>I fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-1.… · • VVilkin"s astronomy...

^K Sf^^KMHWSU ^ f iTtel^PttESSptf„i»0!rYb»MlN»ai.-.lC.ETI*BE IKSTifXBD iSTO'YOtrttfeHrfc»SEir, >I <r9ATTufts Iftfi&KI&'flF *HisP«KS?, *ST«ji PAM.AMI|« %«s nerqor to our ^ » * | e [ square -ibr lWiSI»l*^i8eitftd1t.^y anti! order- iMWmEiMld^ifaaJfewal^aiaoolitit will - iOGDENSnUKGH iwm STORE. . »a.S; N. (i«W3«'MAW' Htot2eSf a la and «»«l»- wMphhei offersfor sale, wholesale and re, tail at reaped prices, and among which are the following: ° v I ce,- v<, ^ .,. ^Wilharo^d.Harlow ^Aihb's Bjeknelli 'Sta^ikoijmf iiffi&miinfy ^eilt».Abbot ( »^tra Win. t | j ^ l | f ^ J t . ; JK. Si Hawthorn, Par- jjra"Squids, Pierpont, l§ti§l$ us Warwti, Rus&H;: Doctor """" ' #atd$ji J,asou Wicht, Abner ex, -fttid W^fa.vHuriburt, fis,q. ijaddaok ami J!>lm,\JRriodes, fip^pDStBr;f*Tfe-/BS?tona,'; Kussel, jffitiw^&Avid'-Grej'or; Esq. Rossia. |o s pJfft^iSim<i6rHJ. Moody/and Peter f S P f W r n e l M6jitefsaf.and Wiljiam IfflH%&M&£W-'&1^t JfejrriWwea; mWvmihtir f A. Waller, DeiVflfafe „ , ^ p 3 T E ''TA^fciE. ' from Now York papers. I»S&, ,^rok? W- par par par »sw 'do , W r E\VJERSEir. Far v^ Mcoli b. . par Patterson 1 PeopVs, at do 3-8 State b Morristown 1-2 Oo-eahidon .Cojoitjer, under. 10 [Sussejf do f do Cumberland Mount Holly { Morris Canal ' ( VyasJi. B- Qorn. , Salom 1J. Cora. Salem and Pbiladelphia Manufuc. Co. uno Bl?.ofN. Bruris. 1-2 [Hoboken Banking Mannfae. Com. nno' All others tinder 5 1-2 PENNSYLVANIA. P.b'dad. Banks "par CHester County 1-2 Pblawaro Co. do Farmera', Lancaster do Biobat'a Anatomy Bell's do Surgical do Broussaig-Aijaqrriy aj}<l Phisioloo;y Biebat On life & death Cirrriichael onVenereal Hunter on , do , Copk on pervoQs.disea./ BlaoktdJ on dropsies 'Lftzeriave on cutaneous ' dfeedses Tayeinier's opera^Sur. Gibson's Surgery f-Goorrer'a do " surgical De«ty. Hooper's Mad. do Bewees' baudeloquo Francis' Denn^ap ', Coxes dispensatory 'i I U. S.pharmacopi'a 1830 lames p ar i s > 8 pharmacblogia Jootor Eberifie's tUerapeutius Manuel of materia med Abernethy's Leetures. SCIBJITIFIC. Turner's.Ghemistry Brand's do. Carpenter's guides, Millwright's guide Ure's Chemical Die. Eaton's chemistry, Conversations on cacro. Manuel oi' Botany 3frs,Xinc.o!n's do 'i'rtrrey*^ v d^> Bot'inical di'ctiotiary Eiilon'sgoology Blakes' philosophy VVilkin"s astronomy Davis' surveying Gibson's Jo Linear drawing Dny's algebra Ci>fbtH , n 1 8Tlo Historic Sacra Liber Primus Virao.Romae Cornelius Nepos Ains^yorth's diciionary. SCHOOL BOOKS. Webster's spellings old and new i Cobb's do I do do do do do do Norristown- Harrisburgh Eas.ton Gerniaatown Kbrtoampton, NeW Hope Readme m m ftMl M > * - . £ook^!f »M Bli*#FarraDt^^,| BSrrHS?«fiT«Syt J *-^db o FjMjnm^ffiE5roy;,f ., Ti Bincaktcr * M # * * ' * d.Pjgq^ysbuFg, %iCTI«>* *"JBrpwnvillfl OFdiiB Cb>;« '•' -ido Pittsburgh^ G(Eiltt«^|»dsLOA. -Wo-jGraonsburgh Middle pistnet — All others ^ •i*„*.w*™- DELAWARE %au«iql Marshall's do Cummin^'is do Goldsrnii&isJSftt,.^. Greeao's raajora " minora Greok roader" " testament gramm<r |Dewfioa on children , * women- Obstitriei Dewees'' Practice Gregorie's do |,Tliomas' do jThatcber's do Good's study of Medi. Fordyce's do [Thather on hydrophobia Hufeland cm scrofaja fjblinson on liver " England Hume's England Sra'.Ilet's do • - Biissett's do Rnssell'p ModTEarope |Lire of Charles'Xn. Scott's Napoleon Lockhart's • do [Rourionne'ij j 0 Croly'a George IV. LifS of Alexander "' Mahomed •'«, Mary Q. of Scots lllowe's Gr^ek llev. (iilBla9,ltobinson Crue so, Don QuixoU Evenings at Home Cicero's Orations Homer's OilyssBW * do liiliu.l Blair'8 Rhetoric Young cadet Persia, Cabinet of British Isle Webster's dictionary s Hovle's Games Life of Washington Life 9 of'Marion Life of Franklih Bos well's Johnson Whelpley'i3 couipend Tytier's history Druain-Roaks Bennett's Letters Mooro's life of Byron Gobb's first booitNo. 1, 2and 3 N.Y.ReaderNo.land2 lEnglish Roader. 'Supplement to same Murray's Grammer Frost's do Kirkham's do IHale's United Statea JOSIAtlPERW, Ptihelpai. • " DANlEbMyiESfl, A.-JU. f .•WfrMfa*. ••;-; The,subscriferVes"becftiliHyin"fortrts thB-public) that'the extensivqibullding ferebted foe the Acad- emy is^now. comglejfeQ^and,ready for tho accom- modation of ^tuderiig, '., • ,';^ '. Its location combines" tiro important advan- tages of a hoalthy-situatidrj, good society, nnd easy communication, J?yfeijdof water, with all parts of the countrv, - ^ ' . The course of instruclipn embraces all the brunches of elemenlfhry, cj&sical, and scientific education usually taught at'Academies. Tfio eligm.eatary4jarts of tin English education, whicii are equally necessary. in.t^e highest ami lowest walks of^iib, Mi4i*i-^ifl»^ih, no future $feihs can'remedy' the I v j i f arising ftbm early neglect, will receive-priniury and the,most enre- fljl attontioo. The orgaujitttii/n of the schools and the number of insfru^orii employe J, enable, ihein^, severally, to d«vole their attention to those branches which their acquirements and tiiafe qualify thomto tfachio the best advantage it