I. N. K. - First United Methodist...

I. N. K. I Now Know Dodge City First United Methodist Church June, 2017 Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe, are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor. June Events June 13 th 7 p.m. Church Council Fellowship Hall June 18 th FATHER’S DAY LAST CHANCE! Attention High School Seniors & current College Students who are members of FUMC Scholarship applications are available in the church office. They must be returned to the office by 4:00 p.m. on June 1. Pick up your application today, complete it at once and return it to the church office. TABLE OF CONTENTS : Pg. 2 Jerre’s Column 3 Raciel’s Column 4 Bryce’s Column 5 Sarah’s Column 6 UMW Reading Program 7 Graduates 8 Congregational News 9 Lists & Obituary 10 Vital Statistics 11 Calendar 12 Back Cover Great Plains Info

Transcript of I. N. K. - First United Methodist...

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I. N. K. I Now Know

Dodge City First United Methodist Church

June, 2017

Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe,

are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor.

June Events

June 13th 7 p.m.

Church Council

Fellowship Hall

June 18th




Attention High School Seniors &

current College Students who

are members of FUMC

Scholarship applications are available in the church office. They must be returned to the office by 4:00 p.m. on June 1. Pick up your application today, complete it at once and return it to the church office.



2 Jerre’s Column

3 Raciel’s Column

4 Bryce’s Column

5 Sarah’s Column

6 UMW Reading Program

7 Graduates

8 Congregational News

9 Lists & Obituary

10 Vital Statistics

11 Calendar

12 Back Cover – Great Plains Info

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“Getting Unstuck”

“Imagine what it would be like to live in

a world where you are more concerned about what you have to offer than what you have to hide.”

Author unknown That is a very powerful quote. George & Sedena Cappannelli ask us to imagine a world very different from the one many of us live in. Some of us may describe our lives as being disconnected, full of mis-understandings, and not much acceptance. The Cappannellis suggest that we “connect, understand, and accept, rather than protect, defend, and resist.” Why is this so important? To get unstuck from things that prevent us from living the life we were born to live, that is to say, to spread our wings and soar, we must also remember that we need to learn, grow, and experience newness as we connect, understand, and accept. On the other hand, we tend to become stagnant when we protect, defend, and resist. Although there have always been dangers and threats, dangers seem to have been heightened with the advent of the information age and its instant forms of digital communication. Our sense of safety is also impacted by the major life transitions we all experience: job security, financial challenges, illnesses, loss of a loved one, aging, etc. In the face of this, it is no wonder we find ourselves a little breathless, bewildered and sometimes resistant to change. And yet, if we want to get unstuck, live a life of quality/dignity, accomplish our dreams, celebrate our talents, and pass on our gifts and wisdom to others we may need to live into the very core of connecting, understanding and accepting. In the end, however, it all comes down to a matter of choice. Each of us can choose to be reactive and at the mercy of a world that appears threatening, or we can choose to be open to life and its remarkable possibilities. We can be defensive and protective, or we can live with a new spring in our step and spirit, eyes that truly see, ears that really hear, and a heart that can feel the wonder and celebrate the magnificent mystery that is life. In the next 30 days, or so, join others from your church family at the First United Methodist Church of Dodge City, Kansas as we all seek to get and stay unstuck. All the best, Jerre

“Consiguiendo unstuck”

"Imagina lo que sería vivir en un mundo

donde te preocupes más por lo que tienes

que ofrecer que por lo que tienes que

esconder". Autor desconocido

Esa es una cita muy poderosa. George y

Sedena Cappannelli nos piden que

imaginemos un mundo muy diferente del que muchos

de nosotros vivimos. Algunos de nosotros pueden

describir nuestras vidas como desconectadas, llenas

de malentendidos y no muy aceptadas. Los

Cappannelli sugieren que "nos conectamos,

entendemos y aceptamos, en lugar de proteger,

defender y resistir".

¿Por qué es esto tan importante? Para desatarse de

las cosas que nos impiden vivir la vida que hemos

nacido para vivir, es decir, para extender nuestras

alas y volar, debemos recordar también que

necesitamos aprender, crecer y experimentar la

novedad a medida que nos conectamos, entendemos ,

Y aceptar. Por otro lado, tendemos a estancarnos

cuando protegemos, defendemos y resistimos.

