I ItItremedyonedollar yourname continue f iiOdd at 95at · 2017. 12. 15. · cases of eczema and in...

r vmt j4t1UMtr 211 p lADttdA1t VENtti < StJ pA i tmt > BAPTISTS ENJOY SPLENDID TALK JIIGI AUiuFNCKS ATTHNM TJI- 1II1IM INSTITUTE Some Former Iuslor of Pndtica IJClhtrcttes Ounu nark For Week t Tin vitoGitAM roil TOMOitiun 1 Splendid audiences attended the Baptist lilblo Institute this morning rind afternoon An Interest has been manifested In tho day meetings thai t Is pleasing to tho ministers while last evening a largo audience heard tho lecture delivered by tho Rev C W Knight of Mqrganfleld This morning tho quiet hour wa conducted by tho Rev J W Bruncr formorly pastor of the Second Dap list church How Wo Got OUt IJIblo was told by tho Rev W U 1JI1I of Clinton This nftcrnooi Infant Iloptlsm Its Kvllo was tho theme of a lecture by tho Ilev H W Virgin of Jackson Tonn Dr O M Savage of Union university upoko on Christian Education t This evening tho Rev W C Tar loy of Arlington will speak or Christian Science at tho First Baptist church tho Ilov J W Dar- ter of Lexington will speak at the Second Dnptlst church tho Itov JI 1 j Staloy of Fulton will preach at tio last liaptlst church and the Rev J M 1 liurgoss at the North Twelfth street churcu j Tho program for tomorrow Is 1000 a in Quiet lIour I 1010 a mm Bins I Hxceedlng Sin fulnessV 11 Hill lit 1C a m An Exposition II VV Virgin 230 p m Hell Flro and Dam untlonW I II Hunter 3lG p m The Twentieth Cen- tury 1ovilil 11 Taylor A pleasant feature of tho Illblc Institute was a luncheon given at noon today by tho Ilov end Mrs M 1 E Uodd at their homo 930 Jo Tor lIOn Tho luncheon was given In honor of Dr Q W Savage profos eor of Hebrew and Philosophy at the Union university and tho former BtudontH who are attending the lust ¬ tutu Those present wore Dr Q JI 1 Savage tho Ilov W It Hill of dlluton tho Rev W 15 Hunter of Princeton tho Rev J D Adcock of IxiulHvlllo tho Itov Q H Smaller tho Ilov C W Knight of Morgan held tho Rev J R Clark and the liar M E Dodd and Mrs Dodd Turkey Wrin With Crrle Conxtantlnoplo Jan 25lIl1kk t Hey mot with parliament today for the first time since ho assumed the office of grand vizier In announc ¬ Ins tho policy of tho now cabinet ho reiterated with marked emphasis that Turkey was resolved to uphold by nil tho means In Its power tho su- ltans sovereign rights In Crete though It was prepared to extend to tho Cretans tho largest measures of autonomy Supremo Court Recess Washington Jan 5Tho su ¬ premo court of tho United States to ¬ day announced that It would take n roses from novt Monday Jan 32 to Fob 21 Ituition Honor IVnry London Jnn 26The Royal Goo Kraphlo Hoclity at n meeting today decided to award a special gold medal to Commander Robert E Jenry IP IT DISAPPEARS ITS ECZEMA now to Toll Whether n Skin Affcc tlou Is An Inherited Illood Disease or Not Sometimes It Is hard to determine whether a skin affection Is a sign of a blood disorder or simply a form of r eczema Eveu physicians are often puzzled in their diagnosis Tho best way for any ono afflicted Is to go to Gilberts nnd R W Walker Co or any good druggist who handles pure I drugs and obtain CO cents worth of poslam Apply this and if the Itch- Ing stops at once and the trouble is cured In a few days it may be sot down as having been eczema as this Is the way poslam acts In tho worst cases of eczema and in curing acne herpes blotches tetter piles salt rheum rash barbers and other forms of Itch scaly scalp and all surface skin affections Any ono who will write to the Emergency Laboratories No 32 West Twcntyllfth street Now York can secure by mall freo of charge a supply sufficient to euro a small eczema surface or clear a complex- Ion ¬ overnight and remove pimples In twentyfour hours No C ONE ACCEPTED RKCRlIT LEAVES FOIl JKFPKIl SOS IIAIIKACKS Tno Men Are Held Hero nn Proba ¬ tion Report of Recruiting Station I As a result of Cnpt George W Klrkpatrloks trip hero last nightI I ono man was accepted for Infantry service In tho U S army while two aro being hold nt tho local station on probation ono for the Infantry and ono for the coast I1rtllleryI I Norman Mockbeo of Hopklnsvlllc I who was brought hero lost week by Sergeant Krosky was accepted and loft this morning for Jefferson liar racks to bo broken In William linker 22 years old of Vienna 111 wants to join tho Infantry and It waiting here for a few days Like ¬ wise Wilson Brown 32 years old of West Frankfort 111 is being hold Ho has a longing to join the coast artillery Roth may bo sent away In a tow days- Sergeant Joseph Krosky loft CfJ11 terday for Princeton nml will return tomorrow night Ho Is scouting for raw recruits Sergeant CA Blake huts received a report from Washington showing the total number of men who np plied throughdut tho United States In December 1909 and tho number accepted nnd rejected Tho report shows tho work of each district Pa ducnh being Included In tho sixth which Is Hvansvlllc Following are tho stations as thoI rank In Importance and the number accepted at each Chicago 278 Now York 172 San Francisco 136 Torro Haute 46 Omaha 46 Evans vlllu 38 St Louis 31 Knoxville JO Cincinnati 29 Toledo 28 Pitts- burgh 21 Cleveland 20 Tho total number of applicants wore 11477 while out of this number 