i e I POMMERYT- Tot Men True Standard for · it blj rwl Colgate la Wurourton-WeJnwday of the 9aa...

f T- f I 1HE FEBRUARY 9 94 t st I1 StIN TUESDAY 8 dicta and when wants must- er he make rough local many ill do- e most a Baltl of the Union nedoui- cernooa working office rdlnary floors i Th affair of tba ate got parlor in and Wal Brut LDSEAL French lity bou avor and onehalf- jr foreign BEAIiis sold ev No dinner rithout it ole Maker or chlldraa- QamtnMlon So a bottla th of Jan London ta- b 7 1KM- of Dora U- o Alex it blj rwl Colgate la Wurourton- WeJnwday of the 9aa Ion Pleu feb I 1904I- B mlilenea Smith 104 Feb 10 at cOojr In hli reildtBM- Snydcr it b 10 on ar New York rlatlvci and 114 Franklin rtolt Francis ot Alice E e MM Mst Church on t 11 oclock- n from IMta- st Upper Mont im Patterson lannc McFar Upper Mnnt Train Uavu- aughter Mr- North Broad Rlker In the i Yednudaf day Feb 7 th year his litta rest sli Brooklyn O P M t Hotel Maria Mary A wife Second Pre nemaen- l at 3 p M let Illntn of her nephew der nv Xew r of thfi late ilpnla PA- arya Church ISO M on- t at iohwarzmann- rpclatbn the npattiy from nrooklrn- y of arrcM 1 St S Y I j It the 1 II aU I con Co e S r buy P NIL PART Rzs- erno I d Bars I AL- S Beit ACNE LaW e p H I TO RELIEVE TIlE DISTRES MAYOR AND MEN IN CONFERENCE BW oo Ptriona Out of Work Uneapend Money from the GalvMton Fond to De Spent LegUlatlve Aotl to Increase the FundSome to Aid In Rebuilding the City Like to Adopted New Baltimore i Arise Clilcf Buslneaj Men ClieerfiB- AITIMORK Feb 8Wlth the fire raging today and eating up more more of the city the people of Baltlmo had little time to give to measures for it is as yet impossible to tell what wl be required and the measures taken are not to bo considered as at all Indlcatit what Baltimore will do by the time the ash is soon ns the fire is stopped and can fell domo degree of safety plane relief will lie taken up in earnest Th afternoon the first steps toward a mo rrliof wore takenatarneetfng hoi In Mayors office of citizens who the Onlventon relief committee whe thir sinter city of the South needed succor Those citizens have maintained their orga ization and have some money In the committees work to the help of thel own city Mayor Mclane who presided at meeting said that with the ftre stl raging arid everybody still In danger It was useless to devise any more than preliminary plan Accordingly It was to the Legislature which wii meet iu special session tonight at An napolis to pasrta bill this evening the city of Baltimore to increase iu definitely tho emergency fund now by the charter to 50000 The Legia- laturu Is to meet this evening and the and leading members of both branohe have promised to make the suggestion law If a quorum can be secured As soon us this law is passed nmendir this section tho city can borrow an un limited amount of money for the contingen fund This money must be appropriated by the Board of Estimate of th Mayor the Comptroller and the President of the Council It is to be expondod fo fire purposes only and the authority given to do this will end with the present year Mayor Moljane told tho relief own mittee thIs afternoon that the city did no Intend to Indemnify business men for looses The monoy he said would be UBCK for the purpose of clearing up things relieving distress Just what suffering the Baltimore calamity will entail upon the poor is unknown ai yet According to a report made to thi Mayor this afternoon by the Commissione of Charities there are very few if any families discovered to be homeless fron the fire so far That ifl because the region dentroyed has been the business part ex clusivcly The Charities Commissioner ex- plored the devastated area and the street contiguous to It and found no families suffering What is foared however Is destitution that Is almost BUIB to result from the paralysis of business 60000 PERSONS OUT O WORK It was estimated today by employers some of whom the fire has practically ruined that the number of persona thrown out of work In the flre swept area will react almost 50000 That includes all olasaod ol workmen and a large proportion of women They have been wandering the street today with anxious faces It will be weeks before many of them can obtain em ployment in Baltimore again The tentiment of the meeting at the City Hall WOH that should cases of destitution be brought to the citys attention help should at once be provided out of tho city treasury To start with the city has 40000 remaining of Its 50000 contingent fee and this will be expended at once Promises wore liven this afternoon that the legislature would appropriate 1500000 tonight and would either turn this over to the Mayor and the Board of Esti- mate or to the Governor to be expended- in tholr discretion It was also raid this afternoon that should a larger amount of money bo required such as for rebuild city which will have to be undert- aken a guarantee fund would be raised by voluntary subscriptions the city accept ing the money aa a loan Mayor McLane received messages of sympathy from many parts of the country Including one from Mayor MoClellan They Included otTers of assistance but the Mayor and tho relief committee collaborating with him decided not to make any public appeal for funds until the tire has ceased and the scope of the calamity is under- stood thoroughly- The Chamber of Commerce met at the Hotel Rennort this morning sixty members were present them yesterday morning were wealthy today many of them declared they were all but ruined and that they could not as yet tell the extent of tho disaster that had befallen them Some of the men had not saved one of their hooks to assist tnem in getting their hearings Most of them had been up all night Their clothes were muddy their eyes bloodshot but they were Hopefulness was the dominant tone of Mm meeting James C Gorman general manager here of tho Atlantic Transport Company who acted as ex- pressed this hopefulness Baltimore sold he will rise from the ruins more beautiful than ever We will do It ourselves Only give us time ORDINANCE FOR TEN DAYS HOUDAY- It was decided at the meeting to the Governor to exercise his power claim a legal holiday for the protection of business This the Governor did early this morning the result being the stoppage of business throughout the State The Common Council an ordinance to- night which the signed making the next ten days city holidays It is probable therefore that the State holiday will e renealod The holiday stopped all banking trans- actions It was not intended to mean a general holiday but today at least was one The fourteen banks that were de- stroyed were the leading financial insti- tutions of the city and State Their de- struction has paralyzed business all over the city those establialiments that man oprd to escape the flames finding it sible to po on with tho bonks in os to protect those under obligations which could not o course be under tho cor litlons that the week a week of holidays Tim Council at its meeting tonight plans for relieving the The suggestion was credit be extended for as long a period as a year by ordinance the Legis lature to paw a measure upholding tho Council Thwc was objection to such a measure at thin time although many feel win be necessary for the protection of- t business men who are utterly without cower of meeting obligations falling It WM decided at the meeting i I LEADING Flood Scheme lie ft BOO and re- lief today are cold people for tilt formed their treaqury They met today and turned the a de- cided n k authoriz- Ing lim- Ited Gov- ernor a their and the I 1 Abut I I char piton pas t Imps met ommon disuse b IIi tt due i i b t fltpnt for f J If hope- fuL a I 1 r a l 11 II I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Imply to make the period tea diy for present with the Ides of extending from time to time conditions may warn It to preclude any posslbll of of this action by the Coun the Legislature la to pass an act glvi such authority to the city BUSINESS MEN BURNED OU Leading Houses on the Videos Str That the fire Swept BALTIMORE Feb 8 The following 1 fairly complete list of the firms or oorp places of business were who destroyed Biunr STBKKT WEST other tenants with sample E goods- No 2 William Koch M Samuel Goldberg man to 32Danlel Miller Coupon wholesale dry and notions No Bartlett Co boots a wholesale Kellman clothln t lfll goods J r Son sample stoi dry J W Selway sample m No 38 Joyner Wets t Co wholesale ha Ins Buck 4 Co wholeia boots and shoes satar BTSIBT No 110 MulUas Five Bur finder Broi wholesale clothing No iu Five story brick Joseph Ortn hIder A pied by ion to brlokOertt T Stout Ic Co tailors also minor