I Radio Corporation of America - The Library


Transcript of I Radio Corporation of America - The Library

Page 60 November, 1926

F. A. Beyer, superintendent, a t - tended the machinery expositlon held a t Chicago recently.

F. A. Darden, general foreman west f re ight shop, is a t rue southerner in- deed. He has a splendid l i t t le cotton patch a t the west f re ight and we a re certain he will shln via Frisco Llnes

a honeymoon In the east , and upon thelr return took up their new resi- dence a t 2508 North Euclid. They


carry the best wishes of the passengei

department ried life. for a long and happy mar-

. ~


Katherlne Riley spent he r vacation a t Colorado Sorinas. Colo.. visl t lna her ROLLA, -MO. when the cotton is' picked.

Richard Moran piecework checker, h a s finished his kssignment of special work and is back a t the west f re ight

nephew J. RGan. - . - F r a n k McDonald says he knows

every s t ree t In St. Louis now-why? A new Chevrolet .in his oossession.

BESS LEA, Reporter

Niss Lillie Sickles trainmaster's clerk. Newbura. soent' the week end

shop again. Dick, with his ready wi t and irresistible smile is a lways wel-

Ye reporter spent h e i vacatlon at Sioux City la. and - Chicago, Ills. While In ~ i b u x &ity i t was so cold tha t a winter. coat would have gone very

visi t ing in SprGgflkld, Mo. N. A. Kinney, operator, visited in

Pine Bluff, Arkansas recently. He u7aa relieved by Ooerator Atwell.

come back. Kirby Campbell blacksmith, is OK

du ty suffering froin a sl lght mjury to his font .

- nicely.

Have several new names added to the roster-Wm. Altvater, B. J. Gast, Louis A. Behnken, and Melvin Iten. The Dassenger traKlc deoartment wel-

. - - - - - - -. L. VanNatta has returned to work

a f t e r a n operation for appendicltis. R. V. Burch has a fine baby girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Burch a r e congratulated. Churchill K. Ruxton, shop dlstribu-

tion clerk, is spending the week end in Kansas Citv. We wonder if the br lght l ights Gill make a n impression on "Church" to the extent he will for- g e t his conAdentia1 swagger.

Speedy Reed, shop accountant, With EL pa r ty of friends motored to the Gas- conade and enjoyed a regular fishing trip. Mr. Reed's flshing trips a r e too numerous to keep accurate account of half of them.

West Coneh Shop

Another one- o f - our Frisco famlly members called to pay old frlenbs a visi t recently-Frank Faulkner and wife. After their return home they were called to Rolla by the sudden death of his brother. W e extend ou r sympathy to them.

Very sorry to hear of the death of Agent Clark. Old Orchard, 310. W'e tx- tend sympathy to the bereaved family.

Mrs. Leroy Fuller and'son of Gpring- fleld have returned home from a 1,ieasant visi t in Newburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long, Sapulpa, were gree t lnp old friends in Newburg recently. They still have a warm place in their hear ts for the old home town.

C. E. French, agen t St. James and wife a r e on an extended vacation, visi t ing California and other points of interest.

Operator Brockman of Jerome, suc- cessful bidUer on first trick operator- ticket-cashier. Rolla. Thls belng made vacant account Mr. Kinney re turning to his former position a s aKent. We welcome Mr. Brockman and famlly to

A. H. Smith, cabinetmaker. h a s a new daughter. Arrived September 24, 1926-named Frances Patricia.

%ve a r e so r ry to report the death of F r a n k C. Blevins. coach carpenter, who died October 9: 1926, of typhoid fever.

Paul Dinquld, coach tinner, mar- ried Mrs. Bella Donna Wells of Ozark, Mo., October 6, and they a r e spending thelr honesmoon visi t lna relatives in o u r city.

R. E. Nichols who h a s been relief agen t here the pas t eighteen months, now rellevlng agen t a t Robertsville.

Arkansas. Ea r l Thomaa Hawklns, coach truck-

man, has ou r sympathy in the death of his wife.

