I NFORMATION€™s an App for That ÿ Mobile Food Pantry ÿ Men’s Softball ÿ Vacation Bible...

Pastor Charles [email protected] Several years ago, we were searching for another way to bring the church family together. We had several who were awaiting baptism, and we thought it might be a great idea to have a lakeside service with baptism followed by a picnic at Thousand Hills State Park. That first year led to several more, and we are again looking forward to what has become an annual event for the church. It has been close, but we have never been rained out, and we have always had some to baptize. Please make plans to join us to celebrate believer’s baptism and to share in a picnic meal together on Sunday, June 22. We gather at the shelter by the swim beach and there is always great food and fellowship. Let me write a quick word about baptism. Baptism is the second step in following Jesus as Lord and Savior. We first confess faith in Christ That is, we confess our faith and dependence upon His death burial and resurrection for our salvation. Baptism is that public testimony of our faith in Christ’s saving work. It also identifies us with His followers by bringing us into membership in the local church. The final and continuing step is to follow Christ and His teachings with all our life. This we do until Christ’s return or the conclusion of our earthly life. Have you trusted in Christ’s saving work? It not, I would be glad to visit with you and answer any questions you might have. If you have trusted in Christ, have you been baptized? If not, I would be honored to visit with you about that as well. It will be a great afternoon at the lake. I NSIDE NSIDE NSIDE NSIDE NSIDE I I I I I NFORMA NFORMA NFORMA NFORMA NFORMATION TION TION TION TION 11 am Music Minister Children’s Ministry June Calendar Men’s Breakfast 8:30 am Music Minister Food 4 Kids Family Minister Family Picnic Nursing Home Ministry College Student Ministry Koinonia Meals Church Council Mission Trip Youth Minister Lake Picnic & Baptism There’s an App for That Mobile Food Pantry Men’s Softball Vacation Bible School Father’s Day Gifts Photo Directory Teaser VBS Registration

Transcript of I NFORMATION€™s an App for That ÿ Mobile Food Pantry ÿ Men’s Softball ÿ Vacation Bible...

Pastor [email protected]

Several years ago, we were searching for another way to bring

the church family together.  We had several who were awaiting

baptism, and we thought it might be a great idea to have a lakeside

service with baptism followed by a picnic at Thousand Hills State Park. 

That first year led to several more, and we are again looking forward to

what has become an annual event for the church.  It has been close, but

we have never been rained out, and we have always had some to


Please make plans to join us to celebrate believer’s baptism and to

share in a picnic meal together on Sunday, June 22. We gather at the

shelter by the swim beach and there is always great food and fellowship.

Let me write a quick word about baptism.  Baptism is the second step in

following Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We first confess faith in Christ  That

is, we confess our faith and dependence upon His death burial and

resurrection for our salvation.  Baptism is that public testimony of our

faith in Christ’s saving work.  It also identifies us with His followers by

bringing us into membership in the local church.  The final and continuing

step is to follow Christ and His teachings with all our life.  This we do

until Christ’s return or the conclusion of our earthly life.

Have you trusted in Christ’s saving work?  It not, I would be glad to

visit with you and answer any questions you might have.  If you have

trusted in Christ, have you been baptized?  If not, I would be honored to

visit with you about that as well.

It will be a great afternoon at the lake.


ÿ 11 am Music Minister

ÿ Children’s Ministry

ÿ June Calendar

ÿ Men’s Breakfast

ÿ 8:30 am Music Minister

ÿ Food 4 Kids

ÿ Family Minister

Family Picnic

ÿ Nursing Home Ministry

ÿ College Student Ministry

ÿ Koinonia Meals

ÿ Church Council

ÿ Mission Trip

ÿ Youth Minister

ÿ Lake Picnic & Baptism

There’s an App for That

ÿ Mobile Food Pantry

ÿ Men’s Softball

ÿ Vacation Bible School

Father’s Day Gifts

ÿ Photo Directory Teaser

ÿ VBS Registration

Vital Signs

Year to Date (05/21/2014):

Budgeted Offering: $124,290.40

Received Offering: $116,400.64

Budget Expenses: $134,712.47

Bldg Fund Offering YTD: $19,312.57

YTD Average Attendance:

8:30 a.m. Worship: 97

11:00 a.m. Worship: 132

Worship Total: 232

Sunday School: 139

The Mission of HSBC

Honor God’s Truth

Share the Gospel

Build Believers

Care for Others

Would you like to save your

pop can tabs for the


There’s a collection bin in the foyer.

