I J Jf C OCALA EVENING - University of...

I J i- Jf rsijws r > n r < 7 j I r > r J JSsaSf 27 > + C H EVENING > 1 1 So t OCALA r SSJb v- VS vSV- w 0 S- TVotame > > it i f C t t J Ii i- t r + I 15 No 9 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JUNE It 1909 FIlly Certs a Moatfc H a Yearvpi J L lave YM leari of the cj DIAMOND CONTEST ii 4 This is 111 to he ai iiter c esttof etitesL We issie vII IH ctipMs for all cask iire- hases aid payBeits i all acetate ftr every Mlar yra q dIll vales Iivestifate vote 4 for yw fav rite 4 O GROCERY CLARK BROTHERS PROPRIETORS Tw Fhms 174 Ocala Ha- T i R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON II Office Over Munroe 8 Chnrabliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CA- SHLFBLALOCK Dental Surgeon Office Over Ctnnercial Bank Phone 211 Office hours Sl to 12 a n 1 to 5 p m TERMS CA- ShJECHACE DENTAL SURGEON r1 Rooms 9 10 and 11 Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CISH- I > CHARLES D HULBERT H D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Second Floor The Munroe Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida TelephonesOffice 222 Residence 221 Office HoursB to12 a m 2 to- p 4 4 m 730 to 830 p m = 1 W U C BLAHCHARDCO- NTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED- ON APPLICATION- P O Box 40 OCALA FLA- t EquitableL- ife Assurance Society Of The Uiitei States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD I r MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent COMMERCIAL I o BARBERSHOP h N r r Opens lato the Lobby cf the Ocala atj V House I Offers the very best service of killed workmen with modern ap- pliances ¬ Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot Running Water at AH Times VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager M FRESH FISH- j j r- it j receive dally snlpments of choice fresh and salt water fish of the best c varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER Phone 219 City Market i GEORGE FIX r PRACTICAL BRICK MASON Bed aad Fire Brick Work Special attention to repairing fur- l aacea boiler setting and Dutch k ovens brick kilns and bakers 4 f ovens If your boiler doesnt steam v kz t doctor as it should send for me I am the All Work Guaranteed- No i distance too tate ana no hour 111 too late UPrespond At the Carlton House OCALA FLORIDA 4 T OCALA PRESSIK8 CLUB J 3 FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods press- ed ¬ and cleaned on short notice and delivered promptly All transient work not called for in 30 days wil- lie F sold for charges ii ir V I L- I 4 FOURTH TRIAL MM NOT FAIL- Sir Thomas Lipton Will Build Another Shamrock and ConteSt Again for the Americas Cup New York June 9John W De Kay who has a packing plant in Mex- ico ¬ and who is a friend of Sir Thomas Lipton has Just arrived in this city Mr De Kay spent some time with Sir Thomas while In England and said that Sir Thomas was anxious to try again to win the American cup Sir Thomas believes in the luck of the fourleaf Shamrock and wants to come over here with a Shamrock IV said Mr De Kay I was with him the day he won his first race this season and he authorized me to make this statement on my arrival here ALONE IN A SAW MILL AT MIDNIGHT unmindful of dampness drafts storms or cold W J Atkins worked as night watchman at Banner Springs Tenn Such exposure gave him a severe cold that settled on his lungs At last he had to give up work He tried many remedies but all failed till ho used Dr Kings New Discovery After using one bottle he writes I went back to work as well as ever Severe colds stubbon coughs inflamed throats and sore lungs hemorrhages croup and whooping cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medi- cine ¬ SOc and Si Trial bottle free guaranteed by all druggists A DOSE OF HICKORY BARK FOR AFFINITIES- Inez Ky June 9Wlth the woman who had kidnaped him from his wifes side on the night of June 1 Jas- per ¬ Crum a well known farmer was taken into the mountains by his brother and a posse which had been searching for him and the pair strip- ped ¬ to the waist and sound switched- The woman is Miss Lizzie Moore daughter of a prominent family of Toss Creek West Virginia a sweet- heart ¬ of Crums before his marriage- The pair had recently been corres ¬ ponding and had planned the elope- ment ¬ The girl knocked at Crums door af- ter ¬ midnight and kept up the appear ¬ ance of kidnaping by putting a revol ¬ ver to Crums head and compelling- him to follow her A posse took up the search and af- ter ¬ five days found the pair living to ¬ gether at a mining camp In West Vir- ginia ¬ After the whipping the woman was turned loose but Crum was brought back to face his Irate wife who hard- ly was able to recognize her husband after his experience with the poss- eMENrAST FIFTY IN DANGER Men st middle life have found comfort and relief In Foleys Kidney Remedy especially from enlarged prostate gland which is very com- mon ¬ among elderly n L E Mor- ris ¬ Dexter Ky writes Up to a year ago my father suffered from kidney and bladder trouble and several phy- sicians ¬ pronounced it enlargement of the prostate gland and advised an op- eration ¬ On account of his age we were afraid he could not stand It and I recommended Foleys Kidney Rem- edy ¬ and the first bottle relieved him and after taking the second bottie he was no longer troubled with thi3 com- plaint ¬ Sold by all druggists SWEEPING STATEMENTS- OF MRS L M N STEVENS Portland Me June 9Congress Is sure to pass an act either at this ses- sion ¬ or next which will aid the prohi- bition ¬ states in getting rid of the bo ¬ gus express companies said Mrs L M N Stevens president of the Na tional W C T U yesterday- She said she talked with Secretary Knox and he informed her that he be ¬ lieved and all the best lawyers believe the national government should afford relief to prohibitory states whenever and wherever possible She said Presi ¬ dent Taft also held this view THE BIG HEAD- Is Of two kinds conceit and the big- head that comes from a sick headache Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore You can cure It in no time hy acting on your liver with Ballards Herblne Isnt it worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you get At aU druggists- A SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND- Springfield f Mo June tSuspi ¬ doLls of his wife Walter W Tdding ton followed the woman to a depart- ment ¬ store here and when he found her talking with Robert Sellers a young business man he fired two bul- lets ¬ into Sellers head Sellers prob- ably ¬ will die Eddington surrendered Sometimes you may be told that there arc other things just as good as DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills That isnt so Nothing made is as good as DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills for any ailment of the kidneys- or bladuer which always results in a weak back backache rheumatic pains rheumatism and urinary 1Isorder A trial of DeWitts KIdny and Bladder Pills is sufficient to convince you how good they are Send your name to E C DeWitt Co Chicago for a fno trial box They are sold here by all druggists Whether there is a breeze or not you can keep one up for ten hours with one of the new eightinch Westing house fans for only 3 cents H W Tucker has them For stale and exchange will take- as part pay on a high grade piano a good active safe buggy horse or will take horse and buggy and give easy terms on difference Address general delivery Ocala Fla R L Reed Piano Salesman- To avoid serious results take Foleys Kidney Remedy at the first signs or kidney or blader disorder such as backache urinary irregularities ex- haustion ¬ and you will soon be well Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today Sold by all druggists C S I DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to curedeaf- ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬ bling sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed deafness IS the result and unless the inflamma- tion can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hear ¬ ing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but in inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucuous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars- for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬ lars free F J CHEXEY CO Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Biennial Meeting of the Sovereign Camp at Detroit Attended by I Hundreds of Delegates I Detroit June LThe sovereign- camp of the Woodmen of the World one of the largest fraternal and ben- eficiary ¬ orders in the United Staes met here yesterday in annual session with several hundred delegates in at ¬ tendance The sovereign camp is com- posed ¬ of delegates from all the states with the exception of the Pacific ju- risdiction ¬ I which has a separate head camp but is represented at this con ¬ vention by fraternal delegates as Ij also the Canadian jurisdiction The ladies auxiliary Is also in session The annual election of officers will be held tomorrow- IF YOU KNEW the merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad- der of rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists- or I by mall Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 292U Olive Street St Louis Mo- FATAL ACCIDENT- IN THE KLATIRON I New York June ILHer first ride in an elevator ended fatally yesterday- for Miss Lena Shoomaker aged 19 of Saugerties N Y who came to this city on an excursion The accident occurred in the Flatiron building Miss Shoomaker fainted and fell as the ele- vator ¬ descended and her head was crushed against the wall of the shaft as the car unexpectedly shot up again BAD SEASON FOR COLDS Colds and grip were quite preva- lent last winter and Chamberlains Cough Remedy was In great demand and performed some remarkable cures Mrs Mary J Robinson of Cameron- W Va says Last winter I was taken with one of the awfulest colds 1 ever had Ih my life I could not speak above a whisper and was very hoarse I was afraid it was going to be pneumonia I took one bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy ind In three days was lots better and could talk I did not take but the one bot- tle ¬ and It cured me I now tell every- body about Chamberlains Cough Remedy and the good it did me 3 LONELY WHITE MEN- IN THE FILIPINES- The Metropolis has received the fol- lowing ¬ letter which explains itself Malabang Mindano P I Dear Editor I have been requested by several young Americans of Mala ¬ bang to write you these lines request ¬ ing you to aid us in finding some good American girls who are looking for husbands and would like to live in the tropics There are lots of young men over here In good ciicumstances simply pining away for the love of a good woman from the dear old United States I can account for at least 20 young men besides myself who would- be grateful to you if you could aid us I am located on a plantation have 1000 acres of hemp cocoanuts and rubber under cultivation and have a good income 1 am in a position to care for n wife in every way Have a large home with all conveniences and life over here I is fine in the land of everlasting sun and summer 1 am sure any good woman would be well satisfied over here Geo P Grey I RICH MENS GIFTS ARE POOR beside this I want to go on record- as saying that Iregard Electric Bitters- as one of the greatest gifts that God has made to woman writes Mrs O Rhinevault of Vestal Center X Y q cnn never forget what it has done for me This glorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirits vigor of body and jubilant health It quickly cures nervousness sleeplessness mel- ancholy ¬ headache backache fainting- and dizzy spells soon builds up the weak ailing and sickly Try them 50c at all druggists FAN BARGAINS- An eightinch Westinghouse electric- fan that Is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec- tricity ¬ in ten hours steady running- See them at once H W Tucker the electrical supply man HAY FOR SALE Good quality put up in neat bales Also good pasturage for a few cattle Palmetto Park Farm phone 27A or Z C Chambliss phone