~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John...

~i- ~ THE GROSSE POINTE ~ PRINTING CO. Pubh,h ... B PHONE LENOX IIGZ I ! llii!rrgj.jii!Ji'Ji'l~'ii!fiilIii!fi!l"@lilJii!fli!J~ VOL 12-No 9 THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOUltTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT L B OLDftAM, PublIsher GROSSE POINTE, ,MH-WG<\.N ff.\URSD<\.Y, OcrOBLR 21, 1937 ~ iWE PRINT IT AI> WE GET I ~ IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR ~ ~ FAVOR - ADVERlISING ~i '" HAS NO RELATION TO ill OUR POLICY ~ ~ ~fil_ffi!fOl_Jj;!ffilj;lJiilJilj By Mall $200 per) ear, Smgle Copies 5 Cents , St. Paul Designated as Stop Street Candidates for Office in City Election Madame Ida Returns From New York Show chl1dren and penaps that 15 the only explanatlOl1 ior my hobb, Leanll1g agal st tne '\\ all of }.f r5 Hughes large doll dell 15 the tallest doll of her collectlo 1 It IS none other th<>.llP lOcl a7 ft J g sa\\ call \\1 cl \- a~ nd.de b} \1 ~ Hught:, ldst )ear "hell "I e enter amed members of the Colon) Club 10 order to pomt ou.t her house It s ImrOS<;lble to tell of all the dolls that are lOund 1n the Tern ple of Dolls a glass revolvmg cab net tl at r ache f on the ce hng to the floO! made last )ear by \Ir Hughes \Vlth b s feet clanging over the ~lde of o e of the sl elves 11 tile femple IS CO" co from the ;,outl Sea I;)lands a t}pI cal nat ,e e\ e 1 to the gold earn 19~ In hiS 10se '1ud ean Frolr the collect on ot Queen \r CtOrld virs Hughe:, pos. sesses a doll 1epl e:,U1tmg the Qt.een \\hfn she Wc!.S 19 Th s ,,,as glVen as a glft not so vel} long ago by an old FnglIsh woma 1 Tl ere IS 111the Tem pIe an exact reproductlOn even to t!1e gold moon crest of the chalr 111whICh. the SIgners of the Declaratlon oJ In.. (Contmued on Page Five) Dr. Phelps On T own Hall Program October 27th \fadal1'e Ida of the Gl0sse Po oterI Inc located 01 ""ott ngham at Jeffer .. son a\ erue s~co d fOOl has Just re- turned from a fa!h on and beauty show 11 "ev. lork C t} where the newest cOlffu"'e creatlOns of the season "ere presel tee! The<:e ne'" fasllOrable COIffures are 110\\ avallable to Grosse Pomte women at G os~(. pointers IllC \\ ho make lt a practlce 10 keep up "'lth the times 1n beat t} trends \\ 11 am J, on Phelp~ professor erner tus of '\ ale 'L nll el slty and one of '\menca s foremost lIterar} critics, ,\111 d scu~~ curre t book~ and pia}.! before the Det 01t To"n Hall audlelCe II 11 C I sher J 1 e8trc \\ ednesJay morn 1 f( Octo1 er 27 at 11 0 cloch Pre\lOU;:, to la~t season \;,.hel Dr Ph~lp gave h s fint Detl Olt I terary lecture before a Idrge and demonstra .. tne Tov.n Hall aud1ence the popular ")ale professor had spoken only on the 1")Jglecture forums of the East Hls return to Detro t vdll be \\ elcomed by hiS b g follo\\ I g {or BIlly Phelps s \\ ell 1.. 10 \ m \hcmga 1 DUring tl e summer months for more than ten vear~ 1e has preached at Huron C t} In \1 chlga 1 s Thumb HlS Sunda, aftern-oo 1 ermons dra\\mg people frorr all o\-er the state hale proved so popular t1 at It v,as necessary to enlarge the lhu ch tv..Ice to Ita present capacity of 1000 Dr Phelns autob ogra.ph, to be completed next )ear w 11 contalll 118 remm ~cences of 1terary glanb of Eur .. oPe a 1d Amer ca-Sha\\ Chesterton, O"\e I S 1cia r Le\\ ~ Barne Daudet, \1aerterhnk al d a lost of others Phelps IS author at nuerous books on hterature e<:sa}s and..magazme art des. Grosse Pointe Scores Victory Over Munroe By MARY JANE STOETZEL Lady of the Dolls 1S the onl) trtle sUItable tor \d:rs James \\ Hughes of Flsher Road the proud possessor of 'wer 2000 dolls All countr es all ages 111clas~es all s Les and hape~ dre por tra, ed m tlUS unusual collectlOl1 "'.fany of these dollS were bought ailer much fin cab 19 but sevual are the g fts of frlend~ \\10 hale tr<>.\eled to fal cor ner<; of the earth a Id have bec.ome m terested III th1s hobby \1ls~ Joseph ne Sibley brought back frem her Havana honeymoon a Rumba doll to be put 10 tl115collect 01 \'\hlle Quee 1 vrane sent a pure hne 1 doll to be added to tl L collectIOn Mrs Hughes sale purpose n gather 109 together these vanous dolls 1S to leave them 111 a museu mfot "-the com mg gellelat on Dolls replese1t mus c art and the people of any cotmtrv saId Mr<; H tghes Through do Is vo t know the chardctenstlcs of the peotile You know the children of the L"nd their hkes thur behefb J and thereb} you know tl e only honest part of the land I love all young people, espeCIally By CLAYTON sew ARZ \tfolroe s H1gh Scl 001s football team dropped ItS first game 10 SIX ) ears to the Grobse )')o0111teaggre1gat 01 last Saturdaj On the local gndlron The score v. as 18 to 0 The Blue DeVIls began theIr first touchdown dnve as soon as the open 11g v,hlstle blew Monroe kicked off to Grosse pomte s 10 yara hne ",here \!aas blasted the center of the I ne for to the 30 }ard 1ne On a sp nne!: pla} "has blasted the cente rof the hne for 9 yards A lateral Bndge to \!Iaas was fumbled ,j'or a 1) ard loss and Maa~ ran to the Grosse Po nte 41 for a fi.r~t down Tv.o hne pIa\-s by Bnd.ge and Fetter netted 2 }.ards Then \Iaas wheeled around r ght end for 11 \ ard<: rciter on a reverse gall ed 4 more Bndge h t left tackle fOI 3 and Maas made It first down 01 tl e \Ionroe lnc I abadle caught Maas long pass 'lnd \\as finally brought do\n on tl-te \£on roe 9 yard 1ne \1aas p ckeu up 2 }ards at nght end and on +1e n(,.xt pla} Fet ter faded b1.ck and passed to Bndge who c o.'>sed the goal hne w thout a hand bemg lad on hml BrIdge tr} for extra P0111twas short of the cross bar The rest of the fir t quarte and the second produced no ft.rther sconng (Conbnued on Page FIve) Benefit Bridge and Fashion Show At Y. W. C. A. Oct. 29th A Visit to Grosse Pointe Home of 2000 Dolls Troop 291 sponsored by the Detrolt~ er ~o.(.aler Turnverelll IS actlOg as host to the DIstnct OrgalllzatlOll and has "11aoe",rrangements to ha\ e the full fa~ cl111 e" ot the TLrmerelll at the dlS posal of attenclmg Scouters Honorable Carl \Veldeman preSIdent of the club recently "lent a letter to the Boy SCO!.lts extend ng tile club s good Vllshe<;for the success of the d mer The purpose of tl e Annual D1l111e~ to furn:.h an opporiun ty for Scout .. ers taeIr vvlves and girl fnends to be" come better acquamtea wlth each oth .. er thl.' Committee ha<; arr",nged for nO speakers ot 1er than '\ifr Pickert A short busmess meetmg and e1ec~ hOn of Dlstr ct OffIcers for the enS'l<lng y~ar Mll be held afttr the dmner!, Dur ng t 1e dmner enterta1l1ment 1n keepmg w~th the e,emng '\\111 be offer" ed for the enJo"ment of the guests '\n In'vltal on ha~ been extended t9 A bn~e paLty and {ash on show for all Scoutmasters l\<;sstants Commit .. +he benefit of Protest art Big Sister tcemen and :f<xamller<; on Fast Side work m DetrOit .,., 11 be g ve 1 on I n DetrOit It 1S est mated that about one day afternoon October.:9 at 2 0 clock hundred and fifty \"lll attend 10 the Central Branch Y v\ C A bul1d .. The Camm ttee III charge of tl,e af .. mg 2210 VVlthuell Street air IS a" follovvs General ...hairman. Tea door prizes table pr zes and Cl arles Sn)dCL decoratIons Ai '.ret .. fash ons from the Ern:>t Ker 1 Co are Cdlf program Harlo Dunn favors hghhghts of the pa ty to 'Whch every J Cldlr \\.l11<on I.ubl City, J \1 van .. \\-oman nttre.'>ted 10 "upportmg thlS coolev gord \\ ork by p'ltronu:mg a pleasant afternoon s entertamment IS nV1ted M r:, A G Herreshoff IS general cha1rman al d her committee mcludes Vfrs Ceorge" 11lerot Mrs Henry ~ew mal \Ir<., I reu S11)1 \Irs John ,rack \frs RlChald Barnum \frs \f V ''.tacK nnon \Irs Henry \Ieyers Mrs W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs ['reder ck Cllfford l<ord TJcka{~ fid) be secured at t1e De tro t Y \\ C '\ I r cndly Sel \ ce de partment or from members of the comm tteL 10 charge of arrangements Ht-tnllch A PIckert Pollce Com mISSIoner of the Oty of DetrOIt has Lhosen as h s tOPIC The Courage to ':arry On when l1e addresses a Scout ers of the Eastern DIstrict By Scouts of. Amenca at the 1 Annual D10ner ;:,aturday October 23 1937 Mr Sny~er chaIrman of the affaIr recently said \lfr PIckert IS the gre1.t est exponenl of Amencamsm no \ bv JrI$ 10 tt>e State If not 111 the UnIted States HIS stand 10 the 1 ec"'nt stnke 51tuat1011when he d d what he thought v,as In harmony With law ':J.ndoraer n the face of adverse cntlC1sm well quah fics h1m to ~p'eak on the tOPIC Cour age to Cdrry On' Detroit Police Commissioner to Address Boy Scouts at Turnverein Saturday ; ADVERTISE IN THE REVIEW M~SON PARENT TEACHERS TO MEET TUESDAY EVE. "The regular meetIng of the 1y.fason School Parent Teacher ASSoc1atlOn WIll be held on Tue.sday October 26 at 8 p m at the sct-ool A. \ er) lOterestmg tall..m~ IT'ohOn picture entitled Wheels Through AfrIca wlll be shown through the courte.sy of Nr Don Daugherty of the Ldke'Wood \-idOl ,:,ales ThlS piC ture I.'> packed With thnlls ShOWlOg dose ups of an mal~ In the Afncar Jurgle We beheve thls film w111be mterestmg to the aIde! ch ldren and parents are urged to attend and brmg theIr fr ends The refresnment com ffilttee headed by \!rs Geo \\ elshams promIses to complete the evenmg m thelf usual good style \\lth refre"h ments for all On Oct()jber 29th the entertamment commlttee of whIch 'ir Arthur With ercll lS <;ha rman IS holdmg the first dance of the season ThIS 1Sthe annual Ballowe en masquerade With pnzes for orchestra has been arranged for and we costumes and refreshments A ne\\ hope to have very good musIC The commIttee IS Jookmg for the fine sUPP'Ort of former) ears A cordial 10 vltatlon Is extended to all those \\1sh 109 to attend these functIOns Mr and Vfrs C Bayard Johnson en tertamed 12 guest.- at dInner last week lU their hOl"le on \1errmeather road 1n honor of Me and Mrs Ezra W Lock wood of Rldge w",d wp..o have Just re turnec' from a sOJourn 1O Europe Under the la'W 1t IS necessar~ to have the City The matteI was voted upon a vote on the questIon wlthm sixty da}.~ by the eledors 11 1934 and faded to from the dC\te of fihhg the petitions carrv the result be ng YES 564 "\0 an:<1a consLderable savmgs wll1 result 063 111 ha vmg the <;peclal ba 16t voted upon The speclf c WOldm,g of the propos I at the same tml.e: that candldates for ron to be plae<.d upon the special bal Clty offices dfe seJeetetl by the el~dors lot \'1'111 bt. as folows raiher than calling a separate election I ('Shall the SaJe of SPll'lts In addJ. for the pUlpose of votmg Upon the bOn to beer and Wine be permitted hquor q\l"stlQh aJ'C'~e for consUtnphon on the pretu,lse. At the present bme there are no Within the City of Grosse POInte pla.ce,..,hcellsed to" '!~11liquor by glass under the prov,slons of the Law for c9f1sump{Jon Oll the premis-es WIthin ,overnlftg the same?' University of Detroit Football Stars I Water Shortage :Hits Noncombatants .Farkas Larson Shada Kondraskr CIeslak These five men ~re expecteq to play !in lmport~nt part 'n the Titans' gridiron program All ]ire semors. Any Far1<as. right halfback, was one of the country's leadmg scorers last fall and 1S one of the hardest runmng backs In the coulltry. Captalll Joe C1es1ak ranks \VIth the best tackles the Red and White has had II! recent years. Kondraskl and Sbada, guards, have been Impregnable. for the last. two years. Ray I.,ar$()n,Jeft'end 1S a strlln,g defenSive player and a .o«l..enAtcher of p~sscs, Basketball Players Notice REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS " Carrying buckcts, pitchers and jugs, erowds of Chllt.. e refu,ees line up at a water tap in Shangbai aud walt their turn tor the precious fwd. This is one of the few sourees of meager water supply In be leaguer.;ed Shanghai. Paul H Hemung ]r of Lakepomte road was eLected presld<;nt and Ned Ktlmer of Beaconsfield VIce preslden of PhI Stgma kappa Fratermty of the Umverslty of MLChtgan Both are grad lates of Grosse pomte Hlgh School Electors In the CIty of Grosse Pomte wIlt have an opportull1t} to vote upon the matter of the <;aieof hquor by glass withtn the lImIts of the CIty at the elt) I:lectlOn to be held on Tuesday November 2, it was announced today the necessary petttlons contallllOg over 400 names requesttr>g that the matter be placed up{ln a spec1dl propo Sltton ballot ha\ mg been filed on Tues day, O<:tober 19 by Ru<:sell SIllman who operates an esta.bhshment at 17150 Kercheval avenue City to Vote on Liquor Question IW~rldi~;"'St;r;-', FingerpriIiting' , I Delayed a Week I For Indentificatl0n I Due to circumstances over The folloli'llllg was receued from EI I which we have no control we are i mer T Labadie of the Grosse Pomte forced to delay beginning the 48,- i Farms Pohce Department I 000 mile tour dory of W R = It haS been brought to my attenbon I Lence noted Groue POinte Vl$l~ I that some parent'l are under the 1m j tor who IS here. for a few weeks i preSSlOn th""t the Fmger Prmtlng of -- - - __ - - - - _ - - their chtldrtn 10 our schools IS a step towC\rd reglmentahon Durlllg' the oast week one of the parents complamed to -ne of su.ch an ImpreSSlOn Let me state very emphabeally that th1S IS not corred and unde.r no Clr<cumg,tanaes shaH a chIld to be finger prlOted other than for personal Idt;ntliicatlon only Last ear thew were over 40000 people who v,. ent unldentlfied after theIr deaths were reported So you can readiLy see the 1mportaRe of thIS \\ ork The po hce depa\!ments are glvmg you <l. pop bve progt as- to your Ider hty WhICh will last thrOtlgh thelr natm al hves agam we ask tre co operatIon of the parents 10 thIS very Important work and also extend a cordial welcome to avaIl them selves of thIS prlvlrege ' The Home Hyglene FIrst AId and Bandagmg classes under the super VISlOnof the Grosse Pomte Department, of Health will meet Monday Octooer 25th at the Defer S-ehool Classes at the Board of Health offlces will be resumed the foUowmg Monday evenmg at 7 45 pm SPECIAL COUGH SYRUP , PREPARED BY LEACH The Leach Drug Store manufacturers an excep'honally fine COL.ghsyrup whlch you should ha\ e on your shelf at thiS tlme of the year for any emergency and rehef of roughs whlch are so prev alent at thIS tune of the year ThiS popular drug store '11amtallls a fast delIverv serVIce and a modern up to date orescnptlon department and hquor store faclhhes after the local lIquor store closes for the convenlence of hIS large Grosse P01nte patronage , Some of you WI!' recollect that many aCCidents have oLcu"red at mteresec ilons along St Paul dunng the past few years 'lnd It was to orevent such aec dents that thl:, ordmance was pass ed by the tYl-O MUl11clpahhes Chlet Drysdale O'fGrosse POlllte Park and Chief Trombley of Clty of Grosse Pomte urges motOTlsts to keep 1ll mmd that St Paul IS now a through thor oughfare and that a complete stQ1)pm~ of the car must be made before at~ tempting to cross Dri"e Safely aDd Li•• L01lIer. Grace Church To Celebrate Its First Anniversary To Talk At Mother's Club, Monday, Oct 25 On Sunday, Oc..tober 24th Grace Evangehcal and Reformed church Lakepomte at Keroheval, Will celebrate the first anmversary ox their new church bUlldmg The new stone church was dedlcated October 11th 1936 The congregatIon was orgarnzed 111 1924 the first sermon bemg preached by Rev H Horny of St John s Evangehcal churCrh DetrOit on ~ ovember 23rd StriCe entermg the new bUlldmg the congregatIon has grown rapIdly At ten dance at worship serVIces ami churoh schOOl has doubled In one year and 15 steadIly growmg Comntlml-eant mem.benhlp has tripled In the same spaee of time In a spmt of gratitude to God the congregatIOn WIll celebrate the first an nlvers:o.ry 1ll the new church With a fit- tmg serv ce 01 worshIp Rev Shurley Joh,son of the Central M E church \'wl11be the guest peacher \\lth fhe local pastor Rev Warner H Siebert servlOg as lIturgIst Thn, service of worshtp w11l be held at 11 00 a m FrIends of the commumty are mVlted In the evenmg at 8 00 p m the j oung people and ch01r wl1l cooperatf' 1n an evenIng of mUS1Can'CidramatJcs The chOIr wlll stng under the dIrection of 1.4,1"$ I..;t;1c1l1e ~r~on who has re~ cently taken over tb~ direction of the mUSical tntnlstry of the church The young people wilt present a touchmg [ -- rehgIQUS drama entItled And He Came A group of former students of St to HIS Father There wlll be no charge Ambrose Hlgh School who played but a tree "'111offenng.Jtn be taken basketball last year under the banneI The doors of thiS church are open to of Riliode InsUl.:ance compose fOf the all who ,",1sh to en~er A warJU welcome most part the squad play111g as Gnfftth awaits those who come We mV1teyou and Wade m Clas$ A of the RecreatIOn _______ League HOME HYGIENE CLASSES Any basketball player who IS mter WILL RESUME MONDAY est.d and ,"'shes a tryout should get m touch WIth Thomas Gregory at 1424 Maryland avenue at an early date Mrs Edgar ThoM-pson state VIce presIdent of the Parent Teachers' As -socIatJon, ¥.dl speak Monday evemng, October 25 at the Mother s elU!b meet mg There WIll be a short busmess meet1l1g In room 119 at 7 30 Q clock The ~ddress. of the eventng 'W'lll begm at ,g 15 In -the amhtonum It WIll be followed by a short movIe D D \{ Ferry Jr Walter CHart WIg, James H Marks, Edward SpItzer, pre'lent mcumbents Ed R Peoples Assessor-Nell Blondell present m~ cumbent Treasurer-Theo G OSlUS present mcumhent Conatah .. -Charles Locke Herbert B Tnx former presIdent and present mayor 15 not a can<hdate for re electlon The two Justlces of the Peace elected 1n 1936 reman! 10 off1ce untl11'-1ovember 1939 Gavel nOI ,1m phy has agam departed for special treatment to Improve hiS phYSical health" hlch h., heen shgh+1v Impaired by the strenuous duttes of governor Doesn t 1t seem peculIar that Governor 'lurphy should require a legal adVIsor when he 1<; an at~ t01ne) and formel Judge himself and has the att01ney general sub~ Ject to hiS beck and call Congress WIll endeavor to curb any deSire on the part of the Untted States to enter mto Wdr f Hunters have oee'n baggmg qUlte a tew other hu 1ters along WIth the pheasants tl ey have been after There tuu t be a lot of nearslghted hunters NEW COCKTAIL BAR POPULAR AT MAYFAIR The new cocktaIl bar at the Mayfalr IS qUIte m favor these days because of Its many advantages For lllstance th~ flOOf presentations can be readIly seen WIthout lea\ll1g tre bar and Its com tortable and pleabant and the Ideal place to greet and treat your fnends Peppy 111U<;IC by CherIes Laz1U and hiS orchestra a splendId floor show pre sented tWice nIghtly delICIOUS foods and beverages both Imported and do- mest c hf"lp to make the MayfaIr the finest ~pot on the East Side for a pleas ant eveOlng WIth fne"'ds RUSSIa h<is found It necessary to butcher about 24 of Its Ihem- bers earl) thiS wek for alleged soymt; 1.ct!Vlt1es . Japanese offICIals pleas Wlth Umted State", not to boy-cott Japanese goods E'ldentl} tat} need good old I\merl can com to contmue \\ anng w1th the Chmese Recently an ordmance was passed 10 Grosse Pomte Park and Clty of Grosse Pomte as measut es of safety to ehm mate possIble serIOUSacclde1ts whlch occur on St Paul avenue from tIme to time HotorIsts are urged to co operate With the pollce by drIvmg carefully until the change to throug 1 0" btop street be comes better kno\\ n to the re:'ldents of the Vlcml1v A Scout car has been 'de tal1ed to patrol thIS street and to a.c~ quamt the motoflsts WIth the change AutomobIle dealers aren t waIting for the automobile show thIS year to flash theIr nev. cars to the publIc \f rs Ceorge M Slocum entertamed at a tea afld personal shower m her home on Ro lyn road tn honor of Helen Holtzman ,\ ho has set the date for her wedd ng m January Mrs Frank X VaLghen aTJ.d Mrs Charles Voelker preqded at the tea tablt. The mad Hatter of the Detr'01t Tl.gers creel Monday at hIS home In YosemIte 1{ entucky A major aIr ca.tastrophe took the 11\ es of ! mete en IndIVIduals early thIS '\eek hot a c:ole was left to tell the gnm story -r- The President eVidently be- heves m big gel and Better bud- gets and IS the deficit forecast stupendOu6 Accordmg to recent dispatches one Chmese Province 1S about ready to Withdraw from the Cen tral government and present it- self to the mel Cles of Japan Highland Park 15 proud of the fact that It has a policeman who 18 an ordamed BaptIst minister News Digest The secord regular elechon to be held 1'1. the CIty of Grosse Pomte un- der Its nhv charter will be held on Tuesday "'fovember 2 1937 At this " ekctlCn all CIty offICials WIth the ex ce~tlOn of the two Jttsttces of the Peace wIll be elected for a two year term The names of the 'canclldates together WIth the ofllee aspIred to are as follows Mayor-Joseph M Fee Clel"k-1-.Torbert P 'N'eff present m- cumbent CouncIlmen - (SIX to be elected)- Chesteof F Carpenter Hugh L DIll M \ , , tc