tenants LOMBARD ITBKBT WXST SDB 6 and 7 National Supply Compan machinists and Nol to Chandl a Sons C and A 8 Co wholesale and goods E A duck Roods T A C wholesale boots shoes Noa 103 and lot H Ambach 1 Co clot boots shoes A Bhoe wholesale boots and shoes Nos 106 and 10K Vacant No 110 Torsch Company tlnwt manufacturers M F notions Nos iu to ll rear J Hurst Purnel and power No us Furniture Company 120 and 122 Warfleld it supplies- No 124 Stevens Bros paper win louse LOMBARD 8TREKT AST BTD1 1 to A A tone trunks and satchel Postal Telegraph office Nos 7 to II FUoa Savings Bank No 13 Cohen A ttamuela hats caps No IS F Arnold A Sons surgical tnatr lents M H Farber an mderw ar Nos 17 to 10 Michael Ambach t Sons clothing German street oorner No A Co wholesale olotb iff No 33 John E Hurst A Co stores dr No 2 Flndlay Roberts A Co wholeaal- lardware No 57 Lawrence A Oould shoe company lint Company No A cloth mitt Goffa A Baliwr wholesale boots g HumlU A Soble ladles clothing No Si Stanley A Brown company 33 to utl M Sutton A Co dry Shoe Company No 898 Company umufacturers No 41 8 wholesale boots inc iho i Nos 43 to Bros wholetali corner Lombard street Company lonton Rubber Shoe Company Nos 103 to shin Sneeringer A leaf to Ballard A Collldny dears and tobacco and confectioners utensils 109 to Co- holesate dry goods No A ire No 115 MendfU Bros manufacturers ai George P Thomas roodi A ibid lanufncturern SOUTH UBEKTT smEar BABT HIDR No 5 H Ounderaoheimer Salisbury Manufacturing Company and W dwelling No OConnell A Oannons saloon HERMAN 8TBKET Sos 35 to 37 L 8 Fltemsn ladles wrap and cloaks Jacob H and stationery Nathan Rouen ladles loaks No 89 Samuels wholesak und shoes Strauss Bros storage 41 Baltimore Rubber Company- No 43 nd photographers SOUTH UHBIITT WEUSIDK No A neckwear Paint Manufacturing Company ns and Delivery Corn C Shrlner whips anti collar NOl 0 to 12Baltimore Hat Company E olsen A Co dry go drugs medicines J J hel irs A Co bookbinders Thornton Rogers A- o printers F Blank restaurant Drn r street Not 23 to 26 Fritz Breevea restaurant SOUTH HOWARD STRERT No 21J J llalnes A Co wooden and Illow ware Ao Clyburn Plume and Duster tenants to Bros Ao- J Q 27D B Taylor tin Ac loieioleTr Haupt A Co cigars bacoo A Taylor A Co No City and Suburban press Hanllne Bros storage John Murphj- unpany storage BAST fAntTTK STniUIT Nos 2 to 8Unlon Trust Building Nos 10 to l ohn K merchant No 18 and 18Oeorge K U Hardln men rnlghlngs Kay manufacturing No 22Hotel Nos 24 to building No J8 C Roth saloon Nos 34Herald Court House Nos 11 and ISJ P Mercer A Coelectro atcrs Ech tailor Jacob Ingman itches J 5 Murray A C A Bon engravers H C manufacturing Jeweller mino- rSfolliMuth wholesale bottlers metal engraver F P SchofT minor tenants No 1 and 4 Co tailor NoV toTEally Record building law ices HANOVER STBKBT Nos 101 to 105North Bros A Straua shirt Bro printers No lOtt 111 Elliott Ua r 4- liott cigar manufacturers No 117J W and E MltcheU iiuuol Perran 4 Co cigars rter Webster 4 Co storage of notions deral Savings Bank minor tenants B as book and Job printer R Derr manufacturer No osTobias I Swartz clothing and goods vineent cake and confectionery 1W and Bro paper Bro A Strauss No2 jobn Co Sank 2 and 4Marburg Bro storage Tag No flUnlt d Bhlrt Company icht Macht 1o Manufacturing Cora nvEllas Copeland manufacturer Manufacturing Com ny L M levering druggists 148 Neubergcr 4 wholesale- r goods 100Katlonal Bank of Baltimore and anSlMNew York Clothing House 100 and 108 Co jewel Jo no Phonograph Company- o llert A Hon shoes fo 114Frank Rosenbere A Co bankers 1o F Laoeai atatloner Book De iltorr Baltlmor Railroad offices wore a ton ST15lNO IoN M and M tock out a er No B pint Jewelry and fancy c cPI Hotel SOD NO 0 BrO n I ohms P hose Sheridan and rope C Vant wholesale Lw rence C sample dry ana log BrO boots NOl NOl 21 and dru Nol Son dry bal panT balers Idle W S rub r and and Co boot TIT E man ComplY sheet Co and and atGI Son Jeweler U meta en hehube 7 to ton H Bro No lunch C J 29 No and suoon restau- rant plumber No fruit box Leman c Co Nos hlrt c crier NOl Company c Co Cap ST NOl un ler DO and c S 1 tionttl into d Importing Cot pany toys novelties acturer Charles clothing shoes Pt U notions LITTLE story Jackson and woollen Manufacturers National sank building coot 0 glassware Jio National Bank Tsp A K n V gloves 1 goods F Simpson ona t Cc manufacturers Con stat ton t Bates 20 Chesapeake 101 wrappers 1elIIng Co o No 7C Stewart t Bons hardware era wines c itt an A booca shoes offices Tommert for William hull tailor Lunch hell A lUiamim Unthtcurn F artist 30 1utlding inlay room Pranks inufacturers ob supplies 1111am ats manufacturerS sos 112 tnt manufacturers lie ante A itlreas A hit GrIffith o o PAUL OTEZZT fr- o wllng A Co prlntert roe and Ohio w < < POMMERYT- he Standard for Champagne QUALITY- The World OverI- T 14 ALLESSENTIAL THAT WINE FOR TilE BB OP THE VERY BEST FOR SON POMMBRY IS THE CHAMPAGNE SIC TAT r b No 124Balt more and general office Noa 101 to Building St Paul to Calvert HANOVBB T KKX A No 1 E F Lelsoher A Sons ladle S avws WUlersUln whole millinery Bralnerd A Armstrong Compa Quaat A Co tailortr- nvS 9 and Baldwin A dry George E cotton a goods W J Bull cotton goods QEBUAN BTBKH- TNoa IS and Bros dry good notices mens furnishings 17 and IDCarter A O notions el9 No Jenkins A Sons coach harness makers supplies No Co notions Ao No 2JUnthloum Rubber Company No 27Ml IHum A Co No 29B Klrson A 31Neman Bros paint anon Steen Co wholesale goods No A Co crockery- No 103 Thomas Godey No 105 August bakers tools No 107 M LeVY A Sons shirtwaists Nos 100 to 113 Maryland F N Ix hmeyi r A Bro neckw manufacturers David Levy 4 Sons and Btampln Company liynea A Krebs straw hats Henry Smith A bone Lloyd L Company storage No 111 U restaurant- No 121 Rutland Lunch Room No 123 Uughes Telephone Manufacturtn Company Joseph R Stonebraker A Co wholesale liQuors No A Co shirt and manufacturers- No 20 Clmmpion Shoe ptanufacturln Diggs A Co 22 Mendels Bros ladles wrappers No 24 iohrman Co notions white good No A Co ladles clothing B A Co and No 2 Peter manu facturers No 30 James Robertson Manufacturlm Company plumben No 32 R oU and shoes James Robertson MonufacturiiTtr Company- No 34 RaacbA minor window No 36 Fussellbaugh Btlke Company i plumber to 104North A Strauss shirt manufacturers- No M D A Co printers Rosenthal A Co sample china A Samuels and No lOS J A Edmondson A Son Nos 110 and 114 Leech lime harness 118 to 118 Ramsey A wooden willow and chinaware No 120 William A Tottle brush maker Charles M Ness A Co stable supplies Noa 122 and 124 NV A bruit manufacturers- No 12 Rubber Company- No 128 Ferrel Kcllnm Drug 130 Printing Company Glldon Varnish Company Company CKI1MAX BTnEFT No 15 Green A o cotton batting C W Company safes A W I Co cutlery W 0 A Co glass No Sadler Co books and Business College Unltet States Dental Parlors Philadelphia Dents Parlors W Mo A Suns Goodyear Rubber Company Douglas Sties Company Uuderllnen Company Bible furniture dealers Union Trust Company Kranz A Smiths tousle store F H store Buck Lunch Room Thomas C Kennedy SOUTH CHARLES BTBBET WEST SDB No 8 Cator A Co milliners supplies George B Skinner clean Sloan A Co hardware Arm- strong Cator A Co No 12 brick A Bro Company window shades and curtains 14 Culllson ladles underwear ORRMAK BTRKET Nos 18 and 18 Schwab Bros A Co inc tloneer United Glass Company 20 and 22 A Co trunks and upholstery goods No 24 Stove and Mnnufoc- rtujVzf f Howard stoves and refrl- NOB 28H to 28 John Duer A Sons up lolstery and hardware- No 30 Cumberland Duggan A Co ma NM 32 to 34J B Mybury auctioneers ihallenberg A Co artificial flowers Harlem Paper Company 38 38 Baker Glass Company Nos 40 and 42Vllllam H Co naptr and twine H KL hardware 44 Baker Bros A Co glassware No 4fl Four Stewart Debullet A Co obucco Miller A No 40 Four story A Mors auction louse CHARLES STREET NORTH OF BALTIMORE William Hclneman haberdasher ONellli Iry store Hmlth Kranz Piano Com many the Bible House Union Trust Build nu hoe B Thomas rubber crisis A Burnetts Business ladlirn Bryant A Stratton Business College B F Miller A Co wholesale cigar store Company Dr Frazier A old A Co Sewing Machine mpony salesrooms A Wells A Co piano dealers Max EAST STREET to 3 Douglas Shoe liar 5 to 7 Vel h Bros jewelry H Joe Charlea Quartly hotographer H metal engraver No IS No li Henry Schwarz toy and 17 and in RB Grover A Co Marnhoo hoe Store William H Lohmeyer gents rntahlnm several minor tenants No 31 H L Perkins photographer Adams xpress Company 29 George W Kirnan Co gents No ai Sobn R Armlger A Co jeweller- No S3 to 37 The Hub No 2 and 4Oeorga P Thomas T O Dun A Co United College No Shoe No sW J C