I P TXSOMT^ jJOH I SMITH SON, · PROFESSIONAL. P TXSOMT^ H Real Estate Agents. tjre the best vo'uj...

' ? PROFESSIONAL. P TXSOMT^ Real Estate Agents. H t jre the best vo'uj in Seattle. Call an<l examine. ? , cO TT. A- M. SCOTT. Votary and Conveyancer. ?V?- 7 iliii st.. near P. O. Hi "" t. U, BALES, (jity Auctioneer, IT BALES* BRUSH'S AUCTION ARD COMMISSION STORE, - cherry «t.. bet. Front and Second. I WHITWORTH & THOMSON; rtVfVL AND MINING ENGINEERS.!*. I! I Deputy Mineral Surveyors, Special xJTtiimlfivcn to locating preemption and claims. City and County 3ur- tyiulre's opera house. B. F. BTOLL, pbntist, k. Kelnig's new building, corner 0* j rout and Marlon aU. who desire to have their natural and saved will do well to call. Artificial Dtnturc* on £2l Celluloid and 1 lubber bases. Friees jgUto ___ PR, H. P. MONTBORNE, p nm the University of Francs, Cs be consulted on every form of disease hi* office, corner of Mill and Com mwial st*., ovcr Kellogg & AnderaonJ, iiillL w. T. STOLL, Attorney at Law. nnw in IWuitTs new building on Front st. in all the Courts. till-l* I. M. CHEADLE, M.D., physician and Sursreon. Offlc« in the I. O. O. F. building. (Hernia's brick, t lieady to meet all culls, \u25a0s-tr 7TjOKt». H.OSBOK X. JONEB A OSBORN, moneys and Counsellors at Law, \u25a0earn. 3and I, uecond floor Post Building. apl-d*w:tm c. M. ANDERSON, MUBVKVOIt, CIVIL AND MININQ ENGINEER. Work at any part of Puget Hound done mmptly and accurately. OfflceNo. 7 2nd ErVcwt Building; !'? O. Ito* 5W7. f-k-tf CHAS. F. MONDAY, Attorney-at-Lnw and Notary Public. OM*» In White's Block, corner Front and W K.W.KKA, AICUITKCT ACID BUILDKH, Kent tic, W.r. Willfurnhh plans on aeUcatlon,* take contracts aud »uueriu- (od work. DENTISTRY. LHAVK LOCATFJ) AT HEATTLE for the purpose of practicing dentistry work shall Oo satidlactory and clinrtfi'.i Huonablc. Oillce In Opera House, oppo- < .»..w..jii ; .^|!ALnwK[X RIGGERS. TOHN S. STEPHENS. KKJGEU-nES- J Ideuce, llainbriilKe hotel, Port Blakely, pi. T. G. C. PHINNEY A CO., | LAW OFFICE, (Mleetion and Inwsraue® Agency. Post Bulldlnn. Seattle. nl'i-tf S M. IUU.KR. A. w. KSfILB HALLER & ENCLE. IHintyi and « oun*«lli>ra at Proctors In Admiralty. Office in Column Block, corner Mill and Oouuncrclsl sin., up atiiirs. oi.>tf riU»k.OVAL. 1 K.C. CASKTDENTIST. I /\rKICK AND RESIDENCE, COLb'M- V/ bis .Street, tlrst door above tront | street, opposite White's building. O.tlce Sours aJlltoura. slfldtf I.L.SMirii, M.L). Rurus WILLAKD.M.D. DBS. SMITH & WILLAttI), Physicians and Surgeons Offlos in Colntan's Block, up stairs. OFFICE UOURS-2 to ( p. in. and T to k SP. M. ________ Q, A. WEED, M. D? I T)HYSICIAN AND SUROKON. OF- r floe -Room No. 10. White* block. I Rout Street. Olllort hours from »toll a. and from 12 to 2 and tl to s y. in. ScNAUCHL FERRY. M«NAUCHT & MITCHELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SEATTLE. A Washington Territory. OMlces Nos. Cland 3. Opera Howe. <'oinmercial »t. I I. M. HALL, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT J A. Law, Seattle, W. T. Practices in ias Courts of Washington Territory. Office on Janu* Street, OpiKwlto Oeci- k 111 Hotel. L T.H. CANN. : ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTARY £ A. Public and Commissioner of Detain I Nr Oregon aud California. Office opi>o- *ts Abnun's Urery stable. Collections a \u25a0BitttT. h ? Itoou, 0. E. Jnnua JACOBS & JENNER. ' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS A. at law. Office in building recent | SgetUsd by Larrabeo tl llanford, Jaine | ARTHUR DOYLB. I A RCHITKCT, SEATTLE. WASHINO- -1 A ton Territory. Office at Occidental J. R. LEWIS. I ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE- jf A Butler's building, room 4 and A. fe jMMaatrcet, Opt.jaito Occidental Hotel | D. W. STARKEY, M. D. BIIOMQCPATHIC PHYSICIAN ND U Burgoon. Odice on Front Stree op- pflte Sullivan's block. J*t Alintt'VE. J. C. HAINES. JO UN LEARY STRUVE HAINES & LEARY. Att«rneyi»«at"LftW. ' practice In all the courts of Wash. Sp«e Territory, Rooms L 3 and 5, first | Past Building. Seattle. DBS. A. & H. B. BAQLEY. I lIOMCEPATIIISTS. SEATTLE. W. T. H 4r " r - H. B. Bagley, lat« Professor of & gwiplea and Practice of Surgery in the £?' ypftlgsn Central Medical College, will m IS? **P*ratife Surgery ami Survival If a specialty, and will attend to jf~: In any part of the Boaml. nvs J. C. GRASSE, DENTIST, QPo* OB stairs, over Smith & Son's Jew- r More, in Sullivan's block. Front St. 1 LIQUID NITROUS OXIDE OAS hs administered by the Doctor for rV of extracting teeth without g IS fchg '??? KENDMQJC, M.D.. (VOreerly of Buffalo, V. T.) IniCUN AND BUftGBON. [ I;' u, ~- 0t wObi! kerf's store. »p»tf I IBEN 8. OSBORNE, r T>y AND COLLECTION OFFICE. K: WotMT Public and Conveyancer. So- Practices In all the Courts of P>-J-wniiOT. Collections promptly at- | 2* to, and pressed with vlgrvr. De- || fyuas uken and certified with csre. R JB? , ?o®lP>tiaic<l. and money Invested. B .g& Mox. No. 114. Refers by permission Kfe- Dexter Horton ft Co.. Bankers, ggM»: Messrs. Geo. W. Harris flc Wirrtn I - PBOFEBBIONAL. j JOH N MJICOLLOCK, M. D., I p H ysio IAN and burg eon. of- I ftce in Poet Building, Room No A. Residence. Sixth and dl-d*w w. E. BOONE, IRnUITSCT I*D SI PERISTESDEIT, Office?Reinlg'a Block. apW-tf w. P. FRAZIER, Surveyor, Civil Engineer AXD BEAL KMTATB A6BXT. Offlee on Occidental *pt6-tf CBAB. nr. BE9TEB. Attoraejrat Law, *EW TtCOSU, W. T. oppositfl N,w Tacwa* Bank. tbe cam mr June ciimh. 'lt's a terrible thing about poor Jennie Cramer,' observed the young lady, a* she thanked the managing editor for the notice the Eagle gaveher church fair, and arose to go. 'But what I can't understand is how they can tell whether sbe was drowned or poi- soned.* 'That's easy enough,' said the managing editor, with a smile; 'if you'ru found in the water with your gullet full of sand and your nose eaten off by fish, and your mouth full of froth, then you were drowned. If you don't froth and clench your hands, you weren't drowned.' 'I know that's what thsy sav,' murmured the girl, 'but I dou't see bow that shows she was poi- soned.' 'lt doesn't,' conceded the man- aging editor. 'When you find you are not drowned you begin lo look around to see what was the matter with you. You take your stomach and cut it into shreds and pound it in a mortar and feed it to a cat. If there's organic poison in them, then good by cat! Then you chip a corner of your oesophagus, cut off your left arm, flake a slab of skin off your spine, bake your liver, boil your heart, fry your spleen and bang your intestines up in the sun l'or a week or two, and then you test away at it until the whole busiuess looks to you like charcoal. See?' 'Certainly,' said the girl with her mouth and eyes wide open. Then you take your carbona- ceous matter and soak it a day or two. After that you stir the business up together and steam it. Then you pour in sulphuric acid and scrape the refuse off the side of the disb. If that process gives you arsenic, you know just where you stand. If it doesn t you're all right.' 'Hut if they don't find any arse nic, Jennie Cramer wasn't poison- ed?' asked the girl enlightened by the explanation. 'Assuredly not.' replied tbo managing editor. 'And she wasn't drownel?' queried tbe astounded lady. 'Of course she wasn't,' grinned the managing editor. 'Then she isn't dead?' suggest- ed the girl. 'Certainly not'.' assented the editor. 'She's alive and well. That'll what science is for!' ?It's curious,' murmured tbe young lady pensively. 