Transcript of ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John...

Page 1: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs


~ PRINTING CO. Pubh,h ...

B PHONE LENOX IIGZ I!llii!rrgj.jii!Ji'Ji'l~'ii!fiilIii!fi!l"@lilJii!fli!J~

VOL 12-No 9



~ ~~fil_ffi!fOl_Jj;!ffilj;lJiilJilj

By Mall $200 per) ear, Smgle Copies 5 Cents,

St. Paul Designatedas Stop Street

Candidates for Officein City Election

Madame Ida ReturnsFrom New

York Show

chl1dren and penaps that 15 the onlyexplanatlOl1 ior my hobb,

Leanll1g agal st tne '\\ all of }.f r5Hughes large doll dell 15 the tallestdoll of her collectlo 1 It IS noneother th<>.llP lOcl a 7 ft J g sa\\ call\\1 cl \- a~ nd.de b} \1 ~ Hught:, ldst)ear "hell "I e enter amed members ofthe Colon) Club 10 order to pomt ou.ther house It s ImrOS<;lble to tell ofall the dolls that are lOund 1n the Ternple of Dolls a glass revolvmg cab nettl at r ache f on the ce hng to thefloO! made last )ear by \Ir Hughes\Vlth b s feet clanging over the ~lde ofo e of the sl elves 11 tile femple IS CO"co from the ;,outl Sea I;)lands a t} pIcal nat ,e e\ e 1 to the gold earn 19~ In

hiS 10se '1ud ean Frolr the collect onot Queen \r CtOrld virs Hughe:, pos.sesses a doll 1epl e:,U1tmg the Qt.een\\hfn she Wc!.S 19 Th s ,,,as glVen as aglft not so vel} long ago by an oldFnglIsh woma 1 Tl ere IS 111the TempIe an exact reproductlOn even to t!1egold moon crest of the chalr 111whICh.the SIgners of the Declaratlon oJ In ..

(Contmued on Page Five)

Dr. Phelps OnTown Hall Program

October 27th

\fadal1'e Ida of the Gl0sse Po oterIInc located 01 ""ott ngham at Jeffer ..son a\ erue s~co d fOOl has Just re-turned from a fa!h on and beauty show11 "ev. lork C t} where the newestcOlffu"'e creatlOns of the season "erepresel tee!

The<:e ne'" fasllOrable COIffures are110\\ avallable to Grosse Pomte womenat G os~(. pointers I llC \\ ho make lta practlce 10 keep up "'lth the times1n beat t} trends

\\ 11 am J, on Phelp~ professorerner tus of '\ ale 'L nll el slty and oneof '\menca s foremost lIterar} critics,,\111 d scu~~ curre t book~ and pia}.!before the Det 01t To"n Hall audlelCeII 11 C I sher J 1 e8trc \\ ednesJaymorn 1 f( Octo1 er 27 at 11 0 cloch

Pre\lOU;:, to la~t season \;,.hel DrPh~lp gave h s fint Detl Olt I terarylecture before a Idrge and demonstra ..tne Tov.n Hall aud1ence the popular")ale professor had spoken only on the1")Jglecture forums of the East Hlsreturn to Detro t vdll be \\ elcomed byhiS b g follo\\ I g {or BIlly Phelps s\\ ell 1.. 10 \ m \hcmga 1

DUring tl e summer months for morethan ten vear~ 1 e has preached atHuron C t} In \1 chlga 1 s Thumb HlSSunda, aftern-oo 1 ermons dra\\mgpeople frorr all o\-er the state haleproved so popular t1 at It v,as necessaryto enlarge the lhu ch tv..Ice to Itapresent capacity of 1000

Dr Phelns autob ogra.ph, to becompleted next )ear w 11 contalll 118remm ~cences of 1 terary glanb of Eur ..oPe a 1d Amer ca-Sha\\ Chesterton,O"\e I S 1cia r Le\\ ~ Barne Daudet,\1aerterhnk al d a lost of othersPhelps IS author at nuerous books onhterature e<:sa}s and..magazme art des.

Grosse Pointe ScoresVictory Over Munroe

By MARY JANE STOETZELLady of the Dolls 1S the onl) trtle

sUItable tor \d:rs James \\ Hughes ofFlsher Road the proud possessor of'wer 2000 dolls All countr es all ages111clas~es all s Les and hape~ dre portra, ed m tlUS unusual collectlOl1 "'.fanyof these dollS were bought ailer muchfin cab 19 but sevual are the g fts offrlend~ \\10 hale tr<>.\eled to fal corner<; of the earth a Id have bec.ome mterested III th1s hobby \1ls~ Joseph neSibley brought back frem her Havanahoneymoon a Rumba doll to be put 10

tl115collect 0 1 \'\hlle Quee 1 vrane senta pure hne 1 doll to be added to tl LcollectIOn

Mrs Hughes sale purpose n gather109 together these vanous dolls 1S toleave them 111 a museu mfot "-the commg gellelat on Dolls replese1t mus cart and the people of any cotmtrvsaId Mr<; H tghes Through do Is vo tknow the chardctenstlcs of the peotileYou know the children of the L"ndtheir hkes thur behefbJ and thereb}you know tl e only honest part of theland I love all young people, espeCIally

By CLAYTON sewARZ\tfolroe s H1gh Scl 001s football team

dropped ItS first game 10 SIX ) ears tothe Grobse )')o0111teaggre1gat 01 lastSaturdaj On the local gndlron Thescore v. as 18 to 0

The Blue DeVIls began theIr firsttouchdown dnve as soon as the open11g v,hlstle blew Monroe kicked offto Grosse pomte s 10 yara hne ",here\!aas blasted the center of the I ne forto the 30 } ard 1ne On a sp nne!: pla}"has blasted the cente rof the hne for9 yards A lateral Bndge to \!Iaaswas fumbled ,j'or a 1) ard loss andMaa~ ran to the Grosse Po nte 41 fora fi.r~t down Tv.o hne pIa\-s by Bnd.geand Fetter netted 2 }.ards Then \Iaaswheeled around r ght end for 11 \ ard<:rciter on a reverse gall ed 4 moreBndge h t left tackle fOI 3 and Maasmade It first down 01 tl e \Ionroe lncI abadle caught Maas long pass 'lnd\\as finally brought do\n on tl-te \£onroe 9 yard 1ne \1aas p ckeu up 2 } ardsat nght end and on +1e n(,.xt pla} Fetter faded b1.ck and passed to Bndgewho c o.'>sed the goal hne w thout ahand bemg lad on hml BrIdge tr}for extra P0111twas short of the crossbar

The rest of the fir t quarte and thesecond produced no ft.rther sconng

(Conbnued on Page FIve)

Benefit Bridge andFashion Show AtY. W. C. A. Oct. 29th

A Visit to Grosse PointeHome of 2000 Dolls

Troop 291 sponsored by the Detrolt~er ~o.(.aler Turnverelll IS actlOg as hostto the DIstnct OrgalllzatlOll and has"11aoe",rrangements to ha\ e the full fa~cl111e" ot the TLrmerelll at the dlSposal of attenclmg Scouters HonorableCarl \Veldeman preSIdent of the clubrecently "lent a letter to the Boy SCO!.ltsextend ng tile club s good Vllshe<;for thesuccess of the d mer

The purpose of tl e Annual D1l111e~to furn:.h an opporiun ty for Scout ..ers taeIr vvlves and girl fnends to be"come better acquamtea wlth each oth ..er thl.' Committee ha<; arr",nged for nOspeakers ot 1er than '\ifr Pickert

A short busmess meetmg and e1ec~hOn of Dlstr ct OffIcers for the enS'l<lngy~ar Mll be held afttr the dmner!,

Dur ng t 1e dmner enterta1l1ment 1nkeepmg w~th the e,emng '\\111 be offer"ed for the enJo"ment of the guests

'\n In'vltal on ha~ been extended t9A bn~e paLty and {ash on show for all Scoutmasters l\<;sstants Commit ..

+he benefit of Protest art Big Sister tcemen and :f<xamller<; on Fast Sidework m DetrOit .,.,11 be g ve 1 on I n DetrOit It 1S est mated that about oneday afternoon October.:9 at 2 0 clock hundred and fifty \"lll attend10 the Central Branch Y v\ C A bul1d .. The Camm ttee III charge of tl,e af ..mg 2210 VVlthuell Street air IS a" follovvs General ...hairman.

Tea door prizes table pr zes and Cl arles Sn)dCL decoratIons Ai '.ret ..fash ons from the Ern:>t Ker 1 Co are Cdlf program Harlo Dunn favorshghhghts of the pa ty to 'Whch every J Cldlr \\.l11<on I.ubl City, J \1 van ..\\-oman nttre.'>ted 10 "upportmg thlS coolevgord \\ ork by p'ltronu:mg a pleasantafternoon s entertamment IS nV1ted

M r:, A G Herreshoff IS generalcha1rman al d her committee mcludesVfrs Ceorge" 11lerot Mrs Henry ~ewmal \Ir<., I reu S11)1 \Irs John ,rack\frs RlChald Barnum \frs \f V''.tacK nnon \Irs Henry \Ieyers MrsW D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs JohnA. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John IKunz and \Irs ['reder ck Cllffordl<ord

TJcka{~ fid) be secured at t1 e Detro t Y \\ C '\ I r cndly Sel \ ce department or from members of thecomm tteL 10 charge of arrangements

Ht-tnllch A PIckert Pollce CommISSIoner of the Oty of DetrOIt hasLhosen as h s tOPIC The Courage to':arry On when l1e addresses a Scouters of the Eastern DIstrict By Scoutsof. Amenca at the 1 Annual D10ner;:,aturday October 23 1937

Mr Sny~er chaIrman of the affaIrrecently said \lfr PIckert IS the gre1.test exponenl of Amencamsm no \ bvJrI$ 10 tt>e State If not 111 the UnItedStates HIS stand 10 the 1ec"'nt stnke51tuat1011when he d d what he thoughtv,as In harmony With law ':J.ndoraer nthe face of adverse cntlC1sm well quahfics h1m to ~p'eak on the tOPIC Courage to Cdrry On'

Detroit Police Commissionerto Address Boy Scouts

at Turnverein Saturday




"The regular meetIng of the 1y.fasonSchool Parent Teacher ASSoc1atlOn WIllbe held on Tue.sday October 26 at 8p m at the sct-ool A. \ er) lOterestmgtall..m~ IT'ohOn picture entitled WheelsThrough AfrIca wlll be shown throughthe courte.sy of Nr Don Daugherty ofthe Ldke'Wood \-idOl ,:,ales ThlS piCture I.'> packed With thnlls ShOWlOgdose ups of an mal~ In the AfncarJurgle We beheve thls film w111bemterestmg to the aIde! ch ldren andparents are urged to attend and brmgtheIr fr ends The refresnment comffilttee headed by \!rs Geo \\ elshamspromIses to complete the evenmg mthelf usual good style \\lth refre"hments for all

On Oct()jber 29th the entertammentcommlttee of whIch 'ir Arthur Withercll lS <;ha rman IS holdmg the firstdance of the season ThIS 1Sthe annualBallowe en masquerade With pnzes fororchestra has been arranged for and wecostumes and refreshments A ne\\hope to have very good musIC

The commIttee IS Jookmg for the finesUPP'Ort of former) ears A cordial 10vltatlon Is extended to all those \\1sh109 to attend these functIOns

Mr and Vfrs C Bayard Johnson entertamed 12 guest.- at dInner last weeklU their hOl"le on \1errmeather road 1n

honor of Me and Mrs Ezra W Lockwood of Rldge w",d wp..o have Just returnec' from a sOJourn 1O Europe

Under the la'W1t IS necessar~ to have the City The matteI was voted upona vote on the questIon wlthm sixty da}.~ by the eledors 11 1934 and faded tofrom the dC\te of fihhg the petitions carrv the result be ng YES 564 "\0an:<1a consLderable savmgs wll1 result 063111 ha vmg the <;peclal ba 16t voted upon The speclf c WOldm,g of the propos Iat the same tml.e: that candldates for ron to be plae<.d upon the special balClty offices dfe seJeetetl by the el~dors lot \'1'111 bt. as folowsraiher than calling a separate election I ('Shall the SaJe of SPll'lts In addJ.for the pUlpose of votmg Upon the bOn to beer and Wine be permittedhquor q\l"stlQh aJ'C'~e for consUtnphon on the pretu,lse.

At the present bme there are no Within the City of Grosse POIntepla.ce,..,hcellsed to" '!~11liquor by glass under the prov,slons of the Lawfor c9f1sump{Jon Oll the premis-es WIthin ,overnlftg the same?'

University of Detroit Football Stars

IWater Shortage :Hits Noncombatants

.Farkas Larson Shada Kondraskr CIeslakThese five men ~re expecteq to play !in lmport~nt part 'n the Titans' gridiron program All]ire semors. Any Far1<as. right halfback, was one of the country's leadmg scorers last fall and1S one of the hardest runmng backs In the coulltry. Captalll Joe C1es1ak ranks \VIth the besttackles the Red and White has had II! recent years. Kondraskl and Sbada, guards, have beenImpregnable. for the last. two years. Ray I.,ar$()n,Jeft'end 1S a strlln,g defenSive player and a.o«l..enAtcher of p~sscs,

Basketball PlayersNotice


"Carrying buckcts, pitchers and jugs, erowds of Chllt.. e refu,ees line up at a water tap in Shangbaiaud walt their turn tor the precious fwd. This is one of the few sourees of meager water supply In beleaguer.;ed Shanghai.

Paul H Hemung ]r of Lakepomteroad was eLected presld<;nt and NedKtlmer of Beaconsfield VIce presldenof PhI Stgma kappa Fratermty of theUmverslty of MLChtgan Both are gradlates of Grosse pomte Hlgh School

Electors In the CIty of Grosse PomtewIlt have an opportull1t} to vote uponthe matter of the <;aieof hquor by glasswithtn the lImIts of the CIty at theelt) I:lectlOn to be held on TuesdayNovember 2, it was announced todaythe necessary petttlons contallllOgover 400 names requesttr>g that thematter be placed up{ln a spec1dl propoSltton ballot ha\ mg been filed on Tuesday, O<:tober 19 by Ru<:sell SIllmanwho operates an esta.bhshment at 17150Kercheval avenue

City to Vote on Liquor Question

IW~rldi~;"'St;r;-', FingerpriIiting' ,I Delayed a Week I For Indentificatl0nI Due to circumstances over The folloli'llllg was receued from EI

I which we have no control we are i mer T Labadie of the Grosse Pomteforced to delay beginning the 48,- i Farms Pohce Department

I 000 mile tour dory of W R = It haS been brought to my attenbonI Lence noted Groue POinte Vl$l~ I that some parent'l are under the 1mj tor who IS here. for a few weeks i preSSlOn th""t the Fmger Prmtlng of-- - - __ - - - - _ - - their chtldrtn 10 our schools IS a step

towC\rd reglmentahon Durlllg' the oastweek one of the parents complamed to-ne of su.ch an ImpreSSlOn Let mestate very emphabeally that th1S IS notcorred and unde.r no Clr<cumg,tanaesshaH a chIld to be finger prlOted otherthan for personal Idt;ntliicatlon onlyLast ear thew were over 40000 peoplewho v,. ent unldentlfied after theIr deathswere reported So you can readiLy seethe 1mportaRe of thIS \\ ork The pohce depa\!ments are glvmg you <l. popbve progt as-to your Ider hty WhICh willlast thrOtlgh thelr natm al hves agamwe ask tre co operatIon of the parents10 thIS very Important work and alsoextend a cordial welcome to avaIl themselves of thIS prlvlrege '

The Home Hyglene FIrst AId andBandagmg classes under the superVISlOnof the Grosse Pomte Department,of Health will meet Monday Octooer25th at the Defer S-ehool

Classes at the Board of Health offlceswill be resumed the foUowmg Mondayevenmg at 7 45 p m


The Leach Drug Store manufacturersan excep'honally fine COL.ghsyrup whlchyou should ha\ e on your shelf at thiStlme of the year for any emergencyand rehef of roughs whlch are so prevalent at thIS tune of the year

ThiS popular drug store '11amtalllsa fast delIverv serVIce and a modernup to date orescnptlon department andhquor store faclhhes after the locallIquor store closes for the convenlenceof hIS large Grosse P01nte patronage,

Some of you WI!' recollect that manyaCCidents have oLcu"red at mteresecilons along St Paul dunng the pastfew years 'lnd It was to orevent suchaec dents that thl:, ordmance was passed by the tYl-O MUl11clpahhes

Chlet Drysdale O'fGrosse POlllte Parkand Chief Trombley of Clty of GrossePomte urges motOTlsts to keep 1ll mmdthat St Paul IS now a through thoroughfare and that a complete stQ1)pm~of the car must be made before at~tempting to cross Dri"e Safely aDdLi•• L01lIer.

