I KNtI61tT LANG Humor Sense Philosophy Dealers- t Florida...

s 7 VTV Kute d < w Psp J p 1J jd i OCALA EVENING STAR TUZtDAY JUNE 15 1900 a v fSt Pl s U < KNtI61tT LANG J st adIng Vehicle Dealers- of Central Florida t AilMfne SId IdtjWc Waftu tafflfe tam art Cirriafb firrl taI aB fieL iness Saltles Lip bits WUpt art a tteas- e rki by tirftites hMK tikis fcM ttftfM La qaM- Mm far fcc iicUrks aM always ta itoek it IK very west prices f Wecasave yii airy M ytir pwehases be ftey- fer IareirL- A MM II UK leittH art best lIMes tf i waus1tbeIIcL KNIGHT LANG IIIrIISNe f Silt OOU FlttlBA VflJiJJ C w p j FORT KING Jj 1 MAIE 111 IMS Bottled I a B- oOne > d r i Hi- t Quart 100 Four Quarts 350 D1peIS j Deiivered375- P I t This is a choice High Grade 1 Private s Stock lye Wktokey I audweFuIyuarukeittoI- I I be as good as any bottled in I if I bond whiskey on the market r 1 i that is sold for f 150 a quart fl- tk r I THE CARUCHiEL SOl CO- FLORIDA OtALA F SilDB saved Itf 1 free How to Get Library Slips Slips are packed with houacoold products A Library i SjaIso appears in each issue of this paper Cut it out and I save it wlhoe packed with the foflowiag pfodwchr- Anaoara j fSSSF Brand ol Canned Meats Annoort Potted aad DeHied Meat l- Armonra Star Sliced Bacon Armours Extract of Beef ArraourBSotehle lid i- Anaocrs t Luncheon Beet Banner Lye Disinfectant > Banner Chloride ef X4me 1 I Ammonia licnsdorpa Royal DutchCocoa Beardaleya Acaw tm- latjtBnlttr Bcanlsleya Bcardslera Star Boaelea Herriaf- ftJikia g Powder Best byTct Dunham a Original Shred I Jlone Earn Kinks lQ Oatmeal nd alt HO Product GeraaaaAaKricaa Geffee- laadjeis Golden Macaroni Noodles Spaghetti etc Heidea Licorice Faatinet 1 Pf aad 5ah bc3 TcllOTee Cream Potrder Mrancna Takna Poirder Mtt None Such Mince MQlPabit Extract the Bet TTaaie- Hrtapelaa < Massage Cream Prophylactle Tooth 3ruieiPaao A APtsmicc Soap ScrnbKZ Scouring SoapSany Moaday- M s 3inOne 1OObouchod- useJIowtoGatker Library Sllpa OaIddJ LrrSps 3d6cias horn tIUJpapsd tlioteobtaBMrifroa pnduai ataybe set caty Ciii bicL Ose Full Llnty Slip earab OTM ct aid Inll- icaq Lwy- S SUp frtcbota of one cent fcaetioea to as F uJp- ecbt r Slip One hutd Full Ubrar Slips equal SIOO S sd What Ltbrarr SIlpa Bay Library Stipe are accepted ia fallj = payment for subscription to this newspaper or for rabacriptioH z i j magazines Ih also buy book far tw- I cent ataaap Brine Order aad LlferaiT ef tatll 1M W 14ft It ffIcofthINwapipr All Orders sboald be wrinei IN Ysi CI1e plainly letter giving name and aad what is de aired aad be accompanied by proper number of library Slips S Z 11 VALUABLE SAVE Jia- J I1LIIk td WSST LL ACer i4srr w CITY 6 1 I Ii ONE QUARTER DFA FULL LIBRARY SLIP is- I I WR0M Tilt pRGpA C n or THIS pp ONLY T Ninr7 payment for megaiines book end aubscriations so iiiwsps- rI1 tIsTsTJbs PQllcmaoeAWAuPoaT iJai ii- 7Ji w eO Ne 22861501 I I uv osucTs Mw 1 mt TUMI e i vt MM nuwr tn ttt n mm tm 1 4- L u I The Value of Good- r Digestion bssy to fifur if you know what your ttoauch b worth Kodol ketpc the stomach at par Tmkic- by ioMnrinf good clifMtkm Kodol cures Dyspepsia I K 4ol lMTir good dlftttioa ly- atMlttalr to special effort by toNIcs aad dopUcatlni Natures stimulants doesat cure anythia raonaal pracaas la perfectly digest or accomplish any good Neither te < all food taksjsi Into tks itom does dieting ImdlgesUon sad the ClLWklte serious ailments which It laiuces i Xotel Ii doing this the can be averted and corrected only tstonach te rwtisc aad becoming by aatmral mew atromg and healthy A itrong udKOdol811PpUee this natural kaalthj atom h gxtaraaUee a- rmi meams It perform the stomachs and actty brala- Tka work for Itjust as the stomach maa with a sound itomach should perform it while the stom- ach a ttoaacA that Is doUr for tae takes a little rest for tile bOy just what Nature tetended- K BtOBBChn sake todo Is the taaa whe 1 > always Our Guarantee prepared for any caermey He Oeto78V IGda7aa4 S la there with tM coots hout Tkea after TOT UTe 4 tke The Baa with a sick stomach is- m eaUre aoateau it the betti U Jna- eaeetly ma sktr all orer Whea the aay taat H aaaMt = aar food retara the botUe to the d aa tto MCB Is Irritated by undicested e u rafoaA TOUT atoaey without oaea Sod the blood and Jan are di- rectlf ilomwaelay We will Uaa pay the drear flrtfer the aettle Dvat awattate affected Them dallatst mm- atmral kaew that ear fruraatee U aeoeV sleepmese rrickbe M Thla offer applies to the large TMttto oel7 diG aid fatattaa spells and aM te toaes allallT one IaJwe tie coatefaa H ttaaea aa aaaca aa the Sftf rert serious brmlm rouble derelop- Xb4elwin eent bow prereat these Kodol is prepared the labora- toriesof 4 Ipatiiaf the stomach sad brala ECDeWitt JbCo Chicago L FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS IDftU8SJOREI- I 4 sp 2- b I S r tS i P I I Humor and Philosophy nVJfCAJf N SMITH- S PERT PARAGRAPHS Generally the thing that you most want comes to you just when you dont want it Dont criticise It might set a disa- greeable ¬ precedent An Idle rumor la something c that everybody ic5 I 7 seems to have I wi 1TJ- c 11r1 room fo- rEvery 1 dollar 5 that a man has clamors for an ¬ other of Its kind People who are afraid of their shad- ows ¬ usually cast such small ones too True every man Is contrary but who should be if not the men If you Insist on roasting everybody dont be surprised If you find It bard to I pay yOU fuel bill I Blessed are they who want nothing for they are due to get lots of It Some people are so fond of original- ity ¬ that they borrow their neighbors when they run short ot their own A pup la often as expensive as a child and likely to be better bred When the best Isnt good enough for you you are likely to get the worst King of Air At last In wings triumphant- The puny creature man Can soar aloft as even The stately eagle can Can rise above the steeple And gambol in the air And on a moments notice Can go roost anywhere It took a lot of trying Before he turned the trick For years hia apparatus Right to the earth would stick- It cost him many a tumble Nor were the bruises shy Whenever he attempted Before he learned to fly And many were his wonders