I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from...


Transcript of I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from...

Page 1: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?
Page 2: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

I. Lead-in Questions

Page 3: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

1.1.Do you think it legal to clone human Do you think it legal to clone human beings?beings?

2.2.Are there any benefits from cloning?Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?Do you want to be cloned? And why?

Page 4: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

II. Cultural Notes


1. Clone :1. Clone :

2.Genetic Engineerig 2.Genetic Engineerig

Page 5: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

CloneClone : :

Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single "parent", bypassing the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent. A group of organisms or cells that are genetically identical, having beenproduced from one parent by asexual reproduction.

Page 6: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

Genetic Engineering The deliberate modification of the genetic make-up of an organism by manipulation of its DNA. Genetic engineering techniques include cell fusion and the use of recombinant DNA. Since the late 1960s this techniques have held out the most exciting promise for biotechnology.

Page 7: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?


A beautiful youth who spurned the love of the nymph Echo and in punishment was made to fall in love with his own reflection; he pined away gazing at himself in a pool and at his death was changed into the flower bearing his name narcissus.

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III. Language Points

Page 9: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?


1. creation

n. 1).action of creating 创造,产生e.g. Economic conditions may be responsible for the ~ of social unrest.经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动乱的根源。 2) (often Creation) all created things 天地万物e.g. the biggest liar in Creation 瞎话大王

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3) things made esp. by means of skills on intelligence 创照物,作品e.g. The chef had produced one of his most spectacular ~s, a whole roasted swan. 这位厨师做了他最拿手的好菜—— 一整只烤天鹅。creature n. living being, esp. an animal 生物,尤指动物creator n. person who creates 创造者,创作者create v. cause to exist 创造,创建creative a. of or involving creation 创造的,创造性的

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WordsWords2. residence n.1) a house, esp. a large or impressive one 住所;住房(尤其)豪宅e.g. a desirable family residence for sale 待售的理想家居2)the fact of living in a particular place 居住;定居e.g. They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.他们到第二年春天才住进了新家。3)permission to live in a country that is not your own (在他国的)居住权;居留许可e.g. They have been denied residence in this country. 这个国家不给他们居住资格。in residence ( 在大学等处 ) 有正式职位;常驻

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3. identical a.1) similar in every detail 相同的e.g. Her dress is almost identical to mine. 她的连衣裙几乎和我的一模一样。2) the identical (only before noun) the same 同一的e.g. This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住的房间。常用短语 (be) identical with 和…完全相同 (be) identical in 在…方面是相同的 under otherwise identical conditions 其他条件都相同时 identical twins 同卵双生

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WordsWords4. oppose v. 1) to disagree strongly with sb’s plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding 反对(计划、政策等);抵制;阻挠e.g.I would oppose changing the law. 我反对改变这个法规。2) compete against 对抗,与某人较量e.g.Who is opposing you in the match? 谁和你比赛?常用短语: oppose M against N 把 M 与 N 相对照或相比 oppose M to N 把 M 与 N 相对照或相比 oppose oneself to 反对

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WordsWords5. offensive adj.1) rude in a way that cause you to feel upset, insulted or annoyed 冒犯的;得罪人的e.g.His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers. 他的评论严重触怒了众多的单身母亲。2) extremely unpleasant 极其讨厌的;令人不适的e.g.an offensive smell 刺鼻的气味3) (only before noun) connected with the act of attacking sb/sth. 攻击性的e.g.He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon. 他被指控携带攻击性武器。4)(AmE, sport 体 ) connected with the team that has control of the ball; connected with the act of scoring points 进攻型的;攻方的

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n. 1) a military operation in which large numbers of soldiers, etc. attack another country 进攻e.g.The final offensive was launched on January 10. 1月 10 日发动了最后的进攻。2) a series of actions aimed at achieving sth in a way that attracts a lot of attention 攻势a sales offensive 销售攻势常用短语: be on the offensive 主动出击 go on (to) the offensive/ take the offensive 先发制人