Grace Church ToCelebrate Its

First Anniversary

To Talk At Mother'sClub, Monday, Oct 25

On Sunday, Oc..tober 24th GraceEvangehcal and Reformed churchLakepomte at Keroheval, Will celebratethe first anmversary ox their newchurch bUlldmg The new stone churchwas dedlcated October 11th 1936 ThecongregatIon was orgarnzed 111 1924 thefirst sermon bemg preached by Rev HHorny of St John s Evangehcal churCrhDetrOit on ~ ovember 23rd

StriCe entermg the new bUlldmg thecongregatIon has grown rapIdly Atten dance at worship serVIces amichuroh schOOl has doubled In one yearand 15 steadIly growmg Comntlml-eantmem.benhlp has tripled In the samespaee of time

In a spmt of gratitude to God thecongregatIOn WIll celebrate the first annlvers:o.ry 1ll the new church With a fit-tmg serv ce 01 worshIp Rev ShurleyJoh,son of the Central M E church\'wl11be the guest peacher \\lth fhelocal pastor Rev Warner H SiebertservlOg as lIturgIst Thn, service ofworshtp w11l be held at 11 00 a mFrIends of the commumty are mVlted

In the evenmg at 8 00 p m thej oung people and ch01r wl1l cooperatf'1n an evenIng of mUS1Can'CidramatJcsThe chOIr wlll stng under the dIrectionof 1.4,1"$ I..;t;1c1l1e~r~on who has re~cently taken over tb~ direction of themUSical tntnlstry of the church Theyoung people wilt present a touchmg [ --rehgIQUS drama entItled And He Came A group of former students of Stto HIS Father There wlll be no charge Ambrose Hlgh School who playedbut a tree "'111offenng.Jtn be taken basketball last year under the banneI

The doors of thiS church are open to of Riliode InsUl.:ance compose fOf theall who ,",1sh to en~er A warJU welcome most part the squad play111g as Gnfftthawaits those who come We mV1teyou and Wade m Clas$ A of the RecreatIOn_______ League

HOME HYGIENE CLASSES Any basketball player who IS mterWILL RESUME MONDAY est.d and ,"'shes a tryout should get m

touch WIth Thomas Gregory at 1424Maryland avenue at an early date

Mrs Edgar ThoM-pson state VIcepresIdent of the Parent Teachers' As-socIatJon, ¥.dl speak Monday evemng,October 25 at the Mother s elU!b meetmg There WIll be a short busmessmeet1l1g In room 119 at 7 30 Q clock

The ~ddress. of the eventng 'W'lll begmat ,g 15 In -the amhtonum It WIll befollowed by a short movIe

D D \{ Ferry Jr Walter CHartWIg, James H Marks, Edward SpItzer,pre'lent mcumbents Ed R Peoples

Assessor-Nell Blondell present m~cumbent

Treasurer-Theo G OSlUS presentmcumhent

Conatah .. -Charles LockeHerbert B Tnx former presIdent

and present mayor 15 not a can<hdatefor re electlon

The two Justlces of the Peace elected1n 1936 reman! 10 off1ce untl11'-1ovember1939

Gavel nOI ,1m phy has agamdeparted for special treatment toImprove hiS phYSical health" hlchh., heen shgh+1v Impaired by thestrenuous duttes of governor

Doesn t 1t seem peculIar thatGovernor 'lurphy should requirea legal adVIsor when he 1<; an at~t01ne) and formel Judge himselfand has the att01ney general sub~Ject to hiS beck and call

Congress WIll endeavor to curb anydeSire on the part of the Untted Statesto enter mto Wdr

fHunters have oee'n baggmg qUlte a

tew other hu 1ters along WIth thepheasants tl ey have been after Theretuu t be a lot of nearslghted hunters


The new cocktaIl bar at the MayfalrIS qUIte m favor these days because ofIts many advantages For lllstance th~flOOf presentations can be readIly seenWIthout lea\ll1g tre bar and Its comtortable and pleabant and the Idealplace to greet and treat your fnends

Peppy 111U<;ICby CherIes Laz1U and hiSorchestra a splendId floor show presented tWice nIghtly delICIOUS foodsand beverages both Imported and do-mest c hf"lp to make the MayfaIr thefinest ~pot on the East Side for a pleasant eveOlng WIth fne"'ds

RUSSIa h<is found It necessaryto butcher about 24 of Its Ihem-bers earl) thiS wek for allegedsoymt; 1.ct!Vlt1es.

Japanese offICIals pleas Wlth UmtedState", not to boy-cott Japanese goodsE'ldentl} tat} need good old I\merlcan com to contmue \\ anng w1th theChmese

Recently an ordmance was passed 10Grosse Pomte Park and Clty of GrossePomte as measut es of safety to ehmmate 1£ possIble serIOUSacclde1ts whlchoccur on St Paul avenue from tIme totime

HotorIsts are urged to co operateWith the pollce by drIvmg carefully untilthe change to throug 1 0" btop street becomes better kno\\ n to the re:'ldents ofthe Vlcml1v A Scout car has been 'detal1ed to patrol thIS street and to a.c~quamt the motoflsts WIth the change

AutomobIle dealers aren t waIting forthe automobile show thIS year to flashtheIr nev. cars to the publIc

\f rs Ceorge M Slocum entertamedat a tea afld personal shower m herhome on Ro lyn road tn honor of HelenHoltzman ,\ ho has set the date for herwedd ng m January Mrs Frank XVaLghen aTJ.d Mrs Charles Voelkerpreqded at the tea tablt.

The mad Hatter of the Detr'01t Tl.gerscreel Monday at hIS home In YosemIte1{entucky

A major aIr ca.tastrophe took the11\es of ! mete en IndIVIduals early thIS'\eek hot a c:ole was left to tell thegnm story

-r-The President eVidently be-

heves m big gel and Better bud-gets and IS the deficit forecaststupendOu6

Accordmg to recent dispatchesone Chmese Province 1S aboutready to Withdraw from the Central government and present it-self to the mel Cles of Japan

Highland Park 15 proud of thefact that It has a policeman who18 an ordamed BaptIst minister

News Digest

The secord regular elechon to beheld 1'1. the CIty of Grosse Pomte un-der Its nhv charter will be held onTuesday "'fovember 2 1937 At this

" ekctlCn all CIty offICials WIth the exce~tlOn of the two Jttsttces of the PeacewIll be elected for a two year term Thenames of the 'canclldates together WIththe ofllee aspIred to are as follows

Mayor-Joseph M FeeClel"k-1-.Torbert P 'N'eff present m-

cumbentCouncIlmen - (SIX to be elected)-

Chesteof F Carpenter Hugh L DIll M

\ ,,tc

Page 2: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs



1I I









NI 3624

Work Wanted

We Meaeurp and In,taU

I~Thursday, October 21 1937


RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERSIncnvidu~l, £x~luslve Work1472f Kercheval at Ashland

Lenox 8275


Storm Windows$1.19 and up


Artist Model Foundation.'WIth th" detach.hle BRA

Fitted by COl'&~hefliTHE WARREN SHOPPE

16016 E. Warren 18042 Haverlull

Eleotric Moto~RepairDUNCAN &: Mael\llCOL14927 CharleVOIx at WaybyrQ

Nurhta, Su.. •

T 2 1150 H.nd.,ou.. TR 1.6006


ReI' 4638 Alter Rd


TV 2.2766 3144 Ch.lm~... 1 M.ekUnder superVISiOn of MISs Leonie, wellknown beautiCian operatIng on the

East Sld~ since 1924

MI1111MarIe Smith, who has been thethe guest of MI and Mrs ErnestKanzlert of Touratne road, left last F.rt..day for her home 1U Towanda, Pa MtssSmIth was m DetrOIt for two weeks


RePfOd\lotaIJfls of fine fUl nlture milli. toQ.,der-Anv ~tyle OJ' pe:rrfld

RepaIring and Re6m~hlng a SpeCIR1ty3773E. Jeff ... o. F". 13,~

ConSCIentious Plumbll'lgRepamng a Specialty

26 Year. Ma$te1" PJulJ1.bn1331 BEDFORD RD


Superior Beauty Servic'l!,..,opul~r PE)rm<ln~pls at PopqIar price.Feat\lYlng Famous Machlne1en WQve.NewElst Fashions FInest Method.Ccmbinutg QqeUty With Lpw Pru;eaKORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE

14lI40 MACK ., W.ybur.. Nl 7171

Review LinenFOR SALE

ONE CHILD S S,dowalk Autom;;;red~ll C1.rrIa~e, foldIng I>troller, W}-l1t-

l1ey b<J..Dv coach 1l,'l $'ood ~QndltJonTUxeolo 2 1,54GIRLS COAT, .mt and dresses, SIZ.

14 Apply mornIngs, 1354 SoIfienettipper

MAHOGA.NY CHEST of Draw,", lsmall tables and Larly AmerIcan mIr-

lor Tuxedo 2 1024

fOR SALE-Waln.1t chm; cabll1et,buffet and table $10 also solId porc"

lain refngerator, $15 813Lorame I'tearCh~rlevQJX -:,

FOR SALE-GIrls brown fur trimmed<;oat hat muff SIze 10 $700. "t3~

nIece fl;>fle lda;,$ e!m.n!=r ~et $lSO 870lledfo'd RQod-DOUBLE bed dressmg table, elec-

trtc fan typ~wrIter! tea wagon~lutch~n tab!~ 1vtagazme r;l~kl~lectr1rh~at~rJ in<l boy'. Qv@r;coatt $IZ, 1% NI.6162-------~----Help Wanted - FemaleEXPERIENCED wblte g,rl for genor.

a.l1 tC" gp home mghts ~very Sun.qav afternoon and all day ThqY~da>.off Two adults NIagara 3565\VAITRESS-E~per1enced hvIng In "r

nl:lar GFqS$~ pomtEl good w(l~es noStlt1gay or Hohdays 17026 KercntviLl

Wanted-To SpareJ;F.ACONSI'IELD, 1057 - Shore fl~t

With tWEJ: S"lrlS or ~m:t:llpyed G\}UpleR~fenmces t~Qulred

WANT!; D W A.SHIN'Gto de .t homel;Iagara 981'6

Garage WantedFOR TWO commercial

cars; in the vicinity ofMack and Beaconsfieldor Nottin~ham. ApplyDQ" 7, GrQsse Pointe Re.view, 15121Kercheval.

Also Rebgilt J.hed Bicyc;~es; First Cia ••S.cy,le find MQt9r4;Y~le Rep"lrIngI.AWNMOWERS SHARPENEDG:oosse POinte Motor & Bike Shop

423LakepolDte NI 947.\. C Verhru2'l!'he We buy used hlcyel ..

• • •


• • •

have moved to 189Tourame road Theirformer home was tn Evanston, III

• • •Mr ana Mrs J Lawrenre Buell, Jr

of Vendome road returned last weekfrom. Co umbus where they attendedthe marnage of Ehubeth Adalr Mtll<;and :b,dgertown Hart They returner{w th \1r and Mrs J L.wrence Buellof $eyburn avenue

Mrs Harly Somers and Mrs RalphKlllmer are spendmg the wmter m StPetenburg Fl.

• • •Mr and :Nus Andrew H Green, who

have been In tyren, N C, for a yearhave returned to theIr home on Mau-m.ee road'1:o hve • • •

Mrs John Bothe, of Troy 0, returned home last Thursday after a shortVISIt wtth her SIster, Mn Leshc WMIller, of L1O<:olnroad• • •

Mr and Mr-s Abra "'Vanderze~ havemoved from theIr home on DevonshIreroad to theIr new one on Provencal rd• • •

Mrl'l Alger Shelden and ner two: sonsleft today for PaJm Spnngs Cal, forthe w111ter Mr Sh~ldeI\ WIll J01A IusfamIly at Chrtstm4s

• • •Mrs R,ch.rd F,t.ger.ld I. I.avlng

October 24 to ,pend the Wlnter In NewYork .nd V".shlnglon

• • •Dr and Mrs "obert H P"rham 01

Canterbury road, have returneq dterspe"1dtng SIX weeks m England, franceand Italy

Mrs George T Mahan~y (lnd herdat ghter, Anne of Buokingham ro~dreturned W.dnesd.y Irom W.b •• bInd where she VISIted her parents, 1{r,nd Mr, How.rd Jone,

• • •Mr and M.. Elh. N Mar""t.tt.

and theIr daughter, 1h,r.trar~t havemoved from tbe Cb.t •• u I'rontenac toIbe.. new bomo ot 12375Outer Dnve

• • •Dr and Mrs G.orlle W.ldb9tt of

'¥orksJure road. havEl returned frt';lln 1l10 days' trIp to VtrgHlla, where theyvJ5lted Dr and Mr:j Wfl,rnn Vaugh~n10 RlchmQnd

Mrs Jobn G Rumn.y entert.medat a famIly dmrter In het home On EiistJ effer'on 1ll honor of her busband's Damman Hardwaree,ghty seventh b"thd.y Tho groupmeluded Mr .nd Mr' Dougbty .nd Hayes and Outer Drivethelr sens~in law and daughters, \Ir.nd Mrs Holdsworth Gordon•• nd Mr PINGREE 2131and Mrs Marshal Templeton, the Rum /neys and theIr oldest, Frances, Mr and ~5!!!~!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M1"'s HutchinS, Mr an'Cl Mrs ShawMr and Mrs Francts McMath andMra Augusttn Nutter

• • •


• • •


• • •

; z




• • •Mr .nd Mrs Glen W Munger, 01

R1V~l'd Blvd I llave returned from aseveral weeks' $tay In Me;'::l~O,

Mr .no Mn Hol. V Sattley ofL.keland .venue, returned Mondayalter a ,t.y at tho Grenbrler 'n Whit.Sulphur Spring., W V,

• • •G T Chnstlans~nl of Grmse Poltlte;

h•• been '!>l>ohll.d ••• d.t seeond heut.n.nt 1U the R 0 l' C Unit at theUntverstty of :MtChIgan

• • •Mr And Mrs Erle Bmi were hosts at

a, dlnflQJ"pat ty for ~igh( last Sunday 1:11celebration C)-f~elr first weddmg <;,nntVef$ary

• •••Dr ~n<lMn Hugh St.lker lormerly

01 B.llour Ro.d. h.ve moved lUto tbeirrecently built homo on M,udl.lex roadPr Stalker'. motber, Mr, Hugb St.lker, of Belton, 1$ th~lt. gJ,.1est for themouth 01 Octoher

Loll week Mr and M" Geor.:e THunter, of berkshIre road, entertatned\l:rs Charles Gallow Josoph G.llowand M!SIil Bertha, WhIttingham all ofTorQtl1to. Mr and Mrs Hunter enter ..tamed 16 Imnd' .t • dinner ,n tbo"home In honor 01 thOlr hOll.. guests

• • •Mr and Mrs Edward P Hammond

of East Je:fiel"~l'navenue, wdl returnthIS week end frorn Fort OglethorpeGa I where they attended the marnage0:£ theIr nephew, J,.Jeut John Fran<:ISFr.nklln and Jean WlIh.... on lostS.turd.y ,.• • •

Mr .nd MfO Russell W Rand.1l01 Cadieux Ro~d. returned Wedno,davfrom a ten day motor trl~ through th~Ea~t atld a viSIt m St John's N B

,-Mr and Mrs Prank Qu.ll, Jr, of

Balfour road, left Thursday for •week', hu,t,ng triP On tb. A~ S.bleR,ver

• • •Mr .nd Mn Harry R E.hng mov.d

1'hurs<loyfrom Maumee ro.d, to GrandMu.h BlVd

Edith Ferry, of East JeffersOJl, leftthIS "week fQr N Y CIty .nd PougbkeepSH~ when~ she WIll represf;nt theMIchIgan Alumnae at a eotlncil PIeetInz at VaS$flf Cglle,ge

• • •Mr~ ] oseph Fr~2er arrtv~d 10 Dl:ltnm

I.. ~ l.. t we.k from New York wbere.h. sp.nt • f.... d.y, .hopp'l>g followmg her summer vacatIon at NewportMr Fraz~r 1$ ~n hHl wa.y t'9 C<J,hfol"1'!.1lj1.en bW'Jness wh It .!\lfIeUe I~ h@ld yp ~p.

Lonll Islan<l • • •Dr .nd ¥rs J, Mllton Ro~b, of L~koo

11 * It land av~tWe, ntl,lrned last .saturday}.fr and ~!"J!' H ruff.r with the'r fron> Cb'QM:owhere they iP.nl a httle

dat.1gUNer,:aarru~t and th~lr son Hugh. time

• • •Mn LlilQU Mand(;l IQrmet'ly Gamy

Mor.n, ha. gone back to Cb'c.~o after,p.nd'"" .ev ... 1 d.y. w,t~ her motherMfa CQraM~nn Gmn)"m1s~ed s-e:~ing sl'\ter~! Mrs Karl Weier of Eluefield, V Va, by .bout tbroe or f9\1rd'l' Mrs We"r, ..... tbe lorm.r AhoeJ.,. M....&n She .nd her d,ul>ht.rllarbaro, wilt ,t.y In D~trOlt for twoWt)~klh

)$ i4


M."", .. _f n. I .. r~ of t,••l1Ir.tlIip .f The Mother Chorch,Tho Flnl Ch.... h of Ch.i.t, S.1.1I1I.1,,. Bo.to •• M....... o.otl.



The Public Is Cordially Invited To Attend

Fisher Road and Grosse Pointe Boulevard

This lelltlml will II. pubJillheet in filII in th. G~osse Pointe Review ofOctober 28. Copi" may b" obtained by sending five cents to GrollePamte R.vI.,... 15la1 Kor.meval Avenue. Grosse Pointe Park. Mieb.


.FREE LECTUREI Christian Science

Tuesday evening, October 2~,1937

Grosse Pte. High Scho01 Auditorium

It's Sound Sen.eTo Cons"rve Hearing


U. of D. and BostonCollege Clash Sat.

On Boston Gridiron

aVIatIon's la,tei!it a.ohievementl tlans ..P.c,fio fi,.:ht" will be totd lU a l.tture~ be gIVen at tho Detro't IMtltute 01ArtsJ Woodwat-d at ~erbYI nf:xt Sun ..d.y .fternoon. O.tobor Z4 .t 3 30. byR-obert EdlSOU Fulton Ir, world traveller and adventurer

Mr Fulton s lecture is spousQr,d bythe World Adventuu SerIes of theDetr'Olt Instttute. of Al'h Rese-rvat10nsmay b. made "ther by c.lhng at thoWorld Adventure Sene. ofl .. e or l>ytelepehoni.!I' Tempte 2.7676.

Mr I'ulton, who galne<l mtem.t,onalfame by cIfcllng the: world on a motoT'''cycle and then eontmued h1s adven ..ture$ by ta.klng to the atr, brmgs toh~s audumees. all the .romantic expert ..ences whteh have. com.bmed to makeaVllilt!on. wh<l-t It li today HIS lectureIS tully JUus.trated WIth new and ex.,ctt:mg motIon plctures An actualflIght across the PacIfic IS plttured Indetat! Stops are made at Hawan andat those tmy Islands MIdway andWake, that have been featured so muchIn the news today

NI m~





IlItd offer 3~~hbl«SPf;CIAl.

COAL 8< StJPPL Y CO,lllQ CQ"nOr3

7930 EaBt Jefferson Ave,FltU'oli 1412

1342 Nottinlham Ro~etNIal,~a 421'1


====R. F.===

Elwood E. Engel,M. B.

