I · Qf tlust, thicker than thllt overhangiug ,ysis, St. Yitus' d~ncc nnd erYf)ipcln'~. the li~rd....


Transcript of I · Qf tlust, thicker than thllt overhangiug ,ysis, St. Yitus' d~ncc nnd erYf)ipcln'~. the li~rd....

. the great number of remedies that aro recommended'?' You tan

as you CD.Il in; the purchase of a piu.uo, a bicyclo' or a sowing illa­best rccor,?- in, ~o pnst. n.Plllv tho test of timo u.ud got tho opln'ion'

I :;. , .,.rl

~l'~UI."U"'" for cough~, colds nnd similru.> aHment.5, you' will seleet;. Dr. Chaso's'," •. ~~~~~~~fo,;~,~se.E!d,~nd 'l~UI'Pe:ntillEl,.:.·bcca:u!!o of e. ... traordinary merlts which it possesses, qud ,which hl\\,o \;l'­. ( T.n.,.T,n'AllUl)IlI:·~:eD,er,,\llYith'r01~!!lll·i\·N\rS of trial.' Tho sales of th:s'remcdy a1'O ftir in excess of nny

'l~crl!'a as durIng tho present season. Theso two facts' aro, wq, hI!-.ni·odu",",t'in verifying the ,Ull'rits of any remedy that' has hOlm tI10I"

Turpentine, is prized especially qeca uso of. its far-reaching c1Tects, e,ven in whooping cough,- croup and asthmn:.· It is not a moro relief for coughs.

~I~~~h~i~;~:~i~ thoroughly curing tho ,cold and removing chllst pains, soreness of tlie lungs d all intlrunm ntion of tIlO respirntol'Y orgnns. ' '. ' ,

,wm:ning. There are o~her preplirntions of tl,lrpent.ine nnd linseed put up {in iInitatlon of !'lvMi1~' of Lmsecd and Turpelltme. To be suro you nre getting tho genuino. sec portrnlt at!d sig- •

. nntl11'o of Dr. 11:. • Chaso on tho wapper. Twenty.-fivo > cents a bottlo, frun!1y size, threo times as mUCh, 60 cents. At all' dealers, or Edmanson. Dates &: Co., Toronto. '


. Liniments ltnd Other Old Fushioned

Remedies, Will . Not Cure-The Rheumatic Taint Must ,TIe

'fhe lingering tortures of rheulOll­tism nre too well knov.'n to l1~ed \!l'!l­cription, but it is (not so well 1~l1own thnt medical 'science now recognizes that the primary cause of' rhoullu\­tism i<{ impUrl1' or impovCI'ishcd IJlnod. '1'he result ~is that hundreds of i;\.IICl·­ers npply extel'un! remedies cannot possibly C\ll'O tl~e .. "_ .. l.l~""m" onl\', thmg- that .will,rllii.IIYicu ma tism is nn internal 'm.eClfCf n9' will enrich'the blood: and rhci.l1imtic tnint. The surqs't, est ay.c\ most efIectivo wny to is is to tnke'Dr. Williams' PlnlCT'iJls, which 'are pro'vod to have' curetl t hOIl­sunds of cases of rheumntism, many of them after all other medicines had fuill'd, '1'he cuse of M:r. Philip ]~or­

I "You ain't seen me doin DO tricks ris. 011(1 of tho pioneers of South Es­terduy, I reckon." he snid in n tODe sex, Ont .. is proof o! this, ,Although, that sh{?lVed thnt he was rather hurt nt nIl'. Ferris is 76 yenrs of nge ho is