Dulaney Company sta Berwanger A Co tull 0 T Hudtler A Sons Jewelrs A W W Thornton confectionery store soS 18 and 20J Seth A Co No 22 and 24William Knabe A Co No 28Rnmuel Hunts Sons trunks No 28WHJIam J Miller JeweUer GustaT 30 M II Saxton jeweler B M Jelfer Son H M E Merrlkcn No 32 A Co No 3 and 38 A Son cutlery Oho street ad rent o- No ods c clothing and Shoe Company- No Com dr boot e and boot shoe no supple es No 31L F ana Chen CpS L WIT 10 sta- tionery ohn HOI shoe mans Co widow and No State ohlnery Berry Bro china and ware 0 Mil It MeA Weber Co Bryant Strattons nUlneM Co- W H Puts I department e store Kobnfr jeweler NOl t man Knoep saloon Nos Jr to W turnlshlngs Bros Fred Jeweler Nos NOI to Company- No R Dental Eton Busi toner 10 N0 1 10 Derwanrsr Co Cal r and nuranyl studio minor bat I r k- dro Cc 15 Moulton 21 Edward Baltimore harrisburg shirt- waists Jack- son under- wear Company and shoes wail paper No glassware sample hardware is Store factory tin A tobacco 10F D No rators sOS A French glass Ave tories optician A Co chug A A College Wale Lahmever 1 V tore Sandel Lerta College Philadelphia lental8- FIOTS tong cigars Nos S II McPherson genie shoes ucher novelties tate Parlors ace and 13Dikes clothing Dikes A clothiers Iraubel Jewelry tina Sf05 artists pants ± J A Co furnishings L Nloew 88 P TJebhart Jeweler B Leonard A Co Jewelers and musical mont Empire lies 48 60 Four brick B- Kuhlmann Co shoo dealers Lout You saloon B Moses wholesale Nos 2 to M James Rappaport who sale clothing WUUi F Western Union Telegra 101 Thomas A Thompson drwggla Jury A Co No 103 Baltimore Steam Packet pany No 106 David Bandana art store No 107 and 113 Thomas William office of Baltimore Transfer Company Not us and 117 T H A W Hooper awning Noa 119 Kvcning Company- No 123 King Bros printers L Merdlt Reese R NOH 125 to furnishings F Robertson electrical supplle Typewriter Company Arthur V- Hnbnon agent NOH 129 to 131 Company Joseph T Lowry photo suppllo tenants WEST BALTIMORK STBEKT No 2J Stewart MacDonald removed M wholesale Jeweller Charles Erlcson watchmaker J El manufacturing Sadler Brj Nos 4 and H Boar shoes A Sons No 10 L Bumborirer boots and shoes glassware Company stationers No 10 H fl Brandaii toys and Nos is and 20 j R Turobuli Jr A Co furniture Xo 22 Nuthnn manufacture ladies clothIng Louis Steel A clothtn No 24 L II Miller fitecl and Iron Work L DoettlRhelraer A Motter wholesale mi No Frank A Sons tailors H RoHcnnnsb clothing No SO McCaddln pictures trainee and art goods No Ilargbcr V Co wholesale cloth lag No 84 Vacant building No 36 Five story O 8 Griffith A Co furniture mid carpets No 38 Flvo story News Com Albert Stern A Co children manufacturers and shirt waists No Eichcnirreen A Well wholesal boots and aiioe Henry Myir A Co ctoros of shirts and No 42 Five story r A Co shirt manufacturers Charles C Crook ouui i stork No 44 Five John Murphy Com printers and stationers No 48 Strauwi Manufactur- Ing Company wholesale clothing J 8 Frank sample clothing Wlgley 101 Ade umbrella nmnnfnctiir clothiers II redman No A Son wholesale clothiers and No 105 Douglas Henry 4 Co und and knit 107 Ii GraIl A Brother No 100 Manas 4 Remper No ill Florence W Company wholesale notions No 113 Thalhelmer 4 Bro wholesale clothing No US Fisher Broi wholesale and retal liquors Sllbernmn 4 Todes Noxlio New warehouses not oc- cupied formerly occupied by Allen 4 Son out about a year No 123 M Moses merchant taIlors No 125 J Goldsmith Son Hu ar 4 Shear wholesale and furnishing goods BALTUrOIlH STRRET Nos 1 to 3 Oebms Acme clothln Nos 5 to Consolidated Oas Company Noa 0 to ll Co atra millinery supplies 13 retail shoes Stelger Bros trunks 4o Powell Helm Co notions 4o Baltimore street north lloyd Rubber Company Shoe Corn 4 Co 4 Berwanger Samuel Hunt leather of Baltimore Southern Railway office Lunch Rooms the Baltimore Brown 4 Co PLAcE Friedman 4 Son wholesale clothing No K Rchwortzkopf Toy Company- No 131 Fcderllcht 4 Ron IngNOB to 203 W O Becker cigars I S PalmerjM Frank Ilnecke barber UtKIXOTOX STREET Patterson Co auction rooms office Wll A Sons realeatato dealers WJlllon loom office building at East Lexington treet Harry P Busseys saloon MCLELLAXfl ALLEY No 100 Fourstory brick Harris A Silver teln umbrellas Stewart Egleston A Co hardware No 102 Four story Cohen A ale clothlnit V TAW No 104 urlck Linden hal clothing Monogram Dining Rooms No Israel Fine k Ion wholesale clothing F F Einwachter into furnishings- No 0 Samuel Co wholesale Warner A Brown Igure L A Kahn autographic registers ana uplicators OKNT8 TOTALLY Oil OUT Jutuen 18 East German Ashby B 100 West Fayette 100 West A Cwiiis 18 Went German Cotton L 10 Hopkins if Martin IL is Farrell John J 10 Hopkins place B horsttm Guniest 18 Grecnbauiii Herman in Hanover Grrcnbauni Ijouls H 10 hanover street Hale itobort C 18 Hanover street Humner William C 203 West Lombard M L Hart Co 113 South street Hartman Slgmund 138 West Fayette usher H 34 Morris L 33We Lombard street Johnson Thomas J II Hanover street Ratter Ell 5 Hanover street KntrenttKUij Stanley 1 Hopkins place street Nathan 10 Hopkins place Larrabco Daniel 18 Chinning 11 Oerrnnn Magruder Lyttleton 22 West Lombard Crlchton 18 Hanover street Mallory Jeremiah D 33 Light street H 8 28 South Liberty street John J 107 West street Nlcholason C B 10 Hanover street NIchol George B 100 KlliH 31 West Baltimore street OTIare P F 100 West street Adam 10 Hopkins place Peed Alexander J 205 Lombard Peed Clarence J 203 West Lombard Pollock sot Herald Building Putzel Arthur 18 Hanover Runway John E 10 Hopkins place P Ill West street Uosenbnum B T 10 Rosenfcld Joseph 31 West Baltimore Rosonheim 0 13 West German Bftlway j W E Louis 10 Hanover street s I D j S I manufacturer Jr hat ore nnQ orb Jeweler ant c Rn 8 No W Quar es c C and S Jr Co co anti ent I and L Com 28A 32J Company ames J FaY ClOt Fred hand Son Ibololle lOA store Cecolla Nable clpr N wholesale Hal c cod c sidE clothiers t banker 20 Co s A t k T office Star Hart brickA clothln tenant tar pac Durbin F 10 tree Horner Wiard II Fayette m to I WAterman r- Imy Charles West German t2 North Marston U Miler I I Rountrel Welt 34 furnishings shoes A saloo intEnt A Company Con shoe shoe Mntoli Supply Company 1 men Strattomie No Globe furnishings 11 12Gile china novel- ties Il Turnbull furniture furnishings lat trim- mings Jewelry Bros A 11011 clothing Stag and obaeco its Filizer c lam thtult li miner 1 treat A treettI J1owar place Israel Wait street Key Edwurd 17 East It 107 Loane b linrles A Fisher tast street West reM 111Mm it its Sayetto voice too Fayet wet German Thompson A 10 Hanover street Specialty Company West Samuel 100 Wilbur 0 10 Hopkins Plao White H Blackstone White Hanover street Wler iocs LIST Charles Btieff partly damaged American Building J Edward A Co City Hotel Goldsmith bookeU ra Crown Lunch Room Hat Box Baltimore Sun Building Bouohet store Maryland Lunoh offices Lunch Room Associated Pre The Telegrams store Baltimore and HoUid streets Insuranne Maryland Savings Bank German Correspondent- Baltimore H b saloon Randalls grocery store John A fco baek ra A fiouthoom hatters J Weinberg clothing Baltlmor a d He day CaM Company 414 Cart Bal morn street flab A Co costumers 410 Bart BaWme street C Detther 4N fast Balttex street EFFECT OF THE CHICAGO State flnpertnteodeot f Incnranee Rcpart- BO Per Cent f the Lowe IMpald- ALBANT Feb 8 Tha oomment of Superintendent of Insuranoa In the time of the Chios lIre In 1871 is interesting aa oo- cerns the insurance companies losses That fire swept over a territory aba four miles in length by one mile IA widt The number of buildings destroyed wa 18000 and the number of persons who wet rendered homeless nearly 100000 or a litt less than onethird the population of th city The total value of the propert destroyed was variously estimated at 1150000000 to 200000000 In his report Superintendent of Insurant Miller called attention to the fact tx fore the fire had ceased burning were rife concerning the solvency of every fire insurance company In called a of undei of this State the fire an the losses were the subject of the con- ference Oi Oct 18 was aa BOO as the superintendent thought It posaibl For the to give motion he called every company business in this State to a statemer of their gross assets and liabilities and separately their losses by th Tho superintendent was permitted t publish tho statements ron on Nov 11 New York sustained losses amounting it aRgropato to 23160788 failed their losses hav- Ing aggregated 14500000 The other com The amount of tho losses of the com panics of other and countries wa at Of that amoun 6000000 fell upon the companion of Orea Britain The sue greater amount of Ions