I sea pasta Kochbuch | Cook book & recipes (in english)


Transcript of I sea pasta Kochbuch | Cook book & recipes (in english)


November 2013, Ibiza. Family holiday.

We' re having dinner in restaurant Bambuddha and I order the ?seaweed salad?. No seaweed in sight. My w ife points at the tagliatelle on my plate. I warily look at her: can she no longer distinguish pasta from seaweed ? As often happens, she turns out to be right.

I am eating 'Himanthalia?, a culinary seaweed that is picked straight from the rocks and is nicknamed 'sea spaghetti' . Lovely stuff! But it ' s not the great taste that keeps me awake that night. What if we could replace half the pasta in the world w ith seaweed? An insane idea: new culinary possibilit ies and a healthier future. Later, I understand that experts see seaweed as a key sustainable food source that can help feed a world population grow ing to 9 billion people.

And now you are holding a pack of I sea pasta. A lot has happened since Ibiza. I fooled my kids w ith I sea pasta Bolognese when I started experimenting at home. We needed 2-3 trials before gett ing truly addicted. 4 year old Mae is now asking for seaweed as if they were cookies. Not kidding. We also found that making seaweed accessible and affordable would only work w ith the power of the crowd.

A testpanel validated the concept and created fantastic recipes. A huge number of people backed our crowdharvesting campaign. Chefs and people like you started cooking w ith I sea pasta, creating more recipes.

This booklet tells more of the Seamore and I sea pasta story. And it gives you recipes from our beloved crowd. Let's keep on cooking and working together to seamore in seaweed. Thank you all so much.

Willem & Team Seamore






I sea Story

Once upon a time a seaweed weirdo decided to fool the world. Seaweed was served as pasta...

Want to hear the rest of the story? Read on.

Early 2016: launching in Germany, Belgium, Australia, UK & soon many more countries!

9 July 2015 New packaging design f inished!

To follow and become part of our path, check, l ike and engage with our Facebook.

May 2014 Blind tasting test of I sea Bolognese with kids....

December 2014 Trip to Ireland to test the waters

February 2015 Testpanel validates concept and creates 50+ recipes

2.4 mill ion* years ago himanthalia started growing. I sea Paleo!

January 2015 Seamore is off icially launched, I sea crisps experiment success

August 2015 I sea pasta off icially for sale

19 June 2015 Adelaide's Casablabla

1st restaurant to serve I sea pasta

15 May 2015 New Seamore HQ in Amsterdam

*Nobody knows exactly. But seaweed has been around for millions of years and earliest man used it as a food source...

November 2013 Seamore founder Willem mistakes seaweed for pasta

January 2015 1st batch I sea pasta arrives, family packaging event

April-May2015 Successful crowdfunding campaign creates massive publicity

May 2015 Harvesting starts in Connemara, Ireland

What 's Next?

'So where should I star t ?'

In the Mix. If you are used to normal pasta, mix I sea pasta with normal tagliatelle for your f irst experience. Looks and tastes great!

Sauce. I sea pasta needs enough sauce, olive oil or dressing for the best tasting experience.

Flavor. The taste of I sea pasta is very mild & neutral. Make sure you add a lot of f lavors by adding other ingredients !

Tastes f ishy? Seaweed is 'umami'. Japanese for savoury. You don't need to be a f ish lover to love I sea pasta. Check recipes with meat or other veggies.

Smel ls f ishy? Be prepared; what comes from the sea, smells l ike the sea. Check out the preparation method with the least sea breeze.

Colourful . When you soak I sea pasta the water will turn green/brownish. This is some of the nutrit ion seeping out. Many people use it as a tasty broth.

Bite. I sea pasta is not as soft as normal pasta. That's because it 's packed with f ibres. You'll learn to love it !

Bl ind date. Some people/ kids think seaweed is slimy, salty & f ishy. Feeding them I sea pasta without tell ing them it 's seaweed will give them an unbiased experience and prove them wrong!