Saw Mr. Clauda E. Logan, on the square a few night8 ago wlth a well- to-do banker appearance, whlch Im- orovement was caused by his having

310. We a r e very glad to give honorable

mention In our items to one of our white as tors end roses. Immediately af ter the wedding, the couple left f o r

-- SPRINGFIELD ADVERTISERS- bn a new derby. J. T. F i t e foreman west coach shop,

spent pa r t 'of h ls vacation visiting some old frlends in Bloomington, 111.

West ' Shop Lake Alled with water. Two white pellcana graced i t for a few days, but did not remain white very long, however, Mr. H u r l e l . re- lieved the si tuation for a while by catchfne the ~ e l i c a n s and s iv lng them




Eastern Junction. Ftlsco Rallway SPRIWGFIELD, $10.

WHOLESALE ONLY--CAR LOADS W. E. OGSTON, President and Treasurer


Phone 543 Woohrtr Bldg. Spring6eld, Mo.

- -. - - - -. a good-soapf bath, but, like a duck, they took r x h t back to the Water and thelr pretty white fea thers were soon black again. Ry the t ime they were rnadv to continua thelr Sournev . . -. . . . -. - t o the southlan&-they looked h o r e a s though Mr. Hurtey had given them a coat of "tar and feathers." same a s Is given some people before they take their departure for par ts unknown.

State Street Drug Store FREE DELIVERY

W. C. BOUSMAN, Prop. Preecrlption D ~ & m t

Pure Druge, Sundrlee, School S u p 1027 State St. Springfield. Mo. Phone 5832 pl ie~, Toilet Articlem


HOTEL OZARKS FIREPROOF 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Rates $1.50 Up


h .


I Crosley Freshman Masterpiece Radio Corporation of America

I Exclusive Radio Store Radio and Supplies Only



Southwestern Radio & Supply Co. 878 Boonville Ave. Phone 5978-3


-. 11 Onloial Railroad -Baggage Carriers I 5 0 0 0 - 6 1 0 0 SPRINGFIELD. MO. I FAMILY WET WASH 1 rank Be Smith Laundry Co. - .. ,,,,,, ,,, ,,. I

Page d l

Frisco conductors E. D. StubbIefield whose home I s i; St. Louis, who re: cently won a $6.00 gold iece onered bv the S t a r t o careful d rke r s . A re-


must have been jus t that . They in- cluded Chlcago, Niagara Falls, Toron- to, New York City, Atlantic City Pi t t sburg and PhiladelRhia in thei; trip, and were for tunate to visi t At- lantic City jus t in t ime for the flnal bathing beauty parade.

"Doc" Johns of the B. & B, and W. S. department, moved into hls new home ou t on the Sweitzer road last month, and says he enjoys being a farmer a s long a s It doesn't rain. Per- haps when he gets a pair of long rubber boots he won't mind a l i t t le mud so much either.

hfiss Anna Carlson of the dlvislon engineer's oflice was the successful bidder on the position of stenographer in the superintendent's oflice, vacated by MISS Ada Baker.

-- JULIA A. GIMBEL, Reporter porter following hls car, noticed t h a t

he observed all rules of careful driv- Ing as prescribed by city ordinance. Th l s was quite a surprise to Mr. Stub- blefleld to win th is prize but we a r e ve ry proud of him a s he belleves i n ' "safety Arst" everywhere, a s well a s

- Another "rah" fo r t h e Cardinals!

W e a r e just now get t ing over t he series, and some of us a r e st i l l feellng the effects of ou r Wild bets.

