i i mdsiSAit n|#k^i k^g^w^a^ifeffanyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031648/1854-04-20/ed...• The...

t^B<pi«'» T « « y w f » ^ y * ^ . -»**^.i;«y^g-i>: **—!***• jmmmmfr rffiTi}-; nnni.gnu;jj^L'„tJU;i lULjaLl'Jt!!^ --seSBatft- SSHS8SHSH9H58S i>iiW»(f>iiiiB & /. FOREIGN . NEW Yo^ April Ip The Hermann nwivediaboutM|on w i % | | » farm London to 29tftliarc^,^. €f : 'i!f ^1 • The political intelligence by the" Hermann is «rtija ; b^beBtimporta'uce. TWGSs^ttimeftt courier. di»paifch.eid with" the Ultimatum of France and England to the Emperor of Russia, had returned' to London with angO^Wjajnnauncewent that no reply to w Not less tb^li $0»ftaaMw>W»r^n<>w on the temorPasjnvha&Hvls^ Pa iWrofotftoflpi eitBMAlabndagh <Jr along*a teto <* 28d tjie joint *Umi "TpHJesfs?*? .,,..^., f j^,,.-™™,-, the w .Quoen,was sent, down to both Hoi o^TPpWuld be is-flr^esjinire-ef lUses of i ,.. tKe]pli 8^00 men, fp^badly out up efailttre *?*? "nMciatfeS tofe\i '6j witfi^jkia, and th¥'cWWI , »lrtpr»1i^'''0thert ^odllftd^ittt ;:1 i-^6lafeo* ' 'tftjit t h e Queen,relied upon the bravery ofhe>'ariity> • m d ' i v l u V t l V i l l e ) ^ ^ The'intoiage was to 1 OTk^yWsa^titm <Sii the SlSfc ulC'M%Ww«^^'W du8 ^ ^fPn'rli^ n l e ^ M f # W d ^ n ' a n ^ e r , t o % ' IttUtro .M^xmfitm piaratSon- of' tvar, "ap'ppare: iaiWiWfe'of tivev«Sth andiiaraH tlfl^nlWlSefe'of-th^HeWanti;'* JMI! K, ,' * W l l f M # e t ^nfler- Sir ^haffes^apter hp 1 jW#tfie > %reVt Belt .^a>'Wc1»r«a off *^?P§m$& fM$<;mt&ti ^England, itanl and-WBWans « r , fnUarnage. N The Rti8?jRn.toi; atftfSKe?Tnrks t k e m s e j v i ^ i that they had to retij^l^ipjf intrenohments. Jt, will befiee%however that "the Russians have effected t M * f B M € a ^ i W e points. On th"a^toen'|f^PiMS9tBP'e^* < > < >' , « ls ^he^Dannbei^fteF4«(i|ii»tepde4 to attack the Eu^arh"et#it«^#Pp>n8 4 - a9ti»l»n .of tbe'Mt^wafW^nMi'Srid the^ntfre foUqe put under command'of the French, Colonel »reWl>u^h1e%nlgiaiiniovenientdisconjcort<id HhiNm.^k} •.%•••> ;•- x-'r 4 ' 11 -' '' , „ dlpatoh from OmerPasbV datefct&a tS^sdy8;*'«Tfe Russians bavfr lost all deaiee- "ofstt&ing KalaM and purttose grossing-the £pihe%i three points, 4f U>ey Should reaJly l*dtf so s fii% would render me a great 'service, 1 itJabUn'g me to give a sound diastisementto Telegraphic dispatogefffroW 'Vienna and ~**" t,%16,000 Russians l4W *MHrcli'and .'«?PHP5^ iffijine, iliai^Banad chakoff are exchange. $ l h d KbfiS<|e'b> Prince Go$ fiepna fabrications 1 for tlje. stock JB4S9 a w M S ^ S 1 ^mggg 'ij 1 '^:' ffffffSS HES5S5S irriiffli a i ro' 'We can m* MEETING OF THE rt^Bp^BslaociU'nc ST^TE I human interests would be revajtio^ - - - - - - ' pamt to,^mpd mojihm T \vho would nof; \me tajs#"|f. nniv|rS4f)«God and .ill W . 1 weallfe fplthfl?lOved ones mw at rest in prattF', ^ Htarmor» y < UMHSSM nd adap|«d&ohnio,R^Jinen^tt|ii|^ally Ad- Tbjm^f^ f.LJj,^- 'Vtiji/ajMii»)'• • lip - T&e c;os( oflhe Public n'fi'm, i ijbf J'i'nM? tte r aekV;e>.iib-d : on^iie'Sliatft m t f M e r ' ^ r W ' # i M ^ - , o P t h * 108- H«j^ refusol «#?!«!? 'omit- nnd €a^&l^appr#^f>|ha.iofrk^ of Hon. F. B. Cutting, and other. Hard Shell members of Congress-—congratulating the par- $ on thenjacent Canal vote, etc. They call a State Convention to. be held at Syracuse on the jl2th, of J»\ly sne^tt ut noon, )o nominate Govern V "' * ' d ""'**' "" S " tli-o^Jttiy ine^tt i io/ahddhll State Ir8n! a' ')Ji»j.i^i'iwwfoiwmpli»wpiyw>w»wl»griw«i»i, a - fSnUSH*^y"iSrio-JoFof M»k Mi^QflSd Cut Saws, Nails,- |||^pQinnil i tin copper,' mdsiSAit n|#k^i k^g^w^a^ifeffa StaTe offibeU.' !ijj|!|ye thousand Rus- ^ n g ^ g j j f ^ c ^ o ^ ^ a C B h i q without, rto-' th%86 barbarians, whtt' ) have -broken -into'our | bo^e Jike robbers. But if the- Russians. '• do • no'i resume the' offetoi^ei 'I ali^H Hindertajke nothing important until the arrival of ,Bxxt ten serVesand cavftltyfrom 1 aboveP*.i .>. > . f > It seeml thaf 0ii4ei i 'fa prepSwdi He=W| 4(r,TiO0:nien ( ih.tne.ri^itwing, Wth a4ine"Qf. works cpnn'ectWg'With'' SiBsttia^atfd Shumla. ' The Russiati' forcjes'in'tfie pTincipalitiesiif we may tntst the Ausjinanpapers-^-have been ' greatly incV|eased l 'duii ! iiig tKe jjast montb.^*i» J Accbrding'to thii 1 So&lam^WuM^OOO RufeiaDS are encamped aroundE)ilkati?&,000 men are 1 jn, Grfeat Walfachitf' tipder* thd-per- sou&l comiiiaiid tif Pritifce Gorcbakoft; whosei beadquartorsare'inxBticharest; betweetti the, Se)«th and ' the Pruth stands ; ®e°. Ludere, with 46,00.0' men; between the Pr»thand''the .Bnies'ter; Gen. Osten Saeken, whose corpsj.as: soonaa G^kji TshebdaefFa division arrive^ w»i!l: A re8eTveof/80,oaO. 'MwJP 1 '^ l nto fluffs *M . ,,T%.follo^ing proclamation of the Qoeen foliOT^.^ Qgt«al'o*^larati<m Of'war, and is of ; toneut '$' of t h e ' tfrtitod Canbas'us, under- Prince WoronzofiF, is put By'this state- array against Tarty 3 0 0 r $n;iWUM8te*tTjom^ajcutraioj)eDruary 19th 000 men, and above 500 cannons. ! i^ft^l™FSK•^fe^u , ' , ?08 " Fow"*aj» Later—Arrival of the Arctic fe^on^f.pa^alrjiq^^he rebel arthy was. *, _ir_ e?fendj|ng n^r..Pe^in., J The Afitjc arrived-at New York, April 16. • . ty$im frp^ jjius^alra to FeW 4th. Rehtrns j She left' Liverpool on the 5tH. /rfln^gpJrt|efe increasing.' iffel* rich mjnes pesjsatohes dated Vienna states, that on &cp^^red^,. r fTrade improving, a^d a brisk Mafch 28th, Hireova'was taken by the RUB- : -^ a '"-'-'----'- '••'' s'iatis—;no details^ret. It is r^brted that laoktchie was taken ^by the Russians.' ! ' ' '' ' It is reported {hat on the 27,4,000 Russians left Sebastapcil in five s.^eamere to aid in Got- chakon^B operations on the Danube. The.*?nrks tvere tbrdwlng riemforcements into Varna and British fleets was cruising -off thatco'ast-! "' ' '-••-. .-. ^ ' 1 Th&e mov'errtehts of tbe Russians BaWe changed the entire plan of the campaign. Fate witfc:"2% Ships: anehored off Noen Isiand'S?' ' ^ Baltic. ' 1 ." ; A pijrffon of thfe RnsSiah fleet is frozen in i^fiewj^- •" ^ --' ' The^pmtetWirooprby'Prance apd-ISn- gland goes on rapCJJVi France had - alreadv sent^fotward. 2$0'0t)"and. England 10,000. •' A telegraphic desfiatch'^say^ that the Gaar has written, to the Sing of Prussia saying'con- temptn<itts)y "When-the;' allies 'nave emancipa- ^ted christians and evaluated Turkish'waters, he will evacuate tfie' Principalitiet." Tb6 news from the Lower ^Danube is high- ly interesting. ' The Russian? had seized near- ly, the whole ojf the Do*brndrja and ab6i(t forty- five thOnBatad.of '^StJzai** trooris occupied the territory, between the Trajan''Wall and the Danube. Omer'Pachaj with a largoforee was concentrating »>• ah KttaCk tin lJttrasu and Silistria. ,Our next advices frdm that quarter Wili'beof the higHesfr ihrerest , It is positively asserted that the Russians have landed 4Q0O ; men from! Sevastapol and have seized the large Island of Dernar? below Tultsha; this Closes the mbuth of the Danube SIKO that the Russian fleet threatens to attack Varita.'' '.' '."'•' The 'Rnssiahs are raising all the fortresses in Dobrudja, The general, tenor of the* news is- coiisldferedmifavdrable totheTiirkit It is stated'that O'mer Pacha bad anticipa- .(Tutho 16tli ^.i^he'Sliate'^ginlBet'^br'ardsSiffil^-.oP^A^ oost of th'6 TSr;l^fe%r'gBmeiS't, 'i«nf M n f M r t d ' cnntemplaied in tho'oonytTtutionaT^hdWnt. The toply, r^orve4 to'tfi'o "loSt %y]'orthe sion; wal puoliShed'festerdavi ••» J,il - iil -••' to answer. It sajtB UintJWryMtf ted from hiB e8tiJnate , th%'o^s't b^'inlfiheerui, land damagiwL'&ia,, HMduntlM 1013,131,101 ,. »nd Sir. CtkttK ^d'ds'ifKat surfag a t t a i n »dv dilion tq'ilHQ^^tfe'n'l||*:' l i«afcifl.fe>M?,S93;5*lJli But ,he odd8,,^;^'im , &rs : {^ed''i^W opiriian thht iHb cfstiniitos Herawlih presented, ataautir' tinir W^I2;9§3.Y01, WILL PRQVE rNSUP^ FIOIENT to compl«te,.the ijjoTJjs^yidcdiiir in the amendment to ^.Constitution."-— Adaf. Asiwns_expected,. 'TJwee• yeani;ago.respon- sible contractors offered to complete thlTpuljliq works for i&,a00,660, the canalbSf of 1851 proposed 19,000,000k The bill provided for by the, amended constitution SHgws $10,^00,- 000. Sihce._'i-86i jfbout f2,ftOj9,PQQ have been expended on the canals. Th'^'State En- gineer now estjmajes, the cost to e%eM S13,- 000,QOO. Tie cost oiguilio works a^ a y 8 greatly exceeds the estimates. Dic'kenl r«3|a,t.^ "tfcat in„^, ,Sngfi»b Cour^. oi C t a c ^ ^ jn^brtsM caig, inyojviog aa immense fo'rtn.ne,. 'had ,ru'rhis|^ ine. counsel, 1 a grandfather, father,.and,son,. three genera- tions, a large income, and'finally was thrown out of cpvirt. hgcause tlie whole Value of the^ estate had been used up, .. The public works are not to hf Completed. ^ft ift v sell'ed"' itsA we are to ~bave Six ri,ew §teiip ; .ft'jgptes,, |0tng-.h r aJ.Ca £ miLllion of dpitai? each. „the bill ha3 been signed and iB now'ti Ltivv. .The ground on which their coi>- struc1^'w!aiitgei }y degress wa? "to pro- tect our comWerco.dnring'tlW coming Eurbpe- »n wan'' ; . » •. \ of^n Hdw, i'oi- laayor, and the whole Bei#n, ticket for qharter officers, h.ave bepn elected in.St. Louis hy. 80,0 to 1000 majority price of blood. We should scorn it wit] hearty curse.— Cayuga Ohitf. ggT An Ecclesiastical Council of the Bap» tist Church, consisting of seven clerical and a nurnbef. of lay delegates ft6*m the churcbe,s, convened at Saugerties, Rev, &, C. Baldwin, Biodftratorjand Rev. R. Jeffery, secretary, on " W s t a d a y last and deposed 'Rev;-#.