IS 2td POOR MILK- is often thought to be responsible for an infants loss in weight or general poor health The cause usually is that the child has worms Thy get the nourishment in the food and the baby starves actually starves Whites Cream Vermifuge expels the worms and nourishes the child sure and safe Price 25c tall druggists HOUSE FOR RENT For rent an etgntroom residence- well located on South street Apply to F W Ditto or to Guy Toph- at the Montezuma hotel Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to cure chills and fever 25 cents I CUBA MUST SOON COLLAPSE- If the Stories of the Extravagance of the Island Government are Anywhere Near True Washington June 9Reports rtL cplvcd at the state department from Cuba are construed by officials as showing that in spite of the criticisms- of extravagance against the Cuban government the administration of the republic is preparing to make further expenditures instead of retrenching- One official report to the department contains the information that the- I resident of Cuba has issued decrees- for the establishment of new Cuban diplomatic missions to Italy the Ar ¬ gentine Republic Brazil Chile Nor- way and Uruguay The decree ade ample provision for installing the new legations and purchasing necessary supplies It is provided in the decrees also that a vice consul shall be attached- to the legations at Rome Buenos Ay- res Rio de Janeiro Santiago de Chile Christiana and Brussels a first secre- tary ¬ at the legation In Paris a second secretary at the legation in Brussels I and that here shall be second class consulates at Connives Haiti and at Palma Grand Canary- In addition to these things the Cu ¬ ban president has recommended the appripriation of 40000 for the endow- ment ¬ of a diplomatic mission to Cen ¬ tral America and South America to be- headed by Gen Loynaz del Castillo It is announced that he will be accom- panied ¬ by aides secretaries and as- sistants ¬ and that the presidents son will go with him in a private capacity STUNG FOR 15 YEARS- by indigestions pangs trying many doctors and 200 worth of medicine In vain B F Ayscue of Ingleside X C at last used Dr Kings New Life PilL anti writes that they wholly cured him They cure constipation biliousness- sick headache stomach liver kidney- and bowel troubles 25c at all drug ¬ gists MRS ANNIS WILL MARRY Wildow of Haines Victim Will Not Long Wear the Weeds Xew York June 9Mrs W E An nis is to marry again She announces that as soon as her theatrical engage- ments ¬ are at an end she will wed a wealthy real estate broker of this city Mrs AnnTs is the widow of William E Annis who was slain at the Bayside Yacht Club house by Capt Peter Hains about eighteen months ago HOUSES FOR RENT Modern cottages all conveniences well located and new Apply to Jos- eph ¬ Bell at court house i HOME FOR SALE CHEAP I Any one wishing a good home in I Ocala with very large lot on easy terms and at a great bargain apply- at once to F AV Ditto Montezuma Barbershop Iln Connection With the Hotel Office I I Skilled workmen and courteous at ¬ tention to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE HOT AND COLD WATER- R A DETTER1CH Proprietor C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 120 South Third St Phone 130 OCALA FLA McIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E Mclvcr Alfred E Owen Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All work done by licensed embalm- ers and fully guaranteed ICEB- est Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buy froM the BLUE WAGONS OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO I MEFFERT = TAYLOR Phone 34 L ALEXANDER- Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on all contract work cnves more and bet I ter work for the money than any I other contractor In own A HURRYUP MEDICINE Every housekeeper recognizes the need of effective remedies to be used- in emergencIeswhen something must be done right away Such a remedy- is Perry Davis Painkiller for sprains and bruises for strained muscles and for the aches and pains resulting from blows and falls Burns and cuts are instantly relieved by it and helped to healing Its mission of mercy began seventy years ago It is used In all countries and millions bottles are sold annually There is but one Pain- killer ¬ Perry Davis Have you seen the large new 35c size 6 VETERANS AT MEMPHIS Metropolis of the Volunteer State is Extending True Southern Hospi ¬ tality to the Old Men in Gray Memphis Tenn June 9The Bijou theater was crowded from pit to dome when the nineteenth annual reunion- of United Confederate Veterans was called to order at 10 oclock yesterday morning by Major General J H Mc- Dowell ¬ commanding the Tennessee division Governor Patterson wel- comed ¬ the veterans to Tennessee and Mayor Malone spoke for the city of Memphis The third greeting was extended by General George Gordon who spoke in behalf of the executive committee- The welcoming addresses were re ¬ sponded to by General Clement A Evans the commanderinchlef of the Confederate Veterans General Evans appearance was the occasion of a great demonstration in which both men and women joined The roll call and adjournment of the usual committees completed the work of the Initial session At 2 oclock the veterans assembled to lis- ten ¬ to the annual oration which was delivered by General Theodore S Garrett of Norfolk Va General Gar retts oration which was an eloquent- and touching tribute to the men who wore the gray was followed by an address delivered by Col Lewis Guion of Xew Orleans Memphis Tenn June 9Probably never has there been a Confederate reuIon at which the arrangements- have been so complete or details so ably worked out It is almost impos- sible ¬ to walk through and depot in Memphis without some courteous per ¬ son inquiring Are you a visitor In ¬ formation bureaus abound and no ne can complain of accommodations not furnished At a huge mess hall in a I main street a commissary provided I meals thre times a day for the old boys in gray- Handsomely gowned and dainty I Southern matrons