More dates ! Our seaweed pasta is perfect of course. But we also cooked several t imes with it before we started to really feel the love. So keep on cooking, you are discovering a whole new category of food !

Trying a new kind of food is like dating. Sometimes it ' s love at f irst bite and at other t imes it ' s a slow burner. Here's 9 food dating t ips that' ll deepen your love of ' I Sea Pasta' .

I sea Dating Tips

Smel ls l ike ? I sea pioneer Else put ginger in the cooking water to limit the sea breeze and add extra f lavor.

Others have used vinegar and lemon.

3. Cook for 15-20 minutes like pasta. More tender and more seabreeze!


20 grams. Because I sea pasta grows 5 times in volume and is also very nutrit ious you'll need only +/ - 20 grams per person.

1. Soak for 45 minutes in cold water. No sea breeze and a lot of bite. Perfect

for raw food, salads.

3 ways to prepare

Surf & Turf . As mentioned, pasta addicts might l ike a f irst experience using 50% I sea pasta and 50% normal tagliatelle. You can apply this to all recipes in this booklet (or your own).

2. Soak in hot water for 20 minutes. Expect a

slight seabreeze and a mild bite.

less seabreeze more tender

I sea Broth. When you soak or cook I sea pasta the water will color with the healthy pigments (antioxydants) in the seaweed. Soak for a night and you have great stock for soup or sauces!

I sea Carbonara



I sea Bolognese

I sea Fusion

I sea Simplicity

I sea Sausage

I sea Curry

I sea Tapenade

I sea Quiche

I sea Lavinia

I sea Nuts

We are grateful for all the great culinary creativity from our earliest adopters, food bloggers and chefs!


I sea Pulpo

I sea Lasagna

I sea Vongole

I sea Dessert

I sea Jamie

I sea Chocolate

I sea M iso

I sea Ceasar


I sea Amuse

I sea Ottolenghi

Is your #isearecipe going to be in the next I sea cookbook?

I SEA BOLOGNESE 80 g I sea pasta, 1 onion , 500 g minced beef, 2 cloves of garlic (minced), 1 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 splash of balsamic, 1 can of chopped tomatoes, 12 cherry tomatoes, Italian herbs, olive oil.

As a test, Seamore's founder Willem made this for his kids without tell ing them they were eating (and liking) seaweed. Soak or cook the I sea pasta while preparing the rest of the dish. Fry the onion and add the minced beef. Add the tomato paste, balsamic and garlic after 5 min. Then the canned and cherry tomatoes. Reduce the heat and sprinkle Italian herbs. Drain the I sea pasta and mix it with your sauce...Buon appetito!

I SEA CARBONARA80 g I sea pasta , 2 egg yolks, 6 tbsp. of

double cream , 60 g of grated parmesan cheese, 100 g small pieces

of bacon, 100 g mixed mushrooms.

Soak or cook the I sea pasta while preparing the rest of the recipe. Fry the bacon in its own fat, add the mushrooms for 5 min when the bacon

reaches the desired crispiness. Drain the pasta and add with the bacon/mushrooms for a few minutes. Mix the egg yolks, cream and

parmesan. Add the cream/egg mix to the bacon, pasta and mushrooms. Mix well and let rest for 1 minute. Enjoy!

I SEA VONGOLE80 g I sea pasta, 1 kilo vongole 3 garlic cloves (minced), 15 cherry tomatoes (in halves),handful coriander, 1 lime, 250 ml white wine, 1 sliced chili pepper, olive oil, pepper, salt.

Soak or cook the I sea pasta while preparing the rest of the recipe. Fry garlic and chili pepper. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Add the wine and vongole after 3 min and let it simmer. Add Coriander. When the shells are open, take off the heat. Drain the pasta and mix with the rest of the dish. Finish with a splash of l ime juice.