2051 wore accepted Tho number of rejections wero 942G limbatntsnienr t Mrs AWllllt tho matter with Mrs DeStyloT Sho looks the picture of embarrassment Mrs hNo wonder Her little boy used nil has old love lottort to mike the tale of hit kilo and they came down In the neighbors yard Chicago Nows I ITho Evening SuntOe a Week The Post Tavern At Battle Creek Mich Is justly famous for its rapeNuts griddle cakes r > v Recipe Tw o pups sour milk eight teaspoonfuls of GrapoNuts bat n teaspoonful salt two scant teaspoonfuls isoda Hour enough to make a thin h batter Add tho Grape Nuls to batter just before c frying Fry a tml I cake and if tho butter Is too thin add moro flour t Abovo rcolpo mattes nbout 2 doz cakes Tho GrapeNuts in the cakes make them ns light and porous as buckwheat cakes with the advantage of being much moro easily digestedLife J r There oS a Reason for ORAPENUTS Postural Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich BANKER ROBBEDOF 0 0X13 PAINTS ON HIS SlIourtmll AND BICURIS HIS ROLL Warner Van Norden Ticks Up Pock- etbook of Woiimn Walking Along Fifth Avenue TWO AVOMHN DO Till WOR h New York Jan 25 Warner M- Van N6rdcn the banker and presi- dent of the Van Nordcn Trust con pany was robbed of 28000 last Wednesday night as ho was leaving the WaldorfAstoria With the arraignment today ot Jesslo Roberts alias Kitty Dowde of Chicago nnd Annie William alias Chicago Maggie tho story was undo public Mr Van Norden saw two women walking along Fifth avenue Ono dropped a pocketbook nnd Mr Van Norden politely picked It up and re turned It to her A hearty slap on the back was the somewhat startling and unconven- tional manner in which ono of the was a profusion of thanks There was a profusion of thanks and bows and ono of tho women fainted sud lenly on Mr Van Nortons shoulder The woman revived nnd a few minutes later Mr Van Norden missed the 28000 The women wore hold In 30000 bond Notice Pursuant to tho order of lion E V liagby referee In tho matter of oroman Ilros Electric Co bank- rupt I shall sell at tho court house In Paducah Ky on the 31st day of January 1910 at 11 a m tho ac taunts of tho above firm said ac- counts having nn appraised value of 80000 E L D TOOFTrustee II THE WIDOW liB MITT IN JAIL HAS PllfCAI KHLATIVHS irCunfoMMl Night Rider and Ills PrlMJii hnonuce1VIIiGet Dresden Tonn Jan 2GJrIlnk ohrlngor self confesaed night rider rind star witness for tho stale in the celebrated night rider eases at Union City who tried to commit suicide last week was married at tho county lallhero to Mrs Frances Campbell of Nashville Tenn The ceremony was performed IE t Iio corridors of the Jail Robert N rvfnc justice of the peace officiat lug It appears that FehrInger while confined in jail at Nashville await- Ing the night rider trials met Mrs Inmpboll who was also an Inmate or tho Nashville jail charged with some minor offenses that a love affair sprang up between them and that after his removal here from Caahvlllo they kept up a consider- able correspondence- A few days slnco Mrs Campbell nine to Dresden to arrange about securIng his release Sho paid soy oral visits to Fchrlngor and their courtship materially advanced as they discussed tho situation through time bars of the Dresden Jail cells Lnto yesterday afternoon they con eluded to get married and tho cere nony was performed last night Mrs Cnmpboll now Mrs Fehrln ger Is a handsome young woman and stylishly dressed In blue tailored suit light waist and picture hat with largo tips She claims to bo from Louisville Ky and to bo connected with some good people at Hlckmnh Kr I Paducah Ky and Nashville Tens tier first husband deserts her and sho obtained a divorce from him Tho friends of Fohrlngcr hen since tho marriage have promised ti o secure his release and have written Goy Patterson today with roferenc to same No Indictment was returned against Fohrtngcr hero at the last term of court and lie Is freo so la- na this county Is concerned THE LEGISLATURE Continued from Page Ono imprisonment on those convicted o pandering which is practically now word In tho long list of crlmlni words used In this state Time bl was given to Representative Shear- by Or M U Adams who received I from Or U Edward Jnnney of la inure Maryland- It Is tho bill thnt will bo Introdui od In tho legislature of tho varloi state of tho union and It will hat no opposition In the Kentucky legl Inture Its provisions are not net and It will bo ono of the shorts steps toward lifting till fallen w 1 Constipations s Cure Free J constipation of relief such as hot or cold water on yourllr etc but what do you do when these fail I nndpUl1allvo cathartic gone through these various stages you know they were all useless resultsgo anlnbut a remedy made urpose leguaranteed t resuits abrlet bowelmuscles theirwork you ofSanville will Mrs S A Hampton ot Portage O so I therela out I yourname ¬ t ItIt remedy onedollar J continue unt11Cured thedose does not gripe and la promptly effective and these statements are guaranteed or money will bs refunded This remedy Is I over A quarter of a cen t I bYmnre remedy on the American market Because pleasanttaste t generallyDr I pleasedto maydesire absolutelytree I aletter I For the free sample simply send your name and address on a postal