I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History...

By Mall $200 per year; SIngle Copies 5 Cent. WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY ([~~ (l5rOf6~t pointt l1ltuitm THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OLDEl:AM, Publisher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1939 L.B tHE GROSSE POI1'lTZ PRINTING CO. P... U..... PHONE LENOX II. { I ,._------- .... ~OL. 14-No. 13 liI E D Speck-ErIch Bauer A D WIlson-Herman Sie. Also 10 the Garden Club sectIon two outstandmg complImentary arrange- ments were contnbuted by Mrs W. Beresford Palmer. CompetItIon In the general show schedule was better than usual Judges for thIS bemg Harry CartWright, Alex L Lamond and James W Hopton. The flower show commIttee of 1939 are to be heartIly congratulated for havmg staged such a fine and well ar~ ranged exhlb1t1on, the mate rIa 1 throughout the entire show was note .. worthy for ItS hIgh quahty and cul- tural perfectIon. 10 pottery con~ D Chapin, Mrs and Mrs RIchard LEACH FOR DRUGS -Adv. Flower lovers gathered for the last time thIS season to pay trtbute to the queen of autumn flowers on the oc caSlon of the twenty~thlrd annual Chrysanthemum Show held under the auspIces of the Grosse Pomte and Eastern MichIgan Horticultural So- CIety at the NeIghborhood Club thIS past we'ek end In a pleaslUg ceremony at 5 o'clock Saturday, WIlham C Jones preSIdent of the SOCIety, presented MISS Mar M garet Hendrie representing the Gar den Club o£ MIchIgan, who In some well chosen remarks bearmg upon the part the SOCIetys shows played 10 th1s commumty, declared the show open MISS HendrIe was then gIven a bouquet of roses by lIttle MISS Grace Scotford The attendance throughout the show was exceptionally good, and many were the 'ums' and ahs" of admlra~ bon expressed by VISItors on enterlOg the large gymnaSIUm of the N elghbor- hood Club the buff tones of the walls blendlOg so well WIth the many large and excellently staged groups of pot- ted plants, formlOg In all a pleasmg settmg for the gIant exhIbItIon blooms and stnklOg arrangements that are always a. feature of thIS partIcular show There was keen competItion in the SIX classes 10 artistic arrangement re- strtcted to members of the Garden Club of MIchigan JunIor League Garden Club, the LIttle Garden Club Grosse Pomte Branch of the Woman s National Farm and Garden Associa hon, and the DetrOIt Garden Center The Judges, Mrs Horace Peabody Mrs Allan Zachartas Mrs Wilham D Thompson Mrs W Beresford Palmer had a formidable task 10 reachmg theIr awards, as follows Mass arrangement-Mrs John S Newberry, Mrs Frank Lambert and Mr. E V Knoblock ThanksgiVIng centerplece-Mrs A G Nutter, Urs'-<A W Bender Arrangement dned plant matenal- Mrs CW Nass, Mrs D D Dunlop and Mr. E V Knoblock Chrysanthemums 10 metal can tamer-Mrs Roy D Chapin Mrs John S Newberry and Mrs D D Dunlop An additional first award was made m thIS class to Mrs Frederick M Campbell representmg the DetrOit Garden Center Chrysanthemums tamer-Mrs Roy John S Newberry Jackson. Chrysanthemums in Japanese man ner-Mrs D D Dunlop, Mrs C W Nass. Pointe Players to Present "The Perfect Alibi' Nov. 17.18 Southeastern Women's Club PrIvate estate of Grosse Pomte. Bloomfield Ht1ls Rochester and Pon- de dlstnct showed much fnendy rIval- ry The followmg estates and garden .. ers were awarded prIzes Emory L Ford-Ernest Wolff Mrs Truman H Newberry-Roy Berry Mrs John S Newberry-RIchard Sayward Mrs Lawrence D Buh1-Theodoro Ka1khoff Mrs Walter 0 BrIggs-Ernest Marsh Mrs Mr. wert Mr' E A. Turnbull-WIlham P. Thomas Mrs E S Evans-Fred Martm Mrs Russell A Alger, Sr-Patrlck J McKnIght Mrs J B Ford, Jr-Charles Mac- Donald LH Green-Henry Marhn Mrs E S Barbour-John Cheney. In the vatlous classes 10 arrange" ment for prIvate gardeners, ribbons were won by Ernest Wolff Herman SIewert, Anthony Joyce and Ben. NankerVIS Other blue nbbon Win- ners In thIS sectIon were Robert Wal- ters and JulIan Richards both from the Mrs W W. McKnIght Estate, Perrys.burg OhIO Mrs Roy Berry was awarded the first and Mrs WIlliam P Thomas the second prIze In a luncheon table ar- rangement restrIcted to WIves of gar- deners who are members of the spon- s<lrIng SOCIety. Judges for the above classes were Robert Stewart, WIlham Cnchton and Theodore Kalkhoff For the most mentorlOUs exhIbIt wlthm the entIre schedule!, Rlcha.rd Sayward of the Mrs John S New- berry Estate was awarded the Pearson pnze for a large group of potted chry- santhemums Mrs Lloyd Murray receIved a blue nbbon for a basket of hardy outdoor grown chrysanthemums Of speCial Interest to the publIc were the arrangements by the chIldren of the NeIghborhood CluI1 In a class ages 8 to 10 first pnze went to Betty Maloney and second to VIrg ma Chnton and In another class age 11 to 12 Mary Van Tlem was awarded lrst With Lorrame DeWolff In second place Numerous complImentary exhIbIts were presented mcludmg the follow- 109 potted cascade chrysanthemum. In yellow and white vanetIes by WIl. Frances FreIwald, neice of Phyllis ham Bartel and Sons Flonsts Ply. Laughton, formerly WIth the Bonstelle I mouth, collectIon of cactI and sue- Players and now a dIchon coach In culents by Alleman s FlOrIsts DetrOIt; Hollywood, plays the femme lead 10 basket of mdoor vanetles of chrysan" The Perfect Ahbl being presented by themums grown out of doors by A 1(. POinte Players, the semor dramatIc Laukel group of the Grosse Olnte HIgh School An outstandmg table centerpIece by on November 17 and 18 Myron Bloy florIst, DetrOIt, table ar .. The mascuhne lead In the play 1S rangement featurmg chrysanthemums, taken by DIck Munter who has long a centerpiece In fall shades and cor .. been assOCIated With the theater sages of the current mode by Alger through th emedlum of tap and acro Flower Shop bahc danc10g Another pleasmg table dIsplay con. Jack Dougherty, Fred Hofmann sIstmg of potted LIhum speClosum Betty Pratt, Dorothy CastrIcum, Bob rubrum and soft pInk geraniums was Shepler, Jack FIsher, BIll LudWig that staged by the Paul H Demmg George Teldeck, and Jack Hoyt com- Estate (Wilham McInnIS gardener). plete the cast A basket arrangement of chrysan. ThIS A A Mtle play has been pre~ themums Mayfield Sunnse a charm .. sented both In Amenca and England mg shade of old rose and another It was known however as The Fourth basket of chrysanthemums and berned Wall when It was played In England shrubs were contnbuted by Mrs H. N Torrey (Alex L Lamond gardener). Greatly admired was the bowl ar- rangement of chrysanthemums and snapdragons In shades of plllk by Clarke E Stevenson florist DetrOIt Another basket arrangement of sm- gle and double chrysanthemums With autumn tlllted folIage was displayed by James the FlOrIst DetrOIt In a stage settIng, V R DePetrIs, Inc Grosse POlllte Farms, dIsplayed many ongInal flower arrangements and unusual combmatlOos WhICh were greatly admIred "Ir DePetns also mcluded several seedlmg chrysanthe- mums 'tud name vanetIes of hIS own mtroductlOn The Southeastern Woman s Club will hold their next meetmg Monday, No~ vember 20th Mr Gerald L. K SmIth NatIonal ChaIrman of 'The Comm1ttee of a MIllton' WIll be the speaker He has beert called by Lowell Thomas The most dynamIC fearless speaker of the Ull1verse ' HIS recent appear~ ance at the OlympIa attracted an un~ usually large audIence and the tlub IS extremely fortunate In obtammg hIm Each member Will be allowed to bnng a guest Mrs Roy J Bucklndad, Mr' J S Cameron and Mrs N E Korte wIll act as hostesses Federat1.on reports wIll be g1Ven REACH FOR LEACH _ Sudden SerTlco.-Ady. be a talk and subJect 'Llght~ The Defer P T A IS sponsonng a dessert brIdge Thursday, November 16 at 1p m 10 the school audItOrIum Table pnzes are pillow slIps There WIll be man ydoor pnzes The prOM ceeds WIll replemsh the school s free lunch fund At 3 45 there wIll demonstratIon on the nIng 10 the Home" "Sinbad the Sailor," Marionette Show to Play Here Nov. 25th More Voting Precincts Are Granted Voters Defer P. T. A. At the last regular meeting of the Township Board petlttons were preM sented to- the Board asking that the electIon precmcts m the TownshIp of Grosse omte be reVIsed The Board took ImmedIate achon on these pe~ tItIons and voted to supplant the eXlst~ mg 13 precmcts by 11 more, makmg a total of 24 The VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park was the main pomt of reVISion FIfteen precmcts WIll take the place of eIght, while 10 the Farms SI"(WIll replace the present three, Grosse P010te Woods WIlt have two and the Shores one There IS no doubt but what thIS re .. VISIon IS very benefiCIal to the voters of Grosse Pomte TownshIp and It should be a major factor H1attemphng to stimulate more Interest m the elec- bons whIch seem to be at a. very low ebb at present~ Neighborhood Thrift Shop Tea November 20 Mr. Sherrod E Skinner of 1150 Buckmgham Road IS one of the Mount Holyoke College alumnae working aC M ttvely on plans for a reglOnal alumnae conference to be held 10 ChIcago on November 18 Mrs Skmner IS one of the two Mount Holyoke alumnae 10 MIch1gan on the conference commIt- tee arrangmg the day long meetIng at the Lake Shore AthletIc Club whIch Will bring PreSIdent Roswell Gray Ham. and oth>r members of the col- lege admmlstratIon to ChIcago to pre~ sent a close up of Mount Holyoke Alumnae from 14 mid western states unable to VlSlt the college often wdl have the college brought to them at the conference \Those program lOcludes speeches, dISCUSSIons and mOV1es of the college -A marloutltte show WIth all the elabM orate trappmgs of a Broadway mUSIcal comedy wIll be seen by the chIldren of Grosse Pomte when Sue HastIngs newest production, , 5mbad the Sa11~ or ' IS presented on Saturday Novem~ ber 25 at PIerce Junior High School, Sponsored by the Parent Teaahers ASSOCIatIOnthe performance bears the approved stamp of Juntor Programs, Inc, non commerCIal orga01zatIon de M voted to the presentatIon of sdected children's entertaInment j 5mbad the SaIlor' was nearly ten years 10 the maklOg by the Sue Hast~ 10gS Manonette organIzatIon, largest and most renowned of Its kind In Amenca SIX years ago aiter much patIent tall by manonette craftsmen, the productIon was rumed by a fire whIch destroYed all the equtpment 10 the New York stUdIO of the Sue Hast~ mgs Manonettes It took all !that tIme to buIld a new productIon of the Arabian NIghts fantasy. The NOlghhorhood Thflft Shop cor- dIally inVItes the chtldren who are competmg In the poster contest, and theIr parents to the annual tea and ex- hIbItIon to be heJd at the Alger Mus .. eum, 32 Lake Shore road on Tuesday, November 21, from 4 to S 30 o'clock Posters wIll be on exhIbIton for one week Sealed for l'ear 2039 Two pounds of a specIal blend of tea from IndIa, Ceylon and AfrIca were sealed in a sIlver casket m London, not to be opene~ untlf 2039. Chrysanthemum Show, Colorful Autumn Event, Closed Sunday Night Mt. Holyoke College Alumnae Conference to Be Held Nov. 18th REACH FOR LEACH _ Sudden S.!fT1ce.-~d.,. LEACH FOR DRUGS-Adv. New Table Tennis Center to Open SIX Detrolter tables, excellent hght~ 109 and plenty of space assures the table tennts player of all the eqU1p- ment to playa first rate game at the new Table TennIS Center, located at 10730 East Warren avenue The center IS open weekdays 'from 4 until 12 l' m and on Sunday from 10 a m until 12 l' m It remaIns closed on Saturday The management a- ounces plenty of pa.r~mg space; avaIlable. Noticel will The Grosse Pointe Review be delivered on Tuesday, Nov. 21nd, instead of Thurs- day next week on account of Thanksgiving day. All notices must be in not later than Sat- urday to insure publication. Trend of Events Inside Germany Active Interest Shown in Fall Rotarian Party Seeds have been collected for next year's garden They were taken from the Ver01er School Garden WhICh was planted by the chIldren 10 the sprmg cared for by them dutlng vacatIon and enJoyed by aU when school opened They burned the old plants whIle pre~ panng for wmter A meetIng for the parents of Ver .. mer School WIll be held ThursdaY eve .. mng', November 9, at whJch tune Dr Van Kleeck WIll speak Mrs Lynn Street who IS chairman of the refresh~ ment commIttee IS to be aSSIsted bv motber. of th~ .chool. Grosse Exaggerations? By A PRYOR If thIS out of town guest bUSlneSI continues much longer, we are gomg to start a. movement to have the Unt.. verslty of MIchIgan moved to another State, so WE can be the out of town guest Once agatn the town has been In the throes of merrtment and every- cme IS on the edge of dee tees-Just wattmg to be gIven a. shove I Overheard at the Bowhng Alley HDo you remember the name of that moVIe at the Punch last Saturday?" "No-but It should have been, IGoody goody, You Shoot Me And III Shoot You." Advance ticket sale indIcates that thIS year s Fall Party of the Grosse POInte Rotary Ctub to be held next Monday evening at the Neighborhood Club, wIll be even more successful than the Inaugural event In 1938 The pleasure of domg good for others must usually be confined to the self satisfactIon found In any well performed duty. Somewhat rare are the ttmes where real fun In Its old fashIOned meaning, can be enjoyed, accompanIed by the knowledge that It 15 not achieved at the expense of someone else, or wlth~ out beneht to one s fellows The Fall Party of the Grosse POInte Rotarians affords one of these oc- casions Those who attend, will have In between drinks, we've taken the an evening of hve 1 y sport Many of ttme to observe the bIrds that have I them Will WIn attractive prIzeS, hav- made themselves at home In our back mg a monetary value conSIderably In yard, and DON T tell us that they excess of expenditure for tIckets aren t bnlliant red, sky blue, and beIge, Everyone WIll be contnbuttng to the With red heads In our weakened con~ happmess of someone, whose SItuatIon dItton, there Isn't anything more soul.. In hfe 15 less fortunate sahsfYIng than to look out of our bed~ Charitable projects sponsored by the foom WIndow In the early'> morning Rotary Club, through proceeds from and see these brllhant flashes of color the Fall Party, are carefully InvestI- against the drab Autum And speakmg gated A large attendance at the affa1r (If bIrds, they have become so fashlon~ wIll enable thu year S program to em- able on women's hats th1s year, It S a brace a WIder f~eld than has been pos wonder some millIner hasn t dubbed SIble in the past them "Audubonnets" The party WIll start at 8 o'clock Advance sale tIckets are elIgible for the Door Pr12:e, and ean be obtamed from any local RotarIan. By PAUL M. DEAC hIS claims on France";! By the way, ulf the German people want peace what has become of hIm? they first must throw Hitler and hIS One a Henchman, AlwaYI a Henchman chque overboard I' ThIS 1S m a few Before the M umch conference, HItM words the meanmg of the AllIes' re- ler was a henchman to great BrttIsh sponse to HItler s latest peace offer and French bankmg and mdustnal In- presented by Queen WIlhelmina of terests agamst SOVIet RUSSIa, now he Holland and King Leopold of BelgIUm IS guardmg Communism agamst the Of course thiS does not mean that Hit.. BrItish arIstocracy and the French ler WIll gIVe up any further hopes for bourgeOIse HItler wanted to be a can an early peace, but there IS ltttle lIke queror, he IS only a servant Ohce hhood he Will ever mduce the BrItish t110re and the French to hsten to hIm At the begtnnmg of theIr relahons, The Alhes have no IllUSIOnsas to the London and ParIS gave HItler a rela~ real reasons behtnd the Fuehrer s sud~ ttve Independence Later Adolph mIS~ Knights of Columbus den and In!llstent desIre fo1' peace took relative Independence for total Memorial Service to They well know 1t IS not so much peace mdependence ThIS mlsmterpretahon he wants as a stay of execution durmg IS the source of all the trouble m Eur~ We just unearthed another radIO Be Held on Sunday whIch he would try to pull hImself out ope It IS also the cause of thiS program of the 'gets-m your~halr' va~ of the precaulOUS posItIon he has been phoney' war. flety. MIlton Berle qUIzzes a. group The members of GlabrIel RIchard stuck Into by j kamerad' StalIn s fal~ HItler's ambItion was to have hIS of men on the answers to rIddles and CouncIl, Kmght of Columbus, Will eX M laclous promIses and the unexpected own way WIth hIS wealthy backers Of jokes that have been sent In by radIO empltfy theIr sIxteenth annual Me- Alhed declaratIon of war That the course they very much resented hIS hsteners Accordui.g to the vmtage of monal SerVIces Sunday, November Fuehrer 5 blunders have placed the conduct In Europe, nch people never most of the Jokes, the sender mners 19th. startmg With Mau and the re- ReIch 10 a state of extreme vulner~ fully forgive a pauper hIS success and dont get around very much But the ceptlon of Holy Commulllon at An- ablhty IS shown by the fact that NaZI treat han as an upstart even when he crownmg pam In the neck IS the an- nunclatIon Church, Parkvlew Just Germa<l1y (let us not forget the real happens to be theIr protege The nouncement lor the product, whIch IS north of Jefferson Germany whIch IS not NaZI) has been BrItish and the French did not fall to Quakers Puffed somethmgor other EIght members of Gabnel RIchard so far, utterly unable to pac1fy and abIde WIth these rules Needless to The announcer, who has a vpIce like Councd dIed withm the past year consolIdate Its 'Ill gotten gatOs In Pol~ sa¥, thiS only embIttered Adolph He a too ,taut baloon,. tel1$.you to ,try this Reverned Father Raymond McDer.. and Cuchoslovakm Even AustrIa 1S r~~ longer contented hlmseH wlth- emuM dehcI0us breakfast food whIch has mott, 0 S M, Egt Joseph J Bemke, a subject of constant worry for the latlon what he wanted was to surpass been shot from gU,ns' So as .0 gIve you Charles A Bonet, Rucfolph Krupltzer, NaZIS. and then, pOSSIbly crush hIS haughty that'tngger fast nutrICIOUS value! MIchael J LavlO, John Maler, James Then there are the grOWing dlssenM employers Great Guns, what IS the radIO ~orld I A Murphy and Joseph Zayak Slons between NaZ1 radicas and the h By t 15 time, hiS "protectors" who commg to???? I MonSIgnor Ames Stapleton, pastor natIonal SOCIalIst party s conservative hdb h a een watc mg him closely, got ~"hat PrIce Glory Dept of Annunc1atIon Church, and the first nght wing punctuated last week by a h h d II en WIse to IS sc erne an qUle y pre~ In the last Issue of Vogue, several Chaplam of Gabne1 RIchard CounCIl, new attempt on the Fuehrer s lfe at pared for the day when a stop would page. W ere dedIcated to, of all thIng., followmg 1tS mstltuhon 10 Apnl, 1923 MUnIch ThIS and many other acts 11d 11 1M 8 00 I 1 th t h d Adol h necessarIly have to be ca e War STYLES I BeIng a constant WI say the MemorIa ass at c ear y prove ate anger p 1k Co 1 b 11 Hitler dreads 'mo.t II not outllde, hut HItler s AustrIan coup succeeded reader of Vogue, we almost fwowed up 0 c oc unCI mem ers WI receIve th G WIth Bntam and France merely look~ when we read the follOWing para.. Holy Commu01on In a bOn'dy In honor W1 In ennany £ th d dB Ih I I 1 The tro uble that 15 brewtON m the mg one So dId hts dIsmemberment of graph The accessory held IS the only 0 eir ecease ro ers, par ICUar Y 6 one 10 wlitch you fmd a few extrava.. those who have dIed durmg the past ThIrd ReIch 15 not surprlsmg If we re~ game httle Czechoslovakia, but WIth call that out of 64 ml1hon inhabItants the mvaSlOn of Poland the cup over~ gances Many women are buY10g year B dF b th Hermes' leather or canvas gas mask ImmedIately followmg the Mass, of pre 1\azI Germany, 67 per cent were flowed ntam an rance urst WI masks, of natl studded tweed Descat there wlll be a compltmentary break- SOCialdemocrats, that commUll1sts anger The wrath shown by hIS former makes a. dull black bag for them fast 10 the dmmg room of the parish alone numbered over 11 mIllIons, that bosses told Adolph Hltler the time had and Carher makes a. super ona audItorIUm The breakfast WIll be pre~ pro mIlItary orga01zatIons hke the come when they would much rather of CrocodIle WIth gold lOItIals" What pared and served by the WIves of Relchsbanner, the Stee1helmets etc Jump at hiS throat than let him get a 1.0 claImed a conSIderable number of away 1,X,Ith It As he well knew he was a breach of fashlOn It would be to members hVlng In AnnunCiatIon par .. £ d foll ....... ers TheIr ruthless suppreSSIon no match for them he tried to stop be caught dead WIthout a ChIC gas- Ish, aSSIsted by WIves 0 Rlchar Ians VfY mask case hanging down your backl hVIng elsewhere Mrs Robett Halter by the Nazts compelled them all to go them by turnIng around and claspmg 15 chaIrman of the breakfast commlt- underground To better cover theIr hands With StalIn and Commumsm he tee subverSIve actIVItIes they enltsted With had hItherto fought for England and the natIon<t1 SOCialIst party and donned France ThiS move cut hiS last tIes FoUowmg the breakfast, the Order's L d d h the brownshlrt Just hke so marty true WIth ParIS and on on an even 15 rltuahstIc ceremomal exercises wIll be h 1k h 1£) NaziS ThiS disgUise renders theIr de- best friends (henc men 1e Imse held In the audItorIUm under the dI~ tectIon by the Ghestapho (dreaded paM dropped hIm With a curse rectIon of Chancellor James Haggerty hhcal pohce) practIcally ImpOSSible The Al1tes got at him Just the same Honorable Joseph A Gtlhs, Judge of the Recorders Court WIll delIver the RIght now, they are Impunely makmg Meanwhile, the 1ronclad alliance prom- t thmgs uncomfortable for the NaZI Ised him by shrewd StalIn turned out Memoria address, and Honorable leaders under the very nose of HeIn to be "JUlt another henchman Joh." Phl1hp McHugh wJ.ll dehver the eu- rich HImmler chIef of the pohhcal Once a henchman, always a hench~ logy police And nobody knows-but every~ man" grinned lromcally the emgmatlc The mUSical program will be dIrected body can gue'Ss what they are ltable Kremhn ruler by Rlchardlan Mus1cal DIrector W J BoeH, aSSIsted by Michael Clancy to do should war start 10 earnest, and Today, Adolph HItler caught In be- and Patrick Kearns as SOlOIstS a dnve be followed by disaster tween two fires has no other chOIce C £f k h Furthermore, It 1S feared that large than to throw hImself at the mercy of ouncIl 0 lcers ta 109 part In t e W I scale operations on the estern hIS former bosses or submIt to the ceremOnIals are MonSignor Stap eton, Id Ad1hH1 d I h J h CV Front wou put 0 l' It er an unscrupulous RUSSIan dIctators Will Former Chap am, Fat er an IS" other NaZI bigWIgS at the German mara D D Chaplam Grand K01gl},t I ThIS IS why the present European , , HIgh Command s mercy over01ght b John S Manmx Deputy Grand K01ght I war 15 not an Issue etween natIons , And thIS IS one thmg the HIt erltes bid h 1 b Thomas 0 BrIen Chancellor James ut mere y a eat strugg e etween , must aVOId at any cost It IS generally h N d h BIh d Haggerty Recorder Robert Bonn EX M t -e aZI party an te rI IS an , 'known that the proud ReIchswehr 1 1 h hd ecutIve Secretary Mark Dunn FInan~ French ru mg c asses w0 a sec .. , (Army) has never fully accepted the 1 dh h hit cial Secretary W. T Buckendge ret y financed dn roug t It erism 0 e ' NaZIS whom 1t conSIders as usurpers G Th h H II Warden John Gmgerella Guards Sam h I f power 10 ermany 15ISW Y 1 er , The Junkers and ot er ayers 0 the 1 b f t Th Glngerella Geotge Fmdley and Paul so tnslstent y egs 0 ra ruce IS DavIdson' German ruling classes have never for~ IS why the AllIes spurn hIS ofters ThIS Th F h D Com d gotten Adolph HItler for haVing faded h Hitler and the party he repre- e ourt egree man ery, h f h Hh IS W Y der he leadershl of Dr C B to resign IS post m avor of t e 0 M sents must go before there can be any un t P enzollerns whIch promIsed to restore E Lundy wIll act as uard of Honor. G h £ I sort of peace tn urope , ermany to er ormer gory _ -------- EVIdently, war under such Clrcum- Vernier School Notes stances IS tantamount to SUICIde, for neIther -the Fuehrer nor the naZl party tan reasonably hope to emerge from ItS rums alIve The deadly fear of ulbmate interrtal collaple (and not vague humamtanan conSIderations) II the only rea'oll why DIctator Adolph H.ltler has not dared to uilleash the '1,htzkrleg' 'he had 10 long threatened the world With. Be~ sldes dIctators who are so prompt and show such appalhng ruthlessness 10 crushmg a he1plessnelghbor, fall back lIke coV\ards when they have to fight at even odds Perhaps, thIS IS the traIt that relates them most to gang- sters Remember one; BenIto Mussohm and Unsolved Mystery Flle For the past month, a taXI has been parking on RIdge Road near Vendome every Thursday mornmg from ten o'cIock until around twelve thirty The dr1ver whIles away the two hours by POltShlOg the Windows of hIS cab, shIn~ lUg up the hood, eatIng peanuts and Just sltt10g So far, our super sleuth has been unable to tell us whether It 15 male or female who arrIves and de .. 1'a rts to and from-no one knows where, sInce the taxI 1S parked near an empty lot QUick Watson, our beard and dommo I We thmk that Mr TItuS, who has been mIXIng medicmal concoctIons for Grosse Pomte for years, has done a beautiful Job WIth hIS new drug store We espeCially hke the large plate~ glass wmdow on the FIsher Road SIde, WhICh IS unmarred by SIgns and stickers and gIves us a VIew of the paSSing parade, whIle we dawdle over a peps! cola On the Kercheval front, Mr Titus has modestly had hIS name prmted 10 small letters, wh1ch are a1.. most overshadowed by the gargan~ tuan Park! DaVIS placards But we ltke that too, because we can't Imagme a better combInatIon for our Ills, than Park DaVIS products m the capable hands of Mr. T -and thIS 15 NOT an 'ad' Ther.e IS a httle candy shop and l1ews stand, about a forward pass from Al Green's (and across th. street) taUed the Grosse Pomte Candy Box It s proprtetor IS one 'NIck', whose .sweet tooth must have lured hIm mto the candy mstead of the restaurant busmess Most of G P 's. domestIc as" sIstants (My, we ltke that expreSSIon) gather at NIck's place while waIttng for the homeward bound bus The other mght, an EnglIsh governess WIth that "long netted" look, asked \ , " ~J ~~~J __~~~.~\",~_~~