I SEA PULPO80 g I sea pasta, 1 octopus,

1 whole ginger (peeled), 1 chili pepper 100 g green asparagus-tips , 200 ml

Hollandaise sauce, juice of 2 limes, zest of 1 lime, 2 lime leaves, 1 sereh stalk

(crushed inside), chill if lakes (to taste).

Bring pulpo to room temperature. Boil water with ginger, chili, l ime leaves and 2 used wine corks. Dip the pulpo for 3 sec. in the water, repeat 4x. Cook

the pulpo for 1 hour. Leave overnight. Soak or cook the I sea pasta and drain. Cook the asparagus tips for 2 min. Heat the Hollandaise sauce add lemon

zest and juice of 1 lime. Add sereh. Simmer for 5 min. Mix together and sprinkle with remaining lemon juice and chilif lakes.

Recipes serve 4 people unless indicated differently.

I SEA FUSION80 g I sea pasta , 100 ml rice vinegar, 50 ml soy sauce, 500 gr bavette (sirloin), onglet or entrec?te, 1 paksoy (cut in pieces), 150 g shitakes (cut in pieces), 1 chili pepper (cut small), garlic, olive oil, pepper, salt.

Soak the I sea pasta for 8 min. in warm water and drain it. Then marinate for another 15 min. in rice vinegar and soy sauce. Fry or gril l the meat and leave to rest in tin foil for 5 minutes. Fry chili pepper and garlic and add the thick pieces of paksoy, the shitake and then the paksoy leaves. Slice the meat and serve on top of the I sea pasta.

I SEA LAVINIA80 g I sea pasta, 1 small

caulif lower in pieces, 60 g roquefort, arugula, olive oil,

pepper, salt

Created by one of our early adopters and named after her. Soak or cook the I sea pasta while preparing the rest of the dish. Put the caulif lower

in the oven for 20 min. with olive oil, pepper & salt. Drain the pasta and mix it with the caulif lower. Sprinkle the rouqefort and garnish with arugula. Add olive oil if it is too dry. Recipe from laviniacooks.com.

I SEA TAPENADE20 g I sea pasta, 150 g green olives , 6 sundried tomatoes, handful of capers, 1 clove of garlic, olive oil, pepper, salt.

Soak the I sea pasta and drain it. Put the I sea pasta in a kitchen machine with the other ingredients and blend until it has the texture you like. Obviously, you can create your own tapenade with other stuff . Don't forget to share your recipe with us!

I SEA OTTOLENGHI40 g I sea pasta, 40 g ginger, 1 mango and 3

carrots, peeled and julienned. 80ml rice-wine vinegar, tbsp caster sugar, 1

cucumber, peeled, deseeded and julienned, 70 g peanuts, toasted and salted, 2 tbsp

sesame seeds, toasted, 2 tsp lime juice, 1 tbsp groundnut oil, 20 g coriander leaves, chopped, 20 g mint leaves, shredded, salt.

Star chef Ottolenghi discovered the potential of seaweed early on. Google ot tolenghi sea spaghet t i and click on the Nov 23, 2012 recipe

in the online Guardian. Also found in 'Plenty More', his latest cookbook.

Recipes serve 4 people unless indicated differently.

I SEA AMUSE80 g I sea pasta , 1 steamed mackerel (cleaned and in small pieces), 1 tbsp. lemon juice , 1 tsp. lemon zest, 1 tbsp. lemon mayonnaise. 20 capers, fresh parsley (cut small), olive oil, pepper, salt. Serves ca 24 amuses.

Great recipe created by the lovely ladies of shotof joy.nl. Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta and stir fry it with olive oil, pepper and salt. Mix mackerel, mayonnaise, lemon juice/zest and parsley. Put a small bit of pasta on an amuse spoon or a plate. Add a teaspoon of the mackerel mix on top and f inish it of with a caper.

I SEA DESSERT40 g I sea pasta, 250 ml coconut

cream, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. palmsugar, 1 mango (cut in small

pieces) .

Soak or cook the I sea pasta and drain it. Add to the coconut cream in a pan, add the sugar and let it simmer for 5 min. Put it in a bowl and add

the mango.

