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  • Vernon's



    Volume I

    ELECTION CODE Sections 1.001 to 140

    2000 Cumulative Annual Pocket Part

    Replacing 1999 pocket part supplementing 1986 main volume

    For Use In 1999-2000

    Includes Laws through the 1999 Regular Session

    01 the 76th Legislature Court Constructions through 993 S.W.2d 897


    F. Clifton White Resource Center International Foundation

    for Election Systems p1 ~1 '101 15th Street. NW

    Washington, DC 20005



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    These 2000 Cumulative Annual Pocket Parts and Supplementary Pamphlets contain the text of laws of a general and permanent nature, through the 1999 Regular Session of the 76th Legislature, as well as the annotative material pertaining thereto.

    The laws herein are classified to Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated. Citations following the statutes to the General and Special Laws of Texas prior to 1984 contain references to the page on which the section cited or the entire Act is found. Beginning in 1984, and for all years thereafter, the citations do not contain page references.

    Under the same classification will be found the annotations from the decisions of State and Federal courts construing the laws.

    The annotations close with cases published as of August 7, 1999, reported in:

    South Western Reporter, Second Series ------------------------------ 993 S.W.2d 897 Texas Reports ---------------------------------------------------------- 163 T. (discontinued) Texas Criminal Reports---------------------------------------- 172 Cr.R. (discontinued) Supreme Court Reporter ---------------------------------------------------- 119 S.Ct. 2418 United States Reports------------------------------------------------------- 521 U.S. (part) Lawyers' Edition, Second Series ------------------------------------ 145 L.Ed.2d (part) Federal Reporter, Third Series -------------------------------------------- 178 F.3d 1314 Federal Supplement, Second Series-------------------------------- 47 F.Supp.2d 1102 Federal Rules Decisions ---------------------------------------------------- 186 F.R.D. 390 Bankruptcy Reporter ----------------------------------------------------------- 235 B.R. 694 Federal Claims Reporter ---------------------------------------------------- 43 Fed.CI. 663 Opinions of Attorney General--------------------- Op.Atty.Gen.1998, No. DM--QOO Other Standard Reports

    For subsequent judicial constructions, pending the publication ofthe next supplementary service, Bee Tables of Statutes Construed in the later permanent volumes and weekly Advance Sheets of the Reporters listed above.

    Library References to pertinent Key Numbers of Digests in the American Digest System and to sections in Corpus Juris Secundum are included in the pocket parts as an additional and convenient aid to research.

    Later laws and annotations will be cumulated in subsequent pamphlets and annual pocket parts. For advance copies oflawB enacted at subsequent sessions of the Legislature, see the Vernon's Texas Session Law Service or TX-LEGIS database on WESTLA W.

    Internet Access Contact the West Editorial Department directly with

    your questions and suggestions bye-mail at [email protected].

    Visit West's home page on the World Wide Web at http://www.westgroup.com .




    Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes and Codes

    Vernon's Texas Rules Annotated-Civil Procedure

    Texas Administrative Code

    Carlson's Texas Employment Laws Annotated

    Cooper, Hensley & Marshall's Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Annotated

    Elliott & Morris' Texas Tax Code Annotated

    Gaba's Texas Environmental Laws Annotated

    Hanby's Texas Rules of AppeUate Procedure Annotated

    Johanson's Texas Probate Code Annotated

    Kinkeade & McCoUoch's Texas Penal Code Annotated

    Rau & Sherman's Texas ADR & Arbitration Statutes

    Roach's Texas Rules of Evidence Annotated

    Sampson & Tindall's Texas Family Code Annotated

    Texas Civil Practice Statutes and Rules

    Texas Business Statutes

    Texas State and Federal Local Court Rules


    Texas Cases: Covering Southwestern 1st

    Texas Cases: Covering Southwestern 2d


    Vernon's Texas Code Forms Annotated-UCC Forms

    Texas Forms: Legal and Business

    Texas Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms 2d

    West's Texas Forms




    Texas Jurisprudence 3d

    West's Texas Digest (1840-1934)

    West's Texas Digest 2d (1935-


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  • I


    A.B.A.J. ------------------------ American Bar Association Journal A.L.R. --------------------------- American Law Reports A.L.R.2d ----------------------- American Law Reports, Second Series A.L.R.3d ----------------------- American Law Reports, T