and maids superin- i tended the preparations of food as 1 well as serving it and to see that the more timid and helpless of the veter- ans were not slighted The town Is a myriad of light and every resident- has constituted himself an Informa- tion ¬ reception committee to see that every visitor is taken care of RHEUMATISM- Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply heumatlsm of the muscles due to cold or damp- or chronic rheumatism neither of which require any Internal treatment All that is needed to afford relief Is the free application of Chamberlains Liniment and massaging the affected parts at each application There Is disagreeable or unpleasant about this liniment The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost Price 25 cents large size 69 cents 4 A MONUMENT TO LEE Vicksburg Miss June 9On June 11 the day following the close of the United Confederate Veterans reunion- at Memphis many of the old soldiers and other notables will assemble here- to attend the unveiling of a statute- to the late General Stephen Dill Lee who was commanderInchlef of the Confederate organization at the time of his death- It was in the siege of Vicksburg that General Lee won his spurs as a dashing and intrepid commander and the last years of his life were devoted to the perfection of the great national military park here A VITAL POINT The most delicate part of a baby Is its bowels Every ailment that it suf- fers ¬ with attacks the bowels also en ¬ dangering in most cases the life of the infant McGees Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea dysentery and all derange ¬ ments of the stomach and bowels At all druggists BATTLE OVER FOSTERS BOOK Leading Educator of Chicago Univer ¬ sity Styled as an Undesirable Baptist Chicago June 9At a meeting yes- terday ¬ of several hundred Baptist preachers and church laymen gath ¬ ered at a conference of the Baptist ex- ecutive ¬ council a motion was made- to expel from the Baptist ministry Professor George B Foster of Chica- go ¬ University The Foster book The Function of Religion was denounced- as a bitter indictment of Christian re- ligion before the bar of skepticism Professor A K Parker of Chicago University prevented the eviction by calling attention to the constitutional provision preventing action without a weeks deliberation- Rev Mathews in criticism of Fes ¬ ters book credited Foster with stat ¬ ing That God did not make man In His own Image that we are not fal ¬ len angels but developed animals Miracles always have a resource of Ig ¬ norance and modern technic must take the place of magic Continuing the Rev Mathews said the title Of this book should have been Religion with Christianity He is guilty of the supreme conceit of ranking himself greater than Christ He styles our grand old book as the petrified remains of the Christian re- ligion ¬ m YOU NEVER CAN TELL just exactly the cause of your rheu ¬ matism but you know you have it Do you know that Ballards Snow Lin ¬ iment will cure it relieves the pain reduces the swelling and limbers the joints and muscles so that you will be as active and well as you ever were Price 25c SOc and St At all druggists REXALL WHAT A DANK DOES s 0- j M- > > to There are many ways in wKicBT it Miw il > tho > w public but the one now most valuable jer- haps1istohelpwithloans a 7 < J < t We will neet the needs of conservative borrowers r t- > 0- d5 b 2 The Munroe Chambliss BankIN- CORP l Di r i A ORATED S T T Monroe Pres Z O Chambliss V Pres A E Gerif 7 i M I d S rrJ3E 1 L FLORIDA FRUIT AND TRUCX GROR- T5iIUMITToITTTTTiZiihiiT S v- A r 3438 Fort King Avenue Witn 8uildins T ph 7 r < Devoted to Floridas Agricultural Horticul < 5 turnl and Stock Raising Interest Finely II- lustrated The Handsomest well as one of the most Practical Journals of its Claslin the South Printed on Fine Book Paper 20 to 40 f- rages Monthly with Illustrated Colored Cover ESTABLISHED 19- 03FIrIs orln1lksItlDlllaIe ji I I J s ms aM Ievelipueit Subscription 100 a Year tn Advance < Single Copies loe it News Stands 12c by Mall J- J A YEARLY SUISCIIPTION IS TIE IfTIIIE IIIUI INVESTMENT IN RIIIPA THE FURNITURE HOUSE f r j r v- 8F i MdVEl i HacUT 1 4 p v CARRIES A LARGE MODERN AND COMPLETE STOO- LFURNITURE 1 < OF n t 2 AND = r HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KINDS o L L r nrC1 He oily iMse m Ccitral FkrtU JfeU Ciaplrtdy Finishes tile 1e Carrks at aH Ttaes lie lilesf aii lest II FHTiltire Keepiif ip wit IK tUKS at Jill What tile People Wait r I Also carries a CtBptefe Liie tf Billiers ail Sfce- Hariware Carriaf WMUS iHlies laness lrstt Ltok over tir Stock ail If ov frices More yti make ytnr pircfcases fem iesfectWiyJ L LIVER ii MAcKAY Ocala Florida I > < 4 L I ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S V J t E ROWE PROrKIETOt 1 ICAIJFLIImA t t ALL KINDS DP Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Preduce lath Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish Th Meet Gem I plete Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right i UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Clasa Meals and Reasonable Board te Weekly Customers I I t Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bough- tI and Sold + J i Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 i r V IN art 112 MapNUaSfrtd JA + v4 + +c4 + M ++ t + + Hit II us 11 ssc4sv II O I4 a l FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABlES Western Beef Veal Florida StallFedBeef Mutton Armours Star Ham Annoura Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Tnrnipe Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W P EDWARDS t < J Phone 108 City Market b 1 t Washington Seminary CORNER NORTH AVE AND PEACHTBEE ATLANTA GA d For girls and young ladles established 1878 Number boftrdiig itm dents strictly limited to Insure refined home life CIae dividedimta small sections personal attention to each pupil Faculty of 18 flpicial ists Conservatory advantages in MUSIC ART ELOCUTION C rUl cate admits to Vassar Wellesley et c Catalog tree S L D SCOTT EMMA B SCOTT PRINCIPALS- s b i > A