will-be the ambition of the instructors to combine, with those,facJlities in teaching which can bo acquired oiily b^experiHiieo, the improv- ed modes of instruction for which the present •lay isst» distinguished. The elements of Geo graphy, History, Aridjinetic, Geometry, <&q. are adapted, by means of ocular and familiar il lustration, to the capacities of th6 youygest pu- pils. These modiei of illustration, ar.e^No ad- vantaijcously exteuded to muny of the ' higher branches, The highest improvement of the mind requires that all its I'.iculties be judiciously .exercised and developed. We are beings of imagitration and sentiment as well as reason—ajgjiberal plan of education should, thtfrefoje^. emteBe not.on^ those branches wliicfi are indispensable in the active pursuits of life, but those also, which-ex- pand and invigorate the miftd, and such as tend to improve and refine taito and sentiment. In acordancewifh; these viuws; the courso of instruc- tion embraces t|fe various branches of Criticism, PhiloiSMiliWa'tji*!fi t Hi8.tory, Painting, Drawing OF •iri ,?> the CorjeisJimn^gMntwiasQnic Comtwfa (^oneiuded,) - ., ' The plindipjesff the -higher degrees o f niasonry^ejfof^.lheyiie^cJted thisi country, diirinstlt^.Wggi^,resolution, in. France, was, * thet.e^jostifles^pr sanotiljes the taught ;inafot^- iu France;, so "say the wbfahinpers'#'t&ttentt Jackson now,they say si^hy'^heir-acthm&p no tnatter wha^t the meanslreaQrteiil§4a|L3t hei they are all riglittoV^ctthVTelectiQii of so M-wpr-thy and weJ|_Mij[J#ej[||? ,a man for the chief i\lagistr%:teji>|4he'.t(nited States, tite great "I'heirrprin^p^ "ffie end justifies tlie meajas^ : .ti\e.?mi\3$cil0tp .support each dlherJs' pdltiicai prefermant; to help each other,s*twid, espouse eaeh other's cause ThefoJIowif^ itt^nded^fedstin m ,t^|wkfit I in the stafo; W'Sfa^sac.htiseti&lalBv 11 lime. «»<!'pface;, # ? « tfidH I u eni President of i3»e ViiimSt^^tah a visiting member.—This dejjJortpt hi tbersays tljaf he was informedlafBw lnnt and believed: it t'^he, tru,e, that an tvtr lodge was called In conseijuehce bi Jfihi Q. AdanJS being there ? atjcT ftirtherjhis.*. ponoutsaifh, that art extra, 'ana a|so^i regn lar lodge "w'asritidldenii^Utift, ,.l|jree:' four days ofeachijJther,tfiat thjsde "la r t m 9 « 1 it « , .,,.,~..^ „.. ulllrls cause u T J , . ™™W»K •' rultf or wrong» 8 eemed to have had UD - ?,"# b ««> Mgm limited antiriu i« tu„ - .... -• .. A ttu uu . | Q. AdafaS also do Cooper s virgil do Latin Grammar Jdo " Rouder do Goodrich's U. States , do Goldsmith's Rome do Goodrich's Geography 3-4 Camming's 1st lessons 1 1 1 i' * 11-2 Btfdlfen«ft>:M< -p*ri Dei HWor)l"'•-'" iifc4 PMii%^. : '. Windham Co» FaMeirCo.-' - Stbhinitton 3-8 db m$<mW = *"Brcike Afrither** -•'" A-3*i Boston blinks • !-*> fl|a»m.4*^ *w-dbi Ptiifio^Sattni^cetK tlo Wmmj^^rM do Rfen&^Mec do , ,do mdiflmnfcU 5 FXfcfeff iBdJclt. D0a95 Ajy«tluri.>o "« 3-b] Wtscasset hit 1-2 Halo.wol & 'Augusta do PJ^aWMrlundat broke ^rifebeSfc: brolcen Oastine ond Bath . ifj All bthora 3-8( NfiW 8AMPSHHIE. 70 13 a 50 30 1-2 [Alt often MARTtAND. Ba^more.Bs. 1-2 PprrDeposft' 3-a Elkton ' ' t5 AlN)tu>rs- T«2 • COLtTMEIA DUST. Mechanics" b Ales bro Woodbridge'geogrnphy Wiliard'n , do " ronubiitfSSi atlas Primary dictionary Wobster's do [Frankiin b. Bank of Colom. Allotliers . VJBGtNIA. % Bank & Br. Farm. & Br. do 25 {3-4 3-1 1 'j^|BWBch,Jieeshurgh 3-4 * ! % , , Cbflrioston - -Jo. Rorjiney _ N. W.*R e ?. &.' fitMjUBiitatt! Frederick Co. l«i l-$ Havre de Grace do Walker's do Xugont's french do French Grammar do spelling book do Chs. 12U» 4<r Tolemaqub "AJams' Arithmetic Smith's do Roger's ; do Emerson's ' do Colburn's do Barnard's do MISCELLANEOUS Bibles quarto, splendid and common " Inige octavo " duodecimo " pocket i " psalms in metre Watts' psalm. &hymns Dtvid's do Baxter's call Village Hymns *" " " dc :tlng tto Che^4«8 Jap*.----, Exeter Jfe|¥rHamp3hiro ^okajgimin 3-8 do do do do do drt do do db •Hagerstown [Up. Marlboro. Westminster Novvbern I Cape Fear State B. & Br. S. CAROLINA Charleston Bs. 1 1 GEORGIA. Augusta Danen do do do 2 1-3 2a3 -2a2 ' State, Savtrinah Planters' B» Bank of Macon OHIO. , Columbus , Bfenbimvute- , t Cfttllieothe w-*. j Westojn Jteserve »^rM?t _ - 8t.ClaljsvUlo i MoibtTProaasant , Neiy X^ioasitiF .• MISttELIiAiN^OUS. iBvofaCfYorte « Ui Siugston « : J|bT«kon Jt|ier : <?an.a4a,b3.^ *^ Aik~i"""*s»""«a nojNl Mrleanrb'*; '.-' 2;$ JSindmn.!. ... •* -3^8 •t..; do. ii.