Teacher of Piano andTheory

FENCESAU kh,d •• f f"".e. _led, F....••~i~J1tesgiven All work gual'~a",t~. Fot"yOUl' fenCing or metem"l. ISeeaeo~le A. Fou ..talne41149G., •• h ... d TV, 2.2828

W" carJ'y • • •

tiliblue£()al~9HARD COAL

to Dearborn and Wyandotte, from. thenv<r to Roy.l O.k and Fernd.le Thor.are no boundary hnes of raee Qr creedIn the work <lone by tho CommumtyFund

Although a 511ght mcrease was PQSs~ble last yeq..r In agenCIes budgets thed1stnbutlQn of the CommunIty FunddoUar remained practIcally the samell1to the care ~f ehddren, neglecteddependent or qrph<lneq went the larges:tprop,olbon of fund> 25 e.nt, out ofcaQh dollar HOipltals, nUrlHng serviee:and CH01'CS carmg fer the sick recetved.zo. cents kencles gwtng ftmdy seT"Vices and, care of the aged recewed 17cents. Ptotedtve work agen~l,e$guardlUg dellnqu.nt bOls .nd girls, or obl1d-ren In danger of becommg delinquentwere given e1ght ctnts For serVIceSto Iaml1lO' In conge.ted ne,ghborbood.re~reatl&tl and settlements receIVedelS-ht..ecl'lts Youth serVIce agenCIes recelved 12 <:ents, and 4 cents was gIvenfo\" comm1.1'uty plannmg AdmmtstratlOn of the Fund and campatgn e:4p<::nserequ~ted SIX eents

In general the eamp,ugn wilt be ce>n..ducted on the ;'em.plQYment planu basllltha.t i& soh~Jtation w1l1 be trom the.pla<;e of bus mess or employl7tent Ithas been found that thu metho,<! 1$

mare eonVf;111e~tiqr tht'" eontrtbu~QrThe obiectlVes of the Ne,ghborbQod

Cl"b an<l .11 other Commun,ty FundagtmC1ea are a-ptly; l1,1mtned up m thlSyeu'. oaml'OIgn slog... Be. (i.~dN.,ghbor"

World TravelerAt Art Institute

Sunday Afternoon

L.,t year, Is.o59 boys .nd girl•• t-tended handcraft club. 'n CommumtyFund recreahon centers hke the Netgh ..borhood Club. Gro"o 1'o'n<. The,.boys <ire In a wood workm~ club


Crowning Glory ••Your H~i!' il ftUf' tn.lIt prized P911st':IS,IQn,whynot eulrust h. ",r. t@ J\n old established lIeaqtl("ultul'e Institution Ii dt;lsel'ves the best andyou W111 fi~d.it mo.t ~onomlt:p.l 11) thfi end

Theme "It', Sound Seu,e To Con. Mr an<lMrs O'oar Webber, of L.k.serve Hearmg Shore Road. who have been spendmg

several daY$ at the Homestead at VIrNatIonal Heanng W~ek sponsored glnta Hot Spnngs are back tn New

by1 the AmerIC'n SoelOty 01 Hearmg, York They were lomed by thwWI t be cbserved In DetrOIt and through.. daughter, MarJ0rte who IS attend~ngout ;h. Un,ted St.tf. Irom Oetob... v......,24..;0, indtlSlVe • • *

Nallonal He.nng W.ek wa• .,t.b Mr, and Mrs !lyron C. Foy. whoh,b.d ,n 1926by the Amenc.n $QC,oty w.re vli,tlllg Mr and Mrs Alvan M••for the Hard of Hearmg, tha.t tJersons cauley ... Jr I in thelr home on Kenwoo(leveryWhere mIght pause to consldeor road have returQe4 to New York Mrtb. pflcoless WQrth01 gO<>dheanng and and Mrs H...old R Boy., or E Jefre<:e1ve authortta.tive adVIce on how fer son entertamed the VlSltOfs at a dUl"be.t to eonverle ,t, th.t they m'ght ner at the Country ClubconSIder espedd,l1y the neeesslty of prote<ctmg the heatmg of chIldren I clodth.t th.y m,ght !:lve unself,sh tho!l!l'htto tbe problems of those whose ",eaO$01 commun,c.llon IS alre.<ly blocked

Tb" week has be.n enthu"a'tlc.lly.n<lor,ed by PreSIdent RIlO.. velt of tbeUmted Stale., Mayol C",,~.n. of ~-tro,t, the :Detro,t Oto-la'Y"$'OloglCalSoc.. ty, .nd m.ny publlo-'Plrlted cib.•• ns tbrout\'hout the country GovernorMurphy h•• made th. week an oll,.laleb.. rvon•• In Ml<h1sao by l'>' oolalma.bon.

Th. p.trolt So<,.ty lor the Hard 01FlIa .. og. Incorporated, 100.1 chlll'ter

Accerdmg to alt the e"l'tl1., the 01 the natlon.1 ."".ety, wl1l keep O\'lenUmvemty 01 Dotrolt T,t.n, .n going bou•• d.lIy at ,t. hel<1quarters, 3943up agaln,t tho," .tilloat O\'lposltion01iBru'h .tre.t •• oulhwe,t OOl'MrAlellao.tbe .... eo on Slturd.y, wh.~ th.y play drin., wben .p .... l progr.m, w,lt beBo,ton College 00 th. Eagl .. ' ground. h.ld during tb. w.ek The liIlbllc ,$)3o.ton ba. beon p,cked .' one '" the lnv,tedfive ,trOn.:elt t •• m, In tho e•• t A Th. prOllr.lll arranged by the DOlroltocorel.. , t,. w'th Temple on Columbn, SeclOty w111apen "" Sund.y, OetoberDay October 12 perh.p. to,t G,l Z4, at 3 30 PM, and w!1l luelde .<1-Doh.... te.m a eban« to figure •• a dr..... by John H Muy.kens, Au"",-Rose Jil<>wtooutendor, but ,t d'<llt't t.ke Ito Prole"or, D... etor 01 LabQratorymuoh pre,tig. aw.y fr<>mthe Eagl.. el Speaoh and G.n.r.1 Llnqu,stle.,because Warners outfit i. ene tb.t Umv.",ty ef Miehlg.n. Dr Gertrudewould bother •• ybody In the eountry. V.n A<le.tine, ... perv"ing prlM,p.l 01

th~ Dttrclt DIy !lchool for the D•• f.Coach Gu. Dor.l. 01 DetrOlt ,,",uted Ilr Howard W. l'~...,01 the 50<;loty',

tbo Bo,ton. t.mpl. !!'.m. and wa. Consulting Bo.rd of OtalO€lSt. ATh. "behind the-seen e." ,tory 01 much ,mpressed by tbe I'<>w,r 01 tbe groul"ol pup,l. 01 the Gourley SchQols

Eagle. The.. hoe w., ab'Qlutely 01 Millie w,1l rend.r e.vor.1 mUSlc.1'\da.mant a~amst the hammermg of the b TIll b dnum ers ea. w e servee~.ellent set of back, pre,.nted by Wedne.d.y O.t~b.r ., .ItornoonTemple The l<t~ktng wu good lln~ and ev(\nmg,'a nc;:ephen ,~t11be: heldth. t ..... howed Ita,b •• of ir •• t of. The Soolety el<t'nd. • eord.. l .nt!ft::.ns1Vest:rength~ Ql1C~,eHmg a faost- urgent tnvltation ro former memb@lfsdown on the sevel1 yard lme only to be and aU hard o{ heanni p~rSQns wh<;>.toPI'.d a y.r~ 01 tho goal An 1lI. are InterNted to vlllt the C,luh "'0\11'.dv"ed lorw.rd 1'''' co,t • <I<>wn.t on thl, day In order to oboerv. wh.t 10thIS <r'tlc~1 iuuoture Otberw". tb. beIng aecOll1l'U.h.d and to 1>'0,,"'0E•.:los prob.bly would b.ve sOQred. brtter .oqu.lntO<! with ~h. work 01 thebec.u.e tboy had b.en plo"1Ug tbrough n.tional and Ioc.1 orl\'Onl•• \1"n, Af"r ,,\b'l.nt .. l iflm. ."d apparently de",onstratlon in l'p r.eding wl1l b.h'd tbe TempI. 1"0 d.morill •• d g,v.n from 1 00 to 3 30 I' m Ho.t." ••

I DQlbta did ~ot u~e Ins ,tar tflple" WIlt b~ 11'\attendan~e to r~etlV~ visH01'.!lthreat ba~k Fella GintoH 1fl. thiS ratue and serve: themand thu. was ,horn ql a eenSldorable Tbursd.y, Oct"h" 28, .t I 45 PM.part "f tb. offe.. lye ,tret1gth Glntol< Pr Emil Amborg. Chairman "I theis .ald 10 be • ,upeNor I'.... r, whloh 1'I".r4 and !l'd,tor 01 the S""I.ty'.IS ",ore th.n eO't1ldbo dalmed fQr any- pllblleatlon, Th. R.lnbow, will ,peakoody ehle m the lme u.:p ~am&t '!'(:mple over Station W W! (')u 1I0ceupaticmalHe wdl be l'~adY'for sen ~C.\) aga nst and Socmt O~tUnttu~, for the ~a.rI:letrolt and h~ ~S the man more than r.i\ndll;a:pped!'

__ .nv oth .. tbat the T,ta .. mu,t w.tch Tbo,e who a" h.rd .,1 b.ar'n!!' wlllDorlll .ees Itttle hope 01 g.lnmg h.,. Ih. .,pportuUlty, at the Cluh

I ground tbrough tbe TempI.' Ii.. I" room. on W.dn •• d.y, C.tober 2', be-.rQllnl! the ,nd" whIch m',,, that he tween the hO't1rsof 11 00 • mIndw'!! h.ve to r.ly on P''''' TempI. o1<t 10 00 pm, 10' lUd,v,du.l d.mon,t",nol h., e .noujl'h o. • passIng i~m. t,on, I>ythe Dotrolt h.arlnll .ld ogel>l.to lUd'01te lh. E.gles' oefenSlve of th. Acoustlean, R.dloear. Sonel""e,trenllth overh•• d Th. <lel.n,. that a.d W•• tern El".tMO In,trument. Tbl'Baston uaed agams-t Temple was the is th~ ease: 3..150 M-ond3Y and Frida.ytl~htest" DoraIS has .. en in m,ny ovenln", Oetobe. :5 .n<l 19, re'l'ee-

ye.r,. but he e"p.,t$ th.t ,t will be tlvely, from S 00 t. 10 00 p m 'I'hl$cQn$ld.rable mgd,fi~<1whon OPPO$lnra ""le. '~ given Wlthoul eh.rllO andstrong P.SS"1!\'t •• ", ;.. re.rr.nlrem.rtt ollon a eplendi<l 1lI'I'0rt~nlty te th.of ~bo ,eoonq.ry to ItOl> pas'lUll" har<l 01 h.arlng to try the <l1II•• entgbv,,,usly would loosen ul' the defense mak., 91 ~.arlng device. A~<I,omet,.gam,t grQUl1q~lays and m.ybe the t.,t. wll1 b. /lIven to Ibo•• who m.yTlt.n, <aQ ,preild the 1,l0Itonl"'$I""t ,,1.1> t~eir h•• rlng t.,tod p~r.on,enough'to gIve Andy :f'arkl:u ~ eh!lI1Jr;j@to dQ some bill a~fl.";ym~

I)<>$tonI•• ",uch ~'l!.:er le.11' thanDetro't Sev"l of tb. m,n who ,tarhed il",.,n,t Toml'le we'jl'h b.ttor th."1S5 pound, .nd tbe .",.lIe,t .... n onthe field for the F.agle' wa, & m9gunder Tho 1"10 ,h.r~e, very 1"1.nd the bilek, .t.rt rop,dly ""d h,t~ard Tbe kl,k'ug •.\\.'n,t teml'l. w.,gea~raUy ,ery good and a-t dme3 srad'd excellent )31o,klng and tMkhn~were first \;l:iss~~~eept for faitt.tr~ toclean out the s€'CQ11qary U thiS lattli\fdepal;"tment had beelt nrp to standar{!~1:!o,tQn ,.lght h,ve lion. 10 ~wn .sem several oecaSlons ba..eks, we:rethrough the lme on thetr feet only tostopped by the safety mcm (Ii" l;ltherde"l' b.cks

Tbe Eogl., h.v. il ,,,son.bly <I.'''I't,v. !"Il.mnll orta.l<4wilh DI'n1y 01rever~~&~nd an Qceasi~ijll latcn.t b~-hmd the li.e Tbe'r pow.r ""lay, <lIdnot lonk .ny betler. howevor. t~.nsome t~.t PetrOlt h.. 't<l!>l>e<l,n t~.

-'-~-_._.~--'-'._~'~.~,~--,,,--,,-_._-,-- past a,nd if I}of.lfi1t' reg-ull\re, ~a,ft Ju~tst.y on the job, they O"lIbl 10 handleanytb,.!l' atnt ilt 'hem o. the I!fl>\lnd1t ,s doubtlll1. tholls!>whoth.r t~Oj' .!Inmove the &o,ton !l••men out of thow.y •• n,i'I.ntly on olfo... Te\lll>lepl'yed • v.ry wide .1" m.n ll~e, withtbe taekles "ut,ld, cf tbe Iloslon .nd,anI! thlS we-ked well e".opl lor a fewplay. l.te I, tho game who. the l!:OIllesreally WtlfC ~nc;HQi eamc h~Ies

Detr,,11 will b' .t OM dl<l<lv•• tllleover the E"!I'l•• " th.1 It pl.ytd •hard g.",\ l.. t Frldly n!i'ht ,,!!l'n,tCatholl. UnlYer"ty, whlle Bo,ton h••not fa•• ~ any .ompetlt,on .Ine. Oct12 tho S.turd.y date b.ln$' left <>!'lenapp.rently to e.. bl. tbem to i.t theirplave" I. the b.,t 1'0"lble form fQrthe Tltln. '1'1"1 e"tra re.t, eoupledw,th tb. 1_ Ih.t Botton I, o.rrying• squ.d of 46 men _IUlt .bout asor Z9 1',t.... th.t wlll Illake t~. trip Ieast. m.y provo Important Pob,. hatso many reserve'! and. su.c.h gooq oneiith.t h. O'n ke.p ,hootll\i fresh m.nlUto the bll. up 11 he elects to do &0

though OIl"n.t Temple ho •• amed d,,-Illclmed to make sub.t,tutlon. uple..a man w.. u.ll,y me"l1aetllted,


l'o"<tlt .. JudY The.t., 81d"


poit;;; ._1_0

Cocktail Bar


•U& ! !i

Whllre friQlldamee~. eI1joli their fav"rit. drinks in cOIDfortwith ~n e~.ellent view of the FI"o~ PrelQllt!ltio!la





The Home of Fine EnteriainmQlltMACK.AT THE SEVEN MILE ROAD

I)lne and [)anceWith the Swml Rhythm of CHARUIi; LAZIN anI! hia



P4ge Two

H...dwll.... • Sp<lriing Gooete11888 E. Je/fer'oll

at E;1l1.r.ont.!NOX '309 ,





t""r.. 1t0f"lred. I... WI"". Com-111",,110"0 Clh.nfO<l' - Eot."".t ••

(1.~1r.1_ lor pl!""t.C•••• lt V. fl. Yoo.

LIICk Met Kel/ Trollbl ..

Keys 2 "'.25cT. a....pl.

Mulier's1'1'1.... 8t... l\1IP1I' RII, ... lir.10m 11"".1, Sic

"\lnd. t_ t'

1f0l')0~ P•• k Sao.... wllh$.,e, LI"h e. 32cBoll', 110,

'"' * - ~ - --FHtlI HBlI!,hBlf 29c'"" w"..I~, 1o, , ,.. ,

.18c~Primlll Steer Sho~11.1••• f I1 .. f, I.

21,423 AttendedNeighborhood Club

Attendanoe 01 ehlldren and adultsIn the Ne,gbborhood Club of Gro"eP01Dte totaled 21423 last y~ar TheNe~borhO<>d Club" one 01 SOagenole. partlo,p.tlng In tbe Petro,t Com.m\lll'ty Fund holdml! ,t. 1~3Scamp'\llnfrom November 1 to 12 \

Th~ go.1 of VheC<>mll1umtyFund, IS~500 000tbl, year TblS I, an incre.seover la.st ye<lr s qijota of $l,250 000 but15 stIll below the $3 660,000 ulsed 1n

1931 Smce then, ~cncy per"onneland services have been operatmg on amintmum baslS

Durmg the depresslol1, budgets ofrecreatlOn cCluters and settlements wereseve1"ety curtaded so services for de ...pendent chIldren and the sIck couldbe mamtamed Wtth the return ofbettel." busmess tOndlh<ms It is. hopedthat larger contnbu.t.ons to the Fundwdl m.ke 1'<>'l1blebudget lU~re.", loragenCl•• 11k. the NOlghborhood Club

The rec:reatlonal and, educahot'\al pro ...gram of ~he Nelgbborbood Club lU.ehtd>es ;u;twlties for Boy Scouts andCa\lll> Fire G"l., gymn."u", work,athlettc events., 1U$tru.ctIOtl in mustclal'!. h.ndcraft. d"n<mg .nd .oc,.1 dub.There u a 8«1s,1 Iervtee departmentfor family serVIces The V1$ltmg N\trseA,S(lIcaatlon has. lh Grosse r-Qmte dIs-tnet heldQuarl.rs In lhe Clu~

On t'lle pl'l-greund. 01 this j::om-mumty Fund agency are nme baseballdiamonds, etght t~nnts courts, vegetableIn<lflow... g.rdens planted by obll<!<.n,a wldi,,1l' 1'001 .nd I'l.yg,",,~nsl .qu'p.ment

Th. net-"ork 01 Com"u",ty I'un<la.8'eneie$ t~tends from Grout Pcmte

1 £

I, ~__iL /!:<- 01,'#'*'$'*-", "-,,,1j4.,t<CJJ' -z...f ~

Page 3: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs

hursday, October 21, 1937 THE GROSSE POiNTE REVIEW Page Three

JPlaza 2850







Prepare for Winter!


Heating Plant Now!

H. BUCKERIDGE & SON15108Kercheval Ave. LE. 6740Plumbing and Heating Repairs


Stef"l, for permanencyPicket. for beautyWire! for f'conomy

Materials or erectionClothes I inp Post~, SteE"lor Wood, Permanent or removable



Special Election BallotCITY OF GROSSE POINTE


Special Election, Tuesday,

NOVEMBER 2, 1937

The form of ,"1c1 ,pee ,I Inllot ",11 he as follO\\S


INSTRUCTIONS: Mark a cross [8] in the square 0 folIowln,gtheproposition for which "ou WIsh to "ote Before leaving the booth foldballot so that mitIals of mspeC"tor can be seer from outSide





and enjoy



Qualified electors in the City of Grosse Pointe will ballot on thefollowing Special Proposition at such regular City Election on suchdate:

Voting upon such proposition will be at the above Central Poll.ing Place, the Fire Hall, at 17140 Maumee Avenue, the polls beingopen as indicated above.

All qualified electors not already rel{istered may register at theCity'Clerk's office, 17150Maumee Avenue, on or before Saturday,October 23, 1937.

Notice of Special Proposition

At the Fire Hall (Central Pollmg Place), 17145Maumee Avenue, be.twt"en St. Clair and Neff Streets. The polls of such election beingopen from 7:00 o'clock A. M. until 8:00 o'clock P. M., Eastern Stand.ard Time.

Candidat~s for the following City Offices will be elected;

The qualified electors of the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County,Mi('higan, are hereby notified that the regular City election for thepurpose of electing City Officials will be held on

Tuesday, November 2, 1937

MayorCity ClerkSix Councilmen

Bohemian BEER


Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co.,Lenox 1162, for Job Printing.