- R-. Otfhn'i- aon from the goapbl (ministry, an'fflinembership in the churoh. He was .pastor o| the Baptist congregatiSh £hei'ef^r--^feratH'ea'rs, ' 0 n the 4th day qfj^^g^sjt, \\mdi \Vp, ; a#two small children to0k.ft^a.il (ip^epfeek, and be- fore, their return she and the youngest child weredroWne* U e ^ t ^ thft^'h'wglanded on the^jjorp.^ic^sqm^berrie^bex. again embarked, hia : wjf9<;sip|>pmg,iu tte.bpfife wijh CBONK. To Mothcis from a MotUer, --, , -•SoStr'Tbwnfliip'. I'o.; Aug,Jl2d, 18^2. M«8iw, S. A. IIVEAVEB & eo.-r Gont* -t-~XfeelIt« duty I owe toydn, oa well as to suffering tnUnnnitv, to fttme'svbat your juvaluaWa CaHUer W*-Salt aboutflveyearsof ajM fflh^M'JeeJMWJ'% 8 gerol) tmjti*%jfetVdni^rng-Wti'el^ontfatnnd ,"~, ftmai, and of,preventing nejitriate from benr- " nfs";aiip'atch^' mi; tjhe *m»t There is so much good seiige in what follows, ao njany fac,ts condensed in A' s'majB compass, Km,4. which, by the wayi a re .suscerjFtibJe , *of>nJ easy, practicable application, that we cannot re- frain from giviog.ouR readers the benefit of it. We (Jopy from the Toledo Republican: There aro so tn.any queer idtes prevalent in all communities 6n the subject 6T"newspaper publisTiinfe that, we feel constrained to say; a word.;tiow 1 atfd then, by. way of explanation. One .idea^ which gets lodged'in a great mariy heads, is, tha]tit is only necessary'to sfati a pa- per, and then by some inherent, invisible pow- er,of pi'Opul«Jhi it will force itself along, thm' mountaips otexpense, swamps' of discourage-' mfintL_and' disma[, Caveas of toil and trouble, v«thouTa%[farther ii§sistahee''on':tfie "pa'rtfof j those who have beguiled the poor printer into the IWzaldou's business. < This ideats. so utte^ ly foolish—perhaps we might say selfish^— that wis shall .take no further "hdtice of it than this allusion tef'its existence.' eduoed ttfi ffi$W mMf m ifisiftijffeotijies &mim child,. Wthe reoOmHfni* WerStedtifled ? td'«r$ mm blv.togft,and 'to piffitte^ l(uV lisinj'.coiitinucd, and we no^ 1 \'Heft5.o,i4ilrteon*|finpiSdfcdjnft j^h»jvheKan'i:* f»ln : stttehgth;>.»nd fprihpilMjfcub'itoBW^iitsBlj.'liMi jeenwe|H»nd rugged, ftnd^fe^l toaWheji'Sasiiboro,- Another common idea about newspapers is, •KT . . •„. . j ! .it*- ^.jn that they have no immediate o'r essential Con- Not ton milhons^npr-twenty miUions, ^.| nectioii % Tth tK6 prosperity of the places ir eii » K * afiMiist,the enemy's, ports, harbors.^ or. : WSifr!%^1il^m waive the right Mem^g%? '4nemW 'propertyfedfetionboard ,, A r nentralvessel, unless itjifcionttaband of *ar. ^MwiiW^H^W^^- ^ "ilami'the ''wnfiBratio%orneuliral'* S'MHjesty-faiidj^decltffeWiBat 1 being anxious to,Iesseh tht^vilftof War flfidito restrict its operations to the re^utajly'brgan- i• •Efe&ifonsea ofitliecountry, it is not her present- i xinterition to-issue ietfcere.ofimarque, for,|he i commissioning oiprivateera." :..(.'. J)Ate4i WBWMIR^STER, March 28,1854. . if .Tlh&.My\itmT contains an imperialdeclara- ;. lion wjngksjijiquncea that a delay of six weeks has been granted to Russian trading .. vessels', to leave .French ports. Russian sub- ' jecita who may choose to reside on French soil, . under the protection which the law extends to ; every foreigner, are at liberty do so so long as "_ thay^o^tliei^ part regpijct tfae' \m\ jiwivaf Sftfte America The America brings three days later. news. There has! been sonw-iise in breadstuff's * The Russians were raakingstern preparations - for hostilities^ inutile Baltic It was, supposed ^hatrtheffirsbeoHisionr wtoold ocenr-at uVesel Island. xAlltthe Hg1it-hou8es,flnd .btipys are removed,;and forroSlable'* fleeto of gntirboats accoioplish their completion. If theirrcomple tion was desired, the''surplus revehties set a- partby the constitution of 1846, would have finished them ere this without debt. Two Or three years hence, when the sum borrowed has been expended, there will be .the. sanie neces- sity fo,r anbther loan there was^for the one just authorized. The people will vote it. Arid so long as money can be borrowed and payment t thrown npon-'Bucceediug-generations, so long wflracwrupt-iatid. of harpies be pampered, bribing'with the people's money the people's representatives, and swaying the popular fran- chise at their will. When the debt against the .canals shall have been increased another ten. millions, and the interestbf that debt exceeds thrcanar revenues, (it,-about equals the revenues now)- how valu- able will be tbe canals ? "Confidence (faith)-is a most important and desirable attainment,. so the preacher tells us. But a careful observation of the course t>f af- fairs in this state since 1838 has left us but small reliance on the policy of lf borrowing to build," and confirms the old maxim, that he who does this, " bnilds to sell,";—particularly if half the slim borrowed is squandered on agen(£ in procuring the loan, or expended pur- posely to avoid completing the building. NAVIES.—-The following,, is believed,to be a nearly correct statement of the naval force of the nations mentioned: Vessels of war. No.'ofgufts. England, 667 17,330 France, 328. , 7,144 Russia, • . , 170. _ J5,8flfl _ | Holland, . 102 , 2.3TS United Stales, 69 , 2,115 sentativvs on the 14tb, 83 to 6f, The bill to reduce and graduate the price of 'I ic is et^HL^u mail uiucr xrocun uau AUWUIIM-I. ,,. * , ; ' y ., TT * *% l^JliiLRnirf^dvAn^ passed the Hmise of Repre- 1 apdthat.thft ftttoman force there was fallihg^™ nfaH 1 "" iha ' Iifh - ** fn ff *- -**" ~ backj^awdjng^to^rder mppn Trajan's wall,, LwbieljiB.TOeirTOrtified, and where the Russian's will h.ave 'tp^cotrote*. abojitft0,POOTurks. -. From the Tribune and its English "corres- pondents we gathyr the; •folto'wing 5 ; DoBR^bjrA.^-This°di8tridl beWngs to tbe province of Bulgaria, and is a narrow plain inclosedod tbe wiest! and .north by the Danube which' they are'ptiblished. To be sure their services are required to chronicle every- event that' -may conduce to the general good; they i^ust advocate the construction'of railroads, so that the public confidence may be reposed in the enterprise, and the stock-subscribed;-tbey must notice every new steamboat or vessel that may appear on the waters, by going into mi- nute'descriptions of their construction, and ex- patiating upon their superior accommodations, thus giving important rnfonnafion to the pub- I tic, and doing a nice job of advertising for the owners; tfiey must hold°np Jbefore the world, ,'constantly,' and''keep it before the people,' at home and abroad, the fact that the towns and cities in which they are located (and we might not unffeijuently add in which they are starv- ed) are just the places to invest real estate, and for this service the owners of corner lots will subscribe-for the paper and shell out liberally to support fti-over the left; they must'speak of everyiftiprovement made, every new branch of industry introdtrced, every additional facili- ty for the transaction of business which may turnup in the course-of human events; they must defend the character of their town wlien assailed; they must defend her public men, her merchants, her fnechanics, and all who dwell within her borders, so far as they can be defended; they must get out a President's message, or other important public -document, at,the earliest moment, even though the prin- ter toil by his lamp through all the weary hr'nrs of the night to do it; they must seek, to gratify the whims of a great many people on every concievable subject, and gel- the ill-will Of two-thirds of them in trying to please them; they must advertise, gratuitously, everything that h'as tbe least Stamp pf a public nature up- on it, because it is for the ' general good;'' in short,, the newspaper is 1 - the..,ljack hurse, on which the universal pflblic expect fo "ride, on 'the tow Tare system. "" We mightr extohd "this list of newspaper duties, performed for tbe public, .without renumeration, a great deal fur- ther, but we forbear. 