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WordsWords6. comprise n.1) A settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions.妥协:双方互相让步解决分歧的方法e.g. Most wage claims are settled by ~. 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决。 Can the tow sides reach a ~ ? 双方能互让和解吗? 2) Something that combines qualities or elements of different things:折衷事物:折衷不同事物性质和要素的产物:e.g. The incongruous design is a ~ between high tech and early American. 这个不协调的设计是高科技与早期美式建筑折衷的产物

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v.1) to settle by concessions.妥协:通过让步来解决、折衷e.g. I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wanted to Spain, so we ~d on Italy. 我想去希腊我妻子想去西班牙,所以我们折衷了一下,去意大利。

2) bring (sb./sth.) into danger or under suspicion by foolish behavior

( 因行为愚蠢 ) 陷入危险境地或受到怀疑 e.g. He has irretrievably ~d himself by

accepting money from them. 他因收了他们的钱铸成大错害了自己。

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7. potential a. 1) that can or may come into existence; possible 可能存在或出现的;可能的

e.g. a ~ source of conflict 可能引起冲突的根源 This book is arguably best seller. 该书或可成为畅销书。2) in existence and capable of being developed

or used 潜在的,有潜力的e.g. ~ energy, power, resource 潜力,潜能,潜在资源

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n.1) ~ (for sth.) possibility of being developed or used 潜在性,可能性e.g. She recognized the ~ for error in the method being used. 她意识到在所采用的的方法中可能出错。 He studied the German market to find the ~ there for profitable investment. 他对德国市场进行研究以寻求投资获利的可能性。2)voltage 电压、电势

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WordsWords8.tolerate v.1) allow (sth. that one dislike or disagrees with) without interfering 容忍

e.g. I won’t ~ such behavior. 我不能容忍这种行为。

2)endure 忍受e.g. How can you ~ that awful woman ? 你怎么能受

得了那个可恶的女人? 3) (medical) be able to take (a drug etc.) or undergo (a treatment) without harm 能服用(药等);能经受(治疗)e.g. The body cannot ~ such amounts of radiation. 身体受不了那么大剂量的放射线。 tolerable

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a. 1) endurable 可容忍的,可忍受的 e.g. The heat was ~ at night but suffocating during the day.这种炎热的天气在夜里尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。 2) fairly good, passable 尚好的,还可以的 e.g. We had a very ~ lunch.

我们吃了顿不错的午餐。 tolerant

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a. having or showing tolerance 容忍的,宽容的e.g. I am a ~ man but your behavior in more than I can bear 我是个能忍的人,但是你的行为我已忍无可忍。 Her own mistakes made her very ~ of/towards others.她因自己有错误,对别人就概不计较了。 Antonyms: stand withstand bear endure abide live with

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wordswords 9.inherit vt. receive a house, money, title, etc. from someone who has died 继承 ( 传统等 )词根: hered 继承,遗传,传给in- 置于某状态或条件中,使 ... ,作 ... ,加强;在内,向内,在上;e.g. The children inherited their father's land. 孩子们继承子父亲留下的土地 He inherited the estate. 他继承了产业词组 : inherit a taste from sb. 从某人那里继承的情趣inheritable adj. 可继承的 , 会遗传的 ; 遗传的e.g. an inheritable trait 遗传特征heritage n. 遗产,继承物;传统 a cultural heritage 文化遗产

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10.Immune: a.1) protected against through the body’s natural resistance (followed by to) 免疫的e.g.The health of the body is dependent on the immune system’s ability to recognize and then destroy bacteria and viruses. 身体的健康依靠免疫能力来发现和摧毁细菌和病毒。 A healthy immune system protects the body against bacteria, viruses, and other harmful agents. 健康免疫系统保护人体不受细菌,病毒和其它有害物质的侵袭。

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2)not affected by sth. (followed by to) 不受影响的,无响应的e.g. we are not immune to the influences around us. 我们不能不受周围环境的影响。 Football is not immune to economic recession. 足球不受经济衰退的影响。3)exempt(followed by from) 免除的,豁免的e.g. Nobody is immune from mistakes. 谁都难免出错。