That never made a start That failed at the beginning- And well nigh broke his heart And many were the theories He figured out with care That looked all right on paper But couldnt cleave the air But now mere man has conquered- The wheels revolve and lo He spins athwart the azure And circles to and fro Amazed are all the crokers Who said it was absurd The evidence convinces That man la now a bird Putting It on Met Got your vacation trip planned yet- I let my wife do that us0 she will be sure to be pleased- No j so I will feel at liberty to kick on It when things go wrong Qualified- I cannot be your patron saint But I would be a winner If any time you ever need A patron sinner God Advice a4Y IOOMT LIKE T TALK A GUT MuILP 5UY M- AWvL Ap TO T ANOThER 4 MATMa- I I 18 EL T1w I While reasonably fond of our friends- we hate to hear them talk about them- selves ¬ all the time Should I Suppressed The earthquake Is a gambler Take notice of its little plot- It comes around and Jars the ground And shakes you for your house and lot Up to Expectations Whose picture Is that i- AbrllllantAmerlcan girl who mar- ried ¬ a duke Is that true story or a fairy tale No It la from real life They were truly married and lived unhappy ever after In the Wrong Place He built an irrigation ditch But all his efforts were in vain No floods came down to make him rich Though he had water on the brain Something Good How is your son getting on 1 JFlue replied the old lady He was elected to congress this spring But there were no congressional elections in the spring W ll maybe it was president Fixtures- Its patrons have been planted there The Jail is where they stay For though they kick about the tare They do not TO away Of Course 1 do hate to be poor Whyr Because you idiot I am i suppose Fd just dote on It if I werent POOR MILK- Is often thought to be responsible for an infants loss in weight or general poor health The cause usually Is that the child has worms They get the nourishment in the food and the baby starves actually starves Whites Cream Vermifuge expels the worms and nourishes the child sure and safe Price 25c ct all druggists COLT FOR SALE- A twoyearold colt stone gray gentle In every way Will sell cheap Apply V D P Pratt Belleview Fla Off fattmst To Wow a I 0 i woaen as are not seriously If huh wt who have exacting duties 10 pert either in the way of house It d cares VOT In social duties and luno II i seriously tax their strength U w nning mothers Dr Pierces Favorite iptlon has proved a most valuable su ng tonic and invigorat- Ing nervlne BY it3tlroely use much ferious slckmy and snrfertng mavbe avoided The operating table and the iurjeons knife wou < lr It 15 beljeveu seldom have to be em loved iJthis mos- trcnriM valuabl- etojnfood w a w time The Favorite Prescrip lion has pro vena great boon to expectant soothers by preparing the system for the coming of baby thereby r jndering child ¬ birth safe easy and almost painless Bear in mind please that Dr Pierces ParoriU Prescription is not a secret or patent medicine against which tho most Intelligent people are quite naturally averse because of the uncertainty as to their composition aud harmless character- but is a MEDICIXE OP LOWS COMPOSI- TION ¬ a full list of all its Ingredients being printed in plain English on every bottle wrapper An examination of this list of Ingredients will disclose the fact that it Is nonalcoholic In its composition chemic- ally ¬ pure triplerefined glycerine taking- the place of tho commonly used alcohol In its makenp In this connection it may not be out of place to state that the Favorite Prescription of Dr Pierce Is the medicine for tho cure of- woman s peculiar weaknesses and ail- ments ¬ through druggists all the Ingredients of which have the un- animous ¬ endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the I several schools of practice and that too as remedies for the ailments for which I Favorite Prescription is recommended- A little book of these endorsements will be sent to any address postpaid and absolutely free If you request same by postal card or letter of Dr R V Pierce Buffalo NY Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con itipatlon Constipation is the cause of many dl es cause and you I cure the disease Easy to take as candy NEW YORK GIRL KIDNAPED- New York June 15Xew York Al- bany ¬ and Chicago police are hunting- for Beatrice Marks the 17yearold I daughter of Solomon Marks a rich retired clothier of this city who is be- lieved ¬ to be the victim of a kidnauper- and held for ransom THE BIG HEAD- is of two kindsconceit and the big head that comes from a sick headach Does your head ever feel like a goud and your traIn feel loose and sore You can cure it in no time hy acting- on your liver with Ballards Herbino Isnt it worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you get At al druggists MAD SOLDIER RAN AMUCK- Des Moines la June 15 Corporal Lisle Crabtree yesterday probably 1 fatally shot Capt John C Raymond commanding officer of Troop B Sec ¬ ond United States Cavalry at Fort Des Moines shot and seriously injur- ed ¬ First Sergt James H Washburn- and Corporal Elijah Such who at ¬ tempted to disarm him and then shot I himself the bullet striking a rib above the heart and crushing the hone He may recover Crabtree had been rep ¬ rimanded by Capt Raymond He Is believed to be crazy It is feared that Capt Raymond cannot li- veCASTORIA For Infants and Children Th Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- Signature 1 n of GENERAL KOUNTZ Toledo Ohio June HGcn John- S Kountz past commanderinchief of the G A R died at his home heYe yesterday morning He had been ill for some time Colds that hang on weaken the con- stitution ¬ and develop into consump- tion ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar cures persistent colds that refuse to yield to other treatment Do not expennunt with untried remedies as delay nay result in your cold settling on your lungs Sold by all druggists MUTINY IN THE FILIPINES Manila June I5Details of mutiny- of the company of native constabulary stationed at Davas in the island of Mindanao on the night of June 6th show that an attack on the