'We submit the question withbut further^nrgument—whether a newspa- and m endeavoring,to.i9ave)Ke.V,,ihe.itoc| fell in- to the wato and j^(\t rl a(|er,>n)e, smuggling th re they beoama. Hetorfile^tj^ he/./fiiially reached bftttQm wheje«9,c6flld's,w»?land then discovered his wife some eight feet. %»n_ him ,-in deep ..water and t))euifen,t! ; %}her,o|i'. • H e ran for.help to.theiea.rest ; ho^8A.;ove^)balf a mile distant, and returned in, abduttbirty.Tain- u|,es, when sh'e.was found deadi .'and i floating near the shore. Great ,sympatjiy.,wa^ v ,mani- fested for him Ofl account of ,tpis nffliction. After the death of his, wife certain intima- cies with a young .woman in the village; caus- ed consHerable'talk', and it,was tjien first dis- covered that lasj. summer, befor^-W *MfP 8 de- cease, they had visited .Saratoga..Springs to- gether. A Congregational<• warfare of gossip and rumor, slander and criminal accusation broke out; but'..aeommittee- appointed to in* v'estigate'them,pronouncedibe"pastorj»n "in- nocent a.nd much injured man." It afterwards was learned that he had formerly,.been'pastor of a Baptist church in;Henderson, »n Jefferson county, and that while, thera&he had beeh on terms too intimate with one oi< two young wo- men,'which facts were communicated to him here, and an investigation called for. in Hen-J dersoQ, at which he \y$& ipvjted to be, present. The testimony was. conclusive, against h'im,-—- The Saugerties Telegraph says: Inthe afternoon, ive were present, when one Rev. Mr. Hushes, of Lansmburfrh, informed the oouneil that within, a few months the yodto*.' woman referced to from this,,,yillag(>,ftttonded tb,o Seininanyi in that pluoc, nn4 that one day during the absence of Mr. Hatoh, tha Princi- pal, styi requested pf his. daughter, the prooep- tr'ess, tn be'absent, s'ayihg that a'Mr. Johirlon Who was then at the- Seminary, wished tji ac- company her to Troy Where he had lefVftwo oousins who were dvSn-bus of seoihg hefirr- Miss Hatoh refused to, lp"t her go, but she loft without porrnissiohand did not return until the next day. &he was brought to acoount by fb^e . Principal, jvho inquired, where she had stayed all night, but ffho eaid she did not know. In- quiry was made jn Troy without avail, 5»jid,..t,.he. truth was finally obtained by striUoge"ni.' The young wonmn was judueotl to believo that she had been detected and acknowledged that they had-lodged tSgotlierabtrieTVI'aiieii)n» House-In Troy, whore illicit intercourse had transpired between them. She was dismissed from the Sominery a'nd returned homo , • The Council, after recording their decision that the charges of gross licentiousness, ^oe- ful depravity and consuniate hypocracy'had been sustained, passed the following decree: Resolved, that by the authority ^>f the Great Head, of the Church, we do now solemnly do- olaro i. R. Johnson deposed from' tlio bffioo of the Christian Ministry on tho ground of said charges.—'•Atb. Allan. {«ln : stt!ehgth;>.»nd jeen Veil and rugg wuiue m totiie4e|^ne1 wtmfsr 1 been •valuable Wrs a j 1( «Wi It word m j-ol , I have Veo'e'riti; :iae.rWtd6»fir%~ff%#K WOvyis&i-a for tblsi^teea^t'l'Mald'it^ibadll'ireliJediniora' thfui all other modlclnaiilmdiever taken! but tliia does apt ejtpresa the thing: aalt is, 1 om entirely, cured. : - * miiMtf^-aioBEiDfjcK. For sale bvH.\ft&»™a«k.i > ,', 28w4 " ' r ' 'V'- "*f-'' * .' '**—-V'"- '•''"' —• ' .: , ': .•.' u ...'*IlA,-Blj£*iEiBtt ) | i ,!.i.-'.-.4«n,;.,rf',' In Mexioo April'Oth', tytSir-JJHJ (Dhhp'fn.«SiSft!;>OJinow !"W. HotHES, otSouth Bicihlatid, and Miss IUIUUET GBAY, of the foftidPpKcel' •'- " -! - >" ' jiUt.rnionSquaro^pnllStliiuy'ReT.HiHoiielMr, (SAMUEL WitMAriTii:i.f Sok'th'Riohland.npd Mrs. ANN ;!ANOEaB"ok'.rifithe>Winer J)lace.' 1'^ ie'•;-•( ihi-.'t <• t In South,BifiblBRd Morcb 2nd„tJsKev, J J.S; Evor- ,. ftagjiam, Mf; ASmiB 1 8. ^A#EIS.^UJH -|iisi fflwiu W'OH6MOj9^altofAe»bQVClfl4s*'--s«.':is'> iwUh'l In South,RichWfttt}'April6?>WEifwl.s Con»nt,E«q„ 5fr.JoH»5aj;ReBs|a.fc!iadi"Mi»*'Iitlhl»l>AAl8l.ATiB, ' yj "'1 n ~< 1nl nun'II i . aged 22 jFeWWlKl'-v J?}' i (K.A ,, ('/.llO-fTA At Sand BattltS, April'Sth; tliminfant of Mr. and Mrs. Sprague.aged*mp»^^ ,„„,.., . .,; lw >i , , At Congress Hnll, Albany, on MolHt»Vtbe-l0t1i"iii- 8tant, EL1ZA-BE1B-©. WSftRriofj^EWiTT C. and ALIPAM. LlTTtEJOHJi, need 6yearsstid-JO mentln. 1854 Fashionable Hat: : ' vil 'A. J H. ; S , if i EV'EN^ ji>n* 18S4 I ifi'l H AS received from the most entensiVe'lSfevV ."torlt dealers ,"iv. , ;/ ;i ','*f-)oi of the lateBt Spring Btyles, which atd eqtialih quail, ty and finish, and will ho Bold as low, as any that can br purchased olie^bere.;., , v , , ,. , / .,:;•!;/1 l)uring the wa'min,'W witt'Tjeep bn' lianu'a large and full 'assortinont,of, , , . . ,. Pan^^Leg^ogh^lrflu^, W^{?» LeafX •JSf&i Sifthex w% every pgfo o,iii.au^ty u oi oajii.' for mon ana nftyi( wnar. ... - Inleiidin^ WUfe^p'ttlhr^e' ahd'cli'tiiee^afsortnif rt of al: articles in his IjSe,-be ^elicits tbe patrtinnge uf crtizensot PulusUi and niijoinin^ towns. Pulaski,, ApriU8,185*. -,.,..-r!i- : WF0EBS & MTIRDOCK *ye ItRCBIVED ()5 =i Pbr'particulars call, ^tille Stort).^£$ fultuiki, April 19,-1854.'^ N bTICE*fs iwreby given foSairetockfcolfcrs'nf d„ Hiaifdrid^l^BMryfto'ttfeeVdVriie^lffi^eof tlw Li brarian or, Tuesday the 26th (lay of April next the Consols, ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ h U - ' • « i large.part.of.tbedistrict'iscn>OTbyand;irable J * - ^ N f f i f f ^ l T r hne4 to beflverflowed,; it coritaina.Weml fortresses ^ . W # r t K * ^ t e n , ! ° , ' T sucjias^bpseof Babadagb, Isa^tsha. Ma'tshin and Tut'slia, wliich it is stated have.been cap: (aired by tb^ Russians, but tbds report out well >informed London correspondence pronounces [a mere ato#JobbiB^:iiiyention, Between the plain o{ the pobrudjajarifilhe interior"ot Tur- key the Balkan, stretches its protefitiflig chain. land and the eastern "part of th^s State last. Friday, delaying trains and boatsi Another storm occurred in the same section on the 17th of great severity, snow falling in- some instances to a* depth of six iji^hes. < We leftm- from Mr. HUNT, P. M. on the cars that,J. MopsB, Jr., Esq. of Watertown,. died' this morning, April 19. . general prosperity of the place where it is pub ^A-se^re>now-stomv J occuTOSd4n it be decided that the paper does The Ppblic Works. Tbe State Register, alluding to the fact, that Mr. CLARK, the present State Engineer, 1 reports that the Constitutional appropriation of $9,000,000, for, the enlargement and comple- tion of the Canals,.. Will not be sufficient for ; tbe purpose, by some four millions „of.< dollars atjeast, a*ks: " How does it happen that this staijling fact is first brought to the knowledge •of the people wow when the Constitutional amendment has bpen perfected, and after a law has passed,,the Legislature to carry it into ef- T)iissurprise isexpressed everywhere; feet?" . . and there is not a Ktt}e mingling of apprehen- p^j^-orknot,.imimately_connected with. _the^i on ^ t .^ & ^^ n ^Mi^ties8-eKfendJtW»-w4ieh ^hjst^o^'feulied'with-arise in " cau&K^&iattHt'tlie Bourse." ' '""'' ; ; ''.; f ,. ( 1 ^;^ ViBHNA, ; Mareli, ; Sl •',' ,'A-. ^efi^e^1»an^e, t -b.Quse .J&as,^?! re T . eeived a ijlispate^ ^nftMncjng that op the^Oth _ the|lussia,ns attocfcedjKalafat and took three ',-TedQubb^, ; :,.,.,i,,- , ,'., Tb,?, Retrijbution atid CSatofiTbad returned to „ BOTCp's'piy;,witjhmjt |aying.ifr^ed the mouth ,[.•• of tbe £>antfbe. It.is^iprjOse^tbat a stronger. , ^expedition than was &\firstf o u g h t necessary ' iwould be ,r^qnir^d for that piirpqife, *, „ , All the houses in CronsW h,ot, capable of .., '4^fenseareTp«Stte^ do*f(i,,-,^e?--RJjtteri^s. were M , e r ^ m g e^ryw^ere, and, 3pj).fld<li?jonaJ, gun. .bijateihadbeen ^dejedrforthwith. ..THjp-.jBiwr and'bis flbfls were peitonally w SBperU} ( tjgjpi^,jng ftappr^Vpa,--" ,- r-v. .>vi'>—#•• Irjfte^n thptjsgnd,. French troops bad already , emiJBrked. an^ji the remainder ofJibe armyi.60,- ,'„„Q00 wiHIbemlyjiirW by tjiejiat'of May.-Tji Four tbonsana,,w^re landed at ?Jailipob on tbe, •'•• a o t f c y . t '•'.Lfa:,;,. '.-.."• ^ :3tt -yw0$§4& tfetthe, Britfsj, fond^ce -. -««egM?-'i"i c ^4»^ •*>& ,., v . m&9m>-<s< f .-..'. vi A . ;, v, * • I t is confirmed, t b ^ t / p p , Russians ; b|t^ '•• •cx0&fi$^^iam)i^ iiyjSafc'ibrce, Hie objecfc - > bjwntfWiBtf^ecvia(!fJeo»iVeibio* before",theiaj;» ( - :fe -« •-^j^gTtf«rench4bree. 1 lOmtbo^ia^ u^sskndBtachtoenfeundfet ^ P ^ i M* |l! tnetfaB>ia:g& of |)annbjei s,anr|jc«ptnted eleven,,guii*» ;jQ&ii..;LudeT8cr^8eli«Jtn fl ujf main body of «fMareb,tlie .<SD««h*to>nl '•-'•• w 'tj^Uitiiuy 'from Oalatch,' without 'much loss,- The Russians are no nearer Constantino- ple, than they, tyereprevjij^is to this .niovement and have gained by it no new advan^ge over the Turks, I^i/act it seems peTfecfly clear that it is merely a defensive movement indica- ting simply "iip^ir intention to withdraw from the most,westejrnportipns ofWa)|acbia. . 0nthe^ad.an.4^4tb l( >iH. two columns of. Russians crossed, the lower Danube. One, under t)ie cpmrnand of fierj. Liidere, smarted, fcom Galatz, at th* e, extreme ncjrtiern angle of Uhe. .Dp^rodjaSi > Uie other -nmW PrinceI-MOT* chakoff himself, freinj BrajW ...They jfo'itnq little, resistance, as, the '|urk>B^ advancefyfprcei cp^ceptrated themsebj^ ift ' | e , forji-esaes of |sa>tsft%,and Mat^nin' ir ,Tlie RussiajiSiliave •§abada&s<an$W^^ pie forces between Karassa and ^c^ftqje, on tpe narmiy; Bgck between ihe.marabes 9 ? , % At.t)as.as,p^en : pl 8 te, J^e ^.wOtaoSr the.e.xactlgn^of ; tbe Russian .forces wSi#, . c ,^|iave.cro t ssea, l bw,t.it is b.eueved that tfiev. % 0 ° m tP,^oiit . ^ t o e n . , the fuffcs; (R l)Cl Jhe pQbrodja are upder.tbe .command of !Mus- ianbajPaah^Anfl «m<Siintto iwenty battilions, >—altogether caDnons.^- j|^"We-eipected to have published a record of theJCQunty Court held in this villagelast week, in to-day's paper. The Deputy Olerk promised to- prepare and' furnish it to u% but neglected to d&Bd. : '!' ' s TS^e learn tFat Qtirh More^ "convicted of horse stealing,was sentenced to Auburn Prison j-for three-years. In the dase <)f tbe people vs. John Coulter 1 the jury did'not agree. "Sir Charles Bfapieri the British Admiral, 'wndhas laid a wager 1 'to take Cronstadt.in 16 Jipurs,js about,70 years,,old. More. tl)4n 4fJ .years.ago he, was, distinguished among the depredators in the Chesapeake, where h&com- •liahnded thfe frigate Euryalus. , . ", I nil, l.Hf,| ,,,-,. 