Have your Furnace Cleaned NOW ISERVICE AND REPAIRS

14739 Mack at Ashland NI 970!l

---Totals 75() 750 823 2323

Cramer Electl."lCCramer 136 1>6 151 443Turner (ave) 130 130 110 190Trombley 149 165 129 443Rel'l' 176 135 186 497Saremus 167 180 192 539---

Totals 758 766 788 2312WelD's Rustle Cabms

Kramer 141 153 12lJ 424Krause (d-ve) 114 114 114 342Wems Jr 139 147 135 421vvems Sr (ave) 123 123 123 3"9

Handicap 92 92 92 276Fetzer (ave) 134 134 134 402---

Totals 743 763 726 2232

Frahm's Arch ServlcePotLer 171 170 160 501 !\VIseman 125 143 164 432Bross 124 192 142 458


rrahm 135 134 121 390Madar 180 181 158 519

---Totals 735 820 745 2300

Oak CleanersMcCarron 149 136 139 924Logan 110 167 135 412Beaupre 180 152 169 501Thflyer 146 131 183 460

Handicap 21 21 21 63\{eIsch 147 157 160 464

---Total 753 764 807 2lJ24

Notttngham InnHuhn 189 163 162 514Hemtzelman 187 183 158 5UReeber 168 155 154 477Rogers 172 169 137 478:,pa~d 147 168 211 526-~-

Totals 863 838 822 2523StrlU's Mobl1gas

LeBl.lllc 135 136 155 4261

Louts 161 148 1.10 429Schult? 137 127 162 426Gerow 119 129 114 362Strittmatter 144 106 218 518

Handicap 54 54 53 162

Totals 896 786 806Imperial Cleaners

Curhn 172 151 186 509Klem 149 180 1>7 481Herbst 134 157 136 427Tesch 170 173 168 511Otto 159 159 204 522

Totals 779 820 8,1 2450

Business Men'sBowling League


N'ottlngham Inn 12 3 779Imperial Cleaners 10 5 814(ramel Electnc 10 5 772~quare Deal Cleaners 8 7 749Oak Cleaners 6 9 773rrahms Arch Ser\1ce 6 9 768Strittmatter s Mobl1gas 6 9 702Wem s Rustic Cabl11 2 13 650


Eschnch 198 156 150 '13C Ayhng 96 123 109 328L Ayhng 193 121 147 411Elle 209 187 186 577Courtemancre 1\6 150 156 462

Handlcap 49 49 49 147

P ill Everyone welcome' The lessons Iare fleeBo).s dud Guls Tuesday 3 00 5 30 pmAdults Tuesday 7 00 9 00 pill

Don t forget the Ghost Ghde givenby the A a C's Thursday October 28 (dancmg 9 00 until lOOp m Refreshments pnzes fOI tbe best costumesand oodles of fun It s a masqueradepdrty which means everybody has to DRINKcome dressed up

Gross£" POInte Falr SpeCIal Comffilttee Meetmg of all chairman for theG P FaIr w 11 he held Ftlda~ Oct22 at 8 00 p m

Attention DrawnTo County Audits

Marble m U. ~ Court BUIldingThe extenor marble for the U S

Supreme Court bul1dmg came fromVermont. whIle Itahan and Spamshmarbles are used m the court room

Call ng attentiOn to the fact that all

Icounty audIts made by representatIve!:.of hiS department are opert for publicmspectlon Auditor General George TGundry today explained the method ..emploved 10 makulg these aumts

Under the Central U111form t\.ccountmg Act the Auditor General IS re-qUired to make an annual aUOlt of allcounties m the state The auditorsknown as county audItors. work 1U

teams of two men each and under MrGundry s dIrectIOn exanune the booksof all county offlclals It usually takesa month to complete an audit of anaverage Sized county

There are seven audIting teams atwork 111 as many countIes ""t the present tJme Each group of auditors reports their findmgs to Mr Gundry whoexammes them After exammatlO11 hemads one copy of the audit to thecounty elel k county treasurer andchaIrman of the board of supervisorsAs soon as they are filed wlth theseoffICIals they become public record clndmay be e.xammed at any tIme






C. O. D.'sCharge Acct's.


Butterlb. 37c

Neighborhood ClubActivities




Art Classes We are Offetllg somethI1g' brand new at the NeIghborhoodClub thiS fall 111 our classes for adultsThe Art of US111gFrench Pastels Pastels are a soft matenal sImilar to chalk

The 111sbuctor by demonstratIOnta:kes you through a pJcture step bystep 'WhIch nakes Jt very easy to learn

Come and see for yourself Ju<;t howfascmat111g pa::.-tet sketchmg can beOur mstructor wtll gIve a demonstrahon next Tuesday October 26th at 7 00



Potatoes 2Sc


Chickens Ib.39c

2-0 •. Bot.



Michigan Mild




•JAKIMEC" Coiffure Designer


ORANGES • • doz.39c


Cranberries • • lb. 17c


ONIONS • • 101bs 29c


CARROTS • • bunch 5c


fall In the tuberculoclS deatn rate to Paul deKunf, well known wnter ofthe nahan preventIve program Dr J med.lCal artIcles and author of severalHarley Wdhams of t1.e Brittsh Tuber~ bool s spoke summarIly on tuberCUklS1S ASSOcIatton pOinted out at CU10S1S eradIcatIOn In his lnlffiltableMIchIgan TuberculosIs AssociatIon s style he declared that eradication of therecenth thIrtieth anmversary meetmg dlsease can be reduced to educatIOnseveral factQrs largely responsIble for l,nd econom) AtrJong a tYPical crowdthe declmmg tuberculo61S morahty of la) men he believed one could find

The whole country Dr Wllham~ very ie\\ \\-hose knowledge of tubersaid carnes out the dIspensary system CUIOSI'1would be adequate to underwhIch onglPated m 1887 and was tand what to the phySICian b elemt.nadopted by the nation 10 1912 Every tar) pr nClple EconomIc savmg Mrperson suffenng from tuberculosl~ IS deKruof .:::ald can be effected throught"ntltled to free treatment 111the dlS modern medical knowledge and modernpensary It IS a gOiVernment agency 'Surger) m the diagnosIs and treatmentDr Wllhams explamed which treats of tuberculOSISrhe md1VIdual patient mobtllzes his <:;everal factors were p01l1ted out bycontracts and thl1"ks of the tubersulosl~ Dr A W New tt of the State Hea thfamIly as a smgle umt Today there Department as bemg dIrectly responare apprOXImately 150 units for tuber :SIble for placmg Michigan foremostculosls treatment In the country, he among the states whose tuberculOSISrep.orted death rate I~rapIdly declmmg Modern

j ThE-re are In England two vIllage facIhtl€S for case findmg and segregasettlements occupied by tuberculom ban as well as tuberculOSIS health edupahents and thur famlhes he said cahon have made possIble the dechne"In thl"se \ 111ages variOUS IndustrIes m tuberculOSIS mortality rates from} ave been de\ elQped and tthey are 1013 111 1007 to 41 3 m 1936 Dr N eWlttmanaged and worked by tlibel"a1lous belIevedpatIents only Jomt sponsors with the MICh gan

TuberculOSIS As~oC1atlOn of the anRegardmg bovme tuberculOSIS Dr Dlvt'rsary meetmg were the MIchiganWilhams pomted out that althougih, the Samtotlum ASSoclatlOn and the Wavnedisease had not been treated 111 the County MedIcal SocietyI\ystemabc way adopted 111 the UnttedStates measures an .. now hemg tat.en Ito clear cattle of tuberculOSIS by means






Chase & SanbornDated




Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

999 Bearone-field cor E Jefferson


Complexion Cloth FREE

Always inin the

Lead WithSensationalVALUESfor Thurs.,Fri. & Sat.

10 Phones5 Trucks

Wlth COiffure Styles that add charm andmdlVIduahty to your appearance. deslgntldto :fIve your Hair a natural rlch and lu..-trous beauty


A J. ALLunt emlma FOR

Pancake Flour 37c




Turkeys lb. 41 C

acts AboutTuberculosisI

ICredltmg Great BrIttan s remarkable>--- ----------jlAGARA 1034

I WM. ALLEMONI Black Dirt and Garden Work

117651 MACK AVE I at UniverSity! - --------


Modern EquIpped

ANIMAL HOSPITAL17151 KERCHEVAL, at Nell RoadataWiahed In Grosse ptnnte Smce 193!


- AND-Living RoomPIeces RefinIshed In

OLD FRENCH WHITEWiD be Cheerful and New

I Estimates FREEon Refinishing or Upholstering1116GRAY AVE., at Jefferson




Ib.42c BEEF Ib.29c

Men ImtIated PerfumeHistory tells us that hundredsof

years ago perfumes were used ex.elUSIvely by men. and 'Women

I fea,ed to use them because theywould be conSIdered ma:scuhfte

Norbert P. Neff,

City Clerk.


;;'?tt"'l ,(.rJ.~,i:L "'rr0'b1'ii.tNtr~!t:~ t='"'h,; -!{?'~~~J;.""f"S\ "--"J,410....~~~<"<"'~II~tllriP, ..vA'"-~J.tJ- ~,1~_,4_'_,, ~-r-_~-'-" -1MI ..... _~ ~~""'_

Page 4: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs

Christian Science by Bicknell Young, C.S.BPage Four

Lecture onTHE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Thursday, October 21 19


\\ Ith









She pra) ed

Second Church maIn tams a Read~lI1g Room at 7041 Ea.:.t JeffersdllA." enue Deholt

The orlgmal, standard, and OQ

Textbook on Chnstlan SCUNlMmd.heahng 1S pubhshed ill tl\~fallowing edItIons - r~unday School Ed tlOn pocket ijSlze blue or brown cloth $1."

"$!'PO"ket ~ dltlon With Il1dex toll1cl.re;1!al headlllgs black blue 1or blown morocco hmp Ox ~ford I "lata Blble paper $511< 1ench and German Tl an.,la~110ns Jlbrary edltlons cloth $21

ThiS book 1.nd othe" WOtks byNIrs Eddy and all authortz~d:rhnshall ,:,cl('nce ltterature nlay b


lead bOIro\\ ed or purchased at a 1Chnstlan 5clence Read1llg Rooms

"fother ChUt ch 1here for a few ~ments under the soft glow of the am'1dome she stood 111VOIceless thanglVJI1g on the steps leacll1g to 1platform she knelt 111 SIlent pray!then mou "It\ng the steps ~he rea.dhe filSt desk and here With deer$

feelIng repeated :t10ud the mnety RPsalm now movmg to the secddes1... the \"OIds of a belovca hylame !io::d. ng from her overflowl

hart l\ 0 "ords more grandly ep14mlZC her ll!e nor more httlllgly ,(crIbe thl. hUI11111t)and confidence

d. hte hid WIth Chr1~t m God


\GUlde me 0 Thou gt eat Jehovah! I.;.Pllgnm tlu ough thIS barren land {l

I am ,\ eak but Thou art mighty ~.Hold Me WIth Thy pow rful handBread of heavcnl Feed me ttll I wi

no lUore fl"I

Opc;:n 1s the cly:>tal founta1l1 1\Vhcnce the healng waters flow ~A,nd tl e fiely c10Ldy pillar ~Lea(ls me an my Journey + hrough '"Strong Debv ft.r 5tlll Thou art ~

strengtl and slueld J(C S H,mnal 1\0 134 old edlt1o~





t It!J!!I!!.!!III!!III!!III!!III!~•• !III!!J!J!!J!J!!lJ.!1l1J!_ifiiTiTiiTiiiiJil"filiTtili'iiliTiiTiTiiTilimiTiIiiTiIiifO


Grosse PointePrinting Coo





; )

capable o£ know1l1g evtl or sendng erer of Chnsttan SCience J:<lom the[COU1d be practIcally ext..1alled Havng PClchmce the opel1l11gs ...re nanow<l.ught but good to Ells chIldLen? So BIble fir"t thele are submItted to )OU caught the gloflouS V1SIOl1 however gludg111gly "0 yet througl e,\en sl,.clvery "Imple IS thl'> reqUIrement that three brIef and famll ar 1I1cldents n It "as Ilevltable for Mrs Fcidy to open ngs the Christ na) e lter LIghtperhcl.ps someone IS prompted to say support of our posltlOn that the ChrIst conclude that the dlvll1e miSSIOn 0" I filters through the tlmest crevice OnceIS thIS the only QualIficatIOn requl~lte even though urrecogniLed as such ha::. the c"er pr eel't Chllst ",as to le\eal I sJJe tre Chnst may bl. dependedto lllsure membershIp In the group of been evel pI esel t and e, er dvadabJe God t) mal 1.ld f01ever exp am and 1 pon 10 do It.-. work For then It t::.

seekets Just descnbed-:' Yes! hut per Recall to hegll1 the e'\.penence of phold the unchangllg anu ulchange that the le\eallng llght of the Chrsthaps the full slglllficance of the state Abraham on Mount MOllah about to able relatlOnshlp l f \:[md and Its 111 Tr1,..th d sSlvates the den~c cloJ.d" ofment IS not reahLed A God who h sacnfice hiS son I~aac AtchaeolOglcal finlte man festatlOn (Snence and Im"unc1erstandllg t11ck \\lth mlsconwholly good and 1l1capable of knov..mg research 1I1the land of Abram s bIrth Health p 468) Haurg reached 111$ct'pt OJ pi eJud ce SUter:>tltlOn bigotrycUld consequently lI1capable 01 produc In hl<; vely home city pel haps has so conclus 011 <;he became convll1ced <;he and fear These are the mOltal m ndChn::.t1an Sc enCe '\'laS first to revealmg evl1 111any lOrm or elt ....l1y tlme added to our k'1owl"'dge of the con mu"t "hare her \1Slon of the Che st qU,J!Jtes whIch darken conscIOusnessto mankl11d the rea 11ature o~ thISIS a rad cally different God :l:ram the dltlons pre\alll11g there that It Is not WIth the world How could thiS be ,1I1tl1the "'ay becomes pal11ful al d d f

seelnlrgly advanCing and yet e\er one ge.nelally acknowledged If there unrea"onable to ....onclude that at the aone The minds of men VIere so con fictlt yet finally they too fade awaypresent ChI 1st and to ex:plam v..hybe but one God as most of us were tune of whIch we are speakIng he was fused and restncted by the false teach cl 1d d sappcar III the sunhght of the

Jesus the great "INdYshower mal1l taught to beheve and If that God 15 shll 1I1fluenced to some extent by hIS mg of centuries the tangled U ldel Christ 1ruth as It venctrate" tIle refested the Christ "11orethan any other sole alld only creato we are now fac early aSSOClahons and teachmg Thus g row t h of sJ.pet ~tItiOP m "tal en es<;es ot long darkened tho ugh tman It l~ the dlV1nely establIshed

109 a sltuatlOn that demands careful he may stIll have enteltall1ed a some theology selsuahsm gleea ambit Ll1 Through tlm process mn are broughtmission of Chrlstlan SCience to COil consideratIOn Vlhat superstlhouJl dlead 01 an aveng sordIdness that the ,Olce of Cl1e cry to reahze ihat God IS Life Tlut}>tUlUe to broadcast thl" explanahon I

A good God COllS'CIOUSonly of good mg G.od to \\ "lorn he must yIeld obed I11gm th ev\llderness must be pItched Lo\ e that man IS mental spiritual notuntil all men t

Vuywhele i>hall recog c0t11d not conceIvably create anythIng lence accordU1g to a.nclent standards 1I1 a new and arous1l1g key to attract material and that heaven IS here an<iI1lze their at one-ment WIth the Chns'b of which He was not L.onsclOUs there no matter how mht..man the act re attentIOn I ow\1md "ufflclently to demOustrate theIr d Y I h h

fore It follows that all WhICh He cre qUIre et at exact y t e rtg t mo TI,e The manner 111I',hlch God mdl11fest<,umty With theIr creator their Father h b h eternal ever present Christates must be good 1£ there be no I ment e was restralllecl y t e ever HI TIseH to ever 111UeaSll1gnumbers ofVIother Llfe as did the Master Chns I h Truth had healed and dehvel ed hercreator othel tpan thlS good God then pre"ent C1nst The C nst came to meI"' through those mdlV duals whoset1an Chnstlan SCience does not de The pre ence of that Chnst Truthno eVIl was or ever c.an be cred.ted hun dlffere-f"ltly than It dId to Solomon prayer for an underi>tand ng heal tmand that ItS adherents demo"1stra,.te h ruu t he un1\ er~ally oroclalmea ThereEvtl Simply docs not ana Ca)lllot eXIst hut It v..as a V1SlO, '\0 commcmg t!at ~mcere and gel UJl1C has aheadyat once such complete ul1lty With geod I f "hould be no delay Of all thiS thereThat It seems to eXI~t as discord dls It stave.d hiS land Il1 the very act 0 brought to them ome measure of the

as dId Jesus It does 1I1SlSt howevel ea~e and sm IS another matter WIth sacnfice so complete that It provded was no questIOn 111 Mrs E.dav ~ I 1that thIS IS the ultlmate ~oal To reach fi b f h thought K\en at th s tlme the char rev,alng Chnst ma) be t lUS Ilos

which we shall deal later SI-ch a a ttmg su stltute or IS SOP and en trated A traveler conducted to aIt Chrlshan Science pomts out that I I I h I acter of the task controntll1g her mustcre'ltor as we are consldermg could 110t aD ed "llm to COtrp ete IS wmage to <;ll"llph furnl~hed hotel room whIch ISpersistent and unflaggul,g effort IS re God d f I h h f b d ha, e begun to fOlmdate tsclf l"l er .,be matenal phYSIcal limIted 1estncted an &atls y 11S Ig senSe 0 0 e 0 be home for a few days qUIcklyqUlred The -textbook of Christian thongl t and perhap~ e:>..plamswhy she

5clence state thiS P0111t succmctly 10 111any way Upon thiS pomt surely lence shrank from It w th all t le heslta lC'\ establ :-.lH.sfor himself what for lack ofthe follOWing' ,,,ords (Science and all are In arcord Then t11)sgood God '\ext remember Jacob at the brook of a refined and s{-nSlt!ve nature It 1S a better '''Old we call atmospl C1CHeaHh p 254) V\hen we walt pat must be Spmt as Jesus declared at Jabbok wrestling '\lth a false <;ense certau she tealtzed f ow the beg1llnmg 110m IllS personal eqUipment he prolently on God and seek Truth nght Sychal and agam capab e only of of substance as real tormented "Ith that to no other lan-ds could the wod (uce" a book a pIcture perhaps reeously He directs our path Imperfect creatlllg that ",hlch IS an e:>...presSlOnof fear of hImself hiS £am Iy and hl~ be el1tru~ted Bolnly at las she struck olaces a c1 air and 1I1a moment commortals grasp the ultimate of splr1tual Himself that '\\hlch IS "pmtual Per pos<;eSSlOns Alone 111 the dalkness of out The v..aters ""ere strange the J!lete1v cha 1ges the cl aracter nf nlspelfectton slo","ly but to hegln arIght haps all have not analyzed their the I11ght he sougl t dlVllle aid as ne\er course tllcharted but she had dn un en\lro ment A callet elltel1l1g theand to contl11ue the ~tnfe of demon thougl t <tbout God thus fully yet all before and the llght of the Chnst fadll1g and an undevlatmg compass an H on even though hc be a stran~er"tutlllg the great oroblcm of be ng IS that has been Just said IS a part of the preselce came poun 19 11tO hIS con undel ~tand ng heart LIsten to her dt c lce Teels someth ng of tre ment1tdomg much A step 111 tne dIrection declaratIOn presented as a testtng "ClOusness "0 complete).- transform1l1g o\\n ""ords f yOU th nk tlls a lover C U1.ll P<;of the occupant Almost 1111

of tl115 goal of perfectIon set up by measure a moment ago 1he state ll1s thmkmg that hIS \\hol'" future ex shten en! "\then t1e heal s)ea & med ate1) he gets at least a partnl pcJesus and reaffirmed by ChrIstian I men \\as you VIlli recall that God IS pellence ",as charactenLed by tokr hoy\e,er Implc the ""orGS Its lallguag~ tUle of the lller self the mental self II

SCience IS lllustrate-d by the followmg good and good alone Agreement With ance brotherly conslderahon and co 1~ah ....ays aCl.eptable to tl o<;e",ho have of t1 e one OCCUP}lI1gthat loominCIdent t11l5posltIon carnes WIth It the mescap operatIon Prospenty marked 111an hearts (Mlscella leous "\, ntlllgs p In a wmewhat SlImlar way the" ord

An Angel VIsIon able conclUSions Just drawn outstandmg way the balance of hiS 262) So 'Hote MIS Eddy early In her and acts of spmtually enl1ghtened menlong and useful career ml111stlY and "omen 1lldlcate the pre"ence ofThe Real Man Reyealed