[ , y .,. ns smurt us mOllY men of 50. Dut ho, 'whut satd, .. ou aiD t o-gom ter Bee hus not always eIlJ'o, •. r-d shch good, none. nei'ther, I'm herdin now. It~s health, :1111'. Ferris. hus the, follow-business. an I'm in it fer all I'm worth. inp; to say about his illness ancl Ctll:c:' You watch'n see'f I ain't. I ,mus' go "For fift~on yeurs I 'suffCl'ed greatly back now:" Wheeling' arou'nd on his from rhouma.tism. At times I would hind legs, Concho bn'cked himself to- hayo severe pnins in the knees, 'while ward the herd' as I mounted the risB to nt others the' pnin would, spread to which I had been bound. , 111Y hips Ilnd shou]ders., I tried Sl'V-,

',The lean, hungry looking cattle gath- eml remedil's' which were, of nei avail ered on the plain were blended ,hito an I until 1 begun 1 using Dr. Wi1liams'~ indisti'nguisbable mass by the thin cloud I Pink Pills. I took eight or ten boxes of 'dUHt that' hung over' them, thrown and they ,colUpletel~r cur~d 'up by' their- hoofs 8S' they pawed· the trouble and I am no~ u.s 'smart,. a~ loose sand. : Here and there flashed: a I many men llluch. yo~nger. ~ hnve a glint of dull light. where the sunlight gl·(!n.t deal-of faith m the pllls-ror I ';"~~~==-=':-7"-=::,::.:

thllt filtered through'the dust wus re- know of other cn;ses where, thcy:.ha:,~ ~~f:~~~jn~~~~§:~a~ fleeted from 'a tossin", horn. With in- be.en ,~q,ua11y as succesf)ful as 10 ~ 0 '" ~. ~...... mlllO

tervals be,tween t1~em, cowboys ga~lop:d Dr: WilliolllS' Pink- Pills moke new, ' IIrollD,d th: herd. n~!r ,of tht!w gOl~g ID rich, "red hJood aild, strengthen _ uua (lne.ctlou. ha!f' 1I1 the otber. , rhey nel";(!s,,;:ith CHU'S dOSl'. ,It:is in,q}is . pU"s.etl, 111 front'of )ho hepl lIud then wny thnt they curo such troubles v!I!Ilshe!l uround It..~ back. when they'I'hel:matisDI' scinticn, neuralgiu." kid­could uuly be distinguishiu]_by the pillar I ney nnd li"~r troubles, pltTtin] ~nrul­Qf tlust, thicker than thllt overhangiug ,ysis, St. Yitus' d~ncc nnd erYf)ipcln'~. the li~rd. 'th_at·fol~owed each mau, as)le' Through 'the-h' act,ioll Oil' -tile' ~lood rode ' / th,,:'.", restore the 'color to pale Iwd

" A-little sn!low checks and cul'e the ailments 'lielrs', e. that make tho lives' of

\~'H"'.".',\ miserable. The g"'.'uu""" full lU!<UI'."

fo),' Pri.hiPc,oplej -';''In,:cv,i:.''y


t , ~ ~ ';--.,..':::--::-'-':':::':-"",-:,--' ! " j. ,.. " ~

,vKJLLED IN A'SN0WSLlDE, < , .:----

Thrcq :Miners Buriod Under 'roils leo and, SnQw in Alaska,



daring'robbery was committed in It

POHulous portion of the city lasl Fl"iduy nigh t, "'hon two ll1en ('11-

'Ar',_., terml MI'S, H, Bernstein's cigar' stIll e, corlll'r of Killg street ellst and rn'd­erkk, and took $50 fl'OIu the tlll. 11ft's, Cranston, an aged wOllllln, WIlS

in chlu'ge of the stol'e when the IJlI'I1 on tl'l'erl, 'their CilPS being pullt,!d down 0\'01' their eyes. Miss Cranston WIlS

in the dining room beyonS' tJit' ~h"p and Olll' of the men t:nJnc quickly I'" to till' room,' nnd lbefore the \\'oUlnn ha.l time to ronlize his obje::!., Ic',FJ­c,l It pist;,ol at, her h.)ad" threai;ening' ttl ~),oot if she sCI,('amed. H.l' CUII1-

panion 'lIl\)anwhile rifled' the till; thel1 tollillg' the mUll with the pistol all was right, the robbers made ofT. ,

---,.--"'-'----, - DIED SUDDENLY . .- ,_ 'J '\ ·NOVl):lL. I~"DUSTnY. pol·tuge la PrairIe, .Mnn., Pt!b. 18.