Transcript of I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History...

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By Mall $200 per year; SIngle Copies 5 Cent.






{I,._------- ....

~OL. 14-No. 13

liIE D Speck-ErIch BauerA D WIlson-Herman Sie.

Also 10 the Garden Club sectIon twooutstandmg complImentary arrange-ments were contnbuted by Mrs W.Beresford Palmer.

CompetItIon In the general showschedule was better than usual Judgesfor thIS bemg Harry CartWright, AlexL Lamond and James W Hopton.

The flower show commIttee of 1939are to be heartIly congratulated forhavmg staged such a fine and well ar~ranged exhlb1t1on, the mate rIa 1throughout the entire show was note ..worthy for ItS hIgh quahty and cul-tural perfectIon.

10 pottery con~D Chapin, Mrsand Mrs RIchard


Flower lovers gathered for the lasttime thIS season to pay trtbute to thequeen of autumn flowers on the occaSlon of the twenty~thlrd annualChrysanthemum Show held under theauspIces of the Grosse Pomte andEastern MichIgan Horticultural So-CIety at the NeIghborhood Club thISpast we'ek end

In a pleaslUg ceremony at 5 o'clockSaturday, WIlham C Jones preSIdentof the SOCIety, presented MISS MarMgaret Hendrie representing the Garden Club o£ MIchIgan, who In somewell chosen remarks bearmg upon thepart the SOCIetys shows played 10 th1scommumty, declared the show openMISS HendrIe was then gIven a bouquetof roses by lIttle MISS Grace Scotford

The attendance throughout the showwas exceptionally good, and manywere the 'ums' and ahs" of admlra~bon expressed by VISItors on enterlOgthe large gymnaSIUm of the N elghbor-hood Club the buff tones of the wallsblendlOg so well WIth the many largeand excellently staged groups of pot-ted plants, formlOg In all a pleasmgsettmg for the gIant exhIbItIon bloomsand stnklOg arrangements that arealways a. feature of thIS partIcularshow

There was keen competItion in theSIX classes 10 artistic arrangement re-strtcted to members of the GardenClub of MIchigan JunIor LeagueGarden Club, the LIttle Garden ClubGrosse Pomte Branch of the Woman sNational Farm and Garden Associahon, and the DetrOIt Garden Center

The Judges, Mrs Horace PeabodyMrs Allan Zachartas Mrs Wilham DThompson Mrs W Beresford Palmerhad a formidable task 10 reachmgtheIr awards, as follows

Mass arrangement-Mrs John SNewberry, Mrs Frank Lambert andMr. E V Knoblock

ThanksgiVIng centerplece-Mrs AG Nutter, Urs'-<A W Bender

Arrangement dned plant matenal-Mrs C W Nass, Mrs D D Dunlopand Mr. E V Knoblock

Chrysanthemums 10 metal cantamer-Mrs Roy D Chapin Mrs JohnS Newberry and Mrs D D Dunlop

An additional first award was madem thIS class to Mrs Frederick MCampbell representmg the DetrOitGarden Center

Chrysanthemumstamer-Mrs RoyJohn S NewberryJackson.

Chrysanthemums in Japanese manner-Mrs D D Dunlop, Mrs C WNass.

Pointe Players toPresent "The Perfect

Alibi' Nov. 17.18

Southeastern Women'sClub

PrIvate estate of Grosse Pomte.Bloomfield Ht1ls Rochester and Pon-de dlstnct showed much fnendy rIval-ry The followmg estates and garden ..ers were awarded prIzes

Emory L Ford-Ernest WolffMrs Truman H Newberry-Roy

BerryMrs John S Newberry-RIchard

SaywardMrs Lawrence D Buh1-Theodoro

Ka1khoffMrs Walter 0 BrIggs-Ernest


wertMr' E A. Turnbull-WIlham P.

ThomasMrs E S Evans-Fred MartmMrs Russell A Alger, Sr-Patrlck

J McKnIghtMrs J B Ford, Jr-Charles Mac-

DonaldL H Green-Henry MarhnMrs E S Barbour-John Cheney.In the vatlous classes 10 arrange"

ment for prIvate gardeners, ribbonswere won by Ernest Wolff HermanSIewert, Anthony Joyce and Ben.NankerVIS Other blue nbbon Win-

ners In thIS sectIon were Robert Wal-ters and JulIan Richards both fromthe Mrs W W. McKnIght Estate,Perrys.burg OhIO

Mrs Roy Berry was awarded thefirst and Mrs WIlliam P Thomas thesecond prIze In a luncheon table ar-rangement restrIcted to WIves of gar-deners who are members of the spon-s<lrIng SOCIety.

Judges for the above classes wereRobert Stewart, WIlham Cnchton andTheodore Kalkhoff

For the most mentorlOUs exhIbItwlthm the entIre schedule!, Rlcha.rdSayward of the Mrs John S New-berry Estate was awarded the Pearsonpnze for a large group of potted chry-santhemums

Mrs Lloyd Murray receIved a bluenbbon for a basket of hardy outdoorgrown chrysanthemums

Of speCial Interest to the publIc werethe arrangements by the chIldren ofthe NeIghborhood CluI1

In a class ages 8 to 10 first pnzewent to Betty Maloney and second toVIrg ma Chnton and In another classage 11 to 12 Mary Van Tlem wasawarded lrst With Lorrame DeWolff Insecond place

Numerous complImentary exhIbItswere presented mcludmg the follow-109 potted cascade chrysanthemum.In yellow and white vanetIes by WIl.

Frances FreIwald, neice of Phyllis ham Bartel and Sons Flonsts Ply.Laughton, formerly WIth the Bonstelle Imouth, collectIon of cactI and sue-Players and now a dIchon coach In culents by Alleman s FlOrIsts DetrOIt;Hollywood, plays the femme lead 10 basket of mdoor vanetles of chrysan"The Perfect Ahbl being presented by themums grown out of doors by A 1(.POinte Players, the semor dramatIc Laukelgroup of the Grosse Olnte HIgh School An outstandmg table centerpIece byon November 17 and 18 Myron Bloy florIst, DetrOIt, table ar ..

The mascuhne lead In the play 1S rangement featurmg chrysanthemums,taken by DIck Munter who has long a centerpiece In fall shades and cor ..been assOCIated With the theater sages of the current mode by Algerthrough th emedlum of tap and acro Flower Shopbahc danc10g Another pleasmg table dIsplay con.

Jack Dougherty, Fred Hofmann sIstmg of potted LIhum speClosumBetty Pratt, Dorothy CastrIcum, Bob rubrum and soft pInk geraniums wasShepler, Jack FIsher, BIll LudWig that staged by the Paul H DemmgGeorge Teldeck, and Jack Hoyt com- Estate (Wilham McInnIS gardener).plete the cast A basket arrangement of chrysan.

ThIS A A Mtle play has been pre~ themums Mayfield Sunnse a charm ..sented both In Amenca and England mg shade of old rose and anotherIt was known however as The Fourth basket of chrysanthemums and bernedWall when It was played In England shrubs were contnbuted by Mrs H.

N Torrey (Alex L Lamond gardener).Greatly admired was the bowl ar-

rangement of chrysanthemums andsnapdragons In shades of plllk byClarke E Stevenson florist DetrOIt

Another basket arrangement of sm-gle and double chrysanthemums Withautumn tlllted folIage was displayed byJames the FlOrIst DetrOIt

In a stage settIng, V R DePetrIs,Inc Grosse POlllte Farms, dIsplayedmany ongInal flower arrangementsand unusual combmatlOos WhICh weregreatly admIred "Ir DePetns alsomcluded several seedlmg chrysanthe-mums 'tud name vanetIes of hIS ownmtroductlOn

The Southeastern Woman s Club willhold their next meetmg Monday, No~vember 20th Mr Gerald L. K SmIthNatIonal ChaIrman of 'The Comm1tteeof a MIllton' WIll be the speaker Hehas beert called by Lowell ThomasThe most dynamIC fearless speaker

of the Ull1verse ' HIS recent appear~ance at the OlympIa attracted an un~usually large audIence and the tlubIS extremely fortunate In obtammghIm Each member Will be allowed tobnng a guest

Mrs Roy J Bucklndad, Mr' J SCameron and Mrs N E Korte wIllact as hostesses Federat1.on reportswIll be g1Ven

REACH FOR LEACH _ SuddenSerTlco.-Ady.

be a talk andsubJect 'Llght~

The Defer P T A IS sponsonng adessert brIdge Thursday, November 16at 1 p m 10 the school audItOrIumTable pnzes are pillow slIps ThereWIll be man ydoor pnzes The prOMceeds WIll replemsh the school s freelunch fund

At 3 45 there wIlldemonstratIon on thenIng 10 the Home"

"Sinbad the Sailor,"Marionette Show toPlay Here Nov. 25th

More VotingPrecincts AreGranted Voters

Defer P. T. A.