- dfe |etmids*' do J-%, School testaments Splendid pocket do bowa^'s testament Cathoiicp^nyer hook Commdupmy. various sizes auil qualities Buck'sThco. dictionary Brown's concordance Butter worth's dj ChristtttH Liorary rifo of Sonrertiold " Parglfe " Pi.ll^IIebor Clark on priTOmua Chistt.iu charily ' (Soiidrii'li's Eel. His. Pilgrim* progress Young piljjltni. Holy w:ir Mk Banyan'»iv^r»s Blair's sovmous Scrfptiirn lM«tory Lad^y of thc||ianor = . [National orator jAnterican 1st class book sJUia^—JiSoauticss of-Bytoa. —— Y!i* r BKbatrttes of Chesterfield 'Beauties of H. K.White The Timber Measurer [American Chesterfield Quotations fromB Poets Tales of a Grandfather Scott's poom coinpl-eto Pone'i works Moral tales Cook'sNjracIe s Cook not Mad Porogrino Pick. Tom Jones iLife of Paul Jones Vicar of VVakeefild Punch and Judy', Humorist, Esop dkotchbook, lin Con quostejbu .irving's Golumbus - (Carter, ettlerstxpin Eu. i Children oftho Abbey Scottish chiefs'' • - |Three>Spiniards Thaddeuji «f Warsaw llelWr's travels Stewart's do S Vtry Tales teKinzieSflOiiriopts Bluukstorii's Commoa Sturkie .on evidence ' Spencer's rev. Salutes Justices mantlet' ' Plutarch's Lives Ossian Poems * VVestern Songsef Warfeter Humphry Clinker * Giilli ver'A Travols Ladv of the Lake Freemasonry Light on Mlusonry .tJtearnspn's masonry 1 Religious affections Rise i&'prrteress of Reg tocltoand Baeou I Dr. ^y^|tas Mainiei'of the Vine Library of select .Novels |Cyiirt'honton Dutchman* firisido ^•evereux, Disowned, P«lli«ii, lietiomicod, O ed PautClitfonl, Falkland, Doom of Devorgoil ' " •Espinsvos, Rivals, JliccBwnvDafttl! jLawfieToddi*" . , Stories 'of Waterlod', ^ianiose twina, Ahnacft Living Sur. 61'Paris"' Iiicogiiitu, Reparation,' Musica "Shcrhfttejjgers Journals, Music Books BiH BgijlvSi^oto, bo«I^ : ind iil,l var.wtiiis ; bl'liiijh| i - i ilot.ks At, Station Hryl * _—Ku^^|BterOT, a course of lessons •in ^P^n^a|^^t«KTJ>ubr4icing analysis and presorVatip/i of phlltj, mid during fall and win- ter torniSj. fimJiliSviflustr<itiiuis on some of the practical and 'most iiueresting branches of Nat- ural Philosophy, i A For the advuntage ofyonrfe Gentlenxin and La- dies, who intotid;lo Doooiue Instructors, it i) d«- signcd, [n atjdtHo" to the bditafit lb be derived from an acquaintance with i?ie modus and course of instrqcttoiipursuod at this. Academy, to givu a course of Lectures on EJi|cutioD,aa«i-tlw Gov- ernment :uid tifstniutlou ofScho >js. ' -)A Boarding homa is^onni/ctod with the In- stitution, where »hojars ,ff£Bj.,abruad, and oth- ers who desire it, w.tyboaTu'jjyilh, the instruct- ors. The annual ox'penseof tiiiliou, board,wash*, »W h d S ia & & 6 ' fo'iJIto.t.ipfe'idflno.-hundred and ten dollars. TO dfeijilino of the school wil be strict; but will in no ouso be enforced by corporal punishment* TERMS. Orthography, Reading, Mental Arithmetic, Ge- ography, per quWr^er ._ 3,00 Any of the above studies, and Geography with the n^pf Globes, English Gram- mar,PracticarArirliinet;ic, Penmanship, and Uook-iXeeping.,." H#,50 The above with History, Kljefbrio..Com- position, and moral Plillosophy.Astron- omy, Botany and Ornamental Needle work*,/. *...' ;v $4,00 The abijve, with Painting, r Drawing, Bhn- : br%ideVy,Latin, Greek, and Fj'ench Lan- Fablo f •g®i*es, /. $5,00,, Music on Piano-Forte, $ 10,00;,, In the department under the immediate charge of the Principal, the uniform price of Tuition is. $1,00 KEFERBIVOJBS. Rev. N. HOSE, . . . "| GEOUGB PA-BI3% Esq. | Col. DAVIB FOUD, . ^ Ogdenshurglu |LOO(S"HASBRODK, Esq. j * Mr. SVLVEST. GlLBEKT I •,- Mr. G. N. SEVMOVB, J .. 4* Goov. OGOEN, Esq. Watldinglon. Mk'v DAVID SEYMOOB, Fort Covington .fc'Coh Qntfifti, . " - -* • DeKalb. ' 'Rev.' Mr: HUMPHREYS, Moms to ten. Mr,» R. VV.COUTAX, - do." Mr. JOHN J. GILOEHT, OX Boie. B,ov. Mr* PADoocif, - - Cazenovin. Upper Canada, Rev. Mr. B L A B is r, - Augusta. Rev. Mr. MADOEH, - - MaiUand, Dr. HJENiii;R 4 sSii, - .-*"*- do. Doi*H*«'ifo»rSs,'"Esr/.' ; 5#A| 51r. SimEl'l^omisf&i ''''ao* PAtit "GtisjPdnOj Esq.. Hrpf, M^T-rnBwMtrBsj Esfe^jkgsitin, -• »lr. B* DrcKtNSos, Cornwall, O g dens|iu>gb,,Angtisjl J3», 1S31.' : '-•; . -Mt SHERMAN, has bp>nba # a ^ftmdery over ih£ ^fifefis- KSStfi»*»i W h a n **» -'w-" 5 -^ limrt'ed actibtt in the election of General Jackson.. ^I'liif-great combination, men- tionedjWherever it was conceived at New York'or Washington, was formed at the latter place before the principles and meas- ures of Mr. -Adams aontinistrafi&n were develope^JT-known. It wss ifollowed up hy the;,.grand masonic coalition already mentioned in New York. The«tataofthe polls in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio and-other states, bore, in the last Presi- dential election, evident marks of a ma- sonic tfatificattori of the great league. Jack- sbn electors Were elected by stnail majori- tiesol the"people, but elected.fn so many states that he came in President by an o- verwhel'ming majority of the electors.— Here was the first consumaf ion of the plot. ADd such a swarm of hungry expectants of office, a^ thronged the streets of Wash- ington, vras never seen before, and I trust, never will be again.—They flocked to the seat of Government to see " the greatest and the best" and among those c§p» Isaac llill with his ilesh in his. teeth.*Wt would be a most curious document, could one be correctly mado, showing what proportion of them were of the fraternity, what re- wards, what office and emoluments they claimed, had been promised, or expected at the hands of the successful brother, the late Grand Master of Tennessee.