I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT...

I pasti- meals • La colazione – Fare la colazione • Il pranzo – Pranzare • La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between the different types of eateries in Italy and discuss meals and the culture of food in Italia.

Transcript of I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT...

Page 1: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

I pasti- meals• La colazione

– Fare la colazione

• Il pranzo– Pranzare

• La cena– cenare

SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between the different types of eateries in Italy and discuss meals and the culture of food in Italia.

Page 2: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

Il menù per pranzo o cena• Antipasto- appetizer• La bevanda- drink• Primo piatto- first course: pasta• Secondo piatto- second course: meat/fish• L’insalata- salad: eaten after main meal• Il contorno- side dish• Il dolce- dessert: fruit or ice cream• Lo spuntino- snack

SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between the different types of eateries in Italy and discuss meals and the culture of food in Italia.

Page 3: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

Il vocabolario nuovo:

Meal taking/Drinks/Verbs having to do with food

SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings.

Page 4: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

I pastila cenala colazioneil contornoil dolceil pranzoil primo/ il secondo


Le bevandel’acqua mineralel’acqua frizzanteil caffèil caffè americanoil cappuccinola cioccolata caldail latte

Mealsdinnerbreakfastside dishdessertlunchfirst/second course

The drinksmineral waterseltzer watercoffee (espresso)American coffeecoffee w/steamed milkhot chocolate


SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings.

Page 5: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

il succo di aranciail tèil vino*bevanda gassata

I verbi utili:cucinarecuocereinfornaremangiareberepreparareservire

orange juiceteawine*soda

To cook/make foodTo cook/make foodTo bakeTo eatTo drinkTo prepareTo serve

SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings.

Page 6: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

Bere- to drink (irregolare)

Io bevo

Tu bevi

Lui/lei beve

Noi beviamo

Voi bevete

Loro bevono

SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings.

Page 7: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

IL VOCABOLARIO DI FRUTTA…*l’arancia*la banana*la macedonia*la mela*l’uva* l’albicocca* I mirtilli*I lamponi* il melone*l’anguria* la ciliegia* l’ananas* la pesca* la prugna*la pera* le fragole

*orange*banana*fruit salad*apple*grape*apricot*blueberries* raspberries* melon*watermelon* cherry* pineapple* peach* plum* pear* strawberries

SWBAT acquire the drink and fruit vocabulary in order to describe preferences, act out a dialog in a restaurant and show knowledge of all the different types of restaurants in Italia.

Page 8: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.


* la cipolla* l’aglio* I broccoli* il sedano

* onion* garlic* I broccoli* celery

* gli asparagi* la carota* il cavolfiore* I fagiolini* l’insalata* I piselli* gli spinaci

* asparagus* carrot* cauliflower* string beans* salad* peas* spinach

SWBAT share preferences for food items, review places around town through a word puzzle and acquire the vegetable vocabulary.

Page 9: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

IL VOCABOLARIO DELLE VERDURE…* la lattuga* il carciofo* I zucchini* I peperoni* la melanzana* I funghi*il cetriolo

* lettuce* artichokes* zucchini* peppers* eggplant* mushrooms* cucumber

SWBAT share preferences for food items, review places around town through a word puzzle and acquire the vegetable vocabulary.

Page 10: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

SWBAT share preferences for food items, discuss Italian cuisine and analyze a video clip about Italian pizza and acquire “primi piatti” vocabulary.

Page 11: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

SWBAT share preferences for food items, discuss Italian cuisine and analyze a video clip about Italian pizza and acquire “primi piatti” vocabulary.

Page 12: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.


* il pollo* la bistecca* il vitello* il manzo* il hamburger* la cotoletta di maiale* l gamberetti* il pesce* le vongole* l’aragosta

* the chicken* steak* veal* the beef* the hamburger* pork chops* the shrimp* the fish * the clams* the lobster

SWBAT discuss tipping at restaurants in Italy, acquire “secondi piatti” vocabulary, share likes and dislikes for food and drink items through a mini book.

Page 13: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.


* il tonno* il granchio

* the tuna* crab

SWBAT discuss tipping at restaurants in Italy, acquire “secondi piatti” vocabulary, share likes and dislikes for food and drink items through a mini book.

Page 14: I pasti- meals La colazione – Fare la colazione Il pranzo – Pranzare La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between.

IL VOCABOLARIO “DOLCI…”* la frutta* la torta* I biscotti* il gelato

a)alla fragolab) al cioccolatoc) alla vanigliad) al pistacchioe) alla nocciola

* Il sorbetto*I cannoli* il tiramisù

* the fruit* the cake* the cookies* the ice cream

* strawberry *chocolate* vanilla * pistacchio* hazelnut

* water ice *cannoli- pastry* soft cake

SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.