At the last regular meeting of theTownship Board petlttons were preMsented to- the Board asking that theelectIon precmcts m the TownshIp ofGrosse omte be reVIsed The Boardtook ImmedIate achon on these pe~tItIons and voted to supplant the eXlst~mg 13 precmcts by 11 more, makmga total of 24

The VIllage of Grosse Pomte Parkwas the main pomt of reVISion FIfteenprecmcts WIll take the place of eIght,while 10 the Farms SI"(WIll replace thepresent three, Grosse P010te WoodsWIlt have two and the Shores one

There IS no doubt but what thIS re ..VISIon IS very benefiCIal to the votersof Grosse Pomte TownshIp and Itshould be a major factor H1attemphngto stimulate more Interest m the elec-bons whIch seem to be at a. very lowebb at present~

Neighborhood ThriftShop Tea November 20

Mr. Sherrod E Skinner of 1150Buckmgham Road IS one of the MountHolyoke College alumnae working aCMttvely on plans for a reglOnal alumnaeconference to be held 10 ChIcago onNovember 18 Mrs Skmner IS one ofthe two Mount Holyoke alumnae 10

MIch1gan on the conference commIt-tee arrangmg the day long meetIng atthe Lake Shore AthletIc Club whIchWill bring PreSIdent Roswell GrayHam. and oth>r members of the col-lege admmlstratIon to ChIcago to pre~sent a close up of Mount HolyokeAlumnae from 14 mid western statesunable to VlSlt the college often wdlhave the college brought to them atthe conference \Those program lOcludesspeeches, dISCUSSIons and mOV1es ofthe college

-A marloutltte show WIth all the elabMorate trappmgs of a Broadway mUSIcalcomedy wIll be seen by the chIldren ofGrosse Pomte when Sue HastIngsnewest production, , 5mbad the Sa11~or ' IS presented on Saturday Novem~ber 25 at PIerce Junior High School,Sponsored by the Parent TeaahersASSOCIatIOnthe performance bears theapproved stamp of Juntor Programs,Inc, non commerCIal orga01zatIon deMvoted to the presentatIon of sdectedchildren's entertaInment

j 5mbad the SaIlor' was nearly tenyears 10 the maklOg by the Sue Hast~10gS Manonette organIzatIon, largestand most renowned of Its kind In

Amenca SIX years ago aiter muchpatIent tall by manonette craftsmen,the productIon was rumed by a firewhIch destroYed all the equtpment 10

the New York stUdIO of the Sue Hast~mgs Manonettes It took all !thattIme to buIld a new productIon of theArabian NIghts fantasy.

The NOlghhorhood Thflft Shop cor-dIally inVItes the chtldren who arecompetmg In the poster contest, andtheIr parents to the annual tea and ex-hIbItIon to be heJd at the Alger Mus ..eum, 32 Lake Shore road on Tuesday,November 21, from 4 to S 30 o'clockPosters wIll be on exhIbIton for oneweek

Sealed for l'ear 2039Two pounds of a specIal blend of

tea from IndIa, Ceylon and AfrIcawere sealed in a sIlver casket mLondon, not to be opene~ untlf 2039.

Chrysanthemum Show,Colorful Autumn Event,

Closed Sunday Night

Mt. Holyoke CollegeAlumnae Conferenceto Be Held Nov. 18th

REACH FOR LEACH _ SuddenS.!fT1ce.-~d.,.


New Table TennisCenter to Open

SIX Detrolter tables, excellent hght~109 and plenty of space assures thetable tennts player of all the eqU1p-ment to playa first rate game at thenew Table TennIS Center, located at10730 East Warren avenue

The center IS open weekdays 'from4 until 12 l' m and on Sunday from10 a m until 12 l' m It remaInsclosed on Saturday

The management a- ounces plentyof pa.r~mg space; avaIlable.


The Grosse Pointe Reviewbe delivered on Tuesday,

Nov. 21nd, instead of Thurs-day next week on account ofThanksgiving day. All noticesmust be in not later than Sat-urday to insure publication.

Trend of EventsInside Germany

Active InterestShown in FallRotarian Party

Seeds have been collected for nextyear's garden They were taken fromthe Ver01er School Garden WhICh wasplanted by the chIldren 10 the sprmgcared for by them dutlng vacatIonand enJoyed by aU when school openedThey burned the old plants whIle pre~panng for wmter

A meetIng for the parents of Ver ..mer School WIll be held ThursdaY eve ..mng', November 9, at whJch tune DrVan Kleeck WIll speak Mrs LynnStreet who IS chairman of the refresh~ment commIttee IS to be aSSIsted bvmotber. of th~ .chool.

Grosse Exaggerations?By A PRYOR

If thIS out of town guest bUSlneSIcontinues much longer, we are gomgto start a. movement to have the Unt..verslty of MIchIgan moved to anotherState, so WE can be the out of townguest Once agatn the town has beenIn the throes of merrtment and every-cme IS on the edge of dee tees-Justwattmg to be gIven a. shove I

Overheard at the Bowhng AlleyHDo you remember the name of that

moVIe at the Punch last Saturday?""No-but It should have been, IGoody

goody, You Shoot Me And III ShootYou."

Advance ticket sale indIcates thatthIS year s Fall Party of the GrossePOInte Rotary Ctub to be held nextMonday evening at the NeighborhoodClub, wIll be even more successfulthan the Inaugural event In 1938

The pleasure of domg good forothers must usually be confined tothe self satisfactIon found In any wellperformed duty.

Somewhat rare are the ttmes wherereal fun In Its old fashIOned meaning,can be enjoyed, accompanIed by theknowledge that It 15 not achieved atthe expense of someone else, or wlth~out beneht to one s fellows

The Fall Party of the Grosse POInteRotarians affords one of these oc-casions Those who attend, will have

In between drinks, we've taken the an evening of hve1y sport Many ofttme to observe the bIrds that have I them Will WIn attractive prIzeS, hav-made themselves at home In our back mg a monetary value conSIderably Inyard, and DON T tell us that they excess of expenditure for tIcketsaren t bnlliant red, sky blue, and beIge, Everyone WIll be contnbuttng to theWith red heads In our weakened con~ happmess of someone, whose SItuatIondItton, there Isn't anything more soul.. In hfe 15 less fortunatesahsfYIng than to look out of our bed~ Charitable projects sponsored by thefoom WIndow In the early'> morning Rotary Club, through proceeds fromand see these brllhant flashes of color the Fall Party, are carefully InvestI-against the drab Autum And speakmg gated A large attendance at the affa1r(If bIrds, they have become so fashlon~ wIll enable thu year S program to em-able on women's hats th1s year, It S a brace a WIder f~eld than has been poswonder some millIner hasn t dubbed SIble in the pastthem "Audubonnets" The party WIll start at 8 o'clock

Advance sale tIckets are elIgible forthe Door Pr12:e, and ean be obtamedfrom any local RotarIan.

By PAUL M. DEAC hIS claims on France";! By the way,ulf the German people want peace what has become of hIm?

they first must throw Hitler and hIS One a Henchman, AlwaYI a Henchmanchque overboard I' ThIS 1S m a few Before the M umch conference, HItMwords the meanmg of the AllIes' re- ler was a henchman to great BrttIshsponse to HItler s latest peace offer and French bankmg and mdustnal In-presented by Queen WIlhelmina of terests agamst SOVIet RUSSIa, now heHolland and King Leopold of BelgIUm IS guardmg Communism agamst theOf course thiS does not mean that Hit.. BrItish arIstocracy and the Frenchler WIll gIVe up any further hopes for bourgeOIse HItler wanted to be a canan early peace, but there IS ltttle lIke queror, he IS only a servant Ohcehhood he Will ever mduce the BrItish t110reand the French to hsten to hIm At the begtnnmg of theIr relahons,

The Alhes have no IllUSIOnsas to the London and ParIS gave HItler a rela~real reasons behtnd the Fuehrer s sud~ ttve Independence Later Adolph mIS~

Knights of Columbus den and In!llstent desIre fo1' peace took relative Independence for totalMemorial Service to They well know 1t IS not so much peace mdependence ThIS mlsmterpretahon

he wants as a stay of execution durmg IS the source of all the trouble m Eur~We just unearthed another radIO Be Held on Sunday whIch he would try to pull hImself out ope It IS also the cause of thiS

program of the 'gets-m your~halr' va~ of the precaulOUS posItIon he has been phoney' war.flety. MIlton Berle qUIzzes a. group The members of GlabrIel RIchard stuck Into by j kamerad' StalIn s fal~ HItler's ambItion was to have hISof men on the answers to rIddles and CouncIl, Kmght of Columbus, Will eXM laclous promIses and the unexpected own way WIth hIS wealthy backers Ofjokes that have been sent In by radIO empltfy theIr sIxteenth annual Me- Alhed declaratIon of war That the course they very much resented hIShsteners Accordui.g to the vmtage of monal SerVIces Sunday, November Fuehrer 5 blunders have placed the conduct In Europe, nch people nevermost of the Jokes, the sender mners 19th. startmg With Mau and the re- ReIch 10 a state of extreme vulner~ fully forgive a pauper hIS success anddont get around very much But the ceptlon of Holy Commulllon at An- ablhty IS shown by the fact that NaZI treat han as an upstart even when hecrownmg pam In the neck IS the an- nunclatIon Church, Parkvlew Just Germa<l1y (let us not forget the real happens to be theIr protege Thenouncement lor the product, whIch IS north of Jefferson Germany whIch IS not NaZI) has been BrItish and the French did not fall toQuakers Puffed somethmgor other EIght members of Gabnel RIchard so far, utterly unable to pac1fy and abIde WIth these rules Needless toThe announcer, who has a vpIce like Councd dIed withm the past year consolIdate Its 'Ill gotten gatOs In Pol~ sa¥, thiS only embIttered Adolph Hea too ,taut baloon,. tel1$. you to ,try this Reverned Father Raymond McDer.. and Cuchoslovakm Even AustrIa 1S r~~longer contented hlmseH wlth- emuMdehcI0us breakfast food whIch has mott, 0 S M, Egt Joseph J Bemke, a subject of constant worry for the latlon what he wanted was to surpassbeen shot from gU,ns' So as .0 gIve you Charles A Bonet, Rucfolph Krupltzer, NaZIS. and then, pOSSIbly crush hIS haughtythat'tngger fast nutrICIOUS value! MIchael J LavlO, John Maler, James Then there are the grOWing dlssenM employersGreat Guns, what IS the radIO ~orld I A Murphy and Joseph Zayak Slons between NaZ1 radicas and the h

By t 15 time, hiS "protectors" whocommg to???? I MonSIgnor Ames Stapleton, pastor natIonal SOCIalIst party s conservative h d b ha een watc mg him closely, got~"hat PrIce Glory Dept of Annunc1atIon Church, and the first nght wing punctuated last week by a h h d II

en 1£ WIse to IS sc erne an qUle y pre~In the last Issue of Vogue, several Chaplam of Gabne1 RIchard CounCIl, new attempt on the Fuehrer s lfe at pared for the day when a stop would

page. Were dedIcated to, of all thIng., followmg 1tS mstltuhon 10 Apnl, 1923 MUnIch ThIS and many other acts 11d11 1 M 8 00 I 1 th t h d Adol h necessarIly have to be ca eWar STYLES I BeIng a constant WI say the MemorIa ass at c ear y prove ate anger p1 k Co 1 b 11 Hitler dreads 'mo.t II not outllde, hut HItler s AustrIan coup succeededreader of Vogue, we almost fwowed up 0 c oc unCI mem ers WI receIve th G WIth Bntam and France merely look~

when we read the follOWing para.. Holy Commu01on In a bOn'dy In honor W1 In ennany£ th d d B Ih I I 1 The trouble that 15 brewtON m the mg one So dId hts dIsmemberment ofgraph The accessory held IS the only 0 eir ecease ro ers, par ICUar Y 6

one 10 wlitch you fmd a few extrava.. those who have dIed durmg the past ThIrd ReIch 15 not surprlsmg If we re~ game httle Czechoslovakia, but WIthcall that out of 64 ml1hon inhabItants the mvaSlOn of Poland the cup over~gances Many women are buY10g year B d F b th

Hermes' leather or canvas gas mask ImmedIately followmg the Mass, of pre 1\azI Germany, 67 per cent were flowed ntam an rance urst WImasks, of natl studded tweed Descat there wlll be a compltmentary break- SOCialdemocrats, that commUll1sts anger The wrath shown by hIS formermakes a. dull black bag for them fast 10 the dmmg room of the parish alone numbered over 11 mIllIons, that bosses told Adolph Hltler the time hadand Carher makes a. super ona audItorIUm The breakfast WIll be pre~ pro mIlItary orga01zatIons hke the come when they would much ratherof CrocodIle WIth gold lOItIals" What pared and served by the WIves of Relchsbanner, the Stee1helmets etc Jump at hiS throat than let him get

a1.0 claImed a conSIderable number of away 1,X,IthIt As he well knew he wasa breach of fashlOn It would be to members hVlng In AnnunCiatIon par ..£ d foll .......ers TheIr ruthless suppreSSIon no match for them he tried to stopbe caught dead WIthout a ChIC gas- Ish, aSSIsted by WIves 0 Rlchar Ians VfY

mask case hanging down your backl hVIng elsewhere Mrs Robett Halter by the Nazts compelled them all to go them by turnIng around and claspmg15 chaIrman of the breakfast commlt- underground To better cover theIr hands With StalIn and Commumsm hetee subverSIve actIVItIes they enltsted With had hItherto fought for England and

the natIon<t1 SOCialIst party and donned France ThiS move cut hiS last tIesFoUowmg the breakfast, the Order's L d d hthe brownshlrt Just hke so marty true WIth ParIS and on on an even 15rltuahstIc ceremomal exercises wIll be h 1k h 1£)NaziS ThiS disgUise renders theIr de- best friends (henc men 1 e Imseheld In the audItorIUm under the dI~tectIon by the Ghestapho (dreaded paM dropped hIm With a curserectIon of Chancellor James Haggertyhhcal pohce) practIcally ImpOSSible The Al1tes got at him Just the sameHonorable Joseph A Gtlhs, Judge of

the Recorders Court WIll delIver the RIght now, they are Impunely makmg Meanwhile, the 1ronclad alliance prom-t thmgs uncomfortable for the NaZI Ised him by shrewd StalIn turned outMemoria address, and Honorable

leaders under the very nose of HeIn to be "JUlt another henchman Joh."Phl1hp McHugh wJ.ll dehver the eu-rich HImmler chIef of the pohhcal Once a henchman, always a hench~logypolice And nobody knows-but every~ man" grinned lromcally the emgmatlcThe mUSical program will be dIrectedbody can gue'Ss what they are ltable Kremhn rulerby Rlchardlan Mus1cal DIrector W

J BoeH, aSSIsted by Michael Clancy to do should war start 10 earnest, and Today, Adolph HItler caught In be-and Patrick Kearns as SOlOIstS a dnve be followed by disaster tween two fires has no other chOIce

C £f k h Furthermore, It 1S feared that large than to throw hImself at the mercy ofouncIl 0 lcers ta 109 part In t e WI scale operations on the estern hIS former bosses or submIt to theceremOnIals are MonSignor Stap eton, Id Ad 1 h H 1 d

I h J h C V Front wou put 0 l' It er an unscrupulous RUSSIan dIctators WillFormer Chap am, Fat er a n IS" other NaZI bigWIgS at the Germanmara D D Chaplam Grand K01gl},tI ThIS IS why the present European, , HIgh Command s mercy over01ght bJohn S Manmx Deputy Grand K01ght I war 15 not an Issue etween natIons

, And thIS IS one thmg the HIt erltes bid h 1 bThomas 0 BrIen Chancellor James ut mere y a eat strugg e etween, must aVOId at any cost It IS generally h N d h B I h dHaggerty Recorder Robert Bonn EXM t -e aZI party an t e rI IS an

, 'known that the proud ReIchswehr 1 1 h h decutIve Secretary Mark Dunn FInan~ French ru mg c asses w 0 a sec .., (Army) has never fully accepted the 1 d h h hitcial Secretary W. T Buckendge ret y financed dn roug t It erism 0

e ' NaZIS whom 1t conSIders as usurpers G Th h H IIWarden John Gmgerella Guards Sam h I f power 10 ermany 15 IS W Y 1 er, The Junkers and ot er ayers 0 the 1 b f t ThGlngerella Geotge Fmdley and Paul so tnslstent y egs 0 ra ruce IS

DavIdson' German ruling classes have never for~ IS why the AllIes spurn hIS ofters ThISTh F h D Com d gotten Adolph HItler for haVing faded h Hitler and the party he repre-e ourt egree man ery, h f h H h IS W Yder he leadershl of Dr C B to resign IS post m avor of t e 0 M sents must go before there can be any

un t P enzollerns whIch promIsed to restore ELundy wIll act as uard of Honor. G h £ I sort of peace tn urope, ermany to er ormer gory _

-------- EVIdently, war under such Clrcum-Vernier School Notes stances IS tantamount to SUICIde, for

neIther -the Fuehrer nor the naZl partytan reasonably hope to emerge fromItS rums alIve

The deadly fear of ulbmate interrtalcollaple (and not vague humamtananconSIderations) II the only rea'oll whyDIctator Adolph H.ltler has not daredto uilleash the '1,htzkrleg' 'he had 10

long threatened the world With. Be~sldes dIctators who are so prompt andshow such appalhng ruthlessness 10

crushmg a he1plessnelghbor, fall backlIke coV\ards when they have to fightat even odds Perhaps, thIS IS thetraIt that relates them most to gang-sters

Remember one; BenIto Mussohm and

Unsolved Mystery FlleFor the past month, a taXI has been

parking on RIdge Road near Vendomeevery Thursday mornmg from teno'cIock until around twelve thirty Thedr1ver whIles away the two hours byPOltShlOg the Windows of hIS cab, shIn~lUg up the hood, eatIng peanuts andJust sltt10g So far, our super sleuthhas been unable to tell us whether It15 male or female who arrIves and de ..1'a rts to and from-no one knowswhere, sInce the taxI 1S parked nearan empty lot QUick Watson, ourbeard and dommo I

We thmk that Mr TItuS, who hasbeen mIXIng medicmal concoctIons forGrosse Pomte for years, has done abeautiful Job WIth hIS new drug storeWe espeCially hke the large plate~glass wmdow on the FIsher Road SIde,WhICh IS unmarred by SIgns andstickers and gIves us a VIew of thepaSSing parade, whIle we dawdle overa peps! cola On the Kercheval front,Mr Titus has modestly had hIS nameprmted 10 small letters, wh1ch are a1..most overshadowed by the gargan~tuan Park! DaVIS placards But weltke that too, because we can't Imagmea better combInatIon for our Ills, thanPark DaVIS products m the capablehands of Mr. T -and thIS 15 NOT an'ad'

Ther.e IS a httle candy shop andl1ews stand, about a forward pass fromAl Green's (and across th. street)taUed the Grosse Pomte Candy BoxIt s proprtetor IS one 'NIck', whose.sweet tooth must have lured hIm mtothe candy mstead of the restaurantbusmess Most of G P 's. domestIc as"sIstants (My, we ltke that expreSSIon)gather at NIck's place while waIttngfor the homeward bound bus Theother mght, an EnglIsh governess

WIth that "long netted" look, asked


,"~J~~~J __~~~.~\",~_~~

Page 2: I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History Archivesdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1935-39/39/1939...E D Speck-ErIch Bauer A D WIlson-Herman Sie. ... CompetItIon









17009 Kercheval

TU. 2.6020

E1ect.oic Motor R""••rDt,1NCAN " McNICOL141Z7Chulevois at W.:rb ......