—How many brethren were appointed or how many disappointed for the want of neces- sary means; 1 know not, but many of the principal appointments seem to admit oi no other reason for them, than the ground »«£-nr.tsoi)ic ' ' r i g h t or wrong" services. Owe bfthe chiefs ana" the first expectant in New York was dead; the* other and noxfc expectant was made prime minister. And when by his intrigues and those pfhisfa- vorites,the pride of America was humbled by the disgraceful sconce lately acted, on tlie thehtre at Washington, he still retains the favor of the Grapd Chief, and though forced to quit ^te Stated _he retires with 18,000 dollars salary and outfit and the best appointment abroad and a fulsome letter of commendation beside; and the I successor of Clinton,, the lately elec.ted General GrandJJ$ghrjPmest of masonry,be- 'comes prime tnihister.at .home. Thus it " Sworn and 8ubserjbeaHtnisl8th day o « i i | | Oct. 1828, b e f o r f e ^ B i W ^ ^ V . Iil** 1 VVM. ALLBW, J:ip^.' 'V . Wm Now it will be-rBTHeTOBered, that th||f||| Presidfrttial election* for. electors in tftfSfSf state of jNew York, began on tjie 3d dayjc^|&| November, consequently it was impp»s/ |r^the friends of JVJfr,. Adam- - jS ^ _.._,.. Adams, to WtVfmm^ the effect of this roost 't*1rntpn_.jiin.dj ^ J j S f l rageous perjury of Cooper, in tini.e ' ^ , ^ | i g f | I its pernicious influence' 'e£'[i^:'kW^(pMtl0i In the mean tin)ehandbills^^"ere^ra^,§iif|^, and circti fated hy the brotnedip'rM^ppj^M|Ri senfeg'Mr. Adams tp. b ^ o r ^ o ^ b ^ p ^ f c ^ abandoned and cptitempti^e>,?Jja^®l^qeifeA^i.i nying l^imself to Have neerin-»ri«s*** , Jbi -. , c -,-.self to li*vQhi>M!LnK&m*m}hws?m*m;xM changed the >otes of roa ny M^m*™mmm •avity e ^ b r M . . ^ f i S P S & r ^ l g S p ^ ^ thetr naptvum ««tr a g e sS^|Mf fie Id —" We the undersigned, havejresjtrll ded in. the tow n of PittsfieWhSmceanaVhe^M fore.tbeyear 1812ah|sofeieof u* aft bur* lives, and we havonove^lieara^ notiliava \ we i«ason to beliovejthafc l o h a ($? Adajni " was ever m the town PfPfttefieTd,'nor haf& iiVe any knowledge ofsuch a'manai JRif I Ii?m Cooper, who has made.oatlp&Mor Vita JV1. A l l e n , o f O n e i d a C o t t i i t y . N . , i,..;„ 0 unuinierai ,nome, Thus it I , at Jo,u> Q Adams.in March i&i8 J 'attJr^ appears that the great articles of the c o n v W i n ^ f . l ^ B ^ ' g J A bnatmn have peen fulfilled, and the great mdre > we beheve^any suchuSwK! masonm leadjrsnf the conspiracy lave eflan ^ s ^ ch affi(,av,t *«»wg3g3SSffi had ttieir rfevferd as far as thei/ Grand | ?• &*& R Stroa^iabSmSSW Jno B. Strong, S. A, Dnitot'thjS?'$2 Hayes. Wm E GonM rt rr ^„li***& Chief had it iiiAia f owei ' s o t o <1° and to bestow. I shall not pursue this subject in» to all the jjj|jnQr tjetails, of it; the great outlines af^-$t|i|afly; seen j but I cannot forbear ij^licTn&f ptie .ina'nrjeuvre bf tlie great mafp^|e' comDin«t|b»Jo overthrow Mr. AiUftiilltw but a. iin^le'iteTh^thongh a - conclnsjf&pne.)aihongst the pv^fwhelnv :|erkshire County, O c t . ^ . f ^ S ; " ^ ! ? I his accouht of perjurr-ov a mawSifw bother, shows clea/ly tKfwer^ofS sbpyy r m New York, c o n y p w E S f L r ™ » ^ H » ™ * ^ » w o » g s t i i i e o v e r w h e l m - =,".'!«J «« « e w xom, comhrnedV in fiorofci K n l a «? v, ?, e »ce that masonry, (not- *• «fao»fon of General MSftfeg WUhstanJui^thp assertion* of fmasons. ^ " ^ n c y . 1^, alsomoa^SblOaT «.n.i«A.i. M .A. M _t Ju „. .. - s„psbeing-my author^ 0iat aWiM^hSr isaftvaBS almost ffia%ri,^i„ li___" D f^fta thiso Wlio wi=n tbn Best WHitor'stralil- I Lamp 'Oil—-the subscribers cahroconftT eirs. now im «adt». •-.•,'.-• - 1 " mt mend theirs, now «>« Iflde. j. c. us wis, 4..C0 Ogilonsbrgh, Juno 27, 1831. .^teapjveii'-'lrofn-l^ew Yjprk^ fMj.Cfpr sale jmrna wan whiofr M $f ^#4r«ep>boi--- v "»«««.«* gUi ierai suppte ot blank-wbrk^ of all descrlptionsi I W , U a , ??jl° : tS e W°raW epr^vity of mem- be .M of t h f cf&fti IriSa MAown fact; that lectors positive! flfSl^^^^ 1 ^ ^boldly trfade}lrf thfftiinfe^irujsfeiiaaonio ©at son. While thes^tnSSoTiifffiB&eJs we?e erhpod, was brought to m t ^a the. 1 tibji m one solid phalaffxtiBr&yor o?Jal_ 77?:*^, v - " • """•«^"»»«? IVUIHI e»err wnein j*-i ?>pn £»*rvm w ». 1.11 DuuiD t,t "'mi a M t i h e s o ejc«rboiMg ,bonstih% on ^ 0 4 ^ 3 ; ^ ^ p « ^ l n l K h K •-~r«v5 - r -,a»k r wotk >i of all descrlptionsi %bsfi^tfW#^ff^(>toi^aWW'MlU fijgs^^;PedlaiS or .wholesale deales will bb 15«cejw*J#J ^SMiadVott terras as cheatp as- ^fMfe'state. ^agatalen sji"!fi*. s %. J ••(•!• V ' " . " ' •, <«-?•>-••, r 4ip ( ib'urgh; N o v . ' ^ O C ^ l t - * I-SCHOOL B6O^I:1 # i s day, a laif|e Vtfpjjfy Sjf the wse of'"' * ! •:.K- -r^'_ ^t!ibi'^fe4crii . - ;t«i»ea n bf-"'^ ._.;.; '• ;:ia:-'3 ik leite" .jryirlneoftfthief;-, ^fi?poseofTewalxP a frUb il comes^MJP^CSr maml electioh^W the nowlflL-,» tRte* or four omm**»*^^&??lM ., 41atae4? Atf4tt»aJ weWfitaLt* flc» tns« K>^1i. A .-j tSif * w bf thb««mo|t|«bved. Th-y may be bb- a LEWIS St**,, (J ' • $i* ( 6jW«ter*rt _—_. »..—, „, ...w ^vioMiunou vi vunerBOTl'iS JJirtn- dajif, and in'tj&tikft^e^ the rre.ident'. uomin.tiouofl.im to th<i office of Second Comptroller of the Treasury* _^—- - , rtijr teem, »t a "••* —* ' * " I*