officers- was made unexpectedly by the muti ¬ neers When the mutineers opened fire an officer was hit three times but none of the wounds are serious The mu ¬ tineers then fled to the hills after tak ¬ ing 30 rifles and 5000 rounds of am ¬ munition There are many imitations of De Witts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve DeWitts is the original Be sure you get DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it It is good for cuts burns and bruises and is es- pecially ¬ good for piles Sold by all druggists L ALEXANDER Practical CARPENTER MID BUILDER Careful estimates made on all contract work orves more and bet ¬ ter work for the money than any other contractor in o- wnFOLEYS HONEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy Tor coughs colds throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good for everybody Sold veryirhcrd Tho genuine TOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ii Yellow package RefusesubstituUu- Prepared only by V ISy A Company Chfcasrtv FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS t OAK GROV PCNIC- The annual picnic and barbecue will be given at Oak Grove June 24th Everybody invited- S C CARUTHERS S J GAMBLE SOL CARUTHERS RICHEST NEGRO IN THE WORLD- The Los Angeles Record has the following to say of Millionaire Ten nenbaum the Diamond King and Goodman Bray his colored millionaire mining superintendent- You have heard of Tennenbaum He is best known as the Diamond King He is coming over from Bel- gium ¬ this month and as soon as he arrives In New York he will start across the continent with Goodman Bray a giant negro For as Tennenbaum Is the Dia ¬ mond King so is Bray the Tourma ¬ line King Bray is as black a negro as ever come out of the heart of the Congo- He Is probably the richest black man in tho world Tennenbaum picked him up when he was a ragged pick ¬ aninny making mud pies In the slums- of New York- Tennenbaum took a liking to the little black urchin because of his jolly little laugh The Diamond King sent the boy to school and then to college Before he was 20 Bray had charge of the wonderful collection of gems that won for Tennenbaum his title of king Then Tennenbaum made him his buyer and for years the giant black traveled to almost every corner of the earth looking after the interests of his foster father For the past eight years Bray has had charge of the Tourmaline mines- at Mesa Grande Mexico He has carte blanche to draw on Tennebaum- for whatever he wants and although- he is 60 miles from the nearest im ¬ portant city he lives in the style of- a prince Bray looks like Peter Jackson He is quite sure that had not Tennen ¬ baum found him he would have been- a prize fighter I think I would have won heavy- weight ¬ laurels he remarked modest- ly ¬ The nineteenth annual session of the Womans Missionary and Educational State Convention Auxiliary to the Baptist State Convention will be held with Covenant Baptist church Ocala Fla June 24th and 28th 1909 LUW RATES via the NFAijtni AIR iNE 1705 Asheville N C and return account International Convention Baraca and Philathea Tickets on sale June 17 and 18 Final limit June 25 1909 1425 Atlanta Ga anti return ac- count American Association of Opticians Tickets on sale June 19 and 20 Final limit June 25 1909 1705 Asheville N C and return account Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan biennial meeting Tickets on sale July 8 9 10 and 11 Final limit July 26 1909 3165 Memphis enn and return account Interstate Cotton Seed Crushers Association Tickets on sale May 16 17 and 18 Final limit May 22 190- 96690Denver Colo and return ac ¬ count General Assembly Presbyter- Ian church of U S of America Tickets on sale May 16 17 18 and 19 Final limit to reach original starting point October 31 835 Savannah Ga and return ac ¬ count General tssemby Presbyter- ian ¬ church in United States Tick- ets ¬ on sale May 17 18 and 19 Final limit June 2 190- 92080ashvUle Tenn and return account Annual Session Sunday School Congress and Young Peo- ples ¬ Chautauqua Tickets on sale June 7 8 and 9 Final limit 15 days from but not including date of sale 1525Tuscaloosa Ala and return account summer school for teachers University of Alabama Tickets on sale June 8 9 12 14 19 21 28 July 3rd and 5th Final limit 15 days from date of sale but by deposit- ing ¬ tickets with special agent Tuscaloosa not later than 15 days from date of sale extension may be had to September 30 on payment of fee of 51 2080 Nashville Tenn and return account Peabody College summer school for teachers and Vanderbilt Biblical Institute Tickets on sale June 6 7 S 14 15 16 28 29 and 30 Final limit 15 days from date of sale but by depositing tickets with spec ¬ ial agent Nashville not later than 15 days from date of sale extension- may be had to September 30 on payment of fee of 21 For full information ana sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea ¬ board or write to S C Boylston- Asst Gen Pass Agent Jacksonville Fla or call on H C Raysor C T A Ocala Fla NOTICE OF APPLCATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4888 Laws of Florida Notice is hereby given that L O Booher purchaser of tax certificate No 537 dated the 3rd day of June A D 1907 has filed said certificate in my office and has made application for tax deed to issue in accordance with law Said certificate embraces the following described property situated- in Marion county Florida towit Corn 131 chs s of ne cor of Sanchez Grant tp 15 s r 22 e thence w 25 chs n 10 chs e 25 chs s 10 chs2S acres The said land being assessed- at the date of the Issuance of such certificate in the name of A A VeaL Unless said certificate shall be re ¬ deemed according to law tax deed will issue thereon on the 18th day of July- A D 190- 9Witness my official signature and seal this the 14th day of June A D 1909 S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla- t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4883 Laws of Florida Notice is hereby given that L L Home purchaser of tax certificate No 7S4 dated the 5th day of June A D 1905 has filed said certificate In my office and has made application for lax deed to