Nights, s_ IeHoli.,..

TR 2.8008



Fresh graded eggs wrectfrom country tWJce weekI,. Alsopoq,ltl'y dressed, while Yl)U wait,on Saturday DeliCIOUS ~tltter

Weekly Home Delivery If desl1'ed

We .peclaltlGe In ftoeahl,. caughtLake Huron fish Trout. Wblte~fish • Pickerel • Perch


\ "''''T "i;'t'r 'It

~hursday, November 1:6, 1939


17290 MACKBet. 5t Clan' and Notre Dame

Grosse pOinte City


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FRESH FISH


Boydell Paint • Sheet MetalGlass

Stove and Furnace Pipe

16126 Mack Ave.at Audubon Grosse Pointe Park

Niagara 0775

'Harlow J. LingemanFLOWERS

Look your lovelest for Thanksgiving-you will enjoy

it more if you're your radiant best.

Holiday Allure

Grosse POinte', R,pre.entatl,.ell of the OgilVie S.,tenNtagara 3753 Puncb &: Judy Theatre Bldg.

Here's what mon like!

Felix Francois Bea utr Salon

Clem Searle Says!

For Your Thanksgivin~ Table!Pompon Chrysanthemums

(In all colors)

Let us arrange the Rowers in your OWll silveror pottery bowls, or we will gladly loan bowl ••

Also ChOice Mu:m Planh .. IncLan CorllGourd •• Oak LlMves

17114 KERCHEVAL AVE.near St. ClaIr

Also C.mer.s and Camera SupphesOpen 9 to 9

~Manhattan Shtr,ts & PaJama., $200

and $.2 50

Interwoven Socks, 35c al'1d 50c.

Neckwear, $10,0 to $250

Belts and Suspenders, $1 00 &: $1 50

Sweaters, $195 to $695

Hats, $2 95, $385, $5 00

Gloves, $1 00 to $5 00

Clem Searle

iiiiiiiiiiW¥lt1l11l! I 1111m mnllt IiII) limit! IImuwm:;:::mii Ii11111IiiIiflIlIUUUW'

Miller Mattress Co.Renovating of all kinds of Mattress.,

Pillows .. Box Sprln"One Day Servlce

New Mattresses Bed Springs9908 Kercheval LfOOOX 7994


: I 'I'III I! IllIll1' I !I!!:!!!1' 1'1!II'I" Il" I' lUll WI' 1'1'1' II 1IU1111'1111I1'1'1!lli.!.L 1I11~

o. Mulier's MARKET15225 Kercheval Ave.

at BeacQnlfield

LE.7786 Week. End Spe.ials We Deliver,


Pre-Cooked Ham :~:~kH~~1:2~0.lb. 28c


Roast of Beef • • lh. 23c• •Order Now Your Fresh Dressed


Corneta &eef BRISKETS Ih• 28c•I'

DetrQit's Smartest Theatre Restaurant ,presents

STEVE EVANSStage $trtr .- Imp~r.onator

PARKER & FREDERICK ..Songs and Snoppy Patter

KURTIS ROYAL MARIONETTESTha Hollywood C•• Ed. The New RoyEt.leU,.




I Not All FlowersFlowerdale avenue, Cleveland,

OhIO, m spIte of Its sweetly aromat-IC name, IS anythIng but a gardencf roses some of Its reSld'ents com~plaIn It !;ieems that a certaIn reSI"dent keeps goats In hIS back yard


4 0 0 122 2 0 6I 2 0 30 3 0 0


4 1 0 12I 2 I 4I 2 I 4

Neighborhood Club

Whln Ded JleenSlIPI'1II. oil the .oall and crash-

m. mt. a su.rll .sll at Kltehene',OntarIO, JQ.mes TrlJ,ssler's Ca.: cameto a stop. dalllas.d Bill the dam-ase dIll not worry Trussllr. aSa 75,neady as mueh as what 1111 Isther,age 100, would ssy when he heardabout it

80al lslol'llsMore than ~,8oo Illffe:8I1t mak.s

of alltomoblles have been manu-laetu:ellm t\'te UnIte<! States Nme_ty-nine were steam ears and 64were IIeet:i.. ef whi.h only a feware still bem. d.,ven. Amon. thefamous ee.I~ mak.s were the steamteeomoblle, the Wmton, H'ynes.Ap-person, U S LonS Xllstanee, lI:1-car, $tevenll~Duryea, Rambler, Co..lumbia. EMF, Moyer and Em-pire.

HandJcraft and Sewtn~ Classes forGIrlS wdl start next week, under M~sRuth Curl's dIrection Monday ciassefrom 3 30 5 00 WIll be for glrla 11 andOVllf, and Wednesday classes from3 30 S 00 for gIrls 8 10 All gIrls mterested, ktndly regIster at the desk•

All you JItter Buggers I Don't forgetthe Woolworth Dance on FndayNovember 17th These dances areprovm~ to be very popular and arelots 'Of fun for everyoQll. W l!l hopewe 11 see you there.

Camp Fire GIrls of the NeIghbor-hood Club iJfe plannIng on havmg apot~luck supper next Fnday, Novem ..ber 17th.

Cr•• cl .1 tll. Lillo 1l:1!1. Geor •• VThe craed 01 the late Kmg a.org.

V of l!lnslan<l was as lollows "ITeaoh ma to .bey the ,"Ies of thageme 2 T •• ch me neVe' to oryfer the mOQn, p.ever to ery EwerSl'l11ed nllik S Teoch me t. wm 11I can. If I •• nnet, te •• h me to bes good loser 4 '1'esol\ me to d,s.tmgulsh bettweerl sentiment and Sen-tlmentallty; to "team the lIr.t al1ddespIte the .e.onll. 5. Teach me

.\ never to •••• pt and "ever to offe.falSe 1'•• lse 8 Fll'lally. If X mustSllt'le., mey II be Ill" a thorough.hrell !II.I gees away by hll'l'lulf Ii\order to .lIlTer ill .11.1'1.'.


JI" L10nsRed WmgsDodgersRa111s

Grosse Pointe SchoolsIncluded in AnnualInternational Program

lowe'en WIth a party gIven by thesemor patrol They came 1n on Satur ...day and planned the game" M1SSTaylor and her mother helped a. greatdeal toward the party whl'ch was ap~preclated greatly by the scouts



Alllerinn !'led Cr •• s Roll Call Poster for 1939.

The SIxth m~ebng of troop 180 washeld on Oct 23 We agalll held ourformal openmg and then advanced topatrol corners While one patrol dlS.cussed plans for a Ballowe en party,the others took dues and attendanceAfter we were shov.n somethmg aboutBasketry and Photography, the lllV1..tahons were gIVen out and the meet ..lUg was adJoUlned


Troop 131 met as regular tn theGrosse P0111te Me"monal Church AHallowe en party took place JOsteadof the regular meet111g Most of thegirls brCWght guests The refreshmentcommIttee served many good thmgsto eat and the entertamment com~nllttee conducted the games The fmalplans were made for the tnp to Greenfield Vlllage which \Vas tl!) be takenon November 5 N M







COTIAGE GROCERYKerby, cor Ridge Road

FRESH EGGSQuabty Groeeru,a Lowed PricesOpen 8 a m ..8 p m. Opel1 Sun



Troop 129 met Monday, Oct 30 atChnst Church Seven Br@Wl'l1eS flewup , TheIr names are as follows AIda.MarIe Crowe Martha. Johnson Jenn1eBuel QUIrk Anne Will, VIrginIa Stod ..dard, J oon Mu!ford and Sally FrostThey are all JomlOg Troop 129

The Browmes sang two gongs 'TheBrowme Song' and 4 The BrownlesSmIle Song' The Glrl SCQuts saug two

GIrl Scouts Is 0 Communtty FnndAgency, and anythmg whICh you feelyou can gIve to the Community FundWill help the Scouts as well as theother 79 agenCIes they support

Due to the kmdness of Mr FHaroldl TItus, the Grosse P€lmteScouts WIll have a wmdow display 10

hIS new drug store at the corner ofKercheval and FIsher Roads durlllgthe week of Nov. 13 Watch for It

The wmdow displaYS thIS year WIllbe under the dIrectIon of Mrs H DWIlson, of Lmcoln Road Any scoutswhQ would hke to do poster work f0rtheae dIsplays WIll pl • .,e con~act MrsWllson. •


Frtday afternoon, November 17, hasbeen set as the date for the Ftfth An.. The Bears won theIr first game ofnual International FestIval Program the season when they d<lfeated thefor the school chIldren of Southeast second place Wildcats 20 14 tn whatDetrOit and Grosse Pomte proved to be a thnller up unbl the

fuul whistle. Wlth 45 seconds re ..Each yeO\.r the chIldren have pre ..

pareo a. proJect whIch has been sent mammg to play and the score tied atd1rectly to chosen forelgn countrIes 14 aU, George RIvard took the baltLast year the chIldren prepared greet.. on hIS opponents 3S and fought hiSmgs to SlX Balkan countrtes and sent way through the entIre Wildcat team

for a touchdownthe phonograph record on whIch the Tratlmg 14 0 at the end of the fIrstgreetings were recorded to the chll- quarter, the Wtldcat eleven made adren of these foreIgn lands

ThIS year the boys and glrlS In 20 desperate hght to obtaIn VIctory andelementary schools 1n the dIstrict ale knotted the count at 14 all With Justpreparing a commenorahve stamp I 3 mInutes left to play It was Just SIXprOject to be presented at the annual play:; l~ter th:t RIvard made h;s s~n..

On Saturday Oct 211939 Troop 124 program at Hannan Y MeA An 10 sabona run 0 grasp victory or 1$

t t f d ft~am and add dc:feat to a game but

went on a bIcycle tnp- to Puddle woods eres Ing program 0 soun mOVIeS Q

t I tl N Y I W ld Fbred Wildcat team Art Habltz, cap t

whIch IS 20 ullles round tnp They met rave le ew or <: s or aIr,O 0 adventure and comedy w1ll be featured of the WIldcats played an outstandmg

All troop leaders and aSSIstant In front of Trombly School at 1 :3 d f II hF Ik d f th t d f Je enSlVe game as we as scormg IS

leaders and brown owls and ta,vny In the mormng Each glrl brought a 0 ancers rom e s u 10S 0 d

I J J I k II b tt t team s second touch own on a pass

h I ' t fIn f m her mother a muszms 1 WI e an a rac Iveowls are expected to attend t e eaders no e 0 permlSS 0 ra t f th that he caught over the goal Imeluncheon meetmg at 12 noon at the I For food they deCIded to let each pa~h 0 e program h ld h ThiS same Wtldcat team came backGrosse Pomte Memortal Church on girl plan her own menu and bnng her ese programs are e eac year two da s later to defeat the lea ue~Tuesday, Nov 21 Reservatl0ns must own lunch They had camp fIres and to encourage more frtendly attitude leadmg

yCards by the exqtmg fS~ore

be made WIth Mrs Wm Innes, NI some of the glrlS passed tests They and a more sympathetIc understand.. of 21~19 Leadm 7 6 at the half thh d d f I t mg of our forelgn nelghbors g, e

JOn by Saturday, November 18 a a won er u Ime InSpIration to wm seemed to wear offAny adult scouts In Grosse Pomte L M and F S I and the WIldcats seemed to lay down

are: cordIally mVlted to attend these --- Pierce P. T. A. The C~rds, taklllg advantage of laXI~meetmgs at any tIme, and are askeC1 Troop 129 met Monday, October 23, Uess of the WIldcats found them ..to Gall Mrs Innes 1£ they plan to do at Chnst Church At the fIrst organIzatIonal meettns- selves at a 19 7 advantage $'omg lUtaso [he patrol leaders and scnbe are as of the Plerce Parent Teacher Asso.. the last quarter. The traIhng Wl1d~

follows Pattol leaders Mary Jane clatron on October 26 ofhcers were cats began to look hke the team that \Sheaffer and Sally Thomas Scnbe elected Mr Ralph G SIckels was played the fIrst half and WIth £lve ----Paula Johnson Scout leader, Mrs chosen preSIdent Mrs H W Kerr, Immute, left to play had scored two USE REVIEW LINERS FOR RESULTSW 11ham InnIS aSsIstant MISS Sloane vIce presldent Mrs Russell Harkness, touchdowns and two extra Important 1'-~-----'~-----'-~-.-.-.-'--'-~-'-'-.-~-.-'--'-.-'-'-.-.-.--.-~-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-,-.-,-,-.'-.-.--.-.-'-'-'--'-'-i

Monday Oct 30, three Brow'm~s secretary, and Mr John Thomas, POlUts to go into the lead 21 19 The Iflew up The troop made up a It~t e treasurer The group met m the PIerce Cards began to ftll the aIr WIth posses '6 : For Thanksgiving Smartness •program for them conSIsting of two audItOrIUm and had advanced to the Wildcats' 15.. H i

II' 0 h R b ' d I ave your clothes spollged and

songs ca ed ver t e alO ow an SuggestIons were advanced for yd hne when Hablt2~ mtercepted a form pressed by IA Lullaby They hoped they enjoyed greater adult uttltzahon of Gr-Clsse pass from McIlroy and WIth th1s In ' t

It P J. Pomte School facllthes ter"phon went victory for the WIld. i Karl Kellerman IDr E R Van Kleeck, supermten- cah, for two plays later the game I Cleaner and Tailor

Troop 131 held theIr regular meet- dent of schools, spoke of the odult ended 15306 M k AIng on October 24 They made plans t ac va., near Beaconsfieldeducatton movement m Shorewood, The Jr lonS met the1r sbffest op" I filS Years pn M.ck Ave." Ifor the Hal1Qwe en party whIch they suburb of Mllwatl.kee, WisconSin He pOlubon of the season thus far when ,,_"'_.8,,:a ~;,"' _ _ ~.

are havmg next week Doughl'luts, promIsed actIve support from school they subdQed a. hard blockmg and t - --- --- -- ------- -ca.ndy corn, CIder and cookIes are to admlmstrators III the proJected pm.. ftghhng Red WIng eleven 26 20 Wlthbe the refreshments A few gIrls are to grom of the newest Parent Teacher Mllhgan and McQueen 40mg most ofbe on the refreshment rom1'1 t~~e 4nd orgall1zahon 1n Grosse Pomte. the ball carrymg the LIons managedthe rest of them on el1terta111ment com.. to hold a 20 7 lead gomg mto themlt ee Two dozen boxes of Chnstmas f I QIndIa Medal lOa !\tanza Me ueen $cored (whatc.u ds were recetved and then passed The Ka!ser I.H~nd -nedal was in.. proved to be a very much neededout A few games were played dunn$' stituted In the year 1900 It 15 be.. touchdown) In the la.st quarter gOIngthe rneetmg stowed as a reward WIth no distinc.. off tackle from th. 5 yd marker It

LOIS Mtlette was 10 charge of the hon as to sex, racet. or posihon OilPeople who have rendered useful wa$ at thIS pomt that Jackson, hard ...

troop as lllness kept the troop leader, b k fth R d W kor unportant serVIce In the achleve- runmng ac 0 e e mgs, tooMrs George True from belOg present ment of the publ1c mterest In IndIa matters mte hlS own hands and scoredThe troop hopes she wIll be back The name has no reference to thEl tWlce on runs of 30 and 15 yds re ..soon former German monarch It means spectfully WIth tW() mtnutes left to

N M emperor of Hmdustan and was the play and the ball In posseSSIon of the!ltle used by the great moguls 01 •DelhI It was assumed by Queen ILIons the Red Wmgs were unable toVIctorIa In 1877 There are two set another scortng chance and theclasses of awards, the first bemg game ended 26 20 Hi favor of the un ..bestowed by the sovereIgn and the defeated Jr. LIonssecond by thp VIC'ProV of India