'lt would be anywhere outside of New Haven township,' mnt« tcjvd tho editor, 'but the com- bined possibilities of proof and science aro remarkable in that locality.' And the young lady left with expressions of gratitude, while the editor turned to a half com- pleted article demonstrating that the tisli that bit Jennie Cramer's lip might have dropped some ar« senic out of his pocket which the dead girl ate to relieve the itching sensation caused by the sand in her gullet. About a month ago, as the Ger- man Crown Prince was crossing the Fennbrncke on his way to the barracks of the Guard Lancers at Moabit, his attention was attract eu by a group of shabbily-dressed persons consisting of a middle- aged man aud three strapping lads, ranged in line on the curb- stone, and giving the regulation military salute. His Imperial Highuess walked up to the man unl apoke to him saying, ''l see you hare been a soldier; these are Vour boys, I presume. Have you any more of the sort!'' "No, lm- l>eria! Highness, I was discharg- ed invalided, and hare been bed- ridden for a long time.' 4 Where were you wounded?' asked the Crowu Prince. 'At the battle of Soor, 28th June, 1866, shot through the shoulder, right arm lamed for life/ HjiTa me your baud. lam truly sorry for you. Write to me, enclose your cer- tificates, and inscribe the word 'Soor' on the back of the envelope.' So saying, Fredrie William shook bands hartily with the astonished veteran and went hi* way. A few days later, the man's case having, meanwhile, been invested by the Crown Prinoe's orders, he receiv- ed a handsome sum of mouey from the private purse of the Imperial Field Marshal, with an intimation that steps were being taken by the latter in person to provide him with a permanent appointment suitable to his capacities. A seeood advsat prwAar mad* «on verts or a oon«rs(fauon of BfcW Bwto* ren. escopiing two sasmben ooly. at Isa- bella, Midi. One of tins two nsaban who hold ont against tho saotsassot wsa the pastor, and his oOoa wm g)*m to the new man. A new nas is sogvestsd for sthar. _ A patient recently, at tha Cork Sooth In- firmary, while radar the Jpftjww stne~ aoknowledged that aa had base CAIADC m «RD My own impression ie, writes a Lon- <*on oorrenpoiident, that the fioyal fam- ily is the tuosi anar U and ooaiecttd one in the kingdom. The queen's daughters always epea* of her u..i;*stv as "Ma. When Von Angeh's picture at the Queen was tirst shown to tie rnacem Beatrice, she exclaimed, " On: look at poor ma's arms:"?the bruUJy faithful artist trwing painted tUe Vaeen's hands and arms of a very rmidy hoe. fo her grandchildren the (Joeea u never grandmother or grandwatua bat always " grandma," a word held, like Tna. in enpeeiai abhorrence among the cultivated classes of this country, who £*BUd both m of the language of the bwuigeioete. I confess that when j I heard this "pa'ing" and " ma'- ing' in the EoyalFamily for the flrit tin* I could hardly boli&ve ray j ears. lam now accustomed to it and , to the German aeoent of all the Queen's ' children, and am not at all sore that a i little tinge of plain middle class stylo does not help to make prinoee popular. Prmoeee of Walts one# won tu« heart of a ooontry by asking some wore of a certain local dish of which the na- tives an very proud. The fcosUas was charmed, and the cook delighted, and everybody struck by the quiet, unaffect- ed manner of the Prinoess It is a very good example for those who are, like tie Emperor Sigsmund, »np*r (/ramixa- to set. As I heard a famous wit ?ay the other day," The neit best thing tj having genius is to be natural." Speaking of books in foreign lan- guages, Ralph Waldo Emerson receutiy ?aid: "I should as soon think of swnu- ing across Charles River when 1 wish to go to Boston as of reading all my book* in originals when 1 nave tlieiu rendered for me in my mother language. The Lutheran Church to which Prin- esss Helen of Waideok belongs, does not sanction the celebration of mar- riages between Ash Wednesday and Easter Monday. Henoe tue Oukeof A - bany's marriage did not take plw* nn- tU the last week in April. Cows on the prairies get accustomed to the noma of locomotive balls ana whistles, and do not always cle<'.r tue track until thrown olf by tint cowcatcher. A patented device is described in tbe Scientific American for squirting hot wa- ter twenty rods abead. The New York Graphic calls the at- tempt to get exptuMVea into tae lunds of Y underbilt and Field "a clum.s» and Indiarous joke." The intended victims will agree that it WHS a cia:uur perform- ance, bat willfail to see anjrtning ludi- crous about it. The Mountain of the Lord is a solid rock, *JOO feet high, risiug obove the sueet level at UantU, (Jtah. The Mormons are building oa this eminence a teiapln of tine marble, 95 feet by 170 in area, and handsomely adorned. It has been decided that the dome of the colossal Palais de Justice, in Brus- sels, now approaching completion, which was to have been copper, sh.Ul now be conatrnoted of papier maohu. It will weigh about 1C tons. The new ship to be built at Bath with auxiliary steaui power, for Capt. W. H. Bease and others, and for the California trade, is to be named the George 11. Ho- mer. MISCELLANEOUS. White River CHEESE, FIItST CONSIGNMENT OF THE aoaiion, will lie opened Monday, May £?d, Wholesale and Retail at Fac- tory price. C. P. STONE & CO., Cash Grooera, Front St. Cigars and Tobacco retailed at San Fran- clsco wholesale prices. m2l-tf -A.t Oost FOR THE NEXT 60 Days I will sell out uiy entire stock of Boots and Shoes AT COST! On account of having t> move from my present quarters. mlB-tf JOHN KENNY. FUNK & DICKMAN, Boca Beer Hall, SOLE AGENTS ON PUGET SOUND for the celebrated BOCA LAGER BEER Orders from Ml parts of the Territory Oiled at short notice. Hall on Mill street, bead of YeMer's wharf. m2O-tf FOR SALE. rnilE HOLLY TREE INN' RESTAU- -1 ran', l*ort Townsend, W. T.. situated nearly ui the heart of the steamboat land- ing. Is offered for dale. The table fui niture Is nearly new. The house ha* five rooms at a cheap rent, and is an excellent oppor- tunity for a man and wife. For further particulars call on or address ASHEK M. FREEMAN, P. O. Box 95, Port Townsend, W .T. m9Mw f BEWARE OF jr> Imitations gIOMEER < IKE?UTOICSG CAUTIONED against SPURIOUS imitations. <jfte Pioneer UakingfWder is the only Pou/der con- sisting of nothing but REFINEO Grape Crcara^artar and SnglishSiccurhSoda SCIENTIFICALLY COMBINED, A Schilling &(fo. FRANCISCO. now TS SEfTBE HCALTM. It is struiee any one will miSer from derantcemeats broajjet on by impure blood, when Se»mll'n Saraipirilli and Still ; nsrla, or BLiKID nad LIVEB SYKL'P wil! restore health to the phys- ical organization. It is a strengthening f-'vrajj. to take, and the best BIAjUIj PURIFLEK «-vf-r dwe-overed caring Scro:"oia, y .phlilitio diwruers, ViV \kx,» of the lvkineys, Ervsipelas, malaria: Nervous disoideta, I>ooility, onmplaiiit't and diseases of the iSiO-xi, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, etc. For gentlemen only. Ladies do not read this, but if yoo do (and I think yon will' why then send all your gentlemen friend* to the Paget Sound Hst Store. If you have pictures yon wish en- larged in first-cUss stj !e, take them to Moore, the phofc3.rrj.pher. and enooor- «.sje home indu-try. First-clais work warranted. Suliivai. s Block, Front st. m2O-lm Secondhand gojdj bought and sold by Biles & Brush, Cherry street, be- tween Front and Sec-.ud. al3-dtf. Those thr»»e-butto!i kids, at Cl.iyton, Bros., the price of which is $1 25, are beauties. Dr. W.-.Trior's Health C jrsets, all usee, at Clayton Eros., at $1 4j. The 700 Bone Corset c mnot be beat for comfort and durability, at sl' 75. Clrtytoa Bros, is the ouly pines rou can get them. My gpnts' furnisuia; are the best in the city, ana sold cheap for cash at the Pu-et Sound Hat Store, uil-tf I'nci.e Tom's C.vbin. ?lf yon want to sive 3.i per cent, on wall paper and win- dow gl tss, eo to the new store, Colman's block, Front Mreet, Seattle. tu4-lra Embroidery Department at Clayton Bros, surpnsses anything in Seattle for styles and low prices. The Eclipse C h t'upigne ia now u*cd at all bigh-ton< d banquets and parties. That se.v lot of embroiderv just re- ceived by ate inier Dakota ia to" be found at Clayton Bros. MISCELLANEOUS. Music Store. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, HORNS, FLUTES, Etc., Etc. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, DESCRIPTIONS and price**. FIDDLE. GU TAR AND BANJO STRINGS Of the quality; and the largest and dnest assortment of Sheet Music, Studies, Pi- ano, Organ, Violin and Guitar Instructors Ever brought to Washington Territory. Don't fail to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All of our stock at Eastern prices. Wo are agents for tho worlil-renowned MARKBTJtIPORT. OOBIUCCTKO «HU SOT U MEIM. WooL Oood No. 1. eteu.VS" Mcflc " second and thirds. " .. 16c*18c Wheat, good clean milling, V % chicken feed. 9 k s&s*«Uc Flour, per bhL extra A No. 1. taaiuy $4 7&ei 25 " " supcriine 4 2i>s» 440 Oats, per ton. s3^*tf3s Uauoo. California, per lb 14 =? 16c Country cureJ 11 13c ** M *? hftrn* ... -rile Lard, as to kind ll «17c Butter, A No. 1, choice £vtJoc Fair to medium 2»"'Jbc ** California, per roll S^sTjc Ksgs, 25c Chiciena, per dos < 50®i On Hides; per lb I*ll6 Ureea ;«!*; alls one-third off Potatoes, va l^llc Hay, New 912 ton Chop Feiwl, gr barley tSTiiSMton Bran aJuiss2llon Onions, per lb Apples sundried Machine dried, oat of market. Cooking, per box ?5>390c Eating TtwaOc Cooking TO«9SOc Furs, Beaver prime per lb 1 to Otter, eauh 4 OOw.i 00 Bear, each » UtMi 00 Oranges, per box |3 jftal 00 moaa ee to quality laic RJKTAUb Cents. Beef «ol2» Pork 10 to 12 Mutton 19 to lit WBOLSSALB. Beef meat 4 to 8 Beef on foot 3 to i Pork neat 7to s , Pork on foot 4t05 Mutton neat 8 Mutton on f00t... 1 BI'ILDIXQ MATERIAL Kouxh common 911 01V M Flooring. Ix 4. No. 1 IS 30 .. .. .. >. 2 13 UO ~ ?. Ixts No. 1 17 00 «* No. 2 14 00 .. IfrbSßed lumber. Is 17 00 .. Is 13 00 .. Rustic No. 1 17 00 .. .. i «n MISCELLANEOUS. FRAUBNTHAL BROS. RELIABLE GOODS IT LOWEST PRICES, COXBLSTI.NO OV Dry tioods. Carpels, Oilcloth, Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Trunks, etc. ALSO New and second-hand Grain Sacks. We pay the highest price for FURS, HIDES AND WOOL. FUAIiEKTHAL BUO*., 6.tf Commercial at.. .Seattle' Dissolution of Partnership. AJOTICF. IS HKKKBY GIVEN THAT the iirtrtneiahip heretofore existing, doing business at Seattle, Kins county, WasLinvrtoiiTerritory.under the firm name and style of l osj & Bo:st, butchers, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent; and all parties are further notified that Joseph liorst assumes all debts due by said Hi m, and all accounts and notes due to said tlnn are payable to him. Tho busi- ness will in future be carried on by Joseph Borst under the old firm name of Foss & Borst; the said Levi W. FOBS being hereby appointed manager and agent for Joseph ltorst of said business. SKATTLE, April 2»ih. IS*2. JOSEPH BORST, LEVI W. FOSS. Witness?JOHN LEAKY. ani"> tf PROBATENOTICE. TIERRITORY OF WASHINGTON, \u25a0County of King, ss In tho Probata Court of said King county. In the matter of the estate and guar- dianship of Dell M. Hinds, a minor. No. 91 Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not bo made. Ellen M. Marshall, guardian of the per- son and estate of Dell M. Hinds, a minor, having on this 2ith day of April. 1882, tiled her petition herein, duly verified by her affidavit, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate of her said ward for the purposes therein set forth; and it ap- pearing to the Court by said petition that ft is necessary and would lie beneficial to the said ward that such real estate should lie sold; und it appearing further to the Court that said petition conforms in all respects to the requirements of law; It is ordered by the Court that all persons in- terested in the estate of said minor ap- pear before our said Probate Court on Monday, May tMk, MM, At ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court-room of our said Pro- bate Court, in the City of Seattle, county of King and Territory of Washington, then and there to show cause (if any they have) why an order should not be granted to the said guardian to sell so much of tho real estate of said minor as shall be deem- ed necessary and beneficial. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order published at least four (t> successive weeks before said 2Uth day of May, 1882, in the WEEKLY POST-INTELLIGKNCKR, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said King county and of general circu- lation in said county and Territory. Done in open Court April 21, 1882. L M. HALL. Judge of the Probate Court. King county, ss. I, 1. M. Hall, Judge and ex-offlcio Clerk of the Probate Court of said King county do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an original order to show cause inado by our said Prohate Court and entered of record on the 21th day of April. 1882. in the matter of the estate and guardianship of Dell M. Hinds, a minor. In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of our said Probate Court this said 21th day of April. ISS2. JSKAUI I. M. HALL. Judge and ex-ofllcio Clerk as aforesaid. a2S-td BALLET DAVIS & CO.'S PIANOS, Acknowledged by musical critics to lie one of the finest instruments ever made. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or in- stalments. Buy where you can do the best. tt'3. Musical Instruments of ull kinds Tuned and Repaired at San Francisco prices. >V. A. SMITH & CO., mG-tf Column's Bow. Front bt.. Seattle. Take Notice! LOTS ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN For the next 30 Days. Q1 PI AND RER MONTH OX fj IV/ each lot, with interest at six per cent. Lots from $.V> to slS."> each in the most desirable block > in Bigelow's Addition, with a line view of Laku Union. Inquire of ESIIKUIN, STILLWFLL & CO., mT-tf Itoom 2. Post Building. HARRISON CLOTHIER. 9. L>. RETNRART CLOTHIERTREINHART, Real Estate Agents, Whatcom, W. T. TITLES EXAMINER ABSTRACTS furnished, taxes paid for non-residents and information given. Mr. Ueinhart will make personal examination of lands in Whatcom county; will buy and sell What- com town lots 011 commission. Charges reasonable. REFERENCES -Messrs. Dexter Ilorton & Co., Bankers: Jacobs ScJenner. Attorneys at l.aw, Seattle; Geo. A. Barnes. Olymtua: C. M. Bradsh&w, Attorney at Law, Port Townscnd. W. T. Ottlce in Court-house, Whatcom. mnlO-Smw NOTICE I 4 LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NO- J\ titled that the Dirigo Chop House, with its appurtenances, is my separate property, acquired by funds owned by me prior to my marriage with Con. Crater, and that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him or any other per- son. Seattle, May 23118% ni24-lw MRS. CELIA X. CRATER. JOH.\ I&OWKS, General commission mer- chant in receipt of Grain. Potatoes Fruit, Butter. Kkks. Poultry. Came, A CARD. BESSIN6ER & CO., SCCCEBSOIB TO LOUIS BLCSS I CO., 9a FnuteUoc, fa r Ongom, Idaho aad Waeh- Biafton Territory, BO TO AXHOUBCE TO TBAORS, Brtthw, Farmers, aad tao public fen- M^tMOr^bmcitaUlaMa.tMaU On Yesler's Wharf* Seattle. Vkmtfctlr igHtkM bra HMncMto pay tka highest market prtoe for Bides, Furs, Wool * Tallow 1)1 who hare these article* fee 41* o«wl will tad tt to their adrantafls to call at ths abort ad-lrts* bsfors disposing of them ets»whers. J».tf 0848. Am**\u25a0 Furs, Sides, Choice Pnm>'< end Pried Fruits. Estab- lished in 1*57. Meuiher of Produce Ex- change. AM Si 506 Sansome street. San Francisco. mhlT-3mw. HEADQUARTERS FOE Front st? bet. Columbia and Clarion. Old Machines taken in exchange: needles and attachments fur all mac he*. mSMf wmm JCSKn \u25a0 I \u25a0 EH M B |int.uoToilm JW \u25a0 na w \u25a0 \u25a0 Uir»iwo va fi AiaU TatoL HARMONY LODQE NO. 5, K. P. Reoculb Kcrrnta thobdit btb- \u25a0tap at I r. at MAHONIC HALL, *ll ?li'n la «aod stsadta« aM oardtaliy MftMtAMtM*. aSVH# SEATTLE NURSERY. Oaa alio mot of Ysslefa Wharf. oa the Mad to Lake Waoftaacto*. Ths larfMt oallsettoa of Frail SL Ornamental Trees, tUkaarftaariaMMS other Flaate rrntinS? ZSSZESS* ol'w. LAWTOK r»o|>ri^«r SEATTLE DAILY POST-INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, MAY ST, 1882. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. wiicFf? AND RESTAURANT, COLXASCS BOW. Front street, Seattle, WILL rrnxisH THE BEST THE market altonis. Suppers, Banquets AXD Wedding- Cakes Gat op la tb* test rj\» at thj shortae u®. Uc*. Meals. 39 cents; Board per week. 14. mhu-tf DIRI6O CHOP HOUSE In Yesler'a Hall Building. FRESH~OYSTERS BSRVKD IX EVKRT sTVLB. Meals gotten up to order at any hour. The bMt th« market. aJUrds always on band. No Chinese employed and BO credit bu «Uk*h done. CON Cf»AT£R A WIFE, mhi-tf Proprietors. I KOB'T A. BienUON. CHAfI. KILT.. SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT HARRISON & KIEL, PROPRIETORS, Commercial street, Seattle, W. T. UNDER ITS NEW AUSIMCES. THE "Saddle Rock" will bo the beat and the favorite Restaurant in Iho city, ns st will also be the tint at and the our unit thoroughly kept. All that the market afford*, will bo con- stantly on hand. Cleanliness and koo.l order will b-> shin I ins virtues of the Smtdle Rock. ll.Vtf \ Occidental Hotel, SE.VTTtiC, W. T. Board and Lodging »t Moderate Rates. rpHIS IS THE LARGEST HOTEL I north of Son Francisco, and is first class In all respects. Free coach te and from the house. Tat JOHN COLLINS & CO. nl-tf Proprietors NEW ENGLAND HOTEL. Corner Commercial and ?t.ilr.Streets, Se- at Ue. Wablungtou Territory. tHE NEW ENGLAND Is eligibly located and its accommodations for families are unsurpassed. This house is newly built, is hard linished throughout, has largiT.nd well furnished rooms and first-class boardoa the l£uropea& l'lan can be had at moderate prices. It is tlielient Hotel in tlie Citjy. MRS. L. G. HAMON,Proprietor. THE ARLINGTON JULIUS IV. SMITH. ) Proprietors. CONVERSE P. FARRAR, f Seattle,W. T. Is Now Open for Business. PIUST CUSS IN EVERT UIiSPIXT. Bath Booms Free to Guests. Tcrma?4l.so, O'i 50 and S3 par lay. Especial rata* to Boarders. dl-tf COMMERCIAL STREET caor, COFFEE txo ?YftTEK UOISK House Open All Night. BOARD per week ft 00 Meals Oysters in every style 20 Buckwheat cakes honey with cotl'ea. 15 Codec and cake 10 Chicken Dinnera 3i K&.Sunday dinners from 12 m. to 7 v- m- A specialty. Having now fitted up my restaurant In elegant style, and improved my kitchen arrangements so as to enable me to furn- ish my guests with more variety and in a style of cookery par excellence, I am pre- pared to aocomuiodate the public, either day or night, with whatever they may de- sire to eat, served by attentivo waiters and cooked in all the improved modern styles. Thankful to the citizens of Puget Sound forthe liberal patronage bestowed on the late firm of Rickards tt Holthower, I ask from thepublic a continuance of the same, and assure them that strict atten- tion to business, honest and upright deal- ing. constant care to please their tastes and make them happy, will be the duty of altitf »WW. >*r»p'r. SEATTLE RESTAIKAMT DANIEL A. PPIBFFBB, PROPRIETOR. Meals S5 Cents, Mill Street, Near the Steam- boat T landing. Coffee and Cake, 10 Cents. Tit* ftinlng Itoom la iunder the super- vision of Mrs. Kietter. Oysterß in Every Style. « rmm. "OUR HOUSE" RESTAURANT WI. Una, Proprietor. Boarding on the Most Rea- sonable Terms. Meals at all Honrs. Meal*. 29 CM- Bods. 25 Cts. Milt Street. Seattle. W. T. nl HARMONY Beer Hall, Croat at- opposite I. Baxter A Co 'a. THE FINEST BEER HALL OM POCET SOUND. FrM Lunch Day and Nicht! DOOL AND PIGEON-HOLE TABLES lii the Hall. The beat of order kept, and a pleasant visit guaranteed to all woo canto. Xeklkom's aa<l Slorah's Been routsitlj oa haad?Also Clgan. mhS-tf 6. B»BIA*. NORTH PACIFIC IRON WORMS. Iron and Brass Founders PATTERN MAKERS. Engine A Machine Builders Location, foot of 8«wt» lint. «14f JOS. W. CROW. Bapf TUKNING. n AVINO LEASED POWER AT THE Jl Colombia and Pu?t tkmad Railroad Company's II<ll. I an now pea pared to tako orders for all kinds at Wood Turning, a JS&SSHU MISCELLANEOUS. L. P. SMITH & SON, SU L.UVA BLOCK, Front Street, - - Seattle, W- T Watchmakers and Jewelers, DKALKR3 IN Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks WADDELL& MiLES, WHOLE3A! E AND RE VAIL D2AI EKS IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor & Box STOVSSi Tiowtro, .lapauned ami Sai'lfietecd Ironware. Kitchen i'tcu-'ils of Every UiviTiption. Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and Water Gauge's Globe Valves, &c. Brass Goods Pumps, Copper Lead and Iron Pip©. PLUMBING AND COPPEttSMITHING. SHEET COPPER, ZINC AND T.*!AT> THE SUPERIOR Acknowledged the best cooking stove in the World. Wan-ranted not to crack by Fire. Fire Backs warranted to last five years. Have also a Full IJsie of Fmm.mia Kanges. The Pißitt and I!t>! Rsni»e a uu i> Psr'fic i'disi Job Work Neatiy Executed. £# Orders from the country solicited »nJ satisfaction onaranifn* ai Crockery and Glassvrare. CSire us a Call and Look our 2tumen.se Stock Mill Sfrtvt. STETSON 8c POST. PROPRIETORS OF TUF| Seattle PianingMills Hannfactnrers of dl kinds of and Dressed Lumbsr, RUSTIC, FLOORING. CASINO*. GUTThRS, PACKING ROX>:S« SAML DOORS, BLINDS. f HITTEiV : . AND \V(»Oi) FINISH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. S*aw>n<»d iwmtvr r»f »I 1 Kind* fonatii|,;|v i.n Imrd. RELIABLE ISDEMXHY, XOHiiW!' IXSVIUXC^ Is Your Proportv Ineurod 7 Not, Why Not? JOBCIST Is/L. BLA 3STCHABD. AGK.N'T YOH 8EAT1I.I: AM> VICIMTT VOK T»IK North British & Mercantile, of London & Edinburg, The German American, of New York, The Phoenix, of Hartford, And The Home, of New York INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fin Insurance or Dwellings und Furnimiv, Stotva oud M( rchaudlse, Grain, Mills, Manufoc'ures, fcu\, at ilodjralo Kate*. JOH* M. BLI.Mlllßii, (Successor to Mi-Nauplit & Lrary.) KKXIDKNT V(:>.V. hKA'I'U.K. W. T"^ *r. ww* ww wjm r JFJim.*i>jar Bi' 9 DKALKR IX H --M. MWT. .-M. MM. WLG 9 BUILDERS' MATERI&LS, BRICK. LIKE, SH'fSGLES, PAWS MD OILS. Mechanics' Tools my Specialty. All the latest Improved Car.irn Tools H'llp Chundlery, auil a complete stock of AGRICULTURAL MPLEHEKTS. Agentii for all kinds of Milling and Wooil-ivi-rkliii! Jlnrliiiirrf. Buggies, Spring and Freight Wagons, Patent Cotton Belting, Leather Belting, The largest stock of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Revolvers, Ri- fles, and all kinds ot Ammunition in the Territory. A complete stock of Leather and Shoe £ mdin .s. A! 1 goods delivered to any part of the city. "\/\/ \/\f g?m m. m an23-tf fruui s*s'ile jti. AM asac esm<as>i-^r, PAINTS, HFU UD A FULL UXI OR 3IC STOCK! LOW PRICES GOOD WNH|JHHP COODS AND FAIR DEAUNG I J Before making porchasos or Uttlag contract*. coll kl my More on From Jf KM ,treul ttnd e*am'ne my goods and Xj. ANDIDRSOM.I "WW A. ?2JBHOM44 cC CO., CHINA TEA BTOIIE. Mills o?aS ss*</> /T,. - J& 111 siS<* '??IOSOF J- ' D =-2I?! = 5 spEweST- g|Hi tHNMrfcrairg? * bMI fl|. K. ENNI3Y, Me rohantT ailo J tut Received from the Factories the Latest Out and Hewert Styles of Gectlemen'ssmts in this Market Al? »the Moat St>llah Geoda to be Made Into Salts to Order. Keep ? fall Una of lials and Cape for Men'* and liuyt tyring and Summer Wear. Bran-thin* ia ay Stock la JTirat-ciiun and waa Selected by Myself far the Meaule Trade mm T* MIT TUX TUIRJT.a VAB Oooda Imd (ram oar Establishment Guarantee. SAMUEL KENMEY. Battle. April 18. MM. __±J _ U Lm t WIL WILLIAMSON. AJLBKItT KKLLOOO. PUQET FOUNDRY. WILLIAMSON * KELLOGG, PROPRIETORS. ALL KINDS 09 Iron -and Brass Casting. 9mm ISfcimf?«b»«m ih n ll> MIMIH nunrr \u25a0*, IUTTU, w. T.