Aunque siempre ha habido peligros y amenazas, los

peligros parecen haber aumentado con el

advenimiento de la era de la información y sus

formas instantáneas de comunicación digital. Nuestro

sentido de seguridad también se ve afectado por las

principales transiciones de vida que todos

experimentamos: seguridad en el trabajo, desafíos

financieros, enfermedades, pérdida de un ser querido,

envejecimiento, etc.

Frente a esto, no es de extrañar que nos

encontremos un poco sin aliento, desconcertados ya

veces resistentes al cambio. Y sin embargo, si

queremos desatarnos, vivir una vida de calidad /

dignidad, lograr nuestros sueños, celebrar nuestros

talentos y transmitir nuestros dones y sabiduría a los

demás. Para lograrlo, podemos necesitar vivir en el

núcleo mismo de la conexión, la comprensión y la


Al final, sin embargo, todo se reduce a una

cuestión de elección. Cada uno de nosotros puede

elegir ser reactivo ya merced de un mundo que parece

amenazador, o podemos elegir estar abiertos a la vida

y sus notables posibilidades. Podemos ser defensivos

y protectores, o podemos vivir con una nueva

primavera en nuestro paso y espíritu, ojos que

realmente ven, oídos que realmente oyen, y un

corazón que puede sentir la maravilla y celebrar el

misterio magnífico que es la vida.

En los próximos 31 días, o así, únase a otros de su

familia de la iglesia en la Primera Iglesia Metodista

Unida de Dodge City, Kansas, como todos buscamos

para conseguir y permanecer unstuck.

Todo lo mejor,


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¨Wake up from the

Spiritual Dream¨ “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise

from the dead, and Christ shall give

thee light.” Ephesians 5:14 (KJV

First, about the sleepers being

spoken to here… Sleep signifies the

natural state of people, that deep

sleep of the soul that Adam’s sin has cast all

of his descendants into, that lying down,

laziness, and ignorance, that lack of awareness

of their real condition — the condition of all

people when they come into the world and that

continues until the voice of God wakes them.

They say, “Peace! Peace!”. while the devil, as

“a strong man, fully armed” is in full

possession of their souls. They continue to

sleep and rest, although the kingdom of the

dead below is a place of sadness and agony

waiting for new Candidates; though the pit

from which there is no return has opened its

mouth to swallow them up. A fire is kindled

around them. Yet they don’t know it.

When we talk about those who sleep, we are,

therefore, to understand it to mean; sinners

satisfied in their sins; content to remain in

their fallen state, to live and die without the

image of God; those who are ignorant both of

their disease, and of the only remedy for it;

those who never were warned, or never

regarded the warning voice of God, “to flee

from the coming wrath; “those that never yet

saw they were in danger of the fire of hell. Or

cried out earnestly! “What must I do to be

saved?”. Someone like a quiet, rational,

inoffensive, good-natured of the religion of his

fathers. Or they may be zealous and orthodox,

“conformed to the strictest sect of our religion,

living as a Pharisee;” that is, according to the

account in Scripture, people that justify

themselves, people that work hard to establish

their own righteousness as the foundation of

their acceptance with God. My brothers and

sisters, the hour has already come for us to

wake from our slumber, before the “great

trumpet of the Lord sounds”, O may we

quickly see what leads to peace, before it is

hidden from our eyes! “Restore us, good Lord

In the affectionate love of Christ

Pastor, Raciel Quintana.

¨Despertar del sueño

espiritual¨ "Despierta, tú que duermes, y levántate

de entre los muertos, y Cristo te

alumbrará." Efesios 5:14

1. En primer lugar, acerca de los

durmientes que se habla aquí ... El

sueño significa el estado natural de las

personas, ese sueño profundo del alma que el

pecado de Adán ha arrojado a todos sus

descendientes, esa mentira, la pereza y la

ignorancia, esa falta de conciencia De su

condición real - la condición de todas las

personas cuando vienen al mundo y que

continúa hasta que la voz de Dios los despierta.

Dicen: "¡Paz! ¡Paz!". Mientras que el diablo,

como "un hombre fuerte, totalmente armado".

Está en plena posesión de sus almas. Siguen

durmiendo y descansando, aunque el reino de

los muertos abajo es un lugar de tristeza y

agonía esperando a nuevos Candidatos; Aunque

el pozo del que no hay retorno ha abierto su

boca para tragarlos. Un fuego se enciende

alrededor de ellos. Sin embargo, no lo saben.