card or otherwise For either request the doctors I Caldwelln6ojCaldwell I men In JCenturkyI Heavy Ionnlltes Iniimsoil I A fine of 5000 Is Imposed and I Imprisonment of from two to twelve f years years added If any person Is E found guilty of pandering and by t pandering is meant for any person t to take place harbor cnvelgle en ¬ tice persuade encourage either by I threats or promises or by any de t rice or scheme of causes to be taken I Or placed any femalo In a house of 111 fame or elsewhere against her t will for Immoral or illegal purposes I as pointed out in the bill If a fe ¬ I malo Is married for such a purpose or placed In the care of any person for such a purpose or detained or I threatened for such a purpose the t same fines and penalties are pro I vided Substance of the Hill The bill reads An act In relation to pandering to definite and prohibit the same to pro vide for the punishment thereof andn for the competency of certain evi ¬ I dence at the trial thereof Section A Any person who takes places harbors onrclgles en- tices ¬ persuades encourages either I by threats or promises or by any device or scheme takes or places or causes to bo placed or taken any fe ¬ male Into a house of Illfame or of I assignation or elsewhere against I her will for the purposo of prosUtuI I tlon or illegal a tamale unlawfully j against her will with tho Intent to I compel her by force threats persu ¬ I asion raenndf or duress to marry him or to marry any other person J who being parent guardian or bay- Ing ¬ I legal charge of time person of a I female consents to her taking or detention by any person for tho pur ¬ pose of prostitution or Illegal sex ¬ ual Intercourse shall bo guilty of pandering and upon conviction shall be punished by Imprisonment for n term of not less than two nor more than twelve years and bo fined not moro than five thousand dollars In tho discretion of the court Pandering Defined Section II Any person who shall place any female In tho charge or custody of any person or persons for Immoral purposes or In n house of prostitution with tho Intent that she shall live a life of prostitution or any person who shall compel any fomnlo to reside with him or with SILER CITY LADY A VICTiM Mrs Olllllnndor Slier City Was Left 111 Had Shape ns It Hwnlt of nn Attack of the Grlf1 Slier City N CI was lilt 1 lad shape writes Mrs Sarah J aillllaiid 0of I thus place VMtor an attack of tho grip was bothered with womanly I troubles but tdnco taMns Cordul I- o am much Improved It has done me I more good than the doctors and 1 t fool It saved my Jlfe after all other r methods had failed- I thank you for the good that Card ill has done to mo and hopo every lady whb suffers will try It I will recommend It to ray friends You can rely on Cardul being of benefit to you Its Ingredients are mild herbs having a gontle tonic effect on the female constitution The special herbs arc grown abroad and Imported by us direct They are not t In the Phurmaropoia nor for solo at druggsts except as put up by us so a you rannol got tho effect of Cardul except by buying Cardul the wom 11 ans tonic erNo other modldne or tonic has ex- It ¬ actly the same Jesuits as Cardul no I I other has the record ofGO years of urrossful treatments of cares of fe aisle weakness debility nnd disease ill It i Iii certainly worth trying 3 Ask your druggist I N 13 Write to tallies Advisory ncnt 111I00 1I Mtsllrlno Co Clint r t0111tnn for Special Ioutr- urF101pnge book Homo Treat 1 wrapIper any other person for immoral pur ¬ poses or for the purpose of prostl tutlon or compel her to live a life of prostitution Is guilty or pandering Mid upon conviction shall bo punish ¬ ed by a fine of not less than ono thousand dollars and Imprisoned not less than ono nor more than ten years Section C Any person who shall recelvo any money or other valuable thing for or on account of procuring tor or placing In a houso of prostl tution or elsewhoro any female for the purpose of causing her to co habit with any male person or per sons shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be icntenced to tho penitentiary for not less than three nor moro than ten years Section D Any person who by force fraud Intimidation or threats places or leaves or procures any thor person or persons to place or leave his wife in a house of prostl utlon or to lead a life of prostltu lion shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall bo sen- tenced to the penitentiary for not less than three nor more than ten years One of the liest Provisions Section E Any person or persons who knowingly receives any money or other valuable thing from the turnings of any woman or girl en ¬ gaged In prostitution shall bo guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall bo sentenced to the penitentiary for not less than three nor moro than ten years Section P Any person or per sons who attempts to detain any girl or woman in a disorderly house or ouse of prostitution because of any debt or debts sho has contracted or- s i said to have contracted while llv ig In said house shall be guilty of felony and upon conviction thereof tmll bo sentenced to the pcnltcn ary for not less than two nor moro han twelve years Section G Any person who shall knowingly transport or