I SEA JAMIEUse the ingredients from Jamie Oliver's recipe for Jool's favorite beef stew and replace potatoes with 80 g of I sea pasta.

I SEA LASAGNA600 g ground beef, 1?2 sausage, 1 onion (chopped), 3 garlic cloves (minced), salt,

pepper, 1 tbsp. parsley, oregano, basil, 2 cans tomatoes (chopped), 2 cans tomato pasta, 24

ounces ricotta cheese, 2 eggs beaten, 1/2 cup grated parmesan, 450 g mozzarella.

Fry the ground beef, sausage, onion and garlic. Add salt, pepper, parsley, oregano, basil, chopped tomatoes, tomato paste; stir. Cover and let it simmer

for 1 hour. Soak and drain the I sea pasta. Mix ricotta, eggs, pepper, parsley, parmesan cheese and 225 g of mozzarella. Create alternating layers of meat

sauce and cheese mixture, separated by I sea pasta strands as lasagne. End with I sea pasta. Sprinkle remaining mozzarella on top. 45 min. in the oven!

The reason I sea pasta will one day be found in every kitchen is it 's incredible versatil ity. Next up: I sea stew! Go to jamieoliver.com and search for Jools?s favourite beef stew, follow the recipe and replace potatoes with seaweed. Try more stews!

Recipes serve 4 people unless indicated differently.

I SEA CURRY80 g I sea pasta, 400 g of Tiger prawns, 1 tbp. of red curry paste, 1.25 ml cocos cream , 2.5 ml cocos milk , 10 lime leaves handful of Thai basil, olive oil, pepper, salt

Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta. Heat cocos cream in a frying pan. Add the curry paste after 5 min. Add the cocos milk, l ime leaves and basil when it boils. Let it simmer for ca 10 min. Fry the prawn in oil. When ready add it to the curry sauce with the I sea pasta.

I SEA QUICHEA big handful of dried I sea pasta

(cut in smaller pieces) , 6 slices of pastry, 6 eggs, 125 g of grated

cheese. 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add other ingredients to your liking!

The cool thing about this recipe is that the I sea pasta replaces the bacon from a classic quiche. Plus by adding other ingredients you can

make your own favourite quiche ; ) Preheat the oven. Put the pastry in a baking dish. Mix the eggs and grated cheese. Fry I sea pasta for 5 min.

in oil and let it dry. Place the dried I sea pasta on the pastry. Add the egg mix and shuff le a litt le. Put it in the oven for ca 30 min.

I SEA MISO40 g I sea pasta, 2 teaspoons dashi granules (or stock) , 4 cups water, 3 tbsp. miso paste, 1 (8 ounce) package silken tofu, diced 2 green onions, sliced diagonally into 1/2 inch pieces.

Soak or cook the I sea pasta and drain it. Combine dashi granules and water; bring to boil. Reduce the heat to medium, whisk in the miso paste and stir in the tofu. Add green onion and I sea pasta. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes before serving.

I SEA CHOCOLATE100 g 73% chocolate, 20 g I sea pasta, 1 tbsp. walnut oil, baking


Makes about about 20 pieces

Fry the dried I sea pasta in a dry pan. Take the pan off the heat. Chop the I sea pasta. Melt the chocolate au bain marie. When melted add a litt le of the fried I sea pasta. Pour a spoon full of chocolate gently on the baking paper. Repeat until the chocolate is f inished. Sprinkle I sea pasta on top. Leave it for 1 hour in room temperature. Finish it with a litt le walnut oil.

Recipes serve 4 people unless indicated differently.

I SEA SIMPLICITY40 g of I sea pasta, 2 avocado. 1 tbsp capers, 1 lemon, salt and pepper.

Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta. Marinate it in the juice of 0.5 lemon for 15 min. Mix it with avocado, capers, pepper and salt. If it is too dry add a litt le olive oil. This recipe comes from 2catsandthekitchen.com. Search for I sea pasta. Sometimes less is more.