2. Cuando hablamos de los que duermen, por lo

tanto, debemos entender que quiere decir;

Pecadores satisfechos en sus pecados; Contentos

de permanecer en su estado decaído, de vivir y

morir sin la imagen de Dios; Aquellos que son

ignorantes de su enfermedad y del único

remedio para ella; Aquellos que nunca fueron

advertidos, o nunca miraron la voz de

advertencia de Dios, "para huir de la ira

venidera; "Aquellos que nunca vieron que

estaban en peligro del fuego del infierno. O gritó

seriamente! "¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo?".

Alguien como una persona tranquila, racional,

inofensiva, bondadosa de la religión de sus

padres. O pueden ser celosos y ortodoxos,

"conformados a la más estricta secta de nuestra

religión, viviendo como fariseos", es decir,

según la cuenta en la Escritura, personas que se

justifican, personas que trabajan duro para

establecer su propia justicia como la

Fundamento de su aceptación con Dios. Mis

hermanos y hermanas, ya ha llegado la hora de

que nos despertemos de nuestro sueño, antes de

que la "gran trompeta del Señor suene", ¡Ojalá

podamos ver rápidamente lo que lleva a la paz,

antes de que esté oculto a nuestros ojos!

"Restauradnos, buen Señor

En el afectuoso amor de Cristo.

Past>Raciel Quintana.

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Student MinistriesA Note From Bryce

"How great are your works, oh Lord! In wisdom you have made

them all; the Earth is full of your creatures."

- Psalm 104:24

I loved everything about camp. I loved the campfires, the

skits, and the crazy games. I loved connecting with other people

and making new friends. But perhaps the thing that I loved most

about camp was the overwhelming evidence of God’s presence.

Each day I would marvel at God’s beauty in creation. On

weekends, I would make my way down to the lake and lay in a

canoe looking at the stars, and was awestruck by the vastness of

our universe. It was in these moments that I was caught up by

how amazing God must be, that God would create such amazing

beauty that stretched beyond what I could see, but yet still loves

each and every one of us.

My camp experience is not unique. Each year youth and

children across the country make their way to camps and

encounter God. They find peace in the solitude of camp. They

encounter God in new relationships. They marvel at God’s

creation. This summer, our conference camps offer these same

opportunities. With camps tailored to a variety of passions,

there is something for everyone. For information on specific

camps, visit camplakeside.net and register your child or youth

today for an experience that will change their life!

Weekly Programs

Sunday School: Our Sunday School program meets Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:00 in the RZ Room. Through the summer we will be discovering “The Real Jesus” – using a curriculum by the same name as we discover who Jesus is, based on research about what teens believe about Jesus. Summer Evenings: Our youth ministry offers youth an opportunity to gather for worship and fellowship each Wednesday through the summer. Summer evenings offers youth a chance to sing their favorite worship songs and choose their own activities each week. Summer evenings meets from 6:00-8:00pm in the RZ Room.


What to Know: Over the summer we will have a series of fun-filled activities for

youth. These activities are a great opportunity for youth to invite friends, particularly youth who are reluctant to enter the church, and have a ton of summer fun. Activities will include a trip to Hays Waterpark, an overnight

Nerf-war, sports in Chilton Park, card games, and a trip to Lake


All of our summer activities are available to all youth ranging from incoming sixth graders

through 2017 graduates.

Upcoming Dates: Sunday School June 4

Hays Waterpark June 5

Summer Evenings June 7

Sunday School June 11

Summer Evenings June 14

Sunday School June 18

Summer Evenings June 21

Overnight June 22

Sunday School June 25

Summer Evenings June 28

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SARAH SAYS Paralyzed by Fear

By Trevor Hudson in his book "Questions God Asks"

ONE OF MY FAVORITE STORIES is told by Carlos Valles, a Spanish priest who works in India. Once while cycling through the warm Indian countryside, he became aware of a strange stillness in the air. Nature seem to have stopped, as if waiting for something to happen. Sensing danger, he got off his bicycle and looked around. Suddenly he understood the reason for the eerie silence. In the low grass a cobra stood up with its hood spread and its tongue flicking. Carlos followed the snake’s gaze. It was fixed on the branch of a bush just ahead. On the branch sat a little bird, completely paralyzed. He writes:”I had heard that snakes do that to birds. Now I was seeing it. The bird had wings, but could not fly. It had a voice, but could not sing. It was frozen, stiff, mesmerized. The snake knew its own power and had cast its spell. The prey could not escape, though it had the whole sky for its range.” Carlos decided to do something. He stirred the breeze with his presence. He tried to break the snake’s hypnotic hold on the bird by waving his arms. He shouted human sounds. Eventually his efforts were successful. Reluctantly the cobra lowered itself to the ground and slid off into the grass. The countryside came alive again with its surrounding sounds. And the bird, freed from its paralysis, found its wings and flew. It discovered its voice and began to sing once more.