Transcript of I J Jf C OCALA EVENING - University of...

Page 1: I J Jf C OCALA EVENING - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03188/00058.pdf · 2009-05-12 · I J i- Jf rsijws r > n r < 7 j I r> r J JSsaSf 27

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I 15 No 9 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JUNE It 1909 FIlly Certs a Moatfc H a YearvpiJ L

lave YM leari of the


ii4 This is 111 to he ai iiter

c esttof etitesL We issie vII

IH ctipMs for all cask iire-

hases aid payBeits i all

acetate ftr every Mlar yraq dIll vales Iivestifate vote4

for yw fav rite4



Tw Fhms 174 Ocala Ha-




II Office Over Munroe 8 ChnrablissBank



Office Over Ctnnercial BankPhone 211

Office hours Sl to 12 a n 1 to5 p m




Rooms 9 10 and 11Second Floor Holder Block






Office Second Floor The MunroeChambliss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

TelephonesOffice 222 Residence221

Office HoursB to12 a m 2 to-


4 m 730 to 830 p m=

1 WU





t EquitableL-

ife Assurance Society

Of The Uiitei States





h Nr

r Opens lato the Lobby cf the Ocala

atj VHouse

I Offers the very best service ofkilled workmen with modern ap-


Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massagesHot Running Water at AH Times



jj r-

it j receive dally snlpments of choicefresh and salt water fish of the best

c varieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERPhone 219 City Market


Bed aad Fire Brick Work

Special attention to repairing fur-l aacea boiler setting and Dutchk ovens brick kilns and bakers4 f ovens If your boiler doesnt steam


kz t doctoras it should send for me I am the

All Work Guaranteed-Noi distance too tate ana no hour

111too late UPrespond At the CarltonHouse



J 3 FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goods press-ed


and cleaned on short notice anddelivered promptly All transientwork not called for in 30 days wil-lieF sold for charges

ii ir V




Sir Thomas Lipton Will Build AnotherShamrock and ConteSt Again for

the Americas Cup

New York June 9John W DeKay who has a packing plant in Mex-ico


and who is a friend of Sir ThomasLipton has Just arrived in this cityMr De Kay spent some time with SirThomas while In England and saidthat Sir Thomas was anxious to tryagain to win the American cup

Sir Thomas believes in the luck ofthe fourleaf Shamrock and wants tocome over here with a Shamrock IVsaid Mr De Kay I was with himthe day he won his first race thisseason and he authorized me to makethis statement on my arrival here


unmindful of dampness drafts stormsor cold W J Atkins worked as nightwatchman at Banner Springs TennSuch exposure gave him a severe coldthat settled on his lungs At last hehad to give up work He tried manyremedies but all failed till ho used DrKings New Discovery After usingone bottle he writes I went back towork as well as ever Severe coldsstubbon coughs inflamed throats andsore lungs hemorrhages croup andwhooping cough get quick relief andprompt cure from this glorious medi-cine


SOc and Si Trial bottle freeguaranteed by all druggists


Inez Ky June 9Wlth the womanwho had kidnaped him from hiswifes side on the night of June 1 Jas-per