1 ,1' AftrBtat's HOME MActAZiSB^ for May gives the conclusion of t h e " Angel of the House- hold." No one can read a number of'this magazine without havirig -his good priro.oaqs atrepgihen^d' Sjje vein and spirit that h^s ;always,characterTsedWfTJesttttiful prodwfcipns of ,T. Si AttTHUB is apparent in the artftj^s $ Bis Magazine,' whether from the 1 pen "W the J^jtotoreei'eeto'd. 'We^an't'do.agr$&| fa- iiVPr, $ ,any family, tha?rtorecommgn(i tn'e|Ujto,' seeitrjsJtBj-egiiilaprecejp^ , Fhiladelphiayffa), < v '•, Pimiii^ vm-$®* ?A of WestJTroy lp^rdeired his wiWApri)'12j by stab^ingthe^-.wil^ stantly. Phelps "is said to havei^Been smderj 'ttomteenceo^fiq^firAtthetinie. Thejt, 'notitv^'agWe'ably to^etWrfoHotnett'm'4 possess a public character, and is a 1 valuable adxiliaTy in the "promotion of every good work, j let It be esteemed and treated" accordingly.—, That is all we tek. ' " ! ,..r-' ._- -^«iln ^iropiuion, it would,ba wiser to make •men liablo for the misobief >hey doj and if by • thosaloof intoxicating drinks, any evil is in- flicted, those who do the wrong should be lia- ble, iri damage, for the injury done."—Serteeo, Co. Observer. Without any disrespect to our friend, we must say ihat his " opinion " sustains one of the most absurd ideas ever conceived of. There is ffross injustice in the proposition. ,It is grv- •ffig the dealer th'e power to destroy—making it his ,ipt€ rest to do so. Only, when the wrong .is traced directly to him, is he respobsible. If 'human life and happiness'is destroyed^ the damage is to be "assessed and the ruin repnlred, by a verdict of dollars and cents. The inter- ests of two worlds sacrificed most crtielly for gain, are to be p^ut up at cash value! ' A hus- band may be made a demon through long years of inch-by-inch degradation and butch- ery, or ason ruined, and, by a violent death, snatched from the fireside:-yet the wife or the Another-would have the consoling reflation thntjifter all 'their hopes were stricken down, they might brings suit for damages! After a family is beggared; the pauper children, if ,tbey can trace the-author of their beggary, may obtain a remuneration in ihoney. A Cit- izen may be ten years going through a process, Lof beggary, and degradation in tbe maslstrom ' of as many rum shops. And bow is it to be is opened to> the oppressed tax-payers Of the j * NEVV^anp};ai;a:e^tuckyof .8oboer f ji State,- lt.catmofr-ie-saidr-fl0wever,-that the-M^^^^^ffeg^'*^^^ ... * m n- • 1 I value- Mnuiimnoa: *ur- *AH«*iH4-na'" , i«*,',,l, matter-jHis wholly unforeseen. The Reguter proven wfiat the damage has been, or whose the destroying hand ? 'He drinks ten glasses among the slaughter-houses, and at nightH!S'; .dead. How will the guilt be divided ? How' mtjeh is human life* worth ?—how much all that we love and cheriskop ertri^, nUid'popS for in the future ? Ah X we migni as 4&1 a,tV. I'tempt to "track and chain tlie ^istilehcfcy 'tetb' r >ace responsibility in these nfofters. Why pot license, bbscene "publiciittefeW 'gambling,' counterfeiting, etc., etc. f and the«tra|aekets in I wrong b'e' fesponsible tf^rWdiild be any xtemage ? God knows it wittld h% but a poor consolation to ths honMe^ictim Wthedevilish cruelties ofthe-Wm-tfafflSlEo be told that, after iheimn ^entered her heart, she conld She for] ''duflMgoil'Siieb[trifling with thl'desrest of- personn oialLboplwilielongiugiblho Library. «E0R6B%l>fcL'ET, 1 ' J. a LANBti Pnloski, ApfiUVth, 1804',', I Trusteoi. /•i/.-l;. ^i.«f*ii*i,i,: , concludes:— , "In the Siofa of New York We 1 'ore, nbdiut exponding-Nine Millions to enlarge and com- plete thfe Canals. .IojirdettaitetithtsJimouiit. we had to amend the Constitution, arid now we 1 BT6' toll by tbe State Engineer,- that in Order to finish the'work, -ws>.must have at leastvfouf millions more. What then? . Odr srfswer is, that there ars- a good- many sonsiblo men in the State of Pennsylvania, tcifia (?>•« inlfdrorof\ gelling the Pennthjlvani*. Canals. ','< i . . , EAGLE OIL MILL, PULASKI. T HK Subsoriberf'^ave InurcliTaiied ithei ,QJI,WH1 in thiiVu|A|e1vAa,Wtll''rri4fflitertr«ifediods have on luflid!tRe.b'est TtfatiUpAt t Uf.- "' Mmeerf,Oil,OtiilpdimiJlavxj wliich^)ie.y r wittse.ll'at wholesale or retajl at the low- estprices 'J^tSljaS^w will fino-jfndvsn'iafreous in ikaf"wijh-tliem;i.anil. tlinf ftrdqijr$ 05 pbre article, ra- ther, thai tn purchase-.the- TiduUer|ite*f Oils from ,the cfty. OilMealaMOllCake fiir'sale. ' v " n ' F.JUM-^lSirt:AJM9#TEM" wanted, for,wliich.tlie-bighe^t.prico ini cash will be paid.' - -' .••"'.'.•*'•' jS^Ttte'SuhSferibers willfuriflih Seed and continct E)rthe':orop.of ally number of a«re^ofjf}nj(iqnil will hire fiora one to two hundred acres of land in jrood order fqr a flworog.7 ^h,o,ttldilhese^sgn;ba propitious this will be"the most profitable crop (frown. A. Bj mhW*§. Pulaski, Aptil'Ifli 1854^. , A...JI. DUNCAN Miscellaneous value, ita^firin'e's;'&e.l'e'b6i\e'd:n8' ,A Jiib'ii l <i* pflblished. PApfiR'ANr^dAIlDS. <>f every variety, fronijthe efie^gtttin and Gilt to the lowest-priced ortiert. ' - " p A:P •£ f:; "H A; f4 q i n & s of soB^o'ne-niijireo^i^repipat^rJDSr embraciiig the ?riest*B»"est,-^Weil5« fUe'tehe&p'eSt, ',-^ tAWtBBS' •&*& TOS^ICES BLANKS, Every day furnishes, additional ; prpoif of the efficacy , ° " ' •" " ' J "' " ^ v " the cure purities i _ . _ .. ,, .,. Scrofulous nffeetion{urf>f,any ¥••"$>;$$$\l bie no time in trying it... Pnr6ntsr r 'wMse^ewld''e ore at all predisposed ,tp„ §crnfu(a ? 4«hciuld ad- minister, .it. freely; J*y attopdjng, j o thji ad- vice, they will confer a bie6?lrig.,uponyioir. off- ppring, greater !than, anyilnng^tbe^ 0 .? n _ no qucathto them,, yizi a.hfiOim " " n!fo9nstKution. nil Jones & AfcCa !»Tty, Pulaski; ati&iipptifi &$&•$•' . " !. ' " - ,T i' ' ''[[< r i i iiif-, ,, ,, , • It has been colcuWted that !tho ealifojinia and Australia mineshavie added' ImmonSely: to the solid 0lr<J«Ifttion'of the .country, nnd'^ber?- 6y to thv'geneM happiness of; mankinds It would fllmo8t>o-om.as~w..there..Wflreresetivosrrf'| means stbtio* wpiforithe general gop'd, tn be disc6v»red»only--'whon theiwants of "rhankina ' require thojr-iusot In this way We mny-^now tha ( .ste'arri "and burning fluids "nre-sp genera I fy pnirilrtyed-^X'pl.ain ihei autonishing mfioovery and epbets'Lyiide'sRiissian Ointment,',a Cor-.' tairi fpm'edyfor BurrtBi'ScaldAi e t c , nsVelfaTij 'Soiirvyi Erysijielas, Rheumatism; Neuralgiai fcc, Sic. ' > , Li Sold by H. JIonOooK, Pulaski, and drnggfet* ijirfr- rewlly,:' _ „•, , . , 28wV tackle, ___,_,.-r™,. Joncy A\rttqies.,fo.l; Palaslkii^prili13>'186». r'.- Fishing ft in the . , JtjVftViW^-beetnnnde _•. - thewoiiey seojjred to be paid ^ocertait»jndenttire ef mortgageeiiecutedbyJnmti F>owd^,fhe'0WD4|Welj}f,nl,°6sWfig'o"county nnd ** York, (o BMerVL.In^fsoil and t slvin state ofJfew Yor S. Osgood of the, kniBaTooe, beniflBg'iJatB tile 10th day of MarftHi l&W,'anH*'re(!o>d<te in the office of tho . Cletfe-o'fSBe'isplio^oAQw 1881, at 1 JlMi. Jnjapok aOMmo^CT«e,»,p»ses 144 and M6V •upow which said toowgage inere elsinied t6 he daer ,atthe,15^tigl!ib]ica^fln,«f*nSBnbticBT^ie snmof nine hundred anctthlrtX-totdpl^^sJond ntffhtit or-procee- ding- at law'has »ee«4B^titUteclt*dr e<!OT « r 8nid '°°" e 7 or anJ^aftflWrfeoW WoiteS istberefSi'd hereby given that MpuifSuance,pW power to sell in the sald'niort- gage cqntaihea^n'd-wthe^Mtutfcin such case made and provided*the,tifentjses.a^sprlBed thereirtas fol- low*,; yi«! All tiiM-cerMaiplece or parcel of land situ- atft/lytftl &.belnViMh¥W^ Oswepo rtjuhty 1 < Tf.'an.a i oouftde1u^ntP l dBScriliedja!i follows, vizr bg'^iiinl«'g4tta,'bo|ntJ0n-tl)e el»st'eiae*f-4en*erBoi> street in said >viH#gVwth& ivdtth west -corner of the .threa^t!ito^w.o.odS,n^buil4?n^,.rfh*refcjfpre: owpod by Mossrs;jleger861t,%.@sgoo4 qpd jiinilinp thence east- .leflyraloiig^ha north .TOefllppiyfee.a story bttijdine seventy.fTOrYeeMViaiwMlWsfte^ ice soutberly otfaTOe 7 parallel to the east line of Teffe'rs6ri-'Stteet;toffiul:8treBtf^Bitce-^ _.. *<he northerlfiide^fMllrstreettotheeast side of • Jefferson street-, ,*hen^noEi^T , yAS, , )?! en8t sid ? of IMlovraijn Ointmevt andPitt*~>th(i. m; 08 * Effcotual Romedios,.ever known 'f/r-Gout^and Riioumat|pm.-»-ExtrB«to,f fki^ejc,, from 'Mr J 26,18Sl % , %$& 7 ||tolyXMf»f A ease imhMmw M^t.Jm.^wmii' yborn,druM 1 thwlf 'aJniiiM'tf/pi^l^ItnoWo'' 'TiW&toxl kpdorni«*-« >Ar<sfrtit> -a^Bdfull^om. ohroftio^netfmfttiiiOTtrJifche'loBt the useiof Pfig, side ei 4is%ody^didndittBd1nflessant.pnm^— He .was »nqc^,#i|ferent We;dTo#.tTXatmBa?r»fidi at Wstm^te^fospitftl iWfioulty ,pt%aun;. ,esd. him.i|((oittajtevhbl086r^y,the am ptiffl* 1 health anaBtrinith.* 1 ' ' m \ oi'jenersoi>8ireet;,»oenqe»iioi;Hiepj!i' situate ip. P,u.la8W,6ff#^*Hn 7 aM^<Mf f?'" ! ty e ? "" f HoWSl ViV:' cdSWuron *™ e«" teT 'j Jine'.of Jeff- eWln^et ih''S&«nap !4bs, i l6l|, !J it **' ,f ' e * t «W sii buildlrigdee.iv,, oil and wife® f. i „.», . , fftJlrt I.. "Ihgor- Wgijod aiidwlfe^by deed t»nd<rpunW»rfroln thence Jfef f ilfh^e'ffe'HWl«*Wsterly to the ftteriy 1J Jinftof , 4lill'Street»*ritbefi6ferly TliWfilWtfe«6ii'Slree't:' WeTntorioMheifly! Blnnitieast- ""n#6f smawti»«««»««Hh*«tKd»-df bef a ' - the same land deeded to B.F.Rh('de»,-bytf»mes "" ' fwilHtrsold-atpuh- i the Snlmoti Kkor IssWUh. mi 1864V. ttid^neitsnll KHS.IB- heme the snm6 TanS deeded to , said oounw,plfiMVM9jan JB.6j stoned M hjsihtejestinsjtl -?tot«d.April lfi,. J8fi4., S. <£ m;ynH«iov-..fa§$;TTiiMM ST. Iningf f|e|*H..