than the smallest age But four Illinois companies wee business in this State at and but one remained after the fire svery Illinois joint stock fire was out it was estimated thai companies ot that State would not pa 0 per cent their lowed MW i he the fire to be 98000000 rhich is to be nearly correct nd from actual returns and lest information attainable it is bellavei lint 50 per cent or 40000000 is as rellabl- n estimate as can be made of the amoun which will be realized the policy holder sustained loss by this great fire CROOKS HAD TO STAY SERE IcCluskv Posts Men at to Pre vent Tnrtr Going to Inspector McClusky of tho Detectlvi- lureau assigned twelve of his men to street ferries with orders to arre seen heading for railway n the Jersey side MoClusky said iformatlon that a number of thieves worm limning to go to Baltimore The police of Baltimore have troubli enough without bothered with of slick crooks from this aid MoClusky Id be too ot rid of these fellows at an ordinary time ut under the circumstances seems take chances with them here than to let to Baltimore The detectives at the liberty street ferry three young men pictures i the rogues and re long all had tickets for RaW none three were and takes but were The de jctiviM had orders to rearrec While only these three arrests were matte detectives are sure that they scared number of guard of sleuths was continued last BB was rumored that a band of East limore cover of darkness SECURITY NOT BURNED PIN Evidences of It If Destroyed Be Replaced There was some speculation in Wall treat yesterday as to tho fate of the se- iritlea including stocks and bond which tight bo in the sales and vaults of the oltlmore banks and trust companies whoso uartcrs were destroyed If the heat was itenee enough to destroy the in istance to out iper evidences of obligation the would still suffer no losses thereby The records stock lists and bond the various corporations which sued the destroyed the tines of and bondholders and numbers of the certificates and bonds rom these after tho formalities of and notarial obligations had Hjn complied with now or Issued to replace those The destruction of the Baltimore and Railroad head offices In Baltimore ve no effect on stock or bond certificates duplicate records are in transfer Jces There is such an office the Baltimore and Ohio in this at 2 all street where stocks and bonds boug- hti the Stock Exchange maybe other names ROOSEVELTS TELEGRAM ill Mayor MoLane to Call on the Federal Authorities for Help Freely BALTiuonn Feb 8 This telegram was celved by Mayor McLane tonight from ealdont Roosevelt the horror of people at the palling catastrophe which TiTument can do pray on me at once ROOSEvELT To this Mayor MoLane replied as fol a thanks for telegram of sympathy Is now a tanca II needed ROMBT M KoLam 20WetJmbc Stll O J T tl Strb- burer Son W Tot Wet 26 South Witmer W F II Wet eet J Frank Co Rom W c c F Ader Rom c street te- St rep t from tat the county meting doing Chica o d r the StAte tie com the Micr sid In the who Fee the Wet depot tow them found art them it showed at a Bide going to to THE vault thee the bonds Ohio here such of to the Fire Wi I I Athen F Hanover street Stewart Andrew L Stanley West Stone waiter 0 A S erznjt Allen 100 VIer A Wilson Charles A Co Hanover streiC- Wysham George Lombi I RIme A electrical supplies Harrison cigar Railroad PhIladelphia Ccl agency Logan A France Itall Sanders A FIlL al- most a an- ther conclusion unch arc however the again tie thugs was reach spar Coa ate records are If anything Fader > > < > Final Clearance Sale of Suits and Overcoats for Men True many of the garments have much in common with those that are being designed- for the new seasons service but that does not save them from the extreme price re- duction SUHS FOR MEN Single and Double Breasted Sack Coat Models of Cheviot Tweed Worsted or Oassimere in mixtures and of Cheviot Thibet or Serge in black or blue To augment the above garments we will also offer several hundred light and medium weight suits for Spring wear Formerly up to 2000 At JJOX Box Coat Models of Melton Kersey Frieze and kindred high grade fabrics in sizes 38 to 48 and a few smaller Formerly 1 500 800 and2000 At 1300 BROADWAY 33D TO J4TH STRBBT I fQR I W 1 i QYRQATS MN QJi1mpafl4J IL ¬ > BLAME BALTIMORE FIREMEN PhUadHphlan Returnln Say THey Dldnt Fight From In Front PHILADELPHIA Feb Phihvdelphlaflre men returning todayoriticize the methods of the Baltimore firemen They say they did not fight the fire from the front and that if they had the conflagration could have been checked In it early stages Two fire companies returned and with them 150 patrolmen Foreman Van Schlver- of Company 18 said that the Baltimore firemen acted like a lot of schoolboys Wo fight tho flames from In front ho said That is the difference between ours and the Baltimore way The Baltimore people stood in the middle of the street and turned at the windows instead of going GWEN nousESMtraa HOPE 35OO Out of Work Ready to Start for Baltimore When Rebuilding Begin The idle ironworkers In this olty are perhaps tho only persons who find good news in tho Baltimore tIre It Is esti- mated that there are at least 2500 house smiths idle here and some of them are in a very bad way bccauae there la compara- tively llttte building In prospect for this spring IL Prince vicepresident of tho Trades Employers Associa- tion said yesterday No an unmixed evil and many hundreds of Ironworkers here who had a of distress before them will have an opportunity of working as soon as In Some of them have been practically des- titute They will to more for aa soon as they can raise the fare Chicago Packers Low by Baltimore fire CHICAGO Feb 8 The big Chicago packers ire heavy losers in the Baltimore conflagration although they consider that they escaped luckily Armour 4 Co suffering a big save all of the main and tho great fertilizer works across the basin from burned district are still untouched Swift Cos two big and one were In the burned district and are supposed to have been destroyed InFIRE I L few months A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHICAGOS EARNEST SYMPATHY Menage From Mayor Harrison to Mayer McLane and Goy Warfleld CHICAGO Feb 8 The massage was sent to Mayor lost night by Mayor Harrison Mover MeLons Details of the whlon baa visited your city have Just UB a conflagration of thi kind la brought home with all the more emphasis because of our own experiences in dealing with awful catastrophes We have not forgotten the lire of 1871 and the of life and property The new of mis- fortune comes to us at a time when Chicago still In mourning for its recent It sympathy most for It remember a disaster means Chicago assures you of Its desire to furnish all the material possible Very truly yours CAnTER II HAXBISOTT Mayor Mayor Harrison also telegraphed the Governor of Maryland That such an appalling property loss and the consequent on and poor alike fall on the metropolis your Is a sorrow to thin Our sympathy extended to you and the of In the this city is more susceptible of the full meaning so great a than most others all of our citizens recall the experiences of our loss have hoard scenes described wo can therefore sympathize most deeply In your pot only the sympathy of a sister city that to Its fullest extent material with tbe Baltimore took extending aid In Chicago great disaster Very yours H HARRISOX Mayor Thousand Go From Washington to See- the Flre j i 7A8HCTOTON Feb Thousands of Washingtonians went to Baltimore today- to watch the progress of the terrible con- flagration Some had business at stake went to ee if relatives while still others wet Impelled by merecuriosity on and Baltimore and Ohio between thla city and Baltimore were crowded all roads fast express trains were sidetracked held relief trains en route for Baltimore to have the of w and few regular schedule were strictly adhered toll Satin 1 i I dater Y r Stat Is 1 Itt other It ht a been received To 1 either a offers 1 t ¬ < UPWARDS O- FTen Million OF The Road to Are in the Hands oMhe Peopl FULLOF RICH MEATFROM COVER TO COVERt f Cost Not One Penny How then- A miniature copy is found in every package of Postum Food Coffee and GrapeNuts- It sets your thinking machinery working as nothing else will Dont bt a primer scholar and bawl opinions at the Algebra class There is a power within you that can and will work miracles if you keep the fool part of you silent and let the higher mind operate you Telephone Grocer for a package of Postum or GrapeNuts find the little book read and our word for it you will find some eternal facts there worth well COSTS NOTHING I t Cop r Wellille I TRY I J I 5 <