Crum a well known farmer wastaken into the mountains by hisbrother and a posse which had beensearching for him and the pair strip-ped


to the waist and sound switched-The woman is Miss Lizzie Moore

daughter of a prominent family ofToss Creek West Virginia a sweet-heart


of Crums before his marriage-The pair had recently been corres ¬

ponding and had planned the elope-


The girl knocked at Crums door af-ter


midnight and kept up the appear ¬

ance of kidnaping by putting a revol ¬

ver to Crums head and compelling-him to follow her

A posse took up the search and af-


five days found the pair living to¬

gether at a mining camp In West Vir-ginia


After the whipping the woman wasturned loose but Crum was broughtback to face his Irate wife who hard-ly was able to recognize her husbandafter his experience with the poss-

eMENrAST FIFTY IN DANGERMen st middle life have found

comfort and relief In Foleys KidneyRemedy especially from enlargedprostate gland which is very com-mon


among elderly n L E Mor-ris


Dexter Ky writes Up to a yearago my father suffered from kidneyand bladder trouble and several phy-sicians


pronounced it enlargement ofthe prostate gland and advised an op-


On account of his age wewere afraid he could not stand It andI recommended Foleys Kidney Rem-edy


and the first bottle relieved himand after taking the second bottie hewas no longer troubled with thi3 com-plaint


Sold by all druggists


Portland Me June 9Congress Issure to pass an act either at this ses-sion


or next which will aid the prohi-bition


states in getting rid of the bo¬

gus express companies said Mrs LM N Stevens president of the National W C T U yesterday-

She said she talked with SecretaryKnox and he informed her that he be ¬

lieved and all the best lawyers believethe national government should affordrelief to prohibitory states wheneverand wherever possible She said Presi ¬

dent Taft also held this view

THE BIG HEAD-Is Of two kinds conceit and the big-

head that comes from a sick headacheDoes your head ever feel like a gourdand your brain feel loose and soreYou can cure It in no time hy actingon your liver with Ballards HerblneIsnt it worth trying for the absoluteand certain relief you get At aUdruggists-



Mo June tSuspi ¬

doLls of his wife Walter W Tddington followed the woman to a depart-ment


store here and when he foundher talking with Robert Sellers ayoung business man he fired two bul-lets


into Sellers head Sellers prob-ably


will die Eddington surrendered

Sometimes you may be told thatthere arc other things just as good asDeWItts Kidney and Bladder PillsThat isnt so Nothing made is asgood as DeWItts Kidney and BladderPills for any ailment of the kidneys-or bladuer which always results in aweak back backache rheumatic painsrheumatism and urinary 1Isorder Atrial of DeWitts KIdny and BladderPills is sufficient to convince you howgood they are Send your name to EC DeWitt Co Chicago for a fnotrial box They are sold here by alldruggists

Whether there is a breeze or notyou can keep one up for ten hours withone of the new eightinch Westinghouse fans for only 3 cents H WTucker has them

For stale and exchange will take-as part pay on a high grade piano agood active safe buggy horse or willtake horse and buggy and give easyterms on difference Address generaldelivery Ocala Fla R L ReedPiano Salesman-

To avoid serious results take FoleysKidney Remedy at the first signs orkidney or blader disorder such asbackache urinary irregularities ex-haustion


and you will soon be wellCommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy today Sold by all druggists





by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earThere is only one way to curedeaf-ness and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucuouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬

bling sound or imperfect hearing andwhen it Is entirely closed deafness IS

the result and unless the inflamma-tion can be taken out and this tuberestored to Its normal condition hear ¬

ing will be destroyed forever ninecases out of ten are caused by catarrhwhich is nothing but in inflamed con-dition


of the mucuous surfacesWe will give One Hundred Dollars-

for any case of deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬

lars freeF J CHEXEY CO Toledo O

Sold by druggists 75c Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation


Biennial Meeting of the SovereignCamp at Detroit Attended by


Hundreds of Delegates I

Detroit June LThe sovereign-camp of the Woodmen of the Worldone of the largest fraternal and ben-eficiary


orders in the United Staesmet here yesterday in annual sessionwith several hundred delegates in at ¬

tendance The sovereign camp is com-posed


of delegates from all the stateswith the exception of the Pacific ju-



which has a separate headcamp but is represented at this con ¬

vention by fraternal delegates as Ij

also the Canadian jurisdiction Theladies auxiliary Is also in sessionThe annual election of officers willbe held tomorrow-

IF YOU KNEWthe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-der of rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggists-or


by mall Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 292U Olive Street StLouis Mo-



New York June ILHer first ridein an elevator ended fatally yesterday-for Miss Lena Shoomaker aged 19 ofSaugerties N Y who came to thiscity on an excursion The accidentoccurred in the Flatiron building MissShoomaker fainted and fell as the ele-


descended and her head wascrushed against the wall of the shaftas the car unexpectedly shot up again


Colds and grip were quite preva-lent last winter and ChamberlainsCough Remedy was In great demandand performed some remarkable curesMrs Mary J Robinson of Cameron-W Va says Last winter I wastaken with one of the awfulest colds1 ever had Ih my life I could notspeak above a whisper and was veryhoarse I was afraid it was going tobe pneumonia I took one bottle ofChamberlains Cough Remedy ind Inthree days was lots better and couldtalk I did not take but the one bot-tle


and It cured me I now tell every-body about Chamberlains CoughRemedy and the good it did me 3