A successor is being sought for this

ministry. Contact Barbara Coy, 665-6005.


Volunteers are needed the 3rd Sunday

each month for the nursery during the

8:30 & 11 am services and the 4th

Sunday each month for the

8:30 am service.

Contact: Margie Kues

or the church office.

Nursery & Children’s ChurchWorkers must have abackground check.


Our 3-5 year olds are having a great

time learning about God and Jesus during

Children’s Church every Sunday. I am

so appreciative of those who have been

faithfully working with these children.

Requirements are easy: be a church

member, have a background check on

file, and be available during second

service one Sunday every two months.

But most of all, have a heart for teaching

our little ones about God and his love

for them.

If you feel led to volunteer, please

contact Pam Barnett

Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic, 11am Music Minister

[email protected]

Recently I took a month-long leave

of absence from Music Ministry here at

HSBC to help with spring field work on

my family’s farm in Upstate New York.

As I was praying and preparing for the

trip, one of my main prayers was that

God would provide for the worship here

at Hamilton Street.

Romans 8:26-32: In the same way

the Spirit also joins to help in our

weakness, because we do not know

what to pray for as we should, but the

Spirit Himself intercedes for us with un-

spoken groanings. And He who search-

es the hearts knows the Spirit’s mind-

set, because He intercedes for the saints

according to the will of God. We know

that all things work together for the

good of those who love God: those

who are called according to His pur-


By God’s grace, we at Hamilton

Street are blessed to have a willing group

of musicians who are talented in music

and in their ability to lead in worship. I’d

like to publicly thank those who so gra-

ciously and aptly covered the Music Min-

istry in the contemporary service in my

absence: David Cook, Chad Tatro,

Ashley Hartman and Kevin Martin.

Thank you all for your willingness to


Since I am on the subject of giving

thanks, I’d like to also say “Thank You”

to all of the other musicians who share

their talents in our contemporary service:

Phil Macintosh, Andrew Keene, Tanya

Tatro, Mandy Marshall, Matt Pearson,

Hannah Lantz, Jessica Martin, David

Lupton, Julie Perrey, Jessica Austic and

any others that I may have missed.

These folks work hard to hone their tal-

ents so that we can share in their joy as

they dedicate their gifts to the service

of God. Thank you!

There is also an under-appreciated

and seldom-noticed trifecta of men that

run the Audio/Visual equipment in our

service. Week after week, Tony Keene,

Michael Hartman, Jonathan Marshall

and my son Ethan prove that they don’t

need recognition to do their very best.

You guys are appreciated. Thank you.

Praise God! He provides. See you



Saturday, June 7

8:00 a.m.Rosie’s Northtown Cafe

Contact Doug Athon

Whenever you see an elephant,

please remember to pray for

Josh, Kimbre & the kids.

You will find one (or more) pictures of

an elephant in each newsletter.

Can you find the 13 elephants

hidden in this newsletter?

June 3 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

June 4 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Co-Ed Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Nominating Committee

June 5 7:00 p.m. Men’s Softball, Blue Field

June 7 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, Rosie’s Northtown Cafe

5:00 p.m. Church Family Picnic

June 8 8:30 a.m. Lord’s Supper Service

11:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper Service

12:00 p.m. Mission Trip Planning Meeting

June 9 – 13 Youth Camp, Grand Oaks

Youth Super Summer I, HLG

June 9 Book of Reports Submissions Due

7:30 p.m. Worship Study Team

June 10-11 SBC, Baltimore, MD

June 10 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

6:00 p.m. Church & Outreach Visitation

June 11 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Co-Ed Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Church Council

June 12 8:00 p.m. Men’s Softball, White Field

June 15 Father’s Day

2:00 p.m. Highland Crest

6:00 p.m. Business Meeting

June 16 – 20 Youth Super Summer II, HLG

June 17 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

June 18 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Co-Ed Bible Study / Youth

June 19 Newsletter Items Due

8:00 p.m. Men’s Softball, White Field

June 22 2:00 p.m. Church Activities begin at Thousand Hills

2:30 p.m. Twin Pines

6:15 p.m. Lake Baptism & Picnic

June 23 – 27 Food 4 Kids, Brashear, JC, PC Mills, &

Rotary Parks

June 24 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

6:30 p.m. Deacons

June 25 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Co-Ed Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Staff Meeting

June 26 8:00 p.m. Men’s Softball,

White Field

June 28 11:00 a.m. Mobile Food Pantry


June 29 2:30 p.m. Kirksville Manor Care


Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett, 8:30 am Music Minister

[email protected]

The purpose of the Church is to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commandment

(36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart

and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love

your neighbor as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40)

and the Great Commission

(18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make

disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to

obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20).