Transcript of i i mdsiSAit n|#k^i k^g^w^a^ifeffanyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031648/1854-04-20/ed...• The...

Page 1: i i mdsiSAit n|#k^i k^g^w^a^ifeffanyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031648/1854-04-20/ed...• The political intelligence by the" Hermann is «rtija;b^beBtimporta'uce. TWGSs^ttimeftt

t ^ B < p i « ' » T « « y w f » ^ y * ^ . -»**^.i;«y^g-i>:

**—!***• jmmmmfr rffiTi}-; n n n i . g n u ; j j ^ L ' „ t J U ; i lULjaLl'Jt!!^ - - seSBa t f t - SSHS8SHSH9H58S i>iiW»(f>iiiiB


. NEW Yo^ April I p The Hermann nwivediaboutM|on w i % | | »

farm London to 29tftliarc^,^. €f : ' i ! f ^ 1 • The political intelligence by the" Hermann is «rtija;b^beBtimporta'uce.

TWGSs^ttimeftt courier. di»paifch.eid with" the Ultimatum of France and England to the Emperor of Russia, had returned' to London with angO^Wjajnnauncewent that no reply to


Not less tb^li $0»ftaaMw>W»r^n<>w on the temorPasjnvha&Hvls^ Pa

iWrofotftoflpi eitBMAlabndagh <Jr along*a t e t o <*


tjie joint *Umi "TpHJesfs?*? .,,..^.,f j^,,.-™™,-,

thew.Quoen,was sent, down to both Hoi

o^TPpWuld be is-flr^esjinire-ef

lUses of

i ,.. tKe]pli

8^00 men, fp^badly out up


*?*? "nMciatfeS tofe\i '6j witfi^jkia, and t h ¥ ' c W W I , » l r t p r » 1 i ^ ' ' ' 0 t h e r t

^ o d l l f t d ^ i t t t ; : 1 i - ^ 6 l a f e o * ' 'tftjit the Queen,relied upon the bravery ofhe>'ariity> • m d ' i v l u V t l V i l l e ) ^ ^ The'intoiage was to1 OTk^yWsa^titm <Sii the SlSfc u l C ' M % W w « ^ ^ ' W d u 8 ^ ^fPn'rli^ n l e ^ M f # W d ^ n ' a n ^ e r , t o % ' IttUtro

.M^xmfitm piaratSon- of' tvar, "ap'ppare: i a i W i W f e ' o f tivev«Sth andiiaraH • t l f l^n lWlSefe 'o f - th^HeWant i ; '* JMI! • K, ,' * W l l f M # e t ^nfler- Sir ^haffes^apter hp1jW#tfie>%reVt Belt .^a>'Wc1»r«a off

*^?P§m$& fM$<;mt&ti ^England,


and-WBWans « r , fnUarnage.N The Rti8?jRn.toi; atftfSKe?Tnrks tkemsejvi^i that they had to re t i j ^ l^ ip j f intrenohments.

Jt , will be fiee% however that "the Russians have effected t M * f B M € a ^ i W e points. On t h " a ^ t o e n ' | f ^ P i M S 9 t B P ' e ^ * < > < > ' , « l s

^he^Dannbei^fteF4«(i|ii»tepde4 to attack the E u ^ a r h " e t # i t « ^ # P p > n 8 4 - a9ti»l»n .of tbe 'Mt^wafW^nMi 'S r id the^ntfre foUqe put under command'of the French, Colonel »reWl>u^h1e%nlgiaiiniovenientdisconjcort<id

HhiNm.^k} •.%•••> ; • - x - ' r 4 ' 1 1 - ' ' ' , „ dlpatoh from OmerPasbV datefct&a

tS^sdy8;*'«Tfe Russians bavfr lost all deaiee-"ofstt&ing KalaM and purttose grossing-the £p ihe%i three points, 4f U>ey Should reaJly

l*dtf sosfii% would render me a great 'service, 1 itJabUn'g me to give a sound diastisementto

Telegraphic dispatogefffroW 'Vienna and ~**" t,%16,000 Russians

l 4 W *MHrcl i ' and .'«?PHP5^


iliai^Banad chakoff are exchange.

$ l h d KbfiS<|e'b> Prince Go$ fiepna fabrications1 for tlje. stock

JB4S9 awMS^S1 m g g g ' i j 1 ' ^ : ' ffffffSS HES5S5S irriiffli a i ro' 'We can

m* MEETING OF THE rt^Bp^BslaociU'nc ST^TE I human interests would be revajtio^

- - - - - - ' • pamt to,^mpd mojihm T\vho would nof; \me tajs#"|f. nniv|rS4f)«God and .ill W . 1 weallfe fplthfl?lOved ones mw a t rest i n prattF', ^

Htarmor»y< U M H S S M

nd adap|«d&ohnio,R^Jinen^tt|ii|^ally Ad-

Tbjm^f^ f . L J j , ^ - 'Vtiji/ajMii»)'• • lip -

T&e c;os( oflhe Public n'fi'm, i

ijbf J'i 'nM? tteraekV;e>.iib-d:

on^iie'Sliatft m t f M e r ' ^ r W'# iM^- ,oP th*

108-H « j ^ refusol «#?!«!? 'omit-

nnd €a^&l^appr#^ f> |ha . i o f rk^ of Hon. F. B. Cutting, and other. Hard Shell members of Congress-—congratulating the par-$ on thenjacent Canal vote, etc. They call a State Convention to. be held at Syracuse on the jl2th, of J»\ly sne^tt ut noon, )o nominate Govern V "' * ' d ""'**' "" S "

tli-o^Jttiy ine^tt i

io/ahddhll State

Ir8n! a' ')Ji»j.i^i'iwwfoiwmpli»wpiyw>w»wl»griw«i»i, a

- fSnUSH*^y"iSrio-JoFof M»k Mi^QflSd Cut Saws, Nails,-| | | ^ p Q i n n i l i tin copper,'

mdsiSAit n|#k i k^g^w^a^ifeffa

StaTe offibeU.'

!ijj|!|ye thousand Rus-^ n g ^ g j j f ^ c ^ o ^ ^ a C B h i q without, rto-'

th%86 barbarians, whtt')have -broken -into'our | bo^e Jike robbers. But if the- Russians. '• do • no'i resume the' offetoi^ei 'I ali H Hindertajke nothing important until the arrival of ,Bxxt ten serVesand cavftltyfrom1 aboveP*.i .>. > . f >

It seeml thaf 0ii4eii 'fa prepSwdi H e = W | 4(r,TiO0:nien(ih.tne.ri^itwing, Wth a4ine"Qf. works cpnn'ectWg'With'' SiBsttia^atfd Shumla.

' The Russiati' forcjes'in'tfie pTincipalitiesiif we may tntst the Ausjinanpapers-^-have been ' greatly incV|easedl'duii!iiig tKe jjast montb. *i» J Accbrding'to thii1 So&lam^WuM^OOO RufeiaDS are encamped aroundE)ilkati?&,000 men are1 jn, Grfeat Walfachitf' tipder* thd-per-sou&l comiiiaiid tif Pritifce Gorcbakoft; whosei beadquartorsare'inxBticharest; betweetti the, Se)«th and ' the Pruth stands; ®e°. Ludere, with 46,00.0' men; between the Pr»thand''the .Bnies'ter; Gen. Osten Saeken, whose corpsj.as: soonaa G kji TshebdaefFa division arrive^ w»i!l:

A re8eTveof/80,oaO.

' M w J P 1 ' ^ lnto fluffs


. ,,T%.follo^ing proclamation of the Qoeen foliOT^.^ Qgt«al'o*^larati<m Of'war, and is of

; toneut '$' of t h e ' tfrtitod

Canbas'us, under- Prince WoronzofiF, is put By'this state-array against

Tarty 300 r

$n;iWUM8te*tTjom^ajcutraioj)eDruary 19th 000 men, and above 500 cannons. !

i ^ f t ^ l ™ F S K • ^ f e ^ u , ' , • ? 0 8 " Fow"*aj» Later—Arrival of the Arctic f e ^ o n ^ f . p a ^ a l r j i q ^ ^ h e rebel arthy was. *, _ i r _ e?fendj|ng n^r..Pe^in., J The Afitjc arrived-at New York, April 16. • . ty$im frp^ jjius^alra to FeW 4th. Rehtrns j She left' Liverpool on the 5tH. /rfln^gpJrt|efe increasing.' iffel* rich mjnes pesjsatohes dated Vienna states, that on &cp^^red^,.rfTrade improving, a^d a brisk Mafch 28th, Hireova'was taken by the RUB-: — -^a'"-'-'----'- ' • • ' ' s'iatis—;no details^ret.

It is r^brted that laoktchie was taken ^by the Russians.' ! ' ' '' '

I t is reported {hat on the 27 ,4 ,000 Russians left Sebastapcil in five s.^eamere to aid in G o t -chakon^B operations on t h e Danube .

The.*?nrks tvere t b r d w l n g riemforcements into Varna a n d British fleets was cruising -off thatco'ast-! "' ' ' - • • - . .-. ^ ' 1 Th&e mov'errtehts of tbe Russians BaWe changed the entire plan of the campaign.

F a t e witfc:"2% Ships: anehored off Noen Isiand'S?' ' ^ Baltic. ' 1 ." ; •

A pijrffon of thfe RnsSiah fleet is frozen in i^ f iewj^- •" ^ --'

' The^pmtetWirooprby'Prance apd-ISn-gland goes on rapCJJVi France had - alreadv sent^fotward. 2$0'0t)"and. England 10,000. •'

A telegraphic desfiatch' say^ that the Gaar has written, to the Sing of Prussia saying'con-temptn<itts)y "When-the;' allies 'nave emancipa-ted christians and evaluated Turkish'waters, he will evacuate tfie' Principalitiet."

Tb6 news from the Lower ^Danube is high­ly interesting. ' The Russian? had seized near­ly, the whole ojf the Do*brndrja and ab6i(t forty-five thOnBatad.of '^StJzai** trooris occupied the territory, between the Trajan''Wall and the Danube. Omer'Pachaj with a largoforee was concentrating »>• ah KttaCk tin lJttrasu and Silistria. ,Our next advices frdm that quarter Wili'beof the higHesfr ihrerest , It is positively asserted that the Russians have landed 4Q0O; men from! Sevastapol and have seized the large Island of Dernar? below Tultsha; this Closes the mbuth of the Danube SIKO that the Russian fleet threatens to attack Varita.'' ' . ' ' . " ' • '

The 'Rnssiahs are raising all the fortresses in Dobrudja, The general, tenor of the* news is-coiisldferedmifavdrable totheTiirkit

It is stated'that O'mer Pacha bad anticipa-

.(Tutho 16tli ^.i^he'Sliate'^ginlBet'^br'ardsSiffil^-.oP^A^ oost of th'6 TSr;l fe%r'gBmeiS't, 'i«nf MnfMrtd ' cnntemplaied in tho'oonytTtutionaT^hdWnt. The toply, r^orve4 to'tfi'o "loSt %y]'orthe sion; wal puoliShed'festerdavi ••»J,il-iil -••' to answer. It sajtB UintJWryMtf ted from hiB e8tiJnate, th%'o^s't b^'inlfiheerui, land damagiwL'&ia,, HMduntlM 1013,131,101 ,. »nd Sir. CtkttK ^d'ds'ifKat surfag a t t a i n »dv dilion tq'ilHQ^ tfe'n'l||*:'li«afcifl.fe>M?,S93;5*lJli But ,he odd8,,^;^'im ,&rs:{^ed''i^W opiriian thht iHb cfstiniitos Herawlih presented, ataautir' tinir W^I2;9§3.Y01, WILL PRQVE rNSUP^ FIOIENT to compl«te,.the ijjoTJjs^yidcdiiir in the amendment to .Constitution."-— Adaf.

Asiwns_expected,. 'TJwee• yeani;ago.respon­sible contractors offered to complete thlTpuljliq works for i&,a00,660, t h e canalbSf of 1851 proposed 19,000,000k The bill provided for by the, amended constitution SHgws $10,^00,-000. Sihce._'i-86i jfbout f2,ftOj9,PQQ have been expended on the canals. Th'^'State En­gineer now estjmajes, the cost to e%eM S13,-000,QOO. Tie cost oiguilio works a ^ a y 8

greatly exceeds the estimates. Dic'kenl r«3|a,t. "tfcat i n „ ^ , ,Sngfi»b Cour^.

oi C t a c ^ ^ jn^brtsM caig, inyojviog aa immense fo'rtn.ne,. 'had ,ru'rhis|^ ine. counsel,1

a grandfather, father,.and,son,. three genera­tions, a large income, and'finally was thrown out of cpvirt. hgcause tlie whole Value of the estate had been used up, ..