Transcript of i e I POMMERYT- Tot Men True Standard for · it blj rwl Colgate la Wurourton-WeJnwday of the 9aa...

  • f T-f


    1HE FEBRUARY 9 94t st





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    manyill do-

    e mosta Baltl

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    Upper MnntTrain Uavu-

    aughter Mr-North BroadRlker In the

    i Yednudaf

    day Feb 7th yearhis litta restsli BrooklynO P Mt Hotel MariaMary A wife

    Second Prenemaen-

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    der nv Xewr of thfi lateilpnla PA-arya ChurchISO M on-

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    Id Bars


    AL-S Beit









    BW oo Ptriona Out of Work UneapendMoney from the GalvMtonFond to De Spent LegUlatlve Aotl

    to Increase the FundSometo Aid In Rebuilding the City Liketo Adopted New Baltimore i

    Arise Clilcf Buslneaj Men ClieerfiB-

    AITIMORK Feb 8Wlth the fireraging today and eating up moremore of the city the people of Baltlmohad little time to give to measures for

    it is as yet impossible to tell what wl

    be required and the measures takenare not to bo considered as at all Indlcatitwhat Baltimore will do by the time the ash

    is soon ns the fire is stopped andcan fell domo degree of safety planerelief will lie taken up in earnest Thafternoon the first steps toward a mo

    rrliof wore takenatarneetfng hoiIn Mayors office of citizens whothe Onlventon relief committee whe

    thir sinter city of the South needed succorThose citizens have maintained their orgaization and have some money In

    the committees work to the help of thelown city

    Mayor Mclane who presided atmeeting said that with the ftre stlraging arid everybody still In dangerIt was useless to devise any more thanpreliminary plan Accordingly It was

    to the Legislature which wiimeet iu special session tonight at Annapolis to pasrta bill this evening

    the city of Baltimore to increase iudefinitely tho emergency fund now

    by the charter to 50000 The Legia-laturu Is to meet this evening and the

    and leading members of both branohehave promised to make the suggestionlaw If a quorum can be secured

    As soon us this law is passed nmendirthis section tho city can borrow an unlimited amount of money for the contingenfund This money must be appropriatedby the Board of Estimate of thMayor the Comptroller and the Presidentof the Council It is to be expondod fofire purposes only and the authority givento do this will end with the present year

    Mayor Moljane told tho relief ownmittee thIs afternoon that the city did noIntend to Indemnify business men forlooses The monoy he said would be UBCKfor the purpose of clearing up thingsrelieving distress

    Just what suffering the Baltimore calamitywill entail upon the poor is unknown aiyet According to a report made to thiMayor this afternoon by the Commissioneof Charities there are very few if anyfamilies discovered to be homeless fronthe fire so far That ifl because the regiondentroyed has been the business part exclusivcly The Charities Commissioner ex-plored the devastated area and the streetcontiguous to It and found no familiessuffering What is foared however Isdestitution that Is almost BUIB to result fromthe paralysis of business


    It was estimated today by employerssome of whom the fire has practicallyruined that the number of persona thrownout of work In the flre swept area will reactalmost 50000 That includes all olasaod olworkmen and a large proportion of womenThey have been wandering the streettoday with anxious faces It will beweeks before many of them can obtain employment in Baltimore again

    The tentiment of the meeting at the CityHall WOH that should cases of destitutionbe brought to the citys attention helpshould at once be provided out of tho citytreasury To start with the city has 40000remaining of Its 50000 contingent fee andthis will be expended at once

    Promises wore liven this afternoonthat the legislature would appropriate1500000 tonight and would either turn thisover to the Mayor and the Board of Esti-mate or to the Governor to be expended-in tholr discretion It was also raid thisafternoon that should a larger amountof money bo required such as for rebuild

    city which will have to be undert-aken a guarantee fund would be raisedby voluntary subscriptions the city accepting the money aa a loan

    Mayor McLane received messages ofsympathy from many parts of the countryIncluding one from Mayor MoClellan TheyIncluded otTers of assistance but the Mayorand tho relief committee collaboratingwith him decided not to make any publicappeal for funds until the tire has ceasedand the scope of the calamity is under-stood thoroughly-

    The Chamber of Commerce met at theHotel Rennort this morning sixtymembers were present themyesterday morning were wealthy todaymany of them declared they were all butruined and that they could not as yet tellthe extent of tho disaster that had befallenthem Some of the men had not savedone of their hooks to assist tnem in gettingtheir hearings Most of them had beenup all night Their clothes were muddytheir eyes bloodshot but they were

    Hopefulness was the dominant toneof Mm meeting James C Gorman generalmanager here of tho Atlantic TransportCompany who acted as ex-pressed this hopefulness

    Baltimore sold he will rise from theruins more beautiful than ever We willdo It ourselves Only give us time


    It was decided at the meeting tothe Governor to exercise his powerclaim a legal holiday for the protection ofbusiness This the Governor did earlythis morning the result being the stoppageof business throughout the State TheCommon Council an ordinance to-night which the signed makingthe next ten days city holidays It isprobable therefore that the State holidaywill e renealod

    The holiday stopped all banking trans-actions It was not intended to mean ageneral holiday but today at least wasone The fourteen banks that were de-stroyed were the leading financial insti-tutions of the city and State Their de-struction has paralyzed business all overthe city those establialiments that manoprd to escape the flames finding itsible to po on with tho bonks in

    os to protect those under obligationswhich could not o course be undertho cor litlons that the week aweek of holidays

    Tim Council at its meetingtonight plans for relieving the

    The suggestion wascredit be extended for as long a

    period as a year by ordinance the Legislature to paw a measure upholding thoCouncil Thwc was objection to such ameasure at thin time although many feel

    win be necessary for the protection of-t

    business men who are utterly withoutcower of meeting obligations falling

    It WM decided at the meeting







    ft BOOand



    are coldpeople


    tilt formed

    theirtreaqury They met today and turned



    cided n k


















    disuseb IIi



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    fltpnt for
























    = Imply to make the period tea diy forpresent with the Ides of extendingfrom time to time conditions may warnIt to preclude any posslbllof of this action by the Counthe Legislature la to pass an act glvisuch authority to the city


    Leading Houses on the Videos StrThat the fire Swept

    BALTIMORE Feb 8 The following 1fairly complete list of the firms or oorp

    places of business were whodestroyed


    other tenants with sampleE

    goods-No 2 William Koch

    M Samuel Goldberg man

    to 32Danlel Miller Couponwholesale dry and notions

    No Bartlett Co boots awholesale Kellman clothln

    t lfllgoods J r Son sample stoidry J W Selway sample m

    No 38 Joyner Wets t Co wholesale haInsBuck 4 Co wholeia

    boots and shoessatar BTSIBT

    No 110 MulUasFive Bur finder Broi

    wholesale clothingNo iu Five story brick Joseph OrtnhIder A

    pied byion to brlokOertt

    T Stout Ic Co tailors also minor tenantsLOMBARD ITBKBT WXST SDB6 and 7 National Supply Compan

    machinists andNol to Chandl a Sons C


    A 8Co wholesale and

    goods E A duck

    Roods T A Cwholesale boots shoes

    Noa 103 and lot H Ambach 1 Co clot

    boots shoes A Bhoewholesale boots and shoes

    Nos 106 and 10K VacantNo 110 Torsch Company tlnwt

    manufacturers M Fnotions

    Nos iu to ll rear J Hurst Purneland power

    No us Furniture Company120 and 122 Warfleld itsupplies-

    No 124 Stevens Bros paper winlouse


    1 to A Atone trunks and satchel

    Postal Telegraph officeNos 7 to II FUoa Savings BankNo 13 Cohen A ttamuela hats capsNo IS F Arnold A Sons surgical tnatr

    lents M H Farber anmderw ar

    Nos 17 to 10 Michael Ambach t Sonsclothing German street oorner

    No A Co wholesale olotbiffNo 33 John E Hurst A Co stores dr

    No 2 Flndlay Roberts A Co wholeaal-lardware

    No 57 Lawrence A Oould shoe companylint Company

    No A clothmitt Goffa A Baliwr wholesale boots

    g HumlU A Soble ladles clothingNo Si Stanley A Brown company

    33 to utl M Sutton A Co dryShoe CompanyNo 898 Company

    umufacturersNo 41 8 wholesale boots inc

    iho iNos 43 to Bros wholetali

    corner Lombard streetCompany

    lonton Rubber Shoe CompanyNos 103 to shin

    Sneeringer A leaf toBallard A Collldny dears and tobacco

    and confectioners utensils109 to Co-

    holesate dry goodsNo A ireNo 115 MendfU Bros manufacturers ai

    George P Thomasroodi A ibid

    lanufncturernSOUTH UBEKTT smEar BABT HIDR

    No 5 H OunderaoheimerSalisbury Manufacturing Company

    and Wdwelling

    No OConnell A Oannons saloonHERMAN 8TBKET

    Sos 35 to 37 L 8 Fltemsn ladles wrapand cloaks Jacob H

    and stationery Nathan Rouen ladlesloaks

    No 89 Samuels wholesakund shoes Strauss Bros storage41 Baltimore Rubber Company-

    No 43nd photographers


    Paint Manufacturing Companyns and Delivery Corn

    C Shrlner whips anti collarNOl 0 to 12Baltimore Hat Company E

    olsen A Co dry godrugs medicines J J hel

    irs A Co bookbinders Thornton Rogers A-o printers F Blank restaurantDrn r streetNot 23 to 26 Fritz Breevea restaurant