This story is a powerful parable. Many people today find themselves caught in the hypnotic gaze of the snake. Some are immobilized by fear or depression or despair or by some other dark feeling. Some are trapped in destructive and addictive patterns of behavior. Some go through all the familiar motions of believing—praying, reading the Bible, going to church—but somehow feel stuck in their relationship with God. As a result, like the little bird, they become paralyzed. They long for a new freedom. They have wings but do not fly. They have a voice but do not sing. If you feel paralyzed like this little bird, there is some wonderful good news in the Bible. God wants to free you and me. However, an important precondition accompanies this freedom. We need to be willing to embark on a journey of change, risk, and obedience." What is keeping you stuck or paralyzed? What would help you move out of that fear mode? The Lord wants each of us to sing the song He's given us. God wants us to feel loved and chosen as His children. The Lord wants to help and strengthen us to be all we can be! Here are a few scriptures to help you as you try to live with less fear and more trust. - Perfect love casts out fear. I John 4:18 (God's perfect love) - Don't fear, because I am with you, don't be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you. I will hold you with my righteous strong hand! Isaiah 41:10 -You who honor the Lord, trust in the Lord! God is their help & shield. Ps 115:11

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What We’re Fighting for Now Is Each

Other by Wen Stephenson Have you heard of the Brayton Point power plant? Probably not. It is set to close on June 1, 2017, in part because of two men: Ken Ward and Jay O’Hara. They wanted to call attention to one of the largest coal burning plants in New England, and the relationship between coal and climate change. Ken and Jay motored a 32’ lobster boat to Brayton Point and dropped anchor next to the pier where a freighter carrying 40,000 tons of coal was to dock and unload. Arrested for civil disobedience, their case went to trial in 2014. The two men knew they could spend months or years in jail depending on the outcome of the trial. Then a remarkable thing happened: District Attorney Sam Sutter dismissed the case. When a reporter asked Sutter if he were condoning actions that violate the law, he responded that this was about climate change and the well-being of the world’s children. “This is one of the gravest crises the planet has ever faced. The evidence is overwhelming, and it keeps getting worse. So we took a stand here today.” Can we take a stand? Climate justice requires us to do all we can to find solutions. Not just for ourselves but for everyone. Peg Abbey Education for Mission/Social Action (Bonus 2017)

Animal Beauty by Kristin Roskifte

A lion with a perm, a gray flamingo, an elephant without wrinkles? Wow, someone has a wild imagination! But wait a minute, I think I’d be pretty scared if I saw a lion with a perm. Why would a lion want to be anything but a lion? That’s what God made him to be. And it is good enough. Peg Abbey Leadership Development (Children 2017)

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The following is a list of high school

and college graduates from our

congregation this May.

Emili Alfonso, daughter of Maria Alfonso and Dale Ayers, is a graduate of DCHS. Her school activities include drama choir and musicals. At FUMC, she participated in RZ, ski trips, retreats, and the youth council, where she served as President during the 2016-2017 school year. Emili has received a vocal music scholarship to Dodge City Community College, where she plans to study nursing. Anton Hartmann, son of Auke and Ralf Hartmann, is an exchange student from Germany and a graduate of DCHS. His host parents are Ben and Debby Kennedy. His school activities include swimming, tennis and choir. At FUMC he participated in the Solid Ground worship and the Holy Thursday dinner. Anton was named to the Kansas All-State Choir, and received a one at his state solo. He plans on returning to Germany to finish high school. Cristina Jimenez, daughter of Lino and Liliana Jimenez, is a graduate of DCHS. Her school activities include cross country, band, swim team, and LCO. At FUMC she participated in Casa youth group. Cristina plans on attending Dodge City Community College, where she has earned a Presidential academic scholarship. Laurits Wolff-Skjelbred, son of Vigdis Wolff-Skjelbred, is an exchange student from Norway and a graduate of DCHS. His host parents are Ben and Debby Kennedy. His school activities include soccer, wrestling, and tennis. At FUMC he participated in the Solid Ground worship and Wonderful Wednesday meals. Laurits medaled in the Titan Classic Soccer Tournament and the JV Invitational in wrestling. He plans on returning to Norway to finish high school and then attend college. Shawn Burton, is a graduate of DCHS. Ilyssa Ferreiro, daughter of Juan and Maria Ferreiro, is a graduate of DCHS.