Transcript of I P TXSOMT^ jJOH I SMITH SON, · PROFESSIONAL. P TXSOMT^ H Real Estate Agents. tjre the best vo'uj...

Page 1: I P TXSOMT^ jJOH I SMITH SON, · PROFESSIONAL. P TXSOMT^ H Real Estate Agents. tjre the best vo'uj in Seattle. Call an



Real Estate Agents.

H t jre the best vo'uj in Seattle. Call

an<l examine.

? ,cOTT. A- M. SCOTT.Votary and Conveyancer.?V?- 7 iliiist.. near P. O.


t. U, BALES,(jity Auctioneer,


- cherry «t.. bet. Front and Second.

I WHITWORTH & THOMSON;rtVfVL AND MINING ENGINEERS.!*.I! I Deputy Mineral Surveyors, Special

xJTtiimlfivcn to locating preemption andclaims. City and County 3ur-

tyiulre's opera house.

B. F. BTOLL,pbntist,

k. Kelnig's new building, cornerO®0*

jrout and Marlon aU.

who desire to have their naturaland saved will do well to

call. Artificial Dtnturc* on

£2l Celluloid and 1lubber bases. FrieesjgUto


PR, H. P. MONTBORNE,pnm the University of Francs,

Cs be consulted on every form of disease

hi* office, corner of Milland Commwial st*., ovcr Kellogg & AnderaonJ,

iiillLw. T. STOLL,

Attorney at Law.nnw in IWuitTs new building on Front st.

in all the Courts. till-l*


physician and Sursreon.

Offlc« in the I. O. O. F. building. (Hernia'sbrick, t lieady to meet all culls,

\u25a0s-tr7TjOKt». H.OSBOK X.

JONEB A OSBORN,moneys and Counsellors at Law,

\u25a0earn. 3and I, uecond floor Post Building.apl-d*w:tm


CIVIL AND MININQ ENGINEER.Work at any part of Puget Hound done

mmptly and accurately. OfflceNo. 7 2nd

ErVcwt Building; !'? O. Ito*5W7. f-k-tf


Attorney-at-Lnw and NotaryPublic.

OM*» InWhite's Block, corner Front and


Kent tic, W.r.

Willfurnhh plans onaeUcatlon,* take contracts aud »uueriu-(od work.



for the purpose of practicing dentistrywork shall Oo satidlactory and clinrtfi'.i

Huonablc. Oillce In Opera House, oppo-<.»..w..jii ;.^|!ALnwK[X

RIGGERS.TOHN S. STEPHENS. KKJGEU-nES-J Ideuce, llainbriilKehotel, Port Blakely,

pi. T.


(Mleetion and Inwsraue® Agency.

Post Bulldlnn. Seattle. nl'i-tf


HALLER & ENCLE.IHintyi and « oun*«lli>ra at

Proctors In Admiralty.Office in Column Block, corner Milland

Oouuncrclsl sin., up atiiirs. oi.>tf

riU»k.OVAL. 1


V/ bis .Street, tlrst door above tront| street, opposite White's building. O.tlce

Sours aJlltoura. slfldtf

I.L.SMirii,M.L). Rurus WILLAKD.M.D.


Physicians and SurgeonsOfflos in Colntan's Block, up stairs.

OFFICE UOURS-2 to ( p. in. and T tok SP. M. ________

Q, A. WEED, M. D?I T)HYSICIAN AND SUROKON. OF-r floe -Room No. 10. White* block.

I Rout Street. Olllort hours from »toll a.and from 12 to 2 and tl to s y. in.


MITCHELL.ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SEATTLE.A Washington Territory. OMlces Nos.Cland 3. Opera Howe. <'oinmercial »t.


J A. Law, Seattle, W. T. Practices inias Courts of Washington Territory.

Office on Janu* Street, OpiKwlto Oeci-k 111 Hotel.

L T.H. CANN.: ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTARY£ A. Public and Commissioner of DetainI Nr Oregon aud California. Office opi>o-

*ts Abnun's Urery stable. Collections a\u25a0BitttT.h ? Itoou, 0. E. Jnnua


A. at law. Office in building recent

| SgetUsd by Larrabeo tl llanford, Jaine

| ARTHUR DOYLB.I A RCHITKCT, SEATTLE. WASHINO--1 A ton Territory. Office at Occidental

J. R. LEWIS.I ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE-jf A Butler's building, room 4 and A.fe jMMaatrcet, Opt.jaito Occidental Hotel


U Burgoon. Odice on Front Stree op-pflte Sullivan's block. J*tAlintt'VE. J. C. HAINES. JO UN LEARY

STRUVE HAINES & LEARY.Att«rneyi»«at"LftW.

' 2® practice In all the courts of Wash.Sp«e Territory, Rooms L 3 and 5, first

| Past Building. Seattle.

DBS. A. & H. B. BAQLEY.I lIOMCEPATIIISTS. SEATTLE. W. T.H 4r "r- H. B. Bagley, lat« Professor of& gwiplea and Practice of Surgery in the£?' ypftlgsn Central Medical College, willm IS? **P*ratife Surgery ami SurvivalIf a specialty, and will attend tojf~: Inany part of the Boaml. nvs


QPo* OB stairs, over Smith & Son's Jew-r More, in Sullivan's block. Front St.

1 LIQUID NITROUS OXIDE OAShs administered by the Doctor for

rV of extracting teeth withoutg IS fchg

'??? KENDMQJC, M.D..(VOreerly of Buffalo, V. T.)


[ I;' u, ~- 0twObi!kerf's store. »p»tf

I IBEN 8. OSBORNE,r T>y AND COLLECTION OFFICE.K: WotMT Public and Conveyancer. So-

Practices In all the Courts ofP>-J-wniiOT. Collections promptly at-| 2*to, and pressed with vlgrvr. De-|| fyuas uken and certified with csre.R JB? ,?o®lP>tiaic<l. and money Invested.B .g&Mox. No. 114. Refers by permissionKfe- Dexter Horton ft Co.. Bankers,ggM»: Messrs. Geo. W. Harris flc


I -


jJOH N MJICOLLOCK, M. D.,I p Hysio IAN and burg eon. of-I ftce in Poet Building, Room No A.Residence. Sixth and dl-d*w

w. E. BOONE,IRnUITSCT I*D SI PERISTESDEIT,Office?Reinlg'a Block. apW-tf

w. P. FRAZIER,Surveyor, Civil Engineer


BEAL KMTATB A6BXT.Offlee on Occidental *pt6-tf

CBAB. nr. BE9TEB.Attoraejrat Law,

*EW TtCOSU, W. T.oppositfl N,w Tacwa* Bank.

tbe cam mr June ciimh.

'lt's a terrible thing about poorJennie Cramer,' observed theyoung lady, a* she thanked themanaging editor for the noticethe Eagle gaveher church fair, andarose to go. 'But what I can'tunderstand is how they can tellwhether sbe was drowned or poi-soned.*

'That's easy enough,' said themanaging editor, with a smile;'if you'ru found in the water withyour gullet full of sand and yournose eaten off by fish, and yourmouth full of froth, then you weredrowned. If you don't froth andclench your hands, you weren'tdrowned.'