Why Do We Sing?I will praise you with the harp your

faithfulness, my God; I will sing praise

to you with the lyre, Holy One of

Israel. My lips will shout for joy when

I sing praise to you - I, whom you

have redeemed. My tongue will tell of

your righteous acts all day long for

those who wanted to harm me have

been put to shame and confusion. —

Psalms 71:22-24

Across the country and around the

world, followers of God gather weekly

to celebrate. Some meet in churches with

white steeples, others in cathedrals.

Some meet in homes, living rooms,

community centers, warehouses, and so

on. While the scenery may change from

location to location, the reason we meet

together and what we do when we

gather often looks quite similar.

We fellowship. We teach. We

regularly celebrate communion. And

we sing. Singing has always been a

central experience of the people of God.

From very early on in the Scriptures right

up to today, singing has been a powerful,

shared experience of God’s people. But

why? Why do we sing when we gather


I think we sing sometimes because

we honestly feel like it. We come

together with the people of God, filled

with joy. We can’t wait to sing and join

in with others.

Sometimes we sing purely because

we need to. We may not feel like it, but

we need to sing as a discipline of hope.

We tell ourselves, “No matter what is

going on in my life right now, I’m going

to find something to sing about.” Our

hope is that in the midst of the difficulties

of life, we might find a word or a phrase

that might offer a glimmer of hope,

something we can hold onto when

everything feels like it is falling apart.

Sometimes we sing because we

need to be connected to something

larger. Early followers of God knew a

little something about this when they

built the great cathedrals. Their physical

creations were more than mere meeting

places. Their architecture ushered

people into a greater reality. Walk into

any great cathedral and you’ll know

what this is all about. You look up.

You hold your breath. You slow

down. You reflect. The great hymns and

liturgies of the Church are like that.

They are cathedrals of words—meant

to usher us into something larger than

ourselves, to remind us of the greatness

of the God we claim to know and follow.

When we sing these words, we step into

the flow of those who have sung these

same words and found deep meaning in

them down through the years and


We need to sing! Perhaps the next

time you gather together with God’s

people and sing, you can find yourself in

the words, find hope, find something to

connect with that’s larger than you ever

imagined - something rich and deep.

Why do you sing? What kind of

difference has singing made in your

relationship with God?

See you in choir! 

Food 4 KidsMany volunteers are needed for our

participation in Food 4 Kids,

June 23 - 27, at Brashear, PC Mills,

JC and Rotary Parks.

Trainings will be held at FUMC

Thursday, June 5, 6 - 6:30 pm and

Tuesday, June 10, 5:30 - 6pm. Basic

Food Safety will be held from 6:30 -

8:30 pm Thursday, June 5 only.

Please sign up in the foyer to volunteer

to participate or contact Coordinators

Brent and Ginger Nolker

The purpose of the

family is to bring

glory to God.

Family MinistryMaking the faith intentional and relevant

David Cook, Family Minister

[email protected]

Please continue to be patient as the

remodeling takes place converting

former office space into preschool space.

There should be no disruptions on

Sundays, but please be aware the bath-

rooms at the end of the hallway will be

involved in the remodeling project as well.

Charles Spurgeon preached in

England in the middle of the 1800’s. In

one of his messages entitled “The Kind

of Revival We Need”, Spurgeon said

“How can we hope to see the kingdom

of our Lord advance when His own

disciples do not teach His gospel to their

own children?”


Those were words spoken over 150

years ago, and yet how true they ring

out today! We can get so caught up in

many different things that we forget that

we need to share with our children our

faith. It’s great to bring them to Sunday

School and to Wednesday night children’s

activities, but it is so essential for it to be

reiterated in the home.

I’m in the process of making some

brochures that give suggestions on ways

to make the faith relevant to different

age groups. What is appropriate for a 4

year old is different than for a 10 year

old. I hope to get these finished up in

the next month or so. Not only will it be

good advice for parents to share with

their children, it will be useful for

grandparents to use with their

grandchildren, too. We can never

underestimate the power of godly

grandparents in the lives of our children!