C. M. Wllson says tha t anyone Wish- ing to win a "jack pot" on the world's series, o r anything else for t h a t mat- ter. should t ake just one chance and

on the Frisco. Roaers Hornsbv havine selected the

Frisco a s the best and quickest route to Texas, boarded the Texas Special Monday nlght. October 11. The traln sell him the rest; and they can res t

assured tha t their "two bits" will be perfectly safe. H e promised us t ha t if tie won jus t one $2.60 jack pot he would buy a Ford a n d t ake the whole uccountlng department out for a ride. We didn't ge t the ride.

d l s ~ a t c h e r a t Newbura soon became a w i r e of this fac t and immediately go t busy. They wired to Hornsby. .en- route, not to retlre before the a r r ~ v a l of his t ra ln a t Newbura, a s some of Regina James succeeded Miss Carl-

son a s stenographer in the division engineer's office.

his fans wished to gree t him. Then they notlfied the townspeople t ha t Hornsby was going through and for E. R. welch , shop accountant cleaned

up on the series. He took a tip f rom li t t le Jeff and bet on both the Cards

Edith Armstrong took her Vacation right in the worst pa r t of the rainy weather du r ing September, a n d declded tha t a s long as the weather was "all wet" she would Jus t s t a y home.

them to a r r anue some so r t of dem- onstration. Th> people quickly re- sponded. The s t ree ts soon filled with peonlc and cars. The Newburg Band

and the Yanks In every game of the aeries, and ca&e out way ahead. He says i t s the thlng to do in a n impor- t a n t th lng l ike the series o r a big I~r ize flght.

If any one has a record entitled "The Prisoners Song" tha t is not in use. Walter Hudson would llke to borrow i t f o r awhile. However, It may not he returned, fo r tha t is one of Wal-

composed of about flfty school g i r l s a n d bovs. assembled. At ten o'clock. F. E. Peters, ass is tant engineer,

spent h is vacation a t home, this year. Says his idea of a vacation is t o just ea t and s l e e ~ and visit the office once

when-the7 t ra in arrived i t was greeted by a burs: of music. The crowd gathered around Hornsby'm sleeDer and In awhile to watch everybody e l s e

working. gave a rousing cheer. - H e failed to make his appearance, however, until just before the t ra in departed, but managed to shake hands with a few. Flowers s en t b some of the Newburg citizens g ree t eB hlm on his ar r iva l a t Sprrngfleld. He sent t he following message f rom there:

Springfield. Xo.. Oct. 12, 1926. Mayor of Newburg, Newburg, Mo.:

Will you klndly convey m y deepest and heartfelt gratl tude to t he cltizens of your good city tor t he klndly and considerate reception they gave me l a s t night. The message handed me by the fans and the floral onering has touched my hear t beyond the expresslon in Words.

(Signed) Rogers Hornsby.

ter's favorite songs, and he might wnnr I t nut. AGENT'S OFFICE-MONETT, MO. . . - -- - - - - - -.

H. E. Lampkin, travellng tlmekeeper bought an attractive new home ou t on Pickwlck Avenue and moved lnto it PSARL E. LEWIS, Reporter - last month. W e a r e a t a loss. how-

Mr. Junklns, newly appointed gener- a1 chairman of Frisco Association Metal Crafts and Car Department em- ployes was a Monett visitor the flrst of October ge t t ing acquainted with the "hovs."

ever to understand wha t some.of his f r ie rhs meant when they to!? u s i t has "a well e ~ u i p ~ e d basement.

H. H. & ~ a r v e y bld on the posltion of bill and voucher clerk in the of- Ace o r divislon accountant, Chaffee. 110. We a l l hated to lose Mac, but wish hlm all t he success in the world in hls new position.

H. E. Boren has taken over the duties of anststant bill and voucher clerk.

' "Chln" says h e would l ike for some- one to tell hlm the diKerence between s blll and a voucher.

Ferrell Ambrose was the muccessful bldder on the position o r general clerk. We a re glad to have Mr. Ambrosa wlth us, and feel t ha t the t r a n s ~ o r t a t l o n de-

- -. -- J. A. F r a t e s a former Frisco official

vlslted old friends a t this station re- cently. H e is now a resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Miss Bessie Lea, cashler a t Rolla, Missouri passed through Monett Oc- tober & 'on her w a y to Tulsa to 'visi t her sister. Miss Lea is well known here having been a former clerk a t the yard office.