issue in accordance with law Said certificate embraces the following described property situated- in Marion county Florida towIt NeU of sei sec 12 tp 16 s r 20 e The said land being assessed at the date of the issuance of such certificate- in the name of L Home Co Un ¬ less said certificate shall be redeemed according to law tax deed will Issue thereon on the 19th day of June A D 1909Witness my official signature and seal this the 14th day of May A D 1909 S T SIstrunk Clerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla < = i 5 ys Common Sense J- Iasde 0 j aset ps- eupssisa i wT nre it 1- Di Pisress ± tM mireri el wWeIa prim WI 1- reset nwy Nt iii tIIMa up tM btg- wJsfi attest i serrstsese eMIt lire dy wia i kse NoscmNo Dcinog t ° 4- ma 1- S A I eI IM PIvi aa- q4 k p1 7V Th PJRw- f III AI J- Jr f I J if 6a i IfIIIT krMi < S Jill i J JIlt a k a MJYI M- 6iMtQ 1 the b kiwir atlh f- nryfl ag liiij i wbsUr i al the aethre meflaaal priaaialee extreeja m1Iatift J fare reets by exact proeeaeea eri aal wka Dr Fieree aad wkaeat ta we- af 4 a ore rf aleofel triaferefacd ami abeetteeUy p re ttyoerae bcia eWi- eteed ia extncfeat sad areaaruag tbs ewative rirtae reaitfa at tie na4a- eareleyei 2 r this aniiiinn are eetiraly free frotatlle ebjectiea el rleaaf bam ay ereatkf aa appetite fer ekaer aSesbolie bererafei or bafckfomkt draft Bxaaua dIemrIa os their aottlewrappentlr MUM as tmerm te by Dr Pier J YI will iad that bs GeMe n Meioml Dkcovery the reat- toaut bl odpiiriier toaeh aad bowel refaUtortbe aaedicae wkkfc wkfl Mt recoameaded to eare oseptios Ia its adrarAeed tes BO Be cwew9l de that yet MIa cmr aH tao eatorrkal eoaAtieM ef bead awl throat week UMaaoh torpid liver sad bremhial trrmblee weak hap sad aaegoact- whiek if aatlacted or baaty treated lead ap to sad ally tenai ate H- V sea- S 5 Take tW GoWea Mediae Dfecorery Ar Ne sad it iaax likely t i- ppoat yoi ifealyyo give it a Mwsegh aiddr trial Dot expect aundet I It wset 4 Mpemeieial tba trY mart Gale TOW pticaqe aid p r erne m its use for a reaaoaab leajtk of tin to jet its fall beaeitsTaa I iafredieBts ot wbick Dr Pierces aaedicia are co pocd have the wynfirea- dorsecieBe < of scoree ef edic I leaden better tfcoa sey aaooat ef ky S- caoaprooasI t tettnowds altbov k the latter are received by thoiads Doat ice pt a teoret Boettn M a nbftitatc for this ti eprove ree4 OP KNOWN cotcrottnoN Ass TOUK NCICUBOKS They aiwt kaowot HMay mum ode by it tiaria t put 4 years right ia your owa eei kborbood r World DispeaMry Medic AssocUtioB Dr RV Pierce Pres Bufalo NY 8 Efl i The Ktea You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years tag borne the signature of and lias been made under his per r fonal supervision since its infancy I i Allow no one to deceive youin this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health tfI- nfante and Chfldren Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIAi Nj Castoria a harmlese substitute for Castor Oil Pare- goric j Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is fa guarantee It destroys Worms and aEay FeTerishness It cure IHarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilate the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend 01 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Inn the Signature of I Tie KM You Hae Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years urn eaiaoe = xv Tt aw MAT TlMT MIW TMM CITY 4 For Permanent Relief Ta- ker > IAIb- t HE1M1NE acts directly on the Liver It will cure CONS7IPA- TION J DYSPEPSIA BtUOUSNESSMALARIA AND CHILLS It r cutiroly freofrom poisonous mineral substances and is coin r r po d solely of UfCGIVING HERBS It is adapted for weak and weary constitutions strengthens weakened glands and organs it checks all derangements of the body Try a bottle to day Fifty Cents a Bottle Avoid Substitutes Ballard Snow Liniment Co- ST =J BALLARD LOUIS MO U S A > old and Recommended b- ALL DRUGGISTS SEABOARD AIR LINE SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS Year Reund Limited Nos 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos 66 and 43 66 84 81 43 1030 am 900 pm Lv Tampa u Arj 630 ami 600 pm 1115 am 1000 pm Lv Turkey Creek Lv 530 am 508 pm 1130 am 1020 pm Lv Plant City Lv 515 am 458 pm f 1220 am 1118 pm Lv Dade City Lv 515 am 458 pm 148 pm 110 am Lv Wildwood u u Lv 235 am 235 pm 245 pm 210 am Lv Ocala u Lv 135 am 137 pm 2fe 440 pm 430 am Lv Waldo u Lv 1140 pm 11 37 am + 600 pm 615 am Lv Baldwin Lv 1017 pm 10 15 am > 640 pm 760 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 930 pm 930 am 750 pm 905 am Lv Jacksonville u Ar 500 pm 11iam l 1140 pm 1245 pm Ar SavannahAr 110 pm 245 am 420 am 450 pmAr Columbia Ar 1025 am 11 40 pm 1156 am 1225 amlArRaleigh Ar- Ar 345 am 510pm 540 pm 750 am Portsmouth AT 900 pm 925 am 505 pm 530 am Ar Richmond Ar 1040 5 pm i pml12 835 pm 850 am Ar Washington Lv 720 05 am t 952 pm 1002 am Ar Baltimore Lv 605 pm 606 am 1151 pm 1223 pm Ar Philadelphia LV- AT 355 pm 335 am l 353 am 245 pm NewYork u Lv 125 pm 1210 am Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a m SARASOTA BRANCH ttV 410 pm 730 am Lv Tampa A 630 pm 1015 am 510 pm 820 am Lv Turkey Creek u A 535 pm 920 am f 740 pm 1040 am Ar Palmetto Lv 250 pm 649 am 755 pm 1055 amA ± Manatee Lv 235 pm 635 am 800 pm 1100 am Ar Bradentown Lv 231 pm 631 am 835 pm 1145 am Ar u Sarasota Lv 200 pm 600 am QUICKEST SERVICE TO AND FROM NEW YORK These arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with I other companies are given as information and are not guaranteed I Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York- on trains Nos 84 and 81 Dining Car Service Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains Nos C 6 i and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville and New York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 and 43 For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea ¬ board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson- ville ¬ Jr Fla or call en H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla 0 A M DICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa Ha Rw1flKIEETcUPE FfllEYSHOm illIIn d UlMdsr I tbsc 0 aa Ja s2a Jo I a- I c S