    No 21J J llalnes A Co wooden andIllow ware Ao Clyburn Plume and Dustertenants

    to Bros Ao-J Q 27D B Taylor tin AcloieioleTr Haupt A Co cigarsbacoo A Taylor A CoNo City and Suburbanpress Hanllne Bros storage John Murphj-unpany storage

    BAST fAntTTK STniUITNos 2 to 8Unlon Trust BuildingNos 10 to l ohn K merchant

    No 18 and 18Oeorge K U Hardln menrnlghlngs Kay manufacturing

    No 22HotelNos 24 to buildingNo J8 C Roth saloonNos 34Herald Court HouseNos 11 and ISJ P Mercer A Coelectroatcrs Ech tailor Jacob Ingmanitches J 5 Murray A

    C A Bon engravers H Cmanufacturing Jeweller mino-

    rSfolliMuth wholesale bottlers

    metal engraver F P SchofTminor tenants

    No 1 and 4 Co tailorNoV toTEally Record building lawices


    Nos 101 to 105North Bros A Straua shirt

    Bro printersNo lOtt 111 Elliott Ua r 4-liott cigar manufacturersNo 117J W and

    E MltcheUiiuuol Perran 4 Co cigarsrter Webster 4 Co storage of notionsderal Savings Bank minor tenants

    B as book and Job printerR Derr manufacturer

    No osTobias I Swartz clothing andgoods vineentcake and confectionery

    1W and Bro paper

    Bro A Strauss

    No2 jobn CoSank2 and 4Marburg Bro storageTag

    No flUnlt d Bhlrt Companyicht Macht

    1o Manufacturing CoranvEllas Copeland manufacturerManufacturing Comny L M levering druggists

    148 Neubergcr 4 wholesale-r goods

    100Katlonal Bank of Baltimore andanSlMNew York Clothing House

    100 and 108 Co jewel

    Jo no Phonograph Company-o llert A Hon shoes

    fo 114Frank Rosenbere A Co bankers1o F Laoeai atatloner

    Book Deiltorr Baltlmor Railroad offices



    tonST15lNO IoNM and Mtock

    out a erNo B pint

    Jewelry and fancyc




    0 BrO n

    Iohms P

    hoseSheridan andrope C Vant wholesale Lwrence C sample dry


    log BrO









    bal panTbalers

    Idle W Srub r









    Co andand


    SonJeweler U meta enhehube

    7 to


    BroNo lunch

    C J



    suoon restau-rant plumber



    Leman c CoNos

    hlrt c crierNOl


    c CoCap


    NOl un







    into dImporting Cot

    pany toys novelties

    acturer Charlesclothing

    shoesPt U notions


    storyJackson and woollen

    Manufacturers National sank building coot


    Jio National Bank TspA

    K nV gloves1 goods

    F Simpson ona t Cc


    stat ton





    wrappers 1elIIng Co


    No 7C Stewart t Bons hardware





    A booca shoes


    for William hull tailor Lunch

    hell AlUiamim Unthtcurn

    F artist

    30 1utlding



    inufacturers ob




    manufacturerSsos 112tnt manufacturers

    lie anteA


    Ahit GrIffith





    wllng A Co prlntertroe

    and Ohio




    POMMERYT-he Standard for Champagne

    QUALITY-The World OverI-





    No 124Balt more and general officeNoa 101 to

    Building St Paul to CalvertHANOVBB T KKX A

    No 1 E F Lelsoher A Sons ladle

    S avws WUlersUln wholemillinery Bralnerd A Armstrong Compa

    Quaat A Co tailortr-nvS 9 and Baldwin Adry George E cotton a

    goods W J Bull cotton goodsQEBUAN BTBKH-

    TNoa IS and Bros dry goodnotices mens furnishings

    17 and IDCarter A Onotions el9

    No Jenkins A Sons coachharness makers supplies

    No Co notions AoNo 2JUnthloum Rubber CompanyNo 27Ml IHum A CoNo 29B Klrson A

    31Neman Bros paintanon Steen Co wholesale goods

    No A Co crockery-No 103 Thomas GodeyNo 105 August bakers toolsNo 107 M LeVY A Sons shirtwaistsNos 100 to 113 Maryland

    F N Ix hmeyi r A Bro neckwmanufacturers David Levy 4 Sonsand BtamplnCompany liynea A Krebs straw hats

    Henry Smith A bone Lloyd LCompany storage

    No 111 U restaurant-No 121 Rutland Lunch RoomNo 123 Uughes Telephone Manufacturtn

    CompanyJoseph R Stonebraker A Co

    wholesale liQuorsNo A Co shirt and

    manufacturers-No 20 Clmmpion Shoe ptanufacturln

    Diggs A Co

    22 Mendels Bros ladles wrappersNo 24 iohrman Co

    notions white goodNo A Co ladles clothing B

    A Co andNo 2 Peter manu

    facturersNo 30 James Robertson Manufacturlm

    Company plumbenNo 32 R oU and shoes

    James Robertson MonufacturiiTtr Company-No 34 RaacbA minor windowNo 36 Fussellbaugh Btlke Company


    plumberto 104North A Strauss

    shirt manufacturers-No M D A Co printers

    Rosenthal A Co sample chinaA Samuels and

    No lOS J A Edmondson A SonNos 110 and 114 Leech lime harness

    118 to 118 Ramsey A woodenwillow and chinaware

    No 120 William A Tottle brush makerCharles M Ness A Co stable supplies

    Noa 122 and 124 NV A bruitmanufacturers-

    No 12 Rubber Company-No 128 Ferrel Kcllnm Drug

    130 Printing CompanyGlldon Varnish CompanyCompany

    CKI1MAX BTnEFTNo 15 Green A o cotton batting

    C W Company safes A W ICo cutlery W 0 A Co glass

    No Sadler Co books andBusiness College Unltet

    States Dental Parlors Philadelphia DentsParlors W Mo A SunsGoodyear Rubber Company Douglas StiesCompany Uuderllnen Company Bible

    furniture dealers Union Trust CompanyKranz A Smiths tousle store F H

    store Buck Lunch RoomThomas C Kennedy


    milliners supplies George B Skinner cleanSloan A Co hardware Arm-

    strong Cator A CoNo 12 brick A BroCompany window shades and curtains

    14 Culllson ladles underwearORRMAK BTRKET

    Nos 18 and 18 Schwab Bros A Co inctloneer United Glass Company

    20 and 22 A Co trunksand upholstery goods

    No 24 Stove and Mnnufoc-rtujVzf f Howard stoves and refrl-

    NOB 28H to 28 John Duer A Sons uplolstery and hardware-

    No 30 Cumberland Duggan A Co ma

    NM 32 to 34J B Mybury auctioneersihallenberg A Co artificial flowers HarlemPaper Company

    38 38 Baker Glass CompanyNos 40 and 42Vllllam H Co

    naptr and twine H KL hardware

    44 Baker Bros A Co glassware

    No 4fl Four Stewart Debullet A Coobucco Miller A

    No 40 Four story A Mors auctionlouse


    William Hclneman haberdasher ONellliIry store Hmlth Kranz Piano Commany the Bible House Union Trust Buildnuhoe B Thomas rubber

    crisis A Burnetts Businessladlirn Bryant A Stratton Business College

    B F Miller A Co wholesale cigar store

    Company Dr Frazier A

    old A Co Sewing Machinempony salesrooms A WellsA Co piano dealers Max

    EAST STREETto 3 Douglas Shoe liar

    5 to 7 Vel h Bros jewelry H Joe

    Charlea Quartlyhotographer H metal engraverNo ISNo li Henry Schwarz toy and

    17 and in R B Grover A Co Marnhoohoe Store William H Lohmeyer gentsrntahlnm several minor tenantsNo 31 H L Perkins photographer Adamsxpress Company

    29 George W Kirnan Co gents

    No ai Sobn R Armlger A Co jeweller-No S3 to 37 The HubNo 2 and 4Oeorga P ThomasT O Dun A Co United