Next to Frisco Buildinn ST. LOUIS. MO.


R d s s : $1.50 and UP Per biy Eleclrlc Fan (Free) In Every Room BATS :-Unexcelled CAFETERIA and


~ r i . W. I<. Blercr end children, fam- Ily of o u r platform foreman, a r e visit- I n s relatives in Pennsylvania and Vir- ginla. Mr. Bierer Is plannlng to meet them on their re turn home.

We believe Mr. Kaufman, general car foreman, Mr. Brown, agent and Mr. Gillette, yardmaster, a r e about " n o r m ~ l agaln" . af ter having been qui te hilarious" over the finish of the world series-I'll s ay they were "Card" rooters.

1,artment's loss waa certainly our gain. Vlctor Gleaves, formerly secretary to

E. L. M a ~ e r s le f t the north side when he accepted posltlon a s secretary to M r . King. Mr. Klncald has taken hls piace a s secretary to the superintend- ent.

Oscar Bass s a y s t he job of messen- ge r between the north and south side office i s jus t about t o g e t him down. Oscar's ob In the Ale room was abolished du r ing the month of Septem- brr, so Oscar bumped F. C. Mosley, and Mosley bumped Jimmy Walsh for t he messenger job on the north slde.

Bill Jones jolned the engineering de- partment forces several weeks a g o a s rhalnman t ak ing the place vacated by F r a n k E.' Smith.

Hazel Baker was the proud owner of a brand new Chevrolet touring ca r about a month ago, but before t he newness even s tar ted to wear off of i t she decided tha t while a Chevrolet was the car, a br lght green Landau sedan was wha t she really wanted, so she took he r touring ca r back and exchanged i t for one of the best look- ing Chevrolet sedans In town.

) JEFFERSON 0414 JEFFBRSON 0415 I r a Wightman, f rom paymaster's of- fice, St. Louis, was in Monett t he 80th renewlng old acaualntances and inci- I Becht Laundry Co

w e Specialize in I d e n t a l l y making -every one happy by the presentation of a "piece of green paper."

Floyd Sha rp mail a n d baggage han- dler wlth hi; family, have returned from a pleasant visit wlth home folks I ~ a r n i i ~ Laundry

3301-1 1 Be l l Ave. , St. Louis I in Arkansas. Mr. Trimble, cashler, Is qui te a hor-

ticulturist-he s ta tes they have had flowers in his home elrice t he seven- teenth of April-starting wlth t h s early spring blossoms. He ralses a l l rlarleties but a t the present tlme his dahlias a r e t he center of at traction being large In size and r a re in color- ings. H e has twelve different vari. eties. E v e r s available sDace on hla

I I f We Want Good Candy 1 W E GO TO

3 b m ' s 910-912 OLIVE

E. L. ~ n d e r s o n , ofl'lce englneer de- cided he needed a real vacation th is year, and from the many interesting D0int.S t h a t he and Mrs. Anderson visited, we judge tha t i t certainly

lawn Is use& for flowers which a r e a r - ranged In attractively shaped beds.

H. D. Mercer of the water service ment has been- transferred to -.--. -

Clinton, Ma. J. M. Clayton retlred conductor and

Mrs. Clayton have moved t o Kansas City where they will make their home.

1 N V E S T M E N T BONDS We deal In Issues of the United States Government, Railroads,

Public Utility and Industrial Corporations with established records of earnlnga

"Si" Davis of the store department has returned from a t r ip to Detrolt, Michlpan. .