------- Any boys between, the l'f,ges of 12 15mtere!ited m DramatIcs are welcometo Jom our Jr Oramattc Class Wemeet every ThursdaY at 4 00 (I clockOur plays are rehearsed ancl presentedat the Theater Party every other Fnday Why not Jom Us? ll'lng a f'lend

The Sentor GIrl Scout Troop 138have been studYl11g mtenor decoratlOnthls fall They are 10oklOg for a smallbuddmg a room over a garage orslmflar spot whlch they could deco-rate themselves and use for their Inseet Loreweekly meetmgs Anyone who could 'two SClentlsts have a novel meth ..offer such a place Will please call the od of p1ckmg up beetles, bugs andtroop leader \flSS Dee Meysenbt1fg butterflIes at WashkeslU, SaskatGhe ..TU 2 0536 C H wan summer resort They palOt

I_ , -..,0,....., tree trunks WIth a mlJ~ture of beerI ond brown sugar Late: In the ev.-

I J VERBEKE'S I On Oct 30 Troop 180 held Its nlOg by flashlIght they gather a rich; II!I seventh meetmg vVe celebrated :Hal~ harvest of drunken Insects

Poultry Store !I -,---------:...-----.----

Fresh Ergs and Butter A HELPING HAND FOR ALLErgs Wholesale and Retail '------------------------

I Poultry Dressed j',

While You Wait

i NI 4664 15215 Mack Ave. jr , J--'-_._-- ----_ -

And so, we wlsh you aU iL couple ofHappy Thanks~1Vmgs

The newspapers are always so Inked songs too, 'Over the Rambow" andup wIth murders., that It s gl\ en us A Lullaby' After that they had re ..an Idea~ phenomenon In Itself I As freshtnents, whlch were apple clderlong as we ve seen £It to have Na J and cookles Ever) one had -a very nICehonal clean up week, :flower doy, hme. P J.patronIze your baker week be kmdto anunals week and many othersof the same 11k, why not a NationalNon Murder' day? It seems reasonableto expect that murderers all over thecountry would be glad to enter mtothe spmt of the thmg Say we settledon March tenth, for example anymurders contemplated on that daywould have to be put off that IS Ifthe killer IS wl1hng to be sportmgabout It Why not wnte your Con~gressman ?-But don t mentton ourname'




ON THE HUNTfor a good Turkey

Dinner?Start a p.lqrun~e.,e to Sld'$

1S435 Mack

The crowning touch to thehappy holiday seasoll-theperfect Hairstyle I desiglledfor you at

Edna's Beauty Shop3 Expert Oper.tor•


Grand Turkey DinnersWed. &: Sat Evenings

Also excellent fish, frog.leg,steak or chicken dinners

Th. Clty~Wll:le Famo\l$

Sid's Cafes. M.QUEEN PROP.

15241 E. Warrellat S.rh ..rn NJagara. 0064


!I!l!!l!l!!I!l!!l!l!!I!l!!l!l!~!!I!l!!l!l!!I!l!lIII!!I!I!!I!l! •iIiliiiJTtmiTiTiiliIiiIiTiiTiliiJifiiliTiiIiTiiTiTiililiil11i



t.r Two

Grosse Exaggerations

- ...~...,....'~"'.'.""1

III....- , ..

(Continued from Page One)for the 'StahU' magazme, whIch tous and to NIck IS 1ust plam StaffA heated argument was avo1ded by theintervention of a customer, who mter-perete<1 the womans Engbsh mtoNIck's, so everythmg qUIeted down be-fore the arrIval of the bus

The bIrd thats been 'storkmg'around ever stnce A A A A (Adamate an apple) IS flappmg hIS wmgsover Grosse Pomte We ve heard ofthree stoppmg off places but we am tJawna tell where they are I

A few weeks ago a Grosse POinteh9mestead was ransacked by a. burg ..lar, dunng the absence of the ownerand hIS man Fnday' In the mIdst ofthe ransackmg, a frtend telephonedthe owner 0f\.tihe house and the burg ..lar, (whose "\'\dlseretton must havegIven way to Whimsey) answered thephone, and In a. very correct house ..1nan vOlce, he allowed as how h1Smaster was not 'to' hom.e In recon".truct~ng the cnme, we can only sur"mIse tha.t after cradling the recelver,the vl1han chuckled a few tlmes andwent on wIth hIS collectmg of sllver,Jewelry and loose change



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Page 3: I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History Archivesdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1935-39/39/1939...E D Speck-ErIch Bauer A D WIlson-Herman Sie. ... CompetItIon


20cIS•••• SCcan

Page Threll



New Crop

lb. 5c

lb. 35Cbag

6 ban 2Sc3







Round 01' SirlOin

STEAK Ib 23cCut from Good Quahty

Tender Steer Beef

Kentucky Spring Small and LeanR,b

Lamb ChopsIh. 19c,


3 to 4~lb. rib endaverage

Strictly Fresh Lean









Tomato Juice




12811 Woodward at Glendale8110 Mack near Maxwell7624 W. McNIchols at Pennington

can 10~c

•6 Days of Record SavingsBeginning THURSDAY

Whole or Shank Half

Im-perlal Sugar Cured Smoked

Kentucky Spring LeI' of

Eat More Lamb for Health


HAMS lb. 19~c




3-lh. 15croundb."


lb.14 lb••and up

Michigan Corn Fed Fresh Drelled Young Hen


LlBBY'S FANCY RINSO SeminolePeaches

TissuePacked In Heavy Syrup

large 14~2 large 3Sc IOOO-Sheet ScNo 2" hoxescan Roll

Mich. StrIctly Fresh Dressed

Fme for Roasting

Mich. Snow White

Leg of 15~cVEAL lb.

Chickens lb. 19c

Texas Pure



Handy Helper FreeWIth each purchase

Pure Vegetable Shortening

SPRY3 ~~~49c

Choice Quality Meats at Real Savings!




Lux Flakes





Nut Meats

NOW Everybody SavesMore onQUALITY FOODSSince TOM Started a New

Detroit's Greatest Independent Super Markets

14922 Kercheval Ave. Alte:Road14200 E. Jefferson at Newport7938 Kercheval at Van Dyke

1632Z E. Warren nr 3-Mde Drive,

for the Young Hopefuls


Dwelling ComfortConSIderable work has been done

toward the estabhshment of the cor-rect degree of humIdIty for dweU-mgs There IS a so~called comfortzone, WhICh has a maXImum tem~perature of 70 degrees Fahrenheitand a nunimum. humidIty of SOperc:ent, a mInImUm temperature of65 to 60 degree .. FahrenheIt, and amaxunum humIdIty of 55 per centTlus IS the range whIch has beenestabllshed as bemg most agreeableto people hVlng In temperate cll-mates

How one appreciates courtesy!It may be expressed in one sopening of a. Joor, in a smi1~

ing "Thank you," in the graclousdomg of a commonplace duty, or inUSl'ening with interest to another sViews Courtesy includes deferenceand respectfulness Yet Is there notsomethIng more than deference andrespect involved in genuine court-esy? Indeed there is It is love formanklnd Henry Drummond hasIPoken of courtesy a.s Hlove in littlethmgs '

If one truly loves, does he not ex~press that love in even his least cantact with others-lll thoughtfulnessfor others 1n deeds of kindness inlittle helpful acts all of which can.stitute what we are pleased to callcourtesy'"

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discovererand Founder of Christian Science Inher "Mlscellaneous WrItings ' says(p 250) 'Love is not somethmgput upon a shelf to be taken downon rare occasions with sugar tongsand laid on a rose-leaf I makestrong demands on love, call foractlve witnesses to prove It andnoble sacnfiees and grand achieve-ments as its results" And she alsosays, HAs a human quality, the glor~ious significance of affectlOD is morethan words it is the tender unsel-fish deed done in secret the silent,ceaseless prayer, the self forgetfulheart that overfiows ..

The Apostle Peter admonishedthus (1 Peter 3 8 '9) "Be ye all ofone mind having compassion one ofanother love as brethren be pitifulbe courteous not rendering evil forevil, or railing for rail1ng but con-tranwise blessing"

The dictionary defines "courtesy'in part. as • an act of kindness orfavor performed with politeness U

But what then is the source of in-herent kindlineas and conSlderate--ness'" •••

The real man is not the mortalso called man, who mayor may notbe kind The man of God s creahng1'8 Bis own image and likeness asstated in Genesis And smce God IsLove, man is the forever expressinnof Love, hence love and kindness areinherent qualities of the real man

But one may ask Whv do somepersons a.ppear to express much of •love, while others seem almost de-vOld of it. and at hmes may be evendiscourteous and disagreeable? Maynot the logical explanahon be thatIOme are allowing man s true being.... Love s refl.ection to find expresS 11through their thmkmg and liv.ill , while otheN may have theirtL.oughts so filled with a false senseof evil as real that love and goodnessare not manifested through theirthinklng or living'"

True courtesy expresses love Andloving considerahon expreS'i!ledto another arouses 8. kmdred responsefrom that one The writer witnessedan example ot this in a crowdedt.reetca.r one evening Two women

were standing in the aIsle when al!Ieat was vacated The one who wasobviouBly a worker made no attemptto take the seat evidently expectlUgthe other to do so But instead notingthe telltale bag of the domestlc ser.vant, the other asked, 'Have y::mbeen working all day't' £0 WhIChthere was a meek, uYes, m", am 'uThea you take the seat" was theresponse. Soon the other was alsoseated. and when the worker aroseto leave the car 'She bestowed a mostgracious and appreCIative smile uponher courteous benefactor

Is not the test ot true culturewhich must include courtesy, foundin the respect with which one treatsothers?

All ot God s children expressequally His infinite love Hence Godloves all, and forever expreS'Sesthrough men His universal goodnessand love All men are in reality thechildren of God, subject to His loveand care When this is compre-hended, one is enabled to lookthrough and beyond the false senseot personality, differences in socialstanding, education, and race, andto see and love the Dlftn of God screation

Such a one w1ll always be toundmanifestmg lov111g thoughtfulnessconsl{-' ration, and kindliness to all,even m. the least of human affairs-in that expression of true culturewhich rs known as eourtesy Andneed we add that he who includesall m his bestowal at courtesy hasglimpsed the love which character~i,zes the real man who refiects andexpresses God dIvine impartialLove?-The Chriatum Science Mon~ltar.


Modern Swedish Ensemble" A "'-w.~ 1'& f!.\.


A poster contest on the subject ofConservation of Natural and AntmalResources of the State of MIChIgan ISbemg sponsored by the LOUlsa 5tClaIr Chapter of the Daughters of theAmerIcan Revolutlon The subjectspertment to the project are SOlI Ero.Slan, Stream PollutIonl Weeds andShrubbery, Forest FIres, Flowers,Blrds and FISh

Mabel Arbucklel SupervIsor of Artfor the Detrolt Pubhc Schools, 15 dl~rectlllg the contest whlch wlll be con.ducted In gra.des seven through 12 In

mtermedlate, techmcal and compre.henslve hIgh schools, wlth pnzes to beawarded

A 11st of slogans, prepared by theEducahonal DIVISlon of the Depart~ment of Conservahon at Lansmg, hasbeen sent to each school These slo~gans may be used by the students In

whole or m part, or may suggest otherIdeas to them The contest WIll closeon FndaY, November tenth On Mon.day, November thirteenthl the posterswIll be Juned for thelr aesthehc andcommercIal value Mrs Paul HaleBruske Regent of the LOUIsa St ClaIrChapter of the Daughters of theAmencan RevolutIOn and Mrs Basl1L Connelly, ChaIrman of the Conser.vatlOn Department of the Chapter wlllaSSIst wlth the Judgmg and awardmgof the pnzes

The posters will be on exhlblhon onThursday, December fourteenth atNewberry House, JeHerson Avenue,and may be vlewed by the pubhc

Grace WhIte Spnngstun(Mrs Humphreys Spnngstun)Publtc Relahons Chalrman,953 BerkshIre Road,Grosse pomte Park, M1Chlgan,NIagara 3120

Insulin DiscoveryInsulm was d1scovered by two

CanadIan phySICIans, Drs FrederIckG Bantlng and J J R McLeod,but the greater share of the credIthas been gIven to Dr Bantmg Atthe tune the dlscovery was an..nounced In 1922Dr Bantlng held theoffice of reSIdent surgeon of the Hos.pltal for SIck Chl1dren In TorontoThe Insulm treatment had been usedunder the supervISIon of Its dISCOV-erers for a whlle before lt was an~nounced, but lts general use datesfrom 1922

Sponsors Poster ContestLouisa St. Clair Chapter

In contrast WIth the past, when only wealthy famIhes could affordspeCIal furmture for the nursery and less fortunate chl1dren mhentedhand me downs from adult l'ledrooms, IS the present practIce of usmgJuvemle furmture for the eommg generahon Moderately well~offfaml-hes now are bUyIng ensembles llke thIS Swedlsh modern SUIte for theIrI hopefuls.

Arkansas Pioneers UsedCabin Door for Sundial

Antique clocks are rarely inolud-ed In the furmshlngs owned by oldreSIdents in the northern Arkansashllls The plOneers could waste nocovered wagon space on thIngs notabsolutely essentIal for heWIngdown tImber, constructIng cablOsand lI11mg the land, Hom.madedeVIces for tellmg tIme have givenrIse to a pIcturesque phraseologyThe truf! mountaIneer tells tIme bythe sun. Some of them are accu..rate to the mlnUle, ,

A hIllman Wl1lrefer to time ss"an hour before sun.up," an hourbefore sun~ownt" Ustralght ..up bythe sun," umoon..rlse tIme," "anhour by th' sun" In some of theold-tIme cabInS there were "sun•marks" on the floor. When thehouse was buIlt a mark would beplaced where the sun shone throughthe open door at noon The house~WIves tImed their coalang by the

U lengthemng streak of sunsluneThere was a sort of prlmltlve satls"facllon In hvmg and workmg by thesun. Many men who now possesswatches prefer to tell tIme by thesun.

Other old hlll people used thepuncheon b08:t:ds-logs spIlt lD twoand the fiat SIde used as the floor-to tell bme In one sectlon of Af.kansas the phrase Hpuncheon tlme"st111IS used Most of the puncheonswere approxImately the same WIdth,and the lengthenlng of sunshlne orshadow on them was counted byijUI1cheons, wluch usually approxI-mated one hour Thus Ha punch~onuntIl noon" would be 11 o'clock, andHa puncheon after noon, straight upand down," would be one o'clock.

It IS saId that when the first saw-mIll was erected at FayetteVIlle,Ark, the customers demanded thatthe "tImber ftoorm' " they purchasedbe the exact WIdth of the old-tImepuncheons, so that they could sl111!lve by upuncheon tune."

PL. 8500

TUxedo 2-9639

.,AKIIlEC" Coiffure Dell.. g

As a bfe~lonr reSident ef GrouePOinte I respectfllll,. lohclt yoUIfuel order and gUat'antee 100%.....118and service.

Sincerely yours,

Hayes, Cor. of Wilshire

PIngree 2131

A. L. DammanHardware


We Measure and Install. Esti-mates Cheerfully Given.

INOTRE DAME BODY SHOP902 Notre: Dame at Mack NI 0132We do bumping, painting, weldlnland all automotive repair, at rea~so:n.able prIces t<Our low overheadIS the answer."

Wmter SportsJugoslaVIa has now deCIded to

compete for wmter sports and greatSkI centers have been establIshedat LjublJana, Bled, Kral1Jska Goraand on Mount OrJen, where snowfhes from October tIll May.

Oldest CompanyAt Falun In Sweden IS the oldest

commercIal company 1'1 the worldIt has owned a mme there for 700years and extracted from It overhalf a mllhon tons of copper, morethan 15 tons of SlIver and a ton ofgold

Combination Door

$4.50 and up


Storm Sash98c and up

MA 06265536 Second




Baker-Whildin Coal Co.

SINCE 1924


That Good Coal.

Your Orders Are Appreciated

S.met sot•• ,. CokeFord CokeOrilinal POC4hontasGtoenadter Stoker NutOlga Stolc:el" NutKoppen Stoker NutLehigh Valley Anthracite


A Stylized Coiffure

Thuuday, November 115,1939

Beautiful Cut Mumsfor Thanksgiving

We have lovely pink and white Begoniat plants_Iso African Violet and small oac-t tus plants.r~ W. make up beautiful corsages for any Gccaslon

at reasonable price,

Grosse Pointe Florist96 Kerby Road NI 2513 We Deliver


-Is the way to Beauty for theHoliday. Call Jakimec today for anappointment

Jakimec Beauty SalonLenox 9230

999 .8eaconsfield at Jefferson

We specialize in

Laundering and CleaningCurtains and Draperies

14727 KerchevalOpp. Christian SCience Church


Public Stenographer Private Secretarial ServicaManuscripts Typed

Dictation called for, if desired

Agnes A. Pearson Prices Reasonable•

760 Loraine, Grosse Pointe, Mich.

SatQrday. November 25, at 8:3D P. M. given by

The Pointers ClubAt their Club Rooms, 15005Charlevoix Ave.


%543 Lenox

The Eleanor Grace

School of ExpressioonDRAMA - SPEECH


...--.....--... ....... ............ .......



900 Coplin LE. 6373


lljlbs. SC)C• All Flat Pieces Nicely

Ironed, incl. Handkerchiefs• All Wearing Apparel

Returned Ready for IroningWe Do All Kind, of Laundry

We AllO SpeCialIze inCurtains and Dral'el


LEo 2858


-_ .. - -- ' 4

~u~a~~l~~r~ II,j


_._iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiFIRST CLASS REPAIRING

IlICYCLE MOTORCYCLESNew Bicycles at Low Pncel

V.eel Reisulit Bicycles Painted like DewLawnmowera Sharpened

Gro... POinte Motor Ie: Bike ShopA.~C Verbru'lthe 14%3Lakel"OlllteCan for Nt 9478 Deltver

. ,

Page 4: I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History Archivesdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1935-39/39/1939...E D Speck-ErIch Bauer A D WIlson-Herman Sie. ... CompetItIon


Phone TU. 2-2540StudioI

WarrenArrange for a sIttIng now before you begin Christmas shoppmg.