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【同义词】 exempt 免除的,豁免的 【扩 展】 immunity n. 免疫力 immunize v. 使免除,使免疫,使失效 immunology n. 免疫学 immunochemistry n. 免疫化学 immunotherapy n. 免疫疗法

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PhrasesPhrases1. take up: 1) fill a space, occupy 占,占地方 e.g.Learning English takes up a lot of my time.学英语占了我许多时间 2) enter upon (a profession, a subject of study, etc.) 开始从事 e.g.The scientist has taken up a new subject. 这位科学家开始研究一个新的课题3) allow passengers to mount 让乘客上车;接纳 e.g.Sam said he would help me, and I took him up on his offer. 山姆说,他愿帮助我。我接受了他的提议

Page 28: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

• 2. lash out at: make a sudden violent attack at with blows or words 猛击,严厉斥责

• e.g. He lashed out at them with his fists.• 他用拳头猛击他们。• It seemed that he was going to lash out at

the saleswoman, but he controlled himself.• 他好像要严厉斥责这个售货员,但他控制了自己。


Page 29: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

• 2. lash out at: make a sudden violent attack at with blows or words 猛击,严厉斥责

• e.g.He lashed out at them with his fists.• 他用拳头猛击他们。• It seemed that he was going to lash out at

the saleswoman, but he controlled himself.• 他好像要严厉斥责这个售货员,但他控制了自己。


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• 3. start out: • 1) intend when starting 起初意图• e.g. They started out wanting a house, but

eventually bought a flat.• 他们起初想买一幢房子,但最终买了一套公寓。• Peter didn’t start out to apply for Yale

University——it just happened that way.• 彼得起初不想申请耶路大学,只是偶然。


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• 2) begin 开始• e.g. He started out in the personnel department;

later he was transferred to the sales department.• 他开始在人事部门工作,之后转到销售部门。• She started out as a teacher and only began

writing in his thirties.• 她开始作为教师,三十几岁时才开始写作。


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• 4.grow into : become gradually as time passes 长成

• e.g. With the construction of the highways, the village is growing into a town.

• 随着高速公路的建设,这个村子变成了一个城镇。

• She is growing into a beautiful young woman.

• 她出落成了一个漂亮的女人。


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IV. Comprehension IV. Comprehension


Page 34: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

1. 1. Text Organization Text Organization

Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas

Part 1 Paras1-2 Dolly the sheep, a clone, was born.

Part 2 Paras3-6 Dolly’s birth has made cloning a reality and human cloning a possibility.

Part 3 Paras7-11 People have to face the ethical problems of human cloning.

Part 4 Paras12-16 Cloning technology could benefit people in more than one day.

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2. Main Idea2. Main Idea


Page 36: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

Dolly’s birth has made cloning a reality and human cloning a possibility, but people have to face the ethical problems of it. However, someone claims that cloning technology could benefit people in more than one way.

Page 37: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

3. 3. Paraphase Paraphase .

Page 38: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

1) He does not even recall getting a telephone call from John Bracken, a scientist who had monitored the pregnancy of the sheep that gave birth to Dolly, saying that Dolly was alive and healthy and weighed 6.6 kilograms.

---He does not even remember receiving a phone call from John Bracken, a scientist who had observed the whole process of the pregnancy of the sheep that gave birth to Dolly, saying that Dolly was in good condition and weighed 6.6 kilograms.

Page 39: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

2) No one broke open champagne. No one took pictures.

---No one broke open champagne to celebrate and no one took pictures for the birth of the cloned sheep.

3) Yet Dolly, who looked for all the world like hundreds of other lambs that dot the rolling hills of Scotland, was soon to change the world.

---Yet Dolly, who looked like hundreds of other sheep in every respect that spread the rolling hills of Scotland, was soon to change the world.