We are also trying to get families

together to share a meal with each other.

We are calling these events “Koinonia

Meals”. Koinonia is a Greek word used

in the Bible meaning “fellowship” or

“intimacy”. It has the meaning of not

being together, but being united in doing

something together to accomplish God’s

will. It’s difficult, though, to be united

when we don’t know each other. How

can we pray and encourage each other

when we don’t know how to pray or

encourage one another? Have you ever

noticed that some of the most

meaningful conversations that Jesus had

were around the table eating with others?

That’s because sometimes the most

meaningful conversations can occur

within the privacy of the home.

So, we are going to get interested

families together in various homes to

share a meal and also have some

spiritual edification. First of all, we are

looking for some host families who

would be willing to open up their homes

to allow others to meet. They would

also be responsible for providing the main

course. Interested families will sign up,

and then be placed in various homes.

There will be about 3-4 family max in

one home, which includes the host family.

The other families will then bring sides

or dessert. We want to mix families up

so one won’t have all the children and

another will have only senior adults.

After the meal, someone from the host

family will lead in a dialogue to help

encourage each other spiritually.

Materials will be provided by the Family


We will have a “kick off” picnic on

Saturday, June 7 at Brashear Park at

5pm. This will be a potluck event. In

case of inclement weather, we will meet

in the Church Multi-Purpose room.

Families will be matched so they can set

a time in June to get together. Families

can decide if it is better to have a

Saturday morning brunch, a Sunday

evening meal, or something else.

The picnic is open to all in the Church

Family – even if they are not going to

participate in the Koinonia Meals.

Pot luck dinner fellowship for families

Bring a covered dish to share

with everyone!

In case of inclement weather, we will

meet at the church!

Family PicnicSaturday June 7 @ 5pm at Brashear Park


pick upyour

from the


Twin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesEvery Tuesday at 9:30 am

Highland CrestHighland CrestHighland CrestHighland CrestHighland CrestSunday, June 15 at 2 pm

Twin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesSunday, June 22 at 2:30 pm

Kv Manor CareKv Manor CareKv Manor CareKv Manor CareKv Manor CareSunday, June 29 at 2:30 pm

College Student Bible Study Teacher

Stacy Tucker-Potter,

find her on Facebook or stop by her

office in McClain Hall 205 on the

Truman campus.We offer Associate Membership to

college students who wish to be a part

of our body without giving up their

membership in their churches back home.

If you are interested, contact Pastor

Charles [email protected].

Sign up in the foyer by June 1st.

Families will be placed together and

the host family will contact the others

to set the time and date.

Are you willing to be a host family?

Please let us know, too!

Koinonia MealsFamilies Getting Together

Summary of ChurchCouncil Agenda


Church Council recently discussed the

following items:

Spiritual Family Tree Update – Some

are calling, the deacons are contacting

the callers, but not all logs are not being

turned in consistently. Consequently,

there’s no real way to know if everyone

is being contacted.

Office Remodel – Plumbers from Bethel

Baptist Association (Hannibal) came to

work on the plumbing. They should be

done with a day and a half work, then

we will proceed after the City’s


Policy Development Dealing with

Cohabitation of Members – A team of

three agreed to finalize the


Worship in the Park – The has been

purchased and is in the shed. New yard

signs will be ordered.

Nominating Committee – Two

candidates for this committee were

discussed and will be contacted.

Food 4 Kids – At the time of this

meeting, no one has volunteered to be

coordinator, and only one person signed

up Sunday to help in the parks. It was

agreed to wait until after Sunday to see

if we will have enough volunteers to


VBS Director Job Description – This

was reviewed and suggestions were

made for revisions.

LifeLine Bulletin Insert & Hospice

Compassus Bulletin Insert Requests –

A note will be put in the bulletin that

information is available in the foyer.

Fundraiser in our Parking Lot – A

request had been received to use our

parking lot for a community member’s

fundraising event to pay for medical bills.

It was agreed that since our church does

not do fundraising, we would not want

our parking lot to be used for that


Church Directory – Our directory is 3

years old, and we have been on a 3-year

cycle. It was noted that phone numbers

are no longer working as members have

disconnected landlines in favor of cell

phones only. With Church Council’s

encouragement, it was agreed to

proceed with a new directory this fall.

Email addresses were also asked to be

included in the new directory.