16711E. Warren at Yorkshire

F OR your very dearest friends,the most personal of all gifts isyour portrait. It's thoughtful-itIS you.


press herself on the plano. Her zeal IfIred wtth a. touch of g~nlusearnedher over barners to ultimate suc-cess Deft touches of humor an-dfm.e characterIzation II

Cormack-Land for My SonsA VIVid romance of the AmerIcan

revolution. Of Interest to older boysand gifts

Mason-WoodcraftPracbcal book for readers of all

ages who are Interested In campmgand pIoneer crafts.

De Angell-SkippackSchoolWith a lIvely story and Interest~

mg' Illustrations Mrs. De Angell hasbrought alIve the quamt colorfulpenod of the Mennomte settlers InPennsylvama about 1750.


Get Your Thanksgiving Permanenl

Grosse Pointe Library day, students from near ..by schools WIlli At the Grosse P01nte C1ty Branch,be 1n charge of the dIsplaY Each 700 cadieux Rd Monday and Tuesday,

MaIre School Will be m charge, Wed ..schoclWIllbe aSSIgneddefinite day. d St Cl Th d St P l'nes ay, are urs ay, • au.Monday and Tuesday, Defer School, Fnday, RIchard School.Wednesday, Pierce JUUlor HIgh, All Grosse Pomte boys and girlsThursday and Friday, St. Ambrose, are InvIted Plan to V1S1tthe exhIbItSaturday, Trombly the day your school 15 In charge.

Parertts mterested In butldmg up apersonal hbrary for theIr children WIllfmd many suggest10ns here The hb~ranans wlll be glad to recommend $Ult ..

able titles for vanous tastes and ages.- AT - Recent htles for Boys and Girls.

RACHEL BEAUTY SALON Baldwm-SouwesterVlCtCl<lOU.The. thIrd of the sou wester storIes

17343E Warren ro. 2-01651 Th" llmelhere " a 1500milerescuePermanents at $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 trlp to the West IndIes

Al Frae Reset with Permanents at $350 and up Barne-She Shall Have Mustc~~ \1 3Se "A delIghtful story of the casual,• ~ #t' Shampoo and Wave. .... I unmUSIcal bmlly to WhICh Karan Rellt that TaC&llt:room tltroulA a

Fancy Hair Dress • • .. SOc belonged, and of her struggles to ex..' Oro... POIDteRnsew bur_ 11 " -

_ ..... _ ....... H.. _ .... ...-. ......... _ ... ...- ... - ------......... -- - --- ~ --- .....

NOTICE of CHANGE of PRECINCTS,In the Township of Grosse Pointe

~_.... • ........ .... .. ..... _ ..__ .. _.... • ....H. _ .... _.. • :. • • 'H" IH' • ... .. ....

'Newbook. for boy. and girl. wIllbe.. on dlsp,lay thIS week at all theGrosse Pomte pubhc hbrarles.

At the Mam Library, Nottingham.aria Kercheval.from 330 to 530 each




that portion of t'.the boundal1os of tit•

Carl Schweikart

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDThat the Township Clerk be and is hereby auth~rized

and directed to transfer the registration cards of personsduly registered in the Township of Grosse Ponte so u toplace the said registrations cards in the proper precinctfiles, .and to notify the registrants of such change by for-wardIng to the address given upon such registration carda notice to the registrant of the fact that such change hasbeen made and the new precinct in which such registrlllltresides,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDThat the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and dI.

rected to certify a copy of this resolution to the CoUlltyClerk.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 24. AllTownship of Grolle POinte altuated WIthinVtlla.e of Grosse POlllte Shores_

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDThat the Township Clerk be and is hereby authoriJed

and directed to give notice of the change of precinct. inthe Township of Grosse Pointe by publishing a copy of thisresolution for two (2) successive weeks in the GrossePointe Review, a newspaper published and circulated in theTownship of Grosse Pointe, and by posting copies of thisresolution in two (2) public places in each of the electionprecincts, hereinbefore designated.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 23. That part of G.o ... PoInt.Woods belnl bounded. by a hne .tarbllg at the Illtersaction of thecenterlille of Verllier Road and the centerhne of Mack Aveaue.thence northerly along the centerline of Mack Avellue to the aortlt.-erly houlldary bne of the Village of Grolle POint. Wood., th ... "westerly along the northerly boundary hne of the Villa,. of Gro.s.POinte Woods to the westerly boundary bne oEthe VIlla,. or Oro•••POInte Woods, thence southerly along the westerly hOUlldaryItaeof the VIllage of Grolle POinte Woods to the southerly boUl'l~hne of the Vlllale of Grosse POinte Woods; thence easterly .10"the .outherly 'boundary hlle of the Villale of Grosse PonUe W~to the cellterllne of Mack Avellue; thence northerly alOlll' the cea-tenlle of Mack Avenue to the .outherly houndary hlle of the Villar.of Grolle POinte Woods; thence ea.terly alonl the southerl,. lujll1\~-ary hlle of the VI1lageof Crosse POinte W~. to the .ea.terl~boundary lane of the Village of GrolSe POInte Woods thellce n~.eItlyaloftg the .. sterly bOUlldal'YlI11eof the VIlla.e of Gro••• PJ)tl\ta-Wooclsto tha centerhlle of Verlllel' Road; thel:tcewe.terly aloac ~.centerhne of Vernier Road to plac. ot beglnlllllg

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 22. That part .f Gro••• Poi,_Wcoda being hOJ,lncleclby a ltne starting at the mter.ectioll of theeenterhlle of Mack Avenue an.d the centerbne of Vernier Roa~tthellce llortherly alohg the centerhne of Mack Avenue lo the IlOrtta..arly boundary hlle of the Vtllage of Groll. POIntefW'ood., tbeaNR.terly along the northerly bounclary hne of the Vtlla.e of c..••••POInte Woods to the we.terly boundary hne of the Vtlla•• of (boo...POinte Shores, thellce southerl,. alon&,the westerly bOUlld'-'lTh~.of the VIllage Grosse POinte Shore. to the centerblle of V.rat.Road; thence westerly alonl the centerline of Verlller Road to p*-of belInnlllr.

Estates Su'bchyision,thence we.terly alon.. the southerly J,o~lI11eof LewlItoll Estates Subdtvision and LeWIstonRoad SubdiTl,ioaal ~xtended to the centerhne of Beaupre Avellue, thellC8 ~orth.erll'aloll&,the centerhne of Beaupre Avenue to the- centerlIne of MorallRoad, thence westerly to the centerhne of WillIams Avellue, thellcesoutherly along the centerhne of Wlihatns Avenue to the cents,.,""of Fisher Road at Chalfont. Avenue, t;hence northerly alonl' thecenterhne of Chalfonte Avellue to the centerline of Kerby Roaththellce easterly alon, the cellterhne of Kerb,. Road to tlte cut.lidof Rlda'e Road, thence southerly along the centerhne of RId,e R~.to place of be,lllnlng_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 21. That part of Gro... Poillto"Farm. being boun.ded by a bne startllli at the Inter.ecboll of th.centerblle! of Fliher Road alld the centerhlle of Chalfcnte A...ellllelthellce northerly along the centerbne of Chalfonte AvellU. to thecenterbne of Kel"by Road, thence easterly alonl the cellt...Ulle ofKerby Road to. the centerhne of Beaupre Avellue; thence Ilorther'b'along tha cellterhlle of Beaupre Avenue to the cellterlille of Mor •••Road, thence west.ly alollg the cellterhne of Moro•• Road to thecellterblle of Chalfollte Avenue; thence northerly aloll&,the C8'QtW.bile of Chalfonte Avenue to the centerline of Bournemqutb R.. el.thellCtilwesterly along the centerbne of Boul"nemouth Road to thecenterhne of Mack Avenue, thence southerly alon. the unterUn.of Mack Avenue to the centerbne of FI.her Road;. thellce .....terJ,.along the centerhlle of Fl.her Road to place of DeIInlllnl'.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 20. That part of Gros •• PoloteFarms 'beIngboullded by a bne .tartillg at the mtersaction of the cen-terhne of Ridge Road alld the ,outherly boundary bne of Lewistoa

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 18. That part of Gro... PoioteFarms 'beJ.nl:boullded by a line .tartllll' at the Illterseellon of thacenterhne of FI.ber Road and the cellterlille of Rldle Road; thencanortherly aloftI' the centerhne of Ridge Road"to the centedille of Mc.KIllley Road, thence easteTly along the cellterhna of McKinley Roadto a pOInt lIudway betweell the. two front enlrallces of the GabrIelRichard School, thence at right angle. to McKinley Road to thecenterline of M"MIIlall Road, thellce we-sterly along the centerbllaof McMillan Road to the centerltlle of Ridge Road, thellce llortherlyalong the centerline of Ridge Road to the southerly boundary ltne ofLeWIstonEstates SubdlVISIOIlas extellded, thence we.terly alonl thesoutherly houndary line of LewI.ton Eatate. SubchviSIOllas extendedand the southerly houndary lIne of Ll!!wlstonRoad SUbthVlslOllas ex.tellded to the centerlme of Beaupre Road, thence northerly alongthe centerlIne of Beaupre. Road to the centerhne of Moran Road,thellce we.terly along the centerbne of Morall Road to the center-hne of Wdbaml Avenue; thence southerly alolll the cen.terblle ofWIlham. Avellue to the cellterUne of Fuher Roach thence ealterlyaloft&'the cellierbne of 'I.her Road to place of belinnilll'_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 18. That part of Gro ••• Point.Farma Delngbounded by a lille .tarllng at the illteraecllon. of LakeSt. Clair and the centerhne of Kerby R-oad.. extetlded, ~ence west.erly alOll&,the C811terhneof Kerby Road as extended to the cellterhneof Beaupre Road, thellC8 northerly alone the cellterhne of BeaupreRoad to the centerhlle of Moron Road, the~ce we.terly alollg thecellterltne of MorolS Road to the centerltne of ehalfollte Avellue'thence northerly along the CeIlterhne of Chalfonte Avellua to th~cellterhlle of Bournemouth Road, thellce westerly aloll' the center_hlle of Bournemouth Road to the centerbne of Mack Avenue, thencenortherly along the centerhne of Mack Avenue to the north bound..ary bne of the Village of Groll. POinte Farms, thence easterly alongthe north Doulldary hne of the Vtllage of Groase POinte Farms toLake St. Clatr, thence .outherly alonl Lake St. ClaJr to place of be-I'lnnlng.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 17. That part of G.o ••• Poiot.Farms beln, bounded by a ltn. starling at the Illteraecllon of th" cen-terbne of Moran Road as extellded to Lake St. Clair, thellce ",est-erly alonl the cellterblle of Morall Road as extended, to the center-line of Groase POinte Boulevard, thence southerly alon, the cellter.lIne of Grosse POinte Bouleyard to the cellterlIne of Lewistoll Road,thence westerly alonl' the cellterlln. of Lewistoll Road to the center ..bne of Ridge Road, thence Ilortherly alolll the centerhlle of Rld,eRoad to the centerblle of Kerby Road, the ..e ea.terly along thecenterlIne of Kerby Road as extended to Lake St. Clair; thencesoutherly alollg Lake St. Clair to pla-ceof beglnllllll'_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 16. That pa.t of Gro... Po.ot.Farms beIng bounded by • bne starbng at the Intersection of Lak.St. Clatr and the centerhlle of FI.her Road extended, thellce llorth.easterly along the centerhne of Fisher Road extended to the center-bne of Rld,e Road, thence llortheastet'ly alollg the centerhlle ofRidge Road to- the centerbne of McKinley Avelllle; thence southeast.erly along the centerlille of McKinley Avenue to a POllltmidway be.tween. the two fr.ont elltrallcea of th. Gabriel RIchard School, thellcenortherly at nght angle. to McKlllley Avenue to the cellterlille ofMcMlllall A",enue; thence J1.ortheasterlyalong the ~llterhlle of Mc-Millan Avenue to the centerbne of Rldl. Road; then~e llortherlyalollg the centerhne of Rulge Road to the cellterhll. of LeW'IIto"Road, theee ea.ter1y alon&,the centerblle of Lewistoll Road to thecenterlille of Crosse POInte Boulevard, thence llortherly along thecellterbne of Grosse Poillte Bouleyard to the centerhne of MoranRoad, thence easterly alollg the cen.terltlleof Moran Road as extelld.ed to Lake 51. Claw, thellc•• outnerly alonl Lake St. Clair to placeof begtllnilll_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. IS. That part of G.o ••• Polot.Park belllg boufldedby a hne .tartln, at the Interseclton of t'he cen-terbne of VerDor Highway alld the easemellt lille between ThreeMile Dnve and Auduboll Road as extended; thellce east alolll thecellterhlle of Verllor Highway to the ea.t boundary line of the VII-lale of Grolle POinte Park .. thence llorth alollg the east boundarybile of tbe Village of Gr-olle POlllte Park to the cent-erhlle of Ma.ckAvenue; thence west alonl the centerbne of Mack Avenue to theea.emellt line between Three Mde DrlTe alld Auduboll Road A' ex-tallded; thence south .101lgsuch easement bile to place of be&,lllnlnl'

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14. That part of Gro ••• Point.Park MIllg bdunded by a bile .tartllll' at the Illtersecllon of Vemol'Highway and the west Illle of the Somerset Road SUbdIVI.IOllas ex..tended, thence .. st along the centerhne of Vernor Highway to theeasement hne between Three Mde Dnve and Audubon Road, thencenorth along suc:h easement line to the cellterhne of Mack Avenue,thence welt aloill' the centerblle of Mack Avenue to the weat ltne ofthe Someraet Road SubdiVISionas extended; thellca south .lonl thewest hne of the Somerset Road SubdlVlSIOIlaa extellded to place ofhellDlllnr_


ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 13. That part of Gro ... Po.nt.Park beIng bounded by a hne starting at the Intersection of the cen-terline of Vernor Highway alld the west hlle of Berns KerchevalAvenue 5ulxhvlsIon; thence north alona the Welt Il1leof Beml Ker.cheval Avenue 5ubchviSIOlland Lakepolnte Heights SU'bdlV1.IOIltothe centerline of Mack Avellue; thence .. s.t alolll the cellterlme ofMack Avenue to the west bne of the Somerset Road Subdlvtllon ••extended, thellce south along the we.t hlle of Somerset RoadSubdlvtSIOllas extended to the centerhne of Vernor Hllhway;thence west alonl the cellterhlle of Verllor Highway to place of be_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 12. That part of Gro ••• Point.Park beml boullded hy a ltDestartlllg at the Illtersectloll of the westboundary line of the Village of Grolle POinte Park and the cellter-hne of Vernor Highway, tnellca ealt alollg the centerblle of VernorHighway to the welt bne of the BerllS Kercheval Avenue Subek-'91SIOn,thellce north alon, the west bne of the Bern. Kercheval Ave-nue SubdiVISIonand we.t hne of the Lakepoillte Helehb Subcbv1l10nto the centerbne of Mack Avenue, thence we.t along the centerltDeof Mack Avenue to the we.t boulldary line of the Village of Croll.POinte Park, thence south alonl' the we.t boundary hne of the VIl.1age of Crolle POinte Park to place of begIllnlnl_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. II. That part of G.o ••• Poiot.Park beIng boullded by a hlle starlInl at the Intersectioll of the westboundary line of the Village of Gl'osae POinte Park alld the center-line of Kercheval Avenue, thence eaat alollg the centerblle of Ker-cheval Avenue to a pOint midway between the two 'rollt entrance'of the Defer School, thence north at right allgles to Kercheval Ave-nUe to the centel"hne of Vernor HIghway, thellce west alonl tnecenterhne of Vernor Highway to the west bOUlldaryhlle of the Vil-lage of Grolle POInte Park, thellce south .101l1 the we.t boullclaryhlle of the Village of Gro.. e POlllte Park to place of Mgm.lling.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 10. That part .f Gro ••• Point.Parle helng bounded by a bne alartlng at the west boulldary hne ofthe Village of Grolle POInte Park; thellC8 east alolll the centerhneof Kercheval Avenue to a POllltmidway betweell the two front en-trances of the Pierce Scho,ol, thence south at rll'ht anlles to Ker-cheval Avenue to the centerhlle of St_ Paul Avenue, thence weftalong the cellterhne of St. Paul Avenue to the west boulldary bileof the VIllage of Grosse POinte Park, thence north along the we.thoundary bne of the VIllage of Groue POlllte Park to place ofbeginning.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.9. That part of Gro ... Point.Park being bounded by a hne starting at a pGlllt beIng the illter.ec-bon of the centerlille of Jeffer'OIl Avellue alld. the easemellt bne ofGrolle POInte Manor SubcbvtllOllbetwe&ll Balfour and BerkshireRoad., thence north alan, such easement lIne to the centerhne 0'Kercheval Avenue, thence west along the cen:terhlle of Kerche"'alAvenue to a point midway between the two front elltrallcea of theDeEel"School, thellce north to the cellterbne of Verllor Hllhway;thence east along the centerlIne of Verllor HIghway to the easemelltlI11eof Scripps Grolle POinte Park SubdlVISIOllhetween Audubonalld Whltber Roads, thence south alon, such easement bne to thecenterlIne of St. Paul Avenue, thence west along the cellterhne ofSt. Paul Avenue to the easement lI11eof Grolle POlllte Park Corpor.ahon SubdlTIslonbetween Bucklnham and DevonshIre Roads, thellcesouth alollg such easement hne to the centerhne of Jeffer'OIl Aft.nue, thence well along the centerhne of Jeffersoll Avellue to placeof beginning.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.6. That part of G..... Polot.Park being bounded by It, hne startIng at the Illtenectlon of the cell-line of St Paul Avellue and the easement line hetween Audubon allelWh~tber Roads of the Scripps Grosse POinte Park Subdlvl'lon;thence North along such ea.emellt bne to the centerhne of VernorHighway, thence ea.t along the cellterhne of Vernor Highway tothe east bOUllcJa1'¥hne of the VIllage of Grolle POlllte Park; thellcesouth along the ea.t boundary bile of the VIllale of Grotse PointePark to the centerline of St. Paul Avenue, thellce weat aloll' thecenterlIne of St. Paul Avenue to place of begllllllnz_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.7. That part of G.o ... Poiot.Park being bounded by a bne starbllg at the POlllt of Interseeboll ofthe centerlille of Jeffersoll Avenue a~d the e.. ement hne of Gross.POinte Park Corporation SubdlVISIOIlbetW'eellBuckill&,hama~d Dev.onshlre Roads, thence north along such easement hlle to the center-hila of St. Paul Avenue, thence east along the centerline of St. PaulAvenue to the ea.t boundary hne of the Village of Gros.e POintePark; thence south along .uch bOUlldaryltlle to the centerltne ofJeffer,oll Avenue, thellce we.t along the cellterhne of Jefferson A",.-nue to place of beglllnln*..