Page 40: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

4) When the time comes to write the history of our age, this quiet birth, the creation of this little lamb, will stand out. The world is a different place now

that she is born.---When people begin to write the history of our

age, this quiet birth, the creation of this little lamb, will draw great attention. The world will be

changed because of her birth.

5) The udder cell’s genes took up residence in the egg and directed it to grow and develop.

---The udder cell’s genes went and lived in the egg and made the egg grow and develop.

Page 41: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

6) Until Dolly entered the world, cloning was the stuff of science fiction. -Before Dolly was created, the technology of

cloning was still the material of science fiction.

7) Nor is it science fiction to think that your cells could be improved beforehand, genetically

engineered to add some genes and remove others.---It is not a science fiction to think that your cells could be improved by genetic engineering to add

some genes and remove others in advance.

Page 42: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

8) “There is no reason in principle why you couldn’t do it.” But, he added, “All of us would

find that offensive.” ---“As far as basic principles are concerned that

there is no reason that you couldn’t clone humans.” But, he added, “All of us would feel upset.”

9) But what if the child inherited my looks and your brains?

What would be the result if the child got the appearance of mine and the intelligence of yours?

Page 43: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

10) Is there, in fact, knowledge that we do not want? Are there paths we would rather not pursue?In fact, is there any knowledge that we do not want

to acquire? Are there any paths that we would rather not explore?

11) Oppenheimer said, “When you see something that is technically sweet you go ahead and do it.”

Oppenheimer said, “When you find something that is technically perfect, you should just work for it

and realize it without hesitation.”

Page 44: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

12) If not, it will lash out at you and kill you.---If the marrow does not genetic match your own, it will attack you violently and even cause your death.

13) Instead, technicians would bathe it in proteins that direct primitive cells, embryo cells, to become

marrow cells. ---Instead, technicians would put the egg into

proteins and make the primitive cells, that is the embryo cells, become marrow cells

14) What started out to be a clone of you could grow into a batch of your marrow---the perfect match.

What intended to be a clone of yourself could gradually become a lot of your marrow---the perfect

match. to you.

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4. Grammar 4. Grammar .

Page 46: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

1) And yet her creator. Ian Wilnut, a quiet, balding fifty-two-year-old embryologist, does not remember where he was when he heard that the lamb, named Dolly, was born.

---Ian Wilnut, quiet, balding a quiet, balding fifty-two-year-old embryologist, are in apposition.

2) True, it was a sheep that was cloned, not a human being. But there was nothing exceptional about sheep.

---The structure “ True….. but……” or “It is true but” can be used to admit that a fact or opinion is real or valid before indicating that you think that it is important or relevant in the circumstance. For example:True, your paper isn’t finished, but it is due.

Page 47: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

3)But what if the child inherited my looks and your brains?

--- The structure “what if” can be used to ask what should be done if a particular difficulty occurred or what would be the consequences of something happening, esp. something undesirable. It equals “what would happen if……?”For example: What if terrorists are to capture a nuclear weapon?

4)Are there paths we would rather not puesue? --- “would rather” means “would prefer to”. It is often

used in the following structures: Would rather (not) do Would rather + that-clause

Page 48: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

5. 5. Writing Writing TechniquesTechniques


Page 49: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

The text has an eye-catching introduction and objectivity. The text starts with the birth of Dolly, because it is a critical point in cloning research. Reader interest is further aroused by the low-key tone. Before listening the many benefits of human cloning in Part IV, the author first identifies the ethical problems involved in part III, In the article, she asks many questions, to which she gives no answer. What’s more, there are more big and technical words, sentences and paragraphs are relatively longer and more complex.

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6. 6. Post-reading Post-reading DiscussionsDiscussions


Page 51: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?

1. If you had the chance to clone a person who would you colone?

2.Give a brief history of the scientific research into cloning.

3.What are the major prons and cons of human cloning?

Page 52: I. Lead-in Questions 1.Do you think it legal to clone human beings? 2.Are there any benefits from cloning? 3.Do you want to be cloned? And why?