A ht Ie later D"Vld faced the giant God rll!<L. that pre.,c l.C actual soHavmg now found how mental doors of Gath \\ hile the arn"lles d Israel The Language of Heart re<l.l tl 'It t IS <;eell ant. felt It IS fClt

may be more fully opened to receive mesmenzed by fear lay paralYLE'd be 1he language of healtl \\hat ,\as a~ pCHH"1 the powee of tllf" r!tll~ttt"e revelatIOn of Chr1stlan ~clence let fore tie Phlhstl11e hosts thiS lad '\Ith tll1S languag~! 1<1rst It must be a Ian Lo"e In ('\ery dec1aratol anl deCISIOnus proceed to namtne the handIwork a VISIOnof the Chtlst went fot tll hum guage th ..t one Sick unto death could ma Ie bv thtln for thClr God suppa tcdof thIS good God we have been COll bly and unafraId and tnutrpl t'd splen undcrstand a languagc that would and God i>pn:ed statemcnt., of TI uthsldenng The Scnptural accoLlnt of dldly hor ""as "lISVISIon of the tn brtng to such a one the truth of the dest10Y <1.1 d remo\e haiLed anger .ecreation clImaxes ItS record wlth the umphant Chnst confined to that healIng Chnst It must nece~satlly be venge It IS seen as harmony the har\lords And God said Let us m#ke Th h I -nony of tbe clUmactlve Chnst SPlrltexperience roug a ol~g and hu a language \\ hlch the dIscouraged andman 111our ImaG;e after our likeness manly bOisterous car eel attt...nded hy disconsolate could under~tand the mil stili l1lal1lfested tbrough men cl.nd,""omtnd concludes ~o God created man In many a slip and fall more often t 1an Isterll1g touch of a comprehendllg en but destroYll1g apathy stohdlt)h1.s own Image In the Image of God otherW1se he caught the V1SIonof the Chnst It must be a language one stag latlOn destroYlllg the belter th",tcreated he hIm Man made In the Chnst though he may not hl111Selfhave fnendless and alone could understand tht.re can e\er he a I absen ....e or acvery likeness of Splt1t and after the so called It al1d was led tnumphantly and feel a language that would con tlvtty It IS heard as the vOice of goodfashion of the one "holly good IS a by that VlS10l1 the ~t 11small 0 ce the vo ce ot thevll1ce him of the very presence of ane .....sort of man to contemplate Yet \Vhat e~bled these ancient ones to co~npasslOnate and fnendly ehr st Chnst Mmd speakmg to the mret consurely the good God whom "e have reahze the presence of the Chnst so Such ,,,Quid be the language of heart <;CIOUSlIessof men God s pi esenc~ mayagreed lS the one and only creator effectIVely you ask? Only theIr con suth the 'Way to reach n en most qu ck al~o be tasted-tasted as .laY th<..JOYofcould create no other man than a good stant conscIous deSire for a larger ly and e'Tedlve1y In' eIhurmg upon thmgs unseen the .Joy of the (hn~tone a spiritual man a man made after knowledge of God.....th<tt year ling de such a pathway of Spmt Mrs t,rldy LIfe that understand ng of dIVl1e Lifea model nfimtely perfect The logIC of sire for good mentIOned m the begll1 was but followmg 111the footsteps of ",lllcl destloys the belIef of dl"ea<;eihls reasonlllg IS 1:00 obVIously correct lUng the WIsest a"ld be t of all men In ad 1.l1Udeath God s pi esel1ce may evento need dlScu~slon Yet one says, But A New Quality dltlon she knew that thus she would be smelled tn the fragrance o£ goodwhat about the man I <;ee hear feel deeds deeds of kmQness gentlene:-.~be found obedIent to the dlvme comsmell taste the man that S1l1SSIckens KeepIng the expenences just men compaSSIOn all the result of the opE'r-

mand Freely ye have received freelydIes and cltsappeat<; > ttoned dearly 111 thougH as tYPical of give for had she not Herself mdeed <'hon of the Chnst Pr1l1clple 111 human

That questIon IS IdentIcal '\lth the the method ,..he,.eby the Chn::.t ap fl conSClOusnessalready receIved 111over oWll1g measone w~e answel we deferred a mo peared to humc..ntty 1I1days long past ure? Only tIllS ?dvancmg undeli>tandll1g of

ment ago the one as to the nonexlst ~u1dll1g and protectmg them now OJb the Cbn"t a!l that ChrIst IS revealedence of see'11mg eVIl They are tW1I1 serve a new Chflst quahty, that of But mark you! 111her plan there by ChrIstIan SClenl.e enables men tobrothers so let us put them slde by I heart the quahty couple.d With undel !was sometlllng fat mOle han merely con prehend the statement of ,:,t JohnSIde anti come back to them a httle standll1g In the petitIOn of the anClent he<trt' It must be an • understandIng that 111 the beglt1111ng was the \V CJrdlater If ne essar) answ~l1ng' first a Klrg beg1l111111gto manifest Itself l\ote heart Human compass lOll and s,m and the \Vor 1 was '\',lth God and themore pertment quer:h a query which how boldly It stal1d~ out In the first ot pathy however sll1cere ,,,ere 1I1suffJ \i\ ord "'as God' and that WIthoutwhen properly answered dlaposes of three quotatIOns about to be submitted Clent that mu~t be '11aete clear "0 all hIm \\as no~ any thll g made that v..asthe other h\o How may the seem- how It lrcreases 111de.pth and volume No hea11l1gI.ould be Chnst healH g that made eh Istlan SCience expla1l1s "hemg man I!'ortal man become con tn the second and reaches a full dla was not ba~ed on understcl.lldll1g Un \Vora I as bemg the very e.,SClce ofSCIOUSof h1s 11ue estate hIS truly real pason 1n the thIrd der"tand1l1g 111her plan \VaS really the creative Pr1l1clple source-that whlc 1

bell1g al d thereby mantfest h)s God FIrst the "'ords are those of IsaIah essenCe of Love Itself and must be so hrl11gs £0 tr i>ust1.ms and perpe uatesgn en dOm1l110n of authoflty over the He shall feed hIS flock lIke a shep comprehended Therefore understand 'Such a crC<it1on IS alone sub stant 1.1false clalms of the matter man> held he shall gather the lambs WIth mg dlV1l1e1l1telbgence MlI1d ana heart for It IS wholly mental spmtual 1(,

The answer IS Simple Through rec 1115arm and carry trem 1111m bosom dlVl11eLove must go hand 111 hal d :,he perceive thIS and to become consclOUSog11ltlon of and steadfast 1I1sIstence and shall gently lead those that are knew they could not even appcar unles<; th1.t man 10> a part of thiS creationupOn the realtty of good and good With young Next, the Ma<;ter ChriS conjomed They must be found and medns that the door of conSClOUSllessalone through smcere and spontane han speaks In aescnhmg the recep used 111ul"llson Get \\l~dom and With 1S openll1g the seemll1g1y advanc ngous gratitude for benefits already en Uon accorded the Prochgal SOI1 upon all thy gettlIlg get understandmg tl us yet ever pre"ent Chnst 105enteringJoyed through a constant conscIous hIS return to the parental roof Jesus declared the wnter of Pro\Clbs Slg vVe have now followed the ppear ngdeslre for a larger understandmg of says But when he [the son] was yet 11lfical't mdee-d ale

hhIS ;Ol.~:an:df~r and reappear111g of the Chr st dow"l

God as mfi111tegood When thlS men a great way off hIS father saw hlm 111shus a key as t ey ld rs Y the c~,tt.trIes to he present day Vvetal attItude IS attamed the eternal and had cornpaSSlOn and ran and fell for understand ng as she percel\ ed It hIt t th h

and as we must IS ver sub"tal ce Itself ave seen lOW 1 regen era es e uChnst IS consciously present ThIS IS on hiS neck and kissed him And h b f ~ 1 1 f man conSCIOusness a Id 1 estores to manthe very presence of God HImself In findll) , the words are those of "\1:rs t e su ~tance, a t mgs "lepe( or I hIS blrthnght of splrltual perfechon anda manner whIch the human con<;cIOUS Eddy (Science and Health p 332) the ev denc'" 0 tlungs not seen doml!'lOn 1he trconslhon from the enne~s recog111zes and understands Such Father '1mhel 1~ the name for Deity The EV1dence of Thmgs Unseen tIrely ph) sIcal concept of ma 1 SVIayedcon~clousne"s of God s presence IS the which mdl-cates HIS tender relattonshlp 1 by appebte oite 1 aepra\ ed humaneternal Clm ..t revealed Moreover thIS to Hts sptrltual creat on' Gentleness lnseen by the human senses for ex fears 1.nd paslsons up through a moreIS the only method whereby man sane tendernes-s compaSSIOn are here e'\. ample 15 dlV1l1e LIfe unheard by the e1e\ated and moral status to that ofness "lth hiS creator IS estabhshed pre.:.sed In fullest mea"ure human ear the VOlce of (JIVll1e Love i>plrltual unc erstand1l1g has been seenThiS ever present though not always ThiS IS the new Chnst quahtl the unfeIt by ~ matenal body t} e touch as entirely natural dnd logIcal Thlslecogmzed Chnst It must be remem quality of he<l.rt It began to make of ll1fil1lte Spmt }..or car Prll1clple moreover IS the road of spIrItualbered IS Il1corporeal spmtual-yea Itself artIculate at about the penod of the one and only source of bc ng be achle'\ emellt and endea ....or all men m\ sthe dlVll1C'Image and hkeness dlspellmg IsaIah assumed defimte form and be cogllzl.d +hrough the chu1l1els of phvs t"avel and travehl'g thiS road \\e ha\C

the 1I1usI0l1s of the senses (SCIence came a VItal presence and power lcal smelhn~ and tastmg Notwlth <;een brl11,gs healtn happmess and anand Health p 332) through the understandmg of Jesus and standl1lg these aClur<tte and mdlsput abound1l1g st'nse of good

l\ow let us summanze bnefly the po today has reached ItS fUller expressIOn able declaratlOns 0{ Truth which are Thoi>e who have already enteled ;.hesltlon Just estabhshed first that God m the 1I1s1stent teachIng of Chnstlan baSIC 111ChristIan SCIence It must be pathway and those who are yet tolS good and good alone kno¥.1I1g only SCIence that God s Love ever present saId m passmg contradIctory as It ma, enter may ponder WIth profit thesegood and creatmg only that which IS eternal d1Vl11eever ma11lfested through sound that It IS not only admitted but \\ords of our LE.ader In hop-e andgood second that HIS creation man ItS IOVU1gIdea the Chn~t emphaSIzed that the human body IS faith where heart meets heart reCIIS of neces", ty as perfect and eternal But at once It should be noted thIS very defimtely touched and healed b" procally blest drmk "'lth me the 1vas that from "hlch he sprang tlurd lovmg Chnst quality heart as we are ',1'hat seern,s to be the very presence of mg \\atcrs of the ~Plrlt of mv hfethat the eternal and ever present usmg the word must ever fall short of God as Ltfe Truth Love and SPlflt pnrpose ~to Impre~::. huma 11ty With theOhnst or mamfestatlOn of God come~ nleetll1g the needs of mankllld unless yet thl fact IS and the pomt to be re genullle lecogl1lhon of jJrachcal opelto the ht..man conSCIousness constantly coupled "lth thl" characteristic de memhered IS th1.t nealu g cf every atlve Christian SCIence (\f1scellaneousto estabhsh and md,mtall1 the true re scnbed as understandmg that IS sort IS accomphshed by the Christ un \Vrttlngs p 207)latlOnshlp cf Got! and HIS ldea and the reah ...atton that God IS all kl10wmg derstandmg the Chrl~t man festallon And now as a parting mCSi>age Ito de~troy the false behefs of aod M1I1d as well as mfil11te Love Thue I of the power of Prmclple the touchll1g '\.'l"h to leave \11th }OU a fragrant mcroabout man and finall) It should be fore we may nO',>,'conclude that the of the human conSClOusness by tlje ory one redolent of quahtles WhIChadded that the door of human COI1- understandl11g heart of the Blble IS t Chnst which so trandOlms and regen have ever marked those charactersSClOusness once opened by an honest the connect111g hnk through v..hlCh the erates It that the body respond" \\lth \\ 10se scrVlce to hUfI1al11ty has placedearnest deSire to know more of the dlvll1e reaches the human Th1s l111k new VIgor and health ThiS IS lmder them hIghest In the estlmatlon of menChrist Truth cannot agal11 be dosed IS of course the eternal and dlvme standmg thIS the eVidence of tlungs TIm I" the memory of OTe of Mrsby the mesmellsn of matter so long Chnst so marvelously exprei>sed by unseen Eddy s T<'lrest dcl.Y~ Son e nOl1ths subas the presence of thIS eternal Chnst Jesus ever appe ...rmg and reappearmg It IS the language ot heart word<; "eouent to He dedIcatIOn of the ongmalIS recogmzea and I11slsted upon 111human conSClOusness thel e to de 1l1splred by the Christ Love alone that \{other Church 111 Boston unan~

The ChrJst Prescmce Illustrated stroy the IllUSIOns of the flesh 111 conveys thiS understanamg to human nounced and unaccompal11ed except byWe may now proceed With our argu carnate error as the ChristIan SCIence conSCIOusness ana opens It to 1. stlll one faithful attendant \fr~ Eddy for

ment The story of the growth of the textbook puts It at p'ige SS3 further enterll1g of the heal ng com the fir"t time made a pilgrimage toChrIst understand1l1g 111 human expen- But untl1 Mrs Edd). s expenence as forill1g rf'genetatll1g Truth In e'\.actly t le spot no" so preclOUS to her Enence IS set forth 111 two groups of wrtt related by her and q.uoted I!l He be thIS Wd.ythe w se and 10lIng words dnd ter ng the cnurch ..he first Vl-alked slov.lUgS that to ChristIan Sc~ent1sts are g1l111111g the ever presence of the deeds of Chnstlan SCientIsts are hdp I) 10' ou<;1) reverent!) to tne centerthe most ImpOl tant In aU 11te.rature- eternal Cht ~t was unsuspected or at 111gl11 that great work Many door~ of her 1.11ershed ptayer In tone aithe BIble and the works of the DJscov- least not understood 111a way whIch are openmg to such lovmg mln1stry she loved to thmk and speak ot The:

A Lecture openlllg mOl'"e larget} to the sunhght 01Truth! '" Inch becduse of Its bnlhance,

on Ienlarges 1115 VISion ApPloachlllg ourChristian Science diSCUSSIon of Chmtla:ll SCIence then

Entitled from tl115 standpoll1t tlet u" absel ve.. . Th E I t first the operat 011 of the ever pres ....nt

Christian SCience:. e terna Chr15t P~111clplethroughout the mll1.;l1Ever Present Christ Revealed !Urn.;that co lstltute the past as Wt"

H bych C 5 B call It and lle::-..t Its tnurr phal marchPaul A ar., . .. today

of Toledo, Ohio:Member of the Board of LeLture:.luV of'the MoHer Church, The FIrst Chu ell

of Chr1!lt SCientist 111 Boston,Massachusetts

Lndet the auspices of ;:,econdChurch of Chnst ::'clent1~t, 147

East Grand BoulevardTuesdd,Y, Odober 19 1937

The lecturer spoke. substantrally asfolio" s

So long as the human sense of tuneshall endure so long '" III the eternalelmst appear al}d reappear to hUlllcl.nCQmClqusness By reason of HIS eternal and unchangll1g nature God goodm1i~t ever thu-5 manifest HllllSelf tomen ThiS IS the express 1011of dn 111€"

lav. \Vhen 111anCient Palest111e healmg came to the 'Woman WIth the'Splnt of mfirmlty who for e:.ghteenyeats had been bowed together sheI gtontt'ed God for her MessIah herSaVl0o.r, had appeared the presence ofthe eternal Chnst was realized ThISheahl1S 'Was diVinely natural for asChnstIan S"lence dedares the tlmefor the reappeanng of the dlv1l1e heal111g lS thro1,..ghout all t1me (Scienceand Health WIth Ke) to the S"r pturesp 55), and all who understand evenIhg1ltly that the healll1,g Chnst IS an<ver present reality may dehver them.elves a'1d others from sm, SicknessInd hnlltaholl

Perhaps the most Il1tl1tlate ard dependable ghmpses we have of MaryBaker Eddy the Discoverer andFounder of thIS Chrt~t teachll1g Chnsbar SCIence are to be found 111 herwork RetrosiPechor and Introspechon Thls book 'nay be de:icnhed asIn a measure her autobiography Ina chapter entitled Etnet<gence mtoL1ght" Mrs Eddy descnbes the greatfiloment of her hfe the moment of herspmtual rebIrth In words tl1''1.tqUlcken the hea,rt beats and challenge thethmker wlth the 111Slstence of great~a'\e~ beatmg on a rocky shore shetells ehe story orf that hour

The Rt'CIeem1ngChrJst DIscovered

It IS the story of the penetratIOn ofher long expectant conSClOusness b, adIVine hght the reveahrg ChrIst 11ght""hlCh dt~slpated the gloom) clouds thatso overshado¥. ed her human expenence tha" at the moment there seemed111 t not even a tinge of hope or lightIn thiS utterly frank and self reveaJmghfe story Mr'li hddy says (p 23)"\\'hen the door opened I ,,,a'i wal In@'

and watd111 g" and 10 the brIdegroomcame I The character of the Chnst wasJllummatcd by the mlOtllght torchesof Spmt My heart knew Its Redeemer I had tou ....hed the hem ofChnsban SCIence' Thus Mrs Eddydescnbes ",hat she terms the verymoment of her heart S bndal to moreIplfltual eXI5tence '

A powerful kll1g had dIed the helrat last securely estabhshed upon hiSfdthel s throne makes a notable pllgnmage Proceec!J Ig to the nahon sprmclpal place of v,olslup the greathlgi' place as 1t was called hc rendengrateful a-cknowledgment to God forpeace and u11lty 111 the realm A thou"and sacnfices are made RItual formexternals all are observed The throngsapplaud A people 1IlVIhose -conscIousness a t..noVvledge of the presence ofthe- eternal Chnst IS just begl11ulng tostlr IS s;:1.t1sfled But to the more awakeued thougllt of the new kmg someth111gIS stIll lackmg He does not full)share the contentment of the crowdDeeply moved by the day s (.vents hesleeps lightly and dreams An angelV1SIonappears In hIS dream he hearsa dlvme voIce sayl11g Ask ~hat Ishall gIve thee' Only one msp1red bya profound deslre for spmtual goodeven m a dream could have respondedto that demand of PrinCiple <loSdidSolomon GIve therefore thy i>ervantan understandmg heart to Judge thypeople that I may dIscern beh\ eengood and bad II An understandll1gheart 1

Con ..ldpr the clrcurrstances at Glbeonaga111 and compare them ,uth our owntoday Could any combmatlon of CQndItlon-s one can pIcture seem less proPltlOUS le~s conduclVe to the appearance of the Chnst? Do we too perhaps like that al1Clent kmg seem to

So Mrs J:ddy found her Redeem j be standmg anudst perple:>..mg'and a1er the ChrIst It had come to her / most overwhelmll1g dl:ftlcultles as anthIS r~eemmg Chns1 to use her own I Imploring prayer pours forth that ourlanguage agam as the true Idea VOIC fef'-t may be more firmly e~tabhshed in1I1ggoO<! the dlV1I1emessage from God the high place of spmtual underto man spedkmg to the llUman con standll1g? In the case of one doesSClOusness (Science and Health P the obJection of a husband a wife a332) Then followed' The Great Dls chIld seem to prevent progress? Doescovery as she called It It IS of thiS the mesmensm of belief In matter, tooredemptive message of good the di much matter or too httle matter seem,me +namfestahon ' or Chnst as she to halt tile forwar-a march of another~.nescrlbed It ehev..here that we would Does the fear of cntlClsm the lack ofspeak fOLdY firmness 111sufflclent confidence ar Jue

Method of the Chrlst~Appeanng to still another? All these must haveThat which IS dlvme must always been present 111 the case we are con

belong to and come from God It must slClerlng yet nOhHthstandmg Idolatnpossess the quahtles of omI11potence farrtly objections a stlll only pal tl1.llyDmmSCJence and ommpresence A dl defined sen"-e of God a:> the source ofvme ldea then must always hdve all good ard good alone the seekere'\.lsted and be mfinu"" III ltS expres persevered and wonSlO11 even as that from which It sprang The Door of Consciousness Oppn1ngTherefore the Chnst God ~ Iclecl. was \ll may foliai'> hh e\:ample All mayand IS eHr present, and to ~peak of '\1l1 lIS reward but to galll that blessthat ChrIst as ad ....ancmg IS 111 a btera! ng tl at IS the as",t11allle ot good jt1.'>tsense perhaps lI1correct yet figurattve at hand an 1 of e t..n g"e<ttf'r good to1y no ,\ ord more correctly de~cnbe~ follOV'. the door at consUOUSneio$mustthe operatIOn of the Chn~t t..ncer<;ta ld be opened There 1llU~t be an lllVlmg 1Il human eXiperlenre f'1l::. was tabon for the Chnst to enter Then-otably &0 In the case of \irs Eddy seeker for dlv ne good must be abledultng and after that hfe fL.llewlI1g to say wltr the Psalmist 0 send outhour m 1866 JOYousI} thoug 1 ofter thy lIght al d thy truth let them leadconl onted wlth man) dlfflt-ultl(" she me 11"tthem bnng me unto thy holyfollo\\ecl the VISIon of the Chnst as htll If today thiS be our attitudethat VIsIon ad"anced and e,<p U1ded 111 our pr<tyer we too are openmg the doorher com ClOtsness As the Cbrbt came of consc ousness to good and the entthus to 'Irs Eddy so It COllle., 0 1.11 rance of the eterl al ever presentConstantl) ...dvdncmg and evel leadmg Chnst IS assuredto di me helghts "hen mental doors ThiS es~entlal qualIty thIS deSIre forare open to It::. perfecbon and desl d. spmtl,.Tal achancement belongs to menbl1lt" and seenungly reced1Pg \\ "ten by dn me -lght All men Chnstlal1those doors are closed be the clo",1llg SClence teaches are SOilSof God andcon~clOUS or unconsc O..lS Igrorant or all sooner or later do because t 1evWIllful must respof"ld to the demand of the1r

For e"{ample One Slt~ m a mO\lIlg mner conSClOusness their real selftram and tancles he ees the land hood and open their mental doorsscape speedll1g by hotwlthstandmg even though shghtly at fit~t to thethe seeml11g however 1t IS the passen ever present Christ The SImple factger '\\ho moves <l.nd the countryside IS of course that millions of thesewhich rematns statlO11ary likeWIse doors are alre1.dy o)en more "Idelythe Chrlst s fore' er a fixed and per perhaps than IS realtzed All may meashlanent dea though to the Clmst ure the degree to Wl;lCh +helr mentala\\akened traveler before whose gaze doors are oPen by the follow1I1g alrrostan ever new and absorb1l1g vISIon of unbelievably Simple test do I agreegoodness ts unfold11lg It seems the whh the baSIC posItion of ChrlstlanChrJst "ho IS progr('sSll1g 1 hl'l I", SCience that God 1<; good and goodmerely the mdlvldual sense of good 1alone, 11elther knowmg nor bemg


Page 5: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs



Page PM!