such easemerlt lille to the centerlille of Kercheval Avellue; thellc.west along the centerlille of Kercheval Avellue to a pOint mIdway be-tween the east and we.t entrances of the PIerce School, thence .oqthfrom thiS pOint to the centerhne of St. Paul Avenue, thence westalolll the eenterhne of St. Paul Avenue to the Intersection of thecenterlIne of St. Paul Avenue and the w.. t boundary hlle of PInney'sPlat extellded; thence south along the west boundary lille of Pin-ney's Plat to place of DegUlllllll_

Township Clerk1Ill1II1II1II1II11II1I1I1I1II1I1II1II1I1II1II11111111II1II1II11111II1I1II111II11111II1II1II1111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1II1I111II1II1111II1111111111II1II1I1I1II11II11II1111II1II1111II111111II1II111II1I1I»111118111

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.6. That part of Gro... Point..park being bounded by a bile startuil' at a POllltDelnl' the inter..edlOll of the west bOUllclary!lute of Plnlley's Plat extended alld theceJlterline of JefferSOllAvenue, thence east alollg the centerlille ofJefferson Avenue to the easemellt ltne of Gro... POlllte Manor Sub-dlV'18IOllbetween Balfour alld Berkshire Roads, thellce north alon.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. S. That part of G.o ... Poiot.Park being bounded by a line startIng at the welt boulldary bne ofihe VIllage of Groue POinte Park, thence runJung east along thecenterhlle of Jefferson Avenue to a pOint which I' the extenslOlloflhe east line of the Berns-Jefferaon Avenue SubchvlsIon,thence northalohl the east hne of the Berns Jefferso~ Avenue SubdiVisionwhichi. also the alley eXisting between Lakepomte and Beaconsfield Ave_n,ues as extended north to St. Paul Avenue, thellce west alon, thecenterhne of St. Paul Avenue to the west boulldary bne of the VII-Jage of Grosse POlllte Park, thence south along the west boulldarybne of the Village.of Gross. Ponlte Park to place of bel1Jllllng_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.3. That pa.t of G.o ... PolotoP""k helng bounded by a hlle startillg at the illte:rsectlollof the alleye~l.lin# betweell Beaconsfield alld Nottlnlham Avenue. extendednorth alld the centerlille of Jeffersorl Avellue, thence ea.t alollg thee.nterhlle of Jefferson Avellue to a POllltwhich I. the Inter.edlonof the centerblle of JeffenOll Avellue and the easement hne betweenBer~.nn'e and Trombley Roads, thence south alonlf such ea.emelltJm. to the centerbne of Essex Avenue, the.ce wellt along the cen-terline of Essex Avenue to the centerhne of Beacon'beld Avenue;thence north along the centerhne of B82ilcOlllnelclAvenue to a pootl~ulway betweell the two front entrances of the Robert TrombleySchool, thellce east to a pOintwhIch II the extension of the alley ex-ishpJ betW8ell Beacon.field and Notttngham. Roads, thellce north• Ion, thiS alley to place of begIlllullg_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.4. That part of Gro... Poiot.Park bemg bounded by a hne startIng at the east boundary hne ofthe Village of GroSie POInte Park, thence south aloll' the ea.tboundary hne of the VIllage of Groue POintePark to Lake St Clair,Jhellce west al'Png Lake 5t Clair to the west boundary ltne of Trom.bley Road which ISalso the ea.t hne of Windmill POInteSubcltvtSlOll;tltence llorth along the weat hne of Trombley Road to the illtersec.tibll of the south hne of Lot 976,WIlldmII1POinte SubdlVISIOIlJthenceweat alODI'the .outh hne of Lot 976,WIndl1ll11POinte SubdlVISIOIltothe easemellt hlle between BerkshIre and Trombley Roads, tnellcaborth along such easement line to a pOinte WhIChis the Intersectionof the easement hne between Berkshire alld Trombley Roaclaand theC1enterblleof Jefferson Avenue extended, thellce east along the cen-terblle of Jefferson Avellue to place of beainlllllg_

ELECTION PRECINCT NO.2. That part of G.o ... Poiot.Park beill&,bounded by a bne sta1"tlllgat the west boundary hne oftll." Village of Grosse POlllte Park then runllInl east alollg the cen-_11M of Essex Avellue to Beacollsfield Avellue; thellce llorth aloll&,th. cerlterhne of Beaconsfield Avellue to • pOint DUdwaybetweellthe two frollt elltrallces of the Robert Trombley School, thence... t to a poillt which i. the cOllbnuatloll of the alley eXisting be..tween Beaconsfield and Nottmgham. Avenue., then.ce llorth alonlthis alley between. Beaconsfield and Nottingham Avellue. as extendedto the centerbne of Jeft'ersoll Avenue, thence west alon, the center-li"'8 of Jeffe,soll Avnue to the we.t boundary hne of the VIllage~f Grosse POInte Park, tnellce .outh along the west boulldary bne0'; the Vtllag. of Gro.se POinte Park to place of beglllning.

ELECTION PRECINCT NO. I. That part of Gro... Po.otePark 'being hounded hy a lille startm. at the west boundary laneof the Village of Gsq,oSlePointe Park alld runnilll eaat alolll LakeSt. Clair to the west houndary-hlle of Trombly Road, thence northalong the west boundary bile of Trombley Road, to the south ltne ofLot '76 Wllldmlll POlllte SUbthVlSlo11;thence West alolll' the southl1u of Lot 976Wllldmlli POIDt. SubthVtllOnto the easement bile be.tWftll Berkshu:e arld Trombley Roads, thellce north alon, thiS eale ..meAt hlle to the eellteTblleof Es.ex Avellue, tbellce weat along thecent,er hne of Enex Avenue to the west bOl,llldarybne of the VIllageot Grone POinte Park; thence south along the west boundary 1I11.of t~e VdhLgeof Groue POlllte Park to place of begmlung_

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDThat in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 351

of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan for the year of1935, the election precinets in the Township of GrossePoipte shall be constituted u follows:

WHEREAS, the Township Clerk has made an investi-Illation of the re-Iocating and revising of election precinctsin the Township of Grosse Pointe, and has submitted hisrecommendation,

WHEREAS, the Township Board of Grosse PointeTownship has investigated the necessity of revising theelection precincts in the Township of Grosse Pointe so thatin accordance with the provisions of Act No. 351 of thePublic Acts of the State of Michigan for the year of 1925no more than six hundred and fifty registered electors shallbe situated within the confines of any election precinct, and


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Page Flv.

Ca.n '" Co1'1'7



45cSOc Picked up and Delivered

TUxedo 2.3000

Imperial Cleanersand Dyers



For Superior Workmanship and Service call

Men' 3. Piece Suits SpottedS and Form PressedOr Overcoats


I • I.'.


Harold R SmIth, Mrs FrederIck IFIske Mrs Warren E Talcott MrsRobm Grey Flrth, Mrs J ohn HOllIS~ter and MISS Kathleen MorrIson

Select Yo



From Our Attractive Stock

Grosse Pointe Printing Co.

""'"5=:=:':::::=:-:= -

15121 Kercheval Ave.

StCle1,for permanencyPicket, for beautyWire, for economy

Materials or erection

Clothes Une Posta, Steel or Wcod, Permanent or ..-0..a1lIe

MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.10403 Harper Establidted 1009 Plaza 2850


"'EACH DAWN I DIE"Sat. 11 P. M Hugh Herben "Famlly Next Door"



GILBERT and SULLIVAN'S"M1KADO" with Kenny Baker

Thur,day-Performanc::e continuous from 1:45 P. M.

Punch & Judy TheatreKercheval at Fisher Road NI 3898



Louisa St. ClairChapter D. A. R.

Deier and Trombty SchoQls mGrosse Pomte together WIth 18 eletroit wIll parhclpate tn the FIfth Annual International Festival prograrrior school chl1dren to be held Fridayafternoon, November 17th at Hanna.nY M C A

Accordmg to Alvm R DeiSS, Boy'sWork Secretary, thIS special program1S lor the purpose of developmg .a,

more sympathetic, tolerant, appreCla. ..tlve and understandmg attItude to~wards peoples of foreign lands SIX toeIght hundred school chJ1dren an ..

Inually attend the FestIvalEach year the children have pre ..

pared a project whIch has heen sentdirectly tq chosen foreIgn countnesLast year greetIngs to SIX BalkanCCluntnes were recorded on phono"graph records and matIe dto the Ichoolchlldren of those counttles ThJS yeara commemoratIve stamp project hasbeen mstItuted tn the Grosse Pomteand Southeaost DetrOit schools Book~lets of these stamps WIth descnpttvematerials are to be malled to schoolchlldrett In 16 loreign CGuntru!::s Anmterestmg program of sound mOVlesof travel, the New York's World FaIT,adventure and comedy wIlt be featuredFolk dancers from the !tUdl0!i of J,J. Jalmuszmskl wt11be an attractivepart of the program

The Festival WIll culmmate on Sat-urday mght WIth the bIg InternatIonalDmner, whIch IS to be held 1ft themam gypmaslUm The d~nner IS opento the pubhc and thIS year mort than20 dmn!;!r reservatIons art expectedMr Charles E Hurrey of New YorkCIty will be the prmclpal speaker. Pre ..fessor Nelson, of th~ UnIverSIty ofMichIgan and 22 graduate fQre,lgnstuclents represent111g 19 dlfferentcountnes WIll be guests of honcr atthe dInn,r

Dmner Rl::s~rvations may be madeby telephone LEnoll 'ZOO.


51 OAK ST.




15010 Mack at Waybu"" Members of the Jumor Group of the_;u~LoulSo St. Clotr Chapter of the1 Daughters of the Amencan RevolutIon

WIll be guests of M" Mayne 5, Gloel<at a. huff-et luncheon at het hC)Ille atGranel Marals Boulevard. Monday, No ..vember 13th An Itaban ftIet cloth WItha SIlver bowl of red ronlit whIte chrys ..anthemums and blue bachelor buttonsWIll be used on the tahle In the dIn ..mg room With matc:hmg flower ar ..rangements on the small tables in theother rooms Mrs Hansel DW1ght Wd ..son and Mre: Leroy George Vande ..veer w1l1 preslde at the coffee urnsand be assIsted by Mrs. Fercy .rhmly,


16126 E Warren at BedfordTU 2.4550

Grosse POinte References

Reproduction. of 6ne furnltur. mMi.to order-Any .tyle or p.nod.

Remodehng, Repamng and RennlShhlS



Open Evenings

CLEANED AND RENEWEDVenetian Blinds Cleaned or Made to Order

BUY NOW Prices Are Rising


R.. I_ceo-1305 Buckbll'h ••TU"odo J.\7\7


'1)fouwUl be aelTg1'iteilWlTI'I Tl1lS new anapra~tical method of Improvingyour homelightlngl Your old-style fixtures can beeasily modernl~ed to give soft, pleasant'

",!!!umlnotlon,free fr~m glare ~ light thot\ meets every requirement for easy, comfort_able seeing.~ Simply screw theseI."lightadaptors" Into the sockets of your old fix.'tures (os easy a$ screwing in a lamp bulb)!Light Adaptors are available In a wideselection of styles and colors, frdiii $1.95to $4.50. See them ot department stores,hardware stores, lighting fixture stores or

~electricoldeolers. The Detroit EdisonCom.'p~ ~! 'lot!!!! -"Isht ~llf~i,'

~ T!!.nUTROIT=SDISON"COMPANY-;T '4(>,.~",- ~~~

This "screw..in" adaptor is Ideal for_N4i

. breakfast nook or dining alcove- -

We are featuring• Richarde. Hair Stylist

A. an introd\lctory specle.l, andnraclual hair.t)"le, lnclucbng shampoo 75.Specials for Monday, Tuesday and WednesdayReconchbonul&' Hot Od Scalp Treatment, In ..cludtnl Shampoo and Wave $100Sels,or Haircutting by Rlcharde 65c, Razor, $1

M. Evelyn Butler, Hairdresser(Formerly Cardinal Beauty Salon)

16235 MACK AVE.Open Thursday, Frlday Eves. by Appoil'lt~.p,t 1 lw~

Phone TU. 2~3880 "

WIllbe open Five Nights & week, 9 a. m. to 9 p. mo, Sat. 9 a. m to 6 p m


NI. 6700

Pre-View to Xmas ...PERMANENTS

Machine and Machineles_$2.50 to $1000We carry a complete 1Ine of Holiday Merchancht.

Due to the success of our Evening BuslDes, Pohey


Window Shades

Cooper Brose


Lenox 5885


Ch . tl' n SC1'enCeChur-1.. more th.n meat, and the bondy than I the follOWIng (p 228): "If we follow M W 11 B G Mrls a CIil" I' h111 rs 1 lam. ruce regory, rsraIment? no thought {or your lie, we s a Ch I CAd M RED-- structure Or econom but we shall ar es n rews, rs oy e-

'Soul and Body' wd be the SUbJect! CorrelatIve passages to be read from , Y, Hart and Mrs Harry J ennmgs Alsoth Ch t • te tb 'k '5 ,.,lce be ma$ters of the body, dictate It$ tof to Lesson Sermon In all Chnstlan e rts lan CI nce x 0..... c aSSIsting the hostess Wlll be Mrs

e ~and Health WIth Key to the SCrIp" terms and form and control It wtthSCIence Churches throughout the 1tures," by Mary Baker Eddy, mclude Truth: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiworld on Sunday, November 191939' ------

The Golden Text (I Cor 6 19) IS • It.. NIagara 3&24 Uno" 8418 Trombly School Notes"What? Know ye not that your body ~t638 Alter Rd. 15106 KercheTa1~s the temple of the Holy Ghost whIch. G MADERis m you, whIch ye have of God, and •yo are not your own' GROSSE POINTE CABINET SHOP

Among the Bible CItations IS thISpassage (Matt 6 25) I Therefore Isay unto you, Take no thought foryour lIfe what ye shall eat, or whatye shall drmk nor yet for your body, twhat ye shall put on Is not the hfe

Thur,day, November 16, 1939



Page 6: I pointt l1ltuitm OUR POLICY - Local History Archivesdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1935-39/39/1939...E D Speck-ErIch Bauer A D WIlson-Herman Sie. ... CompetItIon







• •••••

for 25ebunch 6e

do.. 25('

bunch IOe

.Ib 31ed.g 1IIe

a.•• 12epkN.

lb. 30e



21~f10.3 ~~g3ge

4 ~:.:25e

U4R_ BmI.1S2ztKorche.. 1 A_

Il....., ..


1939 NeW'Full Pack


Kroger's Pre-Holiday Food Sale_planned to make your pre-holiday shoppln' and holi.day feast one happy .ffalr.Kroger'1 De Lux.FRUIT CAKES • S ,t,'l..1.39Orange Lemon orCITRON PEEL • ~k';-8eWhole RedCHERRIESKroger'. Hot~D.tedFRENCH COFFEE 2 t.~.3hKrONer'. COUDt~ ClubSALAO DRESlilNG :;~. 10eFresh, Dldd

MIXED PEELS •Kroger'. Gol~enPlabtFRIED CAKES •

Jaok of All Trade.DarIUS L Martin, who died at:

Deer Island, N B, at the age of In.was a jack of all 'rades and masterof each HIS diversdied work in-cluded undertakIng, casket~makinl,carpentry, cablnet--makmg, pamt-mg, veterInary surgery and farm-mg He was also a Justice of thepeace

Thursday, November 16, 1!13'

Krorer's Oven FreshCrack Whe"t Variety

or with. complete certificate book-only at Kro,fJrl t


That will make your 2 98holiday feasts reallycomplete--oal)" •

With the advance order of •Kro,er 4 POint, Blue Ribbon



Ib 19ci~g15c








BUY In,Kropr!t*"" LIKE' It., WIlt orbetti, O,RRt\ll'll 1ft'"portioD 1fter,gllDt ~l.lner .nd Wf Wilt replaM It FREE .1111.., otlMr brand w\lIII1Iof tbe same Item "J'U.l_ cf prlc.

Fresh andPure

FHA ••• Non-FHA •• ~ Banking Brought Dn'ect to You4*% Interelt • ~ • Lowed Mortgage Costs

New Homel Financed ••• Old Home. RefinancedMoney for New 01' E:aa.hng Commercials 01' Aparhnentl


EAST SIDE SPORTING GOODS CO.Invit •• you to att.nd their


The Guaran_teed Kll:'l:d

lb. 3ge



lb. 25elb. 27e

lb. 2ge


Speciali.ts in Furnac. Cleaning and RepairingCOMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE


MORTGAGE SERVICE CORPORATION1145 Nailonal Bank BUilding ••• CHerry 186&


Harry C floffmann Walter M Dalley5298 Nottingham 1318 Nottingham, G. P.TUx.do Z-3105 NI.,ara 1688

• P.rmanent Your Curl.• Treat your .calp thru

Harper• Sw.di.h Ma •• age

Three Sure Ways

of Scoring for

Holiday Glamour



TOMATOES, CORNRoll Butter Kroger frelh, fragrant

Country cIuh 90 .cor. roll

Strong Durable

CANVAS GLOVES p." 10cKro,er a Fresher FrenchVIENNA BREAD 'f;.'i 10cKro,er's Country ClubSIFTED PEAS • 2 ~:.: 2ScCountry Club Whet!e Kernal

BANTAM CORN 2 ~:.: 23cHer GraceVANILLA EXTRACT t:: 20cKroger'I. Sudu

BLACK PEPPER • 2;:: ScKroger. Avalol1 WindowCLEANER • • t,,::... 10e

FREE DELIVERY17.37 KereIoOTO! A... 1.117 Iot.ek A.....PIo_, NI. 1500.1511 NI 0117

28. Mack\A. Loell. II


t hemV";Ww A",*

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-.... .... ....._................... ........ .......... ........... ......._.-..-. .......". ......


