I Love My Little Brother

I Love My New Brother Written by Kimberly Tubbs Illustrations from Google and arranged/edited by Kimberly Tubbs


This book is about a little dog who gets a new little brother. At first she is not happy that her owners brought home another dog; howevver, she realized the importance of bieng an older sister, and in the end, she loves her little brother.

Transcript of I Love My Little Brother

Page 1: I Love My Little Brother

I Love My New Brother

Written by Kimberly Tubbs

Illustrations from Google and arranged/edited by

Kimberly Tubbs

Page 2: I Love My Little Brother

Dedicated toLayLay and Doodles and there

new sister, Abby- My loveable little dogs

Page 3: I Love My Little Brother

I Love My New Brother

Written by Kimberly Tubbs

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Page 5: I Love My Little Brother

My name is LayLay, and I am a little Yorkie.

I am the oldest of two dogs. Before my brother came along, it was

just my owners and I.

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Since I was an only puppy, I got all of the toys, treats, and attention to myself.

Everybody loved me and said that I was the cutest dog.

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One day, though, my owners decided thatthey were ready to get another dog.

They thought that I needed somebody to play with,so they went out and got another puppy.

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When my owners brought home this puppy, I wasn’t quite sure what to think of him. He was bigger than me and brown, and he had a hard

time walking.

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I heard my owner say, “His name is Doodles.He is a Larbadoodle, and he is still young,

so he is still learning how to walk.”I didn’t care what his name was

or if he could walk or not. I was readyfor him to go back to his home.

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I was not very happy because Doodles was taking away all of my attention. Everybody

that came over wanted to play with Doodles instead of me.

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One day, though, my ownersaid to me, “LayLay, you need

to show Doodles whereto eat, where to use the bathroom,

and what toys he is aloud to chew on. You’re his big sister,

so it’s important that you help him.”

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I thought about it and realized that my owner was right! I should love Doodles because he is my little brother. We

may not look the same, but how is he goingto know what to do if I don’t show him?

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The next morning, right after we woke up, I showed Doodles that we use the bathroom

outside. After we went potty and came back in, our owner were there to give us a treat for going

potty outside.

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The rest of the day Doodles and I played together, ate together, and slept together.

I realized that as much as I love to do things with our owners, it is a lot more fun

to do things with another dog.

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Doodles and I continued to play, eat, and sleep together everyday, and I was happy my owners broughthome a puppy because I love my new brother.

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Thank you for reading my book. I hope you loved it! My name is Kimberly Tubbs, and I have three dogs: LayLay, Doodles, and Abby. Thinking about

LayLay being the oldest dog inspired me to write this story because I remember what it was like when my parents brought home my new

brother, and how I wasn’t so excited to have to share my parents. Never forget how amazing it is to have brothers and sisters.