causa to be ruusported or aid or assist In obtain ug transportation for by any means of conveyance through or across this state any woman or girl for tho purpose of prostitution or with the ntent and purpose to induce entice or compel such woman or girl to be- come a prostitute shal be deemed ullty of a felony and upon convic- tion thereof bo sentenced to the pen entlary for not less than three nor moro than ten years any person wino may commit the crime in this section mentioned may bo prosecut- ed indicted tried and convicted in my county or city In or through hlch ho shal so transport or at- tempt to transport any woman or girt as aforesaid And Oe it further enacted that this act shall tLlso effect from tho date or- ts passage For Protection of Bees Ode of tho picturesque figures 1n- Wo upper branch of the legislature is t Senator N D Chipman of Pondlc ton county Tall and with a long lowing board he is quick to bo noted by all visitors Senator Chip nnn Is always In his seat and always en the lookout for his constituency lie Is tho author of a bill providing for the county Inspection of apiaries mud protection of bees from fowl rood and disease He is regarded as an authority on all apiary milt leIs and is very much In earnest for the enactment of his measure which he says oil greatly encourage tho In- dustry in this state Looks find for Itcvcnuo Agents From tho number of bills intro- duced In both houses to abolish tho office of revenue agents or curtail their powers tho tax ferrets will have rough sledding In this general assembly Tho sentiment seems to be strong to do away with this sys- tem and It would npt bo at all sur- prising If when the session ends the office of revenue agent both state and county was a thing of Uio past In addition to the abolishment of the office It is figured tho repeal of tho law would put a crimp In tho pat- ronage of tho state auditor and dis- connect a horde of Republicans from fat Jobs Kadlcnl Change Proposed A radical change In criminal pro eduro Is proposed In n bill offered In the house by Representative George W Reid of Dallnrd county which provides that a defendant luti bo released from custody oil bell after conviction and while his case Is pending in the court of ap- peals except when tho penalty for Early Sprin- gFLOWERS Wo have tho largest stock of Reliable Flower Seed in Paducah Full instructions with each purchase how to have early bloom Plant now UIII IJ PiifuC RyI I III Both Phones 808 or f I Mens Hats at t CleanUp Prices I i lot Mens Hats i iOdd styles grades 200 Cfp and clean up price uUU i iMons 200 and 2CO Hats black arid colors new shapes 38prlco 1 a Mens Suits CleanUp Prices A Mens and Young I liens Suits and Overcoats that sold 10 1250 and u 3 3at to 15 CleanUp pric Mens and Young Suits andt j l that sold 18 and up to 20 CleanUp price t tens and Suits Young and J Overcoats that sold rat 2250 25 and up to 30 CleanUp price j Mens and Young Mcn8 Suits and 3 Overcoats that sold at 30 3250 and up to 35 CleanUp price + Mens and Young P M irons and j Overcoats that sold t at 3750 and 1000 CleanUp price 95at I 2J1up andOvercoats At lMens Suits 765 s11s5s15tio i 1885 2075 + Childrens Suits and Overcoats l At CleanUp Prices a- j Boys and Cliildreiis Suite 7 and Overcoats that sold to 2 tJ- I 450 CleanUp price I Boys rind Childrens tos s and Overcoats sJd imp 385 jI Cleantip prick it 95amid x50 CleanUp price Boys and Childrens Suits i and Overcoats that sold to 8 8 f- Jl 1250 CleanUp price l Buoys nine Childrens suits 75- t and Overcoats that so dup to 1500 CleanUp price t 1Boys Knee Pants Clean Up Prices up i Cnow C I to C Knee up to i i inow eJ- y C y tip to200 11 to jnow itj up to 1 Ynow 5iII 1 35 I Radical Reductions in Other I x LinesI I i D Lu rI 1 l BROADWAYl l J tt t titl ttft4f ts ltl the crime is death or life imprison- ment ¬ Under the present law any such defendant out on ball beforo and during his after conviction Is forced to remain in jail until the highest parses on the case advocates of cuango Insists whero a defendant has out on ho should bo accorded the ¬ until his is finally doter ¬ ruined Columbus Seems Assured That Kentucky another legal holiday Is almost assured from tho number Introduced in both tho senate to designate October 12 of each year aa to bo known asj i Mens Kent lints all colors stiff and shapes clean 1 Mel s 400 and 300 l Stiff and Kent Soft 1 p I up s that j 700 I t 1 t up At Boys Knee Pants that sold 16 GCc Boys Knee Pants that sold up 100 > 5 9 Pants that sold 126 Knee Pants that sold j 0 Boys Knee Pants tint sold 230 e41 Irr r who way have been trial court The the that been ball same privi loge case nay will have of bills that have been and house such 1 300 soft t olumbus day In honor of the des overer of America The Knights at Columbus a fraternal organization which has grown by leaps and bounds Is behind the movoment to > thus honor the daring Spanish navl ator who found the new world rime day has been legalized as a hbU4 lay by several state legislatures 1 LICENSE NOTICE t t- All city licenses are duo end pay- ablo in time month of January lloset verlook this mutter as tho lHiiAty t or 10 per cent will be added to fi u npald licenses ou February 1 currants will bo Issued R n mOKs hiccpsp 1ns