Mr. and Mrs. Arch Long a r e the parents of a son born October 7. Mr. Long left immediately for St. Louls to sign a "future contract" wlth the Cardinals as he th inks the boy 1s a


November, 1926 Page 62

"St. Louis Blues." A1 told us in ad- vance about the g rea t game he was going to play a t Henld, Ill. We read the paper but could not find his name in tne line-up, hence we a re of the oplnion that the papers don't publish the names of those who carry the playing paraphernalia.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schaub cele- brated thelr silver wedding anni- versary a t their home recently. About one hundred of their friends were on hand, and besides several silver pres- ents, they were given $94.00 In cash to purchase something a s a rememb- rance of the occasion.

F rank Fogerty. Interline clerk, who has been on a n e x t e a e d leave of ab- sence, called a t the office the other day to secure a further extension, a s he is not well enough to resume his duties, still feeling nervous.

Richard Downing, on our penslon roll, also paid us a vlsit. He looks hale and hearty and has been enjoy- ing hlmself, visiting friends in Gal- veston and in Missourl.

We have three new comers in ou r Lnterllne abstracting bureau: the Misses Velma Kraeger, Odonna Haley and Ethel Frelert. Miss Sadie Spencer Is also back there, having been typing corrections In the claim department for several weeks. Miss Mar another new employe, now J o E w E ? i Wnrk

born ball player. Some of the neigh- bors thlnk so too from the amount of "bawling" he Is able to do already. Mr. Long is our day atationmaster.

Re-arrangement in the special Of- ficers department has brought John Sherman of Spr in~f le ld to Monett, Fred Sills to Springfield and Ralp Stewar t appolnted speclal watchman.

Miss Natalie Mayer of this offlce spent a few days in St. Louls recent- ly, vlsiting relatives. One relative in particular R. C. O'Brlen, branch man- age r of the Joyce-Grldland Company has mentioned that good subjects for their monthly (bathing girl) calen- da r s a re scarce. I t is rumored around Springfield that Miss Mayer may have negotiated with them for a s i t tmg while in St. Louls. Renewed interest is being taken In the Joyce-Grldland monthly editions, and we hope to Rnd out soon if thls Is true.


. - --




The statir t lcal department has had a n epidemlc of changes of one char- ac ter and another by certaln clerks taking Leave of absence on account of Illness in the family. others accepting .............. pos~t lons elsewhereV.and stl l l others taking a much needed vacation.

Miss Frances Coffman had the un- The Cardlnal splri t st l l l prevails among us aa La evidenced by the red ties, dresses and flowers worn. Many of our 12th floor employes were for- tunate enough to witness some of the games. Wrn. Schaub of the statistical department saw the flrst one. He had his score card autographed by Gra- ham McNamee and intends to keep it a s a memento. Mr.. Schaub also saw

usual privilege of being able to make a trip to California this month. The

- res t of u s either felt too poor or else we fe l t we couldn't spare the tlme. Mr. Ward is auoted a s havma made ..... - ihe atatenlent chat h e entertained seri- ous doubt of Mlss Coffman's return a f - ter the directors of the movies a t Hollywood had formed her acqualnt- ance and come to realize her possible value in some of the s tage perform-

omi is key's ~ r o w n i , p e n n a n t - ~ b i n n e r s of 9 1 years ago. Mr. Bernthal also saw the first s a m e and wanted to ances.

While Mlss Ross took an unusual long Lcave of absence on her vacatlon this time, she did not migrate any fur- ther away from home than to make

- - .-. Misses Margaret Fisher and Pauline

Sleb are our new wayblll Blers In the abstracting bureau. Grace Webber, ou r Anale hopper, wae re-employed and she is now in t w s bureau and1"Dot" Johnson has been transferred there from the thirteenth Roor. Melba Crane has left us, golng back to the thlr- teenth floor havlng been promoted to head wayblll filer. Wlllle McKenna. the oKlce boy in the abstracting bur- eau, was promoted to a sor ter posl- tlon in the glass house and hls place was taken by Dan Heffernan, a new- comer amongst us.

