconing Light upon that High and Holy Hill


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The knowledge of the many Principles of Cosmic Law is availed to those who will step forward fearlessly and courageously, with an open heart and an open mind. The sincere

student who stands upon the threshold of Divine Wisdom and knocks upon its door will unlock the power to great change and transcendence in their life. Superstition and mortal reasoning are no longer the standard by which faith or life can be measured. No longer is the student a slave to faulty self-justification — capitulating to mortal conditions.

The Ascended Masters come this Easter Conclave to declare that God can be known. Truth can be known. Life and its operation can be known — by entering into the Wisdom of the Christ. These Great Teachers come to share the Higher Laws of God that transcend, supersede, and overpower the outer laws of nature and mortality. And with the razor-edged Sword of the Emerald Ray, with the Truth of Cosmic Law, they cut the Gordian knot of human lies and follies — for indeed, it is the Truth that sets men free.

Page 6: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Jesus v John 8:32

Acropolis SophiaJanuary 1 - 7, 2018


Page 7: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

At the feet of the Masters, Wisdom can be garnered and Truth will be known.

In the Inner Circle of the Ascended Masters, you can touch the Christic Fire of the Emerald Ray and be bathed in the Golden Light of Illumination. This Acropolis

Sophia within the Brotherhood’s Protected Citadel, a glorious interlude is extended to you, to enter into a deep mediation on the Truth of Cosmic Law and fully immerse yourself in the Emerald Ray of God’s Perfection, Wholeness, and Truth.

The Hierarchy of Light extends to you more than just text on a page or book learning for the studious, but they proffer to you, their most devoted disciples, practical teaching, training, and preparation for the arduous ascent up the Steep Path to Christhood.

To learn the Great Lessons of Life, to follow in the footsteps of the Victorious, to reach the summit of Attainment, the Great Ones say:

Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn. Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say — hard to tread and diff icult to cross.

v Katha uPanishad

The Path is steep and arduous, the road narrow, impossible to traverse. The traveler tired and weary must at times cut his own path among the thorns and brush,

through the high, dense overgrowth. The valleys and meadows seem ever short in comparison to the long stretches of desert and rocky terrain. Great chasms of the abyss must be crossed over by way of rickety bridges, torn and loose. As each mountain rises up before him, he climbs carefully, deliberately with great strength and fortitude. Scaling each peak to reach glorious plateaus of Attainment, the breathless beauty and glorious vistas urge him ever onward to new heights.

Such is the Path of the probationary chela, the initiate upon the Steep Path to Christhood. Such is the Path each adept has walked and the Ascended Master has victoriously traversed.

Approaching the mountain, one beholds a chaos of stones and jagged peaks. Beyond are the rocky chasms.

Then begin the mountain meadows, watered by snow. But behind the snowy summits you will see into the

great, glimmering distances v leaves oF Morya’s Garden

The arduous cycles and strenuous initiations of the Path are neither futile nor fruitless — for at their core lies a most profound opportunity. The rough and tumble

of outer life experiences, the cycles that must be initiated in daily life become the training ground for those razor’s edge initiations, eye-of-the-needle experiences, the trials and tribulations that each one must surmount and conquer for the Victory to be assured.


Page 8: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

These Cosmic Initiations are intended to liberate the greater Power of the Presence through the outer vehicles so that the Godhead Charioteer can at long last demonstrate the Truth of its Identity out here in this world of form. Initiation by initiation, step by step in this epic journey, the Godhead Charioteer accomplishes the purposes for which it took incarnation.

The overshadowing of your own Holy Christ Presence can at a moment’s notice draw forth the Divine Direction of the Mighty I AM Presence, the Protection of your lifestream, and the wherewithal for you to engage each of your vehicles of consciousness with the Truth of Cosmic Law. For indeed, the Divine Outpouring that your Presence has desired for your vehicles to become is the Truth of Cosmic Law, to adopt an Ascended Master Way of Life so that as you move forward day in and day out, you are never far removed from all that your Presence has dreamed for you, cognized within the Mind of God, sent forth by the Fires of the Heart, and entreated you via the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to respond to all that the Presence desires for you.

Great divine director v February 25, 2018


As the mountains give rise to new heights, and Abysses crossed but confront me

with new mountains, When I have traversed all deserts

And have scaled all summits –What shall I see, O Lord?

Thou shalt see Me v leaves oF Morya’s Garden

In the Path outlined by the Ascended Masters, great and glorious feats are to be achieved by wielding the Truth of

Cosmic Law. In the glorious pursuit of the Ascension in the Light, we use the Power of the Spoken Word like the anvil and hammer to strike the shackles of karmic limitation that have produced poverty, pain, illness, old age, decrepitude, failure, and all of the woes, plagues, and vials of wrath of human creation.