'I know that's what thsy sav,'murmured the girl, 'but I dou'tsee bow that shows she was poi-soned.'

'lt doesn't,' conceded the man-aging editor. 'When you findyou are not drowned you beginlo look around to see what wasthe matter with you. You takeyour stomach and cut it intoshreds and pound it in a mortarand feed it to a cat. If there'sorganic poison in them, thengood by cat! Then you chip acorner of your oesophagus, cut offyour left arm, flake a slab of skinoff your spine, bake your liver,boil your heart, fry your spleenand bang your intestines up inthe sun l'or a week or two, andthen you test away at it until thewhole busiuess looks to you likecharcoal. See?'

'Certainly,' said the girl withher mouth and eyes wide open.

Then you take your carbona-ceous matter and soak it a day ortwo. After that you stir thebusiness up together and steam it.Then you pour in sulphuric acidand scrape the refuse off the sideof the disb. If that processgives you arsenic, you know justwhere you stand. If it doesn t

you're all right.''Hut if they don't find any arse

nic, Jennie Cramer wasn't poison-ed?' asked the girl enlightened bythe explanation.

'Assuredly not.' replied tbomanaging editor.

'And she wasn't drownel?'queried tbe astoundedlady.

'Of course she wasn't,' grinnedthe managing editor.

'Then she isn't dead?' suggest-ed the girl.

'Certainly not'.' assented theeditor. 'She's alive and well.That'll what science is for!'

?It's curious,' murmured tbeyoung lady pensively.

'lt would be anywhere outsideof New Haven township,' mnt«tcjvd tho editor, 'but the com-bined possibilities of proof andscience aro remarkable in thatlocality.'

And the young lady left withexpressions of gratitude, whilethe editor turned to a half com-pleted article demonstrating thatthe tisli that bit Jennie Cramer'slip might have dropped some ar«senic out of his pocket which thedead girlate to relieve the itchingsensation caused by the sand inher gullet.

About a month ago, as the Ger-man Crown Prince was crossingthe Fennbrncke on his way to thebarracks of the Guard Lancers at

Moabit, his attention was attracteu by a group of shabbily-dressedpersons consisting of a middle-aged man aud three strappinglads, ranged in line on the curb-stone, and giving the regulationmilitary salute. His ImperialHighuess walked up to the manunl apoke to him saying, ''l seeyou hare been a soldier; these areVour boys, I presume. Have youany more of the sort!'' "No, lm-

l>eria! Highness, Iwas discharg-ed invalided, and hare been bed-ridden for a long time.' 4 Wherewere you wounded?' asked theCrowu Prince. 'At the battle ofSoor, 28th June, 1866, shotthrough the shoulder, right armlamed for life/ HjiTa me yourbaud. lam truly sorry for you.Write to me, enclose your cer-tificates, and inscribe the word'Soor' on the back of the envelope.'So saying, Fredrie William shookbands hartily with the astonishedveteran and went hi* way. A fewdays later, the man's case having,meanwhile, been invested by theCrown Prinoe's orders, he receiv-ed a handsome sum of mouey fromthe private purse of the ImperialField Marshal, with an intimationthat steps were being taken bythe latter in person to provide himwith a permanent appointmentsuitable to his capacities.

A seeood advsat prwAar mad* «onverts or a oon«rs(fauon of BfcW Bwto*ren. escopiing two sasmben ooly. at Isa-bella, Midi. One of tins two nsabanwho hold ont against tho saotsassot wsathe pastor, and his oOoa wm g)*m tothe new man.

Anew nas is sogvestsd for sthar._

Apatient recently, at tha Cork Sooth In-firmary, while radar the Jpftjwwstne~ aoknowledged that aa had base

CAIADC m «RDMy own impression ie, writes a Lon-

<*on oorrenpoiident, that the fioyal fam-ilyis the tuosi anar U and ooaiecttdone in the kingdom. The queen'sdaughters always epea* of her u..i;*stvas "Ma. When Von Angeh's pictureat the Queen was tirst shown to tiernacem Beatrice, she exclaimed, "On:look at poor ma's arms:"?the bruUJyfaithful artist trwing painted tUeVaeen's hands and arms ofa very rmidyhoe. fo her grandchildren the (Joeeau never grandmother or grandwatua batalways " grandma," a word held, likeTna. in enpeeiai abhorrence among the

cultivated classes of this country, who£*BUdboth m of the language of thebwuigeioete. I confess that when jI heard this "pa'ing" and " ma'-ing' in the EoyalFamily for theflrit tin* I could hardly boli&ve ray jears. lam now accustomed to it and ,to the German aeoent of all the Queen's 'children, and am not at all sore that a ilittletinge of plain middle class stylodoes not help to make prinoee popular.

Prmoeee of Walts one# won tu«heart of a ooontry by asking some woreof a certain local dish of which the na-tives an very proud. The fcosUas wascharmed, and the cook delighted, andeverybody struck by the quiet, unaffect-ed manner of the Prinoess It is a verygood example for those who are, liketie Emperor Sigsmund, »np*r (/ramixa-

to set. As Iheard a famous wit?ay the other day," The neit best thingtj having genius is to be natural."

Speaking of books in foreign lan-guages, Ralph Waldo Emerson receutiy?aid: "Ishould as soon think of swnu-ing across Charles River when 1 wish togo to Boston as of reading all my book*in originals when 1 nave tlieiu renderedfor me in my mother language.

The Lutheran Church to which Prin-esss Helen of Waideok belongs, doesnot sanction the celebration of mar-riages between Ash Wednesday andEaster Monday. Henoe tue Oukeof A -

bany's marriage did not take plw* nn-tU the last week in April.

Cows on the prairies get accustomedto the noma of locomotive balls anawhistles, and do not always cle<'.r tuetrack until thrown olfby tintcowcatcher.A patented device is described in tbeScientific American for squirting hot wa-ter twenty rods abead.

The New York Graphic calls the at-tempt to get exptuMVea into tae lundsof Y underbilt and Field "a clum.s» andIndiarous joke." The intended victimswillagree that it WHS a cia:uur perform-ance, bat willfail to see anjrtning ludi-crous about it.

The Mountain of the Lord is a solidrock, *JOO feet high, risiug obove the sueetlevel at UantU, (Jtah. The Mormonsare building oa this eminence a teiaplnof tine marble, 95 feet by 170 in area, andhandsomely adorned.

It has been decided that the dome ofthe colossal Palais de Justice, in Brus-sels, now approaching completion, whichwas to have been copper, sh.Ul now beconatrnoted of papier maohu. It willweigh about 1C tons.

The new ship to be built at Bath withauxiliary steaui power, for Capt. W. H.Bease and others, and for the Californiatrade, is to be named the George 11. Ho-mer.



aoaiion, will lie opened

Monday, May £?d,Wholesale and Retail at Fac-

tory price.

C. P. STONE & CO.,Cash Grooera, Front St.

Cigars and Tobacco retailed at San Fran-

clsco wholesale prices. m2l-tf


60 DaysI will sell out uiy entire stock of Boots andShoes

AT COST!On account of having t> move from mypresent quarters.




for the celebrated

BOCA LAGER BEEROrders from Ml parts of the Territory

Oiled at short notice.Hall on Mill street, bead of YeMer's

wharf. m2O-tf


-1 ran', l*ort Townsend, W. T.. situatednearly ui the heart of the steamboat land-ing. Is offered fordale. The table fuinitureIs nearly new. The house ha* five roomsat a cheap rent, and is an excellent oppor-tunity for a man and wife. For furtherparticulars call on or address

ASHEK M. FREEMAN,P. O. Box 95, Port Townsend, W .T.





CAUTIONED against SPURIOUSimitations.

<jfte PioneerUakingfWder

is the onlyPou/der con-sisting ofnothing but

REFINEOGrape Crcara^artar



A Schilling &(fo.FRANCISCO.

now TS SEfTBE HCALTM.It is struiee any one will miSer from

derantcemeats broajjet on by impureblood, when Se»mll'n Saraipirilli andStill; nsrla, or BLiKID nad LIVEBSYKL'P wil!restore health to the phys-ical organization. It is a strengtheningf-'vrajj. to take, and the bestBIAjUIj PURIFLEK «-vf-r dwe-overedcaring Scro:"oia, y .phlilitio diwruers,ViV \kx,» of the lvkineys, Ervsipelas,malaria: Nervous disoideta, I>ooility,

onmplaiiit't and diseases of theiSiO-xi, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin,etc.

For gentlemen only. Ladies do notread this, but if yoo do (and I think yonwill'why then send all your gentlemenfriend* to the Paget Sound Hst Store.