111. 27clb. '21clb. 3Scr~.15cI~. 23c

PM.f. 3Sccit.kes 17c""". 29c...., 2ScI.". 39cJtk.4 •

II:IIT. 1$~1At C!ly J.lml!&

01'1;;1'1 l:;Vli:NINlJa








MICH. U. S. NO.1

PotatoesPeck 20c



Pilgrims !lad "Betty "amps"The lamps broughl by the Pil.

grlms on tho Mayftower were called"Betty lamps/' from th' Germant1besser." or better They were lrQn;slot lamps of Dn""" 1 mant,Ifaeture.

" -

A football ga",. botw•• n Wayne .ndtbe 'l,.'11vef'sity of Tele'Clo wllt featurethe B"omecdmmg program schedul~dfor the week~enq of Oetober 39 TheUnIVersIty band WIth 100 metrtben,wtn make lt$ tint appeat'a~c~ m newHark umforms tr1nuned m green andgold tho school colo<'

P, IrVin W Sander, pro"dent of the"'lu",", AssoCl.lion reports that 3000alUP'lnJ have been n'1v~ted to attendthe gome A Ho",.eommll' d.nee hasbeen tentatl\ ely $eheduled for 5atur-dav fl,lsht October 39 1ft the Founttu'1Balll;'oom of th~ MasOtllC Temple

du.trl.. .n" w1l1,Olt II cent. a .etcorupand to four afJd pne half cenbfor the stickers This 'busme-S$ Mr.Case pomted out Will be of great aIdto the pnson mdustrlu

To r..are for manufacture and dlstf1'"bUhon of these platesJ It IS planned to('"harge motonst$ an ij,ddttional 25 centsfor e;llch set of plates

Others $24.50 to $65.00



5 lhs, 19cYAMS

Windmill Pointe TailorsEST. 1'25 FRE.P M. SCHUMAN14931 JEfFERSQN 4.VE

Ha.ve No Satisfactory Sl,.lb!JtituteOnly cloth.s .. ade t<:lord,r Can yOll lliVil full ~w.yt<:l\'IerJol'l.Ipreferel\ce in t:'abric !lnd Fa~lIion.

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youth gr0Ul" At 7 30 P m Dr K"eh.er speaks on I Where D1d I ComeFr0p'i MU$lc by the augmented choInmost nt@(esttng ,study of Your Fav ..onto Ch.pte" Wedne,doy at 7 30 pnt


Ducklings lb.,


Christ ChurchCranbrook

17045K~rchev~: ]


In 12 Weekly Contests

$55,000.00RETAIL VI\LUE


Messiah LutheranChurch

Full slzed l1.'H~tal auto lIcense plate"w1ll be used uutead of oaper Windsr.leld st ckers as half year perm tsnext year a-ccQrdmg to announcernl!i!ntby Leon DCa" Sec,etary of S,a,e

Th. hall year pl;,Jes wl11be Gf dl!ferent color than th full year platesilnd WIll bur only nUMeral$, no letterprefixes be111g used

Dot. when .. 1... f the f"11y.a, 1938plate$ and the half year plates Willbegm has Rot oeen set -but announce ..ment wIll be made shortly Mr Case;sald ~

Off",.ls b.beve ,h.t u.e of the full$l1;C plates for half veal' permits wlllb•• do"ded Impl0v,,,,.nt Th.y are

The eonglegaholl w1ll observe ~ts An .. more eaSIly s~l!n .and l,ave been recnual M1ssIon Feshvd next Sunday Oe.. ommended by all law en{(m::ernent of ..t~ber 24 Servlces wt1l be held In the fll;;ers In some states pQhce have re,.",ern,"g at 11 15 a11<l1fl tile ~v.n!n$ at IU$.d to lecognl .. Ihe h.ll year ,tieke'• 45 1 ,- R." H ,c t M 'I Seat'''I\1I' the ~Hjba~lIacJ.or.I 0 e oe~ v e pl!r ue or por-,ts ",.~u, The seating arrangement of am.pastel" of St Paul s Lutheran church Secretary CaJe annoutlced that tile bassadors at publIc 'f\lnctlons 18 ae-at St Clair Shor .. w,ll dehver the ,e'. hall yo.. metol plat.. wl11be ",.nu, eordll'lg 10 preeedence-that 's, by",on 1ll tho eyell1ng The .. "Ion .f the loeturod by ,h. MICh!gon Pnson In, the lefl.th of 'arvlo, at th, postS"nday .ohool wlll take place f,o", 10 • _to 11 a J'I1 <OIllIIH~~~I.!I,'> __ ~I ... >tRI4!I!ffi~~ ... .-ll4llMl~~~_~ .. q_#W

The Ladles' AId w,ll .el.b,a,. III I 0 . A tTwenty Flfth Annlv.... 'y In the "'n'll penlng nnOUIlCemenmyersary Banquet Thursday of !lent Iweek October 2S Carroll Beauty ShoppeI I~ c.~~..Il.Q wilh I".~Cro.k Ill...... $hOl'Easbninster Presby. I 14714 E JEFFERSON at Mon'.l1que

terian Church I apo.,,1 One Week Onl;r__ $4.00 OIL I'E:RMANENT FOR $295

Sunday $chool at 9 45 q, 1'n - Dr Fitl..h or 011 Treatment; 50Hugh McNeIll supermtendent At 11 hu~ludU1g FUlger Wave Ca nt Dr Can E Kircher ",.ak. on I PH01\lE LENOX 1474A,. We Worthy?' At 615 p "1, .~ _.~~~_PtII!\!>_..-..- q~ ........ ~<III!M'"' .1.18 loWMt:M~

$e;uthea!'t: corner of Kereheva1 Il'-dLakewood av~nues A H A Loeberpastor \ 134.}4 Lakewood avenue Telophone Leno" 212f

Sund.y afterooon October 24th atfo-tlr 0 dOl,.,k tile ve~per preacher Wln bethe Rev Fredenck E Fuher D Df)f the Central Methotil$t Eplse0'P'alChurch D~tro-It Dr P'1$her was for'!l1!jrly the Methcad1st Episcopal BlSho'Pof Ind1a and~ also the stucle"lt cnapIal"!.at the Umvers1ty of '\1lch1gan He nthe author of many books and 1S muehIn demand U ill l'rea(:her throughoutthMe Umted States Dr Fl$.her $ to!,lton th1s occasJOu WIll be The Art ofEffectlve L1Vmg ,

Ohve I.':hureh cordIally Invltts and wel"'omes you to Its servtces

Pork Loin IUB II:ND !tOAST

Beef Chuck Roast I

Sliced BaconHaddock, Fillets


Green Giant PeasDel Maiz Nlblets


Mt. Olive Lutheran

Groue Pointe LutheranChurch

'1h~Llttle Whlte Church Ar<>!l.dthe Corner 1 ]t~dt'lt3r (LIncoln Rcl) atM<l.ck Ave1\ue F E SternJ paster4425 Radnor avenue telephone NI 3023lI;unday school at 9 30 a m DIvme ~e"",Vlces at 10 45 a:tn The children s ~Ol.'l"firmahon da$s rneeh Tue$day from 4 00to 5 00 p m .nd $aturday f'om 9 30a m to 11 ~oa mAny ehtld 12 yearsof <lge ard over lS Vve1come to attend IIio" d." 1heLad10' A'd '''f'to ,hun,4,ay eveU11lg ~t eIght atlock .¥t ' ••••••••••••••••• 111 .

Thl\,; was Groue PomU $ $ecopdBordel Cltles League VIctory 11'1 11$

many start! and It was tlsle fIrst t 11112that the lOCal gr1dm-n have be~n abl~to defeat Monroe In felotbal1 smce 1931

Grosse POinte outPlayed th.e TrOJansm all departments Theu' iackhng' washarder thetr blockmg surer and cOn"sequently their bacY;$ werl! often aMeto get av.a-y f0r SUibstantlal ga~ns Thedefens1ve play of HalflJack FunenFetter wM parhcularly putst~nding forthe l'll"e Do"I" and .lso tne .blhtvof 'he Blue ana Gold end' to lurn t'"Monroe bac~$ 1J,1tl;) th~ line where theeag~r ha,nds of the forward walt grahbed them was n01eVigrthy Gro-~sep01l1h oS pass <iehnse was rather S9Qttybut they managed t'Q e1ther mterceptMonroe aerIals Qr knQck: thl!t'n d'Own

},e"t Sat.,'day the J3lu, peVl!' areto be tl e guest:; Ql the Vv ya",do1teBears "'V, andotte defeated GrossePOIn,e 13 to 5 'n 1935 and last yoarthe tVio teaMS f01J<ght to a. (3 to- 6 beon the Gr"".. Po,"t, liold Th" y,,,Vv":yandotte has lest Leagu~ games toMt Ch':1Tem 'by a 21 tl") Q SCi~reJ ana toRoyal Oak 9 tQ 6 w'ule Grosse FQin4:eh" deleated Royal Oak 37 IQ 6 sndMonrce 16 tQ 0 However, (:;::lmparatlVesC;ore&are not alwaY$ cClrre<;t for the ,..-------------]\oval O<k tesm thst beit th~ lOurs Contract Bridgelast week was supenClf to the Q~e that LessonsW<!'S Q,\,erpO'\vere<i by the BIt. e n~vil;.e.rhor m the $'''.'' Complete Standardized Cour~r

Th" game ,tarl. at 2 oolo<k in 6 lessons ($2 SO)G 1'. Munr.. Advanced and Bagiflner~

Lsh.due L.E Fgllz" Murray 5631(,enom.t .. (e) I. T B.une\>1unro. L G Grub"Kundm,ger C Kurt?;Arm,tron!\" !\ G W BertHOGpe, R T 'lNeHaldeman RE. Kqkl0S"Gtt Q B R B .. 'Felte, L H Ma'on (e)Bndge R H McKenzj."'aa. F 13 Walt

Substltutions G P -Rogge Stnlth\{ornson Beyer Geist Ge1S1kmg1

('oehij'i Banet Plehe Eyre and P~rroni M -Heck: Jacksofl NatalieJ [email protected] Funk KnalJ Sfl" Cam9bel!

Qff1clals...",..Refereej :Dufour, GeoFJt; ..town I Ump r~l ~arbour U D, He~dLl"1~sna,lll S:IH1Wt'.1a.y, Centre

In the last po "d after Bndge reecvered McKenz~e s fumble on the M(;ntroc25 the Blue DeVIls scored the thIrdtou ....}.do\\n of the game Fetter andBndge hIt left tackle for 4 and 7 yards1espectlveb and Maas on a WIde endsweep wa;;, stopped on the 1 yard Im(lAn off tackle smuh by Maas on thenext play accounted for the la-st touchdo~n o( lhe day ROil'llewho ,ubbedfor Maas attempted to convert on admp klck but the ball was under thecrossbar FInal s-eore Gros~e P-o-Iute18 \f<'lnroe 0


Grosse Pointe VictorsOver Monroe

(Conltnuod f'"", Page Ofle)

and as the half f&dl:;;dth~ ~Ct;lr€! re;1'):1!llUed 6 te 0 In favor of Grosse Pomte

A slnta1fled aqvanee by th!!l TroJifi$m lhe th"" penod brought lhe ball tethe Blue .p'ld Gold 27 yarrl lme Ma.asmtercepteel Mu~ s tla$S and was droppod on the Mo,"oo 9 yatq hne Se.hmcl iood mterf'erC"i-ce Maas roundedngitt end :for 16 :yard~ to the 251 ThenFetter hked the ban to two Blue Devli ba.c:4:s :and. st'mnmg around 1ll

raced down the field 75 yards for atouchdown On thIS par"eul.. ~loyGrone Pomte's. down field blockmi

the knowledge of the colored people an I was almost perfect and the few Redold South An'H'ncan ",oman has done and Whlte Jf'rs1ecl players who dId man~nothmg else but make dolls of the neg- age to get near the spetchng Fetterro race Mrs Hughe.> possesses everal were sh?ken off or dodged BrIdgeof the<:€ unusual because of theIr nat "tg:tm f.ded to convert when the balluralne'lS dolls The colored banana mal1 struck 'he upnghts Score Gross(!and fi"h woman are exact to the small- Pomte 12 Monro .. 0est detaIls An example of those famOllS Pans an handke chIef dolls may beseen m the Temple TheIr clothes aremade of handkerc:rllefs whIle theI"oodles are of Cotton cover~d by sllker~pe







100(2) 80

120(2) 2PO(2) 80



200(0) 1000









120(2) ,PO(2) 80


100(2) 80


200(4) 700








(2) 80

170(2) 200(2) 80



••• J

DilliNG ROoM<:elhn~D'lIpratJVe


IllflRIORPllIrch""'fr'l'ntP9rf~-lle'rHeu$e NVl'llberGarageFloodlight

liVING aOoMeelhl\9,~ g~6 Llmpi

M"(IllANIO~SGerl'll;. (Ir,t!lJrfpr)Hall8esementNight LIghtCloset

Leach's Cough Syrup(if)c l3()ttle

iiiii i

Windows$creen4St.. ".a",ho.



The above table give. helpfql reeommend.t1ons for theproper bShllllg of your home, rOOm !:Ivroom. Check thewattage, shown ahove wilh lhoae In your present lamps.Better .t1l1, me€t$ure your hghtmg With the SIght Meter.W,lhout charge, one of IlU~ lIome Lightlug A<lv,sera WIllm.ake a aOlUl'lete lIShtll'lg ,"rvey ot YOllrhouse anil giveyou Bl'0l't advlce on type. and arrangement of lamps,fultur •• , etc. No obligation, of cours.' Phone for a S.ghtMeter today.



~IT(HEN'ell',oW~rkC''''ferl$.ffl' llGhl


BEDROOMCedingPin It UpsPro"., blek"I ~ 5 Floor SfI,Idy


(C<mtlnUM from Page One)


1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Visit To theHome of More

Than 2,000 Doll.

hunday. October 21, 1937.--Chmese Cooley With a basket of fishon h~$ arm heavy \\-hlte eyebtO'Ws andbeard and wearmg the conveT1ttonalstraw shIrt of Chma Chlldren In year",to come Will be lookmg at the MaeWest dolt t~at belongs to Mrs Hughe~~,s an exa.mple of our generation Her

gendenc;~ .;] In when they slgned long: yeUow c.1rls topped bv her \\lde

at ,.m:portant d~ment brU1'lrned black hat and t"alhng green160 years aso orphans in England teather to say nothmg of her fitted

black gown wlll keep In their mmdsore longJ red dresses WIth whtterens and waist length tapes 'Red that weli known phrase Come Up and

[ See Me Sometimes!1a.td' if; therefore the t1t1e of Mrs~ughe$t tittle orphan cloll dressed as an Years age Mrs Hughe S 11'lother wore Dr Kellog s chI dren are known for~ilJ.$h orphan of 160 years age Mrs otange b!Qsscms 01'). the tram of her t.\lelT shell dolls and anlmals The fint3utton of -the Petrolt Garden Center weddm~ dress rh@se same orange doll and a swan made by them are;lub, .eontributed te the Ternl'lll; tWQ found 1n thIS eollechon m the Temple,. blo$$oms may be seen today on thrttle old ..fuhioned chIna dolts whIch Two t.nu~ual dolls seen also are \101.

traIn of the bnde (,011 whlcn has a I 1 f~ivt " predomina.nt place tn the cen", dame Lenchle a dol made enbre y (')er of a ktutted rug China's contflbu predo-rnlnant p031boll m the TelTlple ,jue felt and a aueer lookmg man made of

f on to the Temple 1S a rntdlum sized tQ her long tram In l;)rcler to- preserve pr mes nub figs and ra1S ns

~mJiQfID~ •• mJiil.1fil..'iiJ.ffil"@.rmr~I!WRlUHrnmu1iliii!J1YtKlm!rnlJFJrmfi'il.ml.Jmffiltjilrrtlrmr In one case a1eJne you may see 33:J ;:;;, cDuntr f;S represented There ts thej THIS WEEKS SPECIAL I Itahan Ro,.' dressed ye.rs ago by anJ Wash Car, Poh.h Niekle-. Luot"ieatC'a Val;uum. hl"- i119 Itahan woman 1. Hunganan dancer~ nat. Tiriltlh W"te,., JattelfY TC$t, Cl"o. B~Uery • made of spdnngs 50 that she 1~ahle to5 C.,.bles, Check R... r A~J,and Tr"plltnlSStonAU f"l' ~~1'1~ebO;:::~~~f~~~s;:~~r:r;~:::;clgi SAVE Ze PER G4.Ll.ON ON STANDARD pIe cloth. m.terlal that IS '''PenSlV'

RED CROWN GASOLINE a~d dlflleult to work wltr Poland

M I L L E N B A C H Belglum Holland Aln," and ScotlaMare only a few of the countrIes repre

J FORD SALES and SERVICE !<ii sented Ther. are "versl corn huskJ doll:>. wade by the mcrunt,UT1eers ofJ 13000 E. WARREN AT DICKERSON ~ SoulT, Corollna Fro", TunIS M"

r;m>~~~.r"'J.JOliim~...m Hughes wo. abl. to get a doll dressed~ as a daneer ThiS pt1rehase was very

A t WI d d He4'cephonal for these dolls are extremer n OW an ouse Iy rare and ,<Ide", 'een

• All the old and -;raluable doi1~ are

Cleaning Co k,pt locked up 'n a .. bmet hy them• "'elves There 15 one doll that 1$ 160

Wal1s Floors years old ThIS partIcular doll has br:enCetling, S~rubbed shown m thre@ centenn als and IS stl1i

wotdwirk ~::ed weanfig the same dress AT1Qther me~a.t~~~; by Machme Morlal doll IS ('Jl'H~ that eomes fr01l'lTexas 80 years ago a. ~1ttle girl stood

Grosse Po.-nte D.-str.-ct and watched the M15Sl'SlPP!flood "sew th thIS doll clutched 111her arms Oneof th~ ehma dollsl trQS~ stiff figures

I m-ay l;1c found 1n th~:> cabmet as llhf'sta!1d~ In a ~hadDw bQ:i\: Th~ 1'.l1auolegage is represented by ltS doll Just /lS theage when wax dolls were all the rageTWQ mterestmg' dolls are Qne that 1$0

jnadll entlr~lY' of kld and one wh1chcame $6ve:ral years ago it om Engl<\IH:lwlth a head that moves 10 tune w1th 1tSl••t