Winter Jones, son of Robert Jones, is a graduate of DCHS. Alyssa LaPlante, daughter of Patty Pennington, is a graduate of Ashland High School. Jadae Lindholm, is a graduate of DCHS. Tanner Schauvliege, is a graduate of DCHS. Amanda Struzik, daughter of Jason and Susannah Struzik is a graduate of DCHS.

College Graduates

Brian Morote Costas is a graduate of Dodge City Community College, earning his Associate degree in Biology. Brian graduates summa cum laude. Erin Finley is a graduate of Washburn University, earning her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Middle School History. Erin graduates summa cum laude, was awarded the Julia Etta Parks award for Outstanding Student Teaching, and was a Sibberson award finalist. Megan Gerard is a graduate of Wichita State University, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education. Megan graduates magna cum laude. Heather Gilmore is a graduate of Southwestern College, earning her Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training degree. Erin Gleason is a graduate of Fort Hays State University, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in general studies.

Graduate School Graduates

Jennifer Ralph is a graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Law, earning Juris Doctor degree with highest distinction. Sarah Samuelson is a graduate with honors of Newman University, earning her Masters degree in Education.

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The Confirmation Class became members by profession of faith on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at the 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service. New members are: Reese Bell, daughter of Trever & Melissa Bell. Zane Hager, son of Kyle & Lisa Hager. Christopher Montford, son of John & Esperanza Montford. Connor Stukenholtz, son of Alan & Carla Stukenholtz. Ethan White, son of Brad & Melyssa White. Fernando Duarte, son of Rafael Duarte and Estela Hernandez (joined 5/7/2017.) Casa de Oracion recently held membership classes. The people listed below were a part of that class and are now members of First United Methodist Church. Anibal Ramirez de Paz Ingri Dominguez


Congratulations to Allan & Cindy on the birth of a son, Allan Samuel Castillo-Pastran, on May 5, 2017.

Grandparents in our congregation are Hugo Pastran & Judith Gonzales and Petronila Orozco.


Casa de Oracion Service held a baptism by immersion service at First Baptist Church on Sunday, May 7th. The following persons were baptized:

Anibal Ramirez de Paz Ingri Dominguez Elizabeth Ramirez Jennifer Pastran Nayeli Duarte Emili Jiminez Isaiah Jimenez Natalie Jimenez Julian Herrera Barrera Emili Tursio Ramos Fernando Duarte

Guests in Worship Sunday

We were delighted to welcome these guests at our services:

(April 23, 2017) In – Town

Mary Stukenholtz. Out – of – Town

Dick & Joanne Doherty, Shamus & Kara Hager, Vic & Julie Miller.

(April 30, 2017) In – Town

None. Out – of – Town

Nelda & Tom Kirby, Shelly Werth. (May 7, 2017)

In-Town Greg, Brenda & Kyleigh Verdoorn.

Out-of-Town Gary, Christine & Victor LeRock, Kristi, Drew & Julie.

(May 14, 2017) In-Town

Jim & Sue Harrelson. Out – of – Town

Laura Andrews, Peggy Tuxhorn, Marty, Toby, Riley, Conor & Lily Burger.

Out – of – Town Bulletins

David & Sharon Robb, Wallace, KS

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LISTS, LISTS, LISTS! Below are the names of those who are sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, and Upper Rooms for the month of June.