The public works are not to hf Completed.

^ft iftv sell'ed"' itsA we are to ~bave Six ri,ew §teiip;.ft'jgptes,, |0tng-.hraJ.Ca£miLllion of dpitai? each. „the bill ha3 been signed and iB now'ti Ltivv. .The ground on which their coi>-struc1^'w!aiitgei }y degress wa? "to pro­tect our comWerco.dnring'tlW coming Eurbpe-»n wan'' ; . » •. \

of n Hdw, i'oi- laayor, and the whole Bei#n, ticket for qharter officers, h.ave bepn elected in.St. Louis hy. 80,0 to 1000 majority

price of blood. We should scorn it wit] hearty curse.— Cayuga Ohitf.

ggT An Ecclesiastical Council of the Bap» tist Church, consisting of seven clerical and a nurnbef. of lay delegates ft6*m the churcbe,s, convened at Saugerties, Rev, &, C. Baldwin, Biodftratorjand Rev. R. Jeffery, secretary, on "Wstaday last and deposed 'Rev;-#.- R-. Otfhn'i-aon from the goapbl (ministry, an'fflinembership in the churoh. He was .pastor o| the Baptist congregatiSh £hei'ef^r--^feratH'ea'rs, ' 0n the 4th day q f j ^ ^ g ^ s j t , \\mdi \Vp, ;a#two small children to0k.ft^a.il (ip^epfeek, and be­fore, their return she and the youngest child weredroWne* U e ^ t ^ thft^'h'wglanded on the^jjorp.^ic^sqm^berrie^bex. again embarked, hia:wjf9<;sip|>pmg,iu tte.bpfife wijh


To Mothcis from a MotUer, --, , -•SoStr'Tbwnfliip'. I'o.; Aug,Jl2d, 18 2. M«8iw, S. A. IIVEAVEB & eo.-r Gont* -t-~X feel It«

duty I owe toydn, oa well as to suffering tnUnnnitv, to fttme'svbat your juvaluaWa CaHUer W*-Salt

about flveyears of ajM fflh^M'JeeJMWJ'%8


tmjti*%jfetVdni^rng-Wti'el^ontfatnnd ,"~, ftmai, and of,preventing nejitriate from benr-

" nfs";aiip'atch^' mi; tjhe *m»t

There is so much good seiige in what follows, ao njany fac,ts condensed in A' s'majB compass,

Km,4. which, by the wayi a r e .suscerjFtibJe,*of>nJ easy, practicable application, that we cannot re­frain from giviog.ouR readers the benefit of it. We (Jopy from the Toledo Republican:

There aro so tn.any queer idtes prevalent in all communities 6n the subject 6T"newspaper publisTiinfe that, we feel constrained to say; a word.; tiow 1atfd then, by. way of explanation. One .idea^ which gets lodged'in a great mariy heads, is, tha]tit is only necessary'to sfati a pa­per, and then by some inherent, invisible pow­er,of pi'Opul«Jhi it will force itself along, thm' mountaips otexpense, swamps' of discourage-' mfintL_and' disma[, Caveas of toil and trouble, v«thouTa%[farther ii§sistahee''on':tfie "pa'rtfof

j those who have beguiled the poor printer into the IWzaldou's business. < This ideats. so utte^ ly foolish—perhaps we might say selfish — that wis shall .take no further "hdtice of it than this allusion tef'its existence.'

eduoed ttfi ffi$W mMfm

ifisiftijffeotijies &mim child,. Wthe reoOmHfni* WerStedtifled ?td'«r$ mm blv.tog ft, and 'to piffitte^


lisinj'.coiitinucd, and we

no^1\'Heft5.o,i4ilrteon*|finpiSdfcdjnft j^h»jvheKan'i:* f»ln:stttehgth;>.»nd fprihpilMjfcub'itoBW^iitsBlj.'liMi jeenwe|H»nd rugged, ftnd^fe^l toaWheji'Sasiiboro,-

Another common idea about newspapers is, •KT . . •„. . j ! .it*- ^.jn tha t they have no immedia te o'r essential Con-Not ton m i l h o n s ^ n p r - t w e n t y miUions, ^ . | n e c t i o i i % T t h t K 6 p r o s p e r i t y of t h e places ir

eii » K * afiMiist,the enemy's, ports, harbors.^ or. :WSifr!%^1il^m waive the right Mem^g%? '4nem W 'property fedfetion board ,, Arnentralvessel, unless itjifcionttaband of *ar. ^MwiiW^H^W^^- ^ "ilami'the ' 'wnfiBratio%orneuliral '*


being anxious to,Iesseh tht^vilftof War flfidito restrict its operations to the re^utajly'brgan-

i• •Efe&ifonsea ofitliecountry, it is not her present-i xinterition to-issue ietfcere.ofimarque, for,|he i commissioning oiprivateera." :..(.'. J)Ate4i W B WMIR^STER, March 28,1854. . if .Tlh&.My\itmT contains an imperialdeclara-;. lion wjngksjijiquncea that a delay of six

weeks has been granted to Russian trading .. vessels', to leave .French ports. Russian sub-

' jecita who may choose to reside on French soil, . under the protection which the law extends to ; every foreigner, are at liberty do so so long as "_ thay^o^tliei^ part regpijct tfae' \m\

jiwivaf Sftfte America The America brings three days later. news.

There has! been sonw-iise in breadstuff's * The Russians were raakingstern preparations

- for hostilities^ inutile Baltic It was, supposed ^hatrtheffirsbeoHisionr wtoold ocenr-at uVesel Island. xAlltthe Hg1it-hou8es,flnd .btipys are removed,;and forroSlable'* fleeto of • gntirboats

accoioplish their completion. If theirrcomple tion was desired, the''surplus revehties set a-partby the constitution of 1846, would have finished them ere this without debt. Two Or three years hence, when the sum borrowed has been expended, there will be .the. sanie neces­sity fo,r anbther loan there was for the one just authorized. The people will vote it. Arid so long as money can be borrowed and payment

t thrown npon-'Bucceediug-generations, so long wflracwrupt-iatid. of harpies be pampered, bribing'with the people's money the people's representatives, and swaying the popular f ran-chise at their will.

When the debt against the .canals shall have been increased another ten. millions, and the interestbf that debt exceeds thrcanar revenues, (it,-about equals the revenues now)- how valu­able will be tbe canals ?

"Confidence (faith)-is a most important and desirable attainment,. so the preacher tells us. But a careful observation of the course t>f af­fairs in this state since 1838 has left us but small reliance on the policy oflf borrowing to build," and confirms the old maxim, that he who does this, " bnilds to sell,";—particularly if half the slim borrowed is squandered on agen(£ in procuring the loan, or expended pur­posely to avoid completing the building.

NAVIES.—-The following,, is believed,to be a nearly correct statement of the naval force of the nations mentioned:

Vessels of war. No.'ofgufts. England, 667 17,330 France, 328. , 7,144 Russia, • . , 170. _ J5,8flfl _ | Holland, . 102 , 2.3TS United Stales, 69 , 2,115

sentativvs on the 14tb, 83 to 6f,

The bill to reduce and graduate the price of 'I ic is et HL u mail u iucr xrocun uau A U W U I I M - I . , , . * , ;' y ., TT * *% l ^ J l i i L R n i r f ^ d v A n ^ passed the Hmise of Repre-1 apdthat.thft ftttoman force there was fallihg^™nfaH™1"" iha 'Iifh- ** f n ff*- -**" ~ backj^awdjng^to^rder mppn Trajan's wall,,

LwbieljiB.TOeirTOrtified, and where the Russian's will h.ave 'tp^cotrote*. abojit ft0,POO Turks. -.

From the Tribune and its English "corres­pondents we gathyr the; •folto'wing 5

; DoBR^bjrA.^-This°di8tridl beWngs to tbe province of Bulgaria, and is a narrow plain inclosedod tbe wiest! and .north by the Danube

which' they are'ptiblished. To be sure their services are required to chronicle every- event that' -may conduce to the general good; they i^ust advocate the construction'of railroads, so that the public confidence may be reposed in the enterprise, and the stock-subscribed;-tbey must notice every new steamboat or vessel that may appear on the waters, by going into mi-nute'descriptions of their construction, and ex­patiating upon their superior accommodations, thus giving important rnfonnafion to the pub-

Itic, and doing a nice job of advertising for the owners; tfiey must hold°np Jbefore the world, ,'constantly,' and''keep it before the people,' at home and abroad, the fact that the towns and cities in which they are located (and we might not unffeijuently add in which they are starv­ed) are just the places to invest real estate, and for this service the owners of corner lots will subscribe-for the paper and shell out liberally to support fti-over the left; they must'speak of everyiftiprovement made, every new branch of industry introdtrced, every additional facili­ty for the transaction of business which may turnup in the course-of human events; they must defend the character of their town wlien assailed; they must defend her public men, her merchants, her fnechanics, and all who dwell within her borders, so far as they can be defended; they must get out a President's message, or other important public -document, at,the earliest moment, even though the prin­ter toil by his lamp through all the weary hr'nrs of the night to do it; they must seek, to gratify the whims of a great many people on every concievable subject, and gel- the ill-will Of two-thirds of them in trying to please them; they must advertise, gratuitously, everything that h'as tbe least Stamp pf a public nature up­on it, because it is for the ' general good;'' in short,, the newspaper is1- the..,ljack hurse, on which the universal pflblic expect fo "ride, on 'the tow Tare system. "" We mightr extohd "this list of newspaper duties, performed for tbe public, .without renumeration, a great deal fur­ther, but we forbear. 'We submit the question withbut further^nrgument—whether a newspa-

and m endeavoring,to.i9ave)Ke.V,,ihe.itoc| fell in­to the wato and j^(\trla(|er,>n)e, smuggling th re they beoama. Hetorf i le^t j^ he/./fiiially reached bftttQm wheje«9,c6flld's,w»?land then discovered his wife some eight feet. %»n_ him

,-in deep ..water and t))euifen,t! ;%}her,o|i '. • H e ran for.help to.theiea.rest ;ho^8A.;ove^)balf a mile distant, a n d returned in, abduttbirty.Tain-u|,es, when sh'e.was found deadi .'and i floating near the shore. Great ,sympatjiy.,wa^v,mani­fested for him Ofl account of ,tpis nffliction.

After the death of his, wife certain intima­cies with a young .woman in the village; caus­ed consHerable'talk', a n d it,was tjien first dis­covered that lasj. summer, befor^-W *MfP8 de­cease, they had visited .Saratoga. .Springs to­gether. A Congregational<• warfare of gossip and rumor, slander and criminal accusation broke out ; but ' . .aeommittee- appointed to in* v'estigate'them,pronouncedibe"pastorj»n " i n ­nocent a.nd much injured man." I t afterwards was learned tha t he had formerly,.been'pastor of a Baptist church in;Henderson, »n Jefferson county, and tha t while, thera&he had beeh on terms too intimate with one oi< two young wo­men,'which facts were communicated to him here, and an investigation called for. in Hen-J dersoQ, at which he \y$& ipvjted to be, present. The testimony was. conclusive, against h'im,-—-The Saugerties Telegraph says : • I n t h e afternoon, ive were present, when one

Rev. Mr. H u s h e s , of Lansmburfrh, informed the oouneil t h a t within, a few months the yodto*.' woman referced to from this,,,yillag(>,ftttonded tb,o Seininanyi in that pluoc, nn4 that one day during the absence of Mr. Hatoh, tha Princi­pal, styi requested pf his. daughter, the prooep-tr'ess, tn be'absent, s'ayihg that a 'Mr. Johirlon Who was then at the- Seminary, wished tji ac­company her to Troy Where he had lefVftwo oousins who were dvSn-bus of seoihg hefirr-Miss Hatoh refused to, lp"t her go, but she loft without porrnissiohand did not return until the n e x t day. &he was brought to acoount by fb e . Principal, jvho inquired, where she had stayed all night, but ffho eaid she did not know. In­quiry was made jn Troy without avail, 5»jid,..t,.he. truth was finally obtained by striUoge"ni.' T h e young wonmn was judueotl to believo that she had been detected and acknowledged tha t they had-lodged tSgotlierabtrieTVI'aiieii)n» House-In Troy, whore illicit intercourse had transpired between them. She was dismissed from the Sominery a'nd returned homo , •

The Council, after recording their decision tha t the charges of gross licentiousness, ^ o e -ful depravity and consuniate h y p o c r a c y ' h a d been sustained, passed the following decree:

Resolved, that by the authority >f the Great Head, of the Church, we do now solemnly do-olaro i. R. Johnson deposed from' tlio bffioo of the Christian Ministry on tho ground of said charges.—'•Atb. Allan.