The Metropolis has received the fol-


letter which explains itselfMalabang Mindano P I

Dear Editor I have been requestedby several young Americans of Mala ¬

bang to write you these lines request ¬

ing you to aid us in finding some goodAmerican girls who are looking forhusbands and would like to live in thetropics

There are lots of young men overhere In good ciicumstances simplypining away for the love of a goodwoman from the dear old UnitedStates I can account for at least 20young men besides myself who would-be grateful to you if you could aid usI am located on a plantation have1000 acres of hemp cocoanuts andrubber under cultivation and have agood income 1 am in a position tocare for n wife in every way Have alarge home with all conveniences andlife over here I is fine in the land ofeverlasting sun and summer 1 amsure any good woman would be wellsatisfied over here Geo P Grey


beside this I want to go on record-as saying that Iregard Electric Bitters-as one of the greatest gifts that Godhas made to woman writes Mrs O

Rhinevault of Vestal Center X Yq cnn never forget what it has donefor me This glorious medicine givesa woman buoyant spirits vigor ofbody and jubilant health It quicklycures nervousness sleeplessness mel-ancholy


headache backache fainting-and dizzy spells soon builds up theweak ailing and sickly Try them50c at all druggists


An eightinch Westinghouse electric-fan that Is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec-tricity


in ten hours steady running-See them at once H W Tucker theelectrical supply man


Good quality put up in neat balesAlso good pasturage for a few cattlePalmetto Park Farm phone 27A orZ C Chambliss phone IS 2td


is often thought to be responsible foran infants loss in weight or generalpoor health The cause usually is thatthe child has worms Thy get thenourishment in the food and the babystarves actually starves WhitesCream Vermifuge expels the wormsand nourishes the child sure and safePrice 25c tall druggists


For rent an etgntroom residence-well located on South streetApply to F W Ditto or to Guy Toph-

at the Montezuma hotel

Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed tocure chills and fever 25 cents



If the Stories of the Extravagance of

the Island Government areAnywhere Near True

Washington June 9Reports rtLcplvcd at the state department fromCuba are construed by officials asshowing that in spite of the criticisms-of extravagance against the Cubangovernment the administration of therepublic is preparing to make furtherexpenditures instead of retrenching-One official report to the departmentcontains the information that the-I resident of Cuba has issued decrees-for the establishment of new Cubandiplomatic missions to Italy the Ar¬

gentine Republic Brazil Chile Nor-way and Uruguay The decree adeample provision for installing the newlegations and purchasing necessarysupplies

It is provided in the decrees alsothat a vice consul shall be attached-to the legations at Rome Buenos Ay-

res Rio de Janeiro Santiago de ChileChristiana and Brussels a first secre-tary


at the legation In Paris a secondsecretary at the legation in Brussels I

and that here shall be second classconsulates at Connives Haiti and atPalma Grand Canary-

In addition to these things the Cu¬

ban president has recommended theappripriation of 40000 for the endow-ment


of a diplomatic mission to Cen ¬

tral America and South America to be-

headed by Gen Loynaz del Castillo Itis announced that he will be accom-panied


by aides secretaries and as-


and that the presidents sonwill go with him in a private capacity

STUNG FOR 15 YEARS-by indigestions pangs trying manydoctors and 200 worth of medicine Invain B F Ayscue of Ingleside X Cat last used Dr Kings New Life PilLanti writes that they wholly cured himThey cure constipation biliousness-sick headache stomach liver kidney-and bowel troubles 25c at all drug ¬



Wildow of Haines Victim Will NotLong Wear the Weeds

Xew York June 9Mrs W E Annis is to marry again She announcesthat as soon as her theatrical engage-ments


are at an end she will wed awealthy real estate broker of thiscity Mrs AnnTs is the widow ofWilliam E Annis who was slain at theBayside Yacht Club house by CaptPeter Hains about eighteen monthsago


Modern cottages all convenienceswell located and new Apply to Jos-eph


Bell at court housei


Any one wishing a good home inI Ocala with very large lot on easyterms and at a great bargain apply-at once to F AV Ditto

Montezuma Barbershop

Iln Connection With the Hotel OfficeI

I Skilled workmen and courteous at¬

tention to all Special attention tochildren


R A DETTER1CH Proprietor

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

120 South Third StPhone 130 OCALA FLA



Undertakers and Embalmers-

D E Mclvcr Alfred E OwenUndertakers

Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All work done by licensed embalm-ers and fully guaranteed


est QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuy froM the





Careful estimates made on allcontract work cnves more and bet

I ter work for the money than anyI other contractor In own


Every housekeeper recognizes theneed of effective remedies to be used-in emergencIeswhen something mustbe done right away Such a remedy-is Perry Davis Painkiller for sprainsand bruises for strained muscles andfor the aches and pains resulting fromblows and falls Burns and cuts areinstantly relieved by it and helped tohealing Its mission of mercy beganseventy years ago It is used In allcountries and millions bottles aresold annually There is but one Pain-killer