If you have pictures yon wish en-larged in first-cUss stj !e, take them toMoore, the phofc3.rrj.pher. and enooor-«.sje home indu-try. First-clais workwarranted. Suliivai. s Block, Front st.


Secondhand gojdj bought and soldby Biles & Brush, Cherry street, be-tween Front and Sec-.ud. al3-dtf.

Those thr»»e-butto!i kids, at Cl.iyton,Bros., the price of which is $1 25, arebeauties.

Dr. W.-.Trior's Health C jrsets, all usee,at Clayton Eros., at $1 4j.

The 700 Bone Corset c mnot be beatfor comfort and durability, at sl' 75.Clrtytoa Bros, is the ouly pines rou canget them.

My gpnts' furnisuia; are thebest in the city, ana sold cheap for cashat the Pu-et Sound Hat Store, uil-tf

I'nci.e Tom's C.vbin.?lf yon want tosive 3.i per cent, on wall paper and win-dow gl tss, eo to the new store, Colman'sblock, Front Mreet, Seattle. tu4-lra

Embroidery Department at ClaytonBros, surpnsses anything in Seattle forstyles and low prices.

The Eclipse C h t'upigne ia now u*cdat allbigh-ton< d banquets and parties.

That se.v lot of embroiderv just re-ceived by ate inier Dakota ia to" be foundat Clayton Bros.


Music Store.PIANOS,




Etc., Etc.


and price**.

FIDDLE. GU TAR AND BANJO STRINGSOf the quality; and the largest anddnest assortment of

Sheet Music, Studies, Pi-ano, Organ, Violin and

Guitar InstructorsEver brought to Washington Territory.

Don't fail to examine our stock beforepurchasing elsewhere. All of our stock atEastern prices.

Wo are agents for tho worlil-renowned


WooL Oood No. 1. eteu.VS" Mcflc"

second and thirds. ".. 16c*18c

Wheat, good clean milling, V%

chicken feed. 9 k s&s*«UcFlour, per bhL extra

A No. 1. taaiuy $4 7&ei 25" " supcriine 4 2i>s» 440

Oats, per ton. s3^*tf3sUauoo. California, per lb 14 =? 16c

Country cureJ 11 13c** M *? hftrn* ... -rile

Lard, as to kind ll«17cButter, A No. 1, choice £vtJoc

Fair to medium 2»"'Jbc** California, per roll S^sTjc

Ksgs, 25cChiciena, per dos < 50®i OnHides; per lb I*ll6

Ureea ;«!*;alls one-third off

Potatoes, va l^llcHay, New 912 tonChop Feiwl, gr barley tSTiiSMtonBran aJuiss2llonOnions, per lbApples sundried

Machine dried, oat of market.Cooking, per box ?5>390cEating TtwaOcCooking TO«9SOc

Furs, Beaver prime per lb 1 toOtter, eauh 4 OOw.i 00Bear, each » UtMi 00

Oranges, per box |3 jftal00moaa ee to quality laic


Beef «ol2»Pork 10 to 12Mutton 19 to lit

WBOLSSALB.Beef meat 4 to 8Beef on foot 3 to 3» iPork neat 7to s ,Pork on foot 4t05Mutton neat 8Mutton on f00t... 1


Kouxh common 911 01V MFlooring. Ix4. No. 1 IS 30 ..

.. .. >. 2 13 UO ~

?. Ixts No. 1 17 00 «*

No. 2 14 00 ..

IfrbSßed lumber. Is 17 00 ..

Is 13 00 ..

Rustic No. 1 17 00 ..

.. i 1» «n




Dry tioods.Carpels,

Oilcloth,Boots and Shoes.

Clothing,Hats, Trunks, etc.

ALSO New and second-hand GrainSacks. We pay the highest price for


6.tf Commercial at.. .Seattle'

Dissolution of Partnership.

AJOTICF. IS HKKKBYGIVEN THATthe iirtrtneiahip heretofore existing,

doing business at Seattle, Kins county,WasLinvrtoiiTerritory.under the firm nameand style of l osj &Bo:st, butchers, hasbeen this day dissolved by mutual consent;and all parties are further notified thatJoseph liorst assumes all debts due by saidHi m, and all accounts and notes due tosaid tlnn are payable to him. Tho busi-ness will in future be carried on by JosephBorst under the old firm name of Foss &

Borst; the said Levi W. FOBS being herebyappointed manager and agent for Josephltorst of said business.


Witness?JOHN LEAKY. ani"> tf


\u25a0County of King, ss In tho ProbataCourt of said King county.

In the matter of the estate and guar-dianship of Dell M. Hinds, a minor.

No. 91 Order to show cause why orderof sale of real estate should not bo made.

Ellen M. Marshall, guardian of the per-son and estate of Dell M. Hinds, a minor,having on this 2ith day of April. 1882,tiled her petition herein, duly verified byher affidavit, praying for an order of saleof certain real estate of her said ward forthe purposes therein set forth; and it ap-pearing to the Court by said petition thatft is necessary and would lie beneficial tothe said ward that such real estate shouldlie sold; und it appearing further to theCourt that said petition conforms in allrespects to the requirements of law; It isordered by the Court that all persons in-terested in the estate of said minor ap-pear before our said Probate Court on

Monday, May tMk, MM,

At ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of thatday, at the Court-room of our said Pro-bate Court, in the City of Seattle, countyof King and Territory of Washington,then and there to show cause (ifany theyhave) why an order should not be grantedto the said guardian to sell so much of thoreal estate of said minor as shall be deem-ed necessary and beneficial. And it isfurther ordered that a copy of this orderb« published at least four (t> successiveweeks before said 2Uth day of May, 1882,in the WEEKLY POST-INTELLIGKNCKR, aweekly newspaper printed and publishedin said King county and of general circu-lation in said county and Territory.

Done in open Court April 21, 1882.L M. HALL.

Judge of the Probate Court.

King county, ss.I, 1. M. Hall, Judge and ex-offlcio Clerk

of the Probate Court of said King countydo hereby certify that the foregoing is afull, true and correct copy of an originalorder to show cause inado by our saidProhate Court and entered of record onthe 21th day of April. 1882. in the matterof the estate and guardianship of Dell M.Hinds, a minor.

In testimony whereof I hare hereuntoset my hand and affixed the seal of oursaid Probate Court this said 21th day ofApril. ISS2.

JSKAUI I. M. HALL.Judge and ex-ofllcio Clerk as aforesaid.a2S-td


Acknowledged by musical critics to lie oneof the finest instruments ever made.

Pianos and Organs sold for cash or in-stalments.

Buy where you can do the best.tt'3. Musical Instruments of ull kinds

Tuned and Repaired at San Franciscoprices.

>V. A. SMITH & CO.,mG-tf Column's Bow. Front bt.. Seattle.

Take Notice!LOTS ON THE

INSTALLMENTPLANFor the next 30 Days.

Q1 PI AND RER MONTH OXfjIV/ each lot, with interest at six percent.

Lots from $.V> to slS."> each in the mostdesirable block > in Bigelow's Addition,with a line view of Laku Union.


mT-tf Itoom 2. Post Building.



Whatcom, W. T.

TITLES EXAMINER ABSTRACTSfurnished, taxes paid for non-residents

and information given. Mr. Ueinhart willmake personal examination of lands inWhatcom county; will buy and sell What-com town lots 011 commission. Chargesreasonable.

REFERENCES -Messrs. Dexter Ilorton &

Co., Bankers: Jacobs ScJenner. Attorneysat l.aw, Seattle; Geo. A. Barnes. Olymtua:C. M. Bradsh&w, Attorney at Law, PortTownscnd. W. T.

Ottlce in Court-house, Whatcom.mnlO-Smw

NOTICE I4 LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NO-J\ titled that the Dirigo Chop House,with its appurtenances, is my separateproperty, acquired by funds owned by meprior to my marriage with Con. Crater,and that I will not be responsible for anydebts contracted by him or any other per-son.

Seattle, May 23118%ni24-lw MRS. CELIA X. CRATER.JOH.\ I&OWKS,

General commission mer-chant in receipt of Grain. Potatoes

Fruit, Butter. Kkks. Poultry. Came,



9a FnuteUoc, far Ongom, Idaho aad Waeh-

Biafton Territory,BO TO AXHOUBCE TO TBAORS,Brtthw, Farmers, aad tao public fen-

M^tMOr^bmcitaUlaMa.tMaUOn Yesler's Wharf* Seattle.

Vkmtfctlr igHtkM bra HMncMto paytka highest market prtoe for

Bides, Furs, Wool *Tallow1)1 who hare these article* fee 41* o«wl will

tad tt to their adrantafls to call at ths abortad-lrts* bsfors disposing of them ets»whers.