June 4 Lisa Rumbaugh June 11 Jewell Perkins June 18 Mrs. O.L. Barngrover June 25 available

RADIO BROADCASTS - $100 June 4 available June 11 available June 18 KaCee Smith June 25 available


WEEK OF June 4-10 Kathie Schlereth June 11-17 Kornechuks June 18-24 Counces June 25-July 1 available

UPPER ROOM SPONSOR 2017 Ann Frigon & Preferred Investments


We express our sympathy to… …the family of Leonard Barnes. …Sue Gechter & family on the death of her father. …Jeff Hiers & family on the death of his father. …the family of Dick MacKinnon. …Peg & Thayne Abbey, Esther Abbey & families on the death of their sister-in-law. …Lora Louquet & family on the death of her father. …Sue Hansen, Jim Kirby & families on the death of their cousin. …Jim Reneau & family on the death of his cousin.


Dick MacKinnon Richard (Dick) A. MacKinnon, 76, died May 13, 2017. He was born on July 18, 1940 in Leadville, Colorado the son of Richard and Edna (Essemier) MacKinnon, Sr.

Dick spent his childhood in Florence, Colorado. He was on the football team that won the state championship in 1957, and graduated from Florence High School. He went on to attend Pueblo Community College. On June 25, 1961, he married Kay Koefoed in Cañon City, Colorado. She survives. In 1963, they moved to Moscow, Kansas where Dick farmed and raised cattle and sheep. Then in 1971, the family moved to Ulysses. During this time, he became a private pilot and flew the family on vacations. While living in Ulysses, Dick also served as an EMT for 15 years. He was also active in 4-H and served on the Grant County Fair Board. In 2001, they moved to Dodge City. Dick worked for the Soil Conservation Service until his retirement in 2012. He loved being outdoors, watching K-State football games, and reading.

He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Ulysses.

Dick is survived by his wife, Kay of Dodge City; son, Ross MacKinnon of Olathe; daughter, Shelley Alexander of Ulysses; sister, Eunice Ankrum of Guffey, Colorado; two brothers, Gene MacKinnon and wife Gayle of Florence, Colorado and Dean MacKinnon and wife Jenny of Rockvale, Colorado; four grandchildren, two great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Rolland MacKinnon.

Funeral service was held at First United Methodist Church, Dodge City on Wednesday May 17, 2017 at 10:30 AM with Rev. Jerre Nolte presiding. Burial followed at the Grant County Cemetery, Ulysses . Memorials are suggested to the First United Methodist Church of Dodge City or the KSU Alumni Foundation care of the funeral home.

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The Church’s Vital Statistics

Date Worship


Last Year





Last Year



Giving Last Year



376 278 86 96 4,298 45,688


158 314 34 100 2,178 13,564


298 274 74 96 18,284 6,034


316 217 96 n/a 5,808



5,417 5,900 1,570

1,763 213,960 222,378


271 295 87 98

Ministry & Mission Giving

Needed for 2017: $77,616

Received by 5/14: 26,382

Still Needed: $51,234

Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes

(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains) Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes.

If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at 227-8181.

Trinity Manor

Georgene Nuss

Darleen Mapel

Velma Faulds

Patsy Craven

Inez Stoltz

Joyce Crosby

Richard Woodworth

Grace Davis


Virginia Clark


Janet Maurer

Lee Finch


Leon Allen

Anna Allen


Margaret Irons

Manor of the Plains

Bob Borthwick

Dale Tuxhorn

Dora Lee Starks

Irene Hastings

Everett Fieser

Norma Schoen

Dot Myers

Marie Grover

Good Samaritan

Dorothy Huck

Edna Maley

Linda Mahieu

Alice Kolsky

Celia Noreen Rowe

Garden City

Marjory Howarter


Dick Kline

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First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization

…a community of joy! U.S. POSTAGE PAID

210 Soule Permit No. 148

Dodge City, Kansas 67801 Dodge City, Kansas 67801

(620) 227-8181

June 2017

Change Service Request


Great churches. Great leaders. Great disciples. Transforming the world.

Each church within the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church is asked each

year to support the ministry of the United Methodist Church through our Ministry and Mission

fund. This year, that “apportionment” for First United Methodist Church of Dodge City is


Through the end of the most recent accounting period, we have raised $26,382 of that amount,

leaving the amount still due of $51,234.

The Great Plains Annual Conference meeting will be in Grand Island, Nebraska early in

June. This meeting of Clergy and Lay Members to Annual Conference is our time to

worship, study, and conduct the business of the annual conference. We invite your prayers

as we conduct the important business of our conference. And- as always- thank you to First

United Methodist Church for your faithful giving to our Ministry and Mission


Watch for More Information Here Each Month!

Your Lay Member to Annual Conference:

Mike Morrison

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