Locat.d above the Alp.n Ro.e Garden10730 East Warr.n, b.tw •• n Fr.nch Rd. and Montclair

Th. fin •• t plac. to play in Detroit Official D.troiter table.and .quipment. Enjoy our miniature bowling-l0c p.r line

Thi. adv and 10c •• rvic. charg. good for one hour'. playincludng checking

lOpen 4 p. m. to 12 Week Day. 10 ... m. to 12 p m Sunday.

....................• u' ".. ~~~:e~:~~u.r:::__ _ ..-

-.__ _-- _ , _ .

In••ot ControlCounty agrIcultural agents re-

ported that 160,132 farmers m theUnIted States followed recommend ..ed practIces for Insect control In1938 The Iarm.r. u •• d 284.318.740pounds of varIOUS lo.nds of pOIsonsm campaIgn. that .av.d $7 894 570above the cost of the pOlson applIca-tions--- _ - _ - .





BAKING FLOURK,.g,,'. g..... '''' 7 9Flour is trlPle milled 241L~lb

al1d oven teated _ for n.bakIng success through sack Cthe hobday. or any day

!n51St UpOlt CountryClub Flour




PURE SUGAR10 lb. 53e

20 XMAS CARDSprinted with ~our 25c

name-- on ywith the bll8'bottom of Kroger'sHot Dated Coffeeor metal strip

from Country Club Coff,e t

;VA-LUA-BLE- COUPON;Our Relular Z9c Value I

:LAYER CAKE)I wI.h .h.. 24c II coupon eml)" •I Offer Expires NlIv 16th. I... - - .--- - ....- -- - ...- --


17315 Maek A.....NI..,ua IlO54

UZZZ ,E. J.ff ....on A....IIU.I057



HAMS wh.l. orshank half





----- _._----


tt6820 Kercheval at Cadieux~~..':.~ ~~~~1:~~

Oldest ToyTh. doll Is the old.st toy known

and has been found In varlOUS formsamong all nations and trIbes fromremote antIqUIty In the BrItishmuseum In London there IS a collec-tIon of dolls, one of whIch IS 4 000years old, haVIng been found In an __ ,.,~,~,~'~'_I7~F._""~.__ ' ••.••••~.~.~._•.••~.~.~.~'_.~~•••••••~.~.~._.-_.~._. _••-- •EgyptIan tomb Dolls were also Icommon In Greece and Rome Re.cent SCIentIfic investIgatIons s..eem to Imdicate that dolls were a1Eb usedby some trIbes In relIgIOUS cere-momes

-------Catholio Trappists

Th. memb.rs of the Reform.dCIstercIan order of the Roman Cath ..ohc church, better known as Trap-PIsts hve an entIrely secluded hfe,devotmg theIr tIme to rehglou8worship contemplatIon and prayer,WIth hard phYSIcal work as theIrrecreation There are three monas-terIes La Trappe, at Gethsemane,Ky , Our Lady of the Valley. Cum-berland, R I, and New Maneray,near Dubuque, Iowa

Italian ClookOne of the old.st clock' in the

world IS on the old Clock tower ofVemce, Italy It has been tIckingtime smce 1496, or for 441 yearsOn Its platform are two black gIantswho have struck the hours 24 tImesevery day or nearly tour millIontun••

National GuardA member of the natIonal guard

draws the same pay as a memberof the regular army for each bmehe drIlls A member of the nabonalguard drIlls 48 tImes each year andgoes to camp for 15 days WhIle Incamp he also receIves the same payas that paId the regular army.

O.trioh Block. TrallIoInvadmg NaIrobI, Kenya colony,

an ostrIch took a stand In the mid-dle of the mam street and held upmotorIsts unhl a woman soundedthe SIren on her car, at whIch thebird .t.pped asld. and let the lmepass

14_-i~r~~:i~~~~;--lI Includ.. EI.ctrolu",

CI.aning of Interioreall and Delivery SerVice

The American Red Cross gaveemergency relief and rehabilitatIonaid to 130000 sufferers of 157 disasters in the United States during thefiscal year ended June 30 acao-rdingto a report submItted by DeWittSmith, newly appomted director ofthe Red Cross dlSaster relief ser-vice

Mr Smith said the number of dis~aster operations exceeded that ofany preyious year, with cloudbursts,epidemics, tires. wmdstorms, snowslides and other catastrophes strik.tng in 43 states and the territory ofAlaska Red Cross disaster reHef ex.penditures totaled $2,276,109for theyear

• Since its founding in 1881 theRed Cross has aided VIctims of 2 495disasters of all types here andabroad, expendmg $143 000000 forrescue, food, clothmg, shelter medical and nursing aid and the perma-nent rehabilitation of familIes un~able to re establish themselves," Mr.Smith said.

Record Number of Dis-asters Reported by Red

Cross for Year

Since 1910 the American Red Crosshas taught first aid methods to morethan 2 000000persons, life savmg skillsto more than 1000000 and home hygiane and care of the s"tckto more than1,000,000 women and older girls.

P.rfeot Publio LibraryTourlsts seekmg the perfect public

lIbrary are adVIsed to go to LeIpZIgIn Germany, where readers SIt outon a pleasant terrace In the sun-shine, read theIr books, and ~n.1oya qwet smoke

Co,vbell OrganSmIley Burnette, a comedIan of

Hollywood, CalIf) wasn t sahsfiedWIth playmg 52 dIfferent musical m~struments, so he Invented anotherone-a cowbell organ, says theAmerIcan MagaZIne

Sauerkraut HistorySauerkraut was introduced and

populp.rIzed In thIS country by Ger~man ImmIgrants, and of course thename IS German, but there IS eVI-dence to show that It may not haveorigl1lated In Germany. There IS nodefinIte mformatlon as to when orwhere the Idea occurred to shredcabbage and leave It to ferment Inbrme made from salt and Its ownJUIce One wrIter traces It to AsIa,shOWIng how the Tartars firstpassed on a sauerkraut reCIpe tothe SlaVIC peoples of eastern Eu-rope, who In turn gave it to the an-CIent Germans There IS eVIdencealso that thIS food has been madeIII Alsace and In Holland from veryearly hmes

French Service DecoratIonThe MedaI11e Mlhtalre, France's

premIer decoratIon for dlstmgulshedserVIce m actIon, commands somuch respect for its owner thateven In mIlItary prIson unusual fa-vors are granted to mm, declaresCollier's As another honor, themedal IS fastened to the front of hIScell door and a guard IS st;;ihonedthere to watch It


Plaza 6317

f "h\

Deliciously DifferentChocolate Cookies

THE problem ot what to give the Toll House Cookieskiddies coming home from Ih eup brown sugar 2 tables-poons hot

school, or to serve the Bridge Club 11:1 cup white suga.r watllrlhe next time It. your turn to enter Ih cup butter or % teaspoon\'aI'l111&other ,hortenlng I economy tlize bartain can be solved by a. batch of 1 egg semisweetthese delicIOUScookies IIh cups sifted ftour chocolate (7 oz)

11:1 teaspoon baking 1,2 cup chOppecl iThey re ~Toll House Cookies' soda walnuts ~

because Ruth Wakef~ld of New If. teaspoon salt 'jEngland s famous ToU House Inn Important -Cut each small squarecriginated them These cookies are of semi sweet chocolate into foursure to delight your Bridge Club pieces Cream butter or other short~and the family too, they're new and ening and add sugars and beatendifferent Crisp, tender, golden egg Dissolve soda in the hot waterbrown cookIes and when you bite- and mix alternately With the flourin to one-surprise! There s a. rIch sifted with the salt. Lastly add thebit of semi sweet chocolate -and a chopped nuts and the pieces of semt~t.aste of walnut in that bite and the sweet chocolate Flavor WIth thenext and the next. A perfect flayor van1l18,and drop by half teaspoonscombinatlOn I on a greased cookie sheet Bake 10

Toll House Cookies Ire as m.uch to 12 minutes in a 375ft F oven._fun to make as they~r.! to serve. 41. :M.!ke8 60~o~es

Y. M. C. A. Notps

Open Houses for the 8A grades atthe Grosse Pomte Hlgh School andthe John D PIerce Juntor HIgh Schoolof Grosse Pomte wJ1l be held November 21 and December 1, respeclvely,TheIr obJect IS to gIve parentsa specIal opportumty to see WJth theJrchtldren the achJevements made In theseventh and eJghth grades and to Judgethe best posslble choJces for the puplls .

Open Houses for

SA Pupils Planned

Tower Editorial

What a. boon Jt would be If we couldrestnct reSIdence 10 our communltyto those who are capable of under-standmg and wlllmg to assume thespecIal responslbllitIes of cJtlzenship mGrosse Pomte I

We are all gravely mJured wheneven a. few are gUJlty of denymg theJrresponslblbttes Can we not fInd someway of enItghtenmg them?

It IS at tremendous pnvI1ege to hveIn a favored communIty m the mostfavored country of the world It IS apnvilege that rlghtly carnes responSl~biIthes.

The foHowlOg student WrItten edI-tonal appeared In last '" eek S Issue ofthe Tower, whlch IS a student paperof the Grosse Pomte HIgh Schoo1-

"A most ia..vored commumty In theMost favored country of the world"Dr E R Van Kleeck supenntendent,called Grosse Pomte at the commence-ment exerCIses last June

Occupymg such unIque posItion,Grosse POInte and everythIng aboutIt 15 qUIte naturally of parhcular m~terest to the rest of the world Any-thIng .out of the ordInary that happensm Grosse Pomte makes news eventhough SImIlar mCIdents In other partsof the CJty would attract httle atten-bon

Professor Nelson, of the UnJVersltyof MIChJgan at Ann Arbor, has madearrangements whereby 22 graduateforelgn students wlll represent 19 dt£~ferent countnes at the Internationaldmner on Saturday evenmg, Novem~ber 18 Countnes represented wlll be

IChma Japan, Korea, Slam, Phl1hpmeCommonwealth, IndIa, Pales-tme, Bul-

I gana, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Turkey,Poland BraZIl, ColumbIa, BoItvla, Ar~gentma, Venezuela and Umon of SouthAfnca These Forelgn students WIllbe guests of the Hannan Y. M C Afor the dmner.


Rooms for RentLAKEPOINTE 979 Second house

south of Jefferson smgle or largetwm bedrooms, with two closets LE6837SINGLE ROOMS Conventent trans-

portatton .Mary Roberton, 17131KerchevaL

-Light HousekeepingOAK-ST-:-25-0ne~ formtddte:

aged handy man or carpenter forexchange of serVIce Apply upstaIrsIn rear.

Help Wanted - FemaleWHITE GIRL for general housework,

plam cookmg who can share respon~Slblhty wIth housewife employed parttIme Boys 4 and 6. Personal laundryonly NI 6338


est prices paId for men S SUIts andshoes Telephone cali Wll1 brmg usto you Immedtately Tel Tyler 4 3625

-13 4

EXPERIENCED laundress deslres IMUSle-:-Le1b Conservatory of MUSIC, eontmued study.laundry In own home also gIrl 17 estabhshed In 1912 VOIce, Plano Besldes a. short general meeting in

to care for chIldren evemngs NI 4491 Vlolm, Harmony and Theory 14950 the audltonum of each school, thereCAPABLE refinedmiddle aged wom~ IEast Jefferson at CIty hm1ts and 989 wlll be a home room conference and

an deslre's pOSltlon as compamon- BarrIngton JOIn the Grosse P01nt-eh V 1 d 1 gUldance pettod when the faculty ad~

housekeeper for shut m or motherless J strlOg orc estra 10 lUS, man 0 mshome can dnve Townsend 6 9792 gUItars and banJOS Before purchasmg Visers will meet WIth the parents andEXPERIENCED c1eanmg and laun .. a strtng tnstrument It IS adVisable to chIldren of each group There wlll also

consult an experienced teacher Phone be mdividual conference penods anddry woman wants work Telephone Lenox 9305-6 to 9 p m at the Leib

Temple 2 7896 Conservatory of MUll.Ic,14514 E Jeffer~ exhIbIts ExhlbJts at the hlgh schoolEXPERIENCED capable gIrl 16, son Ave Open House w111be lU charge of VlU~

wants to take care of chl1dren on ----M .. - ••,------. I cent Peterson of the faculty and atMondays through Thursdays, after U;:::S;l:;:C:.,..,_.-c:--:--:-:-I Pierce m charge of Custer Homierschool and evenmgs LE 6687 PIANO LESSONS-ClassIcal or popu~ of the faculty.RELIABLE mlddle aged womat1"WIU lar, chIldren or adults, your home or

go out evenmgs to care for chlldren mme expettenced teacher. NIagaraReferences TU 2 3799 4287 12 2RELIABLE woman wants laundry - Save Thi. A-d-_-S-a-v-e-I-I'-N:C-:-ow

work to do at home Good refer-acesW2= P.I~.N.OEXPERIENCED German gIrl WIshes Tufting, $250, repair, parb, auppbel

cookmg or sewmg, luncheons and 331~2 discount 26 years' experlen.ce;dmners, or day work NI 6223 ten With factory, workmanship guar-

anteedFr.d M.rry

.~ --- -... ...


Complete Turkey Dinners-Turkeys, Geese,

Chickens and Ducks. Always a Good Time-

Plenty of Action

tTuesday Eve., Nov. 21, 8 p. m.



City of Grosse Pointe Policeand Firemans Association


()A~CI: ~TU()I()919 BARRINGTON RD LE. 7639

Thanksgiving Specials

Look Your Best for Thanksgiving!Let ua repair you,r overcoat to look like new J rNew buttonhole; and new bnlngl will do It

Men'. Suits, Ov.rcoat., Ladi •• ' 99cPlain Coats or Ore.... Iclean.d anot pr •••• d c •• h &:Minor Repair. FREE CaJ'JT

Upper Ma~~ M~C~-:"~~E~r & Taylor fPhon. TU. 2-8120 W. AI.o Tak. Laundry I.......,.. __ _---- - __ _ '

BLACK KITTEN-Strayed from 163McKmley ,about Nov. 12th Reward

Wtd. to Buy-Misc. ~~I~~ER whIte WIth bver headORIENTAL-RUG:-3x5-or4x5 Sar- and g,pots on back, name of Fanny

onck preferred Call LAF 5612 Reward 1268 Beaconsfield

Work Wanted-Female MiscellaneousVERY CAPABLE woman. Colored. ~REMODELED. cleaned and

wants day wQtk beauttful Jronmg, blocked, specJahzmg In berets andresponslble and hIghly recommended Iturbans to match your frock, furs andNI 4899 fabms DR. 4168 Call after 4 andEXPERIENCED gJrl wants lIght Saturdays _

housework, no chddren, 5 days Call FRENCH Dressmakmg-Gowns madeLE 3640. to ocder MU 8660

Review LinersFOI'Sal.-----ANTIQUE FIDDLE. hlack walnut

chaIrs set of 5, WIll sell mdlVlduallyat $300, also antique love seat frame,walnut chest of drawers, porch swmg,and VIta exercJSJng machme NJagara2152BOY S BICYCLE 51ze 28. very good

condItion, good Chttstmas presentPhone NI 5942BOY SCOUT um£orm, SJze 16, wool

breeches, cotton shIrt, hat, $300TU 20272CITIGAS SpeCIal Stove $500 934

Vernter roadSMALL-Baby Grand Plano, I Bram:

bach, very good condItIon $12500TU 2.1220LADIES' fur hned coat, Size 38 also

wolf neck piece, two antJque chaIrs14938 Kercheval Apt 2yvHITE Lapm evenmg coat, $1000

Genume beaver muff, $500 Lenox~685ROYAL Worcester dIshes, Enghsh

brocade plano scarf, flat SlIver,.'Clermont pattern, WestmghouseelectrIC uprtght oven NI 3776, callevenmgsFURNITURE-Table and chaIrs, rad10

With VIctrola attachment TU 2 3147.BEAUTIFUL-10plece walnut dmmg

sUlte perfect condItIon cost $25000,sell for $6000 656 Washmgton Rd Flats For RentCOCKERSPANrELthoroughbred.lO IUPPER FLAT - fi~eroOms hathSlde

weeks old schd black, maculated dnve garage 526~ St Clalr, Grosse{or dIstemper, $1500 621 Washmgotn I Pomte Inqulre 524 St ClalrRdDOLLHOUSES-MadeoCplywood For Rent

WIth glass wmdows, staJrways, also FOR PARTIES-Automatic phono~doll furmture, $300 up On display graphs best orchestras la.test rec.~l6329-!iarper PI 383~__ _ ords Gr~sse p01nte MUS1C' NI S864EASTERN mmk coat sIze 18 3 years

old, excellent condlhon, gomgsouth Bargam NI 8150.

Houses for SaleGROSSE POINTE-Attracltve Eng.

hsh home 4 bed rooms, 2 bathsmaIds' quarters hbrary, recreationwlth fireplace, 75 ft lot pnce one~thJrd of otlgma1 cost Ervm SorgeNI 7615

Business OpportunitiesTEA ROo"MFDR-SAL~E;cellent

1ocatJon, good busmess estabhshed,reasonable for cash Wnte Box 0,Grosse Pomte ReVIew, 15121 Kreche~val Ave