Transcript of I ItItremedyonedollar yourname continue f iiOdd at 95at · 2017. 12. 15. · cases of eczema and in...

Page 1: I ItItremedyonedollar yourname continue f iiOdd at 95at · 2017. 12. 15. · cases of eczema and in curing acne herpes blotches tetter piles salt rheum rash barbers and other forms

r vmt j4t1UMtr 211 p lADttdA1t VENtti < StJ pA i tmt >




Some Former Iuslor of PndticaIJClhtrcttes Ounu nark

For Week

tTin vitoGitAM roil TOMOitiun


Splendid audiences attended theBaptist lilblo Institute this morningrind afternoon An Interest has beenmanifested In tho day meetings thai tIs pleasing to tho ministers whilelast evening a largo audience heardtho lecture delivered by tho Rev C

W Knight of MqrganfleldThis morning tho quiet hour wa

conducted by tho Rev J W Bruncrformorly pastor of the Second Dap

list church How Wo Got OUtIJIblo was told by tho Rev W U

1JI1I of Clinton This nftcrnooiInfant Iloptlsm Its Kvllo was

tho theme of a lecture by tho IlevH W Virgin of Jackson Tonn DrO M Savage of Union universityupoko on Christian Educationt This evening tho Rev W C Tar

loy of Arlington will speak or

Christian Science at tho FirstBaptist church tho Ilov J W Dar-

ter of Lexington will speak at theSecond Dnptlst church tho Itov JI1j Staloy of Fulton will preach attio last liaptlst church and theRev J M1 liurgoss at the NorthTwelfth street churcuj Tho program for tomorrow Is

1000 a in Quiet lIourI 1010 a mm Bins IHxceedlng Sin

fulnessV 11 Hilllit 1C a m An Exposition II

VV Virgin230 p m Hell Flro and Dam

untlonW III Hunter3lG p m The Twentieth Cen-

tury 1ovilil 11 TaylorA pleasant feature of tho Illblc

Institute was a luncheon given atnoon today by tho Ilov end Mrs M1

E Uodd at their homo 930 Jo TorlIOn Tho luncheon was given Inhonor of Dr Q W Savage profoseor of Hebrew and Philosophy at theUnion university and tho formerBtudontH who are attending the lust ¬

tutu Those present wore Dr Q

JI1 Savage tho Ilov W It Hill ofdlluton tho Rev W 15 Hunter ofPrinceton tho Rev J D Adcock ofIxiulHvlllo tho Itov Q H Smallertho Ilov C W Knight of Morganheld tho Rev J R Clark and theliar M E Dodd and Mrs Dodd

Turkey Wrin With CrrleConxtantlnoplo Jan 25lIl1kkt

Hey mot with parliament today forthe first time since ho assumed theoffice of grand vizier In announc ¬

Ins tho policy of tho now cabinet horeiterated with marked emphasisthat Turkey was resolved to upholdby nil tho means In Its power tho su-ltans sovereign rights In Cretethough It was prepared to extend totho Cretans tho largest measures ofautonomy

Supremo Court RecessWashington Jan 5Tho su ¬

premo court of tho United States to¬

day announced that It would take nroses from novt Monday Jan 32 toFob 21

Ituition Honor IVnryLondon Jnn 26The Royal Goo

Kraphlo Hoclity at n meeting todaydecided to award a special goldmedal to Commander Robert EJenry


now to Toll Whether n Skin Affcctlou Is An Inherited Illood

Disease or Not

Sometimes It Is hard to determinewhether a skin affection Is a sign ofa blood disorder or simply a form ofreczema Eveu physicians are oftenpuzzled in their diagnosis Tho bestway for any ono afflicted Is to go toGilberts nnd R W Walker Co orany good druggist who handles pure

I drugs and obtain CO cents worth ofposlam Apply this and if the Itch-Ing stops at once and the trouble iscured In a few days it may be sotdown as having been eczema as thisIs the way poslam acts In tho worstcases of eczema and in curing acneherpes blotches tetter piles saltrheum rash barbers and otherforms of Itch scaly scalp and allsurface skin affections

Any ono who will write to theEmergency Laboratories No 32West Twcntyllfth street Now Yorkcan secure by mall freo of charge asupply sufficient to euro a smalleczema surface or clear a complex-Ion


overnight and remove pimples Intwentyfour hours No C



Tno Men Are Held Hero nn Proba ¬

tion Report of RecruitingStation


As a result of Cnpt George WKlrkpatrloks trip hero last nightII

ono man was accepted for Infantryservice In tho U S army while twoaro being hold nt tho local stationon probation ono for the Infantryand ono for the coast I1rtllleryI I

Norman Mockbeo of HopklnsvlllcI

who was brought hero lost week bySergeant Krosky was accepted andloft this morning for Jefferson liarracks to bo broken In Williamlinker 22 years old of Vienna 111

wants to join tho Infantry and Itwaiting here for a few days Like ¬

wise Wilson Brown 32 years old of

West Frankfort 111 is being holdHo has a longing to join the coastartillery Roth may bo sent away Ina tow days-

Sergeant Joseph Krosky loft CfJ11terday for Princeton nml will returntomorrow night Ho Is scouting forraw recruits

Sergeant CA Blake huts receiveda report from Washington showingthe total number of men who npplied throughdut tho United StatesIn December 1909 and tho numberaccepted nnd rejected Tho reportshows tho work of each district Paducnh being Included In tho sixthwhich Is Hvansvlllc