Two ph~lves of one cabmet are practlatly lo-alded dQwn wlth Inc\1an donsDolh that were SUf''flQSed to have represe1'j.t~dram, war corn etc, hav€! GClPlefro..111 Alaska, Oklahoma New 'fv.rex1c9and I< lDrld9. to take thelr place 10 thIScollec;tlop Ftom every country MrsHughes has coUected bndes etuel.grOQrn~ Tm:&e fig-tp;e1J are ma4e of almost anyth,tng leadJ wool s11k crepep2l,per, wax <'t1'ld wire are only a hwtY'pes of GornpQs~tiCltl ~urrounded byEnghsh -£gures 1$0 the smal1c;~t 4011 t11

the '\\orld ThIS Jomted uancmg dollm<l.ybe placed eaSily In a chlld s: thimbleSlllce ltS full he1ght ;$ only a I 2 Inch

Mrs Hughes' D¥Ures of the queensand kmgs l}i tht WQrld are excellent"ources for anyon"e desirmg to knowhow royahty d essed She also ha$ 3n

e:x;tens1ve collecticn of Japan~s~ ittld S . Ch 1Ch!ll.~~ doll$ .11k., whiCh reprMOQIAll Chriltian elenee uro ,th~ ~e1tefs al1e! eiij,sse~ of thei~ tWe) far ~c,e;tstern ~tj1Jntfl~S (IFrl'l)ittg;m af~~r t'lellthtt Wilt bE, th~

Anoih •• poas, ollhl' l.r~, ."ombl. ,uhJ6e" of Ih. L<lioQ.S.fm~Q '0 allmept of dQl1$1$Ihat ollhe ~YPP.t, ."t" Chn>t,." ~"e~<. youf~h •• thr'1Jsh",anonettos Almo.t.11 of th ••• P." oul tho "odd "" ~uQd~y, Ooloba' ~tIeular ~oll, were ",ad. afld d... so<lby Tho G~ld.n TOll', If~ MattllowMrs Hughes apt:! It 15: th!}~e p"rtu;qlt1,f M 131 113 ! Me that shall 4RgUFI; q1'!.~(ldolls "hat she takM With her Wfllg;l'l.~he th@ "'pcl, th~ s~mt:: ahaJ! 1!le ~~V~Q"VIS ts the cnppled ehlldren 11\ tlu Amon~ the :B1~le ~1ti-tI~P~ IS thl$mallonette ease tnl?re ;s Topsy With her flas~~e (Gjl2l,t1jl'H~~~) ~And ll!~ 'l,l$p1g tall$ mad WIth a loose neck and fJ,6t be W@iry 11'1w~ll geH'lf; for 1ft 4'4e

fingers Fr1hh a dasl1 he.urtcl. mael.e {ram s@aSi;}f!.w~ sll,~l1rUfh It W~ 13mt fifjt 11

afl 0141

hrewn sh~fled hat I Ann Eht1l Cerrelatl-ve :passage~ tc) be read fr!S1Ue:ij3chhg a suff pgQl/;d doll and fin41ly the Chr13t1aa qCie'flCe te~ book ~Ci

Gretchen, the golden bri-Ided flaq~ter ~flet! and Health wlth Key to- th~of A1'l1'l.a JlJ~t'bd@r@ thr; Y9-le Puppet SCrIptures J by Mary Baker EddYJ i1'l.

lerS went out of eX1stene~ Mrs Hyghe~ ehv~~the Io119wmg (p ~62) I t~~~~rib0ught an exact reproduetl01'!- 0'£ Doug tIen ta g~ ~oes not leuen map. s (J6las Fa1r!l?-J3.ksfrom them To fJess€~~ l'efl4efiee el1'l. Ged sut h~j~te1'J.3 1tHus dell ha& b€~n th~ flRe de$!f€ of Mr }:'€lther d@~$ f:gRs~cl.'a.hl!M dlIDmbhFalfPi\pks for qU!t~awhlle ffi2H'J.'s01bhgatlens to ye-~Ihut I'hews th~

Th!jl e@gtmlln~ ef thl~ ,e1!@"etlen dates D~r~mOYflt p.eceS;51'l.y of meehn~ themback to 19?6, when Mrs Hughes wash~stes& at th~ ~rem:gle t.,~1verslty InPh1!adelphla at the Sesque Centenn1alApl1f'~:jl:lmately 300Q doUs were shev. fI

at th1& eentenUlil aad lt wa& ~t tmEl ...,....,...--.tlme that Mat:!ame CadJll~c I repre 'IFor-glVlil!l but Unwllbag te FI);r~iye'lsenhag Detro1t walj lest Mrs Hughes wdi be the ~1JlbJ~~t~£ thi!; ~O'ason ~t thebE;.gan to hJ.nt f-or thiS ddll and after Grosse pomte Lutheran Church wepseveral montbs she "as able to hnd lt ShlplOg m the R1chard SOOool <}Udlt@fIt was after seeJng the mterest arous lum Kercheval avenue and M<:Kifll~:yed tn the thousands of Vlsltgrs at the R-oad Sunday mornmg October 24thcente.nnl<}l that she al~6 became mter at 11 Q clock preached by the Rev Mested

Ja 11 d then}by st~rted gomg Ltl-ther Caqt..p D D pastor

I Chnst ail Req€-\ul' wtll be tl;e t~l£'~reu11d tf) tQe na,tlves colleetm~ dolls

Ee~ldes her ~11orme-us doll t:ollect10n taught In the upper gr~des of the SUft,.eMr$ HlJtfhes has also an mterestmg day School ~t 9 45 a m WIth chns~sllI-ndll!r~~ assortment qf ammals There for all ag~~ and all g!'id@$are ;3$0 a,mmals m th s particular col Every scholar 1:> asked to be Frc;~e11tlecHpn Another mterestmg feature 10 on the 24th tq. reh~ar~e for th~ ;n!!h~-

1 d 11 h IOYS Dramll. tel p~gtven on Cde1:lerher ho"Use 15 a arge 0 h('Jt!sef w lch '}o h 11 1 kIS the reprQauetJOtl t')£ her aGme ln ~t a c asses ta IP-~ partFhll2j,delphl~ when she was q. glrl Her I \Vllllam £tag-ell the star sh~rtstOlfl:i~n Wflel 15 ntYI" 1J.1- ~ ew York ~al,nttng for the Detf01t T1~ers' wItl be thema<1~ her a muuature mural for over guest speaker at our Harvest Fe~Uv~ithe firepla~e Serv1ces November 15th All me;mben

_______ of the school and the1r' frl-end$ irecord allv ll}>lted to hear the F~reCh1ef on that happy occaslOU W~had seven new scholars to en:roll l~stSunday Come and brl11g yOt.f fa:t'l'l!iy


Page 6: ~i- ~i Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...W D I aune \Irs Kenneth \{rs John A. Hdtma 1 \Irs Herbert Pontll1g 1hs George Bu:,hnell \Irs John I Kunz and \Irs





1Thursday, Octoher 2T, 19.....


by Geor~e Burke of Ann Arbor, \mvestlgate '>un tar mstltutlOns throu!out MichIgan

The survev comes as a result 0

senate J11veshgatlOn durmg the 1seS~Ion of the legIslature


\Many thousands of men ha'Vefound vacuum treat [ment the anlwer to hair troubles The ~'XERVACmach1ne stimulates and tuds the growth of haltand develop, healthy ha1r atic! scalp condition by rIncreasing the f'ff1Ciencyof the Circulation of blood ~In the deep tUlaue. of the scalp.


GROSSE POINTE BARBER SHOP150(;5 KPl"cheval at Wayburn



Have Your Fall and Winter Garments CleanedNow.Finest Modern Methods




now at

The Streamline Salon560East Grand Blvd.


Special Occ~sionsRELY ON US FOR

MADAM •• Your Figure


Scient.fic ReducingBody Moulding

Massage the Hollywood MethodI

For Appointment PL. 3651ELAINE MARIE ARNDT

I D1L~A~L~SO~!T~£!O I





for only

Hundreds are stnk.ing it rich at YourKroger Store!Start "Mining" nowfor your share ofthis beautiful guar-anteed Lady Dori.Silverware-


County Reflections


ther Increases lU the financla' responSIblhty of the st.:de

varIed than anv other county oHlclaltakes time out to remmd us that thenew marnage law takes effect October29th

He stresses the pomt that none ofthe old la",~ eIther In fact or p"oceedure

By Jack SabIn are affected The nev:. law says mJudge Thos C Murphy presldl11g effect that ('ach applicant mu!:.t see h s Leaf Lard

Judge of Plobate Court was back on or her famlly doctor wl1hl11 b days of Leaf lard IS the lard taken frethe bench thIS week after a mmor the marnage hcense apphcatlon and the fat surroundmg the kIdneys111ness WhICh confined hIm at home for get a ce~tt{lcate prO'dng the applIcant swmeabout ten days Judge Murphy IS pre freE' from venereal d1sease ~. ~~_partng an nterestmg booklet pertam I We Are Pleased To1l1g to Probate Court and Probate pro I -- A NCEcedure i\h1Ch he E''\.pects to have com One Htendred and Fifteen s-nal1 Ch11 NNOUpleted sometlme thlS mo lth Cople, dren In an old delapnated bUlldmg WIth MILDRED GILMAl'\\ 111be ma1led to member.!> of the Bar I onl; one fire (sca.pe that wooden IS

1 f t d t formerly of .laklmec Beauty SalOlA..ssocdtlOn and It promises to be a I an examp e 0 eXls mg con 1 lOllS In 1S now ASSOCiatedWith"ery handy oftlclal gUJde to Probatf' "-orne of our State InstitutlOns, asmatters brought to light by our Governor L A K E WOO I

rrank Murohv"1urph) p,omlSe, a remedy He also BEAUTY SALOl'll

promises more doctors to aId the four 14322 E. Jefferson Ave.who care fer 4000 chIldren at prese.nt LEnox 4152111 the Lapeer hospital IChrl.tyne Wilson, Mgr. C VanE

Murphy s new co-nmlSSlOnJ headed lande, Prop. ......-----_________ Free- Conyenlent Park"1&,Space i~

Thursday evenmg the Aud1tors softball team whicI won the county tournament tlus year "as entertamed at abufte,t...-<;upperby the losmg teams 111 thecounty league The Champs werepresented wlth a trophy cup by ProbateJudge J oserph A M Ulphy TreasurerJacob P SurrerackJ acted as toastmaster and a gala time was reported byall present

Oliver D Bishop of the Register ofDeeds Ohice WIll be IUstalled as PostCommander of College Park Post ofthe Arne Ican LeglOn 011 October 22nd.it the Legion Home Bishop servedove! seas With the second and theeIg1hty sewnd dlvJs10ns and IS one ofhe actlve members of the LegIOn <fnd

the V F W

fhe Democratic County CommItteeWIll not 111ject party politiCS mto th'l';Detr01t hon partIsan electlOu They areto be commended on their work

Democratl\... workers can back eithercandIdate they de~!re the Issue 111thiSCIty Campaign 1S not one of Repubhcan agamst Democrat but of ane ill

c1ustnal phllosophy agamst another

Caspar J Lmgeman County Clerkwhose dutIes are more numerous and


Get a Complete Lady Doris Silver Service!Ask Manager for Details!

Yours!For only a fraction of its

actual cost!

RegIster of Deeds Harold E Stollreported th s week that the ChattelMortgage Department of h s officerecorded number 600000 of Chr ttel\fortgages Th s '\ast number represents the chattels filed In Stoll soffIce slllce ~eptember 1935

Increase Shown in I A rapId merea50 m the dally recordSt A.dR.. t mgs ndlcate a ralse to nearly 1800ate 1 eClplen S chattels daily wltb the mauguratton of

the 1938 automolOlle showmgs

The adi a!'ced stamp club WIll be leadby LoUls Sokol and Fred Weidemanand wlll meet on Thur!:.day at sevenT{1lS club 15 composed ot older boy collector!:. who meet to buy exchange andlearn about st~mps

A begmner 5 stamp club 1S bemg organlzed b) hugene Hes<: and JackJ?re!1ton for boys who are Just hegmnltlg to collect and Wish to learn thefundamentals of thiS bobby of k111g~and preSIdents ThiS club meets atone on Saturday

The sketch club for boys mterestedIII drawmg and cartoonmg w1ll meetWIth MI"S Hazel Thompson a one onSaturday Over twenty boy artists weremembers of th1s oopr...lar club la~t seaI'on 1v.{ISSThomp<:ol1 operates the Colorcraft Stud10s at LIllibndge and Jefferson The photography club will meetfor Ib .fint seSSlOn next Tuesday evemng under the leadershIp of Joe Arnett Thl.S group 15 hmlted to oldeibo}s who ",ant to learn row to takede ..elop, pnnt and enlarge pictures

An exammahon of the file'l III theAuditor General s DelJartment todayrevealed that the volume of work Inseveral d1VblOllShas more than tnpledn the past three months AudJtor

General George r Gundry explamedthat laws passed by the recent legiShture are responsible for thiS greatmcrea:.e \ In the Old Age ASSIstanceDlvlslOn the madmg of checks was delaved nearly a week by the addition of20000 new pensIOn reclpl"'nts ThISbacklog has at last been cleaned up theAuditor satd and work IS nOi\ progressmg on schedule

Mr Gundry took occaSIOn to POIntout the fact that there are now apprOXImately 9000 psychopathic cases In\flchlgan eltgible under recent legtslatne actIon lor lllstltu1.!OnahzatIdn It1<;antICIpated that ",pproval of thesepending Gases by the Hospital Com111S<;1OnWill see as many of the outstandmg ,caites as posslble hOspItahzerlIn the near future The addItlOn ofthese new patIents will ne-cessltate further expan"lOn In the hospital dIVISIonof hiS department '\Sr Gundry said

Only by the establ shment of a rigIdroutme can the State s Interest 10 thest'and cnppled and aHhcted childrencases be c1o~ely watched It IS claImedFurther delay i\ 111not be necessar}Mr Gundry stated masmuch as hiSdepartment tS now ready for any fur

, L~I~!OO!!OO! 1!.l!!OO!~m!l!l!Il!l!!l!l!!.OO111~11!m1~.1'~~~!OO.!~!OO.!!J.!!I.!!l!l!!..l!.J.!!OO.!!1!l!!J.!!I.!~!J!ll~!l!! ~!l!I!!..l!il~l'!l.!m.l!l!mnll!!1Il!!l!1!!l.!Jj!J.!lj~I!l.!.I!IDlli~.oo!ll.II!1!l.!!.l!1!!I!J.!!OO!tl!ll!J.!J.!d:~ri1iiTiJiiTi'iliiTiiTiJiiliTimiliTiiIiTiili1iiiiTiiTiTriTiliiT.i':iTi'iJiliiTiiJiiTiTiiliTiiTi'liiJiliiTi1ifTiliiTiIiifilii1ilii1ilijTjIiiIiTilfij ~mir.TifiIii'afiifiliiYiJiiTiIiiJiJiiJiJii1i!iiliTiiTiliiTiTiffiiTii1i1ii'i'iiliTiiJiIiiTiliiIiTir1iliiJiTii'li'ijJ},

~ ~

iIi ~----. »"if. . , it!~ ~ ~I~= BEST ~ ~~ ~

•1 MANICURE Rejuvenating i•• IN THE Facials •I~ .it. CITY~ L- ...l ~~

I ~~ I_.;

!t!~.~",.i~: MADAME IDA ~~I~_.:: Returning from New York with the Latest in Beauty Craft, Can Tell You How EF-



11m.!I!~!I!.l!!J.!l!~!1!1!!l!.l!!l!.I!mrnm~!l!1!!L!l!!.OO!!1!l!!J.!.l.!U~l.!!I!li!tl!J.!m!l.!J.!m!l!.l!!.I!.J!!J.!l!!Jll!!.!l!!.J.!.l!!l!I!U!..!' Iml • II • IllIJli!l!!l!l!!l!lJ!1!i!!l!1!!J.!I!~!!!l!m!l!.l!IDIDm!J.!!!mml~~iliTi~~~~~iTiJi~iTiJi~~iYiJiiTiJi~iTiJiiTiJi~iliTiiliTiiTiJi~~~~niTi1iiliTi~~~iTi1iI.n l~iTiTiiYiJiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiYiJiiYiJiiliTiiTiTiiTiTi~~~~t 1.111



• Ib 19c• Ib 2Sc

Ib 3Sc20'08 pkg 9c


Residence-130S BuckInghamru 2-1717

FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave.

Phone. NI. 6500.6&01

Cooper Bros.


Lenox 5885

5 lb. 2Sc12c

14*.lb BAG 29c5 lb. ,19c








15229 Kercheval Avenue344 Rivard Bhd.

17215 Mack Avenue



___ 0 "- __ o_o __ n ~ n.

Fresh D1pped WIth Mar.hmallow and Chocolate Pecans I., C()()I\I ~~ I

Pg~L~1~£ I__ 0 0 __ 0 0 _

opemng meetmgs thiS week at HannanBranch Y M C A

FIrst to meet wIlt be the boys' orchestra whIch 15 bemg orgamzed undeJ:the capable dn ectlOn of Mrs AlVIn RDeiss Fourteen boys have already

The Boy.' Hobby Clubs and Classes registered In the orchestra and furtherOpen at Hannan uY' registratIon 1S expected 'frs DeISS

The fall hobby and special mterest has d1rected a number of orchestras 1ll

dubs and classes are holdmg theIr grammar 1ntermediate and high schoolsI and lS herself a fine mUSICIan

ofl Lloyd DIsney popular activIties SU~pervlsor to arrive at Rcbmson Fteld 1Utime for the kIck off Fifty boys havealready made reservatIons for thIS foot.ball treat




2 large pk.. 21 c



I6H? Mack Avenue]5222 E Jefferson Ave



Coats, Suits and DressesTO ORDER





Sugar~cured and HICkolJsmoked _ They are Duldsweet, de-helou. flavored.A nationally known hamat a spec1al low price


LOVFR'S, GOLDEN BANTAM COUNTRY CLUB, FANCYCORN • • . . • . . . . 2 N. 2 can. 25e PUMPKIN • . 3No 2!i can, 25c

OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY COUNTRY CLUB, ROLLEDSAUCE . • . . . .• • can15c OATS.... I.r.e pk. 19c




I NAVY BEANS I CRACKERS •. pk. 23' FARINA .. 14'0> pkg 10c

I I GOOD LUCK COUNTRY CLUB, SALAD4 Ib•• 19c , PIE CRUST •.•• pk. 10c Dressing •• 8'0> bottle 10c


IBLUS: ROSE, FANCY Ib cl SUGAR 10 lb•• 53cIRICE. • . • ••• 5 I • •IYELLOW, SPLIT t'" Ch1cken of the Sea-Blue Label May Gardens, Ora'nge PekoeIPEAS ..•••• Ib 9c I Tuna Fish .•. 2 can. 2ge TEA ..••.. !i.lb pkg 35c

IEVAPORATED t Country Club, Vacuum Packed Emhassy~ Pure- Fresh PeanutIAPRICOTS • Ib 21e, COFFEE •..• , 2 lb. 55. BUTTER ••• 2 Ib lar 25c

IEVAPORATED -- - - -- _n o_ .- - - ---~------PEACHES .• Ib 13c I IDeh.. ous Double D.p, Layer I I Fre.h, Clock, Hooey Milk IIBULK SPAGHETTI or Cake 39c, IBREAD 9'Macaroni . 3 pkgs 25

c I .. I 20.... 1 cIICELLOPHANE WRAPPED , Two Layers Covered W,th Ricb I 2INoodles. 1.lb .kg 15c, Butter ercem Ic.ng I Loave. Ir;;~;;~;--~R-~';~;-~-;~--V;~-~-;~-~;;)


Page Six..








WHEATIES ..•••••






-- -- -..>_-~---_.J WOLF RIVER, COOKING II APPLES II 4 Ib •• l0c I__ r__ o_U n..


SPRY .... 3Ib ean 53c Ib can 20e TOMATOES .••.••• No 2;0 can 10cr--_.---YOrrXI. WAYS---- --~I__"_.~~_V.!.A.I~~Q~~~~__~

Hannan Y.M.C.A.NotesThe first football trtp of the season

WIll be taken by the Hannan Y boysSaturday when they go to see DetrOItTech play UniversIty of Michigan Bteam at Ro:bmson field The boys \'1111leave Hannan Branch In a charteredbus at one thtrty under the leaclp.rshlp

\ ,ilt~--------,