Raymond Schulte o u r offlce boy Is glad to be back in' the claim dep i r t - ment and we now have Roland Diehl a s Miss onice Margaret boy. Mullenger of t he

statistlcal department ~ e b i ~ n e d because of 111 health, and Mlss Helen Proost of t ha t department left us because she wanted a rest. Dovie M. Stewart of Georgia and Evelyn Klesslina entered in their olaces.

see the las t one but a l l he managed to do was walk around the fence of the ball park. Mr. Tschampers w a s more fortunate. wltnessina this Kame from a housetop.

- - Speculation is rlfe In the clalm de-

partment a s to whlch one of the quar te t te of young ladles will be the first to leave us to take the "honey- moon express." Miss Lucille Loyd, who already possesses a beautiful dia- mond proudly displays a dlamond braceiet, the birthday gi f t a f her B- ance, whlle Miss Ann Jean Meyers has just received a s a betrothal gift, a magnificent diamond ring, and the Misses Sylvla Rachota and May Car- ney have also been wearing diamond rings.

A shower was glven Sunday, Octo- ber 17 in honor of MIas Helen Strod- beck, dy Miss Margaret Cadle, who was assisted by her cousins. Among those present were the Misses Stone, Ken- nev. Wayman. Witte. Melman. Hoaan. Rabbitt, -Broer, StaFlr, Spencer a n d Loyd. Miss Strodbeck gave a trous- seau tea on Sunday, October 23. whlch

I r a U w e r of the recheck depart- ment went flshing Sunday-all he got was "back". Rudolph Rode of the in- was attended by her former associates.

Miss Strodbeck r e skned on Octobor board. We extend our deepest sympathy to

Mlss Edl th Mooney who recently lost

terline department- was more fortu- nate. H e brought home 40 flsh o r more.

2 2 to become the brize o f Roland ~ a e t i zel on October 30. They will be mar- ried a t the Marcus Evangelical Church her mother.

Mlss Emma Granade is also on leave of absence account serious Illness of

and a receDtion w111 foilow a t Bevo MONETT YARD MONETT,' MO.

Mill. ~ f t e r - a wedding triD, the ~coub le will return to St. Louls. We al l wish hllss Strodbeck joy and happiness.

Austln Bone of the recheck denart-

her mother. Mlss Zenas FltgJohn w a s called to

Ft . Smlth account the Illness of her father, englneer FltzJohn, who w a s strlcken wlth paralysis whlle on hls

FRANK L. KYLER, Reporter

Well atnce Hornsby anil the Cardl- nala hLve tucked the championship un- der the St. Louis belt, there isn't so much to talk about, around here. Among those who. attended the St. Louis Kames are : E. 0 . Gillstte, Guy Dawson B. D. Cullifer. Kenneth ~uinne;, R. (3. Kauhnan, Thos. NcMil-

m e n t ~ ~ r e s i g n e d on October 16 t 6 go back to his farm a t Leasburg, Mo.

Our athletlc friend. A1 Droege. r a t e engine. Miss Isabel Gtrou Is taklng a leave

of absence. Don't l o too much "shop- ping" Isabel-looks susplcious.

Mrs. G. J. Willlams is home agaln af ter havlng spent the summer ln Europe. No more matchtnn pennles, G. J. I Lt

clerk who was swlmmina initructor at t$e Lorelel Pool, feels he can pull a come back. Many tlmes has he told us about hia great football playing whlle wlth the Mlssouri University. H e ha8 now joined the professional football team of St. Louls called the

PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL WATCH INSPECTOR Your Local Watch Inspector will be glad to advim or assist you

to make a n appropriate selection for any occasion HIS NAME HERE IS YOUR PROTECTION AND GUARANTEE

Adams, R. M. ............................................ i d , Okla. Graves. A. Co. .................................... M e m p h Tenn. Dilworth Jewelry Co ................................. Jasper Ale. Haltom, G. W- . .................................. t. Worth, Texas

Hafner Watch & Optlcal Oo ............. Dallas, Texaa ........................................ CO' ""...'Biminghsms Mace, J. H. a City, Mo. Finley, R W.-...-..........-................-.-.-- Mom Russell. E. 1 ................................... .'.......... Altus Okla. Fink, John, Jewelry Co .................... Fort Smith, Ark. Standard Jewelry Co ....................... Mnskogee, Okla.