Following are tho stations as thoIrank In Importance and the numberaccepted at each Chicago 278

Now York 172 San Francisco 136

Torro Haute 46 Omaha 46 Evansvlllu 38 St Louis 31 KnoxvilleJO Cincinnati 29 Toledo 28 Pitts-burgh 21 Cleveland 20 Tho totalnumber of applicants wore 11477while out of this number 2051 woreaccepted Tho number of rejectionswero 942G

limbatntsnienrtMrs AWllllt tho matter with

Mrs DeStyloT Sho looks the pictureof embarrassment

Mrs hNo wonder Her littleboy used nil has old love lottort tomike the tale of hit kilo and theycame down In the neighbors yardChicago Nows

IITho Evening SuntOe a Week

The Post TavernAt Battle Creek Mich

Is justly famous for its rapeNuts griddle cakes

r > v RecipeTw o pups sour milk eight teaspoonfuls of

GrapoNuts bat n teaspoonful salt two scantteaspoonfuls isoda Hour enough to make a thin

h batter Add tho Grape Nuls to batter just beforec

frying Fry a tmlI cake and if tho butter Is toothin add moro flour

t Abovo rcolpo mattes nbout 2 doz cakesTho GrapeNuts in the cakes make them ns light and porous

as buckwheat cakes with the advantage of being much moro easilydigestedLife JrThere oS a Reason for ORAPENUTS

Postural Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich




Warner Van Norden Ticks Up Pock-etbook of Woiimn Walking

Along Fifth Avenue


New York Jan 25 Warner M-

Van N6rdcn the banker and presi-dent of the Van Nordcn Trust conpany was robbed of 28000 lastWednesday night as ho was leavingthe WaldorfAstoria

With the arraignment today otJesslo Roberts alias Kitty Dowdeof Chicago nnd Annie William alias

Chicago Maggie tho story wasundo public

Mr Van Norden saw two womenwalking along Fifth avenue Onodropped a pocketbook nnd Mr VanNorden politely picked It up and returned It to her

A hearty slap on the back was thesomewhat startling and unconven-tional manner in which ono of thewas a profusion of thanks Therewas a profusion of thanks and bowsand ono of tho women fainted sudlenly on Mr Van Nortons shoulder

The woman revived nnd a fewminutes later Mr Van Nordenmissed the 28000

The women wore hold In 30000bond

NoticePursuant to tho order of lion E

V liagby referee In tho matter oforoman Ilros Electric Co bank-

rupt I shall sell at tho court houseIn Paducah Ky on the 31st day ofJanuary 1910 at 11 a m tho actaunts of tho above firm said ac-

counts having nn appraised value of80000 E L D




irCunfoMMl Night Rider and IllsPrlMJii


Dresden Tonn Jan 2GJrIlnkohrlngor self confesaed night riderrind star witness for tho stale in thecelebrated night rider eases at UnionCity who tried to commit suicidelast week was married at tho countylallhero to Mrs Frances Campbellof Nashville Tenn

The ceremony was performed IE

t Iio corridors of the Jail Robert Nrvfnc justice of the peace officiatlug

It appears that FehrInger whileconfined in jail at Nashville await-Ing the night rider trials met MrsInmpboll who was also an Inmateor tho Nashville jail charged withsome minor offenses that a loveaffair sprang up between them andthat after his removal here fromCaahvlllo they kept up a consider-able correspondence-

A few days slnco Mrs Campbellnine to Dresden to arrange aboutsecurIng his release Sho paid soy

oral visits to Fchrlngor and theircourtship materially advanced asthey discussed tho situation throughtime bars of the Dresden Jail cells

Lnto yesterday afternoon they coneluded to get married and tho cerenony was performed last night

Mrs Cnmpboll now Mrs Fehrlnger Is a handsome young womanand stylishly dressed In blue tailoredsuit light waist and picture hat withlargo tips She claims to bo fromLouisville Ky and to bo connectedwith some good people at HlckmnhKrI Paducah Ky and NashvilleTens tier first husband desertsher and sho obtained a divorce fromhim

Tho friends of Fohrlngcr hensince tho marriage have promised tiosecure his release and have writtenGoy Patterson today with roferencto same No Indictment was returnedagainst Fohrtngcr hero at the last

term of court and lie Is freo so la-

na this county Is concerned


Continued from Page Ono

imprisonment on those convicted opandering which is practically

now word In tho long list of crlmlniwords used In this state Time blwas given to Representative Shear-by Or M U Adams who received I

from Or U Edward Jnnney of lainure Maryland-

It Is tho bill thnt will bo Introduiod In tho legislature of tho varloistate of tho union and It will hatno opposition In the Kentucky leglInture Its provisions are not netand It will bo ono of the shortssteps toward lifting till fallen w



Cure FreeJ constipationof relief such as hot or cold water onyourllretc but what do you dowhen these fail

I nndpUl1allvocatharticgone throughthese various stages you know they wereall uselessresultsgoanlnbuta remedy madeurposeleguaranteedtresuitsabrletbowelmusclestheirworkyou

ofSanvillewill Mrs S A Hampton ot Portage Oso

Itherelaout Iyourname¬ tItItremedyonedollarJcontinueunt11Curedthedosedoes not gripe and la promptly effectiveand these statements are guaranteed ormoney will bs refunded