{«ln:stt!ehgth;>.»nd jeen Veil and rugg wuiue m totiie4e|^ne1 wtmfsr —

1 — been •valuable Wrs a j 1 («Wi It word m j-ol , I have Veo'e'riti;

: i a e . r W t d 6 » f i r % ~ f f % # K WOvyis&i-a for tblsi^teea^t'l'Mald'it^ibadll'ireliJediniora' thfui all other modlclnaiilmdiever taken! but tliia does apt ejtpresa the thing: aalt is, 1 om entirely, cured.

: - * miiMtf^-aioBEiDfjcK. For sale b v H . \ f t & » ™ a « k . i > ,', 28w4

" ' r ' 'V'- "*f-'' * .' '**—-V'"- '•''"' — •

' .: , ' : • .•.'u...'*IlA,-Blj£*iEiBtt)|i,!.i.-'.-.4«n,;.,rf',' In Mexioo April'Oth', tytSir-JJHJ (Dhhp'fn.«SiSft!;>OJinow !"W. HotHES, otSouth Bicihlatid, and Miss IUIUUET GBAY, of the foftidPpKcel' •'-" -! - >" '

jiUt.rnionSquaro^pnllStliiuy'ReT.HiHoiielMr, (SAMUEL WitMAriTii:i.f Sok'th'Riohland.npd Mrs. ANN ;!ANOEaB"ok'.rifithe>Winer J)lace.' 1' ie'•;-•( ihi-.'t

<• t In South,BifiblBRd Morcb 2nd„tJsKev,JJ.S; Evor-,. ftagjiam, Mf; ASmiB1 8 . ^A#EIS.^UJH -|iisi fflwiu

W'OH6MOj9^altofAe»bQVClfl4s*'--s«.':is'> iwUh'l In South,RichWfttt}'April6?>WEifwl.s Con»nt,E«q„

5fr.JoH»5aj;ReBs|a.fc!iadi"Mi»*'Iitlhl»l>AAl8l.ATiB, ' y j "'1 n ~< 1nl nun'II i .

aged 22 jFeWWlKl'-v J?}' i (K.A ,, ('/.llO-fTA At Sand BattltS, April'Sth; tliminfant of Mr. and Mrs.

Sprague.aged*mp»^^ ,„„,.., . .,; lw>i , , At Congress Hnll, Albany, on MolHt»Vtbe-l0t1i"iii-

8tant, E L 1 Z A - B E 1 B - © . WSf tRr io f j ^EWiTT C. and A L I P A M . LlTTtEJOHJi, need 6yearss t id -JO mentln.

1854 Fashionable Hat: :' vil'A.JH.;S

,ifiEV'EN^ ji>n* 18S4 I i f i ' l

HAS received from the most entensiVe'lSfevV ."torlt dealers ,"iv. , ;/ ;i ','*f-)oi

of the lateBt Spring Btyles, which atd eqtialih quail, ty and finish, and will ho Bold as low, as any that can br purchased olie^bere.;., , v , , ,. , / .,:;•!;/1

l)uring the wa'min,'W witt'Tjeep bn' l ianu 'a large and full 'assortinont,of, , , . . ,.

Pan^^Leg^ogh^lrflu^, W ^ { ? » LeafX •JSf&i Sifthex w % every pgfo o,iii.au^tyuoi oajii.' for mon ana nftyi( wnar. . . . - Inleiidin^ WUfe^p'ttlhr^e' ahd'cli'tiiee^afsortnif rt of

al: articles in his IjSe,-be ^elicits tbe patrtinnge uf crtizensot PulusUi and niijoinin^ towns.

Pulaski,, ApriU8,185*. -,.,..-r!i- :


()5= iPbr'particulars call, ^ t i l l e Stort).^£$ fultuiki, April 19,-1854. '^

NbTICE*fs iwreby g iven foSairetockfcolfcrs'nf d„ Hiaifdrid^l^BMryfto'ttfeeVdVriie^lffi^eof tlw Li

brarian or, Tuesday the 26th (lay of April next the


^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ h U - ' • « i large.part.of.tbedistrict'iscn>OTbyand;irable J* - ^ N f f i f f ^ l T r h n e 4 to beflverflowed,; it coritaina.Weml fortresses

^ . W # r t K * ^ t e n , ! ° , ' T sucjias^bpseof Babadagb, Isa^tsha. Ma'tshin and Tut'slia, wliich it is stated have.been cap: (aired by tb^ Russians, but tbds report out well

>informed London correspondence pronounces [a mere ato#JobbiB^:iiiyention, Between the plain o{ the pobrudjajarifilhe interior"ot Tur­key the Balkan, stretches its protefitiflig chain.

land and the eastern "part of th^s State last. Friday, delaying trains and boatsi

Another storm occurred in the same section on the 17th of great severity, snow falling in-some instances to a* depth of six iji^hes. <

We leftm- from Mr. HUNT, P. M. on the cars that,J. MopsB, Jr., Esq. of Watertown,. died' this morning, April 19. .

general prosperity of the place where it is pub ^A-se^re>now-stomvJoccuTOSd4n it be decided that the paper does

The Ppblic Works. Tbe State Register, alluding to the fact,

that Mr. CLARK, the present State Engineer,1

reports that the Constitutional appropriation of $9,000,000, for, the enlargement and comple­tion of the Canals,.. Will not be sufficient for;

tbe purpose, by some four millions „of.< dollars atjeast, a*ks: " How does it happen that this staijling fact is first brought to the knowledge •of the people wow when the Constitutional amendment has bpen perfected, and after a law has passed,,the Legislature to carry it into ef-

T)iissurprise isexpressed everywhere; feet?" . . and there is not a Ktt}e mingling of apprehen-

p^j^-orknot,.imimately_connected with. _the^ion^t.^&^^n^Mi^ties8-eKfendJtW»-w4ieh

^hjs t^o^ ' feu l ied 'wi th-ar i se in " cau&K^&iattHt'tlie Bourse." '

'""'' ;; ''.;f,.(1^;^ ViBHNA,;Mareli,;Sl

•',' ,'A-. efi^e^1»an^e,t-b.Quse .J&as,^?! reT. eeived a ijlispate^ nftMncjng that op the^Oth

_ the|lussia,ns attocfcedjKalafat and took three ',-TedQubb^, ;:,.,.,i,,- , , ' . ,

Tb,?, Retrijbution atid CSatofiTbad returned to „ BOTCp's'piy;,witjhmjt |aying.ifr^ed the mouth

,[.•• of tbe £>antfbe. It.is^iprjOse^tbat a stronger. , ^expedition than was &\ first f o u g h t necessary ' iwould be ,r^qnir^d for that piirpqife,

*, „ , All the houses in CronsW h,ot, capable of .., '4^fenseareTp«Stte^ do*f(i, ,-,^e?--RJjtteri^s. were M , e r ^ m g e^ryw^ere, and, 3pj).fld<li?jonaJ, gun.

.bijateihadbeen ^dejedrforthwith. ..THjp-.jBiwr and'bis flbfls were peitonallyw SBperU}(tjgjpi ,jng ftappr^Vpa,--" ,- r-v. .>vi'>—#••

Irjfte^n thptjsgnd,. French troops bad already , • emiJBrked. an ji the remainder of Jibe armyi.60,-,'„„Q00 wiHIbemlyjiirW by tjiejiat'of May.-Tji

Four tbonsana,,w^re landed at ?Jailipob on tbe, •'•• aotfcy .t '•'.Lfa:,;,. • ' . - . . " • ^

:3tt-yw0$§4& tfetthe, Britfsj, fond^ce

-. -««egM?- ' i" i c^4»^•*>& ,., v

. m&9m>-<s< f.-..'.vi A. ;, v, * • I t is confirmed, t b ^ t / p p , Russians ; b | t ^

'•• •cx0&fi$^^iam)i^ iiyjSafc'ibrce, Hie objecfc - > bjwntfWiBtf^ecvia(!fJeo»iVeibio* before",theiaj;»(

- :fe-« •-^j^gTtf«rench4bree. 1 • lOmtbo^ia^ u^sskndBtachtoenfeundfet ^ P ^ i M*|l!tnetfaB>ia:g& of |)annbjei

s,anr|jc«ptnted eleven,,guii*»

;jQ&ii..;LudeT8cr^8eli«Jtnflujf main body of

«fMareb,tlie .<SD««h*to>nl '•-'•• w

'tj^Uitiiuy 'from Oalatch,' without 'much loss,-

The Russians are no nearer Constantino­ple, than they, tyereprevjij^is to this .niovement and have gained by it no new advan^ge • over the Turks, I^i/act it seems peTfecfly clear that it is merely a defensive movement indica­ting simply "iip^ir intention to withdraw from the most,westejrnportipns ofWa)|acbia. . 0nthe^ad.an.4^4tb l (>iH. two columns of.

Russians crossed, the lower Danube. One, under t)ie cpmrnand of fierj. Liidere, smarted, fcom Galatz, at th* e, extreme ncjrtiern angle of

Uhe. .Dp rodjaSi > Uie other -nmW PrinceI-MOT* chakoff himself, freinj BrajW ...They jfo'itnq little, resistance, as, the '|urk>B^ advancefyfprcei cp^ceptrated themsebj^ ift ' | e , forji-esaes of |sa>tsft%,and Mat^nin'ir,Tlie RussiajiSiliave

•§abada&s<an$W^^ pie forces between Karassa and ^c^ftqje, on tpe narmiy; Bgck between ihe.marabes 9 ? , %

A t . t ) a s . a s , p ^ e n : p l 8 t e , J^e ^ .wOtaoSr the.e.xactlgn^of ;tbe Russian .forces wSi# ,

.c,^|iave.crotssea,l bw,t.it is b.eueved that tfiev. % 0 ° m tP,^oiit . ^ t o e n . , t he fuffcs; (R l)Cl Jhe pQbrodja are upder.tbe .command of !Mus-

ianbajPaah^Anfl «m<Siintto iwenty battilions,

>—altogether caDnons.^-

j | ^ " W e - e i p e c t e d to have published a record of theJCQunty Cour t he ld in this v i l l a g e l a s t week, in to-day's paper. The Deputy Olerk promised to- prepare and ' furnish it to u% bu t neglected to d&Bd.: '!' ' s

TS e learn tFat Qtirh More^ "convicted of horse stealing,was sentenced to Auburn Prison

j-for three-years. In the dase <)f tbe people vs. John Coulter1

the jury did'not agree.

" S i r Charles Bfapieri the British Admiral, 'wndhas laid a wager1'to take Cronstadt.in 16 Jipurs,js about,70 years,,old. More. tl)4n 4fJ .years.ago he, was, distinguished among the depredators in the Chesapeake, where h&com-•liahnded thfe frigate Euryalus.

, . " , I nil, l.Hf,| , , , - , . 1 ,1 '

AftrBtat's HOME MActAZiSB for May gives the conclusion of t he" Angel of the House­hold." No one can read a number of'this magazine without havirig -his good priro.oaqs atrepgihen^d' Sjje vein and spirit that h^s ;always,characterTsedWfTJesttttiful prodwfcipns of ,T. Si AttTHUB is apparent in the artftj^s $ Bis Magazine,' whether from the1 pen "W the

J^jtotoreei'eeto'd. 'We^an ' t 'do .agr$&| fa-iiVPr, $ ,any family, tha?rtorecommgn(i tn'e|Ujto,' seeitrjsJtBj-egiiilaprecejp^ , Fhiladelphiayffa), < • v

'•, Pimiii^ vm-$®* ?A of WestJTroy lp^rdeired his wiWApri)'12j by stab^ingthe^-.wil^ stantly. Phelps "is said to havei^Been smderj 'ttomteenceo^fiq^firAtthetinie. Thejt, 'notitv^'agWe'ably to^etWrfoHotnett'm'4

possess a public character, and is a1 valuable adxiliaTy in the "promotion of every good work,

j let It be esteemed and treated" accordingly.—,

That is all we tek. ' " ! ,..r-' ._--^«iln ^ i r o p i u i o n , it would,ba wiser to make

•men liablo for the misobief >hey doj and if by • t h o s a l o o f intoxicating drinks, any evil is in­flicted, those who do the wrong should be lia­ble, iri damage, for the injury done."—Serteeo, Co. Observer.