Movie Night – LifeWay is offering

licensing to show God Is Not Dead for

only $77. LifeWay films are not included

in our CVLI license. It was agreed we

should have one movie night each month

during the summer. Suggestions were

sought, but nothing was recommended

other than the films be quality with

Christian themes.

Nominating Committee Request –The

Nominating Committee requested

revising the number of baptismal

coordinators from four to two. It was

agreed that two are enough.

Pastor – Pastor Charles asked for

feedback regarding David and Tony

preaching occasionally when he is

present. Usually this would occur in

connection with their area of ministry.

The suggestion and the comments will

be taken to the Personnel Committee for

their approval.

Lake Picnic & Baptism – There are

three baptismal candidates at this time.

We will need to find a portable sound

system. We will plan to serve 150.

Men’s Ministry – The Nominating

Committee was encouraged to work on

developing a Men’s Ministry committee

structure similar to the Women’s


Mission Trip

July 5 - 11, 2014

Omaha, NE

Not going on the mission trip,

but you’d like to be involved?

In the foyer, there’s a list

of items the team will need.Please indicate which items you will ontribute.

Mission Trip Planning Meeting

Sunday, June 8, following the 11 am service

Contact the pastor or David Cook,, [email protected].

TTTTTony Kony Kony Kony Kony Keene,eene,eene,eene,eene, Youth Minister

[email protected]

24 years ago I graduated from high

school.  I remember feeling

overwhelmed by the weight of the

expectations upon me as I was facing

the unknown world of adulthood.  There

were college choices to make, work

decisions, relationships, etc.  Suddenly,

I went from living day to day to trying to

figure out the course of the rest of my

life.  How was I to make these decisions,

what guide did I have?  I was a

Christian, but would I let God lead me

into adulthood.  

To be honest, I didn’t always make

the right decisions.  I had been working

since I was 16 and was enjoying a fairly

decent material living.  Now granted, I

was living with my parents and only had

a car payment, but I was living pretty

good. I was an honor student all through

school, but I was so mentally exhausted

by the time I graduated that I had no

idea what I wanted to do as far as

college was concerned.  I passed up a

couple of very nice scholarships and

ended up enrolling in a few classes at

community college.  I knew I was

expected to go and do well in school, as

I had always done, but I just couldn’t

motivate myself.  I went to a few

classes, but found myself just driving past

the school more often than not to the

point that I ended up withdrawing from

the classes.  I was 22 before I ended up

back in college; when most of my high

school classmates were already

graduating.  In the midst of work, marriage,

and kids, I did not graduate with my

Bachelor’s degree until I was 29.

If we are honest, how many of us

lack motivation or drive when it comes

to our Christian walk.  Do we feel the

weight of God’s expectations on our

lives, but we lack the drive to seek out

His will and act upon His calling?  

Our new Bible study for the Youth is

called Driven and it is a 5-week

exploration of Jesus’ Sermon on the

Mount from Matthew 5-7.  We will be

exploring Jesus’ expectations for us as

Christians.  The Sermon on the Mount

lays a solid foundation for us as we look

to live a life as a true follower of Jesus

Christ.  We will be looking at what it

means to be different in the secular world

around us as we explore the Beatitudes.

While only Jesus was Perfect, we will

look at how we can radically set

ourselves apart from our friends and

classmates as we tackle the tough issues

of the day; anger, lust, commitment, trust,

justice, and loving our enemies.  

We will look at where we place our

focus and our priorities; in treasures on

earth or treasures in heaven.  As Jesus

lays out the path for us and gives us the

instruction for how to build our life on a

firm foundation, what action will we take

to ensure we are on solid ground.  

Finally, since Jesus has given us the

keys to a life lived for His purpose, will

we share that knowledge with those

around us and seek the salvation of

friends and family.  May we all seek the

Holy Spirit to continue to Drive us

towards the life that Jesus would have

us live.

I am excited for what God has in

store for our Youth this summer.  We will

be starting Youth Praise Band again soon

in preparation for VBS in July and we

will be planning several other fun

activities.  Parents...in the midst of the

chaos that is summer time, I would

encourage you to bring your Youth to

Bible study on Wednesday nights.  God

is a God for all seasons and desires for

us to meet with Him regularly.

Blessing in Christ,

Youth Praise TeamSunday afternoons @ 4:45 p.m.

Contact: David Cook,

[email protected]

If you would like to donate aluminumcans to the Youth, place them in Doug

Athon’s pick up bed on Sundaymornings. Doug drives a green Ford

Ranger pickup.