We throw down the gauntlet in the face of all mortal conditions and instead elect to put on the Celestial Garment of the magnificent Body of Electronic Light that is our own inheritance. And we as the outer expression of that Great Electronic Presence of the I AM, vested in the Mantle of the Christ and with the Authority of the Threefold Flame, brandish the Sword of Truth — smiting the earth, parting the waters, and crossing the dry land to work the works of own Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.

Page 9: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

We follow in the footstep of the heroes and initiates now ascended who while in embodiment performed so-called miracles by leveraging the Power of Cosmic Law against the outer laws of nature.

Wield the Sword of Cosmic Law for your Victory!

v Transmute the entrenched, recalcitrant records in the memory body by the Violet Transmuting Flame and the Ruby Ray of God’s Fierce Love.

v Still the raging torrents and storms of an undisciplined emotional body by the God Control of the Heart Flame.

v Reprogram deeply-grooved mortal thought patterns and momentums of negativity by the overshadowing of the Holy Christ Presence.

v Fight negative karma by engaging in Cosmic Service and creating a rolling momentum of good karma.


Page 10: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

The scepter of Divine Authority lies within the right hand, the responsibility to overcome mortal conditions lies squarely upon the shoulders, and the wherewithal to win each and every battle lies within the Threefold Flame of the Heart. Just as God said to Job in the Old Testament, so do your Ascended Masters Sponsors say to their disciples:

Gird up now thy loins like a man and I will tell thee how thy right hand can save thee.

Job v 40:7-14

The Journey of the Godhead Charioteer is his own — the Mastery is his for the making. The

Brotherhood of Light stands invisibly visible, walking the razor’s edge of discrimination in assisting, teaching, and holding the balance, but never taking the laurel wreath of Victory from the Mighty I AM Presence incarnated in time and space.

To this end the Hierarchy of the Emerald Ray brings the Sword of Truth of Cosmic Law. This Acropolis Sophia…

v Be trained in the science of Invocation, Decree, and Affirmation. Stand tall in Fearlessness Flame knowing that God Perfection is already fully realized within your own Mighty I AM Presence and that by decreeing you are affirming the Truth of the Law of your Being and lowering that God Reality out here in this world of form.

v Be trained in the use the Emerald Sword of Truth to cleave asunder the real from the unreal. Learn to hold up all conditions in your life and in the world at large to the standard of Cosmic Law as the benchmark of God Reality that sheds the Light of Illumination upon the illusory world of maya.

v Learn the role of the outer vehicles in manifesting God Perfection. They are the lens to manifesting the alchemy at hand. For the operation of Cosmic Law must be done consciously and deliberately through the vehicles of the four lower bodies.

From the Truth of Cosmic Law flows the Balm of Gilead. It is the Rock upon which you can always depend — come what may. As you put these Principles into practice in your day-to-day life, a sense of calm and well-being will come to the fore. You will have the certitude of knowing that God is working its Great Works through you. Come to this Acropolis Sophia and embrace Cosmic Law, unerring and constant, the Law of the Being of your Presence that can and will be made manifest in your life.


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Beloved ones, let the Presence direct you into those meaningful ways of life that facilitate the expansion of your Mastery and Attainment so that you are prepared for all the Presence desires to fulf ill through you, so that your footsteps upon the Earth ignite an Illuminating Fire that shall proclaim Divine Direction for future generations to come!

Let the Glory of God that you invoke, that you draw forth by your good works and by the fulf illment of Cosmic Law stand forever as the Hallmark of the Torch Bearers of The Temple! Henceforth throughout history let it be recorded that yours was the generation of Godhead Charioteers who came forth and f inally turned the tide of the consciousness of mankind back to Light, enabling each one to once again fulf ill their Fiery Destiny and awaken to the very Presence of God within them!

Let the Glory of Cosmic Law abound in your life! Align with your Holy Purpose so that you are always in lockstep with the Presence of God!

Go forth! And walk with God. Great divine director v February 25, 2018

Page 12: I stand with you always. My commitment is never …templeofthepresence.org/pdf/Easter2018PosterBrochure.pdfI stand with you always. My commitment is never wavering. I AM always front

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Copyright © 2018 The Temple of The Presence, Inc.

PO Box 17839 • Tucson, Arizona 85731 USA • (520) 751-2039



Y ou, the few, will call forth the Rays of Light and Momentum of

your Mighty I AM Presence and all of the Entire Spirit of the

Brotherhood of Light! As you do so there will be a marked difference in the

Earth, for one after another after another after another, collectively and

individually, you will make that difference. For your Heart Flames are

united and you stand together as Torch Bearers of The Temple, invoking

the Flame of Illumination of Apollo, invoking the Fire of Mighty Victory,

establishing a Momentum of the Goddess of Liberty, and making the

pathway sure, constant, steadfast in a veritable River of the Emerald

Ray Light of Pallas Athena, that will bring forth, in alliance with you,

the Golden Age. For I stand with you always. My commitment is never

wavering. I AM always front and center and will lead the charge for you,

if you will but follow. Pallas athena v February 18, 2018