Woli.ra,ising .in .Neprllska is said to' ~Malllie- Klingm~n, the six-yellr-ol~l be a morc profitable business than dlLUghter of J aim Klingmlln, of Win­

ral!jmg, _.su,ys the.c Lethbridge nipe/::" ~ C. 'p, n. donductor;( !llo~l '~~i:t:~~:~;}p~;~i:~~g" )~,~i~[i;i;;i~pt\'e'ws 'I'here is a bounty of ~4 on. suddel\ly jn. this town .on :.luuday. 11 coyote or wolf scalps, und s:vernl mOl'lling._· The littl,:, girl, wllo Wni!,

e?,ses .have. recently been brought to spending a few duy~ here 'visiting her lJght In wlii9h men have raised from unclo, Charles JefTrles, was Oil her fifteen ·to 'one hundred animals from to church with ;Ulcmbers of h-er

-.C,-·--~" animnls 'peuneCl up, killing. them' in- uncle's family, when she cOUlpluincd the fall and presenting t!leir' SCalps o~ foeling fnint, und in a. fC'\,: 11~0-for redemption. . ments Slink' t9 the ground a corpse,

heart .failure Cllusing' hel; ,p-eath . .

• • • I t. is - I'CpOl'tet! by the provinch~t

ho.tJt,h ofl1cel's thnt It 11 dnnger of any , flll'thel' outhrenk. of smallpox in tno sOlltl}~aslcl"ll pm't. of the provlnco is now prncticnlly 0\"01', nnd t.hut th!} dis('nsll is pro tty thoroughly BUP­prossed. Tho/'e nre stilI 1\ few CIlS~ in tho Winnip(1gosis district. - , .

~ .- .

r­ • • • Miss Louise Skinner, a trained ho.&­

pitl\! n~rse, ]C'ft Eng!lIhd in March, 18U3; to Secure It position, nnd no­.""lU!;;: having been heard of h(lr since her val there her friends are in­stituting in!Juil'ies through the WiiJ-uipeg police. .

. , . . Canada lias coiltributed

$3.000,000 in caRli for pur· poses of the South '~'frican war. ,1' is the first time th'at th'e countn hlls borne any share'iu the cost 0 Imperial wars;

! ::

".IJ, , BORN.\' • ~ I t ~:t. ,

JOIiNsON-N-e~r Treherne, on Mon­day. Feb. 11th. the wif!,! of Rob-ert JOhU'SOll, :qFa SOil. '"

~ ,

you, or ,.SIlW • k" spen • . ' She Is stlll wondering {whether 1M

mennt it ns Il compliment or' otherwise.­Chicago Record·Herald. . , . . ~' ------:-:---i:,'

ONES: , . ,

Of tell Found Himself-Unable to l:.ie 'D6wn Without the Greatest Pain -Cu,I'ed by Dodd's'I<Qdney Pills.

Arnprior, Ont., I:eb. 3.--(Specill.l)-: A VOl'" ren.urJ.:uble cure of' 'Backache . , and Kidney Trouble lias just Lcon

FC'l' ~a1e Everywh~r~ - \

Try eur Par lor Matches. They produce a quipt ,LIGHT wit:hout any, objectionable

• • •

••• • • • • • •

v ~O' ',LIMITED," HULL, .,'." .• ' CANADA.t

" , , I

, . Very,matl$' IlOrsons <1\e annual!r from choillra

and 'kinored summor complnlnt.q, who might hnve been savod if proper remodios hnd ,beon \\sod. If atteckod do not dobr in gotting a bottle of Dr. J. D. KolloGII"s Dysentery Cordinl,