    CollegeNo ShoeNo sW J C Dulaney Company sta

    Berwanger A Cotull

    0 T Hudtler A Sons JewelrsA W W Thornton

    confectionery storesoS 18 and 20J Seth A CoNo 22 and 24William Knabe A Co

    No 28Rnmuel Hunts Sons trunksNo 28WHJIam J Miller JeweUer GustaT

    30 M II Saxton jeweler B M JelferSon H M E MerrlkcnNo 32 A CoNo 3 and 38 A Son cutlery







    clothing and ShoeCompany-






    boot shoeno


    No 31L F

    anaChen CpS



    10 sta-tionery


    HOIshoemans Co





    Berry Bro china and ware



    It MeAWeber


    Bryant Strattons nUlneMCo-

    W H Puts I departmente store

    Kobnfr jeweler

    NOl tman Knoep saloon


    to Wturnlshlngs Bros Fred



    NOI to Company-No

    RDental Eton Busi

    toner 10N0 1 10 Derwanrsr Co

    Cal rand

    nuranyl studio minor


    I r



    15 Moulton

    21 Edward

    Baltimore harrisburg




    Companyand shoes

    wail paper



    sample hardware

    is Storefactory tin A

    tobacco10F D




    A French glassAve


    optician A Co

    chug A

    A College Wale

    Lahmever 1 Vtore Sandel


    Philadelphia lental8-FIOTS

    tong cigarsNos S II McPherson genie

    shoes ucher


    tate Parlorsace

    and 13Dikesclothing

    Dikes Aclothiers Iraubel Jewelry





    J A Co furnishings L Nloew88 P TJebhart Jeweler B

    Leonard A Co Jewelers and musicalmont Empire

    lies 48 60 Four brick B-Kuhlmann Co shoo dealers Lout Yousaloon B Moses wholesale

    Nos 2 to M James Rappaport whosale clothing WUUiF Western Union Telegra

    101 Thomas A Thompson drwgglaJury A Co

    No 103 Baltimore Steam Packetpany

    No 106 David Bandana art storeNo 107 and 113 Thomas William

    office of Baltimore Transfer CompanyNot us and 117

    T H A W Hooper awningNoa 119 Kvcning

    Company-No 123 King Bros printers L Merdlt

    Reese R

    NOH 125 tofurnishings F Robertson electrical supplle

    Typewriter Company Arthur V-Hnbnon agent

    NOH 129 to 131Company Joseph T Lowry photo suppllo


    No 2J Stewart MacDonaldremoved M wholesaleJeweller Charles Erlcson watchmaker J El

    manufacturing Sadler Brj

    Nos 4 and H Boar shoes

    A SonsNo 10 L Bumborirer boots and shoes

    glasswareCompany stationers

    No 10 H fl Brandaii toys and

    Nos is and 20 j R Turobuli Jr A Cofurniture

    Xo 22 Nuthnn manufactureladies clothIng Louis Steel A clothtn

    No 24 L II Miller fitecl and Iron WorkL DoettlRhelraer A Motter wholesale mi

    No Frank A Sons tailorsH RoHcnnnsb clothing

    No SO McCaddln picturestrainee and art goods

    No Ilargbcr V Co wholesale clothlag

    No 84 Vacant buildingNo 36 Five story O 8 Griffith A Co

    furniture mid carpetsNo 38 Flvo story News Com

    Albert Stern A Co childrenmanufacturers and shirt waists

    No Eichcnirreen A Well wholesalboots and aiioe Henry Myir A Co ctorosof shirts and

    No 42 Five story r A Coshirt manufacturers Charles C Crook

    ouui istork

    No 44 Five John Murphy Comprinters and stationers

    No 48 Strauwi Manufactur-Ing Company wholesale clothing J 8 Franksample clothing Wlgley

    101 Ade umbrella nmnnfnctiir

    clothiers II redmanNo A Son wholesale clothiers

    andNo 105 Douglas Henry 4 Co und

    and knit107 Ii GraIl A Brother

    No 100 Manas 4 RemperNo ill Florence W Company

    wholesale notionsNo 113 Thalhelmer 4 Bro wholesale

    clothingNo US Fisher Broi wholesale and retal

    liquorsSllbernmn 4 Todes

    Noxlio New warehouses not oc-cupied formerly occupied by Allen 4 Son

    out about a yearNo 123 M Moses merchant taIlorsNo 125 J Goldsmith Son

    Hu ar 4 Shear wholesaleand furnishing goods

    BALTUrOIlH STRRETNos 1 to 3 Oebms Acme clothlnNos 5 to Consolidated Oas CompanyNoa 0 to ll Co atra

    millinery supplies13 retail shoes

    Stelger Bros trunks 4o Powell HelmCo notions 4o

    Baltimore street northlloyd Rubber Company Shoe Corn

    4 Co 4 BerwangerSamuel Hunt leather

    of Baltimore Southern Railway officeLunch Rooms the BaltimoreBrown 4 Co

    PLAcEFriedman 4 Son wholesaleclothing

    No K Rchwortzkopf Toy Company-No 131 Fcderllcht 4 Ron

    IngNOB to 203 W O Becker cigarsI S PalmerjM Frank

    Ilnecke barberUtKIXOTOX STREET

    Patterson Co auction rooms office WllA Sons realeatato dealers WJlllon

    loom office building at East Lexingtontreet Harry P Busseys saloon

    MCLELLAXfl ALLEYNo 100 Fourstory brick Harris A Silver

    teln umbrellas Stewart Egleston A Cohardware

    No 102 Four story Cohen Aale clothlnit

    V TAWNo 104 urlck Lindenhal clothing Monogram Dining Rooms

    No Israel Fine kIon wholesale clothing F F Einwachterinto furnishings-No 0 SamuelCo wholesale Warner A Brown

    Igure L A Kahn autographic registers anauplicatorsOKNT8 TOTALLY Oil OUT

    Jutuen 18 East GermanAshby B 100 West Fayette

    100 WestA Cwiiis 18 Went German

    Cotton L 10 Hopkins

    if Martin IL isFarrell John J 10 Hopkins placeB horsttm Guniest 18Grecnbauiii Herman in HanoverGrrcnbauni Ijouls H 10 hanover streetHale itobort C 18 Hanover streetHumner William C 203 West Lombard

    M L Hart Co 113 South streetHartman Slgmund 138 West Fayette

    usher H 34Morris L 33We Lombard street

    Johnson Thomas J II Hanover streetRatter Ell 5 Hanover streetKntrenttKUij Stanley 1 Hopkins place

    streetNathan 10 Hopkins place

    Larrabco Daniel 18Chinning 11 Oerrnnn

    Magruder Lyttleton 22 West LombardCrlchton 18 Hanover street

    Mallory Jeremiah D 33 Light streetH 8 28 South Liberty streetJohn J 107 West street

    Nlcholason C B 10 Hanover streetNIchol George B 100

    KlliH 31 West Baltimore streetOTIare P F 100 West street

    Adam 10 Hopkins placePeed Alexander J 205 LombardPeed Clarence J 203 West LombardPollock sot Herald BuildingPutzel Arthur 18 HanoverRunway John E 10 Hopkins place

    P Ill West streetUosenbnum B T 10Rosenfcld Joseph 31 West BaltimoreRosonheim 0 13 West GermanBftlway j W E

    Louis 10 Hanover street



    j S I


    Jr hat orennQ

    orb Jewelerant c

    Rn 8

    No W Quar es c C andS Jr Co

    coanti ent I and L Com



    Company ames J FaYClOt

    Fred hand Son Ibololle

    lOA store Cecolla Nable clpr








    Co s A tk

    T office Star




    tarpacDurbin F 10


    HornerWiard II Fayette

    m toI WAterman


    ImyCharles West German

    t2 North

    Marston UMiler



    Rountrel Welt34


    shoes A saloointEnt






    Mntoli Supply Company1 men


    No Globe furnishings 11

    12Gile china

    novel-ties Il Turnbull furniture

    furnishings lat







    andobaecoits Filizer c

    lam thtult






    J1owar placeIsrael Wait street

    Key Edwurd 17

    EastIt 107

    Loane b linrles

    A Fisher tast street




    it its Sayettovoice

    too Fayetwet German

    Thompson A 10 Hanover streetSpecialty Company

    WestSamuel 100

    Wilbur 0 10 Hopkins PlaoWhite H BlackstoneWhite Hanover streetWler

    iocs LISTCharles Btieff partly damagedAmerican BuildingJ Edward A Co

    City HotelGoldsmith bookeU raCrown Lunch Room

    Hat BoxBaltimore Sun BuildingBouohet storeMaryland Lunoh

    officesLunch Room

    Associated PreThe Telegrams

    store Baltimore and HoUidstreets

    InsuranneMaryland Savings Bank

    German Correspondent-BaltimoreH b saloonRandalls grocery storeJohn A fco baek ra

    A fiouthoom hatters

    J Weinberg clothing Baltlmor a d Heday

    CaM Company 414 Cart Balmorn street

    flab A Co costumers 410 Bart BaWmestreet

    C Detther 4N fast Balttexstreet


    State flnpertnteodeot f Incnranee Rcpart-BO Per Cent f the Lowe IMpald-

    ALBANT Feb 8 Tha oomment ofSuperintendent of Insuranoa In

    the time of the ChioslIre In 1871 is interesting aa oo-cerns the insurance companies losses