Transcript of >I fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-1.… · • VVilkin"s astronomy...

Page 1: >I fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-1.… · • VVilkin"s astronomy Davis' surveying Gibson's Jo Linear drawing Dny's algebra Ci>fbtH,n 18Tlo Historic

^ K

S f ^ ^ K M H W S U

^fiTtel^PttESSptf„i»0!rYb»MlN»ai.-.lC.ETI*BE IKSTifXBD iSTO'YOtrtt feHrfc»SEir,>I<r9AT Tufts Iftfi&KI&'flF *HisP«KS?, *ST«ji P A M . A M I | «


nerqor to our

^ » * | e [ square -ibr

l W i S I » l * ^ i 8 e i t f t d 1 t . ^ y anti! order-iMWmEiMld^ifaaJfewal^aiaoolitit will

- i O G D E N S n U K G H

iwm STORE. . » a . S ; N. (i«W3«'MAW'

Htot2eSfa la^° and «»«l»-wMphhei offersfor sale, wholesale and re, tail at r e a p e d prices, and among which are the following: ° v


ce,- v<,

^ .,. ^Wi lharo^d .Har low ^Aihb ' s Bjeknelli 'Sta^ikoijmf

iiffi&miinfy ^eilt».Abbot(»^tra Win. t | j ^ l | f ^ J t . ; JK. Si Hawthorn, Par-

jjra"Squids, Pierpont, l § t i § l $ u s Warwti, Rus&H;: Doctor

""""' #atd$ji J,asou Wicht, Abner ex, -fttid W^fa.vHuriburt, fis,q. ijaddaok ami J!>lm,\JRriodes,

fip^pDStBr;f*Tfe-/BS?tona,'; Kussel, jffitiw^&Avid'-Grej'or; Esq. Rossia. |ospJfft^iSim<i6rHJ. Moody/and Peter

f S P f W r n e l M6jitefsaf.and Wiljiam IfflH%&M&£W-'&1^t JfejrriWwea; mWvmihtir f A. Waller, DeiVflfafe

„ , ^ p 3 T E ''TA^fciE.

' from Now York papers.

I»S&, , ^ r o k ? W- par

par par

»sw 'do

, WrE\VJERSEir. Far v^ Mcoli b. . par Patterson 1 PeopVs, at do 3-8 State b Morristown 1-2 Oo-eahidon

.Cojoitjer, under. 10 [Sussejf do f do Cumberland Mount Holly

{Morris Canal '(VyasJi. B- Qorn. , Salom 1J. Cora. Salem and Pbiladelphia Manufuc. Co. uno Bl?.ofN. Bruris. 1-2

[Hoboken Banking Mannfae. Com. nno' All others tinder 5 1-2

PENNSYLVANIA. P.b'dad. Banks "par CHester County 1-2 Pblawaro Co. do Farmera', Lancaster do

Biobat'a Anatomy Bell's do Surgical do Broussaig-Aijaqrriy aj}<l

Phisioloo;y Biebat On life & death Cirrriichael onVenereal Hunter on , do , Copk on pervoQs.disea./ BlaoktdJ on dropsies 'Lftzeriave on cutaneous ' dfeedses •

Tayeinier's opera^Sur. Gibson's Surgery

f-Goorrer'a do " surgical De«ty.

Hooper's Mad. do Bewees' baudeloquo Francis' Denn^ap ', Coxes dispensatory

'i I U. S.pharmacopi'a 1830 lames paris>8 pharmacblogia Jootor Eberifie's tUerapeutius

Manuel of materia med Abernethy's Leetures.

SCIBJITIFIC. Turner's.Ghemistry Brand's do. Carpenter's guides, Millwright's guide Ure's Chemical Die. Eaton's chemistry, Conversations on cacro. Manuel oi' Botany 3frs,Xinc.o!n's do 'i'rtrrey*^ v d̂> Bot'inical di'ctiotiary Eiilon'sgoology Blakes' philosophy

• VVilkin"s astronomy Davis' surveying Gibson's Jo Linear drawing Dny's algebra Ci>fbtH,n18Tlo Historic Sacra Liber Primus Virao.Romae Cornelius Nepos Ains^yorth's diciionary.

SCHOOL BOOKS. Webster's spellings old

and new i Cobb's do I

do do

do do do do

Norristown-Harrisburgh Eas.ton Gerniaatown Kbrtoampton, NeW Hope Readme

m m ftMl

M > * - .


»M B l i * # F a r r a D t ^ ^ , | BSrrHS?«fiT«SytJ*-^db o

FjMjnm f̂fiE5roy;,f ., Ti Bincaktcr * M # * * ' * d.Pjgq^ysbuFg, %iCTI«>* *"JBrpwnvillfl OFdiiB Cb>;« '•' -ido Pittsburgh^ G(Eiltt« |̂»dsLOA. -Wo-jGraonsburgh Middle pistnet — All others ^

• i * „ * . w * ™ - DELAWARE %au«iql

Marshall's do Cummin^'is do Goldsrnii&isJSftt,.^.

Greeao's raajora " minora

Greok roader" " testament


|Dewfioa on children , * women-

Obstitriei Dewees'' Practice Gregorie's do |,Tliomas' do jThatcber's do Good's study of Medi. Fordyce's do

[Thather on hydrophobia Hufeland cm scrofaja

fjblinson on liver • " England

Hume's England Sra'.Ilet's do • -Biissett's do Rnssell'p ModTEarope

|Lire of Charles'Xn. Scott's Napoleon Lockhart's • do

[Rourionne'ij j 0 Croly'a George IV. LifS of Alexander

"' Mahomed • •'«, Mary Q. of Scots lllowe's Gr^ek llev. (iilBla9,ltobinson Crue

so, Don QuixoU Evenings at Home Cicero's Orations Homer's OilyssBW *

do liiliu.l Blair'8 Rhetoric Young cadet Persia, Cabinet of British Isle Webster's dictionary s Hovle's Games Life of Washington Life9 of'Marion Life of Franklih Bos well's Johnson Whelpley'i3 couipend Tytier's history Druain-Roaks Bennett's Letters Mooro's life of Byron Gobb's first booitNo. 1,

2 a n d 3 N.Y.ReaderNo.land2

lEnglish Roader. 'Supplement to same Murray's Grammer Frost's do Kirkham's do

IHale's United Statea

JOSIAt lPERW, Ptihelpai. • " DANlEbMyiESfl, A.-JU. f

.•WfrMfa*. ••;-; The,subscriferVes"becftiliHyin"fortrts thB-public)

that'the extensivqibullding ferebted foe the Acad­emy is^now. comglejfeQ^and,ready for tho accom­modation of ̂ tuderiig, '., • ,';^ • '. Its location combines" tiro important advan­

tages of a hoalthy-situatidrj, good society, nnd easy communication, J?y feijd of water, with all parts of the countrv, - ̂ ' .

The course of instruclipn embraces all the brunches of elemenlfhry, cj&sical, and scientific education usually taught at'Academies.

