"I, Spy" - Completed Script #1



This is the script for my short film, entitled "I, Spy". It presents the peculiar situation in MI6 that a sixteen year-old "Bond" fanatic has found himself in, after merely finding a 'Memory Stick' on the floor in a park.

Transcript of "I, Spy" - Completed Script #1

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(AB) Alfred “Alfie” Bond


(CHA) Sir Charles Edward Lockfield II(Head of Secret Intelligence Service)


(AJ) Arthur Jones (‘Research & Development Division’ Agent)


(JB) Judith Bond

--(BD) Benedict Darvill

(Agent for MI6, reported ‘Missing In Action’ (M.I.A.))

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SCENE ONE (1)Location: MI6 – Interrogation Chamber


(Over-the-Shoulder, from Alfie’s perspective, looking at Sir Charles Edward Lockfield II) CHA: You inserted the device into a computer at your home. Now, tell us – how did you get your hands on it? (Characters freeze, but camera moves around to show Alfie’s face)(Voiceover)AB: Ah yes, well, this is awkward. The first time we meet, and I’m in a rather complex situation, all due to a memory stick that I uncovered. I really regret picking it up…

SCENE TWO (2)Location: Home/Park


(Sitting at his desk in his bedroom, studying)(Voiceover)AB: I’m Bond…Alfred Bond. Well, everyone just calls me Alfie. I am just a typical 16 year-old, studying for my GCSEs. I like to think of myself as a ‘cool’, fun, and cheerful chap, with a considerably high intellectual prowess. As embarrassing as it is for me to say it, I love Mathematics. I just find that numbers provide something that words do not. They provide codes…puzzles…symbols and formulas, and I just find that immensely riveting and enthralling.(After rubbing his eyes, feeling tired, he leaves his desk, and puts on his coat. The coat fills camera)

(Walking to bench in park)On my sixth birthday, when my Grandfather gave me a model ‘Aston Martin DB5’, I was introduced to the incredible world of ‘Spies’. Obviously the “James Bond” series took a particular place in my heart, and it was the fact that Mr Fleming gave this enigmatic, intelligent and courageous character the same surname as my own, that put the metaphorical slice of lemon into the ‘shaken, but not stirred’, martini. (His iPod music increases in volume, as he gets closer to bench. He sits down.)(Camera is placed behind him, Over-the-Shoulder)

(A smartly dressed man, with a briefcase, walks in front of Alfie. A small item falls from his clothing. When the man has gone, Alfie notices the item in the grass, after treading on it. He thinks for a couple of seconds, but decides to leave it…until he goes back and places it into his back pocket – due to his interest)

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SCENE THREE (3)Location: Alfie’s Bedroom


(Camera is placed behind table, which has laptop on. Alfie walks through bedroom door, and sits at his desk. He finds that he is sitting on something uncomfortable, and recalls the ‘memory stick’ that he found. He studies it, noticing code of “01001010B0D”, and after mild hesitation, decides to plug it into the laptop… Nothing happens… A message takes over the laptop screen “Scanning … Locating … ”. Camera zooms into laptop screen, fading out at the same time)

SCENE FOUR (4)Location: MI6 - ‘Research & Development Division’


(Camera zooms out of Jones’ laptop, fading in at the same time, as it rises from behind Jones’ laptop. The same message that appears on Alfie’s laptop appears. He looks intrigued and slightly confused. He immediately retrieves the phone)AJ: Sir, Jones here. Sorry to interrupt you so late in the evening, but … it’s Agent Darvill. He’s been located. Yes. Shall I change his status? Okay. But shouldn’t we get an actual agent on the case? No, sorry, yes Sir.(“Missing In Action (M.I.A.)” becomes “Active”)

SCENE FIVE (5)Location: Alfie’s Front Door


(Doorbell rings. Alfie’s mum, who is washing up, calls to him)JB: Could you get that please Alfie?AB: Okay! (He opens the door. Arthur Jones is standing at the door, but to Alfie, this is just a peculiar man.)AJ: Good morning. I’m John Smith, a Civilian Investigation Officer (CIO) for the Metropolitan Police. I’m looking for Alfred Bond?AB: Well, that’s me. How can I help?AJ: We need to talk to you. We have reason to believe that you are in immense danger.AB: What’s the reason?AJ: I can’t tell you much here, in public. All that I can say is ‘Memory Stick’? AB: What about it? Shall I just go and get it? I don’t want it!AJ: Ah, so you have it. First of all, answer me this: is there anyone else in the building?AB: Yes, my Mum. Why?AJ: Alfred, do exactly as I am about to tell you. Firstly, go and retrieve the ‘Memory Stick’ and then go to your Mother and tell her that a friend has arrived, and is asking for you to go to the cinema with them. Do that, and then come back here immediately. You need to come with me.