November, 1926

Ian, W. H. Kinney, A. T. Brown and Arch Long. All report the Cardinals a s a grea t ball team.

Barney Conley, switchtender, and Harold Spain, switchman, who have been off for some time, have returned t o work. Welcome back men, and good luck.

Mr. and Mrs. Orin Donlavv and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Donlavy arevvacation- i ng in t he east , visi t lng around In lil' old S' Yawk and Washington. D. C. Now listen Orin. if vou have a chance to buy thg ~ r o o k l y l i bridge, real rea- sonable, take i t and fetch i t back to old Barry County-Whlte River needs one about tha t size.

The ext ra switch e n g h e t h a t has been on since the f ru l t season started. has been taken OR, causing several of the men to be laced baclc on the ext ra board. Reckon a fellow can l a off easy, now. Lr. and ;Mrs. IrL L. Lane a r e visit- i n g a t Rolla and Newburg. W e no- ticed t h a t Melvin took his gun a long in anticipation of some hunt ing around the old home place. Br ing us back a turkey. Mel.

C. R. (Oklahoma Charley) Sutt les le f t on number six a few nlghts ago, f o r pa r t s unknown. W e tried to g e t him to tell us his destination but he wouldn't obllae. All he woutd offer w a s t h a t he would be gone for several days and then he'd be back.

E. P. Hogan general yardmaster down a t ~ f t o n : .Oklahoma, spent sev- e r a l days In Monett, recently, meet- ing old friends amd acqualntances.

Fred C. Williams. switchman, who has been working o n a flrst trlck crew, has returned to a,poslt ion on the second trick.

S. P. Jolley, swltchman, who h a s been on the th l rd tr ick switchtendina job, has taken a position as helper on the flrst tr ick coach crew.

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Newberry have returned from a visi t with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F rea r a t Sapulpa, Ok- lahoma. - - - - - - .

John McTigue, swltchman, h a s pur- chased a new radlo. Johnny now ap- pears on the job, each day wi th a n expression of sieeplessness about hls eyes. Radio will keep folks awake all right. Ye scribe stayed wl th a program until s ix a. m. one night las t winter.

We note In a n art icle from a nelph- borhood newspaper, t h a t t he Ozark hills a r e to be stocked wl th deer pre- para tory to the opening of the season in 1930. There appears to be a n open season on some kind of "dears" t ha t i s permanent in this locahty.



H s s e s Catherine and Ftwence Lyons made a t r ip to Atlanta, Ga., this month to visit thelr sister Loretta, formerly of thls office.

Mr. Johnson and Mr. %V.ZIkW spent a week In Pensacola. Mr. Johnson re- ports fine fishlng In t he bav in fact he tells the usual fish storie ' i

Carl Canteel and Elizabeth Dunbar a r e spending thelr honeymoon fn the ~ o u t h . We wish them a long and happy wedded life.

Daddy Ralney doesn't s e e k to regre t heing pent out to help check terminals. since i t gives hlm a few nights relief walking Junlor.

Mr. Llndquist h a s spent a pa r t of his vacation th is month, picking pears in the country.

Mlss Mary Welch was recently called to Council Grove, Kansas, to the deathbed of her uncle.

The sympathy of the office Is ex- tended to Margaret Butler in t he loss of her father.

R. J. "Bob" Lewls admits he se- cured s tanding room only a t t he world ueries, with o thers holding a hot dog In each hand and the rain coming - down all around.

Dearborn Scientific Methods assure complete correction of water troubles a t mlnlmum cost. with no possible by-products to cause trouble o r injury.