Transcript of I KNtI61tT LANG Humor Sense Philosophy Dealers- t Florida...

Page 1: I KNtI61tT LANG Humor Sense Philosophy Dealers- t Florida ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03193/00083.pdf · s 7 VTV Kute d < w Psp J p 1J jd i OCALA EVENING STAR TUZtDAY


7 VTV Kuted

< w PspJ p




KNtI61tT LANGJ st adIng Vehicle Dealers-

of Central Floridat AilMfne SId IdtjWc Waftu tafflfe tamart Cirriafb firrl taI aB fieL

iness Saltles Lip bits WUpt art a tteas-e rki by tirftites hMK tikis fcM ttftfM La qaM-

Mm far fcc iicUrks aM always ta itoek it IK verywest prices

f Wecasave yii airy M ytir pwehases be ftey-


A MM II UK leittH art best lIMes tfi waus1tbeIIcL



wp j




Bottled Ia B-


>dr i Hi-

t Quart 100

Four Quarts 350D1peIS

j Deiivered375-P


This is a choice High Grade

1 Privates

Stock lye Wktokey

I audweFuIyuarukeittoI-II be as good as any bottled in


ifI bond whiskey on the market

r 1 i that is sold for f150 a quartfl-




SilDB savedItf

1freeHow to Get Library Slips

Slips are packed with houacoold products A Libraryi SjaIso appears in each issue of this paper Cut it out and

I save it wlhoe packed with the foflowiag pfodwchr-

Anaoaraj fSSSF Brand ol Canned Meats Annoort Potted aad DeHied Meat l-

Armonra Star Sliced Bacon Armours Extract of Beef ArraourBSotehle lid i-

Anaocrst Luncheon Beet Banner Lye Disinfectant > Banner Chloride ef X4me1 I Ammonia licnsdorpa Royal DutchCocoa Beardaleya Acaw tm-latjtBnlttr Bcanlsleya Bcardslera Star Boaelea Herriaf-

ftJikia g Powder Best byTct Dunham a Original Shred IJlone Earn Kinks lQ Oatmeal nd alt HO Product GeraaaaAaKricaa Geffee-laadjeis Golden Macaroni Noodles Spaghetti etc Heidea Licorice Faatinet 1

Pf aad 5ah bc3 TcllOTee Cream Potrder Mrancna Takna PoirderMtt None Such Mince MQlPabit Extract the Bet TTaaie-Hrtapelaa


Massage Cream Prophylactle Tooth 3ruieiPaao AAPtsmicc Soap ScrnbKZ Scouring SoapSany Moaday-

Ms 3inOne 1OObouchod-useJIowtoGatker Library Sllpa OaIddJ LrrSps

3d6cias horn tIUJpapsd tlioteobtaBMrifroa pnduai ataybeset caty Ciii bicL Ose Full Llnty Slip earab OTM ct aid Inll-


S SUp frtcbota of one cent fcaetioea to as F uJp-ecbtr Slip One hutd Full Ubrar Slips equal SIOO


sd What Ltbrarr SIlpa Bay Library Stipe are accepted ia fallj= payment for subscription to this newspaper or for rabacriptioHzi j magazines Ih also buy book far tw-

I cent ataaap Brine Order aad LlferaiT ef tatll1M W 14ft It ffIcofthINwapipr All Orders sboald be wrineiIN Ysi CI1e plainly letter giving name and aad what is de

aired aad be accompanied by proper number of library Slips S




i4srr wCITY


I I WR0M Tilt pRGpA Cn or THIS pp ONLY

T Ninr7 payment for megaiines book end aubscriations so iiiwsps-rI1 tIsTsTJbs PQllcmaoeAWAuPoaTiJai ii-

7Ji w eO Ne 22861501 II uv osucTs Mw

1 mt TUMI e i vt MM nuwr tn ttt n mm tm 1 4-



I The Value of Good-r Digestionbssy to fifur if you know what your ttoauchb worth Kodol ketpc the stomach at par Tmkic-

by ioMnrinf good clifMtkm Kodol cures Dyspepsia I

K 4ol lMTir good dlftttioa ly-atMlttalr

to special effort by toNIcs aaddopUcatlni Natures stimulants doesat cure anythia

raonaal pracaas la perfectly digest or accomplish any good Neitherte< all food taksjsi Into tks itom does dieting ImdlgesUon sad the

ClLWklte serious ailments which It laiucesi Xotel Ii doing this the can be averted and corrected only

tstonach te rwtisc aad becoming by aatmral mewatromg and healthy A itrong udKOdol811PpUee this naturalkaalthj atom h gxtaraaUee a-

rmimeams It perform the stomachs

and actty brala-Tka

work for Itjust as the stomachmaa with a sound itomach should perform it while the stom-

acha ttoaacA that Is doUr for tae takes a little rest for tilebOy just what Nature tetended-K

BtOBBChn saketodo Is the taaa whe 1> always Our Guaranteeprepared for any caermey He Oeto78V IGda7aa4S la there with tM coots hout Tkea after TOT UTe 4 tkeThe Baa with a sick stomach is-

meaUre aoateau it the betti U Jna-eaeetlyma sktr all orer Whea the aay taat H aaaMt = aarfood retara the botUe to the d aatto MCB Is Irritated by undicested e u rafoaA TOUT atoaey without oaea

Sod the blood and Jan are di-

rectlfilomwaelay We will Uaa pay the drearflrtfer the aettle Dvat awattateaffected Them dallatst mm-

atmralkaew that ear fruraatee U aeoeV

sleepmese rrickbe M Thla offer applies to the large TMttto oel7diG aid fatattaa spells and aM te toaes allallT one IaJwetie coatefaa H ttaaea aa aaaca aa the Sftfrert serious brmlm rouble derelop-Xb4elwin

eent bowprereat these Kodol is prepared the labora-toriesof4 Ipatiiaf the stomach sad brala ECDeWitt JbCo Chicago