Tfio eligm.eatary4jarts of tin English education, whicii are equally necessary. in.t^e highest ami lowest walks of^iib, Mi4i*i-^ifl»^ih, no future $feihs can'remedy' the Ivj i f arising ftbm early neglect, will receive-priniury and the,most enre-fljl attontioo. The orgaujitttii/n of the schools and the number of insfru^orii employe J, enable, ihein^, severally, to d«vole their attention to those branches which their acquirements and tiiafe qualify thomto tfachio the best advantage

i t will-be the ambition of the instructors to combine, with those,facJlities in teaching which can bo acquired oiily b^experiHiieo, the improv­ed modes of instruction for which the present •lay isst» distinguished. The elements of Geo graphy, History, Aridjinetic, Geometry, <&q. are adapted, by means of ocular and familiar il lustration, to the capacities of th6 youygest pu­pils. These modiei of illustration, ar.e^No ad-vantaijcously exteuded to muny of the ' higher branches,

The highest improvement of the mind requires that all its I'.iculties be judiciously .exercised and developed. We are beings of imagitration and sentiment as well as reason—ajgjiberal plan of education should, thtfrefoje .̂ • emteBe not .on^ those branches wliicfi are indispensable in the active pursuits of life, but those also, which-ex­pand and invigorate the miftd, and such as tend to improve and refine taito and sentiment. In acordancewifh; these viuws; the courso of instruc­tion embraces t|fe various branches of Criticism, PhiloiSMiliWa'tji*!fitHi8.tory, Painting, Drawing

OF • i r i

,?> the CorjeisJimn^gMntwiasQnic Comtwfa

(^oneiuded,) - ., ' The plindipjesff the -higher degrees o f

niasonry^ejfof^.lheyiie^cJted thisi country, diirinstlt^.Wggi^,resolution, in. France, was, * thet .e^jost i f les^pr sanotiljes the

taught ; inafot^- iu France;, so "say the wbfahinpers '# ' t&ttentt Jackson now,they say si^hy'^heir-acthm&p no tnatter wha^t the meanslreaQrteiil§4a|L3t hei they are all riglittoV^ctthVTelectiQii of so M-wpr-thy and weJ|_Mij[J#ej[||? ,a man for the chief i\lagistr%:teji>|4he'.t(nited States, tite great

" I ' h e i r r p r i n ^ p ^ "ffie end justifies tlie meajas^ :.ti\e.?mi\3$cil0tp .support each dlherJs' pdltiicai prefermant; to help each other,s*twid, espouse eaeh other ' s cause

ThefoJ Iowi f^

i t t ^ n d e d ^ f e d s t i n m , t ^ | w k f i t I in the stafo; W'Sfa^sac.htiseti&lalBv 11

lime. «»<!'pface;, # ? « tfidH I u eni President of i3»e ViiimSt^^tah a visiting member.—This dejjJortpt hi tbersays tljaf he was informedlafBw lnnt and believed: i t t ' ^ h e , tru,e, that a n t v t r lodge was called I n conseijuehce bi Jfihi Q. AdanJS being there?atjcT ftirtherjhis.*. ponoutsaifh, that art extra, 'ana a|so^i regn lar lodge "w'asritidldenii^Utift, ,.l|jree:' four days ofeachijJther,tfiat thjsde

"la r

t m 9 « 1 it


, .,,.,~..^ — „ . . u l l l r l s cause u T J , . ™ ™ W » K •' rul tf or wrong»8eemed to have had U D - ? , " # b««> Mgm limited antiriu i« tu„ - . . . . - • .. Attu u u . | Q. AdafaS also

do Cooper s virgil do Latin Grammar

Jdo " Rouder do Goodrich's U. States

, do Goldsmith's Rome do Goodrich's Geography

3-4 Camming's 1st lessons 1 1 1

i' * 1 1 - 2

Btfdlfen«ft>:M< -p*ri


H W o r ) l " ' • - ' " i ifc4 P M i i % ^ . : ' .

Windham Co» • FaMeirCo.- ' -Stbhinitton • 3-8


m$<mW = *"Brcike Afrither** -•'" A-3*i

Boston blinks • !-*>

fl|a»m.4*^ *w-dbi Ptiifio^Sattni^cetK tlo Wmmj^^rM do Rfen&^Mec do , ,do mdiflmnfcU • 5 FXfcfeff iBdJclt. D0a95 Ajy«tluri.>o "« 3-b]

Wtscasset hit 1-2 Halo.wol & 'Augusta do PJ^aWMrlundat broke ^rifebeSfc: brolcen Oastine ond Bath . ifj All bthora 3-8( NfiW 8AMPSHHIE.

70 13 a 50

30 1-2 [Alt often

MARTtAND. Ba^more.Bs. 1-2 PprrDeposft' 3-a Elkton ' ' t 5 AlN)tu>rs- T«2 • COLtTMEIA DUST. Mechanics" b Ales bro

Woodbridge'geogrnphy Wiliard'n , do

" ronubiitfSSi atlas Primary dictionary Wobster's do

[Frankiin b. Bank of Colom. Allotliers . „ VJBGtNIA.

% Bank & Br. Farm. & Br.

do 25



1 'j^|BWBch,Jieeshurgh 3-4 * ! % , , Cbflrioston -

-Jo. Rorjiney _ N. W.*Re?. & . ' fitMjUBiitatt!

Frederick Co. l « i l-$ Havre de Grace do

Walker's do Xugont's french do French Grammar

do spelling book do Chs. 12U» 4<r Tolemaqub

"AJams' Arithmetic Smith's do Roger's ; do Emerson's ' do Colburn's do Barnard's do

MISCELLANEOUS Bibles quarto, splendid

and common " Inige octavo " duodecimo " pocket i " psalms in metre

Watts' psalm. &hymns Dtvid's do Baxter's call Village Hymns *" " " dc :tlng tto


Jap*.----, • Exeter Jfe|¥rHamp3hiro


3-8 do do do do do drt do do db

•Hagerstown [Up. Marlboro. Westminster Novvbern

I Cape Fear State B. & Br.

S. CAROLINA Charleston Bs. 1 1

GEORGIA. Augusta Danen

do do do

2 1-3 2a3


' State, Savtrinah Planters' B» Bank of Macon

OHIO. , Columbus , Bfenbimvute- , t Cfttllieothe w-*. j Westojn Jteserve » ^ r M ? t _ -

8t.ClaljsvUlo • i MoibtTProaasant , Neiy X^ioasitiF .•

MISttELIiAiN^OUS. iBvofaCfYorte « Ui

Siugston « : J|bT«kon Jt|ier:<?an.a4a,b3.^ * ^

Aik~i"""*s»""«a nojNl Mrleanrb'*; '.-' 2;$

JSindmn.!. . . . •* -3^8 •t..; do. ii.- dfe

|etmids*' do


School testaments Splendid pocket do bowa^'s testament Cathoiicp^nyer hook Commdupmy. various

sizes auil qualities Buck'sThco. dictionary Brown's concordance Butter worth's d j ChristtttH Liorary rifo of Sonrertiold

" Parglfe " Pi.ll^IIebor

Clark on priTOmua Chistt.iu charily ' (Soiidrii'li's Eel. His. Pilgrim* progress Young piljjltni. Holy w:ir M k Banyan'»iv^r»s Blair's sovmous Scrfptiirn lM«tory Lad̂ y of thc||ianor = .

