I Happened to Come Across an Inspirational Story While Surfing

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Transcript of I Happened to Come Across an Inspirational Story While Surfing

  • 8/4/2019 I Happened to Come Across an Inspirational Story While Surfing


    I happened to come across an inspirational story while surfing, about a small boy studying in class

    third ; as the story goes, on one day some people from unicef ( probably unicef ) approached the

    school principal and sought some help through children in order to raise some collection to provide

    deep well for safe drinking water to children in an underdeveloped country in Africa. The school

    principal readily rendered the sought access to the school children for the required raising of the

    money. Unicef representatives accompanied each class teacher to their respective class room. Ineach classroom the representatives informed their basic intent and informed all kids to arrange for

    100 dollars each in order to make provision for one deep well that could provide safe drinking water.

    The representatives left that day with an information to revisit the school on the following day to

    collect money from all kids who were interested to become a part of such philanthropic act. On the

    next day the team arrived at the school and directly met the principal with an apologetic face, as

    they informed him, that by mistake each classroom was informed that the total cost to construct a

    deep well shall amount to 4000 dollars where as the actual sum exceeded much more... Jointly they

    planned to revisit each classroom and inform kids about the fact and leave it upon them to decide

    on their own to either contribute the amount they had brought from their homes or to take it back

    along with themselves. While the visiting representatives were making rounds to the classrooms in

    one of the classes a strange phenomena came to their notice. Soon after the kids were informed

    about the error and given chance to decide further course... all kids in that particular classroom

    started staring towards the back... when inquired it became revealed that one of the backbench-er

    had yesterday made an announcement that he shall at his end raise entire money to raise one such

    deep well. The class teacher out of curiosity asked the child about his father's profession, in reply the

    child said that his father was a clerk in a small private firm... the teacher furthered her query by

    asking that as now the amount as enormously exceeded earlier limits but even then with previous

    assumption how could he dare to raise that amount. The child replied with chaste innocence that

    small kids in that African country must be provided with safe drinking water therefore he had

    planned to raise money from all of his known too's . The teacher again asked: kid now what is your

    next plan. The kid replied with the same innocence and said i shall still go on with my previous plan

    because he safe drinking water is a must for small children. Surprisingly, it took one full year and

    countless visits, yearning before large number of people before that kid could raise the required

    amount. The money was delivered to the respective body who furthered it to its destination. The

    government of the recipient country was so moved by this sacrificial act and the indomitable spirit of

    that small child that they requested him to visit their nation along with his parents to inaugurate

    that particular well and inspire their kids too... and the same got done... Next time when you find

    your steam going loose for the objectives most dear to your hear kindly remind yourselves the small

    story of that small kid borne with a gigantic courage.