Perry Davis Have you seenthe large new 35c size 6


Metropolis of the Volunteer State isExtending True Southern Hospi ¬

tality to the Old Men in GrayMemphis Tenn June 9The Bijou

theater was crowded from pit to domewhen the nineteenth annual reunion-of United Confederate Veterans wascalled to order at 10 oclock yesterdaymorning by Major General J H Mc-Dowell


commanding the Tennesseedivision Governor Patterson wel-comed


the veterans to Tennessee andMayor Malone spoke for the city ofMemphis The third greeting wasextended by General George Gordonwho spoke in behalf of the executivecommittee-

The welcoming addresses were re¬

sponded to by General Clement AEvans the commanderinchlef of theConfederate Veterans General Evansappearance was the occasion of agreat demonstration in which bothmen and women joined

The roll call and adjournment ofthe usual committees completed thework of the Initial session At 2oclock the veterans assembled to lis-ten


to the annual oration which wasdelivered by General Theodore SGarrett of Norfolk Va General Garretts oration which was an eloquent-and touching tribute to the men whowore the gray was followed by anaddress delivered by Col Lewis Guionof Xew Orleans

Memphis Tenn June 9Probablynever has there been a ConfederatereuIon at which the arrangements-have been so complete or details soably worked out It is almost impos-sible


to walk through and depot inMemphis without some courteous per ¬

son inquiring Are you a visitor In ¬

formation bureaus abound and no necan complain of accommodations notfurnished At a huge mess hall in a I

main street a commissary provided I

meals thre times a day for the oldboys in gray-

Handsomely gowned and daintyISouthern matrons and maids superin-

i tended the preparations of food as1

well as serving it and to see that themore timid and helpless of the veter-ans were not slighted The town Isa myriad of light and every resident-has constituted himself an Informa-tion


reception committee to see thatevery visitor is taken care of

RHEUMATISM-Fully nine out of every ten cases of

rheumatism are simply heumatlsmof the muscles due to cold or damp-or chronic rheumatism neither ofwhich require any Internal treatmentAll that is needed to afford relief Isthe free application of ChamberlainsLiniment and massaging the affectedparts at each application There Isdisagreeable or unpleasant about thisliniment The relief from pain whichit affords is alone worth many timesits cost Price 25 cents large size 69cents 4


Vicksburg Miss June 9On June11 the day following the close of theUnited Confederate Veterans reunion-at Memphis many of the old soldiersand other notables will assemble here-to attend the unveiling of a statute-to the late General Stephen Dill Leewho was commanderInchlef of theConfederate organization at the timeof his death-

It was in the siege of Vicksburgthat General Lee won his spurs as adashing and intrepid commander andthe last years of his life were devotedto the perfection of the great nationalmilitary park here

A VITAL POINTThe most delicate part of a baby Is

its bowels Every ailment that it suf-fers


with attacks the bowels also en ¬

dangering in most cases the life of theinfant McGees Baby Elixir curesdiarrhoea dysentery and all derange ¬

ments of the stomach and bowels Atall druggists


Leading Educator of Chicago Univer¬

sity Styled as an UndesirableBaptist

Chicago June 9At a meeting yes-terday


of several hundred Baptistpreachers and church laymen gath ¬

ered at a conference of the Baptist ex-


council a motion was made-to expel from the Baptist ministryProfessor George B Foster of Chica-go


University The Foster book TheFunction of Religion was denounced-as a bitter indictment of Christian re-

ligion before the bar of skepticismProfessor A K Parker of ChicagoUniversity prevented the eviction bycalling attention to the constitutionalprovision preventing action without aweeks deliberation-

Rev Mathews in criticism of Fes ¬

ters book credited Foster with stat ¬

ing That God did not make man InHis own Image that we are not fal ¬

len angels but developed animalsMiracles always have a resource of Ig¬

norance and modern technic must takethe place of magic

Continuing the Rev Mathews saidthe title Of this book should havebeen Religion with Christianity Heis guilty of the supreme conceit ofranking himself greater than ChristHe styles our grand old book as thepetrified remains of the Christian re-



YOU NEVER CAN TELLjust exactly the cause of your rheu ¬

matism but you know you have itDo you know that Ballards Snow Lin ¬

iment will cure it relieves the painreduces the swelling and limbers

the joints and muscles so that you willbe as active and well as you ever werePrice 25c SOc and St At all druggists




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r3438 Fort King Avenue Witn 8uildins T ph 7 r<

Devoted to Floridas Agricultural Horticul <5 turnl and Stock Raising Interest Finely II-

lustrated The Handsomest well as one ofthe most Practical Journals of its Claslin theSouth Printed on Fine Book Paper 20 to 40 f-

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Western Beef Veal Florida StallFedBeefMutton Armours Star Ham Annoura PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Tnrnipe BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions



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For girls and young ladles established 1878 Number boftrdiig itmdents strictly limited to Insure refined home life CIae dividedimtasmall sections personal attention to each pupil Faculty of 18 flpicialists Conservatory advantages in MUSIC ART ELOCUTION C rUlcate admits to Vassar Wellesley et c Catalog tree





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