DEARBORN CHEMICAL CO. 1 IY 299 Broadway, New York - 310 S. Michigan An. , Chicago

Servlna Steam Users Since 1&S7


DOLYKE SCOTT. Reporter .- A pre t ty wedding was solemnized at

elght o'clock September 30 a t the home of Rev. hft t le, when Mlis Thelma Newton became the bride of Mr. Ollle R. Epperson. The groom la a yard clerk in thls department. Mr. and Mrs. Epperson a r e a t home a t 1006 Glenstone.

Edward O. WaIl and Clara E. Davis were married on October 4. Nr. Wall is one of our efficient yardmasters. 0. B. S m l t h engine foreman has

been driving a new Essex coa6h the past few days.

Geo. A. WcKeon ass ls tant yard- master, was in ~ e s i Plains a few days a t tendlng court.

Leonard C. Carner and wWe. 310 E. Pacific St., announce the blrch of a son, Leonard Eugene, a n October 13.

John Summers. secretarv lo iMr. Bru- ton, spent two o r three days in Eldo- rado visi t ing friends or-a .frSend.

Floyd Mosely, our north side mes- Renger, has become manager or the Little Theatre Players of this city.

Howard, small son O K L. E. Sullivan, chief clerk to Mr. Bruton, has been ~ e r i o u a l ~ ill with a case of measles for the p a s t week but is Improving a t the present tlme.

J. P. Kern. switchman, of 211 Eas t Atlantic Street, dropped dead in t he Frisco yards on August 23. He had been In ill health for some tlme and was troubled wi th hear t dlsease. Mr. Kern had becn emDloved by the Frlsco for nlneteen years; -

Accident prevention and better serv- ice meetlng was held at 8:00 & m. Tuesday, October 19. A g rea t deal o! Interest was displayed by all present.

On account of very favorable weather of the pas t ten days work a t the new station has progresskd nicely and i t is exnected tha t al l track and nlatform ar iangements will be compl&ted hy November 1. We are anxiously look-

inrr forward to the time when this woik wlH a l l be completed and we a r e comfortably located in our new quar- ters. The Snringfleld termlnal feels the new station. when comnleted. wlll be a credit to the southwdst. .


EULA STRATTON, Reporter - NOW, t ha t the Dempsey-Tunney and

the Cardinala vs. Yanks contests a r e over, we And t h a t financially we s tand some for better and some for worse- ( t he reporter being some for the worse.)

J . 5. Breckenrldge, passenger ca r distr ibutor and Mrs. Breclcenridge were privileged to attend the world serles and were present the day Babe Ruth broke all records.

Mr. and Mrs. Ell is Dultn have been visi t ing in New Franklin, Mlssouri, and while there took several slde motor t r ips in tha t vlcinkty of the r n i ~ n t r v - - - - - - - . .

Miss Eva Weskenberger spent the week-end in Kansas City recently for the purpose of bein.g maid of ho'or a t the Westenberger-Bradley wedding.

MISS Freda Fielden enjoyed a short visi t recentlv in Birmingham. Ala.

Speaking -of Rirminkham, . Ala.. we a r e all very much Interested In t he heavy mail tha t Helen Deckert is re- ceiving from t h a t ~ o i n t and a r e won- d e r i n i who he is. -

Miss Savina Felln Is spendina he r vacatiok in a most restful way a t he r home in Marshfleld Mlssouri.

Mrs. Pearl 'PownLs and dauahter ~- ~ -

~ a f b a r e t h a v e - r e t u r n e d from a pleas- a n t tr ln to Claremont, N. H.. where

visited Mrs. Townes' mother. I iss no r thy Dyer partlclpated in t he

Bfarion T a l b Scholarship contest held recently a t Ivanhoe Temple In Kansas Pitv. Mo. We a re very nroud of Mlss - - DY;~. ., , ,

Miss Florence Boreh -went to St.