4 sp 2-



tS i P I


Humor andPhilosophy



Generally the thing that you mostwant comes to you just when you

dont want itDont criticise It might set a disa-



An Idle rumorla something

c that everybodyic5 I 7 seems to haveI wi 1TJ-c 11r1 room fo-

rEvery1 dollar5 that a man has

clamors for an ¬

other of Its kind

People who are afraid of their shad-ows


usually cast such small ones too

True every man Is contrary butwho should be if not the men

If you Insist on roasting everybodydont be surprised If you find It bard to

I pay yOU fuel billI Blessed are they who want nothing

for they are due to get lots of It

Some people are so fond of original-ity


that they borrow their neighborswhen they run short ot their own

A pup la often as expensive as achild and likely to be better bred

When the best Isnt good enough foryou you are likely to get the worst

King of AirAt last In wings triumphant-

The puny creature manCan soar aloft as even

The stately eagle canCan rise above the steeple

And gambol in the airAnd on a moments notice

Can go roost anywhere

It took a lot of tryingBefore he turned the trick

For years hia apparatusRight to the earth would stick-

It cost him many a tumbleNor were the bruises shy

Whenever he attemptedBefore he learned to fly

And many were his wondersThat never made a start

That failed at the beginning-And well nigh broke his heart

And many were the theoriesHe figured out with care

That looked all right on paperBut couldnt cleave the air

But now mere man has conquered-The wheels revolve and lo

He spins athwart the azureAnd circles to and fro

Amazed are all the crokersWho said it was absurd

The evidence convincesThat man la now a bird

Putting It on MetGot your vacation trip planned yet-

I let my wife do thatus0 she will be sure to be pleased-No

jso I will feel at liberty to kick

on It when things go wrong

Qualified-I cannot be your patron saint

But I would be a winnerIf any time you ever need

A patron sinner

God Advice




18 EL



While reasonably fond of our friends-we hate to hear them talk about them-selves


all the time

Should I SuppressedThe earthquake Is a gambler

Take notice of its little plot-It comes around and Jars the ground

And shakes you for your house and lot

Up to ExpectationsWhose picture Is that i-

AbrllllantAmerlcan girl who mar-


a dukeIs that true story or a fairy taleNo It la from real life They were

truly married and lived unhappy everafter

In the Wrong PlaceHe built an irrigation ditch

But all his efforts were in vainNo floods came down to make him rich

Though he had water on the brain

Something GoodHow is your son getting on 1

JFlue replied the old lady Hewas elected to congress this spring

But there were no congressionalelections in the spring

W ll maybe it was president

Fixtures-Its patrons have been planted there

The Jail is where they stayFor though they kick about the tare

They do not TO away

Of Course1 do hate to be poorWhyrBecause you idiot I am i suppose

Fd just dote on It if I werent

POOR MILK-Is often thought to be responsible foran infants loss in weight or generalpoor health The cause usually Is thatthe child has worms They get thenourishment in the food and the babystarves actually starves WhitesCream Vermifuge expels the wormsand nourishes the child sure and safePrice 25c ct all druggists


A twoyearold colt stone graygentle In every way Will sell cheapApply V D P Pratt Belleview Fla

Off fattmst To Wow aI 0 i woaen as are not seriouslyIf huh wt who have exacting duties10 pert either in the way of houseIt d cares VOT In social duties and lunoII i seriously tax their strengthU w nning mothers Dr PiercesFavorite iptlon has proved a mostvaluable su ng tonic and invigorat-Ing nervlne BY it3tlroely use muchferious slckmy and snrfertng mavbeavoided The operating table and theiurjeons knife wou <lr It 15 beljeveuseldom have to be em loved iJthis mos-


w a w

time The Favorite Prescriplion has provena great boon to expectantsoothers by preparing the system for thecoming of baby thereby r jndering child ¬

birth safe easy and almost painlessBear in mind please that Dr Pierces

ParoriU Prescription is not a secret orpatent medicine against which tho mostIntelligent people are quite naturallyaverse because of the uncertainty as totheir composition aud harmless character-but is a MEDICIXE OP LOWS COMPOSI-



a full list of all its Ingredients beingprinted in plain English on every bottlewrapper An examination of this list ofIngredients will disclose the fact that it Isnonalcoholic In its composition chemic-ally


pure triplerefined glycerine taking-the place of tho commonly used alcoholIn its makenp In this connection itmay not be out of place to state that theFavorite Prescription of Dr Pierce Is

the medicine for tho cure of-

woman s peculiar weaknesses and ail-


through druggists allthe Ingredients of which have the un-animous


endorsement of all the leadingmedical writers and teachers of all the I

several schools of practice and that tooas remedies for the ailments for which I

Favorite Prescription is recommended-A little book of these endorsements will

be sent to any address postpaid andabsolutely free If you request same bypostal card or letter of Dr R V PierceBuffalo N Y

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure conitipatlon Constipation is the cause ofmany dl es cause and you I

cure the disease Easy to take as candy


New York June 15Xew York Al-


and Chicago police are hunting-for Beatrice Marks the 17yearold I

daughter of Solomon Marks a richretired clothier of this city who is be-


to be the victim of a kidnauper-and held for ransom

THE BIG HEAD-is of two kindsconceit and the bighead that comes from a sick headachDoes your head ever feel like a goudand your traIn feel loose and soreYou can cure it in no time hy acting-on your liver with Ballards HerbinoIsnt it worth trying for the absoluteand certain relief you get At aldruggists


Des Moines la June 15 CorporalLisle Crabtree yesterday probably 1

fatally shot Capt John C Raymondcommanding officer of Troop B Sec ¬

ond United States Cavalry at FortDes Moines shot and seriously injur-ed


First Sergt James H Washburn-and Corporal Elijah Such who at ¬

tempted to disarm him and then shot I

himself the bullet striking a rib abovethe heart and crushing the hone Hemay recover Crabtree had been rep¬

rimanded by Capt Raymond He Isbelieved to be crazy It is feared thatCapt Raymond cannot li-

veCASTORIAFor Infants and Children

Th Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the-

Signature1 n



Toledo Ohio June HGcn John-S Kountz past commanderinchiefof the G A R died at his home heYeyesterday morning He had been illfor some time