Without any disrespect to our friend, we must say ihat his " opinion " sustains one of the most absurd ideas ever conceived of. There is ffross injustice in the proposition. ,It is grv-•ffig the dealer th'e power to destroy—making it his ,ipt€ rest to do so. Only, when the wrong .is traced directly to him, is he respobsible. If 'human life and happiness'is destroyed^ the damage is to be "assessed and the ruin repnlred, by a verdict of dollars and cents. The inter­ests of two worlds sacrificed most crtielly for gain, are to be p ut up at cash value! ' A hus­band may be made a demon through long years of inch-by-inch degradation and butch­ery, or ason ruined, and, by a violent death, snatched from the fireside:-yet the wife or the Another-would have the consoling reflation thntjifter all 'their hopes were stricken down, they might brings suit for damages! After a family is beggared; the pauper children, if ,tbey can trace the-author of their beggary, may obtain a remuneration in ihoney. A Cit­izen may be ten years going through a process,

Lof beggary, and degradation in tbe maslstrom ' of as many rum shops. And bow is it to be

is opened to> the oppressed tax-payers Of the j * NEVV anp};ai;a:e tuckyof .8oboerfji State,- lt.catmofr-ie-saidr-fl0wever,-that t h e - M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f f e g ^ ' * ^ ^ ^

. . . * m n- • 1 I value- Mnuiimnoa: *ur- *AH«*iH4-na'",i«*,',,l,

matter-jHis wholly unforeseen. The Reguter

proven wfiat the damage has been, or whose the destroying hand ? 'He drinks ten glasses among the slaughter-houses, and at nightH!S'; .dead. How will the guilt be divided ? How' mtjeh is human life* worth ?—how much all that we love and cheriskop ertri^, nUid'popS for in the future ? Ah X we migni as 4&1 a,tV.

I'tempt to "track and chain tlie istilehcfcy 'tetb' r>ace responsibility in these nfofters. Why pot license, bbscene "publiciittefeW 'gambling,' counterfeiting, etc., etc.f and the«tra|aekets in

I wrong b'e' fesponsible tf^rWdiild be any xtemage ? God knows i t wittld h% but a poor consolation to ths honMe^ictim Wthedevilish cruelties ofthe-Wm-tfafflSlEo be told that, after iheimn ^entered her heart, she conld She for] ''duflMgoil'Siieb[trifling with thl'desrest of-

personn oialLboplwil ie longiugiblho Library. • • «E0R6B%l>fcL 'ET, 1 '

J . a LANBti

Pnloski, ApfiUVth, 1804',', I Trusteoi . / • i / . - l ; .

^i.«f*ii*i,i,: ,

concludes:— , " I n the Siofa of N e w York We1'ore, nbdiut

exponding-Nine Millions to enlarge and com­plete thfe Canals . . Io j i rdet ta i te t i th tsJ imoui i t . we had to amend the Constitution, arid now we1

BT6' tol l by tbe State Engineer,- t ha t in Order to finish the'work, -ws>.must have a t leastvfouf millions more. W h a t then? . O d r srfswer is, that there ars- a good- many sonsiblo men in the State of Pennsylvania, tcifia (?>•« inlfdrorof\ gelling the Pennthjlvani*. Canals. ','< i . . ,

EAGLE OIL M I L L , PULASKI. THK Subsoriberf '^ave InurcliTaiied ithei ,QJI,WH1 in

thiiVu|A|e1vAa,Wtll ' ' rr i4ffl i tertr«ifediods have on luflid!tRe.b'est TtfatiUpAt t Uf.-

"' Mmeerf,Oil,OtiilpdimiJlavxj wliich^)ie.yrwittse.ll'at wholesale or retajl at the low-estprices 'J^tSljaS^w will fino-jfndvsn'iafreous in ikaf"wijh-tliem;i.anil. tlinf ftrdqijr$ 05 pbre article, ra­ther, thai tn purchase-.the- TiduUer|ite*f Oils from ,the cfty. OilMealaMOllCake fiir'sale. ' v " n '

F.JUM-^lSirt:AJM9#TEM" wanted, for,wliich.tlie-bighe^t.prico ini cash will be p a i d . ' - -' . • • " ' . ' . • * ' • '

jS^Ttte'SuhSferibers wil lfurif l ih Seed and continct E)rthe':orop.of ally number of a«re^ofjf}nj(iqnil will hire fiora one to two hundred acres of land in jrood order fqr a flworog.7 ^h,o,ttldilhese^sgn;ba propitious this will be"the most profitable crop (frown.

A. Bj mhW*§. Pulaski, Aptil'Ifli 1854^. , A...JI. DUNCAN


value, ita^firin'e's;'&e.l'e'b6i\e'd:n8',AJiib'iil<i* pflblished. PApfiR'ANr^dAIlDS.

<>f every variety, fronijthe efie^gtttin and Gilt to the lowest-priced ortiert. ' - "

p A:P •£ f:; "H A; f 4 q i n & s of soB^o'ne-niijireo^i^repipat^rJDSr embraciiig the ?riest*B»"est,-^Weil5« fUe'tehe&p'eSt, ' , - ^


Every day furnishes, additional;prpoif o f the efficacy , ° " ' •" " 'J "' " ^ v " the cure purities i _ . _ .. ,, .,. Scrofulous nffeetion{urf>f,any ¥••"$>;$$$\lbie

no time in trying it... Pnr6ntsr r 'wMse^ewld' 'e ore at all predisposed ,tp„ §crnfu(a?4«hciuld ad­minister, .it. freely; J*y attopdjng, j o thji ad-vice, they will confer a bie6?lrig.,uponyioir. off-ppring, grea ter !than, a n y i l n n g ^ t b e ^ 0.?n_ n o

qucathto them,, yizi a.hfiOim " " n!fo9nstKution. nil Jones & AfcCa !»Tty,

Pulaski; ati&iipptifi &$&•$•' . " !. ' " - ,T i ' ' ''[[< r i i i i i f - , ,, , , ,

• I t has been colcuWted that !tho ealifojinia and Australia mineshavie added' ImmonSely: to the solid 0lr<J«Ifttion'of the .country, nnd'^ber?-6y to t h v ' g e n e M happiness of; mankinds It would fllmo8t>o-om.as~w..there..Wflreresetivosrrf'| means stbtio* wpiforithe general gop'd, tn be disc6v»red»only--'whon theiwants of "rhankina ' require thojr-iusot In this way We • mny-^now tha (.ste'arri "and burning fluids "nre-sp genera I fy pnirilrtyed-^X'pl.ain ihei autonishing mfioovery and epbets 'Lyiide 'sRiissian Ointment, ' ,a Cor-.' tairi fpm'edyfor BurrtBi'ScaldAi e t c , nsVelfaTij 'Soiirvyi Erysijielas, Rheumatism; Neuralgiai fcc, Sic. • ' > ,

Li Sold by H. JIonOooK, Pulaski, and drnggfet* ijirfr-rewlly,: ' _ „•, , . , 28wV

tackle, ___,_,.-r™,. Joncy A\rttqies.,fo.l;

Palaslkii^prili13>'186». r'.-


ft in the . , JtjVftViW -beetnnnde

_•. - thewoiiey seojjred to be paid ^ocertait»jndenttire ef mortgageeiiecutedbyJnmti F>owd^,fhe'0WD4|Welj}f,nl,°6sWfig'o"county nnd

** York, (o BMerVL.In^fsoil and t slvin state of Jfew Yor S. Osgood of the, kniBaTooe, beniflBg'iJatB tile 10th day of MarftHi l&W,'anH*'re(!o>d<te in the office of tho

. Cletfe-o'fSBe'isplio^oAQw 1881, at 1 J l M i . Jnjapok aOMmo^CT«e ,» ,p»ses 144 and M6V •upow which said toowgage ine re 1» elsinied t6 he daer ,atthe,15^tigl!ib]ica^fln,«f*nSBnbticBT^ie snmof nine hundred anc t th l r tX- to tdp l^^sJond ntffhtit or-procee-ding- a t law'has »ee«4B^titUteclt*dre<!OT«r 8 n i d '°°"e7 or anJ^aftflWrfeoW WoiteS istberefSi'd hereby given that MpuifSuance,pW power to sell in the sald'niort-gage cqntaihea^n'd-wthe^Mtutfcin such case made and provided*the,tifentjses.a^sprlBed thereirtas fol­low*,; yi«! All tiiM-cerMaiplece or parcel of land situ-atft/lytftl & . b e l n V i M h ¥ W ^ Oswepo rtjuhty 1S»<Tf.'an.aioouftde1u^ntPldBScriliedja!i follows, vizr bg'^iiinl«'g4tta,'bo|ntJ0n-tl)e el»st'eiae*f-4en*erBoi> street in said >viH#gVwth& ivdtth west -corner of the

.threa^t!ito^w.o.odS,n^buil4?n^,.rfh*refcjfpre: owpod by Mossrs;jleger861t,%.@sgoo4 qpd jiinilinp thence east-

.leflyraloiig^ha north .TOefllppiyfee.a story bttijdine seventy.fTOrYeeMViaiwMlWsfte^

ice soutberly otfaTOe7 parallel to the east line of Teffe'rs6ri-'Stteet;toffiul:8treBtf^Bitce-^

_.. *<he northerlfiide^fMllrstreettotheeast side of • Jefferson street-, ,*hen^noEi^T,yAS,,)?!en8t sid? o f

IMlovraijn Ointmevt • andPitt*~>th(i. m;08* Effcotual Romedios,.ever known 'f/r-Gout^and Riioumat|pm.-»-ExtrB«to,f f k i ^ e j c , , from 'Mr J

26,18Sl % , %$&7||tolyXMf»f A ease imhMmw M^t.Jm.^wmii'


1 thwlf 'aJniiiM'tf/pi^l^ItnoWo'' 'TiW&toxl k p d o r n i « * - « >Ar<sfrtit> -a^Bdfull^om. ohroftio^netfmfttiiiOTtrJifche'loBt the useiofPfig, side ei 4is%ody^didndittBd1nflessant.pnm^— He .was »nqc^,#i|ferent We;dTo#.tTXatmBa?r»fidi at Wstm^te^fospitf t l iWfioulty ,pt%aun;.

,esd. him.i|((oittajtevhbl086r^y,the am ptiffl*

1 health anaBtrinith.*1 ' ' • m \


situate ip. P,u.la8W,6ff#^*Hn7aM^<Mf f?'"!tye? "" f HoWSl ViV:' c d S W u r o n *™ e«" teT 'j Jine'.of Jeff-e W l n ^ e t ih''S&«nap !4bs ,i l6 l | ,!J i t**' , f 'e* t«W sii

buildlrigdee.iv,, oil and wife®

f. i

„.», . , fftJlrt I.. "Ihgor-Wgijod aiidwlfe^by deed

t»nd<rpunW»rfroln thence J f e f f ilfh^e'ffe'HWl«*Wsterly to the

ftteriy1JJinftof,4lill'Street»*ritbefi6ferly TliWfilWtfe«6ii'Slree't:' WeTntorioMheifly! Blnnitieast-

""n#6f smawti»«««»««Hh*«tKd»-df bef a ' -the same land deeded to B.F.Rh('de»,-bytf»mes

"" ' fwilHtrsold-atpuh-i the Snlmoti Kkor

IssWUh. mi 1864V.

ttid^neitsnll KHS.IB-

heme the snm6 TanS deeded to

, said oounw,plfiMVM9jan JB.6j

stoned M hjsihtejestinsjtl -?tot«d.April lfi,. J8fi4.,

S. <£ m;ynH«iov-..fa§$;TTiiMM ST.