    That fire swept over a territory abafour miles in length by one mile IA widtThe number of buildings destroyed wa18000 and the number of persons who wetrendered homeless nearly 100000 or a littless than onethird the population of thcity The total value of the propertdestroyed was variously estimated at1150000000 to 200000000

    In his report Superintendent of InsurantMiller called attention to the fact txfore the fire had ceased burningwere rife concerning the solvency of

    every fire insurance company Incalled a of undei

    of this State the fire anthe losses were the subject of the con-ference Oi Oct 18 was aa BOOas the superintendent thought It posaiblFor the to givemotion he called every companybusiness in this State to a statemerof their gross assets and liabilities and

    separately their losses by th

    Tho superintendent was permitted tpublish tho statements ron

    on Nov 11 New Yorksustained losses amounting it

    aRgropato to 23160788failed their losses hav-

    Ing aggregated 14500000 The other com

    The amount of tho losses of the companics of other and countries wa

    at Of that amoun6000000 fell upon the companion of OreaBritain The sue

    greater amount of Ions thanthe smallest

    age But four Illinois companies weebusiness in this State at

    and but one remained after the firesvery Illinois joint stock firewas out it was estimated thai

    companies ot that State would not pa0 per cent their lowed

    M W ihe the fire to be 98000000rhich is to be nearly correctnd from actual returns andlest information attainable it is bellaveilint 50 per cent or 40000000 is as rellabl-n estimate as can be made of the amounwhich will be realized thepolicyholder

    sustained loss by this great fire


    IcCluskv Posts Men at to Prevent Tnrtr Going to

    Inspector McClusky of tho Detectlvi-lureau assigned twelve of his men to

    street ferries with orders to arreseen heading for railway

    n the Jersey side MoClusky saidiformatlon that a number of thieves wormlimning to go to BaltimoreThe police of Baltimore have troubli

    enough without bothered withof slick crooks from this

    aid MoClusky Id be tooot rid of these fellows at an ordinary timeut under the circumstances seems

    take chances with them here than to letto Baltimore

    The detectives at the liberty street ferrythree young men pictures

    i the rogues andre long all had tickets for RaWnone three were and takes

    but were The dejctiviM had orders to rearrec

    While only these three arrests were mattedetectives are sure that they scared

    number ofguard of sleuths was continued last

    BB was rumored that a band of East

    limore cover of darkness


    Evidences of It If DestroyedBe Replaced

    There was some speculation in Walltreat yesterday as to tho fate of the se-iritlea including stocks and bond which

    tight bo in the sales and vaults of theoltlmore banks and trust companies whosouartcrs were destroyed If the heat wasitenee enough to destroy the inistance to outiper evidences of obligation the

    would still suffer no lossesthereby The records stock lists and bond

    the various corporations whichsued the destroyed thetines of and bondholders and

    numbers of the certificates and bondsrom these after tho formalities of

    and notarial obligations hadHjn complied with now or

    Issued to replace those

    The destruction of the Baltimore andRailroad head offices In Baltimore

    ve no effect on stock or bond certificatesduplicate records are in transfer

    Jces There is such an officethe Baltimore and Ohio in this at 2

    all street where stocks and bonds boug-hti the Stock Exchange maybe

    other names


    ill Mayor MoLane to Call on the FederalAuthorities for Help Freely

    BALTiuonn Feb 8 This telegram wascelved by Mayor McLane tonight fromealdont Roosevelt

    the horror of people at thepalling catastrophe which

    TiTument can do pray on me at onceROOSEvELT

    To this Mayor MoLane replied as fola

    thanks for telegram of sympathyIs now a

    tanca II neededROMBT M KoLam

    20WetJmbcStll OJT tl

    Strb-burer SonW


    Wet26 South

    Witmer W F II Weteet

    J Frank Co

    RomW c cF Ader



    te-St rep




    county meting


    Chica o

    d rtheStAte



    Micr sid In








    artthem it showed at


    Bide going to to





    Ohiohere such




    Fire Wi I


    Athen F Hanover streetStewart Andrew L


    Stone waiter0

    A S erznjt

    Allen 100

    VIer A Wilson CharlesA Co Hanover streiC-

    Wysham George LombiI

    RIme A electrical supplies



    Ccl agency

    Logan A

    FranceItallSanders A




    a an-ther




    howeverthe again


    thugs was reach

    spar Coa


    records are

    If anything Fader





    Final Clearance Sale ofSuits and Overcoats for Men

    True many of the garments have much incommon with those that are being designed-for the new seasons service but that doesnot save them from the extreme price re-duction

    SUHS FOR MENSingle and Double Breasted Sack CoatModels of Cheviot Tweed Worsted orOassimere in mixtures and of CheviotThibet or Serge in black or blue Toaugment the above garments we will alsooffer several hundred light and mediumweight suits for Spring wear

    Formerly up to 2000At JJOX

    Box Coat Models of Melton Kersey Friezeand kindred high grade fabrics in sizes 38to 48 and a few smaller

    Formerly 1 500 800 and2000At 1300













    PhUadHphlan Returnln Say THey DldntFight From In Front

    PHILADELPHIA Feb Phihvdelphlaflremen returning todayoriticize the methodsof the Baltimore firemen They say they didnot fight the fire from the front and that ifthey had the conflagration could have beenchecked In it early stages

    Two fire companies returned and withthem 150 patrolmen Foreman Van Schlver-of Company 18 said that the Baltimorefiremen acted like a lot of schoolboys

    Wo fight tho flames from In front hosaid That is the difference between oursand the Baltimore way The Baltimorepeople stood in the middle of the street andturned at the windows instead of going

    GWEN nousESMtraa HOPE35OO Out of Work Ready to Start for

    Baltimore When Rebuilding BeginThe idle ironworkers In this olty are

    perhaps tho only persons who find goodnews in tho Baltimore tIre It Is esti-mated that there are at least 2500 housesmiths idle here and some of them are in avery bad way bccauae there la compara-tively llttte building In prospect for thisspring IL Prince vicepresident oftho Trades Employers Associa-tion said yesterday

    No an unmixed evil andmany hundreds of Ironworkers here whohad a of distress before themwill have an opportunity of working assoon as InSome of them have been practically des-titute They will tomore for aa soon as they can raisethe fare

    Chicago Packers Low by Baltimore fireCHICAGO Feb 8 The big Chicago

    packers ire heavy losers in the Baltimoreconflagration although they consider thatthey escaped luckily Armour 4 Co

    suffering a big save allof the main and tho great fertilizerworks across the basin from burneddistrict are still untouched Swift Costwo big and one

    were In the burned districtand are supposed to have been destroyed




    few months








    Menage From Mayor Harrison to MayerMcLane and Goy Warfleld

    CHICAGO Feb 8 The massagewas sent to Mayorlost night by Mayor HarrisonMover MeLons

    Details of the whlon baavisited your city have Just

    UB a conflagration of thi kind la broughthome with all the more emphasis because ofour own experiences in dealing with awfulcatastrophes We have not forgotten thelire of 1871 and the oflife and property The new of mis-fortune comes to us at a time when Chicago

    still In mourning for its recentIt sympathy most

    for It remember adisaster means Chicago assures you of Itsdesire to furnish all the material possibleVery truly yours

    CAnTER II HAXBISOTT MayorMayor Harrison also telegraphed the

    Governor of MarylandThat such an appalling property loss and

    the consequent on and pooralike fall on the metropolis your

    Is a sorrow to thinOur sympathy extended to you and

    the of In thethis city is more susceptible of the

    full meaning so great a thanmost others all of our citizensrecall the experiences of our losshave hoard scenes described

    wo can therefore sympathize most deeplyIn your

    pot only the sympathy of a sister city thatto Its fullest extent material with

    tbe Baltimore tookextending aid In Chicago great disasterVery yours

    H HARRISOX Mayor

    Thousand Go From Washington to See-the Flre j i

    7A8HCTOTON Feb Thousands ofWashingtonians went to Baltimore today-to watch the progress of the terrible con-flagration Some had businessat stake went to ee ifrelatives while still others wetImpelled by merecuriosity

    on andBaltimore and Ohio between thla city andBaltimore were crowded allroads fast express trains were sidetracked

    held relief trains en routefor Baltimore to have the of w and

    few regular schedule were strictlyadhered








    Stat Is





    been receivedTo



    a offers

    1 t






    The Road toAre in the Hands oMhe Peopl


    Cost Not One Penny

    How then-A miniature copy is found in every package of Postum Food Coffee

    and GrapeNuts-

    It sets your thinking machinery working as nothing else will

    Dont bt a primer scholar and bawl opinions at the Algebra classThere is a power within you that can and will work miracles if

    you keep the fool part of you silent and let the higher mindoperate you

    Telephone Grocer for a package of Postum or GrapeNuts find thelittle book read and our word for it you will find some eternal factsthere worth well






    TRY I