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AB: I really don’t understand this at all. There must have been a misunderstanding. The ‘Memory Stick’ was just -AJ: Alfie. Do it. Now.(Alfie looks slightly fearful, but does as he is told. He goes into the kitchen)AB: Mum, Ben’s here and has invited to go to the cinema with him.JB: That’s fine with me, if you want to go. Do you need some money?AB: No, I’ve got some, thanks. I’ll take my phone, and will be back by around 5pm. (Judith nods, and smiles)JB: No problem. Have fun!(Alfie returns to Arthur, retrieving his coat from cupboard under the stairs. Arthur is waiting outside the front door. They look at each other. Arthur opens out his hand, and Alfie places the ‘Memory Stick’ on it)

SCENE SIX (6)Location: MI6 – Interrogation Chamber


(Arthur leads Alfie down a long and mysterious corridor. He does not know where he is, and tries to work out how he could be in danger. They reach the door, which is opened by Arthur. Alfie is forced inside. Ahead of him is a table, and two chairs, with a man already sitting on the one facing him. He looks very serious)CHA: Mr Bond. I have been expecting you. (He points to the opposing seat. Alfie sits down) AB: Er...why, if you don’t mind me asking, am I here? I’ve been told that I’m in ‘immense danger’, and I’ve just been brought here by this man, telling me that he is a member of Metropolitan Police. I’m not stupid though. I know that this is no ordinary Police Headquarters. CHA: We know you’re not stupid, Mr Bond. You’re not stupid indeed ... quite the opposite.(He opens the folder on the desk)The ability to read at the age of 4, and an immense love for Mathematics, coding, and spies -AB: What? How do you know all of this? The Police wouldn’t know that! Who are you? Where am I! (he starts to raise his voice in a panic)CHA: Bond! (He stands up) Calm down! We should be the ones concerned, not you.AB: What do you mean? Why? You told me that I’m in danger!CHA: Well, let me start again. I’m Sir Charles Edward Lockfield II, the Head of the Secret Intelligence Service. You are currently seated in the centre of the MI6 Headquarters, and we have reason to believe that you, Alfred Bond, have knowledge on one of our agents – Agent Benedict Darvill. We are not going to get aggressive, yet, but we need you to tell us the truth. AB: I’m sorry, but you’ve made a mistake. Honestly!(Arthur Jones comes and stands beside Alfie, acting as a form of security for Sir Lockfield. He also places the ‘Memory Stick’ on the table)CHA: Let’s see, shall we? A week ago, Agent Darvill was assigned an extremely important international mission, and it

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was confirmed that he correctly left our ‘Research and Development Division’. His route from MI6 to Heathrow Airport included a walk through ‘Ravenscourt Park’, to be picked up by a planned taxi. Now, this (he holds up the ‘Memory Stick’) comes into the story. All agents own one of these…AB: A ‘Memory Stick’?CHA: A ‘Location Distribution Radar Device’, or an L.D.R. Device. Of course, we couldn’t have a special piece of technology that would stand out if ever misplaced, so it was designed to be used in a similar way to that of a memory stick. All agents have to insert the device into their laptops, which then updates their location on our computers. When Agent Darvill was noticed to have lacked a location update in the past 96 hours, we unfortunately had to class him as ‘Missing In Action’.AB: Right. So where do I come into this?CHA: You inserted the device into a computer at your home. Now, tell us – how did you get your hands on it? AB: Well, I’m currently studying for my GCSEs, and I decided to take a break, and went to the park.CHA: ‘Ravenscourt’ Park?AB: Yes. I was listening to my music, and I came across that device, after treading on it.CHA: So you just decided to take it, and claim it to be your own?AB: Yeah. I just thought it was a normal ‘Memory Stick’ – it never crossed my mind that I was doing anything wrong. I was just interested, and I think that part of my ‘James Bond’ passion encouraged me to look into it, and therefore insert it into my laptop.CHA: And when you did insert it. What happened?AB: Well, my laptop was completely taken over. I couldn’t move it at all. A message came up saying ‘Scanning…Locating’. It finished calculating, and then I took it out of my laptop, as I was concerned that it would ruin it. That’s all, I promise.CHA: So, now that we’ve heard this story, which really is too innocent for us to believe, we want to know what you know about Agent Darvill. Where is he?AB: I’m telling the truth! I honestly don’t know!CHA: You’re not going to go anywhere until we’ve found him, so you might as well tell us Alfred. Do you not understand what sort of situation we’re in? One of our agents, whose L.D.R. device has been misplaced and later found in a member of the public’s laptop, has had a lack of contact with us, and all we have is the information on his last ‘reported’ location – your house. Who else can we accuse? There’s only you that has links…(A close-up on Alfie’s concerned facial expression, as the picture fades out)