I SEA NUTS80 dried I sea pasta, handful of roasted

walnuts (some crushed, some whole) 120 g goat cheese, 1 red chill i pepper

(chopped), 1 or 2 cloves of garlic (minced) , 3 handfuls of mixed

mushrooms (cut in small pieces).

Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta. Fry pepper, garlic in olive oil. Add the mushrooms. Add the I sea pasta after 5 min. Put it in a bowl and crumble the goat cheese and walnuts over the pasta. Don't be shy

with the olive oil, it serves as the sauce/dressing of this dish. One of our most loved I sea pasta recipes!

I SEA SAUSAGE80 g dried I sea pasta, 1 dried sausage (cut in pieces) 1 chili pepper (chopped) , fresh coriander (to taste), olive oil, pepper & salt

Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta. Fry the garlic and chilipepper for 3 minutes. Add the sausage and fry until the pieces reach the desired crunchiness. Mix in the pasta and stir fry for another 3 minutes. Take off the heat and mix in coriander, salt and pepper to your liking. Add more olive oil if a l itt le dry. One of the favorites in early tasting sessions.

80 dried I sea pasta, 400 grchicken (f il let or thigh, cut in pieces) , 400 g

lettuce, 1 can anchovies, 200 ml yoghurt, 4 tbsp. mayonnaise parmesan

cheese (to taste), 4 poached eggs , olive oil, pepper & salt.

Soak or cook the I sea pasta. Drain the pasta. Fry the chicken in oil. Cut the lettuce. Make a dressing by mixing the yoghurt, mayonnaise, half of

the anchovies can, salt and pepper. Mix the dressing with the lettuce Add chicken, I sea pasta and parmesan cheese. Place the poached egg on top.

For some crunchiness; deep-fry a handful of I sea pasta and place on top. .


Recipes serve 4 people unless indicated differently.

Plant, algae, veggie, seaweed ? Seaweeds are actually not plants. But algae. That might make you the king of Trivial Pursuit. You could call it a sea vegetable. Or sea pasta ; ) Seaweeds have been around for 500 million years and around 10.000 species exist. We've only studied about 200 kinds and of those, just 20 are better known. The average person knows one type (and not even by name): Nori, the green-blackish variety that wraps around your sushi.

From prehistoric food to superfood. In prehistoric t imes seaweed was already on the menu. When Ireland was a very poor nation it served as the foodbank. Just like caviar, once poor people's leftovers, now a delicacy. More and more people are discovering seaweed. Its unique qualit ies to boost our health and its culinary possibilit ies for new combinations of f lavours and dishes. Seaweed is 'hot' , even when served cold ; )

Himanthalia Elongata, sea-thong or sea spaghetti. An algae species that only grows in Portugal, Spain. Ireland, Brittany, the South of England and Norway. It grows on rocks and can reach 2,5 meters in length between April and July. In The Netherlands it washes up on the shores.

From supporting role to the lead ! A small group of connaisseurs is familiar w ith this mild, tasty sea veggie and is aware of its great cooking potential. Like Ottolenghi, the celeb chef that has created two great recipes w ith our 'stuff ' . But as it is seen as an accessory, it is harvested occasionally and not easy to f ind nor afford. This makes it diff icult to start sea-ing it as lead ingredient for a meal such as pasta or rice, despite its fantastic curriculum for such a role. With your help we are going to break that cycle.




GOOD FOR THE PLANETHelp us! We tried very hard to f ind affordable, sustainable packaging but have not fully succeeded. Who

helps us f ind the right stuff ?Seastainable harvest ing means our harvesters pick patches of seaweed up to a maximum of 15% so it will all grow back.

9 bil l ion people need food in 2050. There is not enough land to produce that. There is plenty of seaweed and

it does not need extra water, fertil izer or pesticides! Seaweed

will feed the world. Dig in.