J».tf 0848. Am**\u25a0

Furs, Sides,Choice Pnm>'< end Pried Fruits. Estab-lished in 1*57. Meuiher of Produce Ex-change. AM Si 506 Sansome street. SanFrancisco. mhlT-3mw.


Front st? bet. Columbia and Clarion.Old Machines taken in exchange: needles

and attachments furall mac he*. mSMf

wmmJCSKn \u25a0 I

\u25a0 EH M B |int.uoToilm JW\u25a0 na w \u25a0 \u25a0 Uir»iwova fiAiaU TatoL

HARMONYLODQE NO. 5, K. P.Reoculb Kcrrnta thobdit btb-

\u25a0tap at Ir. at

MAHONIC HALL,*ll ?li'n la «aod stsadta« aM oardtaliyMftMtAMtM*. aSVH#

SEATTLE NURSERY.Oaa alio mot of Ysslefa Wharf. oa the Mad

to Lake Waoftaacto*.Ths larfMtoallsettoa of

Frail SL Ornamental Trees,

tUkaarftaariaMMS other Flaate

rrntinS? ZSSZESS*






Front street, Seattle,

WILL rrnxisH THE BEST THEmarket altonis.

Suppers, BanquetsAXD

Wedding- CakesGat op la tb*test rj\» at thj shortae u®.Uc*.

Meals. 39 cents; Board perweek. 14. mhu-tf



Meals gotten up to order atany hour.

The bMt th« market. aJUrds always onband.

No Chinese employed and BO credit bu«Uk*h done.

CON Cf»AT£R A WIFE,mhi-tf Proprietors.




Commercial street, Seattle, W. T.

UNDER ITS NEW AUSIMCES. THE"Saddle Rock" will bo the beat and

the favorite Restaurant in Iho city, ns stwill also be the tint at and the our unitthoroughly kept.Allthat the market afford*, will bo con-

stantly on hand.Cleanliness and koo.l order will b-> shin I

ins virtues of the Smtdle Rock. ll.Vtf \

Occidental Hotel,SE.VTTtiC, W. T.

Board and Lodging »tModerate Rates.

rpHIS IS THE LARGEST HOTELI north of Son Francisco, and is first

class In all respects.Free coach te and from the house. Tat

JOHN COLLINS & CO.nl-tf Proprietors

NEW ENGLAND HOTEL.Corner Commercial and ?t.ilr.Streets, Se-

at Ue. Wablungtou Territory.

tHE NEW ENGLANDIs eligibly located and its accommodationsfor families are unsurpassed. This houseis newly built, is hard linished throughout,has largiT.nd well furnished rooms andfirst-class boardoa the l£uropea& l'lan canbe had at moderate prices.

It is tlielient Hotelin tlie Citjy.

MRS. L. G. HAMON,Proprietor.


Is Now Open for Business.PIUST CUSS IN EVERT


Bath Booms Free to Guests.Tcrma?4l.so, O'i 50 and S3 par lay.

Especial rata* to Boarders.dl-tf


House Open All Night.

BOARD per week ft 00MealsOysters in every style 20Buckwheat cakes honey with cotl'ea. 15Codec and cake 10Chicken Dinnera 3i

K&.Sunday dinners from 12 m. to 7 v- m-

A specialty.

Having now fitted up my restaurant Inelegant style, and improved my kitchenarrangements so as to enable me to furn-ish my guests with more variety and in astyle of cookery par excellence, I am pre-pared to aocomuiodate the public, eitherday or night, withwhatever they may de-sire to eat, served by attentivo waitersand cooked in all the improved modernstyles. Thankful to the citizens of PugetSound forthe liberal patronage bestowedon the late firm of Rickards tt Holthower,I ask from thepublic a continuance of thesame, and assure them that strict atten-tion to business, honest and upright deal-ing. constant care to please their tastes andmake them happy, will be the duty of

altitf »WW. >*r»p'r.



Meals S5 Cents,Mill Street, Near the Steam-

boat T landing.

Coffee and Cake, 10 Cents.Tit* ftinlng Itoom la iunder the super-

vision of Mrs. Kietter.

Oysterß in Every Style.«rmm.


Boarding on the Most Rea-sonable Terms.

Meals at all Honrs.Meal*. 29 CM- Bods. 25 Cts.

Milt Street. Seattle. W. T. nl


Beer Hall,Croat at- opposite I. Baxter A Co 'a.


FrM Lunch Day and Nicht!DOOL AND PIGEON-HOLE TABLESliithe Hall. The beat of order kept,and a pleasant visit guaranteed to all woocanto.

Xeklkom's aa<l Slorah's Been routsitljoa haad?Also Clgan.

mhS-tf 6. B»BIA*.


Iron and Brass Founders

PATTERN MAKERS.Engine A Machine Builders

Location, foot of 8«wt» lint.«14f JOS. W. CROW. Bapf

TUKNING.n AVINO LEASED POWER AT THEJl Colombia and Pu?t tkmad Railroad

Company's II<ll. I an now pea pared totako orders for allkinds at

Wood Turning,a JS&SSHU



Front Street, - - Seattle, W- T

Watchmakers and Jewelers,DKALKR3 IN

Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks


Ranges, Cook, Parlor &BoxSTOVSSi

Tiowtro, .lapauned ami Sai'lfietecd Ironware.Kitchen i'tcu-'ils of Every UiviTiption.

Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and WaterGauge's Globe Valves, &c.

Brass Goods Pumps, Copper Lead and Iron Pip©.


THE SUPERIORAcknowledged the best cooking stove in the World. Wan-ranted not to

crack by Fire. Fire Backs warranted to last five years.Have also a Full IJsie of Fmm.mia Kanges.

The Pißitt and I!t>! Rsni»e a uu i> Psr'fic i'disi

Job Work Neatiy Executed.£# Orders from the country solicited »nJ satisfaction onaranifn* ai

Crockery and Glassvrare.CSire us a Call and Look our 2tumen.se Stock

Mill Sfrtvt.


Seattle PianingMillsHannfactnrers of dl kinds of and Dressed Lumbsr,


OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.S*aw>n<»d iwmtvr r»f »I 1 Kind* fonatii|,;|v i.n Imrd.


Not, Why Not?


North British & Mercantile, of London & Edinburg,The German American, of New York,

The Phoenix, of Hartford,And The Home, of New York

INSURANCE COMPANIES.Fin Insurance or Dwellings und Furnimiv, Stotva oud M( rchaudlse, Grain, Mills,

Manufoc'ures, fcu\, at ilodjraloKate*.JOH* M. BLI.Mlllßii, (Successor to Mi-Nauplit& Lrary.)

KKXIDKNT V(:>.V. hKA'I'U.K. W. T"^*r. ww* ww wjmr JFJim.*i>jar Bi'9



Allthe latest Improved Car.irn Tools H'llp Chundlery, auil a complete stock ofAGRICULTURAL MPLEHEKTS.

Agentii for all kinds of Milling and Wooil-ivi-rkliii!Jlnrliiiirrf.Buggies, Spring and Freight Wagons,

Patent Cotton Belting, Leather Belting,The largest stock of Fishing Tackle, Guns, Revolvers, Ri-

fles, and all kinds ot Ammunition in the Territory.Acomplete stock of Leather and Shoe £ mdin .s. A! 1 goods delivered to any part

of the city."\/\/ \/\f g?m m. m

an23-tf fruui s*s'ile

jti. AM asac esm<as>i-^r,




WNH|JHHP COODS AND FAIR DEAUNG I JBefore making porchasos or Uttlag

contract*. coll kl my More on FromJf KM ,treul ttnd e*am'ne my goods and



Millso?aS ss*</> /T,. - J& 111 siS<*'??IOSOFJ- ' D =-2I?!

= 5 spEweST-g|Hi tHNMrfcrairg? *


fl|. K. ENNI3Y,

MerohantT ailo r»J tut Received from the Factories the

Latest Out and Hewert Styles of Gectlemen'ssmts in this MarketAl? »the Moat St>llah Geoda to be Made Into Salts to Order.

Keep ? fall Una of lials and Cape for Men'* and liuyt tyring and Summer Wear.Bran-thin* ia ay Stock la JTirat-ciiun and waa Selected by Myself far the

Meaule Trademm T* MIT TUX TUIRJT.a

VABOooda Imd(ram oar Establishment Guarantee.

SAMUEL KENMEY.Battle. April 18. MM.

__±J_U Lm t




Iron -and Brass Casting.9mm ISfcimf?«b»«m ih n ll>MIMIH

nunrr \u25a0*, IUTTU, w. T.