This remedy IsI over A quarter of a cent IbYmnreremedy on the American market Becausepleasanttaste t

generallyDr Ipleasedtomaydesireabsolutelytree Ialetter IFor the free sample simply send yourname and address on a postal card orotherwise For either request the doctors ICaldwelln6ojCaldwell


men In JCenturkyIHeavy Ionnlltes Iniimsoil I

A fine of 5000 Is Imposed and I

Imprisonment of from two to twelve f

years years added If any person Is E

found guilty of pandering and by tpandering is meant for any person tto take place harbor cnvelgle en¬

tice persuade encourage either by I

threats or promises or by any de t

rice or scheme of causes to be taken I

Or placed any femalo In a house of111 fame or elsewhere against her twill for Immoral or illegal purposes I

as pointed out in the bill If a fe¬ I

malo Is married for such a purposeor placed In the care of any personfor such a purpose or detained or Ithreatened for such a purpose the tsame fines and penalties are pro I

videdSubstance of the Hill

The bill readsAn act In relation to pandering to

definite and prohibit the same to provide for the punishment thereof andnfor the competency of certain evi¬ I

dence at the trial thereofSection A Any person who

takes places harbors onrclgles en-


persuades encourages either I

by threats or promises or by anydevice or scheme takes or places orcauses to bo placed or taken any fe¬

male Into a house of Illfame or of I

assignation or elsewhere against I

her will for the purposo of prosUtuII

tlon or illegal a tamale unlawfully j

against her will with tho Intent to I

compel her by force threats persu ¬ I

asion raenndf or duress to marryhim or to marry any other person J

who being parent guardian or bay-

Ing¬ I

legal charge of time person of a I

female consents to her taking ordetention by any person for tho pur ¬

pose of prostitution or Illegal sex ¬

ual Intercourse shall bo guilty ofpandering and upon conviction shallbe punished by Imprisonment for nterm of not less than two nor more

than twelve years and bo fined notmoro than five thousand dollars In

tho discretion of the courtPandering Defined

Section II Any person who shallplace any female In tho charge orcustody of any person or persons

for Immoral purposes or In n houseof prostitution with tho Intent thatshe shall live a life of prostitutionor any person who shall compel any

fomnlo to reside with him or with



Mrs Olllllnndor Slier City Was Left111 Had Shape ns It Hwnlt of nn

Attack of the Grlf1

Slier City N CI was lilt 1ladshape writes Mrs Sarah J aillllaiid

0ofI thus place VMtor an attack of thogrip was bothered with womanly

I troubles but tdnco taMns Cordul I-

o am much Improved It has done meI more good than the doctors and 1

t fool It saved my Jlfe after all otherr methods had failed-

I thank you for the good thatCard ill has done to mo and hopoevery lady whb suffers will try It I

will recommend It to ray friendsYou can rely on Cardul being of

benefit to you Its Ingredients aremild herbs having a gontle toniceffect on the female constitution Thespecial herbs arc grown abroad andImported by us direct They are not

t In the Phurmaropoia nor for solo atdruggsts except as put up by us so

ayou rannol got tho effect of Cardulexcept by buying Cardul the wom


ans tonicerNo other modldne or tonic has ex-


actly the same Jesuits as Cardul noII other has the record ofGO years of

urrossful treatments of cares of feaisle weakness debility nnd disease

ill It iIii certainly worth trying3 Ask your druggistI N 13 Write to tallies Advisory

ncnt 111I00 1I Mtsllrlno Co Clintr t0111tnn for Special Ioutr-urF101pnge book Homo Treat


any other person for immoral pur ¬

poses or for the purpose of prostltutlon or compel her to live a life ofprostitution Is guilty or panderingMid upon conviction shall bo punish ¬

ed by a fine of not less than onothousand dollars and Imprisoned notless than ono nor more than tenyears

Section C Any person who shallrecelvo any money or other valuablething for or on account of procuringtor or placing In a houso of prostltution or elsewhoro any female forthe purpose of causing her to cohabit with any male person or persons shall be guilty of a felony andupon conviction thereof shall beicntenced to tho penitentiary for notless than three nor moro than tenyears

Section D Any person who byforce fraud Intimidation or threatsplaces or leaves or procures anythor person or persons to place orleave his wife in a house of prostlutlon or to lead a life of prostltulion shall be guilty of a felony andupon conviction thereof shall bo sen-tenced to the penitentiary for notless than three nor more than tenyears

One of the liest ProvisionsSection E Any person or persons

who knowingly receives any moneyor other valuable thing from theturnings of any woman or girl en¬

gaged In prostitution shall bo guiltyof a felony and upon convictionthereof shall bo sentenced to thepenitentiary for not less than threenor moro than ten years