, ' . I tho modicine that novor lalls to olIoct a cure. conclusivlI.test mony 'j'hoso who hnvo usod It sny It nc'S promlltly,

repontedl>: lliid boCoro the publio in the cO!'\"l;!'l'a and tlI0rolUrhlY subdue's tho 'pain nnd illsow;o" ' of tho d:>.ily press, proves thnt Dr. Thomas 'c- • , locbrio Oil-an absol,,-t!)l)' I?ure combination of . . -six of tho finest reme<lialolls in existence-rem- When a man tells"a woman thn.t ho odiesrheumatiop:>.in, eradiontos !'ffectionsdof, loveS her thl) chn.nces nre that he hns tho throat and lungs, anll cure' plcs, \\1Oun 9, ' • ., sores, lnmenoss, soros. tumors, burns, and in· an n.xe to g-rlnd n.nd wn.n ts her ,tQ juries o~ hor~09 and,oattle,' turn the. grindsto.ne.

, • l '

. No familyllving in a bilious country ghoul'l ,:Mun has within him capacitIes of bo:withoutPnrmoloo's Vesotable l'HIs. A.fow

growth which deserve and will I'C- dcTso. tekon now aud thou will koop tho hvor , ' ' ' .' active. cleanso 'he stomach nnd bowols from all

wn.l'd mtense, unreluxmg tOlI.~Chan- billons matter and provent Aguo\' Mr. J. L. ning -- , . 1 Price, Shoal.} 1Iiartin Co., Inel., writeS: "lThave

. 'trlod a box or Parmeloe's Pills nnd find thom

WIt I t f 'R llo~av's Com' the best medicine for fover and nguo I hlive , ore enn ~ some 0 0 ". ever used." Cure' I was ontuely curod of mr corns by this remedy and'I wish some more of it for mr,,' . " ' friends. So writes 1I1r. J. W. Brown, Chicago. 'l'homns Hood, the prince of pun: .. ,

'. • , . .:' . ,sters. on ,being shown a' pOI·tI~ai,t, of . If th(\'avernge mn.n isn't bornogren.t himseli thn.t but fnintly , resemhled

01' is lIIl11.blc'to nchieve greatness he him; decln.red thn.t, the nrtist hn.d tries to thrust himself upon it. perpetrated II. fnlsc-Hood .•

, . ,;;;..::..' ::""'';;''''",;,,-'--.,.':'

The' greatest pleasure of life is love;, the gren.test: tren.sur\l. contentment; the grent~t possession health; the gren.test case, sleep; .and, the best medicine, n: trlle ,friend.

Tile Mold ,B1u.h~ •• ' ,. . • I " men Mr. Dayld Dear, winner" the SUl'moul1ted obstacles not only' parontsbnrMothOrGrnves'wo~;~~~~t~i ' . . 'l I b t 'I en ·tell' us '}'11 OUI' future ater becnnso they Imow it is a safo ,queen's prize at Blsley. was a law stu- en.c 1, U 1.1. , . thoir chUdren iuId an elIectual

~dent, he once nttended nn "nt home ... · !ltl'ugglc~; fol' Ylrtlle ~nust be len.l nt, .. Worms. ,~: ' ' , On tbe servant nsl,lnl: bis name, he ra- t~oug.I~" ,unfOl·~unn.t~ly, .so~e of the

Ii ] "D Id D'''' VICes come as If by IllSpu'\l-tlOn; p e(. a v , ('0.1'. " , 'l'be glrl.blush('d and, said; ~!Yes, but 'W~at Is your othqr ~nme. sir?"

He nssured ber be had no ,ULlJ\!'L',1

nnme. but It 'Was of no us'e. Tbe serv- '~===~;;;;;;;;~~~!f=:~7~;=§~~=:=2~~~t7=:=~~$;:~~~;;~ Dnt'ki;I1W better and announced bim ns: t'Mr. 'Do rId." '. ,