Clean oceans are no longer a given. The Irish Atlantic coast is gloriously clean and we

rigorously monitor water and seaweed quality Organics. Seamore, our harvesters and partners are all

organic certif ied. Logical.

Empty t rucks used to drive back from Ireland to

Holland after delivering f lowers. Now they bring

back I sea pasta ; )

to check it stays that way. The cool thing about eating seaweed? There is more reason to keep oceans clean.

We eat fish so I can get enough of something weird

called omega3. But now it's in my seaweed pasta!

GOOD FOR THE PEOPLEIt's a fibre-blast. That

also means it fills with very few calories!

So now I can eat veggies by eating

pasta ? Cool!Vegan, glutenfree, organic, low-carb, low-calorie and tasty? I sea food paradise!

I am addicted to antioxidants. This stuff gives you a huge dose.




It has all the vitamins and minerals that other top vegetables have...

A funny culinary discovery on Ibiza has given us the inspiration to go on a mission.

Upgrade your Favourite Food. People resist change. If you want to convince them to choose food that is better for them and the planet, it can never be less tasty, much more expensive or diff icult to prepare. When we found a seaweed that had disguised itself as tagliatelle we realized how we could improve the world: use seaweed to make our favourite foods better, to upgrade them. Start ing w ith pasta!

Seafarms. The world of food is in trouble. We' re running out of land to grow our food while we mistreat the land that we do have. The food that we get from it is not always what we would like it to be. Seaweeds appear to have the cards stacked in their favor: you don' t need land, fresh water, fert ilizer nor pesticides. It grows like crazy on the sun and nutrients in the sea and can do great things for your body and recipes. But even seaweed faces some daunting challenges: how to harvest, cult ivate sustainably while keeping the seas clean? We see it as our job to help address these problems while we get people hooked!

I sea bacon? Which favourite food would you like to see upgraded next? You have a voice as we w ill be follow ing our community closely to make decisions on our product portfolio. Stick around and decide what you want to sea next...








# iseapastaseamorefood

HOW CAN YOU SEAMORE?Cook! We simply love it when our customers cook w ith I sea pasta and let the world know about it . Our Facebook is f illing up w ith many great recipes, hope you w ill add yours to it soon!

Follow! We will share our stories and hope you w ill follow and add to them. Use seamorefood to f ind us on Facebook and elsewhere.

Help! By giving us feedback via [email protected] or by reacting via social media. We'd love to get your opinions, suggestions and ideas. I sea bread, I sea crisps anyone?

#iseapasta! Do your social media thing: Blog, Tweet, Instagram, and Facebook. Share your experiences, recipes and opinions about #iseapasta...

Spread the word!

WHERE TO BUY?Many nat ional it ies can already buy I sea pasta, check out seamorefood.com/buy. Diff iculties? Let us know and we'll help you!

Restaurants, caterers and other businesses will be able to buy through wholesalers. Check our website: if you can't f ind one close to you let us know.

If you want I sea pasta sold in a store you l ike or i f you want to help bring it

to more people, contact us at wel [email protected].

Retailers, e-tai lers wholesalers, dist ributors and importers interested to help bring us to market, contact us!

Consumers will be able to buy in online shops, supermarkets and eat it in selected restaurants. We are not yet selling in every country. Check our website!

Who's next?









We would like to thank all the I sea pasta pioneers, crowdfunders and business partners that have enabled our launch: Jeroen Rouppe van der Voort, Stefan Kraan, dBOD, Zigila, Direction, Saskia de Wal & Oliver Knight, Houthoff Buruma, Tconsult & Hokkai.



"I?m sold. You experience the lovely light salty taste of the sea"

"Daddy, can I have some more seaweed"

"This is the pasta of the future"

Mae Sodderland 3 years, bon vivantMakkie Mulder Chief Editor Delicious Magazine Iens Boswijk Founder Iens (Tripadvisor)

Seamore International HQ is found at Nieuwe Hemweg 2, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands and at [email protected]