Locatedin the Foyer.


are donated

Please Contribute NonperishableFood Items

to our Food Box

to theChristian Community Food Depot.







Prior to our Lake Baptism and

Picnic you’ll be able to take a free ride

on a pontoon boat beginning at 2:30 pm.

Sign-up sheets are in the foyer.

Sign-up sheets need to be full by

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15, or the

pontoons will be cancelled.

If you’d like to be a boat captain,

please speak with the pastor.

Swimming is available for no charge,

however, there is no lifeguard on site.

Changing rooms and showers will

be open.

Outdoor Baptism Service:

6:15 p.m.


6:45 p.m.

Meat, drink, and table service

will be provided.

Please bring sides and desserts,

lawn chairs and friends!

Men’s Slow PitchWant to play? Want to watch?

Thursdays @

North Park Ball Field

Contact: Phil McIntosh,



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Saturday,June 28

11:00 am - ???

Hamilton Street Baptist Church

802 W. Hamilton St.

Kirksville, MO

There are no income guidelines.

Recipients need to bring a photo ID,

Social Security cards for each family

member in the household, proof of

Adair County residency & a container

to take home the food.

Sign up in the foyer to help!


July 27 - 31 (Sun - Thurs)

6 - 8:30 pm

Age 3 - YouthWhile investigating at Agency D3, kids will put their investigative skills to work

as they collect and log evidence about the life of Jesus. As special agents, they will

examine eyewitness reports, physical proof, and biblical accounts to uncover and

defend the truth about who Jesus really is.

During the week kids will learn to trust God through Bible stories, crafts, moti-

vating music, and games. The investigation begins July 27th through 31st, 2014,

from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm for ages 3 through Youth.

For more information or to volunteer call Lisa King.

But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a

defense to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.

1 Peter 3:15

SundaSundaSundaSundaSundayyyyy, J, J, J, J, June 15une 15une 15une 15une 15

All men attendingAll men attendingAll men attendingAll men attendingAll men attending

wwwwworship at 8:30 amorship at 8:30 amorship at 8:30 amorship at 8:30 amorship at 8:30 am

or 11 am will ror 11 am will ror 11 am will ror 11 am will ror 11 am will receieceieceieceieceivvvvveeeee

a special gift.a special gift.a special gift.a special gift.a special gift.

Start practicing

your smile.

A new photo


is in the



Registration Form

Child’s Name __________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name ________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________

(street address, city, state, and zip code)

Phone Numbers

Home ______________________________ Work __________________________________

Cell ______________________________ E-mail _________________________________

Age Information

Birth date ____________ Last grade completed in school ___________

Medical Information

Medical or other information we need to know. (Please include any food allergies.)




Emergency Contacts (Other than listed above.)

Name_______________________________ Phone number____________________________

Name_______________________________ Phone number____________________________

Dismissal Information

Who may pick up your child at the end of each VBS day?


Other Information

Does your child attend Sunday School? If so where?


If your child is visiting our church, who is he a guest of?


May we have permission to photograph your child? Yes No

May we have permission to use your child’s photograph for the purpose of promotion?

Yes No

Charles Jackson - Pastor

Jim Barnett - 8:30 am Music Minister

Ben Austic - 11 am Music Minister

Tony Keene - Youth Minister

David Cook - Family Minister

Kay Shelby - Administrative Secretary

Hamilton Street Baptist Church

802 W. Hamilton

Kirksville, MO 63501

665-4633 [email protected]


Return Service Requested




Kirksville, MO



Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship

4:45 p.m. Youth Praise Band Practice

6:00 p.m. Worship

Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Co-ed Study / Youth

L king Forward

July 4 Independence Day, Office Closed

July 6 Adair County Detention Center

Senior Songsters

July 12-18 Mission Trip, Omaha, NE

July 26 Mobile Food Pantry Distribution

July 27 – 31 Vacation Bible School

August 3 Choir Resumes

August 17 Adair County Detention Center

August 23 Mobile Food Pantry Distribution

August 24 Worship in the Park

August 31 Highland Crest

Sunday, June 22ndThousand Hills State Park

Swim Beach2 p.m. - ??

Meat, drink, and table servicewill be provided

Free Pontoon rides:2:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Sign up in the foyer by June 15

: 6:15 p.m.

DINNER: 6:45 p.m.