[National orator jAnterican 1st class book

sJUia^—JiSoauticss of-Bytoa. — — Y!i*r BKbatrttes of Chesterfield

'Beauties of H. K.White The Timber Measurer

[American Chesterfield Quotations fromB Poets Tales of a Grandfather Scott's poom coinpl-eto Pone'i works Moral ta l e s Cook'sNjracIe s Cook not Mad Porogrino Pick. Tom Jones

iLife o f Paul Jones Vicar of VVakeefild Punch and Judy', Humorist, Esop dkotchbook, l in Con quostejbu

.irving's Golumbus -(Carter, ettlerstxpin Eu. i Children oftho Abbey Scottish chiefs'' • -

|Three>Spiniards Thaddeuji «f Warsaw llelWr's travels Stewart's do

SVtry Tales teKinzieSflOiiriopts

Bluukstorii's Commoa Sturkie .on evidence ' Spencer's rev. Salutes Justices mantlet' ' Plutarch's Lives Ossian Poems * VVestern Songsef Warfeter Humphry Clinker * Giilli ver'A Travols Ladv of the Lake Freemasonry Light on Mlusonry

.tJtearnspn's masonry 1 Religious affections Rise i&'prrteress of Reg tocltoand Baeou

I Dr. ^y^|tas Mainiei'of the Vine Library of select .Novels

|Cyiirt'honton Dutchman* firisido ^•evereux, Disowned, P«lli«ii, lietiomicod,

O ed

PautClitfonl, Falkland, Doom of Devorgoil ' "

•Espinsvos, Rivals, JliccBwnvDafttl! jLawfieToddi*" . , Stories 'of Waterlod', ^ianiose twina, Ahnacft Living Sur. 61'Paris"' Iiicogiiitu, Reparation,' Musica "Shcrhfttejjgers Journals, Music Books BiH BgijlvSi^oto, bo«I^ : ind iil,l var.wtiiis;bl'liiijh|i-i

ilot.ks At, Station Hryl *

_—Ku^^|BterOT, a course of lessons •in ^P^n^a|^^t«KTJ>ubr4icing analysis and presorVatip/i of phlltj, mid during fall and win­ter torniSj. fimJiliSviflustr<itiiuis on some of the practical and 'most iiueresting branches of Nat­ural Philosophy, i A

For the advuntage ofyonrfe Gentlenxin and La­dies, who intotid;lo Doooiue Instructors, it i) d«-signcd, [n atjdtHo" to the bditafit lb be derived from an acquaintance with i?ie modus and course of instrqcttoiipursuod at this. Academy, to givu a course of Lectures on EJi|cutioD,aa«i-tlw Gov­ernment :uid tifstniutlou ofScho >js. ' -)A Boarding homa is^onni/ctod with the In­stitution, where »hojars ,ff£Bj.,abruad, and oth­ers who desire it, w.tyboaTu'jjyilh, the instruct­ors. The annual ox'penseof tiiiliou, board,wash*, »W hdSia& & 6 ' fo'iJIto.t.ipfe'idflno.-hundred and ten dollars. TO dfeijilino of the school wil be strict; but will in no ouso be enforced by corporal • punishment*

TERMS. Orthography, Reading, Mental Arithmetic, Ge­

ography, per quWr̂ er ._ 3,00 Any of the above studies, and Geography

with the n ^ p f Globes, English Gram-mar,PracticarArirliinet;ic, Penmanship, and Uook-iXeeping.,." H#,50

T h e above with History, Kljefbrio..Com­position, and moral Plillosophy.Astron-omy, Botany and Ornamental Needle work*,/. *...' ;v $4,00

The abijve, with Painting, rDrawing, Bhn-: br%ideVy,Latin, Greek, and Fj'ench Lan-

Fablo f •g®i*es, / . $5,00,, Music on Piano-Forte, $ 10,00;,, In the department under the immediate

charge of the Principal, the uniform price of Tuition is. $1,00

K E F E R B I V O J B S . Rev. N. HOSE, . . . "|

GEOUGB PA-BI3% Esq. | Col. DAVIB FOUD, . ^ Ogdenshurglu


•,- Mr. G. N. SEVMOVB, J ..4* Goov. OGOEN, Esq. Watldinglon.

Mk'v DAVID SEYMOOB, Fort Covington

.fc'Coh Qntfifti, . " - -* • DeKalb. ' 'Rev.' Mr: HUMPHREYS, Moms to ten. • Mr,» R. VV.COUTAX, - do."

Mr. JOHN J. GILOEHT, OX Boie. B,ov. Mr* PADoocif, - - Cazenovin.

Upper Canada, Rev. Mr. BLAB is r, • - Augusta. Rev. Mr. MADOEH, - - MaiUand, Dr. HJENiii;R4sSii, - .-*"*- do.

Doi*H*«'ifo»rSs,'"Esr/.' • ; 5 # A | 51r. SimEl'l^omisf&i ''''ao*

PAtit "GtisjPdnOj Esq.. Hrpf, M^T-rnBwMtrBsj Esfe^jkgsitin, -•

»lr. B* DrcKtNSos, Cornwall,

Ogdens|iu>gb,,Angtisjl J3», 1S31.' : '-•; .

• - M t S H E R M A N , has b p > n b a # a ^ f t m d e r y over ih£ ^fifefis-KSStfi»*»i W h a n **» -'w-"5-^

limrt'ed actibtt in the election of General Jackson . . ^I'liif-great combination, men-tionedjWherever it was conceived a t New York'or Washington, was formed at the latter place before the principles and meas­ures o f Mr. -Adams aontinistrafi&n were develope^JT-known. It wss ifollowed up hy the;,.grand masonic coalition already mentioned in New York. The«ta taof the polls in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio and-other states, bore, in the last Presi­dential election, evident marks of a ma­sonic tfatificattori of the great league. Jack-sbn electors Were elected by stnail majori-tiesol the"people, but elected.fn so many states that he came in President by an o-verwhel'ming majority of the electors.— Here was the first consumaf ion of the plot. ADd such a swarm of hungry expectants of office, a^ thronged the streets of Wash­ington, vras never seen before, and I trust, never will be again.—They flocked to the seat of Government to see " the greatest and the best" and among those c § p » Isaac llill with his ilesh in his. t ee th .*Wt would be a most curious document, could one be correctly mado, showing what proportion of them were of the fraternity, what re­wards, what office and emoluments they claimed, had been promised, or expected at the hands of the successful brother, the late Grand Master of Tennessee.—How many brethren were appointed or how many disappointed for the want of neces­sary means; 1 know not, but many of the principal appointments seem to admit oi no other reason for them, than the ground

»«£-nr.tsoi)ic ' ' r i g h t or wrong" services. Owe bfthe chiefs ana" the first expectant in New York was dead; the* other and noxfc expectant was made prime minister. And when by his intrigues and those pfhisfa-vorites,the pride of America was humbled by the disgraceful sconce lately acted, on tlie thehtre at Washington, he still retains the favor of the Grapd Chief, and though forced to quit ^te Stated _he retires with 18,000 dollars salary and outfit and the best appointment abroad and a fulsome letter of commendation beside; and the

I successor of Clinton,, the lately elec.ted General GrandJJ$ghrjPmest of masonry,be-