Colds that hang on weaken the con-stitution


and develop into consump-tion


Foleys Honey and Tar curespersistent colds that refuse to yield toother treatment Do not expennuntwith untried remedies as delay nayresult in your cold settling on yourlungs Sold by all druggists

MUTINY IN THE FILIPINESManila June I5Details of mutiny-

of the company of native constabularystationed at Davas in the island ofMindanao on the night of June 6thshow that an attack on the officers-was made unexpectedly by the muti ¬

neersWhen the mutineers opened fire an

officer was hit three times but noneof the wounds are serious The mu ¬

tineers then fled to the hills after tak ¬

ing 30 rifles and 5000 rounds of am ¬


There are many imitations of DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel SalveDeWitts is the original Be sure youget DeWitts Carbolized Witch HazelSalve when you ask for it It is goodfor cuts burns and bruises and is es-


good for piles Sold by alldruggists



Careful estimates made on allcontract work orves more and bet¬

ter work for the money than anyother contractor in o-


HONEYTARThe original

LAXATIVE cough remedy

Tor coughs colds throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good for everybody Sold veryirhcrd

Tho genuineTOLEYS HONEY and TAR is iiYellow package RefusesubstituUu-

Prepared only byV ISy A Company Chfcasrtv




The annual picnic and barbecue willbe given at Oak Grove June 24thEverybody invited-



The Los Angeles Record has thefollowing to say of Millionaire Tennenbaum the Diamond King andGoodman Bray his colored millionairemining superintendent-

You have heard of TennenbaumHe is best known as the DiamondKing He is coming over from Bel-gium


this month and as soon as hearrives In New York he will startacross the continent with GoodmanBray a giant negro

For as Tennenbaum Is the Dia ¬

mond King so is Bray the Tourma¬

line KingBray is as black a negro as ever

come out of the heart of the Congo-He Is probably the richest black manin tho world Tennenbaum pickedhim up when he was a ragged pick ¬

aninny making mud pies In the slums-of New York-

Tennenbaum took a liking to thelittle black urchin because of his jollylittle laugh The Diamond Kingsent the boy to school and then tocollege Before he was 20 Bray hadcharge of the wonderful collection ofgems that won for Tennenbaum histitle of king Then Tennenbaum madehim his buyer and for years the giantblack traveled to almost every cornerof the earth looking after the interestsof his foster father

For the past eight years Bray hashad charge of the Tourmaline mines-at Mesa Grande Mexico He hascarte blanche to draw on Tennebaum-for whatever he wants and although-he is 60 miles from the nearest im ¬

portant city he lives in the style of-a prince

Bray looks like Peter Jackson Heis quite sure that had not Tennen ¬

baum found him he would have been-a prize fighter

I think I would have won heavy-weight


laurels he remarked modest-ly


The nineteenth annual session of theWomans Missionary and EducationalState Convention Auxiliary to theBaptist State Convention will be heldwith Covenant Baptist church OcalaFla June 24th and 28th 1909

LUW RATESvia the

NFAijtni AIR iNE1705 Asheville N C and returnaccount International ConventionBaraca and Philathea Tickets onsale June 17 and 18 Final limitJune 25 1909

1425 Atlanta Ga anti return ac-count American Association ofOpticians Tickets on sale June19 and 20 Final limit June 251909

1705 Asheville N C and returnaccount Dramatic Order Knightsof Khorassan biennial meetingTickets on sale July 8 9 10 and11 Final limit July 26 1909

3165 Memphis enn and returnaccount Interstate Cotton SeedCrushers Association Tickets onsale May 16 17 and 18 Final limitMay 22 190-

96690Denver Colo and return ac ¬

count General Assembly Presbyter-Ian church of U S of AmericaTickets on sale May 16 17 18 and19 Final limit to reach originalstarting point October 31

835 Savannah Ga and return ac¬

count General tssemby Presbyter-ian


church in United States Tick-ets


on sale May 17 18 and 19 Finallimit June 2 190-

92080ashvUle Tenn and returnaccount Annual Session SundaySchool Congress and Young Peo-ples


Chautauqua Tickets on saleJune 7 8 and 9 Final limit 15 daysfrom but not including date of sale

1525Tuscaloosa Ala and returnaccount summer school for teachersUniversity of Alabama Tickets onsale June 8 9 12 14 19 21 28 July3rd and 5th Final limit 15 daysfrom date of sale but by deposit-ing


tickets with special agentTuscaloosa not later than 15 daysfrom date of sale extension may behad to September 30 on payment offee of 51

2080 Nashville Tenn and returnaccount Peabody College summerschool for teachers and VanderbiltBiblical Institute Tickets on saleJune 6 7 S 14 15 16 28 29 and 30Final limit 15 days from date of salebut by depositing tickets with spec¬

ial agent Nashville not later than 15days from date of sale extension-may be had to September 30 onpayment of fee of 21

For full information ana sleeperreservations call on any agent Sea¬

board or write to S C Boylston-Asst Gen Pass Agent JacksonvilleFla or call on H C Raysor C TA Ocala Fla

NOTICE OF APPLCATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that L OBooher purchaser of tax certificateNo 537 dated the 3rd day of June AD 1907 has filed said certificate in myoffice and has made application fortax deed to issue in accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-in Marion county Florida towitCorn 131 chs s of ne cor of SanchezGrant tp 15 s r 22 e thence w 25chs n 10 chs e 25 chs s 10 chs2Sacres The said land being assessed-at the date of the Issuance of suchcertificate in the name of A A VeaLUnless said certificate shall be re ¬

deemed according to law tax deed willissue thereon on the 18th day of July-A D 190-

9Witness my official signature andseal this the 14th day of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla-


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4883 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that L LHome purchaser of tax certificate No7S4 dated the 5th day of June A D1905 has filed said certificate In myoffice and has made application forlax deed to issue in accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-in Marion county Florida towItNeU of sei sec 12 tp 16 s r 20 eThe said land being assessed at thedate of the issuance of such certificate-in the name of L Home Co Un ¬

less said certificate shall be redeemedaccording to law tax deed will Issuethereon on the 19th day of June A D

1909Witness my official signature andseal this the 14th day of May A D1909 S T SIstrunkClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla

<= i 5 ysCommon Sense J-




aset ps-eupssisa


wT nre it 1-Di Pisress ± tM mireri el wWeIa prim WI 1-

resetnwy Nt iii tIIMa up tM btg-wJsfi attest i serrstsese eMIt liredy wia i kse NoscmNo Dcinog t




A I eI IM PIvi aa-q4 k p1 7V Th PJRw-


Jr fI J if 6a i IfIIIT



Jill i J JIlt a k a MJYI M-


the b kiwir atlh f-


iwbsUr i al the aethre meflaaal priaaialee extreeja m1Iatift J

fare reets by exact proeeaeea eri aal wka Dr Fieree aad wkaeat ta we-af 4a ore rf aleofel triaferefacd ami abeetteeUy p re ttyoerae bcia eWi-eteed ia extncfeat sad areaaruag tbs ewative rirtae reaitfa at tie na4a-eareleyei

2 rthis aniiiinn are eetiraly free frotatlle ebjectiea el rleaaf bamay ereatkf aa appetite fer ekaer aSesbolie bererafei or bafckfomkt draft

Bxaaua dIemrIa os their aottlewrappentlr MUM as tmerm te byDr Pier J YI will iad that bs GeMe n Meioml Dkcovery the reat-

toautbl odpiiriier toaeh aad bowel refaUtortbe aaedicae wkkfc wkflMt recoameaded to eare oseptios Ia its adrarAeed tes BO Be cwew9lde that yet MIa cmr aH tao eatorrkal eoaAtieM ef bead awl throat week

UMaaoh torpid liver sad bremhial trrmblee weak hap sad aaegoact-whiek if aatlacted or baaty treated lead ap to sad ally tenai ate H-


sea-S 5

Take tW GoWea Mediae Dfecorery Ar Ne sad it iaax likely t i-ppoat yoi ifealyyo give it a Mwsegh aiddr trial Dot expect aundet I

It wset 4 Mpemeieial tbatrY mart Gale TOW pticaqe aid p rerne m its use for a reaaoaab leajtk of tin to jet its fall beaeitsTaa I

iafredieBts ot wbick Dr Pierces aaedicia are co pocd have the wynfirea-dorsecieBe

<of scoree ef edic I leaden better tfcoa sey aaooat ef ky S-caoaprooasI


tettnowds altbov k the latter are received by thoiadsDoat ice pt a teoret Boettn M a nbftitatc for this ti eprove ree4

OP KNOWN cotcrottnoN Ass TOUK NCICUBOKS They aiwt kaowot HMay mumode by it tiariat put 4 years right ia your owa eei kborbood rWorld DispeaMry Medic AssocUtioB Dr RV Pierce Pres Bufalo NY


Efl iThe Ktea You Have Always Bought and which has been

in use for over 30 years tag borne the signature ofand lias beenmade under his perr fonal supervision since its infancy

I iAllow no one to deceive youin thisAll Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health tfI-nfante and Chfldren Experience against Experiment

What is CASTORIAi NjCastoria a harmlese substitute for Castor Oil Pare-goric


Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is fa guarantee It destroys Wormsand aEay FeTerishness It cure IHarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilate the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepThe Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend 01


Inn the Signature of

ITie KM You Hae Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Yearsurn eaiaoe = xv Tt awMAT TlMT MIW TMM CITY


For Permanent Relief Ta-


IAIb-t HE1M1NE acts directly on the Liver It will cure CONS7IPA-TION



cutiroly freofrom poisonous mineral substances and is coin rr po d solely of UfCGIVING HERBS It is adapted for weak and

weary constitutions strengthens weakened glands and organsit checks all derangements of the body Try a bottle to dayFifty Cents a Bottle Avoid SubstitutesBallard Snow Liniment Co-


LOUIS MO U S A>old and Recommended b-


SEABOARDAIR LINESHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINSYear Reund Limited Nos 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos 66 and 43

66 84 81 431030 am 900 pm Lv Tampa u Arj 630 ami 600 pm1115 am 1000 pm Lv Turkey Creek Lv 530 am 508 pm1130 am 1020 pm Lv Plant City Lv 515 am 458 pm f1220 am 1118 pm Lv Dade City Lv 515 am 458 pm148 pm 110 am Lv Wildwood u u Lv 235 am 235 pm245 pm 210 am Lv Ocala u Lv 135 am 137 pm 2fe440 pm 430 am Lv Waldo u Lv 1140 pm 11 37 am +

600 pm 615 am Lv Baldwin Lv 1017 pm 10 15 am >

640 pm 760 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 930 pm 930 am750 pm 905 am Lv Jacksonville u Ar 500 pm 11iam l1140 pm 1245 pm Ar SavannahAr 110 pm 245 am420 am 450 pmAr Columbia Ar 1025 am 11 40 pm

1156 am 1225 amlArRaleigh Ar-Ar

345 am 510pm540 pm 750 am Portsmouth AT 900 pm 925 am505 pm 530 am Ar Richmond Ar 1040 5 pm ipml12835 pm 850 am Ar Washington Lv 720 05 am t952 pm 1002 am Ar Baltimore Lv 605 pm 606 am

1151 pm 1223 pm Ar Philadelphia LV-

AT355 pm 335 am l

353 am 245 pm NewYork u Lv 125 pm 1210 amPassengers may remain sleeper until 7 a m


410 pm 730 am Lv Tampa A 630 pm 1015 am510 pm 820 am Lv Turkey Creek u A 535 pm 920 am f740 pm 1040 am Ar Palmetto Lv 250 pm 649 am755 pm 1055 amA± Manatee Lv 235 pm 635 am800 pm 1100 am Ar Bradentown Lv 231 pm 631 am835 pm 1145 am Ar u Sarasota Lv 200 pm 600 am

QUICKEST SERVICE TO AND FROM NEW YORKThese arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with I

other companies are given as information and are not guaranteed IPullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York-on trains Nos 84 and 81 Dining Car Service

Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains Nos C 6 iand 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville andNew York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 and 43

For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea¬

board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson-ville

¬ Jr

Fla or call en H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla 0

A M DICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa Ha

Rw1flKIEETcUPE FfllEYSHOmillIIn d UlMdsr I tbsc 0 aa Ja s2a Jo I a-