Section P Any person or persons who attempts to detain any girlor woman in a disorderly house orouse of prostitution because of anydebt or debts sho has contracted or-si said to have contracted while llvig In said house shall be guilty of

felony and upon conviction thereoftmll bo sentenced to the pcnltcnary for not less than two nor moro

han twelve yearsSection G Any person who shall

knowingly transport or causa to beruusported or aid or assist In obtainug transportation for by any means

of conveyance through or acrossthis state any woman or girl for thopurpose of prostitution or with thentent and purpose to induce entice

or compel such woman or girl to be-

come a prostitute shal be deemedullty of a felony and upon convic-

tion thereof bo sentenced to the penentlary for not less than three nor

moro than ten years any personwino may commit the crime in thissection mentioned may bo prosecut-ed indicted tried and convicted inmy county or city In or through

hlch ho shal so transport or at-tempt to transport any woman orgirt as aforesaid

And Oe it further enacted that thisact shall tLlso effect from tho date or-

ts passageFor Protection of Bees

Ode of tho picturesque figures 1n-

Wo upper branch of the legislatureist Senator N D Chipman of Pondlcton county Tall and with a longlowing board he is quick to bonoted by all visitors Senator Chipnnn Is always In his seat and alwaysen the lookout for his constituencylie Is tho author of a bill providingfor the county Inspection of apiariesmud protection of bees from fowl

rood and disease He is regardedas an authority on all apiary miltleIs and is very much In earnest forthe enactment of his measure whichhe says oil greatly encourage tho In-

dustry in this stateLooks find for Itcvcnuo Agents

From tho number of bills intro-duced In both houses to abolish thooffice of revenue agents or curtailtheir powers tho tax ferrets willhave rough sledding In this generalassembly Tho sentiment seems tobe strong to do away with this sys-

tem and It would npt bo at all sur-prising If when the session ends theoffice of revenue agent both stateand county was a thing of Uio pastIn addition to the abolishment of theoffice It is figured tho repeal of tholaw would put a crimp In tho pat-ronage of tho state auditor and dis-

connect a horde of Republicans fromfat Jobs

Kadlcnl Change ProposedA radical change In criminal pro

eduro Is proposed In n bill offeredIn the house by RepresentativeGeorge W Reid of Dallnrd countywhich provides that a defendantluti bo released from custody oilbell after conviction and while hiscase Is pending in the court of ap-

peals except when tho penalty for

Early Sprin-


Wo have tho largest stockof Reliable Flower Seedin Paducah

Full instructions witheach purchase how tohave early bloom

Plant now


IIIBoth Phones 808 or

f I Mens Hats att CleanUp Prices I i

lot Mens HatsiiOdd styles



clean up price uUU

iiMons 200 and 2COHats black arid

colors new shapes


a Mens SuitsCleanUp Prices

A Mens and Young

I liens Suits andOvercoats that sold

10 1250 and u33atto 15 CleanUp pricMens and Young

Suits andtjl that sold

18 and upto 20 CleanUp price

ttens andSuits


J Overcoats that soldrat 2250 25 and upto 30 CleanUp price

j Mens and YoungMcn8 Suits and 3Overcoats that soldat 30 3250 and upto 35 CleanUp price

+ Mens and Young P

M irons andj Overcoats that sold

t at 3750 and 1000CleanUp price

95at I










Childrens Suits and Overcoatsl At CleanUp Prices a-

jj Boys and Cliildreiis Suite 7and Overcoats that sold to 2 tJ-

I450 CleanUp price

I Boys rind Childrens tossand Overcoats sJd imp 385jI Cleantip prick it

95amidx50 CleanUp price

Boys and Childrens Suits i

and Overcoats that sold to 8 8 f-


1250 CleanUp price

l Buoys nine Childrens suits 75-

tand Overcoats that so dup to

1500 CleanUp pricet1Boys Knee Pants Clean Up

Pricesup iCnowC

I toC

Knee up to iiinow eJ-y C

y tip to200 11tojnow itjup to 1

Ynow 5iII1 35I

Radical Reductions in OtherI x LinesIIi D Lu rI 1


tt t titl ttft4f ts ltl

the crime is death or life imprison-ment


Under the present law anysuch defendantout on ball beforo and during his

after conviction Is forced toremain in jail until the highestparses on the case advocatesof cuango Insists whero adefendant has out on hoshould bo accorded the ¬

until his is finally doter ¬

ruinedColumbus Seems Assured

That Kentucky anotherlegal holiday Is almost assured fromtho numberIntroduced in both tho senate

to designate October 12 ofeach year aa to bo known asj


Mens Kentlints all colors stiffand shapes clean


Mel s 400 and 300 lStiff and Kent Soft




up s

thatj 700I


t up


Boys Knee Pants that sold 16 GCc

Boys Knee Pants that sold up 100 >5 9

Pants that sold 126

Knee Pants that sold

j 0Boys Knee Pants tint sold 230

e41 Irr r

who way have been


Thethe that

been ballsame privi

loge case

naywill have

of bills that have beenand





olumbus day In honor of the desoverer of America The Knights at

Columbus a fraternal organizationwhich has grown by leaps andbounds Is behind the movoment to >

thus honor the daring Spanish navlator who found the new world

rime day has been legalized as a hbU4lay by several state legislatures 1

LICENSE NOTICE tt-All city licenses are duo end pay-

ablo in time month of January llosetverlook this mutter as tho lHiiAty t

or 10 per cent will be added to fiunpald licenses ou February 1currants will bo Issued

R n mOKshiccpsp 1ns