'comes prime tnihister.at .home. Thus it

" Sworn and 8ubserjbeaHtnisl8th day o « i i | | Oct. 1828, b e f o r f e ^ B i W ^ ^ V . I i l * * 1

VVM. A L L B W , J : i p ^ . ' 'V . Wm Now it will be-rBTHeTOBered, that t h | | f | | |

Presidfrttial election* for. electors in tftfSfSf state of jNew York, began on tjie 3d d a y j c ^ | & | November, consequently it was impp»s/ | r ^ t h e friends of JVJfr,. Adam- - j S ^ _.._,.. Adams, to WtVfmm^ the effect of this roost 't*1rntpn_.jiin.dj ^ J j S f l rageous perjury of Cooper, in tini.e ' ^ , ^ | i g f | I its pernicious influence' 'e£'[i^:'kW^(pMtl0i In the mean t in)ehandbil ls^^"ere^ra^,§i i f |^ , and circti fated hy the brotnedip'rM^ppj^M|Ri senfeg 'Mr . Adams tp. b ^ o r ^ o ^ b ^ p ^ f c ^ abandoned and cptitempti^e>,?Jja^®l^qeifeA^i.i nying l^imself to Have neerin-»ri«s*** ,Jbi -. , c - ,- .self to li*vQhi>M!LnK&m*m}hws?m*m;xM

changed the >otes of roany M^m*™mmm

•avity e^brM..^f iSPS&r^lgSp^^

thetr naptvum « « t r a g e s S ^ | M f

fie Id — " W e the undersigned, havejresjtrll ded in. the tow n of PittsfieWhSmceanaVhe^M fore.tbeyear 1812ah|sofeieof u* aft bu r* lives, and we havonove^lieara^ notiliava \ we i«ason to beliovejthafc l o h a ($? Adajni " was ever m the town PfPfttefieTd,'nor haf&

iiVe any knowledge of such a ' m a n a i JRif I Ii?m Cooper, who has made.oatlp&Mor Vita JV1. Allen,ofOneida Cotti i ty.N.

, i , . . ;„0 unuinierai ,nome, Thus it I , a t J o , u > Q Adams.in March i&i8 J 'attJr^ appears that the great articles of the c o n v W i n ^ f . l ^ B ^ ' g J A bna tmn have peen fulfilled, and the great m d r e > w e b e h e v e ^ a n y s u c h u S w K ! masonm leadj rsnf the conspiracy l a v e e f l a n ^ s ^ c h a f f i ( , a v , t * « » w g 3 g 3 S S f f i had ttieir rfevferd as far as t h e i / Grand | ?• &*& R Stroa^iabSmSSW

J n o B . Strong, S. A, Dnitot'thjS?'$2 Hayes . W m E GonM rt r r ^ „ l i * * * &

Chief had it iiiAia fowei' s o t o <1° and to bestow. I shal l not pursue this subject in» to all the jjj|jnQr tjetails, of i t ; the great outlines af^-$t|i|afly; seen j bu t I cannot forbear ij^licTn&f ptie .ina'nrjeuvre bf tlie great mafp^|e' comDin«t|b»Jo overthrow Mr. AiUftiilltw but a. iin^le'iteTh^thongh a- conclnsjf&pne.)aihongst the pv^fwhelnv

: | e rksh i r e County, O c t . ^ . f ^ S ; " ^ ! ?

I his accouht o f perjurr-ov a mawSifw b o t h e r , shows clea/ly t K f w e r ^ o f S sbpyyrm New York, c o n y p w E S f L r ™ » ^ H » ™ * ^ » w o » g s t i i i e overwhelm- =,".'!«J «« « e w xom, comhrnedV in fiorofci

5 « Kn l a « ? v , ? , e » c e that masonry, (not- * • «fao»fon of General M S f t f e g

W U h s t a n J u i ^ t h p assertion* of fmasons. ^ " ^ n c y . 1 ^ , a l s o m o a ^ S b l O a T

« . n . i « A . i . M . A . M _ t J u „ . .. - s„psbeing-my a u t h o r ^ 0 ia t a W i M ^ h S r isaftvaBS almost ffia%ri,^i„ l i _ _ _ " D f ^ f t a

thiso Wlio wi=n tbn Best WHitor'stralil-I Lamp 'Oil—-the subscribers cahroconftT eirs. now im «adt». • - . • , ' . - • - 1 "


mend theirs, now «>« Iflde.

j . c. us wis, 4..C0

Ogilonsbrgh, Juno 27, 1831.

.^teapjveii'- 'lrofn-l^ew Yjprk^ fMj.Cfpr sale

jmrna wan whiofr M

$f ^#4r«ep>boi--- v " » « « « . « * g U i i e r a i suppte ot blank-wbrk^ of all descrlptionsi I

W , U a , ? ? j l ° : t S e W°raW epr^vity of mem-be.M of t h f cf&fti I r i S a MAown fact; t ha t

lectors positive!

f l f S l ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^bold ly trfade}lrf th f f t i in fe^ i ru j s fe i iaaonio ©at

son. While thes^tnSSoTiifffiB&eJs we?e

erhpod, was brought to m t ^ a the. 1 tibji m one solid phalaffxtiBr&yor o ? J a l _

77?:*^, — v -" • """•«̂ "»»«? IVUIHI e » e r r w n e i n

j*-i ? > p n


w ». 1.11 DuuiD t,t "'mi a

M t i h e s o ejc«rboiMg

,bonst ih% on ^ 0 4 ^ 3 ; ^ ^ p « ^ l n l K h K •-~r«v5 - r-,a»krwotk>i of all descrlptionsi % b s f i ^ t f W # ^ f f ^ ( > t o i ^ a W W ' M l U

fijgs^^;PedlaiS or .wholesale deales will bb 15«cejw*J#J ^SMiadVott terras as cheatp a s -

^ f M f e ' s t a t e . ^ a g a t a l e n sji"!fi*. s %. J ••(•!• V ' " . " ' •, < « - ? • > - • • , r 4 i p (

ib'urgh; N o v . ' ^ O C ^ l t - * I-SCHOOL B6O^I:1 # i s day, a laif|e Vtfpjjfy Sjf the wse o f ' " ' *!


-r '̂_ ^t!ibi '^fe4crii

. - ;t«i»eanbf-"'^ ._.;.; '• ;:ia:-'3 ik


. j ryir lneoftf thief;- , ^ f i?poseofTewalxP a

frUb il c o m e s ^ M J P ^ C S r maml e l e c t i o h ^ W the n o w l f l L - , »

tRte* or four omm**»*^^&??lM

., 41atae4? Atf4tt»aJ w e W f i t a L t *

flc» tns« K>^1i .A . - j tSif *w

bf t h b « « m o | t | « b v e d . Th -y may be bb-a L E W I S St**,,

(J' • $i*( 6 jW«ter*r t

_—_. »..—, „, ...w ^vioMiunou vi vunerBOTl'iS JJirtn-dajif, and in'tj&tikft^e^ the rre.ident'. uomin.tiouofl.im to th<i office of Second Comptroller of the Treasury* _^—- - ,

rtijr teem, » t a "••* —* ' * "
